arborfield master plan 24 may 2011

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  • 8/6/2019 Arborfield Master Plan 24 May 2011



    MAY 2011


  • 8/6/2019 Arborfield Master Plan 24 May 2011


    Our approved Core Strategy sets out the broad visionor how the Borough o Wokingham will develop in the

    period to 2026 and how the Council aims to protect

    and enhance the very good quality o li e enjoyed inthe Borough. The adoption o our Masterplans urthersecures our control over development over thatperiod.

    The Core Strategy is a vitally important documentthat sets out the local policies we need to ensure theprovision o the new roads we will drive on, the newhomes we will live in, the new schools our children willgo to, the new parks they will play in, the new shopsand doctors surgeries we will visit in short, the way

    our communities will look across the Borough.

    It takes orward the views o the community or highquality development concentrated in a ew locationswith all necessary in rastructure delivered.

    The Core Strategy identi es our StrategicDevelopment Locations (SDL). These are

    Arbor eld Garrison, South o the M4, North and

    South Wokingham. Separate masterplans calledSupplementary Planning Documents (SPD) have beenproduced or each SDL along with an overarchingIn rastructure Delivery SPD which covers all o theSDLs (5 SPDs in all). The In rastructure DeliverySPD evolved rom work undertaken in preparingthe Core Strategy and is aimed at delivering aviable in rastructure rich solution to support the newdevelopments. The key message is that I expect ahigh level o new in rastructure o the highest possibledesign quality.

    This document has been subject o extensiveprevious public consultation which is summarised inthe statement o consultation.

    Over recent months, work on this document hascontinued and we have now added a SustainableEnvironmental Appraisal (SEA). So, we are re-

    consulting on this document with its SEA We haveincorporated more detailed explanations on two areaswhere there are particular sensitivities. .

    As our suite o planning policies are orming, weare increasingly concentrating on good design andattention to the character o areas where we areencouraging urther development. We will continueto challenge developers to not only meet but exceedcurrent design standards.


    Arbor eld Garrison : Masterplan SPD David Lock Associates : May 2011

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    As we said be ore adopting other Masterplan SPDslast year, where possible we need to integratedevelopments with existing communities and ensure

    that they are in keeping with the area in which theywill be located. We will expect developers to giveparticularly care ul attention to this. Provision o community hubs within the new areas will help kick-start the sense o community with the bene ts thatcan bring to new and current residents.

    I con rm that these Masterplans and other policieswill provide the ramework or developers to submitplanning applications. These applications will betested against this guidance and those ound wanting

    will be re-negotiated in order to nd the right solution.I we ail to agree ully satis actory proposals, thenthey are likely to be re used by the Borough CouncilsPlanning Committee.

    In summary, this guidance aims at enablingin rastructure rich, high quality design solutions or ourSDLs which I believe we will, in due course be proud

    o . Your comments and suggestions are still beingactively sought and will be care ully considered be orethis document is adopted.

    Councillor Angus Ross.Executive Member for Strategic Highways and

    Planning. Wokingham Borough Council. June 2011

    Arbor eld Garrison : Masterplan SPD David Lock Associates : May 2011

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    Section 1: Introduction 11.1 Background 11.2 The Purpose o this Document 21.3 The Role o the SPD: Establishing

    Good Design and Delivery4

    Section 2: Context 82.1 Location 8

    2.2 Constraints and opportunities 92.3 Planning Policy Framework 10

    A Supportive Development Plan 10Planning guidance 13

    2.4 Community Engagement 13Stakeholder Workshop 13Community Workshop 1 14Community Workshop 2 14Options Exhibition 15

    Statut ory Consultation 16

    Wokingham Community HubsConsultation 20

    Section 6: Delivery 726.1 Outline planning applications 726.2 Ensuring Design Excellence 73

    Design and Access Statements, parameter plans and illustrative masterplans


    Design Review 75Building for Life Assessment 75

    Design Codes 756.3 Conditions and Planning Obligations 76

    Planning Conditions 76

    Planning Obligations 76Delivery and Contributions 77

    6.4 Strategic Phasing 77

    6.5 Management and Maintenance 78

    Highways drainage & open space 78

    Community Infrastructure 79

    Delivery Board 79 Appendix One 80

    Section 3: Vision and DevelopmentConcept 21

    3.1 Vision or Arbor eld and developmentconcept 21

    Responding to the SDL site 21 A sustainable scheme 22 A high quality living environment 23

    3.2 Development components or theMasterplan 23

    Section 4: Key Design Principles 261. Landscape Framework 26

    2. Neighbourhoods 353. Character 42

    4. Centres 52

    5. Design of Employment Areas 576. Access and Movement Framework 597. Existing Buildings 658. Phasing 68

    Section 5: Climate Change andSustainability


    5.1 Introduction 705.2 SDL-wide Sustainable Urban Design 70

    Land use and travel 70Layout and orientation 71Surface water 71

    Arbor eld Garrison : Masterplan SPD David Lock Associates : May 2011


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    S e c t i on1 :

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    Arbor eld Garrison : Masterplan SPD David Lock Associates : May 2011

    Section 1: Introduction

    Arbor eld Garrison is a majoropportunity to deliver an in rastructurerich and high quality new community

    on predominantly brown eld land.The location is identi ed in theWokingham Borough Core Strategyas being capable o accommodating3,500 new homes with associatednew employment development andnecessary community in rastructure.The existing character o the locationand its rural context lends itsel to adevelopment in which the landscape isa dominant and infuential eature.

    1.1 Background

    1.1.1 Regard has also been taken to the revocation

    o the Regional Spatial Strategy (The SouthEast Plan) by the Secretary o State in July2010. Notwithstanding the revocation, theCouncil continues to regard the approach setout in the adopted Core Strategy as robust.

    1.1.2 The identi cation o our Strategic DevelopmentLocations (SDLs) within Wokingham Boroughrepresents a major and unprecedented

    opportunity to plan or new development ina comprehensive manner, to ensure that thedevelopment o new homes goes hand inhand with the provision o essential physicaland community in rastructure. The objectiveis not simply to meet housing targets, but toplan or the long-term delivery o sustainableurban communities, and to avoid the need orpiecemeal small scale housing developmentwhich may harm the character o well-established communities. The our SDLs are:

    Arbor eld Garrison;

    South o the M4 Motorway;

    South Wokingham; and,

    North Wokingham.

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    Arbor eld Garrison : Masterplan SPD David Lock Associates : May 2011

    1.1.3 Each SDL is the subject o a separateSupplementary Planning Document (SPD) andan overarching In rastructure Delivery SPD,

    which sets out how and when in rastructureis to be provided and the mechanisms orsecuring this.

    1.1.4 The Arbor eld Garrison SDL lies to the southwest o Wokingham Town and comprises thecurrent Garrison site, Hogwood Farm andIndustrial Estate and land immediately to thesouth.

    1.2 The Purpose o this Document

    1.2.1 This SPD has been produced by WBC as

    a guide or uture development o the SDLand to establish the Borough Councilsexpectations on masterplanning, design qualityand in rastructure requirements. It does notcontain detailed proposals or the SDL but,once adopted, will be a material considerationin determining the appropriateness o planningapplications and in moving orward throughimplementation. The document has beenprepared on the assumption that an Outlineapplication accompanied by an In rastructure

    Delivery Plan will be submitted ollowed byReserved Matters applications as appropriate.For the avoidance o doubt, any standards orrequirements set out in this document will alsoapply to submission o Full applications.

    1.2.2 The SPD relates to the area o land identi ed inred on Figure 2.1. The SPD does not includenew policies or the SDL but builds on theWokingham Core Strategy (WCS), in particularPolicy CP18 and the Arbor eld GarrisonConcept Statement contained in Appendix 7.It should be read in conjunction with the WCS,including the Wokingham Local Plan savedpolicies and the In rastructure Contributionsand Delivery SPD or the SDLs.

    1.2.3 The SPD has been prepared in accordancewith the provisions o the Town and CountryPlanning (Local Development) (England)Regulations 2004 (as amended).

    1.2.4 The SPD has been prepared through aprocess involving the public, stakeholders,representatives rom public sector agencies,the current development consortium,landowners, O cers and Members o theCouncil. It aims to balance the aspirationsand objectives o all o these groups withacknowledged best practice principles or thedesign and development o sustainable, highquality places.

