)ark aign; talks - twin falls public...

sS ‘ m tw K^m pa taosSet' B ^ lV i n - S '" - H'iji*" Wel 'S H « ^ W U ”Ic«mp»l([ii HI % ,K i ; ’»idW elk„f„ ftSF«ll>. GOPhoidqut *“'■ W n j o jp e a k P S 5 S Cabin, >£?S2SS-In-Eh ■ jwjco m lM Jf®*" •. Stud _.(» ntonltr’i ctUet rs-‘r?»“» .S K r s M th. eUier Plla*. <l«k i » III* *“ “ reeWence, wm i toA* o( ibi voir, in u._ . *h«w R*PorU wero Cj;»f«<led » thjj u,, goTern M# « « ® « " • Ifoopi UJ lotd tl nrt/ir in mt ofJW tl-rlrettr ajM awUlhm out- ,im»uon h»<l t 6^toe!£jtiuine.nK>!l tujfr-ior-fuelrt *tfi]niouree» dttti- LiuTKk. _ wlldut Itrlke k BaW StatUry Trt4 y,# teemfi litl It Wetsff Tuea* decker biuoi off *-«»ck>«nd-of-t M;tiiElienhoweriil> Etre«l >Kntnhlp policy," ?w«l wllh a PUPl* creiter th* foremment, MtUj tttir own t«* wW« pitpittd Urder*. m u , TKUmttlon A ministry of tiidir Prealdtnta Med' »fwr »n ITnsnin, It counkd rnetUtiE Friday i ■ li^llciiu for whit out of 3<.000Lon aun me.OOPJ-£lte- 5rii ■ilw<wre*». He will Mporl ■ U«le,-li w m iiy UA Iduho «JPPl!« •»<! _thr 11 - eaiElaymtnt in t loir^aid Buyi S o^ i H/flV-Republicaa Stat« Cht tafiht-he-haaTroof-thatrGlen be in Califomia,-makinfr it obv iu,»olhtng Tnoce than a politi I prodcccd-photogrflphlcTopica I'DtMocraUc' candidate applicc Ffryar lease by the burenu of ]a itnet of public land at Mt. Dia! > * * frame dwellini VH , "lea hU own ' 'Ueuies. ,,?a'.SSS-L -------------- J. M. Olbbon*. i Leased rr «- Aceardint to U Homesite S ”ST.'1. “ ™ »«"“■ ™ t Kll, (Old s ptrijr <jjjj pjiotogrjphi 1^1 ht hid once addrtai croued < n Hot of iind Jn MidrMs lyp< I itnrt Tin .irr^r !***• ”” UH. u l Ul. ell ,, leuewmhownl Wj rttiininj my Taylor wnounced “ “ In Pocatello,” «"»l« J“ t fe ^ Ihil the Ipue The form ehow Cilirnrnlk” to cltulfled “fc Bunu noted. The - - the word-feslden phoioiTjphle »hlch-Teqmred~ r'nl ihosmj T«y. whether the ]eu* w ntM » l>uslnea.-resiatiii oiher jiUrpoMj:— Mmmie -Ior hli ^"Qne owaV *u «1 Mt.J3iab1c. OI«n Teylor. UJo ,» « leir., . w om e effective' c ff„tiltm crf-ihe iW r^tier-he-hie irain-tti-niipror “ ll "piddling «»<3ylnj a cyclon « S*n 6| hij op. n retire afiei *l_«?n._Jlenrf wmlnijJecUoaJU . ..Qneatloi •« H«b« "Under the clrcu (d IK., t « '^ L '"rt [f«e the land-fot —^*uitf-fh*n btnefifr.-.-for ifli it^Th " ‘ fMl(l^ne^-.. PUfpo« J[\ q»e3tlon whel 1^— - . - T lu liB J * 5 ^ *nd Und “ "‘I*, or that th u » «WMwhM rttarV ^ ' ‘ midence hw dem ^ California.’ ^5"?^SearchCh PorLoi T^T B spumai feFire a'£,*lS DU ranch p s is H ftl.. . -T'sA aira '''n tom»to piMiUt ' ______ A Heglonal NtwBpa '— ---------- - )ark aign; Talks Welker, back from « MrleA-of-^flpeeche8~in n a^ainqt Democratic r flew in Friday eve. Wednesday i t N&mp* Iquerters said it had «ak but .complete ar* n e t M eets- iln g laiid to- idy S trikes t.OcUl«.(in—Pilm£.Mia> ;hm calM^hlsj.thrfd ci2h igHn three daya (May to uUon to LondoD’i crip- itrlke. - Tbe walkout Britons with a return to ty ol World var 11. Inet aewlon at No, 10 treet. Ohurchiira'oHlqlal vu the imirlh thU week. the unoteteM tfodc fCop- twed th« natloD'a food PPlles. lay Call Troop* ‘ ■ vere oirrent In London iremment may declare s nergency and brlos In Id and unload.ihtpo. Un- :Ia-ntariivwever7^e ad not yet reached the :etratrlnsent-meuum.~ ame Ume, ii apreadlni ke knocked more than Radar arrlTC emfnc capital'* double fte death toll. I off the atreet*. brlBglng eealed, anduli -of-traffltrchao*:--------- 'board of eemta tfeel •'Serlou*" eatrafint) h a grim wamlnr from * ^ lent, millions of houae- .td to .lock «p tbtlr T J j. r of labor aUlement U- - ■ -v a U a A an emerseney cabinet lay night aald tha walk- W -n, London dockers "li har- KJl#' S.tllect Ofl tllfi country'* Vfot/irL^U tr«ir e, -1* - endanterlnr food n«„h ,h. - Wllr rteonled l - - ^l*‘^•poUc* t«U oin9|H|Ri| Chairmjin W iij^ C. llen'Tfiyloflttlirtdi toBSiofflHri, obvlotfs-thathe X*. jliti^l Wpioyment “?{2S.ud ou lies of_ft._dpcument )licd for 'and was t f land management J U TOrS Diablo, Calif., for a _ Dlnir as a residence |lTg'n i rn UM and benefit" 1 ure.1 of both Taylor and ^ )to land office manager. f |vA1 M, wen-typed on tne -------- _________. .Cheater Tale. la Saeramenw cleared by a alz to the copy, the appll- )L.ry^ IJea^at the Sacramento of belnrdnink o ». 19M, HU addre.-!* w ai Tat* r aW9 Buckcy# ilrett. b, J«net K W and. later, changed itu. when Ham 10th avenue. Pocatello, volved in ■ cnul phi ahowed the earlier u,e deam ot Aril ed out and the Poa- Hamilton. waa typed In after Jt drunken drlrlng i orm-was dated,Oct. 9. ly by * probate , 1 effecUve date ot the nV»y. wn lo be April 37,19M. day by Probate Ji need hU candidacy ior It Tebruary. There w u IraolU ObIt" Qwrse SU ihowed lhat tJie tract °n*uh?pSnM^j 1 -for homealu only." The copy ahowed that ^ )Iaced a check beside Idence“ in the porUon Aruf^p.r ..... ;sri£‘w ^ „:s ss °. m ^.,Zrs5SU.n„or W.'on JlpHl 37.0111,1. -hid-comg~lntn~Taing pf n^ r. i*~*^ =To7^flce.-that-he-is - - ~ 'Clone cellar to which ^ after hla defeat In the Bt in " Rtirrn commented, —3)QKXPiJ3c^.l* <Uon Ralard s w d reported tx ;lrcum3Unce«.wemu*t ttliie hl3 agreement lo flahlnir boats . 'for hU own use and —boosting the t_ojj r u » biirrwK rifEnti^. *nnrve*»eli-7or- :e--. •, . S=50SHuiric itarledly, by a candl- TT^l demonatxated iHafhe ..... _ |Q ( ----------------- BrimrABc Changed hit'ITS .ost Hunter K irffl” .’; [NOS. O c t 18 on - , »* pe« mttninf oi*h hunter *h the u«ly : to an area between dMlniction cf the nch and the head of c“l •crou U uuxsrttiCArlboinix^ fitatfi and~ioctaB Q mllea norUieaal of <lredj m art were i ■nie 1.500.000 p 1 aeen nearly a week virtually Uol< filler. Jr-Jia..of.Hoy, J}ut.*ilU.de*dIr h • arrive at a meeting It* heavy load of lertw lih hU hunt, itreami leaped th I Mkrk Campbell of O a..a. single <1 ------------ ------------ - - «»cue wcrkerr'ei —— _______ penon*-may-have INVADE ISLAND howts. EsUmites 32- DB TENERin*. damage In the are . O ct 18 on—Bllllona 100 mjrnon dollars, idetf the Canary“II- .TWa. waa. th» li Id began .to rangv thr utb«9 shriakl nUtlons in this area. t>or« tbs gtaUs ou vspaper Serrlng__________ I ____ T 'TWIN-J ___ jR a d ^ , v' arrtred en Magle Viller highways Batard toll. ChttklB* ih* dtvlca tn opmJloa a; i4jlaadlar,fr«cn-l»ftrtl«it.-RBl»*rrHcC cenmlaaloBcn; Ralph Alblalon, aUla polle » * , . * . : ' * i ar Used by Stat 3peed of Cars in i.travellng.oa highway 30 proximalely 13 ePerrineMemorUlbrldge faUllty rate .{temooa might oot hare while natlonwli atHbelr speeds T o e m *^ deoreased six t ded by memten of tba Urm have bta nfliirCMteuiiatn^ nSreo^m dlp to S jat him apeed. and o m o « J lb ca^M BM .uA Jnafe fltaolcyJiceuU HHng. ia ^ iu tha a « t M U Justice of tlolaUoa contrtbuUnt -to phrey and other 1 the aUte. outjtUtle Valle »dout-lhat-ldtho-ls-ap« —^B-priacipIi rs Qeax- a in Trial pi I'er Mishap )diBe-P«d8y on a charge Cheat-dnvfi ] link on a public highway. ^27 ,7 4 0 . F. passenger In a car driven meiT of the ( StrcVr crash which rewlied In Community < t Arthur Maya. The downt - waa c h a r g e d with have been c i»lng and WM found gull- hftnAH-mHni'ti bale court Jury on Wed-' will be lentenced Mon- P*®tCd by No late Judge Jamei P. Goa- 'Hsi advance Monday and la i of thV jiSr that freed Wedhesdi Qulim Plant, Hub ot* *»»<>* avUlabli jeSUva,DeeF*henwalt, *«d IndlvlduaU raley and Harry Boucher. ‘Powle** we“. n Ice Judge Ployd Dalu Ined three drirera for RunJ and ach wo_on_KcQDd.offen** will-open->T6«ai Iron.-Buht.-thirisd-WIUl m .t’^r^ihiT^n'! o« apeedlng. waa fined ^ Ml*.-Jen7B.nih.imder i*rge.-wxrnnM-|io-»nd ,;™ r ' .! 1hla driving Uoenie wa* . M «. Oerald or lO-day*. LouU Thorson i nnJrr'Twlh l>lk wa* thB Pwcnilsht di id-|*'«MU-oa-a-thtTfe tPcluda.oan****!! -------------------- -- realdentlat trcai. ----------------------« r » t of a *erli 0 BOATS SEIZED ^ »>«at- campal 3ctj8jfcJ«B»n'jxoait “ni ted today that Ruialan toTHiUoi *elted two more Japa- Prl«* of 123. ; boats off Siberia Friday Ing offered In le toui of captutedjap-- IbtfB_ara.fla-M iTontie yearm T?,---------- i mneJM foods Increase I t'X*«ociat«d T^tM Acrotii a dowr mare Hurricane Haul statea earlier th notlhtnv .Canada to- lagged nibble wht 1 behind a lethal *equ*l a lo o d . ____ od waten. nodda aI*o pla 14 person* were known Carolina*. Penns; ugly 300-mll9 swath ol Virginia and Ken f the IroplCrbrWalorm . Plrtmen' and ou the eutem tlnlted their Uvea time i onmamrc*niHja^Hun- stnittUnp^looS^ vere ml**Ing................. twirling water* aj >00 people of Toronlo Aa the reporU < r isolated u the fading age and diatreaa p dir hurricana-duoped -of three iUtc»=T.l Id of rain. Riven, and »n4 South Cart ed their banks. the federal govei :Ie street la Ton»to, jency aid. They i :rr'e4tlni»leaTh»f'ii slate* were major hs»# dro*ned.Ia.Uiclc _JThe-au>rjn hli atea vere thKt propuly couUl sUtes. bul le area UWed at leut spread, damage,. iJlars.________ . remnaiiu^.plowa th» last faUl lath -of There, new storm hriiklng dl*a*ter:that aeooM apure-<if-i le nanu of BiMl.* - fided Inlb lhe nbi IN FALM,:lpMIpTSUI?DAY.'(> becks Auto Speied flnVb,- y' I' v;. itarday aa« *UU pelle* hept It wU) help loB ara A. TJInnderaeivsaperinleBdeBt- ■HcCaU; Bolae; A. f. Nelson, chairm an « pollea radio engliieer, and Uent. Clark 1 * • * * *■ ate Police to R( in Local Demor ly 13 percentihead of the been adopted tt« aUbiUhtd In IBM, aimllar to thi onwlde the.nle.has.beea force*,-Ac«ird ^ per cen t Porty-three currenUy usln bMn mrlllecd on Magic an effective « aa.cqm* travellnt «t-e |*^SJfln|M |w o d la VThe radar i ' Isrgely to the 1 demon* in ma&r juili ifia|H ||K ^;M cC all, quence traffle VBTMMom stat« police tendant tata: tBMr; iijtut. Oluk Uand doa-nward trei ta J..M , B4J*, Jr. and «-Alio present wer* Twin -ThB-nseTJr ee of the Pe«eJ.O.Pum-contrary lo t «hw judges from thoujn- does not const law.-irra.TTi.ni-TailHs'S^S i Volunteers ( )hest Drive JV undrcd and lorty-livo volunttscr ^ itown business solicitaiion phase ( ivc Monday. Goal of-the month-lc F. W. Slack ahd Norman Anth .he downtown solicitation drive, rchants lo have.thcir contributio ity Chest workers, iwntown canvass will last until s m contacted. I t i s ------------------ [lections can be com- U -- Nov. 1. JDUClge ance gift drivt opened ivr SiSJffCrn'rj - Wate lUble, hut bu^nm tltmi -jvt . lu'aU conUcted have re- \ril ill, report* William Jbl- J - 1 V l- chairman. RUPERT, C 1 school fund drires alu ^ Hells J6«aay.-WrHr8wirtt»y ^Sid^bS'^ml l-Jv*r*ea-ar#-«».chalr- HelUcanyod* lhat-w©uld-''a •Kelly ia chainnan of rIgaUon waUr dflM,------------------------------CTiBlrm#n“ S, '•Id WinUtr and Ma. Idaho-Oregon aon are eo-chalnnen c{ Wednesday ch :ht drive Nov. i that will other-Repubik M**lng-«(-alFI>tn*Pt]tT ^trongeHangm trcai;-,— ......... - -water rlghu.u ..ri«.i.p.d.u„„u ' KJluttly prol<( |2S, tls and IS are tx- rlghl*-. from *i In the Jingle conteit of an amendme xa-ag«. or-tc»ldwveirTt« ' i.» r«r«n. c.ii««ii ''Whenever al conflict wllh tx '1 -i A federal govemm ,sJJL4;,_ ' -pY cltlon.Y of the a Damasre X"“™ 'uS dcsrssnsri,°s STi.'S' , »■ .1.™ h.a „„ e where trim home* once ■'There. may wllllnir t o ' t r u i l 0 plagued pari* of the the federnl gore, cnnsylvanla, Maryland, future, that IU New York. ».,u not b« «er< and volunwera risked rtsoutcea. Thes ii^and_»lM a la.Dluck .footoatdy pathj; lood-ncumi"rrem"nif ---------- ________ er* around Toronto. tt rt rt orU ot hurricane dam. I). S. •ew pouredJn,goTernoni, S S fS p‘„"a"S Restr; government for emtr- WAaHINOTCU hey aaid.put* of ihfilr officials. are.no! najor disaater' area*. that Russia Is o; 1 hit hardest .it_the nwe mmmuniat- a, but It also did wide. reason; age_.lnIana_befof*-JU -The Kr«mlln-< ilow8d_-ln(o~<j»rtiida; thing to Intgrfere itorm centcrt nvM t a offeMlrs almeda 7<Jf-rlo!eneerbefor*-lt iilliaiM»«> .t nbrthlands. . {or rearming W u r.OCIDBBR 17, 1551------------^ ------ E E s i 1 ^ 1 • SALT'L atcd-his st Appcarii with-the-C Army Tim lican as the flnt cs they wlsn hi —Republican Wilkinson I meeting of I - j mltlee for city to COM ler>.wllh< |B H B 8 H Q P i|B U . . SeiLAiUiu who had cou senlatlve du compsnled hi broadeast,'«a! to desert hlir Hsiai ...... declilon man ■' candidate. ------- ---------------------- ' *^hen * IT M fflr.—. ... tnd does rc] g s q T s : duty u A C ^ i Ihe admonllli msu^aat^SI . The arnoi -yaaMld-dln: Ogden s ^ n s Re wu chu m enin the~ Junior Cham yenn Ills non elp ent (he highway traf- jwlntedjoj ttt-Tif-Id*K#'sl*t«-^lee, wHFch i t sale m of tha Twin Falls dty ^yre of Oerm rk Hand. (SUff pholo' unbi tlmeUble in * * * bomb. lecord -“ t ’lF ; w^% /vrx 1* mstration Hsl:'. ted by the sUt« police, J* -Strlngfello* that used by the armed •"<» <1 wrdlM to-oollce agencies *1*"' using radar. It is proving “i* « “« • 'e weapon agalnat driver* , , i»-e*ceaslvo-speeds.— .......... ^ Wl tal- ar device hits contrlbuled P»>'‘ h*'! Jje reducUon of high speed fon«u6...I lutladicltons..A* a conse- “ J owiuaal ffle accident* aad the al- .j. • • • ataUUes jia ie ' taken' a answcc trend-rc^ the fln t time in honorably d. atralght,*'' hs •or tJi^-"grH tf6Hfa-cop7 0 the oplnlon-of-'many, ‘n ‘'*>1* 'nsUtuU a speed trap. Ra- »»« H>#.u*«VJ;i«hlnd lhohm - ------ ----------- jfev* "Here are I y-v "I wu nevi .Open Mbnday !r \m rkca mil open 1 JC of the Community ------ h-lonff fund effort is ithony are co-chair^ A a y lO J e, They are a^kinp xt ' ' a itions ready Xor the |J p A l il all bu.'^incflR firm s GOI ;e Avei-s' esuteofanyi ter R ights- . _ ~ ^ for u. 8. seni tt Absolute g|e!^ Jh^C r Budge , said loday ll to .1 ,, BUI for a high federal ^ ?lled that he w u eon- broken pro e—w a s- n o - w a y — to’"»b- «*n-c«annl«i olect IrrlgaUon water Prein^** 1 such a project *hort P»<*n<»nd iWe. Iment-to the U.-S. Con- r .U.I. 1.. „m « ,nU I powers granted to the “ , mment by the ConsUtu- :e .uortm. aurt, jou,- U»" ^ ■an amendment to the «» Lltutlon can change the ^ le federal goremment K n c a l"^ era of navigable streams VJ Ibuurles, _ ay be those .who are P qc ust the benevolence of ^ <*>- ovemment. present and lls paramount rlghti IfEMPIIIS. ' xerclred over our water fBoss) Cmmp, I t\ey aria. foUowlng a tlma bis eliy " • HIS MemphU ays Soviet- trains China TON, O e t 19 CfV-U. S. 5 l L ‘^‘'|L ! f , T nott-UrgsIy-convIneed s opposed to any Chi- lat alUeWnn PormM. ^KdlhcT-Orumi n: . • • .were ever beste In-doeMiot*w«nt-anyr -Vwd-MemphU fere w im'ltJ diplomatic populttlon ;30^i ?d at splitting Ihe west- Butheloitmi ndiwreckin*.-new plans influano^^In- Ui WutOerminjr. primai^. H»nevi -------------- . _ X antar a^ Asillt Bsrtts jiofficd )r w a r Com ple : LAKE CITYv O c t 16 f/P)— Rc I story of wartime service with i irinfr on a television program, t e-OSSv—Teara-runnin?-riown*h' 'inics which questioned his ser i^rs^he will,8tep.aslde _______* inee for rcclection in m i cangresslooal district If - X6i k hta to do ao. . can SlaU-Ohalrman-O.'Jr I Immediately called a of the sute central com- ir Monday In Salt lAke «nilder etrlngfcllow's of- llhOraw' trom the" ticut, lhur:K--WatUn*. IL. Utah, conferred wIUi the repre- during Uie day and tc* tl him to Uie sUidlo for his .-«sld he w u "not disposed him now regsrdleu of any nads u to'hU future'm % TTobM r e r g lr t ' " a man I* willing to repent repent. 1 consider ll toy I Christian to follow tba nlllsn to forgive," W atkins mouncement by th e M - JncKl hln Utah. llaUnar*. :h0Mn one of the top 10 he-UnIled~6latd'by tho' lambtr of Commerco laat nomination for this honor >Jj3tId_war .Tt..aoUym«a- said resulted In the cap- , :rman acIenUst Otto H ahn nbalandng of U>o Belch's *9^ In perfecUrg tba atom ! Wu Ilow, who stm walks w ith t tho reiult of a wound in- Wa*“ ^ ill# clearing a mine field ^ , la married snd haa two He^ wu first elected to u l a t C Uow said hi* *tory of H J ;:^ I daner operaUona Just . lTie6 he-embelllahed-lt durlnR ' •• of mora than atW ' TIp.| Inlo-thB-trap. Whlch“ ln been laid by my; own eUb (8m Pt « I,became a priaoner of A tour of oakkg,-he.saldH <• ^ > v^greeRlu fljtr hsa finally provided slffisofUie; cc u to wbit-1 ihouW Idtho stall - do lo set ths- reoord OluhthereC he said. 'Tills m orning llie Twin -Tnrateam. and r *m >aU5n, spo. uUojtonJihLfoc-tha-pur« as.fipeedy.- rl»lBg you-U« compleU chairman. C -- ------wound pp-ti re Ihe fsetj- Memorial tn never sn 08fl sgent. w r^parUclpatid in iny lnd-lh» lines mlasJoa Ior ynent many ti ^captured Otto Hahn or Oerman physicist . . J®”" * ? ome before UiU radio and nw-lonlghl'-ayhumble. >d very reptnU td IrvdWl- <•* »« ri« J. c*ii>a s) »«; --------------- 1__ ' Sue Ellen W< -------T / ' Dr. RayDi or Keeps Attacks on ^EE,' >P Policies S S •, Oct, 18—T he Republl- **^nowln»'l has fallen to the lowest hall Earle ly sroup In A m erica.^- highway depi lave no decency.”- -------on the value lor.DemocratlccandJdaU ncatlon oroai «<naloMs«ed U« Waal “ h . »SSS it In a Ulk which high- (CmUaaW nocratlc party rallies in ------- ■Rupert a r e u . -mr , Hed the present.natlonal |V |o n - 1 ] Wn -UiB moal eomipt la •‘•■•■•vW U oti'a hUtocT." . nblned 'chliellng-“ 6r ' all 'A ’t t l i r IstxaUoos-eouIdn't besln to Uie 3M billion dollar t-t n ;land« oil aw arfrtnm he — I “S ' jeople. The admlnlstra- ■Jity gave ih* oil to the 50mp*nlaf, -provlnr-that i«ns-p»y-flff-In-*-trtjr « wbo pa,.^._-p.rty, rW snfot.tr-ntlfid-on promise* of U»e Hepubll- m it«» *t-M -per-cent-cf "i ilsed In the IBiJ cam- he fleilbla price support m!T.l ,Ich wu enacKd, ernment Nstl( iW when prices are low. Bs )port al all." Plremen e*' icrlbed American foreign *fter poll itWi,j Lft- jlxvea^tis^i m t by a Doled co n sem - 8ook*-were bt st who said Utat Amcrl- .t<nt ot dama{ I *« ru t t; CsUaa 1) not known Ira ------ -------------- While Ulep ^ 1 Damascus. S; Ijru m p . Press correspo r parently by t asses at 8 0 cus said a sti I. Oct. 18 (fl— K. H. dedared in An Ip, Uie naUon's lu t old- pled Importai ly polSUeal bos*, died »nd placed wt traq .. --i - Heivy^gnafar su "machln*- made—o r rloUag' essee governor*, a en a - ■!>“ “ “ 'to Ai presentatlre* for more “ o Jordan el« duo loa'heart ailment. home. aUII m e “b o u " ump nor hts eudidaittt sten Jn hU own back- hit and Shelby coUntyr west Borneo • . much of his aUtewlde river overflow - Ui«-im-Democratl(rfjieavy-»m.-n aevtr jalBtd 11 »U bade,) reporU rcachU Care M»o^»rcirT»liii,.i-:---------------- im its T i E xploit ete^l^Un Rep, DouRlas Slringfellow, R„ Ul ;h the pffice of fltrategic serVIcea. 1, the conjrcMman admitted_he I: rhh'fftcc, Ke BuVslanUaled a stci icrvice rccord. He also said he ha ells of Hoax AEC. “Ten WA8HiN< alomlc en« that, "after tion." It su( visions into i Y atu power remove th< falli to the < In a <tm eongresf, r< aocUted Pr descrtbcd tJ terms penn froup to mi nin* per oe: ^OMd^iStn ja TenHei(e^^ - ThaAEO. per cent ll «ouldjMbU in eonttniet BUIed-ttVl DOBglsa Btflaffsll9w. K, >dflillted e m a Uhvlstoa JJL."* st last algbt at Sail Laka at th* *Ury ef his elaak. Ita wu etplcau w u » 2 ^ 5 .* * :e Garden design, to ti ;ets Closed ereby-Toar^= uie PedtraUon «I OuOea • * re eslurdsy aftarfieoa ' 17 • ' p-two-OtTrerKUvlUM ty said t^ T 1 uiQchonv falls; u t» -p em in W a 'S i g a e I tTldge, new high school, “sort of pa; tl company and peenhonsu ouls'lo'Uiw Adams, Jerome, who dls- voU for the rchlds, begcmlaa. fuschias -r- . 'Davu!Pocatello,profasor •.*?« f a t Idaho su te eoUege. <uUonal me< film Ott-wlld. flower* and helmsocUncocfooaaerra. “* « Iha^ » Ud /lowen. , ... is to sell ti ulon and demonstration of . r method of eattinf Hower -"J do not given fay Orrln Bale, Seat- sound way to Ilor of.the Pacific Gardens Jtnd farm pJ amajMlnt. ‘way to mak Ig luncheon at the Legion U lo produc le V, Miller, Boise aUU produce Jt as iS o f ^ ^ r o ^ V b ^ U - Lumen^t*« rogram. BeniBn'aatfl ^ed lt^ ten- »ho «uid e ■Wm fu t s. Ctlina I) helping _ _ u a partner in Jordan - -, “WawlUnc icks, Fu-es SrProperly|^ r.-jort*n,-OcL-i8-ir- 4"O ldl( >wlar-4l«otton-diy-mobs ’" y -v i ~~ ilkeJn Uie atreels.todsLT, —f . l f r o ' v ; nwrihe-u,-8.-ihroraiaUc5» - v U d y irary-ind’itn W 'lb tho ii icut three ptnons wera \U of MJnjuredin.the-rloUng. - — vf_c\l e r n m e n t eofflmuniq;ue bpokane immunlsU and anU-gov- Columbia Ba!a isUonal Bodaii i J i i w j m e i c o m S s s l o , ^ ---------------------------------- wattfw5V-*P Books Bnraed today on a < estinguhhed the Iibrv7 sharing, water f bumed,-but ths full ex- e^the^rptopa m«e to Ihe buUdlnj.was day-long disc . iramedlalely. reUry Calvert ilephonlng. hli report^to _ _ _ _ _ E 9 h S y ria . Uie AssocUted Pfo»l* apondentwu cUt'off,ap- aBreementglv y tovemment censor*. mls^cm autho Army Called la elMtrlclty pre patches reachinxDanuu- sute of emergencr was ^ I Amman. Hie army occu- runt centeri In Uu dty «,7i . wesum embassies under rarpraGpttch said.----- ^"SuuWe ag began when opposlUon S S n s W a^n J ^ a n wlUidrew. from that proJeS , electicni, eompUlnin* of *WsJ t-lnterfertn ce.--'rti8-TOt« —^ T R T lB st ir <0 memben of a new abartafc:the.« miltingauUiorlsed groupa p ro ,p o sa l fi gnuf0C-th»-flnt-tlma aa areu thiiTlgtf >rtle^_________^ •___V !JoS KtDa-DRoWN ii ------- %IndimetU, O cUlfer ■eons -drowned-fn'sonth- a e f 5 “ „m icB i.C E W ^ ale ts Is : tilrue Utah, tonight repudl- ea. e had_seen no^se^lcj __ itcry Tmblistied by ft# 1 has told Utah Repub- CDefends rin s^ fP a c ^ orBigPlant aNoTOK.-oct'ja-flfMni#'- energy commission' say* ifter considerable nsfotla- . succeeded In wrlUng pro- nto tha controvenlal Oixoa*^ 3wer caatracurwhlch should—- 'the possibility of wind- Ihe company. . * - ____ j ___ stm unpabUshed report. (» , r«ad today by an jU- lE Preu ceporter. the ABO d as not excessive contract •ennltUnx tbe Dlxon-Yatea ) make a tax-free return of ■ rjoent or a w on its-pro- EG ja id. junrer..t2ta jiJn*_ t Is not goaranUed and ' <higher or lower if cbaniea roeUga.co>U.MUmttM.aa!!.^ le grrop*! tSTCstmeot, " Mtmission said It balkad . groups origlnsl propOnl 'hlch “the voold celred any pronu ta «x- a » per cent return ea lU .. iivcstaient with tha ASO. >lig«ted to pay the Incona 1 the AEO said Ik Insoted visions ia the current and nnal draft of the contact— 0 eliminate .poMthla-ezcaa* flU. It said thal tha oom* "Uirough negotiation, h u ^ a jo r -tonc««ifltt?^Cwn-2-: isonAvers- |l S. Must Be ai7n-B artB i^ r.-w AgTteultu r o - B in ip q —» h a ^ tt farmm and'noi a ' ' psymuter, glvinc haad- - those who are wUUnr -to. tbepartr lnpover.'^ - tnt Ttm ; tha taUaet otfl- . ihe Idea h u grown la - circlea that the way to Itrong and healthy agrl- to sju_jiu_ui»_inrpiui_ n to the Boramment nther correct "these dliloctUtsa Id up rigorous,mwketi," speech prepared' for tha ’ mechanical com picking ha sald.he doa not-be- t the .curpotft o t fanalns - 1 to the government for not bellere that is tha y to build up farm Income I profits,” he sail “The_' make money In larmlnc ' >duce what people want, t u effldent^ m pculble' aggreslvaly s^lt-to-eoh-— t reasonabl* prices." said*there a n tome peonk Id even deny to farmera ling-hand ef government tner." He added he dls- nplctdy-wllh-thU polntof— II net lum bacJ^ the elodL__ ibt'/drago 'ths in s t galna rlcultura -h u - made,'* iteGroujp—- tysPlanon—^ aterJEtights ■ NE, Wash., O ct 18 W -'nie Basin m tm U U Compact _MI a tenUUve compact for ■■ ater resources of the area. pBww amteaura o n>vl*lnn?^^H npond'compaerduringUi* ffu dlscnsalon, execuUve seb- - ‘) ||l l Ivert Anderson said. jH li ESKttlocJUUa ----------------- -illl tivUlon that won tbelr ' B |l t gives Uie permanent com« « itborlcy to recoouneadUtst. produced at a power B rah...7fln erred to the sUte or w far. < the project Is located, ha.. - other suu.wDuldhavt;t« lowerer. _v rould tndwta ahla aharw, of^tddiatBalv^^^^^l m^pradtMdbae^' aje^’ heaM ^rm voulA-laSSuaU— ^ ^ l anUna, Wyamlnf. O tahv^^H loa and Otecco^' ’ ....... - ^

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Post on 19-May-2018




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Page 1: )ark aign; Talks - Twin Falls Public Librarynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...-hid-comg~lntn~Taing pf n^r. i*~*^ =To7^flce.-that-he-is - - ~ 'Clone cellar

s S ‘m tw

K ^ m p at a o s S e t 'B ^ lV i n - S '" - H 'iji* " Wel

'S H « ^ W U ” Ic«m p»l([ii HI

% , K i ; ’» id W e lk „ f„

f t S F « l l > . GOPhoidqut *“'■ W n jo jp e a k

P S 5 S Cabin,>£?S2SS-In-Eh■ jwjco m lM Jf®*" — •.Stud_.(» ntonltr’i ctUet

rs-‘r?»“» .S K rsM th . eUier Plla*. <l«k i

» III* *“ “ reeWence, wm i

toA* o( ibi voir, in u . _ .* h « w R*PorU wero Cj;»f«<led » thjj u ,, goTern

M# « « ® « " • Ifoopi UJ lo td tl nrt/ir in m t o fJW tl-r lr e t tr

a jM aw U lhm out- ,im»uon h»<l t 6 toe!£jtiuine.nK>!l tujfr-ior-fuelrt*tfi]niouree» d ttti-

LiuTKk. _ w lldut Itrlke k BaW StatU ry Trt4 y,# teemfi lit l It Wetsff Tuea* decker biuoi off

*-«»ck>«nd-of-t M;tiiElienhoweriil> Etre«l>Kntnhlp policy," ? w « l wllh a

■ PUPl* creiter th* foremment, MtUj ttt ir own t«* wW« p itp i t td

Urder*.m u , TKUmttlon A ministry of t iid ir Prealdtnta Med' »fwr »n

ITnsnin, It counkd rnetUtiE Friday i■ li^ llc iiu for w hit out of 3<.000Lon aun me.OOPJ-£lte- 5rii ■ilw<wre*». He will Mporl ■ U «le ,-li w m i iy U A Iduho «JPPl!« •»<! _thr

11 - eaiElaymtnt in t

loir aid BuyiS o ^i H/flV-Republicaa Stat« Cht tafiht-he-haaTroof-thatrGlen be in C a lifo m ia ,-m a k in fr i t obv iu ,» o lh tn g Tnoce th a n a p o lit i I prodcccd-photogrflphlc T o pica I'D tM ocraU c' cand ida te applicc Ffryar lease b y th e bu renu o f ]a i t n e t of pub lic land a t M t. Dia! > * * f ra m e dw ellin iVH , "lea hU own '

'Ueuies. ,,?a'.SSS-L-------------- J . M. Olbbon*. i

Leasedr r « - Aceardint to U

Homesite S ”ST.'1.

„ “ ™ »«"“ ■ ™ t Kll, (Old s ptrijr <jjjj pjiotogrjphi1 1 ht hid once addrtai croued < n Hot of iind Jn MidrMs lyp< I itn r t Tin .ir r^ r !***•

”” UH. u l Ul. e ll , , le u e w m h o w n lWj rttiininj my Taylor wnounced “ “ In Pocatello,” «"»l« J“ t f e

^ Ihil the Ipue The form ehow Cilirnrnlk” to cltulfled “fc

Bunu noted. The

— - - the word-feslden phoioiTjphle »hlch-Teqmred~

r'nl ihosmj T«y. whether the ]eu* w n tM » l>uslnea.-resiatiii

oiher jiUrpoMj:— Mmmie -Ior h li ^"Qne owaV *u

«1 Mt.J3iab1c. OI«n Teylor. UJo , » « leir., . w om e effective' c ff„ tiltm crf-ihe iW r^ tie r -h e -h ie

ira in -tt i-n iip ro r “ ll "piddling «»<3ylnj a cyclon

« S*n 6| hij op. “ n retire afiei *l_«?n ._Jlenrf wmlnijJecUoaJU

. ..Q neatloi •« H«b « "Under the clrcu(d IK., t« ' ^ L '" r t [f«e the land-fo t — ^ * u itf -fh * n b tn e fifr .-.-for ifli i t^ T h " ‘ fMl(l^ne^-..

PUfpo« J [ \ q»e3tlon whel1 ^ — - . - T lu liB J* 5 ^ *nd Und “ " ‘ I*, or tha t th u » «WM whMrttarV ^ ' ‘ midence h w dem

^ California.’

^ 5 " ? ^ S e a r c h C hPorL oi

T ^ T B spumaifeFire a ' £ , * l S

D U ranch

p s i s Hf t l . . .

- T ' s A a i r a

' ' 'n tom»to piMiUt

' ______ A Heglonal NtwBpa

' — ---------- -


Welker, back from « MrleA-of-^flpeeche8~in n a^ainqt Democratic

r flew in Friday eve.Wednesday i t N&mp*Iquerters said i t had «ak but .complete ar*

n e t M e e t s -

i l n g l a i i d t o -

i d y S t r i k e st.O cU l« .(in—Pilm£.Mia>;hm calM ^hlsj.thrfd ci2h igHn three daya (M ay to uUon to LondoD’i crip-

itrlk e . - T be walkout Britons w ith a re tu rn to ty o l W orld v a r 11.Inet aewlon a t No, 10 treet. Ohurchiira'oHlqlal v u the im irlh thU week. the unoteteM tfodc fCop- tw ed th« natloD'a food PPlles.lay Call Troop* ‘ ■vere o ir re n t In Londonirem m ent m ay declare snergency a n d b rlos InId and unload.ihtpo. Un-: I a - n t a r i i v w e v e r 7 ^ ead n o t y e t reached the:etratrlnsent-meuum.~ame Ume, ii apreadlnike knocked more than Radar arrlTCemfnc capital'* double fte death toll.I off the atreet*. brlBglng eealed, andu li-of-traffltrchao*:--------- 'b oard of eemtatfeel •'Serlou*" eatrafin t)h a grim w am ln r from * ^len t, m illions of houae- . t d to .lo c k «p tb t l r T J j .

r of labor aU lem ent U- - ■ - v a U a A an em erseney cabinet lay n igh t aald tha walk- W - n ,London dockers " li h a r- K J l # 'S .tllect Ofl tllfi country'* Vfot/irL^U tr«ir e, -1* - e n d an te rln r food n« „h ,h .

- W llr rteonled l - - • l*‘ •poUc* t« U

o in 9 |H |R i|C hairm jin W ii j^ C. l le n 'T f iy lo f l t t l i r td i to B S io f f lH r i , o b v lo tfs - th a th e X*. j l i t i ^ l W p io y m e n t “ ? { 2 S . u d ou lies of_ft._dpcument —)licd f o r 'an d w as t f lan d m an ag em en t J U T O r S Diablo, C alif., f o r a _Dlnir as a residence | l T g 'n i rn UM a n d benefit" 1ure.1 of bo th Taylor and ^)to land office manager. f | v A 1 M, w e n - ty p e d on t n e --------

_________. .Cheater Tale.la Saeram enw cleared by a alz

to th e copy, the appll- )L .ry ^IJea^at the Sacram ento of be lnrdnink o ». 19M, HU addre.-!* w ai Tat* r aW9 Buckcy# ilre t t . b , J « n e t K W and. later, changed i t u . when Ham 10th avenue. Pocatello, volved in ■ cnul phi ahowed the earlier u,e deam ot Aril ed out and the P o a - H am ilton. waa typed In a fte r J t drunken drlrlng i orm-was da ted ,O ct. 9. ly by * probate , 1 effecUve da te o t th e n V » y . wn lo be April 3 7 ,19M. day by Probate Ji need hU candidacy ior It Tebruary. There w u

IraolU ObIt" Q w rse SUihowed lh a t tJie trac t °n * u h ?p S n M ^j 1 -for hom ealu only."The copy ahowed th a t ^)Iaced a check besideIdence“ in th e porUon A ru f^ p .r .....

;sri£‘w „:s ss°.m^ . ,Z r s 5 S U . n „ o r

W .'on JlpHl 37.0111,1. -h id -c omg~lntn~Ta in g pf n r . i*~*^ = T o7^flce .-tha t-he-is - - ~'Clone cellar to which ^ after hla defeat In the B tin " Rtirrn commented, —3)QKXPiJ3c^.l* <Uon Ralard s w d reported tx;lrcum3Unce«.wemu*t ttliie hl3 agreement lo flahlnir boats . 'for hU ow n use and —boosting the t_ojj r u » biirrwK r i f Enti^ . *nnrve*»eli-7or- :e--. •, .

S=50SH uiricitarledly, by a candl- T T ^l demonatxated iH afhe ..... _ |Q (

----------------- — B r im rA B c

Changed h i t ' I T S .ost Hunter K ir f f l”.’;[NOS. O c t 18 on - , » * pe«mttninf o i* h hunter *h the u«ly : to an a rea between dMlniction cf the

nch and the head of c“ l •c ro u U uux srttiC A rlb o in ix ^ fita tf i and~ioctaB Q mllea norUieaal of <lredj m a rt were i

■nie 1.500.000 p 1 aeen nearly a week virtually Uol< filler. J r -J ia ..o f .H o y , J}ut.*ilU .de*dIr h • arrive a t a meeting It* heavy load of l e r t w l i h hU h u n t, itream i leaped th I Mkrk Campbell of O a ..a . single <1------------------------ - - «»cue w crkerr 'e i

—— _______ penon*-may-haveINVADE ISLAND how ts. EsUmites 32- DB T EN ER in*. damage In the are . O c t 18 on—Bllllona 100 mjrnon dollars, idetf the Canary“ II- .TWa. waa. th» li Id began .to r a n g v t h r utb«9 shriakl nU tlons in th is area. t>or« tbs g taU s o u

vspaper Serrlng__________ I ____ T

• 'TW IN-J

___ — j R a d ^

, v '

arrtred en Magle V ille r highw ays Batard toll. ChttklB* ih * dtvlca tn o p m Jlo a a;i4 jlaad lar,fr«cn -l» ftrtl« it.-R B l»* rrH cCcenmlaaloBcn; Ralph Alblalon, aUla polle

» * , • . * . : ' * i

ar Used by Stat3peed of Cars ini.travellng.oa highway 30 proximalely 13 ePerrineM em orU lbrldge faU llty rate .{temooa m ight o o t h a re w hile natlonwli atHbelr speeds T o e m * ^ deoreased six t ded by m em ten of tba U rm have b t a

n f l i i r C M t e u i i a t n ^ n S r e o ^ md l p t o S j a t h im apeed. a n d o m o « J lb c a ^ M B M .u A J n a f e f lta o lcy J ice u U H H ng. i a ^ i u tha a « t M U Justice of tlolaUoa contrtbuUnt - to ph rey a n d other 1 th e aUte. o u t j tU t le Valle»dout-lha t-ld tho-ls-ap« — B - p r ia c ip I i

rs Qeax-a in Trial p i I'er Mishap)diBe-P«d8y on a charge Cheat-dnvfi ] link on a public highway. ^ 2 7 ,7 4 0 . F . passenger In a car driven meiT of the (StrcVrcrash which rewlied In Community <

t Arthur Maya. The d o w n t- waa c h a r g e d with have been c i»lng and WM found gull- h ftnA H -m H ni'ti bale court Jury on Wed-' will be lentenced Mon- P*®tCd by N o

late Judge Jam ei P. Goa- 'H si advance M onday and la i

of thV jiS r that freed WedhesdiQulim Plant, H u b o t* *»»<>* avUlabli jeSU va,DeeF*henw alt, *«d IndlvlduaU raley and H arry Boucher. ‘ Powle** we“ . n Ice Judge Ployd D alu Ined three drirera for R u n J and ach wo_on_KcQDd.offen** will-open->T6«ai

Iron.-Buht.-thirisd-WIUl m . t ’ ^ r^ ih iT ^n '! o « apeedlng. waa fined ^ M l* .-Jen7B .n ih .im der i*rge.-w xrnnM -|io-»nd , ; ™ r ' .!1 hla driving Uoenie wa* . M « . Oerald or lO-day*. LouU T horson innJrr'Tw lh l> l k wa* thB P w c n ilsh t di id-|* '«M U -oa-a-th tTfe tPcluda.oan****!!-------------------- -- realdentlat trcai.----------------------« r » t of a *erli0 BOATS SEIZED ^ »>«at- campal 3 c tj8 jfc J « B » n 'jx o a it “ni ted today th a t Ruialan toTHiUoi*elted two more Japa- P r l« * of 123. ; boats off Siberia Friday Ing offered In le to u i of cap tutedjap-- Ib tfB _ ara .fla -M iT o n tie y e a rm T?,---------- i

m neJM foods Increase It'X*«ociat«d T^tM Acrotii a dowrmare Hurricane H au l statea earlie r th notlhtnv .Canada to - lagged n ibb le wht

1 behind a lethal *equ*l a lo o d .____od w aten. n o d d a aI*o pla14 person* were known Carolina*. Penns; ugly 300-mll9 swath ol V irginia and Ken f the IroplCrbrWalorm . P lrtm en ' and ou th e e u te m tlnlted the ir Uvea t ime i onmamrc*niHja^Hun- s tn i ttU n p ^ lo o S ^vere ml**Ing................. tw irling water* aj>00 people of Toronlo Aa th e reporU < r isolated u the fading age and diatreaa p d ir hurricana-duoped -of th ree iUtc»=T.l Id of rain. R iven, and »n4 South Cart ed their banks. the federal govei :Ie s tree t la T on»to, jency aid. They i :r r 'e 4 t ln i» le a T h » f 'i i slate* w ere major hs»# dro*ned.Ia.Uiclc _JT he-au>rjn hli atea ve re thKt propuly c o u U l sU tes. bul le area UW ed at le u t sp read , dam age,.iJlars.________ . rem n a iiu ^ .p lo w ath» la s t faUl lath -of There, new storm hriiklng dl*a*ter:that aeooM apure-<if-i le n a n u of B iM l.* - f ided In lb lhe nbi

IN F A L M ,: lp M I p T S U I ? D A Y . '( >

becks Auto Speied

flnVb,- y'I ' v ; .

ita rday aa« *UU pelle* h e p t I t wU) help loB ara A. TJInnderaeivsaperinleBdeBt- ■HcCaU; Bolae; A. f . Nelson, chairm an « pollea radio engliieer, and U ent. C lark 1

► * • * * *■

ate Police to R( in Local Demorly 13 p e rcen tihead of the been adopted t t« aU biU htd In IBM, aimllar to thi onwlde the .n le .has .beea force*,-Ac«ird ^ per c e n t Porty-three currenUy usln bMn m rlllecd on Magic an effective «

aa.cqm* travelln t « t-e | * ^ S J f l n |M |w o d la V T he ra d a r i

' Isrgely to the 1 demon* in ma&r juili

i f i a |H | |K ^ ; M c C a l l , quence traffle V BTM M om stat« police tendant tata: tBMr; i i j tu t . O luk Uand doa-nward trei t a J ..M , B4J*, J r . and « - A l io present wer* Twin -T h B -n seT Jree of the P e « e J .O .P u m -co n tra ry lo t« h w judges from thoujn- does no t const

l a w . - i r r a . T T i . n i - T a i l H s 'S ^ S

i Volunteers ( )hest Drive JVundrcd and lorty-livo volunttscr itown business solicitaiion ph ase ( ivc M onday. Goal o f-the month-lc

F . W. Slack ahd N orm an A n th .he downtown solicitation drive, rchan ts lo h a v e .th c ir contribu tio i ty C hest workers, iwntown canvass will last u n til sm contacted. I t i s ------------------[lections can be com- U - - N ov. 1 . JDUClge

ance gift drivt opened i v r

SiSJffCrn'rj - WatelU ble, hut b u ^ n m tltm i -jvt .lu'aU conUcted have re- \ r i lill, report* William Jbl- J - 1 V l -chairman. RUPERT, C1 school fund drires a lu ^ HellsJ6«aay.-WrHr8wirtt»y ^ S id ^ b S '^ m ll-Jv*r*ea-ar#-«».chalr- H elU canyod*

lhat-w© uld-''a •Kelly ia chainnan of rIgaUon w aU r

dflM,------------------------------CTiBlrm#n“ S,'•Id W inU tr and M a . Idaho-O regon aon are eo-chalnnen c{ Wednesday ch :ht drive Nov. i th a t will o ther-R epubik M**lng-«(-alFI>tn*Pt]tT ^trongeH angmtrca i;- ,— .........- • -water r lg h u .u

. . r i « . i . p . d . u „ „ u

' KJluttly prol<( |2S, t l s and IS are tx - rlghl*-. from *i

In the Jingle conteit of an amendme xa-ag«. or-tc»ldwveirTt« 'i . » r« r« n . c .ii« « ii ''Whenever al

conflict wllh tx '1 - i A federal govemm,sJJL4;,_

' -pY cltlon.Y of the a

Damasre X"“™'uSdcsrssnsri,°s STi.'S',»■ . 1.™ h .a „ „ e where trim home* once ■'There. m ay

wllllnir to 't r u i l0 plagued pari* of the the federnl gore, cnnsylvanla, Maryland, future, th a t IU ■ New York. ».,u not b« «er< and volunwera risked rtsoutcea. Thes i i^ a n d _ » lM a la.Dluck .footoatdy pa th j;lo o d -n c u m i" rre m "n if ---------- ________er* around Toronto. t t r t r t orU o t hurricane dam. I). S .•ew pouredJn,goTernoni,

S S fS p‘„"a"S Restr;government for emtr- WAaHINOTCU hey aa id .pu t* of ihfilr officials. a re .n o ! na jor disaater' area*. tha t Russia Is o;1 h it hardest .i t_ th e nwe mmmuniat- a, bu t I t also did wide. reason; age_.lnIana_befof*-JU -The Kr«mlln-< ilow8d_-ln(o~<j»rtiida; thing to Intgr fere itorm centcrt n v M t a offeMlrs a lm eda 7<Jf-rlo!eneerbefor*-lt iilliaiM»«>.t nbrthlands. . {or rearming W u

r.OCIDBB R 17, 1551------------ ------

E E s i

■ ■ 1 ^ 1• SALT'L atcd-his st

Appcarii with-the-C Army Tim lican asthe f ln t cs they wlsn hi —Republican Wilkinson I meeting of I

- j mltlee for c ity to COM le r> .w llh <

| B H B 8 H Q P i | B U . . SeiLAiUiu who had cou senlatlve du compsnled hi broadeast,'«a! to desert hlir

H s i a i ...... declilon man■' ■ candidate.

------- ■----------------------' *^hen * IT

M f f l r .—. . . . tn d does rc]g s q T s : duty u A C ^ i — Ihe admonlllimsu aat SI. The arnoi

-yaaM ld-dln: Ogden s ^ n s R e w u chu m e n in the~ Junior Cham yenn Ills non

elp e n t (he highway traf- jw l n t e d j o j ttt-T if-Id*K #'sl*t«-^lee, wHFch it sale m of tha Twin Falls d ty ^yre of Oerm rk H and. (SUff pholo ' unbi

tlmeUble in * * * bomb.

lecord -“t ’lF;w ^ % / v r x 1 *

mstration Hsl:'.ted by the sU t« police, J* -Strlngfello* th a t used by the armed •"<» <1

w rdlM to-oollce agencies *1*"' using radar. It is proving “ i* « “« •'e weapon agalnat driver* , , i»-e*ceaslvo-speeds.— .......... ^ Wl tal­a r device hits contrlbuled P»>'‘ h*'!Jje reducUon of high speed f o n « u 6 . . . I lutladicltons..A* a conse- “ J ow iuaal ffle accident* aad the a l- .j. • • • ataUUes j i a i e ' taken ' a answcc trend-rc^ the f l n t tim e in honorably d.

atralght,*'' hs•or tJi -"grHtf6Hfa-cop70 the oplnlon-of-'many, ‘n ‘'*>1* 'nsUtuU a speed trap. R a- » » « H>#.u*«VJ;i«hlnd lh o h m - ------

----------- jfev*"Here are I

y - v " I w u nevi.OpenMbnday!r \m rk c a m il open 1JC of the Community ------h-lonff fund effort is ithony are co-chair^ A a y l O Je, They are a^kinp x t ' ' aitions ready Xor the | J p A l

il all bu.' incflR firm s GOI; e A v e i - s '

e s u te o f a n y i

t e r R i g h t s -. _ ” ~ ^ for u . 8. seni

tt Absolute g |e !^J h ^ Cr Budge , said loday ll

to . 1, ,

BUI for a high federal ^

?lled th a t he w u eon- broken pro e—w as-no-w ay—to’ "»b- «* n -c« a n n l« i olect IrrlgaUon water Prein^**1 such a project *hort P»<*n<»nd iWe. Im ent-to the U.-S. Con-

r .U .I. 1 . . „ m « ,nU I powers granted to the “ , m m ent by the ConsUtu-

:e .u o r tm . a u r t , jo u ,- U»" ^■an amendment to the «»Lltutlon can change the ^ le federal gorem m ent K n c a l"^ era of navigable streams V JIbuurles, _ay be those .who are P q cu s t the benevolence of ^ <*>-ovemment. present and

lls param ount rlgh ti IfEMPIIIS. ' xerclred over our water fBoss) Cmmp, I t\e y aria. foUowlng a tlm a bis eliy

— " • ■ HIS MemphU

ays Soviet- trains ChinaTON, O e t 19 CfV-U. S. 5 l L ‘ ‘' |L ! f , T nott-UrgsIy-convIneed s opposed to any Chi- lat a lU eW nn PormM . ^KdlhcT-Orumi n : . • • .were ever besteIn-doeM iot*w «nt-anyr -Vwd-MemphU fere w im 'ltJ diplomatic populttlon ;30^i ?d a t splitting Ihe west- B u th e lo i tm i ndiwreckin*.-new plans influano^^In- Ui W u tO erm in jr . prim ai^. H»nevi

-------------- . _ X an tar a Asillt Bsrtts

j i o f f i c d

) r w a r

C o m p l e: LAKE CITYv O c t 16 f/P)— Rc I story of w a rtim e serv ice w ith i irinfr on a te le v is io n program , t e-OSSv—T eara-runn in?-riow n*h ' 'inics w hich q u e s tio n e d h is s e ri^rs^he w ill,8 tep .aslde _______*inee fo r rcc lec tion in m i

cangresslooal d is tr ic t If - X 6 i k h ta to do ao. .can S laU -O halrm an-O .'Jr I Immediately called a of the su te c en tral com- ir Monday In S a l t lA ke «nilder etrlngfcllow 's of- llhOraw' trom the" t i c u t , lhur:K--WatUn*. IL . U tah , conferred wIUi th e rep re - during Uie day a n d tc*

tl him to Uie sUidlo fo r h is .-«sld he w u "not disposed him now regsrd leu of any nads u to 'hU fu tu r e 'm %

TTobM re rg lr t ' " a man I* willing to re p e n t repent. 1 consider l l toy

I Christian to follow tb a nlllsn to forgive," W atk in s

mouncement by th e M -

JncKl hln Utah. llaU nar*.:h0Mn one of the to p 10 h e -U nIled~ 6 la td 'by tho ' lambtr of Commerco la a t nomination for th is h ono r >Jj3tId_war .Tt..aoUym«a- said resulted In th e c ap - ,:rman acIenUst O tto H a h n nbalandng of U>o B e lch 's *9^In perfecUrg tb a a to m !

W uIlow, who stm walks w ith ttho reiult of a w ound in - Wa*“ ill# clearing a m ine field ^, la married snd h a a twoHe^ w u first elected to u l a t C

Uow said hi* * tory o f H J ; : ^I daner operaUona Ju s t . l T i e 6 he-embelllahed-lt durlnR '• • of mora th a n atW ' T I p . |

Inlo-thB-trap. Whlch“ ln • been laid by my; ow n eUb (8m P t « I,became a priaoner o f A tour of o a k k g ,-h e .s a ld H <• > v ^ g re eR lu f ljtr hsa finally provided slffisofUie; cc u to w b it- 1 ihouW Id th o s ta ll- do lo se t ths- reoord OluhthereC he said. 'T ills m orn ing l l i e Twin

- T n r a te a m . and r *m >aU 5n, spo. uU ojtonJihLfoc-tha-pur« as.fipeedy.- rl»lBg you -U « com pleU chairman. C -- ------wound pp-ti

re Ihe fsetj- Memorial tnnever sn 08fl sgen t. w r^parU clpatid in in y lnd-lh» lines mlasJoa Ior ynent many ti^captured Otto H ah n or Oerman physicist . . J®”" * ? ome before UiU rad io and n w -lo n lg h l'-a y h u m b le .>d very rep tnU td IrvdWl-<•* »« r i « J. c*ii>a s) »« ;---------------1 _ _ ' Sue Ellen W<-------T / ' ■ Dr. RayD ior Keeps Attacks on ^EE,' >P Policies S S•, Oct, 18—T h e R epubll- **^nowln»'l has fallen to the low est hall Earle ly sroup In A m e r ic a .^ - highway depilave no decency.”- -------on the valuelor.DemocratlccandJdaU ncatlon oroai «<naloM s«ed U « W aal “ h . » S S S i t In a Ulk which h ig h - (CmUaaWnocratlc party rallies in -------■Rupert a re u . - m r ,Hed the presen t.na tlonal | V | o n - 1 ] Wn -UiB moal e o m ip t l a •‘•■•■•vW U oti'a hUtocT." .nblned 'chliellng-“ 6 r ' a ll 'A ’t t l i r IstxaUoos-eouIdn't besln to Uie 3M billion do lla r t - t n

;land« oil a w a r f r tn m h e — I “ S ' jeople. The adm ln lstra- ■Jity gave ih* oil to th e 50mp*nlaf, -p ro v ln r- th a t i« n s-p » y -flff-In -* -trtjr « wbo p a , .^ ._ - p . r t y ,

rW s n f o t . t r - n t l f id - o npromise* of U»e H epubll- mit«» * t-M -p e r-c e n t-c f " iilsed In the IBiJ cam -he fleilbla price suppo rt m!T.l,Ich w u enacKd, ernment Nstl(

iW when prices are low. Bs)port a l all." Plremen e*'icrlbed American foreign *fter poll

itWi, j Lft- j lx v e a ^ t i s ^ i m t by a Doled c o n s e m - 8ook*-were bt s t who said Utat A m crl- .t<nt ot dama{ I *« r u t t; CsUaa 1) n o t known Ira------ -------------- ■ While Ulep

1 Damascus. S;I j r u m p . Press correspo

r parently by t

asses a t 8 0cus said a sti

I. Oct. 18 (fl— K. H . dedared in An I p , Uie naUon's l u t o ld - pled Importai ly polSUeal bos*, died » n d placed wtt r a q .. - - i - H eivy^gnafars u "machln*- made—o r rloU ag' essee governor*, a en a - ■!>“ “ “ 'to Ai presentatlre* for m ore “ o Jordan el«

duo lo a 'h e art ailm ent. home. aUII m e “b o u "

ump nor h ts e u d id a i t t t s ten Jn hU own back - hit and Shelby coUntyr

w est Borneo •. much of his aUtewlde river overflow- U i« -im -D em o c ra tl(rfjiea v y -» m .-n aevtr jalBtd 11 »U b a d e ,) reporU rcachU


i m i t s T i

E x p l o i t

e t e ^ l ^ U nRep, DouRlas Slringfellow, R„ Ul ;h the pffice of fltrategic serVIcea. 1, the conjrcMman admitted_he I: rhh'fftcc, Ke BuVslanUaled a stci icrvice rccord. He also said he ha

e l l s of Hoax AEC.“Ten

WA8HiN< alomlc en« that, "after tion." I t su( visions into i Y a tu power remove th< falli to the <

In a <tm eongresf, r< aocUted P r descrtbcd tJ term s penn froup to mi nin* per oe: ^O M d^iS tnj aT enH ei(e^^ - ThaA EO . p e r cent ll «ouldjMbU in eonttniet B U Ied-ttV l

DOBglsa Btflaffsll9w. K ,>dflillted e m a U hvlstoa JJL ." * s t last algbt a t Sail Laka a t th* *Ury ef his elaak.I ta wu e tplcau w u » 2 ^ 5 .* *

:e Gardendesign, to ti

; e t s Closed ereb y -T o a r^ =

u ie PedtraUon «I O uO ea • * re eslurdsy aftarfieoa ' 1 7 • '

p-two-OtTrerKUvlUM t y said t ^ T 1 uiQchonv falls; u t» -p e m in W a 'S i g a e I tTldge, new high school, “so rt of pa; t l company and pe en h o n su ou ls 'lo 'U iw Adams, Jerome, who d ls- voU for the

rchlds, begcmlaa. fuschias -r- .

'D avu!Pocatello ,profasor • . * ? « f a t Idaho s u te eoUege. <uUonal me< film Ott-wlld. flower* and

helm socU ncocfooaaerra. “* « Iha^ » Ud /lowen. , . . . is to sell ti ulon and demonstration of .r method of eattin f Hower - " J do not given fay Orrln Bale, Seat- sound way to Ilor of.the Pacific G ardens Jtnd farm pJ a m ajM ln t. ‘way to makIg luncheon a t the Legion U lo produc le V, Miller, Boise aU U produce Jt as

i S o f ^ ^ r o ^ V b ^ U - L u m e n ^ t* «rogram. — BeniBn'aatfl^ e d - « l t ^ ten- »ho « u id e■Wm f u t s. Ctlina I) helping

_ _ u a partner

in Jordan -- , “W aw lU nc

i c k s , Fu-es S r P r o p e r ly |^r . - j o r t* n , - O c L - i8 - i r - 4 " O l d l ( >wlar-4l«otton-diy-mobs ’ " y - v i ~ ~ ilk e Jn Uie atreels.todsLT, —f . l f r o ' v ; nwrihe-u,-8.-ihroraiaUc5» - v U d y irary-ind’i t n W ' l b tho ii ic u t three p tnons wera \ U o f MJnjuredin.the-rloU ng. - — v f _ c \ l

e r n m e n t eofflmuniq;ue b p o k a n e immunlsU and anU-gov- Columbia Ba!a isUonal Bodaii i J i iw jm e i c o m S s s l o ,^---------------------------------- w attfw 5V -*PBooks Bnraed today on a <estinguhhed the Iib rv 7 sharing, water

f bumed,-but th s full ex- e^ th e ^ rp to p a m « e to Ihe buUdlnj.was day-long disc . iramedlalely. reU ry Calvertilephonlng. h li report^ to _ _ _ _ _ E 9 h

S y r ia . Uie AssocUted Pfo»l*apondentw u cU t'off,ap- aBreementglv y tovemment censor*. mls^cm autho Army Called la elM trlclty prepatches reachinxD anuu- su te of emergencr w as ^

I Amman. H ie army occu-ru n t centeri In U u d ty « ,7 i. w esum embassies underr a r p ra G p ttc h sa id .----- ^ " S u u W eag began when opposlUon S S n s W a ^ n J ^ a n wlUidrew. from th a t proJeS

, electicni, eompUlnin* of * W sJt-lnterfertn ce.--'rti8-TOt« —^ T R T lB s t ir <0 memben of a new abartafc:the.« miltingauUiorlsed groupa p r o ,p o s a l f i gnuf0C-th»-flnt-tlm a aa a re u thiiTlgtf>rtle^_________^ •___V !JoSKtDa-DRoWN i i -------% IndimetU, O c U l f e r■eons -drowned-fn'sonth- a e f 5 “ W ®

„ m i c B i . C E W ^

a l e

t s I s :

t i l r u eU tah, tonight repudl-

ea.e had_seen no^se^lcj__itcry Tmblistied by f t#1 has told Utah Repub-

C Defendsr i n s ^ f P a c ^

o rB ig P la n ta N o T O K .-o c t 'j a - f lfM n i# '- energy commission' say*

ifter considerable nsfotla- . succeeded In wrlUng pro­nto th a controvenlal O ix o a * ^3wer caatracurwhlch should—- 'th e possibility of wind-Ihe company. . * - ____ j ___stm unpabUshed report. (», r«ad today by an jU - l E

P re u ceporter. the ABO d as no t excessive contract •ennltUnx tbe Dlxon-Yatea ) make a tax-free return o f ■ rjoent o r a w on its-pro- ■

EG ja id . junrer..t2ta j i J n * _ t Is n o t goaranUed and '< higher or lower if cbaniea roeUga.co>U.M UmttM .aa!!.^ le grrop*! tSTCstmeot, "M tm ission said I t balkad . groups origlnsl propOnl

'hlch “the vooldcelred any p ronu ta «x- a » per cent return ea lU . . iivcstaient with tha A SO .>lig«ted to pay the Incona

1 the AEO said Ik Insoted visions ia the current and nna l d ra ft of th e c o n tac t—

0 eliminate .poMthla-ezcaa* flU. I t said th a l tha oom*"Uirough negotiation, h u ^ a j o r -tonc««ifltt?^Cwn-2-:

isonA vers- | l S . M ust Be a i 7 n - B a r t B i ^

r . -w AgTteulturo -B in ip q —»

h a ^ t t fa rm m and'noi a ' ' p sym uter, glvinc haad- -

those who are wUUnr -to. tb e p a r tr lnpover.'^ - tn t T tm ; tha taU ae t otfl- . ihe Idea h u grown la - circlea th a t the way to

Itrong and healthy agrl- to sju _ jiu _ u i» _ in rp iu i_

n to the Boramment n th e r correct "these dliloctUtsa Id up rigorous,m w keti," speech prepared' for tha ’ mechanical com picking

ha sa ld .h e d o a no t-be- t the .curpotft o t fanalns -1 to the government for

no t bellere th a t is tha y to build up farm IncomeI profits,” he s a i l “ T h e_ ' make money In larm lnc '>duce w hat people want,t u efflden t^ m pculble'aggreslvaly s ^ l t - to - e o h - —

t reasonabl* prices." said*there a n tome peonk Id even deny to farmera ling-hand ef government tner." He added he dls- nplctdy-wllh-thU poln t o f —

II n e t lu m bacJ^ the elodL__ibt'/drago 'th s i n s t galna rlcultura - h u - made,'*

iteGroujp—- tysPlanon— aterJEtights ■NE, Wash., O c t 18 W - 'n ie Basin m tm U U Compact _ M I

a tenUUve compact for ■ ■ a ter resources of the area.

pBww am teaura o n > v l* ln n ? ^ ^ H npond'compaerduringUi* f f u dlscnsalon, execuUve seb- - ‘) | | l l Ivert Anderson said. j H l iE S K ttlo cJU U a ----------------- - i l l ltivUlon th a t won tbelr ' B | l t gives Uie permanent com« « ■ itborlcy to recoouneadUtst. produced a t a power B r a h . . . 7 f l n erred to th e sU te or w fa r . < the project Is located, ha.. - o ther suu.w D uldhavt;t« lowerer. ■ _ vrould tndw ta

ahla aharw, o f^ td d ia tB a lv ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ lm ^ p r a d t M d b a e ^ 'a je ^ ’ h e a M

^ r m v ou lA -laS S uaU — ^ ^ l anU n a, Wyamlnf. O t a h v ^ ^ H

loa a n d Otecco^' ’

• ....... - ^

Page 2: )ark aign; Talks - Twin Falls Public Librarynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...-hid-comg~lntn~Taing pf n^r. i*~*^ =To7^flce.-that-he-is - - ~ 'Clone cellar


W e lk e r S ets — T alk" S e rie s

- T o A id G Ofraa Ttt* Ob«)

• Biturd«x- foUowins &n «pp<■jicfl ftt c u y o n 'A iu m im«UD* lo Joteph, Ore.

AUo ipeaUng for th e TKpubllc -^«U 1 be S ^ Z r e r e tL Dlrluen.

' ' . « h o w U l J i c j w . a t ^ l nurd>7 nJcht. Oq Ute pUUorro i

-----J»lm wUlbeSei^H«>ry-CrI>*«»t— Tup. n u n e r BodEi t n d Bubcm*t

Ifti cand ld iu Robert E. Smrlle.B o th 'D w onhsk and fimylle

campftign la the lr home town* ' week. Tha w n ito r will be In Bui W f4na/1«y .nrt Hmyllg will I t t th e College of Iduho hom eum ioi CftldweU 6« tu rd ir .

B b d s V»lle> T«IU , AUo on Ihe schedule tor D «

- a h ilt ftr< tp p e u u e e a » t Idaho F — ManilM, Bgtto «nd Areo TueK

Jerom e T hurid»r *«'* ■i 'wItP T B»turd*y. He- will ih ire - ihe pl

‘ Jonn wllh A&ndihl and Budge ' Qoodlng Friday.

Bmyllfl will be In Bonneville coi ' t y Monday, Bannock and Per

Tueaday. and Twin PalLi Friday, On the Dcntocratlo aide, Ta]

• will h ll _Bl»cUoot_Moftday.^Mo , pellw Tuesday, H ailey W»dne»£- nigby Thurtday, klaU d Friday i

I f '< Salmon Balurday.---------------------| f Hamlllon'i Agenda{ff ' Clark Hamilton U icheduled 31 take hli campaign for governor 1 » , northern Idaho, apeaUng In Mos(

— jis n a iy r 'C o fo r—a T n tn s—Tnesa■ Bonner* F eny Wedntaday, Sai ' point'T liurtday and K e llo g r 'i

WalUcfl FTlflay.- - - R e p . Hamer B ud g a-w ltl-b *

- ^ C a a a la eountrM onday,-Power T u day. Qoodlng Wedneaday, Jerc

, Thuraday, Blalna Prlday and T Falli Saturday,• HU DemocraUc fo*, W llllanl

------^Whllaker, has •n g ag cm tn ti :-r Blackfoot Monday. M ontpelier Tu ( - .d a y . Hailey W ednesday. Rl;

TTiuradiy and U t i t i T r i i t r .

}n;nBO e n b o d t e t o cum ;. CALODTTA. IndU, O ct 18 U Prim e Mlnliler K ehni fltw t« R j goon today en rout« to Oommuc

r io s ^ ta l s____M agic V a lley M em o ria--------- VlilSng" houra a i Magic Val

' Memorial hospital a re from a t< and I to I pjn.

' ADMITTED•Mn. Uoyd Mitchell. Joe OU

W alter Reid and David Beua. Twin Falli; U ra. Olora MU) Ooodlng, and Mri. Donald M atthc and Ura. Robert Erklna, BuhL

D isa a s sE D , U ri . Harold E railer and.aon, M Teodon Qarcla and tw in daugbtt M n . EUla PoweU and daughter, V

1’ Robert W. lUne and daughter. M I • K ay Kremln and aon. L an y H a r

Maraha 'Bnow. 8aTIy~:Ward,TIJ lr.:;L.RoberiKolB.an[l. aon. -Mra. , Iv - ' Larson and daughter, M n . R on

Scherupp and aoD, Roy'Soa.-T it I Jam et C b n R o u W lg b t ^ e o C

Ington, MyUe DeU)nney;; apd P Hoppe, aU Twin Falla; 4Cn. J l l Nlcot, M n, Harlyn Schmeckpe; and daughter, Mrs. Floyd Beegh

> and Mary Lee Field*, a ll Bohl; Mi •— te r D aTld-Y ounr'and-M a ^ 'i n c

bolh Murtaugb; Mra. Reed H ana , ^ peTt;_M n, a im o n - B a k tt-Ja daugKltf Klmber!j!;_M ri._Char BHepEeH, FiIerTand M n . Cleo T hj a e r t , Hansen.

BIBTUS A daughUr wa* bom Saturday

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Erkin*, Bu A daughter w u bom to Mr. and M Edward Luti, Buhl, and a aon Mr. and M n. HIU K nlghL Kli berly, FHday.

Gooding: M e m o ria lVUItlfig hours a t th s Ooodl

County Memorial hoaplial a ra frc > p . m. fo 4:30 p .‘m . 'and- from p. m. (0 t:SO p. m,

ADMITTED M n, Marlon Slecle, Ooodlng, ai

Mr*. Jack Koonce. Palrfleld.I DI8MIBBED ■

Mrs. LeTlna Bowles. Ooodlng.> BIRTHS I A daughter waa bom to Mr. ai -------Mr».-JackXoonce.*Falrfield.

. S t. B ened ic t’s , J e r o m eA D M in>;D .

niehard D. Crocker.—Mri.~Ce< M yen. Yrelle Clark and M n. H e

• m an J. Beheld, all Jerom e, and Mi Jamea W. Brooks. Hasellon.

------ _ DISMI.S.SED ________W n. Eihel PleljUcfc. Mrs. Rlchai

Bcngoethea_ and daughter a n-------W«nd«-Aikew,-al|-Jerome.'»nd-Mi

Lfvl V. Mason, Hazellon.

C dttaK eTB urleyADMITTED

Mr*. Vlrgle Ann Padlock. Mra. Noi------ -* a ^ lr d .-M r s .- l r l ro t l ( l> w rf r X i

ra in s Thompion. all Burley; Mr_____Hammnnd. ,T w la-yalU ;-M rI Angelli* Ybara, Paul.

i_______ K upert G enera lADMJTTEn

“ '' i Charlaa Camj 1 bell, bolh RuoeriI - . . .

Ployd MerrUal, Daywn, Mont.BIRTIIA

A dsughler a u bom to U r a t Mra. Denlon UeCooI, Paul.

JVIagU JValUy — F air laday ai M u tda r. Not M w ahn ioday' a i tonight. High belh day . I t (« <

■ Low toBlght U t« U . Ulgb Salor& n , low U ; 71 a t S p.jn. Barra iel 30J*.

Mm. Miiw.rr * AIbu u*fi)UB — 43 niimtRk - n 10

:- ......................... . - ^ = ? .*= =

N tV o f L iB iZ iz z z z z r i s «N.W y « t ____________ 4> M ,

rb».nlt^______________ J j

___...a* ■ **__ ':— 7;>ii-TairrM»-.------------ t t — 11

_ «th I 'n n c lM _________ ]# _4»

-^^Tww'"rAi,ta H _ : : - Z TT SI--------Vi'uhintuio . , .as <;

Keep the White Pli ..............................__.of Bafetynylr

3S jl. ■ ■O P P l ^ -appear- 11 «omaon-iabllcani - 9R .H U ■ ! r ^

II* HaU 3 r z . T | I r r z r ^ c - —

™ahak! j NLNow three davi without

lie will traf/ie death in our Jtfair

..............i t t e n d __ “

Young Lashes at liw or* Masters’ Clain

to Falls BOISE. Oct. je U V -Jaass Mexday, Young, Republican candidate iT T a ig aee rm i7 "c rg u t* riu n rtT « it- to « e plat< a t tha D emoentle ticket. laying idgs a t mem ben ‘'eonrenlently ovcrli

their aupport oC the m eat spei a coun- th rift government In all hUtory.**

Pow er Young's sUtemeoV-lh* most 0 :day. spoken of hU catnpalgn lo dat T ay lor was a relerenea to hU Democn

^M ont- opponeat,.8ecistary-xf S U U M neaday. ter*, who has repeatedly erlUcl: ay and "exlraraganca'' tn tha past two J---------- pubUcan-iUta admlnUtraUon*.—

He dUputed M asten ' content u, th a t M asten bad trimmed. sU te 1

Into pendlturea by thousand* o t doll o rer RcpuHllean opposlUon.

