autumn 2000john kristoff1 computer networks security

Autumn 2000 John Kristoff 1 Computer Networks Security

Post on 21-Dec-2015




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Autumn 2000 John Kristoff 1

Computer Networks


Autumn 2000 John Kristoff 2

Internet/Telco Comparison

Telephone System central authority network in control billing records per

connection legal issues well

understood provisions for law

enforcement (wiretapping)

Internet no central authority end systems in

control no central knowledge

of connections no per-packet billing legal issues not well

understood anonymity is easy

Autumn 2000 John Kristoff 3

Internet Security Stinks

Hosts are hard to secure Bad defaults Poor software Fixes rarely applied Average user/administrator is clueless An overly secure system is not useful Its difficult to coordinate among sites

Autumn 2000 John Kristoff 4

What to Protect

Confidentiality snooping encryption

Integrity deletion, changes backups

Availability denial of service


Authentication are who you say you


Nonrepudiation no denying it

Access Control dont touch that!

Reputation Ensure your good name

Autumn 2000 John Kristoff 5

Where to Put the Protection?

Autumn 2000 John Kristoff 6

Physical Security

Trash bins Social engineering Its much easier to trust a face than

a packet Protect from the whoops

power spills the clumsy software really can kill hardware

Autumn 2000 John Kristoff 7

Host Based Security

Recall End-to-End Argument Security is ultimately a host problem Key idea: protect the DATA End hosts are in control of data Users are in control of end hosts Users can and often will do dumb things Result: very difficult to protect all hosts

Autumn 2000 John Kristoff 8

Internal Security

Most often ignored Most likely the problem Disgruntled employee Curious, but dangerous employee Clueless and dangerous employee

Autumn 2000 John Kristoff 9

Security by Obscurity

Is no security at all. However

Its often best not to advertise unnecessarily

Its often the only layer used (e.g. passwords)

Probably need more security

Autumn 2000 John Kristoff 10

Network Based Security

Should augment host based security Useful for

Protecting groups of users from others Prohibiting certain types of network usage Controlling traffic flow

Difficult to inspect traffic encryption can hide bad things tunneling can mislead you

Good book: Network Security: PRIVATE Communication in a PUBLIC World. Kaufman, Perlman and Speciner.

Autumn 2000 John Kristoff 11

Layered Defenses

The belt and suspenders approach Multiple layers make it harder to get

through Multiple layers take longer to get through Basic statistics and probability apply

If Defense A stops 90% of all attacks and Defense B stops 90% of all attacks, you might be able to stop up to 99% of all attacks

Trade-off in time, money and convenience

Autumn 2000 John Kristoff 12

Perimeter Security

Boundary between a trusted internal network and a hostile external network

Autumn 2000 John Kristoff 13

Firewall Solutions

They help, but not a panacea A network response to a host problem

Packet by packet examination is tough Dont forget internal users Need well defined borders Can be a false sense of security Careful not to break standard

protocol mechanisms!

Autumn 2000 John Kristoff 14

Packet Filtering Firewalls

Apply rules to incoming/outgoing packets

Based on Addresses Protocols Ports Application Other pattern match

Autumn 2000 John Kristoff 15

Packet Filtering Firewall Illustrated

Autumn 2000 John Kristoff 16

Screened Subnet

Autumn 2000 John Kristoff 17

Example Firewall: ipchains

-A input -s -d -j DENY

-A input -s -d -j DENY

-A input -s -d -j DENY

-A input -s -d -j DENY

-A input -s -d a.b.c.d/ 22:22 -p 6 -j ACCEPT

-A input -s -d a.b.c.d/ 1024:65535 -p 6 ! -y -j ACCEPT

Autumn 2000 John Kristoff 18

Example Firewall: Cisco Router Filters

access-list 100 deny ip anyaccess-list 100 deny ip anyaccess-list 100 deny ip anyaccess-list 100 deny ip anyaccess-list 100 deny ip anyaccess-list 100 deny ip anyaccess-list 100 deny ip anyaccess-list 100 permit tcp any host eq domainaccess-list 100 permit udp any host eq domainaccess-list 100 deny tcp any host eq telnet logaccess-list 100 deny tcp any host eq syn logaccess-list 100 deny ip any host 100 permit ip any 100 deny ip any any

