as troc ytes

Astrocytes (also known collecti vely as astroglia) are characteristic star-shaped glial  cells in the brain and spinal cord. They perform many functions, including biochemical support of endothelial cells which form the blood-br ain barrier, provision of nutrients to the nervous tissue, maintenance of extracellular ion balance, and a principal role in the rep air and sca rri ng pr ocess of the br ain an d spi nal cor d follo win g traumatic injuries. Research since the mid-1990s has shown that astrocytes propagate intercellular Ca 2+ waves over long distances in response to stimulation, and, similar to neurons, release transmitters (called gliotransmitters) in a Ca 2+ -dependent manner. Data suggest that astrocytes also signal to neurons through Ca 2+ -dependent release of  glutamate. [1] Such discoveries have turned astrocyte research into a rapidly growing field of neuroscience . Isolated Astrocyte shown with confocal microsco py. Image: MacLean and Ivey Description Astrocytes are a sub-type of glial cells in the central nervous system.  They are also known as astrocytic glial cells. Star-shaped, their many processes envelope synapses made by neurons. Astrocytes ar e class ical ly ide ntif ied usin g histo log ical ana lysis ; many of thes e cell s express the intermediate filament glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP).  Three forms of astrocytes exist in the

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Astrocytes (also known collectively as astroglia) are characteristic

star-shaped glial cells in the brain and spinal cord. They perform many

functions, including biochemical support of endothelial cells which form

the blood-brain barrier, provision of nutrients to the nervous tissue,

maintenance of extracellular ion balance, and a principal role in the

repair and scarring process of the brain and spinal cord following

traumatic injuries.

Research since the mid-1990s has shown that astrocytes propagate

intercellular Ca2+ waves over long distances in response to stimulation,

and, similar to neurons, release transmitters (called gliotransmitters) in

a Ca2+-dependent manner. Data suggest that astrocytes also signal to

neurons through Ca2+-dependent release of glutamate.[1] Such

discoveries have turned astrocyte research into a rapidly growing field

of neuroscience.

Isolated Astrocyte shown with confocal microscopy. Image: MacLean

and IveyDescription

Astrocytes are a sub-type of glial cells in the central nervous system. They are also known as astrocytic glial cells. Star-shaped, their many

processes envelope synapses made by neurons. Astrocytes are

classically identified using histological analysis; many of these cells

express the intermediate filament glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP).

 Three forms of astrocytes exist in the

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CNS, fibrous, protoplasmic and radial. The fibrous glia are usually

located within white matter, have relatively few organelles, and exhibit

long unbranched cellular processes. This type often has "vascular feet"

that physically connect the cells to the outside of capillary wall when

they are in close proximity to them. The protoplasmic glia are found in

grey matter tissue, possess a larger quantity of organelles, and exhibit

short and highly branched cellular processes. Lastly, the radial glia are

disposed in a plane perpendicular to axis of ventricles. One of their

processes about the pia mater, while the other is deeply buried in gray

matter. Radial glia are mostly present during development, playing a

role in neuron migration. Mueller cells of retina and Bergmann glia cells

of cerebellar cortex represent an exception, being present still during

adulthood. When in proximity to the pia mater, all three forms of astrocytes send out process to form the pia-glial membrane.

Astrocytes (red) amongst neurons in the living cerebral cortex

Previously in medical science, the neuronal network was considered

the only important one, and astrocytes were looked upon as gap fillers.

More recently, the function of astrocytes has been reconsidered, [2] and

are now thought to play a number of active roles in the brain, including

the secretion or absorption of neural transmitters and maintenance of 

the blood-brain barrier.[3] Following on this idea the concept of a

"tripartite synapse" has been proposed, referring to the tight

relationship occurring at synapses among a presynaptic element, apostsynaptic element and a glial element..[4]


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Metabolic interactions between astrocytes and neurons. From a

computational study by Çakιr et al., 2007.

Structural: involved in the physical structuring of the brain.

Metabolic support: they provide neurons with nutrients such

as lactate.

