[arch 13, 1~81 - msu library | montana state universitytournament edition i/oldie xxll....

Tournament Edit ion I/OLDIE XXll. BOZE:\fA:--1. :\IONTA:t\A, FRIDAY, :\[ARCH 13, E AG LE AND ALLISON W i ll Bt WIN DEBATE TRYOUTS W 5 rROJtGT YESTERDAY MOR NING J Women's Council Make Tri 11 to Livingst on Yesterday an d Pur- l chase Baby Grand Pia no for I Will Represent Montana State College at Pi lfappa Delta Debaters Hernck Hall. I Conyention Held at :'lk:\Iinm·ille, Oregon. Hill and Huntley :\lay .\lso Compete. . The firepla c room of l!en-ick hall ts to wekom a new mahogany Baby .\t lie 1a·e ;. ) ub h...Itl at the l!tt.e tla.·atie n main hall yl:':-terday at o:..;O a. m .. :-:am Eagle and Lewis Allison w 1 <- 10 n •o rtpre:-ent .\Lontan:i ( oJlegc at. t)w t;un of Pi Kappa Delta, nat10nul 10 ·ns fr,1ter11itJ. lhe debate team \\ 111 h.:ave J,ozemun m time to e11Ler th Plltt:,., at L ntielt1 l olit.•J!e in .\k- !rnm; llf lJic on, un 1uareh :!I and 01. ti1c return trip debatt':, will be h1•ld w th \\ hitmD.n <. \\"alla \\111'.t, \\as ton; >kane l'ni\t•r- :-.t \ anu \\. · v.; rt.1 Colll.'ge at Spo- \\":is linj....'1.on; a11d Int1..•rnwuntain ;ind ;\I ,um Saint Cha lcs Colll•f!P:-> m It ;<-·na. Thcr·t: is a po:::sibility that Tourney Sidelights 'la1i{ <1L 1Ut upsL s; th trm t·rn\o i gaYc L-rcat !<all::; s bl)ond all c(llllprehcno;1011. l'lains, after t<.11\iug a trom Lack \\ .tn ,h1,; oltl anu cumplet.ely , utc a:-"l'cl the Gn.:at Full:s. t(am. Butte, true to all un·d ability to be .a great .. tour- 1iamcnt tl;am'' by !t:ttmg- JO\\ n the (le,. r Lew1-.town outtlt. thou)..h bl·aten by B1.lt1.., ex- hib.1.kd a ·ool, libciate s of play •nat ,,.., ccr t:.dnh· co1111 limentary to the h i .. of l.r".oige- ,,·rnger, Fergus loath. ' I in1 r.rnd. J·erg1..s .un\·a,d. may en ih be a . ., the coolest and .<- >l;l:'-t rwa1· in the Zi11.m rn1.ln, tentt>r fo (hinook. wuL.l.l <-l'lta;nl\' l:lc a prize for any tollc.:.e t C:1m to get. Tne way tha'. boy rnn fakl'. I a-.:-: and :-;hoot, is business. Thl·J'(· i no doul.Jt as to the abi.ity nf the :\I Je, l ity dub. t'hen,.;kes'. boy::; aa• a'! Lie m.(l rnst an<l th.re wtll be no klenin out of the cham hi1> finals. llt• frr, thiH.l Jilat.c team of Yel- Jnw.;torw 1 it::, k1l'kt•d the !'lk1ds out f1om undl'r Twin Bridg-es in an cxcit - illJ! :!ame that enJ d ;or Bel l'y. 'l \\ m hridg-l s t·\·i<ll·ntly was suffering fiom o\·er confidenl'L' bctause those boys ha\'e a tall team a definite!;· cxbibite:l b\' druhbing th .. Anaconda luh this 11101 ning-. Thit way that litt e b1oncle yell lt'aL. r of the Living-:-:ton Grand piano. This piano. other s..-hools will abu be inclmkd .Jl whi ... h i:-; tu Le imme<liatcly to the chcdll 1 c uf to be hcu.J )Icntana :::Jtatl', was bou;?ht Thur::;day on he nonwward tr p. by the \ \·omen Students The r1,i.1me cozn:e1.t1un, \'.bil:h the ('o ncil, in Lhingston. cfl.bat!:!IS will att..,n·:, J:; ht.id scmt-an- F.nth year the A. W. S. Council dc- nually by lilt· l'i h.appa lh·lta chaptc•rs ddes upon a project for the year. in the \fl!:-;t1.-·rn 1>1nsiun. Team:-. liom Li.ian Tubb, th. piesidcnt, thought a Caiifo?ma, Orcgcu, \\ and p:ano wa!' needed more than .\L(Jnto.1na \\ill be in the ('1--e. The is l'OllCCl't piano !un n.,1c whh:h include t:X- of bl·uutiiul maho;rany finish and of and oru.lury as lG 1ih· wood. It ha!':. a dcup, rich tone. well a:; deba.c. 