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Appendix A Oblique Projection Operation This appendix introduces an oblique projection operation, which underpins the subspace system identification algorithms discussed in Chap.7. In addition, a few figures are drawn to illustrate parts of the subspace identification procedures. A.1 Methodology An oblique projection operation is illustrated in Fig. A.1. In this case, there are three row spaces involved: Y, U, and M. The notation Y/ U M is used to denote the oblique projection of Y onto M along the direction of U. The vector space Y in the oblique projection should lie in the span of {U, M}; otherwise, it should be first projected orthogonally onto that span before the oblique projection operation is carried out. The oblique projection is defined by two properties, which are obvious from Fig. A.1: U/ U M = 0 (A.1) M/ U M = M. (A.2) Any transformation that satisfies (A.1) and (A.2) can be adopted as an oblique projection operator. The following formula satisfies the conditions for the projection operator: M/ U M =( Y /U )(M/U ) M, (A.3) where denotes the Moore–Penrose pseudoinverse, indicates an orthogonal projection. In fact, (A.1) follows from the fact that ( U /U ) is zero by definition, whereas (A.3) is satisfied because (M/U )(M/U ) equals the identity matrix. X. Yin et al., Terahertz Imaging for Biomedical Applications: Pattern Recognition and Tomographic Reconstruction, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-1821-4, © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2012 251

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Appendix AOblique Projection Operation

This appendix introduces an oblique projection operation, which underpins thesubspace system identification algorithms discussed in Chap. 7. In addition, a fewfigures are drawn to illustrate parts of the subspace identification procedures.

A.1 Methodology

An oblique projection operation is illustrated in Fig. A.1. In this case, there arethree row spaces involved: Y,U, and M. The notation Y/UM is used to denotethe oblique projection of Y onto M along the direction of U. The vector space Yin the oblique projection should lie in the span of {U,M}; otherwise, it should befirst projected orthogonally onto that span before the oblique projection operation iscarried out. The oblique projection is defined by two properties, which are obviousfrom Fig. A.1:

U/UM = 0 (A.1)

M/UM = M. (A.2)

Any transformation that satisfies (A.1) and (A.2) can be adopted as an obliqueprojection operator. The following formula satisfies the conditions for the projectionoperator:

M/UM = (Y/U⊥)(M/U⊥)∗M, (A.3)

where ∗ denotes the Moore–Penrose pseudoinverse, ⊥ indicates an orthogonalprojection.

In fact, (A.1) follows from the fact that (U/U⊥) is zero by definition, whereas(A.3) is satisfied because (M/U⊥)(M/U⊥)∗ equals the identity matrix.

X. Yin et al., Terahertz Imaging for Biomedical Applications: Pattern Recognitionand Tomographic Reconstruction, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-1821-4,© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2012


252 A Oblique Projection Operation




Fig. A.1 Schematic ofoblique projection. Obliqueprojection of Y onto M alongthe direction of U


Oi = Xf




Oi-1 = i Xi+1



a b


Fig. A.2 The projections regarding state-space sequences. Determination of (a) the future statesequence Xf and (b) the shifted state sequence Xi+1. After Galvao et al. (2005)

Oblique projection vectors are also drawn in Fig. A.2a to represent the row spacesof the involved matrices in (7.20), Sect. The row space Y f is seen to be thesum of ΓiX f and ΩiU f . In this projection operation, the direction of ΩiU f is known,since U f , consisting of input data, is known, and Ωi albeit unknown, ΩiU f can berealized via the performance of rescalings and rotations of the rows of U f in thehyperplane in which they lie. As a consequence, the oblique projection of Y f alongU f or along ΩiU f is the same. The direction of Wp is also known, composed ofinput and output data. Moreover, if the system is observable, it is easy to see that X f

lies in the Wp space because x[i] can be estimated according to the input u[k] andoutput y[k] data up to the instant k = i− 1. As a result, we can obtain the directionwith respect to the oblique projection of Y f . Owing to the availability of knowndeterministic input data, the identification allows to be carried out by performing anoblique projection.

The augmented matrix A has a column zeros, which results in an eigenvalue atz = 0. In fact, an eigenvalue at the origin corresponds to the z−1 delay factor, whichintroduces a pole at z = 0 in the transfer function Gd(z).

Figure A.2b illustrates the projection procedure regarding the shifted statesequence, which is represented in (7.28), Sect. It is similar to the reasoningrelated to Fig. A.2a. The Oi−1 is the oblique projection of Y−

f (with omitting of the

first row of the matrix) along Hi−1U−f direction. It must be performed on the row

space of the expanded matrix of input–output data W+p , which is obtained from Wp

by adding one row at the bottom.

Appendix BBack-Projection Algorithms

This appendix provides further details about back-projection algorithms. This is aspecific supplement made for Chap. 10 in respect of CT reconstruction.

B.1 Theory

The back projection is represented via parallel beam projections. Recalling theformula for the inverse Fourier transform, the object function, f (x,y), can beexpressed as

f (x,y) =∫ ∞


∫ ∞

−∞F(u,v)ej2π(ux+vy)dudv. (B.1)

Exchanging the rectangular coordinate system in the frequency domain, (u,v), for apolar coordinate system, (w,θ ), by making the substitutions

u = wcosθ (B.2)

v = wsin θ (B.3)

and changing the differentials by using

dudv = wdwdθ , (B.4)

we can write the inverse Fourier transform of a polar function as

f (x,y) =∫ 2π


∫ ∞

0F(w,θ )ej2πw(xcosθ+ysinθ)wdwdθ . (B.5)

X. Yin et al., Terahertz Imaging for Biomedical Applications: Pattern Recognitionand Tomographic Reconstruction, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-1821-4,© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2012


254 B Back-Projection Algorithms

This integral can be split into two by considering θ from 0◦ to 180◦ and then from180◦ to 360◦,

f (x,y) =∫ π


∫ ∞

0F(w,θ )ej2πw(xcosθ+ysinθ)wdwdθ


∫ π


∫ ∞

0F(w,θ )ej2πw[xcos(θ+180◦)+ysin(θ+180◦)]wdwdθ (B.6)

and then using the property

F(w,θ + 180◦) = F(−w,θ ) (B.7)

the above expression for f (x,y) may be written as

f (x,y) =∫ π


[∫ ∞

−∞F(w,θ )|w|ej2πwtdw

]dθ . (B.8)

Here, we have simplified the expression by setting

t = xcosθ + ysinθ . (B.9)

If we substitute the Fourier transform of the projection at angle θ , sθ (w), for thetwo-dimensioinal Fourier transform F(w,θ ), we get

f (x,y) =∫ π


[∫ ∞

−∞sθ (w)|w|ej2πwt dw

]dθ . (B.10)

This integral in (B.10) may be expressed as

f (x,y) =∫ π

0Qθ (xcosθ + ysinθ )dθ (B.11)


Qθ =∫ ∞

−∞Sθ (w)|w|ej2πwtdw. (B.12)

Equation (B.11) represents a filtering operation, where the frequency response of thefilter is given by |w|; therefore, Qθ (w) is called a “filtered projection.” The resultingprojections for different angles θ are then back-projected to form the estimate off (x,y).

We relabel Sθ (w) to S(θ ,β ), t to ξ , then we rewrite (B.11) to yield,

I(x,y) =∫ π


[∫ ∞

−∞S(θ ,β )|β |exp[i2πβ ξ ]dβ

]dθ , (B.13)

where (B.13) is the same as (10.2) that we use in Sect. 10.2 for THz reconstruction.

Appendix CError Analysis Regarding Wavelet-BasedLocal Reconstruction

This appendix provides further details about error analysis with respect towavelet-based local reconstruction. This is a specific supplement made forChap. 12 to validate local CT via wavelet transforms.

C.1 Methodology

Radon transform error is not negligible because of the nonlocal property of thederivative Hilbert transform (the impulse response of the filter |β |). In this case,even a small local ROI can be reconstructed by considering some data outside theROI for a negligible reconstruction error. In terms of the amount of nonlocal dataapplied in the reconstruction, an upper bound of the reconstruction error can becalculated. The comparison is made between the wavelet-based reconstruction andthe traditional reconstruction algorithm for the local tomography image recovery.

In the current algorithm, the ROI and the ROE are assumed to be centered at thecenter of an image. The support of a completed image is a disk of radius R pixelscentered at the origin. Disks of radius ri pixels and re pixels centered at the originare used to denote the ROI and ROE, respectively. Consider (C.5), the traditionalFBP algorithm, which is shifted to the time domain scheme:

Ir(x,y) =∫ π

0s(θ ,ξ )hθ (xcosθ + ysinθ )dθ . (C.1)

The reconstructed function Ir(x,y) is an approximation of the function I(x,y) if hθis the angle dependent impulse response of the ramp filter, θ ∈ [0,2π), and is anapproximation of the wavelet and scaling coefficients if wavelet and scaling filtersare substituted for |β |.