Hangar Smashed,I ^Light-PIane Sai

rT ue*^ RA m O H ,-W rC,7 0 ct.-10 s n - J Jerom a before HurrlcaDe Hasel alruck h 1 T w in yealerday, college aludent Earl N

] r , w ent to ths Raleigh munlcl lan i P . alrpor* and sought hangar *p<IU - In for hU H |h l pUne;......................r T ues- When he learned th^ t no spi

R igby waa availablt, he stAked th a pli outaldf, tying j» aacuraJy to : (TOUCd.

IINA » * • •’'« '*» ‘1“'« i n _ during the hurricane and th e plai , lU n - '*'*« amaahed. Hoa'a ^m unU t untouched.

^ Victims of Bomb Vastly Improve

--------- TOKYO, Oeu « tn -S e v e ra lr l n l the 23 surviving vlcUma of I

March-l-UH8rBlklnl bydrogao-boi a to 4 may be pennltted aoon to

homa temporarily. 11 waa le*rr today.

O m u Tha alomla casually reseai UJ «ii council aald tl waa considering M iller (o allDW the le u -a e rlo utUiBwa injured men to go home. T ha v

llms were crew mesnbera o t th a fli Ins boat Porlunsto Dragon. 11

n Mra ballenU a t Tokyo unlveralty a g b tm National hosplUls.X, M n i -------I T -------------

Bandits Repent, iS :iJ0 B i5 n g h TardRonald WAUKSOAN. n i , Oct. Itf OB—T s, '7i<rs. bandlU who robbed Mrs. Emi » Cot* Mettger of tM In her grocery sUd- P au l r ^ t « d , bu i too late._______, J lU da Jamea ~Semard, SS. and Jan Jcpeper Oordon, XJ. both Chicago, decld Mighley to relum their loot when they s ; M as- Uccd a wocnan Jotting down th -mckB: B«nM“iitn«Kr-4nh*y~nM“i tanaen. etore.c.-JAnd ~ M n .-M » l« e fs husband, iio w tr a iu lB x waa ln-tha,atora-when-B*rnafd-a: Thae> Oordon Tetumcd a n d 'ch a se d 'th i

Inlo the arms of police.

Plant Executive ■S « Raises Goldfis

CHICAOO W -A Chicago pla_____ aupttlnl£ndenL.look.two.goldflah.I hU oOIce a couple ot yean ago. ai i now thera ara fUh all over th e pU( oodlng The superlnlendrnt of the B

Bindery company, Mori M orlU, 1 rom T ardent uquarlsl, took th i two gol

(izh lo the oftlcft to see how hU c worken would react lo ihe Idea,

r, a n d Ereryona responded the way Mot U hoped. At l u t count MoriU ai hU ftllowworkers were looting aft

f , four large aquariums filled wli tropical planU. inalU and a varle

r. and

Livestock Show cell Set at Portlani

H er- PORTLAND. Ocl. 1« (Tl—Tha « l I M n , annual Pacific International Llvi

atock Eipo,tUion will open hri Monday wllli^enlrles from aa fi

chard away u Ohio, otlahom a and T<*aII J, d Judging ot 4>H and Future Pa rn

fra-of-A m erica” difUlons .“Wl!l""gi ' underway a t » a. m. Monday,

------- : :-----------B IBnrSE FO RT E D ---------HANSEN. Ocl, l» -W ord haa bee

K o r. f««lved here of the b irth of 1 - ^ ^ ; <iaufht«ron-O et.-n to Mr. and Mr *Mra. R-Show en In Anchorage. Alaaki - M n -8howfr»._ lh9_/onaEr.,..Joa

Thomaa, la the granddaughte r <__M n ^ r-R T -B rn ic h r t t i r -d iu iR f^M n, Olenna Darenporl, also Ar

— ' c hon je . ' ..........................................

z = Magic Valley It. Funeralsr. and ^

OOODINQ-Puneral aerrlcea.fe P>t»r,FlU TrarM ondarat-tha OoodlngXD ehapf! with M, fiuiey cnfney offl Clatlnr, Concluding rltea *'llt be hel’.,and P'‘«f»on-V*»lV ,r ' ^na ’ ■ ' — •

to Ct. D IETRICH-runeral aervlcea fo lorday Edwin R. Otc* will ba held a t m e U r >t th t Maaonl

temple in Shtuhone. Concludin rilea Kill b* hdd a l the Shoshon cemtlery. _____

TWIN PA LLS-runeral aervlct ===rtl ‘:'‘;:?'«"i".=g ;j<;">*Ckwlllzh lieM a l 2 pTmTUoaday a t tha Whll mortuary chapel » iih the Re'

, , A. MacArlhur ortlcUUng. Pln> • rife* mill ba held lh Sunset Me

-------- -marlat-paik-____________________

JEROME—Puneral aerrlcra fo 2 ic s_ JU k * ilo tlaa _ H e n ry will b conducted a l 2 p. m. Tur.iday a

-T tb a WUey funen l chapel win - r r r JJlahop-Lew. P t i t l pr« iaitig . Con — ~i: >nmmp-aMTrtm-will-Ba-htia-at-3ir

nuna cenielery.

I Solon AdmitsPlying ____

■- “ -Story-of-Wai Duties Fall<Cm IUm4 F r » Fu* Om)

I dua l I 'h a V a made aome grle : — V. {! m uakea.for-whleh Lam truly a _ . j . . . I wjah before my Hear

Father th a l I ntlgh t undo _ I wrong. I ask your forgiveness ai

i i s ro re • yon-Ljrill'-iOenil-A-lIfel reptnU nr and tr y tn g - to b

I amends. . .-■------- -- -----------J tc p rA iid a ;:.iout a ~ "I lu j* '» lr ra d y told tha offl

o f tha pM ly U ut. U they wUl w lil.wllllnfly alep aside lo pei

' I them to e « ^ y anblher candid I f a n o ^ Ij c h ^ , I WlU mm

af Ui°eTO tto f*r a h a l l e a rry o n , campaign on my record In tha 1

9 i n i Q congreaa. . . I ahall humbly al a u i i o by the dacUlon of my party js sa H. (he people of Uie f in t dUlrtet. late fo r The storm orer the handai at-tod»T 7 o n n r lf t* b “eongreasman-broka- lylng lls to th l open Thursday, when overlook Army Times—a newspaper publi , spend- ed In Waahlngton, D. C,. wlU; tory.** any official connection wllh loat out- army-H)Uealloned whether h a re J dale— was a war hero. mocraUc U gend GnwU Maa- Btilngfellow'a-legend. a a .h a b ■rltlelied 11 up during the years lines two R a- related th a t he waa wllhdn,n*.------- from aailgonient to the H th-arantentlon division through furloughs 1 U te e f week-end passes In iM l and I ’ do lliri fo r aecret OSS Ualnlng a t Waahl

to a and olher polnU.He aald SepL 25. IB<4, h a '

— 2------takeB from "hl» 'ouini*anafJow rp r i Europe, where, wllh 90 othera, J i > parichuled behind German ll C n f A Ho u ld h is group dUrupled a C O a x o m an conuaunlcaUon*' center 1 s n - J o s t captured—*n“ 'ImJ>orUlil“ ieIen Kk here whom ha had been led to bell U l Noe, w u atomle expert Olio H ahn, lunlclpal Ca^torad, F.scsp«dT apace He said he waa captured by

- • V Oermans; recelred a ■•brulalklci 10 space *round“ a l BeUen prison, la Diane escaped and waa flown back to

to the United SUloa In time lo rejoin outfit Oct. 14 aa 11 waa board

I down ^ fw Europe. He ' a Dlanea bounded N ot. 19. 1M4, while cle ^ a was flel'l 1" MUlhem Ftai

and apent m any montha in hospli paralyxed from tha waUt down.

-=--------------In-addlO on-tfr-belcg choae u -iI h or tha top young men of the nal

■ l u t <fftr hy t in .Ttmlnp C hattf iV A r i o f Commerce. ' sirlngleilow 1L fV c U ruesl on a naUonal televUlon p rera l of gram last January. The ahow. (1of tha la Your Life. NBC) waa built aroi

Sunb Hlrlnyfflln» 'j ■frotinU ef h1« f\,lo and dagger openUons.

learned ------

Lone Report Set lerloiuly On Polio Serurhe v ie . WASHINOTON, Oct. IS (m -l h a flah. National Foundauon- for Infan . Tliey ParalysU aald today Uiere will ally and only ona ’■auUiortUtlTe” report

whether the Salic vaccine U cff tlve agalnal paralyUe pollo=-anC

t won’t ba ready unUl neat spring. Foundation offlclaU said repc

- J on children-InvolTid-ln-Ual-Kj a r f l V naUonarlda teat-of-U ia S

T ^ . polio vaccine are being made an “ ^ 0 abla only to a Unlvenlty of Mic

ajnmm reaearch group making an ' ry *lora dependent- evaluaUon ef Uia W

Growers Resent — Imports-of-Rii

BOGOTA, Colombia, Oct, 18 « lOwtTtr T h* NaUonal RlCi-aio*era"fedt ird -«nd Uon pu t th a govem m eofoti ha Tl'Uiem today-that-preaent-lm port-polli

m ay causa American rlca to suppli ColombUn rlca on UiU nallon'a m keia.

a Tha federaUon pointed ou l tl\ In Uie laat four daya Colombia 1 T i o n ImportedmoraUianl.OOOIonaof* . l l S l t plus U. 8, ricr. I t warned th a t 1 > pU nt m ay l)cove •'calastrophlc- for ColoIflah .to blan grower*..;________________go. and ----------------------------

Rejection Is Set On Sea ProtMi

CO. SANTIAGO. Chile. Oet. 18 W * T he United SUIm , BrIUln. SwecH . “ ''0 Non,'ay were on noUce fr

Foreign MlnUter Roberto Aldun \ * iu f Chile, Peru and Ecunv .n i tv proleatj a g a in s t:

decUlon.1 of the SouUi Amerl! eounlrlea to ealend ihelr aovereli

r ty 0V*r'0Cean waUfa'200 mllea r the ir coasla.

Aldunale aald proUsti from * J o ther counlrlea “agalrul tha ma

a l l Q Uma rlghla ot our three counti ,a « i h will be almllarly rejected,"I Live- ----------------------------I here VacatioH Extended

-BU K U Ocl. lfr-HarTMl_T*t i * ; “ - Uon for B uhl puplU hai been e m - « t to 9 .a .jn ^ e d n e jd a y ,u n l(m weaUier prevenU poUlo picking.

The vacation auuled laat Mo______ day.. 8hotil4_w ealhtr.iinT ent_bi

veaung of poUU>ea on Mond J been cliusea will be reaumed a l th a t Us

of * — ------------------------id M rs. l.009-ACBE8T!tnWEI>“ " Uaaka. MONTEREY. Calif.. Oct. 18 I f- . Jo a n ra g ln i ,fo r« t f lr t, whipped by soul te r of we*t_«lncla_jaujmuLln*_lnlo--m- i[er~ot open counlry oul of the rugged 10 A n- Padrea niUonal f0re.1t todsy a f

b u rn la r over 8.000 areaa.

for1 a t 3

■hldhig Afirayi'iroTtI with o HimlMiTlir Mhone MASTEK r«llcy.- ll por> vp ta, }» ,

000,00 Anldtnlcl D«olh A PlimtmW ervlcea “I * A « y . MTlUzfat up to >2000J0 fgf I6n »iWhlla detnegt lo loggegi end

Rev,- Pel;«l«l I.Ktd

t <______ tiwfttl't. W*«IJ w!i« ntwog* f»i

•fKnittfii, hBTil’wd.ailwr.otcidimi.

3n « „ W . A. O S T R A N D E R _ L E M A ,C H A P IN

Con-4—- --------A kcHCV

- T I M E S - N E W S ,

* 8 I T w in ^ 'F a l]B e r r ^ t o B a t e k . V

, 1 CpL A lbert I r i s h .- n o e f 11J U ih ._ h u Jolsi

nlnUi in fan try dlTW na In Oe M) His wlfa ailao rcalde* In Twin grievous

u ' / a v ^ - A a<n was b o m O ct. 11 toM ^ U n .JB h a P , Jo aea . Idaho r u i

lu ^ I Janea Is Uie form er Laah O

, TlBUbea T rain ingI Officen Marina p r t . D arld O . Van ' Wish, I ten, aon of M r. a n d Mrs. Oeo0 permit Van Hout«n, rou to 2, Twin Fal andldau: flnUhed-four—w eeka-of-Ind:1 aupport ccm l«t train ing t t Camp Pen

r on my • -------- w

“Missing” Hunt! Found by Fat

,iTh flhenUI..31-year-ol4UUvUloh technic ian, waa loea ha really ^ U ,hU father, who h a d Joined a^

K..IU officen. and c lrl l a ir paUolo i r ; in - ill -a ay M a rc li- ro r him.—

“I noUMd lilm « u t “ >•'o f-m y .e y e -ta k ln » -a -d r in k .l

l h . « " * « »UUon. I w ent up ar "V »™ *‘ fcround him ,- 0 Sherrill aald, “H a d idn 't even

Vashfng- looking fo r htm.“ •

s i r i ; TfuclrD rivefriii T.'SS: New Y ork Strt t r in d ~Mwur v n p lr ~ /v - f ta t k l a icIenUii: w iiap niore Uian) believe drivers, h i t New Y ork City 1 ahn. surrounding area toda;, ^ Uirealena lo choka off Uii tt

commarco: - — - - I kicking Tha APL T ea m sle n union on bu t tha slrike of general freight , , e n a t ona m ln u U afler ml(

» i ! r t l S in c re w denHa w u ed to avert th a acheduled wale clear- ___________________

MARBIAQE UCEN8B nospiiau BURLEY, O ct. I J - U v l J. 1 own. Almo. and Pa tric ia Ann Macl>

' i r £

et f tflB-Tha r ^ r > A J i ^Infantlla K A ( I • \J '} .

jporl onyonr moBlh

^ a n d I t anoogb aoiaeona may r i yaa h a y geoa eoam eB aeoa

a l'su m "

le avail. r - : ' r V ' > ’f M i^ u

laW aU , - ',v

■KJce - y j i A rtfolH18 a n -

I ftdera*& hallce -TOllcles


ibla h u IS of sur- h a t UiU ‘ Colom.

tests! H P I h ^ H18 Itn—Sweden

ce from '

Ecuador the '

merlcan ‘verelgn.

oma marl-


Monday»t time. —

y - ------------E t o n H a i r o e l M d T i.8 vr-Arsouih-1 - ____________ ___ ___

W h a t 's• ----- 6ol6r;"darke

Saide and kwk yc

browM, K7sy^ 1

j -r-i;,r-7 r i e h ly .~hiindii cinUy £ood-looki

tones are tiie nei uels and Triple

•T lir .I. »»,•

l a r t S c h o f f ni^n'or . __ • . — -w., r from .

i.“ .t T opcoa ts fro !R Sport C o a ts iyJ__^ S locks fronT


d l s N e w s i n B r i e f

...... B r tm - p .a * a B « r f ^ ^ 'if u r and PbOlp Brown -pctttd - a $3

Uia with Twin Falla p o U « « a tw t faiaun« an U U gH -T T -tan^

’win Falls. ....... •____* 'Mn. D. E Lilly, Moaes

« M r.a ^ S iilu ipiat tharwwic-tiia wl ra il i,M n . slsten,-«lra..O . X.-8WMI an I Lydli Domrosa.

Daadi Reported . ' j ^ - ■ Mrs. Oeorga Tbom eU b u n

w »d U u t her broU ur.ln*la« Van'Hou- Walisr, haa died t a F t . Wayn O corn M. U r. Walxer waa alao a -bi rails, haa In-law of U. A. Oleaa, Twinindividual------------- - ~PRUUetOD Bwlflisar Tapped - "55*512: - p u t - o a Uoway. aon ef M _ Mr*. F. A. Calloway, Tw in FaJ

i — been Upped for H ell Dlvera. [iter mlag honor aoclety, a t tha l .1 slty of Idaho.

iKonler'a office U> WUlIaj ,4 H »n. Salmon, and M ary F

' , ^ 1? ? ^ Boyd, Twin Falls, and Ei S DavJs. Ontario, O re.. and 1

Galag-OTcneaa____________i . Marina T /S gt. Cheater R . MJl w n o f ,M n . Oliva Mcl

Twln-TWl*, 'U icueduied to g ’ ^ J l u In the fa r e u t a fte r ai>

four »e*ks In tha staging re< Ten know camp .Pendleton, caUf.

“ Claatag Eyad' 1H------------LocU -m erchanta-wlU-decl

their siores o r remain for Uia Velerana day obaei )iriKe here N or, 11 a t a meeUng 1

-A _lruck Twin FaUs ReU ll M erchaiiU l in 23,000 Monday noon a t th e Bogenon ty and a AU local merchanla a ra aa^ed oday and tend. ' - I region's — ■— ■

T w o B o i s e M e n

S lS S S L o s e i n S w i nIons fall- NEVADA OrrV. Calll., Oct. walkouL -Police aay th a t a UtUe 73-ye

- . man h u swindled two Boise BE bualnessmen out o f *5,000 In 1J. Uoyd, fldence game. wDonald. Thty cald a BoUe tnick < F r la fn i- TnS-DIeETsSd-Cair-LOCOntl ly court- BoUa vermlcuUte company rt]

______ j t u t l l l l t l e old m an, they knciu 6eo rga"w m iam T T ila“ bj them here to buy a, 110,000

I Z M truck for tlO.OOO.^ , » Dick and LoConto aald the] 7 / i - ^ W lUlafflsasjM O^.sliow. good i ) A j wWle he went to g e t Uia Uuc i% & a Sherllf Wayna Brown aali l U 1 IniUad took a cab to C

*'“* ***" a bua to Ren

FARMERS T O MEET•S ^ BUHL, OcU IB—T he Buhl/ munily Farm Bureau-w ill mi/a w ita l 8 p. m. Mobday a t th e Buhl cll

—' to dUcuss cora 'organlzaUon :Ut ab st policy reMluUona a n d to elect ' r a ^ e t gales-U> U a -c o u n ty -n e e U ilense. Novtmbar.__________________

TripteT sfStolraKiraiai^

S HAPPENk e r ! Look on Ih 'rS J^y o u r b e a f ! I l ’i a aea ao n eral!

a, b l tM i, . . M en g ree n a , o f a

n d jo m c l jL c o r r a c t - S p e " T r mokin* in the new dnrk in -b tnew senMn'g Eton Flan- pera >le Teel aharkjkina.

fner & Marx

r o m . . .6S.00' s f r o m 4 5 . 0 0

i»..........19.jS BUI

g j - 'State Gardei

—^ ]^elsi3os<_Here by Tj

b»» 0»'■ denclea and cominendad.UM

aes. Lake, club for IU beauUflcaUon p r rw lU in e r -Detailed'inform ation on- and M n . ahow. schedulM and

preaenied In a talk by mm Hale, SeatUe, eo-edllor of 1 elflo Oaidens and Homaa m

J received s h e expUlned Uie DanUh an i law, J , A. a rd ayilem i.ef.floirer.JuiW ayne. Ind . answered quesUons from Ui - b ro k e r . . m » . A. a 6 ^ , W t M irln FalU. flower ahow achod aUU ch

spoke briefly on Uie a d ^ t - - n r t m a n d j u d g l w ^ ^

FalU, h u of « fedenled g s ^ cluto •ra. swim- ho and one of 11,000 ga rd t e l l S v ^ In m e m illed Stale*-and (

' OTsr 400,000 memben- a ra i- --------ta the federaUon. according.

B ert RallsUm, Mohler, ftals « issued dent.

r F»ances d u b Friday and Saturday 1 E arl R. JuneUon wlUj Uia two-day n

d PhyllU "Hie exhibit w u open to the from J to 6 p ja . Friday and to 4 p jn . Saturday.

A banquet Friday evening

and arranged artliUc floral a; nen ta.

Violin and pUno aelKUos DTMenled by M n. R. Dent<

4ecido-to M n . Oarland Qlbbs. b o U iia

Candidate Praii S'iS-Legislature-Wted to a t- _RU PER T, OcL 18 l*-A U ;

Robert E Smylle, Republlca didate for .'governor, told arally Saturday, night .th a t h

n educaUon U Uia moil vlU l 1. 11 tha campaign.i n n l f i •■conUnually' higher enrol

-y ea r^ ld - n ,# challenge cannot be ald< >Ue, I d a , -in a oon- paUed Uia IBSl legUIaU

Increasing sU le aid to schoo k dealer, u id 11 h u "enabled u* to ra: m t j T o n J t t n J o a n r i T R h p t t i n u reported of advancement.''

new.only -_“B y-pU nnlag-our OTarall “ brought pr6gram'InteHlgtnUy,-w»-wl. 100 diesel Uta means to provide for th<

rounded educaUon tha l U ths hey gave righ t of ireiy child In our Md faith smylla aald. nick. — =----------------------

rSiS ' Trucker Fineileno. BURLEY, Oct. 18-A fine

and ooaU w u levied Th' r r against Hugh B. SmIUi, He hi Com- by Probate Judge H. W,.TUcl meel a t Sm ith w u fined for havli elty h ill truck loaded 1,600 pounds ov

Jon snd legal alngle aale weight Ur eel dele- 10.000 pounds. Hs w u arrea eUng ta Declo. O et 12 by.fiU le.P aU _________R. E. Young.

, d a r k a n d h a n d s o m e i n n e w

lED to men'h e i g h t , l i g h t e r r N o . y m c . n l•ally u w comfort the year.’rour

' modem.living-and inlroduced-lempiWale m u a y e a r a T o 7 .7 a " n,

•betw een_w eighL for. aIL501.75M oiiraturw. Now a new triumph. ithtweight Pan-American tweedg.

m“I f I l ’tT r o m R O P K l

JR L E Y .R u per t -

S e e n ,nSea_l L . _ T r r V.. — =

• , F e U o ir iu g iin c giri in » r r a ^ i v * on m ate arenue In front 0| _ O l i r . . . W oman peering Uiroua

• , ” acope a f thr«e.dlmenilonaJ T.i V drugstore . , . Man drlvhii

CaUfomla Ucenae plalea HiUy.*irln?.i)cde«trlaa.rlgh a t Bhoabona atreet aod Sm n u a c a s t . - . .M a a p y _ I n _ l t i l . m and belii a lonE jjyJeaS ttU ogana tou

. S J I S S a . p a r i i n « - M « o g T r : o ^ t 5 ^* ^ double-p ;jUi_froir.oiUie noor. Newa and-O caipaata-«hatt

U k e City, Howard B a n n s . . . Maa a» fh«irm«Ti carrying blanket*covered tu

antage* o f tweep them . apparenUy,ct U., _ babr’. ,..P o U c a C h le fH o n c lu b to n n r M O o m K ^ l U u t U B x ic a Iba in Id a - <Mnct' hen pheasant brou rden clubs poUce sU tlon by motorist d Canada. orerbeard:-i?W hatl :A.' dls V enroUed aecond cuppa coffee?*,Dg to Mra. - ------------ ^ ----------

Y outh* BumJ1?SS“~ 'I r e ie a i ie nttTJupo p X 'S l^ ^ t‘th“ uod 10 a m , o r Idaho w u burned wher

.» l h . e leantag fluid ha w u n s lftf

-Earl-Naw - .A rU m r-R a y Plfe, aon t bo Judged Fife, Idaho FhUs, and anot J a rrange- den i were cleaning Uie floor

atudy room when Fife a Uona were O ther students ruabadhilo l Enton and b u t were tinable to learn •Kimberly, bow th e ezploalon occurred.= ---------------- T D ertore-F lfe lr-tlam lngI IO A O Off him. He w u removed lo t l S t ? 9 hosp ital w hera th e etlenl

WorkIke Lists Boan

To Avert SIU la s u e o f WASHINOTON. Ocl. 18 iJ n ^ i tn , .n t . EUenhower created a

e«ncT board today tn an 1 h e ad off a threatened ilrtke

.M« J S n Pullm an conduclora. aide s te p . ^

la U iw fo r board membera wUl 1

* 'S i o u ? ; u i InvnllBala -dl*puU-betwe«n-4h*-fnUmi

- — T»ny and conducton represi raH -aU te U 'ajO nleL C X .R allw iy-C m ^ a - H n A - a i ^ r i ) « i n f n ._ A a trl^ _ h th e weU- ^ Tuesdaj th s b irth - -----------------------

Pocatello Minis ■„ J Electedby Bapl e U IDAHO FALLS, Oct. 18 na of « ie R e r . Cecil Brown, Pocatel T huraday elected moderator of Ihe E u H eyburn, BapU sl aasocIaUon Friday. : Mcker. ceeds C. Ben ReavU, alto of 1 avlng hU lo.over Uie Delegates aUo elected Max Umit o f A m erican PalU, aa vice mi

rested in a n d reelected Mra. Flcemai ■aUolman Id ah o FaUs, u clerk.

'~ S e T m » -f I re a tte n d ^ . •

Ljv I • i g : J

P I M p

B r --SS f ~ l

S j h i g i i P.n-L

w C h a r r e d T o n e s .

Vs clothing?in l i t - Stytej trimmer! V) u n d . - • p a d d in g thfti

‘' a & o u l ^ r i . ^ l i e d irec ti - th B :T Bit<-ia t h * t j H r t r i n i ': n e w Y ea, m a n y th in g g a r e lto m — . B ty le ,- f a b r ic a n d feel I

h . . . . . . / / a r t Schaffner A'<• S e e a n d en j'o y tb # difl

E R ’S — / f t D e p e n d a b W

- - B U H L - ^ T W I N = F >


«> *PorU ear of U i» ^ Z * ^ i^ t..Q f-3lB «.h»‘«BrTnuj T f t r S V S ^ f rlandw om ia « l t o . T ^ « i J buket be.rconU lnlng tinont IHowwd QU.

. . . And r a n i a u o t l ^ * O im i for s l h s u . j ^ g j

m e d

r»-An Idaho* imivenlly d l d B e t S a " > vhen afloor th tm U jar™ »««

anoUitr slu- « « W n d e a ^ ' loor In Fife's« cried out 11 »hen 11J Dio Uie room ‘“nnjir. The wm. tarn eiacUyred. 'I w u is i t h ^ t tZnlng-HflthaItoO rllm ao uU ir i*[tent of hit * " ‘ b o trc a n M Rfdiil-once. Py-»w t'n flU t »

a r d „ —

S t r i k e ® > i f e e t o l

- s a, l<eiIon hiU.

« » ra te d b y ptesldut .Conduclors______ '

§ ^ - W y o m i n r l

n i s t e r

i p t i s t s 2 : ? S ? 3 ] »18 ir -T h a overumud-oo D i

:a(elIo, w u miles n i t a f X t t■EutrdsJio The df»d w a i t ay. He sue- Bundy. lOfPocaUl. ThsWrBmlstHJ

her car cnabMlta Max Majier. ef a brldie ore 1 I moderator Opti; lunitd curt (man Pack, Uiecretkbed.

Tha dMlbiElv •________ le ton Ig Uis pe


a :


1^ ' ' g s s e a r t--------- --------------- 1 — -

y :-:r

r! w « i i . d M * ^

im 'Tltml",»h.pp<iu>|U>» .. KMl o t m n ’l tlilll*


- .................................

Page 3: )ark aign; Talks - Twin Falls Public Librarynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...-hid-comg~lntn~Taing pf n^r. i*~*^ =To7^flce.-that-he-is - - ~ 'Clone cellar

■ ■^ P ^ d e o t


^ E T L S ^ l i x . p r e T

M » * S L dtroUoM

K ^ % ^ . R > u»Uputor.Or. Auqd

...... . mil

e - 5 2 5 - B i i m t tt^e trt*

‘r tT ftX .H im B 'i* . ■ ■ ■ §of U>< o rile en ffl

J 5 ^ » d d n « « l «>• ♦ iK W d iiriij ^ ^ B l w - 8 U n to .C « »

i S i s s i x i B^ r E j n C

OAnEY-p o Jf,ilttd«t el cTU«e!- ^ .„e in jm tecl

» f t T . ? K . ; ; 5 S K “ "c:

J « « “ ‘ '»> -'” S h T S ? '“ SL52w-fMnl-Suhl. .»«nLS0mmlU' a^wcri. w d m u ' Sb ( .J« “ '- •"'^ nounced t h . i ;

___________ tha b u t coalus---------------fretw."N9‘a iu

laauns. , . a - were lo mike

tochManESif^l ^ S ^ S p u d H i ^ r i W . l n P u k - Hit p€Til ftmltjr mOi'Kl In RUPEHT. ( i.» .D .in4«m ilned in Mln8!i *b«) Mr. a t t s by Thuradfty a aPUtrtch. He uUred I n ^ iwln^

Clyde 'M ussri btpjBmber inil be- eounty*i U. S.

bd(t«iij Ui« PiMby- OraiJlnt M t I tr Immtdlftli

Itooet BkUlQger.in tw«lt the del i ' • • ,. ..«». (Umige, MiUi ^ n n h fd b r faU ttUmaUd lhe i H, Bnic« B. a ige, country w ti «t L K a lO u e .P o - picte.

IB.OMte.Dletrlch; M usjrar# pr ‘Btt f e B«^i, Diet- 'xeV h»rveal w

i tad U irindehll-’ »esl winding ' V -- - UnrB worker*. B iirn irw a t^film Im m e flu tra il

;} ed ihk l «I1 o r : n tril] be held » l Oor«ry <*bor li ^ la ShMhone « t ««Pied-

fei: l t « Rev. Bert ---------

JQ o ^ fitm»Uon* Ul S tf t lC C S *

i— Gath( Wputies- 12 Crashesniri cHiet. « ‘»™. K«wlln»« Gordon Nei'bri- ^>,^„, u loidcnl I t t-U u aUti m i of Je- V U A ^snchcT ro. a bf Robert Youne.

bT Joe i)»rrelt. M irle T»jt h . , r « r " f S : ^ i

14 W tn by Ch«rlfs «i».Nt»br7(itimiUd Knight * n d _ ^tf lh rc^ Jnel« .nd

touni Slid he *B lime »hen Me*^ ‘tepped in f ro n t---------------------

naaiw to, j«j TcmpeK Schedu

S ^ T e m o f? !! ! ’® aU K L ,O cL l

*puilat the Nwh **»‘ « ^ > r ‘ t«nper«ne^ ' S ^ X Memotfifrcnurc

^ « _ U itju n i» re ilu»M W 10 the

Dr, P r rn e U ~~~~ ______ nsuL-la-W i-li»

sSeekSReversal ™“t”»S™c:

s . s » s s r f f?"'*l**tnforee. “ “"I*** ^or ‘ bW dofrn td l *'«hoiliBi » t l o ^ U e n i of I tv temper*nct

fe'tt»»l. h fn o rth w e « :i ^ » < J no cnn ^«ll«e of Pori

* 7 “ ^ incnm; «>' P « Io f o u r -----------

^ 2 Candid eSued^^^Talkj

, . S “ ; S h' eouple *P«*t«r* » t W*j

P- MontUy. ^ 0*dstr . r , «hooU wii

^ ‘na C htrle j H ^ l s tT L ie

; ! i « - . a ‘

K j S ' S “ i ;

New Officers Ele

r t forJI54-BS «f_ib« JdAhd-AuodaUen < da rib f lb s o ^ n lu t io B '* • b b u I evoTr C «H iteT-M *ha T > U « . ' prMUesk; W

Initiated Anni Carey Club ___r

, Ocl. 1»—Q re tn h»nd»Ited ThurwJ*y eren lng Into • The two-d T T h eh»plCT. T h t mteUBB of Ih t Td»ho

hT H|l> n ^ ;iM |-p .-^ i- AccoiK)l«nt4-‘H ta -ir e rB -la th e n Of tUs r*U i B»turd»

drew by R»I(M for bMt recl(AUon of Uie bureiu of int 4 w u won by L o rn Irle . Bobe. -enh*nd« tnlU kted Included Chimberlilice, Lyn A dknuon. D k llu income Ux Iiphllllp B arker « id Le- by We lu t

Iworth. Quejtlon »nd■ere d i»«i»«d fo r th e »n- }'“' *ddrtM. a

bam dance. R o ttn le .E I- »• named chairm an of the U>e illr«lorI com m ltlw . wlUi Louli »POit-on the;ommltt«e m em ber. Larry afternoon, chairm an of lh e refreah-

S!KSf^5»»:2-£ifico>dlo*, cleanup. I t w*« an --------- . /ha t a prlao U p lanned for l * g f I uluBied farm er a h d farm - ;- f l iM T iu - B e tn je t ro r in e —b h o b h o n !

31 herda Inw •«« D tiiunike ■rw niem enU i for >h . » l ,h_________________ county.

Harvest Will S’s S i Peak Mondayr . Octl ift—T h e poU to with JJ rtgUi Minidoka counly. alowed avtra;ay mom lng-i froel, will b« milk and 3i p s ln f a gain by ^ o n d a y , . CowaJiUhe agrafe, m a n a g v of the 60 pounda-c r. S. em plojroent aecurlty month were ^M cr.-n ia 'P T lday;-------- o w n M - b y -t

and sorting of p o ta to u 3,100 pounds o dial* ahlpm ent ■ Had In of buiterfat; '

deMrmlnaUon of fro st also owned b;

ts about 45 p o : cen t com- tered HoIsUlr I(8M pounds

e predicted Uie county’s butlerfa't; Mli Jt would be com pleted by i^Q^{h, i « a

l n T 7 p “ i M ? ^ ” »irilCT. M w ^ * i n:ers could be used In U»e u r l a ^ - - “TUlUre: he wild, b u t add - ^ _____1 of th e houslnff fo r tem - wwt —^ -------or. U 0,6 co u n lr 1. n o , VVeSleyi, . , Meet! s Officials TOTOni,ther in Malta.O cL -H -A U -o fficc ra -o f -C T irJM Johi llre r s ia k . m e t W edaes- w m “ e siV k g 1& Malta. Introduce

8. MHltr. prtaldtnV oS w u In charge of Uie

ong wllh hU-lwo- coun- . . in . . n a A . t a

SL- s £ £ PTaylor. Mr*. M ary A nn

I Mr*. Paun K in* from “' Boclely; Mra. A dara I Mrs, Grace IJurfee from ?? » ‘lry; Mrs. Joal* Taylor, Hartley. Mr. a: Id rv U Taylor, Sunday

which win Ine ------------------------ family relailo.

srance Talk « £ '£« iduled in BuW S HcL 18—Dr. n tu a _ y ra * ee , ______llr e c td r m r - t h B - o r e s o n ................ b k o ^: .M IU . W..1 b« > P " K ; CM lE y. Oti ranee rally a t th e J l n t O tha-Srow n-i Jlu rch 'InU uh l a r * p. m . i j t u # Rock a

e Is on^ of the leading u « » W -ln - lh t-W M t.-H e ^In Interdenom inationalmore than 37-yeani. I n ........ / < \ o 2 jh li position tn the O re - t e B jO T iS o ranee league, the 1n t« r- K g y r ~ ^ x r tn e e movement In th e 9 r ( J r ^ UArincbolQ StatlzeOtini:Is acUve In o the r re-d cultural ac tlrllic* ' H -----

Uie w estern U n l^ d ^ H - .L

he w u th* keynote . /the. annual-m ectlng -« f n y .

lO T ft in T t m . H eJxaa 1 : 1 0 ) 1 1 1 1 ] the institute o f sclen-for th e ' prerenUon of „ „ o h d p <

l l x m . U o a k C M i i . i t B b S U R E Im et training school of w h ile y o u ist; the LewU and C lark lu g c a ^ e , cli

Mates to ,Ifcat Meeting^ -whtirtnmO c t , . . - T w .« .n a M .SrtsenuU re WlU be jue«6 “ “Washington PTA a t 8 w hec«ver*y£ AJ. L tg i^ U o n deaU ni > will b< discussed a n d ^ii-b« an n r t r s T T B a r e : E c a v e y i•• £ . LaTum er. RepuBll- _ ^ v . ,it r le . Hancock. D em o- ^--------------------------- -------- Paal S^n^^ l^aaihe** -m eeliae .------nn io riiiw -;ea. *a}-s Mrs. W illiam ^ n ,le n t A rrangem ents wUl - t n u h t i h t r Ul* c am lra l O ct. 39


elected by Account

IttIen •r-P B b llo -A e c^ taB U — tM M tarr-tr eearraUon a r t, frem left. ten . Bolie, Ik: -mila McGnlre. Jerom e, (8U f( pbDt * * ■ * * * nual Conventioi -Ended'Polliowirt*o-day annual convenUoi\ Officers el Waho AMoeiation-of.PuW le the-lw o-daj *nta-was-concluded In Twin T horpe.'Jen ilurday morning with an ad - Crowley, Ida r Ralph Chamberlain o t the and WlUi t. Of Internal revenue office lo tary - treasui

- . BoUe, waa eliberlain 'uplaln’ed'thie federal on the boardlax Uw* and change* m a d e -----------------l u t congress. An informal t t •«

1 and answer period followed H a i I p t a . Albert Call, cW tf o f lhe lax section, Boise office of - n * | Klor of Internal revenue. l - ' i p b n the sam t subject Friday •*■"J;_______________________ JEROME,


iicolirHMsZ: -1 Uonal-mectlr

et tiood Rating “Z’c!"ZHONE.-OctrlO-^Twcr-of-Uie pfMWent-of- • In Uie O o od lng^ nco ln - n«mtd Dairy Herd Improvement *e»eon letWng u n it num ber two tieaautei; El Ig over 30 pounds of bu tter- Wayne Pagg•B on ih -w e« 'Ir6n i-U nco In r e to r t . -------

Six memb<were th# herd* of T. C. aaslsled rlh. Shoshone, wiUi 18 grade W ng arransi I. avenging I.U 9 pounds Including Mi and 39J pound* of butter- chairm an; J l I Jack Edward*. Dietrich, P ^ d e n t ; rtgU ltred and grade Hoi- Charles LUt

•vtraslng 6M pound* of ».«? 2d 1 3i pounds of bu tterfa l. WoHe liUhe hertU-averaglng-over « « tln 8 » for. ida_cf buU erfa t- fo r the vere Vickie, grade HoUteln by- WenlworUi. .averaging f 'n r w u T i a j indsofm llkand 77.7 pound* ^ rfat; T la le , grade HoIsUln, l e d ^ W entworth, averag- E I« h l« n Hal 5 jjounds ®f SHIU; and 71 «*<lypJ«nbe s{ t u l t e l a t ; S u ie tu . regU- ” *>««d BUteln. owned by Edwards. McCall. 0 und* milk and 68J p o u n d s__ ____

l i ' T S i T S ' a J Z . K F a r m - f; and Miranda, owned by T - A i t J

*od m - b u t - . -r l / a U Q_______________ CHICAGO.I----------------z~ IDine. presid

leyans Group SSKS sets in Wendelli z i i , Oct, 18—Mr. and Mrs. produci reeman w u* hosts to the I of the Wesleyan* Wednes- Pre ildenfs s]_ _ __"rhe^PrtiSdtis Johnson, Sha'deU ofldaho . *‘1 'h e fac t U: spesker of Uie evening. He *»"■*» “ P0“ ■oduced by n e e ra a n . pro- ti’*«airman. -------

WM#-Mr. and-Mrs.-DoUB ---------M n. Charles Johruon Mrs SIIOSHONI •Uey and Mr*. W. W. Kelley. Shonk, aon o

Caldwell conducted the S^oameeting. Plans were dU-

ir sponsoring vhe eUlWren’a ^n program. *1 ®*' Jump scetlngs of lhe group will be ^1°'^- ''" Ic n second Wednesday of each equipment I the future. The nex t meet- b* with Mr. and Mr*. Fred ..Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ander- » In th a rg t 'o f the program ^ lU Include a report on the L ^ a a elailons conference which ^ O V j . a aesilon a t ClnclnalU, O.

Mr*. Anderson are dele- /V ^ ,im the eastern conference work with groups In Magic hen they return.--

iio W N S LEAVE ^^ Ort, 18— Mr. and l\tis. )wnrCanryrjrerB-caned"to ck, Arfc, th is week by the v ? \ ".MTi_BtOTni’a.bfoth»T.----------

S ' W ' : *

C ^ y i

n in fd T H p ? :-R E lo co n s ld e r-th ls :- - COMyou’re a w a y , t h ee, clothing, n p o r i sen t and o lh e r be- A P rcvic\:a you lake w ith you G reetintr! lost, alolen or. de- c.ii>ecinlly

lim H nl!'. )o u lieed 1 n a l E ffec ts poUcy. ChooRe yc I aboul thin broad, tim e fo r a er-you-ifoprotecHon.

s y ^ H b e i ^ C o , = B Fa b e f - y h o a a« Cl Pearry J \aal B .Ja b e r, J r .--------------- - ::siiw-U-duf-BBaineai»— = - - - --P1J#D» « 1 - ..................... .... . . .bo iheat B lm l EasI H u t ta Id;

r i M E s - N E w s . t w i n T a l :

n t J m t s a t M e e ^ g

tt.'.; - '•r- S | B

ir7-lrSistirtr:“V*m Thorpe, /eron»*. pres loUe, a* dlrcclor.. Chanraa In federal t pboto-eBgrarlng)

* * ft * . *

on of A ccountsing"A adress Byers elected for m i-S S d u r ln i cU M l.E { o-day sesslon-lnelude Vem direetorshl , Jerome, president; BUriley • o th e r sc

-conventioillll McOulre. Jetom t. aecr*- n ^ t Laki reasurer. Leonard Wilson, vice preali ras elected to a two-year tenh na tional i board of dlrecton and Fran- i„ m <

: ^ - on Uia.N,

iley G roup S r icks O fficers S•ME, Oct. If-O fflcers for ' »ly-organ l«d Hailey Javces J a S B - r e i lR lM Rt Ineir o r ^ l u - n e c tm ru tld Thuffday night Hiawatha hoieL I K night was elected firstit-of-O ie-ftw p.-O ren-ShurU--------- ■imed vice president; Oene ' H secreUry; Ralph Rlggen, ' ■ ;i; Eldon Amca. Virgil Couti ■ Fagg and Robert Rlggen, d l - _____ ■

lembera of the Jei«nv« Ja j- listed with the final organ- Tangeoienla a l the meeUng.Ig Mac Ambroae. extension in; Richard Salladay, Jerome it; V t. Charles Parker,LUerrUon,'W . T. Church-

id Edwin Sionp.Hailey club achediilerf lU ' *s forJ^-second-and 'ToU rlh "ly of cach BvonU\ a t 6 p.m. DDCUhotel d ln lnr ronm W« y n .___ r n muTiamecfmerobershlp chair- 1id charter night was slated fll u t metUng In December. „ n u

. P niln -G ro u p ^ d e--IH I luds Ike’s Talk **«AGO. Oct. 18-tffcrAUan.B. - f f v A lpresident of th s A m erlan ■ " ^:ureau Federation, said last A b w i# appreciate* President BI- .mother-r "recognition of the Impor- aod e*jf expanding* markets for Mtd n•oduclf. faaulrlmad# thU commeni on.Uie r!!?ni' ll* ipeech In IndlanapolU: “ Sdent.vtrj.prtiperJy sttess- .-- - ih i t h act that farm prosperity de- fmi. Ci poa a great many things harnlci lan farm progfama," kmodeaETS rBOMOTIOW. -ONLT- iHONE. Oct. 18 — Weldonwn or Mr. and Mr*. Cletus _______Bhoshone, ha* been pro- 0 sergeant a t F t Befljiing, ^ B | l l U a a Itutruelor Irv the o t . . ■ m mp achool and the heary ilch Includes the dropping m ent from planea.

^ChuHiHtu Cauls ^ ' U Sei^

V'— - \ -

'U tH 6 U ^ (o* t% 6U i U a t t M M k i

M d - f ^ - t f O H i i t H f i U h i c d v U

jvicw o f the N ew est in T his Scr inff Card#. A tru ly wonderful c a lly to su it evciy need and pica;

AV OID-TH E-tAST MINUTle your cards now no they can bt 'o r addressing a t your leisure.

? a s y 3 s 2"We Cater io Those W/io i

to Idaho Power • • ___

lL L S . I D A H O ’ '

Ig Here— --I" ~

a n ^ ^ n a r d WH- i l U s UWB ver« dUouaaed.

• * * * _ __

tants Is iy T ^ M a n.E g b e r t . .J r .^ to -a - o n * -y e a r -------------rshlp.r speakers who addressed the tion were Mward, lUiman,Jike City, national society ■ealdent; Harold Rife, BoU*. ll toclety dUtrlet governor. ‘M oort. Boli*. who reported .KaUonal. Society of Public

■UnU’ meeting In New Or- Jack Marshaif. Boise. Idaho n t, wa* In charg# o t the two*:eUng.


IKHBLO-i f o i M i v g *

H n s i i p p i i i « ----------------M aest ol tbougbifulBMS oa iw -s part aad ali Um paia upcBse of a brokea boo#

1 n m r bel Protect your ily from tbe ha»- ^

■ j j a s K ?m iracl« |«^er / ^ - W / f bolds m n V ^ B ^ /


^ 1 1 .3 9 .3 1 ,

• m m '•. fiioud la scud

kA ttum sihe ' _____i W n t f i M T i i c u n t

Scason’n C hrislm as 1 collection creatcd lease every budget,

:j t e -r u s h —bo pcraonalizcd In

\p C arc"___L__ ___________- P h o n e _________^



TV™ M rvvfa


f y

A dd a touch o f color and ?a new la ll o u tf it. T hese lovely r a re aa fem inine an d aa fluffy

— p u ff,—y«t-Iaafc-indefin itc ly ;-_Bhadcu.Df.PinkJiitc-ai]d-Ma32-38

7 , 9 8 ^ —

' i h f v m\ I

ffayity to y ou r y nylon blouses fy a s a pow dcr-y i - I n - d e l i c a t * -----------------------------M agnolia. Sizes

o * “ ‘

\ V

W arm_ _ _ ' ' M e r r y W i

L ovely-lo -T oolt-a t-m a to reac fabulous half-bra, Clach and black or whit# cylcn surqaU atJ a n d elaiUc*, a t

O th e r W arner B ra f f ro t

" Baby Doll PW arm .co tton flan m Kround w ith im p ish i S h o rtie len g th gow r

V e re tte a to m a tch . Siii

4 .2 5 '

' i i i ic tm _5_ _ _. - - - - - = = = = = = ^

p A G B i s n i s ■ '■ ----------

i e r ' s ' r - ‘- | |/idow "-^— ^ HreStf «Q yoQl <ZMl tnd G«rt«r belL In^ 1 2 .K 0

r n ) m _ | l .S D

> = T O J i c ..V « L V ^ .» » n t j ^ n

Pajam o*~^ ~ | Hnnel-wh!t« back«~ H Hth re d polka dots.)w n w ith bloom*Sizes S-M-L - : ■ ■

Page 4: )ark aign; Talks - Twin Falls Public Librarynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...-hid-comg~lntn~Taing pf n^r. i*~*^ =To7^flce.-that-he-is - - ~ 'Clone cellar

‘• "itflw b Twim nUK l itto «»<« t " »UB»C*IPT!OK

KT C i»W X »-r*T *B t »yti>«l»OBt> - ----

.. a r . U.N* "*"«*■ ------- r— . ...■"■ S ry . ~ ~

■T MAII^ATABLI WItkta u4 Ktk. C*«»«T.V.t t lU aeatfea . , ■ — —

- M . ’K i . w u . . . , -Br Oit *■•"«*• .1 — — —Sr ^jTbo^ - __ ____^a r jm r . , -------

All MllMi w ! f .d br I»» »f h

LIQ U O R BY DRINI O nce m ore th e voters <

d e fe a te d » llquor-by-the' » ded»lTe m argin.

I t W U t l i f fourth-tJm r< lila tu c e passed ’the local t r o l m eaaure th a t th e U a en ted to th e voters o f T

— re a u lfc a m e 'w lthln-a-few w idest m arg in of de/ea( elections.

Su n d e r th e Idaho local c tio n can be he ld on t h e : a n o th e r two years. T h e ’ liquor e a n be sold by th e d t f — jw rstsd-rtJia jM -and-tow iu

R U ahm enta a re au thorized I H ■ Ju d g in g fro m 'th e resu lt

i t IB n o t likely th a t sale ol- w lll.be au thorized In Twl

m an y years.- O ne o f th e reason* a ma

w ill n o t endorse such a pi •O 'called w ets w en t overbi Dalgns d u rin g th e th ree M any w ill recall th e extre w en t In th e f irs t llquor-l tlon , som a o f th e spokesr to qu o ta tio n s from th e Bll

A pho n y le tte r to th e “I fo rum d ep a rtm en t w as ai boom eranged o n those^ u o r u y thB orlnk:--------- •

I n th e th ird election tv

I i ld s in te re s ts played a pai obvious. *1 ^ 8 em phasis cn aentee hallo ia aroused tl m an y w h o o therw ise mlgh W ith t h s proposal.

T h e e l e ^ o n la s t w eek wi R 5 a s t to those h e ld preVn

p ro p o n en ts scarcely p u t ti le a s t o u t In th e open.

B ecam e of t h l | fa c t , tb t h a t th e resen tm en ts in m ig h t b e overcome w ith tJ o t liquo r by th e d r in k wo ch an ce o f endorsem ent. S

! , _the d rys, w ere p red icting a— d irec tio n .------------------ -----

lU e re su lts o f th U laat I w ould Ind ica te th a t n o mi

ft cam p a ig n Is m ade b y thi a ll ie d aale o f-liquo r, thei o f a n y auch change .comln

I n th la sam e conneetlon, bu n e m ad e a n lo tereating '

— iv cen tly . i t is p aK Ism m jra- n o rth '- Id ah o leaxia-more.t<

n u c liln e a a n d th e U ks ths___ litn fit T h a T r lhitnw’ii /»oTnmt

‘T h e Id a h o B ar a n d Tai a sk in g Xor a law w h ich woi b r in g a b o u t th e th in g a ll h e ra d re a d : P roh ib ition . I t 1 w h ich w ) ^ d p u t th e tare:

I o u t o n o na e x ^ m e 'M th e :__ F o rce* .w e o u t on th e oth«

"T h e association orden com m ittee to draw u p a bi to aell bo ttled liquor over

— b ars , th u s e lim in a tin g thi ' o f s ta te liquor stores and

e x e rt over th e consom ptl a lcohol.

“S u ch leg isla tion w ould b( op in ion , a s th e law propoi A llied Civic Forces w hich w ga l to se ll beer anyw herJ liquo r a tores. B oth dem an' trem es o f legislation in a sensib le , m iddle approach

. b est.“I t is u nderstood t h a t erei

e n t a ta te sto re system , somi excess. Even «o, th e Idea b< rem a in s sound, th e Idea th a t to society a re m uch leas dan

------th e -p r iv a te -p ro f lts -o T -th e ------ k e p t un d e r a trlc t.con tro l, Tl------pco flt b rouB ht abou t th e «xi

p roh ib ition tLDd, d u rin g crol g u f bootlegging an d hoodlui

. repeal o f Jhe V olstead act. T liquor 4 n bars, for p rivate would bring about som e of t

.......t h a t caused th e iegitim atem uch trouble before.

“ Idaho’s tavern owners wll• th » 1nng» wm If j Qf

u n d e r realistic laws which. ____rlB ht to drink and a t th e snn

Ih T T flfiM S irs^ rth T u n b T l^

h a n d w bo would court equall by m ak in g Idaho dry.” '

N O T VERY HOSPl T h e am all tu rn o u t o f loca

- • -g » e t.a 7 - re p re « n U U v e s -o f J CZiamber o f Coounen

T w in J W ls on a tou ris t tra w is in co n sid e ra te to say thi

A m onsr th e v isiting deleg p ro m in e n t businessm en fn Id a h o , In te re s te d in ro u ting

-Irt- tE a fflc .o v e r U. S. 93 th r — B nd= ttienb8H h ro u g h - th ^ Id a

ro u te to T eliow stone park , : .. t h r o i i ^ '.U ta h a n d W yomlns

S e r e w e l u d a n Im p o rtan t . jn o n . .s n d _ s .num bC T -o t-cn tt

^ c o a j l n g a i l th e 'w a y tcTlfwii__ o n r^ « > o p e ra tlo n ;i_ _ _ _ _ _— ■ T lie .J e a a tw a could }iave d(

th em a w arm a n d rep resen — W c -can -w B ll-lm ag ln a -th e ir “ a n d -^ T t-T h Y rw e re T J n n k in

b ac)t.to -th e Upper B ln


S S w e i l T u c iw :

s i ^ - ;

---------------------------- ! l-H WA8H1N— ■ ' ecT abou t t

_______________ iitej. didAla Xco:

f S J . i i , " ’'* " '* Z T S S "

- ............

........... rii« '« 1.U - « IM

»t br oH«r af ceart naM n t tMlIx «UI b* nkUtW.U tka w n t ta Bm. Ifr-IBI HtboC»4a.

:1NIC R E JE C T E D :rs o f Tw in FaUs have ^ ^ tb e -d rln k proposal by t 1w « . eipo

u d poUUcam ralncfr4hfr-etftte-leg- pMtidpaUffl ical o p tio n liquor-con-'B Issue h a s been p re- )f T w tn F alls, and th e lew vo tes of-belng th e - The pouu fea t i n a n y o f these speaker U t

to to tal op tion law , no «lec- ,li» llQuor propom l Io r u „ i, m l ie ’ law ipec ifles th a t haihm iidR he d r in k o n ly In incor- >wiu-where^uch Mtab«- —PBEsm B ;ed b y a m a jo rity vote. * m lu M (o u r e lection., S i 'w S i i ! ! ol liquo r b y th e d rink for tha Twin FaUs fo r a good ton. munio

m ajo rity o f-th e voters •Do-you •a proposal la th a t th e ••erboard In th e ir cam - ^ree p rev io u s elections. gTiheV *P«i( trem es to w hich they Answer: /,lo r-by -the-d rlnk elec- »BEeniUon tkesm en even rew rted ' “1*°^ 1, the wheat ft

le Tim es-N ew s public n in M A w 8 a n o th e r ruse which h m tt fl 1 ISO c u n ^ a lg n ^ g f o r liA'iuace ln''

a two yea rs ago, o u t- ^ p a r t tb a t wnA all too

I on ro u nd ing up ab-I t h T “ an tagO T ils in -D f ■ i i e w ^ i 'o r l ig h t h a v e g o n e a lo n g nominea did

’ h ew ush t.Ut w as In com plete con- »fe^ lo ta iy ," ln th a tr^ h o - S"i] J t u p a cam paign, a t Kuon^x

th e re w as a feeling ‘7 ie«ip«jK:in previous elections keep “ Wn* t h th e re su lt th a t sale; would have a be tte r tt. Some, even 'among: jounger menig a sw ing In th e other iiexibia * n d ;

________ __________ domealio anc,aat election, however,> m a tte r w h a t kind of r th o 8^ favoring liber-th e re is little chance me;,t to of/i;m lng about. ite u rs u mtc

,* unification «ion, th e Lewiston T ri- the We*L ’

f l J J t o S a u o t ! ™ ’th a n th e re s t o f th e duiKeroua bee

nm entfoU ow a:________from su iin uT avern association isw ould be very ap t to "Vr T 1 ? 'U

II h o n es t tavern own- • V i r J VI I t la th e k ind of law

a y e m keepers as fa r yormer Sei e Id a h o Allied Civic N«np«. empio th e r comproia e re d Ita le jW atlve " “ " S ? , i b l l l m r t l n g l t l e K a l)ver th e counters o f pm r plan wo

th e p re sen t system Th»t hit» nnd th e controls they Argument in n p tlo n a n d sale of

. ^ . Jn <«der*l leitld be a s foolish, In o u r in the idAhosposed by th e Idaho tha fedth w oula m ake 11 m e- I K ' / . h S : r ! b u t in th e .l« t«tianda rep resen t -ex-- dim. «r any\ a fie ld w hich th e Columbl* rive

, • . . ertunent oomieven u n d e r th e p res- we doubt usome people drink to Uoa would «k a beW nd-tho syitem' th a t a lcohol’s threatsdangerous ao long a s put i i out of i J ie -a iquo r-trade-aro - Jdaho_I*tmetI, T h e lu re of private _' th a t led ^prohib ition , .the ro t- dxnser witef_'dlumlsm th a t led to that * numhe:t. T h o sale o f bottled J" ate profit, probablyof th e sam e excesses , „ ;* lte IH uor dealers-so

United SU tes.I w ill b e b e t t e r o tl In indisnkUon tn

^^m e tim e m ogn lze bo»t.w« outAii

o ir ih f t 's ^ ^ n fe e ^ U ^ ually serious dangers

K uboytma for--------- -■ ■ ^ e ln te n f l tn i iISPITABLE “ Me the only tM local businessmen to ^of-the-U pper-Snake -? ? ^ k n o ,r tn , se rce , who came to t u slow to aot trave l booster trip, Bikim. iiow.to

’ th e least. dAmatei. :t

" S ’ *"•iro m soutneostem aneu rcUUon« .Ing California tour- World w ir l l c th rough Twin Falls

rk, in stead of going hir« usutgtiSllns> emoUonal ai«na n t In te re s t in com* g th u s la sU c vlllLOrs. J S S S ' iS S w W i n Falls_ to enlist pott-DUpateh._

B d o n e -w is lto ^ 'o w '- . '.-ITT: a e n ta t i re welcome. TourUt# wy Mr d isappoin tm ent,iim s-on-tiiB ir-w »y- - ^ “ “ 1 • £ R lver-coontiy . — jume.—fiAit u


r a i R C T G KS w m Z * S w u m T i i ^ b e ' i S i ' d ^ t-M «M» Kuigo* yuc^-t tw r - c a ia a . -Md.

JH lN aT O N -“Wby U Pre tideat Ka«ah<r c u t cmmpticnlnc aeU niy for lUpubUcM I fo r conareai?" Inquire* T . J t , L ima, 0 DthEr-re«IeT*.-'8lDt*b* il m RejnbU eaa ta d w t t u n a neorn ised tw o-part . ^ t»nii docfli't ha feel th * t he

m p o ^ M llty J n th li .re fp e v ttM u m r. F o r « m th in t . F n

B J K B H h U pTTiKiCMaon. wbo w era i m S B i i o n U poU tlduu loDS befon I H E l S e i t e r e d the WMt« Bocue. OaJj I K a H i j r , «nd alao raluctuU y, is ha I

to tw o « n l» and unde I S ^ ^ H t h a raaUUM oT p a rU ira poUt

AOVICI AGAINST TOO I r Tmhm r a x T ic i r A n o N — h i* cioi e ipeda lly B h e n u n A dtmf, a d ru ie* pe

rea<cni a i t in i t too ffiocb Pre tid V»«rtnr ^ a _>laeUon of m Demo

If. th ey (ell Ika U u T w e H T in v e D r w «tcd u • repudiatlan of h l i broad poU^ a re n e i dlrecUy and acUTaly. l l ie y counael UoQwlde. leliTidoa hoolrapa a t U>a moat. poU tle iuu . includlosKaUCDal-Cbalnnan r i l u i l a Afid Vie* n« ild a > ( Nlzon, want I to th e itua ip . They a«raa th a t ha ihoul o e -n ls h t hop* and itand i, or k lu bablea, i ajjd booat indlTldoAl nominaei. B u t .th i at. In a Hlth-tooed t a d h l|h -princlp tled ild come to. the aid of tha party.

im E N X lA i . j n J r DEOW IOK -^ttajrlll^ declAlon. l . i m told. A lthousb Ka will :

iraa pa rtU tn tdd r*< M t.tt-the m oit. by. eTltion. he will ezpreu hU tlncere deaire ir U u election of a cm pathe tie body o t lei e tn io f t Republlein m alortty. --------

you t r e e , ” t r t i U O.. Cheyenne. W yo, ' tU c N ttlo n il C h tin n tn Uitcbe}l'i e h tr s t ’esldent HUon, Bpetker M irtln and other n c ttnpalgnen tr a m tk in i ‘undignified' el r 'lpeechm eklnt?"-er: Allowing for Uie tia lu rtl tn d expeetci Ion In *11 p tr tis tn b«{Ue4..1 do n o t ngr h a T oU n tr a iDtelUtent enough to »epi e t t Trom the ch ttte r.

flAN'B PniLIFPICB — MoreoTer. in tl* fl. T rum en’i "whUtla itop" be h trlo r »lm M ^•ana^9M ^^tT «T dlr-thlck-that-C l

h . t t n v r e u nn for compltlo t.I m y opinion, h it a new low in m oS en rt » peraontl. p tr t iu n tnd 'p re jud iced phlll; rer, W iehe ll't criticism 1« a h e t l th r tn d erelopmenL In my opinion, he ezprewea S l'o nn rJia iii'E rS teT enson -fteU on .-T h* » d id no t ilopp to vUd tn d persontl chti h t tha Presidency In t fine tn d clean h e 'h u got t b it rough of Ute. tT. w hy-be jo ntlT i ai to loot f o r aeni o r u tte r itim eas in tJiFtooUainlBctlBn*

X t t v a up such dretm a long tgo.

ip tper dlspslchei (rom abroad tn d edito ’lng~tKal~Mtlenkor U ta r o n tr te r th tn s u I. H , Charleston, S. a “W het do they o 7’ <sr: X_ th ink they m etn t h t t th e new m en In the K rerato tr e more *ubU<*. t

t n d Riare reiponsUe th tn SttlLn. on both J and .foreign fronts. S itlln *»s t wedl ehere ts hU lucceuora m jnodem isu.

j n c o v PB 0 FIT 8 B y B T A in rs m ib t a ;.koT. fo r insUnce. h « launched t peace m offsefW allio jp le il 'encJrc lem m t-o r-R o

s In tem atlon tl control of ttom ie weapons, Ion c f O em jtny, general “eo*xlst<neo“ •

icka up thela' propoatli with ipeelfle ;ind-ha.hts,.lninrrtHiil-CW l»ln.t>ol>tlcltnim m ce.-O enn> ny..tnd-ltaly Hn h ta iriS ■e m ore eomforUble for th# Bussltna. H u because he Is t dlpZomtt, who is protl illn'A m is t a k e s . ________ ____________


r Senator Olen TayJor. In an address emphttslied the Kndency h a ta showing tnpromlte In Uils campaign, line to an Associated Press report fi M r. T aylor said U>»t ‘’neither the high t canyon nor tha alUrnale Idaho Power c< n would endanger water rlghU." liU r ig h t a l the crux of aU tha-K ells can t In Idaho. Idaho oppoiitlon to tha <1 Inim lte If the high dam’s supporters wo to th e inclusion of water rlghU proteclI leKlslatlon which would be identical to t Ith o aUl« coiutlUiUon. The trouble h u b

federal bower proponenU- subatUutcd t undcslTAbla “reasonable and equlUl iTilege for Idaho. Thus t h t fight follows, did n o t protest BonnerlUe dam. or UeH

any of tha oUier dams building on i river. Nona of Uiese dam* JecpardlM Idi lany Idahoans, ouraelres included, objectII d u n s because cur policy opposes tha g oompetlOB w ith tny p riv tte . b n a tn fa ._

Ib t the Idaho*Oregon Hells Canyon assoc Id agree to back up Mr. Taylor's sU tem .- d td legislation th s t protected Idaho wai iw th a t if thla were done. Hells canyon woconsidered because low water years wo>

t o f business. Their preference is to pu t i xmec_Dut Qt_builn{w..ln_thofle,_low.wa

ylar m ida -tn -in terea tln r-rem ark -w hen - >er H ells ctnyon-norldaho-Pow t f would-< at.fr rlghU -H a is. talking ahmit anmethl im ber of Idshosns »ouia like to hear d deUU.—Boise BUtesman.

T ltE DEATH O r KUBOTAMA K uboyam t U-desd. I f tha daaUi-of t - J i le rm tn does no t stem to m ean m uch in t lates. f t (hreateni a r u t w tra o f niUor in in Japan.tna-was ona nf Iha.criw .cf-tha-fishlng..^ igon. which was SO mites from -Bikini wh igen bomb was erploded on M arch I. T outAida the restrleled aone. B ut our acler 'g .'F J . , :jJ .w ) ttd-tlgja!igab ia ilL yii!rit?^ami bomb and the Lucky Dragon waa shower )AcUre ash.lU been keeping a death w itch on Alkic L for long months. One of Uie reasons f J t m r a t p i n i s a fte lln r is - th a f th ose'v eun lly people who hate experleneed the inlm of nuclear warfire. They felt tha ato

iwtnr~thti,~ tha 'tJn lled 'S U tes goremmei 0 a am lt the error In pro^ecUfe meaaure* i w .to apologize, slow to offer eompenuUo es. I t u t quesUon now w hether there ca th ing as compenssUon. O ur correspondeni rted th a t if AlklcHl Kuboyama died. Ja ; UonA would alnk to the lowest po in t alnt ' I I ended.» cat* whera a UlUe humlUty by tlj* world 3wer,j»saesM r.of.the-ji«bomtj.-and;* llttl an undersunding on official levels mlgh age<J Japanesa feelings and. lessened Ui slorm now breaking. As U la our cot

to m While H ou« to i i * u dep trtm ent t » n o ^ y try lo communicate » Jap an Uiw hJoh-waa-fteH elt^hera-befcrft-atr-ljoul

--TT“ MoB*"LikTno?«B- , ■ - -Ihty mlaa most In Franc

ld.Amerlcaa beer taaa along.Ui« hlshwayj e-P m im t.itlatJa.caai.aow .-so-inayb*-ln-i

I N A L L - - ^ -

IG POT=^ p i shots^anhower lo I — —

. WATCH o t r n ^_ A .fe n o ii j ra ik a a

•D tr tr *T» eiiiT lox a gun. w rS if iV ge t «d off Iha bat bee*

n n w a j cased. T bca this ft gnlred-aboct-th rip ja lity ol

JW hnf for «“ d lU apptrwn t 'w t t ^ «

a t o rofe^ if "tbi* U about the Uma < ! e f ^ U w for bird aeaaons. He w u ( c S J S ^ f o n n e d the duck seuon a he begin- B tttin lty noon tn d U je'p

ituoD . is K bedoled to 0(M p - u n a . fltUirday noon., .

This U to adTiae cdi tw0 0 MUCH b i on your toe*. I t would

cloae ad> ( b t t OM L. J tm es KouUiU« ^ n o n a l l a t take u p .blrd.bunUniTeaidenUal _______ • • •DemocraUc X IT IZ K S FO B KIDB DI D rw lB 'b i —<m w r1 nBrkttt«na-a«-l:w i poUclM, U with gender r tm tln ln g one ( lunsel only untolrad queatlons. TheyYa noat. yellow. You can phone Twl roan-K ali, 3S33*A o r ge t Ihem a t SO w ant him s tre e t. '

ihould no t --------Bles, a h a ^ u e t r Po t ShoU : t they do w e h a re th ree lltUe klitens >aled w ty, away. Two are whiU tn d ont

low and w hite. We lire a t 1 Avenue B> Jerome, p lm a M<

w lllm a k e ___ _ jC * th U « M « «will ro'ake .................. (Jerome)', by radio • . • *..

i , n « “ t^orieg isJtJunior h a i dlKorered

, „. ... something to thla f tm ln g b yo , w jui ju ifp u t t ln g -s e e d

»■* ground and le tting aome wa ‘b e general area occasional

ed efforU better uhU apud crop Isn 't so good,

t T Junior spen t conslderabl* , harreaUng b is poU to croii. }separate ^ j

himseJ/. OX course, when yc alder th a t the acreage eonsb

1 tlew of only Jour pimnts. you ean i ’ ‘o r atand he was able to hand

m t- ^ « f - 7 lc l? l -w a r - a l i fh t l • l ^ T r u - than aenaaUonal. n v i S ? He obtained a bM k-efrttll

one. too) full o f poU too wh promptly dubbed u “nice Undoubtedly they tr e on a ps in -th e --D Iro n B i-th it-tac ap i ermen. Jf tho ftmUy curhi lls i

lean way. u „ ,p p ,u { , , th e spud crop ma accuracy “ «»gb fo r on*

fTwln Fl

w iE T T r B o r r b e b e i sir:

ley m e tn with »u u,,^ . blowW rnn rrom Iha-'Balmon new tn d there should b i oo'griping.

Remember those hurr both Uie th a t h a te been ripping up memerai down the east c o u t Why out *• ■ ■■ old windstorma couldn't ma'

puff of ena of Uie big blows [STAKES easti Remember now -Ju it ki kce more* In mind

------- ----- ----- Windbie.pons, re* <Twia Plico“ w ith • • •

K ILL p o u n c a iIfle pro- Dear O ent;

_T hH ^m i|hV :k lllzJx4IH es,J L iria n fl tiU nk-ik-wodld-be-a-talaaUe- (la. He U for us p o o r voters who can 't < protltlng otlne I t black U blsck. gn

whlU o r maybe eren red.---------------- W ho'S-lyUig-and-whyr-All-. — ~ poUUcal candidates c a n t be 1 l | K . S Ute tru th . T h a t Is obrlous. An

^ ones U m ng Uie lies must some u lterior purpose unless r

dress a t do anything to get inwing lo- *"d we don 't want tha t so

folks lu n n in j things snywsy ,.•» frnm So my auggcsUon U io mskc T i poUtlelaus ttk a an oaUj to U Lf, “ ^Ui. Uta whole truUi and no fer com- y , , tru th . I realise this i

make for d rab campaign and I canyon tutUy would resu lt-ta tha dea J it dam politics. Except for one t ra would They'd taka the- oaUi and rotecUon their toea aoasedi 1 to U u t Aaethar T<

X i ■ .^UlUbla- FAMOUS LAST IIN *iX w .rr " • • «*• ^wUl d* a Jet of good if jati'H

b i* btac akowt itl"G K im BM A N W T

S , ,o r - ____________ FOW tTH ROW

assocla-Atement ] ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

s wouldc u t U)a ■ a j f i j j i m e y j M i T a gii w^water , _ J M a H M B M M I M

juld-en- -------- ---------------------------------aeUilng - - ----------------------------

1 1Aiviohi naw ait van’eliei, th*^ r ! i ^ brioM ttt and m oit beouliful •peopir - e o k r t - t ninimi- bulbs con flree* yovr gar- •

I alom „ , y Spring. C««» In ^ , - t now and moke your efiaiei

a t o f M p t . DaWwiili. Hyo- uaUon dn ih a n d C rocw . You’ll b«

proud o f y o o r o « f d « whanI? j i j ; «h* *prtii9H«e € • " « .

I M f O K T B D

rs! Hoiidnd iH-Bulbs

= - G L O B E - .France S eed & 'F a a d ^waya. - L .Ma-ln-a - - rh o u a 401------ ------ - S t P _a Uka , I ^


---- ll^WASHING^

C U tV B JU ro — Gampaig- t a w t r t l y t t e o u f b ^ tob

a lU pablleaa jenator In iri . Vk» P r id d a n t R le h i r d im

UM aa t b i BU»t p ro ^ e ro u■ - r Anartaa-B hlftory.^______ _

iLKSt- Ba chalks t b U u p ^ mrtS T o ffW

tb< acabower a d m i o - ^ H | |H is fellflr in* Istratlon l a lU of UM p m nm U iB in.^fflc«.

I ecoditlon. TtM D e r a o e r a t a .^ ^ ^ B (4-t»-kae* K ix o a -a a y a r -a ta ^ ^ ^ H M of year” I n e a p a b l a u duly in- tcb ieriag p r o s - ^ ^ ^ H nn opened perity In tlm a o f ^ H M I 'p h e w t peace. A a e f f e c - f l ^ H D open ziext t l r t o a D p a ls n e r

I , wbo iKnpeza h ii tnd an to most a a r a c t Jaba w ith a. el

uld appear smili a n d a claim of atrie Ullk U go- Urlty. t h i v ici preiiden Ungl about 1963 w hen inllaU oa a

- ■ iroU were, a DemocraUc c I D E n . aooBomy.

K i n F a ^ e e n t« » of growing un S UarUn «»• n o l h e m ., a In-w hieh Jodustry U eoBce

And ft fs in these ooontles. i heary of organixed Ub

i« .I m “ >* elecUon m ay be decided ^ ^ 5.V • Toledo U an example. . M H ^ t employment in

J i L manufacUiring PlanU’ cUy dropped 50 per cen

nXlOO J o 81,000.,About. 19 E nel of Uie Toledo labor force h

unemployed fo r-a t l e u t 13 i and th e level U bellered to b er 13 p e r cent, today,

ed there'a On* reason for the unempl ig buUncH Toledo U the decUne ed In Uie IndepindenU - in -U ie - aut water Wt AeM. Kalser-WJUys i j ,Ui»

onally. Of employer in Toledo, and man T Uil him there axe suppUers o f pa d other independent au to ;-.hi* tims tTnempioymenl In Uie au to I fl L d u t ^ *«>"« reflected b i other h i Dlcklni ** P«rebtA inr power U c u ru

m « n - SlmUarly, in Cincinnati iMliUd of ployment U esUmated a t

•nfU* th l H ere. too. the explani r tU y ^ i* W id Jo jM Jb A t tooLand-dle.. *" ' supplyln* th e independenU

I “ . t o r tf x « t t e .l*bor force.

