arch jaarboek 2016 - 2017 · 2019-10-21 · - vlaamse raad en franki foundations konden de...

ARCH jaarboek 2016 - 2017 Jaarboek van de vakgroep Architectonische Ingenieurswetenschappen van de Vrije Universiteit Brussel

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Page 1: ARCH jaarboek 2016 - 2017 · 2019-10-21 · - Vlaamse Raad en Franki Foundations konden de studenten hun kennis verrijken met deze unieke documentaire. Woensdag werden de workshops

ARCH jaarboek 2016 - 2017

Jaarboek van de vakgroepArchitectonische Ingenieurswetenschappen

van de Vrije Universiteit Brussel

Page 2: ARCH jaarboek 2016 - 2017 · 2019-10-21 · - Vlaamse Raad en Franki Foundations konden de studenten hun kennis verrijken met deze unieke documentaire. Woensdag werden de workshops

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Toen in 1970 beslist werd dat de Vrije Universiteit Brussel een eigen campus kreeg op het voormalige oefenplein, werd het braakliggende terrein in korte tijd omgevormd tot een grote bouwwerf: studentenwoningen, leslokalen, kantoorruimtes en labo’s rezen als paddenstoelen uit de grond. Nu, bijna vijftig jaar later, wordt de skyline van de campus opnieuw gedomineerd door bouwkranen. De VUB krijgt een hoge gevel aan de Triomflaan met de realisatie van 650 studentenhuizen en auditoria. De cultuurtoren met tentoonstellingsruimte, concerthal en KultuurKaffee opent zich naar de omgeving. Ook het voormalige zwembad wordt vernieuwd en vergroot en er liggen plannen klaar voor een Learning and Innovation Center. De campus wordt zo een proeftuin voor studenten ingenieur-architect, die de verschillende bouwfasen op de voet kunnen volgen. Niet verwonderlijk dat de studenten zelf grootse plannen koesteren en tijdens de architectuurweek de handen in elkaar sloegen voor de bouw van een groot opblaasbaar paviljoen. Deze realisatie en andere gebeurtenissen lichten we toe in dit jaarboek van de vakgroep Architectonische Ingenieurswetenschappen 2016-2017. We nemen je mee op architectuuruitstappen van Brussel tot Berlijn en illustreren de leerlijn van de vijf ontwerpstudio’s. Dit academiejaar bracht ook primeurs: het Franse accreditatieorganisme CTI, dat vorig jaar de faculteit bezocht, overhandigde haar positieve rapport over de VUB-opleiding Ingenieurswetenschappen: architectuur. Illustratief voor de bruisende fase waarin de vakgroep ARCH verkeert, zijn de opstart van de allereerste spin-off en de uitreiking van niet minder dan acht doctoraatstitels.


Ine Wouters


Studentenhuis en

cultuurtoren in opbouw.


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GENERALVoorwoordInhoudstafelActiviteiten/overzichtAlumni-avondEight PhDsARCH-reisARCH-weekExchangebru:tecture

ONTWERPOntwerpatelier 1Ontwerpatelier 2Ontwerpatelier 3Ontwerpatelier 4Ontwerpatelier 5








88-8990-9394-95Air Dome

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LezingSara Wermiel

Twee nieuwe boeken over naoorlogse gebouwen

Nacht van de kennisLezing Inge Bertels

Industrial WorkshopCircular Retrofit Lab - BAMB

Research seminarae-lab

LezingSuduo Xue

TensiNet-COST Action TU1303 Symposium, Newcastle

Daguitstap Brussel

Alumni-avond PhD defense Pieter Herthogs

PhD defense Aushim Koumar

PhD defense Mieke Vandenbroucke


PhD defenseWaldo Galle

Tentoonstell ingBA2 in Rozebeke

Meer informatie over deze en andere activiteiten kan u vinden via

2016 - 2017Activiteiten / overzicht

aug sep okt nov dec jan feb maa apr mei juni

PhD defenseSilke Puystiens

PhD defenseKelvin Roovers

PhD defenseMaarten

Van Craenenbroeck

Architectuurreis Berli jn


Presentatie meesterproef

PhD defense Renjie Liu

LezingCharlotte Nys& J. Lambrecht

Research seminarLightweight LezingLancelot Coar

ReciPlyDomeGebouwd in Kopenhagen

Lezing aan UGentLars De Laet

LezingManuela Martini

Lezing in BozarInge Bertels &

Stephanie Van de VoordeResearch seminarReUse

Research seminarThe Inside Story

Research seminarTRANSFORM

LezingPhilippe Block

Page 5: ARCH jaarboek 2016 - 2017 · 2019-10-21 · - Vlaamse Raad en Franki Foundations konden de studenten hun kennis verrijken met deze unieke documentaire. Woensdag werden de workshops


De avond werd ingeleid met een presentatie over Project XY, het toekomstige gebouwencomplex op de VUB.Vervolgens gaf ingenieur-architect Charlotte Nys van architecten- en ingenieursbureau Origin een presentatie over het modernistisch erfgoed van de VUB: “onherstelbaar verbeterd?”.

De avond werd feestelijk afgesloten met een spetterende receptie, aangeboden door de sponsors Phenix Group, Skylux, Denys, AGC, Archicad, Daikin, SCHUCO, Brea, Protect, Tuc Rail, Sweco, Victor Buyck, Cogghe&co en Besix.


Feestelijke receptie


Spreker Charlotte Nys


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PhD defense of Kelvin



Last year has been very successful in terms of research output, as no less than eight of our researchers at ARCH have finalized their PhDs.

Mieke Vandenbroucke and Waldo Galle were first in line, defending their doctoral research in August and in September. Mieke developed a tool using environmental life cycle assessment to inform the design of demountable building elements. She is now working at VIBE where she actively contributes to reducing the environmental impact of the construction sector. In the same vein, Waldo introduced a scenario based life cycle costing method for evaluating the financial feasibility of transformable buildings. He is currently appointed at our department as a project researcher for a study on Brussels’ building stock as a source of construction materials (see page 65).

Pieter Herthogs and Aushim Koumar followed suit in November. Pieter focused on enhancing the adaptable capacity of urban fragments and developed a methodology to integrate the Design for Change strategy in sustainable urban projects. He is now connected to ETH Zurich, working as a postdoctoral researcher at the Future Cities Laboratory in Singapore. Aushim succeeded in pushing forward deployable scissor structures for disaster relief and introduced a multi-criteria optimisation in these adaptable structures’ design. He recently co-founded the VUB spin-off Transformactive, which aims at developing and constructing fast deployable quality spaces (see page 65).

Hot on their heels, Maarten Van Craenenbroeck completed his research in February. Maarten worked on biaxial testing of fabrics, a project in which he investigated numerous test methods and their impact on material parameters and the consequent structural design. He was closely followed by Kelvin Roovers, Silke Puystiens and Renjie Liu who provided new insights into adaptable and lightweight structures. Kelvin investigated deployable scissor grids by providing a comprehensive overview of their geometry and kinematics. Silke developed kinematic form active structures and focused on their design, numerical analysis and experimental testing. Finally, Renjie obtained a double degree together with Beijing University of Technology through his numerical and experimental verification of annular crossed cable-truss structures.

This streak of successful PhDs is not going to stop yet, as Yves Govaerts will soon join the newly graduated doctors by defending his doctoral thesis entitled restoration strategies for stone imitating renders. In this thesis he works on the development of a tool that allows composing suitable repair mortars.More information on these and earlier PhDs can be found on our website.

Eight PhDs


Louis Vandenabeele

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Na een bijzonder drukke week vol jury’s, deadlines en colleges kregen de studenten wat ze hadden verdiend: twee weken rust. Of toch niet helemaal. De vier eerste dagen van de paasvakantie trokken we er met zijn allen op uit voor een onvergetelijke ARCH-reis. De hippe Duitse hoofdstad Berlijn werd al maanden voordien aangestipt als de bestemming die de voorkeur genoot. Met de rugzak om de schouders stroomden de enthousiastelingen vrijdagavond in het atelier toe. Nadat de pizza’s genuttigd waren, bestegen we met 54 de volgepakte bus. Kreuzberg, Berlijn! Bij het ontwaken verscheen het groene Tempelhof in ons slaperig gezichtsveld. De heerlijke lentezon wachtte ons op, de regen hadden we in Brussel achtergelaten. Met een korte nacht in de benen kuierden we zaterdag doorheen de verkruimelde stad, op zoek naar wat haar bindt. De dag startte met een bezoek aan de in de grond verzakte Velodrom van Dominique Perrault. De toon was gezet. Omdat het bezoek niet zesdaags was, besloten we de andere delen van Oost-Berlijn te doorkruisen. Door de modernistische setting van de Karl-Marx-Allee werd ons idee van de West-Europese stad al een eerste maal in vraag gesteld.

Omdat archies onvermoeibaar blijken te zijn, besloten we de zware benen diezelfde avond nog los te dansen in het bruisende nachtleven van Berlijn. Dit nieuw stel benen kwam, naast een heerlijke foodtruck-brunch, goed van pas bij aanvang van een volgeplande zondag. Met het Bauhaus Archiv, het Joods Museum en de Reichstag konden we ’s avonds alweer enkele highlights schrappen van onze lijst. Maandag werd gekleurd door de veelheid aan musea op (jawel) het ‘Museum Insel’: Bode, Neues, Altes, etc. Na een middagje voor-ieder-wat-wils, sloten we de dag af met een bezoek aan het Museum der Dingen. Ondertussen was het cryptische groepsspel een versnelling hoger geschakeld en de ontknoping beloofde spannend te worden. Op de laatste dag lag het zwaartepunt op de Potzdamerplatz met een bezoek aan de daken van het Sony Center en de prachtige Kolhoff-toren. Eens het programma ‘afgewerkt’ was, begaven we ons naar de geheime locatie van het eindspel: Tempelhof. Hier namen de organisatoren het op tegen de verschillende teams in een potje pingpong. De inzet bestond uit traktaties diezelfde avond.Waldo, ARCH-reiskenner, sprak na afloop van een moeilijk te overtreffen “topeditie”. Ik kijk al uit naar volgend jaar. Dank aan de organisatie: Bruce, Linsy en Yolente. Dank aan de enthousiaste aanwezigen.


Groepsfoto in de dome

van de Reichstag


Sfeerbeelden van o.a.

Tempelhof en Haus der

Kulturen der Welt

© bru:tecture


Frederik Vandyck



Page 8: ARCH jaarboek 2016 - 2017 · 2019-10-21 · - Vlaamse Raad en Franki Foundations konden de studenten hun kennis verrijken met deze unieke documentaire. Woensdag werden de workshops

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Dat tradities de moeite zijn om voort te zetten, werd dit academiejaar nog maar eens bewezen door de vakgroep Architectonische Ingenieurs-wetenschappen en de studentenvereniging bru:tecture. Hoewel tradities ingebouwde gewoontes met zich meebrengen, werd de architectuurweek dit jaar in een heel nieuw jasje gestoken met ‘tijdelijkheid’ als thema.

bru:tecture dacht groots en zocht naar een manier om tijdelijkheid te verbeelden. Een immense opblaasbare constructie, later gedoopt tot Air Dome, bleek hiervoor een uitstekend middel. “Architectuurstudenten VUB leven in een bubbel”, luidde het op VUB Today. Aan het groene veldje voor gebouw K, de natuurlijke habitat van de studenten burgerlijk ingenieur-architect, stond deze opblaasbare structuur te pronken, rijkelijk gevuld met eigenzinnige ingenieur-architecten van alle leeftijden. Het werk van de studenten en de vakgroep werd niet alleen door VUB-studenten bewonderd, maar ook door sympathisanten van buitenaf.

