mvc best practices malisa ncube

[TITLE] ASP.NET MVC Best Practices

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Post on 05-Dec-2014




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  • 1. ASP.NET MVC [TITLE]Best Practices
  • 2. WHOS THIS GUY Malisa Ncube Software Engineer at Infectious Diseases Institute (Uganda) Blogger Follow me on Twitter handle - @malisancube My email is [email protected] Leader of Uganda .NET Usergroup #MSOpenDoor Urban Artist High sense of humor
  • 3. AGENDA ASP.NET MVC Best Practices A bit of ASP.NET MVC 4 Preview Well see Conclusion Q&A
  • 4. What is ASP.NET MVC?
  • 5. What is ASP.NET MVC? Model: The model contains the core information for an application. This includes the data and validation rules as well as data access and aggregation logic. View: The view encapsulates the presentation of the application, and in ASP.NET this is typically the HTML markup. Controller: The controller contains the control-flow logic. It interacts with the Model and Views to control the flow of information and execution of the application
  • 6. What is ASP.NET MVC? (Continued) Opensource Released under MSL for Pre release components. Proven: There are many sites that are using ASP.NET MVC framework and many resources. Testable: Enables good software development practices.
  • 7. Practices
  • 8. 1) Isolate your layers properly. Use the ViewModel for transmitting data to the view. They should be simple POCO de-normalised objects. Use the Domain Model Entities for persistence, validation, Behaviours and complex relationships . Mapping with ViewModel can be done with tools like Automapper.
  • 9. 1) Isolate your layers properly (Continued). Use Controllers for selecting the view to be shown and not for business logic. Use the view for displaying Html which will be rendered by the browser. Not for business logic. Use Services/Repositories for manipulating business objects. Lets see come code
  • 10. 2) Use the PRG (PostRedirectGet) pattern Prevent reposts to the form Issues an HTTP302 with temporary redirect Watch out for Json redirects. Check the type of requests. Use proper verbs [HttpPost], [HttpGet] on you controllers
  • 11. 3) Secure site from forgery Confused deputy problem (A confused deputy is a computer program that is innocently fooled by some other party into misusing its authority) Prevent (cross site request Forgery)CSRF/XSRF Prevent (cross site request Forgery)CSRF/XSRF With Ajax Use Anti-forgery helpers for form posts @Html.AntiForgeryToken and ValidateAntiForgeryTokenAttribute which peeks into Request.Form collection for antiforgery token
  • 12. 4) Make you application testable, maintainable and extensible Use IoC to make your application testable Have actual tests for different segments of your application. You can scaffold the application using NuGet packages like MvcScaffold and include the repository and unit tests. Lets see come code
  • 13. 5) Write clean code Use Action Filters for crosscutting concerns. - They help clean up your code by giving you a declarative approach to programming, similar to Aspect Oriented programming. More specifically Postsharp. - Handling errors, Authorisation, Tracing. Lets see come code
  • 14. 6) Use strongly typed views You may decide to inherit behaviour of all views from a certain base class. Avoid the ViewBag Lets see come code
  • 15. 7) JSON endpoints All JSON endpoints require [HttpPost] to prevent JSON hijacking hijacking.aspx - With [HttpPost], returning arrays is allowed.
  • 16. 8) Performance Tips Test the application performance. (Fiddler, YSlow) Optimise /compress your images Minify your scripts and CSS Lets see come code
  • 17. 9) Productivity Tips Use "Nuget" packages that help with productivity. ELMAH MvcScafolding Create you own nuget packages Lets see come code
  • 18. Tips
  • 19. 1) ASP.NET is still has the power of ASP.NET You can extend using HttpModules, HttpHandlers You can use HttpCaching Lets see come code
  • 20. 2) Think about globalization from the beginning Make you application support globalisation if its going to be on the internet. Dont forget to make accessibility
  • 21. ASP.NET 4.0 Preview
  • 22. ASP.NET 4.0 Preview PageInspector Nuget (Enabling MSBuild and Continuous Integration environments) Mobile phone support improvements HTML5 support Easier deployment + minification (Including cloud deployment) Asynchronous / Await Tooling (Page Inspector) Web Sockets
  • 23. New Features in ASP.NET MVC 4 Developer Preview
  • 24. New Features in ASP.NET MVC 4 Developer Preview
  • 25. Q&A
  • 26. REFERENCES (Phil Haack)