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1/19/2018 Arnaud Mennonite Church 2017 Annual Report Book

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Arnaud Mennonite Church2017 Annual Report Book

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Annual Report Book AgendaJanuary 19, 2018

1. Call to order- Chair Brad Friesen

2. Opening – Pastor Gloria Beck

3. Adoption of Agenda

4. Approval of minutes from January 27, 2017 annual meeting p. 3

5. Approval of minutes from November 17, 2017 congregational meeting p. 5

6. Reports

a) Pastor’s report p. 7

b) Congregational and Community Care report p. 8

ACF financial report -not included account closed in 2017.

c) Worship Committee report p. 8

d) Business and Maintence Report, cemetery report p. 11

e) Children and Youth Committee, Sunday school financial (will be added at meeting) p. 12

7. Motion to accept reports

8. Recommendations arising from the reports

9. Treasurer Report p.13

10. Presentation and approval of budget p. 20

11. Auditors report p. 21

12. Group reorganization

13. Membership list p.23


14. Election: Open positions: Co-Chair, Treasurer, Secretary, Deacons.

14. AMC Council and Church Contact list p. 22

15. New business

a. Pastor review and recommendation

b. Sound system recommendation

c. 75th anniversary plans

d. Motion to destroy ballots

16. Motion to Adjourn

17. Closing- Deacon


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2017 Arnaud Mennonite Church Annual Meeting Minutes January 27, 2017 Attendance 24 members and 4 adherents 1. Call to order – Harold Penner 7:05 p.m.

2. Opening – Pastor Gloria Beck had a reading of Cory and the Apple tree. We reap what others have sown for us and we need to continue to plant to provide future fruit for others. Psalms 1 reminding us to make fruit where we are planted. She concluded with prayer.

3. Agenda was accepted as circulated.

4. Approval of minutes from January 23, 2016 annual meeting and May 29, and November 18 congregational meetings. Moved by Cheryl Janzen and seconded by Cyndee Holdnick, Carried.

6. Reports

a) Pastor’s report – Gloria asked if there were questions and there was none.

b) Congregational and Community Care report. Nitha highlighted this report. Some discussion of the remaining Arnaud Christian Fellowship funds. As there is less than three hundred dollars in this account, the ladies will continue to use these funds for their projects with the plan to put the remaining funds into the general fund at the end of the 2017 year.

c) Worship Committee report Marianne Penner presented this report. Marianne also sent around an update sheet for the church address book.

d) Business and Maintence Report – Brad presented this report with nothing to add and asked for questions.

e) Children and Youth Committee – Edith presented this report, with Roxanne submitting the financial records.

7. Motion to accept reports – Moved by Brad Friesen, seconded by Marianne Penner. Carried.

8. Recommendations arising from the reports – none.

9. Treasurer Report – Cyndee Holdnick presented this noting that next year the building will be amortized $5000 per year and the equipment line will be removed as depreciated. Major expenses are the cost of roof, eaves and a lift repair. Also it was noted that the Steinbach Mennonite church returned funds as they are no longer buying Camp Moose Lake. These funds were added to our income as a returned cheque. Motion to accept report by Cyndee Holdnick, seconded by Janice Maynard. Carried.

10. Presentation and approval of budget – discussion of the new subtotal line before the mission and conference dues. Motion: To approve the budget as distributed with the understanding that lines 5911,5931,5941, and 5936 to be approved at November meeting to determine the value to be distributed. Moved by Cyndee Holdnick, seconded by Roxanne Schlorff. Carried.


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As follow-up Council will verify what is the recommended amount of dues should be for AMC to submit on a yearly basis to the Mennonite Church Conference.

11. Auditors report – this was omitted in error in the report book. Auditor’s report was read aloud by Harold Penner. Moved for the acceptance of this report as submitted by Kendra Penner and Cyndee Holdnick.