Algemeen beeld van de

Air Dome.

Beeld: Mathias Claes



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Niet enkel de Air Dome viel in de week van 20 tot 24 maart 2017 te bewonderen. Er waren ook workshops, avondactiviteiten, lekker eten en nog veel meer. De architectuurweek startte op maandagochtend met de smakelijke traditie van het ontbijt. Studenten, assistenten en docenten genoten samen van een goed, stevig ochtendmaal en kregen daarna een briefing over alle activiteiten die zouden plaatsvinden tijdens de architectuurweek. Op maandagavond werden al meteen de creativiteit en de ingenieurskunde van de studenten getest in de bru:tecture wedstrijd. De studenten kregen de opdracht een stoel te ontwerpen volledig uit karton, waarbij ze lijmverbindingen noch nietjes mochten gebruiken.

‘s Avonds zaten de studenten gezellig samen met een drankje en popcorn in de Air Dome, waar ze keken naar de documentaire Microtopia. Microtopia toont hoe architecten en kunstenaars grenzen kunnen verleggen en streven naar onafhankelijkheid van ‘het netwerk’, de persoonlijke drijfveren voor het ontwikkelen van microwoningen en hoe ze precies functioneren. Het gaat over hedendaagse noden, die op een zeer verrassende manier aangepakt en opgelost worden. Dankzij de financiële steun van de Orde van de architecten - Vlaamse Raad en Franki Foundations konden de studenten hun kennis verrijken met deze unieke documentaire.

Woensdag werden de workshops georganiseerd. Er waren drie modules waarin de studenten zich volledig konden laten gaan, natuurlijk allemaal rond het kernwoord ‘tijdelijkheid’: het programmeren van computeranimaties gestimuleerd door bewegingen en spraak, het maken van een opblaasbare sculptuur, en het maken van een grote compression shell uit gips. Naarmate de avond over de Air Dome viel, werd het er gezellig druk en kwamen tal van muzikanten de boel opluisteren. Zo startte de avond met assistent Lennert Loos en student Lukas Geijsen die vierhandig ‘tijdelijke muziek’, meer bepaald blues en boogie, improviseerden op de piano. Ook de vierkoppige band Léo passeerde de revue. Huisdeejays dj Freshderik & dj Loosgehen waren van de partij om de bel tot op het laatste moment leven in te blazen.

Op donderdagavond gaf Xaveer De Geyter (XDGA) een lezing. De man achter één van de meest invloedrijke en beeldbepalende Brusselse bureaus dompelde de studenten onder in de wereld van XDGA. Hierna volgde een stijlvolle receptie in de Air Dome als afsluiter van een geslaagde, leerrijke en tijdelijke architectuurweek.


Sfeerbeeld in de Air Dome

net na de workshops

Beeld: Mathias Claes


Feestelijke receptie als



Sfeerbeeld van de

avondlijke feestjes in de

Air Dome

Beeld: Esther Geboes


Margot Missoorten

Lennert Loos


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In & out: international exchange 2016-2017In the academic year 2016-2017 various master students gave their educational programme an international colour by studying or working abroad via the Erasmus+ and TIME programme. Indeed, within the Erasmus+ programme students cannot only opt to follow a series of courses and workshops abroad, but they can also profit from the opportunity to do a traineeship in an international enterprise, organisation or academic institution. As such, Stacey De Coninck became a collaborator for three months at the architectural office bau-studio in Bologna. Our department of architectural engineering welcomed Joana Proi, student at the Universita Politecnica delle Marche, as an international scholar for a traineeship of six months. Joana, who is specifically interested in architectural heritage, assists in various research projects of the ReUse team to develop specific research skills in documenting, analysing and valorising historical buildings.

Outgoing VUB students following courses abroad as part of their Master programme in architectural engineering Lloyd De Cock, POLIMI, Milano, Italy (Winter and Summer Semester), second year of double degree program (TIME)Koen Melis, POLIMI, Milano, Italy (Winter and Summer Semester), second year of double degree program (TIME)Erik Pelicaen, CEU Madrid, Spain (Winter and Summer Semester)

Incoming students following (part of) the Master programme in architectural engineering Maria Angeles Morillo-Velarde Zafra-Polo, CE Madrid, Spain (Winter Semester MA1)Vicenza Rallo, POLIMI, Italy (Winter and Summer Semester MA1)Xudong Zang, Xidian University, China (Winter and Summer Semester MA2)

Outgoing VUB students for an international traineeshipStacey de Coninck, bau-studio ( Bologna, Italy, three months

Incoming international students for a traineeship at the architectural engineering department of the VUBJoana Proi, Universita Politecnica delle Marche, Ancona, Italy, six months

Architectural engineering student Erik Pelicaen goes MadridIf you are looking for a sunny Erasmus experience in an exciting, artistic, multicultural city with a vibrant nightlife, Madrid is the place to be! This metropolis has some of the best museums in the world (which are mostly free for students), beautiful parks, great architecture, good food and very open people. The cost of living in Madrid is similar to Brussels, but it is cheaper in the rest of Spain. Madrid is situated in the centre of Spain, so the connections with the other parts of the country and with Portugal are great. You will be sharing your experience with lots of other international students. And with some effort, you will learn the second most spoken language in the world!

If you are looking for improving your drawing, graphic and architectural skills, San Pablo CEU is the university that suits your needs. Although it is a catholic and private university, this is not reflected in the courses of which the quality is quite high. You probably will not be able to follow all your courses in English, but it is definitely worth it to take some in Spanish to improve your language skills. The downside is that the campus is located far from the centre of Madrid and that you will have to work, a lot... However, most of the courses had a big influence on my vision on architecture and I learned many things I would never have learned in Brussels. Thus, it is both an educational as well as an eye-opening experience!

International exchange Text

Eric Pelicaen


Inge Bertels


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bru:tecture, de studentenvereniging van de studenten burgerlijk ingenieur-architect aan de VUB, was ook dit jaar weer meer dan actief op de campus. Het collectief van studenten ingenieur-architect organiseerde verschillende culturele activiteiten met een bijzondere aandacht voor Brussel en zijn architectuur. Van alle activiteiten waren de jaarlijkse architectuurweek en architectuurreis weer van topkwaliteit en wist bru:tecture er zijn studenten volop mee te bekoren.

Het hoogtepunt van deze hele reeks aan activiteiten was ongetwijfeld de jaarlijkse architectuurweek. Met het thema ‘tijdelijkheid’ in het achterhoofd werd er een plastic bubbel van formaat neergepoot in het hart van de campus. Deze tijdelijke constructie creëerde een plek die plaats bood aan de workshops en de afsluitende lezing die een vast deel uitmaken van de architectuurweek. Daarnaast vormde de Air Dome ook een ruimte voor muziek-, dans- en docu-avonden om zowel studenten ingenieur-architect als studenten van buiten onze studierichting aan te trekken. Dit maakte van de architectuurweek 2017 een waar succes. Natuurlijk kon deze week ook niet bestaan zonder de nodige voorbereidingen en de essentiële steun van de vakgroep. Zo werd er bijvoorbeeld al tijdens het eerste semester geëxperimenteerd met een kleinere Air Dome. Deze paste binnen in het atelier en hierin vonden de Ciné Ateliers plaats. De geslaagde avonden zorgden ervoor dat de creativiteit en ambities binnen bru:tecture bleven groeien.

Ook de architectuurreis met bestemming Berlijn waarbij Bachelor- en Masterstudenten van elk jaar vertegenwoordigd waren, mondde uit tot een topeditie. De wereldberoemde stad gaf met zijn rijke geschiedenis en zijn talrijke contemporaine architectuur-iconen genoeg voer voor discussie. Naast de architectuur viel ook het rijke nachtleven van de stad goed in de smaak bij menig student.

Na dit fijne werkjaar kijkt bru:tecture reikhalzend uit naar wat de toekomst brengt. Wat wordt de bestemming van de architectuurreis volgend jaar? Zal de Air Dome volgend jaar opgeplooid blijven of zullen haar successen nieuwe horizonten verkennen? Allemaal vraagtekens voor de toekomst. Wat alvast vast staat voor bru:tecture, is dat het met zijn open activiteiten de afstand tussen studenten van verschillende jaren makkelijk overbrugt, en bovendien tussen student en docent. De werking van bru:tecture werpt duidelijk zijn vruchten af en stimuleert de creativiteit van de ingenieur-architect in spé. Tot volgend jaar!





Een enthousiaste

bende aan de start van

bru:tecture jaar 2016-



Voorzitter en ondervoor-

zitter: Thibaut Brans en

Bastien Damsin


Naar aanleiding van de

architectuurweek werd

de voorbereidende ver-

gadering in de Air Dome



Thibaut Brans en

Ward Van Den Bossche

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Via hoorcolleges en persoonlijke begeleidingssessies worden de studenten in ‘Ontwerpatelier: mens en aanpasbaarheid’ voor de eerste keer ingeleid in de wereld van het architectuurontwerp. Aan de hand van kleinschalige ontwerpopdrachten leren zij omgaan met begrippen als ruimte, structuur, rationeel materiaalgebruik en duurzame ontwikkeling. Centraal staan steeds de specifieke gebruikersnoden van de bewoner, de mens, en het ontwerp voor de volledige levenscyclus van een constructie, via aanpasbaarheid.

Opdracht 1 – VUB ontmoetingsplekDe Vrije Universiteit Brussel is een bruisende universiteit, waar studenten, proffen, onderzoekers en personeel samenwerken en samenleven. We hebben op onze campus ook nood aan informele ontmoetingsplekken waar mensen vanuit de verschillende lagen van én buiten onze universiteit elkaar tegen kunnen komen. In de eerste opdracht ontwerpen de studenten een tijdelijke constructie voor zo’n plek. Het ontwerp is gericht op de schaal van de mens en reflecteert bovenal de identiteit van de VUB. Architectuur staat immers steeds in een context. Dat die context constant verandert, motiveert het creëren van een constructie met transformatiecapaciteit. Het constructieprincipe laat aanpassingen toe en zorgt ervoor dat het geheel makkelijk te verplaatsen is.

Opdracht 2 – Materialen groeienEen van de uitdagingen van deze eeuw is om onze huidige economie om te vormen naar een eco-vriendelijk en zelfvoorzienend systeem. Tijdens deze opdracht ontwerpen de studenten een tijdelijke constructie die gebruik maakt van één of meerdere biologische organismes in de materialen of de structuur van het gebouw. De tijdelijke constructie maakt gebruik van beschikbare stedelijke voorzieningen door zich in te pluggen als een parasiet op een bestaand gebouw. Het gekozen biologische principe dient in relatie te staan met de functie van het gebouw en een meerwaarde te vormen voor de site.

Perspectieftekenen en voorstellingstechniekenVia de ontwerpopdrachten legt het Ontwerpatelier de link met andere opleidingsonderdelen. Bij ‘Perspectieftekenen en voorstellingstechnieken’ maken de studenten kennis met een aantal technieken en materialen die ze kunnen gebruiken om hun ontwerp via tekeningen en maquettes te presenteren. De doelstelling is het ontwikkelen van een eigen beeldend vocabularium, om op een kwalitatieve manier vorm, ruimte en structuur te



Prof. Niels

De Temmerman

Prof. Ann Verdonck

Stijn Brancart

Elise Elsacker

Studenten presenteren

hun werk voor de jury.