'fne experience The Council to Lh·insnnon t.o in con c:-ts \\:\" prepi:e the l'on- Yiew the diffrn·nt brands of piano:;;. . .-\t noon they w re cnte1tainc I at a lun:'ly Angeles <luting the Uly11tp1c game:S nl•xt yt:ar. the.;e Jct1d in'- 1' ·4 to 1 .... u comphshwcnts eri=h.:a\ ur . I nt 11lans in<li at. tha: Armin Iii ll will .\1011tanu Slatt: Lol- lej.!l' in thl' l'Xtempm aneous speaking <·onte:-:ts anJ that cnet Huntley w 11 be a .n the comp ti- 1 lH.:re will be no further foren:sic tryouts \.intil the beg-inning of next qmu ter at which time l'Ontcstants will be• C'ho:-en to make the am:ual trip to Ilou]dcr 1 ('oloraclo. .... ...... snap is surc:ly a trl'at. .\RD \\"IXG The clown ing of President of Fiatt· and n'ay b. at any dents at )Iontana <. ollegc. time now. s.ht'dulecl to Put on their art. - "M" CLUB SPONSORS \\"' thout, ll e"t:on the Parh-B1llmg-" I t off thl• f loor and wa5 at Hll 'n control of the ::>-ituation. I I History and Purpose of Honor ,\m•ther year 'ec' "Johnny" Lind-1 Ath letic Order ls Told. I of the favonte of the tournament. but. this year hc- ha!-> C'Om- -- pHition in the littlt• For- The ·•).l" Club, one of the out:-:and- nt·\· from Bearereek I ing dubs of .\lontana College, · --- \\as founded in lt-127 by Coach G. 0. To dah' four men arc leading in Romnt-)r, foi mer Bobcat ff,enlor. T11a S<'oring- honors Thev are Brown, puq.o:-.e of the ".\r'. Club is t? Butte; Limlstraml. FC'l'!!Us; and encourage athletics and gain umt;f \r hitefo•h, and Lh·ing$ton. among member:>. Tht ('!uh at the ptescnt. time has the following for officd·s: president, Dick Bruner; viee·pl csident, Ed Bi..;zzet ti ; retarv. Paul \\" inner; Harold Sadler; Bobbie Lon!{. Visiting- g-il'i:-; are plenty or c·olor on the campus and around Ah, that it were lol'al color. A- Park. B- Great Falls. C-Billings. IJ-Plains. "Poplar. F G- \\' hitefish. H- Bearcreck. I -Fors) th . ,J- Chinook. K Butte. L .:\I-Anaconda. N-)Jil es City. 0- Twin Bri dges . p. Belfry. NIGHT \ WITH f Billings. :\liles l'it). Butte and Whitefish Still l'ndefeated . After· noon Sessions 1:.nd;; With Chinook. (;1·eat Falls. Bearcreek and .\naconda Eliminated. With the tournc, , .1nninl.!' into the sc·mi-finab morning there arc foul' teams left in the running , the'.': arl! .:\Liles Citv. lluttc, amf Whitefish. are expcctctl to put out plenty ui adion tomorrow morning- when the\ l 0 ahle for the I right to !!O into the· finals in the eve- n.ng. .:\Ides lily and Butte will be puirecl uff and Billings will "1th \\'hitefish. Four 01 the orhdnal sixtl'en have been eliminatedi they are Great Fall!', ('hi nook, Hearcrel:k and Anal'onda. To- night will see three 11 ore drop out and the laH one will he dccide<l tomorrow morning. Plains tangl1..·s with Poplar and the winner will rneet thl:! vil'tor in the Fe!'gus-1 win go, this will be• for fifth and eighth places. Park ( ounty \ il:s with Dillon \\ ith the 1os- er g-oingo out anti the winner plays the winner of the Forsythe-Belfry tangle, for forth and se\'enth. The losers of t.he semi-fmals will meet for third and while the winners will compete for th1t co\·eted t;tJe. 2 10 n 0 t. of the <lope as t'"ic• l"ham- 1 were tu place high in the 1 la in!!s this year. The box sl'O! l': 27) Lindstrand. f \\"1 r:-dell. f Fritzen, S:nith. rt Steiner, Totals Chincok (2G) Cox, f. R .. ,. B. - f Zimmerman, c Brinkeiman, g :\loore, Jr Totals FG ;; 0 0 1 . 