application for lcp aiesec bratislava 13/14


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LCP application


Page 1: Application for LCP AIESEC Bratislava 13/14
Page 2: Application for LCP AIESEC Bratislava 13/14

Introduction, Your Experience and Aspirations

General information:

1. Languages you speak and level both spoken and written. (A-excellent, B-good, C-basic, N-native)

2. Your non-AIESEC Experiences (up to 3 most important positions)

Year Company or org. Position Job description Key learning’s








office manager,


-dealing with projects

such as: new company

marketing strategy,

database, project spy,

- account


communication &

meetings with clients

and translators,

-administration work,

-training of new


Choose the most

appropriate design

and marketing

strategy for the new

company name.



Project management

Also little things can

make a big


Name and surname: Zuzana Maderová

Date of birth 09.06. 1990

University Comenius University

Faculty & Year of

studies Faculty of Arts, 1st of master

Permanent address: Závod 301, 90 872

Phone number: 00421911729872

E-mail address


[email protected]

E-mail address


[email protected]

Skype mad-uzka

Language Level of spoken Level of written

Slovak N N

English A A

Portuguese A A

German B B

Czech B B

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leading of


during the my

boss’s absence,

-translations of mail


-interpreting of

business meetings,

-communication with

foreign clients,

- leading of company

during August and

September 2011,




-analytical &

strategic thinking,

Challenges are what

make life interesting;

overcoming them is

what makes it




English private


private teacher

of English,

-teaching English to


You can’t say you

know how to do

something, until you

can teach it to

someone else.

3. Who are you? (do not write more than 300 words; you may introduce yourself in a whatever


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4. Mention your 3 major strengths and weaknesses. Describe situations in which they are visible.

Time-management Stress

-managing VP term of -stress even before firstly

2 functional areas, analyzing the big picture of the -in some situations I start to

2 part-times, school and whole situations and considering

successfully graduating all possible challenges and threats.

at the same time.

Persistent & perfectionist Touchy

-if I start anything, I continue till -taking my mistakes but also

I finish it in the best way I am able to. mistakes which are not mine too

I am committed to each of my projects, personally.

goals or even small tasks which I take.

Reliable Impatient

-in our ICP team, I try to help my - in some situations I track the

teamleaders every time they need fulfilment of the tasks in advance

my advices. To this characteristic even before the agreed deadlines.

I received also their positive feedback.

5. Where do you see yourself in 5 years time? What do you want to achieve in your life? How should

LCP term help you in achieving your personal vision?

To answer this question I recalled my EB application in which I used one comparison.

By it I compared our lives to puzzles and the pictures on them are those pictures we want to other

people remember about us & which say the essences of our lives.

We can divide them even into several years’ millstones.

So in 5 years I want to have a picture which will express:

the balance between work and personal life,

having a great job to which I love to go every day

and which gives me the space for my self-realisation,

having a great partner with whom I will settle down,

constantly developing myself & learning new things,

starting my own business,

spending holidays abroad at least twice a year.

The personal-work balance will stand at the first place during my whole life, because I believe:

“The most important successes and sources of happiness

will always be rooted in your positive focus on family & friends.”

Meanwhile one year after graduation I want to be a part of a foreign MC or go for GIP internship.

To reach this picture I still need to get to know me more deeply, to acquire and improve a lot of

my soft & hard skills, mainly develop my leadership skills. As well I have to overcome more life

difficulties which will become my learning lessons.

And surely, one LCP term offers the space to acquire some of this mentioned knowledge and skills.

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1. Your AIESEC Experience:

Year Role Measurable results

achieved Key learning’s

2011 Team-member of

ICX corporate

-a high amount of

attended meetings,

-helping to develop

other team members,

Deal various personalities in

a different appropriate way.

If you spend more time

asking appropriate questions

rather than giving answers

or opinions, your listening

skills will increase.



PR coordinator

of NDK 2012

- partnerships with

universities and

libraries (University

Library in Bratislava),

–a new media partner

Bratislavské noviny,

Anytime and anywhere you

see the possibility, use it!