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Ciska Gielis


Simon Van Oss


Timmy Van den



Parasitaire constructie bij

BRONKS theater,

Arthur Winderickx


Tijdelijke luifel met

hergebruik van roeiboot


Olivia Van Goethem


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Tijdelijke modules

bestaande uit buizen

met doorstroming van

bioluminescente algen,

Lara Reyniers


Artiesten woning en


Jett Demol


Schuifbare gevelpanelen,

Vinny Elzewijck


Parasitaire constructie

tussen twee gebouwen

Cyril De Raeymaeker


Artiesten woning en


Jett Demol

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In het ontwerpatelier van de tweede bachelor leren de studenten omgaan met het hergebruik van waardevol erfgoed.

Opdracht 1 - move-in & move-outIn het centrum van Westmeerbeek staat de ruïne van de laatgotische parochiekerk Sint-Michiel haaks op een nieuwe parochiekerk uit 1939. De oude kruiskerk is opgetrokken in baksteen en ijzerzandsteen met driebeukig schip, transept en koor. De kerk en de toren zijn beschermd als monument in 1938 maar door gebrek aan onderhoud is het bouwwerk langzaam tot ruïne vervallen. De eerste ontwerpoefening focust op de ‘inname’ van de kerkruïne in het kader van het streektoerisme. Deze revitalisatie, met respect voor de erfgoedwaarden en intrinsieke kwaliteiten, is niet alleen een meerwaarde voor de bezoeker-toerist maar ook voor de dorpsbewoner.

Opdracht 2 - co2 housing & workingIn de tweede opdracht is gewerkt op het hergebruik van de gebouwen van de Antwerp Engineering Company LTD, gelegen in de Antwerpse havenbuurt. Dit voormalig fabrieksgebouw uit 1897, opgetrokken voor het vervaardigen en herstellen van ijzeren scheepswerktuigen, is een ontwerp van architect F. Durlet. Aan straatzijde wordt het bouwwerk gekenmerkt door drie puntgevels, waarvan de middelste met twee gesculpteerde gevelstenen respectievelijk met scheepsanker en met hamer en aambeeld, verwijzend naar de oorspronkelijke functie. De achterliggende ruimten zijn voorzien van een overkapping op Polonceauspanten en een nok met overlangse dakruiter voor verluchting. Momenteel is het gebouw in gebruik als evenementenhal. Het nieuwe programma beoogt een synergie tussen nieuwe vormen van wonen en werken, het zogenaamde co-housing en co-working.


Prof. Ann Verdonck

Evi Corne

Boven links

Project van

Pelle Darras

Onder links

Project van

Sena Karatas


Project van

Thummatron Sriyam


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Groepsfoto in de ruïne

van de parochiekerk Sint-

Michiel in Westmeerbeek

30 31

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(© Felixarchief)

Rechts en midden


Maquette van Lukas



Project van Pelle Darras



Pelle Darras / 2 BA IA / Eindjury Habitat & Erfgoed / 19-05-17 / Prof. A. Verdonck / Prof. E. Corne / Ass. M. De Fossé



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Project van

Esther Geboes


project van

Jens Debroeyer

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Stadsbouwstenen“For thousands of years, urban design has been confined to a few basic patterns, with an infinite number of formal variations. Sometimes the block is regular, as in classical antiquity and colonial times, sometimes it is more or less arbitrary, as in the Middle Ages, or monumental as in Vienna in the thirties. The basic typology remains the same, a street, lane, atrium, courtyard or square made up of blocks.” (O.M.Ungers - The Dialectic City.)

Het onderwerp van dit onderzoek is het bouwblok in zijn verschillende verschijningsvormen. Het bouwblok vormt de openbare ruimte en wordt door deze gevormd. Wij bestuderen de condities van het bouwblok (percelenstructuur, dichtheid) en daarmee ook de identiteitsstichtende rol van de gebouwen die het bouwblok en vervolgens de straat en de stad vormen. De projectlocatie is gelegen in Antwerpen Borgerhout, tussen Oudstrijderstraat, Fonteinstraat, Hogeweg en Engelselei, een locatie die binnenkort ontwikkeld wordt. Er stellen zich verschillende vragen: die naar het juiste type bouwblok en de bijhorende gebouwtypes, die naar de relatie tussen bouwblok en omgeving, en in het bijzonder de naar rol van de openbare ruimte als de drager van het stedelijk leven op deze plek. De uitdaging voor het stadsontwerp is om uitgaande van de eigenschappen en potenties van de plek (binnen haar ruimere omgeving) een blokkenstructuur te ontwikkelen, die een dialoog met het omliggend stedenbouwkundig weefsel aangaat en tegelijk een sterke eigenheid heeft, die de plek identiteit geeft. Het idee over het openbare, de cultuur van het samenleven in de stad speelt een sleutelrol. Er zullen cultureel duurzame stadsruimtelijke visies en -modellen ontwikkeld en getest worden, die aan deze vraagstukken beantwoorden en die vervolgens de basis voor het gebouwontwerp vormen.

In het eerste semester bekijken wij de stad door de ogen van een architect. Wij bestuderen de ruimtelijke ordeningsprincipes en zoeken via vergelijkende projectanalyses relevante aanknopingspunten betreffende de samenhang van morfologie en typologie. Via experimentele vooroefeningen, die enerzijds ordening, anderzijds atmosfeer tot onderwerp hebben, ontwikkelen wij een stadsruimtelijk scenario voor het bouwblok en zoomen vervolgens in tot de schaal van het gebouw. De relatie tussen ‘huis’ en ‘stad’ staat hierbij centraal. In het tweede semester bekijken wij het gebouw door de ogen van een stedenbouwkundige. De thema’s van het eerste semester continuerend, ontwikkelen wij het project verder tot en met materialisatie en detail. De stapsgewijze opbouw van de ontwerpoefeningen (van stadsruimte tot detail) weerspiegelt de verschillende prioriteiten binnen het ontwerp (gemeten aan de stad) en geeft tegelijkertijd de verschillende schaalniveaus van duurzaamheid weer.


Prof. Haike Apelt

Stefan Braun


Links boven

Projectlocatie Antwerpen

(‘AROP’ site)

Links onder

Jurylid Yvette Verlinden


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Bastien Damsin, Bruce

Forton, Io Hendrickx,

Yolente Van Brussel






Bastien Damsin,



Bruce Forton


Sofie Noterdaeme


Sofie Noterdaeme, Lina

Welch, Valerie Declerc,

Margaux Van Steenkiste


Sofie Noterdaeme







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1 Lernnert Van Rompaey,

Thomas Schoukens,

Carole Simons, Lauren


2,3 Lernnert

Van Rompaey


4 Thomas Schoukens

5 Carole Simons

6 Margaux Lespagnard

7 Emma Lien Bertels








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The project for this year’s Sustainable Design Studio (SDS) focused on the sustainable (re)development of the Delta Triangle in Brussels. During the first semester, students work in groups to develop a sustainable urban design framework in the form of a master plan and program. Students work individually in the second semester on a building or cluster within their master plan to develop a sustainable architectural project.

The Delta Triangle is situated on the intersection of three communes: Ouderghem, Elsene and Watermael-Bosvoorde. Many masterplans have been developped for this vast, yet difficult area. Although it is highly accessible, it is but a truncated / left-over site by the mobility infrastructure. In the past studies have been made to incorporate this zone into the European quarter as a monofunctional development area. Nowadays, a mixed-use program on the scale of the needs of the environment is taken into account. From the point of view of public transport, the site is highly accessible. On the other hand, there is a lot of noise pollution, as the site is enclosed by train traffic, by a truncated highway and other dense infrastuctural networks. What are the challenges for this urban site? The Brussels’ and regional ambitions focus on EC-offices, Carrefour, Logistics/ Bpost+housing. The different uses surrounding the site comprise of a hospital, the NMBS depot, offices, a university campus, housing, student housing, sports infrastructure. What are the programmatic needs? Students also need to take into account a difficult topography, with height differences up to ten meter. Given all these conditions, students were asked to craft a new sustainable urban development vision in order to design a sustainable urban project, working with the economic, social and environmental factors towards an integrative sustainable design. The four highlights which ran as a red wire throughout this entire process were density, mixity, landscape infrastructure and connectivity.

In both semesters, the students design work was guided by this problematic and a set of questions to be addressed at the scale of both the master plan and building scale: What is the right density and scale? What degree of environmental sustainability? How green? What is the right mix of uses? How much city and university? What should be the ambition of mobility reconfiguration? What about co-production? Addressing these problematic and questions, seven distinct visions of urban design based scenarios have been developed in the form of Master Plans, and thirty-two sustainable architectural projects. They provide concretely illustrated and coherent set of innovative ideas as the stepping-stones for creatively defining the urban project for the Delta site, and deliberating a more inclusive vision on their sustainable development.

ONTWERPATELIERSustainable Design Studio 4


Prof. Ahmed Z. Khan

Prof. Hera Van Sande

Carole Aspeslagh

Geert Pauwels

Séverine Hermand


Presentation panel

of group “Urban Valley”,

by Ylenia Meeus, Israel

Perez, Nathan Stuckey,

Amber Verspauwen &

Evelyn Erauw


Jury December 2016 with

Sabine Léribaux,

Benjamin Assouad,

Willy Azou,

Joost Declercq

Jury May 2017 with

Steven Beckers,

Sébastian Moreno-Vacca,

Willy Azou,

Delphine Derbaudrenghien

Elli Papacosta


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Presentation panel

of group “CO4”,

by Marilyn Alabiso,

Jean d’Ursel, Kirsten

Deboelpaep, Maria

Ryberg, Emile Kufel


Presentation panel

of group “Agri-culture

of congestion”, by Alice

Berten, Laurens Bulckaen,

Roxane Degrez, Vicenza



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Left and right

Project by Thomas Van



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Left and right

Project by Laurens



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Already for a long time the Contemporary Art collection owned by the Belgian government is stored in archives, without having a specific location where it can be exhibited. The Brussels Region aims at a Museum of Contemporary Art on its territory. They recently acquired the showroom and ateliers of the Citroën garage which should house a Contemporary Art collection. The Centre Pompidou will cooperate to fill in the contents. The Citroën building has become too large for Citroën to be used as showroom and workshop, and has become too energy consuming. Built by the Belgian architects Alexis Dumont (1877-1962) and Marcel Van Goethem (1900-1960), in cooperation with André Citroën’s architect Maurice-Jacques Ravazé in 1934 and finished in 1935, the building became a unique piece of architecture. In “Garage Citroën Brussels” the RLICC describes the building as follows: The Citroën garage is a 1930’s showroom- and workshop complex located on the Ijzerplein in Brussels. The showroom is a piece of Modern architecture while the workshops are Industrial heritage with a Modern facade around. The complex is constructed as a huge steel- and glass structure. With a footprint of 16.500 m2 it was the largest car garage in Europe for a long time, and its scale remains impressive to this day. The architecture of the showroom was an example of ‘lichtarchitektur’, a light-concept that bound light inherently to the architecture of the building instead of something added on it later. This kind of architecture was closely related to the architecture of cinema’s and theatres of that time. The architecture of the workshop is typically industrial: large open floor-plans with loads of natural light penetrating the building[1]. The assignment for the second master students was to turn this garage into a museum of contemporary art. They had to develop the program themselves, and answer many questions that come up when thinking of this assignment. What is a museum for contemporary art? How can the program and organisation be developed? How can a museum fit in a garage? And how can a garage represent a museum? How can the collection and the archives be adequately protected? Does the ‘lichtarchitektur’ allow to be converted into a museum? What impact do the interventions have on the Modernist building? How will a museum function in this building? And many more questions to be answered…

[1] Garage Citroën Brussels, Workshop & Showroom group, IWP3, RLICC KULeuven, 2013-2014

ONTWERPATELIERAdvanced Design StudioMuseum of contemporary art in the Citroën Building in Brussels



Prof. Jonas Lindekens

Prof. Laurent Ney

Prof. Stéphane Meyrant

Thierry Berlemont

Aránzazu Galán González


Top and middle left

Floor plan of the ground

level and section through

former workshop, the pu-

blic plaza and showroom.

