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Spatio-temporal patterns in late-glacial and Holocene vegetation and climate of Finnmark, northernmost Europe Brian Huntley 1* , Antony J. Long 2 and Judy R.M. Allen 1 1 School of Biological and Biomedical Sciences, Durham University, South Road, Durham DH1 3LE, United Kingdom 2 Department of Geography, Durham University, South Road, Durham DH1 3LE, United Kingdom * Corresponding author: [email protected]

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Page 1:  · Web view1 School of Biological and Biomedical Sciences, Durham University, South Road, Durham DH1 3LE, United Kingdom

Spatio-temporal patterns in late-glacial and Holocene vegetation and climate

of Finnmark, northernmost Europe

Brian Huntley1*, Antony J. Long2 and Judy R.M. Allen1

1 School of Biological and Biomedical Sciences, Durham University, South Road, Durham DH1

3LE, United Kingdom

2 Department of Geography, Durham University, South Road, Durham DH1 3LE, United Kingdom

* Corresponding author: [email protected]

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Huntley, Long & Allen

Supplementary Information


Table S1: Sediment lithology at liten Čap’pesjav’ri

Table S2: Sediment lithology at over Gunnarsfjorden

Table S3: Sediment lithology at over Kobbkrokvatnet

Table S4: 14C age estimates for liten Čap’pesjav’ri

Table S5: 14C age estimates for over Gunnarsfjorden

Table S6: 14C age estimates for over Kobbkrokvatnet


Figure S1: Pollen accumulation rate diagram for liten Čap’pesjav’ri

Figure S2: Pollen accumulation rate diagram for over Gunnarsfjorden

Figure S3: Pollen accumulation rate diagram for over Kobbkrokvatnet


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Spatio-temporal patterns in late-glacial and Holocene vegetation and climate of Finnmark

Table S1: Sediment lithology at liten Čap’pesjav’ri


Age(Lower Boundary)†

(cal yr BP)

Age(Upper Boundary)†

(cal yr BP)General description

Troels-Smith Notation

(Troels-Smith, 1955)Munsell colour‡

448 – 0 1198511780 – 12194 -51

Homogenous, fine algal gyttja. Increasingly less consolidated in upper 20 cm of core. Occasional narrow bands of moss.

Ld42 Lso2Tb0+2.5Y 3/2

very dark greyish brown

449 – 448 1202511810 – 12229

1198511780 – 12194 Discrete moss* layer. Tb04 2.5Y 3/2

very dark grey

462 – 449 1259112378 – 12754

1202511810 – 12229 Finely laminated silty gyttja. Ld42Ag2

2.5Y 3/2very dark greyish


463 – -462 1262412385 – 12763

1258712378 – 12754 Greasy black sand. Gmin4 2.5Y 2/0


479 – -462 1301812842 – 13212

1262412385 – 12763

Silty clay with moss* fragments throughout and discrete lenses of moss. Ag2As1Tb01 2.5Y 4/2

dark greyish brown

487 – 479 1317312995 – 13341

1301812842 – 13212 Unhumified moss* with silty clay. Tb03As1Ag+ 5Y 4/2

olive grey

517 – 479 1393113542 – 14424

1317312995 – 13341

Laminated silty clay with narrow layers of moss*.


5Y 4/2olive grey

>517 – 517 >14000 1393113542 – 14424 Wet sandy silty clay. Ag2As1Gmin1 5Y 3/2

dark olive grey

† See Table S4 and text for description of how ages were assigned.

‡ Colours determined using Munsell Soil Color Charts (1975) published by Macbeth Division of Kollmorgen Corporation, 2441 North Calvert Street, Baltimore,

Maryland 21218. U.S.A.

* Moss remains were mixtures of various Scorpidium, Calliergon and Drepanocladus species.


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Huntley, Long & Allen

Table S2: Sediment lithology at over Gunnarsfjorden


Age(Lower Boundary)†

(cal yr BP)

Age(Upper Boundary)†

(cal yr BP)General description

Troels-Smith Notation

(Troels-Smith, 1955)Munsell colour‡

72 – 0 17091608 – 1798 -50

Homogenous, wet, fine algal gyttja. Increasingly less consolidated towards top of core.

