august 18, 2019 18 de aogosto 2019 olph€¦ · jeremiah 38:4-6, 8-10 ps 40:2-4, 18 (with 14b) heb...

August 18, 2019 18 de Aogosto 2019 OLPH Mass Schedule of Intentions August 10 - 16 Saturday 8:30 AM ~ Morning Prayer Saturday 5:00 PM ~ Memory of Linnie Townlin Saturday 7:00 PM ~ For the People of St. Marys Sunday 8:30 AM ~ Memory of the Maier Family Sunday 11:00 AM ~ Memory of Linda Seymour Sunday 1:00 PM ~ Monday 8:30 AM ~ Memory of George Van Agtmael Tuesday 8:30 AM ~ Intenon to End Aboron Wednesday 8:30 AM ~ Memory of Patricia McGowan Greenwood Thursday 8:30 AM ~ Memory of Doug Wainwright Friday 8:30 AM ~ Morning Prayer August 17 - 18 Saturday 8:30 AM ~ Morning Prayer Saturday 5:00 PM ~ Memory of Sharon Dudek Saturday 7:00 PM ~ Memory of Andres Nunez Santos Sunday 8:30 AM ~ Memory of the Maier Family Sunday 11:00 AM ~ Memory of Irene Kinkley Sunday 1:00 PM ~ For the People of St. Marys Mass Intentions & Memorial Candles If you would like to have a Mass offered for a particular Intention or for someone who has died, or if you would like to dedicate a candle to an intention or a loved one, please call the parish office. The stipend for the Mass is $10. The candles are $30 for 1 month, $60 for 6 months, or $90 for one year. Our office staff will help you find an open date and time for a Mass, or available candles for dedications.

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Page 1: August 18, 2019 18 de Aogosto 2019 OLPH€¦ · Jeremiah 38:4-6, 8-10 Ps 40:2-4, 18 (with 14b) Heb 12:1-4 Luke 12:49-53 Pray: Lord Jesus, let nothing extinguish in me the burning

August 18, 2019 18 de Aogosto 2019 OLPH

Mass Schedule of Intentions

August 10 - 16 Saturday 8:30 AM ~ Morning Prayer Saturday 5:00 PM ~ Memory of Linnie Townlin Saturday 7:00 PM ~ For the People of St. Mary’s Sunday 8:30 AM ~ Memory of the Maier Family Sunday 11:00 AM ~ Memory of Linda Seymour Sunday 1:00 PM ~ Monday 8:30 AM ~ Memory of George Van Agtmael Tuesday 8:30 AM ~ Intention to End Abortion Wednesday 8:30 AM ~ Memory of Patricia McGowan Greenwood Thursday 8:30 AM ~ Memory of Doug Wainwright Friday 8:30 AM ~ Morning Prayer

August 17 - 18 Saturday 8:30 AM ~ Morning Prayer Saturday 5:00 PM ~ Memory of Sharon Dudek Saturday 7:00 PM ~ Memory of Andres Nunez Santos Sunday 8:30 AM ~ Memory of the Maier Family Sunday 11:00 AM ~ Memory of Irene Kinkley Sunday 1:00 PM ~ For the People of St. Mary’s

Mass Intentions & Memorial Candles If you would like to have a Mass offered for a particular Intention or for someone who has died, or if you would like to dedicate a candle to an intention or a loved one, please call the parish office. The stipend for the Mass is $10. The candles are $30 for 1 month, $60 for 6 months, or $90 for one year. Our office staff will help you find an open date and time for a Mass, or available candles for dedications.

Page 2: August 18, 2019 18 de Aogosto 2019 OLPH€¦ · Jeremiah 38:4-6, 8-10 Ps 40:2-4, 18 (with 14b) Heb 12:1-4 Luke 12:49-53 Pray: Lord Jesus, let nothing extinguish in me the burning

Prayer Corner Please keep all those who are in the military, or are ill or suffering in your prayers.

If you would like to add the name of someone to the Prayer Corner, please call the office.