Project manager of the

educational project

Me, Myself & I

-approximately 80

high school delegates,

-2 TLDs from project


- associate

membership started,

- promo among high

school students,

Be proactive, focus on your

circle of influence and then

everything is possible.





for Incoming Programs

2012/ 2013

- a new summer

project implemented,

-100% fulfilment of

the whole term GIP

plan just in Q3 +Q4,

-managing two

functional areas and

leading 5 teams,

-implementation of

the new processes in


Leadership starts with

building trustworthy


and the best leadership style

is leading by example.

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2. Mention what was the most important AIESEC conference for you and why?

National conference Natco 100th Serbia- the facilitator at the newbie track

This conference was important to me, because during it we went really BEOYND ALL LIMITS

(conference motto) and thanks to so many crisis situations I have learned a lot:

that sometimes LESS IS MORE,

co-facilitate with a person with whom you aren’t compatible at all,

facilitate newbies in the FA in which I do not work,

deliver sessions with the positive feedback also without electricity,

and so on...

In addition I met a lot of great people and built many new friendships

inside but also outside of AIESEC community.

At this conference I just confirmed that the best things happen out of your comfort zone.

3. What does AIESEC mean to you?

AIESEC is the platform which awakens and develops leadership skills in world youth via its programs.

Moreover it provides the life-long connection in the means of change agents to secure a constant

positive impact on society.

For me AIESEC is also the playground where, metaphorically said, you can choose among so many

toys (opportunities) and find the one you like the most. Moreover if you do not succeed in one you

can choose another because there are a million of other opportunities waiting for you, JUST NEVER


4. What is according to your opinion the core-work of AIESEC and what additional value is it

bringing to the society (in general and applying it to the reality

of the Slovak Republic) ?

The core- work is to provide AIESEC EXPERIENCE through the 4 programs (TMP, TLP, GIP &

GCDP). This experience makes of AIESEC members desired CHANGE AGENTS with 4 values or

characteristics which present society needs more than

even before and which can change it in a positive way.

Surely, also in Slovak reality those 4 characteristics can be employed:

Culturally sensitivity- Slovakia is becoming a country where constantly more people from abroad

start their lives or businesses. And we have to create for all people the same living conditions.

Entrepreneurialship- Most of today’s businesses has just one goal: have profit and earn money,

businessmen do not see the bigger picture behind. But AIESEC experience can provide entrepreneurs

who understand: 100% of customers, clients & employees are people, so you have to firstly

understand and listen to people, only after that you can understand business.

Active learner- The Slovak universities provide their students just with a lot of theoretical

knowledge and there is no practical education to they can put THERORY into PRACTICE, on the

contrary AIESEC is the place where they can practice what they have learnt. As well thanks to @

experience its members have an access to soft & hard skill trainings.

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Socially responsible- In the contemporary Slovak society we can witness a lot of social cases: Romany

issue, poverty, pollution from big factories, illegal dumps, natural catastrophes caused due to

pollution & global warming, etc. Due to this fact we have to bring up young people who care and

who will behave ethically and with sensitivity toward social, cultural, economic and environmental


5. What do you perceive as your 2 biggest achievements & also your biggest non-achievement in

AIESEC and what kind of learning did you get out of both?

6. Mention your understanding of a Leadership and describe yourself as a leader.

Leadership is not domination over somebody but the true leaders lead according to so called

the leader’s code:

I become a leader by what I do, by inspiring others.

I know my strengths and my weaknesses, and I strive constantly for self-improvement.

I take the initiative and seek responsibilities.

No matter what the requirements, I stay with the job until the job is done; no matter what

the results, I assume full responsibility.

I train my co-workers as a team and lead them with tact, enthusiasm and with justice.

I command their confidence and their loyalty: they know I would not assign to them any

duty I, myself, would not perform..

I make sure they understand their jobs and I follow them energetically to ensure their duties

are compelled fully.

I keep my co-workers informed, and I make their welfare and personal development one of

my prime concerns.

I expand leadership: I develop new leaders from my co-workers.

These things I do selflessly in fulfilment of the obligations of leadership and for the achievement of

the group goals.

I am keeping this code in my mind during my VP term and if I am elect I will keep it also during

my LCP term. But “just keeping” is not enough, I have to ask constantly: “Is this that I do?”