12. Group reorganization- Cheryl Janzen lead the discussion with members working in the four focus groups (Congregational and Community Care, Worship, Business and Maintenance, Children and Youth). After reviewing each group in a jigsaw activity. Each group reformed, choosing a Chair, Council rep and a few meeting dates for the year. Dates to be posted in the bulletins.

Future meeting dates:

Congregational and Community Care: Feb. 12 and March 12 after church

Worship: Feb. 27, May 8, August 21 and October 23 at 8 pm

Business and Maintenance: April 9 and August 13 at 9:30 am

Children and Youth: Feb. 5 at 9 am, March 19 at 9 am, April 20 at 7 pm.

Break 13. AMC Council and Church Council list – Motion to approve of the revised AMC Council and contact list. Moved by Janice Maynard and Marianne Penner. Updated list will be posted.

14. New business

a. Council goals for year: Cheryl highlighted that in the council upcoming agendas for 2017 council will be talking about the topic of a Living Will for AMC as well as amending the policy handbook to review current AMC practise.

b. Motion to destroy ballots – no ballots used so no motion needed.

15. Motion to Adjourn at 9:06 pm

16. Closing- Deacon- Andrea Thiessen


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Nov. Cong. Meeting AgendaNov. 17, 2017

7:30 p.m.

Attendees:20 Members and 1 adherent

1. Chair – Harold called meeting to order at 7:06

2. Opening-GloriaMemories of the railway track. Remembering stories of the trains. Stop, Look and Listen. We are stop and take inventory, and look focus on Jesus for guidance Psalm 104 and we need to listen and all the voices to what is God calling us to do.

3. Agenda – Harold Open for members to bring other concerns for the table.

4. Pastor review – Cheryl updated on Pastor evaluation review and Harold vote on contract in January. - Cheryl review of what we are working on.

5. Financial Report- Cyndee HoldnickBalance sheet: note more money in bank account as we have not distributed moneys to the conference as of yet due to the changes we made in our budget.Income: higher than last year but still under budgeted amount.Expenses: Bills will come for water yet, on track with other expenses, some above budget expenses noted in pastor’s expenses due to last year’s cost accounted for in this year.

6. Mission DistributionCyndee presented the mission distribution that the council has reviewed and presented to the council. After some discussion and changes. Move as amended by Brad Friesen, John N. Janzen seconded.Council will top up the conference portion based on what is left at end of the year.

7. Pastor Salary Ratification Cyndee reviewed the spreadsheet of pastor’s wage and benefits.Motion to accept the presented wages Dennis, Shawn Holdnick Carried


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8. Constitutional changes- Harold reviewed that these constitutional changes based on how we are doing.

Questions were asked about changes that were made.Motion to change the constitution as per distributed: Cyndee Holdnick, Fred Schlorff. Carried

9. Open positions: Historian and Treasurer are two positions that will need to be filled. Reminder to discuss open positions with each other so we can fill these positions.

10. Reports in by December 15.

11. What do we want to do for a 75th for AMC which is coming in two years?

12. Committees going well. The current structure of committees is working well.

13. January Meeting Date - Jan 19, 2017 7 pm

14. Closing- deacon – Marianne Penner Statement of Covenant reading as closing prayer.

Adjourned 7:59, coffee and snacks followed.


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Pastor’s Report – 2017

“Therefore know that the Lord your God, He is God, the faithful God who keeps covenant and mercy for a thousand generations with those who love Him and keep His commandments.” Deuteronomy 7:9

Time flies when you are having fun. The busyness of the season and year end reports always seem to catch me by surprise. Yet they are useful in that they allow us a moment to reflect on the many ways God has been at work in Arnaud Mennonite Church this past year.

I am thankful for the many ways this congregation has reached out in ministry this past year. The fellowship meals and visitations planned and put on by Congregational & Community Care group. The youth activities, retreats, and programs creatively planned by Children & Youth. The Worship Team finding new ways to bring the gospel alive in our worship. And the stability of our Business and Maintenance Group as they keep the buildings and business end of our church running smoothly.