For those who are ill or homebound: For Keith Borst, Ron Forrester, Evan Beck, Nora Quitugua, Eddie Crabtree, Pat Conlon, Tina Resiner, Duke Collins and for all those struggling with illnesses, upcoming surgeries or cancer. We pray for peace throughout our entire world. We remember our family members and friends who are serving in the military: Dustin Brillon, Mike Andre, Alec Ogg, David Barrett, Justin Barrett, Matt Barrett, Tiffany Lambert, Joe Lambert, Jason Volbeda For the repose of the souls of all the faithful departed:

Good News Reflection 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time August 18, 2019 Jeremiah 38:4-6, 8-10 Ps 40:2-4, 18 (with 14b) Heb 12:1-4 Luke 12:49-53 Pray: Lord Jesus, let nothing extinguish in me the burning desire to proclaim Your word and to bear witness to Your living presence among us! Amen. The fire that changes the world

In this Sunday's Gospel reading, Jesus says that he did not come to bring peace to earth. He came to light a fire. The fire that he longed for with great anguish was the presence of the Holy Spirit alive and active within each of his followers. This is what changes the world. This is what brings lasting peace, first within us and then flowing out from us.

The Holy Spirit is a fire that purifies us from impurities -- the unloving behaviors and attitudes -- that cause disharmony, disunity, conflicts and war. This purification makes us capable of feeling peaceful even in the midst of trials and attacks from others. This is what makes us channels of God's peace in a world that desperately needs it. If you do not yet feel the fire of the Holy Spirit impassioning you to spread the peace of Christ, Jesus is in anguish over you.

Think of the evil around you that you've been wishing would stop. What does Jesus want you to do about it? What impurities in your own spirit needs to be burn off by the fire of the Holy Spirit so you can overshadow the evil with divine goodness? Look at what Jesus had to do. What baptism was he talking about? Not the water baptism he'd already received. It was the baptism of painful self-sacrifice, which he willingly accepted in order to rescue us from evil.

To stop evil, we have to become like Jesus. Our willingness to make sacrifices for others is a sign of Christian maturity. We should be burning with so much love that we are not happy unless we're pouring our hearts and souls into works and prayers that make a difference in someone else's ability to receive eternal peace.

Jesus noted that this fire divides households. It divides us from anyone who remains self-centered and unwilling to make sacrifices that will lead to peace. Nevertheless, we must continue to give them love. This heats up the fire within us, which purifies us further. And gradually, the world changes.

Questions for Personal Reflection: Who has "burnt" you? What pain has been inflicted on you by others? See this as happening to Jesus, too. Instead of retaliating to try to stop the pain, choose a sacrifice that you're willing to make for them. Jesus appreciates the sacrifices you make for others. How does his appreciation make you feel?

Questions for Family & Community Faith Sharing: How is it possible to experience peace after making a sacrifice for someone who is unloving toward you? Give an example of an everyday sacrifice you've made. How does the Holy Spirit bring God's kingdom to earth through this?

© 2019 Terry Modica, Catholic Digital Resources, Printed by permission. To view or subscribe to daily Good News Reflections, visit

Page 3: August 18, 2019 18 de Aogosto 2019 OLPH€¦ · Jeremiah 38:4-6, 8-10 Ps 40:2-4, 18 (with 14b) Heb 12:1-4 Luke 12:49-53 Pray: Lord Jesus, let nothing extinguish in me the burning

Reflexión de las Buenas Nuevas

20mo. Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Agosto 18, 2019

Jeremías 38, 4-6.8-10 Salmo 40, 2-4.18 (con 14b) Hebreos 12, 1-4 Lucas 12, 49-53

Ora: Señor Jesús: ¡Que nada apague en mí el deseo ardiente de anunciar tu palabra y de dar testimonio de tu presencia viva entre nosotros! Amén.