Arnouts Liesbeth

Bottom left

Alexandra Smeets

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Organisation of the new


Kanya Jespers

Situation of the building in

its context.

A pedestrian bridge

connects the two sides of

the canal and leads to the

entrance of the museum

inside the building.

Linde Maes

Detailed section through

the museum spaces.

Ine Paepen

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Top and middle

A platform becomes a

public space between

canal and museum.

Lise Ongena


A new space under

the roof. Setup of the


Karen Van Oost

Exploded view of the

project with all its


Perspective from the first

floor next to the north


Michael Radisic


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Het onderzoek dat verricht wordt aan de vakgroep architectonische ingenieurswetenschappen wordt samengebracht in de onderzoeksgroep æ-lab die uit een interdisciplinair team bestaat dat ingenieurstools inzet om architectuur te maken en bestuderen. Inhoudelijk worden drie pijlers afgebakend: Lightweight, Transform en ReUse. Ook dit jaar hebben het dertigtal onderzoekers van het æ-lab hard gewerkt om innovatief fundamenteel en toegepast onderzoek te verrichten dat maatschappelijk en industrieel relevant is en internationaal erkend wordt. Daarnaast besteedden deze onderzoekers veel aandacht en energie aan de disseminatie van de onderzoeksresultaten. Via het organiseren van en deelnemen aan workshops, seminaries en lezingen op nationaal en internationaal niveau, het tentoonstellen van prototypes en het schrijven van naslagwerken werd het æ-labonderzoek breed kenbaar gemaakt, zowel bij experten als bij het grote publiek. Ook wordt in toenemende mate aandacht besteed aan het valoriseren van onderzoeksresultaten via patentaanvragen en de mogelijke oprichting van een VUB spin-off (misschien ‘to be continued’...). Het groeiend aantal samenwerkingen met onderzoeksinstellingen, bedrijven en andere universiteiten toont dat het æ-lab tevens sterk inzet op multidisciplinair onderzoek en op het uitbreiden van haar onderzoeksnetwerk. Daarnaast tonen de vele onderzoeksaanvragen – die steevast met andere (onderzoeks)partners geschreven en ingediend worden – de gezonde ambitie om blijvend externe financiering te verwerven om de onderzoeksexpertise te bestendigen en te blijven uitbreiden. Dat deze opgebouwde onderzoeksexpertise internationaal erkend wordt, is duidelijk merkbaar aan het internationale karakter van de onderzoeksactiveiten. Zo zijn de onderzoekers betrokken bij de organisatie van verscheidene internationale wetenschappelijke congressen, zijn ze lid van internationale associaties en commissies, en worden ze in het buitenland gevraagd als gastdocent, extern jurylid of gastlezer. Maar het æ-lab trekt ook (postdoc)onderzoekers aan om een aantal maanden onderzoek te verrichten binnen het æ-lab en nodigt internationale experten uit voor lezingen en om inhoudelijke feedback te geven aan doctoraatsstudenten tijdens de onderzoeksseminaries.En last but not least: de echte kers op de taart voor een onderzoeksgroep is en blijft het succesvol afronden van een doctoraatsonderzoek. En afgelopen jaar mag een recordjaar genoemd worden. Niet minder dan acht (!) doctoraatsstudenten behaalden met de grootste overtuiging hun doctoraatsdiploma. Dikke proficiat Mieke, Waldo, Aushim, Pieter, Maarten, Silke, Kelvin en Renjie. Gedetailleerde en inhoudelijke informatie over de onderzoeksactiviteiten van het afgelopen academiejaar lees je op de volgende pagina’s.



Lars De Laet

Het æ-lab is een

geëngageerd en

gevarieerd team dat

door het samenbrengen

van ingenieurs-

wetenschappen en

architectuur werkt aan

een waardevolle en

duurzame gebouwde


© Jef Rombouts


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Year after year, research team TRANSFORM has been studying how current building practice can evolve towards a circular one; a practice in which more importance is given to earth’s resources, people’s financial means and society’s change. Also last year, TRANSFORM continued developing expertise in that circular building economy with PhD studies, valorisation paths, consultancy missions and international projects.

Since June 2016, no less than six PhD researchers successfully presented their doctoral dissertation in the different domains of team TRANSFORM: Aline Vergauwen, Mieke Vandenbroucke, Waldo Galle, Aushim Koumar, Pieter Herthogs and Kelvin Roovers. Simultaneously, architectural engineer Camille Vandervaeren obtained a personal research grant (FWO-SB) and strengthens since January 2017 team TRANSFORM with her experience in material flow and building information modelling.

Besides, several projects illustrate the valorisation potential of TRANSFORM’s research. First, the ReciPlyDome was built in Copenhagen last spring. This bending-active reciprocal dome was developed in collaboration with the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts as a part of Stijn Brancart’s PhD. Secondly, the transformation of eight student housing modules on the VUB campus into a Circular Living Lab starts taking shape. This pilot will become a showcase for circular retrofitting principles and is part of the European Horizon2020 project ‘Buildings As Material Banks’ (BAMB), led by Anne Paduart. Thanks to partners Geberit, Groep Van Roey, Zehnder, Saint-Gobain Group, Reynaers Aluminium, Beneens, Jonckheere Projects, Wall LinQ, Baohouse, MK Engineering and Desso, TRANSFORM can develop innovative, adaptable and reusable buildings solutions for the Lab.

Nevertheless, the main objective of team TRANSFORM remains to spread the knowledge it gathers to all stakeholders of the circular economy. In this regard, TRANSFORM organised and participated in several events. For example, in collaboration with Labland, Waldo Galle presented transformable design principles to an audience of architects in Ghent. Anne Paduart has been giving design consultancy to the B.R.I.C. project (Build Reversible In Conception), a demonstration module for the education centre EFP. Also François Denis, member of the ‘BIM & ICT’ technical committee of the Belgian Building Research Institute (BBRI), has been consulting three of BBRI’s working groups: on Protocols, E-catalogues and Education.

Find out more about team TRANSFORM and its projects on the next pages or via its website !


Towards a circular building economyProfessor

Niels De Temmerman


Anne Paduart

Waldo Galle

Aushim Koumar

PhD students

Stijn Brancart

François Denis

Camille Vandervaeren


Stijn Elsen


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TRANSFORM research

Temporary and mobile structures, for festivals, events or emergency sheltering, rely on their reversible design, compact folding and reuse potential to rapidly meet changing societal and user needs. Lightweight structural systems like deployable scissor grids, rigid origami, inflatable structures and textile surface structures each feature different principles of deployment or reversibility. Yet, adopting these principles considerably increases the technical and design complexity. Allowing flexibility in structures can reduce that complexity and uncovers a new spectrum of systems.

In his PhD research, Stijn Brancart explores this spectrum by studying the integration of bending-active members in transformable systems for temporary structures. Although this combination leads to a wide range of intuitive and low-tech design concepts, active bending poses challenges for the structural integrity of the resulting systems. The paradox of creating stiffness through flexibility is a recurring theme in Stijn’s work, which presents different approaches for the manipulation of this structural behaviour. Multiple built cases, like the Undulatus project and the ReciPlyDome, further support Stijn’s finding that considering fabrication, assembly and disassembly from the design of temporary structures increases their reuse potential, and significantly reduces their assembly time. Although active bending still holds challenges and unknowns, the cases demonstrate the principle’s potential for small- to medium-scale temporary and mobile structures.

As our natural resources are limited, a sustainable building must not only consume less energy, also an efficient use of materials is necessary. To reduce the material consumption by constructions, transformations and demolitions, building design should first reuse products and second enable their future recovery. These innovative design principles will however only be implemented in practice if they result in actual savings and if the complexity of building design remains manageable. To be able to demonstrate these savings, suitable evaluation tools are thus needed.

In her recently started doctoral research, Camille Vandervaeren will elaborate such a tool supporting architects during their design of more material efficient buildings. This tool will evaluate the amount of materials consumed by a building all along its service life, based on enhanced Material Flow Analyses (MFA). This method monitors the input, output and stock of materials at different levels. Therefore, the tool will evaluate first building materials’ reuse potential, verifying criteria such as their durability and the reversibility of their connections. Second, it will estimate the service life of all building components proceeding from context-based scenarios of maintenance and transformations. Evaluating the amount and characteristics of the resulting material flows, alternative design choices can be compared. To facilitate the resulting better-informed design decisions, the tool will be implemented and tested as a BIM (Building Information Modelling) plug-in, using Autodesk Revit and Dynamo.


Different configurations of

bending-active reciprocal

spheres arise by shifting

the connections on equal-

length components.


A mind map on

potential uses of

Building Information

Modelling (BIM) for

supporting building

design, construction and


PhD student

Camille Vandervaeren

PhD Student

Stijn Brancart


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TRANSFORM realisations

The ReciPlyDome, a reciprocal plywood dome based on active bendingIn the framework of the VELUX visiting professorship of Niels De Temmerman at the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts in Copenhagen and within the scope of the PhD research of Stijn Brancart, they developed a new structural system for bending-active reciprocal frame structures. Collaborating with Olga Popovic Larsen, a Danish professor and expert in the design of reciprocal frame structures, they combined the structural weave system of reciprocal structures with the ease of creating curved structures by active bending.The ReciPlyDome, constructed in Copenhagen, is the first prototype and proof of concept of this combination. Based on the rhombic triacontahedron geometry, the dome consists of a kit of identical members. These pre-bent elements shortcut the elastic bending forces in a predefined curved geometry, avoiding manual bending of the components during assembly on site. Apart from the increased structural performance, the curvature of the members simplifies the connections by reducing the joints to a simple overlaying of tangential plates. With less than 200 kilograms, the four-meter span dome is a lightweight, material-efficient structural system. Assembled in only a couple of hours, this kit of parts is a perfect fit for temporary structures at events or at a festival; a project to be continued.