These a r t no t ita rtlln g -1 'n « y » a y r in - f t c t r b e . a i R

taUmate. the r t I may pro- «n in e riU b li ad ju iunent fron

}ust before th e Korean war :REt But w hether th is Is merely a

. ’ in f a d lu s tm e n f -wiUi th * Uer , of “ )Ose laoTiag tow ard greater emplo

son tract, j ,u tmemploymeat eomper ^ benefiU exhausted wiu ho t b

lUAded by sUUatlcs a n d grapl • 'I tJ t DemocraUc erwnliaUc

‘ Y j i , alw ayi been atruggUng. and 1 . h . ,v 1“ tb a t b u given ao I Republican • prealdenU to th » keep it ^ aenatorUl t Ifciawn h e n ,, t h i incumbent,. *nioia I «urit» .-bajealaadraBlag*U jat ‘ o srtU ce aa d ld a te sta ttie rK H i , h a re n o th a d .O o r .F ra n k J .L a I . running for a flfUi t4ain aa-

^ . . aidsred a ahoo-ln because ( K. ou t -1 --- ■ ■ 'i> i? :« u ia iF S , =ft't deter- — ;-----------------------------t r t r OT

AU-Uiese --------telling ■ ^ ■ ' 1

And Uie | B I P V Iust hare ■ ■ . i l lAS maybe ■ ■ I I IIn office

way.ake these> UU Uia 1 noUUngds would - -nd eren- - - .deaUi of I Uilng:

~ FRIG* .^ T " ---------------------eyli wbeiti'H hsip :i

r T H I ' } \ r>w____ ________ N X

1 - -

L . ‘l / ( M / m >» 7 --------- ^ l - n l i h 4 i K n M/ J -fiaecm_____ 1-1 /W/!OV-A,<vlj


I • Excliinive Alt-PoJ ffire W a sh e r.' "

> • E x c lu s iv e Live-M ' O v e r .R i n s e ! '

• Exclusive Under ■ tion!

- Exclusive Rapidri ............. B ■ nfofe"Toiind8I W ashers!

• Exclusive Select. Autom ntic,— Corr

1 • _ “ F ? lg 5 3 f tlre } ins II

l i v -7 . • -ExcluRive Unimal » plclcly-Gear^Drlv


_________ I __


►UIS GHIIaJalgn lng la - a ig ie appeal to O sB ocn li a belp elect pofiUeans I Worember, whflfflTW appetoUd t e ^ m z tf rb a iU vinn~puU le tsd o n e n u n t. « a iy c a r lD Homlnally a D e m o o ^

Ip trty ties tr e ao Iniobita] It Jf ( t id m oit peopla In b A T e n o .ld n u rh a t j) a i9 J

t o ^ n - y e a r a _ a i2 _ i h ® _Bicnhower waa c a n r b r -b , a half-mUUon n M ^ ty , w s by a genenms m atg li In i oba rtw P .-W t.-b ro tb

only win an tmpiM*aao' to m but help to c a n y Bmj toiy, be would b i Id a s tn Jloo /o r a placa on, Uta U e k r tia l» M .H U o p p tM l

r i.O lU a Auditor J t a e i A. Sbode*. k > t . .^ in « . While PreddcD t B m trietiobjec- a so * will n o t b i on the

t S i Horember. Rep. O eorfa lte a and con- HepubUcan Donlnee lunnin 6 curse on Burke, wanU «v«ry aodieoi

tha t he Is runn fo r a s a aort in n re w e r. for Uie p r e s e n t . - H e ai

llcan party ilnca A b ra h tm : m ooimUes This ulbuU U usually pre S ^ Z S l d . g IflT li» _ lira i» _ fQ r,-a f t, !t Wilh the nioited"M r.- Reptttiioan.-t U ^ r th a t ^ tb n a ib UdeS: Is s r a r e « n tm ra t

['insJ bK m e-ouU idS ?^baclL In S a t snatched Uie nomlnaUon a i

odd? ' S ’beoi W w m p jK tl-^o r-fB p p o rt 13 monUis PrtsidtDt when he alU on I a be near- ferm flanked by Bender oo a DC near aenator frogm tom ent John W. Bricker. on thi ^ U,g Brickei sponsored th e ;a m automobile bearing hU name which Ui h e W « e jt d tn t vigorously opposed In

h e r fields smendment waa defeatedi S w ! ^id u n m . *nd of a roll call when thi A ID ^ appeared to b i Ukinj . f o u i ^ nomlnous defeat- Bricker anaUon is opposed the St. Lawrence . U a .a ik e ^ W lil;tijhe ^ U ^ U o i U H tnU hare “ »Ior achleremenl. -cu tback . Bender promises to be 1<^

Pm W enir-A a-Suxka-poinU ^ c « t ^ clUng his opponent's UoltUoi sr cent, w jjj

B- ftnire.. this will m tsn (julti a rad.I ru sa l of Jorm .-BU t_that_hi

ro m a war frequeiUy.. says t h a t ---------------------- -

| « S L e g i o n - P o s t a

Meet in WenWENDELL. Oct. IS -W end

No- « of Uie American Legl Thunday a t th e Legion

i t ^ w - members attended., p j is O. A. Brown, commander, a tU on 'has *d work-committaea. ClydeS S ^ M k « n ‘la o m an r dues; O ene 'B oares.'B nnm .-

th* na- Wert and Wes Tnjunson wII contest Pl‘I ’ lom u A- October hoUdays. U . K. U h i t n a ^T tn d Howard Powell wiU b i In jcent p u t Norepjber;.Lausche. Plans were made for a tegic and con- tlon planned for N or. <. e of his Petersen U chairman.

• • ' ' ) .•


S ID A I R^ ^ A U l

« \^

S i mo 4 * - J -------------------------------------- :/ 7

P o rc riB in -Im p E ria l 'F r ig id -

5 -\V aler A c tio n w i th H o a t

I c r - W a t e r S u d s D is tr ib u -

l id r y ^ p in R e m b v c a - U p -L o ---------i s o f W a te r T h a n O th e r

c t - O - D i a l C o n tro l— F u l lyj ™ , . . 6— O n ty — :

n a tic M e ch a n iem ------ f o m - -----------i r l v e n f -------------------------- ^


HO ----------

” ; b j j s T i u s o

g s — 7 , S ^rlren-Buriw, .b>i»aeBate,a - ' J B S Q U l n e l

G oodW eathermitaaUal that I t l that Use of Uis'ye In tbe (tate Tbea* rtnecabla aagea «t r^e_belaoa door* ara afUn glrtm u

Ity, Latiacba winter. That they ;gln, defeaU bare been wrong ettwr.-e^ttl« btiore makes i i t U a . ^ * r i baHd not fllflertnca........H B S n ia S ~ » 5 r T E s y 7 5 a " ^ ^ Btnxki te v ie do Uiair own UU

wot U e u t i Okl timer: ‘Tbe ea. ' a n y aquliicla ar* ElMsbnrer^a la an extra Ixi btUoi la ratloa e r a««ms.Bander, tb s B u b . . By f O H y , ^ ^ | n ln ta g a ip s t ■he's b i a H Hle o o i.to f ic l b a m -v tsU r.’ Unm v n a p n x y O alda; *Werrt ae*a t h f ,

ta jt tb a t poutlo< ou t of tbe.rldgei ui4t'» a -fo ri , m an .,It sure does a

U » Aepub- a j a i ’»lutei'.“ " m U n c ^ T a p p e r : Bearer pelU i nm f 4 M b r b e trie r UUs fslL Lo

Downrtght btd,- i?^to^w bo« ■ •OldMt-lndlAa- on Uie' r »

>dd to hetrs rt-fo r-lb * ------- -u t- -—-----------------in Uie pltU ___on one eidefrom Ohio. m S t M tha oUier. .

amendment . Uie Pres'UIn Uie con- i U B I ^ Kcelt all but - 'J K Vf ExecuUrellcy u the. to do, Theed by one ~cast at thethe WhlU straight from i

Hns an os- snlmaU who are closely tU t t l l k e ^ the elemenU?' t Seawar U, ,u u . . V Uie coat of t bearer wlU rai_iJSH,ai.« y ,a r to - y w r - i f i a i -----------/m t tfl tha animals' begin their^ f i u t In mounuin h t

n S l n - -C o n rb te s h W T y ta-Uie J fore I t begins raining? The)

_ Animals of Uis wUd do a: _ things tn d m tny moro.-ar 4 q o do Uiem because they are ex : « » — Mgaaya iM ~ faiioMiTi ti

ImmedUU condiUons. As-1 j n i m U crop of tcom s comes io. Uii endill post “ *• red-headed woo( S tlon ^ t »nd manjf oUiers stors..Uiei m n ^ . »®rk harder and bulli >n rooma. because Uiey

^ phyalcal condlUon Uier As Uie bearer's supply of I

? th . tw d U a t lU best, following *um m er,bU coA tlabeU crtn(

“* J ^ le r. (AnimtU reflect Uia ec L i^ p 1 i! l o f tbe lr d iet to Uielr fu r wl

forUilghU Tbe elk, aenait barometrio changei. comes

’. “ perhaps 3 ar.SO hm n before j breaks to the mountain top

egion auC' th a iwaJIows wUl fly rery lo g. Clyde close to Uie surface of Uie po

______ - fore and after a a tc ^ and

jjdoes it a

: e d t r a d e i n


f w

t r a d i

R e g u l a r P r i c e . . . .

— L e j s - T - r o d e - i n ^ - , - . - ^

o u P a y O n l y T T ^ -

W E R - N o E x t r a C f

r — : — r — ^ ^ ----------


- . “ F S L f . i S

H S fl

reaerraUon: do10 much. Me tu lU e o r f ^ i ;” ^ '

heap cold no

. ‘= w w 7 5 1

f t . f »H»r»4. titr,K \ »««r k i r y B

• »«-■. B.I

om the wild O l J’ AtUmed to J j j n i J

s n a

Uiem. And >»eeU npopaiiCa]H

tiey tr e inthemselres. ------------of tuUunn ' Mon T e^ K ing a good l U d l l J » ‘a n d b u r* . RDPXBT.-Oct.i^K I condlUon drlcks. a ir ta i la t j^ K r wlUUn a Unced ts I K U n k K snaiUre to JusUce ot tbi F o a j^ K mes down Thursday, - s rea jta ria H e n d j k b m ^ ^ B tops. And poUoo eaHy

7 low aod io x lc tU « .B i n i^ K e pond b t- tence la'ilra c f i ^ K md during costa.

a g a i n j

N ON I___________________

^ K i

r w A S K

ide in f l l


C h a r g S ^ ^ ^

Page 5: )ark aign; Talks - Twin Falls Public Librarynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...-hid-comg~lntn~Taing pf n^r. i*~*^ =To7^flce.-that-he-is - - ~ 'Clone cellar

KSiJeW*^M •> u'* H H SK ^ ^ N * u d u i i u

V ^ d u h to the I to] (oood Uu

nU Alcan-:^ ^ U a .n J tw u»<^!S.tdtLKUin£.

^ Ihe oUur’*(* jM Ull *>'0P-

r. D r*.

i p e r t y J j e s n„ . « i»

BoiseL liUo* the V»r Mir fl

rtcenlly pur. \JW f - ° r U v S««tlA nraiff Ul* 6“" ' “ ‘7 MMldenl o( It —cU W mn •pproxl- j^j^^i,uon al gSAbtrf«n An»« S n Jn ^ mfllleontlnu* to op- oUjernewo ffi, ll pjljfUia. Amrx. Bobe. Btfij held 1“ Rtuibold. MWMttoi uie ot A n ^ £ „ „ t Unruh. .«JtflDilw.J'»r-,MW. ulur-8.-E,—I I lit JJtli, lop Kl Inj reelected treaj st4jri tr J. r. Oullck Auxiliary n; U.WHa)O.V*r Mar Aanln. • preal'

OttI. iffond (op Tlrfitfri t i tu purehaKd .by jjri. unruh, Kl ;iscJi. fiSeel. Wyo.. wuiard Hofto TBcthw t«U* Mid for iSa'tir'll.tM'tnd-Uif iftnilon' cond .Qttifrnilet «u ilon* SaUirda;

SalunSay a c t ________quel a t the P I

ffcopie— teSiSSsfuf, t J tr. »polt8 on

dose J a u n t s 5 ,ood/- Nonl,0ctl6-.lUrryHaa- 4}{i»KOT<,8r0.jjor pj fnil »lth Mr. »nd t o . pe aona attendItl Zd nuih. Arbela. •at pau of «r. and W n m o CialBlkim thU «etiL * ' v U i a »riri*rotCaulngham, Mrt. - Andrr !i R r. D«n return- wu tre«t4Sd ; tlii:i riciUon In Call- Magle Valley B ud Wuhlnjlcn. PWday nifiht Uucn. lotistrui. her huiband'a

Bt her ffllldren, Mr. 300-block of I ■a UuoR. Mn. MoN north.BllUa. Mont.. Ij vli. KJitridgB U ud <Uuchl»-in*Iair. itopped lha n K. j. Muon. aUtc-hU-wUc

le s i d e n t s g r — ro

ose T r a v e l s IcS. it-Uf, md Mri, @a iDl chtldccn are m L -r^abun. Ind.. where H **« bj Ihi iflnoi ot fl]-------T —;In Eririn nich. ?l| ' J ' s■ Nfilion. pifjuant J J fL 'iTUitinxlifrp»renu. JOreni Wfbb. dl

I F in e d — - Itl !• — An furly h1 l>it\ ?tid>T Iti H»a et t u tnd coit i P. X. Almo, ind Bud ‘I

^ W. -nJekff Itrled 'I ■ 0 l Wdir »lur Burley H W(d Ihe ifto.nien N

WffS Want aim. |w|ii!ir:killllllllHII>llllini

P J i

p a i

f r n t n n c K

lnclude.1 thet o w u S«»«, " delejate to the

falls j r . h

’A T U R D A

7 : 4 5

■■ 'ittwcaiSTO O j,.


Idaho Gideon*

lfte«w-whe WM* elKtwl aHha anaujitTPnT UMcUilon an ETcrtli Anatn. s«ite, «

* * ' * * * '

se Man Elected Gideons at Ann

Annin. Bolae. wu elected Convention iof the Idaho aute QldeoM lured Tepotla tQ al the 11th annual con* ieej, proper ciR Tfi'la m u Saturday. <hfp, iccfraClrew officer* elected are Jay j-outh tMUmeii[k. Ties pruldenl; Z. A. national ezlenMurUush. aecreUry. and ninient>eritmh. Coeor d'Alene, chap- oirtcoa_ta»dB.-r«wn«^Mampir-m wtenjlSToSjeuurer. «-jr „1y membera elected Mn. the organlmlc irealdenl: Mra. Oeorge uninj-43 p raaho ,Falli,-vlc*-{>r««JdenH ---------— ^uh. secretAry. and Mn. jffman. Emmett, chaplain. ,0 1 Tl/ ■»_to_Hie.-lMfd»y-.con. X ^ la i l . lV . »RCluded bualntM ut- irday aftemoon. Climax, t • acUvltlea wa* a ban- I j i n i l f

e Plrat BapUil church, BlDgeabefg.rChlcagn.-ln.I Ueuur«. leaUire apeak- “ uoCWNa. C on "ToUowlng; ihe CtU P'*'* ’o«f‘ °J>

Normwi E. Wood. T»,-ln l‘fluwbyUiedt toutmniler. The welcome " “ * "^ ” '"7 by V. H. Leaher. president S l*.?"/'?*?'

n i----- Delegate* ab

rr , ' . , lUteconstltutlinan Treatedidrew- M.—KJttrldge.-O,- iJe prtMnWd'a ed and dlamUsed from »l McCall n«t illey Memorial hoiplUl Speakers wtr [ht «fter *h» feU from well. aUle prea nd'a moving auto In Uie Smith, WeUer, of Blue Lake* bouierard aUo-apoke'at

night. ProbateI told city police ha who U mayor o la machine Immediately of ceremonlea i wUe’#-faJI,-whlcIi-pollee Qoodlng-delegi n^raectdent.--- ---- ■ - niembeti-la'Oii

------------------■‘'LuB tcrlzed"

PRESSI W j ^ ^ 2 -H O U R S

...... -'At flmaUZi

CONP STBEEt EAST_____________

S E E ^


' '"rrnhois" ^

f C i i i l e yhe-Untt«d'Bt*t«'a*”one ofth# /tneSTap -b«-efHremfndoua'lnt«rul-(o.«veT>-oae_the vice chalrroanihlp of the Republican

M*;-delegate to the ilepubUcan policy c Lhe Republican naUonal convenUon In 1

re than 40 member* of Uie houie of reprw ckei and w u chairman of the Republican '£3 and again In ISSJ-'M.


5 P . M .II be broadcast over Station K

n PalU County Central Republican »m

;ons Select New Lei

rTWT»mie«riflijrtrBUw:^3yi^A5?irilt«, ceotcr, preddent, and chaplain, (m * ■* * * * d President of g inual ConventioiItlon leulon* Saturday fea- Forty-eight«tl4 on model thurth atrr- dren alUndeiper camp tneeUng*. leader- Uon aeuloni.JMCtng InacUTe member*. Raymond u

exUiuloa. . *eM|on* of Uiiberg reported on th e auxiliary.i*»A?ue*tlon^)d reUtlni to the work of ’iude ih! u

era who will

iMade-for---£3°^Wendell. Jen /V , Ooodlng.[uor Option

al option for th(M«lB of Uie drink on a county raUi-communlty buU wu made ..........ing of the aouthcenlnl Ida-X o( Iht Idaho Municipalre Friday night.e* abo propoaed that thetltutlon be changedao nat- . ■ .1csn b« Uxed Ute ume u V *limej. Both proponU winKd'U'lIie annual meeting I I1 next June.t were Jaaon SmlUi. Cald- S 'w W H ! president, and Robertoon eUer, wcreUry. Both men e at Rupert on Thursday )bat« Judge Theron Ward, . lyor of Jerome, wu muternlea alth* dinner meeUng. __ ________delegiterwere'iecepted’ u la-Uu leagiit.**-------- —

zed” ClMnlniT” S

R SERVICE IaUZitn Caal | |j

am ___ ,

........... I CLOC

I c s e n I purch(!*tTpeaken in • 'we--------- ---jUcan nationalicy conferwic*----1 in 1« 0. Ifi<l.

repreaenUtlvea lUcan naUonal -

k 111 . Save mon«^UU.: !'"-'Sijper->vQllA porceloin iV 1 ■ I ^'ons. Excl

^ — — - t n a i r ^

1 ” 1 - I

~ : ' , '2 0 .cu . ‘

n KTFl I .CommlHee.—

_________ ____________ ™TIMES-NEWS, TW IN F A I

Leaders al Meeliii

irx. Bot«e,\lce prealdeaL Etnest l iv a, iMk* «a at left. (SUff photo-eagm

; s t o t e ^ - „ 5 *ion in T.F. ,of isneight delegate, and alx chll- tended Biturday* conven- ur^ ta »upi

with Uie prind URlclie. Seattle, tone I off acreage »nd hU wife conducted all -My odp< of Uie aiMcJaUoti atid ii* that lh# »t{

the auUiorl:t-or-wpnhlp-twfinninr-«r Irom'thB” Sunday will offlclnlly con- DemocraUc e l»'o.d*y coneUre. u ld in a jail win be *em<^at aa. m. Juat_dldn'JL U5Uofirwin‘Begl«n*peak- r -

will dellrer *ermona al 4 ■ of rarloui denomlnaUon* 1 ^ 1

,'Twln-Fall*,-Kimberly; - ■ « " Jerome. Shoahone and .Tlili »tt»r I

Leaher and S. E. Paraons »um ” tr.S chargg of convenUon ar-l hawbb

1 1 ' ^ ' “ A ' '^'U

I ____________

(EE! A 21.9s snv i

x iT R A b io w i H i fh

chose o f ony______

:OtDSPOT14.7 cu. ft.

noney . buy {ood in.quonUfc^j:; woil conj>ruction wilh' life-time oin interior holds food in 7 sec- Exclusive “food-finder" mokes

rer to »igre,_.find,_ond rernove 5uy now Qt Sears!

cu . 'f h F r t u t r ------4 1 9 . 9 5 ---------

iii j^ 1,50( Hei

^ JEROME......... 1.500 perAo:

crrla by .■ school aud

W r ~ -------- r " — -A fthA-r« ■ • - . - H iluileni* - JS ^ B Cuala cou■ H , - ,—............ .........Jerome all■ v . % — •------------ 50 music pij r • • ' ' ~ ' • thB_coac^ , Member*

. ; their iniUifin S ff iM H lB K ilnictor In

... rec ted.'Tlie aud

’ enthui|H M ||H Q B |B B 'T predated U

Uam Jonei Slngtng probably w

' their Inter: writer."__rln rin fththetng bie ei as a apecla



tato ihlpm beingducc men i

™ » 3 i temilnLK Unmh. Coeor d'Alene, new ^ “ * 5 ^i ! : S 2 ! __________________ ' S . , ”Z

, , _ Many gtirshak Farm__i l 5ecord CriticizedU>. Oct. le It'-Qlen Tay- been affectI today Sen. Uerio’ Dwor- ------ :-----lowed "utier lack of con- _ th tftfm pioWemV i f "fall- 4lUppori or In finy wny help » 11 : propoial to take hard wheal ^ . age allotmenta.'- MmmmMspponent muit have known fT T IT 7 I atcreury ol agriculture had ■ ■ ■ ■ lorlty lo remove hard wheatiB-icreBRe-»ll6Uiienir” tJi* —lUc candidate for lenntor __a aU-eet addreaa here. "He f” '* *


.Tulips 35c IlllljilARANTCRD TO I H B H

PHNiir..r,.|D^t. K-»

! i 3 U “r l A S A L E A S C R

<y b

^ K f | - J

- - ^ - ■ 1 ' - ' ------------' — '

^ ■ w

: : _

vertone > —

r FREEZERW as 379.9S-N O W

3 1 9 ^ -

e W l ) o w n —14.50 .Monlh

~ t-~ ~ U SE SEARS E A S T ----- ^P A yM E N T -P L A ? f



0 0 P e rso n s Carej eai-^GoncertME. ocu 1»-Aopro*lmately GIjJ-Mo:, nwna attended tne two con- Citj the UBAF band al Uie high and

lUdltorlum here Saturday. Mr. anc VT"p3ifTnaUnee1iTiir*cfiool I' ttoo - MlDMoke counly, t-tly-UatS counly. Fairfield, Duhl and 1®!!,' attended and approalmately : pupiu look pah In one part

>er* of Uie band rellnqulahed lUTimenu to Uie mu*ic pu- lie Irahal Davli, band In- In tha Jerome ichooU, dl-

ludlence at both prt>grams hualaaUc and eapeclalijr ap- d Uie flnglng by M/SgL WU- met. baritone tololil. Hie

StrgtanU received what U r wu Uie moil appli use for iterpretatkin of ‘The Tj-pe- 1Iftl tii In thi» h.<nH pl«y»rf M / ght of the Bumblebee" dur- ^ W T i

evening performance aiuJ f ;dal attracUon M/figt. Paul v .^K ?a layed a marimba uio. .tS d u X

ids Held Back-------O' PALLS, Oct. 18 OB—Po- pment* from ihU area are eld to a minimum u pro- :n and grower* wall to de- .-B in t damage n ay-hare----------u*ed tfl *pud* in Uie field* - - .— eavy froit Thuiiday *jid Bomlng*. .

grower* with ,Uia apud* ,1th* ground are walUng % ■ ,•o-before-furihef-dlgging. ....... Vample time tor the (roat lo .ly poUtM* Uiat mlghl bare ^

. i O il THI ___

i r e $ f o i t « ' E S J B O f .■ U r -T H |- B H t~ k - -----

« T « • l l t T l I 1 1 — , & 1 0 % - e o w i r ^ - r ^ — -

HONE 3 7 5 0 K h 0 -S o u » li- M ii i t t r—

iR C A T A S IT S N A M E f


w ith th e p u r



FREE! IP m o n th i lup

p ly o f TIDE w ith th e p u rc h o t

o f ( h t i e W eihert.

.XossJn..lOjjouhds.of soiled laun of doriiing whites ond sporklinc — )ust set the Visi-Motic wring o%_lo_wrlng:hankies-or:j'vg8l—

O th e r M o d e li fro m J 5 J

y -

:jeit ■

ey Residents Fi MLof Traveling:KY. Oct. 16—Mr, «nd Mra H0:ri4t«y ana clilldren, Balt

and Mrs. Clit{_Orchaxd-ipent —Pallbeai ‘ * i ’ ) “rLHlM~..tn Sail-Uke llarry-Vtor a two-year m l» ii^ ‘ for^Se hux^tn C»n»d*.------------- heM~la“ i

^ M O N D A Y


D i m-Beautiful Assortment oi Color Denim in a Gorget of Gay Fall Colors. SE\ fo r SEW many SEWI^

REGULAR 49c YD.Monday JUor/ung Doorbiu}

— " — — — -

m j f k

irchase o f y o u r nt


: : O n l y 155 .0 0 -8:;

lund ry . W rin g o u t . 1 0 .p o u n d $ - -U i ling co lors! A n d th o t isn 't o il ” ingor— it o d ju s ts o u to m o tic - m

59.95 t° 1B 9 .95 ______

r i in f •t / l K y 4 0 9 W « fM a in


Funeral H d d '^tC M e r^ -iw a d ib J r jB fs r r for-guiott-rm tt -iTBrBriggT

cr, putor of the MettutfUt.R. offlcliUnf. KeUb'JoJuuiMa' iloUt. •bearers were -Hom?r-Atwoo«r - waitm.-ptOTg*:::litt^ u-Pyron. Leon HuUch*roa5dT

Shepherd FInal_rttei jmaU- la lh6~Jerome cezncte^..-, ~



M j;of 3 6 " S o l i d _ |^ j ; feous A ira y , lEW perfect 'ING needs. ,

>. VALUEiiuter Special

n e w * . . - H

SHER Il i f l8.M Month "


I B p B

n ‘“ ‘' f

Page 6: )ark aign; Talks - Twin Falls Public Librarynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...-hid-comg~lntn~Taing pf n^r. i*~*^ =To7^flce.-that-he-is - - ~ 'Clone cellar

T ay lo rieeps^ Up Attacks oh

^^^GOP^Policies-------rctnat n im h gw o«o-----cft Ii u popular.in .surop« todty*- VM tba pn-W ortd v*x . n UiUc

— ^O ur-« tnbu^-la -8ou lh -A m «rl« i n pumled 4 « r u d - n lg h t , iMt thi

'Tocfl P & ^ U o o te tr . 'th e m d o w n ' “Our support of deosdent cobnliV

-iBttte-IodM>hlx»>u)d-«lMwhere h« 4«d4onp ttlc& jle tac in Jo r.com m U ' > liti fn.^ eneinlei(or Ul > n o s( U )t explolUd peoples.'

B« mM kI U u t recent AUtcmenti by h ll opponent; Sen. H cnrr Dwor- ih ik , MU olhen, M lllns (or ■ re- n lu iU o s 6( the nation's f orclsn pol­icy, meaiu th»E,.'people *re (ln*ll] b ^ ln n in f to tf r e o wlUi hU v tm ln ti of (hs p u t m e n )re«rs.

Ttylor eltlmed com m unljtj «ri runninf lha naUon'i (o re im pollq

■ byilniply»(lTOc*tln**h»t-*houJdb(dona, tasowlnj fu31 well th a t lha peo­ple vould do lu i t the oppMlle loi le a r of belnj U teled pro-canununUt

Tavlo r eUlmed lha t Dworthtk'i “ JatroducEoBo'fTTIclU cany6trntirr

dam bill In IDM. done w ithout pA - llclly o r coB«nlll« h e a r ln p . w»i

_done ao lh»l Dworahak could Uki cedlt (or'lnmalln« thB projec t-lf-l' ever came to past. T aylor at«tc< fUlly th a t h# favored a federally op. erawd hU h'dim In lhe canyon, da-

I y -pendent on^Uirage of ip r ln j run-o(i lin water (or coniumt operaUon ra th e la i tiuin "lhe »*rte« o f .a m a ll dami n wanted by prlTale power lnK?e*t»

-w lU i-fuw aA tM ^agalut^-our-w ftU :righta for a consUnt aupply ol wa­te r"

Taylor aauaod D w oirtuk of narai UklRc a poilllTe aland on th^ Helli canyon projtct. and called. It *’typl; cal of Dwonhak’a ‘fence atnddlliiB .'

' Taylor called Idaho "UW itepchllt of lhe U weilem ila lee” wlU>» t m ' natural potenUal which needa onlj hydro-eleclflc dw elopm ent for ful- flllmcnt. AUracUns Industry to thi

I iu i« win be the only w ay v e eat keep our Ulented young people ir Idaho, he added. H e alao called foi a minimum Income of |100 a monl^ for people oter 65.

WUllnm P. W hltU ker, Democrat- -lo-eindIdaltlBL ,th»Jw uao o t repre-

ienuurea, atticked mer Budje'i roUng record u ‘'/oi special Interests, and a g a ln ii the American people." , .

~ t I^ M o re i tn * m M r whUe rea lrk-

I Uoni were being placed o n domesU( sugar production. H e aald Uiat tb i Amerlcan-finner_w u_onM M ed_te proleeUon for h is crops »nd th a l li v u the d i t of the governm ent « BXOTlde votS for a ll wlUlng laborera

AUo Dallollo. DemocraUc candl. L. - d a t a for fep rM entatlM -O L M t!)!^ I ' county, atucked the p resen t st«t(

I admlolatnUoa's re ta m p ln f of toe publle uUllUea oommlialon u beini ag iln it the best Interests o f the ^ nie of IdahJX'Re pledged' h lnuelf (s work for reiloratlon of th e (onner

*^«™ M oters. secreUry of aUle, - a llid -fo r a DemocraUe s ia ts admin-

Istratlon 'to curb the extravasajil spendlni* of th e preseal Repubflcan sdmlnlttraUcn. .

li Several candldalea for counly of- !* nee alao ipoke brlelly.

Visits ReportedKIKO WTtJ. Oot. Ift—“I t e .R e r

and Mrs. R. I . Bamee. M r i Oall—Jone».-M f».'M uUn-W oodwanLind- Mn,-Jack C»ULbM«^»egn

In i lhe annual faU p ru b y terla i o! Uie UnlUd Presbyterian cbutoh al

Mra.‘ chtrlM Jackson. SeatUe. li TlslUng her parenU, Mr. and Mre. TerttU Poiter.

Dr,.and Mn. Horace MUler, Port* land, have been TUlUng Mr. and

“ Mr*. T e r r tT M te r." ~ ----------------n Mr. and U n . Prank B U talck. Ban

Francisco, are TlalUng h e r brother, Wealcy Pink, wid fam ily.

Real Estatt T ra n sfen Jnfam aU oa rn ra lsh * a by

T*la Falls Title a n d — • - T nu t Company

.OCTO"'® » „ ,ri.kt't'HES. SWSElj|®NAVi?E. KW«W

^JliV;‘ *A l;;«a .. I. C140B Hill, |I«, b l s U<Kk ID, CuUtfonI‘"w.'rItBly tM t C. »Uko» #« .1l» Innr H. tnnli. 110. part fot S kloek 1. Jllili SekMl .^gll Clilm I M l K. r . E^wtr<l< lo XUmtU Dnixr. I>H. lot U block I. S«uLk r» k tddlUoit

T « « IT n ilu t llT; M kbck IT Twta r«lt> tovnilK. _

Wtirinlr M i Wi;t]>in R. T«nnknt toSWSriVUS-i'WiS'ffii:

Wtrrinir M i nvih WMobunl m )'.*■ >h«r U Hunt. IIS: k l 10, block 40. Twla^

SUN.-MON.-TUES.C«»tlriu«» Bui>d«r fr»"

I:M r.K.______ItOa m U D S O N - .-JA N E ___



Prom Lloyd C. Douglas’ Novel __ _______ TECHNICOLOR

f g i M M J i n iSTARTS SUNDAY

POR ALL WEEK RUN Joan Btcrllns


"JO H N N Y G U IT A R '

iSUNDAY - MONDAY d55T ^ J e a n n e



Admlnlni 20e • )Se > 6«e - ----------- ‘-fihoira 7:90 and -« :9 0 --------


5 M la g ic "'i° K U X - K le s — n n * - W L O c * c t t» » — - t m c___

• iM N««| BswUa^ aiOO II

^ ^ -l;U -XM i-M M T>caw*-------- aos Xn." JtltO Nfwi S m X n lOlU »inUl* lOiOi Kill M tn r ^ K r a a i ?

§ 5

. s ;nally i <se lUst* k «m im >it>

! S iE T c J a s s ■ s :. . . s s

ollcy e>*e sh*4w > no *

PM* UiM C 2k««U.U

tiak‘1 iiM t* r r a w - ------« iii x

a itt# alt op. 10,00 MelnljT.-, Bwipbock lO W il

f»t*r to e * n u i lUHtr. *i** ■wa> il» JQu~n lr>r • D.r *:»» «

“ '■Shoshone People Report on Jaunts

ful- SHOSHONE, Oct. 1&-Mrs. Emmi > the H&nnah h u gone U> Denrer. Colo . ean and will v b lt in N ebruka an d Flor le in Ida for the winter.3 for Airman Cadet Donald < MIIU 1 onUi homa on a 30*day furlough.

H . I. Stocking and M ark Pllnn [irat. Medford. Ore.. are working a t th< nre* P. D. Bateman ranch. ^-H a- -M r:-and-M rs_A lbert_C tflP i? »ni •'for family moved to Uielr new home a

’ the Prleiit niver. 'Joe OuUirle, Mr. and Mrs. CUudi

irU* CM^CHKka.QUlL..tl4ll£<L;MfcAP! trie* Mrs.' Dean Outhrle Prlday. asUe M rs. MUliela King, Wyoming, wa, : t h t a visitor of Mr. and Mrs. Alber 1 to plapp Thursday. a T l t M r « . 'J ^ Rbeuler le(i~We<lne«la: I t to (or Ohlco, Calif., where she wlll a t irer*. Und a family reunion, itxdl. Mrs. Velma Allen and children am doka her father. Henry Eddlngton, are vis i t i te IQngTnB poHnS — — ’—

the Mra. Burton T hom e and boys ari wing spending the harvest vacation a t Lopv>- lan-and-noy .-U tah------- .....^ -----------------------------

™" Absentee Voting ^ —Light-for-RuperiIlcan ROTSllT, O cL -ie—Absentee bai

loUng for the H ot. 3 general elee r ot* Uon h u been ligh t thus fa r . report

County Clerk W illard Hayward. Hayward ta ld only 37 absenle

1 ballou have been c u t to date, a A compared with about 300 balioU fo Rev. the same period In,Uie M3J elecUon O all . -----------------------------

■Pj ::zSeriices:Heldr:? ^ JEROME, OcU 1« -P uncra l « r r -

Ices for Mrs. Nina B. SUiarl w m , , , held Thursday afternoon a t Uie ;V “ Calvary Episcopal church wlUi the *“ *• Rev. Norman Stockwell. T*-ln Pnlls,

. cfflclaUng. Music w u proTlded by Uie choir and M n . Malcolm Stuart

. f M v u OTianlit.._____________________a . . Pallbearen were Virgil Halbert,

R. W. Williamson. A rthur Chal- bum . Sylvan Miller. Charles H an­cock and Charles W rlgbt. Plnal

— 1 rites were held In the Jerom e ceme-: Urjr. ,

T e t Aberdeen C o tl— Phone 120, b itcnaotintaln Fne] Company, adv,

T.U THE WHOLE VAL/NW, s 0 0 0--------

T O D A Y !1 ,0 I T m oves to th e

i @\v> ' , 1


M - kCMknm■Q__________ ----------------------------- -— Sa _ :.............. ............................................ \


— O O O R fl- i - ■ — — ^ AUl ' . :O P £ N ... - Sliori Bobjeft^-O ne »- AT . . a l s o c o l o r c a r_ 1 00 I_______________________

^ V ^ y R a a i a SK T F I A M -F M K E E<me-*iLo.».i'.Meau#. u w KitofHIO *C<9 >Smm■itMni f _____ ^ _ ■ _ _

olio rSTrMl U dI u:>« I nee tw u ___________ _ _

UI ................ »:l» *Th»W»TUrteCo.eMa.UTT>* 4:00 ;G « . A«U7■ce Bean Ott TIM <:» 1*11 cf rupitO AUa Sboi> l:0« Juk Bnur

lltl) xn<>Eli Dir Am«< s ' A*; s ; i ! a , 'iLi i i l aCm t CIU.nl*HO - TiBO •W n r. B«r m e kMikU kt IUal«ri*> TilO «E4fv B«x|

i i i i a ^ : r iiii i f e! S |K ; s a v

^"o T»» «f MMlU «;0* •CBS I J wr'S» u**u r ^ w f i r _____ «iu;Ll‘ x«“K.-r* vi? S


l : l l iKnen^ Ck.oc* IftKI Woawa'a W.0;30 UtiM Cor*« IliOO •fijyllo e*niloe iP.alln. rM W t • — lliOO ItoBi of tbf tiO Noca ISili KtKP

l;05 iWalwm* Tf4»«l.f» llU •LlakirtUt'a

l:0» <y»«nt B rW 4;» ‘AlUii Jwl

......... ..................................

e Taylor’s Farm Votes Rapped

1 Flor- RUPERT, Oct. It WV-Sen. Hcnr: C. Dnorthak uld tonlghT that 01«

IIU Is Taj’lor U dUtorUng Dworthak’s reC' ord on agriculture “In an obvloui

Pllnn, effort to divert pubUc fcltcnUor It the (rom hit own.”

. The Republican candidate for re- P-!5“ £ltcUcn charged hit DemocraUe op- '"e »t ponenl with “(aUufno"pfbie!tThi „ . 75 to M per cent lupport progratr

when It wu (Inally voted by Ui( XcAPfl eentre»-ln-lMe,^-I>worahikk-44K i, TV'or had “tlgnlflcanUy failed" U »ih*rt menUon Uiat Dworahak wu a co- ~ - ipontor-of Uie amendment to thi rnjjv ftrm billTalalnff minimum aup- lUat P°f‘* (rotn flO to eiH per cent ol

parity.in and Dwenhak sIm uld he voted foi revU- an amendment, beaten narrowly

' wtilch Muld have raUed'dairy 't^p- ys are porU from a minimum o( 7S to U at Lo- per cent.

....- ...Earlitr^he urged _an audience alnomedile to '-look at the p«st rec- .crd of-Olen Taylor . . . and de-

5 • Urmlni wheUier Mr. Blseiihovei ’ I could rely on hU support when H fP p r came.to dealing wllhxonxtnunltt agi, bai. _____________

MAN PINED JEROME. OcU 1 8 -H erb e ri

^ 1. . Bametberger. Jerome, was flnet lia.8S and ooits when he appeareC >xfore JUsUce of the peace Russel

Miin Shaud Tueiday. Bameiberger waJ cited by SUU Patrolman Eugeni Hagler for operating an overwelghi

I--'— vehicle.— —................... ...

i,Vr! ST A R T S T O D A Y___ Doon Open IJMS_____

S 'U..T RANDOLPH SCOTTS Hnsieme-' " C o m c r C r e e k " — ' ' G u n F ig h (c rs^ ^ —I 120. CARTOON - NEWS




m I ® -


■ T V ' ^ SMEREE NORTH .n M r rioMedbrPAUlMNU ' I w - V . DVKtedWnOUUNTAUROC- ••- • J E _____Scijewto h JJiC)! M5t...U K * - — -■rf«aviu£si«vason

nm rx WW CM»'>un nia*

4 . - ®- U J D E I i - --------- ’ , 5 0

H andrrt Unniuit Boyi" ,• ; ~ CARTOO.S-L.\TE .NEWS

-I 2

^ h e d u l e s ^

S p K B A RILOCZCaXS)____ fvvta KTiyw»T>t.gMi£o«M*iUo N«««k 'M O

------------ -

JfM ’VW-

rt-firoW-:---- nite-e—STl amal iJ ckFvO*-o«k : .. •_^ to lfa M l< ~ l l j j l IkMc

VerUTodaf' - »>*• V»t*« o< H m Xv\r7 »:ie Cf^ tTMit,” . r - !s :K |:rS T » .^ i t t . . : ; s :K ! i ;a “JUU l t . r r t »!l» Prwdly W. H*U

Y twwjik" OiM UenlH U«4Hon *iU *r«.l lUntrof SL FMUii. ^*U# S o ^ ^ ^ l a s t m

j « £ i l i i i i ia f J T il

'S S * " * ’ S K S . ' J S . - k .»twi-or*A»#Tle»-" - rt*r*uiiMi«-Arro«>.lt»— •aock CM lU K.B&rlUf«tCIakWa5f .« Ckrt.U«‘f.Il.-.W »lirsss:?"-” !s.sa,sf,'?:.r»'< WorM lU >wWp«rIflf SKr«UI e«rul( IlO *KoS«ni R<a4JUM

lU M.r«l7 UiriMf tb* rlonan* lOI ^ B .rK u k D n 'n H I IU>k«ti l i t M m

,t CoZfrtT IM X-B«r KMk BorrlUt'a lit AtmiBiiiStrtnUa

F ='i!i W j ; ? . - -a J».kwn. lOO Aalumi) Biranxl.MM KrnU .01 •M.fUa niockrd B. H am v 4:10 UU Dor M.IIhmT T.Unt BwU 1.00 *Lo»»tU»««r______

(1 King Hill Folks Disclose Travel

KINO HIU...O«. 18-Olen Ro Lot Angeles. vUlUd hU rttUr. M MarUn Woodward, and family, A

• Olen other visitor to Uie Woodvard hoi• f*®’ Uils week wu Mn. Woodward's s

Marilyn Roberts h u returned Moscow afur a week’t vlill wl

Mn. EUiel Pugh, Le Gnnde. Or ,aH is visiting Mr. snd Mra. Ven Ro

Id" toft co- Lieut, and Mn.- KenneUi Hoa0 Uve I*n«l TUlled hU moUter, Mrs. Mt1 tup- -Un-Woodward.-en roule to Uii nt o( home In Lewiston. Hotgland w

report to duty at Pt. Onl Oct. ; d for **“ returned fran Pt. Be mwlv. nlng- a*-


_ . , M P S S U N D A Y

• w u wDiE g L i M B H

^ Cartoon - 2 ReeiComed

m C losed M onday-

. S T A R T S T U M D A .YJean AUTRV. Smiley BURNSn


= S U P R E M E

by love letti


Silk stockin!



= -MuS= ~ -- - - r -WftiWERC

R O B E R iaS T A H T S

T O D A ^^ --------- D®OR5 r O P E N - l : 0 0 - I

....._ - i 'E A T U R E _ S T A R T S : I- ■ 1:45 - .<?:50 - f i :0 O - '-1

; _ 8 :0 5 -1 0 :1 0 ______|


i n Card to Ease _ J TaskofFil™? x«. Income Taxt

. WAaHDiOTON, Oct. 15 I * - : • goverament'-today unveiled .It* J

„ inoocne U z forms. Including a s in^ 15-UD *-eartlfdrvsgeeam e»ree« -------- Ing less than *^0« * T e » r ---------------------- aienisJBevBone-Comiplaelonei

Colemaa Andrews estim ated that kMotw miiUoD ef-Uie more than n .m iU

U. B. texpayen are eligible to TaU Uie card for—a strtpped down i

s lo i ro f id d - lM lA ^ r- IW -M W ^ - of them v ia tackle Uie more com:

cated 1040 form Instead.Klitt One UonUi ExUnslos‘I Under the general Iax revision

enacted UiU year, all retu rns a . . • be In by AprU 18. one monUi Ij

previous M arch IS deadl a*aiiM but Uie tAX eollecUrs wlU wel«

them a t SJiy Ume after Ja n . 1.T be new la v overbauUn* the

structure na d e no change In gnu raUe. alUiouih It provided cut* tniiitnna of Individuals u id nei

" a ll cotporaUoni. A , 10 p er cen t »(Ka>i ducUon In personal tsxes v e n U

r -------effect Ust-Jan. l undef-prevlouKl

S'. * '. -M oit of Uie nev forms -vere rot

lyTevUed to f it changes lo .th e g «u eral t u structure, bu t th e lOtOAc m form U someUilag brand n e v . j

drews said It may be th e f l n t i toward relieving l i rp ty e rs earn under M.OOO a year from filing i r e u u s a t all.

'..... - - T hose-uslng-th ls-form -m ay- - U le-m or«.th»n Uie standard-10

cent deducUon. nor llemlse Uielr ■ ducUons.

As in the p u l , Uie revenue sen------- wlll calcuUte Uie U x for tsxpay

u ilng the simple form, and tt U em a bill or a refund .'

. , Tbe four main types of Individ r p l s returns, In addlUen U) the 1040A ' turned, have been red a lg n ed w Rowe, the help of artlita and public re ; Mri. Uons specialist, Andrews said. In ', An- effort to make them more a ttr home Uve and easier to undersU nd.


ifd ta ond Lieut. Delreed Dergeson, wh vlfe end parenU, Mr. and »

Von Reed V. Benreson. live in ^ U nl.do —’ . reccHUy'aiflved lix Su IcA for d'

w ith Uie IMUi reglm enU l comi team a t PU Richardson.________

s Ir a m o i wBUHL; IDAHO


s :

<edy ■wffBBSiSjln

^ s u n :, 'M 0 N .7 TUESI If CoaUnuout Showing

Bundty from 3:00 P. M.

I E S U S P E N S E U N F Ul ite r . . .S to len kiss b y sl h g b y silk stocking I-

T C H C O C K 'S ^

\M = Sw - MtCOfcOR ______

I '- M l t t A N B - l kc ek e ll y J B:UMMINGS “

« A D D E D ! I f I ' __Mcrr\- Mclotiie.s CA

t ~ I “ 7 " rtJO P T T E T T V i KOX M O V IE T O N E

0 -P .M .- — •-----------------------------

E g


e P a i r G e t s S 5 0

i g F r o m T h e a t- ■ Twin r«U» P O to w cr«-M «c

lT bS* Sf^tSing Uie m eater doorman

a * ’S d S r ^ U ? e " ^ « * Ho;auisue. Uie pair e n t ^ the UJJof0ceUL1236J?4n.--Tbe,9i«‘a ,

S u M wu open but there wu m ^

5s.tr toal-unf HO to

Die met Uie doorman, Joeepb Ii uW. They told him Uiery v a

on la v Uld vnm g office. They w m t ^ u i t on# of m e-vacan t rooms \ u u r »here Uiey dumped t h e ^ ^

m d Uie money bap iaa-truh-chKic - I T . l n :

he tax bou li and bus depots was ^ S S OlUeUe said. He ducribed th e S S f S s j five feet, six Inchee t ^ . »« nearlv Ing aboul IW pounds., T t e wo K fire (eet, five w«lU n tfl ing approxlmaUly IM po u n d s .

— ‘ sge VU » t a t 35 or 38mere- g f ta*

I M S IJ J J e U E R E ^ A S

10 per C o u p o n s to - R u n C a r H e a t e r


_ | SUH-M ON I


: rela- ^ ■ S l . . . H WAS A R i» T< I I H n f n i l

mUTSK m u T

whose ,

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■ 7 ;1 5 & n d l 0 :0 0

} : ^ pi GREAT



!H B I I j ^ J w i i M i j i p B p j qH yna I C d H i M M H

ES- ■ s r a M m ^7:15-10 :15

V R L S „ . l o v l a t t e r

stolen k iss...

I!::a rto o nTOU”' ------^ — -----------------'JE NEWS

~ .....MGULARLOW PRICES50c untii"2;fl^'

M "M I 2:00Chtldren 20 c

0 Nurses Schedule itfli- Wednesday M(

T he P lrs t Dlitrlo^N nnes aw i i c h ln i Una vUl meet a l g p. m. Wednt

In Uie hoiplU l auditorium, t tu a te r Reports. viU be given on Uii h a l u t ^ een tJP N A eoovenUon held In an Uiey C aa. Dorothy A ld ri^ , will J i----- o a -U »e-t* lk .g lrsa~ by_D rr-«Hovmrd civil defense-director of Callfo th e a te r Mrs. Mary Ann Knlghl will ri ic^-door ro JL h e a rt sgrgery penel eur,,. le p re e - ■

- i u n ij i Tn i r r «tn bllU '9ZROUE. Oct. I6- S U U p t_____• m an Bugtne Hsgler will b tbe-ceazT r»e«t j i « k t f : if.U>e j ^ u h r me a H u n - o f 6 L Benedict's bo ip lu i guild v e re In p A Monday a t Uie hoipltal d: a t In to room. Bagler’s topic Is "Sal u p s ta ln Mrs. P . J . Bupple vlU conduct tsh box meeUng. Members and guetu sh -co a - urged to a t te o l ..........

InP^ ■

m r f e T U I.w eigh- V • .

_ _ S U N D A

| p r Complete Si j ^ ■ ; » i i i r y ;

l i Baiced Ham ! o r R o o s t T u r k


j l I______________

- [ - - ________________ t

R C O h

'“U^GRr - — c

^ r j — 0 1

^ S I^ I W O N D ij= l' 9:1

S _ New Higti' A Show for

I h p m f o t


5k A y t

1 IJlK S ioW e l

I and his








^^SapplesfB Si„ ........................... reat»red„8U>g«

. - A D ^ ) RESERVE..------------

r ' -IZ _ - - T lck euon -S a le^ t - ^ ^


lieM e e t 5 S i | 4 ^

; ^ e re-I In Me*r J I - C E Bkiiforat.' j y T U v nII report

^ S U N ^ O t C_ b f _ jh e ______ iL G ce ta ifiT aseufti — -—u i i d s i s - TUeal dining H E"Safety.-duct Uie I | V d

► A I ^ P E e i A l r ; ;

< 5 - C o u r se Dinti^' your thole. .( ■ . ' / '

irk e y f o r - . . - - - ^FARTS At 6;00 P M,

1 9 7 2 f b f R .„ ,« r t i « . ' - |

M P L E T E ’

l A M D

O M ™

f l M r r *IH O W)A Y ,O cl^9 : 0 0 P . M . - J

jtrS ch o o lGor the WhoUFcm"

on r:,' ShjkionamH H

[ - h k J

I lG■ i

WITH Hts ;



> Y H O t M

,0 0 CENT***

Page 7: )ark aign; Talks - Twin Falls Public Librarynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...-hid-comg~lntn~Taing pf n^r. i*~*^ =To7^flce.-that-he-is - - ~ 'Clone cellar

■ i -

Wi th IntelU»0“ »0 “*• *

Use ton u ld .In* “Beiutor Kr

■ h E ^ S n wgoenlJy if lS -

rtUj la mart ttmirlui ^ » 5fS ? IW T r* s l- lii tnB Pr*#lcln

wi»i>“- »«.rf2t^i!2::lf'*"

B 2f i l i i ' # f m i m J i U . sen*i w*r with red C

B k ? K S a ? - KftO*' «y cJemuid* th John reUUons with ^KiMwr* hu to luue *

hllView* ea ' * n Uie curB w j S S -Im ’lH*y-

F*ZtflirrU iht«ed, lubric*te<l it | £ a su a wlfh wom^jei art repU. EpaieUlty a! floor-Ktrrlai'.

'UpUau ita Uiorouthly'cleaned ' ibauted bj duit la the plaoo teUor WtL.,

TS: All key* on the pUno are Ini aopemUon Li of (he uunost Import

la'trumtni. Naturally. U adds c( Ibt kotoard.

r '

AU.ticUnn oaru ir* check2 ^ j^ 3 z i« T iT m ii:w

|||llte iM

m g.

?■*« It n ^ ° '’•’ Qii“lliie ' *«!• ’■'■P'»ced Wllh

- - . ^-fJwo-.ws-tSeUvSr

iblicans r Ft G, Hi ernal Strife cZ„^he a*m# m anner.” S ttreo * Hofork* »ere

urd iy » t the^r KnowUnd teJl* oK P re d - wtih Uie lU r. ibo w trin d d inm rnfai o H le u t ln f ^ lUe^ alM frecl2 J ^ i n - 69lolat w u in a -IO B iS 3y r^ch U th e OhariErAlleir irkable com W ertni « i* t he A cU « ptll » ld n ir r1«derlH -U ie-»en* O « » tho iue ,»

OonJen. Raylh*-P«*W«V-UU»-*t>0UV •Oi-UOTKaJi g^m n e n ce-wltft~ttiB-eom- —H cn o rarn ) lenator Knowland ta lk i of K ovard. Bob t d China. When he puWlc- O w rse Moore U th a t we ae»er diplom atic C. Behurjer, » lth R iiula th e Pre«ldent Oortlon. Carl Jf a quick and a n g r r ‘no.’ Ilan u e n d W .

euTTtni nepubUean p a r- GrtVejIde r tl w hat U knowa u 'team the Twin FaU

■ _____________ AM. a t Biuuel

L e

|:1d and leveled for c a i- eplaced w)Ui new one*

fnmPV'"^ . . .

led bo th oiiUlde a n d ' Cf OH IeURi or keyboard a ra ^ l U I I I

^ ^ 1 t h e n

| | H | Piano

m your I

e Individually le ieled HUporUnce lo bring idds Im m euurab tf to




' serv b e ttm

r n - o r - < S ^ M ^ a ^ p i r U _ ? l |B B ^ S |& S ■allgnlnt-proc e ii ' « ■------

■ B ^ v ^ ; .- ■

---___B H H

COECKING'^B th e brldffe pin i

------p lano-torm ake:)! hammeni' on jm ir ......d litu rb in f ■^ux^‘lliie*. AU ham m tri - not-onJy ueerM t’lih new 0DM-i<LMi__WlitX_flt-iOQM_l ver. noticed “naw i"

■ .._______________________ r a

.Hovorkals Two-! aid Last Honor J "idln* Mrrlecs for Frank O. filed jn x a l were held a t 3:10 p jn . S at- Friday by Roi

.th e Whlle mortuary chapel P 'o y . loe,I lU r. Oonaia B, Blackjtone . .3 ? * "fT E ? —--- --------------— •loS.iJ'ptur.; , u m l « i w i t o » . M „ . 5 2 2 S 'S ' i»m ir> 'iraf.T iB C n isa .M ii

ptlltjearers w tta Oeocge pipe* a n d pi a e , Henry ChampUn, Claude l“ t « D Ray ifolmei, Fred lU rder R obert N . \

acaJioliiJM.^--------------------- p g n r r i t t a marnJinwiiemi'tfe-Wr'AT I —Bob Helfrechl, Ray Logan. I o A

iioore. Waller H. U r»on. H. ^ ^r ie r /C h ir lu Casey. Drucel V e n e l l a Carl enerwtwd, Orlo WlU! « rn f r r r tK

ilde r l t« were condueied byjl * VENCTI, 1 Fatla lodce No. « . AF andl - c . . . ' iiuuet Memorial park. I l _ ^ . l _ _ ^

e f s T a i


p i i y s t e p - h ^ i

reasons why o

sed and co n d iti

10 from C laude

r Best Buy Todai

JN DRED2t 's no wonder th a t C laude V^ogic Valley. P ictured her< )f th e largest in so u thern Ic )ver from top to bottom to i

)f these conditioned p ianos: ng , these guoranteed p lan iervice. Why not drop in t( le tte r, uSed pianos.------------

D■. Va ' -I

Q '^R ID G E : 1111 U the palnatakin* proc pin on <reT7 ohe a t the mcn-« than 330

»ake:*ur«rltrl*-abMlutely-.tl*ht— Ii0o*e-bn "bux u t'' and oUicr undetlrable K undi. K ert* ln i p r« en t ccntutlon. but 'c a n d lm l K*6_p b u -ln the future by reiaily-.deU cti iw i- ta ifn m B r io o n flcYclt^ invo in*3or


0-Suits Filed VisitlUa and Z. W, Brm er were .,9,®'“ ^ ' ^ iefendanu In two clrli wlU Ta-ln F alU probate court om ST iaani

y Roger B ro ther. 8«ed com- '®’ ' untU r . i iim pany _*(»>;* payment of puHey emp 9tiif~ln£erc>^ fiuiii lijUl for QtiQ & m. t dUe It alleyedty dellrerrt to f t , Rupert

id 130 in.Attom eylaieea for tfn-*»lU be'.a tfp. mito,Fe o n ja rr . employweni

. N . W ^ J Ie ; i« n J i . lh » com--------------—______ ________: ftyaT i TTM

S A M S E Y i r V u R Ne l i a n B U nd F a e to ry ♦ AnywirrOM-MADE BUNDS - | lN lN O a. Free EiUm«e*. I We 01»rSTIAN BLINO RZPACT 1 . . * « » ' -M . r ITH ~ » l W.

ED7 ^ 1 }


ra re some of I a fully guor-1

t io n e d Used I

le B row ns is I

lay! \

S O F H /ide Browns are recognize le re a re som e of the reoso n Idaho) an d every used to im prove its appearanci rb iii need be Irrd aabrb y i los:-. Even as th e child adv ian o s will continue to re n to d a y -\v e 'll b e g lo d to s

m~ ~ K --------- ^ ---------

S r S w . ' K S»-brldBS“p ln i 'iw S f t“ rreurjUly_;ttint ids. T hU operation ' .adJuitinTnec e]]minftt*. th e p ^ N ... - j , buleiUy-at■Uciintr ccrtain un*------k ITa3or p w b l ^ - ~ - -


lits Scheduled GTioatioeUng rlilu to three Magic tJetj for th Twns are announced by Uoyd are held it TaOa-Falla-ioctal Mcurlty the cljurch lanager. * ter, dlreetoit WlU be avaUabl* trom J and Mn. C :U p. m. Tueaday at the panliU.n, (mul noon W ednesday mtxrt dUtrlct courtroom. Ja y Clen, office field representa* i ,1 be aTallibleTroftrsiJO 'unlil T U r . H ; m. Thuraday a t th e Jerom e j - - - - .

sent o lflw ,______ __ _ ( FOP tM m -m w w ~ w a » f f t n g

—— I ArtarllU.} inljallmi

R N ACE C L E A N IN G 1 t Ailment, l ywliera In Mario V.Dey ♦ j AdJwUnei um erly Robt. S. Lee * )31»e B&JI Oreen stampi t { „ ,I t C o w h a m J. . . rn O N E s . . . » « t I (foreierl:

rpj? X

f a j l l l p l

- ---------A - G B n r d - S « l« f c

★TestedI ACkecJcedf l —★Condition | J ★Guaranteir

A complete record of you plano'f hlatory and Ita dale

B B chaae. along with an entire ■ I .. Tepftlra that wert made at U H I o( conditioning are filed IfldII I iy. At any time throughout' M l oC tht piano, this record t >f l referred to tn caM added f | Uneeded. ...........-

_____________ ■

A P P Y U22 6 (j a s th e p ian o headquQ sons why. O ur s to c k is lan ;d p iano Is pa in stak ing ! i ce and g u o ro n te e its y Teaching a ch ild to ploy dvonces in th e a r t o f pion render su p erb a n d satis 0 show you th is fin e collecm

lAst, but not the leut by any near :uned 'Bnd'Tblud'to~coaipIet«' th«-ute necesaary to provUe'a thoroughly eeO' yaound in-erery-Teipect and one than ttUalactioa to tha zaoat dlKrtatoattog

CBOIB MEETS iHOtfE, O et IB—C hoir p rae- r the loca] MelhodUt churchI i t t p jn . each 'ruesday a t irch with Mr*. H arold R lt- clor, and M n . Mnry Peth lck 1. Oeorge K eo u io n , accom -

CONSULT----- - ^ \H rW * H n U _ D .C , ____FOR DIAGNOSIS , j^llft ywm Rlnw« t __^tu. Rheumatlam, Colon JUcn. Food aelecU on,-Heart } ..............ut. Female dlsordera, S p in a l} iment. }

FHONE I « t - Ia laN * .-------- T - l n F m U s j--------------lerly over Sav-Mor D rug) I

[AIIV • - • ^

/?RoH I

L l i : l l E Z i :


—your uied lie of pur- tire lilt of

Ifldlvldual- WlUt the Hit &d miy b* B 5ed service P a ^

SERS I \jorters ofjrge,(one ■ j,3igly gone 0 ,s perfect iVjoyonone ^ >ono ploy- I? n tisfoctory. • wi "•lection of l - E '

I IIj flenu . th^ p jano 'li a e - ,*0 - — alenilv» :en»cU ng 'B nd"" ' ' ' S ' " 'eondlllooed p lino th a t --------C T '»t wilt y n n r f - • --g ------

ii "ADMIRAL ^ ^

1 3 9, MOON'


____ — ____ ____ :

Prices Star!mW O W !— — W ;EASIEST-------m g LPAYMENTS V i l EVERL 1 | |


Twin FqIIs; Ii

We have a limited Stock of


— u s E i r t




m P iB .

rf — ■H,

1 '


rt A t

FREED e j i y e i y , ^ -

|a |» H

PR k H w r B ^ J

1ld d h < r “ ^ ffl

!d 11

m - P f l

Page 8: )ark aign; Talks - Twin Falls Public Librarynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...-hid-comg~lntn~Taing pf n^r. i*~*^ =To7^flce.-that-he-is - - ~ 'Clone cellar

Presbjierians ; " T n K a cHumto

Organize Unil__M T O T l^ - O r t . - l « t t * in l» U o

o{ • coBunuaitr PrMbTterlin ebtutl here u op<et«d eompKUd ■'

— «-meetlnc of U u eoa<ret*tion Ttie<‘ - <1>7. T li» ippU etU oa b7 a u n b en ol

Ul* cbureh to bMotne m tm btn ol - W F t t i b r U r j n t M otpud br Um

—flputhem Jd*ho-^m & jrU TT_*t. j -- tncvUnr tn WendtU oa Oct. t.

Thft r o n u l applicvUfffi v h m«d —tr1 « rrw id -M rr-rrc r-M o n « 7 rfl« n

V&Uer: Mrs. Oeort* Vnubic, Mrt. Eu«en« rU iw tn , U n . W. J. r» tr- mkn. M n . John Toner »ad M n Oeorg* no w w i, lU Ketchum.

T he l i n t communlly eJiurch * u opened la Ketchura la \ m with do-

I natcd l&bor aad mitertnU The Rer Le*t«r firnim w u pu to r. A Sunder tchool w u e u ru d the {ollowitiK jreir «ad eloeed In IMJ. In 1M5 the •chool w u reopentd »nd ilie R tr •Wirren Jff»U LU !LJhe_W oaliM 4l

— M buhUln mlMlon w u ujluned to K etchum to.conduct Uie Kh[>cl,.He rem ained two y ttr i.

O n Sept. 30, JBSJ, Uie Rer. Chtrlei Shirk. p#itor of Uie Preibytertwi church in Bellevue, b e jtn hlJ P « -

“ lor»se In Ketchum.The C»rey community church

tU o w u accepted Inlo the Presby­tery on O ct 8. Preeenllnj Ihe «p- pllcAtion were Mn. LnurtI Judy,

■ ch#lrm#ri of the l»»r(l: MUlnrd Meanee. tecreUry; Robert Urlcln. treuu re r: M n. R ou Sunford, 'W iniam 'A ttkem nd-Srerett Twnro- •bley.

The Rer. Mr. Shirk tliO dellren ft eerraon »t Cnrey etch Bundty erenlns.-DeUlU cf o rrin lu tlc n a t Carey will be completed »t > meet- In i on Oct. 31.

Man Hurl by Local Mishap

CondlUon of D trld H. Btui. 60, Twin P rIIj , w u reported sood S al- urd iy nlBht » t M»Hc Valley Memo­rial hosplUl where h* w u taken

. folIowlnB; a tnick-auio colIUlon e l EuUftnd d r lr i in d arenue

_yrlil»r._____________________-------Be«*-JncufTed-hM4 4 nJurJ«».wbeo

h ll IBSO Dodge tedtn , (oLnc e u t on P tllf arenue. and a crarel-lotded

__ IfiU -Jw d-dum p .tm ek-operated 'br' Jack E. Nodlne, 30, W e , collided.

Beui w u thrown (r« n h li machine after hU car rammed the toulh- bound truck Ju jl behind Uie cab. re ­ported-B U t*-P oU et U eut- Clark

■ Hand.Kodlni WM uninjured but the

frame of the truck waa ipruns and the Iron l end of the auto w u de- mollihed. Impact of the eolUilon te n t tAa truck hurUlng Uuough a borrow p it 100 fe lt away and back onto the arenue.

-------Kodln•-t<>M'^Jeate^In^Hand-he.^faU ed-to Kt-Uie car-whlch ikldded

28 feet before the impact. A yield- — r la h t -o f - w . - ilgn .*OTemi_aflrlh-__ bound.lraille. Melthec machine h»d

- a TrafflQ Safety Volunteer itlcker.

Revaluation Study f At BC Completed

POCATELLO. Oct. 16 (fl - Tlie I rlillaUoQ committee for th t reral- ' ua tlon of Idaho ita te c o l l e t e c ^

p ! ^ a alud ^ a f the collete n i u n - — d iy T f f ta m u iIy ■imir*flayiiJr*iTO»

eral and ipeclallMd tnrettljaUon.H ie 30-man committee covered

all phatea ofthB 'aeadem le,'adm in- UtraUre and itudent a re u on c*m-

___H eporti— a n d . . reeommendaUont Iwill be aubmlttad to Uie Northveal auoclaUon of Secondary and High­er SchooU a t Ita meeUng In Salt U k e City In l>ecember, but nol made public. I

I ---------------------------- 1

^Rupert Man Hurt j In Truck Mishap ‘

RUPERT, OcL 18-CharlM Camp- i bell, a Rupert lum lture dealer, waa t

' Injured Prlday nlghl when hU 1954 , Chevrolet pickup truck turned over c approximately 4S milet touU ieut of

-Burley._pollc«..repcrttd. tThe Caaala eounty ahertfft e f-

floe u l d Oampbell’t truck wander- o od off Uie road and when he tried i, to pull back, the truck turned orer.

Campbell w u reported In aerlout eondltton In R un/rt n»n»r«i hM - _

-p iu i .-D a m a g e to -U » -tru « k w u MUmated a t |S00.

Mason Honored “JEROME. Oct. I J -H . M. Stroud p

-. was— p tw n te d — «rtU«—a ta -y tk t c Maeonlc pin ol Uie regular meeUng r of the Jerome Maionle lodge Wed- E

—a»»d«y--nlithl.------------------ ; ----------fAl Uie requeit of Buffle SmIUi, E

- worahlprul mailer, the preienta- L ~ttoirwaj-iniiB5-brihi"R«vrDi-I>thV 7

E, Wllcher. p u to r of Uie MeUiod- t i l l church. p

T lie -p iit-ro i awsrdfd-to-StrmTd' Bby Uie Masonic lodge of Wimbledon.N. D.. of which he h u been a con- p Unuou* memlier for the pail M It

C H O C O lFRESH-DEmade fresh in o

• Vanilla• V anU la-nu t• Victoria

.. . • Rum-Piavorcd .Orange .

s P ineapple

• C ordiall

F ) p a > E R l (

1 "czrraorsiiigars


I _______________

9 _ E x p e rto


ed I t ruei- •Jt of

I t,A

nade-SunMrt.ratr-M n.

w uI do- 'Rer. 'Iday

1 to .He

irlei rlan ?at- .

irch>by-"p*udy,Inrd InapecUog flowcrt dUplaysd a l lb kin. BUte FedenUoB of Garden chibt he ord, day are, frem left, Anthooy Com. f i

s R a d a r U s e d b; S p e e d o f G

(C«iiU«m4 Tnm r>i* 0»> Iboard" enforcement by slate* police. ] HIghwayt throughout th« 'iU t« hare | been poet«l to the effect lh a t radar I

P li in use. The equipment U aet up 1 along.the highway In plain alghl and o tlle tn openU nf the equipment «1- i " • wayi will be Jn view .. I

The ilgni adrlalng motorlsU th a t i radar li being uied are poeted all i

*“ orer Uie aUte. T heie algni are erect- t ed wlUi Uie ipeed limit algni a t Uie i exit to all towns and muniolpallUea. i

— Thu#-Uie-mot*rW»H»lll-*e*rln-addl- I “ o tion to-Uie lfial-tpeed ilgnraneU ie- i y t a Uiat sayj, "Radar checked." I

H ie operation of police radar t ' b r tm n n rm rT y iiiiiV ifb 'iit'b rn cieffw h o t led. will uie Uie equipment ha re been i Ine trained extenslrely. One officer ti i th - required to operate Uie u n it while c re- another It poited approximately one ark mile flown the h lg h w ay to stop of- 1

fendert palling tbrougb the beam, i Uie .R lghw ayi Uiroughout Uie lU U t ind hare been Improred immensely orer i de- the yean. Bundenon u ld . A i a re- < Ion tull. ip e e ^ up to 100 mile* per hour l

^ Lamb Pool Slated !I Here fo^cfT 22 ■th ! The next lamb pool itilpm ent will c, .d be Oct. 33. announce* H A. Winkle, tr n ie r; prfJlUent o f th e Tw ln Palla i■ County Llrejtock Marketing auocla- i

tlo aff Stockmen having Iambi or other i - iheep to go In tha shipm ent ihould t

k /J Uke Uielr animals to Uie Tw la Pnlli Iitockyards not later than noon t

rhe Oct. 33.’*J- Lamba will be lorted a t the itock- 1 'B l iwsl«u6tockmtii.h#Tin£_4!Lor.jnorc i XI- ih eep and wlililng them graded on

I. 0 . W. Dalgh, T»-ln Fa llt county red esent, phone I ts , not la ter than . in - Tueiday. — J

“ Copper Strike at ■ *; Butte Over NowlOl BDTIB. M ont, OcL 18 tH -T he h

formal end o f t h e elghl-week-old •m ke of the Intem atlohal Union ^ of Mine. Mill and Smelter W orken ^ (Ind.) agalnit Uie Anaconda Copper |*

- Mining company, came here-yeitar- ti

PI day. .................................... C' OfflclaU of Uie company and Uie ^

■P- ualon tlgned a new two-year con- • tract yetterdiy which contains an “

'54 acroei-Uie-board w aft bootl of two J ' « c en tta n hoor.- V TO' Union offlcUU u y th a t fringe

benefits. Including new peiulon and S' ■I* hoiplUI-medlcal plani, pu t the value 'f* of Uie package letUement a t IH M to S'i cenU an hour.

-Parfcing^^ines- jA total of 134' w u posted wlUi B

Twm PalU police PHday and Satuf- tc day for parking rloUUoni.

Pa^tmg t l bondi for orerUme ti id parUng were Robert Tate. Jitn Me- W kf a t r . - M n . H--LincoJn,‘ M rs.-O all »; ig Dahmer. Ernest Jontt.. lo la .JU ce, M 1- E, -Whreler, William WaIw. Alton Ji- Anflerton,— O.— c .— B anon;— R iy K h, Elchert, W. ' Neale. E ari Lowe, re I- Llayd Relgtr . Nancy B a ^ , O. W.iV Tohnion. JK, Ci” Maiiai, HaQle 1- Dlckard. M. M. Creeling. Bererly

Flemmer,. JehiL ilollaad and. Jerryid Baumann.------------;------------------------n. Tim Coughlin and Duke SuUlran 1- poited 13 bondi for parking. Illegally » in a red *on« and In an alley, rei-


> L A T E S)EL1CI0US ;n our own shop

• Coconut• C r e a m C a r m c l s• H o n c y - c h e w s• C o r d i a l C h e r r i e s -

• • . - . P i n o c h e. D ip p e d A l m o n d 1

. • M a r a p a nI I P i n e a p p l e

E C K S O N 'SB o ra n r /T O n c s H o p - : i j r s c E a s r - " ^ - I "

lerts Inspect Mowe

a l Ibe U B U I-eo flraaum -o t Ibe-ldahe b i held In Twla FaUi FHday and Bator- m . Boise. M U horUetatorUd Blrt. Bert

b y S ta te P o l i c e C a rs i n L o c a l I

hare been docked. In answer to UUi lice, problem sU te police are replacing lare patrol'tm lta-w lU i th e new-*>)llce idar laterceptor,” a reblcle designed tole- . up ly for police work, and ThU iu t« police " b o l rod” I t ca- «1- pabl* ol tpeed i up la 130 mUes per

hour aad will accelerate up to 80 i ia t milet an hour In approxim ately 18

aU lecondi. A police interceptor wUl ac- ect- company a ll radar ua lU la openUon Uie wlUi Uie tU U to d tuourage Uie lies, ipeeden who a ttem pt to ou tn m the id i- IntereepUng-offlcei'. By using a ator - ^ e - age b a t te r r th m d a re o n lp m e n ru n ’

be se l up independent of an automo- •dar bile. W h en u s^ In thU m anner, the pJho naaropB S torw nn>requT pp '{^«en a "tiandy Ulky" to communicate r tl wlUi Uie police /-ar assUUitg In Uie hile operation.one The radar device conslsU of four o f-sm all'portab le unlU. Power unit,

n. amplifier unit, graphic recorder and UU Uansmlller un it comprise Uie com- )rer plete uiembly. Speeds are Indlcat- re- ed on the amplifier u n it on a cali-

lour brated ipeedometer very much like — the one in automobiles.I - The operator of the equlpmeni geu [ a rUual picture of s p e e ^ o n , UiU

2 2 «ewi*l clmrted on th e re-“ “ corder. making a perm anent record will of the tpeed of any vehicle passing kle, Utfough Ui6 beam. tW j perm anent 'alia g n p h ll presenled-ltt court i a c u es cla- where ntceaury.

An offUer operaUng -the derlee .her sU rU Uie day by noting th e day, )uld Ume and tocaUon. Vehicles t r a re n - 'niis Ing the .radar beam actually record oon Uielr own speeds on the graph paper.

S; M rs.^tc lieL Is__an — ^Winner^)n-Talk8;

The blue pend) w u awarded to M n. C. Jf. M ltchaU-at-U ie-Triday morning meeUng of th e Twin PalU T ou lm litrcu club a l Uie Roger-lon hotel. _. ___

■; M n . 'J o h n Oraliam w u lo u t - WW, m ls trru and Mra. J . L, DrUkell W g«M the Inrocalion. M rs. Hugh CaU

had charge of Uble toplci. old M n. Russell Laraon gare th e lee- loQ breaker followed by a seren-m lnute e n U lk by M n. Mitchell on "Uranium | per U a myitery to me.” Plre-m tnute ( e r- u lk tw e re g lren b y M n .J . Woodson j

Creed oa " J f t a m ysu ry to me" aad ,the OameU Tobtn, “W hat Is 'it? ” .......... Im . • Mrs. Hugh Boone w u chief era l- u i uaUir. She w u auU U d by Mrs. jfo Margaret Robertson. M n . Roger j -- T hom u and M n. Oall. i,ge M n . Refcie WUllami, lexicolo ,

gUt. InUodueed 10 new words.

■“ Suit FiledBURLEY, Oct. l« -S u U wa.-< filed [

wlUi Probate Court Clerk H . W. > J— TU CXer-Tnm Si!ay~by~lhe"adJusl-

menl department of the Credit * lUi B u^au. Dolse, agaln it Alfred T hax- ^tf- ton. Burley.— - - ........ - ........ - .