X. Yin et al., Terahertz Imaging for Biomedical Applications: Pattern Recognitionand Tomographic Reconstruction, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-1821-4,© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2012


256 C Error Analysis Regarding Wavelet-Based Local Reconstruction

The discrete version is expressed as follows:

Ir(x,y) =πk






sθk (n)hθk(m− n), (C.2)

where m = (xcosθ + ysinθ ) ∈ ROE, K is the number of the measured projectionangles, sθk indicates the projection at kth angle and θk = k(π/k). The completedimage based on global data consists of two parts: the ROE and its complementROE:

Ir(x,y) =πk



1R ∑





1R ∑


sθk (n)hθk(m−n). (C.3)

Therefore, the magnitude of error regarding the ROE can be calculated asfollows:

|ε(x,y)| =∣∣∣∣∣πk



1R ∑


sθk(n)hθk(m− n)

∣∣∣∣∣. (C.4)

The Cauchy–Schwartz inequality is used to achieve an upper bound of the errorcalculation:

|ε(x,y)| =




1R ∑


sθk(n)hθk(m− n)


≤ πk



1R ∑


|sθk (n)hθk(m− n)|

≤ πk






|sθk (n)|2)1/2(


|hθk(m− n)|2)1/2

. (C.5)

There exists such an approximation that |sθk | ≤ 2max |I(x,y)|:

|ε(x,y)| = 2√


max |I(x,y)|√

R− re





|hθk(m− n)|2)1/2

. (C.6)

The relative error is defined as

|εrel(x,y)| = |ε(x,y)|/max |I(x,y)|



√R− re





|hθk(m− n)|2)1/2

. (C.7)

C.1 Methodology 257

It is observed that after applying wavelet-based ramp filter, the reconstructedintensity of an terahertz image is much higher than traditional ramp-filtered-based reconstruction. Thus in the calculation of relative error, normalization of thereconstructed local images is important for comparison between the global and localreconstruction. A normalization scaling factor is calculated via dividing maximumintensity of global reconstruction, denoted by I(x,y) by maximum intensity of localreconstruction, denoted by Ilocal(x,y). The function is as follows:

NIg,l = max |I(x,y)|/max |Ilocal(x,y)|. (C.8)

Combine (C.7) and (C.8), and then we achieve a relative error calculationequation in terahertz image reconstruction:

|εrel(x,y)|= NIg,l ·2√


√R− re





|hθk(m− n)|2)1/2

. (C.9)

The ROI can be viewed as a point is its worst case. The function above can bedescribed as

|εrel(x,y)|= NIg,l2√


√R− re






. (C.10)

The truncated filter is defined as:


{hθk(n) if |n|< re − ri,

0 otherwise .(C.11)


|εrel|= NIg,l ·2√


√R− re





|hθk(n)− hTθk(n)|2



The inner sum can be described in the frequency domain:

|εrel(x,y)| = NIg,l ·2√


√R− re






|{[Hθk(l)−HTθk(l)]exp[i2πβ ξ ]}|2



where Hθk and HTθk

are the Fourier transform of hθk and hTθk

, respectively. Forcalculation of upper bound for the error in standard FBP algorithm, hθk in (C.9)

258 C Error Analysis Regarding Wavelet-Based Local Reconstruction

is replaced by the ramp filter |β |. The upper bound of the relative error in thereconstructed image of wavelet and scaling coefficients can be obtained by replacingHθk in (C.9) with in (C.14) and via multiplication by a normalization factor:



HCθ = |β |Φ2 j (β cosθ ,β sinθ ) = |β |Φ2 j (β cosθ )Φ2 j (β sinθ )


θ = |β |Ψh2 j (β cosθ ,β sinθ ) = |β |Φ2 j (β cosθ )Ψ2 j (β sinθ )


θ = |β |ΦV2 j (β cosθ ,β sinθ ) = |β |Ψ2 j (β cosθ )Φ2 j (β sinθ )


θ = |β |Ψd2 j(β cosθ ,β sinθ ) = |β |Ψ2 j(β cosθ )Ψ2 j (β sinθ )


where HCθ and HDi

θ ,(i = H,V,D) are called scaling and wavelet ramp filters.The relative error in the reconstruction image from approximate reconstruction

coefficients is as follows:

|εrel(x,y)| = NIg,lC· 2



√R− re









exp [i2πβ ξ ]}∣∣∣



where NIg,lCis the normalized scale factor of an image in relation to approximate

reconstruction coefficients, which is calculated via dividing maximum intensityof global reconstruction, denoted by {I(x,y)}, by maximum intensity of localreconstruction regarding approximate wavelet coefficients, denoted by {IC

local(x,y)}.The normalized scale factor is as follows:

NIg,lC= max |I(x,y)|/max |IC

local(x,y)|. (C.16)

Appendix DTerhertz Imaging Systems

This appendix provides further detail and specifications on the components of boththe pulsed THz and CW terahertz imaging system. The pulsed approach uses aconvetional Ti:sapphire laser and relates to Chap. 2 (Sect. 2.3.1), Chaps. 9, 11 and12. The CW approach uses a THz QCL and relates to Chap. 2 (Sect. 2.5.2) andChap. 13. It provides a list of the major hardware components along with theircritical specifications and purpose.

D.1 Ultrafast T-Ray Pulsed Imaging

This section describes experimental equipment used in T-ray pulsed measurementsin further detail along with model specifications. Moreover, the software tools thatwere designed to control the equipment during an experiment and to process theresults are also described herein.

D.1.1 Ultrafast Laser

The femtosecond laser illustrated in Fig. D.1 is the key part of the pulsed T-rayspectrometer. The Ti:sapphire laser is used for most of the spectroscopy experimentsin this monograph.

D.1.2 Crossed-Polariser Detection

A fundamental part of EOS (see Sect. 2.5.1) is the photodiode detection circuit.A photograph of crossed polarizers in EOS used in a series of THz experiments inthis monograph is shown in Fig. D.2. The probe beam, entering the figure from

X. Yin et al., Terahertz Imaging for Biomedical Applications: Pattern Recognitionand Tomographic Reconstruction, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-1821-4,© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2012


260 D Terhertz Imaging Systems

Fig. D.1 Photograph of an ultrafast laser. This photograph shows the interior of the femtosecondlaser used for a number of THz experiments in this monograph. Visible in this diagram is theacoustooptic modulator (AOM unit, used to sustain mode-locking (pulsed operation) over longperiods of time. The path of the laser beam is marked in red, refracting through the four dispersion-control prisms and into the AOM and output coupler (from left to right). After Mickan (2003)

Fig. D.2 Photograph of crossed polarizers in electrooptic sampling. The polarization of the opticalprobe beam in EOS is detected using crossed polarizers. The probe beam is focused onto thephotodiodes using a lens to minimize noise from fluctuations in the alignment of the probe beam.A quarter-wave plate is used to balance the polarization of the probe beam equally between thes- and p-polarizations when no T-ray field is present

the left, passes though the EO crystal. The polarization of the probe beam ismodulated by the T-ray power, which, subsequently, causes an intensity modulationby a Wollaston polarizer. Depending on the rotation of the probe polarization, theoptical power shifts between the two output beams of the Wollaston. These beamsare directed onto two photodiodes.

D.1 Ultrafast T-Ray Pulsed Imaging 261

The two photodiodes are connected to output a difference current—commonmode fluctuations in the probe power are attenuated, while difference currentsproduced by polarization rotation are amplified. A quarter-wave plate is used tobalance the power in the two beams to zero for no T-ray power. The T-ray path isblocked and the quarter-wave plate rotated. A DC ammeter is needed to read theoutput of the balanced circuit for optimization. Normally during measurement, theoutput of the preamplifier is attached directly to the LIA.

D.1.3 Hardware Specifications

Table D.1 is the description regarding the full system layout of components. Thistable lists the components of the full T-ray experiment shown in Fig. D.3, as well asthe hardware specifications. Detailed descriptions of the role these components playin the system and the manufacturers of the optics are presented in Table D.2.

D.1.4 Software Implementation

A substantial amount of software was developed to support this research. Softwaretools were designed to control the equipment during an experiment and to processthe results. This appendix describes the major software applications used.

D.1.4.1 MFCPentaMax

This application (written in Microsoft Visual C++) was originally developed byPaul Campbell at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. It is used to control thePI Pentamax CCD camera and the motorized motion stages during 2D FSEOSTHz imaging. The software is updated by Bradley Ferguson to allow it performsynchronized dynamic subtraction and to control the A200SMC stepper motorcontroller to allow it to be used for tomography experiments. The software setsup the CCD camera and continuously streams frames from the CCD to a memorybuffer, and also controls the motion stages. The software supports CCD pixelbinning and dynamic subtraction and accumulation operations. The image data aresaved to a file for off-line processing and reconstruction, which is performed usingMatlab software (see Sect. 9.3). A screen shot of the MFCPentaMax application isshown in Fig. D.4a. The code is compiled using Microsoft Visual Studio version 6.

