apostila inglês nível básico

30 [Digite texto] A OR AN Ambos querem dizer “um” ou “uma”. AN: quando a palavra começa com um SOM de vogal (a, e, i, o, u). A: quando a palavra começar com SOM de consoante. ATENÇÃO: House Hour University Uniform Mike and Tina are engineers. Mike is an electronic engineer, and Tina is a chemical engineer. There are people waiting outside. They're English students. ______ architect ______ house ______ hour ______ good artist ______ umbrella ______ honest man ______ woman ______ green apple ______ apple ______ story ______ elevator ______ moment ______ bicycle ______ airplane

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Apostila introdutória de Inglês para alunos do nível básico.



Ambos querem dizer um ou uma. AN: quando a palavra comea com um SOM de vogal (a, e, i, o, u).A: quando a palavra comear com SOM de consoante.

ATENO:[Digite texto]


Mike and Tina are engineers. Mike is an electronic engineer, and Tina is a chemical engineer.There are people waiting outside.They're English students.

______ architect

______ house

______ hour

______ good artist

______ umbrella______ honest man

______ woman

______ green apple

______ apple

______ story______ elevator

______ moment

______ bicycle

______ airplane


1. A regra geral do plural voc acrescenta osao substantivo:

Boy BoysRiver RiversNotebook Notebooks

2. Nos substantivos terminados emch,sh,ss,x,zeoacrescentamoses:

Church ChurchesBrush BrushesGlass GlassesBox BoxesTopaz TopazesPotato Potatoes

3. Os substantivos abaixo terminados emfoufe, mudam ofparave recebemespara formar o plural. As demais palavras terminadas emfoufefazem o plural regular coms.

Wife Wives Calf CalvesLife Lives Leaf LeavesKnife Knives Loaf LoavesWolf Wolves Thief ThievesShelf Shelves Half HalvesSelf Selves Sheaf Sheaves

4. Os substantivos terminados emyprecedido de consoante substitui oypories:

City CitiesFamily FamiliesStory Stories

5. Os substantivos terminados emyprecedido de vogal seguem a regra geral:

Boy BoysDay Days

6. As palavras estrangeiras conservam geralmente o plural de origem:

Datum DataPhenomenon PhenomenaCrisis Crises

7. Substantivos com plural irregular:

Tooth TeethFoot FeetChild ChildrenMouse MiceWoman WomenMan Men

Homework:How many _________________________ (scarf) do you have?There are lots of ____________________________ (sheep) in my farm.Many _______________(woman) have to take care of their _____________ (child) while they work.My ________________ (foot) hurt.I brush my ________________ (tooth) three times a day. The ________________ (student ) are doing the exercise right now. The ________________ (fish) are in the ocean. They are sending some ________________ (man) to fix the computer. Most ________________ (wife) work at home.Where are the ________________ (knife) ?On the ________________ (shelf) .________________ (Piano) are expensiveSome ________________ (policeman) came to arrest him.


This (singular) e these (plural) referem-se a algo ou algum prximo no espao ou no tempo.That (singular) e those (plural) referem-se a algo ou algum distante no espao ou no tempo.


Usados para indicar existncia. There is Singular There are Plural


there ish, existetheresThere isa man in the car.Theresa fly in your soup.There isa new hat here.

there areh, existeThere are40 students in my class.There aretwo dogs in the house.There are10 people in the family.


There isThere is notTheres notThere isnt

There areThere are notThere arent

Usa-se there isnt any ou there arent any para se dizer no h nenhum. There isntanymilkin the refrigeratorTherearentanyapplesin the tree


MUCH AND MANY:Substantivo Incontvel = Much (muito ou muita)Substantivo Contvel = Many (muitos ou muitas)

There are ____________ books about English here.I dont have ____________ homework to do.____________ students have doubts about the words much and many.There are ____________ cars in the parking lot.I dont drink ____________ milk in the morning.There are ____________ apples on the kitchen table.