Blood-brain barrier: the astrocyte end-feet

encircling endothelial cells were thought to aid in the maintenance

of the blood-brain barrier, but recent research indicates that they do

not play a substantial role; instead it is the tight junctions and basal 

lamina of the cerebral endothelial cells that play the most

substantial role in maintaining the barrier.[citation needed] However, it has

recently been shown that astrocyte activity is linked to blood flow in

the brain, and that this is what is actually being measured in fMRI.[5]

Transmitter reuptake and release: astrocytes express

plasma membrane transporters such as glutamate transporters for

several neurotransmitters, including glutamate, ATP and GABA.

More recently, astrocytes were shown to release glutamate

or ATP in a vesicular, Ca2+-dependent manner.[6]

Regulation of ion concentration in the extracellular space:

astrocytes express potassium channels at a high density. When

neurons are active, they release potassium, increasing the local

extracellular concentration. Because astrocytes are highly

permeable to potassium, they rapidly clear the excess accumulation

in the extracellular space. If this function is interfered with, the

extracellular concentration of potassium will rise, leading to

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neuronal depolarization by the Goldman equation. Abnormal

accumulation of extracellular potassium is well known to result in

epileptic neuronal activity.[citation needed]

Modulation of synaptic transmission: in the supraoptic 

nucleus of the hypothalamus, rapid changes in astrocyte

morphology have been shown to affect heterosynaptic transmission

between neurons.[7] In the hippocampus, astrocytes suppress

synaptic transmission by releasing ATP, which

is hydrolyzedby ectonucliotidases to yield adenosine. Adenosine

acts on neuronal adenosine receptors to inhibit synaptic

transmission, thereby increasing thedynamic range available

for LTP.[8]

Vasomodulation: astrocytes may serve as intermediaries inneuronal regulation of blood flow.[9]

Promotion of the myelinating activity

of oligodendrocytes: electrical activity in neurons causes them to

release ATP, which serves as an important stimulus for myelin to

form. Surprisingly, the ATP does not act directly on

oligodendrocytes. Instead it causes astrocytes to secrete cytokine

leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF), a regulatory protein that promotes

the myelinating activity of oligodendrocytes. This suggest that

astrocytes have an executive-coordinating role in the brain. [10]

Nervous system repair: upon injury to nerve cells within the

central nervous system, astrocytes become phagocytic to ingest the

injured nerve cells. The astrocytes then fill up the space to form

a glial scar, repairing the area and replacing the CNS cells that

cannot regenerate.[citation needed]

Recent studies have shown that astrocytes play an important function

in the regulation of neural stem cells. Research from the Schepens Eye

Research Institute at Harvard shows the human brain to abound in

neural stem cells, which are kept in a dormant state by chemical

signals (ephrin-A2 and ephrin-A3) from the astrocytes. The astrocytes

are able to activate the stem cells to transform into working neurons

by dampening the release of ephrin-A2 and ephrin-A3.[citation needed]

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Furthermore, studies are underway to determine whether astroglia

play an instrumental role in depression, based on the link between

diabetes and depression. Altered CNS glucose metabolism is seen in

both these conditions, and the astroglial cells are the only cells

with insulin receptors in the brain.

Calcium waves

Astrocytes are linked by gap junctions, creating an electrically

coupled syncytium.[11]

An increase in intracellular calcium concentration can propagate

outwards through this syncytium. Mechanisms of calcium wave

propagation include diffusion of IP3 through gap junctions and

extracellular ATP signalling.


Calcium elevations are the primaryknown axis of activation in astrocytes, and are necessary and sufficient

for some types of astrocytic glutamate release.[13]


 There are several different ways to classify astrocytes:

by Lineage and antigenic phenotype

 These have been established by classic work by Raff et al. in early

1980s on Rat optic nerves.

 Type 1: Antigenically Ran2+, GFAP+, FGFR3+, A2B5- thus

resembling the "type 1 astrocyte" of the postnatal day 7 rat optic

nerve. These can arise from the tripotential glial restricted

precursor cells (GRP), but not from the bipotential O2A/OPC

(oligodendrocyte, type 2 astrocyte precursor, also

called Oligodendrocyte progenitor cell) cells.