Ld42 Lso2 5Y 3/2dark olive grey

118 – 72 47114571 – 4854

17091608 – 1798

Homogenous fine algal gyttja; faintly laminated. Ld42 Lso2 5Y 3/2

dark olive grey

185 – 118 82627882 – 8453

47114571 – 4854

Homogenous clayey algal gyttja; faintly, diffusely laminated. Ld41 Lso2 Ag1 As+ 2.5Y 4/2

dark greyish brown

207 – 185 94599182 – 10073

82627882 – 8453

Coarsely laminated gyttja: alternating layers of more algal and more clayey-silt rich sediments; contacts diffuse.

Ld41 Lso2 Ag1 As+ / 

Ld42 Lso2 As+

5Y 3/2 / 2.5Y 4/2dark olive grey / dark greyish brown

215 – 207 96849255 – 10526

94599182 – 10073 Unhumified moss* in clay matrix. Tb02 As2

5Y 4/1dark grey

(clay matrix)

223 – 215 >12250 96849255 – 10526

Unhumified moss* in flattened layers, plus clay. Tb03 As1

5Y 4/1dark grey


236 – 223 >12250 >12250 Clayey silt with black streaks. Ag2 As25Y 3/1 / 2.5Y 2/0very dark grey / 


>236 >12250 >12250 Sandy clay overlying bedrock. As3 Gs1 Ga+ 5Y 4/1dark grey

† See Table S5 and text for description of how ages were assigned.

‡ Colours determined using Munsell Soil Color Charts (1975) published by Macbeth Division of Kollmorgen Corporation, 2441 North Calvert Street, Baltimore,

Maryland 21218. U.S.A.

* Moss remains were mixtures of various Scorpidium, Calliergon and Drepanocladus species.


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Spatio-temporal patterns in late-glacial and Holocene vegetation and climate of Finnmark

Table S3: Sediment lithology at over Kobbkrokvatnet


Age(Lower Boundary)†

(cal BP)

Age(Upper Boundary)†

(cal BP)General description

Troels-Smith Notation

(Troels-Smith, 1955)Munsell colour‡

430 – 0 96129543 – 9802 -51

Homogenous algal gyttja. Less consolidated towards the top of core. Vague colour banding.

Ld44 Lso+

5Y 4/2olive gray and

2.5Y 4/2 dark grayish brown

478 – 430 1330513161 – 13822

96129543 – 9802

Laminated silty-clay and gyttja with narrow bands of unhumified moss*. Diatoms indicate fresh water conditions.


2.5Y 5/2grayish brown

521 – 478 1391513300 – 15453

1330513161 – 13822

Clay with grey and black laminae. Diatoms suggest brackish water conditions. As4Lso+

2.5Y 6/0gray and 2.5Y 2/0


527 – 521 1399313312 – 15631

1391513300 – 15453

Grey clay mottled with black clay. No diatoms. As4

2.5Y 6/0gray and 2.5Y 2/0


551 – 527 >14000 1399313312 – 15631

Homogenous thixotropic clay (oxidising to 10R 5/3 weak red). No diatoms. As4 10R 5/1

reddish gray

† See Table S6 and text for description of how ages were assigned.

‡ Colours determined using Munsell Soil Color Charts (1975) published by Macbeth Division of Kollmorgen Corporation, 2441 North Calvert Street, Baltimore,

Maryland 21218. U.S.A.

* Moss remains were mixtures of various Scorpidium, Calliergon and Drepanocladus species.


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Huntley, Long & Allen

Table S4: 14C age estimates for liten Čap’pesjav’ri



Thickness(cm) Material used to obtain age estimate

Dry weight


Laboratory Number

14C age(yr BP)

Standard deviation


δ13C vPDB

(‰ ± 0·1)

Bchron calibrated age(cal. yr BP)

2·5% 50·0% 97·5%

37·0 1 Higher plant leaf and woody fragments, Empetrum leaf fragments 4·5 SUERC-28433 1093 36 -29·3 937 1001 1076

51·5 2 Higher plant leaf and woody fragments, Empetrum leaf fragments 4·9 SUERC-24394 1452 37 -29·0 1300 1343 1404

78·0 1 Higher plant leaf and woody fragments, bark fragments, Empetrum leaves 11·3 SUERC-28434 2202 37 -27·6 2124 2230 2322