El fuego que cambia al mundo

En la lectura del Evangelio de este domingo, Jesús dice que Él no ha venido a traer paz a la tierra. El vino a encender un fuego. El fuego que anhelaba con gran angustia era la presencia del Espíritu Santo, viva y activa dentro de cada uno de sus seguidores. Esto es lo que cambia al mundo, esto es lo que trae la paz duradera, primero dentro de nosotros y luego fluyendo fuera de nosotros.

El Espíritu Santo es un fuego que nos purifica de impurezas - las conductas y actitudes no amorosas - que causan la falta de armonía, la desunión, los conflictos y la guerra. Esta purificación nos hace capaces de sentirnos tranquilos incluso en medio de las pruebas y los ataques. Esto es lo que nos convierte en canales de la paz de Dios en un mundo que lo necesita desesperadamente. Si todavía no sientes el fuego del Espíritu Santo apasionándote para difundir la paz de Cristo, Jesús sigue angustiado por ti.

Piensa en el mal a tu alrededor que has estado deseando que se detenga. ¿Qué quiere que haga Jesús al respecto? ¿Qué impurezas de tu propio espíritu necesitan ser quemados por el fuego del Espíritu Santo para que pueda eclipsar el mal con el bien divino? Mira lo que Jesús tuvo que hacer. ¿De qué bautismo estaba hablando? No es el bautismo de agua que ya había recibido. Era el bautismo del sacrificio doloroso que aceptó de buen grado con el fin de rescatarnos del mal.

Para detener el mal, tenemos que ser como Jesús. Nuestra voluntad de hacer sacrificios por los demás es un signo de madurez cristiana. Deberíamos estar quemándonos con tanto amor que no seremos felices a menos que estemos entregando nuestros corazones y almas en obras y oraciones para hacer una diferencia en alguien, con el fin de recibir la paz eterna.

Jesús señaló que este fuego divide hogares. Nos aparta de cualquier persona que permanece centrada en sí misma y no dispuesta a hacer sacrificios que conduzcan a la paz. Sin embargo, hay que seguir dándoles amor. Esto calienta el fuego dentro de nosotros, que nos purifica aún más. Y gradualmente, el mundo cambia.

Preguntas para Reflexión Personal: ¿Quién ha "quemado"? ¿Qué dolor te han infringido los demás? Mira esto como si le estuviera sucediendo a Jesús. En lugar de tomar represalias para tratar de detener el dolor, considéralo un sacrificio que estás dispuesto a hacer por ellos. Jesús aprecia los sacrificios que haces por los demás. ¿Cómo te hace sentir Su reconocimiento?

Preguntas para Compartir la Fe en la Familia y la Comunidad: ¿Cómo es posible experimentar la paz después de hacer un sacrificio por alguien que es desagradable contigo? Da un ejemplo de un sacrificio diario que hayas hecho. ¿De qué manera el Espíritu Santo trae el Reino de Dios a la tierra a través de esto?

© 2019 Terry Modica, Catholic Digital Resources, Impreso con derechos. Para ver o suscribirse a Las Reflexiones de Las Buenas Nuevas, visite

Offertory Update 8/10/19

Parish General Collection: $9,101

Building & Maintenance: $318

Local Charities: $198

Liturgy Fund: $60

Soup Kitchen: $80

If you are receiving donation envelopes

but no longer use them, please contact the office to stop them … this will save the parish money. Thank you!

Thank you for your support of Our Lady of Perpetual

Help Parish through your prayers, good wishes and gifts of

time and money. If you would like to use envelopes or EFT

to make your donations, Please contact the parish office.