 Type 2: Antigenically A2B5+, GFAP+, FGFR3-, Ran 2-. These cells

can develop in vitro from the either tripotential GRP (probably via

O2A stage) or from bipotential O2A cells (which some

people[who?] think may in turn have been derived from the GRP) or in

vivo when the these progenitor cells are transplanted into lesion

sites (but probably not in normal development, at least not in the

rat optic nerve). Type-2 astrocytes are the major astrocytic

component in postnatal optic nerve cultures that are generated by

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O2A cells grown in the presence of fetal calf serum but are not

thought to exist in vivo (Fulton et al., 1992).

by Anatomical Classification

Protoplasmic: found in grey matter and have many branching

processes whose end-feet envelop synapses. Some protoplasmic

astrocytes are generated by multipotent subventricular 

zone progenitor cells.[14][15]

Gömöri-positive astrocytes. These are a subset of protoplasmic

astrocytes that contain numerous cytoplasmic inclusions, or

granules, that stain positively with Gömöri's chrome-alum

hematoxylin stain. It is now known that these granules are formedfrom the remnants of degenerating mitochondria engulfed within

lysosomes [16], Some type of oxidative stress appears to be

responsible for the mitochondrial damage within these specialized

astrocytes. Gömöri-positive astrocytes are much more abundant

within the arcuate nucleus of the hypothalamus and in the

hippocampus than in other brain regions. They may have a role in

regulating the response of the hypothalamus to glucose [17][18].

Fibrous: found in white matter and have long thin unbranchedprocesses whose end-feet envelop nodes of Ranvier.[19] Some

fibrous astrocytes are generated by radial glia.[20][21][22][23][24]

by Transporter/receptor classification

GluT type: express glutamate transporters (EAAT1/SLC1A3 and

EAAT2/SLC1A2) and respond to synaptic release of glutamate by

transporter currents

GluR type: express glutamate receptors (mostly mGluR and AMPA type) and respond to synaptic

release of glutamate by channel-mediated currents and IP3-

dependent Ca2+ transients

Bergmann glia

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SLC1A3 expression highlights Bergmann glia in the brain of a mouse at

7th postnatal day, sagittal section.

Bergmann glia, a type of glia[25][26] also known as radial epithelial cells

(as named by Camillo Golgi) or Golgi epithelial cells (GCEs; not to bemixed up with Golgi cells), are astrocytes in the cerebellum that have

their cell bodies in the Purkinje cell layer and processes that extend

into the molecular layer, terminating with bulbous endfeet at

thepial surface. Bergmann glia express high densities of glutamate 

transporters that limit diffusion of  

the neurotransmitter glutamate during its release from synaptic

terminals. Besides their role in early development of the cerebellum,

Bergmann glia are also required for the pruning or addition

of synapses.[citation needed]


Astrocytomas are primary intracranial tumors derived from astrocytes

cells of the brain. It is also possible that glial progenitors or neural

stem cells give rise to astrocytomas.

The Tripartite Synapse

Within the dorsal horn of the spinal cord, activated astrocytes have the

ability to respond to almost all neurotransmitters (Haydon, 2001) and,

upon activation, release a multitude of neuroactive molecules such

as glutamate, ATP, nitric oxide (NO), prostaglandins (PG), and D-

serine which in turn influences neuronal excitability. The close

association between astrocytes

and presynaptic and postsynaptic terminals as well as their ability to

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integrate synaptic activity and release neuromodulators has been