93·0 1 Higher plant leaf and woody fragments, Empetrum leaves, Vaccinium myrtillus twig 7·2 SUERC-24395 2686 36 -28·9 2751 2789 2856

125·0 1 Higher plant leaf and woody fragments, Empetrum leaves 4·0 SUERC-22623 3355 36 -27·0 3487 3595 3685

148·0 1 Higher plant leaf and woody fragments, Empetrum leaves, Empetrum fruit stone 3·5 SUERC-22626 3800 37 -27·0 4076 4188 4353

170·0 1 Higher plant leaf and woody fragments, Empetrum leaves 4·1 SUERC-22627 4147 38 -27·0 4548 4689 4820

192·0 1 Leaf fragments, Empetrum leaves, small twigs 16·3 SUERC-22628 4761 38 -27·5 5337 5516 5583

225·0 1 Higher plant leaf and woody fragments, Empetrum leaves 4·7 SUERC-22629 5389 35 -28·1 6029 6211 6277

250·0 1 Higher plant leaf and woody fragments, Empetrum leaves 10·0 SUERC-22630 5959 37 -28·8 6688 6787 6887

275·0 1Higher plant leaf and woody fragments, Empetrum leaves, Cyperaceae seed (trigonous)

8·5 SUERC-22631 6454 38 -27·2 7287 7368 7427

305·0 1 Higher plant leaf and woody fragments, Empetrum leaves, Betula (tree) fruits 15·0 SUERC-22632 6991 39 -28·2 7717 7828 7926

329·0 1 Higher plant leaf and woody fragments, Empetrum leaves 6·2 SUERC-24386 7684 41 -28·4 8407 8471 8558


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Spatio-temporal patterns in late-glacial and Holocene vegetation and climate of Finnmark

Table S4: 14C age estimates for liten Čap’pesjav’ri (continued)



Thickness(cm) Material used to obtain age estimate

Dry weight


Laboratory Number

14C age(yr BP)

Standard deviation


δ13C vPDB

(‰ ± 0·1)

Bchron calibrated age(cal. yr BP)

2·5% 50·0% 97·5%

350·0 1 Higher plant leaf and woody fragments, Empetrum leaves, Betula (tree) fruits 10·0 SUERC-22633 8060 41 -29·4 8780 8986 9086

375·0 1Higher plant leaf and woody fragments, Empetrum leaves, Betula (tree) fruit, Betula nana leaf

7·3 SUERC-23061 8508 40 -27·8 9462 9508 9539

383·0 1 Twig, leaf and woody fragments 17·3 SUERC-28435 8852 43 -27·5 9739 9981 10152423·0 1 Higher plant leaf and woody fragments 5·6 SUERC-24396 9544 43 -28·4 10714 10920 11084445·0 1 Moss - black stems 8·2 SUERC-23062 10125 45 -25·3 11452 11768 11974454·0 1 Moss - black stems 8·9 SUERC-24399 10406 46 -29·8 12097 12277 12507

465·0 1 Moss (Scorpidium-Calliergon-Drepanocladus complex) 51·7 SUERC-24400 10961 47 -24·0 12671 12822 13043

492·5 2 Moss (Scorpidium-Calliergon-Drepanocladus complex) 14·0 AA-49011 11389 77 -25·0 13123 13259 13408


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Huntley, Long & Allen

Table S5: 14C age estimates for over Gunnarsfjorden



Thickness(cm) Material used to obtain age estimate

Dry weight


Laboratory Number

14C age(yr BP)

Standard deviation


δ13C vPDB

(‰ ± 0·1)

Bchron calibrated age(cal. yr BP)

2·5% 50·0% 97·5%

28·5 1 Betula twig, woody fragments and Empetrum leaves 4·5 Ua-21959 680 45 -26·5 560 642 691

41·5 1 Betula twig, woody fragments and Empetrum leaves 3·7 Ua-21960 1070 50 -25·5 899 985 1113

51·0 3 Woody fragments, Empetrum leaves and leaf fragments 4·3 SUERC-31164 1284 35 -26·8 1114 1227 1283

63·5 1 Woody fragments, Empetrum leaves and leaf fragments 6·7 Ua-21961 1740 55 -28·7 1539 1652 1807

