b klet one - resources · 2016. 12. 8. · eres a fun, repetitive song to enoy singing with ppi and...

From 19 – 24 ms BꝏKLET ONE

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Page 1: B KLET ONE - Resources · 2016. 12. 8. · eres a fun, repetitive song to enoy singing with ppi and he lp her learn names of body parts too To listen to this waiata and learn more,

From 19 – 24 m��s



Page 2: B KLET ONE - Resources · 2016. 12. 8. · eres a fun, repetitive song to enoy singing with ppi and he lp her learn names of body parts too To listen to this waiata and learn more,
Page 3: B KLET ONE - Resources · 2016. 12. 8. · eres a fun, repetitive song to enoy singing with ppi and he lp her learn names of body parts too To listen to this waiata and learn more,

Whakatipu is a resource to support whānau in parenting, covering pregnancy, birth and child development up to the age of five years. It contains information, activities and tikanga-based learnings for all parents.

The Te Kōhuri series covers 19 – 36 months. This is booklet 1 in the series.

For more information, go to Whakatipu at www.skip.org.nz


19 – 21 M��sCHAPTER 2:

22 – 24 M��s

From 19 – 24 m��s

Page 4: B KLET ONE - Resources · 2016. 12. 8. · eres a fun, repetitive song to enoy singing with ppi and he lp her learn names of body parts too To listen to this waiata and learn more,

Mā te tuakana ka tōtika te teina, mā te teina ka tōtika te tuakana.

From the older sibling the younger one learns the right way to do things, and from the younger sibling the older one learns to be tolerant.

19 – 21 M��s

Page 5: B KLET ONE - Resources · 2016. 12. 8. · eres a fun, repetitive song to enoy singing with ppi and he lp her learn names of body parts too To listen to this waiata and learn more,

Pēpi Says:


I like hearing you describe what I’m looking at and playing with. It helps me put words to actions.

I can talk just like you now. Well, it sounds like that to me, even if the words might be muddled up – I know what I mean!

When I do something you’ve asked me to do and you mihi to me, it makes me feel really good. e tino pai tō mahi p pi.

When I hear music,sometimes I just can’t stop

myself from boogying.Look at me, I can do the


I like having a few choices of things to play with because I get bored easily.


Page 6: B KLET ONE - Resources · 2016. 12. 8. · eres a fun, repetitive song to enoy singing with ppi and he lp her learn names of body parts too To listen to this waiata and learn more,

Pēpi Says:I love it when we read. I can even point to pictures when you ask me. ‘Kei hea te poro?’ I can show you.

Hey, that means I have made some strong connections in my brain, yeah! I want to make lots more. I like pulling my socks and my

pōtae off because I can. Im ̀big now. I can’t quite put them back on again yet though, mā te wā.

Did you know that your taringa,

ihu and korokoro are all

connected? When pēpi learns to

blow his ihu, it helps keep them

all clean and clear.

hen my tākuta checks my ̀taringa to make sure they’re working well, she shines a little light in there. It doesn’t hurt, it ust feels warm. ̀


Page 7: B KLET ONE - Resources · 2016. 12. 8. · eres a fun, repetitive song to enoy singing with ppi and he lp her learn names of body parts too To listen to this waiata and learn more,

Whānau Say:. e all help p�pi to listen by getting down to his level, kanohi ki te kanohi. � e get his attention first before we kōrero, because sometimes he�s so busy he doesn�t hear us.

��pi learns best when we talk slowly and clearly. � e help him to understand and learn new kupu by describing what he is doing when he is doing it. This is called parallel talk.

If we speak in te reo �āori to him, especially now when his brain is so open to learning languages, he�ll understand and he will learn to speak it well too.

e try and get him to help tidy his toys away by making it into a game.


Page 8: B KLET ONE - Resources · 2016. 12. 8. · eres a fun, repetitive song to enoy singing with ppi and he lp her learn names of body parts too To listen to this waiata and learn more,

Whānau Say:

We make sure we have his ears checked regularly because hearing well is so important for language development. Sometimes we play listening games just to make sure his brain is getting all the messages from his taringa.

We help him to know his whakapapa and where he’s from by making books with photos.

e kōrero about his whānau, maunga, awa, and his marae as often as we can.