D.1.4.2 LabView Tomography Application

National Instruments LabView is used to write general purpose experiment controlprograms due to the ease of programming and the wide support for equipment

262 D Terhertz Imaging Systems

Table D.1 The description regarding the full system layout components. The descriptionregarding the full system layout components, along with the hardware specifications shown inFig. D.3

Number Components Specifications

1 A Spectra-Physics Mai-TaiTi:sapphire oscillator

Output power of 0.7 W at 802.3 nm, with a1 kHz pulse repetition rate and 130 fspulse width

2 Pneumatic vibration isolatedoptical tables

Separated mounting holes by 2.54 cm (1′′)

3 A lock-in amplifier A Stanford Research Systems SRS830 LIA.The lock-in amplifier is synchronizedwith an optical chopper

4 An optical chopper Stanford Research Systems SR540, drivenusing synchronized dynamic subtraction

5 Optical mirrors Newport 10D20ER.2 broadband metallicmirrors

6 Parabolic mirrors Gold-coated off-axis parabolic mirrors7 Three motorized linear motion

stagesNewport stepper motor UR73PP stages

8 A Newport MM3000 motioncontroller

200 mm of travel with a resolution of 1 μm

9 A motorized rotation stage With resolution of 1.8◦ and a maximumspeed of 120 revolutions per minute

10 Double-side polished 〈110〉oriented ZnTe crystals

A large 20-mm-diameter crystal with thecrystal thickness varied between 3 and4 mm

11 Double-side polishedhigh-resistivity GaAs wafers

With a 0.6 mm thick, 3-cm-diameter GaAswafer and with metal electrodesseparated by 2 cm

12 Quarter and half-wave plates Newport 10RF42-3 broadband wave plates,1.8◦ resolution, and a maximum speedof 120 revolutions per minute

13 A SPEX 500M spectrometer A spectral resolution of 0.2 A and adispersion of 3 mm/nm

14 A cubic polarizing beam splitter Antireflection coated for 800 nm and its partnumber was Melles Griot 03 PTA 101

15 Diffraction grating With grating constant 10 μm, the gratingseparation of 4 mm, and the angle ofincidence of 51◦

16 A Princeton Instruments EEV 576× 384 CCD camera

Air-cooled to −30◦ with pixel size of22×22 μm2,12 bit digitization, and aframe-transfer period of 15 ms

drivers. Existing programs written by members of the Department of Physics atRensselaer Polytechnic Institute are modified to provide the desired functionality.Figure D.4b shows a screen shot of a Labview program designed for performinga T-ray CT experiment. The program allows three translation stages and a rotationstage to be controlled over a GPIB interface, and the rotation stage is accessedthrough the parallel port. A lock-in amplifier is used; file is saved to disk for

D.1 Ultrafast T-Ray Pulsed Imaging 263

Fig. D.3 Schematic of the femtosecond laser-based T-ray chirped functional imaging systembased on a pump-probe configuration. The probe beam is chirped using a diffraction gratingto extend its pulse width from 130 fs to 21 ps. The pump beam generates THz pulses via aphotoconductive antenna (PCA) emitter. The THz pulses are focused on the sample using parabolicmirrors PM1 and PM2; the transmitted radiation is then focused on the detector using PM3 andPM4. The THz pulse is reflected by an ITO beam splitting mirror, which allows the chirped probepulse and the THz pulse to propagate collinearly through the ZnTe detector. The wavelengthcomponents of the probe beam are then adjusted by a spectrometer and viewed on a CCDcamera, revealing the THz temporal profile. The target is then raster scanned to acquire an image.P1,P2=polarizers; ITO=indium tin oxide beam splitter. This experimental setup is used in for THzCT reconstruction, described in Chap. 10. After Ferguson et al. (2002a)

off-line processing and reconstruction, which is performed using Matlab software(see Appendix E). The Labview code was written in National Instruments Labviewversion 6i.

D.1.4.3 Picometrix System Software

The T-ray Picometrix 2000 system used for the experiment presented in Sect. 9.3 iscontrolled from a LabView program. The computer controls the delay stages via aGeneral Purpose Interface Bus network. Two screen shots regarding the LabViewcomputer interface are shown in Fig. D.5. The two screen shots are the outputsof a couple of example THz measurements in the time domain and the frequencydomain, respectively. The controls for the experiment are shown on the left and thebottom, and the readouts are in the middle. In the center is a large time-domaingraph (a) and frequency-domain graph (b) of a couple of sampled T-ray waveforms.The smaller graph underneath shows the transforms of the measurements in thefrequency domain and the time domain, respectively. The pictures are from theAdelaide laboratory.

264 D Terhertz Imaging Systems

Table D.2 A detailed description of the role these components play in the system, and themanufacturers. The description regarding the full system layout components, shown in Fig. D.3,including a detailed description of the role these components play in the system, and themanufacturers. The numbers correspond to the items listed in Table D.1

Number Functions Manufacturers

1 The laser is to produce the optical pump and probe beamsand therefore to generate and detect THz pulses

2 The optical table is for optical posts Newport3 The LIA is for digitizing the detected optical signal and to

perform phase-sensitive filtering to improve the SNR4 The chopper is for amplitude modulation of the optical

signal, providing manual control of the choppingfrequency and a sync output to the lock-in amplifier

5 The optical mirrors are for the optical adjustment of theNIR pump and probe beams


6 The parabolic mirrors are to focus and collimate the THzbeam

7 The motion stages are for scanned THz imaging (two forraster scanning the target and a third for the opticaldelay line). This controller provides front panel controlof the stages and GPIB control for remote access froma controller


8 The motion controller controls the three stages. Thiscontroller provided front panel control of the stagesand GPIB control for remote access from a controller


9 The rotation stage is to rotate the imaging target via aNEMA23ESM stepper motor from Mil-ShafTechnologies connected to the parallel port of acomputer

10 The ZnTe crystals generate THz pulses via OR andachieve the detection using EO sampling

eV Products

11 The wafers are to construct photoconductive planar striplines by gluing two metal electrodes onto the wafersurface using conductive glue

University WaferPty. Ltd.

12 The wave plates are to rotate the polarization of the NIRbeam prior to splitting and photo detection


13 Spectrometer is to disperse the wavelength components ofthe chirped optical probe pulse for the chirped probeimaging system described in Sect. 9.3

14 The splitter is to split the NIR laser pulses into pump andprobe beams

15 The diffraction grating chirps the optical probe pulse andextends its pulse width

16 The CCD camera is placed in the 2D FSEOS THz imagingsystem and in the chirped probe system. It provides async output signal and allowed external triggering. It iscontrolled using the serial port of a computer.

D.1 Ultrafast T-Ray Pulsed Imaging 265

Fig. D.4 Screen shots of the MFCPentamax software and the Labview tomography application.(a) This program is used to control 2D FSEOS THz imaging and tomography experiments. Theprogram records images from the PI Pentamax CCD camera and controls the motorized motionstages to translate and rotate the target. The screen shot shows the CCD options setup page. (b) Thisprogram is developed to control T-ray CT experiments. The program allows three translation stagesand a rotation stage to be controlled. The motion stages are controlled over a GPIB interface, andthe rotation stage is accessed through the parallel port. A lock-in amplifier is used to record theTHz signal and is accessed over GPIB. The results of the experiment are plotted in the windowsshown and may be saved to disk. After Ferguson (2004)

266 D Terhertz Imaging Systems

Fig. D.5 Screen shot of control software for operating T-ray TDS experiments via a Picometrixsystem. These are two screen shots of the LabView computer interface used to control a PicometrixT-ray spectrometer used in Sect. 9.3. (a) The THz readouts in the time domain. (b) The THzreadouts in the frequency domain

D.2 Continuous-Wave T-Ray Imaging via THz QCL 267

D.2 Continuous-Wave T-Ray Imaging via THz QCL

D.2.1 THz QCL Imaging

This section describes the experimental equipment used in T-ray CW imaging viaa QCL in further detail along with the relative specifications on these components,which relates to the experiments in Chap. 13. Software tools that are designed tocontrol the equipment during an experiment and to process the results are alsodescribed herein. Figure D.6 is the layout of the THz QCL imaging experiment.

D.2.2 Hardware Specifications

THz QCL laser illustrated in Fig. D.7a is the key part of the CW T-ray spectrometer.The THz QCL is used for the THz CW imaging reconstruction experiment in thismonograph.

In the present experiment carried in Chap. 13, the resolution is determined by theshape of the focused THz beam at the position of the sample and is limited by the

Fig. D.6 Experimental apparatus for a terahertz QCL imaging system that is used to realizeterahertz CT imaging. The pulse generator supplies pulses at a frequency of 80 kHz to the QCL.The output signal from the pulse generator is usually gated with a 15 Hz, 50% duty cycle slowmodulation by an electronic chopper (a function generator of pulses) to match the detector (theGolay cell) response time, and to afford a reference frequency to the lock-in amplifier (LIA). TheLIA is used to digitize signals and to significantly improve the signal-to-noise ratio by setting a timeconstant, over which the input signal is integrated for each data point. The optimal time constant isset to 50 ms, and a threshold current density is set as 112 A/cm2. The emission is collected with a200′′ f/1 off-axis parabolic mirror, then focused by a 200′′ f/6.43 parabolic mirror onto the sample.In practice, the sample is placed on a rotational stage for multiview angles, which is mounted on axyz linear stage to perform 3D scanning

268 D Terhertz Imaging Systems

Fig. D.7 Photographs of an THz QCL and its experiment setup for THz CW imaging. (a) TheTHz QCL used for this project is designed and fabricated by C.H. Worrall, J. Alton et al. in theSemiconductor Physics group, Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge University, UK. The THz QCLis a GaAs-AlGaAs bound-to-continuum superlattice design, emitting at 2.9 THz (103 μm), andgrown by molecular beam epitaxy, and typically operates up to 95K in pulse mode. It delivers70 mW per facet peak power, with a threshold current density of 112 A/cm2. The current THzQCL is a GaAs-AlGaAs bound-to-continuum superlattice design, emitting at 2.9 THz (103 μm),and grown by molecular beam epitaxy. After Nguyen et al. (2006). (b) Photograph showing theexperimental apparatus is outlined in Fig. D.6 that is used to realize terahertz CT imaging. Thenumbers in the text boxes from 1 to 5 indicate, respectively, (1) a QCL that is mounted on the coldfinger of a continuous-flow helium-cooled cryostat maintaining a heat-sink temperature of 4.2 K,(2) a pair of parabolic mirrors, (3) the rotational stage mounted on an xyz translational stage, (4) aGolay cell detector, and (5) a detector controller

D.2 Continuous-Wave T-Ray Imaging via THz QCL 269

Fig. D.8 Photograph of rightpart of the experimentalapparatus shown in Fig. D.6.(a) Equipment in theinstrument rack from top tobottom is as follows: anEG&G 5210 lock-inamplifier, a TektronixTDS2014 digitaloscilloscope, a TTi TG230function generator, and anAgilent 8114 A high-powerpulse generator. (b) ACryoCon model 32temperature controller,affording two-channelcontroller designed for fixedcryogenic applications

optical design. To characterize the beam, the sample is removed, and a pin hole witha diameter of 0.5 mm is put in front of the Golay cell, which is moved in the x andz directions to map out the beam shape in the focal plane. The cross section of thebeam (Fig. D.9) is found to be relatively circular, with a full-width-half-maximum(FWHM) varying between 800 μm (x) and 1,100 μm (z). University of Cambridge.