Autumn 2000 John Kristoff 19

Application Level Gateway

Autumn 2000 John Kristoff 20


Make a readable message unreadable

Math intensive Plain text versus cipher text Algorithms and keys

public private key size

Autumn 2000 John Kristoff 21

Shared Secret Key

Each party knows a secret The secret is used to decrypt the cipher

text Book: Ulysses Page: 7 Line: 23 Word: 4

Must know the book and keep it a secret

Autumn 2000 John Kristoff 22

Shared Secret Key Illustrated

Autumn 2000 John Kristoff 23

Public Key Cryptography

Public Key Everyone can use it to encrypt

messages to you Private Key

Only you know this key and only it decrypts messages encrypted with your public key


Autumn 2000 John Kristoff 24

Public Key Illustrated

Autumn 2000 John Kristoff 25

Exploits Overview

Passwords hacking and sniffing

System specific NT, UNIX, NetWare, Linux

Application specific web browser, ftp, email, finger

Protocol specific spoofing, TCP hijacking, ICMP redirects, DNS

Denial of Service PING of death, trinoo, tribe flood

Autumn 2000 John Kristoff 26

The Process

Reconnaissance Scanning Exploit Systems Keep access with backdoors/trojans Use system

Often as a springboard Cover any tracks

Autumn 2000 John Kristoff 27

Buffer Overflows and Weak Validation of Input

Key idea: overwriting the something on the stack

Popular exploits with CGI scripts Format strings Regular users can gain root access If exploit on TCP/UDP service, remote

root can be accomplished

Autumn 2000 John Kristoff 28

Network Mapping

PING DNS mapping (dont need zone transfer)

dig +pfset=0x2020 -x 10.x.x.x rpcinfo -p <hostname> nmap <>

very nice! Microsoft Windows is NOT immune

nbtstat, net commands Just look around the net!

Autumn 2000 John Kristoff 29

Session Hijacking

If you can predict sequence numbers and spoof the source address, you might be able to pretend to be one end of the session. It helps if you can keep one end of the session

busy while youre hijacking.

Autumn 2000 John Kristoff 30

Session Hijacking Illustrated

Autumn 2000 John Kristoff 31

Password Cracking

Very common today If attacker can get a hold of the

password file, they can go offline and process it

Recall passwords are a form of obscurity multiple defenses may be needed

Given enough time, passwords alone are probably not safe

Autumn 2000 John Kristoff 32

Viruses and Worms

Programs written with the intent to spread Worms are very common today

Often email based (e.g. ILOVEYOU) Viruses infect other programs

Code copied to other programs (e.g. macros) All require the code to be executed

Proves users continue to do dumb things Sometimes software is at fault too

Autumn 2000 John Kristoff 33

Denial of Service (DoS)

Prevents or impairs standard service SYN flooding SMURF attacks Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) Most effective when source address

can be spoofed Difficult to differeniate between valid


Autumn 2000 John Kristoff 34

Example Denial of Service Illustrated

Autumn 2000 John Kristoff 35

Example Distributed Denial of Service Illustrated

Autumn 2000 John Kristoff 36

DoS Solutions

Ingress/Egress filtering ICMP Traceback Packet Marking Rate-limiting Difficult to solve completely!

Autumn 2000 John Kristoff 37

Network Address Translation

Removes end-to-end addressing Standardized in RFC 1918 NAT has been bad for the Internet Provides relatively no security with a

great deal of cost - this slide shouldn't be here

NAT has been required for sites with IP address allocation problems

NAT may be used for IPv6 transition

Autumn 2000 John Kristoff 38

NAT Illustrated

Autumn 2000 John Kristoff 39

Virtual Private Networks

Autumn 2000 John Kristoff 40

Key Idea

A session between two endpoints that is secured from eavesdroppers and

all threats on the network in between, usually through the use of

encryption technology.

Autumn 2000 John Kristoff 41

Why Is This Worthwhile?

Cost, Cost, Cost! Ability to make use of a public, insecure

network, rather than building your own private, secure network

Autumn 2000 John Kristoff 42


Increased overhead Complexity Performance Quality Management

Autumn 2000 John Kristoff 43

Oh, and One More Thing

Autumn 2000 John Kristoff 44

Other Areas of Interest

IP multicast Routing protocols Privacy issues IPsec Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS)

Autumn 2000 John Kristoff 45


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