0 . JO .JOHX DEXTER FT 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 () 0 PF 2 10 0 0 I 0 0 0 ( hairman of Tournament Commit- tL•c>, .)Jontana State College. I Ol'L. \R OEFE.\TS BE.\RCHEEK "lh I l·:Jlar qu:nt pulled the !'.ame •a" ll:.· <harm tcristic trick again last n m tne la::;t gaml' oi the l'\'l'ning . . \, er hailing tor tiwce q at t "r..:: : hej: waited until the final . 1m e and a half then canw from hl·- hinJ b\· i noints to win O\' r Bear- e l k JN tn Things looked as if the .\1 rn r:- h.ul the game on 1c:e hut the Porlnr agg:rl'gation :;oon changed th<> l·om lexic,n of the situation a:-; Skje,·eland ied n wild burst of s or- ing and clownEd the apparent winnc_rs. l 11c g,amc wa:; rathl'r :-;low and u111n- ltres until thL· final moments of ay, thc>n thl:' crowd was on its feet. fh· the tim of thl' tinal gun, Forney ai1d Xchon of Bl"arneek had capti- ntt d till' hand$ and hearts of the l ·nwd. Savi h led the scoring with S points. The box sl'ore: l'eplar (20) Pctt'rson. f Kapinos. f c ... R:imstead. I? g Totals Bearcreek (18) Laukaiti-.. f :'\(•Ison, f Planinchck f ... 0 :l 1 20 l I l 1'1' 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 PF 2 1 1 0 The tournament did one thi ng any- way. fellows out in golf kinckers yesterday . E\'l•n of the faculty were rep- l"l'sented at the Tour:tnmcnt dance Inst night. elig-ihl to the Club are nu.•n earninc- a letler in any of the major itlhlctic sports at .\lontana State. 1 hese major sports of fto'b;dl, basketbal, tnlL·k , swimrninj?, at tlw pres<:>nt time <:>ncourat!'ing- a. th·ities oth r than ath - letil's, It inte nds to back the Fang-s in their work. anrl give them moral q1pr01·t. T he "\1'' Cluh is ing- the decoration of fraternity and WORTHINGTON H AS FA MOUS CAREER ON M. S. C. TEAMS Barovil'h. ,; Forney, g "irh. 1! Totals 0 2 1 n 0 I 3 1 2 6 Somebody saitl thL•y lit'lil'\·cd the gru<lze hattle hetwf't:tl Dolan and Frel•se was exhibition :-;tuff. Brick Bn:e<lon set•ms to haw• de- q,• nritv hom:l's during- the hiJ,rh school \'eloped a l.uplkate of himself in Kent, lba:-'l.;etball . . . Bc;werhcad guard . Earh Year ai P ,i?'J\ n to _ thri ")-l" Club men. to sell refresh- If the Belfry fails to attract ments durino- this tournament. The a ttention b\· his abilin· on the hard- inllowinc Cluh . m<:>n ha\·p hC'c:n wootl, there still rem;1in::- th(• possi- r-iH·n conce:: ... 10ns hi lity of being noticed due to the · yya x t \\ side burn:-. \\'hat d vou think of Wall\' Wendt .Toe Ha zen. as the •·peanut vend er:·· · Only on(" n•d head in thn tourna- ment this \•ear-he hails fr(lm Bel- fr y. . (Continued on Paire Four} XOTICE 1'11n'f fw·"<-'t t 1 1(' '•·•1r mntinre dance at th• Pla-)Jor Saturday afternoon. T\\1-..; l' IUDGFS T 11\E ·" \('0:\D.I Tw·n took th, opening of thl' morning st:-sion downinc- Ana- 1,da 'o 1·1. Thl' uame was fast and there \\':ls plenty nf adion t 4 h<' entire cont st. Twin B short !'nappy had the 101 lte: ite:-: ,l!Uessinu and although -\nacontla hnd mnn}· for ountc-rs thn· \\'<'l'l' unable to put hall through the rint!". Hell r for the hoy· from th<' Rridg""es outstand - in, in bnth floor work shootinc- 1 rol!r<' "n·" 11: noints. ll nrts.tll ]ayPd nat cle en i\'e i:rcun, for the ln:-:c•rs.. "'hr that Tw:n Rridg-<'s playcJ +hi n"crn n,.,,. would have C'arri d them th ough tn mC'Pt the ruster rowboys. T 1 ,fl-ir vir 1 01 v morning- howeverJ f! \'{'S them the ril!ht to conlinL'e their attle to fifth place. (Continued on Page Four}

