asana anatomy

Anatomy of Sitting Forward Bending Asanas By, IBOTOMBI MEIT SUVITH V DAS BNYS 3 rd YEA

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Post on 07-May-2015



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Anatomy of Sitting Forward Bending Asanas


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Asanas Going to discuss….

Paschimottanasana Janu SirsasanaUpavista KonasanaBaddha KonasanaKurmasanaSupta KurmasanaBalasana

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1. Paschimottanasana (West Stretching)


- inhale, raise both arms sideways upto shoulder level, turn the palms upwards

- raise the arms further up vertically touching the biceps

- exhale and bend the trunk forwards from the lower back

- with index fingers hold the big toes

- maintain the position for a while

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Muscles involved…

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Sleeped disc

Sciatica or hernia


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Energetic (Pranic) Benefits

Stimulates manipura chakra (solar plexus center)

Balances the prana within the body

Mental Benefits

Calms the mind

Improves concentration

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2. Janu Sirsasana(Head to Knee Pose)


•Bend your right knee and place the right foot on the inside of the left thigh towards your perineum, let the right lower leg rest on the floor, shin in a right angle with the left leg.

•Keep the left foot flexed, lengthen the spine on an inbreath and on an outbreath turn the spine a little to face the left leg and than fold forward from the hips.

•Keep your spine long chest open and shoulders drawn down. Relax your face.

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3. Upavista Konasana(Wide-Angle pose)

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Steps Sit in Dandasana

Slowly open your legs to position them to 90 degrees to your hips. Lean back slightly as you do this.

Now bend forward towards the floor, widening your hips a little more.

Slowly pin your upper thighs to the floor so that the knees face the ceiling.

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Stretch your legs even tighter through the balls of your feet and heels as your toes also point to the ceiling.

Now stretch your hands towards your outstretched legs keeping the thighs firmly anchored to the ground.

As you move forward, move your hip joint accordingly. Do not bend ahead of your waist. Bend only your torso and hold your toes.

Maintain this pose for a few minutes and slowly release and come back to the starting position.

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4. Kurmasana(Turtle Pose)

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•Sit in dandasana Now spread out your legs as wide as you can.

•While bending both your knees you should put your arms under your bent knees.

•Continue to move your arms even further under your legs – till they reach behind your back. Keep the palms of your hands facing downwards while doing this.

•Now slowly begin to straighten your legs and use them to pull your shoulders towards the floor.

•Let your forehead or chin touch the floor or alternatively, let your head hang downwards.

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5. Supta Kurmasana(Reclining Turtle


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6. Balasana(Childs Pose)

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Steps Start by kneeling on your hands and knees.

Release your toes on the floor and separate your knees about hip width apart.

As you exhale, slowly lower your buttocks towards your heels feeling the tailbone lengthen away from the back of your pelvis.

As your torso folds over your thighs, lengthen the back of your neck before your forehead rests on the floor.

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Lay your arms by the thighs with palms facing up and feel how the weight of your shoulders lightly spreads the shoulder blades.

Take several slow breaths into the belly and lower your back as you rest here.

As you exit, inhale and lengthen the torso forward over the thighs and rise up as the tailbone presses down into the pelvis and towards the heels.

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7. Baddha Konasana(Bound Angle Pose)

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Sit in dandasana

Pull in your feet and place the soles of the feet together, as close as possible to your pelvis, let the knees fall out to your sides.

Release your groins, the head of the thigh bones, and allow the knees to relax down as well, don’t push them.

Hold your big toes with the first two fingers and your thumb, or hold the outsides of your feet.

Keep your pelvis level, sit with a straight back.

Special Indication


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The Visceral organs are

massaged, in particular Pancreas Spleen Kidney Liver Reproductive organs Adrenal glands and Abdominal muscle

Good for digestive disorder

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Common Indication

Digestive disorder




Loss of appetite

Reproductive organs


Sexual disorders

For women

Regulate menstrual cycle

can relieved

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