FEW AND LITTLE, A FEW AND A LITTLE:A Few: ContveisA Little: Incontveis

A little: um pouco Little:quase nadaA few: um poucoFew: quase nada

________ apples________ rice________ bicycles________ trees________ boys________ money

________ dogs________ time________ sugar________ cups________ bread________ ideas________ water

________ luck________ friends________ chairs________ coffee________ children________ work________ men


Advrbios descrevem ou modificam as palavras.So classificados em: Advrbios de modo: Dizem de que modo algo ocorre.Exemplos:

well (bem)fast (rpido) badly (mal) stupdly (estupidamente) brilliantly (brilhantemente) loudly (em voz alta)gracefully (graciosamente) cleverly (habilmente, com inteligncia) quietly (com quietude, calmamente)vigorously (vigorosamente) eagerly (ansiosamente, avidamente) skillfully (habilmente, com destreza) easily (facilmente) slowly (vagarosamente) wildly (de forma selvagem, desordenadamente) leisurely (sem pressa) lively (energicamente) happily (felizmente, alegremente)

Ocorrem:1) Antes do Sujeito: Quickly he organized the entire thing2) Entre sujeito e verbo: He quickly organized the entire thing3) Aps verbo ou objeto: He organized the entire thing quickly

Advrbios de Frequncia: Com que frequncia algo ocorre.




often(com frequncia)

50%sometimes(s vezes)




hardly ever(quase nunca)


Ocorrem:1) Depois do sujeito e antes do verbo: We never travel by ship.2) Aps os verbos modais: We can always forgive people.

Advrbios de tempo: Indicam quando algo ocorre.

soon (logo, brevemente, prontamente) first (primeiramente, antes de tudo) tonight (hoje noite) late (tarde) early (cedo) eventually (no final das contas, finalmente) forever (para sempre) immediately (imediatemente) then (ento, naquele tempo) lately (ultimamente, recentemente) tomorrow (amanh) yesterday (ontem) suddenly (de repente)today (hoje) finally (finalmente) now (agora) afterwards (mais tarde, em seguida)in September (em setembro) last month (ms passado) finally (finalmente)before (antes)after (depois) already (j) still (ainda) yet (j, ainda no) just (recentemente, h pouco = adv. tempo / somente, exatamente = adv. modo)next week/month/year/century (na prxina semana, no prximo ms/ano/sculo)

Ocorre:1) Normalmente, no fim da frase.

Advrbios de Lugar: Indicam onde ocorre.

above (acima) down (abaixo, para baixo) inside (dentro)anywhere (qualquer/todo/nenhum lugar) everywhere (por toda parte) outside (lado de fora) away (longe, a distncia) here (aqui, neste lugar) there (a, ali, l) backward/backwards (para trs, em ordem inversa) near (perto)far (longe) up (para cima, acima) upstairs (l em cima, escada acima, no piso superior)around (ao redor, por a, por todos os lados, pra l e pra c) in Brazil (no Brasil)

Ocorre:1. 2. Aps o verbo ou objeto: Let's go to bed early.

Advrbio de intensidade: Indica a intensidade do que ocorre.

too (demais, excessivamente)very (muito)much (muito)far (muito) too much (demais, em excesso)very much (muito)almost (quase)rather (bastante)quite (bem)fairly (razoavelmente)really (realmente, de fato)completely (completamente)practically (praticamente)nearly (aproximadamente)partly (em parte, parcialmente) sort of (um tanto, um pouco, meio, mais ou menos) kind of (um tanto, um pouco, meio, mais ou menos)more or less (mais ou menos) hardly (mal, apenas) scarcely (mal apenas)

Ocorre:1. Antes da palavra que est sendo modificada: The day was too hot.

Advrbio de Certeza: expressam o grau de certeza do que ocorre.

maybe (talvez)perhaps (talvez - no incio ou no final da frase) possibly (possivelmente)probably (provavelmente)

definitely (definitivamente)certainly (certamente, seguramente, evidentemente) clearly (claramente, sem dvidas, evidentemente) assuredly (indubitavelmente, sem dvidas)

Ocorre:1. Antes do verbo principal: I definitely feel better today.