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    S e c t i on1 :

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    Arbor eld Garrison : Masterplan SPD David Lock Associates : May 2011

    1.2.5 Extensive up- ront consultation has taken placeand views have been taken into account in the

    ormulation o this document as summarised in

    Section 2 and set out in a separate Statemento Community Views (SCV). In February andMarch 2010, this SPD was subject to a ormal6-week consultation in accordance withRegulation 18 Town and Country Planning(Local Development) (England) Regulations2004.

    1.2.6 As part o the Councils commitment underSection 13 Part 2 o the Planning andCompulsory Purchase Act 2004, to keep

    under review the matters which may beexpected to a ect the development o theirarea or the planning o its development, whichincludes the purposes or which land is usedin the area. Legislation requires an SA/SEA tosupport a dra t SPD. The Council has takenthis opportunity to up date and produce newSPDs that orm part o a six week consultationperiod.

    Caption... Caption...

    Previous stages:

    February-March 2010 - Firststatutory consultation.

    October 2010 - Adoption o Northand South Wokingham SPDs andadoption o In rastructure Deliveryand Contributions SPD.

    November-December 2010 Second statutory consultation oSouth o the M4 SPD.

    June 2011 - New Dra t SPDs andconsultation or all our SDLs andthe In rastructure Delivery andContribution SPD.

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    Arbor eld Garrison : Masterplan SPD David Lock Associates : May 2011

    1.2.7 The SPD is accompanied by a Dra tSustainability Appraisal/Strategic Environmental

    Assessment (SA/SEA), which is also subject

    to consultation. The guidance rom both theEuropean Commission and the Governmentindicates how local authorities can comply withthe requirements o Directive 2001/42/EC andthe subsequent Environmental Assessment o Plans and Programmes Regulations 2004 (theSEA Regulations) which ampli y its operationwithin England. Under the SEA Regulations,local authorities must, where appropriate,carry out a SEA o land-use and spatial plans.Regulation 5 (2) o the Regulations describesthat an environmental assessment should beundertaken or a plan or programme which -

    (a) is prepared or agriculture, orestry,sheries, energy, industry, transport,

    waste management, watermanagement, telecommunications,tourism, town and country planning orland use, and

    (b) sets the ramework or uturedevelopment consent o projects listed in

    Annex I or II to Council Directive 85/337/

    EEC on the assessment o the e ects o certain public and private projects on theenvironment, as amended by CouncilDirective 97/11/EC.

    1.2.8 The SPD alls under criterion (a) o Regulation5(2), being a plan prepared or town andcountry planning or land use. In respect o sub-paragraph (b) the SPD will ampli y policy withinthe Adopted Core Strategy, providing urtherguidance on the requirements in respect o a

    spatial ramework plan which should orm thestarting point or master planning the SDL.

    1.2.9 Wokingham Borough Council has consideredwhether the Masterplan SPDs are likely torequire an SA/SEA as the SPDs are required

    in the orm o development brie s andmasterplans by the Core Strategy and willset the ramework or the uture developmentconsent o EIA projects. Taking account o itsconclusion that an SEA was required or theMasterplan SPDs, the Council has produced aDra t SA/SEA, which details the likely signi cante ects on the environment o implementingthe Masterplan SPDs and the reasonablealternatives considered, taking into account theobjectives o the Masterplan SPDs.

    1.2.10 Regard will also be had to the Equality Act2010 by Wokingham Borough Council indelivering the SDLs.

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    S e c t i on1 :

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    Arbor eld Garrison : Masterplan SPD David Lock Associates : May 2011

    1.3 The Role o the SPD: EstablishingGood Design and Delivery

    1.3.1 This SPD sets out the minimum designstandards which should be achieved todeliver the new development. Developers willbe encouraged to exceed these standardswhere possible and will be expected to applynew standards that arise during the li e o thedocument.

    1.3.2 The guidance given here refects up to datebest practice and the general principles canbe used to in orm all new development in


    1.3.3 The key elements o the SPD are:

    a spatial ramework plan which should ormthe starting point or masterplanning theSDL;

    design principles aimed at delivering a highquality scheme;

    requirements or addressing sustainabledesign;

    requirements relating to the schemesdelivery; and,

    requirements which should be met at the

    Outline planning application stage andbeyond to ensure adequate and consistentapproaches to quality and delivery.

    1.3.4 It should be read in conjunction with otherGovernment policy documents relating tolarge-scale development, sustainability, and

    design, in particular:

    Planning Policy Statement (PPS) 1 includingPlanning and Climate Change Supplement;

    Planning Policy Statement (PPS) 3;

    By Design (DETR);

    The Urban Design Compendium (editions 1& 2) (Homes and Communities Agency);

    Places Streets and Movement: Better

    Places to Live by Design (CABE); and,

    The Manual or Streets (D T); and

    The Manual or Streets 2 (D T)

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    Arbor eld Garrison : Masterplan SPD David Lock Associates : May 2011

    1.3.5 These documents collectively promote aconsensus view o good design principleswhich should lie at the heart o the design o

    the SDL, comprising:

    Character somewhere with a sense o place and local distinction;

    Legibility a place which is easy tounderstand and navigate;

    Permeability achieving a orm o layoutwhich makes or e cient pedestrian,vehicular movement and public transportprovision ensuring places connect with

    each other;

    An articulated townscape creatingan interesting, contextually responsivetownscape utilising building height, scaleand massing, all o which should be relatedto human scale;

    An integrated landscape a place whichresponds to its landscape setting anddraws green space and in rastructure into

    the heart o the development; Human scale the arrangement o building

    orms which are easy or the human eyeto read and provide a sense o scale andperspective;

    Secure, natural surveillance creatingplaces which are properly overlookedand make or e ective passive and activepolicing;

    Detailing, richness and interest promoting ornamentation, rhythm,consistent vernacular, richness, and intrigueto the built environment;

    Quality within the public realm promoting routes and spaces which areattractive, sa e and uncluttered;

    Continuity and enclosure promotingthe continuity o the street rontage and thede nition o public and private space;

    Adaptability, robustness andsustainability the layout o the SDL andindividual buildings should all contributetowards the minimisation o resources romthe design stage; and,

    Diversity promoting diversity and choice

    through a mix o developments and uses,responding to local need.

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    S e c t i on1 :

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    Arbor eld Garrison : Masterplan SPD David Lock Associates : May 2011

    1.3.6 The remainder o this SPD covers the ollowing:

    Location, Context and Policy (Section 2): A summary o the location, characteristics,planning policy ramework and consultationevents.

    Vision and objectives or Arbor eldGarrison (Section 3): A summary o theoverall concept and the vision or the SDLand the key development principles.

    Key Design Principles (Section 4): Anexplanation o what will be required in thedevelopment proposals in order to meet the

    key design principles or the Location.

    Climate change and sustainability(Section 5): The development expectations

    or the SDL regarding sustainable designand construction.

    Delivery (Section 6): A summary o the expectations or Outline applicationsubmissions, conditions and planning

    obligations, strategic phasing andmanagement and maintenance.

    1.3.7 The guidance provided in this SPD is intendedas part o an ongoing design process. WBCwill require the preparation o design codes anddevelopment brie s in advance o ReservedMatters applications in order to build upon theguidance, themes and principles set out in thisdocument. Section 6 contains urther advice onhow design excellence will be carried through

    the planning and construction process.

    1.3.8 For the avoidance o doubt, areas notshown as having speci c designation willbe subject to policies contained within theManaging Development Delivery DevelopmentPlan Document, scheduled or adoption inDecember 2012.

    1.3.9 The overarching consideration here isachievement o a sustainable community. Inthis, it di ers somewhat rom the other SDLs

    which are essentially extensions to existingcommunities. Achievement o this will bedependant on all components o the SDLcoming orward within the Core Strategyperiod. As such planning permission ordevelopment o any part o the SDL will notbe granted unless this can be conclusivelydemonstrated.

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    Figure 2.1: Strategic Development Location Boundary8

    Arbor eld Garrison : Masterplan SPD David Lock Associates : May 2011

    Section 2: Context

    0m 500m

    This map is based upon Ordnance Survey Material with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of HMSO CrownCopyright. Unauthorised reproduct ion infringes Crown Copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. Woki ngham

    Borough Council License No. 100019592 2009. For reference purposes only. No further copies may be made.

