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  • 7/28/2019 Assgment Philosophy








    IDENTIFICATION CARD NO. : 880328-03-5804





    OPTION / INTAKE : 1 MTED 2 / JULY 2006



  • 7/28/2019 Assgment Philosophy






    I confess that I did this assignment by my own , accept for the

    statement and the summary that I had already explain the




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    Background of the school 1

    Mission and Vision of the school 2

    Pupils achievement 2 - 4

    Contribution of the school to the community 5

    Critical essay 6- 7

    References 8

    Appendix 9

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    onvent Light Street School was the oldest girls school in South East

    Asia( founded by the French II Sisters in 12 April 1852) and one of the most

    important inner city schools in Penang.There were 60 convent schools in

    Malaysia and Convent Light Street was the first girl school. The Convent Light Street

    celebrates its 150th anniversary in the year 2002. It all began on April 12 th 1852, when

    the first three Sisters of the Infant Jesus arrived in Penang to start schools and

    orphanages for the girls in this country. Their first Convent was a simple attap structure,

    located where the Primary School Hall now stands today. School started on June 15th

    ,and by July 1st they had recruited 9 boarders, 30 day pupils and 16 orphans. Mother St.

    Malthilde was sent from Paris in October to become the first superior of Penang.


    Mother St. Malthilde saw the need for expansion. Consequently she bought Navy

    House (Government House) in 1859. In 1961, this building was largely occupied by the

    Std. 6 failures. It functioned successfully until November 1992. Today it is occupied

    entirely by the Secondary classes. The needs kept increasing over the years, so in 1875

    the attap shed was pulled down and the Primary School Hall erected in its place.

    Two years later in 1885 D Wing and new chapel was built. Apart from Navy House, it is

    the oldest of the school buildings. The termites have done damage, so the block had to

    be evacuated almost three years ago. A committee has been formed to raise funds for a

    new roof and other necessary repairs. When it is done, the block will have 10 large

    classrooms. The erection of D Wing in 1885 was a great boon to the people of the area

    as many more pupils could be accommodated. In 1901 the Convent presented its first

    batch of Junior Cambridge Students, all of whom made the grade, and in 1905 the first

    success was registered in the Senior Cambridge exam by a solitary candidate. She was

    Martine Stolz who was later to become Mother Emile. In 1901 Mother St. Herminte built

    5 new classrooms, known as E Wing today. There was a similar need in the orphanage,

    so a separate Baby House was established but not until 1930. In 1930 New blockknown as A Wing was established. She had the beach area cleared to make way for B

    Wing in 1934. For her work in education and the number of schools she set up

    throughout Malaya and Singapore, the British Government conferred on her the OBE in

    1936, a rare enough honour and richly deserved. In 1941 when the Japanese invaded,

    they took over the Convent and made it the headquarters of their Navy, using it also as

    an internment camp for their prisoners, among them 76 Americans. The pupils returned

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    to Light Street in September 1945, to resume their studies. The near half century that

    has elapsed since 1945 has brought many changes in the buildings and elsewhere. The

    orphanage block and the Sisters sleeping quarters have become Primary School



    (ii) Mission and vision of the school

    Vision of Convent Light Street

    To produce Convent Light Street student in curriculum and co-

    curriculum at state level near 2010

    Mision of Convent Light Street

    To enhance students excellence continuously in curriculum and co-curriculum.

    To inculcate moral values in order to form noble attitude.

    To instill co-operation spirit and be responsible among school staffs.

    To develop harmonious and unity school environment in order to form

    a goodwill school.

    (iii) Pupils Achievement

    Analysis of UPSR results 2004-2006

    SUBJECTS 2004 2005 2006


    (PEMAHAMAN) 94.1% 91.5% 94.7%


    (PENULISAN) 96.0% 95.3% 94.7%

    ENGLISH 90.1% 91.5% 92.1%

    MATHEMATICS 92.1% 90.6% 88.7%

    SCIENCE 89.1% 86.8% 85.2%

    Based on the table shown above, we could see the UPSR results arehaving

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    fluctuations according to the year. The percentage of Bahasa Melayu( Pemahaman) is

    increasing by 2006 after having steady fall in 2005. Whereas Bahasa Melayu(Penulisan)

    are having steady fall year by year. While English subjects is having steady increase

    from year 2004 to 2006. Both Mathematics and Science subjects are having steady

    decreasing results from year 2004 to year 2006.



    Refers to the graph above, we can see that it is also having fluctuations results. The

    percentage of Bahasa Melayu Pemahaman is 89.8%.It shows that the results is

    decreasing compared to year 2006 which is 94.7%. The percentage of Bahasa Melayu

    Penulisan is increasing in year 2007 compared to 2006 which is 96.6%. While Englishpercentage is increasing by year 2007 which is 93.2%. Whereas, Mathematics subject

    also is having steady increase in year 2007 compared to year 2006 which is 93.2%. And

    finally, the percentage of Science subject is decreasing in year 2007 compared to year

    2006 which is 83%.

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    Besides that, there are numbers of school achievement in year 2007. There are

    35 students who took parts in choral speaking and they won 2 nd place in State level.

    The competition was held at SK Saujana Indah. Other than that, there are 33

    contestants who took part in Bahasa Bermadah carnival co-curriculum academic and

    they got consolation prize in State level. Moreover, there is a pupil who took part in

    public speaking at Sjkc Han Chiang. Luckily, he won the consolation prize. Furthermore,

    they were 9 participants who joined nasyid competition that was organized by SK

    Methodist Girl School.


    Apart from that, there are many co-curriculum academic excellence in year 2007.