For more listening games, go to Whakatipu www.skip.org.nz


Page 9: B KLET ONE - Resources · 2016. 12. 8. · eres a fun, repetitive song to enoy singing with ppi and he lp her learn names of body parts too To listen to this waiata and learn more,

Kaitiaki PēpiTuakana and teina are �āori terms describing relationships between siblings and cousins. The tuakana being the elder siblings and the teina the younger. Tuakana can have a powerful impact as role models and there�s an e�pectation that they look out for their teina. Traditional roles on the marae, such as whaikōrero and karanga, are tuakana responsibilities. �owever , this is determined by the whānau.

This concept also can be seen where more e�perienced parents may act as tuakana to help support new parents.


Page 10: B KLET ONE - Resources · 2016. 12. 8. · eres a fun, repetitive song to enoy singing with ppi and he lp her learn names of body parts too To listen to this waiata and learn more,

Kaitiaki Pēpi

Want to learn more about what else is happening in baby’s amazing brain? Check out Whakatipu www.skip.org.nz

�epeating names strengthens connections in the brain. ��pi will associate names with people and places, especially those he sees or visits often.

The brain needs quiet time too, to rest and organise information it has received.

Te Hinengaro Mīharo

�autut� is a term used to describe someone who is very inquisitive and sometimes annoying. Tamariki at this stage are always discovering new things to touch, taste, throw and break! �ometimes we might call them hautut�.

hautut� p�pi is a playful e�plorer and loves to test everythin g, including her parents’ patience. But it’s through all this touching and pulling things apart that p�pi learns. �hānau will need to keep a close eye on p�pi during this stage – to keep her safe and to keep things in the whare safe from her!


Page 11: B KLET ONE - Resources · 2016. 12. 8. · eres a fun, repetitive song to enoy singing with ppi and he lp her learn names of body parts too To listen to this waiata and learn more,

�ere�s a fun song to get the whole whānau up and active with some big actions for p�pi to copy�

To listen to this waiata and learn the actions, check out Whakatipu www.skip.org.nz

Tohorā nuiTohorā roa

Tohorā tino mōmonaTohorā puhapuhaWhiore piupiu e

Tohorā kau ana te moana e.

Waiata Kōhungahunga


Page 12: B KLET ONE - Resources · 2016. 12. 8. · eres a fun, repetitive song to enoy singing with ppi and he lp her learn names of body parts too To listen to this waiata and learn more,

Ngā Mahi a Pēpi

For more activities,visit Whakatipuwww.skip.org.nz

�laying with playdough is a great way for p�pi to practise using and developing her fine motor skills – using her hands to poke, pound, roll and squash or using some plastic cutlery to cut and shape.

Look for shapes, talk about size, colours and textures of things in and around your whare – huarākau, huawhenua, kākahu, kai, kōhatu, rau and bo�es. This is all early maths learning.

��pi will en�oy pretend play and it�s an easy way to have fun together while teaching and learning about whānau values and routines. You can tunu kai, have picnics, bath and settle dolls or animal toys down for a moe.


Page 13: B KLET ONE - Resources · 2016. 12. 8. · eres a fun, repetitive song to enoy singing with ppi and he lp her learn names of body parts too To listen to this waiata and learn more,

d some La a friend or wh na ,

someone yo tr st.ealthline, l nketLine,

d some La a friend or wh na ,

on t be afraid to s k hel for yo rself, yo r tamariki or yo r wh na .

hese are n s al circ mstances. It is normal not to ha e a the answers.

amariki can be ery resilient if they f l listened to, s orted and cared for by arents, wh na and caregi ers.

emember the im ortance of ro tine, es ecia y d ring times of crisis.

reg lar kai and moe times. ake yo r s ace for

i as calm and safe as o ible.

amariki can be ery

ry and stay as calm as o ible aro nd tamariki. amariki sho ld s ad lts showing emotion, b t it frightens them when their akeke lose control.

Tips for Whānau in Tough Times

rn o the and radio when the kids are aro nd. o control the information they n d to ha e and how it is resented. hat children n d to hear is that akeke aro nd them wi take care of them and rotect them.

Page 14: B KLET ONE - Resources · 2016. 12. 8. · eres a fun, repetitive song to enoy singing with ppi and he lp her learn names of body parts too To listen to this waiata and learn more,

The ‘Pēpi Trail’


Page 15: B KLET ONE - Resources · 2016. 12. 8. · eres a fun, repetitive song to enoy singing with ppi and he lp her learn names of body parts too To listen to this waiata and learn more,


Page 16: B KLET ONE - Resources · 2016. 12. 8. · eres a fun, repetitive song to enoy singing with ppi and he lp her learn names of body parts too To listen to this waiata and learn more,

e kākano au i ruia mai i angiātea.

am a seed sown ba k in angiātea.