    2.1 Location

    2.1.1 Arbor eld Garrison situated approximately 4

    km south west o Wokingham town centreand about 5 km south east o M4 Junction11 and the edge o Reading, will provide newhousing in the south o Wokingham Borough.

    A large proportion o the SDL is controlled andis currently in use by the Ministry o De ence(MoD). The SDL is broadly bounded to thewest by the A327 Eversley Road, to the northby Langley Common Road, and to the eastand south by Park Lane, as shown on Figure2.1.

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    Arbor eld Garrison : Masterplan SPD David Lock Associates : May 2011

    2.1.2 The Arbor eld Garrison SDL alls into twobroad parts north and south o Hogwood Farm.

    The northern part o the SDL is de ned by the

    main Garrison complex including the Schoolo Electrical and Mechanical Engineering andexisting residential areas at Buttenshaw Avenueand around Whitehall Farm. The southern parto the SDL contains the Hogwood IndustrialEstate, Hogwood Farm and Westwood Farmbut the majority o the land is open and rural incharacter.

    2.2 Constraints and opportunities

    2.2.1 Figure 2.2 illustrates the key constraints on the

    SDL which a ect the strategic master planning. The main physical constraints a ecting the SDLhave been identi ed as:

    existing residential areas at ButtenshawClose and around Whitehall Farm which willneed to be care ully integrated into the SDL;

    small watercourses which run across theSDL including a number o ponds which

    orm part o a network o drainage. Thereis also a balancing pond to the north o theSDL which should be retained;

    pockets o mature woodland, trees andhedgerows, including ormal avenueso trees on parts o the Garrison andgreen corridors along watercourses anddrainage ditches, which would need to beincorporated into the overall landscapestrategy or the SDL;

    overhead power lines running east westacross the southern part o the SDL;

    a gas pipeline running across the SDL;

    a number o Listed Buildings and twoScheduled Ancient Monuments; and,

    existing buildings and acilities associatedwith the Garrison and the School o Electrical and Mechanical Engineers, someo which will be retained.

    2.2.2 The principal access constraints include:

    the need to establish better cycle,

    pedestrian and public transport links, aswell as vehicular, between the SDL andFinchampstead North;

    the relative isolation rom other parts o the Borough and rom Wokingham TownCentre; and,

    limited capacity and resulting congestionon the A327 through Arbor eld Cross andother local roads.

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    Figure 2.2: Constraints Plan10

    Arbor eld Garrison : Masterplan SPD David Lock Associates : May 2011

    0m 500m

    This map is based upon Ordnance Survey Material with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of HMSO CrownCopyright. Unauthorised reproduct ion infringes Crown Copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. Woki ngham

    Borough Council License No. 100019592 2009. For reference purposes only. No further copies may be made.

    2.3 Planning Policy Framework

    A Supportive Development Plan

    2.3.1 Policies CP18- CP21 o the adopted WCS setsout how the majority o housing growth in theBorough will be delivered, some 10,000 newhomes, are to be delivered through SDLs at:

    Arbor eld Garrison, South o the M4, SouthWokingham and North Wokingham.

    2.3.2 The Inspectors Report on the WCSExamination con rms that 3,500 new homesis an appropriate guideline gure or the plan


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    2.3.3 Policy CP4 states that planning permissionwill not be granted unless appropriatein rastructure is agreed or major development.

    Policy CP18 sets out key requirements orthe development o Arbor eld Garrison, insummary:

    phased delivery including 35% a ordablehousing (as supported by Policy CP5 o WCS);

    employment (as supported by Policy CP15o WCS) and appropriate retail acilities;

    social and physical in rastructure;

    measures to maintain separation rom Arbor eld Cross, Barkham Hill andFinchampstead North;

    necessary measures to mitigate theimpact upon Thames Basin Heath SpecialProtection Area (as supported by PolicyCP8 o WCS); and,

    improvements to transport capacityalong A327 and routes towards Bracknelland Reading and measures to improve

    accessibility by non-car modes (assupported by Policy CP10 o WCS).

    2.3.4 In terms o key in rastructure requirements, thesupporting text identi es the need or around30,800 m2 o additional employment space.Policy CP16 identi es Hogwood IndustrialEstate as a Core Employment Area withinwhich development or business, industryor warehousing will be permitted includingexpansion and intensi cation o existing uses.

    The supporting text also identi es the needor new primary schools and a relocatedsecondary school. The detailed requirements

    or the development o the StrategicDevelopment Locations are set out in Appendix7 o the Core Strategy.

    2.3.5 A Concept Statement or Arbor eld Garrisonis appended as part o the WCS (Appendix7) and, along with other policies o the WCS,

    orms the basis or this SPD. The ConceptStatement includes a Concept rationale,strategic objectives and key requirementsincluding landscape structure, sustainability,in rastructure, housing land and mix, keydesign principles and planning obligations. Thedetail o the Concept Statement is not repeatedin this summary. The strategic objectives andkey design principles are elaborated in Section4 o this SPD. In summary, the objectives orthe SDL are:

    ensuring the overall scale o the settlementat Arbor eld Garrison creates a sense o community through balancing the mix o dwelling types and sizes and providing localservices and community acilities;

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    Arbor eld Garrison : Masterplan SPD David Lock Associates : May 2011

    ocusing on appropriate mix o usesincluding convenience retail, nursery,primary and secondary education, primary

    health care and community acilities in newdistrict and neighbourhood centres;

    responding to the attractive rural settingensuring that development is absorbedinto the landscape maintaining physicalseparation with Arbor eld Cross, BarkhamHill and Finchampstead North;

    providing strategic and local transportlinkages and enhancements including apublic transport interchange acility;

    integrating existing residential developmenton the periphery o the SDL to provide sa eand convenient access to new services and


    enhancing local employment opportunitiesto provide scope or people who wish to liveand work in close proximity; and,

    accounting or the setting o the ListedBuildings and Scheduled AncientMonuments within the SDL and integrating

    them care ully with new development.2.3.6 Policy CP18 o the adopted Core Strategy

    emphasises the importance o maintainingseparation o Arbor eld rom rom Arbor eldCross, Barkham Hill and FinchampsteadNorth settlements which is illustrated by theCore Strategys Key Diagram below. Thiscommitment refects the Core StrategysSpatial Issues and Spatial Vision togetherwith the adopted Bracknell Forest Core

    Strategy (policies CS4 and CS9 together withparagraph 123). The study o Gaps and GreenWedges in the Borough has also ound that itis essential to maintain them and this refectsthe Community Strategy and Audit Report. Assuch the SPD should include measures thatmaintain the separation rom Arbor eld Cross,Barkham Hill and Finchampstead North.

    Planning guidance

    2.3.7 There are other SPDs and other SupplementaryPlanning Guidance produced by WBC whichshould be read in conjunction with this SPD.

    These include:

    Supplementary Planning Documents

    Village Design Statements.

    In rastructure Delivery and Contributions orStrategic Development Locations 2010 alsosubject to rst review.

    Wokingham Borough Design Guide 2007(currently under review).

    Sustainable Design and Construction SPD2010.

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    Other relevant documents including

    Wokingham Borough Strategic Flood Risk Assessment 2007.

    Design and Access Statements 2006.

    Highway Design Guide 2004.

    Highway Design Guide Review 2010.

    Landscape Character Assessment SPG2004.

    Planning Advice Note 2010..

    Wokingham Community Hubs Consultation

    Report June 2010.

    2.3.8 The Managing Development DeliveryDevelopment Plan Document (DPD) isexpected to be adopted during the li etime

    o this SPD. The DPD will translate high levelpolicies o the Core Strategy into more detaileddevelopment management policies.

    2.3.9 Other planning guidance is likely to emergeduring the li etime o this document which iswill be relevant to determination o planningapplications.

    2.4 Community Engagement

    2.4.1 This SPD has been prepared in consultationwith the local community and otherstakeholders and with potential developers.

    The ull details o the consultation undertakenare contained in the Statement o Community

    Views (SCV).

    2.4.2 Three workshops were held to help in orm theinitial options phase o the SPD process as


    Stakeholder Workshop (14th May 2009

    Wokingham Borough Council O ces)2.4.3 The stakeholder workshop involved a hal -day

    event comprising invited technical stakeholdersand the developer consortia rom each SDL.It provided an early opportunity or issues andopportunities to be highlighted and key SDLconstraints to be discussed.