270 D Terhertz Imaging Systems

Fig. D.9 Mapping the QCL beam shape. (a) Along x direction and (b) along z direction

Table D.3 Summary of electronic components of the THz QCL imaging system. Componentsshown in Fig. D.6

Items Manufacturer/model Functions/specifications

A THz QCL Semiconductor Physicsgroup, CavendishLaboratory, TheUniversity ofCambridge

Generation of continuous waves ofterahertz radiation with high outputpower and sample penetration depth.

A pulse generator Agilent/8144 A Delivers fast, clean positive or negativepulses up to 100 V at frequencies up to15 MHz

A cold finger of acontinuous-helium-cooledflow cryostat

Janis Research Co.Inc/ST-300

Maintains a heat-sink temperature of 4.2 K

An electronicchopper

Thurlby ThandarInstruments(TTI)/TG2000 Series

The main output with a maximum emf of20 V pk-pk from a 50 Ohmand or600 Ohm source; a fixed 0 to +5 Vlevel suitable for driving both TTL andCMOS loads; each wide sweep rangesat least 1000:1 either manually or viathe sweep control input

A high-performancesingle phaseanalog lock-inamplifier

EG&G Princeton AppliedResearch/5210

A sensitivity vernier control, allowing thefull-scale sensitivity to be set to anyvalue between the calibrated values;with an input impedance of down totypically only 25 W, the resultingvoltage generated across the source bythe signal current is minimized for thevery best performance


D.2 Continuous-Wave T-Ray Imaging via THz QCL 271

Table D.3 (continued)

Items Manufacturer/model Functions/specifications

A 100 MHz fourchannel digitalreal-timeoscilloscope

Tektronix/ TDS2014 With up to 200 MHz bandwidth and 2GS/s maximum sample rate, providingaccurate real-time acquisition up totheir full bandwidth, offeringadvanced pulse width triggering andline-selectable video triggering, and11 standard automatic measurements

A temperaturecontroller

Cryocon/model 32 Two-channel controller designed for fixedcryogenic applications. Platinum RTDsensors allow the use of built-in DIN43760 (IEC 750) standard curves for100-W, 1,000-W or 10-KW devices.The standard curve is used fortemperatures from 70 to 1020 K and isextended down to 30 K for cryogenicuse. Operation to about 14 K ispossible with user-supplied curves

Parabolic mirrors Gold-coated off-axisparabolic mirrors

A 200′′ f/1 off-axis parabolic mirror forcollecting the THz radiation, then a200′′ f/6.43 parabolic mirror is used tofocus it onto the sample

Three linear motionstages

Newport/VP-25XA For scanned THz imaging

A motorizedrotation stage

Newport/SR50CC To rotate a sample for multiangle imaging

A Golay cell Cathodean Ltd/IR50 An opto-acoustic detector designed foroperation in the spectral range0.02–20 THz, equipped with a6-mm-diameter polyethylene inputwindow that provides for hightransparency at frequencies up to20 THz. It is mounted on proprietaryvibration-isolating bases

Table D.1 is the description regarding the full system layout of componentsassociated with the terahertz QCL experiments shown in Fig. D.6.

D.2.3 LabVIEWTM Programming Implement for DataAcquisition

The linear and rotational stages on which the sample is mounted are connected to amotion controller (Newport, model: MM4006), which is controlled with a programwritten in LabVIEWTM programming language. LabVIEWTM is an increasinglypopular graphical development environment for signal acquisition, measurement

272 D Terhertz Imaging Systems

Fig. D.10 Screen shots of LabVIEWT M program to control motion stages via motion controllers.This controller provides front panel control (a) of the stages and GPIB control via a block diagraminterface (b) for remote access from a controller. A lock-in amplifier is used to record the THzsignal and is accessed over a GPIB interface

D.2 Continuous-Wave T-Ray Imaging via THz QCL 273

Fig. D.11 Screen shots of LabVIEWT M program to control rotation stages via motor controllers.(a) This controller provides front panel control (a) of the stage and parallel port control withapplication of a block diagram interface (b) for remote access of the rotation stage

274 D Terhertz Imaging Systems

analysis and data presentation (National Instruments, 2004). A LabVIEWTM pro-gram consists of two components. One is a front panel, which serves as userinterface. The front panel is built with controls and indicators, which are interactiveinput and output terminals, respectively. Through the front panels of LabVIEWTM

programs, users enter operating parameters. The other is a block diagram, whichcontains the graphical source code. Objects on the block diagram include terminals,nodes, and functions connected with wires. The block diagram represents theelectronic circuits inside physical instruments. The computer controls the delaystages and acquires data via a General Purpose Interface Bus (GPIB, manufacturer:National Instruments) network. Screen shots of the LabVIEWTM application for thecontrol of linear and rotation stages via front panels and block diagrams are shownin Fig. D.10, and the screen shots regarding front panels and block diagram for thecontrol of a rotation stage are shown in Fig. D.11.

Appendix EMatlab Code

This appendix introduces some of the algorithms used to achieve computer analysisof the raw T-ray waveforms. These algorithms are implemented in MATLAB(manufacturer: The MathWorks, model:7; URL: andare available on the attached CD-ROM, as MATLAB files. Also included on theCD-ROM is a directory of raw data files, included as examples of typical T-rayexperimental output, and a pdf file of this monograph.

E.1 Implemented Matlab Toolboxes

Matlab 7 is used to implement all the algorithms described in this monograph. Mat-lab is an interpreted programming language with built-in support for a large numberof mathematical functions and data presentation tools. Mathematical derivationsin this monograph are checked using the symbolic Maple toolbox. The followingMatlab toolboxes are utilized:

1. The wavelet toolbox2. The system identification toolbox3. The SVM and kernel methods matlab toolbox4. The symbolic toolbox5. The signal processing toolbox6. The image processing toolbox

E.2 Code Listings

This section provides a brief description of the Matlab software used to implementmany of the algorithms described in this monograph. Matlab scripts with littlealgorithmic content, including those used to parse input data files and generate plots,

X. Yin et al., Terahertz Imaging for Biomedical Applications: Pattern Recognitionand Tomographic Reconstruction, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-1821-4,© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2012


276 E Matlab Code

have not been included. For more details on the software implementation, pleasecontact the primary author.

The attached CD includes copies of the Matlab files described below:

Powder recognition via frequency-domain features

• WDHeuSURE.m: This function implements the wavelet soft heuristic SUREmethods to achieve preferred denoised performance of THz pulsed responses, aspresented in Chap. 6 (Sect. 6.5). It also demonstrates frequency-domain featuresthat are extracted to be as inputs for classification.

• classify.m: This function is to apply Mahalanobis classifier to classify differenttypes of powders based on extracted frequency-domain features in 3D. Thisalgorithm is described in Chap. 9 (Sects. 9.2 and 9.4).

Cancerous cell recognition functions via autoregressive modeling over waveletsubbands

• WPDencorreAR.m: This function implements the wavelet packet SURE methodsto denoise measured cancerous cell signals ex vivo. AR coefficients are calcu-lated over wavelet subbands to extract important features, aiming to identifycancerous cell signals from normal cell THz responses. It relates to Chap. 9(Sect.

• PronyCorreARMA.m: This function is to apply an improved Prony method toachieve AR moving average (ARMA) modeling over discrete wavelet subbandcoefficients. It is also illustrated that the discrete wavelet-based heuristic SUREmethod is applied in Chap. 9 (Sect. to achieve denoised THz signals ofdifferent types of powder samples.

SVM applications for THz feature subset identification programming

• SVMsDualClas.m: The program is realized via applying SVM and kernelmethods matlab toolbox, abbreviated as SKMT. Dual classification of THz RNAdata is explored. Frequency orientation components are extracted as features tobe input to SVMs. It relates to Chap. 9 (Sect.

• SVMsMulClas.m: This program is for multiclass classification, realized viaapplying One-Against-One algorithms for pairwise classifier designs with useof SKMT. It relates to Chap. 9 (Sect.

Wavelet Scale Correlation-Based Segmentation WaveSegment.m: This functionintroduces wavelet scale correlation-based segmentation for a 3D classificationof the nest structure of a plastic tube inserted in a glass vial. The computedtomography is also illustrated. The contents this function involves are described inChaps. 10 and 11.

Wavelet-Based Local Tomography Reconstruction of THz Pulsed Imaging

• localTomography PulsedTHz.m: This program reconstructs the measured THzpulsed image data along the centered ROI, via applying wavelet and scalingramp filters. This relates to Chap. 12. Time-domain parameters are extracted viaapplying correlation algorithms for the sinogram images.