22 – 24 M��s

Page 17: B KLET ONE - Resources · 2016. 12. 8. · eres a fun, repetitive song to enoy singing with ppi and he lp her learn names of body parts too To listen to this waiata and learn more,

Pēpi Says:


I’m nearly two now, I don’t feel like a p�pi anymore� I like helping my whānau with little jobs like packing my toys or putting things away.

I’m even starting to solve my own problems too. I�ll drag a turu around the whare so I can climb up and reach all those things that somebody put up high�

All this activity makes me hungry. It�s ok to give me lots of little healthy snacks during the day, because sometimes I�m too busy to eat a big kai.


Page 18: B KLET ONE - Resources · 2016. 12. 8. · eres a fun, repetitive song to enoy singing with ppi and he lp her learn names of body parts too To listen to this waiata and learn more,

Pēpi Says:I think I’m pretty clever but I don’t know a lot about safety. So I still need pakeke to keep a close eye on me.

I’m like Kupe, the great navigator, always looking for new things to discover.But I still need lots of hugs and kisses, especially if I’m tired or upset.

Remember, the more I get to explore and find out about things in my world and how they work, the more interested in learning I become.


Page 19: B KLET ONE - Resources · 2016. 12. 8. · eres a fun, repetitive song to enoy singing with ppi and he lp her learn names of body parts too To listen to this waiata and learn more,

Whānau Say:��pi is a real copy cat, so we�re careful about what we say and do in front of her.

It can be scary letting her try things out on her own, but we know she learns best by �doing�, so we let her go to it but stay close by to keep her safe.

It�s also important that the whole whānau understands what�s best for p�pi at this stage. � e talk a lot about �te hauora a p�pi� and how we all have a role to nurture and awhi her.


Page 20: B KLET ONE - Resources · 2016. 12. 8. · eres a fun, repetitive song to enoy singing with ppi and he lp her learn names of body parts too To listen to this waiata and learn more,

Whānau Say:

We don’t get into the habit of offering her lots of other choices, especially sweet things. We give her small amounts of the same kai we’re having. If she refuses it or starts to play with it, we stay calm and just put the kai in the fridge and offer it again later.

�ome days p�pi isn�t interested in having three full meals. So we offer her small amounts of a range of good kai throughout the day. Meat, chicken, fish, eggs, bread and cereals, fruit, veges, full milk and water give her all the nutrients she needs. The good fat from full milk is still helping to insulate her brain cells, making sure they work at their best.


Page 21: B KLET ONE - Resources · 2016. 12. 8. · eres a fun, repetitive song to enoy singing with ppi and he lp her learn names of body parts too To listen to this waiata and learn more,

Kaitiaki PēpiWhakapapa at a simple level starts with p�pi and the people he sees regularly . �hotos help to reinforce their names and their relationship to him. �se words like tuakana, teina, tungāne, tuahine, koro, kuia, whaea and mātua, and introduce terms such as mātamua and pōtiki. Talk to p�pi about his maunga, awa and marae. �epeatedly hearing whakapapa names not only helps his memory but strengthens his sense of belonging and identity.


Page 22: B KLET ONE - Resources · 2016. 12. 8. · eres a fun, repetitive song to enoy singing with ppi and he lp her learn names of body parts too To listen to this waiata and learn more,

Kaitiaki Pēpi

�ore often now p�pi will want to make his own choices about what he wants to eat, play with and even wear� This stage of growing independence and self-discovery can sometimes end in tears.

�ompromise and negotiation are the key words for this time.

Growing Independence


Page 23: B KLET ONE - Resources · 2016. 12. 8. · eres a fun, repetitive song to enoy singing with ppi and he lp her learn names of body parts too To listen to this waiata and learn more,

With every new experience, new connections in the brain are made. They are then strengthened by repeating them over and over and then, with time, become ‘hardwired’ permanent connections. ��pi can learn language more easily when he hears new words repeated again and again.

��pi copes with stress much better when he feels safe and secure in your love.

ant to know more about what else is happening in baby�s amazing brain� �heck out Whakatipu www.skip.org.nz

�ere�s a fun, repetitive song to en�oy singing with p�pi and he lp her learn names of body parts too�

To listen to this waiata and learn more, check out Whakatipu www.skip.org.nz

Upoko, pokohiwi, turi, waewaeUpoko, pokohiwi, turi waewaeUpoko, pokohiwi, turi waewae

Taringa, karu, ihu, waha e.