termed the “tripartite synapse” (Halassa et al., 2006). Synaptic

modulation by astrocytes takes place because of this 3-part


Astrocytes in chronic pain sensitization

Under normal conditions, pain conduction begins with some noxious

signal followed by an action potential carried by nociceptive (pain

sensing) afferent neurons, which elicit excitatory postsynaptic 

potentials(EPSP) in the dorsal horn of the spinal cord. That message is

then relayed to the cerebral cortex, where we translate those EPSPs

into “pain.” Since the discovery of astrocytic influence, our

understanding of the conduction of pain has been dramatically

complicated. Pain processing is no longer seen as a repetitive relay of 

signals from body to brain, but as a complex system that can be up

and down-regulated by a number of different factors. One factor at the

forefront of recent research is in the pain potentiating synapse located

in the dorsal horn of the spinal cord and the role of astrocytes

encapsulating these synapses. Garrison and co-workers (Garrison,

1991) were the first to suggest association when they found a

correlation between astrocyte hypertrophy in the dorsal horn of the

spinal cord and hypersensitivity to pain after peripheral nerve injury;typically considered an indicator of glial activation after injury.

Astrocytes detect neuronal activity and can release chemical

transmitters, which in turn control synaptic activity (Volters and

Meldolesi, 2005; Haydon, 2001; Fellin, et al., 2006). In the

past, hyperalgesia was thought to be modulated by the release

of substance P and excitatory amino acids (EAA), such as glutamate,

from the presynaptic afferent nerve terminals in the spinal cord dorsal

horn. Subsequent activation of AMPA (α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-

isoxazole proprionic acid), NMDA (N-methyl-D-aspartate)

and kainate subtypes of ionotropic glutamate receptors follows. It is

the activation of these receptors that potentiates the pain signal up the

spinal cord. This idea, although very true, is an oversimplification of 

pain transduction. A litany of other neurotransmitter and

neuromodulators, such as calcitonin gene related peptide (CGRP),

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adenosine triphosphate (ATP), brain derived neurotrophic 

factor (BDNF), somatostatin, vasoactive intestinal 

peptide (VIP), galanin, andvasopressin are all synthesized and released

in response to noxious stimuli. In addition to each of these regulatory

factors, several other interactions between pain transmitting neurons

and other neurons in the dorsal horn have added impact on pain


Two states of persistent pain

"OUCH!! That spot's tender"

After persistent peripheral tissue damage there is a release of several

factors from the injured tissue as well as in the spinal dorsal horn.

 These factors increase the responsiveness of the dorsal horn pain-

projection neurons to ensuing stimuli, termed “spinal sensitization,”

thus amplifying the pain impulse to the brain. Release of glutamate,

substance P, and calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) mediates

NMDAR activation (originally silent because it is plugged by Mg2+)

thus aiding in depolarization of the postsynaptic pain transmitting

neurons (PTN). In addition, activation of IP3 signaling

and MAPKs (mitogen-activated protein kinases) such as ERK and JNK ,

bring about an increase in the synthesis of inflammatory factors that

alter glutamate transporter function. ERK also further activatesAMPARs and NMDARs in neurons. Nociception is further sensitized by

the association of ATP and substance P with their respective receptors,

[[P2X3]] and neurokinin 1 receptor (NK1R), as well as activation

of metabotropic glutamate receptors and release of BDNF. Persistent

presence of glutamate in the synapse eventually results in

dysregulation of GLT1 and GLAST, crucial transporters of glutamate

into astrocytes. Ongoing excitation can also induce ERK and JNK 

activation resulting in release of several inflammatory factors.

"This pain just won't go away"

As noxious pain is sustained, spinal sensitization

creates transcriptional changes in the neurons of the dorsal horn that

lead to altered function for extended periods. Mobilization of Ca2+

from internal stores results from persistent synaptic activity and leads

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to the release of glutamate, ATP, tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α),

interleukin 1β (IL-1β), IL-6, nitric oxide (NO) and prostaglandin E2

(PGE2). Activated astrocytes are also a source of matrix 

metalloproteinase 2 (MMP2), which induces pro-IL-1β cleavage and

sustains astrocyte activation. In this chronic signaling pathway p38 is

activated as a result of IL-1β signaling, and there is a presence of 

chemokines which trigger their receptors to become active. Lastly, in

response to nerve damage, heat shock proteins (HSP) are released and

can bind to their respective TLRs leading to further activation.