Thanks to the answer I see my leadership weaknesses and I can work on their improvement and


The functioning of the ICP TLD team during the

autumn structure 2012- if your actions inspire

others to dream more, learn more, do more and

become more, you are a leader.

ICP receptionist activities (especially during the

project Me, Myself & I)- The most important

thing in communication is hearing what isn’t

said and listen twice as much as you talk.

Personal development- I can observe it in my

own actions. I am realizing things which I did

not realize before. I learnt them not only though

some training but also thanks my own mistake&

falls because mistakes make a man perfect.


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You and AIESEC Bratislava

1. Evaluate performance of LC Bratislava in last 3 terms (2010/11, 2011/12, 2012/13). What

were the successes and failures? What is-are the key learning(s) from each term/year and what will

you take from it to your term?


11 AM in ICX improved

spring rctm for


AIESEC news started

2 rctm partnerships

awards: BEST LC, BEST


weak tracking of the

newly implemented

financial model

missing R&R & MEC

no DT projects in ICX

VPs didn’t have their

own focuses

low retention rate

Don’t waste HR & time

for activities which bring

little or any of the desired


Deal with ER partnership

during summer.

Work with newbies from

the very beginning.



FA of ICX non-corporate


regularity in LC events

accounting outsourced

the implementation of 3


the cooperation with other

LCs (CU & Brno)

team management


LDSB group started

VP ER left

bad communication

with MC

39% fulfilment of plan

low matching culture

low % of audit


low number of

member’s applications

late start of EB team

Work with EB from the

time it is elect to build

strong relations & trust.

Educate EB about work

with MMD, planning &


If you do things regularly

they become habits.

Good relations can create

good partnerships.



so far 113 % fulfilment of


regular PAMs & feedbacks

individual team planning

& tracking

web page tvojaskúsenosť.sk

GCDPi project management

OGP buddy system

LCP tracking the year

plan regularly

GIP AM improved

the year timeline created

at the beginning

relations with LC CU

networking at



cooperation with other


low fulfilment of ER


receptionist activities

in ICP

no hard skill &

advanced education

Capitalize as much as

possible on current stable


Involve LDSB in LC's

decision making.

Regular PAMs and

feedbacks detect badly

working processes


Prepare more for & take

a bigger advantage of

international conferences.


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2. What are the current challenges of AIESEC Bratislava? Please give ideas of how can we solve


Receptionist activities in ICP- improve buddy system: a detailed JD for buddies, implement the

position of buddy manager for tracking, involve interns into LC activities.

Fulfil gap in ER results- an action step plan for current VP ER & VP CR elect during the transition,

set right focuses, common selling working hours, more selling competitions at LC.

Matching OGP- organize regular matching events, go on & improve the individual approach of

the buddy system, raise also EPs with no so much experience for GIP programs.

Hard skill- education in all FAs- closer TM and ER cooperation, raise some companies for mentoring

and hard skill- education for each FA,

Education for EB and LDSB- divide Educational Wednesdays into basic & advanced, mentoring

system of BoA for EB.

3. What is role and relevance of Ambition 2015 for AIESEC Bratislava?

support & follow MC strategies and the implementation

of the long-term plan,

track and notify the achievement of targets at our local level,

introduce and carry out AIESEC programs,

constant review programs to improve them,

check innovative trends to create new programs,

develop and adjust needed operations at our local level.

4. Please create list of initiatives/projects how can AIESEC Bratislava enlarge it’s impact in each

AIESEC experience stage?

Initiative/ project AIESEC experience stage impact

projects EDUCATE Slovakia & BEE GCDP

project Me, Myself & I GCDP

project Magical kindergarten GCDP

EKO project GCDP

project Make it possible GCDP

coffee talks to promote internships GCDP, GIP

Specialized unit at Pan-European University GCDP, GIP, TMP, TLP

cooperation with Sv. Alžbeta Universities GCDP, GIP, TMP, TLP



cooperation with other NGOs TMP, TLP, GCDP, GIP

matching events GCDP, GIP, TMP, TLP

Educational Wednesdays basic/advanced TMP, TLP

BoA mentoring system for EB TLP

external Education Wednesdays at EUBA TMP, GIP, GCDP, TLP

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5. What is the culture o LC Bratislava currently and what culture would you like to see having

next term?