Reunited: reclaimed DynamicWall profiles and Générale de Banque panels In the end of 2015, Anne Paduart and Stijn Elsen constructed a demonstrator of an adaptable, demountable and reusable wall (DynamicWall) in an architect’s apartment in the context of the Innoviris BXL Retrofit Platform project. The steel components used for the test set-ups of vertical impact resistance and acoustical performance were doomed to end up in the trash container. This brought Anne Paduart to the idea of reusing these steel profiles in a second residential demonstrator case. In the renovation of her private house, recuperation of materials but also of rainwater plays an important role. To keep rainwater pipes inside the house insulated but accessible at all times there was a need for a demountable wall system.The reclaimed steel components from the test set-ups were combined with acoustical ceiling panels that RotorDeconstruct dismantled from the former Head Quarter of Générale de Banque in Brussels. These panels were originally used for the ceiling behind the counters of the bank. An undulating wall surface was obtained by hanging the curved perforated triplex panels with steel hooks against the steel frame, combined with rubber strips and cellulose insulation. The panels form a new demountable canvas on which shelves can be connected, plugs can be mounted, objects can be hung, etc. At night, a light strip integrated behind the upper panels disperses diffuse light through the panel openings.


The ReciPlyDome is a

rapidly assembled kit-

of-parts structure with

pre-bent, double-layered

structural members


Reclaimed ceiling panels


and test set-up profiles

(DynamicWall) reunited in a

residential project

(A. Paduart)


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Transformactive designs

and builds deployable

scissor structures, offering

qualitative spaces for

disaster relief or out- and

indoor events.



develops a series

of booklets offering

architects, contractors

and students practical

tools and templates to

design a circular built



TRANSFORM projects

Transformactive, the first TRANSFORM spin-offIn November 2016, Aushim Koumar successfully defended his PhD research on the design, analysis and optimisation of scissor structures for disaster relief. The results of this research, combined with the experience of professors Niels De Temmerman and Tine Tysmans, gave rise to the establishment of the first TRANSFORM spin-off, Transformactive.Transformactive designs and builds deployable scissor structures. These mobile and temporary structures offer qualitative spaces for disaster relief, out- and indoor events and many other occasions. Scissor structures have indeed the advantage to be fast and easy to deploy, while demonstrating a significant volume expansion. Further, they offer an eye-catching shelter and have a relatively high structural performance.Transformactive is founded by a team of four highly motivated entrepreneurs and progressive researchers: Aushim Koumar, Niels De Temmerman, Tine Tysmans and Baudouin Hubert. Today, the spin-off already obtained a €50.000 grant to build more prototypes and was selected for the Start it @KBC accelerator program. During this program, Transformactive will be supported with eighteen months of mentorship and training from June 2017 onwards.Want to become one of Transformactive’s clients? Contact them via

TRANSFORM shares expertise with architects, contractors and studentsThe ongoing transition towards a circular economy requires that materials reaching their end-of-life are reused and recycled again and again. Applying this to the built environment, existing buildings will become the material sources of future construction projects.Proceeding from this reality, the research project Bâti Bruxellois: Source de nouveaux matériaux or BBSM, wants to prepare the construction sector for the vast amount of materials that will be released the upcoming decennia during the energetic refurbishment of Brussels’ building stock, and will reinforce current reuse practices in the Brussels Capital Region. Therefore, research partners UCL, BBRI, ROTOR and VUB bring together their complementary expertise supported by the European Regional Development Fund EFRO/FEDER.Since October 2016, postdoctoral researchers Waldo Galle and Anne Paduart of the TRANSFORM team are reappraising under the supervision of Niels De Temmerman the design choices that are deemed to lever materials’ current and future reuse. The resulting insights will be collected in a series of booklets offering architects, contractors and students insights, practical tools and templates empowering them to design a circular built environment.

Already curious about the outcomes? Check the project’s website

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Lightweight structures form an increasing part of the built and urban environment. They are found in a broad range of structural typologies, from low-tech and low-cost developments to high-tech and sophisticated structural systems.

As a typology, lightweight structures cover a wide array of design approaches centred around a single, fundamental, principle: the optimal use of material by designing and conceiving the structure in an ingenious way. Whether it concerns prestressed fabric structures, thin concrete shells or compositions using bending-active elements, the design always starts by determining the pre-stressed equilibrium shape of the design. This process of form finding makes that lightweight structures present designers with a unique and broad variety of shapes, aesthetics and possibilities.

Examples of lightweight structures are shelters, large-scale membrane canopies like stadium roofs, facades, shading elements, mobile structures, etc. Due to the strong interaction between their shape and structural behaviour, their architectural design and engineering cannot be separated into different problems, but should be solved and investigated in an integrated approach.

The design and engineering of lightweight structures is thus a discipline with many challenges and opportunities. The research and innovation of these structures is fed by evolutions and progress in related scientific disciplines and incorporates for example new computational design methods, new materials, numerical tools and modern computer driven manufacturing processes. New advanced material models, more powerful numerical analysis tools, more accurate and sophisticated experimental equipment, but also new social and environmental needs trigger and further push the challenging research on novel architectural lightweight structures. The development of a specific Eurocode for the design and structural analysis of membrane structures is a way to harmonise with more conventional structures and to ensure that the lightweight technology becomes a solid structural typology.

The following sample research topics illustrate the search for innovative techniques as well as the widening of the possible applications: (1) the use of bio-materials to create sustainable living engineering materials, (2) the advanced design of gridshells and (3) the work towards a structural reliability analysis for tensile fabric structures.



Marijke Mollaert

Lars De Laet


Maarten Van


PhD students

Silke Puystiens

Renjie Liu

Stijn Brancart

Jimmy Colliers

Lennert Loos

Elien De Smedt

Jef Rombouts

Elise Vanden ElsackerLancelot Coar

Combining bending-active

elements with a tensile

fabric at the Rochester

Institute of Technology.

© Lancelot Coar


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Living material fabrication for sustainable lightweight structures

At the dawn of the third millennium, our societies are experiencing major environmental disruptions caused by the extraction and consumption of fossil fuels and raw materials. Exactly fifteen years ago, Paul Crutzen and his colleagues recognised the dazzling passage in another geohistorical era:  “The Anthropocene represents a new phase in the history of both humankind and of the Earth, when natural forces and human forces became intertwined, so that the fate of one determines the fate of the other. Geologically, this is a remarkable episode in the history of this planet.” For the first time in history, researchers have developed a mathematical model describing the impact of human activities on the earth: the climate is changing 170 times faster because of us. And while some are still trying to cope with the shock, a new question arises: how can we guide our societies into a new era of production which is no longer based on the extraction of raw materials and fossil fuels?

Driven by a fundamental need to change architectural design approaches, this interdisciplinary research between Architectural Engineering (promotor Lars De Laet) and Microbiology (Promotor Eveline Peeters) is centred on cultivating living organisms on by-products of agriculture. These living materials are composed of a natural reinforcement, such as agricultural plant residues fibres, and fungal mycelium and bacteria. The mushrooms’ roots acts as a complex and resourceful three-dimensional network, similar to a woven fabric, binding natural fibres into lightweight yet durable composite materials which are fully compostable and suitable for various industrial applications, for example in the building sector. The main goal of this research is to engineer the heterogeneity of the living matter, allowing variations in thickness, strength, and flexibility within a single fabrication process. Therefore, we analyse the morphological and metabolic growth principle of filamentous mycelial microorganisms and associate it with the production of bioinspired man-made tissues and composite materials. The classification of those processes of biological optimization allows us to understand the key factors that determine the growth, and properties of living materials suitable for lightweight architectural structures. Eventually, we apply novel robotic additive manufacturing techniques in order to develop innovative lightweight architectural elements made with biologically grown composites. By combining the use of computer-aided 3D printing fabrication with the use of abundant natural materials, sustainable products and building elements can be manufactured using little energy and under mild conditions. This technique has a wide range of applications, such as bio-degradable temporary pavilions, emergency shelters, building skins, insulation, interior elements and furniture. This interdisciplinary research engages a strategic transition towards a circular bio-based society, providing a sustainable response to environmental issues and wasted resources in the building sector.

The natural substrate is

deposited by a KUKA


© Elise Elsacker

PhD student

Elise Elsacker


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Optimal design of gridshells

Gridshells are shell structures built from discrete elements such as wood, composite or steel bars. Due to the three-dimensional character of their shape, gridshells are potentially very efficient: when properly designed, light-weight gridshells can cover very large spans. Both the shape of the shell and the layout of the lattice determine the structural efficiency of a gridshell. The shape of the shell determines to what extent the structure acts as a membrane rather than a plate. Membrane action is preferred as it leads to a much higher material efficiency. The layout of the lattice should be designed in such a way that the material distribution follows the distribution of stresses. To design a gridshell, two types of numerical tools are available: form-finding methods and numerical optimization techniques. In practice, form-finding techniques are usually used to define the shape of a gridshell. In order to use these tools, there are some parameters the designer must choose (i.e. the design variables). Also the layout of the lattice must be chosen a priori. The form-finding method then finds an equilibrium position based on membrane action for all the nodes in the initial grid within the given boundary conditions. However, sometimes the physical meaning or impact of certain variables is unclear, making it difficult for the designer to find the most structurally efficient design. Numerical optimisation techniques are able to solve this problem. These methods find the best choice of design variables regarding a specific objective (e.g. minimal material use). Numerical optimisation methods are relatively well-known in literature, but only a few papers discuss numerical optimisation for the design of gridshells. The proposed optimisation strategies for gridshells have the following shortcomings: (1) they do not account for buckling, (2) they use metaheuristic solving strategies such as genetic algorithms, which are computationally very costly, or (3) they do not optimise the layout of the lattice and the shape of the shell simultaneously. This can lead to sub-optimal or even unrealistic or unfeasible designs. The objective of this project is to develop an efficient method for the optimal design of gridshells, considering the shape of the shell as well as the layout of the lattice. The aim is to combine the advantages of form finding (to find a relatively efficient design taking into account designer preferences) and numerical optimisation (to find the most efficient design within these constraints) by the simultaneous application of both methods. To ensure that the method converges within a reasonable time, only gradient-based approaches will be used. Moreover, buckling, geometric imperfections and buildability constraints will be taken into account.


Finding the equilibrium

shape of a structure

within certain boundary

conditions is a complex

numerical process.

© Jef Rombouts

PhD student

Jef Rombouts


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Structural reliability in design and analysis of tensile surface structures

Tensile surface structures are used for several decades, for temporary (e.g. festivals) as well as for permanent structures (e.g. roof cover of courtyards). Nevertheless, tensile surface structures are still not addressed by current standards like the Eurocodes. These structures consist of a primary structure (e.g. poles) and a secondary structure (e.g. structural membrane). The primary structure is designed according to standardised rules, because the material of the primary structure (e.g. aluminium) is covered by the Eurocode (EN 1990-9). However, the membrane is designed based on a stress factor method. The fabric strength is decreased by a stress factor, which gives the permissible stress value. The stress present in the membrane of a tensile surface after loading is afterwards compared with the permissible stress. Depending on the country or engineering office this stress factor can vary between 3 and 9. The level of safety of these structures is thus based on the expert judgement rather than on a well investigated semi-probabilistic calculation method as used for traditional structures in the Eurocode.

In order to find an appropriate method to evaluate the reliability of tensile surface structures using the same philosophy as the Eurocode, the following two aspects should be taken into account:

(1) The structural analysis of tensile surface structures is considerably different compared to traditional structures. These flexible and lightweight structures change their configuration to bear the load in the most efficient way. Consequently, the application of traditional reliability methods is not appropriate for tensile surface structures. Some parameter variations may be less significant than for conventional structures (e.g. self-weight) and some may be more important (e.g. pre-tension).

