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  • 8/10/2019 Avatar HR Solutions Healthy Patient Journey


    Copyright 2012 Avatar HR Solutions

    Employee Engagement: The Prescription for a

    Healthy Patient Journey

    Kevin SheridanSenior Vice PresidentHR Optimization

  • 8/10/2019 Avatar HR Solutions Healthy Patient Journey


    Copyright 2012 Avatar HR Solutions

    What is Employee Engagement?

    Employee Engagementis a strong desire to bepart of the value anorganization creates.

    Engaged employees feela strong emotional andintellectual bond withtheir organization.

    Engaged employees exertdiscretionary effort to

    provide better outcomes fortheir organization.



    Engaged employeesbecome co-owners of their

    own engagement andcommit to improve.


  • 8/10/2019 Avatar HR Solutions Healthy Patient Journey


    Copyright 2012 Avatar HR Solutions

    Engaged Healthcare Employees

  • 8/10/2019 Avatar HR Solutions Healthy Patient Journey


    Copyright 2012 Avatar HR Solutions

    Limited enthusiasm about job duties, givingpatients the bare minimum.

    Often more concerned with receiving a

    paycheck than providing quality care.

    Rarely, if ever, volunteer for extraassignments or take lead roles.

    Patient Examples:

    Thats not really my job, but you could ask another

    person for help.

    I am so glad my shift is almost over.

    Silence They do not feel a connection with

    patients & do not go out of their way to converse

    with them.

    Ambivalent Healthcare Employees

  • 8/10/2019 Avatar HR Solutions Healthy Patient Journey


    Copyright 2012 Avatar HR Solutions

    Patient Examples:

    If something was done wrong, Im not surprised.

    The nurses here dont know what theyre doing. I am not doing that because it is not in my

    job description.

    You are being too demanding. I dont have all day to deal

    with your problems.

    Negative attitude can lead to shortresponses and/or rude comments.

    Problems are ignored because they are

    not concerned with the organizations

    success (Risky!)

    Actions often cause more harm than good.

    Disengaged Healthcare Employees

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    Copyright 2012 Avatar HR Solutions

    Levels of Employee Engagement in the Workplace

    69 percent of the healthcare workforce is NOT engaged.

    Source: HR Solutions National Employee Engagement Study

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    Copyright 2011 HR Solutions, Inc.

    Engagement Transformation Model

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    Outcome: Retention

    Engaged employees are six times more likelyto stay with the organizationthan their disengaged counterparts.

    Less turnover leads to stronger relationships with patients

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    Outcome: Discretionary Effort

    Engaged employees will go above and beyond to help patients.

    Patients benefit from new and innovative ideas.

    Employees take ownership of their own engagement and seek out improvements.

    No engagement imbalance.

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    10/15 Copyright 2012 Avatar HR Solutions

    Outcome: Reputation

    60 million Americans discussed their medical experiences online in 2009*.

    Engaged employees lead to satisfied and loyal patients who will recommend the

    hospital / physician.

    The Multiplier Effect: On average, one unhappypatient will voice theirdissatisfaction to 10 other people, who, in turn, tell at least fiveother people.

    Thus, about 60 otherseventually learn of the complaint.

    There is a proven correlation between patient satisfaction

    and employee engagement

    How has The Multiplier Effect come into play

    in other industries?Example: United Breaks Guitars YouTube

    VideoAlmost10 million hits.


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    Proven Example














    Op erat ing Margin Pat ient Exp er ience -


    Patient Experience -

    Likliehood to Recommend

    Concern for Patient Care

    2010 Engagement

    Top 25% Bottom 25%

    Employees in the top 25 percent on

    engagement levels scored significantly higheron every business metric measured

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    So what should you

    do to engage youremployees and

    realize these


  • 8/10/2019 Avatar HR Solutions Healthy Patient Journey

    13/15 Copyright 2012 Avatar HR Solutions

    Key Drivers of Engagement

    Recognition. Career Development.

    Direct Supervisor / Manager Leadership Abilities.

    Strategy and Mission.

    Job Content.

    Senior Managements Relationshipwith Employees.

    Open and Effective Communication.

    Co-worker Satisfaction/Cooperation.

    Availability of Resources to Perform the

    Job Effectively. Organizational Culture and Shared /

    Core Values.

    Determination of Key Drivers based on survey responses in Avatar HR Solutions National Normative Database, representing

    over 3.3 million participants and 2,400 organizations.

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    Best Practices for Increasing Engagement

    Recognize early and often.

    Formal / informal andpublic / private.

    Coach, motivate, and promote employees.

    Open relationships.

    Link employees jobs with the strategy and mission.

    Provide freedom and autonomy.

    Clearly define employee roles.

    Ask employees how they can contribute.

    Open and effective communication.

    Fun = engagement.

  • 8/10/2019 Avatar HR Solutions Healthy Patient Journey

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