We are a small congregation. There have been bumps and uncertainty along the way this year. Moments of wondering if we are still viable. But as we look through these reports it is quite amazing to see all that we have gotten done. The variety of interests included and people willing to contribute whatever gifts or willingness they have to offer the church have blessed me.

Thankful and energized by each one of you, I look forward to how God will be revealed to be at work in the congregation at Arnaud Mennonite Church in 2018.

Coveting your prayers as we walk together,

Gloria Beck

Congregational and Community Care Report 2017


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Margaret Kathler agreed to act as our chair and Roxanne is our representative on council.We offered to help the Boschmann family while Ewald struggles with health issues. February we served Shrove Tuesday (Monday) meal, made more special by Art Enns presentation of his involvement with Zambian orphans.April – Easter Brunch, and a potluck on the 23rd to discuss our “small groups”.Planned Promotion Sunday lunch in September and Thanksgiving meal in October.Visited some shut-ins and plan to do more of that in the coming months.December 3, 1st Advent with lunch after worship. Afternoon activities include Christmas tree decorating, board games, and ornament making.A New Years pot luck is planned with games and visiting.Thank you all for donating your time and food and decorating gifts.

Worship Team Annual Report for 2017

Our year started off on a bit of an unexpected note, with Harold Penner and Art Enns needing to do pulpit fill because Pastor Gloria was unable to talk without producing a coughing fit. Always good to have people comfortable with last minute changes on your team.Melissa Miller was our guest speaker in January. Glen & MaryAnne Calder came to share in February about their trip to visit their son in Egypt.Willard Metzler, Mennonite Church Canada Executive Minister, came to share with us in March.During Lent we began a sermon series on Conditioning our Souls and people from the congregation volunteered to make the bulletin covers.In April Sol Janzen came to deliver our morning message.For our Good Friday service, we used Carol Penner’s program called “A Funeral for Jesus” with lots of positive feedback.Dan Drouin, from St. Pierre Youth for Christ, brought the message for our May speaker.Cheryl Pauls, President of CMU came to speak in June, during both Sunday school and worship.


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We focused a Sunday around the refugee crisis and the children had fun taking up a noisy offering that was matched by people in the congregation as well as the Canadian Food Bank.Summer finds many families taking in some much-needed vacation time between seeding and harvest. This often makes it difficult to find people available to help out with the worship service. So, this year we experimented with cancelling worship services for both the July long and August long weekends. Matt & Cheryl Peters came to share about their work with Winnipeg youth in September. It was also a time when many of the youth from Arnaud shared about their summer camping experiences.Our Thanksgiving Celebration was held on the actual thanksgiving weekend, which was a change from previous years when we had it the weekend after. This came with mixed reviews so we may need to revisit this decision in the coming year. The congregation once again turned in pictures from their year in review and Cyndee Holdnick put together another wonderful video presentation that was enjoyed by all.For our October Mission Sunday, we invited two refugees, now living in Winnipeg, to be our guest speakers. Muhur Haileyesus and Filmon Alay Aradom shared from their own experiences, helping us better understand the refugee crisis in our world today.Mike Doerksen, from Kingdom Adventures, came to share the many ways he experienced God at work during his quest of kayaking all the way to Hudson Bay.And once again, people submitted pictures of friends and loved ones who passed away this year, and Marianne Penner put together a memorial presentation that was shared the last Sunday of November.December has us looking forward to hearing Andrea Thiessen speak, the Children’s program on Christmas Eve, and planning for the Christmas Day service. We welcomed Adrian Thiessen into our membership through baptism and he has put his creative gifts to use by putting our scriptures on the screen, updating cables and mics, and doing a great job with our audio-visual elements. Even makes a pretty good story teller for our Advent children’s time.Margret Janzen has served as our representative to Church Council this year, as well as faithfully picking out most of the songs we sing during each worship services.It has been a fun and growing year of worship together. A big thank you to all who had a part in leading God’s people in worship this past year.Submitted by Gloria Beck