(2) Membrane materials and structures are difficult to generalise because of the large variety of membrane materials, shapes and their performance. Membranes are complex materials due to their non-linear and anisotropic behaviour under loading.

In order to get a first insight in this matter, an academic example with three cable elements is analysed. The cable system is designed according to the ultimate limit state under loading, for which the partial factor 1.35 for pre-tension is evaluated. An increase of the partial factor for pre-tension from 1 to 1.35 results in an increase of the reliability index from 2.27 to 5.42. A next phase in the study will be a sensibility analysis in an environment which can handle uncertainties on more variables.

Courtyard canopy at the

Julianus shopping mall,


© The Nomad Concept

PhD student

Elien De Smedt


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The ReUse team of the ae-lab studies nineteenth- and twentieth-century architectural heritage. We conduct both fundamental research in construction history and applied research on qualitative renovation or restoration strategies. The research focuses on Brussels and Belgium, yet embedded in an international context.

Brussels and beyondThe five PhD students who started their research in 2016-2017 have a close link with the Brussels-Capital Region. In the framework of the interdisciplinary research project ‘Building Brussels. Brussels city builders and the production of space, 1794-2016’, funded by the VUB, historian Matthijs Degraeve and urban planner Sarah De Boeck study the elaboration of the network of city builders in the 19th century and the exodus of these small and medium-sized enterprises in the 20th century. Architectural engineer Frederik Vandyck, who was awarded the Bruface Best thesis award 2016, joins the project by reflecting on new building typologies for small and medium-sized enterprises which stimulate mixity and reintegrate industrial activities in historic city centres. Linsy Raaffels, who received the ‘Vlaamse Scriptieprijs 2016’ for her master thesis on architects’ houses in the Brussels-Capital Region, will elaborate her valuable study thanks to a Doctiris grant, funded by Innoviris. Architectural engineer Romain Wibaut is measuring and contextualising hidden roofs to complete the documentation on Brussels’ churches. The research goals of these projects are discussed in the following pages.

This research on the Brussels-Capital Region is put in an international perspective by inviting visiting scholars such as Sara Wermiel (United States), Susan Galavan (Ireland) and Bill Addis (United Kingdom) who confront their expertise with the Brussels’ case. In closed workshops and research seminars with invited experts (Wido Quist and Carola Hein from TUDelft, Christine Wall from University Westminster) we create time to thoroughly exchange knowledge and expertise. On the other hand, members of the ReUse team are invited as experts in international research projects and workshops to share the Brussels experience (Deconstruction at TUDelft, Smart French project, ETHZurich).To communicate research outcomes to the broader public, ReUse organised and participated in various events. Two books, funded by Innoviris, on ‘student homes by Willy Van Der Meeren on the VUB campus’ and ‘the Miramar building by Claude Laurens in Sint-Joost-ten-Node’ demonstrate characteristics of post-war housing in Brussels. The latest results of the research on Urban Warehouses and the historical study of the Gare Maritime at Tour & Taxis were presented in public lectures, organised by FABI, BruxellesFabriques and Brussels Academy/Bozar. Finally, ReUse cooperated in the Ghent exhibition on pre-stressed concrete and organised guided tours to discover the architectural and industrial heritage.


Inge Bertels

Filip Descamps

Ann Verdonck

Stephanie Van de Voorde

Ine Wouters

Visiting fellows

Sara Wermiel

Susan Galavan

PhD students

Bert Belmans

Sarah De Boeck

Marianne De Fossé

Pieter De Raedt

Matthijs Degraeve

Jelena Dobbels

Charlotte Goovaerts

Yves Govaerts

Zhaleh Hedayat

Marieke Jaenen

Sarah Melsens

Linsy Raaffels

Louis Vandenabeele

Frederik Vandyck

Romain Wibaut

Scientific collaborator

Quentin Collette




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Building Brussels. Brussels city builders and the production of space, 1794-2016Since the 1960s, a major part of the productive activities has disappeared from the Brussels city centre, taking jobs and artisanal knowledge towards the outskirts. This has been the result of both increasing real estate pressure on urban land and functional zoning policies. By relocating industrial activities outside the city centre, policy makers aimed to protect the viability of urban neighbourhoods and to stimulate economic growth. Urbanists, heritage managers and policy makers now plea for the inversion of this process by reintegrating Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) in the urban fabric. This means that a careful planning of former urban industrial areas within the city is necessary, as well as the reuse of existing industrial heritage. By finding new complementary typologies, more attention can be paid to the cohabitation of functions reintegrating enterprises and their clients, and work and life at short distance to each other.

This ongoing Interdisciplinary Research Project (IRP) investigates the viability of SMEs in Brussels. The focus lies on the construction industry, where the need for locally anchored and trained craftsmen and material suppliers is high. The IRP ‘Building Brussels’ aims to grasp the long-term economic, historical and spatial aspects of the construction industry in Brussels from 1794 until today. Three doctoral trajectories from various disciplines (urban planning, business history and architectural engineering) intertwine due to a common interest in the production of space by this industry. The industrial patrimony acts as the central point of departure for the shared methodology.

The IRP is developing an interdisciplinary methodology to trace, understand and evaluate past urban transformations and offer solutions for sustainable future urban development. Henceforth, scholars from five research groups are collaborating: ae-lab, Cosmopolis, HOST and HIST (all VUB) and CReA (ULB). The research output will enlarge the knowledge basis to adequately reintegrate and maintain the productive activities in urban environments. Not only will it favour the rehabilitation of historic industrial buildings, but also a strategy for new ones is aspired. The results will transcend the case of Brussels and will be applicable to other comparable historical cities as well.

The interdisciplinary research project was presented to a wide audience in a kick-off meeting on the ninth of June 2017 in COOP Brussels. After a general introduction by project coordinator Inge Bertels, the goals and methodology of the three doctoral trajectories were presented by researchers Frederik Vandyck and Matthijs Degraeve through some promising case studies and provisional results. Afterwards, three external experts gave a talk on their field of expertise: Christine Wall (University of Westminster) on construction history, Elisabeth Gybels (Erfgoedklassen & Burgerschap) on heritage education, and Roeland Dudal (Architecture Workroom Brussels) on urban regeneration. The afternoon ended with a conclusive debate, led by IRP researcher Sarah De Boeck, and a network reception.

Kick-off meeting in the

refurbished industrial

building COOP


PhD students

Matthijs Degraeve

Frederik Vandyck

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Hidden Innovation? Documenting church roofs in the Brussels-Capital Region (1830s-1940s) In Belgium, many churches from the 1830s-1940s contributed to construction innovation and resulted from passionate debates between progressives and conservatives about the use of new materials from the industrial age. However, the actual surveys of churches do not pay great attention to these innovations, particularly when they are hidden such as roof structures or coated to look like other materials. Basic knowledge about roof construction (design, relation with vaults, assembling, etc.) and materials (timber, metal, reinforced concrete) used in churches remains very limited. In the framework of the VUB’s Strategic Research Program on Construction History researcher Romain Wibaut was funded in 2017 to add criteria to the actual heritage value assessment methodologies by studying both technical-constructive aspects and the architectural-ideological context of the construction of church roofs in the Brussels-Capital Region. Comprehensive onsite measurements and investigations are complemented with literature, archival and visual sources to contextualize specific cases at local and international level, and improve the adaptive reuse of churches that has become an important heritage challenge in Western Europe. The research is supervised by professors Ine Wouters and Thomas Coomans (KU Leuven).

Architects’ houses in Brussels-capital-region. Strategies for valorisation In December 2016 Linsy Raaffels received a Doctiris grant, funded by Innoviris, to stimulate collaboration between academics and professionals in the Brussels-Capital Region. In her project ‘Architects’ houses in Brussels. Strategies for valorisation’, a funded collaboration between academics and an architectural office is set up for the first time. As such, Linsy has the opportunity to collaborate with professors Inge Bertels and Stephanie Van de Voorde as well as with Barbara Van der Wee Architects.The project focuses on architects’ houses which were built in the Brussels-Capital Region (1830-1970), as these are recognized as highly potential architectural gems. The architect’s house, defined as the home the architect builds for himself, acts as a business card, a model project or built manifest. Building the own house is often a unique opportunity for a technological, constructive, aesthetic or architectural experiment, or an expression of daring entrepreneurship. As such, these historic houses have special significance and value, even today. Henceforth, it is even more surprising that architects’ houses in the Brussels-Capital Region are hardly studied and valorised, with a few notable exceptions like Victor Horta’s first house in Sint-Gillis. This project will define the characteristics and qualities of architects’ houses in Brussels and develop strategies for qualitative renovation and restoration projects, as well as various paths for the valorisation of this heritage.

Architect Corr transforms

his first house (1892) in

1912 (SAB)

PhD student

Romain Wibaut

PhD student

Linsy Raaffels


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Characteristic nineteenth-

century housing in


The nineteenth-century house in Belgium A city is defined more by its houses, than its cathedrals, its town halls or its court buildings. All human life is represented in its dwellings: from its row houses to its villas, its artisan cottages to its apartment blocks. During the nineteenth century, thousands of houses were built around urban centres in Britain and Ireland, where the single-family row house was the most common form of domestic architecture. When industrialisation spread to the European continent, multi-family apartment blocks were built in and around the city of Paris. Most large European cities followed this template, but in Belgium, the single-family townhouse remained the dominant domestic form. Belgium was the first industrialised country on the continent, and was also the first in Europe to move out of the city into suburban villas, aided by solid transportation networks. This post-doctoral fellowship will build on research on the British and Irish context to examine the row house typology in Belgium. It will investigate a range of projects built between 1880 and 1920, a period of great changes in architectural design, as new technologies and materials transformed the way we build for all time. Blending fieldwork analysis with archival research, it will provide valuable insight into a much-ignored architectural legacy in Belgium, forming an important resource for conservation professionals. It will also examine the links between the nineteenth-century row house and its modern successor, exploring its role as an agent of modernity. This post-doctoral research project is funded by a Pegasus Marie-Sklodowska-Curie Fellowship from the FWO supported by KU Leuven and VUB.

Preservation of built heritage and urban development: a comparison of practices in Belgium and the U.S. From September to November 2016 the ReUse team had the opportunity to host senior scholar Sara Wermiel (USA) via a fellowship of the Brussels Centre for Urban Studies (BCUS VUB). Sara studied the regulations, incentives and citizen initiatives aimed at preserving historic properties and districts in the Brussels-Capital Region, and compared these with practices in the Boston (Massachusetts) region. The focus was on privately-owned properties: how can such properties and settings be preserved, integrated into new development, and reused in ways that respect their historical and architectural values? Through interviews and other research, Sara explored, e.g., how historic properties in private ownership in the Brussels region are being protected and the results of the current preservation regime. What incentives are available for private owners to encourage respectful preservation? How are citizens involved in preservation? And how do these activities compare with those in Boston and Massachusetts? What can each place learn from the other? During the fellowship, Sara also gave a public lecture about the history and practice of historic preservation in Massachusetts and the USA and participated in the workshop ‘Historic Warehouses today’ which was co-organised by the ReUse team and professor Carolina Hein who hosted the event at Delft University.


Post-doctoral fellow

Susan Galavan

Visiting scholar

Sara Wermiel

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The 1MA BRUFACE course “Parametric design of transformble structures” aims at introducing and deepening key aspects of sustainable design and transformable structures: necessary concepts, methodologies, tools and innovative techniques. Indeed, the use of digital parametric design tools (Rhinoceros 3D + Grasshopper) and during the intermediate exercises provides the students with insight concerning the design and the evaluation of a transformable concept. This year students were also introduced to Building information modelling and information management.