    Mohana Saraswathy A/P Palaniappan had took part in story-telling Standard 1 student.

    She won consolation prize at state level. On the other hand, there is a student from 4

    Delima, Teh Ee Win won consolation prize at state level in story-telling Standard 2

    student. Besides that, there is a student from 5 Delima who won consolation prize at

    state level in debate competition. A 3 Delima student, Sheena Naidu A/P Muniandy has

    won the 2nd place in story-telling Standard 1 competition. In the meantime, there is a

    student from 5 Kristal class named Nor Afiqah bt. Johari took part in Tilawah Quran

    competition. She won 2nd place in the competition at district level.

    In year 2007, Angela Teoh Xing Yee has been recognized as Excellent Student

    2007. Besides that, there are two outstanding students in GERKO. They are Rachel Ooi

    from 4 Delima who won bronze medal in Skuasy MSSP competition and Gursharan

    Kaur from the same class who won Tenis MSSP 2007 Tournament. Finally, Teh Ee Win

    from 4Delima class was awarded with special award which is the Sunshinelink Junior

    Academy Achievement Award.

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    Textbook was provided to the students. By providing textbook, it will help


    poor students to cut costs their life badget. They could save money to buy

    other necessities needed such as stationery, books, school uniform and


    The school had organized gotong-royong activity to clean up the school

    compound. All of the teachers, students, and school staffs work together in

    ensuring the school compound clean

    Rancangan Makanan Tambahan or RMT was held to assist pupil whose

    income family is under RM 500 per month.

    Merentas Desa program was held to students. By organizing this program, the

    school will produce an active, energetic and healthy students community.

    Parents and Students Association meeting was held to discuss about the

    developmental of the school and problems regarding students in school

    Celebration of Childrens day was held in school to appreciate their contribution

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    in bringing up victory to the school.

    There was an exhibition of police and firemen groups in order to increase the

    students safety. They were told many precaution steps when confronting


    In 1885,a committee has been formed to raise funds for a new roof and other

    necessary repairs in order to build new buildings.

    Raise funds for the needy people whenever facing any disaster such as fire

    Organize extra classes for students especially standard 6 students as a

    preparation for UPSR exams.



    On 17 march 2008, I had been sent to Convent Light Street school for School-

    Based Experience ( SBE) week. I had been there for only three days as Friday is off for

    Good Friday. It was such an unforgettable experience for being there as it was a girl

    school. There were three other members posted in the same school with me. They were

    Afiq which is my classmate, and the other two were Wong Kye Tsern and Yong Yi Tian

    from 1 MTED 1 class.

    Based on my observation, I felt very excited as it was my first experience to the

    school. From spiritual aspects, I can see teachers here act as the role models in

    carrying the religious and moral values. Every morning, I could see non-Muslim

    students went to the chapel and pray for God. Whereas for Muslim students, the

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    teacher conducted doa every morning in the assembly. This shows the teachers try to

    instil spiritual values among students by seeking the bless of God every morning.

    Besides that, religious, moral values, and noble values such as belief in God and loyal

    to the nation have been integrated into every subject during teaching and learning

    process. By having KAFA class for the Muslims and Moral class for Non-muslims, it

    shows that the school administration is very concern towards religious matters without

    no racial discrimination to produce individuals who are intellectually, spiritually,

    emotionally and physically balanced nad harmonious.

    Besides that, the teachers try to develop well-mannered students by helping problem

    students in a councelling session. Being a good listener to students problem is an effective

    way to overcome students family, studies or personal problem in order to nourish stable

    emotional aspects. The teachers here do not punish students when they misbehaviors and

    do wrong things during teaching and learning process. They used to be patient, give

    advices and rewards such as praising them whenever they make any wrongdoing in

    teaching and learning. The teachers here are understanding, emphatetic and helpful to

    students in order to control and solve their emotional problems effectively. They do not

    scold them and use harsh words whenever they make mistake as it will effects to the

    students. 6

    Besides that, students in this school are compulsory to involve in Physical

    Education class and co-curricular activities as well based on their physical development in

    order to produce well-balanced students in academic and co-curriculum. Besides having

    classes in the classroom, I could see the teacher conducted lessons out of the classroom

    to allow children to participate actively in teaching and learning processes. Although this

    school field is small, students here are actively involving themselves in mini-sports such

    as high jump, race sports, netball and whatsoever. Every students was given an

    opportunity to show off their talents in various types of sports. By organizing sports and

    games, indirectly we could produce an active, energetic and healthy students in order to

    realize the National Physical Education.

    And last but not least, I could see students here are very intellectual indeed. From

    my observation in 1 Intan class, the teachers boosts an active learning in class. When the

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    teacher asked any question, they always raise up their hands and tried to answer the

    questions. When the students are able to answer, they clapped their hands. They

    certainly did not hesitate to try and answer the questions. All of the students are well-

    behaved as they will only answer questions when the teacher points and asks them to

    answer. Here we could see the existence of two way interactions are encouraged to help

    the students in building up their self-confident. There is also intensive learning class in

    order to assist pupils who are having problems in their studies. Apart from that, several

    homework has been given to the students as to ensure that they understand on what the

    teacher has taught them.

    As a conclusion, the Convent Light Street school has almost succeeded in

    realizing the National Physical Education. I am sure that this school will achieve glorious,

    victory and brightness in order to form well-balanced students from intellectual, physical,

    emotional and spiritual aspects.



    1. Philosophy and Education In Malaysia for Program Ijazah Sarjana Muda

    Perguruan Dengan Kepujian ( PPPRPET), 2008, Choong Lean Keow,

    PhD., Kuala Lumpur, Kumpulan Budiman Sdn. Bhd.

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