Tried a bible study centered around the sermon topic for the coming weekPut visitor cards in the pews


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Marianne purchased a new nativity scene for the churchEternity Sunday

Margret Janzen served as our council repThank you to Adrian for being willing to put the scripture passages on the screen.Cables for Apple users – Adrian to check into costs

June 4th. baptism and communion – service is plannedJune 11th. – Liam, Jordan, & Zach sharing on their future plansJune 18th. – Cheryl Pauls, President CMU coming to speak in SS, as well as in

church service, followed by BBQ lunchJune 25th. – grad weekend

July 2 – AMC closed for long weekendJuly 9 – Ecumenical service at DC cancelledAugust 6 – AMC closed for long weekend

June 25 – World Refugee day-- having a service of helping refugees, have a “noisy” offering

Thanksgiving – AMC celebration of Thanksgiving be held on October 8, 2017 -- strong feeling that the picture presentation should continue.-- Cyndee is willing to put together again, with music at Arts request!!!!-- as the summer evolves – look for theme for presentation-- worship team to remind others and themselves to take pictures of people

and what they are involved in. eg. The Fillions with their horses, Jake Peters as an usher

-- would be nice to have a picture of everyone in the congregation.

September 10 – promotion Sunday. Worship service begins at 10am., followed by intergenerational Sunday school in the basement. Lunch after that.

September 24 – Matthew Peters speaking. Ask him to lead some camp songs with guitar?

Also ask those AMC children that went to camp to share.

October 8 – Thanksgiving service with lunch at church.The decision was made to keep the service on the long weekend, and change

for next year if complaints are heard.Theme; -- use new camp song “Gonna take a Chance”. And use some version

of that as theme.


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November 26 – Remembrance Sunday. Again do a picture presentation of all friends and family that have passed away during the year.

Marianne to put together.

Nov. 19 – guest speaker Mike DoerksenNov. 26 – Eternity Sunday – Marianne is working on picture presentationDec. 24 – Andrea will be the guest speaker

Gloria is home in Ohio.Regular Sunday Morning with Sunday school and church

Dec. 25 – Margret E. and Marianne to plan serviceStart is 10:30am.

Children’s feature – woodworker – Adrian. Wonder and worship – same people each time

Business and Maintenance Report 2017

Our Church has potable water at last yeah. We were hooked up this summer. Another accomplishment this year is getting blueprints for the elevator electrical. We had an elevator repairman come and repair the elevator and was nice enough to bring 3 copies of the blueprints. One copy is in the pastor’s office, one is in the elevator and I have a copy (Brad Friesen). We also ordered 2 cordless microphone headsets to replace the broken one. Grass mowing and snow clearing seem to be done in a timely fashion. We are on better financial footing this year than we were last year at this time which is also good news. The bad news is we are still struggling to fill vacant positions. We are searching for a treasurer and will need a historian after the retirement of Mr. John N. Janzen. We would like to thank those presently serving and those finishing positions for all their hard work making this church function.

Submitted by Brad for Business and Maintenance committee

Cemetery report for 2017

We lost a member this year Walter Enns passed away. The funeral was in Winnipeg and burial in Elm Creek. We are also hoping to do a clean up project this summer including cutting branches and leveling dirt. The cutting of grass has gone well thank you to all the hard workers. Art Kathler and Brad Friesen

2017 Youth/Children Committee

This year our committee consisted of Shawn Holdnick, Ann Fillion, Kendra Penner, Janice Maynard


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(chair), Megan Schlorff and Edith Friesen (co-chair). Unfortunately, we had to say goodbye to Megan who we want to thank for her service.