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    Arbor eld Garrison : Masterplan SPD David Lock Associates : May 2011

    Community Workshop 1 (20th June2009 Arbor eld Parish Hall):

    2.4.4 The workshop was held in conjunction withthe consideration o South o the M4 SDL. Themorning session involved a discussion o thekey issues and a visit to the SDL. Clear themesemerged rom the workshop which can besummarised within broad headings:

    Tra c and Travel; in relation to residentialamenity, road capacity and movementchoices.

    Community and Social In rastructure;in relation to open space provision andavailability o services or all ages.

    Environment; in terms o environmentalquality, such as reduced impacts romfooding and noise.

    Character; so that new development tswell with the existing context.

    Economy; to preserve and enhanceemployment opportunities.

    Delivery and Funding; in terms o developinga suitable phasing strategy to ensureadequate in rastructure is put in place in theearly stages o development.

    2.4.5 The a ternoon session involved a site planning

    exercise in which tiles could be plotted ona map showing locational pre erences ordevelopment on the SDL. The results o theexercise are recorded in the SCV.

    Community Workshop 2 (25th July2009, WBC O ces, Wokingham)

    2.4.7 This workshop provided another opportunityor those unable to attend Workshop 1 to

    be involved in the process and a urtheropportunity or the previous attendees tocomment and ask questions. Notably, twostrategic options were produced and displayed

    or comment. In addition, views were soughtover the character and orm o development.Key points included:

    the need to refect the existing character

    o the Arbor eld and Barkham areas andto make the most o existing buildings andretain and enhance the landscape structure;

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    Option 1: Southern Link Focus. Option 3: Central Area FocusOption 2: General Spine Focus

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    some concerns about tra c issues relatingto extensions o the Hogwood IndustrialEstate but recognition o employment

    bene ts; and, an emphasis should be placed on

    sustainable construction measures,especially regarding utilities and waterresources.

    Options Exhibition

    2.4.8 Following the workshops, an exhibition washeld to display three strategic options andto seek views on the overall options and thevarious components o the options. Theoptions were not mutually exclusive; di erentcomponents rom each were taken orward tothe pre erred option. The main boards weredisplayed at WBC o ces and brochures atvarious other venues throughout the Borough.

    The exhibition and questionnaire wereavailable in electronic orm on the Councilsweb site. The exhibition ran or six weeks

    during September and October 2009 andquestionnaires and comments were collated,recorded and analysed. The key issues arising

    rom the consultation included:

    a clear di erence o opinion over thelocation o the district centre, with somerespondents pre erring the centre o the

    SDL to maximise pedestrian accessibilityacross all neighbourhoods and otherssuggesting it should be located o NineMile Ride Extension or residents o Finchampstead North and beyond;

    a divergence o views about whether NineMile Ride should orm a primary route in/ out o the SDL, with some concerned aboutimpact upon residents o FinchampsteadNorth and others concerned thatdowngrading the road would lead to greatertra c levels on less suitable roads in theBarkham area;

    mixed eelings about extending HogwoodIndustrial Estate, with some concernedabout tra c implications whereas otherssupported the idea o more jobs in closeproximity to the new homes;

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    Arbor eld Garrison : Masterplan SPD David Lock Associates : May 2011

    strong support or Suitable AlternativeNatural Greenspace (SANG) located to thesouth o the SDL, and or the retention o

    the existing green in rastructure at Arbor eldGarrison;

    support or urther neighbourhoodcentres, or example o Biggs Lane, andthe co-location o schools with district/ neighbourhood centres; and,

    a general acceptance o a north-southspine route but concern about primaryroutes accessing Langley Common Road.

    Statutory Consultation

    2.4.9 As part o an iterative masterplanningapproach, eedback rom the workshops andexhibition event was used by the consultantteam to help in orm the generation o optimumdesign solutions sensitive to views expressedat the community engagement events oreach o the SDLs.

    2.4.10 The outcomes o the series o in ormalconsultations were a signi cant part o theprocess and were infuential in preparationo the dra t Masterplan SPDs which were

    subject o the statutory consultation whichtook place between the 9th February and 23rdMarch 2010. The consultation produced 877written responses and these are consideredin the Statement o Consultation. Very ew o the consultation responses questioned theprinciple o development; although many were

    very concerned about the practical implicationso this amount o development. In particularthey were concerned how the developments

    and their associated in rastructure would bedelivered in accordance with the SPDs and theCore Strategy. Not surprisingly, the majority o responses were concerned with issues o tra cand highway sa ety but the greater majority o responses also refected a number o detailedconcerns or issues o which the headlineswere:

    Loss o open/green land/trees and threatsto wildli e. Comments relating to these

    issues refect one o the impacts o thechoice made in pursuing SDLs as themain delivery mechanism or the growtho Wokingham rather than in a piecemealmanner in the existing urban area. In thecase o Arbor eld there was considerableconcern that green eld land would be

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    developed be ore brown eld (previouslydeveloped) land or that the previouslydeveloped land would not be redevelopedat all. This concern was magni ed by aperception o uncertainty regarding theMinistry o De ences position relating tovacation o the site. The masterplans havebeen created with a view to retaining thebest o the established trees and openspaces as well as preserving protectedwildli e and their habitats. Additionalprotection will be a orded by use o TreePreservation Orders and use o planningconditions. As the approach adopted is

    based upon the use o open land instead o incremental in ll in the urban area and thatthey have been care ully devised or minimalimpact it is considered that no change isrequired in this regard;

    Location o proposed housing, communityacilities and SANGs in the SDLs. The

    original masterplans were constructedby balancing the pro essional, technicaland stakeholder inputs collated throughthe masterplanning exercise and theconsultation comments have been care ullyreassessed. It is considered that the originalprinciples were sound and there has beenno need to modi y the overall approachchosen;

    Separation o settlements. This was akey concern in the initial preparation o the masterplans themselves and detailedlandscape and masterplanning work wasundertaken to ensure an appropriatesolution was ound. This relates to theShin eld/Spencers Wood SDL in the mainand to a lesser extent to South Wokingham

    and Arbor eld Garrison where the keyconcern was the separation o the Garrision

    rom the existing settlement to the east;

    Viability and phasing o In rastructure. There was considerable concern that thedevelopments would proceed without thein rastructure requirements o Appendix7 o the Adopted Core Strategy beingmet or being only partially met. Detailedconsideration o viability has taken placeusing external consultants and the SDLsare deliverable. Phasing will be critical andthis will be an integral consideration to thedetermination o the subsequent planningapplications based upon the consortias anddevelopers in rastructure delivery plans indue course. These will be agreed as part o a submitted planning applications;

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    Ability o services and in rastructure (e.g.fooding and education etc) to handle thenew development. Detailed consultationwas undertaken with the widest possiblerange o service providers and statutoryundertakers as part o the ormulation o the SPDs. The requirements identi edby them and set out in the Core Strategyare there ore robustly carried orward intosubsequent planning applications andassociated legal agreements;

    Delivery o high quality development. Thisis a key concern o the Council and theoriginal suite o documents and plans wasput together with this express objective.

    The documents have been urther testedvia a detailed legal checking process andit is considered that they are as robustas possible in the context o the type o document that they are. These matters willbe dealt with in more detail through thelater planning application processes andwill be subject to urther consultation andconsideration at that time;

    Further development beyond the headlinegures or each SDL. The numbers requiredrom the SDLs and the densities to be

    achieved are set out by the Core Strategyand endorsed by the Inspector at the EiPand developers will be expected to workwithin the policy ramework;

    Transport issues. The SDLs have beentra c modelled and the outputs showthat the SDL package once delivered willachieve a nil detriment scenario in 2026.

    A more detailed assessment o NorthWokingham has con rmed this is thecase, based upon the Councils pre erredtransport option modelling work is ongoing.Residents wanted speci c details o roadalignments, routes or junction details.

    This was particularly the case in NorthWokingham in relation to the NorthernDistributor Road/Ashridge Interchangeissue which has been subject to urther

    modelling as recommended by the EiPInspector and in Arbor eld particularly inrelation to the by-pass and Park Lane.