77·5 1 Woody fragments and Empetrum leaves 15·5 Ua-21962 1855 45 -26·8 1668 1790 1884

82·0 2 Woody fragments, Empetrum leaves and Betula nana leaf fragments 8·8 SUERC-23072 1909 35 -26·7 1745 1854 1931

89·0 2 Woody fragments, Empetrum leaves and fruit stone, leaf fragments 3·7 SUERC-28437 2258 38 -26·2 2160 2239 2340

96·5 1 Empetrum leaves· cf. Betula nana leaf fragments, other leaf fragments 6·2 SUERC-28438 2565 38 -27·3 2505 2705 2750

104·0 2 Woody fragments, Empetrum leaves and leaf fragments 5·4 SUERC-31165 3435 35 -26·6 3596 3693 3820

111·0 4Woody fragments, Empetrum leaves, Vaccinium vitis-idaea leaf and leaf fragments

4·4 SUERC-31166 3741 37 -26·3 3986 4096 4222

116·5 1 Twig, woody fragments, Empetrum and Juniperus leaves, leaf fragments 13·2 Ua-21963 4170 60 -26·2 4532 4698 4833

122·5 1 Empetrum leaves and plant debris 6·3 Ua-21964 4290 55 -26·6 4663 4861 5022

127·5 1 Woody fragments, Empetrum leaves and leaf fragments 9·6 AA-49006 4514 35 -28·1 5046 5161 5297

136·5 1 Woody fragments, Empetrum leaves and moss fragments 4·9 Ua-21965 4810 55 -26·7 5343 5525 5642


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Spatio-temporal patterns in late-glacial and Holocene vegetation and climate of Finnmark

Table S5: 14C age estimates for over Gunnarsfjorden (continued)



Thickness(cm) Material used to obtain age estimate

Dry weight


Laboratory Number

14C age(yr BP)

Standard deviation


δ13C vPDB

(‰ ± 0·1)

Bchron calibrated age(cal. yr BP)

2·5% 50·0% 97·5%

145·5 1 Woody pieces, Empetrum leaves and Empetrum fruit stone 9·3 Ua-21966 5275 55 -26·8 5932 6060 6201

162·5 3 Woody fragments, Empetrum leaves, leaf and moss fragments 4·8 SUERC-31167 6013 36 -27·1 6756 6853 6946

165·0 2 Vaccinium myrtillus twig, Empetrum leaves, leaf and moss fragments 3·6 SUERC-28436 6118 54 -26·2 6843 7005 7156

184·3a 5·5 Empetrum leaves and stone, leaf fragments, woody fragments 3·3 SUERC-31168 8690 40 -27·0 9553 9630 9807

191·5 2 Vaccinium myrtillus twig, Empetrum leaves, leaf fragments 1·9 SUERC-31169 7656 38 -27·0 8392 8443 8537

197·5 1 Leaf fragments (mostly cf. Betula (tree)) 4·5 SUERC-31172 8194 39 -27·0 9031 9144 9278200·0 2 Leaf fragments and wood 3·4 Ua-21967 7940 105 -28·2 8544 8794 9061208·0b 2 Moss fragments 62·0 Ua-21968 10615 85 -28·9 12234 12548 12691222·0b 2 Moss fragments 60·0 Beta-144238 10580 90 -26·1 12163 12501 12661

a 14C age estimate marked as an outlier in the Bchron input file; b 14C age estimate not used in construction of the Holocene chronology.


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Huntley, Long & Allen

Table S6: 14C age estimates for over Kobbkrokvatnet



Thickness(cm) Material used to obtain age estimate

Dry weight


Laboratory Number

14C age(yr BP)

Standard deviation


δ13C vPDB

(‰ ± 0·1)

Bchron calibrated age(cal. yr BP)

2·5% 50·0% 97·5%

56·5 1 Empetrum leaves, leaf fragments 14·3 SUERC-24389 1321 35 -23·5 1181 1259 1296

90·5 2Higher plant leaf and woody fragments, Empetrum fruit stone, Ranunculus achenes, Betula (tree) fruit

9·6 SUERC-24390 2316 38 -24·4 2184 2337 2437

137·5 2Higher plant leaf fragments, cf. Betula (tree) leaf, Empetrum fruit stones, half a Ranunculus achene