E.2 Code Listings 277

• FFT scale.m: This function describes the algorithm for wavelet and scaling rampfilters for local reconstruction of THz measurements.

• Sepbackproj.m: This function performs the IRT of wavelet and scaling rampfiltered projections.

Local Reconstruction via THz QCL THz QCL LT.m: This program reconstructsand segments the ROI. Three algorithms are involved: global and local tomographyvia FBP algorithms, and wavelet-based local reconstruction, all of which are appliedon THz CW measurements. This relates to Chap. 13.


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AR Auto regressiveARMA Auto regressive moving averageASOPS Asynchronous optical samplingBCC Basal cell carcinomaBTC Bound-to-continuumCCD Charge-coupled deviceCIL Complex insertion lossCSL Chirped superlatticeCSR Coherent synchrotron radiationCT Computed tomographyCV Cross-validationCW Continuous waveDWPTs Discrete wavelet packet transformsDWT Discrete wavelet transformEM ElectromagneticEO ElectroopticEOS Electrooptic samplingFBP Filtered back projectionFCM Fuzzy c-meansFELs Free-electron lasersFFTs Fast Fourier transformsFIR Far-infraredFIR Finite impulse responseFWT Fast wavelet transformFWHM Full-width-half-maximumGCT Global computed tomographyGCV Generalized cross-validationGPIB General Purpose Interface BusGVD Group velocity dispersionHBO Human bone osteoblasts

X. Yin et al., Terahertz Imaging for Biomedical Applications: Pattern Recognitionand Tomographic Reconstruction, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-1821-4,© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2012


298 Abbreviations

HOS Human osteosarcomaIDWPT Discrete wavelet packet transformIDWT Inverse discrete wavelet transformIRT Inverse Radon transformITO Indium tin oxideIWT Inverse wavelet transformLDA Linear discriminant analysisLCT Local computed tomographyLIA Lock in amplifierLOO Leave-one-outMA Moving averageMQW Multiple-quantum-wellMRI Magnetic resonance imagingMRA Multiresolution analysisMSA Multiscale approximationMSE Mean-square errorNF Near-fieldNHB Normal human boneOAP Off-axis paraboloidOR Optical rectificationPET Positron emission tomographyPC PhotoconductivePC Pockels cellPCA Principal components analysisPCA Photoconductive antennaPE PolyethylenePEV Prediction error variancepoly-A Polyadenylic acidpoly-C Polycytidylic acidQCL Quantum cascade laserQWP Quarter-wave plateRCS Radar cross-sectionRNA Ribonucleic acidROA Region of artifactsROC Receiver operating characteristicROE Region of exposureROI Region of interestRP Resonant-phononSCT Spiral computed tomographySL SuperlatticeS/N Signal-to-noise ratioSNR Signal-to-noise ratioSNIM Scanning near-field imagingSURE Stein’s unbiased risk estimateSVD Singular value decomposition

Abbreviations 299

SVM Support vector machineTDS Time domain spectrometryTE Transverse-electricTFP Thin-film polarizingTHz TerahertzT-ray ThzTM Transverse-magneticTPI Terahertz pulsed imagingTPO THz-wave parametric oscillatorVC Vapnik-ChervonenkisWART Wide aperture reflection tomographyWT Wavelet transformZnTe Zinc Telluride

About the Authors

Xiaoxia (Sunny) Yin was born in Dalian, China. Shereceived the BEng Degree in Industrial Electronics fromDalian University, Liaoning, P. R. China, and completedher PhD degree in 2009 on three dimensional THz-CTunder Derek Abbott and Brian Ng. Her research inter-ests include MRA, segmentation, image reconstruction& classification, and their applications to T-ray imaging.In 2007, she was a visiting scholar at the Universityof Reading, UK, under Dr Silas Hadjiloucas and atthe University of Cambridge, UK, under Prof. Lynn F.Gladden as well as at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institue inTroy, NY, USA, under Prof. X.-C. Zhang.

Dr Yin received a series of awards, including thePhD Scholarship of The University of Adelaide (2005),

WavE Travel Fellowship from Switzerland (2006), The International Associationfor Pattern Recognition (IAPR) travel stipend from Hong Kong (2006), ResearchAbroad Scholarship from The University of Adelaide (2006), the Roger PysdenMemorial Fellowship from Australia Business, ABL State Chamber (2006), astudent scholarship from the 2007 IEEE International Symposium on IndustrialElectronics in Vigo, Spain (2007), a Mutual Community Postgraduate Travel Grantfrom the University of Adelaide (2007), an Overseas Travel Fellowship fromThe Australian Research Council Nanotechnology Network (ARCNN) (2007), aD. R. Stranks Traveling Fellowship from the University of Adelaide (2007), anAustralian Postdoctoral (APD) Fellowship from the Australian Research Council(2008), and the Gertrude Rohan Memorial Prize (2009).

X. Yin et al., Terahertz Imaging for Biomedical Applications: Pattern Recognitionand Tomographic Reconstruction, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-1821-4,© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2012


302 About the Authors

Brian Wai-Him Ng was born in Mid-level, Hong Kong,on May 12, 1974. He received the B.Sc. degree in math-ematics and computer science, and the B.Eng. degree(Hons) and the Ph.D. degree under A. Bouzerdoumboth in electrical and electronic engineering from theUniversity of Adelaide, Adelaide, Australia, in 1996,1997, and 2003, respectively. During his studies, he wasawarded the University of Adelaide Medal for the TopGraduate in Electrical and Electronic Engineering.

Since 2002, he has been a Lecturer at the Schoolof Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University ofAdelaide. His research interests include signal process-

ing, bio-inspired engineering, distributed sensor networks, software defined radio,as well as signal processing for T-ray imaging.

Derek Abbott was born on May 3, 1960, in SouthKensington, London, U.K. He received the B.Sc. degree(Hons.) in physics from Loughborough University ofTechnology, U.K., in 1982 and the Ph.D. degree in elec-trical and electronic engineering from the University ofAdelaide, Australia, in 1995, under Kamran Eshraghianand Bruce R. Davis.

From 1978 to 1986, he worked at the GEC HirstResearch Centre, London, U.K., in the areas of semi-conductors and optoelectronics. On migration to Aus-tralia, he worked for Austek Microsystems, TechnologyPark, South Australia, in 1986. Since 1987, he hasbeen with the University of Adelaide, where he is

currently a full Professor in the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering.He holds over 300 publications/ patents and has been an invited speaker at over 80institutions, including Princeton, NJ; MIT, MA; Santa Fe Institute, NM; Los AlamosNational Laboratories, NM; Cambridge, U.K.; and EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland.He coauthored the book Stochastic Resonance, published by Cambridge UniversityPress, and coedited the book Quantum Aspects of Life, published by ImperialCollege Press. His interests are in the area of complex systems and multidisciplinaryapplications of physics and engineering.

Prof. Abbott is a Fellow of the Institute of Physics (IOP), with honorary lifemembership. He won the GEC Bursary (1977), the Stephen Cole the Elder Prize(1998), the E.R.H. Tiekink Memorial Award (2002), SPIE Scholarship Award forOptical Engineering and Science (2003), the South Australian Tall Poppy Awardfor Science (2004) and the Premier’s SA Great Award in Science and Technologyfor outstanding contributions to South Australia (2004). He has served as an editorand/or guest editor for a number of journals including IEEE Journal OF Solid-StateCircuits, Chaos(AIP), Smart Structures and Materials (IOP), Journal of OpticsB (IOP), Microelectronics Journal (Elsevier), Fluctuation Noise Letters (World

About the Authors 303

Scientific), and is currently on the Editorial Boards of Proceedings of the IEEE andIEEE Photonics. He has appeared on national and international television and radioand has also received scientific reportage in New Scientist, The Sciences, ScientificAmerican, Nature, The New York Times, and Sciences et Avenir. He has served ona number of IEEE technical program committees, including the IEEE APCCS andthe IEEE GaAs IC Symposium.

Scientific Genealogy


AAbsorption coefficient, 28, 48, 51, 66, 151,

163, 176, 180, 187, 192, 196Approximate sub-images, 193AR models, wavelet subbands

DWPT, 152HBO, 149IDWT, 152Mallat’s algorithm, 151motivation, 151–152NHB and HOS cells classification

block diagram, 154, 155percentage classification accuracy, 155,

156squared error variances, 155, 156

parametric modeling procedure, 149powder sample classification

Durbin’s algorithm, 156–157imaging system adoption, 159Mahalanobis distance classifier, 156scatter plots, 157–158squared error variance, 156, 157

SURE, 152terahertz pulse measurements, 150–151time-domain signals comparison, 149, 152,

153wavelet preprocessing, 152–153

Asynchronous optical sampling (ASOPS)technique, 24–25

Autoregressive (AR) model, 98–99Autoregressive moving average (ARMA)

model, 99–100

BBack-projection algorithms, 253–254Balanced silicon photodiodes, 23

Band-gap semiconductors, 20Basal cell carcinoma (BCC)

internal structure, 59, 60skin cancer, 53terahertz absorption, 48visualized multispectral clustering

techniques, 59Basic Prony method, 99, 156, 157Bayesian models, 247BCC. See Basal cell carcinoma (BCC)Best wavelet packet tree, 113–115Bhattacharyya divergence, 96Binary classifiers. See Support vector machines