Neuroscience: Astrocytes as aide-mémoires

Memory formation is known to occur at the level of synapticcontacts between neurons. It therefore comes as a surprise

that another type of brain cell, the astrocyte, is also involved

in establishing memory.

Memory is the result of long-lasting changes in synaptic activity usually

involving the activation of NMDA receptors (NMDARs) — a special class

of receptor for the excitatory neurotransmitter glutamate. Memory

formation has always been thought to depend on events occurring

exclusively in neurons.

ASTROCYTESAstrocytes (star cells) have radiallyarranged processes. Theircytoplasm contains intermediatefilaments composed of a distinctprotein, glial fibrillary acidicprotein (GFAP). Antibodies againstthis protein are routinely used todemonstrate reactive and neoplastic

astrocytes. Historically, GFAP wasthe first immunostain to be used.During brain development,

astrocytic processes (radial glia) guide neurons in their migrationfrom the wall of the ventricles to the cortex. Radial glia are also asource of neuronal and astrocytic stem cells in the developing brain.


aroundcapillary-GFAP Astrocyte-GFAP

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In the mature brain, there aremany more astrocytes thanneurons. The network of astrocytic processes formsthe infrastructure on which all

other CNS cells and vessels areanchored. Astrocytic processesare intertwined with neurons,axons, and myelin; they coverdendrites and synapses; theysurround brain capillaries;interdigitating astrocytic

processes form a thick layer on the surface of the CNS, the glialimitans. This layer seals the surface of the CNS and dips into braintissue along the perivascular (Virchow-Robin) spaces.Astrocytic foot processes surround brain capillaries and, during

development, induce endothelial cells to form tight junctions. Theendothelial tight junctions are the basis of the blood-brain barrier, asystem of controlled transcapillary transport which maintainshomeostasis in the CNS. Endothelial tight junctions are found only inbrain capillaries. Loss of the integrity of the endothelial barrier causesfluid to leak into the interstitial space, leading to vasogenic cerebral edema. This raises intracranial pressure and can collapse braincapillaries, resulting in arrest of cerebral perfusion. Cerebral edema iscaused by a variety of pathological processes, including ischemicinsults, inflammation, and malignant brain tumors whose capillaries donot have tight junctions. Astrocytes are less vulnerable than neurons to

ischemic injury but they are damaged if there is lactic acidosis. Suchdamage causes intracellular fluid accumulation (cytotoxic edema).Cytotoxic edema involves the cerebral cortex, whereas vasogenicedema is more pronounced in the white matter. Vasogenic edema ismore important clinically than cytotoxic edema.

 Through their extensive contacts and interactions with neurons andvessels astrocytes play a very important role in the function of the CNSin addition to providing structural support. They take up K+ that isreleased during neuronal activity thus maintaining ion balance in theextracellular fluid. The small amount of glycogen that is present in

astrocytes is the only form of stored energy in the CNS and can beused when neuronal activity demands it. More important, the couplingof astrocytes to synapses and vessels facilitates the entry of glucoseinto the CNS in response to neuronal activity. They take upand recycle GABA and glutamate that are released at synapticclefts. Glutamate is converted to glutamine by glutamine synthetase.Glutamine is then released into the extracellular space, taken up byneurons, and converted to glutamate by glutaminase. Astrocytes also

Glia limitans


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produce new glutamate from glucose via the tricarboxylic acid cycle. This replenishes glutamate lost through oxidative degradation. Withoutastrocytes, neurons would not have their most importantneurotransmitter. In addition, astrocytes influence synaptic activity byreleasing glutamate directly into the extracellular space.



Alzheimer II astrocytes

When neurons are lost and brain tissue is damaged from whatever

cause, astrocytes proliferate, fill the gaps, and restore CSF-brain andblood-brain barriers. This process, which is called gliosis, is for theCNS what scarring is for extraneural tissues. Astrocytes participating ingliosis are referred to as reactive astrocytes. They have a largecytoplasmic mass, long, branching processes, and increasedcytoplasmic filaments. Such astrocytes are also knownas gemistocytic astrocytes from a Greek word that means to fill up.In acute metabolic disorders such as hepatic encephalopathy,hyperammonemia, and cerebral ischemia, astrocytes enlarge. Theirnuclei are large and appear clear in H&E stains. In hyperammonemia,they also accumulate glycogen. Such cells are calledAlzheimer type

II astrocytes. This probably reflects a poorly understood role of astrocytes in metabolic dysfunction.