The bureau seeks (33 plus inter- ne esi and cosit, charging lh a t the , Ic- ftmounl-Wfl3'.aUlLdueJrom_a-hllLQf i atl »50 inoirred by T haxton with the ? ee, MeunUln fita U -P sln t-eon ipany In . on June. IBU^ Owilllama a nd W andw. _ «y Kampa, are alibmeys for th e bu-


i 7 r T Did you know U ial ; no home automatic w u h er In the world will c a n y a larger recommended load than 0 -E 7 COME . . O et H ie TRADE ofY ourL lfel

IIiSmi]— - iS s S M ---- —WgMg

-5 1 0 South Mofn

wers at Garden; Cll

ahe BaltUa. Ketpercc, prteldeal «f U V - and Orln Hale. SeatUe, Wash., t tert Oardent and Homes. (St^f phafa

:e to Record Demonstration

UUt la prepariag tha gnpb for preeenU' clng tloa uerldence, tbe officer notes thl uUee Ume and lloento number of any re. Mle- hicie exceeding the speed limit op'

potlU the peak drawn on the grapt ea- paper. He then radios the car ahead per rtftng Ui« Iteote ouml»r and a brJn

1 80 detcrlpUon of Uie rehlcle and the t 18 tpeed. The radar equipment actuall) ac- U to tenslUre Uial ll wUl chart an Uon Increau or decrease in tpeed and the eren the changing of gears u a re- ^ e hide j»attMJ hrough • lu beam.'UIT dar ll norikC^M to repUce or de mo- away wlUi Uie police patrol work, II Uie wu pointed out. In Uie fint place,

iflUi UiTonly violation, thit radiriTM^ cate pable of detecUng U Uial of tpeed- the ing. II ll a mechanical device and

U merely Intended to tupplemeni (our sound and s l r^ y tiUblished and mil, accepted police cnethods. and -- At-a mechanical.officer,-It fall< om- Into the same category as chemical cat- leeU for intoxication and police pho- lali- tography. ThtM and many-.other like aimiUr forms of erldence hare been

accepted by Uie courts. In many geu cases, tbU type of evidence U much UiU preferred to Uie oral lesUmony of -an tto».potlc».offlcer-alnc« lt-Boei a long re- way toward eliminating Uie human

sord factor.Ung II aUo wu pointed out at the Io- lent cat leit thst radar operates Just u u u well after dark u 11 does during day­

light houn. Weather conditions will rlee aot deter Uie “electronic cop" from liiri performing hti duty, en- Radar will -dellrcr U» K00d*“ un- »rd der any al&eupheric condition and per. at any hour. On the face ot It. thU — mlghl appear to be an- unsporu-

manllke proposition. Bundenon said. But la the interest of economy o

i— lhe~Tnairiainil“ ll"'ira*-8ugBMU6i ffg Uiat. might well be •followed. Radar

may be In use al any UmfOfThB I to day or night on the highways anc day slepped-up enforcement of the tpeed alU llmlU. wlUi Uie aid of Uie "electron- ter- Ie cop,“ can be expected as of to­

day, Bundenon concluded, l i t . ------~ ~

Shoshone Rotarylc- Club Holds Meet

SHOSHONE. Oct 18-^ report on the Rotary International conven- Uon at SeatUe wu glren by Joseph

son J uld, Hailey, pul dbtrlcl governor at Uie Wednesdajr aoon meeUng of

, local RotarisnJ..OUier visitors were Herb Ormond

and Erie Whipkey, Ooodlng: Tony ff'f Bonin and Uie Rev. Clyde WlUon

Hailey; w. H, Qrove, Bol«;"and M. W, King, Bandpolnu

Woman FinedJEROME, OcL 18-Vera Hend-

ricks, Haulton labor camp, waa fined tiO and coits and glren a* ISarraigned before Probato Judge

y.. Theron W. Ward Prlday morning. .. . .She WM charged wlUi being dnmk

in a public pltice and the com- ,u. plaint wu signed by Ted PuUin.

Haiellon nluht manhal. The Jail sentence-wai-*u»p«nd!d-by-7ndBB

'y ' Wart upon payment of Uie fine and!« . _____ ' ____________lU- "Bay HolUnd Bulbs New for iprlDg _ n o tn . Glebe Seed A Feed. Adr.


;-----------TRADE N O W ! 1

I I E E R ^----------- ■ ■ P h o n , , 3 7 ^ _


l u b M i ^ t

f Iho lU te fedaraUoB! M «. Orla H alt .. ed lton aod poblUhen ef the Padflo

Vacation OverRUPERT, Oct. l^^A ll schOOU

la . Minidoka county will recon- iT I rene thU week, Carl Warner,

luperlntendenl of ichooli, an- nU - nounced Thursday,> the pup iu needed to aiiU t with

home ha rve iu will hare to. make op* arrangements wllh the p rlnd-

paU of their respecUre ichooU.

irJef • ------- '

• w N e w D i i - e c t o r

"■ I s A p p o i n t e d ;

i f T W ^ R e t a i o e d^ —E lrr memhfn.of UieMagie.Vallay.

hospilai board of dlrecton were re- ' ” * appointed and Jack Ramsey, Pller,

wai appointed lo fll! aa unexplred term Prlday by Twtn Palli county

and eommiialonera.-;____ _ ________Ramsey replacei N. V. Sharp, Pl-

'•*” ler.-whosa resignation from the hos- plUl board w u accepted by Uie

1“ ®* commlislonera.Reappointed for three-year temu

leen n*chel Miller, CuUeford:*"2 Mri. Carl Harder and M n. Adolph

Machacek, boUi Buhl: C. D. HUtl,' Twin PalU, and W. B. Sarige, Kim-

In oUier acllon. Uie commUslonen t . nppolnUd Mrs. Helen Beam deputy

, „ rcgUtrar fo r Pller election precincl a y - ’ •will — —

Sheep Are Killed S In Cassia MishapS . . BURLEY, Oct. I J -A Suflolk ram nld and three ewe.i were killed shorlly

gf before midnight Thursday when loi,- etrudc by a cst^-drlren-tiir-Hr'J .'

Blawr, J8, T ain PalU.—BUser4oidofficen.Uie.iheeii.wert

,nd on U. S. 30 Just over Uie crest of „ ( j a hill and he couldn't itop In Ume nn . t« “void hitting Uiem. He snld (4 . tha t hU speed a t Uie time of Uie

mUhap w u between 60 and 60 miles— per h o u r . .................. - ------ ----------— Glenn Briggs, MurUujh. owner

of the sheep, estimated their value n t »I7S. Dnmnge to Blawr's 18M

a f Lincoln was esUmited a l 1300.

MEN JAILED 5ph JEROME. Ocl. IS-RonaM Beaty,

Jerome, wa. fined »:s for public In- ^ toxIcaUon when he appeared before

— police Judge-Russell Shaud Tuesday. ,-rf In lieu of funds he U confined to

Uie. clly Jail for 18 day*. Bruce Ketchum, Jerome, was fined »35 for

jirt Uie same offense, UiU being his lec­ond arrest. He U confined to th» d ly Jail for 33 days.

,1. Concrete Workr u I I Onr BaslDeii. Not A EldeUnel ' Expert Work - Reasonaoie Prlcea

J r i veKajs - flldeyalki.-.I-atoi. ^ ’8* FJoon - Porches, pUln or ^ colored. Free Estimates.

£ : P a u l M c C lu relall Cement Contractor. Phone l» 9 - lt IB# . -nd

II Home

■ E l MoiieJiisy-PUInnlng lo bu We Vllt custom

- needs . . . help i Ihlp l l Uie low

Monthly paymi

' M ' "

=F1RSI=(EMIIAI=S«rrrTTT__: rASSOCIATIOttOF----- t l» Shoahone SU' Narlh'------------

■ %/


A n n y P ick 8 2- ^v isions for

S tream lininjWABHINpTON, O c l H ' tli-T I

e n n y .h u p ldied a n . ^ o r M u • an in fan try dirUloa for iU fir

Urge-tcale experiment tn ftrean ~ lining bl* combat u n lt^ to^mw ^

II la id UKUy U i»-flrtt armon- d Irlslon-at y t . - H » d .-T it ,a a d -U

47UJ in r« n try d lr lilo a ~ » t 'P t ' 'B a

of lim ited m odlflctuont to Uit « i.H nf u a l l organUaUoai" ef U

y army.' DUpenJoD. Mobnity

The a d re n t of UeUcal-tlze alon lc bombs, aUimlc artillery and guii ed missiles wlUi nudear varbeai b u confronUd ground force! wll Uie neceaslty of much wider dL pm lo n of m en and units and U

- need-for sUppioB-up .mobllltj o t U tmits. '

Obrlously wiUi thU )n mind, Oc MatUiew B. Rldgway. army ehli of sU ff. sa id in a recent tpeec th t t two re leran dlrltlont. whlc

- h t - d id - n o l idenU fy .a t th t Um would conduct extenslre teits “ui der ilm ulated atomic condlUoi seeking answ en to the quuUons 1 to Uie Influence of new weapoi

, upon arm y organUaUoa aad tu •i* Uc*.“ H e ta ld Uiat In-m aneurei «»8 various sise combat formstfci

would .be tested.—^ . Smaller UnlU________

Reporu had been current long b< fore RIdgway'i crypUc reference I

,1, Uie new lesU U u t Uie army wi n . glrlng serious study to redudi

the lice o f ' Its Infantry dlrUIoi whldi now h u a itrengUi cf 17.50 This Uilnklog w u directed towu

n , smaller alxe regiments, deployed I L, greater depUi along a dlrlslon ,1 front-w hich presum ably would I

shorter th a n Uial m anned by> U: prw enl big dIrUions.

— ' AlUiough units WDUid.be amalle the reported pUn does no t conten plate an oreraU reducUon In Uie ui of arm y manpower in any futur war. Rldgway h u u ld atomic wi

• would require more, not fewt 9 . soldiers.

Copper Supplies— S — ^Made-Availabl(ler. WASHINGTON. Oct. 18 IW -Hi I'M Office of defense moblUxaUon yeiter nty day approved the sale of 17,500 ton

of •government-owned eopper-to-ln " * dustrial u se n to rellere sever

ihorU gM cau tedby tlrlkeilneoppe mlnei and refinerlet.

ODM D irector A rthur 8 . Plem ^ m lngBU oaU thorized.thedIvenloal

industry of anoUier 0.000 toni wWd It! had been scheduled for delivery t

Uie naUonal defense stockpile thl;__ fn>in>h, " tf fuppllfrt tiMlf* tn nulri

juch armngcments,"


Mrs. W illiam Swan le fl T tunda; for Sioux Pani.'ST D ., ta lUend fu neral te rrlees for hU father, Ansli Swan. 73. who died Mondiy nlghl

_ The elder Swan spent part of thi iP summer la R lchfldd w ith his top.


n- V | r \ fethpumppeilllntt..re TKouuMlt of hippy


ot properly Initilleil51 . 2 ^ ^ . ^ ouiUihlhepip*./U.

_ loThermoilili. Ifliv.




> build or buy your own homeT ' lom-UlIor a loan ta meet your lelp you achieve home owner- lowest possible financing coat.- ymenU ean be budgeted from t Income.


SAVINGS-& LOAN=X)E-.TWNM:aLLS— — ---------

s/ •

T. F. Students to _ Join^chool Clu* MOaCOW, O ct;' Tw

* PkUf reaJdentt h a te been Upped 1 n n memberiW p to oreheais and i4 “ n OrchetU, modem dance orzaaiz

U tas-a l th e university o f i f f " . and Those Upped for OrchesU a f in t Carolyn B a bnck and D « n T h

tarn- M argaret C ook'and K aJe i r i ^ faare ■ beea -ohoaen-by-Pre-O rcha

| | - N o = O t h i^ — U p l---------------- ^

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Page 11: )ark aign; Talks - Twin Falls Public Librarynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...-hid-comg~lntn~Taing pf n^r. i*~*^ =To7^flce.-that-he-is - - ~ 'Clone cellar

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Page 12: )ark aign; Talks - Twin Falls Public Librarynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...-hid-comg~lntn~Taing pf n^r. i*~*^ =To7^flce.-that-he-is - - ~ 'Clone cellar

KEIWSlSTS^IBftJMGieij hDHisoFncE.>£\wxr£ L td M E E j 'i tx jy ^ j

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"*=l OKOfeu. il |F/nHtH,lHIS ts^W TSIev^N SIVE TOEBOt'V.MOKU

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TlUr f Tueeef ses 77/&ur'\ f 7 Nc)it.-| »cM'>ooMGM6rrup A I 's - r - r ^ a o s E AMOMAKs A u y ) kc ^ «5tSC.'«TU ltfC \OOVC HAD V M

-THE C«U6GEP WATrC.' lU . O O j g M| j j m e

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III— p *I ' J • I • ':

f / c o e - a r ¥ * f / iA a F o u . ^ u x , y p o ItTOMcaaoSMu giw tM out; h-ma

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-- - I i - , ''P E ' C O N T ) W ELL, I CANT K3E R t o . / N O U N U C E N £ r Q N e T ' ) P O Q S R U N N II= ) T j |^ ^ R i ^ / ^ ^ ^ U N P L O C

. A ;

v a t o k I


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I TELL YOU.GUZ, / NEVERTLL :ju 5 t n e v e r V u p a CGET OVER TWAT ^ I1> A W FU l O O P PICKING I 4£ A FL%A OFF'N^ MY ^

f LlTiTLE n , M i 2 u ^ /

v n w E T ^ ' ^ ^ ^ W l T iN S E D : / ..HE'LL j u s r \ G< NIM’ / H A FT A B E j H 9 0 5 E . ' > T O O K T O T h U Tl

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• I

Page 13: )ark aign; Talks - Twin Falls Public Librarynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...-hid-comg~lntn~Taing pf n^r. i*~*^ =To7^flce.-that-he-is - - ~ 'Clone cellar

H B m ^ U o n i under Ttw D U

roota. €o It lei^ ^ 5 k * L ^ h l t K Uu B>U(U». KBd Ug g } E ^ % t f -jrmTi-lioUSIri

^^*"P betwMQ aool4J

■**,£i?I.“ te Wt bec*u»e theyi« £ s ie ta s “«"<s:

*Uoir «hl* H l*h. ilKiA Iff! « h , . the *notber exuo i »• r f S t w m o - th e indlTldujr ■«» “ » • U oder hU h

«r' rtiTtmment Un f*mer* w: i ^ S liiTOlfttUt pendla* »B Uv ®SS2^Uni,op- UrlBf. W hea ( *-S?(Suii7»»n- bo UKo • pupi »*|^UoX btkeriM. toTemmeal pul

£.v*ss.ritudiM, need* li dseonl

!*5Sti- *hopj, ice our »urplu» ito *■ rep#lf Uw of iupply ti

ure re- to We Mt 2 f trtt *nd nun- Th* only w»3 r* -!.i.MariM. Tht »bouV U to lit

eonfreii.; -«nfflitnt *»*n't RememBer Ui i Snm lo epenu will be with u* jS;rtT*l« enter. re«»«Il«M oT Ui

L ^iSil-* iniu*. »lre Uielr prpgritfctJ lolni , .

« 7 > * *.

Kennel D og” Gr< 8fol^NewKejtlne]»(i»' before Nor.hOttuu* SeereUry dosa to set « n B'WW iimimiit' dog! ieijw. a'JwarnotTitnneim ttidr iumy ot Idkho alnce k

KENNS(^tmpralon th*t •MtJinaitd for tPQd_______*---- *_

Thanks E S Convtt 'iUtement tbout S tO t i C S **••? . *151® Editor,'Tljr»-Nei

L u t week-end* * ^ o « « nutl meetin* of ( st: fill no tie* In a y,, ^ ijcob»1 chi

Church-otUve A« MT,udtlwayihu amooUiliTxU»bl8 to more to fratefuL _ :p'and hoW oTCT However I wm] .TIK*. ful to Uu Tlmet-jIJ, our lorenunent excellent Job of i r B tr»Ttl expense* <,ur meeUma. Yc WM.tliey.clo for clnu>.uul.AoemU

md £ocU jou prtnua w Im of Wiihlngton, Thank you mMt!-. -----— — lo n a U y ^ tH fro n r 'ittitrdld for me. In the church of UieW ^ e - a n . t i u llaOaH-yourup.:aoto PiivMni: Thtni.my--«ldre«- for -KHred » paycheck. <^1“#ul —---------;ittberef Uie Idaho - - • A n n n ] fcrsrernytM*, T A U p U ial Ifarel allonance* flHOflHONK C oaieient. Uuuilns has beenWJCncleSamwas Lincoln county dr 7 itlfire and *£di Uie vacancy creat ISiyn Yt PoweU, C

-kiaU^l Haialla^’ » e boK d^are H« u icd late me 'a I^ees, uoyd Lm ai tos a tine »alary ^ etrHlleal* ol tony pjy. I ,iui

'Mihaaad dacuch ««elwd from U>e !J*>y hoDlne *amp *e^lce ayiWm an a U f r S t a T a »e"ted to Mn. Poff^ . Imported HoUatu!

I * u a ken- ,«uon. Glob# Seed11 m untmployed — --------*»ofkhere than InAUb«,a cr lorte ll - LAMB

'Cliff plicu; from CORRE■ ta Uie Muih Pa- • • **<!i»Aleuti«M. From Backachei maj“^.•oulhioBaji.^ w ith rheumal ««t to >he tta of lumbago, itom*,^ . l l i e U here dlaorder*. If 3Uuno-atffr-propr -rraT th tnnue

(Ire u* ken. menL lUUef li' UMl Ttrifd em- after Crit re*lteak«n.l H., a l m a

a h« ri cam opi




V*<<*Cu-ti -........ -...........

•Hunt I, ; ........... ._____ L .— —

m tn ........ ............ ........


- - - a^countb

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'■*'’ITAL ACCOUOTa . _....... ..... ""-ilock_»Uk t>*T‘*■‘'>►1 U). “ '■‘" ’flAUDA •

*“• c.,ii„ ' "■ ......—.... - .....-"•'‘■-U, J ' U I W


» E ^ LWNAW),

zs s F o r u mT h re a te n Use of D&fi<^identeouotry'a-hUtory.U Uji-_ -‘ S M il

ijon- to»arlnf.-N0l ««n Time*,ifflta'a admlnlctraUon wlUi postled. aUe majortty ln-coa«reu 7>>n ?alla thj f l«t an approprlaUon lo «fprlie to be ;■ canyon. In taet. II wai Propaganda groufif-- -It learca ua only one con* . referrtni id Uiat la t£at Hella can- at ths hiUSTfT|P~mnT«~~th«n"«~< faT-thgTnmlWTHoolallam and prlraU en- drink.

............ ■ putry10 you hear U» cry ot ?J* commlttei r"-aod-“jdl.eut“-you.caa .2o“»™ *or«i bottom dollar tU aome mUunde: bird cryln* hU eyes out m at adailrtr ftey aro aelUng out Uit *ouW lUe to « r flTln* away aa oppor- *"0 dream prUate enteprUe. The «ow*»er.«ln(

at* I>nt4»mriu> that hiillt rerUalaj la co.. S rS S tH U lS S ^ MMrWHal71iIgid price aupporU are ^ Vrerent ioncampU that will daitroy *Poncorlnc a iJual'* InlUaUre. calln* legal pi«h rtfld prlco aupporl* “ nipulMiry chi •a will eTtaUially be de- 1 the soremment for aen Uiat happen*. Uieyll * 1

?rSS5M*’uio**tel^'T^e W r i i ^ i l 'need* help: but, only to " 1 l i d elf. What the farmer _ MontrolUng. Our presealWU' dlrecuon. •r«creu6 , itockpllu and Uw Uie ilj tn d a m u i4 >natural cour»e ” • ” ®y'or,way we can brinr Uils f*™ o* Ui« peoj

■ llTO Ike a Republican “ T-publican* fough r thl*, Ike and Benson ^ e soclt J u* for two more year* through every If UiU elecUin and Uiey Uilng Uiey ir htlp ' and aupporf to t « t in one rogram a fair trial. weUara co*t ali XAIR K. RICKETTS l«kton.

(Jerome) Maybe the off* * * giveaway: u mlu:

off to Uie south f(rrowls H e

_ _ _ the people-he »lel K e e p e r b“„£j»or. J.I11 ,.1 , ,.r u. 5™ ;% “ ;'™ "' - O " «»'■ ..ho I,-K .ito ro ru io iifc 'ce March lo; IWO. * *NNTTH K, GLOVER C f «_ i 9«>ding) g a ie ty I!i Extended G ffei nvGcation’s “.'“ '.SXS es in Paper T .l“.r,'nt-Now*: alreel* and oUierhd we had Uio 54Ui an- Iree*. ahruba, we«c of the convocaUon of to obatruct one'* i church here at the into aireeu or oc

I Aacen*lon.-Ererythlntr «peclally-bad-ls- JoUily, for which we Heyburn and Mac-------------------------drena-*lde.-You-Jsaa parUcularly irale- Into Heffbum and nea-Kew* for the very getting killed bcfo ef new* coverage for Heyburn . . . It 1*

wero'^oye.catching, newand iS c l al

n.'i"A7?iSS, Uial hw. I believe

, , , ' And If they do nc D O in te d loaloplnnnemen

{lashllghu 01, Oat 18-Rupert th# bUnkln* of hi;w n appoinled to the —r draft board to tillxeated by the deathU. Other members of .I Kerb Love. Gerald ^M and L«on Pagoaga. --------

ot appreclaUon for ta on Uie board waa

Uie V. 8. aelecUve I and will b« pre- ^ Powell. - -..................Hand Dnlbfc Good a«. ' ^ W ' Seed A raed. Adv.

IE BACK " SIR E C T IO N 'i*ant asd palolesLmay bo associated d l l l v D

umaUam. arUirlU*. WMmach aad kidney _ %If you have tried V I B A a a-luerTVy-saruit:------ F l i l l C *!f la often obtained ■ ■■ ■ ■ W treatment. ...............—iMA H A R D IN«PBACXOa[o^_^Pho»o_MM_] _ . ... . . .^ ___

friK /ALLS.If UiUUtln irrinliM ' r •{ U* P.4.ril n*Mrr.«*aia«.a.ifc.HUn'*ii< ^ ^ -----

......~..| U>I.U0.4t' --------- (.9U.Mt.l9 1.......... —fc*rk) —y-... ----- T.U t.W .H ________________;___-..’.....3' * {.tlKU --------

Multl-Embroldore = cfS 3P^ '}^r^f - “> !»Wn>ar-Tftna-Taw'I»l .... :7».iSS.J4—...— n .iu .ii ........ .....I ittii

" .iiT.iii.ttfl.ii

190.099.00 790.090,09 ■ . IH.IH.H

....----- iTu h j i i .iirilat ft - :

urpt4M..l 1.I«0,IM.»1 - Soft CflpcskJn. C iii.m-.o Narrow nnd MedI

..Per.'plraUon and Of<tr cirUfr tut ih. -W "T"

RtiSf:" .......... /iH IDlrttlcn _____


n - V oice cof Students , F o rth f t opaganda” wity-

tirm , lo lh. p c to ion. ‘S“™?2n Sk'8|S‘gialtry »20 In prlio money “®“ “** ^ 3i!tC«e obtained cotinUeti ltlS-11 orth or advertUlnf. Now »t *»r a: :underaland me. I am a political ilrtr of Intelligence, and J «>1J to congratulate Uie.per- Tc/i wwt.pej reamed up thl* atunt. After the elect •. alnce thl* meUiod of ad- *t^ow- Mr. w

t *ora» commlltee from waa: a poster contest advo- “ «nie ou al proaUtiitlon or, aay, In elecUons. t church attendance? Aa to war a*

BILL HERB8T dlcUtor U no (Klmberiy) wlUi all of ou

ter Takes GOP to l xcessive-AidJ^or-Bnej.Newa:' year added intfamou* liberal, Uie Hon. debt, lylor, once *ald: The wei- It wu' curio I people Is tbe flnl great nets groups su le laat M yearr tho Be- aldle* for al ought against what they ahlpping compi aoclalEatlo welfare state lUhera and adv

ifery congress. And the augar refiner*, they dld-whm Imwwer, guaranteed rea 1 one allte more thaa Uie oU gWeway,'It alnce Georgt Waah- Yet Uiey bol.

............... hoIy-terror,'wle off-shore oil wa* not a trlea to protec t might have been a pay- aharp price ded uUi for Uielr endorsement Taylor'a race lla Denver broadcaat he Uie Progreaalve iOUt hU leglalatlon for than Teddy P -he wea liberal wlUi hU Prealdent on Ui business and InduaUy Ucket—Teddy ci

ik*.-He-booated.lnt«rcat publican partr t Uie people_who,had to Taylor will go 1 more and th# people aftir eleeUon wl

* * • ' • »

y Suggestions for fered by Twin Fail]»-New*: Uie oUier molorl:e to aay a few word* In 1* wrong ahead, fety. U much beller UInteraecUons and croai «hlnlng ahead. ' olher places there are flicking. Wo all 1 weeds and oUierfUilngs *®«1 Prad

ne'* view before driving Let'* all get t or onto highway*. One “"<> Ur to aave 1d-is-at-thB-cemer'of ^ --------i Madrona on Uie Ma- MHS. CARL }Z^ou-hav«-to-drlv»-«ul — ---------ITwliI and take a chance of _ ----------Jf'K.“,rn.r„S Train Hii

that way. I know Uiere kl«ed fast* n” h ch places la Twin' Palla tiammedjntothe

were retuniins fr ymolorlstihouldcarry football- jam*. 1 know some states have hurt.:lleve Idaho does have. Th* car -crwr 10 not have and have cordlon" and bo emergeacy Uiey should for a block.alonsIts or something' even _______Df hla toll light to let READ Trwr^.fn

iper ^e - ^

o t h e r H on

i s k .__ _______ ; ____ Honei-l3ug»._UMlitUe mlaa. Biz

n., Cushioned Insole, LeaUier Outsole. Medium.......................... ........_____md Odor>ReaUta{it PEDI-PURE linings

t f n g e l g r

.___________ TIJ

o f th e R e tthcoiiiingElectio:l6W M bnieS^s“rlm«a-New*:' _ ' ~ got Into W tve asked lo r m any th iw p nwt .y ip tJ the Tlmes>Ne«rs. A t IT by e lU ur a tar

hey are lo evidence. I s gotten ii* to the coming *taU _aod jceta_a& d.

■electiozrwraiaZaaU ng-for boUi parUe •pace which u 'td n p o fa ri ir t h u n i r u shaU pay for th# resu lts Ucaiv_gr_j:

le rlcsn lzsi^T m ureU unua- I the m oat momentous elec* wonderful i be hlatory of Amerlc*. S d h a v i# t S -n th e whole of Suropo Ident o u t < 'a r and we w tre la lt..too. aad we are .tlcal slogan waa -If you evU th a t h r vote fo r Hughe* and If ea—oommu I peace Y0t*_ l0T WUaon." aoelaUim. : elecUon th e war w aa 'n ing o r i ^ , w |

tr. WUmq aald, *There U chapter..C w a r - th a t_ ^ U ;b e t t r e t i \ . J n - a - w n ran d '0 « rm a n y .’'T nir>C o- buUd r.'c llv waa and b a coincidence.

ne o u t o f a lo t o f m litakei

ar'aga in st dlctatora wlUi ala n a t th a American w ay. . * ^ * 1 ”

sT a sk in - S ' S:Busme89e8d U ita rtal o n our iiatio&al a ta r t te a r la i

bave peoplecurlouj to *M how bual- good f o te r » push dnna&fla lo r sub* d e a th th a n r .a lrllnea , ahlpbuUdera, thorlty. lompanle*. magaalne pub*1 advertlaert. woolgrowm, ner*. ta riff c f a ll klnda, — ^ _ reaI_e*U ti_ lax fi. and

f‘ bold up Uielr liaoda In r, w hen th e gbvenunent <irotect th e farm er Irem • ■ ■ \ » dedloe.race fo r vice prealdent onaalve p a rty w u no w on tly RooMvelt'a rae* forsn Ui« B oll Mooet partyIdy cam e tiack In Ui* Re->arty w ith - hooort, andI go back to .W aablactoo - Mra w ith double h o n ^ I-UU flU H AB TSK O HX — - r ^ - * -----

>r Autos _e™ aUsWriterlolorlata know aomeUilnf Ilead, dom ouiln i moving * • ? .ter Uian ju s t a ta ll Ught%6. T h e Idea li keep ItI a ll know I t would b t apracUee. Ige t our head* togeUierave llvM Inatead of tak* _ ■ ■ ■

Hits Car, - RH lls 5 Students k I I■-BNMchool aophomores weren ig h t w hen a tra in j ' t S ^ Wa the c a r In w hlrh t h w -----n s from a homecoming _ _ / i_I t. T W t* ' ©Ultra -wtrtl ~ »A f . ^ J

‘crum pled like a n ae- 1 bodlea w ere atfewnl v R f l f T iinwjP tb a track*. > -


Io n e y b u g 8

2.99 -i._U».-Xor.the-------------------------twwwy

Sizes 8 to 3. , ta d Sete- - ■ ■ - — 1 - aUocffe ---------- --------- TUirCm — - — ■ -moatacc.................................... ... _ ...evcrM tt

i r - l

^ ★ f 1 ^ ....... .......

There's nolP S ^ - • — “ourthBeol

, . -dry Cllnlowin. Winn

ole. 2 Be Your Ll

n«» • ; ' ' __________

— FR-.y J I J l - K j ' ---------— - "W h tr lp o c


on Termed « ”n,S„ ^ - . . .....V , Ing the J

flto rN ^O T sSSir;hYs^'v*'"" chedf*llaS

No. a Is Uie fire BarUctt aM Into Uils mess l*.' Uiere ment lam

M-ar*-j>ejj|e- emerUig'inio' soonSe' C

wo are engaged in uie mosl hotels, mo •Ui ^gram ot rehabllltaUon pat^ In n Uie moat wonderful Pres- Twin PalU

I - 'L * IT ■ — ...... ■ ‘ ''d -echool-WOM.—ttty-am ryliig ' to Uio'week” Jty. make a name for Uiem* —hd If Jrou piMie, have a Clobe'e ( lent without taking Ood Into pretUer. II

Seed and Fa new Idea arises and a = g g j =

:hamplons of th» workingworking It will bear w atch*____

records Xor better gov- yo*hould be closely-eii^T '

. be taken up with a lot of fault finding alt covered

» - t h t admlnlsthiUon -to - « ______ring down. We would rather >ple who have a record for 'Vemment and starve to ■ ■ i«i yio oUier for our au- J , I

W .c.™ „K (Twin Palis)__

• O N T M

. A Tr ^



W ]

Y o u n o n ly w ith

W m U p CW A

rfpool oaly brinp you LmA Ot th ttwiy.uvingi of-Sudijjutr—.- ju J i ^ t wa; Seket-a.Lewl...Whirlpool ables. wJUi E offtfi exdmiYc newGuld* — Otrida. ~ - _ConiroL"lt'i-tJie eaiiett, a-Moil ihorouj accuraie‘’eonirolecnier‘*- • wilh water-Mtn .______ _ ______ .W n » « i.j___

i u M Z H E


PO P-U P TOASTER _ C a tD B k _ tV T ra y ^ f lL _ .neUUngJo buv . . . no Jettera.to.write, eotry hlanlrwhen you vuit eur'big"Whi: llo on Tuesday. You do not have to b 'inncra w»l be notified. Btop In Tue« r Lucky Dayl , .

REE i r i i D r>■ a ll locJtcs w ho' visif th e ..........

poo l'- L oU hclry-Clinic-T -uetd o v •:

’’ALLS; IDAHO - • ■

00 HouseS' re Inspected!

than 3M0 local retWanetal spected for fire haiarda dur-; t 1«*1 t in pstvt&Uon..ob-:*=^^el.^=M.-WpcrtI-l^-*: ----- --t, fire chief. ■lenal ' home fire aafely itala are being turned In at -e Itatlon. etch day. tay<I. who aald the fire depaK-1-jrHcful.iar. the.piihHr..ra*j------ —

Check^^llaW'may itlll be;----

-o f—the-local-realattranla. --------1motela and schoola parUel- 'In the tnspecUoQ pracram. .y-alia Boy BcouU wera pralied / ifire chief for their asalst- W idlstrlbuUng fire preveaUoa 1

taler* and materials. mIdlUon, Carl Bcheele, tire Vr. apoke on fire aaJety and ••llime to-local aervlce clubs - — -|00laJ*eld fire.dfilU_durlnt ____

a Old Datcb Ralb Heal for. Tmy Healthier flower*. Glob*; . .

. ;5„,F.^R^.L0A N S |

a r c i i i k l a ' .£o Tnn, IS E J!-

E. WHITE Slain Boat • Fbrat M7 I ^

H S Sthe big

m m


W f i l l i j j H • HE

IS H H I l l ”Q ffiH H H • LU


S tr i c f - f f - l tn )ContT#! ^

Set It. and lub filli ^ I - T auiomalleeily w hitl IKfccUd... f f tand yay aeva avan Riera (Wolar, Sa«r, jFuel) with aKiuiIvt 1

SUOS'MISIKI ISuds-Mlteritorethot. *ludsy water for thriily re-use. j | -


IVSHER^ii«t« big btntfih: W M r)^wasbintrof«Hwaib*---------rabel*~CMh Dallceta Fabric*- .......... .......................... kt* yoQ id3■ougb rioting knowe wanniETTiler-lfarjriy Savait - any material— -•- • -- Itt addli! f«»|>«mng_*un^it RrmrtjHoj

eaaain'g Aalfla.w . aOwpkie.^

utcdOaMal elheDrying

: TH ESE ■

^ _out_tua-fad - - SitM-niai

fc 1 - • Caroiiai c^ * S«^n-i(Bt«

] 1 1lte . . ..Juit UU - ...................- —mflpool Uira*- • 'J be present to ' 'leaday—It May

A NEW EftA 3 1i t 'T ^ r ,


:______ w i t h t K e ■ v ”

R e v o lu t io n a r y N p w

-ONE OtfNCE— “■

y if id ic oHEARIMGT^ID^^ln

ny H e a r in g in s t ru m e n t w orn * » b o r re t te in c o lo rs to m o lc h

u r h o ir .

10 CORD on neck_or_body.......1NO APPARATUS ^

undor clothing. 1:(

•r-1n-i-tltiy-oneroiihce~d(rvrcTn.entlrely on the head, with anyr ityle,- wlthoui cord* or aooa---------JS eUewhere on Uie body, you u /

enjoy amooUier. clearer, mor#' ural hearing than you ever he- ^ jgU lb^O M FIH m O NEW -N

’ ■ ll*


i j c t :to ry R e p r e s e n t a t i v e s w ill b



rn.stinwyrm:a te fabrics! '■■■'•

"o how you how to Save" /Voter - Save Soap - Save


E e i ^ . . . ~tjjuit dtylnj -Q loiuy wuve, ~ ~ ffiaL- - - - =dUioa, only-- .--------Uxtveryw ----- -iie,viiiblecoa-

^daUtapa^l _______ ________

riog-estbfteza created byriowAetfanl — i

f^ 'lw j> |th ''' —liarUiniil11 care to the

JfunbooC ru t iY A U T i

^ DRo f r

l A R P E ^ i i gBin AT«nur:Eciifc^ ~ ^ ^y |fe

'BOBEHT C. MOOKS- ' ' CerlUitd Ueatiai^ _ '

' Aid Aodleloglsi r ' i •

. . . W in bo in . J ... . T W IN f a i l s '

- . M o n d o y ,-O « t. 2 5 ;- —

851 TOTJHTH'A'V*. 'EAST fiM V».t«<]OOF. M.

Cvenlagf, rbsae Wll----- -

BURLEY T u e td o y ,.O c r . - 2 6 -------

NATIONAL HOTEL 1:00 P. H. ta S:00 F. M.


- '- - - J E R O M E ■W td n a id o y , O c t . 2 7

at .-NOBT& BID* INN - - liM


. 1 9 TII be on hand to '



Mh8W6Sfttell== =

^e Tim e-“S0VB“ ' e Money!


tf-'Im t ImtiuNi— S

I I— -H

- ^ IflH


M M ®

' ^ 5 I

F A G ^ ^ M

Page 14: )ark aign; Talks - Twin Falls Public Librarynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...-hid-comg~lntn~Taing pf n^r. i*~*^ =To7^flce.-that-he-is - - ~ 'Clone cellar

P A G E l l i N :

Army Forms --Ove ra lH J . S.

D e fe n se U ni..WASHmOTON, Ocl. 18 IT K I

jUjiOTCr»ll_eontlnenUL*nny Mlmand.- h a d ed by Oen. John

-SatalquUt. rwpomlble for "1 ground detenM _ e t lhe Pn»

While lha »rmy‘i arniouncftnt -mitde-no- r*f«r*nc«-to- Ui*-m»u (he nrw conUnenUI ■rm)' comnit. «pp«ar» rcUted to * defenie depw

rmtnL-flrUeg:pf:d«at=auninitf.—H i esWblLihed * Jolnl command of mllli*ry»ervleea In the United Rial —air. arm y and navy—for drftnw the country igaU ut air attack Invailon.

Under Uie plan announcrt AuRTHl, the a lf force haa been desi nated m lha fxeculive agency f

, Xhe lop eon lin tnu l »lr dtJ*rv!.t coi -mand fcnd Oen. Benjamin W. Chi Uw appointed lu chlcf,,

• ■ D ililq u Iin io iiru -c tilfrT JrT tn i Held forces, which U reipoiult tor the tn ln ln j of Inrtltlduali aj

. u n iu uU llud by a Held army.Tlie new command wUI tnclui

lhe function* of ih« anny fie forces, bu t now will aUo embraee'tl operatloM and defease ruponslbl llles of the tlx contlnent«l arml and (he mlllUry d litrlet of W ul

i-Ti-uman Assert Ai e Making

KANSAS CITY. Oct, 18 (^J-Hari 8 . 'm unafi beiceebed the Amei can people today to e l« l » Demi cratlc conicreM and end w hat 1 callfd-*-.R epublican . spectacJe_i

—blunder-«fl«r-bluw !ec!l-ln-tor clt policy and tragic aurrender a l honto J'jelflah In ttreili," ................

I In le u lhan 30 monthi. the fa j mer prealdent aald, the nepubllci ‘ admlnl»tra(Jon haa "ihown fC« U : capacity t« govern,"

Trum an stepped Inlo the pel UcAl arenft With what h a j bee announced u this only apeech ( the campalcn. a flchtlns tpeec prepared for delivery a l • Mldwei Democratlo political rally In muni

*"'ln hU'oId!"''^lT«"’em hell" fom _the_fonner chief, etecutlire r lppe

1 tiie O O P~7or~w h»i fie [?rme H "freniled diplomacy” th a l haa co: D . ua lhe confldencB of frienda an I : allies.9 aeemed th f Republlcnna t

t a rrv m i ihe ipeclal Intereal In stS ' I of thOM of the people, of a "ahock

I in c tlve-aw ay" of the natlon'a re •ourcea, of ~walUns for a mlracl while mUllsni ara Jobleaa."

And under the new admlnlitra ■ Hon., T ru m a n -u ld . farmers har received jua t whal he warned abou

1932—lower Income and « cot of living a l a record high.

“All admlnliirkllons make ml< iBkes." lh e former President aalc “but w hat concerns me greatly I U ie.lundanienU l attitude and oul

m look of U it poUcy-makera of thi Ini Republican admlnUtralon,2J; - U ta now clear lh a l they do n<

. represent the beat InUresl of oi people, and In M month* they hav

LchM sed^enittO UfllX^O llt^^llbcri Jorin o f^ v e rn m e n t to one of re«c Uon a t home and confusion abroac

“I cannot aee where there Ij an leadership amqmr the RepubllsAp to deal w ith Uio great neeos of thi

xountiy .-O H -ihft eonlrary, w hat do see Is « hopeless drifting and i gradual surrender to selfish Inter esU a t home.

“Smear Tactics” Is Taylor Contentior

‘ BURLEY, Oct. 16 - "McCarUi: tactics" are being uaed by Idaho'i RepubHcan*. O lm Taylor chargei here Friday night, and urged Demo craU to combat what he called thi O O P's "desperale amear Uctlca."

Taylor, Democratlo candidate foi U. 8 . senator against Incumbeni H enry Dworshak. told h li audlencc G em sta te Republicans "are solni

I all ou t for, the McCarthy technlqui Qf using quotes out of context and subsU tutlng w ords.here and Uierc to enllrely change Uie m eanlns."

He said the "same lack of mor* Rllty displayed when Uie Republi­can parly stole our offshore oil and broke every promUa lo our farmera Is In evidence I n . the campaign itjn tec y they are punulng."_______

Insurance Office H it by Hamilton

ILNtMEIT, Ocu IS (M -Clark H am - -llton. candidate fo r-B O v e m o r. charccd lon ljh t th a l the sta te In- sumnce deparim fnt "consUtently

- to « -o u t-o r tts-way to-granl"spccIaI favora to certain E ia tem Insurance

i_ c 6mpnn]e^ ________ ____________ 'n i e promised a ••drastic OTcrhaul"

I If the Drmocrats v ln the election,I -.llam llton -»a l< » -.in - a prepared I spcech Uint the -Republlcnn-coniI trolled bureau operalts to lhe deirl-II m ent of lhe Wtalem Insurance com- II cs. Ihelr aRtnls, their policy I public M

Cattle Leaver load i ? Var-Mar Aneus catUe^to 1 en ter ine PacUlo.lntemaUonai4 iv«- I slock ahow In PorUand, Ore,I T he CAlUe are owned by Mr. and i M rs. Von Robbins. The caiile tiiii f • ! » be e n u re d In Uie San FrancLvio

caU ooal stock show in November,

P l u t F*ll Bulbs wllh Globe-i Old D nteh B alb MeaL Globe Seed. Adv.

r C U S T O Mo f A ll k i nd

-------- -Our- Prices Sforf^

P O U L T R YMI’4thAvenueVVest‘

1 ' Missionary,


"the W v u /Unitedcementmaiur,nmandlepart- Jnf all Rlateicn e of g ..c> or ^ A

desK* cy for t com-chid>

snslble . . . »h« will b* hMMr*4 a t iU and farewell tcatlmoalal a t the LOIIT. sixth ward church toalgbt. Ear*>nclude a«n of W aitar A. Eagar, Twli

field Falla, has b m called t« M n i !■ice'the (h i Boniiere a U le t nisalon ef-tlnnslbll- LOB e h sR h . He win rajwrt bmarmies W adneadar.et S a lt Ukt Clly. liiWaah> Is • s tndeat a t Drifbara Yeuoi■ ^ I tualveralty, (S taff cJnraTlnf)

rts-GOP Leadei-s__ •» Tragic BliinderiHarry “1 would not have you go hon Lisetl. tonight In a mood o( deipalr an >mo* gloom. Happily for us we have at he simple and aur« remedy. Vole th Je_of Demoerala .back In conlroLof.cororelgo graas.”- ------ ---------— -home • gun recovering from an opera

■ - Uon last June. Tl-umin said he fe M sUoDgly about all.Uils thal

mi»n had overruled his doctors to rah “ “ • his Tolcfl Jor puiUng the nation

,, leglslaUve'business back Into th hand of "Uie parly, of the peopli Uie party that U for Uie people.

Mid ‘he OOP la spill by2 fundan^enUl division, of pollllo Tiunli *'non« It* »enal« and hous

___membera.... _ . — -TTT; ^ l e DH Ouard' reacUonar d S ftolatlonlsl Republicans are agal

•mid e»W'n*-^*'^une-1n-ihe-Reinjbllc*' 1 fML P*rty," he said. "And Uils Republl . can admlnlsU-allon la all bul help

lesa In getting support from lU or n, of except when It sponsors

ttv*»awar program of thr-pecpit'

'I yj. In Uie field of foreign relaUoru iracle Truman said, Uie GOP hu extrem

IsoUUonUli who ’•would Uim Uicl backs on the United'NaUona an'

here world and go It alone" aa wel about ■“ who would Intervene li . cost China.“even al the risk of anoUie

World war." mis- Once Uie Republicans look ovti said, he said, they appropriated' Ui

Uy la basic DemocraUe foreign policy Uie: out* alLaeked during Uit iSU.campalgn

■ Uils But hejaid Uiey rejacted UiB olibl-partlaan approach and thei

10 nol committed "blunder after blunder, f our -This,’* he aald, "U ont ot W ,]>■»" tragedies of our Ume.. .S = » F K f f > '6! n . - 6hT li;ifa -7 . a>road. uklng the voten to restore i a any DemocraUe majority to eongress.**

"H Two Senalbrs S To Help in C£

kTwo prpmlnent Republican tens- tors wlll be In Tv,’in PalU this weet and next to support GOP vote gaUi- .o n erlng cRmpalgns u Uie Not. 3 fen- . era! eltcUon draws near.

•ho-. completed b)Uie Twin Palls county RepubUcar cenU-al committee for the speect

, ,h« Junior hUh achoo! audltorlutr * Bnturday night by Sen, Evereti

DIrkaen. Tlie ItUnols-solon. accom- 'k."! panled by Mrs, Dlrksen. will be mel

at Jaillii field by Sen, Henry. C Du-orshak. R.. Ida,, who *111 Intro- duce Senator Dlrkjen.

and '"lit will begin at 7:<i

S'" Richard Crocker "Si Taken by Deathmers JEROME, Ocl. 10—Richard D, algn Crocker. .19, died at 6 ;30 p. m. Satur-____flny-BLBL..BtaedIcL'A.hwpiui_____

Mr. Crocker wm bom In Marys* vltle. Mo. He married Hattie Web­ster al Ooodlng on Oct. 3i. 1918. aiie died In 1933. He waa an early settler

o n ll'c Jerome tract.Burvlvlne are two sona. Roy

Crocker, Manion.-CalU.,-and-Bob ".“V Crocker. Seattle.,nt,y Funeral services art pending at

the-Wlley-mortuarr.- • - - -. ince -------------------

aul" iKellogg-Hunter—

Is Believed Lost»n- 'TCELLOOG. Oct,' Ifl W-A sea-Vch -trl- was begun Saturday for George om- Winters. 50. Kellogg mine worker >>icy who apparently became lost In the ' Graham _mpuntaln_areB.TtMe hunt*

Winters- companion. GeorgB Me* Klnnon. said the two aeparaled oa a ridge and he hasn’t teen Winters

JUck -Wri^ff -l'iiou Gardner aald ~iha Uv« continued Sunday.

SCOUTS MrET t m „ S»OSHONE. Oct. 16-Mrs.‘ Philip '111 Powell explained Cub Scout'work

-Lv:o Io membert of her den al their >ber, »rs; meellng Friday at V r home'

■ -

1 DRESSINGid s of Poultry —

- T t r - t o c - p e T - B i f a — '—

Y SUPPLY.............. ■ P h D n B l3 «

_ Volunteers to H -LaunchDjoYC @ Here Monfla

lUiUaM4 Ifm ru , Om)■ e ^ »trictlons,-Any-one can enter, •

Folsom.■ I E E ; ■TSihlfiUnWTnUsrsUpjjTrnieTnl

log fourth line to the follow K : . ; ; jlneie: . . . t -

-**nie Commtmlty C h u r Ji on^C]L_i -- m o v e . - ----------- ■ - - —■ j f c - ^ T o coilfct Jonda f ro n r ill o f y

.So gather your pennies and d f M l ir t . too.

~Conleita]im iiay Tiut r u m a entries as they w ish, bul each en mutt be accom panied by a 11 c( txlbution to the Tw in Falls 'Co m un ity 'C hest.-E ntT lea-should- mailed to the Conimunlty Ch Bnay Contest, T w in Falls.

Entries will be accepted until m night Mox. 10. W inners will be s nounced Nov, 15 wnd Uie declsi of the Judge* wlll be final.

I a t ■ by the B lu lu s Cyclery, Twin F*I LOB wlll be awarded llie winner ofEagar. essay M ntest fo r c ity tchooi ti

Twin denU.Iriit In SludenU -ehrolled In ' eUy Kho•r-tlia. are eligible to compete. They miI next write tn essay of ISO words or Ily. Its on the subject, "W hy we shoiYfluog support the C om m unity Chest") E n trie s 'm u st be mailed to t-------- - Community Chest Esssy ccnle

Twin Falls, n o t la te r than mldnlg•C Nov. 10, ~WInner o f the deluxe m- 3 ------SlcycU -w lll-be -»nnounced-N ov.-

ThB decision of th e Judges Is finP V < a 31-lnch' telETlslon set donat

by Afoon’s P a in t and Fumltu) home Twin Palls, will be aucUonJ f tnd to the h lghcal.b idder a t a.commhave a "ItV aucUon and p a rty beginning)le the '1:18 P- <n> ><ov. s a t the Kl :jf-con- tludlos,. .. Tlie' sem lcos-b f 'c ity olflcislt-wooera- *'*hM elt n lghL Addltlor

h . delallt are lo bo announced JaL0 raUe Foltom.laiion’s Proceeds from th e speclnl evelo the » l’l *0 “> Ul® Communlly Chest,people. . -----------------------------

*ri Testimony ofollllcal _______ , - -

» T ay lo r Askp-iaoaln Taylor “could render a mui

jbhcart gtes.ter.sen lfcfc.tfl t h e .peapL t.aad cDUbli- ^ U nited Slates by le■ htlp- un-American ala own commlUee" th a n hinnlng itor, >' ®' *enate, T n ’in PalU Youi

ai-pilhllein^ n . f r r t - y -, L, James K ouUilk. Young Repu

' Ilcan president, sa id the Democral tijons, nominee for th e senate ••Is an a'

thorlty on th e m a tte rs lha l are> th tir g f jjt concern to th is commlllee,” “ In his Ulk, K outn lk declared ‘•M la well Taylor m ight tell Uiem and U me in American people wheUier o r nol 1 nouier ,m i j,as. falUi In Uie Chine

'agrarian reform ers' o r does he no : over, recognise them u th e true commi 1- Uie n u t killers they a rc ?" ' ' y Uiey Tayldr also m ight explain, auer ipaign. ed lhe OOP Ibader, “ if he aUIl fet tiB old Uiat Sovlel Russia c an do no wron

then He might also ex^l^ ln why he hi inder." ftlled to oppose the admission ot U of the communist Chinese to th t UniU

NsUons."i i r r s - —I-d a-h 07 'd ecliCTa—K gatnltT T ii

many clalma to fam e In addlUon tore a being Uit s ta te th a t elected Uie slnj ess." Ing cowboy senator.**

s Scliediile^ H ef^ Campaign of GOItens- p jn . A porUon of th e tpeech w lll»

1 week broadcast over rad io itatlon KTI gtlh* from S pin , to 8:30 p.m .

t cen* Republican c en lral committees t all Magle Valley counties and Your

■a oy RepubUcan club* throughoui Ui b l ^ a .vriley are cooperalln* for a speec ip w h by Sen. H erman Welker. R.. Idi orium hero OcU 28. D etnlls will be ar ^’tre t t nounced la ter on th e appearance < ccom- the Gem t ta te se n ato r who It iui: e met porting Senator Dworshak In hla bl ■ry. c . Jo r reeleellon.

In an Intensive G O P campalgi , , . . j three candidate.? fo r s li le offlct__ L . will be.escorted on a caravan tou

through Twln Falls-connty Prlda;> They include A tty.-O en. Robert I

Smylle, candidate, fo r governor; . Berkieley Larson, for lieutenant gov

a l l l ernor, and G raydon SmlUi, Twl: d D, Falls, for attorney general, latur* The caravan will leave Republlcai

Ian'S* SUvers, county recorder. It In cli’arg web- of arrangem enti. , l.She __________________

t ; First B-36 Wing B.b Arrives atenair

«l T O K Y Q .-O ct.ie ffn-T heflrst.fu l ■Wing of glahi B-38 IritercoHUnehla bombers ever sen t to the, rar e u

_____ arilvrti In (luam tody-afUr-a-non-ttop flight from the United States

- £ ,x T h t 10-engine planea. so complei J a L aa Ifl rw u lre th rey p lln n .iB^thgl. •a'Vch crews o f-18. landed a t Andersen ali forge force base on<3unm from FnFlrchlU orker a ir force base. Spokane. aWsh.

“ ; ; 5 T I F F ? ^ &

their •n j.y ’re Tanned T hat Way By Tha Wolvtrint Secret Tanning Proeeti.

. No OUier Work Shoe In Tht World At Any Price, L ik e ...


. T«5it (or th a t '* te iU ln l, Bat, w hst.abeut w aarT Enough-lo

___ u ve monfT oi^warlc t h y t becimofT O l’ihow Wolverine tansshellKone*; hlde^Iloth lolea and uppars a rt of

VtoUtrineShill H ortehide.Tryapair.

I Van ENGEtENSJ ! • ~ n ^ ^ l ) o w n s l a i r a "

_ T IM E S -N E W S ,

to. ----------

3 a y -L rr :- - r rT ^ ^ i^ •*> 1ter. u y t | • = - ; ----------- ;

hTtalM" ~X~. otlowlng

I on lh e _ i - - — ^-='

ofTou. . . — ^ r rind dol- _■

;h entry 'It con* • • (IT*Is Com- WMild- be - - - ............. .f*. .. .r Cheat ■ ' Citll mid- ( ■■be an- ,

decision r-;.donated —------------- --------------------- - -In FalU, 'r of an i _ IMl stu- ■ -!

i ■ . ^ i ' LKhools ' J T B i lkey must >• *“ ~ ' B . J - Hor less ; ' ■ : • B w r f i should

■st" T . . to the I ' contest.ildnlght f ' * 4 l^ M B S S V ^ jQixe new '

l o S -Pernvlan coast Isle la.Jane., ' of the H.OW.mllt sol, jBomey

icUoned ^

lalng at M F S . A U c C H b HFJ

Claimed byJDea»lt-wlll JEROME. Oct. l«:^Mr'sr*lle7

Henn-, 18. died early Satu dWonal , t flt.-Bencdlcfs hosplUl. -

- Urs,-Henry-was-bom -Marel 1876. at Basin City, Ulah. She

1 event married to Waller Henry DC' liest iMo, In Basin Clly. They cam

Jerome In 1813. She wu a mei

fo' the LDS church. '

Survivors include her Iftub one daughier, Mra, Camille Par

^ J and two aons. Max Henry and E $16X1 HSjCTiiUiramKdtSBmdehtI

and sfigreat-grandchlldren. a mueh Funeral services wlll be held flLIdft- pm_Tucadsis-at_Uit_Wllty-lm by lea- chapel wlUi Bishop Lew Prati j ran ac- idlng. Concludihg rites wlll be ling for al Jerome-cemeten'.Young

H^S^utptDfHoney Set Near Reco

ttee,”- BOISE, Oct, 18 Ml-Idaho's id ‘•Mr. honey production U esUmated t Rd the the second txst of nny year on nol he ord. Uie U. S. dfpartmenl ot a Chinese culture tald today, he now The department.said Uie re> ommu- crop of 8.580,000 pounds- was

duced in ISSI. Estimated numbe colonies for 19M waa given ni J

111 leeu compared with 178,000 laat ■ wrong. JM,000 In IBJl. he haa ______________ _*UniSd r ea d TPaS-NSWS WANT I

rT T iiS ^ ^

~ - M A X I

Swlll be —KTFIi I • ■

tees «f I Youne I .it the I V y m mspeech ■

Ida., I-

ince I I t lU p . ; I hla bid' j

ipalgn,.. I Ioffices I l l l l

I u | LPrlday.: i W B *>en E. IS I MUiarge, |

I i / CutthitMld j I Cletfl bt«l-w crtmI I CtfltrsI efl httlk)f-«e

ig w |- —I------✓-ClfealitiiikfWMHBI ComplitilytflclouiTi

nVntan ^ 1 ------r eut I -non-i —

3Utes.'mplex!-thElr.; ___________.J--------------------------:

FAMOUS RM FUa;" ‘'"'‘ j 0-E0ilFun-e.ll.at------1 accoifdiag to actual rt]

> 1 __________ t u n it ne— c j ey w

I Ml<lG-Siumaereoeli■ V eMl

r -------- ^ f V /« f o u r Shc

' The^ ■ f f l n T i u U S I S S H

IE:t s i

g - W i t R■ pair.

5 15 T 'o u r th A veiiue S


Raf t Arrives^ati

f ' - ■

S i t

i '

itdT eriB T U M lnibotTd-hls balta-Tafl.-' e,. WIIIU and Ibe n f i wera sighted Tbni ney. A ship went out aod lewtd Ui« rai

ry Coronation oj Homeeominj

Saturday coronation of a queen and h t arch 26. tendants climaxed Twin Falls Shr WAS schools second annual Home Dee. 9, Ins day program Friday nlghl

came to iween halves of the Bruln-Cali member football game a t Lincoln field

Chosen queen from a field o w band ; conlestanu w u Judy Bracken. Paradis, reigned-during- Uie Homecoi id Brian dance th a t followed the foe ch llrtren w m ta t-H e r^ tte n d a n tsT rirrK '■ Pedersen and Marilyn Roth,eld a t 3 compeUng were S te^ an le Oo

Bally-WUon-and-eharoti-Bchow Feauire of Uie.homecoming

" “ program w u a parade which wi through the downtown tecUo

----------Tw in ; Falls- beRlnnlng "•bouCj v ■jnti'T tntrpT fljicixa 'io Uie foo V field.P A r f I Wiimers of Chamber "of C t U L U mcrce Uophles were floaU enl o's 1954 senior class, first: Girls^d to be club, second, and Junior class, t o n je c - —T he seniors' prlso-wlnnlng of agrl- depicted an elaborate, mixing

apparcnUy symbolic of a "bee record up'* for the Inv.-vdlng Caldwell i

as pro- gars—who defeated the Bt Riber o f 3D-7. The second place winners M 174.- ^ mock cougar hanging by Its u t year f^om between goalpotta on the i

vehicle.Climaxing “color week* a t

T AD3. high school, the homecoming^


M I N t M U M

I JK r - ------------

r J



tmoTMoU - . ' ^ n-socM vnitaMefferm w rfertt------- -------4.Tt«ptr-(rM(l


a M v i ^ Her.'. Ih« CLE?S Aihat euta fu d bUlt JJ.50%. .I reperta (recn ownm. In- nnrrina-^^in r wooderiul ecatral bt«n- Ug rf^y, «y4i«M TM «mb, • t - w — near MiUMS* ooUbC a t Rtfpnaiacty l«r« (b* Mm« blow<

C «<^ to nakt

•utpritinsly loi

Ifwwraoni, or pfrene for FW

i f l g e n e r a l



c South (Truck Lane) .

i " - ' - ............... ■ " -


p i4 ;." ' V , .


tmnday.Dff^aga Pago. Samoauiux Uk raft lota port* (AP wlrepholo)

of Queen Feature Qg for High Sch(I h e r a t- gram got under-way Friday ,1„ Wnh noon «IUi • -ptp- tutmbl imecom- ■

caw w tfi Visits Disclosed of sit DIETRICH, Ocl. 1»-Mr. aa en who A. E. King, Oakland. U , vlsiU ecoming ^ Ura- J. W. LambeUi. . fooUiall .Mr.,and.Mrs. Leonard Scot

ncareir TiranyrueoiirTTgTTTBiHaTn: il. Also enU, Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Scot Oowan, Mr. and Mrt. Russel flcott thU

lug day I I:Uon of I UC"8:30

C o m -1entered I | ^ a lrls Glee I

ig float I ig bowl I

ICou- I ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ H i p i H I H

Bruins I ■ .i |] ! lN !B N * ltH H llers had IlU Ull Ie float I SOUTH FROM MAGIa t the I ON H IW A Y

■■■r pri>. I----gN— ^

O M F O R T ^

i C O S T


CWKT. ..........

SAMADMC-AOO-TrPlAlTIX eora/ort product! ef 0-E enn*S rncarch arc Pr«-“P.ired' Heit-

OrB Fmnat* u>4 *h*----------->B( 0-E Home Cooling Unit uie lower, ducti and rtgittcr*—ge t>- *i« a »‘"«Je »mi “weather plant* ____r^u enfoy 'tru ljr 'in ia^ liying-l^t rloweoad

R£ETomfort suryoy ~


V E „ , ,o 3 0 % IFU EL-eOSTS ^

I B K O S fO N -

— ■ ' P honc2Ifi8

Utah Farmer Flies Recor

” ■ Nonstop H-£t,l KzY^ntffT,'?Ui„ Oct. 1

D elb ert-P tjh rlm aa .-a -fiyin m er" from O U h, Unded hi

record for ligh t aircraft In a . . C , i m ile n i jh t from BriUth Col

^ .Blessed wUb tood weathi faroralile Wineu-all the way.

---- iman landed Trim 33"gallgaaoUne a till In his Unks. Ht ed wita 190. ,

- • ■‘-•V.' TTje~TremoTHflH._Dlab.-i jihg-JgiglaJn_«UCeatna-

. .' bought U st year on the usee i . m arket, said h b fuel wouli

U ken him on lo Cuba but .elded U> atop here because I

} no m sps fo r a Cuban flight. I n Uie a ir 34-houra. 3S B

Puhrlm an broke Uie noniu Unca m ark for a ircraft unc

_______f t- JinrMpewtr. T he previousr.i waa se t by U ax Conrad In :

, - .1- •} a fUght froCT.Sm Franrlsf/i-i < T o r t.

" I jo t a lllUe sleepy a t Uii , ■ jr F uh rim tn ««Jd. “but ll wssn

. Y I had some pills to keep me -> bu t decided I didn’t need

a r f —’ • H a -p lin rW -iU r t for u u t r i day by w ay, of Washlngtoi

wUl make th e tr ip In easy iui

Lesson Giver'■ Marilyn Houser and Mi;-.'ESH SmlUi gave a demtmsu^tlon (— arW namon toaat at Uie Leam aLfllUha It <-K'BT0up which 1t i u end 3T>.wrS)itanlB7.” — - .

-Nelma D enhta"Iii<l"iSM -,- tnd Mias Houser led Uie club

The group worked on knltt ■ - «efr«l»nienU were aerred t

[ • e s Houser and Mitt SmlU;. .

lool'l y u t4 r - ; ■ Q n fnbly, _____

sedandM rt.siUdMr.l

tcott and ............. '

c o t t o ibU week. * • ••___________ '

1- ^ 1 PURII

P R t X l



TE R R IFIHere Are Ju




DELFT B LU E.....! JA M andB U TT El

__ I t 'I r tW A f



! TR IV ET SCONCE “ I ” TEAT*0TS7.:.Z~:- I - e O P S and-SAUCE


j e w e l b o x e sCOOKBOOKS.....

----- j -CASSt:BOLES,-pas




Boxed Stationery


R V NI " W e C a ter tt

- : _N6xt-to-Idaho Powei

er M rs isS ^ o r d n i ^ S

:t. 16 UtUenylfl* far* to Hiny A L '3 here to* “*• They OPHlUtSTO!

gallons of Sur«riarU H . . t o t SWI.,

... Mrx. h.-far7nrr

used plane jra n d c h lW ^ ^ i i'ould hate hmtrtl - ' ’• ’•


S :•'"sumi

— JBhna-Usn^ K,

N o J c b t w i aMargaret r ^ e ^Ion on cln- « Smom and Do FHA TRRIII - - - * ' s^tHOREtnn j

SJb'S?. fHONfawio*tnitUng. OlHmiapiiahredbyMIsi ‘M rU 'ttcJIS;",


: h r i s t k u





Just A Few SxmpUn

■EN S.'rcc. 1,19 .. .....J t

■ENS, res . 1 .G 5.1-J1i(t. 7 .2 0 .................. . J ’R E .................... — W............................— V'E B D IS H E S ------- W


)E R S , black, m t — W.“ FLOW ERS ; ; : = = «

a £ : : ; = 3 !i ) i t s .............)B A G S .:..........“JlE -(H ollm iil)------M

pMtcI sh a d a —



;e ' Vs- I M jn m i r i

^ — 1 *

Page 15: )ark aign; Talks - Twin Falls Public Librarynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...-hid-comg~lntn~Taing pf n^r. i*~*^ =To7^flce.-that-he-is - - ~ 'Clone cellar

« ....r j f ^ ‘B\™j / ^P ^ V ^ " ; --

flrBriBfi------- ~Br<r!

*1......... I Rta. 1.S0.....

kU lo *e»r»bl« ohtrm ode «lyli ;lmlj white, pink cotton bro«dcl' ,B«!lua md lir j* ,n d C cup*. SU


8 - 8 rd. Flannel S ugar I

“■ € ■ “lUpiUrljr Ho

■••■■ I U nh ..„ .d^t w p » ]» m * Extra hetvy. » rI? CO both iid(t toUon . . . blewiJ tr . LttJ Ui»a fd. Low coat dUJMt- U hlni c)othi.

i 69c Helencawychilds'.foot s ize 6 to 8 p^! H « to o pe rfec t f it , fo r p e r f e c t

I t * *anel_____ Cb ______^Bt«k.Bp T in t e

...■ s i « i 4 h ) 8 . . : . . ................. . *MfUI «r(ir U »•'

b;., , . »rl«I MmW ,UMi*. h« v 4 ..„ --------■

f p ^ l ' i ' y l _ _ ^ C h o t 4 t G_ ' Stt f l P i[y^

'^'■5 l : - s = ; s

' i r ^ l)in,l / ! ' ~lerl

'<rSpiicrdl----------... 1 p«tyletl. cimilar *Ulch •idcloth br«s. AA, B . elMJ 30 lo 38. Whlli

i r Socking .

d 4 , . , 1 - 0 0 1 ^. soft khMrbent «hlU Vleacbed «nd Uunder> ■ H & V ’ / . dUh toweU Bnd pol- ' | |S Q A \ f r

a Anklets "”Li! 1 0 0 % w h ite H e le n c a ^ — 'e c t c o m fo r t.- :_______

• T T -r T.— j ^ i a e

! i /

le l P laids ' L ight Bia t eo Boyt* Bhirtt ________________

1 .0 0 1 0 ^• ym l l » taw, !•« T«k> t n r chalct

»<iunit ■» MIW k«IW . . . • 41,- ■ M « -c rtta« JU B -= :-0 »l T t t - •»•“•? T*

i m f f j j m


MSIovet— .___ _.—Slack—^apttUl- e m t ^ ' ^ortodCot

ll kar! C tllh ^ iic r* > n if r lo ! Ta^aUr ». ■ aik *la>a« *1 n*irtl ramr«*tliif. vtihf^

wrliu Min'a.ilaal r*4atarc*< kaalt. |a<


M en 'i W ork S h ir t.— 8»nf*ri»*d« BlUt -C K iS¥nir-----------

Alt miln Ulplt aUtchcd;- - /_lont t«llj with cldi ruMtj. In- <

terllned eolkn. 'Mtuimum ]<thrlnkif* 1%. U-17* I

Days J

y ' " " ' ......r YOURCHA

■ " • A ny C ar

if Bulb ^ I t *

■or..... I k w / ;(hai<i. !

k—a C o ttw NwtUy . \ (

r S i ’i u S ' i

' omm(mey




80-Squore P e rco lt“ WiiWMt PrlnU Md S iu i i '

3 y o rd t f o r . .............. I-AsMrted novelty «nd F*ll p«t- <emi. Sfi* wide. 6mototi-t«ztured« lone veanm. SpKiiJ low prlet Ior Ulll ul«,

» D nv O n ly ~ - ^ ^ ° " ^

^ S 5 5 S S ! S S 1 ^ S S S 5 E S S !

lA fitC tlC L S A yE J

■ [ • 1 ®

S H k l B

m■ K. Toftil«r eoTer beconei haodj

■ ' h. Cin opener folds to wall,^ cut* unooLh, eleao cdfe.

DliJi drainer rit( (win tlnh| o jy * rti, yellow, whll* eslor*.

d.~C^t corer and l l ’i*ln (ray; . ^ J red er yelloir, clear corer.

L _ _ _

I C h a n g e ^ ^2ar in Town ...V ... . . . . . . : : : :. .

r " Pecan ^ Snapperi _ i_

IL ..j.ooOar Uicaal tandr ; M .^ ratatUt. Jl ' M ”M^ '

^j-uuk/hwau'li?"^ • irzvJT-'--

= ^ l;6 9 T h K o 'w :: f^ ^ ^ ^ gCovers

( S lip « n » r . H - q ■ vlcHf. FrolacI

^ H d s ^ r 'sV twIthPlitol f T s V

^ 1 .0 0

■i ->■»--

Cotton r ' l I ^ S K

| — J,01L-^____

5; f a l lI ‘Hai. ikclnkata


^SPECIAL PIYour choice

“ little girls'

d r e s s e s —I , C om e to Seori to d a y fo r 0 com

tio n of these lovely l i t t le d re: nyJon! T hey 're s ty led j u s t righ

r ipflde to keep th e ir b e a u ty o f te i , 3 t o 6xot>d I t o 3 in th e p e rc a

- . th # nylon.------- . -- ---------

e o i B o r g o i n s , j g g * T j

:5 9c TO $1.4 9 ^ -^

t t


r^cfek. illh

z $ 5 n _ r ^• 1 E A S Y P ^

: . . - — I • - PL

Poring ^[ . Knife S<t_ . ■■—

^ 3 - ’ l' Critiiiain

'21.4 j’-himI'"*

M ulticolor ^ - ............ ....D iihclothi . H o m a r t /

m iy *]~S S n - n « » a f < t , . Onty..................

klflilr aWatkml ________T r t ^ ^ u ^

" .-J I tionlns jyttemiJlow pt »lr._Oth<

tro in T n g ' r - v w r i i ' "

9- Daakl. rakrk rik ■ IM kRl( <a>M nl-

:7;..i';.v .''% uh B B 9 I t d i;v>';:;'tr f f i g n l

a r C orduroy

- M a m f i r e^ ■ „ r . o D i z . ^ , . u . , v ^

wrni r i i i tmi f i u— ^ ^ y It ’- a i T i ' A q u a r t i .........

‘ )» -JuJ, *j JiT ‘ll flfif.polljhljic flft* ■■- . .-»nd dtlM in a J

- — — rraUtanw.---------

4 0 3 M a i n .

PURCHASE! I_— ^ — i

j p .

s m p l e te c o lo r and s iz « -u lic > i r e s s e s o f SO-tq'. p e rc o le o r Ig h t f o r fo n c l lu t m i:ses a n d f te r r e p e o te d w oshings! Sizes x o le * o n d 6 _^o 12 m o n th s in _

T ro d iH o n ^ ^ ^ J ,^


I A ir F ilters«3.1ach aiwi----------------

r l . 0 0afrt and“ pol!en in '■i)ailng- alr-eondl-__________ ______jmi. P crm ltj Ire*)theralKM. ............— :

m ^ 2_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , . - l

n /I eI N ' f w p* n o r W ^ ~ 7 r ■ - !

Iloor w ax i p p l l u ' . a jt» y . _Hlth a l i p .......... ..

i A v e . W e s i


w j r

l o o k W h

JW ilL B uS A V fO N T H E

“ STOREW IDEBlH ondkerch ie ft ..........UL a d la i 'C o tto n Slip ~ Rad C a n -C a n '

____P attico a ti ........ :____. Phonograph-Records-7Bath M o t S e t ........... .Pillowcase S e t ............Shower C u r ta in j ........

— C h a m b ta v 5 h ir ts .......W ork Gloves R u b b erJ Ip p cM al..^ -^

— BroideiKlTol-Rug-rTrr::Sewing U gH t -;;.—......

I ..H ousehold Bxooms -..' Vinyl P la s t i c ........:..ydk 4-pCi D in n erw o re ........I ' Dairy Pails- ................ 2'■ 8 " Hollywood Dolls ....

Save on The Houseware:

Poring K n iv e s ........... 3Bakew are Dish .^..;..2W o s te b a s k e t ..............2Dish D rainer ..'.............Large C ake C o v e r ......

^ ^ o v e oifrTfiiCloset Accessor

^ Plastic H angois.„ ,„ ,.,8 j— W ood H o n g e r t ...........4—Blousa-H anger . j..t....—

Utility H a n g e r .7.......

Save on Thei HQifie^Needi

_Spar_V orn ish_ ......r...Qt.Brush an d Roller . .

T u rp e n tin e .............. gol.-N y lo n -W o l |-B n is h ;3 " :- Dust ta c k C lo th -----...4

Air F ilte rs , 1 " t iz e .......Shadow Boxes .............

' . ' _ Tht tl

' “ 7 CREDIT ---------- :------------------------COUK

•/■•’I''.’ ■ '

^ 5

h o t = = = i

l u y L ^

1ESi~JUYS : ~ Z . 1 0 / 1 .0 0 - r „ : i .o o

--..l.O O :.5-7 /1 .00- — ------. . . . . . 1 .0 0.........1 .0 0.........1 .0 0 I.........1 .0 0 I2 3 / i : o r; j . : _ j . 0 0 i '

" ”” ; i!o o ' " : ; ^ r........1 .0 0 . —yd. 1 .0 0........ 1 .0 0 ■ I -. . . 2 / 1 0 0 ....... 1 .0 0

lese ____es! ........ :lerJ.O O ^.3 /1 ,0 0 . ;. . 2 / 1 .0 0 . -------- —..2 / 1 .0 0 ;...... 1 .0 0 :. . . . . .1 .0 0

lese ' ' foriesl.8 / 1 .0 0.4 /1 .0 0 -

;“ j ! o a y

iese= — d s l3t.J.00_ ___ ^

..... , I

t s i y w ay to . k t y M t im a ll .


g i i ^

Page 16: )ark aign; Talks - Twin Falls Public Librarynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...-hid-comg~lntn~Taing pf n^r. i*~*^ =To7^flce.-that-he-is - - ~ 'Clone cellar

; p a g e V.VELVE

iSuprem e W or ==Feted=0 t=kun

Mnr. Andrew J. WhlW. Jr.. Colum. bui. O.. tupreme worthy -Dnaidcni

• of th f »uprfmr u icm b ly of the So- ■ clal Ofdfr of Be«uce»ni, w u hon­

ored I t « liinchfon nl»en by Twlr r t l l i Mcsmbly No. 100 W«<intul«) *i the M oonlc l^mpl'' on M" "n '

- -nUAi VUIL • InllUWry uo rk . foilo*ed tht

— hirchetm when t* » •c*ndl<J»U*-/«- rrlkrd Uiflr desrte.

Mrr While w u prwnCed • bUI bv Mrs.- Harold Johrw jn, ^orihy prfctplreu, A Khool of Uutrucilon

i Mr*. Clinrlei* K erun, piMldelTl,. l(\ tliMge ot Ihe lunchron ind: a tu n iy J . Holmt*. Mra. .Cljdt ’ O irrn «nd .M r/. Ployd B»ndy »r-

^ f»nKfd tjble' decoritlotw.