I think that current LC Bratislava’s culture

corresponds to this year motto “Taking

ownership for choices made”. I can see the

commitment in a lot of our current

members, moreover I have observed that

members are ready to help each other, not

only in their FA, but also cross-functionally.

And surely our LC still continues to hold on

the motto: “Work hard, play hard.”

The culture which I want to see in our LC

next year is hidden in the following key

words: commitment, passion, openness &

trust, curiosity & innovation, work hard &

play hard, proactivity and believe what we


6. What do you not like about AIESEC Bratislava? How would you deal with it next year as LCP?

UNLIKEs Possible ways to solve them

Promo culture- every time when we do OGP or

rctm promo we face the problem to cover it

with HR, because nobody wants to go to

promo-stands or lectures.

focus more on online promo (GCP from


compulsory promo hours for OGP and

rctm team members,

Office management- no working computers in

working rooms, unnecessary stuff all over the

offices, not so many newbies using the offices.

implement the position of VP IM who will

be responsible for office management,

invest money into equipments to our


7. To what extend is in your opinion MC important to LC BA and why?

guide and mediate AIESEC International strategies,

clarify and implement national strategies & timeline,

manage national conferences,

provide and track NST & NTT,

support VPs in each FA,

coordinate GCDP national projects,

manage national funds,

create the common Slovak recruitment campaign,

coordinate national projects (NDK, Symposium, ToT, ...) and national events

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You as LCP of AIESEC Bratislava

1. Why do you apply for Local Committee President of AIESEC Bratislava and what is your inner

motivation that will drive you the whole term?

My main motivations are the people in our LC and the commitment which I have towards our LC.

I see a big potential in our members, so I want to help them to develop it and guide them to

find out what they really like to do. Moreover I want to they understand a big picture behind all

their activities and to they believe in what they do and also why they do it.

As well I care about the future of our LC and its results, and if I am the future LCP, I will do my

best to improve the state & processes of our LC and take its result even higher.

My inner motivation lies in the fact that I realized during my EB term: “What brings joy to a man

doesn’t depend on what he has or what he has reached but how he can change with all his efforts

this world for a better place & help others.”

In addition I want to return all the time & energy which our LC invested into my development and

provide the same experience, or even better, that I am having now to other young people.

And, of course, I am passionate by this job and it brings me joy!

2. Please sum-up how you perceive your role as LCP?

managing of the whole EB team,

tracking of each VP in his FA results,

managing of the whole LDSB group (EB +TLDs


during BoPs assemblies deciding & voting about

national strategies,

representing at national and international conferences

statutory body in front of external institutions:

companies, universities and other organisations,

catalyzing, inspiring and setting LC direction as such,

the exemplary & inspiring leader.

3. What is your LCP vision for LC Bratislava & how do you want to reach this vision?

LC Bratislava will provide the space for personal development for young people, not just for

its members but also for its exchange participants here in Slovakia and also abroad.

Its members will have success to education, will be free to realize their ideas, employ their

proactivity and innovation.

Their work will be appropriately awarded.


LDSB team leader

LC representative

EB team leader

LC leader

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Its members will understand the big picture behind all their activities, namely that each

activity is contributing to GIP or GCDP experience. Moreover they will believe what they do

because if they believe what we do our stakeholders believe it as well.

The level of curiosity will grow every day, because then our LC will keep moving forward,

opening new doors and doing new things.

But at the other side LC Bratislava will not be just a working place but a friendly

environment where they can find help & support as well.

In SKIA reality LC Bratislava will be the role model for other LCs with constantly increasing

results as well with the willingness to help and advise its GCPs & BCPs to other LCs.

How to reach this vision?

To reach this mentioned vision the whole leadership body must inspire LC with its own behaviour,

because those who lead inspire. As well it is said: “you can see your face in the mirror but your being

you can observe in your surroundings.” And when we want to inspire somebody firstly we must be

inspired yourself and be abundantly passionate. Moreover inspiring should include these three steps:

Navigate a course of action- you must have and articulate the vision, your course of action.