Rosenthal fibers are homogeneous, eosinophilic, elongated, orglobular inclusions in astrocytic processes. They have a filamentousand granular structure and contain GFAP. They are seen in old brainscars dating back to childhood, and in some low-grade astrocytomas.Mutations of GFAP cause Alexander disease, characterized by diffusedeposition of Rosenthal fibers, resulting in white matter degenerationand neurological dysfunction. Corpora amylacea are sphericalintracytoplasmic bodies of carbohydrate polymers that develop in

Rosental fibers Rosental fiber-EM Corpora amylacea

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astrocytic processes with advancing age. They have no pathologicalsignificance. The astrocyte is the cell in the adult mammalian brainmost capable of undergoing mitosis. Most brain tumors are derivedfrom astrocytes (astrocytomas).

Background Two critical challenges in developing cell-transplantation therapies forinjured or diseased tissues are to identify optimal cells and harmfulside effects. This is of particular concern in the case of spinal cordinjury, where recent studies have shown that transplantedneuroepithelial stem cells can generate pain syndromes.

ResultsWe have previously shown that astrocytes derived from glial-restrictedprecursor cells (GRPs) treated with bone morphogenetic protein-4(BMP-4) can promote robust axon regeneration and functional recovery

when transplanted into rat spinal cord injuries. In contrast, we nowshow that transplantation of GRP-derived astrocytes (GDAs) generatedby exposure to the gp130 agonist ciliary neurotrophic factor (GDAsCNTF),the other major signaling pathway involved in astrogenesis, results infailure of axon regeneration and functional recovery. Moreover,transplantation of GDACNTF cells promoted the onset of mechanicalallodynia and thermal hyperalgesia at 2 weeks after injury, an effectthat persisted through 5 weeks post-injury. Delayed onset of similarneuropathic pain was also caused by transplantation of undifferentiated GRPs. In contrast, rats transplanted with GDAsBMP didnot exhibit pain syndromes.

ConclusionOur results show that not all astrocytes derived from embryonicprecursors are equally beneficial for spinal cord repair and theyprovide the first identification of a differentiated neural cell type thatcan cause pain syndromes on transplantation into the damaged spinalcord, emphasizing the importance of evaluating the capacity of candidate cells to cause allodynia before initiating clinical trials. Theyalso confirm the particular promise of GDAs treated with bonemorphogenetic protein for spinal cord injury repair.


 Two critical challenges that must be addressed in the development of cell-based tissue repair strategies are the identification of optimal celltypes and the identification of instances in which cell transplantationmay create severe adverse side effects. The first problem is importantbecause of the considerable resources that will be required to establishclinical efficacy of putative treatments. The second problem is perhaps

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of even greater importance, because adverse outcomes in clinical trialscould seriously hinder the development of stem cell technology fortissue repair.

Diseases of the central nervous system (CNS) are of particular interest

as candidates for clinical evaluation of cell transplantation therapies,with the treatment of spinal cord injury being one of the primarytargets for early translation of laboratory efforts to clinical trials. Avariety of cell types of both non-CNS and CNS origin, such as Schwanncells [1], olfactory ensheathing glia [2], marrow stromal cells [3,4] andoligodendrocyte progenitor cells [5], are being considered for clinicaltrial to treat spinal cord injuries. One of the most attractive reasons forconsidering the use of non-CNS cells such as Schwann cells, olfactoryensheathing cells and marrow stromal cells for CNS repair has beentheir relative ease of isolation compared to cells of CNS origin.However, continuing advances in stem cell technology are making the

goal of utilizing CNS cell types to repair the injured CNS more readilyattainable.