(SVMs)Biomedical imaging, 2D and 3D

brain section detection, 55, 56cancer cell detection

breast, 54, 55ductal carcinoma, 55skin, 53–54

cortical cortex, 56gray matter, 56human tooth and pork sample, 53Rayleigh scattering, 52tablet coating detection, 55–56

BiorSplines biorthogonal wavelet,203

BioSplines2.2 biorthogonal wavelet,204

Biorthogonal wavelets, 78, 151, 152Born series, 35Bound-to-continuum (BTC) quantum cascade

laseradvantages, 15design and performance, 15, 16waveguide design, 16

Bound-to-continuum transitions, 11, 222

X. Yin et al., Terahertz Imaging for Biomedical Applications: Pattern Recognitionand Tomographic Reconstruction, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-1821-4,© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2012


306 Index

CCancer cell identification

biomedical imaging, 2D and 3D, 53–55statistical models, 248

Canny edge detector, 197Cauchy–Schwartz inequality, 256Charge coupled device (CCD), 35, 52, 183,

248, 261–265Chirped probe pulse terahertz imaging system,

181, 182Chirped superlattice, 11, 15, 222CIL functions. See Complex insertion loss

(CIL) functionsClassifier design

description, 127, 130evaluation, 127–129learning and adaption, 127, 128overfitting, 129–131

Coherent terahertz radiation detectiontechnique, 22–24

Cold finger of a continuous-helium-cooledflow cryostat, 6, 223, 224, 268, 270

Complex insertion loss (CIL) functionspattern recognition, 177wavelet packet algorithms, 141–144

Complex refractive index, 31, 49, 186Computed tomography (CT) imaging

cross-correlation algorithm, 188description, 179–180diffraction grating pair characteristics

electrooptic detection, 185–186geometry of, 185grating equation, 185GVD, 183simplified pulse compressor, 185

methodologychirped probe pulse terahertz imaging

system, 181, 182FBP algorithm, 180IRT, 180sinogram, 180, 181

reconstruction parametersfrequency-domain sinogram, 186–187time-domain sinogram, 187–188

THz sampling pattern, 183, 184Continuous flow helium-cooled cryostat, 6,

223, 224, 268, 270Continuous wave (CW) THz imaging system

all-optoelectronic, 37, 39drawback, 40logarithmic power transmission, 39–40schematic representation, 37, 39vs. TPI, 3, 4validation, 39–40

Cross-correlation algorithm, 188Cross-validation (CV) methods

K-fold, 128–129LOO, 129SVM, 165–166

Crystalline states, 47, 49CT imaging. See Computed tomography (CT)

imagingCurvelet transforms, 246

DData representation, SVM

powder, 161, 163–164RNA, 161–163TDS functional imaging, 160

Daubechies 4 wavelet, 196, 197Debye relaxation model, 48Depth resolution, 3, 10, 30, 37, 247Deterministic–stochastic models, 108–109Dichotomy, 125Diffraction grating pair

electrooptic detection, 185–186geometry of, 185grating equation, 185GVD, 183simplified pulse compressor, 185

Discrete wavelet packet transforms (DWPTs),152

discrete wavelet packet coefficientcalculation, 87–88

procedure, 86, 88, 89properties of, 86–87time-localization tree, 86wavelet packet bases

cost functions, 90–91evaluation, 88–89linear searching procedure, 91

Discrete wavelet transforms (DWTs)one dimensional, 78–79two dimensional, 83–85, 195–196

DL-mandelic acidclassification results comparison, 141evaluation via discrimination metric, 146identification scheme, 148–149time-domain responses, 142wavelet packet identification, 147

Drude–Lorentz model, 20Durbin’s method, 99, 100, 118, 156, 1572D wavelet-based CT reconstruction

coefficients, 203FBP algorithm, 203ramp filters, 203, 204scaling, 204

Index 307

2D wavelet scale correlation-basedsegmentation

algorithm, 196–197Canny edge detector, 197Otsu’s threshold method, 197

DWPTs. See Discrete wavelet packettransforms (DWPTs)

DWTs. See Discrete wavelet transforms(DWTs)

EEdge detection techniques, 191Eight neighboring pixels, 161, 229, 230Electrooptic rectification. See Optical

rectification mechanismEnhanced T-ray signal classification, wavelet

preprocessingamplitude scatter plot, 138, 139classification, 135, 136experimental results

preprocessed signals, 137–140raw signals, 140

feature extraction, 134–135LOO error estimator, 135–136

Error analysislocal computed tomography

description, 225hole image characteristics, 226–228segmentation strategy, 228–231

local reconstruction, 206–207wavelet-based local reconstruction

Cauchy–Schwartz inequality, 256Radon transform error, 255ramp filters, 257–258relative error, 256ROI, 257

Euclidean discrimination metric, 121–122Euclidean distance classifier, 58, 61, 62

FFast wavelet transform (FWT)

analysis and synthesis stages, 80description, 79inverse transform, 80J-level, 81one-step reconstruction, 81time-frequency boxes, 82

FBP algorithms. See Filtered back-projection(FBP) algorithms

FCM. See Fuzzy c-means (FCM)Feature extraction

considerations, 96–97

enhanced T-ray signal classification,wavelet preprocessing, 134–135

feature matrix calculations, 100–102Fourier transform, 97–98objective, 100parameter estimation

ARMA model, 99–100AR model, 98–99

pattern classification, 131role of, 95–96SVM

kernel selection and parameter tuning,165

via frequency orientation components,164–165

system identificationdescription, 102optimized Mertz apodization functions,

115–117subspace identification algorithm,

103–109wavelet-packet identification, 109–115

Feature selection. See Feature extractionFELs. See Free-electron lasers (FELs)Femtosecond laser-based T-ray functional

imaging system, 133, 134Filtered back-projection (FBP) algorithms

CT imaging, 1802D wavelet-based CT reconstruction, 203

Fourier coefficient spectrummulticlass powder classification via,

174–175RNA classification via, 171–173

Fourier spectrum analysismulticlass classification, 168–171poly-A and ploy-C T-ray pulses, 166–169

Fourier transformfeature extraction, 97–98infrared spectroscopy, 49, 57

Free-electron lasers (FELs), 14Frequency-domain sinogram, 186–187Frequency-domain terahertz spectroscopy

absorption and detectionbiological tissue, 48conformational structure, 49covalent bond, 48liquid dynamics, 48molecular signatures, 48–51solvation, 48water molecule vibrational modes,

47–48electromagnetic (EM) wave interactions,

46, 47Frequency orientation component, 98

308 Index

Fuzzy c-means (FCM)algorithm, 228, 229method, 228segmentation, 6thresholding, 229, 230

FWT. See Fast wavelet transform (FWT)

GGaussian noise, 141, 196Generalized cross-validation (GCV) index,

114, 115Gibbs free energy, 2Golay cell detector, 224, 268Gray-level intensity, 228Group velocity dispersion (GVD), 183Gunn diode, 3GVD. See Group velocity dispersion (GVD)

HHaar transform, 96Hankel matrices, 104, 105, 141HBO. See Human bone osteoblasts (HBO)Heuristic Stein’s unbiased risk estimate

(SURE) approach, 93–94High-pass filter, 76, 80, 81, 88, 89, 102Hilbert transform, 201, 204, 220, 255Holdout method, 128, 130HOS cells classification. See Human

osteosarcoma (HOS) cellsclassification

Human bone osteoblasts (HBO), 149Human osteosarcoma (HOS) cells classification

block diagram, 154, 155percentage classification accuracy, 155, 156squared error variances, 155, 156

IIDWT. See Inverse discrete wavelet transform

(IDWT)Ill-posed inverse problem, 6, 181, 246, 247Image fusion, 3D target, 194–195Incoherent bolometeric detection, 20Information cost function

definition, 88frequently used, 90value, 89

Intermolecular dynamics, 48Intermolecular vibrational modes, 47Intersubband transition, 40, 222Inverse discrete wavelet transform (IDWT),


Inverse Radon transform (IRT), 180In vitro, 56, 159, 247In vivo, 10, 48, 56, 159, 160, 247–248IRT. See Inverse Radon transform (IRT)ISODATA algorithm, 59–60

KKarhunen–Loeve transform, 96K-fold cross-validation, 128–130Kirchhoff migration, 34K-means classifications, 59–60


TMprogram, 271–274

LabView tomography application, 261–263,265

Lactoseclassification results comparison, 141evaluation via discrimination metric, 146identification scheme, 148–149, 249time-domain responses, 142wavelet packet identification, 147

Laser sourcesFEL, 14QCL, 15–17Ti:sapphire-based lasers, 13–14

LCT. See Local computed tomography (LCT)Least-squares procedure, 106, 109–111Leave-one-out (LOO) cross-validation. See

also K-fold cross-validationpattern classification, 129SVM, 165–166

Leave-one-out (LOO) error estimator, 135–136Linear discriminant analysis (LDA), 60, 96Local computed tomography (LCT), 248–249

description, 221FCM

algorithm, 228, 229method, 228thresholding, 229, 230

implementationconsiderations, 225, 226error analysis, 225–231

QCLdescription, 222terahertz, 222–224

reconstruction resultscentroid coordinates, 242error ratio, 243optical properties, 243–244segment evaluation, 240, 242–244slice 1, 231–235, 242