    The EIP Inspector endorsed measuresto relieve Arbor eld Cross. Subsequent

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    modelling has suggested that this is bestachieved by a by-pass. The details o thisneed to be worked out in conjunction withdevelopers. Key considerations will berouting, environmental, nature conservation,impact on existing settlements such asFarley Hill and Arbor eld and on individualproperties. To a lesser extent this was alsotrue o the South Wokingham Relie Roadand the Eastern Shin eld Relie Road. Therehas also been concern as to the impact o o -site works on minor roads, particularly inrespect o how the character o the roadswill be protected. A number o speci c

    roads were suggested in representations. These are matters that will be dealt with inmore detail through the planning applicationprocess and will be subject o urther publicconsultation at that time; and

    Other matters. A large number o respondents sought details outside o thescope o the SPD. For instance, manywanted clari cation o what will happento Emmbrook Secondary School (NorthWokingham) or questioned the logic o closure o Ryeish Green Secondary School(South o M4). Others wanted speci cdetails o how closure or partial closure o railway crossings (South Wokingham) wouldwork. Others sought details or reassuranceso matters that will be dealt with in moredetail through the planning applicationprocess and will be subject o urther public

    consultation at that time.

    2.4.11 The our Strategic Development Location SPDsand the In rastructure Delivery SPD have beenamended to refect output or the new statutoryconsultation. A number o changes to the texthave been required both in order to amend orto clari y issues or to correct acts. The text hasalso been amended in order to refect changesto the masterplans or to graphics embodiedwithin the documents. Where appropriateillustrative material has also been amended inorder to provide additional clarity.

    2.4.12 A urther 80 responses were received a ter 23March 2010 i.e. a ter the consultation ended.

    These raised no new issues which had notalready been addressed via those receivedbe ore that date. All responses have beensummarised and are re erred to within theStatement o Consultation.

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    Wokingham Community HubsConsultation (17th June 19th June2010)

    2.4.13 Three workshops were held separately tohelp gain a better understanding o the spatialneeds o each local group to explore the sizeand requirements or new aith acilities andcommunity centres. These included statutoryconsultees (session 1), local stakeholders Northand South Arbo eld (session 2) and South o the M4 (session 3), All the events took placeat the Finchampstead. The key conclusionsthat could be drawn rom the three workshops


    The role o centres in helping to osterstronger ties within and between di erentcommunities. As such an approach thatconsiders the whole area should be usedwhen considering the location o new


    Bene ts to users rom collocating di erentuses and the synergies gained rom locatingnext to a school.

    The importance o refecting the needs o allusers when locating di erent acilities.

    Exploring alternative methods or managingand controlling open spaces and playing

    elds through or example, communitytrusts.

    Reusing and revitalising underused buildingsas part o establishing a new community.

    Bringing green in rastructure into new public

    spaces and or public buildings to take alead role in promoting sustainable design.

    Centres and local acilities should becollocated thought ully with sustainablemodes o transport and provideopportunities or walking and cycling.

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    Section 3: Vision and Development Concept

    3.1 Vision or Arborfeld Garrison anddevelopment concept

    3.1.1 Arbor eld Garrison presents a rare opportunitywithin Wokingham Borough to redevelop apreviously used site or a new community. Insupporting the allocation o Arbor eld Garrisonthrough its Core Strategy, the Council expectsto see a masterplan or a progressive anddistinctive settlement with a unique localidentity.

    Responding to the SDL site

    3.1.2 Set within an attractive landscape, Arbor eldGarrisons large scale mature trees,watercourses and historic buildings providean important context or a distinct settlementwhich draws its character re erences romthese natural and well established eatures,the retention o which are important. Thishigh quality setting provides an ideal physical

    ramework or master planning. It requires anequally high quality development response, andthe Council expects that the new settlementat Arbor eld Garrison will be a Twenty First

    Century model o a sustainable, integratedplace. Integration with the existing residentialcommunities should be demonstrated.

    3.1.3 In order to maximize this opportunity it will beessential or any development to achieve theobjectives outlined in this section, which arecentral to the SDL Vision. The requirementso Building or Li e should be taken intoaccount in preparing applications or the SDL;the Councils aspiration is to achieve SilverStandard at each SDL within the Borough.

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    A sustainable scheme

    3.1.4 In addition to demonstrating a sensitiveapproach to the SDL through the masterplan,the environmental per ormance o the SDLshould be to very high standards. Carbonneutrality should be seen as an objective orthe SDL sites owners and developers, andtheir strategy and programme or deliveringthis should be clearly set out in any Outlineplanning application.

    3.1.5 The development should be planned anddeveloped to achieve a good degree o sel -

    containment. The daily needs o its residentsshould be catered or through provision o amix o services and employment opportunitieswhich are easily and sa ely accessible. Planning

    or e cient and convenient public transport orthose undertaking journeys beyond the SDL

    should be evident, and the use o alternativemodes o travel should be made appealingand attractive or local trips. The LocalPlanning Authority will need to be reassuredthat incentives and innovations are in place toencourage residents to adopt sustainable travelpatterns rom the schemes inception.

    3.1.6 New buildings at Arbor eld Garrison willdemonstrate the use o sustainable buildingtechniques to ensure high levels o energye ciency. Whilst the character o thearchitecture and the nishing materials usedshould draw on the local context, the style o

    the buildings is expected to be contemporary inso ar as it refects the infuence o sustainablebuilding design. The SDL should strive tobecome an exemplar scheme where publicbuildings demonstrate best practice in greenbuilding design.

    3.1.7 The scale o the development o ers anopportunity or local energy generation, andwater and waste management schemes.

    These are seen as essential components o the development. In addition, proposals orlocal ood production and composting shouldbe ormulated. Long-term management o thelandscape should encompass such activitiesand plans to demonstrate how this will beachieved will be required.

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    A high quality living environment

    3.1.8 This will be a place in which access to openspace, play and sports acilities will be apriority. Connected by sa e walking and cyclingroutes, there will be an emphasis on promotingopportunities or healthy and active li estyles.

    3.1.9 A wide range o housing types, sizes andtenures will be made available to ensurehousing choice and inclusivity or the widestpossible group o residents. The layout anddesign o residential areas will create localdistinctiveness in response to the setting o the

    site and the masterplan structure. Variety willbe evident as people move through the SDL,however, a sense o cohesion should prevail asa result o the materials used.

    3.1.10 The local needs o residents should be cateredor through provision o a mix o services which

    are easily and sa ely accessible on oot, bike orby public transport.

    3.2 Development components or theMasterplan

    3.2.1 The ollowing development components shouldbe evident in the masterplan or the SDL. Eachcomponent will be governed and guided by theprinciples set out in Section 4.

    A landscape ramework which embodiesa green in rastructure and open spacestrategy, including provision or Suitable

    Alternative Natural Greenspace (SANG).Natural eatures and groups o trees andhedgerows should be incorporated, and the

    ramework should integrate seamlessly withthe rural surrounds at the edges o the SDL.Provision or additional sports, play andrecreation is to be a priority.

    Residential neighbourhoods scaled anddesigned in accordance with the principleso walkable neighbourhoods, to provide anappropriate mix o housing to suit the needso the whole community.

    The character o new development shouldrein orce the structure o the place. Theintensity o development (density), thestreet types and the design o the publicplaces should combine to establish localdistinctiveness.

    One District and two Neighbourhoodcentres designed to act as communityhubs within the residential neighbourhoods,providing local retail, community, recreationand education acilities or the residentso the SDL to enable them to accesslocal acilities without the need to travel.Centres will include well designed publicspaces capable o catering or a variety o

    unctions, as well as enhancing the qualityo the public realm experience.

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    Employment provision, through localservices and acilities, within the DistrictCentre (B1) and at designated employmentsites (Use Classes B1, B2 and B8 atHogwood Industrial Estate extension)to ensure a range o employmentopportunities.

    An access and movement ramework toinclude provision or a public transportinterchange within the District Centre, andto acilitate easy and sa e walking andcycling both within the development and toadjacent areas. Movement is to be catered

    or through the provision o a hierarchy o routes which distinguish between higherand lower order connections.

    Physical connections to existingcommunities to ensure communityintegration and access to new and existing


    The integration o Listed Buildings, elementso military heritage, Scheduled AncientMonument and other key buildings to beretained and re-used.