The year started with finding teachers of the spring quarter. The teachers were Wendy Kathler in the elementary class, Janice Maynard and Ann Fillion shared the Upper elementary class and Kendra Penner Youth class.

Planning was made for Palm Sunday.

Mothers’ day consisted of a breakfast prepared by the Youth and “prayer boxes” were made and handed out to Mothers by the younger classes. An “I love you because” video was made and presented on Mothers’ Day.

A lunch BBQ was organized for Fathers’ Day. A craft was made by the upper elementary class. They made a “Dad’s Stache” bag and cookies were added to the bags. The elementary class had a poem reading for the dads.

The June Sunday School was based around the theme “Fishers of men”. The basement was decorated with Under the Sea theme. Three sessions were planned: Jonah and the Whale, Fishers of Men and Red Sea.

Another Youth retreat was held at Cheryl and Dennis Janzen’s cabin. Youths (11-18 years old) were invited. Devotionals were planned by Brad Friesen, Shawn Holdnick, Corey Maynard, and Adrian Thiessen. Scavenger hunt and games were also organized. The retreat was held July 17-19. We want to thank Cheryl and Dennis for letting us use their cabin once again this year.

We carried out our “Fishers of Men” theme for promotion Sunday. Fishing games, fishing stories and collage were organized. A lunch was provided. No bibles were giving out this fall. The SS teachers for the fall and winter quarters were Janice Maynard, Ann Fillion, Edith Friesen, Shawn Holdnick and Kendra Penner.

September 24th was Camp Sunday. We had youth come up during the service and talk about their Summer Camps and Youth retreat.

Kendra Penner is now the Children and Youth rep on council. We want to thank Meagan Schlorff who had to step down from this position.

A progressive dinner is planned for the Youths. The event will take place December 22nd.

The SS classes will be presenting “12 Symbols of Christmas” on December 24 th.

We want to thank all of you who have donated your time to teach Sunday School this year.

God bless you,

Respectably presented by the Children/Youth Committee.

2017 Treasurer’s Report


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Once again it is time for the yearly AMC financial reports & reflections.

2017 saw a fairly “status quo” financial year, with no major expenses to note. AMC now has water hookup, with the infrastructure expense to be paid with our taxes beginning in 2018. Thus the 2018 budget has a much higher amount for water expense then we have seen in the past.

We have also begun the amortization process on our books, at 5% per year for the church building and 10% per year for church equipment, so these expenses are noted as new line items. As such, our income and expense reports will show a large expense yearly, but I have broken out these numbers as well to show the functioning (cash) net income for the year.

You will note a slightly different budget format for this upcoming year. We have combined/removed some line items to form a larger budget for 3 new categories (worship, congregation and community care, children and youth) to better reflect how our congregation functions. These lines are not lost, but are amalgamated to give groups more control over how funds are distributed.

My report includes the:

- Balance Sheet- Income & Expense Statement- Income & Expense Graph- Annual Attendance & Collection Amounts- Mission Distribution- Annual Budget

Thank you again to everyone for your continued generosity in support of AMC.

Submitted by: Cyndee Holdnick


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Arnaud Mennonite Church

Income and Expense Statement (UNAUDITED)

January 2017 - December 2017


Fund 04 -




Contributions $71,325.39 $4,195.00


Cash collections $4,074.33 $0.00 $4,074.33 Designated Donations $2,463.40 $46.13 $2,509.53

Subtotal Contributions $77,863.12 $4,241.13


MISCELLANEOUS INCOME Interest Earnings $7.94 $7.94 Other income $117.34 $117.34 Subtotal Miscellaneous Income $125.28 $125.28

TOTAL INCOME $77,988.40 $4,241.13


EXPENSES GENERAL EXPENSES OFFICE & ADMINISTRATION Bank Charges $198.98 $198.98 Office expenses $523.09 $523.09 Accounting & Legal $235.00 $235.00 Mileage & Gas $1,275.03 $1,275.03 Subtotal Office & Administration $2,232.10 $2,232.10