Waiata Kōhungahunga

Te Hinengaro Mīharo

(Tune: Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes)


Page 24: B KLET ONE - Resources · 2016. 12. 8. · eres a fun, repetitive song to enoy singing with ppi and he lp her learn names of body parts too To listen to this waiata and learn more,

�otice what p�pi is interested in and teach her the words that go with it by describing out loud what she is doing. ou can pretend you�re talking to someone on the phone as you share in detail what she�s up to.

Fill an old handbag with a variety of small toys and safe household items for p�pi to investigate. �ids to turn, bits tha t pop up or can be taken apart and �oined back together .

elcro fasteners and zips will all be of ma�or interest to the little e�plorer .

�retend play-acting is always a great way to stimulate p�pi and his little growing brain. �dd in some kākahu, pōtae and kete to this activity.

Ngā Mahi a Pēpi

For more activities, visit Whakatipu www.skip.org.nz

Ngā Tohu Whānau�i� tohu whānau that are known to promote the best relationships between parents, whānau and their tamariki are�

1. �ove and � armth �. Talking and �istening 3. �uidance and �nderstanding �. �imits and �oundaries �. �onsistency and �onse�uences 6. �tructured and �ecure � orld


Page 25: B KLET ONE - Resources · 2016. 12. 8. · eres a fun, repetitive song to enoy singing with ppi and he lp her learn names of body parts too To listen to this waiata and learn more,

Love and Warmth� �ncouraging our p�pi to do things for himself� �n�oying doing things with our p�pi and having him help us with work around the whare� �oticing when he tries new things and showing him we are proud of him for having a go

Talking and Listening� �istening to what our p�pi is saying and repeating it back, so he knows we understood and he hears the right way to say things without feeling he�s been corrected� �sking our p�pi if he has understood what we�ve said. �Kei te marama koe�� � �haring stories, songs and games sometimes over and over again

Guidance andUnderstanding� ��plaining why we have a whānau rule� ��itting hurts. � e don�t hit in our whānau�� �ooking for opportunities to �catch him� being good� �oticing when our p�pi tries to behave well and praising him �Kia ora tama, thanks for giving the toy back to p�pi�

Limits and Boundaries � �aving a few whānau rules that are reasonable for the age of our p�pi � ��plaining clearly to all the whānau that we have whānau rules � �emembering that our p�pi will watch what we do and say and will copy us

Consistency andConsequences� �lways helping our p�pi to keep our whānau rules� �aving conse�uences for breaking rules which are reasonable and related� �aking sure we �kiss and make up� with him after a raruraru over breaking a whānau rule

A Structured andSecure World� �emembering a loving and trusting relationship is the best foundation we can give our tamaiti� �nderstanding our tamaiti needs times to �blow of f steam� with plenty of noisy, messy and outside play� �aking our kainga a �yes home� by moving breakable and precious stuff out of reach

What might the tohu whānau look like for us at this stage?


Page 26: B KLET ONE - Resources · 2016. 12. 8. · eres a fun, repetitive song to enoy singing with ppi and he lp her learn names of body parts too To listen to this waiata and learn more,

I’m Big Now!o dre edalready?


Page 27: B KLET ONE - Resources · 2016. 12. 8. · eres a fun, repetitive song to enoy singing with ppi and he lp her learn names of body parts too To listen to this waiata and learn more,




Page 28: B KLET ONE - Resources · 2016. 12. 8. · eres a fun, repetitive song to enoy singing with ppi and he lp her learn names of body parts too To listen to this waiata and learn more,


Fine motor skills





KaingaKaitiaki pēpi

KākahuKanohi ki te kanohi


KaruKei hea te āporo?

Kei te aha koutou?Kia ora tamaKo wai koe?