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  • Tournament Edition

    I/OLDIE XXll. BOZE:\fA:--1. :\IONTA:t\A, FRIDAY, :\[ARCH 13, 1~81


    YESTERDAY MORNING J Women 's Council Make Tri11 to Livingston Yesterday and P ur-l chase Baby Grand Piano for I Will Represent Montana State College at Pi lfappa Delta Debaters Hernck Hall. I

    Conyention Held at :'lk:\Iinm·ille, Oregon. Hill and Huntley :\lay .\lso Compete. . The firepla c room of l!en-ick hall

    ts to wekom a new mahogany Baby .\t lie 1a·e ;. ) ub h...Itl at the l!tt.e

    tla.·atie n main hall yl:':-terday at o:..;O a. m .. :-:am Eagle and Lewis Allison w 1 ~ kane l'ni\t•r-:-.t \ anu \\. · v.; rt.1 Colll.'ge at Spo-t.a~H" \\":is linj....'1.on; a11d Int1..•rnwuntain ;ind ;\I ,um Saint Cha lcs Colll•f!P:-> m It ;

  • Editor-in-Chief ........... . Businc~s Manager .. .

    ·· ·······-···· ······ ·········.-.·~~e~~r~~.1Gr~:; It ~('t·ms impossihlt> ttw~l' days for a poor l'Oilt•gptih!C' to flat frt:it if ill' t'11ntimll.>S dn1i;.q.:i111{ tlw pup blHtlt•s around.

    \\.l' wtHHlt•I' how tht• mnll' l'lt·nwnt appn·cintt~ ha\·ing- tlw fair ~t'X wipt' tht•ir ppstC'rinr ap1wnda).!'t's (lJl thlf1y that. \\Oil lht.• T\\in Bruli.tt•.:-; .c:anw la:-:t F-~""'--~~~"-~""-'-"-"'-~"'-"'-'-~""'-~"'-~'-''''-''J ni~.rht huttlw.llnh:rnkt·r~from l'\\!0Bt1dgc ... t11dtheirsha1eoftlH•\\hlsti111}!1 ·r1 I r· k I I 'b' I (, ,

    • le "J'll'll' ll llu\\ l'l hl'"s still quoting- :1ttC'nt1on to a "'tuch of the :-dencl'S

    und crhtnno tht•1r fil·l~I of intere ... t. and ORTON BROS Cooli1l:.?t.'. . ... rn the'e s ionns i< pl'l'st·n•ebe•al .\ rt< rnlle.,. will afford them g ment so far .of any which haYe been held hpre. Sportsmanship he kind o" trnininoc that ";11 help t:Hl91:>-t:Hl91:H:> h Cl I - h k d Th·· ,s1· ...... - 11111 ,.·t 11.·1\" ht·l'll 011timistil' when thl'y 1mt np their del·orntions thP.,1 to at+ain thrir ohjC'!ppI,· for pMitio11s. Sl'curing a position is a serious matter and ~hould be giwn much thought and slut!~-. Vl'JT often students may be well pn·par,•d for a SJll'Cific job and in making their appli-c·ation fail tu prbcnt their ease effertin•ly. An employer right-fully assunws that the ll'tll'r Ll'fore him represents the best work that an applieanl can do.

    hm ,L!' .\t·t.-. T o h t'l'il ~· 1udt· nt 8' I>i ~ord tr .... From lh•la) 111 ~ \l arc h

    Ell'dion~ 11.\YE _\GOOD TDIE !! ~

    Thl'l'l' :l'l' lots


    ~Iete1•s -[· r11 ze t :;:tan i Iii.!" w1.. ma r \\ Ii ! I 1 I • I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I e m lo;:~.