PASTORS SALARIES & BENEFI $36,344.88 $36,344.88

CARETAKER CONTRACT $2,100.00 $2,100.00

UTILITIES Hydro - Church - 29 Smith $5,368.81 $5,368.81 Water $191.08 $191.08 Telephone $822.15 $822.15 Internet $968.40 $968.40 Website $35.69 $35.69 Subtotal Utilities $7,386.13 $7,386.13

CHURCH BUILDING Church Bldg & Yard R&M $72.89 $72.89 Church Insurance & taxes $3,843.48 $3,843.48 Church Equipment R & M $1,118.24 $1,118.24

Church Building Amort $14,371.61 $14,371.61

Church Equip Amort $4,589.10 $4,589.10

Subtotal Church Building $23,995.32 $23,995.32

SERVICE & EDUCATION Guests $853.59 $853.59 Sunday School $756.43 $756.43

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AMC Expenses



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Date Attendance Collection2017-01-01 30 385.00$ Reconciliation:2017-01-08 48 370.00$ Collection Total 75,211.60$ (Sunday offerings)2017-01-15 45 523.00$ 46.13$ Birthday collection2017-01-22 35 437.00$ 125.28$ interest & other income2017-01-29 50 603.75$ 6,846.52$ $ not inc. in Sunday (online, extra)2017-02-05 47 1,406.00$ 2017-02-12 43 665.00$ Total income 82,229.53$ 2017-02-19 33 610.00$ -$ 2017-02-26 51 1,163.50$ 2017-03-05 42 495.00$ 2017-03-12 35 922.00$ 2017-03-19 48 925.00$ 2017-03-26 35 200.00$ 2017-04-02 34 965.00$ 2017-04-09 64 3,079.00$ 2017-04-16 69 557.00$ 2017-04-23 55 400.00$ 2017-04-30 43 835.00$ 2017-05-07 54 1,297.00$ 2017-05-14 53 280.00$ 2017-05-21 43 835.00$ 2017-05-28 38 572.00$ 2017-06-04 76 1,289.00$ 2017-06-11 57 363.00$ 2017-06-18 58 1,230.00$ 2017-06-25 51 195.00$ 2017-07-02 no church2017-07-09 34 1,400.00$ 2017-07-16 32 630.00$ 2017-07-23 37 570.00$ 2017-07-30 33 795.00$ 2017-08-06 no church2017-08-13 44 640.00$ 2017-08-20 36 1,140.00$ 2017-08-27 39 370.00$ 2017-09-03 40 710.00$ 2017-09-10 48 1,475.00$ 2017-09-17 50 485.00$ 2017-09-24 55 2,244.00$ 2017-10-01 45 742.10$ 2017-10-08 54 24,365.00$ 2017-10-15 40 704.00$ 2017-10-22 50 4,195.00$ 2017-10-29 45 150.00$ 2017-11-05 42 501.25$ 2017-11-12 48 535.00$ 2017-11-19 40 432.00$ 2017-11-26 52 384.00$ 2017-12-03 56 1,059.00$ 2017-12-10 41 490.00$ 2017-12-17 2,100.00$

2017-12-24 56 5,490.00$

2017-12-25 1,375.00$ ($875 to MCC)

2017-12-31 32 1,628.00$

Tota l col lecti on to date 75,211.60$ Average Attendance 46Average Col lection 1,444.17$


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2013 2014 2015 2016 2017Conference related MissionsManitoba Conference Camping ministries 400.00$ 450.00$ Moose Lake Camp 452.08$ 400.00$ 600.00$ MC Canada 1,000.00$ MC Manitoba 1,000.00$