Through the final assignment of the course, consisting of a fast-paced conceptual design, the students are applying the knowledge gained during the course and thereby demonstrating insight, creativity and critical reflection. Therefore, the expected outcome is a parametric design of a transformable concept which operates on one or several of four levels: material, component, structure and urban scale.

Like last year, the final project is based on the transformation of the 352 iconic student residences located at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel’s campus “Oefenplein”. Based on the innovative modular construction system developed in 1973 by Belgian architect Willy Van Der Meeren. Students ended up with two major kinds of projects: 1) the elaboration of an architectural design by reconfiguring or reusing modules and 2) the current reinterpretation of the VUB modules (or modular systems) with modern techniques and knowledge, including technical detailing.


Niels De Temmerman


Camille Vandervaeren

François Denis


[Phoenix Project] by Berten

Alice, D’Ursel Jean, Maes

Joris & Perez Israel

[ReSolVille] by Abdelaoui

Haytam, Brinkman Janis,

Brodacki Jovia & Mutton



[GRiD] – Ward Van Den


Sebastiaan Willemen &

Toon Willems

[The 3-scaled Spots] by

François De Diesbach,

Kelly Lacey, Angela Morillo

& Thomas Van Kerckhove



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Different types of spatial structures are being taught to Master students in the course ‘Spatial Structures: design and analysis’. During lectures and workshops, they learn the design and development of a whole range of structural typologies, as well as the structural behaviour of these constructions. Examples of spatial structures that are studied are pneumatic structures, membrane structures, domes, compression-only structures, fabric formwork, bending-active structures, gridshells, etc.

After a semester of theory, exercises and workshops dedicated to these specific structural typologies, the students get the opportunity to design and analyse one type of spatial structure for their final task. The design has to meet the requirements involved with the typology, function and location, which are chosen by the student. The structure is then analysed analytically and/or numerically. This analysis has to prove that the student understands the structural behaviour of his own design. This structural insight is a crucial element in the iterative design process of such structures. In addition, the student uses this analysis to dimension the structural design.


Marijke Mollaert

Lars De Laet


Jimmy Colliers

Lennert Loos

Students’ projects:

Roxane Degrez & Emile

Kufel (1); Jean D’Ursel (2);

Janis Brinkman & Dennis

Mutton (3, 5); Thibaut

Brans & Ward Van Den

Bossche (4).




2 3 5


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Professor Ann Verdonck

AssistantStijn Brancart knowledge, its materialisation and its position within a broader social culture.

Moreover, specific research methodologies and practices in architectural and construction history are analysed and put into practice. To do so, various formats (lectures, visits and writing modules) are organised. As such, this year’s students had the opportunity to visit the Documentation Centre of Monuments and Sites of the Brussels-Capital Region as well as the Gothic Antwerp Cathedral. Rutger Steenmeijer, the architect in charge of the ongoing restoration project, elucidated in situ the rich history of this world heritage and explained the complex materiality of the monument and the reasoning behind the final restoration project.

The course ‘Architectural and construction history, pre-1850’ taught in English to third bachelor students of both VUB and ULB aims to give students insight in the complexity and diversity of architectural production. The course perspective starts from the specific interest of the department in the relationship between building structures and technological developments. The lectures question the relationship between architectural


Ine Bertels


Jelena Dobbels


Architect Rutger

Steenmeijer explains the

restoration strategy of the

Antwerp Cathedral


Students study the timber

roof of the Antwerp




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VAK SPBouwtechniek: massiefbouw - I. WOUTERS 4Chemie: structuur en transformaties van de materie - R. WILLEM 6Geschiedenis van de stedenbouw - I. BERTELS 3Informatica - J. LEMEIRE 4Logica en wetenschapsfilosofie - B. VAN KERKHOVE 4Mechanica 1 - D. LEFEBER 5Ontwerpatelier: mens en aanpasbaarheid - N. DE TEMMERMAN 12Perspectieftekenen en voorstellingstechnieken - N. DE TEMMERMAN 4Wiskunde: algebra, analyse en meetkunde - G. SONCK 9Wiskunde: gevorderde analyse en meetkunde - G. SONCK 6TOTAAL: 57

VAK SPBeeld, vorm en kleur - A. VERDONCK 3Bouwtechniek: skeletbouw - H. VAN SANDE 4Computergesteund ontwerpen - M. MOLLAERT 4Fysica: elektromagnetisme - J. DANCKAERT 4Geschiedenis van de stedenbouw - I. BERTELS 3Licht-en verlichtingstechniek: grondslagen elektriciteit, licht en visuele omgeving - P. ROMBAUTS 7Materiaalkunde - H. TERRYN 4Mechanica 2 - D. LEFEBER 4Mechanica van materialen, vloeistoffen en constructies - D. VAN HEMELRIJCK 5Ontwerpatelier: habitat en erfgoed - A. VERDONCK 12Theoretische reflecties over de architectuur van de stad - I. BERTELS 3Thermodynamica - S. BRAM 3Wiskunde: voortgezette analyse - S. CAENEPEEL 6TOTAAL: 62

VAK SPAlgemene taalkennis Engels - D. ATKINSON 3Analyse van constructies: inleiding stabiliteit - T. TYSMANS 5Bouwmaterialen - J. WASTIELS 5Bouwtechniek: installaties - H. VAN SANDE 3Building Physics - A. KHAN 5Elasticiteit en sterkteleer - L. PYL 4Form-active structures - M. MOLLAERT 4Histoire de l'architecture II (de l'Antiquité au 19ième siècle) - S. VANBEVEREN 4Ontwerpatelier: stad en architectuur - H. APELT 12Ontwerpen van constructies - L. PYL 5Ruimtelijke planning - M. MARTENS 3Soil Mechanics - B. FRANÇOIS 5Theoretische reflecties over de architectuur van de stad - I. BERTELS 3TOTAAL: 61


Eerste jaar (1 IA)

Tweede jaar (2 IA)

Derde jaar (3 IA)

COURSE SPCapita Selecta in Architectural Engineering Research - I. WOUTERS & R. DEVOS 3Design of Concrete Structures - J. VANTOMME 5Design of Steel Structures - W. HOECKMAN 5Design Studio Sustainable Design - A. KHAN, H. VAN SANDE & S. BECKERS 16Energy Performance of Buildings - F. DESCAMPS 6Parametric Design and Transformable Structures - N. DE TEMMERMAN 4Post-war History of Construction and Architecture - R. DEVOS 4Spatial Structures: Design and Analysis - M. MOLLAERT & L. DE LAET 4Structural Renovation Techniques - I. WOUTERS 4

Elective courses 9


COURSE SPArchitectural Engineering and Construction Project Management - Y. RAMMER 5Daylighting in Buildings - P. ROMBAUTS 3Design Project Competition - PH. BOUILLARD 3Low Energy Design for Sustainable Buildings - F. DESCAMPS 4Master Thesis Architectural Engineering - J. LINDEKENS, L. NEY & S. MEYRANT 24

Elective courses 21


ELECTIVE COURSES SPAcoustic Engineering: Tools and Methods - J. MIGEOT 4Concrete Bridge Design and Construction - H. DETANDT 4Construction - N. DECLERCK 5Design and Management of Transportation Infrastructures - C. VAN ROOTEN 4Design of Engineering Constructions - D. VAN HEMELRIJCK 5Experimental Techniques for Testing, Non Destr. Techniques and Structural Health Monitoring - D. ANGELIS 5Form-active structures - M. MOLLAERT 4Form-finding and Structural Optimisation - T. TYSMANS 4Geotechnical Engineering - B. FRANÇOIS 6Industrial Techniques for Water Management - B. HAUT 3Innovation in Construction Materials - C. HIEL 4Internship - F. ROBERT 10Internship Architectural Engineering - A. VERDONCK 6Law on Construction - P. FLAMME 3Light and Lighting: Visual Environment and Domotics - P. ROMBAUTS 4Low Voltage Electrical Systems for Buildings - J. DECONINCK 3Mechanics of Composite Materials - C. HIEL 3Pathologies, Renovation and Rehabilitation of Structures - R. MATRICHE 4Prestressed Concrete - B. ESPION 4Reliability of Structures and Materials - R. FILOMENO COELHO 4Room Acoustics - S. VANLANDUIT 3Soil Mechanics - B. FRANÇOIS 5Steel Bridge Construction - W. HOECKMAN 3Structural Analysis and Finite Elements - G. WARZEE 5Theoretical Reflections on Monument Care - I. BERTELS 3Théorie de l'architecture III - S. VANBEVEREN 3Theory of Architecture II - S. VANBEVEREN 3Urban Research by Design - M. MARTENS 3Urban Sociology - P. LANNOY 3Workshop Lightweight Structures - M. MOLLAERT 5

* Voor deze Engelstalige opleiding bestaat een Nederlandstalig equivalent 'Master in de Ingenieurswetenschappen: Architectuur'.


First Master (4 AE)

Second Master (5 AE)



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Eerste Bachelor (1 IA) STUDIEDEELArchitectuur- en techniekgeschiedenis 19de en 20ste eeuw - I. BERTELS Bouwtechniek: massiefbouw - I. WOUTERSChemie: structuur en transformaties van de materie - H. RAHIER & I. DE GRAEVEInformatica - J. LEMEIRELogica en wetenschapsfilosofie - B. VAN KERKHOVEMechanica 1 - D. LEFEBEROntwerpatelier: mens en aanpasbaarheid - N. DE TEMMERMANPerspectieftekenen en voorstellingstechnieken - N. DE TEMMERMANWiskunde: algebra, analyse en meetkunde - G. SONCKWiskunde: gevorderde analyse en meetkunde - G. SONCKTOTAAL: Tweede Bachelor (2 IA) STUDIEDEELBeeld, vorm en kleur - A. VERDONCKBouwtechniek: skeletbouw - H. VAN SANDEComputergesteund ontwerpen - M. MOLLAERTFysica: elektromagnetisme - J. DANCKAERTHistory of Urban Design - M. RYCKEWAERTLicht-en verlichtingstechniek: grondslagen elektriciteit, licht en visuele omgeving - V. JACOBSMateriaalkunde - H. TERRYN & I. DE GRAEVEMechanica 2 - D. LEFEBERMechanica van materialen, vloeistoffen en constructies - D. VAN HEMELRIJCKOntwerpatelier: habitat en erfgoed - A. VERDONCKThéorie de l'architecture - R. DEVOSThermodynamica - S. BRAMWiskunde: voortgezette analyse - S. CAENEPEELTOTAAL: Derde Bachelor (3 IA) STUDIEDEELAnalyse van constructies, inleiding stabiliteit - T. TYSMANSBouwmaterialen - J. WASTIELS & H. TERRYNBouwtechniek: installaties - H. VAN SANDEBioclimatic Design - A. KHANElasticiteit en sterkteleer - L. PYLForm-active Structures - M. MOLLAERTArchitectural and Construction History - I. BERTELSOntwerpatelier: stad en structuur - H. APELTOntwerpen van constructies - T. TYSMANSRuimtelijke planning: theorie en praktijk - K. BOUSSAUWSoil Mechanics - B. FRANÇOIS Theory of Urban Planning and Design - M. RYCKEWAERTKeuzestudiedeel TOTAAL: KEUZE STUDIEDELEN Academic English 2 - R. NYEAcademic English 5 - R. NYEAlgemene taalkennis Frans II - N. VANDEN BULCKE & J. BERTONEEconomie en bedrijfsleven - I. SCHEERLINCKGeneral Knowledge English Language - R. NYEMilieuaspecten van het ingenieursberoep - H. RAHIERRedelijk eigenzinnig. Kritische reflecties over mens en maatschappij - K. VERSTRYNGE & S. WITHAECKX





