    3.2.2 The accompanying pre erred spatial rameworkplan ( gure 3.1 opposite) highlights theanticipated con guration o the strategicdevelopment components outlined above

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    ApproximateIndicative area (ha)

    Indicative dwellingcapacity (dwellings)

    Area A 35 1,050

    Includes Neighbourhood Centre and a primary school

    Area B 7 190

    Area C 39 720

    Includes District Centre and Secondary School

    Area D 56 1,540

    Includes Neighbourhood Centre and a primary school



    1. SDL to be planned according to guideline gure of 3,500 dwellings upto 2026

    2. Land for Schools assumed as up to 10 ha. for Secondary School and2.5 ha. for each Primary School.

    3. Land for each centre assumed to be up to District Centre and up to1.5 ha for Neighbourhood Centres.

    4. Areas AD indicate areas for development and do not refer todevelopment phasing.

    5. In order to protect the existing mature trees a detailed tree surveyof the site should be undertaken to inform the masterplan.

    6. Particular regard should be had to pedestrian and cycle connectivitybetween the neighbourhoods, the SANG to the South, andsurrounding areas.

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    Figure 3.1: Preferred Spatial Framework Plan (exact development areas to be agreed through ongoing discussions with LPA)




    0m 500m

    This map is based upon Ordnance Survey Material with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of HMSO CrownCopyright. Unauthorised reproduct ion infringes Crown Copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. Wok ingham

    Borough Council License No. 100019592 2009. For reference purposes only. No further copies may be made.

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    4.1.1 This section takes each component o theMasterplan and provides a set o principlesto guide the design o the SDL, both atthe Outline application stage and or anysubsequent Reserved Matters applications.

    4.1.2 These principles are seen as a startingpoint or ongoing design, and are by nomeans exhaustive. Applicants are expectedto develop and re ne these ideas at theOutline and Reserved Matters stages, and todemonstrate how they have taken accounto these principles through their Design &

    Access Statements and applied these to the

    development as a whole as well as individualsites.

    Section 4: Key designprinciples

    4.1.3 Re erence is made to the WCS Appendix 7Concept Statement requirements and theCouncils Landscape Character AssessmentSPG. In evolving these, a list o developmentrequirements are grouped according to anumber o design and development principles.

    Applicants are required to respond directlyto these objectives and themes through theirDesign and Access Statements, in order todemonstrate and explain how they have beentaken into account.

    Arbor eld Garrison already bene ts from a numberof high quality open spaces that are frontedby development. These must be incorporatedinto the landscape framework for the SDL.

    1. Landscape Framework

    The Core Strategy requires:

    A clear landscape ramework whichintegrates the development with thelandscape and shows how the urbanedge will be managed; and,

    A positive response to the topography othe SDL and existing tree planting, whichshould be incorporated into the layout.

    The ollowing design principles build on thisrequirement:


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    Design Principle 1a: Thelandscape ramework is ocritical importance in themasterplanning o the SDL.

    The landscape designshould draw on the existinglandscape context whichis a unique and distinctiveelement o the SDL and

    will assist in delivering astrong character providingan enviable setting or development. This in turnhas signifcant potentialto enhance development

    values within the SDL.


    1a(i): The landscape ramework should seek tointegrate and a ord importance to all existinglandscape eatures, including the localtopography, hedgerows, the existing treepattern including avenues o trees associatedwith the Garrison (such as the distinctive horsechestnuts adjoining Nu eld Road and theremnant avenues o oak around West Court),watercourses (including that bisecting theSDL broadly rom east to north west eedinginto the existing balancing lake in the northeastern part o the SDL adjoining Biggs Lane,

    and that which runs rom the centre o theSDL southwards), ponds, wetland areas,grassland, ootpaths and bridleways. A detailedtree survey should be undertaken to in ormthe masterplanning exercise. The applicantsshould demonstrate how all existing landscape

    eatures have infuenced the masterplan,and how they will be incorporated into thelandscape ramework and within proposeddevelopment areas.

    1a(ii): The existing landscape character zonesacross the SDL and beyond its boundariesshould in orm the landscape ramework, andin turn the landscape treatment within the newresidential neighbourhoods. The applicantsshould set out their analysis o the existinglandscape character and clearly explain howthese have infuenced the masterplan, and hownew development will respond to this importantcontext.

    1a(iii): Particular regard should be had to therelationship between the landscape rameworkand the adjoining Longmoor Bog, Site o

    Special Scienti c Interest (SSSI) as well as theCali ornia Country Park.

    The remnants of a magni cent avenue of oak trees area distinctive feature around West Court in the southernpart of the SDL. These features provide important designclues that must inform the design and layout of the SDL.

    These horse chestnut trees and hedgerows adjoinNuf eld Road at Arbor eld Garrison. Mature treesare a key asset of the SDL and must be retained.

    An avenue of horse chestnut trees adjoins thegymnasium building at Arbor eld Garrison and mustbe retained as part of the layout of development.

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    Design Principle 1b: Thelandscape ramework should protect andenhance ecologicalhabitat and biodiversityacross the SDL.


    1b(i): In seeking to retain and enhance the existinglandscape eatures, consideration should begiven to the protection o all ecological habitatand biodiversity eatures o the SDL.

    1b(ii): Any impact on the ecological habitat andbiodiversity o the SDL as a result o builtdevelopment should be mitigated againstin a manner which enriches and enhancesthe overall habitat and biodiversity assetso the SDL. Applicants will be required todemonstrate that proposals or the protectionand enrichment o habitat and biodiversityacross the SDL are capable o delivery and,where necessary, ongoing maintenance, withinthe wider landscape ramework.

    Design Principle 1c: Thelandscape ramework should introduce newlandscape and greenin rastructure eaturesto the SDL in order toenhance and protect theresidential setting andquality. Landscape design

    within the SDL shouldrelate to place makingat both the strategicand local level, in order to create a living andengaging landscape.


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    1c(i): Public open space should be provided inaccordance with Appendix 4 o the WCSand/or any subsequent DPD adopted by theCouncil.

    1c(ii): A comprehensive system or watermanagement should be provided, which takesaccount o existing SDL eatures. The newsystem should include, at least:

    proposals or e ective sustainableurban drainage at a local and regionallevel, drawing on evidence rom otherdevelopments;

    measures to avoid food risk arising romoverland fow routes and river fooding;

    new ponds, which can enhance therecreational and visual qualities o the SDL;and,

    wetland areas.Figure 4.1: Landscape Framework Diagram

    The balancing lake at Arbor eld Garrison is adistinctive feature and must be carefully incorporatedinto the landscape framework for the SDL.

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    This map is based upon Ordnance Survey Material with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of HMSO CrownCopyright. Unauthorised reproduct ion infringes Crown Copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. Wok ingham

    Borough Council License No. 100019592 2009. For reference purposes only. No further copies may be made.

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    1c(vi): Provision or sports and play is essential topromote opportunities or healthy and activeli estyles. Playing elds should be provided anddesigned in accordance with the standards andprinciples set out in Fields in Trust: Planning &Design or Outdoor Sport and Play. This shouldinclude provision or:

    Designated play areas comprisingNeighbourhood Equipped Areas or Play(NEAPs), Local Equipped Areas or Play(LEAPs), Local Landscaped Areas orPlay, and Local Areas or Play (LAPs)which should bene t rom casual sa ety

    surveillance, by direct overlooking romadjacent and surrounding development,and by proximity to routes and connectionsthrough and across the SDL;

    1c(iii): New planting will be carried out across the SDLto enhance the existing planting. New nativewoodland and tree planting, new hedgerows,grasslands and wild fower meadows shouldbe considered and proposed through thelandscape ramework.

    1c(iv): When considering the transition betweennew and existing developments a thought ulapproach should be used to help enhancethe inter ace between existing and proposeddevelopments such as shared public openspaces, pedestrian, vehicular and/or landscapeconnections. In the case o Arbor eld Garrison

    Area B, which adjoins existing residentialdevelopment, contains a number o maturetrees o amenity value which contribute to thecharacter o the area. To refect its amenitystatus, the Dra t SPD proposes revisions thatreduce land within Area B deemed suitable

    or residential use. An indicative layout drawnor Area B is contained in Appendix One,

    which illustrates the retention o mature treessurrounding the existing community hall andtransition areas bordering new and existingdevelopment. The Dra t SPD also sets out thatthe sensitive introduction o new planting atthe south eastern edge o Arbor eld GarrisionSDL should be considered as a mechanismto help enhance and protect the distinctresidential setting o Finchampstead. This isillustrated by an indicative layout or Nine MileRide contained within Appendix One.