I KqulIU ( lu b^ floll t«ll t t tiir n itf lin s of the C BquilU t!ub wm »ii.itf.er'd * lth »n I r iiy c».ufrole dl^ft Wedntsdsy

*/ternoon n t Ihe home of Mr*. Ito-— bCtLLclchllt'T.__________ ^

A CARE p»ck»Ke »*« <1CcTIi^ a »nd -Mr*. Eleln WlUon recflved the « h it ' flrphnnt.

; norc*i HotlelyMr*. ForrMt fltok 'ib t;ry . U unk

ftllttw s ch»lrm»ti,- announced the .i ln-K*tiicrins of ttu n k offerlns with

i « pfoaram lo follow the Sundiy iiiornini w rrlce on Oct. »t the mteUiie of the O o rc u *oclely of thr Anirrlcun LuUier«n church WfdniJdiy. » t the home of M n. £ ln ir Sandr.

, Met F>iTi-ti. nnr .h led derotlon* - mid Mf*. J. y . C«rll»le p rw n led Uie

Oelobfr loplc- The Rrv, O. n . Rell*, eoiiducied-Blble-atudy. - .................__ Hr*. 8. E. R unnins »nd_Mr*.— ElHs--Woodlry—w e r e - ^ a m p a -H - i

nnmln»tlnK rommlltee for the elec- lion of nev officer* a t the meeUni ■rj No*. 10.

Mr*. Woodley »nd Wr*. Collltu .M t l u u . . h u U M C * . O u u u In*

eluded Mr*. E. M. Tell «nd Mr*, rrin k fium i^ . botfi Twin Palla; Mr*. Fred Bender. Buhl, and Mr*.

I I. B. Norwtfed, Hadley, Minn.

Mary-Marlbft C ltti ' ■ Tlie Mary-M&rlli» c l i i i of Uie — r in t-B ip t ts t- r tm th -T o trt-U rh e Jp

flnnnce a project of pslntlnn and rpdecorallng the church Tuesday a t the church.

Mr*. Thomaji Thompaon wm In rharjce of the program dUcuaAlni

— ifrdevottonii-------'— : -----------------Mr*. A. H. flUonr »»* hft»t«.M

Wllh Mta, L. B. TyUr and Mv». H. L. Dod*on aaalatfng.

AnerlcaB L*don Aaxlllary Mr*. Rom N orth, dean ot girls

_ at rha a/ ti/vsl, anrt rnitr fllflm• RUlera w ert honored sueiU of the American U glon auxiliary Wednea* liiy nlffhl a t a potluck dinner in Ihf auxiliary-Kwm*.

Olrl aUUra. Janem arla flmlth. Be»erIy Bolhne. Stephanie'O oi'e 'h and P e n 7 Voalka. report«d on ac-

....U tIUca.oI Q liU .« taS£ .tnd .lhanked the auxilltary for fponsorlns them. M n. North alM thanked the group for Inlereat taken In the project.

M n. HariT Benoit, councilor a t OIrU it<l«. gara a report.

The unit la making card table corera for th e re t« ra iu hospital and will tend ChrUtmaa boze« lo

nnunced aa Mra. H arry Benoit, con- - i( ltu tln n -a n d -b y - la w s ;-U n ..w ..l^

Buchanan and M n. Orrin Fuller.

Care o f Y oBy ANGE

Brcauifl of the new m ethodi u*ed In our tchoola there arlae conllleti between parent* and teacher*. n r* t we m uit remember lh a t teacher* in the publie achool*'do no t, a* a iiaual thing, either le lrct the m nlter to-b<* tauEht o r 'lh e method by which It I* inURht. All thl* resU In the «d- mtnlatratian offlcrt. T h is 'can be Rood or not according to ihe ulidom

' and undtralanding of tha adminU- trainr*.

Tnke reading for example. Many of the father* and mother* cf to- rtBT lram ed lo read b y 'Ih e a ipha- beilr way ‘‘Ifarn lns Ih e lr - letter*." flnme learned 'to aound thrue let- lent; aome learned *yllable* on T>Vilch ihey biilU u-oTd*.

It wa* tound th a t thla wa* a alow

*ulled In word-calling ao th a t the render did not se t (he meaning of Bliat he read. By •'aeclng" a whole phrnae or aentence the.b<Blnner read >r>onrr. faiter. with lilo re under- •landing. Onee he learned tn rend the "alsht" phraaea a n d aenicnceji

- h e tauchi lo take Ih t worA -*P»ri.-*ounc1-*he-«vllable*-«nd-the "Irlleh i'an i m n HaTp"1he (ooIiFTor

rrjdtng new wnrds.T hat l» thp nirthort ujed In many

Khool* today ntid It la a good one provided the teacher undentanda^

Ttirn we linvr thp ''joclal iltidle*."! In days paat hl.nor>-. clvlci, geoc- rnnhy. uete tauchi aa lu-paratr >iil>-1

- T -m -V,TTTi5ilt Vftntion lo rncli other. I Koiv we lind ll better lo tench them!

a b b :

f o r w a t c n t t h e - n e w

C A R PET S. 3 1 S - M Q in J k « o u e - E a » f______

- -S E E BIG AD (

---- f------- -- ■ .. — -------- -------- ' r

Drthy President tneheon on-V isitlum* O lrlj a tate: U ri . Leonard JacAl Idtnt and-Mr*.-ThO>naa-Buckllar«o-chtlr r So- men of OlrU aUte; Ur*. Henr hon* Crow. educaUonal law; M rc W. 1 Twin Hayward, membcrahlp; Ura. W. 0 ^ a y S tca rn i. trophic* and award*; Mn

an- Ralph Smith, rehabllltaUon; Mn W. L. L ocihart. unit acUrltlca: M n

the V e t m a _ 7 re« l«eU ., regUlnUxin i-r«- U ra^-K enntth CouUcr. naUooal m

curlty: M n . Minnie Harbor gift AmerlcanUtn, and Mr*. Charlea Rua

irthy Mil. flaga and banner*.;tlon Mr*. C. E. Henderaon. communlt:____ aer»lcej_U n, 'J ..^ J3S 0 lltlle . juflJSiient, actfTltlea; Mra. W, r . Salmon, pub and llc ltr and radio; Mra. WlUtan

:iyde Noble, child welfare: JUn. A. L ar- Wlrachlng, Pan-American; M n

Claude Oox. coffee; Mr*. Melflni Kaven, memorial and. gold < ^ r Mra. Cecil‘E. Jonej, cItII defenae

11,e Mr*. ChrlaUna B. Peteraen. finance an *'><1 Mra, Tom Bucklln. courteay.

aday -n o - PrMbyterlan Couple* Club

A “ homecoming" party wa* gltet [U?(T -fot^m em befa-of-U ia-PratbytttlA i

Die Couplea club Wednesday evenlni a t tlie church.

Committee In charge waa Mr. ani Mra. Prank Cook, chairmen: Mr

^ and U ra. R. fl. Tofflemlre. Dr. and Mr*. Oordon Tobin. Mr.- and Mr*.

«>• PaulD roubay. Mr.antSMra. Rlehatti »•«’ Moon and Mr. and Mr*. Bert Bar- uday ,0*,.

OuesL* were Mr. and Mr*. Harry C of Bolton. Mr. ahd Ur*. Merrln Und* u " ” *ey» Mr. and M n. Merle Jone*, Mr. Mr*. «nd Mr*. Alrln Bmutny, Mr. and

Mra. Bill Jonaa, Mr. and Mri. Joe ■I0'« W oodall a fld -U r- and Ur*. Nell

Olmatead.te iu T he program Included group alnit-

■ Ing.'accom panied by Mr*. Ilenno - £*- T eaaley.—n^ger -Stafford a4ng_a* • ablo. accompanied by Mr*. SUf- ■'“ * ford on the piano. The ne». Donald “ ■'K B. Blackalone tang and played hla

In* C hrU tU n Women'a Fallowahlp T tie ChrlaUtn WomrnU fellow-

w“; ahlp of the F ln l Christian church *• decided to hold a harreat- featlral

and dinner Not. 19 a t tb e meeting Thursday a t the church bajement.

Royce Wlae. United NaUona pll- Uie gram , apoke on.hla.U-lp and ahowr

help Tit-»Hdegr-Mta-" D »le gowman - « «x and In charge ot the program, y a t Mra. Monroe Haye* led deroUona

and Mra. Iro Kuykendall conducted < In a dedlcaUon aervlce.for gift* and alng carda (a be aent to Mr. and Mr*.

In 'Jap an :----------------- ' ----------te.M G roup No. S aer»ed refrmhmenla.t. L. --------

Alpha No CbapUr Nfnr'T)ledgM-of-Alph»-Nu-ehapler

of Epsilon Sigma Alpha were hon- llr li ored by; sorority membera a t a dea- llrls aupper foJIowlnjr _tha_pledge the ceremony Thursday n lghl ati the

ncj. home of Mra. DeWajmn Moore, r In A candlelight ceremony waa con*

ducted by aororlty prealdent. Mra. ilth. J u r r Hagler.wen ' New-memWrg tre Mary Sorewnn. ac- Mrs. Kenneth MIracI* and Mra.

iked ,Btn,Eldrldg».____________________

-olTp <>00 w in Oub:t. Mm. Howard Ehresman welcomedr a t gueala a l Uie gueat day and ple

(oclal or Uie Good Will club Wed-able nesday afternoon at th* hom< ofSlUI Mr*. W. W. Wlrachlng.> to Mra. Alrln Whitehead, Grace,

:on- read th i club women'a command- m enta: aa.. glran—by—th a - i in s r a l

Her, federaUon prealdenL Mra. F. W.

b u r ChildrenJGELO PATRl

taed In relatloii to each othPt. T h t t way Hell they make aenae lo the atudent.

Remember learning the name* ef* Uis cltlea along the principal rall- lual rcutj, q{ the United SUtea7 Juat

rnrmorlalng lh* llata? Remember ’ learning the.nam ea of the Preal*

denl.i In order of thflr terma of of- f]ce7 Remember learning the chief

lom producU of the counlrlea of the '” *• world? T h t t wt* a dull and hen»y

u ak . I t did not Intere*i lu for it ji»d no meaning for ui,—JTodny thd f»cu of hli*ior>-. leog-

r. rtphy , civic* tn d economlca are I woven Into t meaningful aiory. The

' pijplla may not know ta m tny date*, i\a m n r" laolalcd facU. but they

, have a ^ ln te l l lg rn t knowledge of . tha baalc lac li ot lifi on-thla glob*.

‘ ‘ lA t Iriial tha t la whal tn* achool* are trying to teach.

W hen the chlldrfn reach home fg(j with letaona to atudy. complaining ( f . tbout them and asking for help, furi Plet*e don 't aay, "1 never heard of

auch a way lo tench anyUilng. Do f * U thU way. No? Then I'd aay that

teacher-doean 'i know-her-bualnaaa.Tor FDolt»hne«r:W a*t«n)taant.------------

First. It la nol Ihe teacher. Next, wouldn’t It be poi. lbl* tha t with all the changea of the day educa.

,i]g |tlon m ight change a bll loo? m :'- ^ ------------^•J,- I ;<>rlnr ''<lnn‘l'‘ Ihll an,! ".Ikk'I" lhal iIm

O X o f

I t c h i n g




& t V G G r — -_______________ ____i P h o n i - 3 9 0 6 -,D ON P A G E 9 •

f Officials


HenryW -L .w. o. -; Mrs.


’gupn: lal a«*arbor;tR u a-


, pub- 'illtam J A. L.

M rceivina '< ^ r; '. " .4

fenae; I 'nance, 1 • ■ - v>■y. V;' ■ ■ ' A


andMr. | i 8 K Q B f l H B i S H I I H f l l

' ' u n . M n . J . m iK . J r . k it .chtTd B cM eeaat; Mra. Ctaod* Gotdtn, tBar- an. rlghl. prealdeat. leok oTer the

^ i j New Club!' and I KTUBERLY. Oct. IC-A roundI. Jo e ' dtnc« club w rn-be.organlzed.af

Nell. 8;3tt p.m. Mflnday a l Uia K lm b tr-, ly Orange hall. ArrangemcnU will

alng-' be made to teach beglnnera thetrnno: basic round 'dance iteps tnd m-ng _ a4 gfneral-Terlfw will b eJie lflJjgg-SU f-1 U offllt U Uie inatructor.ontld I The public 1* Invited and thoaed hi* a ttending are asked to bring pie

! o r aandwlchea. Coffea will be! fumlahed.

■hip I The club will meet-(w lc«-»-rllow-i month.


S - '- M a r r ia g e ToldI pll- JEROlifE. Oct. Ift-M r. and Mra Iho*. Oall T . Han*en are titaklnR thel:

TOH?r5irirTirin*ifetrTUcnnH(rTor lowing Ihelr. recent marriage anc

itlon^ wMiding trip to Lnke Tahoe.“‘ “ 5 Mra. Hanaen la the former UNetr

Ilene Hull, daughter of Mr. ant M n. Claude R. Hull. Jerome, anc

-------3 in n im jr tl« .- io n rc t-U rrx n a -M «lenla. T^'urm an N. Hansen, Jerome.

The coupU waa ro irtltd Ocl. t at the home of the brlde'a parents

apter . ceremony..wai_pertormf<1_bj hon- R e v . j^ lU Tomberlln. paator oi d(s- Ihe Bible BapUat church.

>lcdae Mr. and Mra. Bill Mobley, Jerome ■-Ihe a ltendfd'Uie'coiiple; ----------I, --------------------------------------------------fon* NeUoti presented Mra, Whitehead Mra. wiUi a coraage.

M n . L. E, Hawkln*. program won. chairm an. Introduced a girls K ile t Mrs. Alice Wlrschlng, Barbara Parish,

------- A della-C ond le .. RoaelU -Mellon,Marilyn Ito lh and Sara Robertson, who aang two num ben, Mary Dee

omed Arrington presented two humerou/ t ple readings. Mra. Paul Anderaon led Wed- group singing.II of Mrs. John Roemer gave Uit

thought Xor the day. Roll ctll waj Ince, answered by membera and guesU rpoke w tU t^M y-W orlte-aetor-and-w hr* -a a d -Mra..,Jt. JT .. floper fiirnkhf^-U it and- w hlta e lephant received by Mrsniral John-Rodm an,------ ---- -----------------. w . QucaU were Mrs. Whitehead tnd

I Mr*.. Ll .M.. Merrlam. Orace; Mra OeUierlne W ambolt and Mra. Alice Siren, Country Woman's club: Mra H. K. Crow and-M ra.-Ed Tolbert, M anlor club; Mra. 'M. J. Lelbll and Mra. K enneth Po«. U S and s elub; Mr*. H arry Balach. Twentieth Cen-

wav club, and Mra. R. h. Shue and ,1. Mrs. W. 8 . Walker. Th* Rupert

Woman’a elub. Buhl Home Culture Mil Woman'* club were

alao represenud. — ..•J“*‘ I Mrs. Crow and Mra. K. H. Carr

served refreahmenin. real* ^ Halloween patty will be held at > of* Ih f next meeting on Oct. 37 al ihe cnier homa of Mra. Harry Wilton.

the * ♦ *envy DINNER HONORS WOMAN or It SHOSHONE. Oct, 1*-Mra. Zona

Jones entertained with a dinner par* ;eog- IT W ednesday, morn[n([ honoring

are Mr». Francis Orowe. who planned The to mov* to McCall Saturday, atea,

n n r 'iob«. ~ u ^ j _ | _ . TI ool* J [ j ' T ; , ,

lome -I ' ' I • ,

nelp. ' J i . — ,d of ■. Do that


uca. ^r:, ■ ■

' m m ri^ ! . .One o L th e g r c a ^ t .c o n tr lb u ^

I " I 'T a le tlu rin K iheAe day* clouded I I by u n c e r ta in ly la a cheerful, at- ■ ! trac tive . comfcn-Uble home. A ref- I j u s e w here w g can 'w ithd raw and I - ■ p f j p i i i r* ■rtmt* m entiire o f our I I te n se of well-belnR and security. I , A Kood dosa of color and orlgl-

n a lliy can w ork wonder.i alonR —. . . th la -IIdc—.a n d -p r o v e .a jnajtical

p icker-upper for every member of th e fam ily. T hose alM mportant Im rred ien ti of a cheerful room: alrlne.^s. xunshlne, color and com­fo rtab le furnlshlnjfs, have been dellffhtfully comblnetl In the room sketched above.-Yellow cot-

• ton-dama’sk drape ries s tand out Im portan tly aRalnst • soft blue

; .w allB ._BrlihL_U oral -chlnti_allp : eovcrn on lo v e seaLi have warm : rone backjfround. add a no te of ] Kaiety to th e room . RIchnes* of

— 1—roK*4>elRe-broadloom-rux-lt-em-

J . S u L c e J O n s



k « . Cslnmboa. 0 ,.B r t* ld e n l.o f .Ui*.aB]Un. W K om td e at o( Uta T v ta FaUa as) r the rrglatraUaa boek a l Ibe prealdent’--------1 |----- ---------------------------------------

jHome Economic 5“"4 Group Sponsors S Holiday A ctivil

Uie SHOSHONE, Ocl. 1 » -A Hajlc id m- jeen party wm* held by jnem ben M»S_ ;Uie wood River CeiiK r Home Ii

Inomlcs club Wednesdny a t the ho hoae 'of Mrs. Keith Jackson.[ pie I Roll call waa answered wllh f I be tune reading.

I The group decided to make M-*.: !scrapbook-for next y e a r w ith H

IThomna Curtla. Mr*..F^ed Kohl * I Mr*. Dean O uthrle a s commit

members In charge.

d The club will *erve lunch a t I Bradley firm tale Nov. i , l l wn* a ; Mrs, nounced, their Mr*, a u y W hlt^.. president, a

(TToU -polntcil-MnT-DDnald—anndyr-W ! and I^ean Barney and Mrs. F . C. Wei

worth lo prepare InformaUon loi iNetn naUonal magarlnc's aw ard progra

at^d Mrs. a . M, H tll was voted aa t and woman of the year. Mrs. Le*

__Slmonton waa tccecrted as a n‘ , member tn d Mr*. W . v . o a b t X I . *■** appointed elub reporter.

• The program waa directed by M Rail. Bhe read a story about H Jowten. Mrfl.,Clirlli.tDil,>lr*._Cl)

tor of Newberfy *nng a duet and Mrs. E Driesel gave reading*._ F lr« t prir.e_for_costumes was i

____ celved by Mr*. Corvm Silva wlMr*. Wentworth tak ing aeco

ehead place. Fortune* were told by M Curtis anrt Mr*. Berth* W hite,

igram Ouesl* were Mrs. BImonton, M Bllva, Mra. Miller and rir* ; De

arUh, Clark,ellon, , - « «

r™D™' Dance A rrangec8nOSHONE.Ocl. 18—CommltU

' ' were appointed to a rrange deU for the junior high and high achi

I w«« Halloween party dnnce here Oct, tuesU **’*” council m el li

I u ,', Alice Sorensen will nerve as cha ■ffian‘oniirpc& pam com nilllee wl

, . Uon* and Louie M allavla and Arl Swofford chairmen o t fooda.

»mV.' for the beat eostum ea tMr* ***

)lbert achool gymnasium.

Lady Elks M eet! and QOODrNQ. Oct. 16—Lady El upert played card.« a t the f irs t meeUng jlture the seaMn W edne^ay a t th e E were lodge,

Bridga prixes wenl t« Mrs, Cli Carr ence Wella and Mrs. D on Carr;

while -Mra. C. O. Lyon.i and M rs. C rid a t tin OrlffiUi received pinochle p r li .1 Ihe Lynn Oakley entertained the gro

vlth piano aelecUoru.1'he refreAhmeiit com m ltte« I

N eluded Mra, Elmer Meyer, Mra. B Zont Olauner, Mr.i, Milton JeAwn, M -par* Clint Oakley and Mrs. M arvin Bo} loring ¥ ¥ «irinrd rUn(~F«ll-Bulb* w U h-O leW s 0

Iputfh Bulb MeiL Globe Seed. A i

o i B j

arsa im it — ^

Mahogany cotnmodea lu b t t i I- lute for enil Uble*. p ro v id e i w r

SRC Qlches for c an a su a c ta , am ok " " a Ing accouterm enls. c a rd a a n t

fl<ime«rColonlalde*k]Fraclnrwin TO* dow area is also mahoK any- H«r« ;fW- 1.1 a room fundam en ta lly s im p le lofiR achieved, nol by a la rge ex pend l K .: “ " 'f ' •’y ‘f*' In te rp la y o f eol

iiocr or and th t araclou* irran g e m n M “ " I of fumlshlnffa.

Come In. let us te ll y o ti aboul ■ e ther decoraUng plana t h a l wJi: . u . add to the charm and c o m fo r t ol

your home.i; '

- Everyt-hing—I ,m| I For the H om e |

---------- I n t e f i o r D s t S r d t m ^

tw i6 S o n .^ 6 — Jrrnvi9 " ' ~

T W I N F A L L S . I D A H O

istration Book -

I'M i J ' I 'T ? * '

aaprtmi aseeinbly ef tha Social O rder < aaam b irN e . IH. aad U rt . C tu rM K r

e at’s aaDoal vtolU (BtaJf pbele-efUTarlaj

c I Meet Set, r C SHOSHONE. Oct. I J - T h e PT

meeUng hert_w lll b« he ld . i / i + \ / i j^eduled in *pite of ha rv e st ta ' ' > 7 I cation, officers said ihia wee: allow*; The, entire counly Is Invited 1 te n ofi t iu n d Uie meeting a t 8 p . r e .M onilij_il_lh9_Llnt;Q ln.»cho.■homeI auditorium.

I County candidatea for atal h for*; legislature will apeak' on PT

recommended legUlaUve acUonake a ________________________ —1 Mrs. ------ ---------------

miS; Lady Lions T ell a t the Of C h arte r Fetna an* JEROME, Oct. 16—P lans fo r-

annual charter n ight were dUcua I* »P’ at lh* njeetlng Thursday n igh t-M rt.- in t'jtfo ffle x ad y -u o iu r^ '----------Went- Th# club mel a l Uie Owl cafe

lor a dinner. Ronald Poat played pli >gram- amner music and two novelty sel w the u o „ .Lester charter night observance i I new Khedftled for Oct. 28 a t th e lO rabrlel hall.' A pSi lGek d in n e r 'w ^ 'a la

for 7 pjn. and memben of th e IJ< y Mra. eiub will be Invited lo a tu n d . A: • V»j* Qeorge DavU waa selected aa gene -Clyde iha lrm an iil.th t tyenl to be aasis I. Earl by M n. I t L. Robison and M rs. I

Barentsen. Mr*. Elmer Loomis i a* re- l»K?y

Charles Andrua la In charge of 1 .econd program.

Mr*. TheJfrome Llonn club will obaei charier night In November and i Lady. DonaJtlll provide.*-progri for Uie event.

Mra, Heber Prescott and Mrs. I McVey were appointed to Uie budi

p j committee.: The program Included color

iltteea alldea ahown by Mr. and Mrn. E. ]elalU Jensen of their recent trip to Euroi tchool ^ ^ Jf>ct, 30 Uassachuaetls grows 80 pe r cent t l u l Uii U, 8. cranberry crop.

R E ^ f m E ^ E W s 'w A N t A tS ^ I K -------------scora-Arlen J

% m M' t k \ v ^

C lar- - - - V ^ ' -arrico 1 1 ^ 'a. Or- I > T J Jprliej, I V v

i ; < OhBoyd, .. W r

......................- .

i ...- i ^


Mil- ” ^itor*

'S'S op p lo u sib U you

1.™ w l,,„ you opppor

fo k o 'S o i-s lo r-sp o n g lt

vour m oil fjs live

t^or ««loBn# •x tfao fd in o if* 2.Perfum# ,ew«l boaed 5.

= n E ns.m bI#_______ - - ^ ‘" '1 ■"*''»'^.ft-J^ih,.>noicW<i

O'ft boa rd :i ll,e »

| E a. . >

Miss Condit Wed SIS- JToJowa Residen

“ In ChurchrRiti^ jtAOERMAN. Oct. 1«—Ifl a c

dlellght ceremony Ott.TO, Iona i leea Condit. flan Pranclsco. Ci

■ daughter of Mr, and U n .J ,W ,C. dll. Hagermxn. b e ca m e^ e brld«T Adolph DeVries, son of U r, t ^ »

- , Warner DeVrlea. AlbU. Ia.. wiUi G ecty Glenn Johnson. Ban Pranel

V'-'M oHlclstinr-«l the-Reorganlted Iefiurcn in S * n m n e l* i» .-- - ; .;

Baakeu of whlU stock, guuj and chryasnthemums and caMi

| m bra of lighted Uper* formed

ThV bride wore a gown af wl H B n saUn with a sweelhetrt neck!

Jong, polnled »ltf»ea to d «, bwilt• f i— sk irt and train. Her three-<iua;

; Icnglh net veil edged la u e e w u t'/ - In place by t band of pearli. i•j - • J wore a double sUand ol pearliSZ:... gift of Uie bridegroom. H er boufl«■ . was white flowen*ef-lo»e cesite

wlUj an orchid,£ Her maid of honor was her t

' . ' sister, Leona Condit, and her britl *• maid WM another *l*ter. Mn.

Helterbran, San Pranclsco, Calif • nlecrrQlorla-Haltarbraa, was.llo

*‘u r r y Nelson. San LuU Ofali W ,A Calif., served u best man and Bt * , - f don Condit. MarysTlUe, a brtlhei K a* . Uie bride, aerred as tttrnilanL-Ur t „ » e n w re CTajlon ConiSlt, Ban Brti

and Joe Helterbran.Puarase Msgnlil accompanied

ityda lUIey, Lo* Angeles, Calif- ’ soloist. Helen WUshlre, MlUbi calif- pUyed Uie weddln* inircl

f The bride's moUier waa attired ‘ “ gnsTTbluefaUlemltwlUideepw ■ and navy-blue acceasorle*. S h i w

lan orchid coruge.° to I The reception followed a t the he'- ”>• of Mr. tn d Mr*. Helterbran. & :hool Bheldon Condll waa In charse ot

guest book and Mri, Clayton Cor aUte jn d Mra, Henry Howird. Falrfl PTA arranged the gift Uble. M n . J< Ion. Donahue. S anu Ynex, and Mr*.

I Camer presided a t the punch b---------BndMx»rJDhn:TOTmitnd.tcffiulrI (he bride, cul and sen ed the w ' ding caiie,^ ^ Por traveling Uie bride ch o « a t6 T 6 wool suit with shaded blue accesa Dr-the lea_Her_corMge was Uie white cussed chid from her bouquet. T h e cOU eht of left.on.a.U irte weeks trip to Al ‘! lL £ i to-rtirtM h»-i>««m i ot th a -b ri

fnr groom, , •’niano The new Mr*. DeVrle* waa r

uaied from Hagerman high schoo IMO and attended one year atse rln iU lu te.P orU iepastelih iye

KV>r t***" employed O - : iT ^ - -------------T i i t . The bridegroom w u gradua

Iiom the Aiwa high K hw l Sn \ • ; and h u aerved in the na ry for

*• celred his dlKnnrge ta d wlU eii J will gjhOOl.l.Mr*. -P r io r to her weddlnrMr*. DeVi

the vas honored a l a wedding ahoi given by the women of the Reorgi

baervi LDS church In San FraneU Id Uie out'of-tow n guests Included j ssram a n d -M a ..J . W.-Condlt..Mr».-Jc

Townsend, all Hagerman; Mrs. Hi s. Lee ry Howard. Fairfield; Mr. and K lUdget Clayton Condit,* Ban B n in o ;'Ia

Nelson, 8an Luis Obispo; Mr. a stored M n. Sheldon Condit and fam E. L. Maryavllie; Lyda Raley. Lot /

urope. teles; Helen Wilshlre. Mlllbrae; 1 and Mn. John Donahue aod daui

en l of len . SanU Ynet; Mr. and Mrs. 1 Carney and family, Springfield, 0

____ unci Mri..Ine*_Ollltsple._ModejADS. Calif.. .............

in A c t I V .

g l e d ^ r Q g r a t> c e ’

' c f a s h io n s

> _ _______

id Engaged;n t. J i — —

a can-

^Con*ride of • ' B lu lM n . •‘ / ■ h S S r - W ^iiB ev . B K i inelsco. -------^ H |

iiadioumdela- - •#d Um T- ^

" i h l i i r

w i t ia t C. ' ■ luarter | * ^ • _________

r twin EVELTK JEAN KIBTLANO ...w bew aafa*«xD «B ttoD oa.

tii r A U B ^ Bt»wb U aaaonneed by I:* n L .^

ton «r Mr. » b4 M n! Glea Sroa | T O : AUaata. Ne da le h u been aeu i l ? of U»e w d d la g . (8U ff eagnvlPH

O fficers InstalleCA6TLEPORD, Ocu l*-^3f/li

Q randm oU ien club were staUed .Tuesday a l Uie home Mrs. Hoy Haley, *r.. wiui > CUu(3B.Abshlra.aMl*tmj.. —

? Officers a re Mr*. Prank gam* prealdent; U ra. R. L. Conrad, i .h n m . prealdent. and M r i Howart Dart

aeo reury-trcfaurerH oward Darrow and I

” *"«>■ t«ld'O f their' trip Pocatello w here Uiey heard » Eleonar.Roosevalt-Ulk. A dlKUu on poaUire waa led by Mra, flam

h nieeUng will be Noiit_Uit-.WUtalt..Qul»l*y-hoiDa-» -Mri. U arU n M iller aasUUng. '

* fopfo for dIscuasJon will bi -rela lab lue ,

W OEK DONE c6uple U N m r, O ct. 18-Q ullt and * I Albla broidery work w*s done.by. I .brlda. BeUeJLM£lClyj3l£m<»aLftUtiej[

m eellnr Tueaday •Ilem oon In Un grad* M n. M ary Punk, M n. Ann Oen

hool In and Mra. T helm a Johhson lerved t Wei- freshmfnU.i y e a n ----------------------------------------------r Oen* ,__________

d iia ian V839 ■>lor the • ’n and Li['** t f i ' l wi enter

teV rlea-------------=--------------------- — —ihower organ- nclseo. d Mr.. . J o h n _____________i . , __________ _.Hen* d M n.I^rry

r. and'amity. The look o f tweed- in ricfi I An*e; Mr. Perit-PWM (-nxoec tnd « «

In'po«*nt- p o in a of intete« . IjjOrt. die d iigooal pockea, the butto

... t ~ma~ngIerBIicltrK avy Of B r o i ^

" B o t i i ' in n s e s

-U W lo 32W ■ ,

t o l . intiigui

i l :


IW' ElSS^o^S^

■ ■ilf* Jamn' n-S?"*

'. - EUsaofth

I ' e d S S gCf/lcen Sharonvere in- Claudia B a id ^ .! ’

il M„. L t n , U , L ; „ r a

ad. rice Carol P a r k i i i ,^ ' Dartow, -Mr*. Kenntil, f i„

ifM,’; Pioneers]K M on PA n. M u '

Mn. Btella CcaUawWith Trelber. t a •nd Mra. A. rc b

nd 'fm- andUra.hiatiar>r lo a - u r . . v . K S

nlamrn.jtu i i-w n

rYed te. lOl VtHrtkt' bn Bultii. Glob. Sni I

■ H H


A'-|fimJ/ ,a3»riguin;: tctof ti

.1 wnwrfJeia«^*^M .

^(aceuie^ tr«v>W


I ' '

l i —

Page 17: )ark aign; Talks - Twin Falls Public Librarynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...-hid-comg~lntn~Taing pf n^r. i*~*^ =To7^flce.-that-he-is - - ~ 'Clone cellar

ajslational 6c

Tvia 7 ^ i^SLaaSatJ v o n io r » T ^ u t f a a *

• M ' S j T i A U n,

m t o n ' tndj O ^ T M i I ’aUi- >*r*jM IB fltn Tnn*■M J^I^jai s t r r a Insr«ixi H■ t f ^ w p K U ot r

* J^Z Z l$ iioa iMdcr* ! ^ ^ i ! ^ . b i u l i i M

^ * ^ « lu c * U o n . ^ 8

‘ J V n r - l im e record • Z U Z t a t *nd prer- (8Lof local YWOA _ _ _

TOO_ref- r - - ™

! L s u be«“ ^ 5 0 L So u dlrtrtor In iUn- ahoshO N : ^ 4l» w u M30CUU meet a t 8 p 'is, HffteJ- Calif- club church.„ l* fieleettona»aw p-M ---------i l o l TWCA KjKrttnce SHOBHON: [ydncto r lii Bay Cltjr, LDS church « a m n, Muiiejon for d»jr bK itue c

IS^SSSS; •''“1n lanlrtfMry ot the *® “ “

- 8H08H0N1 * * *__________ jK JiM tea.toj

C h o i r m o n S r . * * ^ l h i

f l k s f o r O E S “ “ ^ ,DI). Oct. 1«-M ri. Beu- -n L E B ~ T h r -►■i"«in af the Z itarl P»v«ne«t eli ',S S S r ip c .k e r« t th e ‘ < ^ « n i X aithlleld a u ie m °w rs e n . jol « -n m lm -l2i-the -M .- - ^ o a „ o j ^

mt 8T»to«v ■worthy ®/ j!

CUreoce Ltmmon uidRidaMrt u member* of P-“ - ^u w lay i

iiS i'S iS T 'scsrs

M im nu« »m u h a a c i^ iS t '^ S S S li Un.- J>mlmor«.-Mri. tneet» t3 p;m. BtSrt Uld Ur», Clifford of Mr*. E . E.

el th t pngram. r o t l

dl Planned-X K Suil,O etlJ-hli*.M «ur- »>« hom» oKa. Otnld MuUn andludy ttet Wednesday Thunday-etm

KTAJ^flS h a o e r m ; ;W, member*

f t J k j thipier No. 18, prder'O f E art M e n Bttr. for the P-^- Saturda Mfiftiid t u i Matroni »°nl6 temple.^

& ' « ' « '___ __ J t t t W t t l t j iE ~ T , ___ , MtUiodtot chuiK $ E D l 'O f P S ' Wedneaday a t t M C W I U l C b nethMoVey. 1 K t l» - M r . and M n. iu ]j»hE lliott* g itrbcportd on t heir *r . umiTtmry~wni) • “ H O ID S tz r ■ i n c n a br metnbert HomemiJiert cl ft.W idcudty erenlni Wednuday .w ■ m e . ' Stroud, three-f 5 ;-CUttti irere Mrs. of Jordan’* *eh ■W: Buxleyind Mark * '?W»tr.____________ BHOSHONE

IrMartin BlUf: g o t t e r n ^ u c o - h o . i « ^

The Cbunto meet a t 3;]0 p.

^ ■ cr. m Mra. o . E. Mebe pioneer hisl

^ KING H tt tr*lon*ry loclety

i t - 2 / / __________Wednf.vliy a t\ y 7 H, McKee. Den

A I D, r , Ahalt. Mlt) I and Mr*. Beui

1 charge of refra

a P l« V Oamp MaryW \ \ Pioneer*,

C. O \ \ A nIverMry Iimchp 1 n \ a t the home oOTwi, U \ Walnut atreet. ]

r l ^ \ brlnsacoTer«<lV 9 ^ “ r>MiheV ’ I W TILnv^ThB'.

f c = » — ¥ — r r i — *HWneet-t fe-t- I ‘ a l - l a -h a rr e i r f B l l

< a i 5 ’ " L n Mr*. J. A. Hos 1 Jn ‘ Mr,*ndMr».W

? < ? \ en ’attend inr »jL ^ l J _ blB K rrlcc.:..--

— f * • }'■ ■ J T hebejlnnen^ round danolni,

“ ^ ' ^ y i 8 9 will m e e t:

' I I- I AddUon /V */•' / ir \ »t P-m. w~ T i T r i iE v i s i

■ V tR S V

y™'”;''"-" w iffi1: MUita , 1, y- -i'.i

. y^ritcnn>r<^| • — MtrMa:fcinkT»-(m.JiI-

(^^.rrAitp.. - i * — - • * '


C orrela tor Memb

' C ird u of Chrlttian 8« luncheon* a ben* homu.

Circle Beymer, Ha l<ntheoa u ToUoni u idJ »eaied.th«-p, - a coTtred

' D7 circle Ko. E-ECrabCtc

*‘"^<1 devoi - . Part* ja»e t

M n .T . M. for Nl home of Mr detsert iuoOi Uie procnm

Circle lunch a t Ull Schmidt WlU a liU nrM n . the profram. welcomed a*

Mn. circleBihei-eprtnt

SU Z A B E in PA Y N l I*ranJ: I (8 l*ff eufrtT ln t) »fam. Mr*. i

, _______________ on her vblt i

CaTeri’dor S i ;------------------ ------------------- 1 of Mr*. CliffJO N E -T he LDS MIA wUl J w r t lunch 8 p ja . W ettncjday a t the “ « te « a*il*t

' by Mr*. I, T.. # — * ■ -------------- -- Olrde No;-.

10N & -T he Prim ary of the m t r i xh will no t be held Wedne«> *on tuU tin ;. tue of potato h a r r u t . ' *ented derol

If. ♦ -------- -------- Procto r-rnm lk club will m eet a t 11 a.m. M n. B. U. a y - 'a t- th e -h e m e of M n. (rram for cU nkJn*. Memtwr* are w ked Mr*, j . ki.a tndw lcbts .--------- — • Boyd and M

¥ * ¥ nei a t the hilO N E -M n. E arl Elam vlll where It met i.to Jh e W am an'a£odety.of Ur»,—KUUcr Serrlce a t 8 p jn . W ednu* M n ElUe Me

^ h ll l ip PoweU win be co- '

-T h e Syrlnga Home Im - OAO t club will .m eet Tuesday I , a t thfl home 'o f lir* . ,, , ,

-■-r y ' . '- -O N E-L lncoln chap ter No. of E « t« m e t* r , WlU hold ^ al hom e-fund card party „ . , , _ a builnM t m eeU nj a t 7:10 I“‘V‘*u» h tc« bethel UD wUl !30-p-jn r w t d n e M t r i r t a gemple for InltlaUon. Offi-

n ‘. n n will proTlde nz is rc ir iu i i i re r tn b u n o ru t ■ = = = «cen*lon, Eptscopal, will Melrln Steket p;m. T h u r» l* rB t th# home r u m m iie -a li I E . O strander, Kimberly mwnben.aro i

» • • The PalU AM AN~Tlie Thur*day ere- a t 3 p jn . Tue je -«lub-w heduled-td-m eel Mr*.- Perey O ne of Mra. Jame* N. Elll* fn ilt for the t . postponed untU next packed aad all erenlng, • - - brlfli'frull.'* * m M AN~The South Central ATrf^nwovne a*t M atxon'. club of the Barttm 6 t* t wlll-meot a t urdfly, Oc.t, 33, a t the M a- J tS ^ h ’’®'„ _ _ ’ wUl pre»ent t iti.

»I11 mi»i»t ■» B p m. _ , - ^ -r a t th e home of Mr*. Ken- sy, 16B •mylor atreet. M n . ®i ‘. t l . m t h c p r ^ ^

TZ R=T he salm on T ract i r a c lu b w lU m e c ta tJp jf l. “**“/ .w i th M n . W a r r e n »"“ » «0«1 ree-fourth* of a mile we«l ,- *I aehrlce »t«tlon In Filer. Mr*. Robert ~ ' rell, mlAilonariiNE — T he North 8ho- Oonjo, Afric*, ie Im prorem ent club will work a t the i pjn . T hunday for a H al- ttven'a Mlulcn rty a t tho home of Mr*. United MliI»on er with Mr*. r>ean CUrk Tueaday a t Uio ss . ■■ ■ arenue e u L '

m tiy Woman’* .c lub will OOODINQ- 10 p. m . Wedneaday w ith prorement'c lut . McClain. Roll call will W ednttday a t hlshllghU. M emben are carEdholm .lU

)rlnB fru i t fo r the chit- in ;. Roll call * ■e, - a fru it o f r e «

¥ M ¥ _ member'* l u t IU tr ^ T h e Women'* Mil* will be hotlttb :Iety will meet a t 3 p jn . Parkln*on and ' a t th e home of I i ^ . J , ca-hoiteue*,- DeroUon* will be 'by Mr*. ' —t. Mra. M artin Woodward Beule Woodward a re in• e f r e s h m e n t * , . __________

---------------------[ary Lol*, Daughters «flen, will meet for an an - V 3 1iqcheo'n a t 1 p jn . Monday ■ § I B *e 00 Mr*, a L. Sm ith, 887eet. Member* are aaked tom d dlAh. A birthday cake , . « | | i | j j i a |lUhed.. ¥ : ¥ ¥rha.HlllAlde HeJperi club

■fBUral-nuncheon' w i th '-----1 ' | ~ | ' |Howell a t the home of I I I l

*. W .R . Leiiela. All worn- ^ J _ | I IK are aaked to b rln t U - ■ I

m e n clas*. In tquare and M 1 ^ clni, *pon»ored by t h e _________

leet a t 8:30.p,m. Monday f»,M l..M ,eM plea w ant. ■ „

u n Avenue club will m eet r t s ] 1. Wedneeday with M n .



^ - A -------------

U/t UAMt A . .

H»'«Mpinr ■ '' ■' ' jfira/ow I

.................." " 5 5 !Ill* <III>|.)........... ].H -

, : ---------U D I K CIM lW «k,0(f.»Kll'll-------------------------------

l O S STO RE S t / a i O m jAIN-AVE.-WEST — -fi*Q G reaa Stampg '* V ------------

_________________________________ ™m b e r s S e r v e

' S G S ^ L u n c h e s -

In T h e i r H o m e s ' -■■■■« o f ihe-Woman’* ^ l e t y of - ^ -.- ri.---. an SerrJee met Thuraday fe r :, . on* and meeUnti a t mem* lomet. ! ^ rS -z .'U :e No. 1 met With M n. c . E. i f t t r. Hatertnan. for a. poUuck t o a U n . p . C, Orare* Jed de- a a d i ln . V. E Couberly pre-

•tha-program,---------- -------------rtred dim luncheon'wa* beld le Ko, 3 a t the home of M n. rabttee with M n. Ullle Men- liUtij.'U™. KilpH PAlty pre.; Xdevotlona. and M n..A ucu*t

:*re the program.T. M. Knight gave deroUoA*Je No. 3 which m et a t the ]f Mn. P. R. Darting for a lunch. M n. 0 . E. Jelllfon ted >cr«m.» No. 8 enjoyed a deisert I t Uie home,of Mr*. Edgar ;t wllh M n. C.'A. Be**lre a*- v ; ; , - i - i u B M n. P. A. CarUon fumUhed V- j i B gram. Mn.''Mabet Young w u ‘ 7 ^ ed a i a new member. ’0 . * . McClain waa hoateu to w h a e k k lt j fo. 8 for d e w r t lunch. M h, ________ ^

-ank Thietlen gars the pro- N J u i Mn. C. M. Piiher reported . vtttto r J J i l t to_lh_e fo w h ^ b l y p . ^ S i ^

T. C. T m , l h . p „ - K ‘S . m L " K clrcJe No. 7 a t the home m S t i

Clifford Eran* who aerred jS iS PeU r lunch with M n. O. A, Me- of Filer hlah a*il*tlng. Derotlon* were led m u lua ted fn1. T. Creed, liS 3________No.'8 met with M n .'M al- T he weddlr

ihtr with M n. Earl Oood- Nor. 31. iitlng, M n. J. p. H unt pre- derotlon* and Mr». J . w . / - \ r r >•rnmUh-erthe p r o g ^ i :------t / T T l C e iD. M. KUtter gare the pro- „ ^ or circle • No; #-a*ljt<d by B v C

nd“ - M S " S t r M c ^ ‘n ^ . | i '^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^h e heme of M n. Jim enon t met for a de**ert lunch.Utlcr a*d*tedM n'ierT lng. " ' ' “ .“ t Z - le Morrt* Jrd derotlon,." - ■ - 1 O fflcen ari

\ 0 D a n c e S e t ? S 1 S ISI aecretnry. in

Int fall OAO-dlnn«r donee h.eld W d iy a t the T urf club. to '.8' pan; -witi 'n e n -g o e iu

h dancing beginning a t 8:30 w g r ^ » , /

Itte* chalnnen are Mr. andt Barlow and th i eommittee '•i^Mr. and M n. John Breck- «Or. aod-Jlr*. Prank-M o- M

r_awt-lifn,--Hu»h-PWllIp*.- * y » - n ^ c a - c jM n. Ralph Bacon and Mr. *'* ' . Olen Jenkln*, Jr.Baatlan and hU o r e h « t» . '

------------------------- I n d i o - Liteketl. Final p lani for the C r^w - I»-al»-w U I-B#-m idfc—A ll -------P U l — 'are urged to attend. ■WENDELL.

« « « Caldwell, dialtlU Arenue club will meet * "0.I. Tue*day « t tbe home of day off ■ cy -O rw jw T T he-iam ro r th i children’* home wUl be OJu-Utian Qd all memben are aiked to *» “ >e Metho< j i ; The projec t

^ « fering will b<r o » I-M M (m A li (or lh . pUit church WlU meet a t iS L ^ i lu n d a y a tth eh o m e o fM n . icLeod. M n. Luella Kln*ey ent th# profram enUUed M „ u n « «.n c i y * t ^ n f ^ . » . , “*5SSaT5 l ' '6 r a e f i ^ ‘5rth»“ R ^ I the hom e of * of America will meet a t ^nd world eon , Monday a t the home of Preebytcrian-I

bring their crochet hook* M rt. Olen od ^ t t e n ^ u U dc«lred. 41

sbtft Grlng and Irene Per- Exen lonarle* from th t Belgian SHOSHONE frlc*, will tell about their ercUea a t the the meeUng ot the Wo- Wedne«day nl( llulcM ry Ksclely of th t th e Bee H ire 1 :iiI*on*ry church a t 3 p. m. O en Id Lynn, kt the piraonage, 33« Third the <Oth birthu t, ■............. ....................... T he b lrthda;

¥ ¥ ¥ M n. Velma AIIO —The Appleton Im- Speaklnv were t'club will meet a t 3 pjn . oUiy S chuppa ly a t the home of M n. Oe- ErlaUne Boreiu m .lH Oregon atreet. Good- ol K night. Ma call will be aniwered with tece Yacakey 1 rregetable beglnnlng wlth - Alice Soren*. l u t InlUal, M n. Mae Dyer Oaea Carothet

lottttU with M n. Dorothy ■ ¥I and Mra: Either Toler u Im ported Uo ■ea.- _______ llftctt^n. G tob t

O n e . T a f i l e o f ~

K D i E r D R i) T T 0 N S ^ n d

R e g u l a r P r i c e t o 9 .

[“ - 2O n t G roup e f

I K C O rrO N -S K H tT 5 ;^ a l» « » f o 3 .9 1

: P H I

J U ’ I V ; P R E I

T I M E S - N E W S , T W I N F A L

. Girls tO-E xch' i'i

QLENDA PeXERSON D(lelt photo-*U t( aagratlftg) (I

* » *■.■■* — :--------- ------- »

Nuptials Set DonnX. Oct. 18-M r. and Mr*. C. - p - 'aon ,JU er, announee the en* -------f 'O 'It of Uielr daughter. Olenda. h AOESU la* P . Newbry, Jr., *on of Mr. m S a h ln *I, ,T. P . NewbtT. Twin Pall*. Le*th*m I Petenon U a 19M graduate thigh »chool and Newbry waa jo h n d ! J i :d from Buhl high »chool la inrt , t« «w

eddlng date h u been *tl for„ „ „ T h e wedi^ ♦ Uj* Beorgi

cers Named “'iS S 'Church Guild “S S “iY. Oct. IS-D U tlnj the Ilrat ?«V* “ ‘f ’ Ung of Uie Carey Commu- T e j ^ irch guild held Wedneaday n - .,n e w -iU tft .o L n ff lc e t»;ted. Mr*. Everett Twombly "»*■ ^ « a .■a are M n. Harrey SmIUf, f, Mra. GKbett Crou. -rice t: M n . Everett Twombly.

•for tiolding a “harreat din- ®

^Qfri,image' tale to be held In T .a lao w u planned. M n. V ^ C ’ .w u appointed general W ENDEI 1, Mrs. Eunlee..BUllng»ley h o n o m g ^

u ie to be held In conjunc- S ^ t t ^ N e I th e Tummage **le. e ren lng a t 1

* * Mr. a n d M

D-ls-Etogram-Sa?^ ir-Observarice JlSS SELL. Oct. 18-M n. Hugh sa re th e In

district aecretary of aplr- given by h announced proJecU for Uie and Mr*. W

/ offering Oct. 2S a t Uie tang , accon of-the-W oman^-flodety-of w nrT Jiekg i . Serrlce Thursday evening by Mr*. L. ] ethodlat church. .o ject 1* India and Uie of- w „ % J ? ai be uaed to aailjt wlUi

literature, technical *up- ses and school*. S l ‘ ^ 3 * * 5 ?red E aton aod Mn. J . D. esented Uii devotions and

(S scheduled ar# Uie har- ^ ^•» l.-O ct.-a8 ; an-**seuUr# B»wk*...X>oi * U n t-* t 3 -p jn .^P riday^ l K o in u a -Ja e » of M n . Hugh Caldwell, PoUowlng 1 community. Nor. 8 a t Uie WlUard gan U n-B aptl*t chureh. T O ut-of-tm r t Innrheon wi* Hrrod-by Mrs. O . W. . Brown. M n. Jame* Eaton Calif., and O len Parooa*. Mias P e te n

¥ ¥ ¥ all C uU efor

lercises Led BEAD TDiQONE, Oct. ls>-Op«nlng ex- . u m i i ju ~ : Uie LOS MIA meeUng /?5 teB d iL 2 y n igh t were presented by tfOilre cUss directed by M n. & | - ......rnn . The group celebratedbirthday. «nnlrer»ary.,_. ^ ......... .......thday song w u sung wIUi -'d i a Allen u accompanliL were PaUicU Shortt, Dor- M jppenlea, Norma Burge**, v i O Tensen,Ca«\ Karon, Car- 4 .. M artha Munster, Char- key and.Loma Lanen. n rn sen w u chorister indoUiers led Uie Uieme, - M ----------

. ¥ ¥ ¥ r Id Holland BnlH. Good i«- to b t^ w d .fc J te d . Aflv. ifii .

WHii. Limited Quantities H

i f = | =


> 0 0 1 ^

i*.' , O n t* m

..... H

P H O N E 2 8 6 0 — j J _ A l S

l E E P A R K I N G

^ L L S . I D A H O

:hange Wedding Vo\

DONNA LEATIUM HA R<Statt«agnvliigt (1

• » • ¥ ■»_______________

ina Leotham Trol0 Wed Jackson h S SERMAN, Oct. le -T h e ap- H?* ng marriage of Donna Lou Marianne, n . Indianapolis, Ind.. to John ^t. Jr.. son of Mr. and Mn. “ Im Jfo '. Jackson, or.. Beech Orore, of Bl .anno«nced -b r hn'T>*Mola. P” «nU y c1-Mra. Earl UaUiom, Lower company.-1 power plant. from Alblot

redding la set for Nor, 2S a t two M ganl«d LOS church with 1* omployed •.-D. H . Gold offldaUng. P^W . Leatham w u gnduated from A OecemI * n Jilgh.achool In 1S83 and ------d Idaho State coUegfl one i _ i M ... w w u itad uate i.innn .O ta . M Q l l O dm lcal college. K anau City, Jia lrlina tram ing .S heU em - D i r f i wlUi me. D tll* .0 and .a-a lr . _ . Indianapolis a t Uie p rse n t WENDEI

party dlPt-m attended schoola In Oeor- Richard W U I and Indiana. H e waa m ittee. va i ed from Beech Orore high Ine^a club Por th e p u t 10 yean he h u th e Preiby iployed wlUi the O elu C and CottumeM. ................M r* .'R lch i____ • * * m ost ortgln

Tied“Couple. r» . Popcorn. 1aets Reception *»j-,

5E U „ Oct. 18-A reception ^ jj K M r.-and Mn . Roea Bhep- “ n r ^ i r rhu were'jiiiirrted-8Bi>tr-38 an 'd ‘U n “ I t N ev , w u held Wednesday

a tU jiM S w a r th c u o e w lth entertalnm . I Mr*. W. L. Kaufman .and ed a ihort 1 M n . Earl Sheppeard u

WlHanJ w u master of cere- R p v /ind‘BUh'op“Evan’M ,'W ilIard------1 Invocation. A reading w u r M n . WlUlam Pratt. Mr.:. W ayne Skeem, CaiUeford, "Heaven Jn eompanled by SaUy John- H u m ^ w3 rg n n m d -n ra ilirm -p n iy «L. N . Dylngton.eddlng cake w u served by . f ,. U Kamlltoa and n a lliu Domia Car«ll. Eu- corS^itSo c :arble and Evelyn ?eW n«n

a t Uia punch bowl. M n. "lam llton w u In charge of **— :t book and gifts were ar- fy T n w a w rt jy PatiUn# Kaufman, Bette J * ' ■" ' Donnjk Chandler M ". JJaokM n.-------------- r — — • J e i '7tng « a evening of dancing, 1 _ • rave th e closing prayer. | ’ *®?“, -tow n guests werv Mr. and f W. WooUey, Loi Angeles,

nd M r. and M n. Skeem, . 'T L om tcrsea and John Snsunaa, *Ar»ni< (ford. - 1, ^ J


A b S e e n I n C h a r m M a g e




Fall Major— The h

*npn» o t olf—th i te s t eompiny t« kw i T e iX on ’t ssperfliu eotKrn bread^ioth. n . conrertlbte eelUr, panel front. Oral e, block. Sites }» le J$.


D w s MorRICH?

r . . wer

' Arthur P WUmoUi. moth, a

^ C r ; Oeorge :a t his he■ Mr- ^Jerome...

T he bi dreaa wl

; r * W » t r v " irTfllTao S ^ H f e v I ' j S V ' v She carr S B ! r S P ^ ' i ? r - ' '• • and feai

wh‘t* B ; ? m atron 0

i | ^ B | | ^ y 2j a A B i r ; i ' . t MoUiei aftemoot aagea.

The CO T hom u WUmoUi urueklng young p school*.

ARIANNB MOULTRIE nnun Bee-----------------------

oth Revealed CARE!

Mouitrte, Burley, announce f* I? ‘ .Th *gement ol the ir daughtw . LD 8 ML le. to D ali Asher, son of Mr. 0 « y LE I. Preston Asher, Albion. T h e Ui M'oultrle w u a 19SS g r id - (eraon a Burley high school a n d Is K onaa-P

y employed by M. R, K ing Those r. Her funce was ir a d iu te d gram wet Dion high school In IMO a n a m x » d « I wo yean wlUi t t i anny. He DJlworUi, yed by Craner Produeo com* DUworth,

B tnson aember wedding Is planned. During

♦ * • - .................m e n u w<

loweenEvent rected bv Club . £JZLL, Oct. 18-A KiUowecn S Urected by Mr. and Mrik M

WUllams, fellowahlp e « p - • v a i featured by th* M ai- ub Wednesday eren lnc e t ib y te r^ -B ap U s t ehuicb. ne prizes went to_M r._uid ichard Hagennim im the glnal costume; Mr. end M rt. sie r^ro im iM (~ w «um iriB a i» U ' worst lo6Uni maalt. n . dder and dougbnnU were >y Mr. and Mra. WUUami,K ra. Wal(«r Hesry and U r.. Jim Bennett. id~Hrsraeha'~76hhac^'1>ErT r n ^ r B i m a n d ' U r . ' i n i l x i woodroft planned the iment. Hagerman eooduct- . irt meeUng.-* -■» »----------- ■3view Given----- ■INO, Oct. 18-M rs. Tom AI- n ie r, renewed Uii book,Jn My Hand," by Alice Lee

les a t Uli meeUng of tbe 5lub-Tue#day-ftft«moon-»t —«ls rooms.H arriet Sterens w u tnf tha program.itto Schlld w u refreshm ent»e chainnan and Mrs. Eltonand Mrs. Myron H arbaugb ^rco-hostoaeea... -' .

ixWEITSHOP~>0E<80N tlO T Itri^k*T r —' PH O N E. 2 4 0

)rrzM AT Tintt*inl«ai»U.k *Cet»- r » *, W ^ ! .( 9«rTU« *Cm t P A R*Cklu ★Ku4kwth!<f( I

g a z t n e ^

SMiddy 1 "!■

' “iooft-

_______ i^ . l n i

: ■ - 'irT ixti

______________ _________ MtkOrtw p. la the m iaay _ ' , .0. T h ree -qn rta r range, ih r* . iw -


iry I. Warner . Se Beeomes^ride

:HPIELD. O ct.:.l» -M arrl*ge - were exchanged by IJ a ry Ine* er. daughter of M r.'and Mra. • ' I H ir P. Warner, and Derrel Oene :. J H oUi. a«n of M n. BerthA WU-

iU Richfield, T u e s d k y .;e Boucher rend Uie scrrlee I home In Elko, Ner.

and M n .-B o y d -w ttm o th ;ie ...vna.itl« fldan ts,..............-! bride chose a blue chlffM _E U h_n_w hlte_ .jM ket-»nd socssones for Uie ceremony. -•'•■Vi 1

Arrirt a bouquet ot red rote* 51*1 feaUiered eimaUon* wlUi a . \ v - ~

Bible Uorroaed from her in of honor. :•• 1ihen of the couple wore blue ' I - loon dresKs with gardenia cor-

couple U llnog a t Uie Qlen lu ranch In weit Richfield. oUi-U employed by Uie Stubbe Ing firm. Richfield. BoUi

people attended Richfield

3 Hive Class NotenOTeHfi

!IEY. Oct. 18—A program not- of Bee Hire acUvlty.wM

Thuraday erenlng during Uie MIA aastmWy meeUng of the LDS ward. H?®?

I Uiema w u led by Carol Pat-

«e iw udpa tlng In Uie pro- o c t w « June Taylor. PhltUs Judy.^ V*“* Marie K ^rth, Mary Ann Price, DarU r e f r ^ m rth,, Clara DllworUi. U uralle n H T a n and Barbara Barton. Uielr t e S Ing th i c lu i period refresh- wui not I 1 w served to Uie Be« HIM Uie wee'k I by Mrs. Roy Payne. .. . announce.


P ta r

A l l N o b l e s a n d I ^ a d i e i

Y-DELL BALLI-------Follow sh lp -flt-7 -;0 0 '— - B a n q i

TICK ETS A V A IL A B L E A T SC<(T w iartik)


-----/ 1 / ''I r i l r ' j - w n P C T ^

/ A f i p ' ( r

) / j /

. ; 5-»» 3»»“ For Smort W ear T o g ilh e r 'o r 'i

Ih l woy Ihl)' look and f is l, you con

Sw N tin ori invoriobly o l u c ij

In tfylt, lixtiifi, fit ond wofkmomhlp.^.^

M lrafln(^cujU D O % pufi-wool i i p ^

k[in t„ iiri itiJ .lc fg8-vori8ty -o M M A ^t^

P A G E T H IK T m | |

S e r v i c e . U r i j t ' ^ M

ts. peaasL a wtluotb(SUff engrarlilg) - -

Party SetNOELl>, Oct. 18-Ptans for 1 veen party wera made s t tl* as 0! O lrl ScoQV Bunflowe No. 1 Tuesday, afterooon a

ome of Uie leader^ U n . X D . Ilene Coleman, u ils tanv-WM present;------------ •

costume party wilt b«‘he»8 a t Uie horns ofTuUi Oates gementa wUt be made by tb patroU. One for deconUng

hments and games.’ ^ cout memben worked a tenderfoot requlreoents. Ther o t be a Scout.m ieunf.dudn e e t of harvest VMiUofl, It wa need.__________________

E R S— N O T E :^ .

5 fh A n n u al - -

' 'a a a “ ”v a l l e y ~ ■

SHRINEZ 3 ^ P A R P ^ = will Ba Hild O n

— ------OCT. 23

’lar* N ow T o A tte rid

'W E A R 'Y D T JI l 'F e Z " ' '

l i e s I n v i t e d H h

LROOM I Iin q u B t~ ia r8 ;Q Q~~' B H

SC O T T 'S C A Ffi. . ; I

J B L E Y . A T S i O O . H


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Page 18: )ark aign; Talks - Twin Falls Public Librarynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...-hid-comg~lntn~Taing pf n^r. i*~*^ =To7^flce.-that-he-is - - ~ 'Clone cellar

TWIN F Scoring It In Third

M o b il ity in t h e line . (|u ick , h - d e f t b a ll h n n d lin p nnd field tc<

j)oi<iti(?n ■were Cnltlw cll n sse ta h th e C ouR ftr jf r id flc rs to T s u b r t i s a lo u on L inco ln fie ld .

A f t e r ft 'h a rd * fo « K h t- f i r s t hftlJ in which T?,an n iU w«r-rlor* did themsclvea protid, co»cn Eddy Troxel'a wnm txplodtd for Uiree Uilrd-»crlo(l louclidowiui Ut»l rlpptd lhe deeWon cu t of ttie b»l-

• nncc ftiid Hie lid» ntavllyIn fnvor of Cnldu’elt.

------ BW -Ot>rt»er^aWw»»'*--‘lu w l« -hacK, rnnki wim th r b u l T plloU in the Cool under fire,Onrbcr liirne<J In ■ top perform- i nnce Dinl won't soon be forKOllen ' by ihosr who brAved Ui« clillly tcm- {jcrniiirc-t'rldny evcnliif. The Jun- . Inr Irttcrnmn w».i n moiter i t f#lc- ins niKl bnolIcKKliiS lhe ball on hU .

—llip. 1. - - ... — ------ --------•Slntlsllcnlly, llir gnme ik'Ht about ■

- nK-lopsldnJ nx the >tn«l score tn- I dIcBtM. rx ce p l- ln -th e flml-down ‘ drpnrimrnt. T lierr Twin FalU trail- ' ed Caldwell b>‘'only 9-8.-

TtnrlnK Inrse ho lri In lhe Bruitu' /on»nrd wnll. in d aendlni back! nashlnR UirouRh the opcnlOH after drerptlve fakea, Caldwell picked up

"JCO’ yiirds on the jrounfl. Throufh thr nlr It moved 12S yards.

TU'in ra ll f Bvtned 133 Tardi njih* Ins. 02 in the f ln t b*» «hen I t dU* pliiyrd Rome sood, toU |h football. Conch Harold Brown’i leam picked up Another 03 yard i through the ' Blr Inhrs.

T hr cnmplexinn changed quickly , In the third period. On the second ' *crimmni[8 play the D nilns fumbled «nd CouRar.fuUbaek-lUrley Brueclt recovered on the two. Oarber slid nvrr his rlRhl side for the leort^oa .

■ ^he-ne*H )l«y-for-*-l»-’ -*«»’ito .-----After UkloB the klckolf. Twin ,

FrILi. (enturlns the hard running of < rlfitil hnllbaclc Bob S la ttr. and a « • » ynrd paw play from Olenn PotUr t« .

_ \V ci Jones^oved-U>e-h*U to Caid- I -^ITl^s^3-bf^o^e•beln| forced to punt. J

Gnrbcr RMhercd In lhe bool on his 32 an thrended his way to the Bruin | 18 behind beauUful open field block-

- lB g^ T Jtf^relum -for-60-yards-w ** - hailed by a desperaUon lackls by Bol) Walton.

Troycfi Vancr. who ahoved Cald- | “ V 'fll- in to -a~ irT -h» tfU m c 'lB ia-by J

rnclng "JB yards for a touchdown lale In the Recond period, cracked down lo lhe two from where Qarber c ir- , rled over to make the score 25-T. ,

"U bb-Jo im M n'iiiaca 'ihe-pcm t:-------iA iO-punt return to the Cougar ,

30 by Charles WesUall set Cald* \ u e ll’a scoring machinery In motion j nnce more. A 33-yard gallop by Westtftll waa Uie big ealner In the , drive which had rtte rv s quarter- , back DIU Montgomery passlnj the , llnal J8_yard8 to 'W ayne.E m jL Jo r - (He score t h a f swelled the Cougar f]ead to 33-7.__________________ »

Four penalties show ed'tho tIs II- I ora on the ir nest bid wllh Ari Hoff- * man flnaly snuffing oul the threa t * by recovering a fumble on the

-B relrji^S .— -------------------------------- ‘Unable lo move a fte r U klng over «

a fir r nn exchnnge of fumbles, Twin Fall* booled and Caldwell took over , on Its 40 wllh 1:35 lefl lo play. Onrber h it E rnst on the aldellnes on a scoring piny lh a l covered 60 } yards and featured some fancy step- plHR by the CouRnr receiver. WaU Ward kicked the 30th polnL >

At. the outset Caldwell moved 11 r yards before suillnfc on the Brains' a nine. Tlte Cougars shoved (He home- } siers back to Uielr. seven and scored *• when Eunrd Mike Caylor recovered I- A fumble In the end zone.

Conch B:own's eleven answered * the chAllenRe of Ihe Big Six con- ■ ferrnce co-favorlles w llh a salvo of J I ts oi\-n, Qtisrtrrbwek Potler-paased *! 13 yards to Jones on lhe Caldwell » 13 a fte r lie had rumbled 38 yards _ fm -n“T nK ca-T eT rr» (m m h« short punt fomiatlon, °~ G rn in jr-m cH en t-p ro t« llo n , Pot- ^ ter passed to Jones In the end tone fn r- ilie - lln a l IB yards -afU r the OruUu'.lind.becn (cmporArlIy.alollcd by A prnnlty. Jones made a sensa- I lonal catch for the score. Uklng f, th r ball nwny from two defender*, g,

Wjirn Slater kicked the point, fo thlnKs were even a t 7-7 wllh 10!i tn ininuien ^elv In lhe aecond act. i,,

Tiiin Vnlls'nnly oUier th rea t came “j n bit Intpr In lhe second' quartcr T ^iKitTlV-drove 43 yards-to-Uia-CaUl- — \krll-l6-bcf<u«-Mtt«nd«rlng-U>»-baU ~. nu (loniis. (

Sophs Spark Miami n - T o 2 7 4 3 " r r i m n p h “ - ' '

MIAMI. Fla., Ocl,,10 l.|v-Mlaml'i ui h:iiil-ninnlnR koplmmore bsck-t look »,

- rtn rtrTTTTre w e n n 'T m M f riany lo iiver|K)Wfr MKM\sippl Slate 37-13 rt

j Mt afc>^ a s i w w o.. bruising - -

The moM exciting momtni of the jj* fhiirnlnR Innrt itRhl came In lhe lasi period when 'Oorclnn Malloy, lhe Acnlor halfback and llie sieadytns lntl«en«c Mitimt HuTncnTifi »,youns bAckfleltl. raced "Q yardJ for a j, louchdowti wlU> a MLvilsjlppl state punt.

II wa.1 the fourth stralRht victory t| for the sopliomore-dnminfticd Malml n team : ’ ql

Winning Attire *BUFFALO, N .'Y .. Oct. id c n - ,

TIio Canlsius high school'back- jf, flflId-shtftKl^rom -«^tw>->(JK«s^ ponlJ C O 'n 'lm m lns tranks a l l(j. halfilm e Friday nlghl. then ran L ' off to two quick, touchdowns In i

aiuni'im d u-ent on to beat BUhop ^Tlnion h igh 3 6 -M .-----

C.nnlslos M ach Jo h n Barnes U{,ihoucht up lh ( swim trunk ide« (ji;w hm -h^-r«illecd*hl»-beek»-w er^ —ljurdencd by'U ie’ extra ' w ekh t of ^:hrir rupplnc-U nlfuiuis af t t r ' ^ ^ lownpour tha t preceded hurrl-

H u zrl-------------- , -- .—


----------------- ------1---------1 J

FALLS EL Rampage [ Quarter mecoming

k, hnrd-chnrjTing b a c k s and «ome :1 tceneralflhip a t th e quarterback ta hcre-Fridfty n ig h t th a t enabled r Twin FrIIb hijrh school into 30-7 •!(].------ -^ ^ --------------------------------

Vancouver Isich

Z ‘Ready,’ Avers Coast Magnate

o u VANCOUVER, B. C,. Oct. 14 t^»-_i Ire, ‘Keep hanm erioc a l the big boys'_| m - gates.' Convince th e Cosst lesgus u n director* you're ready." m - T hat w u Brick Laws' advice_I in- T hurid iy to the c ity of Vancauver._] >k- Laws, owner o f the O a k 'la n d hU Acorns, and Emil sick , preildenl of_|

ths-SsMlle Ralniers. werv'herr as a_t 3Ut PCL ''ftnanee commltKe" to lnve*tl»_j In- sate the posslbllllv of switching_] wn som«-Co*st-l»aBUe-franchls».|0-UjU_- ill* sports-minded city.________________ I

Laws told city fathers he li con-_I ins' vlnced Vsncouvcr Is ready for Coast_I cks lesgus baseball bu t said It Is up to_I ter the city to make th e first move._____ I up Asked about reports he woutil like_I irh to move h ll O akland franchise here._I

Laws said lha t was a "case of put-_I ih- Ung th i cart before the horse." .__I IU* He said while he was Impressed_I all. by Vancouver,’ the city would have_I ced lo offer something more than words_I lhe to demonstrate to Uie league 11_I

wants a franchise._________________ I L,y Laws suggested enlarnlng the_I - J baseball pirk, owned by th r cll)’ and_■

making ll rent-free, and also said the city would hava to guarantee abbui a -q u s r te rd n rm in io n dolla-rs 1 worth o t Ucket sales (or Ihe flntl__i

___'season._________;___________________ i

,;! Skyline Loop ■ £ yfi.evisei::iit- ;k- Grid Ruling ji^ BALT LAKE O irV . Ocl, IS (JTi- J

The Skyline conference may revise I j . Its fooUjall rules to allow freshman _ teams- ta . sebedul»-gam M -tn-lB » n

wlUj Uie Air Force academy.E. L. (Dlek> Romney, conference “

!y cotnmlssloner. said the present nile _ allows frosh teams only three games, —

I j Offlclalfl n m it t.A lL fo rc ea c td e m y ■» have Indicated they would like to play regional freshm an leams bul ^ Uie Uiree-game llmlUUon h u lnt«r- -w

w fered. ]” nomney aald the proposed change *

will be 6t\ lhe agenda lor the D t- _ cember meeUng of conference lead-

he em. Jfor -i-lt-w ould-bc-unw ljr-for-tni'<on- ' :ar ference to refuse the sddttlonal

game." Romney said. -B y refusing ol n r hTWoUld tlll W m eerah'dBligstlon; tf . and by .permltUm^.an extra game ~ ,( t would be doing a lot of good," te he The Interim academy will begin *l - . cluses a t.L ow ry .a lr force base.. I t bi

expects to field a freshman football ,[n leam next fall. In

Northwestern Is • £ p“ Victim of Muffs u,lit EVANSTON, 111., Oct., 16 HP- H'

Northweatern.-dlsplaylng a retur- P« 71 rence of Its drop-lhe-ball U'oublei wi is' Rgslnst Southern California earlier >'* f'- thU yeir,-bobbled-|is «ood chancrs cd to score Saturdny and losl 7-0 to fii eil Uie University of MtchlRan. ba

Northwestern showed s e v e n bl ((] fumbles that broke up Its rushing N. n . atUck. which sUtUtlcnlly w u far Pi ol superior U> U lch lsan’s. The home In ^ tram ouLf«lnfrt X<li*hlf«n tv i in p, ll 63 yards on the ground, and hnd

a slight margin In the air. Inr t - L eft-h«lfM eirD anhy“ CH nr»’en t A<

over from the Northwestern one- ■* . yard line In the second period for >“

lhe only -touchdown of the gsme, snd Fred Kramer kicked me point.

MANAGER B0AST.<1...............................'■ NEW YORK. Oct, 16 W -W arld «

fesUierwelghl b o x i n g champion- Sandy Saddler was en route by a ir b r V for Parts today a fte r hearing his wc » manager, Charley Johnston, predict u r

he would knock oui Ray Famechon toi ir “wlUi the flrsl solid punch he lands." to ■r The boul Is scheduled for Ocl. 33, - toi

; S ta teM M m ef^ To P ro v id e Dri

LEWISTON. Oct. 16 tft—Tlilrily th'* upland blrdi In the Upper Tammany to* nrra Qf Ne;i Perce county next Mim- mt 'X mer Wlll f m O lie sinte of Idaho ~ ‘J resdy lo -'sel, 'em up." tai

exiitrlmenuiTiTOfraiH-tirnhrW tho -Ap'* llih and cnme departm ent. ' fib” The first of five -R ualers" which Inc‘ wlll be placed across the stale w u opi

's in.Mallert W f<inf*day_near-the_Ir» AnI McIntosh rsneh, about 16 miles ssi* souihrajt of Lewiston, ' wa

ll ll a "OO-galion 'w ater storsge ~ tniik » ith an opening on. one end A ihrouBh which Chinese phesssnts, P pnrirldsf ana quail may walk and' quench Uielr Ihlrsi.

- I A large "spron" covers the ground , the open end of the .tank . Rsln

;f|illlnR on the apron wlll flow into m e resfnolr. The apron Is lulfl- ! clfntly large fh st the normal annual

i j ’■"Infsll.for th^ arf» y tU fl))■ ithe Jiink tclore summer wesUirr

dfirs un mntiy na tura l «»ier sup- j piles for upland birds. ‘

"Tlie tt«orv isjhr_consiio t.w »U r- —-- inppIjnhrouKhout summer droujht

periods will help Increase Uie up- • land bird-populaUDti.“ -u id uuRh Harper. Moscow, game deprlmeni bird b i o l o g i s t . _________________

I " 'ThU U Uie firsi-of. fjve-mstaila- Uonj turtle m a tin ir td a h o on an u - . perimcnlal basis. If the g u r * i e r i , are a success. .m o r ,_ K lll_ b e _ ln ^ _ stalled," he said. . _

Harrier said r»h*rrv»r» will fh 'fk l ^


I Help Start]sck ^led r f0-7 ; .. • — l ' ----- - . .

