automatski - physical web

Physical Web Solution Automatski Corporation Private Ltd. 207 Regent Street London W1B 3HH United Kingdom [email protected] +91-9986574181

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Physical Web Solution

Automatski Corporation Private Ltd.

207 Regent Street London

W1B 3HH United Kingdom

[email protected]


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Executive Summary iBeacons and Eddystone beacons are great and work over BLE 4.0 which promise low power operations. But the reality of the world is that the WiFi on most Mobiles and Tablets is on almost all the time. This puts us in a situation where while we can exclusively deploy BLE 4 beacons, but we can also use the WiFi channel to render a context specific experience too. Technologies like WiFi Aware work at lower energy than regular WiFi and are competing with BLE 4.0 technologies. Wi-Fi Aware isn’t dependent on any infrastructure, access point, or router since devices discover and communicate directly with one another. That means you can use Wi-Fi Aware devices anywhere, even if you don’t have a link back to the Internet.

The best solution would be a combination of both BLE 4.0 and WiFi. Deployed and Managed together through the same solution. Currently Automatski offers two separate Solutions for Beacon Management and Physical Web but in the near future they will be integrated into one integrated offering.

This document outlines the Automatski Physical Web Solution.

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Contents i. Global IoT Leadership

ii. Leadership iii. Physical Web iv. Services v. Further Information

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Global IoT Leadership Automatski Corporation is one of the Top Global Internet of Things firms; Head Quartered in London, U.K. with an offshore presence in Bangalore, India. It is the world’s first in all of its 5 IoT offerings. It was founded in 2014 by Aditya Yadav.

Middleware IoT Platform - Has been built using first principles from the ground up to offer comprehensive real world IoT solutions. We are the worlds first to do this at IoT Scale which we believe is beyond Internet Scale w/ ~1 Trillion Devices and a Billion+ ops

Autonomous Compute Platform (R) aka - Scheduled for release in Sep/Oct'15 comprising of 18+ foundational IoT Services. We are the worlds first in this because Things can consume the services autonomously without absolutely any human intervention, become first class Autonomous Citizens of the internet. Something like The SkyNet from the movie Terminator.

AutoSIM IoT Simulator - We are the world’s first to offer a comprehensive IoT simulator which supports 10+ protocols, runs on a distributed server cluster and simulates 1m-100m+ devices.

Massive Online Simulations - The SmartCity Simulator - Scheduled for Jan/Feb'16. Smart Cities are a catch22 because one cannot develop the best platform and solution without having the sensors and infrastructure in place, and no one will put the infrastructure in place upfront without any utility. Hence we are developing a Massive Scale SmartCity Simulator which can run on 500-1000 server clusters, simulate 1Billion+ devices from traffic signals, sewage, energy meters, water, healthcare, emergency services etc. And can do throughputs of 10Billion+ ops and integrate with systems of systems globally; which can be used for Smart City Development. Again we are the world’s first with this too.

WirelessSIM Simulator – The World’s First Complete Solution for Field/Site Wireless/RF Network Design, Protocol Agnostic. (i) Closed Form Solutions (ii) Experiments & Empirical Solutions (iii) UTD based 3D Simulations. 3-4% Accuracy. It’s an RF Power, Sensitivity, Distance & Layout design solution.

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Leadership Automatski Corporation was founded in 2014 by Aditya Yadav. Aditya is from IIT Bombay and IIM Bangalore by education, has worked with Top Global firms like McKinsey, BCG, Fidelity, Goldman Sachs, Tesco, Google etc. Aditya has 18+ years of industry experience covering executive management, consulting and advisory, technology, operations and management, financial engineering, research and development, innovation, agile, big data, cloud computing, data science etc. Aditya has been an advisor to National Skills Development Council, NASSCOM and the government of India. For more information about Aditya please see or

Besides IoT Products, Platforms and Trainings, Automatski also builds IoT solutions for its clientele, and engages in Consulting and Advisory Engagements throughout the Globe. For more information please look at our website

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Physical Web The Automatski Physical Web Solution is composed of the following parts.

1. SSDP Service 2. mDNS Service 3. WiFi Aware Service 4. iOS + Android Mobile/Tablet App 5. Cloud Management Platform

Wi-Fi Aware opens up proximity based device functionality without the need that there be any Wi-Fi hotspot nearby. The peer-to-peer system lets devices and apps make their presence known to other Wi-Fi Aware devices, apps and services in range. It is thought that one of the main uses of the new functionality will be to personalise the mobile experience of users coming into proximity.

