arrows constitution

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  • 7/29/2019 Arrows Constitution


    ConstitutionndBvlawsArticle IArticles of agreement

    Name: The nameof the organisations theRedditchArrows AmericanFootballClub.Purpose: Thepurposeof the organisations to provideparticipation n American Footballfor all agegroupswithin theRedditcharea.Offrce: The organisationsheadquarters hall be determinedby the committee.Amendments:The ConstitutionandBylaws of the organisationmaybe amended nly after hefollowins:

    t. sluu.irrion.All proposedamendments hallbe submittedn writing to a memberof theboardnot later han 14 daysbeforea generalmeeting.2. Adoption.Theproposed mendment,ogetherwith the opinion of the board,shallbereadat thegeneralmeetingand5lYoof the vote of all memberspresent orby proxy) shallbe necessaryor the adoptionof the saidamendment.

    Article IIThe Board

    Section1. Composition.Theboard shall consistof 4 electedmembers f the organisation ndoneappointedmember:The Chairman,Vice Chairman,Secretary, reasurer nd heHeadCoachwhowill be appointed y the aforementionedoardmembers.Section2. Duties.TheBoard shall havecompletecontrol andmanagement f the organisations ffairs,fundsandpropertyand shall exercise ll powerspossessedy the organisationtself, nas far as such delegationof authorities s consistentwith the laws of GreatBritain, withthe Articles of Agreementor with theseBylaws. Theboard shallexercise ts duties n amannerconsistentwith thepurposes f the organisation, eeping n mind that theassociations not organisedor profit.Section3. Vacancies.

    Any vacancy occurring betweenannualelectionsas a result of death, ncapacity,resignation r other suchcauses,maybe filled by nominationof a candidate y a memberof the board and by a majorityvote of the boardmembers t a properlyconstituted

  • 7/29/2019 Arrows Constitution


    meetingof the board.Section4. 1 elt appropriate y the Chairmanat aplacedesignated y theChairman'Theboardshallhold a meetingat least hirty daysprior to trtl annualgeneralmeetingunlessan extraordinarymeeting s calledat which time theboardmustmeetbefore he meeting s convened.Section5. Proxy Voting.Any boardmembernot present t a meetingwill be permitted o voteby proxy by filingnoticeof suchdesirewith the Secretary t Gaston. i,ow before he meetingof theboardanddesignatingwho shallhold theproxy. Only oneproxy may be heldby a boardmember.Section6. Quorum.A majority of the boardshallconstitute quorumat anymeetingof the board.A majorityof the quorumpresentshalldecideanyactionor matteibroughibefore he meeting.Section7

    Minutesof theMeeting.The Secretary il l be thedesignated erson o take he minutesof the meetins

    Article II IBoardMembersSection Eligibility.To be eligible or election o theboard,a personmustbe a fully paidup memberof theorganisation ndproposed ndseconded y two other ully puia Term of Office.The term of office of eachelectedmemberof theboardshallbe for oneyear,ortheperiodbetween he annualgeneralmeetingsexcept he HeadCoactr t or. tenureshallbeuntil such imesas he/she esignsor is removedby theboard.Shouldany memberof theboardcommit an act hat s contrary o the constitutionof the o.gunirutionor British Law,that personshallbe removed rom theboardwith immediateefdct.Section . Nominations.Nominations or election o theboardcanbe made n writing to theChairmanbefore heAnnual GeneralMeetingor maybe made rom the floor of the meetins.Section4. Duties.Chairman.The Chairmanshallwhen present, reside t all meetingof theboardandall meetingofthe membership, ndshallperformsuchotherdutiesas he boardshallsee it.Secretary.The Secretary hallbe thepoint of contact or all mailing pertaining o the

  • 7/29/2019 Arrows Constitution


    organisation, e/she hall ake he minutesat all meetings,whenpresent,anddistributesaidminutes o the board.He/sheshallproduce he agenda nconjunctionwith all boardmembersor all meetingsand distribute hem at leastone dayprior to the meeting.Treasurer.The Treasurer hallhave he custodyof the funds of the organisation nd shallhaveand exercise nder he supervision f the boardall the powersand dutiescommonly ncident o his/heroffice.He/shewill depositall fundsof the organisationn suchbank or banksor buildingsocieties or the organisation. e/shemay,on behalfof the organisation, ndorsefor depositor collectionof all cheques, otesand otherobligationspayable o theorganisation r its ordersandmayacceptdraftson behalf hereof.He/sheshallkeepaccurate ooksof propertyof the organisationogetherwith all other of itsaccountof corporateransactions, hich booksshallbe the property n hispossessionhallbe subjectat all times o the inspection ndcontrol of the board.All cheques: re o countersignedy boardmembersasnominatedby the board.Vice- Chairman.The Vice Chairmanshallassistandsubstituten the absence f the Chairman.And carry out anyother dutiesas requiredby the board.HeadCoach.TheHeadcoachshallbe responsibleor al l mattersconcerning ssues elating othe playingof AmericanFootball.He/shewill be responsibleor the developmentof playersandcoaches t all levelswithin the organisation.

    Article IVCommitteesSection1. Committees:Committeesand ts members hallbe appointed y the board o oversee spects fthe organisationwhere heboard eels hat the expertise r workloaddictates.

    ArticleVGeneralmeetingsSection. AnnualGeneralMeetings:TheAnnualGeneralMeeting hallbeheldat aplace nd imesetby theboardandnotifiedo themembershipt east 0days efore uchmeetingsto takeplace.Section . Extra-ordinary eneralMeetings.An EGM maybecalled etween GM'sby a majority oteof theboard, r apetitiono theboard y one enthof thecurrentmembership.Section . Quorum.A quorum hallconsist f one enthof themembership.

  • 7/29/2019 Arrows Constitution


    ArticleVIMembershipSection Membership:Membership f the organisations openo anyonewhetherplayer,coach, fficial,Volunteeror general upporter f AmericanFootball.

    ArticleVIIFiscal earThe iscalyearof theorganisationhallendwith the31stdayof Decembern each ear.Withintwo monthsof the endof the organisationaliscalyear, heTreasurerhallsubmitaccount o theboard.Shouldor any easonwhatsoeverhe organisationeaseo exist, he assets ndpropertyof the organisationhallbecomeheproperty f theBritishAmerican ootballAssociationordisposal s heysee it.

    ArticleVIIIInspection fbooksandpapers.All books, apers nddocumentsf anykindanddescriptionelongingo the organisationwhetherocatedat he address f the reasurer, r elsewhere,hallbeopen o inspection y themembers f the boardor any ull paidmember t a time andplacearranged y theboard,provided14daysnotice n writinghasbeengiven o theboardor its agents.