Sell the benefit- in every conversation talk about what it would mean to people who you


Invite participation- to share their new ideas, because you never know what is hidden behind.

4. If you had as LCP the opportunity to propose three main priorities and then choose only one main

priority to be achieved during the year to help LC Bratislava to be more successful and sustainable,

what will be those three priorities? And what are the reasons to choose the first one?


I chose this priority as the first because the education is

the most important for the future development and

progress at our LC in all FAs and as B. Franklin said:

“Genius without education is like silver in the mine.”

The current education system has improved a lot but only

at the stage for newbies. We have to mediate advanced

education for the LDSB that will sustain us more skilled

leaders and the pipeline for leading positions more easily.

As well hard skills trainings in each FA are missing. They

can improve skills of each member and innovate each FA.

2. 3.



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You and your EB team

5. What attitudes you want to build and demonstrate as you start your LCP term?

enjoying my job with everything what belongs to it,

leading an open-door policy (encouraging others to make contribution),

firm but fair,

a good listener: tolerant, emphatic and compassion approach,

being trustworthy,

ready to give advices and help any time,

representing LC Bratislava in the best way and striving for its good name,

facing situations with boldness & confidence and

never give up,

believing in others' abilities.

1. How should your EB 13/14 team look like? Describe the structure and also characteristics of

individuals and the team.

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Case studies

2. What 3 most important questions would you put in the application form for EB 13/14?

A. What elements of previous term would you like to continue in as a VP of a functional area

and as an EB member?

B. What will be your legacy in January 2014? What will you say to your successor? What will be

you remembered for? What will people from LC say to you in September 2014?

C. What are your expectations toward your LCP and EB team? Describe ideal EB member

profile and attitude to EB work.

I will add one special case study to these questions:

It is the middle of the spring term. In your FA there is one team, but it is not fulfilling the plan at

all. Its team leader has a lot of stuff to do at schools and also at work; moreover he has stopped to

respond your mails and calls. What will be your action steps to solve this situation?

3. What would you do on a weekly basis in order to support performance and

commitment of your EB team?

tracking of their individual plans & the fulfilment of their year plan,

list & track weekly priorities,

structured EB meeting with the agenda,

appreciations among EB members during EB meetings,

FA meetings of each VP with their managers and team leaders,

EB lunch,

EB sport teambuilding (to keep it fit ).

A, It´s February 2013, you and your freshly selected EB team are just after LEAD conference. You’re

planning to have a first bigger common meeting. Please write down the agenda and content

description of this first meeting of your new EB. What is the desired outcome from this meeting?

Agenda: Desired outcome:

16:00-17:00 GTKEO

17:00-17:30 Expectations

17:30-18:00 Break with snack

18:00-20:00 Our values & rules

20:00-… Teambuilding

-our common rules and values for our

EB term,

- EB members’ expectations towards

LCP and LCPʼs towards EB members,

-the way how we want to be perceived

in LC,

-our name and introduction in front of

LC as a new EB .

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GTKEO- some games to get to know each other even closer and also some games for building trust,

Expectations- the future LCP should name all expectations towards EB members and EB members

towards LCP. It is important to list them in the beginning to all know what they can do and what

they can’t do. The expectations should be about communication, regular events & meetings, etc.

Our values & rules- we have to set our common values which we will print, put in the office and

follow during our whole term. The common values are needed for the right team spirit.

B. It is July 2013, in 2 weeks you are leaving for IC 2013 in Egypt. What would be your action

plan in these 2 weeks in order to make sure that everything goes smoothly during the time you’re

out of the country?

Firstly, all VPs will create their individual plan with action steps for the time I will be at IC.

Their plan will be divided into weeks of my absence and for each week they will set one main

goal. Then I will have PAMs with each VP to see their plans and feedback them.

As well during my absence I will have my deputy who will track these individual plans &

goals. He will send me weekly reports about their fulfilling. I will check also outputs from EB


C. It is October 2013 and LC BA is responsible for organizing DARE 2013 conference. How do

you see your role and what is your responsibility towards MC and LC as LCP of the organizing LC?