Other Mennonite MissionsEden Foundation 150.00$ 250.00$ 150.00$ 250.00$ Bethania 300.00$ 150.00$ 200.00$ Inter-Mennonite Chaplaincy Associaton 100.00$ 200.00$ 100.00$ 100.00$ Mennonite Disaster Services 135.59$ 400.00$ 308.35$ 439.36$ 546.13$ Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary 200.00$ 200.00$ 200.00$ Mennonite Central Committee 200.00$ MCI 1,000.00$

Non - Mennonite MissionsWorld Team (Dan & Lisa Friesen) 700.00$ 800.00$ 700.00$ 700.00$ 700.00$ Knowles 284.72$ CFGB - thru MCC account 200.00$ David & Kassandra (GEM) 1,000.00$ Living Bible Explorers (Matt & Cheryl) 300.00$ 500.00$ 495.00$ OM Mission (Chad Enns) 200.00$ Roseau River Bible Camp (Meagan) 500.00$ 500.00$ OTHER DISASTER RELIEF PROJECT

Total Allocated 1,770.31$ 4,452.08$ 2,508.35$ 3,489.36$ 5,241.13$ Birthday money collected 35.31$ 47.08$ 4.35$ 59.36$ 46.13$ Collected missions Sunday 1,735.00$ 4,405.00$ 2,504.00$ 3,430.00$ 4,195.00$ Not Allocated in Prev. Year 1,000.00$ Total Collected 1,770.31$ 4,452.08$ 2,508.35$ 3,489.36$ 5,241.13$

Left to allocate: -$ -$ -$ -$ -$

NOTE: Steinbach M. Church returned the 2016 and 2015 mission amounts ($400 & $600). This wasredistributed in 2017.


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Annual Budget WorksheetGeneral Fund

Actual 2017 Budget 2018 BudgetINCOME CONTRIBUTIONS Contributions $71,325.39 $61,480.00 67,480.00$ Cash collections $4,074.33 $2,000.00 2,000.00$ Designated Donations $2,463.40 Interest Earnings $7.94 $20.00 20.00$ Other income $117.34

TOTAL INCOME $77,988.40 $63,500.00 69,500.00$

EXPENSES PASTORS SALARY & BENEFITS $36,344.88 $36,000.00 38,500.00$ Caretaker Contract $2,100.00 $2,100.00 2,100.00$ Bank Charges $198.98 $250.00 250.00$ Office expenses $523.09 $600.00 550.00$ Accounting & Legal $235.00 $500.00 350.00$ Mileage & Gas $1,275.03 $1,800.00 1,500.00$ Funeral $1,000.00 1,000.00$ Hydro - Church - 29 Smith $5,368.81 $5,500.00 5,600.00$ Water $191.08 $1,000.00 1,700.00$ Telephone $822.15 $825.00 850.00$ Internet $968.40 $950.00 1,000.00$ Website $35.69 $125.00 150.00$ Church Bldg & Yard R&M $72.89 $1,500.00 1,500.00$ Church Insurance & taxes $3,843.48 $3,900.00 4,000.00$ Church Equipment R & M $1,118.24 $1,000.00 1,200.00$ Guests $853.59 $1,200.00 1,200.00$ RVS Ecumenical Award $100.00 $100.00 100.00$ Pastor Prof. Growth $683.59 $600.00 600.00$ Delegates & registration $465.00 $400.00 400.00$

Children & Youth $756.43 $1,700.00 1,500.00$ Congregation & Community Care $263.10 $1,600.00 1,500.00$ Worship $148.81 $200.00 500.00$

Deacons $22.10 $250.00 200.00$ Other Expenses $400.00 250.00$ MCC (Christmas collection) $875.00 MENNONITE CHURCH MANITOBA 2,000.00$ MCI 1,000.00$ NON-MENNONITE MISSIONS $1,638.40

TOTAL EXPENSES $58,903.74 $63,500.00 69,500.00$

Net Income $19,084.66 -$

Expenses removed for budgetting purposes: Church Building Amort $14,371.61 Church Equip Amort $4,589.10Net (to reconcile with prev. inc statement) $77,864.45


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AMC Council & Church Contacts 2017

Individual Council Positions - 2 year terms.