Page 4: August 18, 2019 18 de Aogosto 2019 OLPH€¦ · Jeremiah 38:4-6, 8-10 Ps 40:2-4, 18 (with 14b) Heb 12:1-4 Luke 12:49-53 Pray: Lord Jesus, let nothing extinguish in me the burning
Page 5: August 18, 2019 18 de Aogosto 2019 OLPH€¦ · Jeremiah 38:4-6, 8-10 Ps 40:2-4, 18 (with 14b) Heb 12:1-4 Luke 12:49-53 Pray: Lord Jesus, let nothing extinguish in me the burning
Page 6: August 18, 2019 18 de Aogosto 2019 OLPH€¦ · Jeremiah 38:4-6, 8-10 Ps 40:2-4, 18 (with 14b) Heb 12:1-4 Luke 12:49-53 Pray: Lord Jesus, let nothing extinguish in me the burning

Notes from the Liturgist, Ace Tupasi

Why Catholics have a Crucifix rather than a Cross by: Fr. David J. Dohogne

A question often posed by non-Catholics is, “Why do Catholics have a crucifix in your churches?” This is a very good question to ask! As Catholics, the crucifix plays a special role in the liturgical tradition of the Church. In most of our parish churches, the crucifix is given a place of honor and prominence, usually located centrally above the altar or tabernacle. When you walk through the doors of the church, the crucifix is one of the first things to grab your attention: The open arms of our Savior gladly welcomes and receives us into His Presence.

In many non-Catholic churches, a simple cross is often used to adorn the “altar” area. There is a growing trend in many churches not to have any type of religious Christian symbol visible on the interior or exterior of the church, especially the cross. So why is the crucifix (a cross which holds an image of the crucified or suffering Jesus) so important in our Catholic tradition? Why not a simple plain cross, as is the custom in other Christian traditions?

The Church requires that a crucifix be visible during the celebration of Mass to remind us of the sacrifice of Jesus on the altar of the cross, which is made present for us each time we celebrate the Holy Eucharist. A simple cross doesn’t have the same visual or spiritual impact. Many non-Catholics will state that “my Savior is risen” and that “having an image of the suffering Jesus on the cross takes away from the power of the Resurrection.” Catholics also believe that our Lord is risen, but we also need to be reminded of what Christ had to endure before the Resurrection could take place, namely his Passion and Death on the cross. The crucifix helps us to better understand and appreciate our “theology of redemption.”

For some non-Catholics, the image of the crucifix is somewhat “offensive” and perhaps a source of “discomfort.” Spiritually speaking, the crucifix can help us better accept and live the words of Christ to “deny yourselves, take up your cross daily, and follow Me” (Mt 16:24). When some type of suffering comes our way, the image of the crucifix can give us spiritual strength and inspiration. We know that the Crucifixion of Jesus is a one-time event that can never occur again in history. But it is an event which should never be forgotten. The image of the crucifix, whether it be placed in our homes, our churches, our schools, or our hospitals, makes sure that this sacrifice of our Lord for us is not forgotten. As Christians, when we gaze lovingly upon the image of our suffering Lord on the cross, we are reminded of the depth of Christ’s redeeming love for us. A plain cross just doesn’t have the same impact. The crucifix is a visual reminder of Christ’s battle over sin, a battle in which He is the Victor!

While Christ’s Death is memorialized forever in the image of the crucifix, we believe that our Risen Lord is with us, especially in His Sacramental Presence in the Holy Eucharist reserved in the tabernacle. As we gaze upon the crucifix, we see what Mary saw when she stood at the foot of the cross. What thoughts go through your mind when you look at the image of the crucifix? We know what Christ was thinking about when He hung upon the cross. He was thinking about us!

St. Benedict Lodge Women’s Retreat

Women’s Retreat begins with supper @ 6:00pm on Friday, September 13th and ends with brunch on Sunday morning, September 15th. Speaker will be Prof. Jeremy Miller, Gwynedd Mercy University. Theme: “Navigating Praying: Some Clues and Some Pitfalls.”

Cost for retreat is $100 dollars per person—private dorm room, $90 per person for shared dorm room. Send $30 deposit to register at St. Benedict Lodge, 56630 North Bank Rd., McKenzie Bridge, OR 97413. For more

info: 541-822-3572 or

Page 7: August 18, 2019 18 de Aogosto 2019 OLPH€¦ · Jeremiah 38:4-6, 8-10 Ps 40:2-4, 18 (with 14b) Heb 12:1-4 Luke 12:49-53 Pray: Lord Jesus, let nothing extinguish in me the burning

Blood Drive Results

Thank you for showing your support of the community by sponsoring an American Red Cross blood drive. The need for blood is constant and your efforts help ensure a safe

and stable blood supply is available for people in need.