Responsibilities towards:

set clear expectations and DDLs,

provide the complete & functioning OC,

mediate all needed information from MC,

promote free positions of OCP and other OC positions,

choose OCP & other members for the complete OC,

track the functioning of the OC,

The main role is: as LCP of the organizing committee, with our LC we have to manage, also with

the help and guidance of MC, that the whole conference will take place without any significant


To organize the conference successfully we have to set clear expectations, action plan & steps,

goals and DDLs. Then through preparation we have to track the fulfilment of the whole plan

carefully and communicate about everything with all people involved in the preparation of

conferences. I addition every time we will face some difficult matters, it is important to concentrate

in our circles of influence and find the most appropriate solutions ASAP.

As LCP of the organization committee during the whole preparation I should be aware of the fact

that at our LC I will be the final responsible to secure the proper running of the conference

preparation and realization.



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Please summarize your application in 1 page. Include promise you want to have towards AIESEC



I PROMISE that during my LCP term I will act

according to LEADER'S CODE which I listed above.

In addition to it I will keep in my mind

these 4 sentences:

The co-workers' mistakes are the leader’s mistakes.

(He had to make a mistake somewhere.)

The leader’s mistakes stay his mistakes.

(Here we can’t beautify anything.)

The co-workers' successes belong just to them.

The leader’s successes belong to all.

Moreover I will do my best to represent LC

Bratislava in the best light, take its processes &

results even higher and do not allow anything or

anybody to take my passion and devotion which

I have for this job


At the end of this official part, I would like to mention and thank to some people who supported me,

helped me and thanks to whom I took courage

to apply for this position and fulfil this application. Namely:

Martina Gajdošová: without whom I wouldn’t be even in EB and who is helping me with all her

advices and guidance during the whole EB term,

the whole EB team VeľrEB: for their useful points and innovative ideas in their FAs, as well for their

support and confidence in my application,

Jana Sitášová, Peter Solčáni, Michal Duchoň: who helped me with their advices, ideas, observations

and lessons from their past LCP terms,

My ICP teamleaders: who I could lead during this autumn and who were a big inspiration for me to

apply for LCP position,

Alžbetka Jaššová and all others: who I didn’t mention, but they also, in some ways, inspired me or

expressed support and confidence in my application.

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Fun part

Congratulations!!! I am sure you have written an amazing application form and illustrated very

punctually your vision for your LCP year. Now, it´s time to finish the application form. Show, that

you have also sense for humour ;)

1. Insert some picture that defines your “living diversity side” of personality.

2. The heating in your room is broken, its cold would you warm up?

First of all, under the word “room” more possibilities come to my mind:

A. My room in my family house in Závod: of course my father will fix it up ,

B. My room in the flat in Bratislava: it is situated close to Matyšák Hotel, so I will go buy one

litter of wine and spices and I will prepare hot wine :

C. EB office room: I will take some jumpers which are there left for other generations to heat

up .

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Endorsement letter for Zuzana Maderová

To whom it may concern

With this letter of endorsement I support Zuzana Maderová in her ambition to become a

President of AIESEC in Bratislava for the term 2013/2014.

I met Zuzka during our first functional meeting in May and I was very surprised with her

passion, ambition and dedication that she brings to work.

During our transition time with previous MC VP ICP we were evaluating LCs and came to

the conclusion that Bratislava is not the best performing and needs support in some areas.

It seems unreal now, when looking into the results we see that LC brings more than 50% of

all country results in ICX. And I am sure Zuzana’s personal and professional characteristics

significantly contribute to this.

So, let’s start with her team leadership skills. As LCP you need to manage an own EB team

as well as middle management, and Zuzka already has this experience. Her ICP team with

several team leaders, several projects and processes is one of the best in the whole LC. She is

leading by example and it actually motivates people to achieve higher results.

As a person, Zuzka is very proactive, meaning that one GIP TN can be raised, matched and

realized within several days. On personal side she is very curious about AIESEC organization

and likes to adapt good case practices from other countries, and also provide new for

Slovakia. With Zuzka you can be sure, that every issue will be solved in really fast time and

every stakeholder will be satisfied.

