app store-optimization

AN INTRO TO How to Optimize your App Store Author Name: Meera M -AndolaSoft Inc- -Leading web and mobile app development company- LOGO

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Post on 21-Aug-2015




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How to Optimize your App Store

Author Name: Meera M

-AndolaSoft Inc--Leading web and mobile app

development company-



1. Introduction

2. On-Page Optimization• App Title• App Description• App Logo• App Screenshot• Category• Keyword

3. Off-Page Optimization• Overall App Ratings• App Review• Total App Downloads

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•App Store Optimization or ASO is the process of improving the visibility of a mobile app (such as an iPhone, iPad, Android, or Windows Phone app) in an app store (such as iTunes or Google Play or windows marketplace).

•App store optimization includes the process of ranking highly in an app store’s search results and top charts rankings.



On-Page Optimization

Like SEO, following on-page factors plays a crucial roll in optimizing your app store

•App Title: The app title should clearly describes the app and what it does, but it should be short and appealing enough for users to download•App Description: This is the place where you sell your app based on the great features! Make sure to keep this section short and concise.•App Logo: Stunning app logo can improve your download by almost 50%. This part should not be overlooked.•App Screenshot: Screenshots should be clear and with high resolution. You should highlight the best parts of your app with multiple screenshots.•Category: Make sure to categorize your app appropriately. As a lot of searchers jump straight into specific categories if they are looking for something. There is also a secondary category option in which your app fits into two categories, but the primary category does act as the most important.


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On-Page Optimization

• Keywords: You need to know which keywords are relevant and used very often by your targeted users, to improve your search rankings. It is very useful to monitor the other competitors.


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Off-Page Optimization

Following off-page factors also plays a crucial roll in optimizing your app store

•Overall App Ratings: Ratings are also a direct reflection of your app’s performance measurement – a great app will get great ratings. The front page placement likely to rely on a combination of downloads, ratings, reviews and Google pluses.•App Reviews : Like ratings, great review by user also drive more downloads and conversion. Always keep track of the users’ reviews and try to improve your app based on the feedbacks.•Total App Downloads : This certainly affects searcher physiology. If the app has good download number, it creates the impression of being popular, then the chances download of the particular app will be higher.


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Around 63% of apps are discovered via app store searches. ASO is the most used method for discovering and downloading new apps from the app stores. So to boost your app’s search ranking and downloading make sure to follow these quick tips of ASO.

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