Our Lady of Perpetual Help—August 12, 2019 Collection Goal: 35 units Actual Units Collected: 37 units Percent of Goal : 105.7%

Actual Sign up: 36 Actual Presenting Donors: 33

Buffet Dinner Inspiring Testimonies

Keynote Address: Jim Schultz, Pastor & Pro- Life Speaker Jim is one of the finest thinkers and

communicators in the pro-life movement. He effectively presents the pro-life message with truth,

passion, and grace. Jim is senior pastor of Lighthouse Assembly of God Church in Brookings, OR.

He formerly pastored in Corvallis and looks forward to sharing with the community he knows so

well. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn how to defend life!

Register Today!

Thursday, October 3, 2019 6:30pm – 9:00pm

Suburban Christian Church, 2760 Southwest 53rd Street, Corvallis, OR 97333

JOB OPENING - APPLY NOW! Camp Howard Summer Program Director Position (Camp Director) $45,000 to $50,000 per year Education: Bachelor’s Degree Skills & experience: Leadership, basic employment law, supervising, hiring, firing, counseling & camping. Driver’s License required. The Summer Program Director will design, develop and execute programs that meet the changing needs of youth in a Catholic, Christian camping environment. Other: practicing Catholic Position begins September 1, 2019 Send resume to: [email protected]

Page 8: August 18, 2019 18 de Aogosto 2019 OLPH€¦ · Jeremiah 38:4-6, 8-10 Ps 40:2-4, 18 (with 14b) Heb 12:1-4 Luke 12:49-53 Pray: Lord Jesus, let nothing extinguish in me the burning

Rachel’s Vineyard Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat in the Eugene area will be held Tuesday October 22 to Thursday October 24. The retreat is for

anyone impacted by abortion. The mercy and compassion of God plus the retreat group helps bring healing and

restoration in unexpected, unimaginable ways by supporting you to identify and heal from the various ways

involvement in abortion experiences have knowingly and unknowingly impacted your life and relationships. Lodging,

meals, and materials are included for the cost of $200. Financial assistance is available!

For more information on future retreats and registration call Project Aurora at 541-942-2861,

email [email protected], or visit or

This year’s Knights International Family of the Year has been instrumental in creating a vibrant community at their

parish. The parents, along with their eight children, ranging in age from one to 18, each play a vital role in contributing

to parish life.

Joseph Krebs, having been a member of the Knights of Columbus for three years, chooses to give of his time and

talents to lead various projects and initiatives within his council, such as the Keep Christ in Christmas Poster Contest

and Holy Family Prayer Program. He currently serves as the parish’s Family Director, as well as an usher at the evening

Spanish Mass.

Nicole is a Teacher’s Aide for the 3rd grade Religious Education class. She is also a co-founder of the Little Flowers Girls

Club, which has grown to become one of the largest ministries in the parish. She leads alongside her husband at a

variety of parish events, including the Shrove Tuesday and Summer Festivals, Easter Egg Hunt, K of C breakfasts,

Community Open Mic Nights, and Stations of the Cross, as well as the inaugural Father Daughter Night.

Both parents have opened their hearts to various parishioners, becoming confirmation sponsors and serving as

godparents. They also support two children for Unbound in Guatemala and India to provide funding for their

education, food and medicine.

The eight Krebs children are: Isabel (18), Caledon (17), Maximillian (13), Lucianna (12), Gabrielle (9), Theodore (5),

Benedict (3) and Emilia (1). Four out of the eight children have served in multiple leadership roles, no doubt inspired by

their parents, at Vacation Bible School, Confirmation retreats, the Summer Parish Festival, the High School and Middle

School Youth Group, and the Little Flowers Club.