Index 309

slice 2, 235, 236, 237slice 3, 235, 238, 239slice 4, 236, 238, 240, 241

segmentation-based reconstruction error,230–231

TPI, 221Local reconstruction

description, 204error analysis, 206–207Hilbert transform, 206implementation

algorithm, 213plastic vial target, 209–213polystyrene target, 208–209ROE, 207, 208

resultsplastic vial target, 217, 219polystyrene target, 214–220

LOO error estimator. See Leave-one-out(LOO) error estimator

MMahalanobis distance classifier, 70, 156

definition, 119–121description, 130extracted features, 121

Mallat’s pyramid algorithm. See Fast wavelettransform (FWT)

Mandelic acidclassification results comparison, 141evaluation via discrimination metric, 146identification scheme, 148–149, 249time-domain responses, 142wavelet packet identification, 147

Matlab Codeautoregressive modeling, wavelet subbands,

276cancerous cell recognition functions, 276classify.m function, 276FFT scale.m function, 277frequency-domain features, 276localTomography PulsedTHz.m program,

276powder recognition, 276PronyCorreARMA.m function, 276Sepbackproj.m function, 277SVMsDualClas.m program, 276SVMsMulClas.m program, 276THz QCL LT.m program, 277toolboxes, 275wavelet-based local tomography

reconstruction, 276–277wavelet scale correlation-based

segmentation, 276

WaveSegment.m function, 276WDHeuSURE.m function, 276WPDencorreAR.m function, 276

Mechanical scanning, 24Melanoma

multispectral classification, 59wax-embedded histopathological, 51

MFCPentaMax, 261, 265Microbolometer focal-plane array camera, 41Molecular beam epitaxy, 11, 15, 222, 223, 268Morphological operations, 229Multiclass terahertz responses, 248Multiresolution analysis (MRA)

biorthogonal process, 77–78function spaces, 74nested subspaces, 74scaling function coefficients, 75wavelet filter, 76

Multiscale pyramid, 246Multispectral classification technique, pulsed

imagingconcept, 58ISODATA algorithm, 59–60k-means classifications, 59–60principal components analysis (PCA),

60–61Multispectral clustering, 59

NNear-field (NF) imaging

coherent synchrotron radiation (CSR), 42hydration dynamics, 42parthenocissus leaf, 42, 44probe structure, 42, 43spatial resolution, 42

NHB classification. See Normal human bone(NHB) classification

Non-invasive quantitative molecular imaging,247

Normal human bone (NHB) classificationblock diagram, 154, 155percentage classification accuracy, 155, 156squared error variances, 155, 156

Novel multiresolution-based segmentationalgorithm, 248

N4SID, wavelet packet algorithms, 141

OOblique projection operation, 251–252One-against-one decomposition, 125Optical image, 192, 207Optical rectification mechanism, 18–19

310 Index

Optical sampling techniquesASOPS, 24–25coherent terahertz radiation detection,

22–24electro-optic, 22–23photoconductive sampling, 23–24synchronous, 24

Optimized Mertz apodization functions,115–117

Optoelectronic sampling techniques. SeeOptical sampling techniques

Otsu’s threshold, 197, 228Overfitting, 129–131

PParabolic mirrors, 28, 43, 182, 224, 262–264,

268, 271Parameter estimation

ARMA model, 99–100AR model, 98–99

Parametric modeling, 149, 177Parzen estimator, 96Pattern classification

classifier designdescription, 127, 130evaluation, 127–129learning and adaption, 127, 128overfitting, 129–131

Cover’s theorem, 124Euclidean discrimination metric, 121–122feature extraction, 131holdout method, 128kernel function, 124K-fold cross-validation, 128–129LOO cross-validation, 129Mahalanobis distance

definition, 119–121description, 130via extracted features, 121

SVMsbinary classification, 123–125description, 122pairwise classification, 125–126

Pattern recognition/formationAR models, wavelet subbands

DWPT, 152HBO, 149IDWT, 152Mallat’s algorithm, 151motivation, 151–152NHB and HOS cells classification,

154–156parametric modeling procedure, 149

powder samples classification, 156–159SURE, 152terahertz pulse measurements, 150–151time-domain signals comparison, 149,

152, 153wavelet preprocessing, 152–153

biomedical samplesextracted parameters, 58multispectral classification, 58–61parameter combinations, 57SVM, 63wavelet domain classification, 61–62

SVMsadvantages, 160data representation, 161–164feature extraction, 164–165Fourier coefficient spectrum, 171–175Fourier spectrum analysis, 166–171performance assessment, of

classification, 165–166potential of, 160

T-rayschicken and beef sample, 66, 67data acquisition, 68data preprocessing and extraction, 69,

70data recognition system, 68decision classification, 70finite impulse response (FIR), 66, 67goals, 65pattern representation, machine

recognition, 70pattern space, 69preprocessing procedure, 69–70signal processing techniques, 66significance, 65–66SVMs, 159–160THz scanner system, 68

T-ray time-domain techniquesenhanced T-ray signal classification,

wavelet preprocessing, 134–140femtosecond laser-based T-ray

functional imaging system, 133,134

spectroscopy and imaging, 133–134THz-TDS experiment setup, 133, 134

wavelet packet algorithmsCIL functions, 144complex insertion loss, 141–144discrimination metric evaluation,

146–148evaluation, 141–143identification scheme, 148–149N4SID, 141

Index 311

signal processing, noisy background,143–145

sixth-order Butterworth band-pass filter,142

SNRs, 144, 145subspace, 141–144time-domain responses, 142, 143wavelet packet tree, 142, 144

Perfect reconstruction filter banks, 83Perfect reconstruction quadrature mirror filter

banks, 91, 151Per-pixel classification, 228Phase matching condition, 18Photoconductive antenna (PCA)

photoconductive sampling, 24THz response detection, 3

Photoconductive emitter, 30Photoconductive sampling technique, 23–24Photo-Dember effect, 20Photomicrograph, 54, 55Photomixing techniques, 21, 22Picometrix system software, 263, 266Picomolar sensitivity, 2Planar antennas, 9Plastic vial target, local reconstruction

implementation, 209–213results, 217, 219

Pockel effect, 23Polarizing beam splitter, 12, 23, 262Polyadenylic acid (poly-A), 46, 161–163,

166–168, 176Polycytidylic acid (poly-C), 46, 161–163,

166–168, 176Polymorphs, 51, 150Polystyrene target

local reconstruction, 208–209results

centered area images, 214, 216–217off-center area images, 214, 217–220wavelet and scaling ramp filtering, 214,

215Positron emission tomography (PET), 2Powder data representation, SVM, 161,

163–164Prediction error variance (PEV), 99Prism pairs, 13, 14Pump-probe system

delay stage, 24, 25synchronous optical sampling, 24

QQCLs. See Quantum cascade lasers (QCLs)Quadratic programming problem, 117, 124

Quantum cascade lasers (QCLs)description, 222optical analysis, 249terahertz

description, 222–223GaAs-AlGaAs bound-to-continuum

superlattice design, 223imaging system, 223, 224LIA, 223setup, 223, 224

RRadon transformRatioing procedure, 148, 149, 177Reconstruction algorithm, 213Reconstruction filters, 81, 83–85Reflection imaging, 30, 34Refractive index, 13, 18, 28, 31, 42, 46, 49, 51,

57, 69, 176, 180, 186Region-based segmentation, 229Resonant-phonon (RP) scheme, 17Retinal isomers, 50RNA data representation, SVM, 161–163

SSapphire substrate, 42Scaling filter, 75, 76, 204, 209, 213, 255Segmentation-by-fusion, 191Segmentation techniques

description, 191–192extracted object segments, 197, 198segmentation quality, 197–199T-ray CT

imaging, 191signals and spectra, 193, 194slices, 192, 193system, 192

wavelet-based segmentation, by fusiondescription, 1932D wavelet scale correlation-based

segmentation, 196–197DWT, 2D, 195–196image fusion, 3D target, 194–195

Semiconductor sourcesdepletion/accumulation field, 19electron-hole pairs, 19, 20emission bandwidth, 20optical rectification, 18–19photomixing techniques, 21, 22ultrafast charge transport, 19–21

Sigma-Aldrich, 161Signal compression, 73, 92, 98, 152

312 Index

Signal processingpattern recognition, 66sample response, 143–145wavelet packet algorithms, 143–145

Signal-to-noise ratio (SNRs)antenna detection scheme, 23wavelet packet algorithms, 144, 145zero-mean white Gaussian noise, 141

Si substrate lens, 39Sixth-order Butterworth band-pass filter, 142Solid-state electronic devices, 40Sparrow criterion, 34Spiral computed tomography (SCT), 246–247Squared error variances, 155–157State-space model, 103, 108, 109Stein’s unbiased risk estimate (SURE)

AR models, wavelet subbands, 152wavelet ability, 176–177

Subband system identification, 109Subspace identification algorithm, 141–145

system identification, feature extractiondeterministic-stochastic models,

108–109deterministic subsystem, 103–106stochastic subsystem, 106–107

Support vector machines (SVMs)advantages, 160binary classification, 123–125data representation

powder, 161, 163–164RNA, 161–163TDS functional imaging, 160

description, 122, 177feature extraction

kernel selection and parameter tuning,165

via frequency orientation components,164–165

Fourier coefficient spectrummulticlass powder classification via,

174–175RNA classification via, 171–173

Fourier spectrum analysismulticlass classification, 168–171poly-A and ploy-C T-ray pulses,

166–169pairwise classification, 125–126pattern recognition, biomedical samples, 63performance assessment, 165–166potential of, 160T-rays, 159–160

SURE. See Stein’s unbiased risk estimate(SURE)