    I· 11 rnforn a 1011 1,1a\" ), (•bta.n d : Th p k -·rom tho l'nllc I >'talc: C \t( "'"""' - e ar

    SOC l \ f, ('I LE:" D.'dl

    1 ida). '1ar l !°ilJ.:: 11w C. hi formal d 1 11 r dance.

    a t.1rda •. ,. Jar. 11 A p~,a Gamma Rho f r ).~triua new e~IKl· of orig-inalit_y or interest tO Dear Glady~: · \l1>ha (;amma IJelta.

    \I s L. H. 1 oote o( Billings is a ut of lwr clau.i:htcr, )larjorie, at hl' . ..\ lphn (;amma Delta house.

    :\fury Hcrnire Ro-.cot• o( Billing:.-; nil J 1d\" Bfmman of Great Falls are

    t• ts at the Alpha Gamma Delta i;u c .urinl! tournament.

    1i BC'la Phi. \ .oia ~a ·1ce Jr Butte is a tourna-

    lt nt ~·.H·::;t. at tlw Pi Uda Phi hom~e. I>mner ~ut·sb at the Pi Beta Phi

    ot.:-.c on 1hursda:r e,·cninJ? were Ja-i



    BlUE ANO 5.A. [.or GOlO lEAGUES


    Tota is h a ppa Si~ m a ( 11)

    ~. Rupe:·. F. Rupt.' 'lihlic. i FTishy. e ' ln:'knmch. ~ f·'bh, ~ Prin·tt . .\ narnnda ( 11 )

    Bc>nsle\·, f BollinJ.!·t·r. ~ llart•ell, c


    T1ac-y, i.; Quane, i;:: Rou c, ~

    Totals. Rt·forl'c• Eye.

    F (, :J

    FT l'F 1 I

    (Contlntllu from 1':,1~l' 01wl

    [{i..,ht' '.\lih l.Lt~ was inn \,nd \\n•cl ~l g-ood dt.!-nl by 1lij:h Sdtool StudL•nts. wntt..'h your Pilling~ lc>d :it thl· half by fl points; I the• Rl•lfr.r fin .. • 1ll tlw first h!df, e·umt.' step at th1..• Hamilton llall ll'a. You Park t·ame hatk strong- and inn little 1 liiH·k :-.tron~ am! rodt• iwl'r ~l11s 0Pt~nn- an• indl't•d 11nvi ll·ge·d to t·nll•r Lhat on·r a minute· hn1l t°('d up th(> rount I t·nt Ly a:?.~ to l 1 :l~ Lynn , g 0 Studt•ut L ift• 1.·H1'!il·~ l lh• ~qiirit of tln• Afti·'" lraili11J.!' mi~t·rahh a~· mu ha!'> l n).!"l"a1n, g 0 ll·action: "('ollc•gt' shllk nls do not

    1 poin· • Bt•u\· rlwacl n ll·arnit1•• \\h1r~ l'Hn b1..• t·rowtlt•d inlo

    .. [>l't· ia l ~ft.un.ung Crl'·um • • . • SI 50

    SJ,,,, Tonie ., .. ,'1 Fn·sh •. ma •.. . $1 00

    Blucl..Jwm l Pnpnrntio11 .•.•. $1.00

    Du BARRY l'>EAUTY PREPARATIONS by llud11ut

    Th1q: n't rno m's sro1ing- put Taylor hl'l°l' lh1~ ~Ta'", 1 41t·"iJ!'nalPd lo otft•r fuur yt·ar. ! .. t him study a1Hl t•tlut·ntt.• in a thrrr w;:w th• for hh ... h •allyinr.,childnn atl\'antnl.!"t'S \\hi h tht~ woul1! him l•lf in hi t•wn way . Lt·' u" call Iii·. J,irnl ... •rnnd. nncl Lyon..; nrl' now n11t n· f•ht.· at hnmt• Phys1~·ally and a h.alt to tht• hl•nling- of l'Ullt.·~c slu-til' I up with~;-, points 1..arh. Till' !'N' nH·11La 1ly normal t'hihh ·t·11 from iwo to I dt·nti;; into S('paral c r ooms e•uch with

    ·--------------- 1 r-nrl and third periods of t he i:rame, four Yl·nrs ol1 l nrc bcins;:- n