•- V v - i E s g . - -

ir>- i ors' gu.

ricever.n'd - -------

sti- ' ' V "ing ^ n .hU

last I to




aid U o ls Teiiraalm a. M, Ilopl lodlaa t«e IB.OOO-mcter n m In th* l i l t Olynpl a'rs l a s , decath lon champ sf the 1>U an ml siher Olymple wlDBera a l New Yoi

n e e lin r touched oft a drive for fund-------IimSSB~Drym$I5~irKIelbolirll«, Ab

Olyaple w inne r a l tba dloDer and I

J e r o m ^ G r i c

^ B e a t e n H b y - 2lan ,IKROM E, O ct. IS—Fenturin

outfouffh tr-Jcro tnc’.t-to rw ard .tra sizzling 20-7 football victory

uie T he hom cflterfl didn’t croBii i;

“ Naiiipa^Defeats^ j ,,, Boise High by ' - 12 to 0 Tally !

NAMPA. O ct. 16 tf l-A Boise turn- ‘ ntr ble and an lnt«rcepted pass paved , 5n“ t I » = w a y = r o r = l w « = N a m ^ ^ a s n t Frldny, n ig h t .»4 the .BuUdogs bat.

tered th e ir w ay to their third ,|n sUalghl B l r S ix high Khool fooU > I t ball victory 13-0. ' ■ '

all Nampa Uiu.i kep i a halt-lnterest In Uie league lead, which ll shares , wllh the Caldwell Cougars, who powered th e ir way to a 3S-7 vlc-

• lory over Twlr> Palls,- 'The N am pa line refused lo yield I

lo the drlvc.5 of the team's tradl- ,1— tlonal Bolw rivals. Tlie deepen j ir- penetration th e Bravea could muster le, was a drive to lhe Nampa 23- t t yard line a t halfilm e.;rs Don D m n d -o f N H m pa-setup the to first score w hen he recovered the

ball from R ich Hancock, who fum- ; <n bled l l while trying lo ealcli a ng Nsmpn p u n t In the first period. ‘ ar Fred Towery w ent'over four plnys ne Inter on a 33-yard pass from Gary IlA Parnuottlv._________ — - - ■ 1nd In th r srco n d quarter. Jack Acrre *

Inlercepted a pass by lla n w lt, n t Acree acored la ie r on a double- r e . lateral play. P red Corey to Fam* or worlh to Acrer.If, 11 was th e f if th slra lgh fde fea l It. for lhe^ Braveji. who have yei lo

win a con fe rence 'gam e...........

Id FORDHAM n o w s,n NEW Y O RK . Oct. 18 IB -A big.Ir bruising B oston college football team ,li wore down th e Fordham Rams Sat-^ c t urday and c rashed through for two! m touchdowns In th e waning momentsi I." to rfR lsirr Its fou rth iU-*lghl, vic-i - lory 31-7. _________ ^ i

E x p e r i m e n t a l >rinks f o r U plaily the Rurj.ler fiequenU y next summer ly to determ ine how much use birds i 1- mnkr nf n, .10 ” Ench Kuziilcr costs aboul »3M. The*«

tank portion, molded of fiber Rlass, « 1* 1 ijidtfinltaly —10 -Apron*^rr o rV ii5 h a ir irnpregrialecf|H

fiber hoard. T h e tank Is aboul six c h Inches'underjrround, except for the IS open end .'w h lch Is on ground level, h m An Incline-covered .w lth -ta r-aw l d rs ssn'd provides footloft so birrti may p

walk down to th e water level, si;e - ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ = = 5 = = ^ = ^ ^ ^ — —

s, _ _


u -------- •„ -------- - -------- ----------

:: 9 :3 0 A .

— 4 - M U G s - E a s t * a n d - ^ r M i

o n H i g - h w a y 9 3 .h

_______________________ pRiz: “ m M S - BACOI^

^ — Sponsored by Je t

k I


•t Fund Drive

dlaa p r la l . wba finished teoeiid lo tha lynples. gets te l with Lieut. Bob Math- 11 and I9 S ro iym p lu7arthey 'm et'w lU t r York’a W aldort-Aileria. . S ie 'd lB aer funda ta aend United Slate* albleles (a

e, AUsUalla. 'jew'sSTma w as'tlie "oldeir and MathUs, a t Z3, th« youngeil. (AP

• i d d e r s ^ e - 2G =7“ C o u i i t “

.urinir a line th a t outchnrKcd and rd .'trM a1«d^nK h~{ich‘o ()rim ih io n c ”d tory here F riday . .)Bn in to pay d ir t un til th e waning

m om enta. Jerom e tra iled by ~ « n ly -6-0 -H t-h a lf tim e-b u t- th ( S visitors puslied over six pointers In

lhe third nnd fourth periods lo se­cure the decision.

There was plenty of offense and 1UU« <te(«nse' shown in the tUMgsIt wlUi Mnlnd racking up an arrlazlns total Qf.333.yards rushing and reg­istering 17 first downs,

ved rushing department, Je-

plem enlea 'tiils'w lU i m 'y a r d r ^ I i I . the a ir Jnnes;‘compleiing five of is

passe*. Two serials were Intercept­ed by Malad, The home Uam haCseven f ln t d o w n s ,--------- ----------

[■“ J Jerome hnd four regulars on th* sidelines wllh Injuries. Ed Peterson.

' guard and co-capUln o f the 'ngers may reium next week while Olndt Johnson, tackle nnd co-captain, and end Robert Nnhnnes are no l ex- peeled to be avnllnble for two weeks, Russell Hall, tackle, la ou t for Uie

Malad’s blot'k-bustiiiR fullbnck led itam 's biMblng grDUnd.ttlUck^.

ihf visitors pas.ird for the ir sec-' ond period wore nnd picked up their

third and fourth qUATier scores on Uie ground.

The Toby Ortndstflfr-Fred Ayana passing comblnnUon clicked Uiree

.. ilm es-ln.B_rou:-for.i!nln.i ot « . 2i •f„ and five yards wlUi me third aerial >clt, picking U[i the Jerome touchdoft-n,

"■ j Campaign FailsSALINAS, Calif., Ocl. 18 (Ifl—

Max AndrrTion, C-tOOt. SMnch 330-'— pound tnekle for the H nrtnell col--

lege fooU>nll team, got a lol ofI- support ns a write-in candidate

. 'j for homccomlnc queen. He missed , , I being a flnallsi by one vote,

"It's- a Rood thing I didn't qusUlv.” Anderson snld. "I don't

,jg., even hnve a formal,"___________

aT P ro g ram ~ land B ird s - =(ier Tlie first Instnll.Mion Is In a draw rds proiectcd by brusti growth. The— ,Iflil< ,l» .p ln (:^ .tg n t In Avnlrt tltm l he water.' which could fill the tank iss, wllli sill,

letf Hit ext^cied io beiiefii pheaunis. six chukar partridge and snge grouse. :he -One thousand of these tanks •el- have been placed In California for jMl d««r-MMl-cUutina-i,rrt5 - ih ty -h a v t lay proved succe.«ful t h e r e H a r p e r


S H O O Tr, OCT. 1 7 ___) A . M .

-Milc'South-ofiJcT 'oine

I I Z E S _

O N - T U R K E Y S' Jerom e JaycecA—


D 39-7 BY

m 'Finally!

' ERIE. Kani-, Oct. 1® W ^F our ~K l times halfback Roger Ashcraft

of Erie high school dashed acrou « Mulberry's goal line, and finally

the touchdown counted.Here"! Uie w iy It -was: I tt the

fourth quarter of Friday n ight’s game, Erie had the ball o a liuV berry's 30-yard line aad called on

^ A shcraft to carry Uie ball.- He ; whipped around end and made

^ the en d 'io n e b u t Use play was ^ called back on an offside pen-

I The ball was le t back lo the H i 35. A shcraft repealed, bu l an- H .o ther penalty nullified the play, n The ssme Uilng happened a Uilnl v l Ume.H i W ith the ball back to Uie 45- B n yard line, Erie called time out to

HTezA*hcr*<tia_resti^Th«n.-th« 2 young speedster took U again n i l and, w ith his m a lts observing

T all Uie rules, circled lefl end for ^ _ ^ u c h d o w fl . Erln.won 40-toJ).-

Ij Pocatello Has B Scoreless Tie -I With MissoulaH -PO C A T ILL O , Oct. 16 «V-Th■ Pocatello Ind ians and the Mlssouli■ Mont., Spartans batUed to a score ! ■ Its Ue In a non-conference hig 2 2 ichool football Ull Friday aflemoor

Most Of Uie aeUon during Ui ,h gsme was confined to a give an

take bstUa - between Uie 30-yax lines. There was . only one scorln Uireal, th a t produced by Mlssouli —Br\jce“ 01aefl—dropped—b ao k ^ n .

• P fired a paas to the Spartan full back W lshar. who waa standing oi

_ Uie gosl line. B u l ho dropped th. bill________________________________ StallallO! fo rJh t-i iu o eJo u n d -Ih

Missoula team allghUy ahead, Tii Spartans Rslned 113 yards rush Ing compared to 108 for Poeatellc

----- Missoula c«m plel«d-tw o-of-seveipasses and 33 yards and Pocatelli completed two of three passes fa

Ln<l '*

Gophers Stay £ Unbeaten, Rap «-minoisl9-6

and MINNEAPOLIS, Oct. 16 IfV-Un- s s l t b ta ttn M lnntaola, marching bacli zing lo oldllme grandeur under a nes reg* regime, smashed punchleu iiunoli

10*6 with a merciless ground attack j ( . Saturday for Its fourth Itralgh t vlc-

-vla -m en o ii. 'T I liiio ls ’-fouH iritrsigH r f is plunged the defending champion: ept- to a new low over the l u t decadj had and marked the first time In 6i

■ yenrs orfootBalTlIial the llllnl losl the their f ln l four games,

son. MlnnesoU. 11 ranked In the na- [ers, lion, ran ram pant ngalnsi a bewild- Inde tr td Illinois line lh a t never solved nnd lhe bru til power plsys of Bob Mc- ex* Nsmars. John Baumgartner and eks, resen'e fullbsck Ken Yackel. the OperaUng coach Murray War*

mnth's tplli T w lth a sledgehammer elflclency, M lnnesou sent McNa-

^ maca over tcom Uie itvcee In llie tlrsi H w u r r D a n e irC K h n n r i to m 'ih e

1, 1 one In the second qusrter, and , BsumRarlner from the 10 in the ' third, '

Illinois' offen'e came to life only lhe ihird quarter, when J.

2i C. Caroline _b(in£cd^v£r_Xrom. the ■rlftl * 73*yard Illinois 'TO, - _____- -..

~ .State Moose HuntI— iCalled Success___0- I POCA17:l l o ,_ p c i, l# f^-N lneII- .out o flO sporljmeri brought home of the game during Uie five-day esst- te ern Idaho special moose hunt which fd ended Wednesday, sccordlng lo the

stale Ibh nnd gam* deparunent,I I Wendell T allchell. district su-* r t pervtsor for lhe deparunent, said _ Frldny_t|m iJlghl. anon'.enabled 93

!P°. imitit r '' m ifn fk gsm«__ nnd k ill i i! Tliey brought oul 47— bull.%, 3«_coM .uid_nlnt.calves.—

The Women's A mateur champion­ship of the U, S. G. A, will be an

___ all-niatch play competltlnn. It_wlIl___b'T irtld, Sl lhe .AUeglitny .country

club. 8e»lckley, Ps.. Sept, 13-18. raw ' •rhe '

1 lSJC i u **Qf ^ n . J n i p r e

j Fit-«l imprc.ision.n i^ to yq

~ pricM . ’

m k r e n g k l IV211 Ird Avrnu,



iT POWEEf R e s O T V ^ i

T o S tu n n i igam e, scored tw ice and pai

— I p5Sth 'crrib -a-21:19-npret-^ Ailintc P i t t coach Lowell

iroom'. The P an th e rs , d ire i f t cd by Tom H am ilton, a Xorm J L Navy coach and new aUilellc dir .nv ter a t PltU, stormed bsck al

trailing 6*0 In Uie f irst period th e scoring two touchdowns wlUiln th I f . minutes In the second quarter s ;u \. another In the final period, nn But Pill almost saw Uie Vlct He M out Uie. window In the cIoa ado minutes with a fumble, deep in

I own terrttoo'* tn-i I Sslvaterra. a sophomore quart___ i back, tallied on_a_ one^ysrd anc,1, . and an eight-yard scamper'. H e a “ pitched 33 yards to haUback Hei J,y' Ford In Uie end tone for Ui* oU

^ *^*nvy struck for Ita touchdo* . . in lhe first, second and fourth j , * rlods. The difference was in Uie c<

„ r vernlons. l l could have ended- In t le r o e ome Textor m l» td -ona-» Dick Echsrd tho oUier but Bi

S,* Bagnmery mnde all Uu<e for PJH n An onside kick gave Navy U>#-b

on-the-openlngplay.-In-elghl-pli — ' Uie Middles moved 45 vsrds for

touchdown, with Joe Q attuso c ru Ing over from Uie eight.

In Uie second period, Echi passed 24 yards to Jack Oarrow ;

, Uie second Middles touchdown ai a paaa Intercfptlon. by-B lU .Jl( worlh. Navy's final touchdown caj

1 • In Uie fourUi period on an 61-yi drive with liepworth ^ in g lhe fli

•The rive yard*.OUla, ~ '

hl"h Portland MenlOon.

•»5 To Buy Coastyard . ................. • ' . ................... -

=u? League EntryPORTLAND. O re. Oct. 16 W

r on PorUand Baseball, Inc.. a group the PorUand ClUzens, haa placed

____In escrow te mirchase tha PorUa,h , Be'avera" baseball'^ub and to e

We-ll-year-CFwnCTshlir-of^Oanadl Oeorge W. Morgan.-

^ ‘* Tlio money will be held In escn 'v in for_Noj-ftan_and his associates pen [-i|„ Ing selUement of a charge.

Clay Brown. Uie temporary prej dent of Uie board of directors the 'new stockholders compsny. ss

----- thBUoarilTroted-tinanlmmulrtojnichase_.Uie U playen and Pacli Coast league franchise.

Formal noUflcaUon was sent ,v Norgan by telegram and deUlls Ll the transfer will be worked out : t— a n o rn e iT n rth i'n e x t'w v e ra ld f ty j

Brown said his group now h ' more lhan *135.000 In cash on hai

bul needs about th a l much more Un- auu re a good working capital. T

group hopes also lo conUnae V new atock-selllng cam plilsn'Jn hopes nolf raising sufficient money lo purcha iock Uie ph y sla l propertlc.4 — Vaughi vie- girect ball park and two parkli----- a r e u for-tiaS.OOO.-.:--------------------g h r - 'rh r-ncw -ew rie ii-w ill-bo ld -a 'flr ions year Itase-w lU i option to buy—< .ade the ball park and parking lots un

85 Ih sl time. _ _____________

Basilio May Be in Line for Title Go_

'>c- SYRACUSE, N. Y., Oct. 16 Cfl. •nd Carmen Baslllo, son of an onlc

farmer from nearby Canastol a r- stood ou l Saturday aa the logic n e r opponent for Uie winner cf ne: 'Ja. Wednesday's wclterwelghl UUe flgl trst between et\implOR Kid OavUm arUte Johnny ssito n ; - - - ------------ind Baslllo, who lost a split declsic the lo Gavllan here a y rar ago, easl

outpointed rugged Allle Oronlk i nly D elroll Frldsy night.I J , He . thus gained Uie as-turftnt Uie from both Uie New York_A_Uilel lols commission, and the Inltrnatloni

Boxing club lha l h r would get u tle shot s t the Oavlinn.saxto winner.

" If I gel a title elinnce. V)1 t the nex t chsmplon," snld Carmei

Baslllo was the old master' wit i ~ O ro n lk .-a -t la l lln r .-h a rd - punche Ine _figured-aa.a_lI.i_uadcrdog_B ot, nje Oronlk's eyes were cul and nearl

closed a t lhe end, ith BulU o weighed 151, Oronlk IS lli h e _________ :________

Title Pact Inkedaid TOKYO. Ocl. 16 l^WUndcfeate. 93 AntenUne-flywelght-champlon'PaJ

m* auai - P e re a - Bnrt world ll ll l'llUWt 47 Yoshio Shlrsf of-, Japan algnpd con

----- trao t* -B alu rd#y -ro i-the ir Octr-3championship bout,

in- .an Bob O anll was leading scorer oi vlU U iaJJuk i fooUjall team In m3=??5ll Uy only one louchdown. He got Ui I. oUier 41 points on conversions,

m Ii.'i a r e tii5tinfr. Knhaiic# K . y o u r honTe" w ith orna- M l _ t " i r o n Work-. U ct m ir u p l


RFUL GA]5 ^ 1 ^ D i r e c t s

i n g W i n O v e

p a s s ed f o r a n o t h e r to u c h d o w n , t< i t ^ c t u r y o v e r p rc v jo u B ly jin b e a le e ll (R e d ) D a w so n l i s te n e d to th--------------------------------------------------------

g M e S c o r e

" G l e n n s F e if f l HAILEY. Oct. 1 6 -A ton in III ton in to th e record of the

football gam e here Friday I sc o n n ? th e . W inning touchi

ra is o th e -B C o re b o B rd 'c lf f c k T T iiHenry Kore tavowd Glenns Perry IJ oUier The victory enabled Glenns pt

to take over undisputed pouess: downs of Uilrd pUce In Uie LltUe Sei h pe- conference with a 1-1 won and l e con* league record.1- In a Bill Pruett flipped to Ron Ml) a -u id h>-the-winlng-aecamIi'far~Ui'f'pi Bugs off touchdown for Glenns Per

pjtt. Uie acorlng pUy covering 15 yar is-ball Pasa IfltercepUona featured i -play* closing m lnutea-of th e game w for ■ Hailey picking off a Glenns Pci

:rash. aerial lo itaU a pilo t drive deen 11* territory. MomenU later Ital

*h»rd had a pasa Intercepted. The-th )w for set up the winning score with i . a fle r Pilot defender returning the. int. J le p - cepUon 17 j in l a to-theJIail«y*- came Glenns Ferry had Ume for but c -yard play and scored oa jth # Pruett.;I final Mlnlc pass.

Ron Heffner flipped to Mlnlc fo Olrnns Ferry touchdomi mlda

_ ■ Uirough the flrat period. The iI I for point wi* no good. Neither tei

tallied In the second or third cha ters so a t lhe sU rt of Uii fit chapter Hailey trailed 8-0,

- - - - H o w e v e r , a drive Uisl n _ launched on lU own 35 late in i

< ' thhd quarter climaxed in an eai------- io u r th jju a rtcf .w ora-for-Halieyf-

• S tan Atkinson cracked over fre the Uiree to cap the 65-yard msr for H ailey.. Chuck Brockway* i -t«mpl4o-ui>U# lh#-«-» knoVon-aT

td ian fof tinsucce«fulHailey picked up a toUl of 3

Kfow y»*'da rushing and passing compar p tnd- to Glenns Fcrry'a total o f 335 ysr

In w hanT anefa coach John Res| presi- called his team'a -best performan irs oC Of Uie season aa a unit." In fli . said downs, Glenns Ferry had a ll-> pur* edge.--------- ,-----------------------------aclflc - --------------------------- -

Buffs Power “‘ £ W a y t o - 2 G ^ —

S Big Seven Win’ AMES. Is.. Oct. 16 tfi—Coloradcchase “ "defeated Buffaloes, blessed wi iRhan and biasing speed, pourirking through Iowa S U te 30-0 Saturdi____ for their flfUi aU-algh l foolbaU vi-fire- ‘w y.----------------------------------------y—on colorado'i ilngle-wlng olfeni unUI led by sophomore John Bayuk. a _ fecUonately known as 'T h e DtMi

crunched oul two first h sif toucj

n downs, and Carroll Hardy, on a ne reverse, dodged 25 yards for tl third counter w llh four minutes Ie

> In-Uie game.C^^- I t waa Uie second Big Seven cm

)nIon ference triumph for Colorado ax itoU. Iowa Stale'a second league loss : Iglcal Uiree contests.

Bayuk. a 331-poilnd fullback wli tremendous power and agility, dldr I lg u re .iiL llie jco rln g b u ih e w u .tl

, , top hand In rushing, a dcpsrlmei In which he U Uie naUon's leader.

He bruised through for 109 ysn In 18 carries to bring hU flve-gsn

nnce total to 568 yards,____________'■ftjc I — ■— — lonal I Our Central LocaUon Olvei You e l « _____ P R O M PT PIC K U P

OavSltir. Bllu 8bs<lMii». nwtrmia.I WiBdtll, JtnmK CuUtf«H. TwIi

il be rsiu. Ouhl. Flltr, Clottrmen. I QIGUEST CASQ PRICE FOEw;lUl I DORSES - CATTLE

■ D eid-O M —Disabledany I I R W K r m V E R n - R O U T X O .-

<1 Cltir UkM .J li ' I Can CtllMl BBhl tIS-J

d --------------P R E - ------------

5 _ i s e a s o n

I O P E N E RS ^ -O NEAVEEK--------

tl)e _ . ______i__


_ — M y/jif

" S T O R M ^ W I ^

M o d e r n i z e K i l

- 'Ccramic,P l< istic,M i

^ ■ ^ i n F b S i j T b i233 SHOSW

Btihl. ilt -W , Daya, eelleet -

LDWgisTitr^•gr Navy

re Lets -rryWin.1«J •fttm o o n I

>' T TTiS Late Stan, "“" “ B y O l i i j j

Defeat Io,

> Perry ««il line sUaL t ^ leep In to ttUln th*ItaUey era to a ia m a ^ ^

e-theft victory o»er a tS2.Ith Uie A cro .do lC ji'fS ^ ■•In.ler* Io*s looted a tS,,U«y-l». -mtwopMiniit'Wl one Smith, lett.to. Osry, In d .,R » t^

inleretpUoB ^lc for anldasy Siicti »tej g he Iry T»rds for thtlr r tesm lhe jrouajm ^ chsp. stmled (ta,

, final Ohio aeiUl m « t , With Ohio

I Into the I t n s l ^ in.ihe n llm t , i L ;1 early «W"e out cf u,“S

^PennTnmn 1 Score of 32

ifutked IS i l c r l ^ ^ l uiilrenliji d r r a e i ^ HfMU»II Tlclory It KM Uis Q u tle r iH ioti. ■


drot>p«dtoUtei(CEtfl^K svepl the

' Ihelr heels o c t U ^ K 111 iime’b y r td B tH i^ K

dsvti KlUi u l s '4 ^ ^ r .irado'si with Bullfnft sn [Mured Ctllfomls Isi. turdsy *ri|llog IlettueU vie.

rfenie, ^ i ' '

3cait.'' toucii- ff s neat


0 and C f t a n i t f o a j l ^ E ”N O W B i f t f *

[With .didn'tas the .O X A H H O iellK ^1“ ' " ' at lO W ,fU r4 i™ »

ysrd.» - - f t , .

s M------ 1 —r s in l i i b O d ^ L f

r M cRft

<1 V I H H I


S 0 P 0 ? ^ f e

Page 19: )ark aign; Talks - Twin Falls Public Librarynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...-hid-comg~lntn~Taing pf n^r. i*~*^ =To7^flce.-that-he-is - - ~ 'Clone cellar

J A ^ : 0 K

llans Han(j ^ G r i d I

530ampaiOetl 16 (/l^U C L A as ^-hen the unbeaten Bi

‘^S iSore, the worflt dfubbinj r^ jiftin ffu iahed old schoola

-----— d e a d ly pan __ spectacu lar

Indianal l l e f l c o o n

I crowd of 10,55;

./w.llU»--TT»llingl>y ,UeJ.thuj Ihree min- They had to

5 j f f ^ l n s * '« « • I « l U>e ‘"S*h» »«Dnd time In in history to

60 J * M utrt* a un fo td - llckl 5 ® ^ to f»m » *-7 «>“«! “ P bJ- *

t o l l J h S i S it. , 37-0 l^ftd a t th^ no, Mislroiso- T hen the re I fitld Brulnt cnckeil

l i Z n f (a boMt Wy- ihrtttouehijow J DeoTtr unlver»lty ©d and Jour 1

.^ S n rU oc leow »4 mawacre. rtt® t«Bce decision. B t j^ o n l can w W t t UtUed Wy- en a dm nee c g S 7 i c o r t l e « i in t ^ ^ a m o u ^ l

fW nilnola and O;In evU er tr3um

0 itt Bp lu only r a re ,p ,j gu^prjjin • !,» OittfttUs cl«M f g ju n t IndianaHipo4i£*‘»l»M ® n'^« e rq u lt t ry ln r 1Ija^ tbalfbaelcltob- nal second. ggffid era two plays But uCLA, w

conterted to put tufn to .the ItAs in the third act. n . j i ) icar# a wi

pass-to ton, couJd n o t i Biu«ia>-yL*JL'yjf25! b d £ li ta « c m M

g g g g A r k ^

NearerT x r r « ■ AtTSTIN, Oct.m W i n 'A rkanaasB azonLU TT 1 1 1 m ofio, opportui r * I I j ump toward Ur l l K f t n cbHfe'rence'UlIei l U V U U MiaaWni

Tesaa LonghornGames

:d a ," l« ~ D ie trich D5«h<TO fleW IfllilPU iht<io»ernlneR »«*«*a th<J Quarter, then T lctory-three ol k Mounuin. Ne».. coropeUUon.I Ul to match Its InWt

»IM htt.

iriM In Ui« tecoad ________

iMewn and picked "i a nuh tor a 9-0 Colga!» .3 , X3ai

3rown 31, Prln Utk to punt for coUegti m quuter, fum- “ *">“' ‘‘5 » • a Wl thrown for aUwnUln'i Marlon Columbia 7, H. Wpler and Ralph

circled end for B*UJe Mounuin’i

y,Si'51 VIOklahoma U , I Hebraak*21, 0 ;

^ • Colorado JO, IffOhio 8 U t« 30, :

..{V i-* .-,-------------^wi»oonaln-ao,-fn i M s Michigan 7. Noi

i MlnneaoU J», 1Notre Dame 30.

* 1 0 Missouri 30. ImColorado 30. loi

W ,-Get, u-C?v= “ lIouifcnM .O W _A rkan»aj 20, Ti

^J=cS Saturday TCU 3J, Texa*• otM t ja.2(j Bnyior 34 wftil^e if.von in de. USC 3«, OrcRon

“« «n i« tnce tl- ■Wyomtng 9 Ne MonUna 20, Ut

r t. f ' ’*' College of Pa< ‘W We lyi/frume A lind M 7 .____

'«-MSti3ffP3r*75p —OCLA 73, s u m *™ » Ilf. Boft'fn r/illfnmln n w ^ ‘w e a i n r n r y • Eiutem New M< «W lni. Idaho 13.

alien tull- FRVIn^rcepted CaldweU 39, T*’l

_____ C aaade 33. m IS- Nampa 13, Bola<

to L D tU k H eo«H 8:

^uides-G alifc fin; W ashingt

^ ' “>«ck Jerry t> Q S e rW k ‘he laat ft

W * ^Washington SUi«con«l period

^le Cou«? V * Csllfomla fumbl fiAi ' the Bear 2B. Q

« « Tin , Sarno dove over f

““ >■ intllcicd on t the Larson'. ptt.«inR

‘ Ult dfsd- ndvwiee with on 3 *" 'n hf lofd hsirback John Wl

■Wii»n plv--------------- f “ T ard(iulrX aw

tn.i touciidowni,«-lo«l com- Tlie Bear* M n t l

‘ .“ ce 1S51.— l»ini-favorltej-bU“)« llie jj tu 4 '*'1!“ “ ’e final quai

« ' yarrf. 1" U>8 llhid the ball on t t


l i g n sasto n ish ed th e foot- -■■ ^ J P " -

I B ru in s b u ried S tan - j - h bing in th e h is to ry o f I .1 * 1 l o ools in th e w e s t A V / 'J - U .&

p a s s defenae and a , a w d p m la r g round a tta c k by rated No. 3 In the naUon hpme Soonei literally crtuhed ih« gal- victoncfl evc ina -under an -atalanche I t was Okn d o w n s . --------------------UCLA hom«comlfl* day •lOJM apecUtcra filed oul j V i

icort book to find a par-

d to thum b clear back to h e f i n t Roa« bowl game to find the next w ont

licking — the 49.0 acort y a mighty Mlchlgao la*

iea-ia ..tb ft,flnL .haU .tha rceptedpaaseafrom SU o-' ^ H r 3 K , ' . ’ terbock, John Brodle, and H P l u . : '

they wheeled away for - \ - ...........s-lo buUd up an Invincible t th e half. . JG rea l rout ael In. The ■■>■]eked the scoreboard for idowca.ln the third peri- u r In a fourth quarter

came Into the game r*'* ce 'o r 're x lsle rin g one of u upaeU. They were fir- le as tm ak e I t clOBcrTluy Navy 2S-0 laat « t tk , but 1 Oregon were Included rlumpht. 'rlslns p a rt waa that the Ians from Palo Alto ner- i r T hey fought to the fl>

while Ineligible lo re- Itoae bowl, and given t a week ago by Washlnc* lo l m ake a m lataki this

nsas'Bips"9 . t i D L i y l o x e _ , , J » f ' ^ ^

y~i Ihe American 1e r - G F O w n - - - j 5 j . ™ ; ^Oct. 19 IB—T he f lre d -u p ----------------------izorbacka, a band ot fast •>ortunU ts, took a lon{ I / v r t r l i d th e ir f in t Southwest I i P r l . l l l Jlle lij e lgb t-yw i-fiaU - »Wng the onee proud - jr

w S 5 :W u in p h . the f in t J j O O D IS o re r T eia# _ I T .^ d ' aSnn 1930. r a re the —

intercevtiona and recdr- a s th e Nation a * f « m i e ^ l A r k ^ o f com pclitloii . i J S i . ’l S S i i 'S S ; Kcdnkln« anc oiiference opponent baa r>»u- ...., JM since i m . C o lts w ill upiIU touchdown on a one* E a g le s a n d L

= r a s ™ i i d i sT srd d r l r s ^ the third em conference

. the Colts Sati --------- ------------ Eajlea. on top In

lU-Scores—! A «oclated Freaa T here are fi, O artinouth 7 game*. The NewPrinceton 30 with Plttsburshle s t 31. Ponlham 1 Ih t E*«Je*,-opei19. Holy Croas 1< season a t Polo f31. N ary 16 Chicago Cardlm

I. H arvard 8 terU lna the 01e»reralur 41, Syracuse I I Pranclaco will jjm ell 31 Chicago and UieOla ID. Penn.SU U 14 Ungle w ith thea . N orth Carolina 0 in Milwaukee.x a 14, Auburn 7 The Eagles mi7 j^ T c n n ^ e O . aRaliat Ih t Ited iK e ^ c k y 7 difficult for the

‘T * Oleveland willM K atuas 0 » ^ '« h t victory 7 ,O re io n B U U 7 M OW 4BUU 030, Iowa 14 Steeler* loom asJO,-Purdue tf-------------- TT"*''*', N orthwestern 0 ll-gam e sir;J9, IlllnoU 6 Oreea Bay.e 30. Michigan su te 18 The Chlcngo. Ind iana 14 each week, are fiViowa.fitatd-O----------- FiancUooi-allhot, Oklahoma A and M 7 unbeaten, bu t iVtD, T exas.7 ...................... T he.O lanU flszas A and M 30 Carxtlnals.W ashington 7 _______ _

New iexico 7 IVIisSOll]I, U U h S U te ia I T U O B U U JPacifle 15, Colorado ^ n

B i 5 i 3 = « s i = G g m e E

I S v i o 7______________ c o h V u m K j t

FBIDAT m a n « .n lh ta l la tT*’In Falls 7 *n<l roared to a 3;

•M l«6ala-o-'ttle) • - - - d a y . b y - i h ^ - t l J th 38. Homedale 0 >*ne* ^or Its scorlMiavale-H --------------------- lndlana*f-Hoo»i.Boise 0 through the firstrm m e 7 Inskl who .was oiy lS , Hailey 8 Injury, bu t In "IbeSh 83, Payette 7 Tigers o v e d a h t . W tlaer 0 the tad .junU ln Home o _ Missouri scored

fo m ia i:o F i r s t S ta te Is Vi

j .Crew w ent around marker, TTie Coi s t four yards. up and amaahedState (cored early In three times. I l waa

viod a fte r recovering pUce kicked the ( imble la te In Uie first the deadlock, fl. Q uarterback Prank —'e r from the -oneJoo t ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ I <nvut«d^tor(lye W 80

ame back JUSt before by tm a sh ln i 87 yards

, plus a IS-yard pen* an the Cougars. .ising. Mzhllghted the

one completion - to ^ ■ F B B D B n I Wilson good for 44

plUTiEel. over irtim a n n m n v n t ^ a r u f

___en l Into Uie game 13> ^ ^ ■ ▼ 1 ■■ » J I~but~ha~d~a slniggle

fou rth—CaUfomla nJlia_ftBa.onEjar4



p - R a n k e d O k ]

i s h K a n s a s b jRENCE, K ans., O ct. 16 (/?>>—Like ooner.s S a tu rd ay sm ash ed tho Kan 1 ever scored in a BiR Seven confei H Oklahotna'ft f i r s t a ta r t in pursui


nin, f e o e n I.m a n a p r-e t-th a -B e e te n Bee uM-ie-Miith*rxnoiTi‘W *itB ir«w tr'a? lean leagve dnb, to t* » B«d Sox sa lfo m td n s aigned a t v o .y e u .e a n tn c l to pUoi tl DO Beodreaa. (NEA talepheto)

i d e r s i n - P r o (

)P F a v o r e d T (— By-Tha Aaaaclated P r a i! face of thirufs, th e P h ila d e b h la in ficcm a cinch to re m a in unb ea t itionnl Football le ag u e sw ings intc tition.- B ut i t i s j u s t possib le th a t

and the B a l t im o re --------------------

!d“& ’“’ ° '‘"'tJncerlttth«ailtBrlitjaan.Vftsti ;nce leaders, entertained S f 1 11 W r

Saturday n ig h t T h e J - <op In the Eastern confer- y-v a • • leJW M hlneton-lo-ham e

re four oUier Sunday. New York OlanU. tied „ju rsh for runnerup to ',-open-.tht\r JOih home f “ turdAy w m I3010 grounds against Uieirdlnals. PliUburgh en- ‘ ‘• Cleveland Bro»-na. Sanwill play the B ean In K a ^ Clly but d Uie Los Angeles Ram s footed-

the Green Bay Packers Boy Mack, ejee.____________________den t _of the Ales m#y suffer a reUpse th e few hour* 1 Itedskln*. a team alway* m ind w b tlhe r 1• the Philadelphians. aell out. AmolC

. i n w to r ll« I.1HU1 ' ' " “ f ':tory over U)e Sleelers. ^«wn« no lo n itr a re a#s Uiey wrre^ and Uie owners. --------m a.1 favDrttes. Mack's a lteroi>s-wlll-«trlva.t0 ezU nd a -financia l-sho l ie string of victories over became more U

b lllty Pl-lday wh cago Dear*. Improving !"«” ,*’’^ . '" 1 *" are favored to beat San in PhlliilUiooftIi-Ui8 40>M are -B o y - to o k -U i« « l tied. In three games, vlaement. His I U figura.ta.whomp Uie th e ir faUier, Coi

o the r m ajor fac___ ;--------------- - were reported si

• i • len AcUon.mri Air a u of whichw ill Itarrldge.

Johnaon aald 1 IA. M0,_Oct..l8.f^A]i prettioQ .ha.w aa. jrl Ylger football team y, w pj,|; U na WlUiout tu aU r h id ^ e « a allatX.Tl«>ilanK«»nskl, »« a 30-14 victory Satur- {

, ^ a r ^ - . , - ‘g J L W in-T ra:

. i l ' ; n u u , . a -

~ Holcomb ran■ j._________. toucMoTOff.JBBT I InB accounted f* ' yard toss to Jei

V -y e , • j Idaho , In boV l P T i m I homecoming fu: V J i V / l ; l i l l . ' I hounds, showed

, I aecond quarter! Cougar defense row . touchd«shed me Bear* bftclc[[I was Uien U iafLarsonl' --------Uie field goat lo break lo f Varieties

iBnlba. Glebe See.

____________ ~T1M

72 TO

k l a h o m a S o o

b y 6 5 - 0 i n B i].ike a fa t c a t to y ing w ith a cripp: K ansas Joyhaw ks 65-0 la one ol onfercnce football g am e. irRuit o f ilA acvcnth s t r a ig h t Bi; ----------------------------- — S ooners, >

anaser-----C a s d Tku s ,

awarmap bef< fans.

Itie Oklal In the serlu IilsU>ry o t I e o o a a r m game mldwi Oklahoma li quarter-iM t score as I t p

Here's boa 1. Dob He

deuyed play sooner drive 3 uddy.Uike • • im ib a c i yards aroun »-yard drlv

-’y c t r n. ■.••■Vi ' -..! —(.-OoiMrl

V * end Boaa a-by-endJdm'

' I 8 - HerndonJ P . r . f « ^ ' A n i ' PaMln(«rceP

V J l «. P a t O l - ^ j | i keeper after

fumble on K ^ 7 .0 -Nealc

— •:-------- ' T after SO-yoR

\ fum b^fJS oS

—Sxlra-poln Pricer, Uuei

1 Bed Sea. left, Icuda a Simmons. -tT'aOTtttnted-maaasK of------------—form at Botlon’s FeawayUot tb* Beaatewnerai-re- • J r U r C l l

p T o W :

- G r i d —

T o d a y^ » capped a aeco

phia Eagles and Be* a M<yard pa beaten th is week-end in to i ts fou rth week SiuS c ro i? o

th a t tha-W aahingtoti sbhpcaaor* Lenny Davao

a t a i 5 t y _ i ^------------- ------- t(ie-«easoo-*

K a r t 1 low®’* w n^ of a pair ofa o » tl** Badger*.:- S - n t o r V -----------tieetrm-tRfc^. S O I . U I J ' followlni UieELPHXA, Oct. 18 UW-nie

l i . ^ ras in tne poalUon «t a for *ha1 tree Uiat Uut had been Jimmyf a major league hu^l- onering before a gale oul of the poiy but not quite fully up- Alan (Uie :

the backbone:k, execuUve rice prcsl* game, got thile AUileUca, was biding orer hla own;:lurs left to make up hU a 70-yaitl maher ha waa prepared to mlnul* lo go 1:.mold Johnson, Chicago try for tha pcvanu to more the fran- ground.ansas City—a more al- Purdue, wlU>ved by American league on tJ----- ------- penod got un

‘*sh t“ in ui“S^.L . co -^ llne-w hre than a rague possi- in«rcc9led by y when 10 ■•last minute"■d enough.cash to keep , _ _

„ . . . Alabam-the-pledge-tinder ad- . - iis Brother, £arle, and V n i f l h U •, Connie Mack. ir--rthe \ r factor* In any d ea l- KNOXVli^ ed sundlng by for sud- Alabama. wiU

Elmore doing thlch left Johnson andIdge. American league I 'A "i i r t u , .bo ib™ i .„ a h ,-

------ ■- ? n ^ ,» n r t" d l3uld he sUll had Ui» Im. Tide, rated no

choice, rolled-. Philadelphia franchise , 1^1 ume alnc

e cash ready, _ _ _______

•1 CAMBRIDO.^ a i l - E i r d s - -a s , H. M . Octr-l^tft- te n ? ^ a - ia « - Holcomb’i ground game Sstarday' over

features as Eastern booted by end :o handed,the College U flrat regular «MonCnnt j nirs, « n : ---------

ran for a p»ir of Y ou 'ra Sf.jHaUtJcrwii.paaa.- iS.---------- - - -ted for anoUier, a 52- Mfl Jerry Bailey. * ^n bowing before Uie (Ig fury of the Orey- 9owed, life only in the .;irter when Kored D-Aluchdowns.

------------ --------If " F R (Uea Im ported' BoUasd U i Seed * re td . Adr. f,’’. \ / l h


) 0 VICTC P M / F l a

o n e r a H b ]

! ig S e v e n- . e u rp n s in g

ippled m ouse th e Okla- --------------of th e m ost jiruah ing

B ig Seven title . The .I, w ho gained rank ing K Y t |» f l la tion ’s No. 1 team a f t '

before .an esUmated 38,000 gQy.j.jj g

klahoma acore v a j biggestTlea a n d accond h lg h a t In ‘" f * ' ‘ i..)f Big Seven leam i. Theth ird alrlngera w e n In Uiedway of Uia second half, ,a led only 7-0 a t th e first

how th e acorlog w ent - V

rive on Uie openlnf klekoff.ak e .e o n re ru d ------------------- ®!“ r ^,ack Bob Burn*, eight tou':hdoTO ^ d le ft end. cltmaxlng ,

u y -H a r lt . ,- 9I - n r d i - f l n

er K u rt B um s record In w v " p , ^ r J

don, 19 yarda following puy*. rcepUon from K ansas J5. 1 , , ^ . . . . O-Neal. three yards on p ^ ^ ^ V f fter Sooners recovered s 1 K ansas 38. « j " his klal on keeper from the onerord-drive. ......................... But-hU kltf t Long, from -alx a llti■oovery a t Uiat point._____ Uilrd vlctorj™ i n F ^ 5 i 5 r ^

' 0 ’N e»3-from -7ilne-*fter «overy on K ansas 28. - o ln ls-w t-fc ic fced -b rB m y ^ luee, Leake and MHton »

1 f PInnuUs CO

Jue-Loses—s'S rst r r t • ed 14 yards

V i s c o n s m— _ , UiB fourUi qu

r-Leading- sriTaS^ Uy miss, the

3N, Wls.', Ocl. 18 MV-i-Wls- Bui wlUi t3adgen. ou^Iayed sore- Michigan SU- th e - f ln t- tw o -p e r lo d s .- n4^A l'd -p4 :lecond h a lf explosion with uieti ; i « t zpass IntCTcopUon touch- Notre Dame’s

irday to whip Purdue 30*6 down. I l waiw ord Camp Randall *U- his big miss,d of 83,131. ____

Idaholied Uirough Uie whole er tevB to wrap tp -U ie / " v r X V T ourtli-*lri*ht-<rtnm phT )f W

secnnd - ta -B irT c n -jlay ; - i - !iriillao t run came on.top n o f lonc-M orlng d rires as K n e . Q A t r*. knocked back on Uielr ^ i«T lH V T iafrc*H vriril{e -TUCSON j to e Intennlaslon to wipe „ n a 's Wlldci e j one-touchdown lead. lotercepUons'

le Torse) Ameche. again me of th e Badger ground th e aecond on a smash

m le ft tackle to wind up m arch wlUi leas' th an a ‘he end JO In Uie th ird period. The J , p o u t n . „ r W . I f

with Dawson a t the con- ffon* tJi* one n Uie m arch aa Uie fourUi *«ores. under way. The Boiler- Th** w u ' l

iKed fif th naUonally, had Uie season ani _thelr;own.35.tfl.iht-W ls- row, but 11 see when Dawson's pass was 11 had In all by Lowe. combined.

------------------------ Oeorge Eid(

ma_Defeats_ goalJloeJor.t:

iV 27 to 0 t h f ^ix :^ - T e n n ; O e t i t w - wim quarterback Albert ig the pitching, uncorked passing a tU ck Saturday ■^nnessee 37-0 in a SouUi- nferenee football g i^ e . in ct«w<I_of_J{.eoO-aai -d^W i'^-aa-the-Crtm sD n

no better than an even cd-orei-the~VoU-for-thB ince

TOE. M aas. o a r r r ( ) n = fooUiaa UjUdrWhlOTHaa first th ree tam e*, faah-

*l.a tHnmph iver B arra rd , the win-D 'betarH he-extra-iX Xn^nd Bob Dllllnham.

a S e e n T h t R a if

M ‘d w ^ ~ f ~ I H

)JA -R -I-N -G ■ ? fW re ROSTY" I INTERS I] Geo.t

3 W S N IG H T L /. x f .......... Gi " F U N S P O T " g i -NEVADA!........... p ...............

^CTUS IEirsz:| i:i_.of th a Border -A dnata

^ Sponsort5?lSC-qY P ^ v V > ? ? ^


' I

ORY 0 VIashy Sout hips Oreg )pes for RrL A N D . Orc., Oct. 16 (/P}:-Soi izzling bnckfield speed S atunlit mck J o n A rn e tt, n b rillian t opci ng to ta l o f 179 yard s by h im w

nnd the

i W i l l a s S J ”."In nJie *te

L-a Pom t- ygS"; i M i s s e s 5 S « ’ J 1I BEND, Ind.. Oct. 16 I f l - * B ?i'’ t ^ 'me'* r ig h tin g Irish, trail- g^n i«ylniafter 13 minutes, ouUasted wcond ha'SU le 20-lS as the under- out of thi

U ns mlaaed an extra 'po in t into scorlrnal 85 seconds of a ratn- Halfbacliirlller Saturday. ed one InI tlgoroualx__to p r t t tn l a da*fted 48N o l« , D am e dbgraee of j t took ju jur .strnlglit t« the'raame for A rnettj Irish rallied for touch- . , , each of Uie last Uu-eem d .U ,„ c r« l to , l ( l w S ‘ S f ” .uae Michijcan BUte failed t a f l « a dramaUc closing

» IrSah aeemlngly had Uie t c ^ n w d ir.coalrol.w llh..tw o touch, „bow h ^ f ^ Joe Heap In Uie stre igh t o

‘d third periods and,jinlf. ...A m «U -« I Keynoida In tho fourth, hta daahes s u t e s tn i c t BS yanl* fe r for-a to u d

J a rto a tflucndaiPfl-ln 't«-o The acorlnj in which i

1:05 left, fullback Jerry the line, ni of U ich isan SU ta had of poslUoi kicking foot to Ue the touched.

A rnett ciI k ick -w en t wide of Uie ttv p g ln g S i and the Irish won their Oregon's lory agalnal one defeat, “ ma o n ,

off lU -feet-ln-lhe-open» —O regonrr I w ith two touchdowns by ’"'W Claranca-Peake-on-a-fpur- ««W '-eon»

and a 48-yard scoring final touchi E arrM orra il lo end John minutes. Tl

with fullbaI converted a fte r the first-m lM ed -n fttT -the 'M W nd----------, after B ert Zager* romp-ds for Uie third SparUn T a l l l ]) In the closing seconds.

Dame 64-yard march In 1 ? , . ,I quarter produced a Ujlrd i j l l C l Si.oa.flcynolda:.el«lit-jrard ^ _________despite Schaefer’s point C l . ^ * Uie IrUh led 30-13. ^ K C U h the clock running out.SU tc's M orrall completed DURHAM ^ iM -lo -T bh ri-I^ w Is and Quarttrbacl . Z&Btrs a e t aal\ aimmd magls (or A: ne‘s right end for a toucli- urday and waa here PJanuUs made d c u knocke ss. featcd rank

- ' tory. I t wa1 7 '* trium ph-aJ

10 V ictim _IT ' 1 t h e * ^ nd

------ ie a d - th a t -' couldn’t bes

e s , L o s e s , , j g ^i . A rl t, O ct. 18 (fl-A rt-IdcflU turned four pass 2",^ns i n to touchdow ns'Sat- " u w a r e a aII to defeat Idahb 35-J3 ^ CKctlonal fooUjall jnant.plna scored three touch- _, up ano ther and kicked rjlons. The ahlfty soplio- 1 # ^ led for 178 yards for # - W k “ 17 for the year. s scores came by running ntercepted paaa 33 yards•nd-ione.-tt 23*ynnl-run ----------------!-yard plunRc. BIU Codd an Intercepted pass 30

Max B urne tt plunged me for the o lhe r Aritona

J Idaho’s flfUi loas of | ■ ■ | and IU n t h defeat In a H l l scored*more-polnu-than —

all oUier gam es this fall

Eidem flipped an eight- D e e r 0 to Paul OUles on the

ir.the.opanintt-scora. I U - ------m A*back Cal UUgenbergec I v n 'ther Idaho touchdown by . p *T A r 95 yards on four con*. . O f .. I M ays. B urdette Hess con- f o r t o f C iti

G Y PSY JO E and H is Wi:

restling, Tues.,M A I N E V E N T


GYPSY JO E vs. STEVE ►a n d


lADIOL^ROKDi-------T U E S D A Y ) 8 i3 0 P .M .

a te TtckeU » i Bcddtn 'a, T b e 'sp ert S): io red b y V rw _ Pron

ER STANthern Cal' ?on, ReaffjS outhern Californin’.s Ro.se bow! •diiy in cru.shinB Oregon 24-14. ■pen ficl<lriiiiiier, led th e f lee t vie n»elf. He acorert nil th ree 'S ou t>the kicking .specialist,-------------rnngnlnkis, added a field •I w hat became a near rout second hall.on's adept pauer, quarter* eorge Shaw, made It close IniH ia lf rh ls -tm serm o T ln r tWyajds to an Orecon touch- • m

Uia t tied the score a t 7-7 N O inlermlaslon. '

Uie SouUiern C*1 backs b t- D a I i ylng for his passes in the ■ U I I half, grabbing i«o of them >Uie a ir. and turning Uiem I ’ l l I

srlng opportunlllrs. L U Ilack Lindon Crow Intercept-

In Uie Ihlrd quarter and ^ I v i .48 yards w ihe Orceon ll.

.t himself selud Uie next, In M tN : S5 yiuda in a run-bnck toegon fo.itr. He scored two „ _ ite r to p u t his (earn ahead ^

kept Soulhem’ Cal In con-'•for the Coast conference M►owl-aomlnaUon-wlUi-two --------- ■. conference wins. ^i-contx lbu ted-44 ya rd s-ln - - - ' — ses Itl the firat Trojan drive iUchdOli-a.-In the'flrsUpMlpd, - — ring p lay was a 35-yard run Mh A m elt cu t back through j j B . neatly faked a Uckler out Uon, and wenl oVer un-

t carried. Uie ball IB limes, . . ^ 1ig 9J) yards a try, M Bn's aecond quarter' sooie ' » ■m , three succestlre Bhaw ^a ie-rm *n64i-K Inrgooa"for ■ 3 s to halfback Dltsk Jamea. nrnow-out of,-the-Ro»e‘betrr ‘ ’— W jllh two conlerenee leases, f f insoIaUon-onJy-in-m aldnr'a - -------fmichdown d rlre ln Uie cloalng ( l l. The drive carried 98.yard« ' « llbaek Jasper UcOee going>m the two. • - : - ^

in-LedA rm y Is U nbeaten in o f D uke tUI:a m . n . o - ^ t . IB iR _ If* ^ n»ck-peleVamwofSe<rblaeE “ •’“ E hr Army'a Black EnlghU Bat” i l i l ik Rd Uie fast.loprorlng C a 'eked Duke out of Uie unde> ^inks w ith a 3S-14 upaet rlO ' ^ ^ ■ 7was A m y 's UUrd * tn l |h » J H | - a f te r 'a n .o p e n ls s lo a toaroUna. n i Mscored two touchdown I s ■ a U j l

U iW to pOa s s a - th rw tiB X i u t -• -----------

Duke to t l u seoond ta tto«Liler ta ^ t -A a q r ^ l« a d - tB - — B ^ rnn cntaked CPTtr tb r U t^ w n to p u t t t tayoad c ity

---------------- ------L— ' ' CIWIME8.WEW8 WAWr ADS.

\ 1

3 v / I tMI / J r Qaaw



UHTERS^Ig h e s t p r ic a t for - K en t

’ a n d Elk Hides 01

AHO HIDE "" ALLOW CO. T :: i t y H . . n . 3 1 4


_ ____



---------KIcTJ__ n .w - t

Ketchi - - High

V IF E Chan*.

./O ct.19 “Bope.

iV^LLICIL - ^N A L /-- r .; N ETRY ................ I


•EYOO ^' Shop,-Wray'S'CaJa romoler, T e i Hagef ____

m m mT e s m ^

firms frSpotowl hopefuls displayed

victors, runn ing up the m thcrn Cal touchdowns' "

o X t t h e r A u t o '

Blish. . . only

u r t l e w a x;lv«»yourc»r.»_ . _

g g g . ;

n t Wax, n* w«Hd‘* Hi>«i• PeBthI TUSTK Wax a*M .[>km, «id F ionas rM (O'«o<■tWt•o»•ra!le<^A^^y*er^ <rfyaofr**- ,

B r t l e ^ w s r "I d f s t r l b u t e d by

A ata^ rodnet* 'lllkA n.> («rtkni.U (.W .

• n a r d Ant« Oempas]

B i o r * - i c 5 E T 5 a 5 ■

City Ceaoeo S e trlc# .,^ _

ClUferd * D errieeil - ' "

aoway,.Harold, T e x » « " ' ' .. .

Ceoeli, Jln* i. Utees

Batch's Hlehfleld

aaser Conoco Serrtc* ’

timberty B ead Shdl

ibmm CenoM Serric*

lack's East Mebllgaa - -

MendioU's Texaco

lllch«tt'A iner-t7lM a-------- ”

ton lf«m trj B toU ittt

o n Ctly Serriee

ttoB'.-Weff Sinclair--------- "

U re^ . Central Shell

tJnloa Motors, In c .....................

Jolted OU Co., Inc. '

Union 78 Serriee • '

yarlierg’i T w aeo ------- —

ff« rA d d S o n 1 h d i~ I f l l. yenng-a Coneeo I .M ' B spe rt CherroB I ^ 8

Bob's .C«noco.-_Bt±l___—radUag Taxaoo. B uhl' ~ | ~ ~ | i B ane^s Texaee, Barley I fleOTa UtMo. E dea I ■ ■ lTa'CheTr«s. OoodlBjr '

B ’ B Bwiooth Motor. HaQey W Mlereme Gaa and OU

cT JI6t«r;C 6;::3e«M rt------ini'a Cntioeo. KetehttM — B l itchnm Texaco Serv ice_______ ^ 0S g h w a K u io ^ I«|>1 j n llan’a MoMlgaa, Beper» H iB a n a l ’a O n m i i t , . ' 'B l

Bnpert - B f lCnlckeraen Cberrea, : . f l f l

BepeftBpert AbW O oopu iy .'V .., h M M

Borioa TberM ,, ...Shealioa#. - *


Page 20: )ark aign; Talks - Twin Falls Public Librarynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...-hid-comg~lntn~Taing pf n^r. i*~*^ =To7^flce.-that-he-is - - ~ 'Clone cellar

-PAGE --------


0 F |

featuritij 7 - Vaii Heu

Century with th(

"™ soft"colt



EVT h e re in n n r p a lc n lc tl one-] it w o n ’t, v r in i A nd th e V an tifu lly w e’r e t m e m b e r o f ili

_ in ^ r o c ~ l7 r " p r -------------------- r a t t l e th e y elis

The Idoho Depa

- to b r in g t h i i it

V o lle y . O u r loni

— « i* u re y o u 'o H l i

_ _7__. ___ JVvp-t<>_y

^ F IR S T

.............. - V w 1hlK~coiip6nVan Ilfuwn Onl

— Twin I - Je ro r

G ood

iE T H M tl

............... _ T

p i M s

ing the i u s c n ' y shirthe-revolutionary l l^ th a f= ^

m m i

n o th e r co lla r like it In thr. v ic -p ie ce «oft c o lla r n ev e r nee •ink le o r wilt o r b u ck le . . ._e in H eiixen C en tu ry take* co ir •e o f fe r in g you in coopern tif

th e A m erican Inn tilu te o f L " p ro v r 'iir '(Y o ii~ c m v id e n lifj^ d inp lay thin H eal).

e p o r tm e n t S to re t o r t p roud

I f i n t n o m t to t h t M a g ic |

lo n g l i l t o f fo m o u t b ro n J* _______ )

H h a - T c r y - b e i t . -----------------------------

J J f l u r s e l f J I o w ( t L a u h J c r !

; t l a u n d e r i n g f r e i i

vix Miuw »<njrf IMm _

pon to K fl jh^ H rs t la iindrrlnK o f ;

O n tu r j 'u h l r t fw e !


^ i N t S T G

T H f J E W

v u

y new

Tt K t t!

he w o rld . V an Heunen C e n tu rj n ee d i s ta rc h <br Jitays. A n d > . ._ever. . . o r yo u r m o n e y b a d co m m ercia l la u n d e rin g no bea ra tio n 'u'ilh y o u r local la iin d »f L a u n d e rin g the firn t la iin d r iiry~Iocal~A7^TrL7 laiftrH f iS "1


Snprrtln» whllA . (Vilon (nlnk. hfllo

______ —o f y o u r '■■'•'•"‘■h

Rnlinn dnwn nxfor

' M f f l


t A N D CO


L _ .......T , JK m mf' r '™ il

lu ry ’* • i1.1 yei ■h a c k l ^ ^ - ‘-t- 1 l.rm .- X '

v «^ t l e r - _«verjbody._M weK~l)e> e ^ la r t l i i t won

u t day . V&a I > Beat ffh rn you

h - - ^ =

« r tiN .w iiiTK^ . ; _ _ ; V y

..............................- i . w ’’hfllo , ' 1

t hutlon ciiffi.x f o rd ................4 M t ’

w n r m i 3 . - J P * H f r — ^iESENTTC

} M P I E T E

T ? ' V

T w irl It, Bend It. (,url II,*B rfvoliiUonary n rw collar Ix Root W wijiavft alfraysJw#nfM a.comfo ■on’t wrinklft o r w ilt throuRh the lou 1 HeuKen’A Century collar looks an 011 ta k r It off u I t did the moment

^ . ^ J l e r e l w l

Van HtHsm'n Cfntwr)- roi- Jar in woven In 1 layer offabric. Ordinary Cflllnm nr« •atitched or *’g lufd” toRetli- e r from S aeparat* la j rn .


O T H E M .



__ Danny Knye .aU rr iiif la P » r * m o a n t Picture*’

^ *‘Knock on Wood.” CoIm & by Technicolor.

^ f F Tl

i k . " ' '* \!' •

'.:S £ k ........ . ■•


I I . . . It Just \Voi;ood new* for on! Women hinfort«b le .aoft____ kunder.-You-JiloDge*t, ha rd - flip i t . . . and aa cTiap and w h a t could be i

rn t you p u t It prlcca?

M makes the

’ I

V an HeuRcn’B Centurj- eol Ia r la apcclally woven t f i t thft curve o f your ncc! pcrfectry. Or‘a n ia o ‘ " ihlr collar* are curved b * tltchlng.



D R E S S S l

!a . f*’

M' ' «■fc''"'' ''''

[ on’t Wrinkle Ever!have nhvav* wanted a ahlrt that'

u-juBt-iron-Van Hcu*cn’*-Ccntur>-c id It folda pcrfeclly. W hat could bn be eaaler on j ’our budget than Van 1

p. difference!—----------1 - r ?..... - ' . . a J i ^ 7 1 ' . '

^rr-ifeg sa sseg f t i i i^ i ^

T-____ J .

. ^ r \ / ^

eol- Van llfiinen’a CentuI to N Iar liM tho fold*liaeicck r ieh t W. Wilh onllnaih lf t ' - l*rs you have tn.iron

by fold-line after evrrj-■ ing. .

1' • ^er<I T^God' ----- Twin

im u y


iiat’n a ciocli-(« 'T-COlktrlllt...-;----1 bo easirrf Anil ■ an Heusrn'* lo*

- .........- ■•

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■ntury Mae vbvr* i l l n a i r e ^ _ _ .Ironin'tba•rrj-»»»*'• .

romg w

o d i n ^ k

Page 21: )ark aign; Talks - Twin Falls Public Librarynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...-hid-comg~lntn~Taing pf n^r. i*~*^ =To7^flce.-that-he-is - - ~ 'Clone cellar

Kimberly m W e a t 't i l iM ' 121 arfen»e le rrJe tf *dinlnlilr»tl ^ m t J r a Ue o*th ot office from » c2,ieJflUtr*Uon. (SU ff «n(raTiD |)T l • ♦ *

j f fK im b e r ly M Bifeetor A f te rTTftf D. C, Oct. IS— m en t Beneml i - M M t i i - * . OI- “ *• " “ '" s ; , , a V., .»4 l" ~ c r iy K ' , „

Jtn^j im tn t .of '" r "■•«'f S J S " b y BDS* » « Ul>, CWki r . H onty.

Z ^ a 7 . i ^el ef the llr • force,aC, KtUer. who had I _ r^U«n ot deputy d)- Ilii-arr. I»M. KcIIey IffljtTnslton-oligen- \t{Ui( Mk- I . W m f f / fuvituun um laU on. I I S p Mres ta PhlUdelphia. I ^ ■ j l ^sifdlnclor «ru with I M ft^riiary, is ts . I , '>:b, llll u rv ln i'w ith I ' ^ K Sd In the plllce of I _______i f l f l i i J / 'f o r » » - It i teniu wllh th e l — C o m e I.HiaHMd ru p o n il. IadsnpUnnJni. p ri- I •- .

I J | l 5 (

ruti;oiien w « e n - T ' '5 0 2 Sho*Itf KUriilei In lhe I ' •t i f lh tT O f lr a m -

m . r ‘ ■

R f Efyour new



«i»em W ro l Ihe A m o r lc a n IS a i s s s j o l g i S S F f f S l■“undeiing q u o lit ie s o f th e i r (

' ''ourself H„,v I t Lau

~ ^ ~ »< 1N D E B IN 0 F u t

' ---------------- r<n«>*M4____tK«tl !

- t ra lu r j - S h i r t F rSfcsai:U N D R -nT T T O Y O U ABS

(lerly M sm lakesjO j

JiM M tll M depulr director of the metklwi ilnU on, d e p m ae & t ef eommercc. Oben >m A dm lnU tntor Cbtrlei F. H oaem U of Bl) N

¥ ¥ » • * «

M a n C h o s e n D ep s r -L o n g A g e n c ye n l lU ff. He waa In tc - Olten U tn ftry icrvlce from 1M2 to and attorney. rolUlary DccupaUon&l-»pt- the bar ol the

•re BdminlatrnUve onil cx- for the DLitrlc iffleer and - procurw icnt member of tl- and control officer. Dur- «upreine-court -w*p-JIrhe-ir#»Hl#}*jirDf=- n f -W irw iih 't

the tool! dlvlilon of the reconsiructlon icllon board for th e pro* and lu autx lvlilon-of-the-«rm y-ierv- specla titltyn t

^ ' . ^[jrogiamdr-tnc.

We Handle and Sell-^ Only ABERDtEh 1 9 V COAL . . . Iht wtlcr H'tthJ i y Homo*enl«4' Coil fiom UTAH


e In ~ L e t U$ ShowYou Uiah’

IcCOY COAI & TRANSF)h M h o iit;W e tt.

■“ ■“ “ F irst TTi ■—V— t a u n d e r


W * o n a m e m b ti A m e ric a n tn s t ih it* o f Loi

m I r i t t lh iU e f L au n d e r tn a o r e prbui rh e se - tw o - th i r f eem p q n l e r l n th e p r :ir f in e new sh ir ts . ____________ '

su n d ers!- - , •

XiTi ^a lI"c lo fh e s, a n d «

■ ^ c o o p ero le________ ^ lo u n d e rin g I

--------- L .^ 1 ^ 'f^e -ih irls o s-fu rlo f OUR f in e worl'

•u n d e r in g n fK re e ! _ _ ,

jg e tf ic r v^ ith ^ h ^-co u p o ri-ffQ ci'rm ra ! s to r« -w h # r « - y o u -p u r c h o s e - th e » s h i A BSOLU TELY FREE., ... __________

f ”T

Ulci KeUr


ln lhe nuch t&c »perA-T wltk the m > bullden a&d producUon <

OUea. bor July 73. 1907 n e tr Kltnbei from Ktobej trodtdtlie'T :

« a n * - iw s ;iehool»T)f^a Seulhtattem Infton, D. -I


Oben.'S«FW » re d d e n t e t M leU of (he b sstooK a n d da-'

« « #

e p u t y

y S e rv ic e s — ^U tn Industrial • p ^ a l l i t mey. He U a m em ber of I the u . s . c o u rl o f appeaU . _ )Litrlct of Colum bia. « u l '* u T r h ' l of the b a r o f th e D. S. L- .--V 'ic g ^ ,_ e m n if in r th e leea l aU fr o f the ctlon finance corporatlori - t

aubsldlary corporaUoni, •_ w n tv -to* lU ty--e*pftnalij9 r-tn c lu d ln rT lf tH e~ 'd r“the •} 1 r

I p

n'Uhed __ 1JTAH’8 m o it •modern :ENTirYIKQ TAGg IN '

iah'i B u t Cool! " ^

« c o . ^ MP H O N E 3

■ ■ ■ H H e p i ^ T I

r i m e TO.t,• be tnlll

B r i n g ------- -wml a t Qiu Withila pleU l/ beuoM

•the rt 'i' Ditroni

r -r

- J -m b«r

L o u n d r in g

p rijud to jo in _________

H Hp ro u d o f th e f tn a J H p M | J f e o o r r l o u i ^ fy ' - j f f . ^ K H H l m nd -Qre- c s p e c i a H y " ira te in th is FREE

th e s e tw o f u r th e r e v id e n c o '

w o rk m an sh ip .


111 a s Show n--------------:e s h i r t s r o n d — :---------


y M L 'c u t U n s ' t w T i a i i i i i r j ^ ^ ^

ICeUrr, OUen li well known - T ' Jnuc hine 'too l IndUtliyi h * » : ____ I S -irA-«MTiy">eiir» ol aerrice s m e m m e n t In dcalln* w ith ■ a&d eontraetcrt en*»«wl-ln

Ion of mlUUry end »<nu. 'l c E L E L■ ------------- U it UHV, bom I n . Alchfleld, UtAh. C arer FT

1907, w u reared on a fan n . M n - a Itnberlr. He Waa c raduated preildent tobeily YAgh achool a n d «V- ed th e .d l theTTnlveralty of U tah from clH fledjl. -192B.— H e -k tu n d M 'lh e Uir' eaudldaU pflO M rBt'rW M Hlng'ton-tnd " ' — . ^tem .untrenlU ei ir i 'W aah - d e t m fn D. -C:.~grM U*tlnt w H h ' a U~marrie<

l U W P ' ^ 'S A ^ V o N til- -

AWTOl : " "■

P e iwm( n w w i n r w ^

[th t now. PenaeT*! offar* leday'a n e e i. an tllo l, .mot t t f r t e e abU ' c n rta ln»~ | /IC R O N S ^'i a a n n ^ e n b l e ' b t ^ i 1m. D ae ro u ar« f a n e d for the ir 1 T ttal.wblle beaoty. th e ir lo r tly irap< t qualltte*. A m aalndy durable, t h t f ilhiland tna -de te rionU an . a re coo* tU ly nilldew a n d la jec t-frec! And eaoM s f (heir am ail& r w rln U t-r t- ilaaee both In a ad ou t e f w ater — t n ' i 00 Ire slP f i« ipeak ef w ith ' itronil


DACRON PANELS>tffle-ftns-retlures th 'th ea e paneU iit ih li KccepUonal p r ic e ......................I «

« 'x 8 1 'x P 0 * L onf

H j E p L S A V E H O W

H I L a h u n d r e d s

Y A R D S 0 1

H H ^ N E W ^ F A


. TOP portu&lty a ad th lr i

. blotuei T tb iu i


fv Legislation : s - T o p i c - f o ^ P T A a K

IBY. Oct. ia -L e * la U tl« ^ r u h f « tndoned by the FTA wer^ BUlne F of dltcuMjon_'njM d U -ilia m sw eat— n t-b u ijn e ia meetJni o t the - PTA lor the winter teaw n. _ ■••Oam-DKmtr. atcond Tice- - « o n * - ent of the Idaho PTA, direct- i . dUcUMloa. Olher pie ila in* ---------—

[aU-for.»i*l« aenVtMT^HolflF

I n m th i lit te r In IP39. Ue u o w o ■ried and h u three children. ^

~ An amiP*f« boo'*111 tx *wlll write

I t revei"*• .. clnea give

r 1 -k w trouble; e

S l w i O © which tiaj

may be I years of

vt. lA R K E R A j .n c y S , £ i ?I . Bnhl. Idaho_______________

i 3 ® “E B B llO iW

9 8 " W I D I 3 /. 7 1 " - 8 V '- « < ' LO NG

W O N •



f l a n n e l PRIN'loalliy! Top V alst; H e n 'i year ep- ilty to m a t warm fUnnel tleepwear tilrU fe r your fam llj. Bee them In—| ORALS - WESTEBMS - STRIFES.

T I N G - F U N N I L ^ . ^ . T r r = 7 n n n

^ m M S R litH F A Flireoa fabrie jo a 'll tew (ate fermaU, ntea, apreadt and drapta. Peep, r lc h .j raa t eolora l u t for (h t life e f' I h e i m e n tl.._ ____________ _1

PERMANENT 0R (B eaatltnl loUd colon yea will tew

[ Into cartalBi. aproai and to u a a y ^ L f tU a i-W iV --— ■— --------------- —


men. D em ocrfti-caam aaU fart'*^ ^ ™le n tu tr : M rs. U e Berry, H I ; M r. arm M ra. KLiliTTf Sha.-u id-M ac“ R oberit. D em oaa t ■Itie fo r iU t« reprewfiUUTe. Vu h m e n U « e r« a e rre d b y M r* . W

PhUUpt and Mra. Qene _ W ^

i i . l 2 0 - - F o r Aberdeen C ou! ^ lOBnlalB Fuel Company^ adr.i

c B o o l c - o i r A r t ^ f i s j — -

Rhaum oTism iv - T o AVOID c n i p r u N O - - > 5

D EF0RM ATIE8 (jj;amaalng newly enlarged « » l 6ooS“ e n lin ? 2 n T f e u m a a 5 f '] e M nt free to anyone who |/v I te for It. - y \:veab why d ru * i and medl* ' live only tem porary relief and ii _ r e m a y t_ th e _ c a u ie » ,o f_ th e __;; exp lain t a epecialUed non- H ll. non-m edleal irea tm ent - t t h u proven tueceasful for theUyearex---------------- - ■Incur no obllfatJon In tend- >r thi* InatrutU ve book. U « th e m eans of u v in g you of untold m uery . w rite to* 3 1 < The Ball Clinic, DepU ASOJ.

or Bprlngj, Mo. l ^ p w n

l a F t s - t o m o r

© 27%

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.O W E R PR IC E S ., ‘ J

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GeLqJ>ox-4aifor waTchirij the new



319 Moin Atchu* EoifSEE BIG AD ON P.

F F O W -!-—

2 s b 2' f t r M F P

' ’3 ^ ^ I ^ "“j

L O W t O d P( a l tli«'ar«A ye« .« e m ;a i t h S a . . ^ | ^

tiny prieel T h tn hnrry te W W a e r t fer Uieee r v n la bard>'u- -dews. eat;.le-elta& ta w . Made ef itro n r I 'p ly ymrs

non>tkld back*. Bloe • BeM M ib le r - O lb trv - ' M t k

2 U ' i - I I Z z :TiMPO^

/ k y .: c i A r p u R ^ « ! i r


5P0RT:oAfs a I•word styling in new patterns and colors . j

plenty of variety to --IrotnHTtTlfalarlerTlftCcr^rrj r JIme Penne^baylalfoi4nf _. . . fairilt~Tiir .. ~ rr^ B I, rayon balf*Hniw. , - j | 1 -3 5 -4 4 , I g g ^ t fc^rsir r ^ - -^ -:

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Page 22: )ark aign; Talks - Twin Falls Public Librarynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...-hid-comg~lntn~Taing pf n^r. i*~*^ =To7^flce.-that-he-is - - ~ 'Clone cellar

SpeaEer Says^ — bord^-Prayer

Gives AnswejT he Lonl'a P n y e r—iplr1lu*lly ui

dfrelood anil llv«l—o f fm ihe on1n«tlny K»«t« tnr «nlM»r.n if m«rk ln d 'i . McUl, moral. •»<] politic

liny cvcntnf. “T he w o rt j 'o f 'o o d ll eoirplelel

. . . pmcUcal.’Slmmt-dccJiu’ei]. He u l th fre U no problem bfyotid reac n{ the henllnj power of ihe Lord

—— Pray tfr-iir> d« r« t^-ln lta-acltnt<t: meanlac. He totd of lieAltniis of dlteaH dlagnoied a* ••incurable nnd of olher l e r l o u i problem through aplrituil undrraundlns c >.-ihla nu tc h leu prayer."

O n a nationwide tour u a mem - • ber of The-ChriitiiTj Bcleneo boar — -o t-U e-U ir-eab lP f-S lm n is-apok tJ

.lUekel ichool audUorlum under-tb • . aiupleei o t F ln t Church or C hrli

• Sclentlil, Twin FalU. He ii>oke o -CbrliUan Bdence: MsenltylnB Oo

c Jn Prayer.** and wai Iniroduced b• Florence fimlth. f ln t reader.' 'SThinu «ald lhal the prayer «lve• by ChrUl Je iu i w m “ tbe way Jem ; blmaelf prayed . . . He knew ll woul ' drm onitrate Ood'i tender love. HI■ Boodneu, prcience., and power, J

the experience of all who prayed I■ underatandlnily, humbly, and / «

— ^ 'caU y .;:--------------------------------------"DiU prayer, tboush cnUrel

■ *pirltu»Un nalure. eoTera e re rr hu I . Tnnn need.” he added.

True prayer enablea tbe IndUldui I ta undentsnd B nd-proT em anl re i I ■ dom lnion-throm h Qod'a ip lrltu i I ' Inws or Life, Truth, and Lore—otc ; - rverydsy problemi of alckaeaa. d lj i cord, and lack, lald Blmmt. He aal

prnyer u bated on the ip lrllual un ' (leritandlni: of Ood aa tbe loflnll : rnther-M olher, and m an M ..H I

__:.ip!rUuiLl.lmAce a n a i lk tn e u .____ _• _ "E ft^ llve prayer,** he w ent on. "I

_ ~ "_'ffP<'nrrcrit.upon-two liilngi. nainel:' AplrlCual content or-lhe-prajrer a n . lhe reverence, the humility, purltj

____Aellleuneai. the C hrlilllne ii. tba. nloUvale* IhT ^rayeiT ^U C h 'pray*

beala, regenerates, and aavea.*'

ance or UVlngTn accord w ith C hrU f le m o n on tbe m ount, and <]Uote< these Tordi_ot_M imL_Battr_Ed(li tbe ducoverer and fouoder or CbrU

__ ijiin Science: "To m ? aense the aermon on ibe mount, read each Sun dny without coDunent and obeyei

____t h r o u g h o il t <h^ WMjk wnuiri Krnough ror Christian practice."

He declared tha t “CbrlsUan Scl rncr stand* today, as does Jesus

-m ission.- on tt< worka t f healln f thi sick, regenerating ibe alnfuJ, ani otherwise saving fearful, lufferln) humanity from bondact to t b i ca ; nalJnlnd.? ' , .