    1c(v): In addition to open space requirementsproposals or allotments should be made in

    order to promote local ood production. Theseshould be easily accessible or residents, andcan orm attractive and interesting ocal pointswithin residential neighbourhoods; on thisbasis they should not necessarily be located inperipheral locations, but should be integratedas part o the living landscape.

    Allotment gardens should form an i ntegralpart of the landscape framework.

    Outdoor play space must be convenientlylocated close to residential areas.


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    Other outdoor play and recreationalacilities, including Multi-Use Games Areas

    (MUGAs), Skate Parks, BMX Tracks, YouthShelters, at sa e and appropriate locations;

    Outdoor sports pitches, including naturaltur pitches in suitably level and easydraining locations;

    Sports provision or activities such astennis, bowls and basketball; and

    Changing acilities, club storage acilities,lighting and sa e parking (including securecycle parking).

    In providing or sport, existing acilities arisingrom the Garrison should be re-used provided

    that they can be demonstrated to be sa e andeasily accessible to residents.

    Shared and dual use o sports acilitiesbetween new schools and clubs should bethoroughly explored with the Local Education

    Authority, local stakeholders and communitygroups. Where this is proposed the applicantswill be required to demonstrate that suchagreements with the LEA can be delivered.

    1c(vii): Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace(SANG) should be provided in accordancewith the requirements o the WCS, and willthere ore be based on a ormula o 8 hectaresper 1000 population assuming an averagehousehold size o 2.4 persons per dwelling

    or development land within 5 km radius o the Special Protection Area, and 2.16ha per

    1000 population or the development landlying between 5 and 7 km rom the SpecialProtection Area. It should take ull accounto the design criteria and speci cation o Natural England. This should be located in thesouthern part o the SDL, (noted by the EiPInspector as an appropriate SANG location),around West Court which is a Grade II ListedBuilding, as one large, comprehensive site withappropriate parking accessible to the A327.

    Its unctional role as SANG should remainin perpetuity and should play a key rolein maintaining the separation between

    settlements. The Core Strategy requires bothopen space and SANG to remain in perpetuity.

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    Design Principle 1d: The design o theurban landscapeshould contributeto the sustainability,ecology, and amenityo the development.


    1d(i): Streets should be characterised by wellmanaged planting, to include street trees o an appropriate scale and robustness. Existinghedgerows may be incorporated into newstreets where possible and steps shouldbe taken to ensure their protection duringconstruction and therea ter.

    1d(ii): SUDS (Sustainable Urban Drainage System)will be required to permeate built-up areas o the SDL. Where SUDS eatures are presentin streets they should be designed to t thatcontext, and to be an integral part o thestreet. SUDS eatures within the District andNeighbourhood centres are anticipated to bemore urban in character, and will di er romthose in residential areas and in areas o openspace. The choice o sur ace materials orhard landscape areas will take into account

    the opportunity or comprehensive SUDS; thiswill need to be demonstrated at the ReservedMatters stage as detail landscape schemesbegin to emerge.

    1d(iii): Play areas are expected to be designed on anindividual basis to respond to their context.

    There ore, those within the urban areas willhave a di erent design approach to thoselocated in areas o open space.

    1d(iv): Opportunities or the use o green or brownroo s and green walls should be pursued orschools, community buildings and or thesupermarket. Primary schools in particularare considered suitable candidates orthese eatures, as green roo s and wallswill aid natural cooling and insulation. Inaddition, schools should bene t rom outdoorclassrooms and good levels o sun-shading.

    Sustainable Urban Drainage principles havebeen built into the layout of Broughton in MiltonKeynes providing a strong setting for developmentand an important open space network.

    At New Hall in Harlow careful attention to detail, a uni edpalette of materials and street tree planting create ahigh quality tertiary street that accommodates all users.

    In Exeter a modern extension to a Listed millbuilding utilises a low maintenance sedumroof that minimises rainwater run-off andprovides a valuable city centre h abitat.


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    Design Principle 1e: Thelandscape ramework should include high levelso connectivity betweenareas o open space,green in rastructure, sportsand play areas in order to ensure good levelso access and use.


    1e(i): A system o local recreational routes shouldcross the SDL and make provision or walkingand cycling. Where possible, these routesshould seek to enhance existing SUSTRANSroutes and connect to existing and new publicrights o way so as to a ord access beyond theSDL boundaries.

    1e(ii): These routes should be regarded as greencorridors, and should in themselves enhanceecological connections around the SDL.

    1e(iii): Particular attention should be given to providinggood connections between the proposedSANG and the residential neighbourhoods.

    1e(iv): Within the network o recreational routesopportunities or interpretation panels shouldbe identi ed in order to relate the SDLs culturaland military heritage to uture SDL users.

    1e(v): Public art drawing inspiration rom localtraditions or history or providing a strongstatement relating to the location as a placewill be encouraged. Installations and art

    eatures should be located where they canbe encountered as people move around theSDL, so that they can be enjoyed by a greaternumber o people. Art drawing inspiration romlocal traditions or history, or providing a strongstatement relating to the location as a placewill be encouraged. To ensure this is achieved,a strategy or public art should orm part o the planning application process. The strategyshould identi y themes and locations (within

    both built areas and open landscape areas)or public art, and make clear the methods

    o unding and delivery that will be broughtorward as the development progresses.

    The landscape framework must provide for a varietyof informal recreational activities as well a mix ofhabitats as at this linear park in Milton Keynes.

    Footpaths provide ready access to this openspace at Ravenswood in Ipswich. The space isfronted and overlooked by development.

    Public art is an important component in thedesign of the landscape framework. Thisexample is in Campbell Park, Milton Keynes.

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    Design Principle 1 : Asystem o landscapemanagement should beput in place to ensureongoing maintenance,enhancement andstewardship o thelandscape..


    1 (i): The applicants should enter into discussionswith WBC with regard to the ongoingmanagement and maintenance o all o thelandscape elements o the development.Innovative strategies and alternativemechanisms to maintenance by the Councilshould be tabled or discussion at an earlystage in the design process.


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    2. Neighbourhoods

    The Core Strategy requires:

    A built orm which supports the strategicobjectives or the development andassists in creating a recognisableidentity;

    Care ul attention to the composition othe street rontage and street cornersto ensure a continuous building line andhelp de ne the street. Long eaturelessblank rontages should be avoided; and

    Development which is inclusive andaccessible or all in accordance withPolicy CP2.

    The ollowing requirements build on theseobjectives:

    Design Principle 2a: Thebuilt development shouldbe structured to createthree attractive, walkable,residential neighbourhoods:

    - the northernneighbourhood will ocusaround the area adjoiningBiggs Lane;- the central

    neighbourhood will ocus

    around the existingcommunity centre, themarried O fcers quarterson Tope Road, and theplaying felds adjoiningBaird Road; and

    - the southernneighbourhood will be

    ocused on the area

    between Princess MarinaDrive and Sheerlands Road.

    The primary school at Ravenswood in Ipswich is adistinctive building that creates a local landmark andrelates positively to the street and adjoining housing.

    This local centre at Oxley Park in Milton Keynes providesfor a mix of retail opportunities w ith apartments above.Development fronts onto a square that accommodatesareas for seating, parking and a public transport route.

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    2a(i): Each neighbourhood should have arecognisable centre at its core, related to keystreets to ensure that they are accessible andvisually prominent (Biggs Lane to the north orexample and the extension to Nine Mile Ridein the south). This centre should be the ocalpoint or community activity and trade, andshould there ore be the location or schools,shops, local services, health provision, indoorsports acilities, community centres and somesmall-scale employment.

    Figure 4.2: Walkable Neighbourhoods36

    0m 500m

    This map is based upon Ordnance Survey Material with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of HMSO CrownCopyright. Unauthorised reproduct ion infringes Crown Copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. Wok ingham

    Borough Council License No. 100019592 2009. For reference purposes only. No further copies may be made.

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    2a(ii): The layout o each neighbourhood should bedesigned so that access to centres is direct,easy and sa e. Priorities or access should beas ollows:

    the rst priority should be given to thesa ety, com ort and convenience o pedestrians;

    second priority should be a orded tocyclists, who should also bene t rom sa eand easy routes, as well as secure cycleparking;

    public transport users should be giventhird priority or movement withinneighbourhoods and to centres, with publictransport stops being located within a shortwalk o each dwelling, and provision made

    or real time in ormation and well designedshelters.