Each child in the Krebs family strives for greatness in all they do, as shown by their various accolades, such as Isabel,

Cal, Max, Luci, and Gabby being elected as the Poetry Club’s Vice President and competing in the national robotics

competition, and winning the Free Throw Competition, Gobbler’s Revenge 5K, and Keep Christ in Christmas Contest



The Krebs family

have won the Knights

International Family

of the Year!

Page 9: August 18, 2019 18 de Aogosto 2019 OLPH€¦ · Jeremiah 38:4-6, 8-10 Ps 40:2-4, 18 (with 14b) Heb 12:1-4 Luke 12:49-53 Pray: Lord Jesus, let nothing extinguish in me the burning


Allow Jesus to transform your marriage and show you how to truly love your spouse by attending the next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend on Sept. 20-22 in Boise, ID, at Nazareth Retreat Center or Nov. 8-10 at Comfort Suites in Salem, OR. For information contact Barb and Kevin Acker at 385-319-4609, email [email protected] or register on line at Other dates and locations on line.

Eucharistic Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament The Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary – Feast August 22

Mary is raised to the height of glory, and crowned as Queen of Heaven and Earth by the Most Holy Trinity, because of her humility. We make a total consecration to Jesus through Mary, Totus Tuus; totally yours. We surrender our hearts to You in the Holy Eucharist, Lord, where You give Your Heart to us. With each Hail Mary we pray for the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and the Reign of the most Sacred Eucharistic Heart of Jesus in every heart! (from our A-13 pamphlet “The Eucharistic Rosary”)

Please join us for Eucharistic Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in the chapel, available 7x24.

Guest Priest on September 7th & 8th, 2019

Please welcome Father Carlos Chavez, our guest priest from Cross Catholic Outreach. He is a native New Mexican born in Socorro and was ordained to the priesthood at St. Francis Cathedral, Sante Fe, New Mexico on July 25, 1984. Father Chavez has been the pastor of Sacred Heart in Clovis, New Mexico for twenty-three years and Parochial Vicar at various parishes and ministries within the Archdiocese of Sante Fe during his past thirty years of ordained ministry. Because of the blessing of his grandmother, who taught him early on to be mindful of the poor and needy, he was called to the priesthood at the age of seventeen. The early years gave him a conscious formation of what the priesthood

in its truly lived dimension would mean—to serve, to give, to sacrifice self, proclaiming the truth and salvation of Christ with joy! He believes we cannot be content as Christians with just praise and worship in our solemn rituals and receiving the Eucharist, “if we have not become what we receive,” as St. Augustine admonishes. Father Chaves says, “The mission of Cross Catholic Outreach is at the very heart of who I am as a Catholic Priest.” We are pleased to have Father Carlos Chaves, a bilingual priest, as part of our Cross Catholic Family to serve the poorest of the poor.

SUGGESTIONS? There is a Treasure Chest on the counter in the narthex for you to submit suggestions for events, Safety or other improvements, or other suggestions. These will be taken to the Pastoral Council and the Parish Administrator for evaluation. At times this same chest will be used to collect surveys, pledge forms, or other large collections of forms. Check the sign hanging by it to see what is being collected. There will also be notices in the bulletin or announcements about collections to turn in at the treasure chest.

Page 10: August 18, 2019 18 de Aogosto 2019 OLPH€¦ · Jeremiah 38:4-6, 8-10 Ps 40:2-4, 18 (with 14b) Heb 12:1-4 Luke 12:49-53 Pray: Lord Jesus, let nothing extinguish in me the burning
Page 11: August 18, 2019 18 de Aogosto 2019 OLPH€¦ · Jeremiah 38:4-6, 8-10 Ps 40:2-4, 18 (with 14b) Heb 12:1-4 Luke 12:49-53 Pray: Lord Jesus, let nothing extinguish in me the burning

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fax 541.926.7161

Did you know … You can “donate” to the Soup Kitchen via your Fred Meyer Rewards card? Contact Joni at the parish office for more info.

Catholic Daughters of the Americas #1461

Regent: Pete Shobe 480-231-0307 1st Monday each month @ 6:30 PM All lady parishioners welcome!