Mā te wā


YesRiverMovements of the hands, fingers and toes�āori performing artsSub tribe HealthBe mischievousFruitVegetablesNoseCurious, eager to know somethingHomeCaregiver in this context, tikanga-based practicesClothesFace to faceTo pray, prayer Formal call performed by women�yes�here�s the apple��hat are you all doing��ello, boy�ho are you�Throat�reat �āori navigatorWord/sIn timeHead



Page 29: B KLET ONE - Resources · 2016. 12. 8. · eres a fun, repetitive song to enoy singing with ppi and he lp her learn names of body parts too To listen to this waiata and learn more,

Mātā ua MaungaM ona


gā ahi a pēpiakeke








a aitiane āhuta

aringae hauora o pēpi

e Hinengaro M haro

e Kākanoe K hurie Māhuri

e ihingahakatauki

First-born, oldest childMountainFat Forest Child activitiesBe grown up, adult, matureLegend, folkloreMathsFairyShouldersHatYoungest childBookTree, or piece of woodChiefA chiefProblem, concernThose two peopleDoctorYoung childGod of the forestEarsThe health of babyThe amazing brainThe seedThe sapling The young treeThe sproutProverb, saying



Page 30: B KLET ONE - Resources · 2016. 12. 8. · eres a fun, repetitive song to enoy singing with ppi and he lp her learn names of body parts too To listen to this waiata and learn more,

PakiwaitaraThe legend of Rata and his wakaThere once lived a rangatira named Rata who decided one day to build a waka to help his eo le sail acro the seas. hey had become

h h with their i age being constantly ba ered by storms. ata went into the ngahere and looked for a s itable tr to b ild his waka. e searched high and low ntil he

na y fo nd his r ka . e ickly began to cho the tr , forge ing rst to karakia to anem h ta to ask for his ble ing and

a ro al to c t the tr down. ata ret rned to his i age that

night ro d of a the work he d done. t the at aiarehe, the insects and birds were not ha y with Rata and decided to teach him a le on.

hen ata ret rned for the tr the ne t day, he was s r rised to

nd it standing right! e was led at how this co ld ha en.


Page 31: B KLET ONE - Resources · 2016. 12. 8. · eres a fun, repetitive song to enoy singing with ppi and he lp her learn names of body parts too To listen to this waiata and learn more,

For te reo version of this story and more information, go toWhakatipu at www.skip.org.nz

ata c t the tr down for a third time and this time hid in the gra ntil nightfa to s what co ld be ha ening. It wasn t long before the at aiarehe, the insects and birds a i ed and set abo t ing the tr back together.

ata sho ted at them, ei te aha ko to hat are yo doing hey e lained to him

that he had not asked anem h ta for his a ro al before c ng the tr down.

o, once again, he cho ed down the tr only to be shocked once more when he ret rned the ne t day to nd his tr right again!

ata felt e tremely whakam by his hasty actions and asked for forgi ene . anem h ta acce ted this a ology, so the others agr d not to nish ata any longer.

hen yo re in a h y, don t forget

basic al es.

cknowledge and res ect those who

gi e yo hel .

hen yo make mistakes, don t be

scared to admit them.


Page 32: B KLET ONE - Resources · 2016. 12. 8. · eres a fun, repetitive song to enoy singing with ppi and he lp her learn names of body parts too To listen to this waiata and learn more,

Ko Wai Au?



Page 33: B KLET ONE - Resources · 2016. 12. 8. · eres a fun, repetitive song to enoy singing with ppi and he lp her learn names of body parts too To listen to this waiata and learn more,


Page 34: B KLET ONE - Resources · 2016. 12. 8. · eres a fun, repetitive song to enoy singing with ppi and he lp her learn names of body parts too To listen to this waiata and learn more,


Page 35: B KLET ONE - Resources · 2016. 12. 8. · eres a fun, repetitive song to enoy singing with ppi and he lp her learn names of body parts too To listen to this waiata and learn more,
Page 36: B KLET ONE - Resources · 2016. 12. 8. · eres a fun, repetitive song to enoy singing with ppi and he lp her learn names of body parts too To listen to this waiata and learn more,

resource to support whānau in parenting, Whakatipu containsinformation, activities and tikanga-based learnings for all parents.Whakatipu is made up of four series of booklets, covering the ages from conception to five years

Conception to birth. Booklet 1: PregnancyThis is a time when both the motherand the unborn child need to be caredfor, a time to share e pectationsand e periences.

Three years to five years. Booklet 1: Three years – four yearsBooklet 2: Four years – five years This is a time when tamariki becomemore busy and active.

19 months to three years. Booklet 1: 19 months – 24 monthsBooklet 2: 25 months – 30 months Booklet 3: 31 months – 36 monthsThis is a time when the child will need support to balance their independence with the need for security.

Birth to 18 months.Booklet 1: Birth – six monthsBooklet 2: Seven months – 12 monthsBooklet 3: 13 months – 18 monthsThis is a time when p pi re uires the individual attention of an adult to nurture, care and keep them safe.


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