Tlie healing record of cbrls lla i Rcleiice la widely e«tabllshed an(

22— rrto sn lred ,-he added,—noU nf- th a■ . the U it one hundred pagea of thi

Christian Science textbook, *'8cl. ence and H ealth with Key to tbi Scrlplurea** by Mrt. Eddy, ‘ are glvei over lo teaUmonlea of healing o

^IseciM aAd dlacord ot ev o ? ao rt ac compllshfd by read ln i t h i bool alone.** -

Descrlblns tb i approach o t thi ChrUtlan Sden tlit to prayer, thi

Gtebi'a Old Dolcb BaJb Meal tai — jsrtiueT T T ra iiK itr 'n iiF w tra r'a ioS , seed aad F t td . __________^



ALTHOUGperson with itam lo a enou

__ to the Bftr ra th e r thn i^pu.......can be done. An'd l a m p>

Jn lhe courl room as a coi tr:c t Judcea, I have been (

_ - ... • IN -T H E 5l

■ Clttk'i omw. ;

SupftBM Cfiort I

--------- nnd Oat b« t r t r sine* Ii-tb.U

IK WITNEP.'i' lViiKr.ro

. ' VAlio .A M «nber m Oood

J I M ^- — ■ Rflpublicd n -C

____ - P a ld 'F o L Adc,

— page EIGHTEEN '

By W, KLTON QBEEN :i ^ e r C h"** —

Dr. Jbaepb P a r t e ooc« tald to i

* ‘’" 'y a wondarful tubject. I t U tb e In.effecllTene*i-of—the- ex pert.*—Hi

I tlM l J , - n ,e stone whJct

------- tarcom trT” :------- w S I^ ^ B K r^>>elely -me a g u have : said demonstraUd - lh i reach stupidity of the l^ord's speclalliti. *'Sx>-ntllke r T T r t - t b e ~ x m r ] ^ ^ H ^ ^ |

a build t b i bouse, able," they labor In vain )Iemi. tb a t build J l. 'an d ng o t the archltecU of

hUtory bavi been nem> a o l o r l o u a . . f o r I H B W H B i board w l “ >• m , CrMi

<r. Chief O o r n i r .■r-tbe V:tirlii, lecturer said: **Tht Christian Sei­ne on enlist cloaes the door of hU con- ( Ood sclotuntsi to the laUe testimony ol cd by the ptiyslcal senses. Ke refuses tc

tee or ent<rUln uny thou ih t or afly- Riven tblDg that Ij unlike Ood. He clwei Jem s hU Up« and.iUently pleads, th a l U would he affirms Ood's allnes»-BU all> r. HU power. Hli ^l.lnUIllgence. HU ev- !r, Jn erywh<rene«. He m a i n t a i n * Jn I t i I t thought Ihe aU-lncluJl»ene** of

i t l ’ good, and that m in 's 'th ie being U_____ i>»»f <h« jtfpfKM nni-hi>nglny ImiiteU rt lj o f Spirit, Ood. , r h u - H ,- ( t t u u rlihily tb»t. being

, Oodllke, man must be above any 'Idual p j n „ »ln.,»lckhe»,.dl»cord. or* dlaeate. One can readily ie« lh a t ritua l y , j j peUUon God lo

b i God. I t doe* nol plead wlUi God - as one. pleads wllh a corporeal mor- ' tai. Rather ll knows, understand^* *” *• Him to be good, lo be merciful now flniw ,n d forever. 'I t acknowledge.^ tha t

here and now He exercise* His au-------- thorlty-and le re -a s - tb e -P a th e r -

iiotber-or.aJL .Trulyauth.prayer I*•plrlW il-underslandlnK-lhal Ood.

»»>d ihe-pt»t-«nd-«nly-e»u**..«ver-holdiurIty, HU creaUui, man. In a perpetual th a t * u ie of harmony, hence free from

rayer error or evil o( eve’ry sorL**^ , ___ He.declartd lhat .the hatred, dl’-

honCTtyrillstTU*f,"*lii, •sfckotn ,-gm l . .L I deaUj Uial appear to be a pa rt of

everyday living are no p a r to t God**ereal!6n.-ne-»ald-*uch-coadm onsmay *eem lo be real, bul lha l In t t -

'o"5-- »uiy-Uj»y-slnjpIy-mlrror.a.Ialie.jnB* teriallstlc view of existence. Jeius



r J G len nI — "-------LIMITED

: th e »

I V olu;[Iven M« HH a beauUTuI. golden portfolio <

B i - Id u l ebolce for Chrl*Unas.-0

r th e BI C l a u d e1 for l a _________ _____•



In my cam paign for r , r | ^ H in? A tlorney of Twi

frequently been a.<ik( itiy quAllficalions foi

. ro tern hnve cxprcasi« M ___cism when inform ed¥ i t f l determ ined bjt eiJge of th e law and

nf yearfl an appllcan Bome law school.

r O H In Ibl* d iy of easy living. 11 n •nougb ta Jollow a course ot individual st ^ pu rsu ing tbe luusi course o t study a t a n proud to lnlorm llie public lliat a f t t r \en I court reporter and Individual study und( ren admitted to the Car as the follawlng.pl

E~lupnEME c o u K fo ? T i? ir s m


jp.tt..!.'! .UiaJiuacma-ruiin of tini-Ttjtfl-otJil

l-i-'V. -. wni.rn lhi< i- ; t <tovBf

.Ta.iwa nad b» nim-tvy in jrw.1 MxmUnif;

^V.ror, I h sn ^ruunlo Kt my Imnd ajui .-Jllr/ij i ■ — - -

tood Blandlng of tbe Idabo Bar Aisoclalloi MerenUj Dlitrlct Bar Aaiodailon^

X I J N N T N t ri - C o n d i d o ( a - f o _ r - P r p $ e c u t i iAdv:^ by Tw.^ FaU* Republican C e n tn l

J R M IN IS T E J^larStupU U y-of-thirSpeciii- :■ - stone which Is O b fl itJ ta ii U u liird >• -me choien people, o u r 'L b rt'i

oa-n race, were reUglous experts, bu' 1 » » “He came Into HU own and His owi found received him not." Bleeped In Scrip le In - tu rt, atudentj of prophecy. U»e] “ r P * filIed " lo recognlie the -Heart-o; which J t ^ Tbey-buUl.xlUuHit-Jlla.aac K0®« crashed 'a n d 'to d iy 'th e y 'w a n d e i ~ amooe3ha-ziilBiZ30ittLUltjf3HlIU I c f e igaln, they wilt build on th* Re- 9 L jecUd Rock. .1 ^ 1 ThU has been the slory o t naUoni

ever since Uie l i n t bl< bungle b)

the pyramids, o r ilU i Uie ipeclalUu of V crulllci, even lo tbe preaeni Um* of tbe United HaUons Uii story u the same—Uie expert* lefi ou t lh i Cornerstone and havtsg re.

■ I Jecled God, Uiey were and sUIl are Jn a la rfe meaaure, Ood rejKtad.

*_______ One ha* declared, "No Jgporanci

I Scl- proved auch oondlUons lo be false eon- be added, by beaJIng Uiem. UiU re-

iny o t placement o t dUcord wlUi barmon) kea b> waa based on spiritual undenUnd- : afiy- Ing of lhe atlneas of God and HU cIoKS spiritual creation, and the con- la l U (oquent noUilngness of evil, Tbe re- s all* *ult was healing which a ll could see J ev- "Our aaKatlon from cbaoUe con- i s Jn dlUons la to deny, reject. repudUleII of and destroy Uie*e hypnoUc luggea- ing U lions lh a l Ood'i kingdom and Hit miige m an are m alerial. temporal, warlike.

■6r‘imfur.'‘T i n u r a r % r » n 'd f r =v - i„ . Inltely win peace., harmony. healUi,

• n . aftd happiness by mignlfylng Ood. ^ or H ll kingdom, and }iU man h tre on th a t e»rth;“ —

od lo To llliu trale tbe heillng .effect of I God honoring Ood ilone u the source ot mor- m an's being, Uie lecturer told ot a and^ wpman'who waq. confronted wllh an I now Incurable dUease. She waa a student

lh a l of ChrUtlan Science, and although s au- her c o n d i t i o n « t i serlout sbe th e r ' tu rned -w llh -fu ll aaiurance-lo her ^er I* undentanding of God'* Inllnlle Ood. power and goodneu. Slji relied ex- hntiii riuslvely-.on Him for healing.*iu»l At a tim e when her c o n d 111 o n from seemed.mo*t_crltlcil,_fllnini3.»ald,

ahe renewed her confidence In Obd'a , dl’- healln* power, vlgorou*ly affirming rm id t h c - furever p ie»eiic». and-bra lttig r l of power of HU love, Ull goodness. HU 3od‘* aline**. Sbe prayed lo underiund .Uotu m orc-c tea tly . he r. own-reat_nalUfc. n re- Identifying herself completely wilh ,jnR . Oood -M HU ip lritu^ Imige and Jesus ilkeness.'Th# lecturer iold'U ie'oul-


n M ille r IED E D IT IO N --------------

olum e 2 .

'olio o t Olenn Miller selecUona—an a i Otily Easy term*. - ^

A t THE; O R D !

fo r th e office, of Prosccut- T w in Ffllln C ounty, I h av t a.*tked question-n concerninjr

s fo r th e office. N um erous reascd su rp rise and scepti- ■med th a t adm ission to th e id by th e applican t’s know]- an d N O T upon th e num ber lean t m ay have linRcred in

, ll may be unusual In find a isl study leading to admission a t a University U w School. II tr \eii year*'of dally experience under the aupervlslon of DU>

Ing.photostat will attest:

[ t e o f IDAHO

i l O N ____________

. ‘ ' I ■

-Ot.liUhu^ lla. hritiiv-«rllfy-llut--------

toVftfKcvr,-.* c r •

"Unjf sl thr-i'-.r nf tM '< W l - -

l lv j ihc l«'.ll l)ir C'.uit il

C tol. •

ilallon iind ih* Fourth and*■ n ^ ___________

G i i M =u » i n g - A t t o r n » y =n t i t t .CommlUee - ._

E R Z SE E S ^IXBCTOtof*"— ---------------------------liin t. U *0 rld lcu lou as tbe brlUlant

Lorti, norance of t b t o p e r t " 'O n e w th a t a fte r mU Lbeaa.cenUu

of faU urt b i m lgbt take ■ hloC s cooslder the poctlbniUea of tbe I Jected Rock. B u t the O od of t

i r t-o r A ga-haa .b tladed-lilajn lnd ..iiad .a a ad __■ander —Tti*-i«><irvJduai^bo^*to-«tiV -Mtna bpU d-a-ttfe:^ hla own-wit* farei , ^ b e U t f T T n l^ ^ ' l i l f f l iH n b lA 'I

he U m a out to be a foot, fo r he i aUoni beeotn* O od 'i fool th a t be b

j i lU u Chrut. He U ' th e .only endur reMnl Foundation. Be aur« U u t - jv a b(I the U built on ao th lng leaa th a n -lei J le ft ^lood and rlgbteousness. Build w

re* material Uiat will aU nd the tealII are, as one h a t aald: “W* hav* tr -w - Uie *peolaU*t*..-.W«-aec<l tbe Si irance lo u r r -

faUe, com* h i the woman'* own wor tU re - “p^r three day*, during every wi

Ing moment. I dwelt upon w hat C iT u i . 1* *nd my relaUonahIp to E

NoUilng elae w u altewed to ea ™y thought. Suddenly I realli

' ? „ ■ th a t I w u free from pain, oU rnn iTmptomi bad alao disappeared ■

;.r°" I w u completely and permanen

d HI* EmpbaaUlnf Ood'* love for m irlike. SImm* declared: "Remember G I dfJ- knows you only a* yoii really a ealUi. u HU . perfecL.-l«pIriUtal..ereaU Ood. forever unchanged and

re on Hence H e does no t tem pt yoit i — ^ tbe-om trarT. H e i i-e re r-* f liin t tCt Oi ..Jl... ___ _ I ij , MM

ree of R _.i==e!S5

I -yNITE> her — l i j --------------------------------------

I . - O V E R 2 0 0 .

i 3 0 4 T H I R D S lbod'a ■ li■mlng — 1 —— ====s=s:»lfli» - - I. HU lUndiiu rc .________________________ _

- 3 ___ -,Televisi

l l T E R V I C E

l l - DELCO ..■ r/i| q Prodnet e f CeDeral Motor - m 8 ■ PlelBr*-TBMa‘= T U dirT iibe

J B vibrators - Speaker* - Caplca p;! I - CoDdenaera - V o ln n i Cool

H - C ar A n ta n u a

I I BURGESS BATTEI E |S , CO M PA NY■A 9 itrarrih log In Dry Cell Ballt


n ~CendeiMer* • P rinted CIrcuJ ------C*t»m lea-»'C apIeatori“


lU dlo pn^utQ cy C ontn li


i M M n tK to rm o l TV lUdI lA mj.

MOSLEY ELECTRONICS, IrE .c r jlb la r la TV In iU lU U

I Uardwara

a STANDARD COI “ PRODUCTS CO.i M asufacturtrs ef Televlstsi P Tanera

EBY SALES CO.Sockeii - Shield* - T e n ^

S trip i. Battery F lo g s- 1 UarneaMi - Etc.

ROHN MANUFA< I TURING CO.^ Ai»emb1ed Towera fo r Televls H and Cotnmnnlcatlona op to g ----------- ----- IM Paet H igh---------


W ecld 'aX arm t.M aB ofacturer . rhanograph Needle*

i TH O RDARSON- I MEISSNER■f - TraD sfe'rm en'. Fly ba ck s • Yoi I- • and All Wound Cemponeni J ------------ tor TV and TU dIo-----


I M soufatlurera e f TV R o le n a j Electronic Oaraga D oer Opes

I WEBSTER i MFG. CO.1 Phonograph Cartrldgea - W lrtl I Inner CamrounleaUona 8ya(«m

Tape Recorder* - Etc.

I GUIDE A UTRONIi --------------E Y E ---------

! P arts ServleeI 'T re^uci eC G en u a l Itilolor*


— fffltU ’jT jj rB rM a n o fa c tn r f f — T«levia(«B-Bee*tct-AmpUf led —

M u U r AnU nna S y iU a f . Op< _ate«-rn iai sDi (J) lo te re n tl tho

"r-saM "ieU-ftiim one kn U n m u —

■ - 'T I ^ S - N E W a T '

..E v e n ts R e l a t e d_ . DECLO, Oct. R«*>

FUber, U r. and U n . Wayoe L a R a eb e l-L c^ ,-M r. and Mra. D

, , FUQua and daughter*, a ll •Dei Don-AdaBi»,-Dattyratte

ed funeral acfftce* for O artb Ptob

M ^ Jo«o*ly mertifuU r.dtU vcr j ]f thU temptation* to *in. loj,d be a c t to die.._____“Jeiui 'declared Uiat tbe klngdi

of Ood ll In Ton-andJOCjtLgttEjs*-*118 T w rindTneU otirptw oit-aw areni tli vUl of Ood and Bl* CbrUt. *Rie klz « m a y dom of Ood. divine Love. U .no t.j

to come. 11U here. Man, tb e aon

durln* and dominion *nie*o n ^ l a p g rbope Jesua*

r : F R I» e a v ^ .......................................... „■

— ^ o i nr wak- w ith

S DOWN-DRAFT,' o i t o A s s u r i n g M o r e P (

S s ; ' I n c r e a s e d H

i d t p y i sfallen. - B e itm a iir E a i t o f P o tto fH(L On m d to


S T R E E T E A S T ________ P B


'sion_dMIKMi E IWENl Phoiw Pj


plcatora:ootrou I would like to I

since my firm nome ’ERY - display a United Mo

lomecompony. This alterie* tribulor franchise fo

Mybusiness isi . giving specialized se

'N P -- Mogic Volley. My blxu^ ___f' 3) employee's now

deol ri from Magic!Since Februory

poca.Togive better: LreU deoler accounts that. aquolifiedlelevisioi

oni of the deolers en Long's background a this business th oug

I TheogeweoreI* stove that will cook a

lnc> y washing machine the__I reolity in the future.-

5 - . a u to m a t ic o l ly d im h e 3 I L I E n g in w rtn g . T h e c a r

E s o o n b e u s e d a s o r ig i i

Wan 2 W e now h o v e inI g o r c g e d o o r o p e n e r j

0 . I push of 0 b u tto n y o u ; -yQuf H bfne .'N ow 'pric i

I A s o d is tr ib u to r

A r [• f®*' D ecem bi^ • _ th e re is e n o u g h te c h r ^ o u t be in g c a u g h t in tl

evUlon should b e co n g ro tu lo_!!.---- . . -ffomthe number-of t

.. sion Stations. We con no ene wos satisfied,V

1 9 hod. WgQdvi<; y,>;.t,irer of -------- orbothwithprtTifision

' WAIT FOR YOUR Nf <4- . tronicmorvclevcrbrt

• Ina closing line. Yoke* ' Without competition


penen I F y o u h o


c o u p o n-lie . ........ .. ......

ori S ...... ...

Inc. I :i ------. - J ------- ~ ~Oper- t --- ------- : . -----thoB - a

: 3 — :


d Ktn of Mr, and U r*. XaUf FIs _ a t Farmlngtoo. U l ^ - Wbdnt* .•J, : BUly Steven* left'W ednesday r i S B O ^ F e n y where haU o n p lo

O K . VOTOnrTIIJl.TOl 6 ^ 1

5 ^ * I» tto Beacb. F la , Tlalted faU i e n U . - M r ^ M ^.VobnHUl, hi* way t o HawalL

u ' S TWO A M F D d D• SHOSHOIfE. Oct. l^H m bU I

P e iC T 0 D T M « if le ;;in :r iH 4 ^

ren e s b f c i i = 3 t i a g a W |h r j i * g r ^ king- c hargu of public In to iJcaUon. o t yet ab lB .lo pay Uie »tne* th w i Mn of aent to the lilncoln county Jail wl cedom thwn ow .'[ra ta o i *3 a aay.


ith «xclusiv«

r,HOT-BLASTTUBEP e r f e c t C o m b u s t i o n a n d

H e a t i n g : C a p a c i t y

> EVANS^ifHci P h o n i 603


'HONE 2390 - TWIN


Ho D ealers. In

Our Electronic Dept.

ILETTER- FRIENDS AND CUStoclarify o few focts. First people f n e is UNITED-AUTOMOTIVE SER Victors Service sign th o t 1 am opere his is fo r from the tru th a s U nited . I for G enerolAlotors AutomoKvtdi

is hom e owned and operoted ond \ I service to people th rouQ hou^aJIjB ' business has grown from a (2) mo ow including (3) full tim e toiesmer lie Voliey for the fine support giver

iry of th is year my Electronic busin e r service to cope with th is yeori ir iot we d o business wilh o u r Mr, Wr sionond Radio Technician, will be engaged in th e Electronic busines:

d and experience he con b e of grec jghout th e volley.'

ire now living in is the ELECTRONI k a chicken In one m inute is not fo th a t will wash clothes without pgit re.-The Guide A utoronic Eve used c I head lights is the result o f mony y :or m onufocturers intim ote thot El iginol equipm ent on new cars toco

; in stock for sale to dealers the ne\ ■.r, this u n it con be instolled in o vei ou c a n open and close your garage rice'd so cheap onyone w ith o g o ro j

tor we urge people who o re .interest nber RUSH, but to stort moking o ihnicions, tim e ond m oieriols avail n the long waiting list. T he people ' jlo ted. Good programs a n d enterto i f s{its-thot oro out. in tha odvert isin :om pore.the Television busjncss wl id.with one stotion when there was i,» to hove yourinttollotioriimode-fc ion-for-TwlnFollrwherilheycom e NEIGHBOR, buy your set now ond brought to the home,

ne. I e x pect CQmpetitianJn.th!i^^>y on our g reat Americo would not be

aVe not been coi len and need oi n below and mo

I P U N IT E D A U TO ) T 7 T - . 3Q 4-T H IR D . ST.

I G en tlem en :

Pl.as«_co„loi;i —— t ..-- .W e-o re lnt*r<

__________ :________ i— .

®JjS STOCK oiT<U par-iui,_ra


’ w hbia t the ■ ^ m


A t G ilb srt'i--------------------- H l g h w o ]


E A aU AeceMOriM r t Afl Kiaj . Psm p i • Lota o t Canned Oil T tr* Chalaa - AtiU-Frtti« T oreb - Doyla V ae n an Qeaj T en BydraoUo Jaeka - Tab* Teater - C ham pion Spark PAttlclea loo N tim e ro u to M


z i — rrAMER0 3 GESALDTO:


N F A L L S , I D A H O I ■

m ta lte r s

. For Your Needs

JStOMERS:le hove been led to believe ERVlCE.ondthotl h oppen to erotlng a b ronch fo r ed Motor Service is Q dis^ id n d Electronic lines,

id by m aking ovailoblfl a n dII eight counties o f______________n a n operation in 1946 tonen._|.w.ishJo th o n k a ll t h * --------venm yfirm . '

siness hos grown w ith g reo t s increased volume to t h t W m. V. "H I" Long, w ho is be contocting e ach e n d every less each week. W ith W r. reot service to th e d ea le rs in

•)NICAGE. The E lectronic for off. T h e Electronic

gitotion will olso becom e a id on Generol M otor ca rs to lyyoors o f Electronict Electronic ignition w ill__icome.

new Alliance Electronic very short tim e. W ith th e ige door several b locks from roge ond c o r con a ffo rd it.

ested in Television n o t to 3 orrongem ents now w hile ^ailoble to do the job w ith- ile whoolreody hove s e ts ftoinm ent 6nly com eising rodiusof-thaTelevi^-----------; w ith the Rddio business; ■ as others th a t could be

ne on the olr.'DOT^'T ' nd enjoy th e g rea tc s t e le c -—'

business-orK hY elcom e-it;-------------1 -be what it is today.

REED r a O L p 7 . T j

o n f a c te d b y o u r

>ur s e rv ic e - fill

lail t o u s .

O M O T IV E SE R V IC E ...........iT. L rTW IN _FA LLS. JDAHO

ac t iis a t o n c e .___;___•r«sted Ir> -th f-fo lIow ing :Iin« ;^^--------------- ------ :--------:--- _______ __

... ........... ~ . ' r :

^ adpW M'

E T o c rriNGATSPk

'• ' 'E N T O R Y ^


I t e i t B E R T.TOMPKWr.

. amerkh MICROPHON

------------- ;fE I> E li«telephoi RADIO CO

' ampere- - electronic_ — Mualstiawti^Q,

D M alH iM l.

------------ Eieo-nPRECISIO

UWTditlilHlEO W

J.F.D.WtrV I larpK lb*

rrUtt Aalasul

- . lEADE ELECTRON!U ugJic tm t f l


- SWiTCHtIneorpM


.VIGTO.MfiCnsk-nAin n b l l


B H W lafJU tn M I fl<D ■ )


B s H ta M d f e l l^ B................


g fk ilH H w Js a d O a W i t * * *

------------C U R O S T *


royal T £ ^ ^ siipptf^i


- -M A N V m ,

ll inthi! m

Page 23: )ark aign; Talks - Twin Falls Public Librarynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...-hid-comg~lntn~Taing pf n^r. i*~*^ =To7^flce.-that-he-is - - ~ 'Clone cellar

11^ VAL;L r te r «f MORTAUC

^ t u U Ult^UDdW. He Wl >. of tWlM- ' - * B rt Mr. K R u e never h

M ^ H r! in d M n . 0 . Wi ^ t U t i u r U ugh. Chtftoft

t f ta

, new »y»t«n. _|[j, u is ihow iM ibeJJ

KuUnfi berly't chief c lite rT lce rtp n

• • e g l w b & ^ S d P W 't n e w b j

5 w l l t ? f f i r j J i l p ihow . Ktab« <•* ID DUt the phone eompM

H ^ l S S m t t i d ' o f iV inC ~: r Ih e c u to v a

fo ib e r i in

;2ar«..^™sc-.;& s s s ^ “-to b » « dU- M u le Vtlle; I r J l i i te ' » I>leked n tta U A durli

eomln* eeJebr ? ,« ta n W fOOd UM. coUege In Po . ^ h u V ta coU B trb tr* MeB.

^ S w m 'to the one of .the «

------ homecomtnjq• 'r t e

ifih is» tt* rof h»TJnf innUU meeili L uu jy^* "'• «ad-«(»oag-U>i[ ftUi tioplr keeping J U i ThOBPM iMD Dcoth w m ra ^ . u u r in f UiearftneProJec Mulutl t,-o «irorlUM^ n T t n enUUed to ^.o„ .

, - , O m ejt won f ^ a o p t o r In Rupert p .^ t m Ihe i m IDd. *hen formed, p i l z r , »nd

*nU*bIe t ro u g h ^ w iK 7 h U £ .

HKtotlBonbernieeU 5H05p,au»lap«yn6iuvl» Phiiup,. TWIh

0 « r . BUHL. 1M is the cooptrtUre ijlj« mtmbirt Jain—M itfiact»T^.ptj'ing --------- - ^ - 4I u 1 month until the IiM Irptld. The coop- .

S , S . T „ 5 S ! S i ; _ W -n b e r hi* the right ' ’IfitiU to tnothM per- - CHECK Tljtobecwne tm em ber. The New G. . • ■ Wfl»n Mof(W,.fl9mmimlly-n«*r —TJie»*-«-W.K ^iB C iu lt county, the percentC ^ r e I t (he Psdfie more. CUrtjlotk expoalUon!t a t t PwtUnd, Ore. B rond A

E r i v ata*lttted u one of * B ro n a C fjiBtoe): judging te im .B „ „ d d

^ ow froml

ll2ii ether meroberi o l 1 n n t j v rb-pf c W tto ja n 'm u n - • £ ° ^ u , f ® rm U)d win competfl0 ( t teimj In judging AutomtUc■ rtUrettock tX the(tl lo letum to K h o o l ----------

gl»’a i coniider*-] *r tl the Delober luue Gfllr;U itU ow iuin6U tej| ElEl)Ttitti*ph compuiT'i _ M

) n i (ha cutoTer toiJa.th* comrnnm tr- ' w " * ™ !b the n iga iine In- ■ JKEWRt of the cutover>ren picture*. Fourtow Wephone ecm- W W

t*5r*erktolnSM U 5 2 0 S o u l! •dtou. One pictur*



L-TURKEYDP t I A l A n J — ^


■t»ER 17 I j W

DON 1 ^park

^ Horse sh

z^: Exper

L L E Y -.......... ;.— . — And r^DonsTii

:AUQH eom m unl^ M elh- Eden, holder c le w it ctlled upon to bap- s c h w b w td

bone depoBJu i ■er h»d btpUted tn y twin* but In the aar and lUU are a goal to be droua_calcJu«

KwaTsUn>UW t-I«cl» h s Schwab 4aid.

). W ..J*hD«^jTj. tn d j ^ . .irlcM and Cbarlloa Jo lio . he b urolilUU'............ ....................... •— hla-pn»pectinJ to ^ -C » ^ * * r -K lm b e r tr WstonsT53n5: King the f lr» tc * lio v e r .th e -------------------

S X rS 'iJ 'K ! NewlJef operator but who now rtpresenltUve in the com-' BURLEY. Oi w butlneu office. Burley attome'enth picture in the group the C aul* 'eo mberly butlnecnnen, te le- tee fo r.ihe Dc npany employes and PUO pftity'a candid ,t a dinner celebrating th e !_jrht-neceM*

over took place for 818 sub- C aissacoum y In 'the- Klmberly.nan*en Uy.ToUl co ito f the woric pment wa* in s .o w . th e by the comptay leponed. Be7ry « w n

* * * Berry was nc'alley wa* pretty well rep- m ary electiondurlB* Uit recent home- --------------------:lebraOon a t Idaho fiU te s if tn a Kappi , Pocttello. For example, tlw e who tc VIcR«t>ertf, nUPBRT. wns Chamber*. Dl he sttendant* for Helen Collom RUPE AM SRIOAN'PALLS.-iac - ' ng queen. I I 1 1J t timnl a*ioelnUon_held-Jla Q -----------------reeiing~during .th e e v e n tag-(he dlreetorrelected-was H — U l ' l lspMO, JEROME. H | \ v lUie homecoming aitembly HiU u and one fra tem lty □rds for skiU. Alpha Chi H W A /^on first price and U U ng H IV IM V 3he slclt were Ana Reed, U n / \ ,m d Ruby. MeEIfflurray, [I I v U IU £ . In Kcond place « a s Hiic rpn_^K > jg r)ti.jm dJn i H _______ .TW'the cs<C were Jean Schnp. H IHOSHONE; Marguerite Q p u fWIN PALLS, and F rtnees 9 IL. i t t . th l f lp lace-waa J IU P« ■ ■ ■»■

: O M P A R ^ - T FVASHING-LC: Tlili - A uihenlie-Com parlw n:-------'w O-E Airtomsti: Waalier ^ l i l More Clolhci Per Lond TJinn

xentage llgure?te ll how m u e h ^ ^ ^ i .

A ............. ...54 1 * ^ -B .....................1 3 %C ................ 27%

f .........._______ 1116E E U 8 . . .W ell Give K A Ole Pure .Pacts About * T » vUe Washeral \

BSm -w.

ELECTB*c| v W W ^ y /

V A L K EBUth Main

^ presents


r-N iN i


S ou th .o f M ogic V o « B y T s n -H lw o r9 3 “

•___________ T IM

•ert Says Uranium Old Bones Is “SI

Oct. I* -Jo h n MeWUlltms. engineer' for (cted the dtpofit* of prehUtorie-hor*fl bone 'rts-uraaium ti present In shipptble quanti ider of the mining cUlm a t the site, repor J la id he and MtWUUaoa had spent two 6 ■osju and t^ a t the engineer not only found le *and depoiiu around the bones, in adc icluo-phoaphate.-colopbane, terlelte -and laid.ane and serlcite a're cUulfled m “rare earl h o u rh -ih rW rn m in hu tm ljiln g "c l* !in 'a »lilUUe<i by th t trwn__Ttm6^ing t iu ] acting a t i h t . t ltfcJitJxa*4inoo>efrf-«-tlz >Ones. name of them In • remarkable sta te of

w C d n d i d H t cJY. Oct. 16-Herm aa Bedke, ttomey, ha* been named by I t ' ^ n t y central commit. ^ ie Dcmocimc p tr ty ,tt .W e a « u i t i K tndldate lor sUta auditor, icesstry-pepers-nom lasting q u ire -o tr irT f rre filed Thuraday with the by Alpha Tau lunty recorder by Fred WU- airman of Uie central com> |h W £ |l! i ||;g ^ ■he move was made neces* !the withdrawal oC J . C. lla

» candidate for Uie post. M as nomlnaled a t the p r l- j;tlon In August.__________ ^ I

{appa fratern ity .' Among P fllio took p a n were Cale M ■*. BURLEY, atvd U Roy >RUfERT._______________ P ---------------

o o W g ' P\GIC CITY I , ■ 1 lOOFING I I


FHESE i " .OA DS _

'$$$ : ________________

lORE)R Y O UR , J 3 W ASH ER •

E rPhont 3766 |

LY ...S /I

1 1


r a B a S D ^ r a - F i r_ M o

— — I ------- th eout

■ ■ H Ftr a

T w i

______________________J e r «lie__________ __ _________ ■

P IM E S -N E W S , T W I N F A U

m F ound;SInppabIe” :S ji!

for the bureau of mines, ed runeral » bonei In Hagerman valley rtlatlve la Bi

.uanUUei, Howanl Schwab, James Uoji reported Friday. ,i*lUng In flaiwo «l»y* t l the prehlstorie j j „ j „ ound uranium In U»e bones c ,n f is vuii t» addition, deposlli ol hy- § r « « K I -and rircon were tound. . ..

» Schw«ii;rtpori«d. f Om and • lease on U)e *iU the .prebl*torlc-1wne« .- In - - - 1 I r t n m r A U i a U ly o f ,p tt- ^ ate of praerT atlon, ba aald.

KHTTB FOR T r r u t U nowRSITV or IDAHO. Moa-

1 » -Jea n Boyd, Wendell: «.Dempwy. Hailey; Janet ‘rwin FtUs.- and Bhirley OiW, aro tm onc the a n u -h e O n lv e tx lt jc t Jdaho who ..............* tlng for the u u i of n - ____ ■ ___1rTHe-«TeBl U T p ^ r e d '

Tau O nega.

S t a r t

m m

WITH V( PROGM H A v rn -

H e r e a t l a s t is a ji

"W ith V olco’s n ew

i t vjithont sp cn d ii

------------------- fae iT O H nrfron rh e r

s p o t in one comply

f f " P S

J f

The Home ( YourChoiro

^One Single q Complete OpenC ustom ta ilo red to your plans an

-F in an ced accordinfc'tb 'your requ Move in to y tm r own

T“/tiin rn je“\^Ay you've drcnmcd bu - U ic usual tircsom o detnib to 'tak

o u t o f i t . F in n s - Estim ates - ] - M ateria ls - and ConfttrucUon bj tra c to r o f y o u r choice . . . o il cai

^ e r e — a t once! ^

r w i n F o i l s

^V O L C O B U Ite r o m e - ------------ ^ '

L L S , I D A H O ' ' —

ents Listed DeatlOct. IS—LouU A. E tm es, DOrTRlCn led by Mrt. Agne* PetU n- mler, Amerlc: In . PhyllU Traey, a ttend - rich area fai >1 KrTlces tecenU ; {or • An\e;tcaa Fa! I Salt L U * Clly. 1M3. - Jo jd and family h a re be«D BurvlTing I Balt Lake a iy . dautht«T. Ut annette Rooker, Stockton, eons, Cdon I rUlUng he r daughter, Atra. Martin Don r fe e r tn d - r tm » y .------------ and teTeriJ'i


ow ftt 227 Shoahon# North —


Wa JnTlte you to eom i In iBd tee 0 ____ anrt iinn .iii|

H o m i

S i n g e r

I g

O L C O ^

a M i r s uH E H O M E

a n ideal w a y f o r e v e r y f a m i

“w h o m e b u i l d i n g p l a n y o u c t

id in g a n y t i m e a t a l l h p p p in j

r e r r t c T t h e r e c n a s i n g a o w n . f i r

ip le te o p e r a t i o n .



elnand VC rationand dcsjres.____ ____ ____

equirementa, ■ .. - - -

b u t w ith o u t' ; iretake the joy ------- ' '- Financing

, by the con-can be dona.- • • ___________j j y


' . . »~y ------------ ------------------------------


ithRepoirted | ......Icn. Oct. l#~ T ed Dor- * / Terlcan Fall*, former Diet- * / y jfanw r, died Tueadty t t • / / /FaUs. U t U{t D ltli tth ta * ( ( /

ig are hi* widow, one ‘ V ; U rt. Ctirw D untan; two • • \

Ul Dormler, Dietrich, tn d . * ' > :m ler,:_A m nlcia- W l* . ,

~ *

S h a w - — I—, , »

- PhoM I600.M : R c»l •


ie -o u r ir r j. - ' " ' '

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m i l y t o r e a l i z e t h e i r f o n d e s t

c a n h a v e y o u r j i e w h o m e b u

i n g f r o m p l u m b e r t o e l e c t r i c

- f i m a l I . d e t a i l s . _ E v e r y t h i n g . - i

U s e V o


Home Build___________ U P - T 0 2S Y

A n t j n h e a r i t o f conce yniiwnht Ynii Wnnli hundred different bi voices, provide dupii :onstruction_and .f in ! ® » y p t f p ^ a i T i p I e f ^ 5 a V

ical-and complete pi 3ne the owners live I iye-in^oars:— ^

€TS‘......C \ r i 'ne 3060



/ A t y o u r gr<

M le a d y - f i l l e d T h e h a n d y n e w w a :

i h a k e t f t handsom e, f ille d , fo i p o sa b le .s ftl t sh a k e i

k i t c h e n ,h a k e .o r

a n d t a b l e • th ree to « ca r to n ; p'


nsS S v ^ ' ^ O i

1 i/ - -----------------------------

; “ z . . ----------------

lEBUILDllNii (VN EVER T* ICHOfCir; s t w i s h e s f o r a n e w h o m e !

b u i l t j u s t t h e w a y y o u w a n t

r i c i a n . f r o m b a n k e r . t o l u m ^ _

g .- i8 - h a n d l€ d - h e r e - .— o n - t h e —

> l c o ' s N <

^ N C E

M . . . . .

ding Made Ea:YEARSTOPAY!-

SpTin giving you the iit-have4o=eoord-rn ■ jilisrand contracts, f )licQte billing. Your. inoncing plxins proc 5tisfactte7riFrene"eei package. A good he In. . . make plans r

r.i I ....... —.


r r » » r t * i 5

B roc«r*s n o w l -■*—r-~


Ite rs !pway to buy u i t '— X' ,foil-wrapped,dis- *' iken w ith plastic-^--;- or pour—Packed -ti:—i; plain orjcdized.. * -__

— -

J GroI IIt - 11

lew I

• . _____


le Home note a file In-

ir.gntire _ocessed ...,■aKdtTP^-^"' home is ■'”. now to- I I

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I • ACR08#— X 7.i)0«oror---; DlTlnltr:• ‘ SKllBIt• • lo ll - --- M .O lU oral* .

; aJ.CIw red SJ.O thlnr ! »b«r« J3 .L « tf

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HOLD IT /I (?eHeA B5e t h a t \

^ m w P r o e .o u T r h i T w e ^ l ^ i f J S S A C A 6 5 ? - M 5 0 ’i? e

. u a o s e i ^ - A J D - w i H V ^ P ^ ^J . ih a t P s a u r ^ E ^

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S (f^CTlJ® 5^-“" T H A T S y x M l L D W g Q * ^


f | 3 5


■ 'T w la ir th h l'n iiis ic ” would 1 I sto re to buy ft lonf o f b rend l”


; r«‘S “S ;


— D O NAtD 'DUCK—■ l.-’V-'/N-y’ "" y-=^—

Sclutl*« t f y tiU r tf tx 't l>unl«

POWW^___ L l i S a r f ' 7 ^ “

4 .A a trte a» . ,IndUn .lX .M otl

E RtBM* ’l i t e d b e e l U -E “llt»k

. £ ; . r ‘ >•«'"■- - . „ .3 P .A rn p lt._

-------------- ---------- ll.B q u B d tr' JI.M twt

-------- — -----------SO.DiipboItl& T hiiw

— r - 3T — — >1. Uobtia>?.' a td t a

S T -------------- aoW ti^ IL S o tw tuMJO “ T m toeartfUa*

---------H .V ti*U bItST. Shunt

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............— r r — tfrB eiB d l'------------^ _________ BtTlta

•zplortr________________ t f .o r n n o rs s hu rlo x— I I ' I1 .B IH


SAD.M AeTMA^CO^n B e lO lC U U >U S/-.l 'M PRACTICtklfip 4e-H lSHLA N 0 FUNS— O JE O P H e PICT0R 6SQ 06 EVe>lT6 0F1U6 3jtJL5 CLAMBW<e/— P lfA S F lF re '


.T B y N E H E R

^ | hi-t e e n s . i I

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\ l | « St o i»i.^ K l [ W

■ THEWCKgy '


~ ■ ‘*Youn(r m an, tod j’nuch HI3 th e w orld—so let’s n o t argue w a y l”

-C A R N IV A L -------

r ' l r ' ^ r g


Vr'- ' "• " . - .

" I re a lly h a d In m ind Bom( d a l ly in th e billfold 1"

w noNft OM ONLV i I n>uT7i ry ^ ' ) ( OMB COUNT- H t N O A C T O -J I - AStUV»ft TCW OK- PMPJUa > S V MORNIN6- HOtfM < IVB J Quxact

/ HOW COI __/ V ___ __________ THIS TO

■ ' " Tm E & N E W 3. T


7 > tS 0 M 6 0 F T > C 4 e ) n>4SAP T tC iO S R S \: 6 0 T , PLeK SeCO W T I jc B N o a M C R T o rr - A - - ■ J(O ffTH & > £/A P & r/ \’D O S W EPO M TM O JPa P iJ * P ioc u p SO T A ^ - 1 ■"IfTUrf^UKERJCeANP i P ^ I t A M d t t A L O r ^

3 L

tgy w i > . .

B y G A L B R A IT H

« IT, K t f , U. t. »» oil .. .fa».1M4H«t«t.r*M.>

b ic k e r in g i s w h a t ’s w ro n g wltlT 'g u e a b o u t w h o h a d t h o r i g h t o f


rt U T / r e c

/ / io*ifc

■ ,11^

B om clh ing n o t no h e a v y __ oapo-

cm r HAviMT V J ^ n a u .i v k 'I A CHANCa TO J J r MAM TBLlS IPJiae FOB A ^ A WOMAlTflB « ftUEST TMI». > UNOeRSTANP*act-A Npr O U «P»-f MCR-TO8 - -•i tOOLD TOU c o y STVPII3 *VW » TO TOovs''*aj

B y W A LT D IS N E Y " " '

T W n T F S I I S r i D A H O -


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B iH B B SM 0 H W * ,K 0 w S & 1

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T f f i l i b- - . s - a *

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Gp B H B M I

- - a - - ^ A m biw , Jhar 4ho»/ w

_ — .Ll------ Itaty'laiiiTBnd-tsiv EaL - y - - -

R j jf

■ ' a " ' 2 7 ^ ^

I i i in / ^ S l N B S S »5 5U 6 ^^ n B / L B S S TH AN —

U'g E M S A T lO N A L ..^ T H E T C , ^ “ C ^

K - Q - V A I N T ^ ^ ^ P

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^ R i i H i

j \TFEELS COOP ro \ / /' eesoiMSKOME J f

AdAiN'NOW SOME ■(•)I S Mv\GAVon.'f/ey: h ^ \ p .

“ y / T r -


L) M'/C(S£J7 AH’D U K E T T6l /V/CO£;

■ I MEETVOFIE J fC r r n ^ — .-------1— FRiej5'n 'L“X ^ * ^ ^

. B : - - -


- R —

p . •‘•.' Y 'ATS TE. r r s HE

-- A .W m N O T I./Y A H 'A d ' B • - - L - K '^ S i V E S / i T i S r V - t r a

T ' 1 ^ 0 t ID £ 5 « U w /> M ^ “

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‘w m j u m r

! _ l l K tw tivv ‘ .' ■ /> , t'ttSK? ,\

IFh ^ m^ ^ : S S | t e t t . V o a mV HE WORKING TSAW -ANDYOU,

A i '^^‘GOOPTHIHif v W l W ; VErwrrocKT

m V f-k W aO M I HIS FUST NAMu jK w o frm .rr- b u z s e c o n d name ■ U £SS /n iB £SA F £r A S MINE-WH ■nstM CSJD O XUfJS . J4ATCHSRAM: rr53 fe^ ^ f.t«> S £7 jy WE IS BRCfTK

K ?

TEliir^\RflU 5\V Tm 'lOJ.'.' V ----------HERM. J'rOUHAVEfCVXF/*'*^^^: BCrr. /h e i?e ,' w < e upEZJR.' J -M3JR 5H£»CKLE5 /--KE£P*lQj» « r l A.SJD GET BfiCK A COU-A 0

- H H,dB H H I

•MAT T N O N M C rT T iS in in V HISKTl XV \lH M tn 'IU O W K ^ B l

a ^ s r ) ^ l ! S K t e ? v ®w r w u j L i H A o r ^ D enri

n 'n tf

U W ttV W 5*«(t W I : , w s s > t > j - , i '


- .e .iJ ja ti i l

------- > / WrireTaTefOrr.'sj I f T f e d n ai^paperj^ willycyj? » w uw hor15 p u r haw art Imosrtanr feurwojli

■auaeor 1 I rouGHr 1 .un)Unom£c« wwsre/? L TO/f V WIL a re VE K T s m H I H w ty o e ~ ~ Nt;. . _ ^ H ^ ^ £ A C BQ g ^

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^**"'X\\ f f c f f ly.v.jtS \ >1 ^ *yri>vi5«!«S_J |HHnL<

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^ I . / UM .11 UKEfi FBIER- rrs TCOI GUEw 4 BAO HE J ' U E I M ' ® ?

- » - ^ N E - U T r L E - / \ C V ® f

7 " "I I luiuj

^ N r rT H iN S -T - ir^» V CLEAKJSD, ; t S ^ FUCP6Yr ( l «

A Y E3-T0 L w r ^ ^ K


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B l

j^oleI D T - ^ a p E : ^ * -

s j n _

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Page 25: )ark aign; Talks - Twin Falls Public Librarynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...-hid-comg~lntn~Taing pf n^r. i*~*^ =To7^flce.-that-he-is - - ~ 'Clone cellar

SunV iM g R f — .T-T S u e

-roK Jru K n | ] 0 v * S sun ViUerK ^ S k i e s e : £ * s

...... *iM* i“ t - r■ s S l i »««»«" ’OltbMn T U one of t

■■ Vaioa. P*cU j - *il^

B t^ s rs r^ ^ ^k p tcu iu u a t

H t k ilokft and U jed « mecUnt


W r | | Enumenktok ^ M D ^ . ^ 1 t n c . d . s

WUllun Ooo■ M S H I b S ^ H In Je

WltK-all. VIr ■ | i K ! £ i | ^ H OrUftUUr-Ml

fiUren tai■ e 5 P«' «’••*“ ^0K n r a r n * r e > b l a UNIVTOSI ^MLSa tU« ot «o«. OcL IS ■ g T u i t U j l i n e a n - r a l l j ; J a i r ^ B t a UU (onn or a c h a r lu Dun ■ & in i u n d«Uet KalbfleUch. k C m lUehlield, a

d S tk ti alll- Eden, hare Id « r cJurlng btr»hlp In t

fnalnp.*»‘«f> ®f V’® honorary air . t ^ t i a »eU ” *f « - tra ln lnr con

A ^ 2 U aJw nJty ofI * Ihl hue CMTlne - —Ji3 i/be .i5 iposn> if - fc -H n ra iw r'S jridoi] iU n. The R o n i a . 0I» SS^Bcre like a mj'«- ■^ 1, , . rime-elflud, — -itj lint. lAUf ru rn o

Complel45^Jo .coffle..from _ .^ fia tU y a c c o u n t A nn it

-CO M Bn»alK»t optical aid n o Tt find many 31

'y tn r t vhleh ilngly n . 1U*W < tuaWlblneM of eu y I I itM« eoUecUr* lu- i ^ = = j ^ =a ^ d ( tK t.S tn illo p .tH 1 d « n or mere ■ , 'S l i l iw i .M o r W : H ^

S ^ T ™ u „ - i - C is s s ' s ’s i i s s ;W--------------n t AliUnct lo th t B ■

ClUNtnm 300 to4M H £ \ M tttfA U lM -yearU n U S B 4 « a _ ln _ a j^ in mllei per aeeond.) ■ V I V btUi«1oc7 Uie ricUdei ■ E j V M diB ihlw of AUai. I I • Hoirttd the eaith cm M m b nelr namu vere IE3 | H ^ B«lra. OeUeno, t t a ud Aitrope. Orion ■ fid uuu brely tUUra g ; iRtf them. But the l || jiir nniUj ehinied n ______ ^■ v t&(7 m iinrny t« B MloflbtiUiTTiUei. H ^tal tUiei thlj fatcin- Qr, Tbeo hl(h in tbe f l■Um a flock of lltU# f l E x c e p tI Dm epen iklea of a Hlaieinmernlstit.who fnWH ta me beauty.of g ______1 jm li. KfUr ihlm> w ^|b Uia tiaze lUdnt tIu n } '

— Ie o j r S e r v e d ” | v ~ ; i rttJ j-N lM ty pwioni M bacheoD Thursday !

d bere u a part of ^ I

I ClI hmehwo the BoIm ; ^U by the MounUln K U A 1ta4'p*riae(l In'Je- M n w i>r.Bol«.»aa m uter [Au Ihi lunchton. T ht Ul -if« d by Al ItaU. Je* Rrtf Commerrt prtsl- j:m niurpt. execuUre 6 p L ,UthJTOtxr, 6 •* * '

•KTO8 WANT Ang. lMir-;||l||||||'||.liTi!;

It t

1 ^ ^ ( t o ;

jo r n , * i

hHjiiiis^iirjj« hearing aid bo

^»W e I didn't hciir very c

^ J Bwd 8 hearing aid after you Mit helped mo.»

rcvca!mg 43-paf w n ! and Your HtalUi, p u ts t t

E S ^ n o t O n e 's i u i a i i n g n

‘. “ “’'' I t a ' l and many o th i

^ ™ M ti .p „ b l i ,b « ib y S o n

'® M O T O N


- \ ------------------- --I “"WTONE

1 Si ; ’ «“

---------------- ---------ott;----------------- ------- ---



ValleyrHijds—lAmer u c t e s s f n l Y e a r c iv a T iC T . O ct.- U . « - T b t u L Hey reio rt a m cloaed lu a*DB -W day • tta x ' -pU Jtor

c h an iln ,^ ^tt-DMAniOir.—- — m on ih«n *

of tn# moat •ueoesaful aea« ^ ,rm, y,. I t y e*n o f-O p e» U n o by the But how cju Pa cm o -ftU fOX L^.T h t'-B axt n r tn r to w : rUl open Dec. JB. U made?"n ---------T h e fln u t

e c t in g C a l l e d ' . ' S S jHE. OeL Ift—C b ix lw IL the dcaert,

u a ctB H s In -jan c & c, 31M> « t . U ilmpU 1 Lincoln eounUe*. haa cal). t^e abUlty U etlns of enum eralora 'Ifl the tn* fortune!

iratora In M lnW oU /wunty l ^ ; ! ,5. Brtitol, H azel H oH injtr, , ,.Goodman a n d P a u l H ja tL 3 Jerome c o u a tr a re John . J« P '*

Vlrflnla -RJeketta. Maml* , w L f *

ma Ullta. e .u n am . TO llra 'u r.OVOOCTTT r ’.S?™”

M m r or njAKo, Mm- L 1 5 - U t t I c t io re h . T u tu j i „ „ ™ J a m e a Hanzel, Burley: (ju*one almi Dunham, O oo d ln t; D arrel „ «omen-i < ch. Pller; R o b e rt Speedy, o n e fiahlc i, and Jazne* S h a v r ir , Amerka U U iTe b « n U pped fo r mem- In the Arnold a ir aoclety,

a ir force reaerre o fflccn corpa o rg an lu t lo o a t the I * *

;y of Idaho. _

nGr»3sl?w7iriFfiis SOI»b« Saad * Feed. Adr. ^

........^ . ■ • __— i..^iV. ■

■ n a c « C I t o n i n g ~ — —10 W A rnN O L i n [ileU HeaU nr Syalem aln iu i le d - 6 « r y lc e d _ ---------------------m u tron i E quipm ent i


S E R V I C E m•WM2U4-K Tiriamu H

:ain s I 1iTEOiNi-siORB-l

O P E N IIV E R Y 1 -N IT E ' I 7’T IL . j ;9s00 I ’<12

I ; SIZI.. ept Sat. &nd Sun. f l l 6x9

C O M E - I ■. A T C H T V I “

Qf its Best! I _____5

'AIN'S I *1I O T P O I N T I

Main Ave. North I ' ' *P h o n « 1 6 3 I


. 9\

t w l d _____ .

' 0 ^ _ _ iS )t nothingT1 becauae evoy Ul-y dearly. Butwklet Now, I -'tCT all. Maybe 9]

-page booklet,*athe-f«alfacts * « • «ig,'not^oven»&-“ -=1 ^ r ’* '" " ngncff 'tranoa- laahowtocare _' - a and drugs on ' »«i. M■ed; the familyther revealing »«f. m

•Jiarge. and fr«e ' ■ —Sonoioneasa • -

--------------------9x14C8K RV ICE 9 x 1 5rin FalU, Idaho . 9 ll6 OAma AK& YOU*

l e r i c M s ’ I d e a s d C ;

S h o w C h a n g e a s ’By UAL BOYLE J lia » llh I

' YOWC, Oct. le tB — In any penon n« A m e rla -M th tn i-c tian g M * t » cwnk't nan the Idea of aucceaa. fought In i ybodr atarta Ufa In thU coun- U automau* tha daalre to be » aucceu. lifted fore« IW can you Ull^ »a_the anoX W m M it- t to«a,"**H 5ry6uV a rtalijr |o t The ano e r holdi a ihlj flnaat U at o f auoceu ta any Boston to C U9D, n h t th t r a m is U t f in aiUtude ot teU J u n j l e , ^ ^ - — ^ ^ ^ “N e m n w rt , o r rreal-srea t iilliiil I III a r * .y o u ^ UmpU. XI l a H j S I ^ H To- mlntl l l t y t o m e c t ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ H loncer mud rtuse i a o d ^ H ^ ^ ^ ^ B High aoclel wie« of o f -d a t« u ( t v l t h f o r t ' ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ H trouble ollI a n d I n n e r H I ^ ^ ^ B f l began to ac

G reat weuually o n l y ^ B I ^ ^ H H wm In the i «ple c o m a ^ ^ ^ ^ H | B ^ I fo r moat p< 'ul r t a l l U 'S ^ ^ ^ R ^ ^ H Owning i Jh l(-trtiU > rflH H m O T U ^ i ofiui )f UI apend r* j ^ l U wood. B u t ' ea Uylng to achlere ,U « ou t- for any har ippinga lh a t p a u for aueceaa, mlng pool I• without fully m l t t l n t we loat lu anot lUaed the real thing. W hat are lean aucceoa p>aU h av e un - pie today?t alm ott aa tnany traoalUonf . len'a clothing atyle*. OermanyfaahlOQ th a t aeema d y ln r In cent of Ita a U the Idea th a t tuoceaa be- culoua.



I S ' . L _ 2 4 . 8 8 B

I S - 1 5 . 8 8 -

- BsuUer « « ■ « * 'O f f - • :

- 'SPECGilt

— ---------------------------------------8C-<SPONGE RUBBER _ R«gu


I C o lo rt '• ! C Ol 8 * 3 0 , r « 8 .X 1 9' SUPE

ALLT2.21 Inch GMl


K 3



^ _ . ^ 8 8 c ^

Wool & Blend- ^ 9x12 RUGS T..,>

--------------------- ................ - 2 7 “ Tieg. ....... 39.88 ~

^ : z : 7 2 M

e g .H ^ .____ 79.88 •


___ ___ _ FAMOUS MAKE iJxl2 air# — R«ff. 113.10 .............?xl4 Slu — Rag. 131.00.............>*15 Slit — Rea. 140.10............ 17x16 Sit* — Rig. 149.10

_____________________ ^

' f

> f : S u c c e s s .-i:.

s . Y e a r s P a s sIlth birth.“D hder thU ihaory - * « » snon deaceoded fi«m i s a m i u Phona foi a m U rm in -th t M ayllow er or n u m w I In iha American rerotuUon regard thi jmatlcally, by pride or family. » M crala fore»er abora tha reeking herd «al«-_^ -Mia.tn.thU-«6(jAWy-la»«v-------

anceator-iranftlp cu lt aUll n u * a a thin blue-blooded axU Ifom m artlnl-b r to cnarlM ton.8. C . B iit the . Se Dt moit America Is: a. T na irer mlna what your g rea t- r I |h rah o i great graodpappy waa. W hat S S B S

mlntla In h lg h ‘aocleiy U no much or a Kieceaa aim either,

aoclety U practically aa ouU e u oitrleh feather fans. Tha e with hl{h aoelety U th a t 1| ^to act too lov. C

I t wealth U no longer, aa It . the glided ace, a aucceaa goal Mt people.

But whia It bacam* poaalhla ----------y handy guy to build a awlm- pool In hU backyard, w e lJ -l l I anob appeal..t are tbeauccen coaU o t p«o- ityi ________nany eiU m ata th a t 34 per if It^ dalrr cowa a re tuber-

O W i T H IThis is Th<

| A n m

I g i i l

W all To W A Price For E

BROADLO(SPICUL tWElD “SPECIAL AXMINSTER 5LENS1DEJC-COTTOR---------------------—lU guIor 4 .7 5 :

)A AXMINSTER______Rtg. 5.73:HATFIU.D....... .... ..... Rag. 6JSM27 COttON ___ __ Rag.'5.93

iUPER WORTHINGTON(LL WOOL..................Rm . 1.95SRAEMERE..................R*g. 9.95)ONNY IROOK ..................B.95

low WILTON.............Rad. 10.25«EDLICREST............ Rag. 10.9513 CARVIX................ Rn. lV.95:RESTFIELD .............. R*g. 9.95'X POWER TUFT.......Rtf. 10.95


XL-WOOL — Rag. 11,00 HREE-OIMENSIONAL*------------

;TAIR ond hall CAMo u f lH jm d J f im I y jr i» I . a n d - W o n f i7“ - w l d r = ^ « S u t a r I.IO RunnlnT



KE AXMINSTER — GREEN OR I.......NOW 84.88 «nd 79.88.......NOW 99.88 and 89 .88.....NOW 94.88 ond 104.88........;..-.;:..-.-.........NOW 99.88




utltus. It uema u. mt.-thta* aaougtk-! a aymboU of acbUraatDt to chlldita '•piter: hava to(39.000 a year Job with a.bif hlmwir.atloo. -----------— ...... ..... -B rit Wa ezpenaa account. W hat anomebody to anawer hU UIa< ty baalc. _f.Pr nim r n r tnm f nhiraira car .an d J 1 corporaUon emp^oyai alwaya achool ai : thamaelrea aa falluraa buy a ne -alary fUtera tbe lr telephone i friend - _ , - eeMful,-Jh»-*tthfc- U> w i du d liu n u l l - ------------4> a golf courae. or during a 1U -baunted threa-hour lunch- . RA ILI

a iff lonBha ability to gel tlckeU to the m ento, ( thowa and aporta erehta. and Mra. Oi.;


. a n n o u n c e s t h e o p e n

— --------------h i s o f f i c e s i n - t i i



[ E ^ E A ^ I Tbe Sole You've

u a l N a

> f e 0 0 a iROGRESSVail Eor U ss T Every Need an

^OM . . . f n

3 . 8 8 J: sa. Ya J p

3 A-?® ___________.95

^ ^ . 9 9 J 5 ,.9 5 . g *9*

i S . 9 9 | i i:Ji W S4.YD. 5 4 c

EMBOSSED^ “^ 1 A x m i n s t e r 0

~ Q . 9 9 ~ ^W W " T u m— SQ; Y O .- - N « O t !

15 FO O T

SPET "Velvet Loomei> tiw»*, r a tn T T td ^ lhl^tacliTrflr ug fooT „.7...................... ..... .

I a RT INYLONLOOP PILE "1 R ag. 7 .9 5 .. . . §

SAVE UP t oAPPED — READY TO GO R RED L^P^GRAY:OR-B(EGt* ( .12x12 Siia — Rtg. 168. [ _..12xl5.SU«-—JU * :Je4 g I 12x1 S SIxa — Rtg. 222.1


V W to e y lo awid hU wUa aab p ' ' t a to a paychlauut ao ha won’t to aolra hU family problemi

bow ib o o t tha a tm tf in a n Tera hU Id e u of fuccaaaTPret- ■ '

alc. Ha faela If he can own a ! ■uLbuy a home, k ^ hU klda to — -mi ana out o t JaU. pay hla taxea. ■new ault erery year, and make ■

nd of hU wife, he'i pretty auc- .ijTAna ao ha U. . _ A i

HAILEY n S IT O U tL SY .-O ct.-l9 .-M r. and Ura;I H enoaa and children. Sacra- O f ), C a lif ,.are TklUnf Mr. and Oi.ylord Peck.______________

N e ls o n /[]LCCOUNTANT \e n i n g o f

---------------------------------- : —

)IN G !^H O


J W aited All Y

i t i o n a l

e r i n g>— ^ E N D S

T han Y ou 'd Tf nd Budget.-Am

'om 3.88 tc ^ S w ifS F

Your Choice Il^ ^ o N n o y r p R^ 3 3 A A x m ln r tf r ^ Rtg. 1.95 - ,

Koaa and N ir tr t t FloralGray-OrMit 5«t«H__

—Tlr ~C«nhi7 Floral

Rtfl. 1.75 ^ Tuicoo Rojt, Aquo Morlni ^ Gray, Ica Bl s, Long V

iper Twiat Friexe - 1 Corvex W ilton .. . •

riA U C U IR E M U L l

O ur Best Wilton, Re

i T A l l ^ N ^ L-s PE R s g . FT . ■ i L t r o i K T - i F n c r ---------------


lea "^

N ^ R P E T SK A PLU SH P ll

) $ 7 0 .0 0i l S E tF T O H E — - - -

Sfl.«0 - ..........- N O W 1 0 9 .8 Sl4;«0:r;:;.:r:nr.N0W-x 7MF (2 .8 0 .............; .. .N O W 1 4 9 .8 8

^ C R O S S - T O W h

» r A C R O S S t h e

We Can Mn<V , A n YOUR M ag ie Vc

U l i e d V a n L i n e ;

W h ic h e n o b les u i t o m o v e yotj U n ite d Sto te» q u ic k ly . In

_ IF J j 'O U -W A N T -T O ^ O V EOR S T O R E ......... .........P H O N I

___________ m a k e A d a t e


E y rP T iRY e o r F o r , S A V t


S c i Ii y : S i z e _ l " * l

012 .99 r. f o r - * LII •RICE » * *1

: . 9 9 ^

rine, . a J) W e o r l n f l ^ g ? L i t


, 9-ft. R*

I Q 9 9 J *• ■ ^ SQ. YD. r " “


---- ----- ---- Woll.TI-LEVEL >:■

R.0. 59i

l e g . 14 .25 _ " i

O 9 9 —«! ' “ = = = O T

.LS «“»

; r z r —W- M , ——

---------- -SfVpileQ ^ ?5.... 0 * “ “ Black R

^ SQ. YP. R n . a . 3

"liisrALt/= = = G 0 A 1 M W r* E D r \ Bv M a o lc V o li. I P ------------------- C M ftiiin

* Easy T erm a, Fnt

1^5 «

a NATION;ove-Youl—rV oil^ r A g .n lf fo r

es. Inc.you anywhere In the , (nexptiuively


I Bros.rORAGI _

C IS { |E ;' E N o v r z :

l a c £ : ^ :

5 T H =9*9 INCH

INLAID TILEXui wi i r t — =

^ . ^ \ 2 c ' -

INUID m LINOLEUM JHrxNM Rfr ik iiQ i - 4 NEW .COWW; .:::: ' : ■

^ i J . 7 8 IAMILED SURFACI . ' I l



ill Covering WM



tcoflomy Weight

l l^ . ^ - 9 . 8 8 ^ - m

KOME WAT~ f lIftF DRAINING : “ - w U UxlO IKCHES | Hk^Rubbir f% 04% : I H2 .5 9 .„ .^ Z e j ! ; .4 „ i J M

lATIOW ID 7 = B 0 N I ^ ^ ^

d n n r ~

- J H

p :A 4i : F r i t f o ^ ; : |

Page 26: )ark aign; Talks - Twin Falls Public Librarynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...-hid-comg~lntn~Taing pf n^r. i*~*^ =To7^flce.-that-he-is - - ~ 'Clone cellar

M a rk e t B i Js-B iiffeted B i i Hfiavicst F aiB i lii ! i(ew y o o k ; " o c i r u ' t f i " —“ t H i W k m irkel UiU w »k w u buffet

one or the heavlMt fklls o t I

r^W hrn Mlllnu ip tn i lu e lf . t fm .r ie l iu JW cnrnd lT tid -nT m iy h p lowfit point of the -wetlc. h ; At the wnie lime, ttiere were me lU uons Uial » recorcry. moveme fjviil »ironc l)»cklnR, wpeclaJly In H k»r rallioad ifcUon.

\ f«11 ri-nrf«fnird « trchnie teorrpctlOTi lh»t K> f»r J ii i n o t read M major *1«. Nor »re there *i prcaent lndlc»Uoni. broiers m tfiRl lhe -foil U golns U> wowDi

^i'nie i . f u # « r« s e of .locks dcclltifd 12,10 «nd closed ll week s t liqi.M. Thf re ire sl w. r tu s l to ilial •uffercil se»en wee.f«fr-iK e" hcsvlfsi ■ dechne-of -11

w ffk*dedin?'ihnv rcprestoied ll sUffcst reaction the market had hi

' n tf t i t f j at* aeeklat to «ue WheUier the current *eeka alli alto mlghl lie ihe M irl of anoth (xrrectlon slm llir (o (he prerlo' setback. *

h f i 'O n e o t- th f most bullish facto [ f a p rcK nt rU hi now, they /m d. Is U ||tf r r tr tiri( tirm -ih e -T titrw iii-« iiT i» io

I The ralli have no t kept pace wli jU j^ th e Indujtrlnl lecUon of the m ark

Dlraiuch. thdc vienluieii..ls likely R L brine on ceneral stlllns. On U H ( other hsnjl. |f the railroads sho M h t ^ C t t m h p y -aT r-llkely -lo -con ■ H rpsnd a rollowlns of buyers.

11 W eath er G ives 11 M ain Stim ulus I iT o G ra in C ro iI II ' CHICAGO. O c t . 'U Ifl — Tl: H lw e s U ie r Rave gralni Uielr mal liffcU m ulus this week, soybeans u i ■ IC M m scoring modeit adVUCtl~J m rains held up hafveslU n of bot

H i . Weather had no Influence o D lu l i u L u id .o a U la d u A je iu lt. tbe

D price change. U rd futures sU (ed I s tronc"iaT B nce-tm ynjp»thy-w Jt i loose lard, which Jumped a cen t f(

Oie week to close a t W^; cents. J i — W heat ciortd m it Ui l \ . Him [ I «r. com higher. oaU ur

changed to S higher, rye tmchanp <W to : i j higher, soybeans higher and U rd 33 cenU lo | l i 2

f hundred pounds higher.1 : Rainfall was emphasised In IT

minds of trader* rlghl a t lhe stAi •it. the WMk u Chlctgo recfWed vecord-breaklng downpour. I t n

| '4 s ^ e < l tn the. forofront of trnd lr attenU on Uvoughout the period, a though toward the week’s close ikli iie re clearing up.

■ The rainfall undoubtedly held i I ^arvesUng and. u a consequene I m arkellnc o f c u h grain and hedi lim iting of fulurci. Jusl how muc I l l held up this operation waa nnj I qne's suess. Soma grain m en fe I farm ers wouldn't have m arkete

I Shetn.' * t While th* Immediate effect of tti

moUture was buIlUh. some gm l tn tn were wondering If Its long ru Jnnuenco m lg h i 'j io i be b e aru j

! “th e y argued lh a t It could m ca high moisture soybeans and cor ^ h lch would nol b t. sulU bla fo uo ring oil farfni.' Hence. 11 w u said, ths com an (eans would have to be sold ra ih e ttian kepi off (he m irk e t.io r th O vem m ent loan.

Masters Praises Temperate Slatt

' BUriLEV. OcL 1« lift-SecreUry o $ u te Ira M uter# went to b a t l u n lch t for fellotv members of th' J> m ocrn lit-party ._ sjiy lng^ -N o l i •Ingle member of Uie s u u Ucket ^ o k u , drinks or cheKi tobacco."'I TliaC's one reason, h t said in i

m e c h prepared for a party rally 't lb e Democratic parly presents thi m ost outstanding slate ticket ihl. je a r lh a l h u been offered to Ihi voters in m a p i ye A rs ." .......... .. .

i: Twin Falls I Livestock Prices' T he folloirlnc Twin Fulls llrestoek

price* are provided by the Twin P a lU ■ L itMtocic -CommlMlPiLCTini;

I ^ a n y aa ihe reaults of the auction Mie Oct. n .

S teen ................... . . . j j i i o to tZ iBelfers .........— .......11050 to JlOJOCows ........... JU lo 113^6Canners and Cutlers..* 7 to S 0B u l ls ------------------- IU ,0 » i4 ,«B orses............... .......» JiO to » 4 .

-READ • m tts .i^ n w s 'W A W A D a

i Twill F a l* X T ! - . "L i'vw V ci ■

. iVde.l'eri iu itiil'* ''’J tM .. KlWU IU. _ . . ...........»IJ.;Ho»t| lb*.’ ' *i«'5SSS*" _____________

S S S t f T " . “ VL

~~— » L oS:{m

, IpM qtioM) ■'M oo. Ib^ ................ .....H on. SlO-Iia Ita. __ ______ ____IIB.O

under <65 IU. - ~ m n SO I. o.fr Ita. ______________lU.tO

(p m <l»«I«r..flaol«dl__. . .— - tlVB rOtJLTRT

-asygYli;K'r==i-®;iV>l«r»J (prinit °

----- ~ y s«

,t4 ______ IJO.OO;iua« iu i t r quoucj


I I livestock. ouAiiA.-o<i.~i( ( u a P A u m - c t i

L / y roniurM] UiuvMk kicft (talc*.sni «rlJ U«r «IMri undr t« ttrvfir, laiUfiras

k l,k .t; -lta» frf *t*4».-.U.^rU-H wall I . ^ «taU. .M btr <.4 /.W in '.t.

Iffeted tsv-blili prim* l.«M ib. M (tMn :t.'

f, the ij.M ;.t«n» .rt» r.4» iiiu /.'"» .i^* t i i

• - ,i«k iu«r C.I.M ! m dl- cenpimj- luc .vtak ih s r i- tinem enl '•«In the i«mta •u«dti •taUi*«*r*p>‘

• ovI*<l laiBta I*.7t*:tk2S; looj <ta

Ilsri run»ir*4 lu t WHk ta rto x •. nf KA '*'<•>' >»<>•'I :Mg u•d the It II.M, M l iw-j»o Ik. ta>t.I w u '*’* ts .u -ll.1l ; ltl< «•!« (koweeks *•’" '* “ * l i ’J :” :’*-f the --------------------oonc.w - -

WIDCN. OX. 1« (IIDUA) l4^-C«Ult <

d the ,u.r> tn i h«ltm i« iO er■dhad »«WJ U i..t: builtto l««if; tfiU rt >b4 aUvsbUr rili

iKidr to 1.49 k>»«n *u«k»> ind fwJi t u e u tuvlT U> t« lance; <k«U< (>1 tiMit «< Slide i.Mf «5 »*f u-M-M-M; " i.

erlous bifh tvod tnd Cbokf f»d IxKnt ltr|< :i.oa.tt.M : iiixb so«d iM .tale, i .

actorsIs Uie >nd j ^ r i ulllllr •

' w iu i {JjHSfflJu^Sbur M U «1siirrhd t« 'iU >la rk e l il*«r c>lri> K.M-tO.OO: inail lood •1 ton •to<Ur a n d f ^ i r iM rt *t>4 M< ^ly to iU>rk>r >n<i f»d«r b>ir«r> i;.iS-l(.:S.1 the lion ior witk lie ; .hole. I ind : irou'*^0* ].«dJ*lo"si bifTr7?

Itf »tr^ j.lO.1.09; rn(M( food 1" rtal fttdtr Umta n » r IK. ]|.»0-17.00.


. ta ti too. Iclil S.OOOl (AinMr'd vttk ti

T he .« « 100 lb. ird li.l.l.r IT.00.|7.1»; -lUh®*'J] 'flalibli »0(l:**ODiptnd wMk ii

' a n d .iiufhi.r iiMM sM rf<riihn iiMdr-Ei _ U ja ik ic ;-a .« .:

b ou l ’t t : ; u ' i ‘?iV Ttai-------- SBd priiBr-rw~»t»»n •ia.'Hits.ter-prt'ie on I.IHS l>>. M'lr :>.0» <nd l«t<l ramtxrit

te d a •■''I btlftn

nt for •I.ttclil d il7 -l7M i<n.n 10 U.OO: mo ta Ut*l*l«i ulllllir *nil wminircltl lovi 10.0

I un- t««t up to U.OO nnd occulcntllr >ta«ji;;;,""* "^owiVoVcun,1,1 1,00.11,00: moiilr s!00 IIP.

I i 2 a Stliblt thttp IDO: «omurtd wttk «| itiutkur Umta SO-t.M hictar: ^ rlln i :>.10 klsbir; tUustUr •hMpiUid;; wr

1 tne ^ .„*d c\U\„ 5V.1-1 limU I7.JH.1M StArt •nd <)<0lri ind nrlmt l»,l»-:o.4i: lilt

* I *4 «‘l!llt*’«ikIU-*b»rA and »lm« uld t t re - la 11.00; cult to lot. lood limbi wmir Bdlns “B th* ««ik.ia.O0.1L00:.moilt7 nod !

iklM Inc toad «nd cholo txliiilnr f*-tO> I lb. wllh a i l tbern ptlu ll.tO-II.71: moll

:ld up eull illuihUt'itwta* tfr

n tN v rn . o. i' u ' S dai•»ny* fomBirid lu t itMk't tioti «id I l« r. eloii

1 felt itt id r lo J lb lik triW h d r .in lro n f io !

com ’‘‘I " ; f/;{^iV.k-i riot. ih.i*. buuhir olM iround H adj durins -t»V

bul^ih»rr>lf ’“’" / j ' ““"i ^ ^

a lh e r « «

f.t. lojid* : i l .m lb. Bdl tulcitr sr.lnfr

ite ^ 3 ‘S:ry of u“ bt 10 •iron*’ lor>l in j thoit.

I''the Trips TakenIWs sPRINODALE. Oct. 1$-M rs. Eve.

lyn Sm ith. Yoat. Ulah, Li vlslUnt....... har.m other. U n ..llc b cc ci Tracy,—------1 ..M r. a n d Mrs, Arthur Yost h a «

retum td from atlendlng funeral services for Mrs. Ous Anderson al Yost. U lah.

q Mr. and Mrs. Uwrenee Wskr.Salt Lake Cliy. sre vUltlng her

— ' mother. Mrs, E, D. Jonei.