    Some parking provision can be made withinthe neighbourhood centres; this should beintegrated into the landscape scheme orthe centres, and should be shared by all

    acilities and services, rather than allocatedor di erent uses. Further requirementsor car parking are set out in relation to

    the street network and District Centreelsewhere in this section.

    2a(iii): Neighbourhoods should be organised througha robust and traditional pattern o streetsand blocks. Traditional streets and blocks areregarded as the most land e cient and fexibleway to provide housing, and lead to sa er andmore active streets. They allow or the creationo private rear gardens and a variety o ways toaccommodate car parking on-plot.

    A mixed use block at Grange Farm local centrein Milton Keynes accommodates retail premisesat ground oor with apartments above.

    The development of Ravenswood in Ipswichallows for easy accessibility to key facilities bypedestrians and public transport users.

    The layout of Oxley Park in Milton Keynes places themixed use local centre and primary school w ithin easywalking distance of residents on a public transport route.

    2a(iv): The dimension o the blocks is critical toensure good levels o pedestrian connectivitythrough the neighbourhoods. Given an averageresidential density o between 30 - 35 dwellingsper hectare will prevail throughout the SDL,the rule-o -thumb or residential blocks is 60mx 80m; this will allow or a range o parkingoptions and provision or private rear gardens.Mixed use blocks can be larger where theyneed to accommodate larger ootprint uses,but consideration should still be given topedestrian connectivity.

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    Figure 4.3: Traditional perimeter block layout incorporating mews court

    Boundary treatments should complementthe character and context of the area

    Mews parking courts can help toaccommodate residents vehicles

    Private gardens should beprovided for all houses

    On plot parking should beprovided where possible

    Buildingfrontage shouldprovide goodenclosure to thestreet

    Corners shouldbe articulatedby the buildingform


    Solar Orientation

    Orientating blocks to the suns path can reduceovershadowing areas within the block.

    Breaks in the building orm or reduced storey heightscan increase solar penetration o the block.

    Care should be taken when seeking to maximisesouth acing enestration or passive solar heating toavoid compromising other design objectives.

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    2a(v): Traditional blocks will ensure streets are rontedand enclosed by buildings. Frontages are themost publicly visible part o a building andshould there ore be detailed accordingly. Aclearly legible pattern o rontage developmenthighlighted by appropriate detailing should

    orm a key built orm component at Arbor eldGarrison. The intersection between two

    rontages o ten denotes a junction betweentwo streets. The treatment o the corner in built

    orm terms can highlight the relative importanceo a particular location. Corners o eropportunity locations or transition o characterand scale. Such opportunities should be used

    sparingly to greater e ect

    2a(vi): Sa e neighbourhoods should be achievedthrough the care ul consideration andapplication o the principles outlined in urbandesign best practice documents and Secure byDesign.

    The intersection between two frontages creates a cornerwhich draws the eye and attractively terminates the vistaalong this tertiary street at Upton, Northampton. Pavingmaterials and detailing are particularly well executed.

    Figure 4.4: Overlooking and Natural Surveillance

    Trees increase privacyacross street

    Bay window gives wideangle view rom inside

    Outdoorsemi private


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    Design Principle 2b: Eachneighbourhood shouldmake provision or amix o house types andtenures in order to promoteinclusivity and choice(the design o residentialbuilt orm should respondto the requirements setout under Character

    Types in this Section).


    2b(i): A ull range o house types should be providedor, including apartments, small and larger

    amily homes, homes or the elderly and homesor people with special needs and disabilities.

    2b(ii): The applicants should ully comply with theCouncils requirements or Li etime Homes.

    2b(iii): All housing should be tenure blind so asnot to distinguish between private ownership,social rented and shared ownership propertiesin the appearance and setting o the dwelling.

    2b(iv): Some provision should be made within at leastone neighbourhood or sel -built plots to enableindividuals to design and construct their owndwellings.

    These houses at New Hall in Harlow front the streetand have a well de ned base, middle and roo inewhich provide a clear structure to the faade.

    Off-street parking at Accordia in Cambridge has beencarefully considered as part of the overall street sceneand incorporates opportunities for tree planting.

    The use of a taller apartment building at Accordiain Cambridge helps de ne and contain a primarystreet that accommodates tree planting.

    Self-build plots can offer scope for greatervariety and individual buildings. Thisexample is at Hampton, Peterborough.40

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    Design Principle 2c:Inclusive design isessential to the SDL inorder to help break downbarriers and exclusion.

    The needs o the diversegroups o people who willuse and live at Arborfeldshould be ully considered.


    2c(i): The Disability Rights Commission guidanceon inclusive design should be ollowed to

    ensure compliance with the Disability andDiscrimination Act 1995. This requiresdevelopment that is:

    Easily used by as many people as possiblewithout undue e ort, special treatment orseparation;

    Able to o er people the reedom to choosehow they access and use it and allow themto participate equally in all activities it may

    host; Able to embrace diversity and di erence;

    Sa e, legible and predictable; and

    O consistently high quality in design andlayout terms.

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    3. Character

    Relevant Core Strategy requirements are:

    A built orm which supports the strategicobjectives or the development andassists in creating a recognisableidentity;

    A demonstration o how the settlementedge will be managed;

    Architectural design o a high qualityand which ensures a sense o cohesion.New buildings should be inspired by

    the character o existing high qualityarchitecture in the Borough. Regardshould be given to the BoroughsResidential Design Guide;

    Vehicle parking as an integral part othe plan or the scheme should ensurelimited impact on visual amenity andresidential privacy. Larger sur acelevel car parks should make provision

    or generous planting to aid visualcontainment; and

    Public art should be integrated into thedesign o the development.

    Design Principle 3a:Diversity and distinction

    within the SDL should beenhanced through theapplication o character typologies, which willrein orce the settlementstructure. The typologies

    will in orm the design othe built orm, streets and

    spaces and landscapetreatment o the builtareas o the SDL.


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    Three character typologies have beenidenti ed, and are shown on the accompanyingplan. They promote a simple pattern which willsee the most built up areas at the centres, witha gradual reduction in built intensity towardsthe edges o the SDL in response to the ruralsurrounds.

    The ollowing table summarises therequirements relating to the three identi edtypologies.

    Figure 4.5: Character Typologies

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    This map is based upon Ordnance Survey Material with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of HMSO CrownCopyright. Unauthorised reproduct ion infringes Crown Copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. Woki ngham

    Borough Council License No. 100019592 2009. For reference purposes only. No further copies may be made.

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    General layoutFine grain with continuous building

    rontages. Buildings parallel to the street tocreate well enclosed streets and spaces.

    Generally parallel to the street, with somescope or relaxation in places, to create welllined but less ormal streets and spaces.

    Development should ront onto and addressopen space and the surrounding landscape.Settlement edges should be care ullyconsidered to refect the rural context.Development should not back onto openspace or surrounding countryside, to ensurea positive address o these areas.

    Built Form

    Regular built orm, generally townhouses,terraces and apartments parallel to thestreet. Taller properties could be justi edwhere appropriate. No, or small rontgardens.Generally narrower plot widths and regularmassing should produce vertical repetitionalong the street and generate a moreurban eel.

    Scope or less regular built orm, withshorter terraces and some semi-detachedhouses, with occasional detached buildings.

    Two storeys, with occasional three storeysat key corners and along importantsecondary streets. Setbacks should allow

    or small ront gardens. Varying plot widthshould create variety but retain an overallsense o enclosure.

    Larger, wider plots with larger semi-detached and detached orms and morespacing between plots will generate amore in ormal, character in response tothe immediate rural context and shouldenhance the relationship betweendevelopment and the open countryside.

    Two storeys. Sizeable gardens and morein ormal layout should also rein orce thischaracter.

    Indicative averageresidential density 30 -

    35 dph (see Fig 4.6) Approximately 40 50 dph Approximately 35 40 dph Approximately 25 30 dph


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    Inidicative Blockcon guration

    Approach to streets,open space and

    landscape design

    More ormal, with an emphasis on hardlandscape treatment and ormal treeplanting patterns with limited mix o species, in response to the more built-upcharacter o the area and the provision o neighbourhood and district centres.

    Generally in ormal in