art history exam prep

Artis t: Courbet Title: The Stone Breakers Period/Style: 19th c en tury, Fren ch Realism Count ry: Fra nce Artist: Daumier Title: Rue Trans nsnoni an, L e 15 Avril 1 834 Period/Style: 19th century, French Reali sm Country: France Artist: Bonheur Title: Plo wing i n the Niver nais: The Dress ing of the Vines Period/Style: 19th century, French Naturalism Country: France  Arth Exam 3 (Final) Friday, April 23, 2010 2:18 PM Art h Ex am 3 Page 1

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Page 1: Art History Exam Prep

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Artist: Courbet

Title: The Stone Breakers

Period/Style:19th cen tury, French Realism

Country: France

Artist: Daumier

Title: Rue Trans nsnoni an, Le 15 Avril 1834

Period/Style: 19th century, French Realism

Country: France

Artist: Bonheur

Title:Plowing in the Nivernais: The Dressing of the Vines

Period/Style:19th century, French Na turalism

Country: France


Arth Exam 3 (Final)Friday, April 23, 2010

2:18 PM

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Artis t: Manet

Title: Olympia

Period/Style: 19th century, None

Country: France

Artis t: Monet

Title: Gare St-Lazare

Period/Style: 19th century, Impress ioni sm

Country: France

Artis t: Cass at

Title: Maternal Caress

Period/Style: 19th century, Impress ioni sm

Country: France

Artist: Cezanne

Title: Mont Sa inte-Victoire

Period/Style: 19th modernis m, Post-Impressi onism

Country: France

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Artist: Van Gogh

Title: The Starry Night

Period/Style: 19th modernis m, Post-Impressi onism

Country: France

Artis t: Rodin

Title: Burghers of Cala is

Period/Style: 19th modernism, Post-Impressi onism

Country: France

Artist: Sulli van

Title: Wai nwright Buil ding

Period/Style: 19th modernism, Chi cago School

Country: US, St. Louis

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Artis t: Picas so

Title: Guernica

Period/Style: Early 20th modernis m, None

Country: France

Artist: Matisse

Title: The Joy Of Life

Period/Style: Early 20th modernism, French Fauves

Country: France

Artis t: Kirchner

Title: Street, Berli n

Period/Style: Early 20th modernis m, German Die Brucke

Country: Germany

Artist: Modersohn-Becker

Title: Self-Portrait with an Amber Neckla ce

Period/Style: Early 20th modernis m, German Expressi onism

Country: Germany

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Artis t: Picas so

Title: Led Demoiselles d'Avignon

Period/Style: Early 20th modernism, Pre Cubist

Country: France

Artist: Braque

Title: Viol in a nd PalettePeriod/Style: Early 20th modernism, Analytic


Artis t: Picas so

Title: Glass Bottle of the Suze

Period/Style: Early 20th modernism, Synthetic Cubism

Country: France

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Artist: Bocci oni

Title: Unique forms of Continui ty in Space

Period/Style: Early 20th modernism, Ital ian Futuris m

Country: Ital y

Artist: Duchamp

Title: FountainPeriod/Style: Early 20th modernism, Dada

Country: Italy

Artis t: Kahlo

Title: The Two Fridas

Period/Style: Early 20th modernis m, Mexican Modernism

Country: Mexico

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Artist: Le Corbusi er

Title: Vill a Savoye

Period/Style: Early 20th modernism, International Style

Country: France

Artist: Wright

Title: The Kaufman House

Period/Style: Early 20th modernsi m, Organic Architecture

Country: Falling water, PA, United States

Artis t: Ernst

Title: The Horde

Period/Style: Early 20th modernis m, Surrealis m

Country: Germany

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Artist: Pollock

Title: Autumn Rhythm No. 30

Period/Style: Late Modernism, Abstract Expressi onism

Country: United States

Artist: Lichtenstein

Title: Oh, Jeff..I Love you. Too, but...

Period/Style: Late Modernism, American Pop

Country: United States

Artist: Judd

Title: Untitled

Period/Style: Late Modernis m, Mini mali sm

Country: United States

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Artis t: Gehry

Title: Gugenheim Museum

Period/Style: postmodernis m, Deconstructivis t

Country: Spain