One new potential candidate for use in CNS repair is a population of astrocytes that is derived by treatment of glial progenitor cells (GRPs)of the embryonic spinal cord with bone morphogenetic protein (BMP)before transplantation. We call this astrocyte population GDAsBMP. Thereplacement of damaged neurons and oligodendrocytes in the injuredor diseased spinal cord has been pursued by a number of laboratories(reviewed in [6]), but less attention has been given to the developmentof astrocyte replacement therapies, despite the fact that astrocytes

account for the majority of cells in the adult CNS [7] and are critical tonormal CNS function [8]. This relative lack of attention is probably dueto the modest levels of axon regeneration and lack of functionalrecovery seen after transplantation into the injured CNS of astrocytesisolated from the immature cortex [9-12]. Factors such ascontamination with microglia and undifferentiated progenitors,isolation from cortex rather than spinal cord, and a phenotype that isless supportive of axon growth (resulting from the prolonged invitro growth required to generate postnatal astrocyte cultures) [13],may have rendered these glial cultures suboptimal for repairing theinjured adult spinal cord.

In contrast to the lack of effect of astrocyte transplantation in previousstudies, GDAsBMP promote robust axon regeneration, neuroprotectionand functional recovery after acute spinal cord injury [14]. The abilityto generate specific subtypes of astrocytes from defined glialprecursors provides a new platform for the development of astrocyte-based transplantation therapies for the injured adult CNS. Transplantation of GDAsBMP to acute transection injuries of adult rat

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spinal cord promoted first, a 39% efficiency of endogenous ascendingdorsal column axon regeneration across sites of injury; second,protection of axotomized red nucleus neurons; third, a significantreduction of inhibitory scar formation; and fourth, a degree of behavioral recovery from dorsolateral funiculus injuries that enabled

rats to generate an average score by 4 weeks after transplantationthat was statistically indistinguishable from that obtained for uninjuredanimals on a stringent test of volitional foot placement [14]. Moreover,this strategy allows the rapid generation of astrocytes directly fromembryonic precursor cells, thus eliminating the use of the prolonged invitro purification procedures that result in a phenotype that is lesssupportive of axon growth [13].

Recent studies demonstrating the ability of transplantedneuroepithelial stem cells (NSCs) to cause pain syndromes in animalswith spinal cord injury have, however, raised concerns that the

astrocytes generated by transplanted stem or progenitor cells mightcause adverse effects that outweigh any benefits. Two recent studieshave shown that transplantation of NSCs into acute spinal cord injuriesin rats promotes the onset of both mechanical allodynia (a painfulresponse to normally non-painful touch stimuli) and thermalhyperalgesia (abnormal sensitivity to heat) [15,16]. These adverse sideeffects correlated with the differentiation of the transplanted NSCs intoastrocytes, and were prevented by the suppression of astrocytegeneration by overexpression of the transcription factor neurogenin-2in the transplanted NSCs [15]. It was therefore very important todetermine whether transplantation of astrocytes, or of precursor cells

capable of generating astrocytes, would promote the onset of allodynia, or whether this is a problem unique to the transplantation of NSCs.

 The study reported here was carried out to determine whether allastrocytes generated from GRPs [17] were equally able to promoterepair of adult injured spinal cord. Two types of astrocytes can begenerated from embryonic spinal GRPs – GDAsBMP andGDAsCNTF(astrocytes derived from the gp130 receptor agonist ciliaryneurotrophic factor (CNTF)). We found that transplantation of thesetwo types of astrocytes into acute spinal cord injuries (Figure 1)

yielded significantly different outcomes. In contrast to GDAsBMP

, wefound that GDAsCNTF provided no benefit and, more importantly,transplantation of either GDAsCNTF or undifferentiated GRPs causedneuropathic pain. Our results also confirm earlier work [14] showingthat transplantation of GDAsBMP generated by controlled pre-differentiation of GRPs can provide substantial benefits after spinalcord injury and that this pre-differentiation can avoid the problem of transplanted glial precursors themselves causing pain syndromes.

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