One Cong. Co-Chair has a one year term this year so that the chair term ends will alternate.

4 Group Council Reps –1-year term.

Auditors will be asked by Council on a yearly basis.


AMC Council

Position Name Term Start Term End

Pastor Gloria Beck Feb. 2015

1 Congregational Co-Chair Harold Penner Jan. 2017 Jan. 2018

2 Congregational Co-Chair Brad Friesen Jan. 2017 Jan. 2019

3 Secretary Cheryl Janzen Jan. 2016 Jan. 2018

4 Treasurer Jan. 2017 Jan. 2019

5 Trustee Dennis Janzen Jan. 2017 Jan. 2019

6 Deacon Rep. Andrea Thiessen Jan. 2016 Jan. 2018

7 Children & Youth Jan. 2017 Jan. 2018

8 Congregation & Community Care Jan. 2017 Jan. 2018

9 Worship Jan. 2017 Jan. 2018

10 Business & Maintenance Corey Maynard Jan. 2017 Jan. 2018

Other Contacts for 2016 Name Phone Number

Cemetery Brad Friesen 204-427-2796

Church Meals Roxanne Schlorff 204-427-2278

Website Cyndee Holdnick 204-427-2303

Sound System Adrian Thiessen 204-427-2261

Library Nitha Friesen 204-427-2554

Church Building Bookings Gloria Beck 204-427-2263

AuditorsCheryl JanzenRoxanne Schlorff

DeaconsMarianne PennerAndrea ThiessenMark Thiessen

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*Deacons will discuss term lengths; process for obtaining new Deacons

2018 AMC Membership list

Beck Gloria Bergen, Eleanore Boschmann, Eric

Boschmann Kathyrn Chabluk, Donna Dodd, Shannon

Dyck, Doug Dyck, Elona Dyck, John W.

Edmond, Shelley Enns, Art L. Enns, Christopher

Enns, Marlene Enns, Mary Friesen, Brad

Friesen, Dan Friesen, Gerry Friesen, Glen

Friesen, Michael Friesen, Michelle Friesen, Nitha

Friesen, Rick Gelardi, Sandra Hamm, Paul

Heinrichs, Anna Holdnick, Shawn Holdnick, Cyndee

Janzen, Albert Janzen, Hedy Janzen, Cheryl L.

Janzen, Dennis Janzen, Cheryl D. Janzen, Greg

Janzen, Shirley Janzen, John N. Janzen, Margret E.

Janzen, William Kathler, Art Kathler, Margaret

Kathler, Brent Kathler, Darlene Kathler, Elfrieda (Ellie)

Kathler, Jonathan Kathler, Marilyn Kathler, Michael

Kathler, Robert Kathler, Carolynne Kathler, Rodney Kathler, Russel Letkeman, Rita Lopez, Tamara

Martin, Suzie Maynard, Corey Maynard, Janice

Kirchner, Karin Mueller, Klaus Penner, Doyle

Penner, Kendra Penner, Harold Penner, Marianne

Penner, Kenneth Penner, Paul Peters, Harvey

Peters, Dorothy Peters, Matthew Poetker, Wilma

Reimer, Corinne Schlorff, Fred Schlorff, Roxanne

Schlorff, Meaghan Schlorff, Mel Schlorff, Trudy

Sheets, Elfrieda Stephenson, Kristin Thiessen, Mark

Thiessen, Andrea Thiessen, Adrian Toews, Angelique


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Wiens, Melissa

Total Membership: 79 members beginning of 2018


Baptism: 1Adrian Thiessen

Births to members:1Stella Joy Kathler to Jonathan & Kim Kathler

Deletions By transfer out: Death:

Kassandra Ahlers Walter EnnsEwald Boschmann Janet BoschmannKarl EnnsDianne Enns