And last, but not the least, Zuzana is very responsible. “Taking ownership of choices made” is

a strong stand that she lives by every day.

I am very proud of Zuzka and I truly endorse her for the position of LCP. I believe that at this

stage AIESEC in Bratislava needs such a passionate and strong leader, that will be able to

move LC further a make it #1 in the Central Europe region.


Svitlana Kogut

MC Vice-President for Incoming Exchange 2012/2013

AIESEC in Slovakia

[email protected]


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With this letter I would like to endorse candidature of Zuzana Maderová for the position of Local

Committee President 2013/2014.

When I joined AIESEC, I had no idea what the organisation is about and what we should work on.

Unfortunately, I didn´t have a team leader who would say these are your tasks and this is our plan we

should achieve, but Zuzka as my newie colleague started to care about LC goals, started to work on her

own and be proactive. She was the only one who understood the one simple thing – we can ask whenever we

need to have some information. Others in team didn´t know anything but she joined various OCs, cooperated with

other teams, cared about whole ICP area, she applied for NDK help position etc.. I admired her when we were

newies and now even more. One of things I want to mention is not that she managed to join EB team directly from

newie position but she managed to be amazing team leader, track our activities and especially help and support us.

Many VPs weren´t so percipient and patient as Zuzka, when we did something wrong she never started to shout but

to search the most suitable alternatives how to solve the problem. As for me, it is the best characteristic which

an LC leader should have. Other great point is that she communicates not just with members of her functional area

but with whole LC members, TLDs and also newies. Zuzka is a brave person who asks whenever she needs to know

something, self-motivated and especially hardworking. She managed to lead two functional areas and over achieve

LC plans and being the best in whole Slovakia. I appreciate her commitment and I think there is no person who

would be better for the position of LCP as her. I cooperated with Zuzka on various projects and one of the things

I couldn´tunderstandbeforeisthathowshecanalwaysknoweverythingaboutourwork, she had always plan B, if the

plan A didn´t work, or plan C or D. Zuzka is a person I have to my thanks because thanks to Zuzka now I know not

just many processes and practical points regarding AIESEC but significant points which are important for my life

and I will remember them forever, that ´s why I would characterize her as an empathic supporter, always willing

helper, conscientious tracker, unrivalled motivator, the best result achiever and great leader. I can just speak how

great leader and person Zuzka Maderová is and how she influenced me as an AIESEC member and also as a person.

Zuzana Pachingerová Pachi

Team Leader ICP GCDP 2012/2013

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Bratislava, 27.12.2012

To whom I may concern,

By this letter I would like to endorse Zuzana Maderová as a candidate for the position of

Local Committee President of AIESEC Bratislava 2013/2014.

I have known Zuzana since the year 2005, when we met for the first time at the high school as

schoolmates. That means, during these 8 years, I had the opportunity to know Zuzana not only

as an AIESECer, but also as a schoolmate and friend. Therefore I can say, I have more

complex picture about who Zuzana is.

During the time I spent in AIESEC I found out, that for the work in this organization, attitude

is much more important than skills. You can learn anything very fast, but if you miss the

attitude and passion, you have no chance to succeed. Luckily, Zuzana has both of them. Even

the way she joined AIESEC characterizes her attitude the best. She was not just a nothing

knowing first year student in a strange city who accidently joined an organization because she

had no friends. After she came back from Erasmus in the second year of her studies, she was

actively searching for opportunities in an international environment to develop herself.

From the very beginning, Zuzana was showing very proactive approach. During her newie

term she was awarded as the best newie and now, during her EB term, she has made way

better results than anybody else in the history of incoming internships in AIESEC Slovakia.

She has very good managerial skills, vision, passion for the organization and human

approach, which are in my opinion the most important characteristics for a president.

Moreover, thanks to her age she is also more personally developed and has a clear vision in

her life. She knows, what she wants to achieve and the position of Local Committee President

would be just another step to achieve her goal.

From my point of view, Zuzana is the best applicant for the position she is applying from

both, the current and previous Executive Boards. She has my full support and I wish her the

best of luck!

Yours sincerely,

Matúš Braun

Vice-President for Incoming Exchange Corporate in AIESEC Bratislava 2011/2012

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