aws tech trg- abacus vpn troubleshooting

Productivity Solutions, Product & Marketing Abacus WorkSpace Technical Training 21st to 23rd Oct 2013 Topic: Abacus VPN (AVPN) troubleshooting

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  • Productivity Solutions,

    Product & Marketing

    Abacus WorkSpaceTechnical Training21st to 23rd Oct 2013Topic: Abacus VPN (AVPN) troubleshooting

  • 2Abacus VPN solution (AVPN)


    Status codes

    Other errors and troubleshooting

  • 3Introduction

    The AVPN is a connectivity means for the Abacus WorkSpace, that creates a secure tunnel which allows private and persistent connections to the host.

    It is a Java application started as needed by the AWS, using either the included Java VM, or the one installed under the OS if newer.

    It can be started manually from

  • 4The file sslvpn-tn.jnlp is the launcher. It is parsed by the Java Web Starter, javaws.exe, which then downloads and initializes the components. This will be stored in the Java cache, and are:

    sslvpnclient.jar portforwarder.jar trayicon.jar trayicon_native.jar iconcreation_native.jar abacus-sslvpn-splash.jpg

    If javaws.exe is unable to reach any of this files, or store them in the cache, the application will fail to initialize.

    Introduction (cont)

  • 5AVPN Workflow1. AWS sends a request to

    2. The local host (hosts file) resolves to

    3. The AVPNs port forwarder intercepts the traffic and sends it trough port 443 using a SSL connection to

    4. The SSL VPN gateway at forwards the request to the host system

    Introduction (cont)

  • 6Status codes

    The AVPN provides a console log that reports its status. This includes normal operation, warnings, and errors.

    Normal operationThe following status codes are expected, and indicate normal AVPN operation.

    [1001] The Port Forwarder is initializing. Please wait... [1002] The Port Forwarder has been started.

    [1003] The Port Forwarder has been stopped.

  • 7 When the AVPN is running normally, it should only have status [1001] and [1002]

    [1003] is generated when the AVPN is restarted, and is followed by [1001] and [1002] again.

    Status codes (cont)

  • 8Warning Errors

    This status codes indicate that a problem has been found. This will not prevent access to the emulator

    [15] Error patching hosts file [12] Error purging hosts file [16] Could not insert script [17] Error setting up server socket

    Status codes (cont)

  • 9[15] Error patching hosts file[12] Error purging hosts file

    The AVPN can't create or modify the hosts.bkp file.

    Solutions: hosts.bkp most likely corrupted. Rename or delete it.

    Give full access rights in the ETC folder.

    hosts.bkp file is Hidden or marked as Read-Only. Change the attributes of the hosts file

    Since this error will not affect access to the Abacus system, it can be ignored

  • 10

    [16] Could not insert script

    The language for non-unicode programs is not valid.

    Change it to English (United States). Go to "Regional and Language Options" in the Windows Control Panel.

    In the "Advanced" tab, select "English (United States)" from the pull down menu.

    There is no need to correct this

  • 11

    [17] Error setting up server socket

    The AVPN can't open the port 389 to create a new socket. This port is only needed for the "" functionality to other hosts or environments (e.g. CERT, TSTS).

    From the command prompt, netstat a to find if the port 389 is in usenetstat b to identify the name of the program using the port

    There is no need to if this unless the user needs access to other hosts or environments.

  • 12

    This status codes indicate that a problem has been found. This will prevent access to the emulator and must be corrected

    [3] Error starting Port Forwarder [14] Only users with administrator access can start [23] Authentication attempt cancelled [1030] Could not initiate SSL connection to null : -1

    Status codes (cont)

    Fatal Errors

  • 13

    [3] Error starting Port Forwarder

    Possible solutions: End all java processes and relaunch the AVPN.

    Reinstall Java Reinstall AWS Create a new Windows User Set Javaw and Javaws to Run as an Administrator

    Turn off the User Account Control in the Windows Control Panel

    AVPN console shows error code [3], the status is "Stopped" and the tray icon remains in yellow

  • 14

    [14] Only users with administrator access can start..

    The AVPN cannot create or modify the hosts file.

    Solutions: Rename or delete the hosts file.

    Run the Win7VistaSRWPatch Manually change the ETCfolder's access rights

  • 15

    [23] Authentication attempt cancelled

    This can happen if the user is prompted to sign in, and cancels, or if the AVPN has been running for a long period of time. If the duration is over 13 hours, the AVPN might have signed out.

    Solutions: Click Restart and sign in.

    Quit, restart the AVPN and sign in.

    The AVPN was unable to authenticate the users credentials

  • 16

    [1030] Could not initiate SSL connection to null : -1

    Javaw.exe or Javaws.exe are unable to connect to

    This is usually due to a firewall / proxy / antivirus restriction. Can be tested by launching the AVPN after rebooting in Safe mode

    Solutions: Instruct the customer to create an exception in their security software.

    It is a good practice to create exceptions for the following files located in the AWS installation:


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