First Master (4 AE) COURSECapita Selecta in Architectural Engineering Research - I. WOUTERS & R. DEVOSDesign of Concrete Structures - J. VANTOMME & B. ESPIONDesign of Steel Structures - W. HOECKMANDesign Studio Sustainable Design - H. VAN SANDE & A. KHAN, Energy Performance of Buildings - F. DESCAMPSParametric Design and Transformable Structures - N. DE TEMMERMAN Post-war History of Construction and Architecture - R. DEVOSSpatial Structures: Design and Analysis - M. MOLLAERT & L. DE LAETStructural Renovation Techniques - I. WOUTERSElective courses TOTAL: Second Master (5 AE) COURSE Advanced Design Studio - J. LINDEKENS, L. NEY & S. MEYRANTMaster Thesis MA Architectural EngineeringCompulsury coursesElective coursesTOTAL:

COMPULSORY COURSESArchitectural Engineering and Construction Project Management - Y. RAMMERDaylighting in Buildings - V. JACOBSDesign Project Competition - P. BOUILLARDLow Energy Design for Sustainable Buildings - F. DESCAMPSTheory of Architecture and Urbanism - A. KHAN ELECTIVE COURSESAcoustic Engineering: Tools and Methods - J. MIGEOTConcrete Bridge Design and Construction - H. DETANDTConstruction - N. DECLERCKDesign and Management of Transportation Infrastructures - C. VAN ROOTENDesign of Engineering Constructions - D. VAN HEMELRIJCK & C. NYSExperimental Techniques for Testing, Non Destructive Techniques and Structural Health Monito-ring - D. ANGELISForm-finding and Structural Optimisation - T. TYSMANSGeotechnical Engineering - B. FRANÇOIS & P. GERARDIndustrial Techniques for Water Management - B. HAUT, H. VERELST, W. BAUWENS & M. HUYSMANSInfrastructure and Mobility - P. BOUILLARDInnovation in Construction Materials - C. HIELInterfacultarian coursesInternship (60 days) - F. ROBERTInternship (40 days) - L. PYLIntroduction to Construction Engineering - Y. RAMMERLight and Lighting: Visual Environment and Domotics - V. JACOBSLow Voltage Electrical Systems for Buildings - J. DECONINCKMechanics of Composite Materials - C. HIELPathologies, Renovation and Rehabilitation of Structures - R. MATRICHEPrestressed Concrete - B. ESPIONReliability of Structures and Materials - P. BERKERoom Acoustics - S. VANLANDUITSteel Bridge Construction - W. HOECKMANStructural Analysis and Finite Elements - L. PYLTheoretical Reflections on Monument Care - I. BERTELSUrban Sociology - P. LANNOYWorkshop Lightweight Structures - M. MOLLAERT * Voor deze Engelstalige opleiding bestaat een Nederlandstalig equivalent ‘Master in de Ingenieurswetenschappen: Architectuur’.

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JAENEN MARIEKEvorser, lic. kunstwet., Ma in monumentenzorg en Ma in cultuurwet.

DE TEMMERMAN NIELShoofddocent, dr. ir. arch.

DE LAET LARSdocent (tenure track), dr. ir. arch.

KOUMAR AUSHIMvorser, dr. b. b. ir.

LINDEKENS JONASonderwijsprofessor, dr. ir. arch. MArch

DECLERCK NICOLASgastprofessor, dr. ir. arch.

DE RAEDT PIETERvorser, ir.

DE SMEDT ELIENvorser, ir. arch.



APELT HAIKEgastprofessor, Dipl.-Ing.

BERLEMONT THIERRYpraktijkassistent, arch.

BELMANS BERTassistent, ir. arch.

BERTELS INGEdocent, dr. historica en Ma in monumentenzorg

BOSMAN KATJAmanagement assistant, Ma meertalige communicatie

BRANCART STIJNvorser, ir. arch.

BRAUN STEFANpraktijkassistent, arch.

COLLETTE QUENTINwet. medewerker, dr. ir. arch. MCC-G

COLLIERS JIMMYvorser, ir. arch.

CORNE EVIpraktijkassistent, arch. en ruimtelijk planner

DE BOECK SARAHvorser, Ma in Urban design and Spacial Planning

DE FOSSÉ MARIANNEvorser, ir. arch.

DEGRAEVE MATTHIJSvorser, Ma geschiedenis en Ma monumentenzorg

DENIS FRANÇOISvorser, ir. arch.

DESCAMPS FILIPonderwijsprofessor, dr. ir. arch.

DOBBELS JELENAvorser, historica

ELSEN STIJNwet. medewerker, ir. arch.

GALLE WALDOvorser, dr. ir. arch.

GOOVAERTS CHARLOTTEvorser, ir. arch.

GOVAERTS YVESvorser, ir. arch.

HEDAYAT ZHALEHvorser, arch. eng.

HERMINAIRE ANNmanagement assistant, lic. handels- en financiële wet.

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VAN SANDE HERAonderwijsprofessor, dr. ir. arch.

VERDONCK ANNdocent, dr. arch. Ma in monumentenzorg

VANDENABEELE LOUISvorser, ir. arch.

ROOVERS KELVINvorser, dr. ir. arch.

VAN DE VOORDE STEPHANIEpostdoc, dr. ir. arch.

LIU RENJIEgastonderzoeker, ir.

LOOS LENNERTassistent ir.arch.

VANDYCK FREDERIKvorser, ir. arch.

VANDEN ELSACKER ELISEvorser, Ma of Science in architectuur

VAN CRAENENBROECK MAARTENvorser, dr. ir. arch.

ROMBOUTS JEFvorser, ir. arch.

PUYSTIENS SILKEvorser, ir. arch.

RAAFFELS LINSYvorser, ir. arch.

PAUWELS GEERTpraktijkassistent, arch.

MOLLAERT MARIJKEhoogleraar, dr. b. b. ir. en bijz. lic. inf

PADUART ANNEpostdoc, dr. ir. arch.

MELSENS SARAvorser, ir. arch.




WIBAUT ROMAINvorser, ir. arch.

WOUTERS INEhoofddocent, dr. ir. arch.

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Van Brussel YolenteVan Rompaey LennertVan Steenkiste MargauxVerbrugghe NathalieWillems Toon

4IA (Bruface)

Abdelaoui HaytamAdonsou Kokouvi SenaBerten AliceBitar AdibBulckaen LaurensDeboelpaep KirstenDe Cock Lloyd (Polimi TIME)De Diesbach FrançoisDegrez RoxaneD’Ursel JeanErauw EvelynKocyigit EzgiKufel EmileLabeille AlexisLacey KellyLaurent MaartenMeeus YleniaMelis Koen (Polimi, TIME)Morillo AngelaNgangu GeoffreyPerez IsraelRedza Elisabeth KibeStuckey NathanTagny DominiqueTorosyan GevorgVan Den Bossche WardVandenbossche Arnaud Van Kerckhove ThomasVan Wylick Aurélie (Polimi)Vlaemminck CarlWillemen Sebastiaan

5IA (Bruface)

Ader VincentArnouts LiesbethBrarou SoukaïnaBrohee LucieCambier CharlotteCouck JérômeDe Brouwer Jeroende Coninck StaceyDemeulenaere RikDewaide Zeno Duhoux MathieuGodts FabioGrandy HélèneHeremans ArnaudHoogewys JulieJespers KanyaJulemont ClémentineJulemont ThibautKhalili MoradLaghrari AliMaes Joris Maes Linde Martens BenoitManuka StaniMostaert FleurMurerwa LarissaOngena LiseOoghe SarahOosterbosch ValérieOuahabi SoukainaOvaere FrançoisPapen InePelicaen Erik (CEU Madrid)Perez Bellis LuisRadisic MichaelRamaekers LauraSahmaoui SaidSmeets AlexandraVandersteen FienVan Dievoet MaximeVan Oost KarenVerreydt ChloéWahid HashmatZhang Xudong


Brodacki Jovia (BTU Cottbus)Rallo Vincenza (Polimi)Morillo-Velarde Zafra-Polo Maria Angeles (Universidad CEU San Pablo)

1IA Bambust FelixBegtas ElienCallens Wahl MartinChakour NajwaCollinet RomainContipelli LouisaDe Cort ArthurDe Pra LauraDe Raeymaeker CyrilDe Roover JoranDemol JettDesmet ThomasDewulf ThomasElzewijck VinnyEryörük SelinGeijsen LukasGielis CiskaKawa GabrielleKennoun SamirLox ViktorLusikila Mboya StacyMalcorps BenMevis WillemMuhozi GustaveNissan GabrielRascar OliviaReyniers LaraRoland MonicaSaoud SafiaSegal JulieSpinoy JulinaSriyam ThummatronStefani LeonardoVan Begin ZoëVan Bocxlaer ThibaultVan den Panhuyzen TimmyVandermeeren SofieVan Der Smissen AlrickVangansbeke EvaVan Goethem OliviaVanhaelen CiskaVan Oss SimonVan Schoor ZarahWinderickx ArthurZecirovic Alan

2IA Darras PelleDebroeyer JensDelagrange Ellen

De Weser HelenDe Zutter WoutGeboes EstherGhysel YannickHaelterman LaraHens IsabelleKaratas SenaKopriva MatteoMissoorten MargotNasri NabilaSchotman KirstenSoete WannesVanspauwen AmberVermeersch LiseWelsch LinaWeyers StephanieYap Li Li


Aertssen SimonAlabiso MarilynBaes SarahBaesberg GertjanBakalli MeryemBertels Emma LienBieghs PieterBrans ThibautBrinkman JanisClaes MathiasDamsin BastienDe Bondt DaanDeclerc ValérieDe Coster ArnaudForton BruceHendrickx IoHolderbeke LaurenKawa Marie-CarolineLespagnard MargauxMessens RobinMutton DennisNieberding IchelleNoterdaeme SofieParein MaryliseSari NesrinSchoukens ThomasSeghers NicoSimons CaroleSteenacker EvelienSwinnen Liesse



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JAARBOEK 2016 - 2017

Is een initiatief van de vakgroep Architectonische Ingenieurswetenschappenvan de Vrije Universiteit Brussel

V.U.Ine WoutersVakgroepvoorzitter

Lay-outHera Van Sande

RedactieMatthijs DegraeveJelena DobbelsLinsy RaaffelsMaarten Van Craenenbroeck

EindredactieMatthijs DegraeveJelena DobbelsLinsy Raaffels

DrukGraphius Group, Gent, 2017ISBN 9789491912085

Het copyright van de beelden is naar best vermo-gen geregeld. Belanghebbenden kunnen contact opnemen met Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Pleinlaan 2, 1050 Elsene, België

CopyrightVrije Universiteit Brussel,Faculteit Ingenieurswetenschappen,Vakgroep Architectonische Ingenieurswetenschappen

ContactTel + 32 2 629 28 [email protected]