5·5 SUERC-24391 2949 36 -28·1 2990 3120 3238

152·5 2

Higher plant leaf and woody fragments, Empetrum leaves and fruit stone, Ranunculus seed, Cyperaceae seed (trigonous)

3·2 SUERC-28428 3212 38 -26·4 3369 3427 3545

190·5 2 Higher plant leaf and woody fragments, Empetrum leaves, Empetrum fruit stones 6·1 SUERC-23063 4112 35 -26·8 4525 4639 4806

224·5 2 Empetrum fruit stones, leaf and woody fragments 5·8 SUERC-31158 4536 38 -25·7 5053 5159 5310

245·5 2Higher plant leaf and woody fragments, Empetrum leaves and fruit stone, Cyperaceae seed (trigonous)

5·1 SUERC-23064 4764 35 -27·4 5339 5516 5584

265·0 1Higher plant leaf fragments, cf. Betula (tree) leaf, Empetrum fruit stones, cf. Vaccinium leaf

9·3 SUERC-23065 5090 35 -27·0 5748 5815 5911

289·0 1Higher plant leaf fragments, cf. Betula (tree) leaf, Empetrum fruit stone and leaf fragments

6·7 SUERC-23068 5237 39 -27·6 5924 5987 6169

319·5 2 Higher plant leaf fragments, Betula (tree) fruits 5·5 SUERC-31159 5997 37 -28·2 6744 6836 6936

330·5a 2 Higher plant leaf fragments, Betula (tree) fruits 6·0 SUERC-24392 6700 39 -28·1 7495 7571 7645


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Spatio-temporal patterns in late-glacial and Holocene vegetation and climate of Finnmark

Table S6: 14C age estimates for over Kobbkrokvatnet (continued)



Thickness(cm) Material used to obtain age estimate

Dry weight


Laboratory Number

14C age(yr BP)

Standard deviation


δ13C vPDB

(‰ ± 0·1)

Bchron calibrated age(cal. yr BP)

2·5% 50·0% 97·5%

358·0 1Twigs & woody fragments, higher plant leaf fragments, Betula undiff. fruit, Empetrum fruit stone

10·1 SUERC-23069 6734 40 -29·3 7520 7599 7663

370·5 2 Higher plant leaf and woody fragments, Betula (tree) fruit, Empetrum fruit stone 3·9 SUERC-28431 7066 36 -26·7 7817 7893 7959

388·0 1 Higher plant leaf and woody fragments, Empetrum fruit stones, Betula (tree) fruit 4·5 SUERC-28432 7529 40 -26·1 8219 8357 8402

409·5 2 Higher plant leaf fragments, Arctostaphylos alpinus seeds 4·2 SUERC-26070 7920 39 -31·0 8615 8747 8969

427·5 1 Higher plant leaf fragments, Betula nana leaf 5·2 SUERC-31162 8541 40 -29·8 9480 9522 9549

438·0 2 Higher plant leaf and woody fragments, Betula (tree) fruits 4·5 SUERC-31163 8875 38 -27·3 9788 10022 10161

449·5 2Higher plant leaf fragments, Empetrum fruit stone and flower bud, Vaccinium myrtillus twigs, Betula nana leaves and seed

7·8 SUERC-23071 9205 41 -25·6 10256 10362 10494

468·0 2 Mixed bryophytes 68·3 SUERC-24393 10547 44 -28·2 12406 12502 12605475·5 1 Mixed bryophytes 44·3 AA-49005 11389 54 -26·5 13141 13260 13384

a 14C age estimate marked as an outlier in the Bchron input file


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Huntley, Long & Allen

Figure S1: Pollen accumulation rate diagram for liten Čap’pesjav’ri


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Spatio-temporal patterns in late-glacial and Holocene vegetation and climate of Finnmark

Figure S2: Pollen accumulation rate diagram for over Gunnarsfjorden


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Huntley, Long & Allen

Figure S3: Pollen accumulation rate diagram for over Kobbkrokvatnet


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Spatio-temporal patterns in late-glacial and Holocene vegetation and climate of Finnmark


Troels-Smith, J., 1955. Karakterisering af lose jordater (Characterization of unconsolidated sediments).

Danm. Geol. Unders. IV 3, 1-73.