T .V G A L " * D V £ B T l S W tN f s -

■‘‘on .«i.d hi..- . . .(li.., lu.,.., i:i ,Ilol.*,’ Idtbo. unlll: OrtoUr t l . Itil,

It 11:00 A.M. Inr tht fglUaUi: Cfoctfltt>0^0 IdU’ An'VldVilM13.36 rtri II Ih. . t a . . l i . . md plt<r .0 P.o«.tl Vorm. ind B»«ltl(.,lon. m„ W

M V "r.ii.ni:nr o. witifiiiT

'D a ; r.,k. Oru u . ii.*'iV.*i»r'’" ' " ' ' ' ^ ' ^ '

alls ^.. BVTTERfATS«. I ........ .....................— lu

[” •? «»4 i«5ti'»B7trUiitil>’:o "EANs

l l l '*0 '^"u d«"?^’" * * ^ r ’ |7 0 " ..........*"■”

i | |

.uic# •«J.r «u«i*ui» for s i ' ' i . ’To’.i'V ilu J IH.OO to <*au ko>.r for.No. J ,«t<l


u iw Hon, t-htii. f r buthfl'’’!__________tn ?n»rlfr. too Ibt. ... .......... .............. _i:!oo

. . .

5O.OD Modlsm D _______ _______ ._...-.___ Ue)!eo cbwu

BU tn 11

G l a s s i f i eP>—CoilW------------ -

i ? £ 3 -W A N T rA D r a t e ;dr? bTf'h . „ «-l-p.r-i.Ofdl

“ ^ “ k -1 s i i f E ^ ^ i T s T : : ; ®

tr» tti» - | f<" .••mplli M*. Ubl* talMI

Id eb.i„

>'M*!tad UalM. J>w crMlll ta . ta«> mIi•d prlnif Uik«. OtB BUit ucoBPiar ardind ttalri D1;A0LINR tor Cliulfl«l oilri~ od* — •♦ ».!«. Utlnrdara-

‘O®, -Dllod Ad.” a n ilrlcll; confldtnllrr loata aid iBformallen etn ta slrti ro.t .nd adttrilMr.«inf ilm* I E^n^^batiU ta^ri^ntd^lanidlallJ^(tal“ I 7nV*rr«l lntt"2>n."■ Til. r.t>«r riMfT.. ih. richl In «

•>d rtiKt a sr cUttKltd adxriltia

- r — S P E C IA L N O T IC E S ___nUCH *0,1 upholtUrr rliialif. PI

r Vilttt V lllit. ri«n»it._________d fwJirt CIIAKIS found.liont fer B » fall .tjr 'V T id Pf'tnn- V''""* i '» .it’ijr.OO- SrK.VCEn Corortl.r.. Mrt. Lril. t;.n!

*rJi*?. <' ALCOUOLICS ABonjBooi. W.dan “"*.*■

Illy .nd lo ii hAI.Kj Klfl» itOI tr.Uf iSaru- s f e S ' , r a i r . E . v

u « taU .j------------- MAOIC VAI.I.rVSirou«di - INVALID IIOMK -I,‘‘r,“ "t5! nilRLKy. IDAHO

:.I..d,>i Y ELLO W CAB S E R V ic i

n*'r*ii« ''^• 'B uhl -■ p fsliir j.rp ie ]

- 5.I.U . T R A V E L — RESORTSKIIKK ir.ntpori.llcn fur Jrlv...

l i r i 'o Wtdnrt,!.,, rh

B E A U T Y SH O PSHOMl’t-CTK iBod.rn taiuu Krvlti b|

Jtr. *5! »•'* Uaebln.ltti ind .“ ■* , r j —w»»«a.-«S.«0- BP.—Anltlto Owuu n.

iiMrihli dtnu work fr... Machlntltta ind < w chnirt t»nM, SI.IIO. Il.iillt Arlt Afldtwr.

i « H n i z : z _ c H i R b E K A c i o B s : : : ;

« i S L O ST A N D F O U N P

r .ta . . ;eommtr- VuuNU; Ulaii oil irtiltil jiek.r . 1.

dcllttrtd for tK .:t P«r Ion .1 Ibi ^k|^**o wnum.ln V...I fnmniiiT, Th«n. i;0.

«Lu 'm '.nd J .~ ” »” «T.Vd**'T..n!iTrjl""o‘irr‘h: ill. li *'>P’ 0" f***" J*"' l»o.ibl. unHilk iwd Hi on^rlfhi «»r. Coni.rl b<il tb.riff

S IT U A T IO N S W A N T E D•i^friK^ >AM1L, Y Ironlnfi don. la air bomt. I’b<

:*moillr Al.l. TYl’W uf houMwotk. I’tano se [ to lb, T.ln yallt.•I* DUr-WlUAKim; »«* »lut»n»nv Uj ho'

fhont ;7tt-W.__________________• IHOWimiS in^mr bom.. I ll Irtl arr

r re lw i IN0»~ijjm a^^^undr7. U li (tb i.ti

r a 'X i t wmiiow” wMhlnc. ttaU ttuhlnc and (I .l« wa.lnr. >-hon.7l«,_________Ki-:l.tO; north. Phon."tH M!* "~*'

Bl’Ut) b.ullna .»anl«S.J^hoBf iVS t<f 3: Mih J fr ttlrr 8. Jerom.. Id.hp.

0 ebolti Oi»tmi, Tirrn Fil*.. CkuelTu.t^f'. 'M talk

n ttl 'w ” hoat. Phnn^'yisLil. xJ i'n ya*l'i.‘‘” •Jl JAhl'lUlt^»u.li. #trtnln»i.^fcip.rHntt. r

oixn'lnr *'*t'tan.**n'rneliMStOl.^'Mc^V*!',!?”

fr.Inftd Uynrl>, far.fnllV «1n«». Phnn.*' i7(Vw. 110- I'aINTIWU: lletl maltrlil. iitlifieli'Ihla ea workmtniblp our ■uarinltt. TdeeO rli

I ^'rt. .tllm.lr*. Ilnf.T^nret. Phflnt Jl'n.'

BVV-IH. “______Iiiu rfl KM-KKIKHtm* man - .n li Ic firm y

. 'n!to- ' ’


, x o u n _ D n i T - ■ ■■ h » " ; . .C H K A P E R I

iinersi;*t ■ L E T U S S H O W Y p U

W skr,' No Job Too Litrse or Small

' *’" ] Phone OA 3.5505 or OA 3-M88

i f s - ; TK AT{*;R & • S T E W A R T -- 2 ^ -------- K IMBERLY- , ----------



n " n '


" S - 'G w d ^

USED .’.‘ui! — d e a r b o r n —

2-W A Y f- '- PLOW S‘-1 w Your Choice

3IlL lI

J l HELP W A N T E D — FEM,0 Q n n n g z x D ro tr -n i .- f« r -n ..- c i

' U .. llL C.«Utt .n.pWT«».«l .«»ATTB 'TIVK '

TES-jllOUSCWIVUli Uallmllad tanilar

Mr vard -.Iwl S .n..tl.a.l K««-PaHr'^l.'*/r»« rd ., ; (.,n .lltir;vtlrir(>r.II.« ...W ..uI per da; 1 Ttanlm a. Wllgietu. III._____

j H E IP W A N T E D ^ M A I^ lorK.HING r>.r r.Diblf m.rrird min.

J .d v » _ I la <0. Aoal» In n.r.«a. Thrw.Q-CU.JMCII p.ld J.ta la U. Jl.. Soulh A.

“ iJB ' Ttr,-Tr.Til pild.-81Wrii. anlr Inurnillonil Infnr

; -S>r.i^., P, g-Tl.,. 1.1, .Sftllr U.r ardlt. MA.V WITH Vao>l.df. at f.xn matail,> . .nd btt.r tqolpR..nl » .nl.d lairdar&. I wal ntll.nil firm In Wal vn\\arflii:-------fld«;l.l "nd‘X . ln I " ’.«w M ‘T '» w J 'lltta lo .luillfltH. If InI.tMlfO. n r l 't Cr Wl

Mtni.tr. p. 0. Ii« i * : . W I#.:drui.. Indu.irltt. O.lla.. 7>.m,

..d ia l.. I

._ _ _ S A L E S _ O P K N IN G _

Z I Owalr* ft,r i . ln Iralne.,

t. rb»a.| Inri ta anUlloui. Jln>l7 Xupolni

»[| .Wlafci Inl»r.l»» will ta arranaad.

t t;.nlB«r.|- ' “ -~ • ' ~~

» ! STOP!

b S ' i f l L O O K ! L I S T E N !----------- 1 i-SAL£5M EN->}

I A a.iloa.I orxasltailon aim. !■:>• ''"Itn*#*# V w ’rii?'it*»J*-

Nd D o o rto D o s rlI ro rm iu ra n c e i--------I ...........7 Le*da-ptirolahedl------I KDin' h » . looH elr. rap ncn t:'>

rp ie ld j ■■ ,‘;^,"rV lih '^m , w "l| ir.ln jnu 9 d*j» und.r prodnel -----— — Applf la |>.f.«i.-l#iM.la-»*»8-i

{.p fi.lutilir. aandir'o r Uonil.r, al15 I ]dibo.aM oI.I,w pko»./^apr<

aitni lii:. Atk for Ur. H. U- '

_____ M EN'.'..‘’ .Si; __W iTH O U T SPECIA L


---------- proper l.dnin*. you touid QU.Ilfr[> I j ; ”" , ? ” '"*“ ^ “ 1 -Xg n Hlr'"Id"

To Quillir rou ^u ti ta honHi. rtlUll . >ou - in ’ IB %in7lln| comp.

Hhoiban. bon. four iilfbu waiklr.I. und.f-l Contact In Person'‘‘" ' " " ' i O. HalonenIZT j Itogerson Hotel T »ln Ti l = H _ • Wedocd<!»y. OcL 30

10:30 A JJ. to 7:00 P,


XlkHlbrANT for adxrll.ltis .nd .tlei ■ • nioilon, Tjpin* r«iulr»d. Opporiunll»*d flour An “ r^,'Tw |V nm " '* ' ^- aAmHAKEna-mu.tmitLj.W iut-s »T«mn |,ome.N*Iloaallr *a.,ril,.d eamparal ---------- new OP. hom* .ppllinrr. IlrllnnrniII Chrltl. IM ISO per ttMk. .non 4n<ibte Ihti. <IS t^fore C.niilt Htleherr, Jtroine.

b u s in e s s O P P O R T U N IT lj______ SIATION for Itaw. MUor oil eomi,d hou..- Illsh*ir loeillon. In Jtromt. U v ri I. Hl{h puUnUiL Writ. Iloz C-I. T

I. fu ll llALEl; Cafe, un hlahwir-war.1—— r dliirlti. ."W.iln* eiptcllr of .ppmjlf -ntt. r.f- 1, .Jl

MUuI uM. . t l i aauippe.|-;'c.'. Id.illv.it. i:tall! ran »8t._________________

l a B s r a a aS I ■ « % SALE______C A L E N D A

I .......W A T cit T inI SPACE UAIL

^ . .f o r Newi of Msgie Valley’s FaOVE I Auctions snd for tlie dste th

, llitlnr* will appear In the TImi-------- ; -Xews-'Ctiec>rtlielr»drfortBcatl

; and all ntceisarj’ Informallon.

U OCTOBER IS! Albert Lenker and t 'a r l ' Kroieli ! Adrcrtlirment October IS

S38S K tau Ji Klaas, Auctioneers

RT— ------------ OCTOHER-18-------------- ---------- FloyJ anJ-V ira CUr«-» --

_____ ,1 A^r?rli»traenl October H .1 3_____ lla rrry C. iTprson. A'ucllonee{

I O C T O liliR 2(1M, 1.. 1)AMEI,S

Aa>rrll>ement,'OcL U -ll KUas ii Klaai. Auctioneer*

__________O C T O B E IL -21:— r-Olry and .llyrtle Ilojd

___Advfrlbrm fnt O clohtr lH-19■ llarver C.-lTcrson. Auctioneer

■ - ................ E. W. Crimsley

AdMrtlKmrnl October 19-20

O C T O B E R 25 Howard C. Hubbard

AdverllKment, Oct. £2-!3 Xlsas Jti Klaas. AucUonrers

( ) C T ( ^ R 26 J. K. Bslley

AdTrrtUcmenl, Oct. 21 KIsss A Klsas, Auelloneen

O C T O H E R 2 7 . . . ~ ~ -- VIC-DUttun

Adrcrtlsrtnent October t l - M Klaas A KUaa, A Dctlonten

! ■ ATTKSTION FAll.MEItS:I W hen you plan a Farm Siile.

■ _cohtact lhe Tinif.<-Nr«.» FarmI &alE Uepvtnieni. -L e i us ex*I plain how you cnn cover Made■ Valley completely a t one small[1 cost. It_w(li yavc_jou.jboUl J Ume and money-

: ^TIMES-NEWS. 1. T W IN F A L L S . ID A H O --

•M A LE / S f c j i•-ctndrtat

10 vorh .•>*aiu.Call

BUSINESS O P P O R T U N nr.ia it r»u' Mt’UEKM aerrlee milon.' Lot-tarn : Twin rally WnieoK OII Carparat ------------ WANTU: SIO.DOO n s a i^ l McSl:lA L E r « :^ “ VtaetH 'ta“ .r.S‘i r ? ^ i "iin. a tt : t »orwiri1». Tap lae.l rttrrtncm tur -CUan...- with full dw.ll.. Wtm Bas C-

T»— TTplr.-----------------------------------------

a u t o m a t i c

. . y ^ D i N G .


.’.*' W*in’iJ OPPORTUNITY fOn UAH OR W drnt lad ' AN W mi rWtrencM. dMiilns i _______ e-f» f«lur..^U

s ' maiklstl la m r tnealll/. dl.pen fail ttlllof rooreellona. HCR.1II

G I-|.ANTi:Ba PKANUTS. WRlnLl^ — rtm , mxzD H tn ii.-n iE si

•I I r l e y c I CAntTTKS - - a ^ - «

Ort(i>a. SI.M eaik n*«. hoae.tr aodWill fininr* iddlUaml riMai ThU ocMolai •ill tland Tone banl

I in.petllon.^Wisl ^ n r upahli

Ju"ii'r!wr7wTiiV um' s-C .7* 71

j ______I _FU R N lSH E D .K Q O A iS .NlCtl.V furnubi4 roaai. Ia«utra 1

“ ■’•’'• ' 'j - “bo<i«r ;o4 Ul.Ou DAK jwr •Mk. J-Httl. tOnt

----------j . ^ a r .^ tr a l i .- K n 4 Hal.1. HS

..'rV"h» I FU R N ISH ED A PA RTM Eh| i;LI;AN. cIom in. Ile.toaibla. Wa! moBlh. tIO Main Herlh.________

. , i lhi 'MUUUCN furniiBtd >i>aruninL i: appoint J* '" BM

_______ S-nUL)M ipirlininl: prlvite talk. :

■ llAOKMtHT aptrlmenl. I rooait and I ipaeloui. bullt-lnt. idulta. Fbon. S

4 LArniACTlVK : n»m. aad klUta

_______ Wear A f* -ir . I’lnt for coupla. :

iV-.tlVi* L[n*j.f?uijt»_r''f*"*'c. >51, ni««_

.hui ro”. [_Vtr7_i|oi«. Inj—AdalliwJiiaklej. J

UM.tlXb tludlo tptrlntni ullk .ll-«l » I klUhtBllU. Print* balk and B»l*aLrunt. I ®" Pi'*o- ldt.1 for .Intlt adi

i " u n f u r n i s h e d a p t s .ompanr luuPLLX iDirlffltnt. t roan, md i» from I - l-hoo..»n.

Is-KUUM^apirln.Bt. 1 cblld attaplM

'U1.KA.S ^IIUUM. Cl.,t. In, ill Ird a

I raT l7 :-HtUKUt>M .o.rlm.nu. Nortk L Ai'irtmenlt. I'hont JSJI.

: llKt>m>OM unl.r‘nlth*j daple. . fl-Die m»jil. I'hoB. 741. Twin r.lli,

TIIICKK RUUM.S. lUnci .nd rtfrKei ’ Adull., Sll 4U> trw'a. .Ml. 8418-M

----------- UDWWIOWW. > room, and btin. tjrfuralthid. eiceplelrelrlellr. Phon* 1

'd ____ FURNISHED HOUSES“ i ' i ; / ; ” : KOUM 'n'^prrVlutnh Uu.. al

la r ^ . '. " ^ n T ^ r^ " i^ m * :^ -* H ir -d n M ,

c'.n.di. -nui. -C.II Uil, Ilnl Ktltto Se


wTenlaV * IJ^ .i”llM. w'l!''t^.‘. Time. W A N T E D TO RE N T -LEA

Tlmt*. ».lltl)1100U unIytai.l.«l-ta»t..-Ho Twin r .lli Wilt. I. Phone OIH-JA.

'’‘oMld."; .partmtnUo''Twl‘.rrim'i!!??ll.r‘’'i«* NAVY Iltciult7r“ cl«lrt. I bejroom hi

______ nirnlthft. Up 10 l»o, Pkan. 117. »

r i " WANT W f h rt^r.T l,u> >1.- 10 i;7 ' I farm. Thr Klmbeilr !it«d Compin;. 1

J FaI iV, cuii.idrr in> .i». Ltlh or r

E >:<;ill0R.ntt, fiptatet, T<(tttT.l«. ViHo« :»•». >'o -flrnt.-NV..,_______

i:O.ICU .\Clll.1. Utrhlnerr r^ninre referentc^ IJrrftr n.n..n.k!inU»)» «

....JU»e fln«nce-»nd-eauJoB>«ol. *u’ Vl l l i a ,ti,ttlrr.t. „n irrlt.ted ItnJ. Will.AILY i:-0. >/n Tlmt..S>...___________

10 TII i:u Acni.s. ] i» i ]i) dtiir n Farm Prrfer Mulh .Idr. C*n tornlih #n their

flmes- jjnKUKII Ilni n .l t l , : M .,|ro.m hnu.i

Vril> n^i IMI. n« Tlm....S-.w.GO»li »1 Itrm. H.«. („od rrlfrtn

eqoipm.iii >nd fln.nee. llttn onJieher Nn*^hri",J''j'


n^mf m / i DiT . I S l.uwWr Cnmr.nt ph,%n. <t|.1(C ^ bJllUlnr on lOi

11 A-l POTATO CELLAtt ™ I - . Mx JSO Peel______________ ‘^^^HJrWIN.f•ALLS____

All or By Til# Din

i d --------------— n t o K n m ^ : — “

. JJ . THurK.n ANn caiu

" --------------- -

IDAHO 0-DIUVE. loc. ■

i lAST HVK rbusra siinvibs '2 __ I ■ riioxn n c i _______


„ ^ » ‘VnV’™ U.nix.r .1 toiiiubl. Life „r

a.'lt AjttU Orpb.ea Dullillrf. pfo


= i | R E A t-E S T yrrV V A N fE D ~

U R G K N T !irm . I .fcv.n^i i ^

iclc { .tla ll i ^ -1. E, WHITEOth. ! _:-.»KAL_tST.\.TE AOENCy- -

. I i U ^ ^ ^ A v f . E.vit . Phone CCT


i;-;^m U tad. roR CUSAll afruirtt aenbc. »»•

C-l». Tt ».I.W il.m t. IHmowfT Mawlni. ' ~ n t v J-UIDBtWW'liiC'Wm a*(

I —modrl ror. i l l flk*-a»a«B. wwi.

----------* B ,r« u /a ^ ^ fc ‘ lj!S>" Mc^Uu

!]i^ UWKr.lli ^Mreoa-nod*ni~tI tarnM*. Phon* 17IS-1L________n r uwNUI—S-taarooB bom*. 4 r*

Outili. ellr Itoiu. U l M«M» -n.iw.oe. Can «»s*.Ri.- - .I WOH. CnbtHN f^ur-ioom taUM In fiBl is a a»- f„ IU pM- MBt^ >'all »rio« ILI rala fuU ,1 I'fMl'i Plac. Paul.JJSSlSn'i BVoWMlili B««UUal H*w S-l L^irYX brbk, atlacbad sa n it, kaU ta r.H ir-l TenrV »1 W l«» .. aean.c CSTElt.I- oU>*r -n t« M I CIIABHINO l ’ tad li

ll” t!^I.'‘ ! 'c!??air7iirklukeB a 'n ^ t lu Jod ear I pliitt. : batki. oil kMt, atlnMatlan. I tkiub. aad Uaai. feiufd Wkabl* of ! Cbelt. Clot* In SMldanea LakDuuul CECIL C. JO N E S

»Tlpi«. ■ Uptliin B»«k *Tn>el. am. S. Pk

______ ^BXCLUSLVE___• *'• *“ II tadroo« ,homt. m

tiiepl kML I/K.ud al ads* ot fli

an'nnce. jliiie aami »o»4 buri Is

= = -K rV rE L K IN -A G B N (bowan orIS Waata • locTMsin----------------- Phoni----------- Buhl, IdahotE N T S I — .........-


etambtr I. ntwl/ finltkad bateiI. s m . C.itft. U ndnipai III.MJ.

~ r w l A .'O atrander '

LEM A. C H A PIN A geIL Wa,k- 5I» »■>-“-« _ U k t. ______ ■- ■ - ■

______ ! NEW I,IST1NG for <;ul«k ta U .'r.ll-*l*clrle tadiwm tan. <lo.. In—Spaaloua Iil>al. ao- room-CoRitr lal—Jtlok.r b«at—CI adull or ritHmUol if ... l.tOO aquara fea

I - I wnr.,j.t(ul bur .1 noIr Sll MU.

r s . ! COIV t.DMmOOM HOME on PT5—CTTl tlrttl. UtauUful ohruta-ldaal fnr

pt,«.nu II.IM.

5- ; ^ ' Magic.Valley R ea lty .n n d in f iu rn n c c X o m p a ii

I Itl AtatboB* SUttl Soulk---------------------- T»lB'ralIi,-Id.h®-------‘ rtan. Eronlnft


e5 B E A tm ruL ' o l d e r h o >-------— L0C.I.J ralkor cloaa-ln. 100' fromt al i t : I tadreomt, play room. I.n* llrlns 1_______ and dlalni iwoi. Carpet and a <tiIII. 117^ baMtntpt witk ilokar ftjrrtie*. Wor

.(u].iletl Bar ba bad. IX aoU Imaod :r«ir.ltd.- -trr-A.k(Br1 lweo:-------------------i ____ 01 LOAM

Wah Very atlracUr. homo, t tadrpOTnl, I flentlerl Il«lni rflom.'luU <*ment baatmanl

______ ! t bedioooii and racrMIIon room.( ? c r__ .Bninnr i. ttall and ba . .

loon raadr to itk IW4 4o. d and t t:o Ulue monlb Inclwllnc ararTtblnc. Thi.

dtal for Mma GI who ntadj a homE a S T 'W IN FALLS REALTV-T— T-jr and INatmANCE

' III Htla A<enue Eait-T«ln FalU. i - j r ’*"* “ •"'bir Vulllpl. LlJllnr B.r>lu


T;c...-,7; w . kontttlf tall«a Ikl.^and» aeon ly. Kira-' tadroom, l.r»er Ihan a» i-- IWnf t«in, b 'dwooil floor*. Loe.l* . Wjllal hllh" KhooL* Th*t I'tm. "arV a»*tl'_____ I wilh t dnwii paxmenl mnti anyone

and afford. Toltl price ll.tOO.'Ir arM.1T. I It yon would IlVe a homa aa rul.1’ jA'ri b.lh, wtll irranttd klltht"" ind TII. iloil • ta.ulltui piclur. . dow.^SkualHl^on^^a joo / .l,« l ^r ally low down p.fmenl.’•Wrl?; Ht. lh..t lod.r.. n ih tf Ko-n,

mtni p r o p t n y . ________dlnticu. roAHO REALTY

Utmtar Uulllpli LUtlnr Serrlto n^..me J04 Sbottan* «L E. pbon. I%/john ' - I , ,_ .

^ N T 1.0 VEI.Y lhr.r Wroom home. Mr, c.iMfif,! -room ll JJill_Vlt. klUktn and dU-----''"-I -rDotnratattnnlTgniittrA'I.-Al'.lu

.Uful kllih.n^.nd hreakJMk"«i®U.-U

S t "' 7 '"“ r

;:inV.''=n‘ » ; ‘i ? ^ . 7 , , " S / " ' ' ■ c o m n t l - |^ a ^ ^ ^ 'u i ^ ^

------ '■ RKALTOHSPhnnt ISH--------- fnim J!ei

___ ____‘{.•Jbt£_“ “!'ll''e-tiiiii.s-W U a:


— :TTTdj T j r . s i i'i^L'i'iij i^ u 'i i r ' ': i ,^ .r ; . i ': r i? .‘ •*

” . " V”" ' «».»on.hi.d

c o u n t r y , u v i n oI'bonal TWa tnd oflfk.lf trr tt on , ,

:— ' :rd'-.’id“ ;!:i'‘rn V '' ^^ " r E f / l H T ' " '

IRRIGATED LANDS------------------ c o m p a n y ■

*''>7 Perrlne Hotel Building p ij, H

Ll____ H O M E S r o n S A L l

' . 1. « Bawooil luarr ko«.. nral

- T C — R O B I N S O N - F E L D T M

I M«abaT M.1U»U UaUay

l l a fin. I REAL ESTA TE FO R 5>


_____ elderly coupl*.ll KICK nOHr for l l.l« . ll.KW 4, I ACREAGE B.ar T>ia ralla.

------------j -K ice-K 0iiE .-ii»;s«.-csirtrj5

< ' A- O- aO U j\N D ~"Ptano lOSS-V AaytlM ns Ro.,

. ---- U*.bar KslUpU LUU>( S,tt

;n c y - ^ 1CLOSE BY

t M ^ n ? '____ . <aix..cari CE nil faraaaa. -I

I I Total yrl*« I'■ 'I •« ACRES. «1I„ f„ „Rwk croak runa acrou' tack , maklns Ihli aa Uaal olotk «r

►PSI rtBti. KM par afra. ,I ••Help*

.tadroo* 1 W* iat* a kuF*r »bo itanla abc•Iteplni I »0"W nr.fer aboul kiK I,' * I ilr.llon and talano* In bn>b 01**'®e»l* I ture. W* hav* Mraral bujer* for

. 1 "•_____-.: F. C.~QRAVia.g e n c y m'oiliVu li. u «" s.U

r.rFK'i.i%S'*r.Sfram. kulldlnr an alraat. .Blub]

» "cacld. I* a» MUUBdlniawnir’o amhlUsn. Fricad at only*!:

n Pitre. “ "«■IM ACRES. 1(9 akam «l waUr.but lood eredaeUr* aolL full a

I talldlDti. ralrtondlUon. Priead b

)an y__ ! — . ______^REAL estatie a g en c :

»si »U» >» “ »■>' *»«• PkOBrw a ‘

S-DEDROOM nOUE. full baaailOME rnaldaal slr**t-‘ll.O«». |4ova.'ronta**. . .

‘ »/ll ACRES, r-rwm modem I

II lin t “ ACnEfl. >-roMi kauM. Goodrnl iu h I * »>"" “ okt---------Hi a” c l ! F . J . B A C O N A G E N C !i1.**i.* a i Estat# - Loaoa • Insurihoma. I Pkaaa IMS-W Twian f - I — Acraaa from Poat Offlta au.na. ■ «*.b.r MuIUpU UiUn,

— --------

. FALLS AVENUE EAST ACRE) Q Kota your fanlly to tba (ounlry.--------- -tlilt-l»rw»-boiB*-«a-ba«BUfoIlr IKonom. { ua»«l ipa«lout irovnda- 4 Mre ■nonry. ‘riMlB I wall lo wall tarpat. Modern wilb ho ntw I well ind proo.uto aytlem. Ctrdan

ffull lr««. 8m It al anea. 1 I only m .»0. Torma.

rul. .1 I TRADE TOUR ItOUe fop Ikit 41 droomi. I firm, tiood rew m p loll. La^a S ) * "'* ' room homa. AmrUaii Falla watar x! ^ V l! ' Orbuy *B Urmi. rrli*IIt,ie*. tepUon- [


; tu Ualn ATt. N. Phona 1

I« FINE ACRES. IM acr« auUIra I If you i>. looklns for a fun Ikldlnlnr _li. l-nd layt w y -alL el*;f(«

taiai; wkaal.“ 7 r u a i : 'i n d tW n

' : beni. Mmint tairmnc. Cul farrIt .nd ’ witk full tin* af (arm maeklnirr-J are In ; Dnr* Uutar a«d all of thr hans

taa^ i •«'‘lpin<ot. L.t ma abow ll la ] -I.IM- ' -|lt,*M. it.MSdowa. Oood-yaarlyAar

1 ACIIIACE-Ona h'alf a<ra. Fin. U • l..t> . Two yoaia aid. 1 badroama. la

roon- "1(* kluh*n and bi , It. M ^lia dn... t l i par »«.lk.


■ o o 'iu 'i^ AYe;'So7 “Ph^^^


i c ^ **w£w m ' ooT Bill Borkkardt. *roul

P A R M S .F O R -S A t.E _-W|.> OIIOICIC IS. wiirtmprorai Oaod filunlor 'tlup. Xlmbarly ditlrlct- |IOO par ill.lnf Owner. Wrlla IToi l-ll, r/o Tlwo-Nt‘d 't- imilOATED farwi In Twin fall*. Jel■ lint and Caula coilaUoa. Law down pa^ r. .So ind ia«» t*rn eontfstli. PeaToy-T tn to ConiBinr, Phnno >01.niiu! Wtu. IMPnuVUl SO a<raa n«li of- nwi.-K«w:m»d»ra boni».-»»>d nuib'

Int.. rar'lnfomallon call o:iI-IU.

' *'*- *o / ‘ TlO*f'"’t '^ w a U ?~mtdS5iiriirar-lM7^tr»beiir-' ioV. lrl«lly. Prlaod for otikk ial». Ph»yJAmt,Inn Fall., Idihn. F.m1l B*.frf!d

uii.^ JO'ACnM on Fait Addtaon.•r In. ! ■ A'lin. opol for a <«u-ley_Wi. -bo;. ; 10 ACnea F.aJl «f Klmtarl?. m a b

hone, ta n and faad leta. l4Ji##«- - ’ II ACRU SouUi of KImtarly. Lay* wi

3__ . and U a pioduMr-SSt.»00. _--------R0DINS0N-7ELDTMAN

MQ I Drlr^ln'Reallors■ . y i -:4t-,M.ln-A»a. W.*t..... ..Ti». j '

n . , Pro..

r^ralJota- T <••».

I a l e

0« down. CRAIG RJil^ A G E K ci

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HooaatK. ~**TTl.» ; ■

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~ n ' i 5 S i | sI dUuUl.

J J . T . K . . -R O C K Y COOl«r dilrr '

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I------p a b m .;.jandD'AIR!

tsuranci ' m r i « I .V 5 ' ‘ 'I* : A

„ .. . . . : dtUlUi.ulUlKtWltZ ■ —-----------1 IVERSON li1 1 = ; ! a n d AUCTiffl:nEACK. i OoodJflf. Kiln • B

" T i t e

, “ IS JIS Wd*ii ipol ‘ Xatert IMM h ea. r r t« ,

• « « r a FAIW 1 ^


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JirT COMPANY- i;a’|'ON«. (»i hii a ^ W K O a '> « B _

jm.vr UtXIClUUS appli(*rt<R.

— iiU'cK WAij<,t;:

KiHAJivEsnnQ c x S i B t r r u i Tscip»nin-

an^W lndfo»-enJrt" Wfit Aildlion.sltaP . io n a tiia n h —TO3B «a , , V , '^ ...... JWNATJIAN •ppliijK O S-nu:E Z i^____ S l ^ T t

a ' WltoLLaAtK U tigBOta,..., ■> , ...gc, e q u ip m e n t elw ng s h o p ,lUt rie». 0»W I folof. »'l------------------------- 1 - ' : : , T i - n ^ £ i>st PLANTS *'lioa*in't2ii‘ Cm!———T— --7———— Imporunf* 0/ »

S J ,^ . ‘•'■W™| ® i r ------------ : ; : v . ; " ! S , ” h

- ______,___ SUm.n W ln...tart <1 C9« ftrUilwt. and irsdnt Kfx

' - p o t It -TP — - '*

t E . ? L 5_________________ I)»ll«Iou«. Wlll MUBinM 10 chlldrrn. ItO. f t moruJ windl . for Immtdliu u;

“• {{"uii^Oreh.rdllour .ilk iri «lf. ---- - • ” >Itntof ttn, !•••........ I

^ n « 4 m » .u i. ' ' - 1 - .TH0Kj>|U0miur^

fw. mu. hu, n»si. y»;AUTj»ui. W(XU<>t l>. It nw<v. - dlJfJl’JUi''"'*w ikwcKnm ih. notis; n ^ ,4 m »l^ ir t irihl,‘'tr‘r»I^t*in HtUIHl'UltU) Cocl

Hn. krH»f. Wni 1 Ikuirinj v»ir <;<»t. 1 ^ 0 HWilSTKlttl •io t«II rilin Vl.lin ^ ‘'1 ^ on* xi< »*u, Kil^. "nMM pup* w.II~~ ------------ 1 l^ n i 'w . lL ' Bu?n 4 jm picL \L W A N T EfflON sE R v ics” C uT m yrnsnvT T

'*»U. Id.be d .ln a „ «'^NT^i> buy (ii» * trvZclWci f.ATHfJVS. T er P

lit C«II«| I'hant (il.W. ______l^^nc«llKt uTuIiuun. Au.ir..

i d r e s s i n g ' ■■

»0From.mY "1 ).','“,'iK''f£

w SUPPLY ; ; : ‘ f K .S 't e ^ : ,«« im ' fi>TAilLY ■'♦» T p l.

_______ I f»<.ri

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' uu Oitim , rimi»» npic

B t o c k --

----------------------» 6irtE3 m z n z ^ ^

A „.n„ I-----^t Stonto,„_*1CIAN3; C5 A

— **" ’" . Our Fomou^ ------— ------ - Polar O rl'7 ^ - . . . - —— j l ----- -Winter New

=!>sm Es ' e - V O x l S . . . 1

^ ■ s r g ' g g . 4 0 x l 5 - : : :

' « ■ « « , , , 7 , 1 0 x 1 5 ^ .......

J . 6 Q X 1 5 . - : . .

f i r e s t o n :

__ s o u l

j o g ” ' '

] rket place ^ ngic valley =

TOCK i POULTRY I MISCELLilg g r - c t >.,1 ■ , . . „ . u O T g g j

in ^ i^ A r^ ;-V b^T 'iifw - «

* r f e . a . z l i • ' "■

» a ' s n i K t sI Arnblrw fc«lftr, allklnr t«l !u,,/ml!l* M..« A... 8..... rbon.

V G ^ I N & F E E D E i l i r h ' SLLINU. lUiB st tt7. s u n n 't U1«J en> montl

_ gAvlt^oa c.

I »0 Mnt t u >n4 jnl tglliBl *''»• ®"' •• <JA«l*U-».HIt. KlroWrlr. - -. M*frUa4iM JlJJJiVL Mliiia, f l .„ U r U -----------rWiK OHMlt. Twia r«jl«. .r i l^ * ?lTt WlNPORtAK 1

'tt f'Md S«rTkc ciwrtn U. SLAO WOOD. <niw L Oo U. flekl. Fbsti Btt, Un.f ttT C iN u^nrsjissTTiiiiT w end :JU1A» s«f»ic rkw* tIH.M LDMD) ------- ----- ----------------- PAIBF]•sm telltnf. k ei «r«n»V »trr.aUx «lltell«l. oaitr MUI- ■—■

> THINGS TO EAT IT 7 ^.U.M, P0UL>«. J-ltM Mil. , ,,,«ri/ Sou. ^ - . & -W ard

l- r . . J*-l» b

rU£il «b4 ip lM. I mU Nook. knt tc.n>Iilioti—t ArfdUon. rb»D« MU^, I Abo Un« CKWHAd n<im« atiult (Tain us.

onrhmrd. AidW. ImL ’’ISlii*"'' """pifER-s^a

1 t~Wklu <Dr»tJt. iK m U “ f-W -V ppi-.Tfi-7tt M m' -------------------u,un>-AW, pUM.-K,.„, FURNITURE

s 2 » ? s s ? s ! l g g ! ^_________ _________ VKIIY NEW-* m>t of Klmhtrlr, ss »«i»f Jm- »UUAI(K TUii k .andUUm. «B El

TMittnn Mtl C«Hlan-«» —« ■■wl. Wltun-l" , ; ; r - „ i , v , „ , . , . . , ' K r - S . “6 :.U.&fl off dv. rnxiad «t off Last agi.lrkr •;• pplM trliu and iukr. lIMnf COAL rmrrt Ji U^.n.i*b^orch.rd. J bUm c:iud, Urew;*! ;

T i.-/5» i-rM an» ,f . T i n i .pp,„ .0 .

»fl'prIe»».**AUa*oat9S<*«Vd r>nt«L HUM wai*i*«»ai«-ui«b." '•"!■ , , ,UolMd 8ut«( i?1j I

in ro J ik io ^ roKM.p* row. C.rtXullr vIckMl C. C. AMr.'-'U laTit M>n ------'. I" .‘’'f ,»ftl>«rd.hulfltij J p —■. " S ; ." 1 u ; s p b : : ■ tti■Imn i;o1d«ti. ionilhiiu and .

. A P P L l;.“ b?rni Vo” fia m‘. u‘|« / BHOP YODR hard. I mil. >m of jJubl o. FOR THB L; ------------------- :_______ COMPLETi

PETS___________ ra l! -B E * V.rer r«ki»fM.. t >»»• chL________ ALL R ___________________ -DBED AlUKU-Cock.r aMaltU. JUa. ^ •I (iArtuid H.h..,'. nTRRTLnAT]ion Tur T.rfl.r. AKC r«l>- I UrfDl p«. Phofl. OllWII. ' ‘-Co.ka.r,l.. ,...■■ . .ovlh, SPECIAI«aL t polnu. I’hen. CArlItU ar.rric VahK »mimo." 10 m.,a.b. old. M ,r . J , " 'Id. Colli., t y„„. Fior., n .,,, y,n„. k.,land pon,. iII». r«fl. haiTTNi. rtuin. :it ar OtHT-Jt

Hoifr wpt XATritL^KO rtllO'

£ ‘ ! : i , ”i z s . T ; r . S i ; i s r , a ? ' £

T.4r old ItS. ” ,ondl«in fd."l7«‘'."•rophrm^’hu*™?^ fl!" ),V.y;

________ __________ l»«» CJIKVJIOLI.T )bar. Jim Cimt;. i'booi dlllan. Comhlnalb,_. ____ -■ - JU QuIntr-aUwL

or prlew. K.nnr'a I’oullrr. TIIIICK <r|ih <ttr;n rw b iiriiB m ;rT :n : oU r' j

rU O R 'T R A ^^ ^

Kortl. cuitomlifi riiont AI.UMCTAl. U-T.hi _____ _ j___________ anH pump, bul.n.u iX ^fJJ'Iiod' uul ” "“Tf^ll»'^!.7t

17 .11,______________ STUUKIIAKKU

Umr hurnm wllli Mtiirela. l td JivTUN fOKI)__________________ n«r motor. K.« »<rr annt. wond. l)«II»r>d. vh.ri. Utw 01-— ■ - ■ mk. V«ry p«d tlatk.. 7.= ..th. uJn,7t\un‘. - «Arfl.lH a-Ju. I. T«AI1,KII h«mr«. On

; i i-.-a rr .of P»l.d d.tne*. boom. iH.ho Tr.ll.r M.rt.

mIm. Phon. 4-«U. Hsr. Phon. 7H.______UiTiiws or,. I..VWT. . to tunrkalrtii.^t.Auw<i41 ?s3*3Br>Uar .1^

______________ _ .l«lri< wrap arouTop roaUoil Mtnpni • . .Iwlrl* r»frlfW«inr

TOY HODSE" .|.-|«r»t R.lfftlnn ef "ood> B.«l. »;i A<n IH T ow K t------------—"d • J l L - l i 'A R ?

..Z I! ! TRUCKE] _ , _ T-, I HIJ cnr.viioi.CT5A L E --------- - •.■price' ■" :, iBl.miH In a r™.moua FlresionB ' "* ' 'o r i t Studded i F1FER7CHKX lew Trend Tlrw. • - ; >K,n,'-jo' '

...................• ...? 6 .9 S ■ x o f o T F i

- . : ; ; : ; . - r - " - 5 5 : 6 8 i--------------------------

i.-.;,.T7r.-.v..$7v78<; riT g‘«rti-“ “ I CARS Ml]D NE STORES— I ' T I j J ^ h e s rione“37M' ■' 1

DOB R£ESE I jouth Mnln „ .. ---------------- ------ 600 OJocli and J

LL A N E O U S FO R SALE AUTC^ ^ i * ^ wii.lyh

n« amj lumbar far P Ain llaat.n. S *ovtb Motor>Vu ^ ^

- i^uai- a u i>r>. Por ae» fi I

L » »a>a4.{ allw.~CM;. OKwfi-KtrrH eo«hliu.l .S r s j . 7 i . H ' S i J ”2 S w K Imonth. (7< Van ; U at.1^8 t« M i OB IB stan «klt-1 i l l Hall A>a.

IIm Zj S A ! * * * * * * *'**' "

tAK LUUBta. »U w I W ^i r r r r u M T S S ^ r n o m * ------------000. t l ptr Mrd. I»7 at Saralll la ralrfltU. I !•» PLYMOU

■ENDELL MILL & I m i Cl’nyflU CmOER CO. INC. I ••1.0. L aB FIZ L D , IDAHO

— dan. nadlIHI D.80T0 <

/ I *r. K,«09V ttc n t io n - S h o p ----------- ;^arehouBfr-Owners i -----•Injh ^.aai InJB HOLLAND !

s l s s v ; 2 : " “ ‘'“ •“ ■ I A S B- S S K M L S . l ' s a : ~ — M oto“ fuM ra«n«U B , iio ..,. - j «»“ •><> »•-.»-il'S SALVAOE YARD -

^ R E 4 A P P L IA N C E S

__________ im DODGE I-V.'i '■ lli l IIUICK

------------ IMI r tn o •■I"I -JMO TORD

T fill* Krlcldalr* rann. UirBtr .iJc J llM iiV " I« .o n lU7k; w>a|.tr.~«ood tondltlor » » MKCOLN

f». tttwclal cloaMvl priMTl>w» a Uualt and Fumllara. «olor. Wtwr.r ■.aah.ra, U r . . ,rovp 1 lH ITM Sir-l'lB. Prlfwi Iron n - » and pp. ^ r r i lo. I

lAL~>-ri«idalr.~porc.)aU pair- " l-1 drr.r. 17J7.R Qr laqulra al , *^*r■>rr«t ali.r * P.m._______/ f*H CHEVilDLranf». Norfi'“ rrtri»tr.lor. l»M OMC H-toi

3 ¥ S " " £ r " " •‘“ ‘ = . t . ;-------- ------- iH , DODCE <4-

•Wf—famon b n n l flood I IMI PLYMOUTl»r». Whll* tub •rllh aluml- tont blu. ior. (.uarantwd (or onlr Hi. l*<<t coadlll■ C.ANDEHBON ’ |- Wu«.TOp-|

— — -------------------j! — iv i r r c H iU S E D FO R ]

P L I A N C E S ! , Phone 61ODR TWIN STORES I . —fiB LARGEST, M O S T ---------------------'LETE SELECTION! ,--------------------i r VALUES IN TOWNLL lONDS O P t hD APPLUNCE8 I 1 _

C A m .: irm T -C A lN ’S - j


T H E B l!?■ K.0B»’a..Pli0»».4»l.W.i-aM-e«.pn»l fl^nlnr. Am — — I n .•ln«a. il. C. Jnnr..' Ph.n.

j i s ' s s s I f Y ou Do

t . . : : : : " . : : ; ! . , . , . . , . . . “ w s t c o ia ([«anr<l. Complit. •trrlc.,

*“ • i»» MKiicunr >10 & MUSIC_______ « rn UtI‘7«Jo

d. llrown'a Mutle and Kur- B»w ,

;K S & TRA ILER S.« a.Uin. 3..p».dHt«lw-l’ri.al«i - »Wtr(r <rln>!rVf.l A.I.II.on, l‘lirm> clan. Doubl,iLhT p.i-ton inifk. .^•l con. J ' ' ' " ' •ilnalinn cialn mil l.»»l bnl. *o«n I At on

'm “* ‘*'■1Ih. I mil. .ouih. 4 w«l of upholilarr h

~V Uh’''" " ' I I -A I * "■> CArfl.Id r u » (? 1 mli. .?•"! I t l l OLD.IUOMILKImt..rlr, U<ir/i. I b.alrr. dual

y prlt.il'raodfin Irallm tur I !IiI Il'Ini or ..cation tripa. tlKtrsnlt «ra k. IMS Klmt.r)> nead...V n.-’ii.hViVn X X ' ‘TERFEW .~n « . r of Crwn U n ' i»

Encl'll" '' " “ i -M A K E US

‘ ‘*''‘'1 "WT TRADE FFom i'irrckT oOT mil., onl St'otgunn, turnU» tno.1 nibWr. « rai. tlf.l > >• <tw or.rahnt for har. aUxV |g . a r s . S s ; - ’- '- - '' - ^ T H E

j T ; ^ 3 ^ r 5 | MO'^ " r t i:m Klml-.rlr noad.l “ Ml" MAIN. l-l. . r- i v i n ' l r . ^ . ______ PHftKn

irV l.-^irrw S^.’S . i ' . r w ; ' “ Open' Evefiitilj^aroun^ fnrrwainrj, Ituuna f‘>nk alavri,«. Manr olb«r acr«KirlM. '.7. A.MIa.n A.r. ; - - -

‘A R M E R S . : ...... - T V: k e r s l o o k ! : \ J01.CT :.lon inirk. l i t _______________la—lJ t . i f l - 111- n lr - i l fn - ... ~ --. ____

i ^ ° ! £ r e ^ s ' ' Lll.nl rnndlllnn. If jou ar. niailua Crcl.rr. fn.o‘r ■ CEM EST WOI

T T E T T IG L E T CO.' p*»»»X.n.-1!-.m.; TJ.ho I * CLEANEllS h i

}S FO R SAUE «,CQA(.M>:nCMf.------------------- Uualli? prlnitnt »f a----------- '■ ' ------T -G A S H -I -------------- U - 5 J £ S U ^ x ^

. icAs, n;ns>:L ir\itk For • >-rrniS*»on. ;i> «RAW- n R g n - - ------ I -■-J^'^Xin.SArVWi

•nd T R D C K S ^------- r —:--------------rl n.-A.-mwfr; Tm «-

ESE OSED CAR3 ;i;.n. tiu i, tm and A veoui aou th ; • ISSUllASCE

■ l l L.IS A. Cha. —I ^


U T O S FO R SA L E A UtU i.

P A Y ^ C A S H ' I “ H I

e»n OMd Cm *. Also buy ! DO YOqultiejL.Wt- K lL o n .I to n i^ 1--------HAVa c u h . Y oull .do Ix iu r I

lA V IS -R O E J rE RJS E D C A R L O T d s e d c a

It u A rm Burploi Star*■ I — ■ ... ■ I . WE R

' ~~ — ■■• ■■ s E a i 'i

E P L A C E .T O G Q ^ li.S a v e Y o u r D o u R h | S E E T I

rMOUni Cranbrook t-iaor it. Ij

{yflLEK n i™ T artir '«-door- 'It. Uadlo. feaalar, wbll*. Ii'* __________ ______l l i t t l|iJVnOLET riwlllaa tntoor » - TTCJT?r, Itadk) ai.4 hMt.r ;. ... ITH U C /C /LOTO con^artlbl.. Radio. K..I. IK,«09 mllta ...................iliH liix CASHri3rnAir7:n"CT.i^rpt^“ C T irrj -------h ""?!M. Radio, b n u r tadtfrlTt-s.-::.,-...........-..-T .:,II«r - m j c iliv iCOLK Cotnvopolllah inloor a*. N O ». lUdio and W . r ........ lltU Wdtd

. S H W O O T H ” ” f s ;r Io to r jC o m p a n y ----------1 ^H ^TO Ilt)'Katl— - -------r>ian*nTl-j -------flhl^n-------------------------------------- IHV OLDRk

- ' 1 8 7 :-----------------

R V E S T ' S A L E I1*.0«6 I

'C E W « r.------------ » »T.M owfitrCK » .* » r------------- - I Bl.M „ } , PLYMC0 "I" Coug« -............I I _____U»dl»^D'J^oor____ I IT.04 I ■ « » r—DIAL Ma;i. You ean'i 1K9 OLDSUon UOi at obU ----- ... III7.H H>41«.:OLN 4.door, N.W Wu. I tr-A-firtPrr-mnntrr.r-iJITW ttnwc-D •■»- 4Hloor. Maroon I . H » FOHD. Ktw .Htat w ..ra . IHt.W. j ____ CJ.anJ

T“** , » » CllEVn

D "I- iMloar. Cua * ' ”1 f ra y ------ --- --------tl(T.09 -MaBr OlktiVilDLCT 14.lor.------- IM7.M ^ ,

H-ton. ......... t7»7.M T r U O l

5 " •■Johnit

HOinif l-d^r. T ^ Z - - ~ ^ ----------------blu. aad »r»7. Kietl- —tOBdlUon. K.w niMwr. ------------------KulaU throvibout...... |U ir i

I - T W'C H E I E ^ H U N T 'S E q u ip

'O R D S A L E S — B E T

d o o r .)

I clcjm.

I H E L O T “ “ S_ ■______________ 1 ____ U r« .

" O N - ___ I J8 5 U M D G

E T E R R A C E ^ - I

H u 19K) CHETV]door. 1

: B E S T C A R S - «

I n T o w n -----------------I heater

I D o n 't B e lie v e U s i j s s i r o w > C O M E O N D O W N " j i 9«

up. Delunr Hard Top Conraftlbla. I . Urcfl . hralar. I lono flnlih. K.r> <

Ie. dnhU r.aclt nxlon wklw- » ,T n ick

.«T.ot«d. N .« l, ; 1 PI

3LN. Capri- iwloor. Radio, -----, dual r»n«t hydr.mttlr, _ jl__r <rln>lowa anti araU, ilniaJ - . .“ t / 'K n ! ; " '" . Y O U <Al o n lr ...............-... i s : « ' . .! Rpf<1al Dtlui. Woor. • •ktaur. I looa crMn flnUh,

Utr llkr nt». F^illr >uar>, A m i htir ai onlr - t i m

403 3RDdOMILI •■II" i^oo.. Kadlo.

nl« «Tt, I owBtr. 1-ton. .llnlaii. «»*aTpJ ____ )ltN llonal lltlERFECT PA IR-tEVROLn D .lutt Mana. IIUfTniDrnv I condilloa. Vullr «)ulrp*d ; <oor. Or*:Hr luaraniMd. Vour . r c . r » l i...............-.................I t a ' mllta ......E US AN OFFER— l» l CHKVnpiinT :rr}^ s r ~ ~ ana

**’* ir*[id^"*v’DE POR ANYTHINQ-’- i n u rono 4-dtumllure, w hat have . m otor__' ; I t i l CHEVIVpt

' H E I S E N ^ .... • ------------^ ^

i I O T O R S

IAIN AVE, EAST . ------m-'KTTT ii< a -w ■■ !___I

•enincJ'and'Suhdav* ' ' ■ 'S ee D ■ • / ___ : Phone 200j



S A L £ S & S £ f l^ £ .- . , « MATTffESS

t i z z z z z ^ m s

i s t c r e mSt ;nd Bl. WHf TlM.n ' ITB. m;.!',. Crclw , P.CML Pn/NTIN C • I'lUMUMCJ, t »f_alL‘J"‘'*-.Tlniaa-Htwii. .ll">n. l-limMng ■-------------------------- » /<£H<ic; emax c a c - S EnutCrE ■ -lr\itk rtpair ttrvlta. flota * 7V A N TEW

. ;i» «thA.r.W. Ph.it7W- TWIN KALLS Tl------------------. -

■ T t r a v j m ij.-J 1.^ Hii™. rtalali anr ^ a a u ^ -iL.

— Phon. I»»ii Kjii,, Vacuura SalCE ______ _ .'[u '^ .T S .T A 'hL Chapl» A (n .7 ‘ilrand .r-- — 7l» . . Oalllaaa «ofi Wa(


AUTOS FOR SALE A U 'ICOLN■7T7 Junlptr t l r ^ , ~_________

^ I T T T O L K S " 'ORB

YOU KNOW T lU T ^VB Takt itAVE-ONE-OP^THS---------- --------Wrm,'INECT SELECTIONS D A

ot •• ■ ■■ - U S


•nd j__________


C O M E i

jT T O T T T O U n S E L F ^I m i ro n o '

- A t T h e -

W I L L S I " “ S

E D C A R D E P T , j

.DILLAC “i r i-Joor. lUdl* '

..Biarpl ----- ------------- 1, 1,1 ------------- gj.^VIlOLirr Otl-Alr Cluk coBpa. I wj»bll.wtU llrr*. niJlo. htaltr. -.

mn v.|-Victoria. nidii” httt.lordomatlc. S>lobt flnbk. Ktal.‘SCO------------------------- . p r o .■ iiD 'v .T v fji^ jirn rd irc ii;^ i ' —

;- - x j.DRMOJ»Ui,auMf. -U - Clrt ' . A□ PC lladlo. ktaltr. hrdramatlr. i Arp« la.lsBt llaljk. Cltaa - t l l l i : np,i-ioor Cuilam V.l. IltaUr, I:^ :;:.‘X ‘l;-ni'r.:a r* .v, I - b , iJDEUAKfJI Ckaniploi) «.d»r. | . t ia p iv w r U jb .i..r .o ..rd rl.,.l r .. ih.B

! w li tti—— — — — i n t j I iBllta«am * chevh

DakDDlt.B " i r atdan. !llo, t-aur. hrdra~ll. trana.- ------alon. WhiLwall llrw. a-iont _ _ £ ! 2 lZ 5

... ..zi.'.— i i i t t I n o frrvDEUD IJoor. K.w Mon. Ilnlih. t I S " ’**

_________ im j I -------z H IL rtv n o ix T t . . . M . . . t '■>■ S“ «& e ^ ‘d 5 ^ ! S ® i r —

18k L a n e W e s t I “Wo Kara aa8 J 9 -W -- '. -T w ln P tiU ----------------

inie Boyd • M anater . HO------- — . - - | -J----------u !

W I N P A L L S ; - -u ip m e n t C o m p an y i------- ---------

O T E R B U Y S - ■ ■

riCK Super Riviera 4 . C L E A jr . Dynaflow, radio, heat-

new U m . ExcepUonally

iRD Countn' ^ a n .enlrtre . h«a(er, sood j j j j oL D Ssa_------------------ ---------- . _ — Sedan>DnB_Coninet h lrd top .. ~ — drnim:^one pain t with Gyroma- [ ha* a

radio, heater. .Very......... . whiuj»n — .....................IU45 : See ItEVROLCT Deluxe 4-.r. Radio, hta ter, new W50 CADCt covert. Very clean Door.Ide and o u l_______ $645 maUcYMOUTH Special Dtluxe..............kIms .'oor. Vlicr, radio, j only _t«r ....... ................_...|845RD ’j-lo n plck-up. A IM l OLDS?Ip o n e ................. — WSSEVROLCT 4 .to n pick-Deluxe « b , new low m

a ----------------------„.,«85 I ------- h e w l.,

I T T tr J. 1B50 OLOS^e k L a n e W e s t i m i .,

PHONE W i m4U«.------------------------ j good ~— - i 'igbVoLDSN

J C A N S A V E I “ ni”i' car. M

' N O W - ! -------------- i w p L V K

! k ;RD STRECT WEST ! 19,000 S

raOi.CT-Dtl.Al7. -iuil litf- I -1983 OHBVBiptr oa Ik. door. Sold witi Coupe.

. spMiaii.................noil I nnd wfEnAKEfl Commtndtr 4- I Like ne Ov.rdrlta. htaitr on. own.wllh 17.000 actual 1S50 CHEVR

.......... ............ ..... ' Coupe.nOLirr H w r KJtcUlha. Ila._______ Dlnck.a

W t r - ...... .... ......n i l I . UilJ for

4.door with ntw T er and----------- -------------- ” •.* Ie-1. Or

upLET r . . . iB t j .p o K n iTRUCKS ! anette.

Oraln and ,»ck : . . hydf^mi

'7 Z . 7 7 ~ r ! ' *'-------------........... ...... |» ( ' IMS inJDSO

• D."A.-Mcauire---------- I ■ ‘r iP e r fe c f<----------Evening* 3M I. :~ - ’ dan. Ra

J dramaUc

S I G N A L — :---------- J053 CHEVR<


-_______ I; lBS3.FORD_lSS n i n o v m K a — I - ' “ J J "

r u LUA,\ -'1 ibbT TO Rd V

Ig mil lltt. Co. I’toBa m . 1051 PONTIAl:i< A na .v -s£ flv /cg _____«"« 8 p°

■ m x t m i c iTV i . n | , ‘I

_fait_ Pbana J M t_______1 - . . . OUt -------ftFJ S — •— 1 . —. -----------------


. . . m o t o r

Ifh‘A . r E a 'l r r h c ' l '» » ’ 01 Ave. —p— — .• — ------ op en


E » g>:UTOS FO R S / k U __________ K

-hN eT :ieE -!-! -:-:|Pv :•e going to. stll our- lote- ----------/■cars. IncludlnK 1954‘* a t n IRCAT REDUCTION .

” *™” ■ IIM POI3 A V IS -R 0 E M E R U SJ2D C A R L O T .in Ave. W. Phone 3438 I I'a'il,

to Arm y Surpiuj s to re )Z l l i l IlES

_ I im .u 'u iIF O R E Y O U B U Y I ' i m ifui

“See Theje" h«>EVBOl-CT Ctltb Coup.. Ilaatar *'**

n’D C «C Sr.i7 .--r.-T ^T ."* '‘ C<lio. htalar. >'onl-l>.Uatlc, ShOW't r tl*.rln«. (•■•ar attl. »l< | tt. IIOO {■.low dtal.r’a prlc.;nCURY Hard Top. rr.mlvB< _luwalla. Radk l>t.l.r. 17.00« _QEViioLEx'riStriM'‘w « , / ” A T Trllo. btaUr.jKp-.rilld., ntw A U J«Iau llrM. CxoiiiraDal r 303 1.B --------- --------------. 11011 I 'A L L E Y M O T O R S itBEE KEHHY MOON........... ............. ....

~ — " It r i c

R S 'L C H O IC E — - S P A E

U S E D 'C A R S ------------ \ i a r o L 6A n d T R U C K S - . -


ly B lr Hearted Bob" -rMOtmi <.^aor. Radio. hMttr. j I ' i l TON' iJttU kUtk tlaUlu 0». owptt 1•a«a------------------ ■...... IJIIEVROLCT Woor. ll.al.r and » » «UIC _iir«. Low p r lc o f___ -----------------CVnOLKT., r«x^ ntplof. and

aiU.hMt.r,.A- t«30 JfERlI OB. ------- - .. .. 11711 I ____ Uala.IDOAKBlL-nUltiooafhtap 1 Itporta^lon. IltaUr aad orn- I. -------- ^ ._ . |ia _ j __________________{)GE ^.loiu 44ptt4 IraBamla- !. CualoB Mb, oat owBar. low IHI CUE!............. ....................•IMU a ll 'br 81t Tm*wb«al

■ MT.ral flnt fam Iruckj lo— ahoo..-(tvm.’' ............. ....... llirT O llIl

l O B R E E S E U S B D * C A R S ------------------- S P A .

k tnd Ava. SoQtk IK nt .te JEROME* ___________ J -^JrOtL-— _______ _ (

t h e j— ■■

l A N E S T C A R S

[ N T O W N ! U S

O SU O BILE -88- 4-Door ; T H Elan:— Radio.- htater,-hy*~ I ---------- “inttrOc—tm nm raslon; ~ I l ' : ■"I a bcnutUul blue ond IIte flnlah. Ju st llke-new, ; C H II l l before you buy..$I60S |

DILLAC "eO' Special 4- ; w « r atda.jr. Radio, heater, hydra- j it a onUc tninsmlaslon, tinted [ __________a.' Very, veiy clean hnd ; Woor Spttif .......... ______.|20JJ [ drBafl(

OSMOBILE S uper. "Sa" 1 j . ,■oov. Radio, ht&Ur and trlntmram atlc IranamtMlon — «wBtr milease and runs like j ,,

fl--------------------------$1485 I 4 ,

JSMOBILE "88' 4-Door. j « l ’r'"I: llo, heate r and hydra- , ,ic. U o to and run* ! , . , ' 'J _________ II1B5

JSMOBILE "88- l ^ r _ ^ | lo, hettl£r,“ h}’drajna{ic , . - , ismlaslon, A very clean j " b t ^ r '

Many ncce.uorlea..$lS9S onir

YMO’ UTiT"Belvedero" ' ’ »rt Coupe. Radio, heat- ‘■'’“ • " S 'L nd overdrive. Ha* onlyW mllea. Like new.4nB5 ■''V .ha..t«

m io L m i« .A ir s p o rr -K IC E -G X. Radio, heater and | j e r o m b tr Bllde. B itter.aw eet I Open E white inalde and out. | new and only___ $1405 ___________

IVROLCT Bel-Alr Sport>e. Radio and healer. | k and j'r llow Jln lah .-S cc-! . . . tfor a real buy..„.:.„.$895 ; i -

MOUTH Special De- ; ^I «-Door, Radio, h « a t. [ind all the- acceisor- 'Only____________ .T43 ,

T lA C - a - D w 8*dan» jte. Radio, henter and 'amatlc. Cleanest 1848 ;;1 in town------- ---- $585 j ___________

iSON 4 -D oor Sedan. : U S E DD and heat£r -Low — __, ^ i ~ „ i i x i v i m :ssEt ^ ~ t r z•ct mechanically__$485 i •

3M0BILB 4-Door 6e- | TtMi,Radio, heater and hy- i

atlc._O nly...— ,.^,„»4P5. , _________

■'ROLET Stylellne Dc- ! ------4<Door. Radio, h e a t. • B IG C L Eid power Rllde. Looks Im s like new....„.$1285 j

3_v:-8..a-X>oor. ..Jladlfl. j ---------------^leater-w lth a beautiful- f .......................la ln l Job. Cheny red. 1-rrrz:.................... ,.$1385 1- - - ' I IIU rLY

) 3 -I^ o r, ..Complclel)' ' ynfted w ith radio, beat- . l-*n -0Jd* :’W ^4peclal . : '» d m otor'flnd h y d rav •4-speed transmission. ;

lA C .8-j:y lU idcr-,t::au- . _ ........ - - TSport Coupe. Radio. '• ;-h y d raa in tlrT T O fa ~ -------n. BeauUful bluB and ' M D T

finish, inside and :

. . ' . - -------------- i

© U R E E) R C O M P A N Y .. ,A CF

.ve. E as t - Phone 1B18pen -gvea inga — . " ■-■■■■•

— i "TO, Ip,

A U TO S TOR SALE ______ ^

- : ^ L 0 0 g n - ^ l -------------AU C a rs G reiilly

R educed CJ S T C L E A R L O T :

rl.,i,..'ind hr:',,r'^"‘‘‘- <""-llltICK .Su,.., Cnaflow, ,

h r^” ^/luld'dH'uuick Ornamw.

aUICK f i l ia l llaJlo. k ..uIt, PlMtlaw JU. a t . r'..n r .r _______JBTJOT‘Q\)Crn.N’0 PRICES '

come In nnd Let U» '***low You We Are Anxious


B R O W N I N G ■ ” ‘’ 5 ~

U T O C O M P A N Y :a Second Avenue NorUi

— PH0W E.3M -----------------------------1

I rhont !

I C E S S r A S H E m i ' ope,

A E T H ? S -U S E D -.e A R 3 - ; -------------

ILDSklOnil.K *->■- Conxrilblt I--------------oupa. hadlo, h.tur, kriltaRiaMt li * —wwtr-.tt»rtnr.-'»Unr'el»,r - ■'

— ...............— "«■> N ]lUICK SpKlal Uoot a laa. V f. i • T J UcrpTioiti ■ *j '

■ONTIAC Chltflaln D.lui. 1- r>..Hn, . «<t a«lan. tlatilA. htaltr, llnttd 1 DUTlnZ Ila a t--------------------------IU ll i are solnjHirK fi'u,wr.n, , r . ^cW -'Si

■- t» |l CAOl _CQMMERCIALfl.., . : . . : 4«to, llEVnoLET U-tn. p[fkpn i r « . t . ____

S?® tMt'r Vr^ln Ud'*^ *^IW ’ bXVS

‘“‘HA E T H - M O T O R ”MS - PHONB US)LDS------------------ O M O -............. ow»”

QMAO TERMS ___ wow'---------------------i-----------------1 t*il FONT

m C A N B U Y ' I i s ;

T H E B E S T m a n y

I S E D C A R S , o m i

E ____ G I ^ P E S T B

I r T c e ^H E V B O L E T .-In t^ -------■*

i n i PLYMoirrv I..dan. ll.altr^Blr^ bW ---------------

" 1 9 5 4 - <

’r ; r ; o r ‘ r ’‘' “ n e wMian. Radio, btattp, auloaallc IB T '»r^— ....•'.!7_!!1! J ih ■ B IG

l l t l CHCVnOLtr ,«u_f>iTr MrlttlB. D4tax*-w4rc-pootf'■btr, niM ajp»aranta. r e r * ^ DOOrr — ------------------------- IHI powe:

IIH CHEVROLET ’T allin. D.!uit itdag. Radh.; 'tor. A food tar thai It r~dr WMTI■»---------------------------- i m count- IHI ro n n - |tdaa. Sklnr black color, radio. jjgg fItr. o..rdrl... jrood rt,bbtr.^^ j .

' ]*il rLYUOUTII ~ ”rtr roupa. Rtdlo. htaltr. A 1953 CHEAd bur for--------- <--------MH DoorritT«rt1'-Chrapln’ Ml lo lll~ White

- G H E V R O L E T r ln c . . .IHB - Phone 650 or 684 Radjo

E venlcjs 111 8 P. M. finish

. 1852 PLY^" • ~ ~ heatei

L - O - O - K !

W H A T . i ‘"“ S ' SKOod.

[ A E E E N E D - - - ; - i s s r ^Door I

TO seat____________________ ! _____ U oa-2D C A R P R IC E S j HM f o r t........... - .................................... - _ to r^ ^

. - A T - » - I ' ““ "ijT k^

™ n M O T O R S... . . . ----------- 1 - .- d a n r-

! m otor

L E A R A N C E S A L E ! ‘! GC

LTS JEEP. «-wkMl drita.— ^ : n - T - O E r

; 1841 PLY.\

r r i r . ' ™

; ]D<S HUD£ ! IMS OLD3

U N I O N -

) T O R S , I N C .

S 5 l 6 ^ 1 = J i s 5 ^ — ------—

C R O S S FR O M . . 9 ' ^ 1

S A F E W A Y ^ M

PAC»A G B T W E N g g f f l ^

A U T 0 5 -F 0 H S A t l t ^ r : ^ f f l

I' cuitoffl Bpor tim 'M |- D :r iO f i i ppr ro m iw r ig W O ' m P fe - ’

I W Blue Lakes .Bird, j

C H U R C H M A N ’S ' . ) .

-------- C L E A N U P - ^ *! \

palm --------- ------------------ I tll* :PLrUOUnHpaaW <tlua V4o.»i‘ I' itdaa. lUdlo aad haaui___ n i l ” ;CIlEVnOLlT Blrltllna S ( tu > « ' ‘Cwpt. Top eondlUos _ _ . | | | | | . - -CIlCVnOLrr Atra SWaa. nadlo,-’ ' btaltr. In Ui» condlUoa __| l l i .


FORD rickvp. H.(on. i..pa«L, IraRinlttloD. dduu cab. fraah . . .a lrh t titr ______________|:j || '_ |CIlCVnOLET <;.lo& Pltkup. •

:h u r c h m a n ' S

" ^ r O J O R S r i n c T ~ T , ■JEROME ■ :

I3pen Evening* 'TU 8:00 ' •

— O pen 'Suna«y«~~ 7 ; '


SALE - r -tiJ tha next Iwo lolns to clear our lo t for tba

"65- PontUc. O ur Io m ’Ii '

lUY N 0W JW 5 SAVII tlOO O H ^^^onn of t h a ^ ,

jAOJIXAO (xloor aadas. 'j '

■ONTIAC aitfUlB Dtlontdaa. l lu radio, btatar as4 kr*-ramilk.TJiUtat.UUkat«w.

a ; . " *anft brdramaUc, bad and ra«UB>•t atat*. Tba e^co w u |U|T.

OKTUC CbMtalft % arHsSar ~Hloor at<(Aii. RmUb. W u r. 4oa1*> ant. Iiriiraaiatl(. Tbla U • n- >

jOIfflA^Ch’lrfuIs DalBi* Moor •rm MlAL nod <lt^ (atoB* nd tn r nnUb. TlM.Vrtc» an tUa' ar -g^SljHT. SAV/lM BAVMJ |



_ B A R N A R D ..::J i i u t e ^ o m p a n y ^ '"U Y «n la ^Balnaaa-*

[AC -------------------CAOltJ.kr f .

4-C L E A R A iJC E ;'; w C A R S - D E M O ’S "■ ■

U s e d C a ra J" '


W BV RO LBT-Bel-A lp-la- '>oor Sedan. Power OUde, over steering, power leai. ' nd windows, electronlo eyft* uily equipped New car 'arrantjr. SubitanUal Dls*o u n t l __________ ,HEVROLCT B e l-A lr ' i c ''Oor Sedan. Radio, heatcni ■ory over turquoise, cltan.'^ :

HEVROLET B e l-A lr U~ oor Sedan. Radio, heate i', hitewaU tires. Low m ile-,.,le .------- ___________,,11798! ; ,ONTIAO 4 . Ooor Sedair* W i i adlo, heikier, tood tlx e su d u ■ ■ Inlsh. One owner___ 11449.,L.YMOtmr Coupe. Radio, | ^ H ;ater. seat covers. 14M0

HEVROLCT D e L u x e _ 2 : _ : ^ H Mr ^ a n . Radio, h e a l.-

E 8 p T O _ 4 = D o o r-8 ed im : J H otor, Ures and (lolsh. l»i B H od. H eater |U d s e t t c o v r ;

>or Sedan. Radio, h e a te r ' : s t covers. Oood condl-* .

3RD a-Door Sedan. Mo^’ WeiLtlnlaj ^ 4S

ckup. 4*Speed tru u m lss - |

SEVROLCT 4>D oar Se- !

^ ^ C B W seat covew a nd V f l

G O O D V A L U E i . v l H

>i :d e i o i o d £ I 5 — ^

^YMOUTH coupf.,-,,.,.^^ f - f f l f l ORD 3-Door S e d a n -l.t fJ DDSON 4-Or. 6tdaiL ^4 |^ r i ^ ^ f l HEVROLBIU t g O ^ . : : i n ^ ^ f l

PDSON 4-BT. Sed.i nT ??^

- Y O U R : .''K ' 0 I E T ; D E A 1 £ K ^ P ^ H

r c : J E N l ^ ^ ^ l

Page 28: )ark aign; Talks - Twin Falls Public Librarynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...-hid-comg~lntn~Taing pf n^r. i*~*^ =To7^flce.-that-he-is - - ~ 'Clone cellar


— i 6



Now! 1


" Things have been hap]I n u g in c tlic p r id e t l u t w c

6{vcf voY»—nftc r-)xars o f o

g c n i th a t is r e a l ly w o ithy_ c

Try tlic new W h ite K in g

\o u a n - r f o m th e y bm igst?

to \o iir lingerie aiu! nylons,

]Miis aiii! oil your, finest cT'

-------'h:H yo i! -"c r i:\-onc] c rf tijr rc su l

sl'lc. Il you .iloii’c -agree tin

tiuL-s c v c iu h in g \ \ c d iiim l'<

tiuU your hill j'uicli.i>c prii

White K il


; w D

liappening_at^White King L\v c fec i in ar la s t b e in g a b le to

^ f e x h a u s t iv e r e s e a r c h - a deter*

o f th e n a m e " \V h i(c ^ K ln fi! ‘_

in g D . to d a y , G iv e . i r ev ery te s t •

g sV e rs ''b a d ly so iIc 3 play c lo ih e s

lonsx ,Xxy ir o n greasy p o ts a u d ­

it cTiina. A c tiia l ly you w ill f in d '

■ c su ltro rr . 'a n y il jm g 'th T u s '^ ^ a lh -

: th a t th e n e w W h ite K in g D

m lu f ir a n d m o re , v c w iil rc-

• p r ic e .

W B t


ing offers_

c o v e r y in

ETEF— w' -------------------

W O! - - \V c l l r i t - s - f f u e ! - \V c - 'v c - g o i

0 d is c o v e ry in W l m e - K i n g 's ■

N V hicc K in g D w i th " b a la

•!_ „ i;fo .c c i:!s„ } lic h :c s -in t w o s iz

t • R c i ^ n b c ^ ^ ' ^ c b e e n in i li

5 d a y p ro d u c ts f o r W e s te r n h<

1 - th is n e w W h i te K i n g D is t

r v v e .h a v c e v e r p u r o r t t h e m


, . 1 . : . - . .TIMES-NEWS, TV

I I I E :

3 'G C T E T i T E

Lyou its gl


miW F Ili W E r i

? o t - i t - t h e g r e a t e s t -ft-ash-day -

; s 9*l-yc2r h is to ry ! I t 's th e new

la la n c e c l - p o w c r -n o w - o n y o u r - -

s iz es ,- la rg e s iz c -a n d g ia n t size. - -

i_ihe b usiness o f m a k in g .w ish-

. h o m e m a k e rs -fo r 9-i y c irs and

is th e finest p r o d u c t o f its k ind m a rk e t.

m ^ E T E R G E N T



<;reatest m


IT .Jt i ^ , ■ M

— f^ [— zIn th is n e w p a

c lea n s in g p o u e

. - --------------beUe r t n d et

W h il

_________ '

- - J - . (M ■«»

(latMl, r< iillia triUi lltl irlii

r. ;'J jiH iu " n> it l«ji

----- — ---------- :------ 0? n tT i» it:jr,m M• IlIllltflK tlifdiu

________i - - ------- --- • ' ‘ • • ’■■>

WWIb__Ilm l l i i i l l f f f •

m sh ^ d a ^


LAHeEiFOiEfp a e k a g c j j th e w o n d e r f u l *'ba!anc(

w e r y o u h a v e be en lo o k in g fo r to (

c . « y f e j o b o n ? « r ,th in g .y o u .S L “ i

'h i t« K in g D n o w j j i v t t y o u :

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