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Or find us on


Electronic Bulletin If you are not yet receiving the

bulletin via email and would like to, please send a message with your name to the parish email

[email protected]

from the address you wish it to go to. You will be added to the

distribution list. Kindly allow a week for

processing. If you were receiving it, but have changed your email, please do as above. Add a note

of the old address to be removed. Thank you.

Page 12: August 18, 2019 18 de Aogosto 2019 OLPH€¦ · Jeremiah 38:4-6, 8-10 Ps 40:2-4, 18 (with 14b) Heb 12:1-4 Luke 12:49-53 Pray: Lord Jesus, let nothing extinguish in me the burning

OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP 706 Ellsworth St. SW Albany, OR 97321-2366

Phone: 541-926-1449 Fax: 541-926-2191 Website: Email: [email protected]

Rev. Edwin L. Sanchez, Administrator, ext 335 [email protected] Rev. Leonard Omolo, ALCP, Parochial Vicar, ext 303 Administrative Assistant to the Priests: Teresa Middlemiss, ext 338 Parish Office: Marty Kloeck (AM), Janice Woolsey, Margie Harshberger and other volunteers Business Office: Joni Siewell, ext 305 [email protected]

Adult & Young Adult Religious Education Director and Liturgy Coordinator: Ace Tupasi, ext 304 [email protected] Hispanic Ministry: Honorina Lopez Music Director: Nushia Lake, ext 343 Office hours Tuesday—Friday ~ 9 to Noon & 1 to 4 PM Emergency calls only Ph: 541-619-2267

WEEKEND MASSES: Saturday 5:00PM English, 7:00 PM Spanish; Sunday 8:30AM English, 11:00 AM English, 1:00PM Spanish DAILY MASSES: Monday to Saturday 8:30AM, 1st Thursdays @ 10AM in Mennonite Home Chapel, 2nd Thursdays @ 10AM at The Villas, Last Friday of the month @8:30am is a Healing/Anointing Mass CONFESSIONS: Saturday 3:30 - 4:30PM; Last Wednesday of the month from 6-7pm there will be exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and confession; or call ahead for an appointment during office hours. NOVENA to Our Lady of Perpetual Help: Daily Communal Recitation 8:00-8:30AM on Wednesday, personal recitation all day Wednesday in the chapel (Novena booklets available in both languages.) ADORATION: 7x24 in the Perpetual Adoration Chapel—If you are a registered parishioner, come by the office during office hours if you need access; Last Wednesday of the month from 6-7pm there will be exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and confession

In Times of Need PRAYER CHAIN: Fran Pace, [email protected] PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY: if you would like a prayer shawl for someone who is ill or experiencing a loss, please contact Carol Hawke at 541-926-2106 or [email protected].

Welcome! August 18th, 2019 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Bienvenidos a su casa a su parroquia Nuestra Señora del Perpetuo Socorro, Santa María

Los Sacramentos en español Bautismo Primera Comunión Confirmación Matrimonio Catecismo para Adultos


Celebración de Quinceañera Presentación de 3 años

Para preguntas puede llamar o venir a la oficina de Martes 9am-12pm, Jueves y Viernes. 1:00pm-4:00pm 541-926-1449

Horario de las Misas en español Sábado: 7:00pm Domingo 1:00pm Horario de las Confesiones Sábado 3:30pm - 4:30pm, el Ultimo Miércoles de cada mes de 6pm a 7pm. Habrá Exposición/Adoración del Santísimo Sacramento y confesión

En nuestra Parroquia de Nuestra Señora del Perpetuo Socorro / Santa María. Hay diferentes grupos los invitamos a formar parte de esta familia parroquial. Lunes: Grupo Carismático a las 7:00pm Martes: Grupo San Juan Diego para hombres 7:00pm en la casa Guadalupe Miercoles: Grupo San Juan Diego para mujeres 7:00pm en la casa Guadalupe Viernes: Grupo Apóstoles de la palabra 7:00pm en la casa Guadalupe