Surface plasmon waveguide, 16

SVMs. See Support vector machines (SVMs)Synchronous optical sampling technique, 24System identification, feature extraction

description, 102optimized Mertz apodization functions,

115–117subspace identification algorithm

deterministic-stochastic models,108–109

deterministic subsystem, 103–106stochastic subsystem, 106–107

wavelet-packet identificationbest wavelet packet tree, 113–115cost relations along tree, 112–113model structure, 109subband model identification, 110–112

TTE components. See Transverse electric (TE)

componentsTerahertz (THz)

broadband, 6electrical field, 22emitter, 9–10, 182emitters (see Semiconductor sources)fluorescence imaging, 248–249holographic reconstruction, 35narrowband, 26, 40near-field imaging, 40photomixing, 21, 22photomixing techniques, 21, 22QCL imaging system

electronic components, 270–271experimental apparatus, 267

radiationadvantage, 2classification framework, 5, 6description, 2diffraction-limited imaging system,

2electromagnetic spectrum, 2, 3femtosecond pulse laser, 3filtered back projection (FBP), 6free-space beam, 2Gunn Diode, 3hydrogen bond stretching, 2infrared light, 2interferometry, 3low-frequency bond vibrations, 2non-linear crystal, 3non-linear interactions, 2photoconductive antenna, 3pump-probe set-up, 3

Index 313

THz material identification, 5, 6torsions, liquid and solids, 2

reflection tomography, 35sources and detectors

laser sources, 13–17optical sampling techniques, 22–25semiconductor sources, 18–22T-rays history, 10–13

spiral computed tomographic imaging, 247time domain imaging, 27transient spectrometer, 61, 141, 142, 159wide aperture reflection tomography, 35

Terahertz (THz) imagingbelow diffraction limit, 40–44continuous-wave (CW)

drawback, 40schematic representation, 37, 39validation, 39–40

description, 27destroyer metal model, 37, 38within diffraction limit, 31–40fiber-coupled techniques, 32frequency-dependent attenuation, 28holographic reconstruction

advantage, 35schematic illustration, 35, 37

holographic techniques, 35, 36impulse range configuration, 36, 38limitations, 31, 40NF imaging

coherent synchrotron radiation, 42hydration dynamics, 42parthenocissus leaf, 42, 44probe structure, 42, 43spatial resolution, 42

radar cross-section measurements, 35–36reflection-type, 28–31single-cycle THz tomography, 32, 33spatial resolution, 31synthetic aperture radar algorithms, 36–38THz QCL

advantage, 40atmospheric attenuation, 40sensitivity, 40standoff distance, 40, 41

time-of-flight imaging, 31, 32time-reversal reconstruction

basic steps for, 32Sparrow criterion, 34

tomographic reconstructiongeophysical applications, 34Kirchhoff propagation equation, 35vs. time-of-flight imaging, 32

tomography with pulsed terahertz radiation,32–37

transmission-type, 28, 29Terahertz pulsed imaging (TPI)

basal cell carcinoma (BCC), 48biomedical imaging, 53breast cancer, 54, 55vs. CW THz imaging system, 3, 4dark-field, 58multispectral classification, 58–61pump-probe detection system, 52QCL, 221soft gelatin capsules, 56, 57terahertz radiation, 3–4three-dimensional technique, 55–56

Terahertz quantum cascade laser (THz QCL)bound-to-continuum

advantages, 15design and performance, 15, 16GaAs-AlGaAs superlattice design, 6waveguide design, 16

resonant-phonon scheme, 17terahertz imaging

advantage, 40atmospheric attenuation, 40sensitivity, 40standoff distance, 40, 41

two-color spectrum, 17Terahertz (THz) spectroscopy

biomedical signal identificationagarose particles, 46antigen-antibody interactions, 46biotin and avidin molecules, 46biotin-containing molecules, 462D and 3D imaging, 52–56DNA hybridization, 46frequency-domain, 46–51time-frequency domain features, 51–52time-resolved, 45–46

pattern recognition, biomedical samplesextracted parameters, 58multispectral classification, 58–61SVM, 63wavelet domain classification, 61–62

Terahertz time-domain spectroscopy(THz-TDS)

advantages, 10ASOPS, 24history, 10poly-A and poly-C RNA samples, 161, 163Sparrow criterion, 34time-domain technique, 45wavelet denoising, 91–94

314 Index

Time delay scan, 3Time delay stage, 43Time-domain sinogram, 187–188Time-frequency localisation, 74, 88, 94, 118,

149, 246, 248Time-of-flight imaging, 31, 32Time-resolved terahertz spectroscopy, 45–46Time-reversal reconstruction

basic steps for, 32Sparrow criterion, 34

Ti:sapphire-based lasersprinciple of, 13schematic illustration, 12–14

Toeplitz covariance matrix, 107Tomographic reconstruction

geophysical applications, 34Kirchhoff propagation equation, 35SCT, 246–247statistical reconstruction, 247vs. time-of-flight imaging, 32in vivo THz fluorescence imaging, 247–248

Torsional modes, 49, 50TPI. See Terahertz pulsed imaging (TPI)Traditional back-projection algorithm, 215Transient photocarriers, 24Transient polarization, 19Transverse electric (TE) components, 20Transverse magnetic, 20T-ray computed tomography

imaging, 191signals and spectra, 193, 194slices, 192, 193system, 192

T-ray pattern recognition. See Patternrecognition, T-rays

T-ray time-domain techniquesenhanced T-ray signal classification,

wavelet preprocessingamplitude scatter plot, 138, 139classification, 135, 136feature extraction, 134–135LOO error estimator, 135–136preprocessed signals, 137–140raw signals, 140

femtosecond laser-based T-ray functionalimaging system, 133, 134

spectroscopy and imaging, 133–134THz-TDS experiment setup, 133, 134

Two-channel filter banks, 82–83Two-class terahertz responses, 248Two-color THz QCL spectrum, 17Two-dimensional discrete wavelet transforms,


UUltrafast charge transport

optical rectification, 19–21semiconductor sources, 19–21

Ultrafast T-ray pulsed imagingcontinuous-wave T-ray imaging


program, 271–274terahertz QCL system, 267–271

crossed-polariser detection, 259–261hardware specifications, 261–263software applications

LabView tomography application,261–263, 265

MFCPentaMax, 261, 265Picometrix system software, 263, 266

ultrafast laser, 259, 260Ultrashort pulse technique, 31Upper state wave function, 16

VVector space, 76Volume space, 246

WWaveguide losses, 16Wavelet and scaling ramp filters, 201, 206,

210, 232Wavelet-based local tomography

reconstructionmatlab Code, 276–277

Wavelet-based segmentation, by fusiondescription, 1932D wavelet scale correlation-based

segmentation, 196–197DWT, 2D, 195–196image fusion, 3D target, 194–195

Wavelet-based terahertz coherent localtomography

description, 2012D IDWT, 204, 2052D wavelet-based CT reconstruction

coefficients, 204FBP algorithm, 203ramp filters, 204, 205scaling, 204

goal, 201implementation

algorithm, 213plastic vial target, 209–213polystyrene target, 208–209ROE, 207, 208

Index 315

local reconstructiondescription, 204error analysis, 206–207Hilbert transform, 206

motivation, 201–203reconstruction algorithm, 213reconstruction results

plastic vial target, 217, 219polystyrene target, 214–220

Wavelet denoisingFIR filters, 92heuristic SURE approach, 93–94procedure, 92reconstruction quadrature mirror filter

banks, 91T-ray project

dyadic downsampling, 93filter bank structure, 93soft threshold operation, 93SURE approach, 93–94time-domain measurement, 92

T-ray pulse noise, 91Wavelet filter, 5, 83–85, 89, 213Wavelet packet algorithms

CIL functions, 144complex insertion loss, 141–144discrimination metric evaluation, 146–148evaluation, 141–143identification scheme, 148–149N4SID, 141signal processing, noisy background,

143–145sixth-order Butterworth band-pass filter,

142SNRs, 144, 145subspace, 141–144time-domain responses, 142, 143wavelet packet tree, 142, 144

Wavelet-packet identificationof lactose responses, 142, 144system identification, feature extraction

best wavelet packet tree, 113–115cost relations along tree, 112–113model structure, 109subband model identification, 110–112

Wavelet preprocessingamplitude scatter plot, 138, 139classification, 135, 136feature extraction, 134–135

LOO error estimator, 135–136preprocessed signals, 137–140raw signals, 140

Wavelet scale correlation, 191–193, 195–197,248, 276

Wavelet series expansion, 78–79Wavelet transforms (WT)

description, 73–74DWPTs, 85–91DWT, 195–196feature extraction, 73image enhancement, 73MRA

biorthogonal process, 77–78function spaces, 74nested subspaces, 74scaling function coefficients, 75wavelet filter, 76

noise removal, 73one dimension

DWT, 78–79FWT, 79–82two-channel filter bank, 82–83wavelet series expansion, 78–79

signal compression, 73two dimensional discrete, 83–85wavelet denoising

FIR filters, 92heuristic SURE approach, 93–94procedure, 92reconstruction quadrature mirror filter

banks, 91T-ray project, 92–94T-ray pulse noise, 91

Wave oscillators, 3White Gaussian process, 98Wide aperture reflection tomography (WART),

35Wiener–Hopf equation, 67WT. See Wavelet transforms (WT)

XX-ray imaging, 222X–y translation stage, 150, 151, 163

ZZnTe sensor, 36, 37