Aware allows Wi-Fi-enabled products to discover and communicate directly with nearby devices, applications or information, without relying on cellular data or an Internet connection. Think of it as a sort of the same thing iBeacons were supposed to do but have yet to provide.

Essentially, once you’ve installed an application that leverages Aware, your device will continuously broadcast and receive broadcasts from devices in your vicinity. Users can opt in to let applications both publish availability and subscribe to receive information and connection requests.

The Simple Service Discovery Protocol (SSDP) is a network protocol based on the Internet Protocol Suite for advertisement and discovery of network services and presence information. It accomplishes this without assistance of server-based configuration mechanisms, such as the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) or the Domain Name System (DNS), and without special static configuration of a network host. SSDP is the basis of the discovery protocol of Universal Plug and Play (UPnP).

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The multicast Domain Name System (mDNS) resolves host names to IP addresses within small networks that do not include a local name server. It is a zero-configuration service, using essentially the same programming interfaces, packet formats and operating semantics as the unicast Domain Name System (DNS). While designed by Stuart Cheshire to be stand-alone capable, it can work in concert with unicast DNS servers.

The mDNS protocol is published as RFC 6762, uses IP multicast User Datagram Protocol (UDP) packets, and is implemented by the Apple Bonjour and by Linux nss-mdns services. mDNS can work in conjunction with DNS Service Discovery (DNS-SD), a companion zero-configuration technique specified separately in RFC 6763.

The Automatski Physical Web Solution works with or without a WiFi HotSpot. And works alongside Automatski’s Public WiFi solution offering.

And work with IPV4 or IPV6 both.

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Services Consulting & Advisory

i. Security & Privacy ii. Risk Management

iii. Regulatory & Compliance iv. Policy & Governance v. Design & Architecture

vi. Big Data, Data Engineering, Data Sciences, Decision Sciences

vii. Economic Models viii. Simulations

ix. Agile & Software Engineering, Coaching & Advisory Engagements

Solutions i. Cloud Computing

ii. Big Data & Analytics iii. Machine Learning & Artificial

Intelligence iv. Mobile & Web Applications v. Sensors & Actuators

vi. Platforms

vii. Functional/Regression/Performance/Stress Testing

viii. Open Source ix. Security & Privacy x. Large Scale Integration

xi. Standards & Interoperability

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A Typical Solution i. Cloud Services - AWS, Azure etc.

ii. Mobile - iOS, Android & Windows Phone

iii. Desktops - Windows & Mac

iv. Sensors - Arduino, RaspberryPi, Edison etc.

v. Gateways & Hubs vi. Edge Networking

vii. Fog Computing

*** 1 week - a couple of months, Project Duration

Domains i. Smart City

ii. Smart Energy & Smart Grids iii. Smart Healthcare iv. Connected & Autonomous Cars v. Smart Homes

vi. M2M vii. Industrial IoT

IoT Training

i. Introduction to M2M, IoT, and IoE ii. Global Players and their Offerings

iii. Standards, Protocols & Consortiums iv. Sensors, Devices & Gadgets v. Programming Arduino, RaspberryPi etc.

vi. Writing your first IoT Application vii. Open Source in IoT

viii. APIs ix. Mobile & WebServices x. IoT Platforms

xi. Domain Solutions – Smart Cars, Smart Healthcare, Smart Energy/Grids, Smart Cities, Smart Homes & Industrial IoT

xii. Data Sciences & Decision Sciences – BigData, Cloud & Analytics

xiii. Polyglot Architectures & Programming – Java, C#, R etc.

xiv. Software Engineering Principles in IoT – Design, Architecture, Testing – Functional/Regression/Performance/Stress

xv. Simulations xvi. Security & Privacy – Principles & Design

xvii. A Structured Approach to IoT Adoption

Online Exam & Certification (Optional)

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Further Information Please refer to our website for further information

Send us an email on [email protected]

Or call us on +91-9986574181

Copyright Notice © 2015 Automatski Corporation. Reproduction without written permission is completely forbidden. External Publication of Automatski Corporation Information and Data: Any Automatski Corporation information that is to be used in advertising, press releases, or promotional materials requires prior written approval from the appropriate Automatski Corporation Executives. A draft of the proposed document should accompany any such request. Automatski Corporation reserves the right to deny approval of external usage for any reason.