2. Maybe e Perhaps: incio. Maybe I'm right.

comparativoUsamos o comparativo para comparar uma pessoa ou coisa com outra.Preparao do adjetivo:1. Adjetivos com uma slaba: ADICIONA-SE ER ao final.2. Adjetivos CVC: Repete-se a ltima letra + ER.3. Adjetivo com mais de uma slaba: MORE + adjetivo.4. Adjetivo de mais de uma slaba, terminado em Y: Remover o Y, adiciona IER. Exemplos:



ComfortableMore comfortable







Estruturao:(Obj1)+ (verb auxiliar to be conjugado) + (adjetivo no comparativo) + THAN + (Obj2). I am faster than a turtle.

SUPERLATIVOUsamos o comparativo para comparar uma pessoa ou coisa com vrias outras.

Preparao do adjetivo:

1. Adjetivos com uma slaba: ADICIONA-SE EST ao final.2. Adjetivos CVC: Repete-se a ltima letra + EST.3. Adjetivo com mais de uma slaba: THE MOST + adjetivo.4. Adjetivo de mais de uma slaba, terminado em Y: Remover o Y, adiciona IEST.



ComfortableMost comfortable







Estruturao:(Obj)+ (verb auxiliar to be conjugado) + THE+ (adjetivo no superlativo) + complemento I am the fastest girl in the world.IGUALDADEEstruturao:(Obj1)+ (verb auxiliar to be conjugado) + (not) + as + (adjetivo) + as + (Obj2) I am (not) as fast as a turtle.

Exerccios Complete com o comparative:1. My house is _____________________(big) than yours.2. This flower is ____________________ (pretty)than that one.3. Non-smokers usually live ________________________(long) than smokers.4. Who is the ________________________(rich) woman on earth?5. He was the ________________________(clever) thief of all.6. New York is ________________________(big) Paris.7. English milk is ________________________(strong) French milk.8. An elephant is ________________________(heavy) a fly.9. A Mini is ________________________(cheap) a Jaguar.10. Rugby is ________________________(funny) than football.11. Mary is the ________________________ (pretty) of all.12. Tom is the ________________________ (tall) of class.13. They are the ________________________ (ugly) boys in the world.14. Susan is ________________________ (happy) than Bob.

Complete com o superlativo:1. It is the ______________________ shop in town. (large)2. Monday is the ______________________ day of the week. (bad)3. Ben was the ______________________ person in his family. (noisy)4. Sam is the ______________________ in the class. (popular)5. Which is the ______________________ subject at school? (difficult)6. Jim is the ______________________ player in the football team. (good)7. Elephants are the______________________ animals. (heavy)8. Let's pick the______________________ apple of the tree. (big)9. Mary is the______________________ girl in the class. (thin)10. That is the______________________ sofa in our house. (comfortable)

Comparativo ou Superlativo1. This armchair is _____________________ than the old one. (comfortable)2. Trains are _____________________ than aeroplanes. (slow)3. I bought the _____________________ souvenir I could afford. (expensive)4. In this classroom there are girls _____________________ than boys. (many)5. Ann is the_____________________ child in the family. (young)6. That TV set is the _____________________ of all. (cheap)7. Fifi is _____________________than Kate. (pretty)8. This is the _____________________film i have ever seen. (exciting)9. Tim is_____________________ than Peter. (talented)

Complete as frases usando o comparative de igualdade.1. John is ______________________________ (tall) Glen.2. Janet is ______________________________ (beautiful) Jeniffer.3. You are ______________________________ (crazy) my sister.4. We can run ______________________________ (fast) they can.5. My mom is ______________________________ (not / strict) your mum.6. Your mobile phone is ______________________________ (not / trendy) mine.7. Matrix II was ______________________________ (not / interesting) Matrix I.8. This yoghurt ______________________________ (not / taste / good) the one I bought yesterday.9. I can do ______________________________ (many / press-ups) you.10. I __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ (not / earn / much / money) you do. Faa 10 frases de igualdade, comparativas ou superlativas usando as seguintes informaes:

LauraAge: 20Height: 165 cmWeight: 54 kgHannaAge: 21Height: 167 cmWeight: 50 kgRachelAge: 25Height: 170 cmWeight: 55 kgGretaAge: 30Height: 168 cmWeight: 55 kg

1.______________________________________________________________________________________________________2. ._____________________________________________________________________________________________________3. ._____________________________________________________________________________________________________4. ._____________________________________________________________________________________________________5. ._____________________________________________________________________________________________________6. ._____________________________________________________________________________________________________7. ._____________________________________________________________________________________________________8. ._____________________________________________________________________________________________________9. ._____________________________________________________________________________________________________10. .___________________________________________________________________________________________________HOURS, DAYS, MONTHS, SEASONS

Days of the Week


Months of the Year


Seasons of the Year

SummerWinterSpringAutumn / Fall

HoursExistem duas formas de falar as horas: Formal: Diz-se as horas e depois os minutos. Exemplos:7:45 - seven forty-five11:06 - eleven oh-six Informal: Primeiro os minutos, depois as horas.Past: Usa-se para falar quantos minutos passaram da hora (1-30)To: Usa-se para falar quantos minutos faltam para a hora (31-59)7:15 - fifteen minutes past seven7:45 - fifteen minutes to eightQuarter: 15 minutes. A quarter past seven. (7:15)Half past: 30 minutes. Half past seven. (7:30)Oclock: Hora exata. Eight oclock. (8:00)Midnight: 00:00Noon: 12:00In the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, Usa-se aps as horas para especificar o horrio. Seven oclock in the morning (7:00) ou Seven olock in the evening (19:00).

Exerccios Que horas so Escreva do modo formal e informal.

Quando esses eventos acontecem (dia, ms, estao) D a resposta completa:

Your birthday: ______________________________________________________________________________________Christmas: ___________________________________________________________________________________________Easter: _______________________________________________________________________________________________Valentines Day: _____________________________________________________________________________________New Year: ___________________________________________________________________________________________Childrens Day: ______________________________________________________________________________________Halloween: __________________________________________________________________________________________Independence Day: _________________________________________________________________________________Republic Proclamation Day: _______________________________________________________________________numbersCardinais:1one11Eleven21twenty-one31thirty-one







8eight18Eighteen28twenty-eight100a/one hundred

9nine19Nineteen29twenty-nine1,000a/one thousand

10ten20Twenty30thirty1,000,000a/one million








8theighth18theighteenth28thtwenty-eighth100thone hundredth

9thninth19thnineteenth29thtwenty-ninth1,000thone thousandth

10thtenth20thtwentieth30ththirtieth1,000,000thone millionth

Exerccio Complete com os nmeros apropriados:May is the _________________ month in the year. (5)Our flat is on the_________________ floor. (8)This composer wrote his music in the _________________ century. (19)March is the _________________ month in the year. (3)Brazil won the_________________ World Cup for the time in 1994. (4)November is the_________________ month in the year. (11)The Berlin Wall fell near the end of the_________________ century. (20)My brothers birthday is on the_________________ of August. (22)He was the _________________ President of the USA. (40)December is the _________________ month in the year. (12)


Meios de Transporte:

Avio Airplane Ambulncia Ambulance Barco Boat Bicicleta Bike, Bicycle Caminho Truck Carro Car Helicptero Helicopter, Lambreta Scooter Metr Subway (USA), Underground (UK) Moto Motorcycle (USA), Motorbike (UK) Navio Ship nibus BusTrem Train Txi Taxi On foot A pVehicles Veculos

Lugares da Cidade:

Supermarket: supermercado Hospital: hospital Store: loja City hall: prefeituraBank: banco Church: igrejaSquare: praa Lottery retailer: casa lotricaBus stop: parada de nibus Club: clubeDrugstore: farmcia Gas station: posto de gasolinaPolice station: delegacia School: escolaCollege: faculdade Bakery: padariaSnack bar: lanchoneteLibrary: bibliotecaMuseum: museuBeach: praia

Direes: How do I get to ? (Como fao para chegar ao ?)Where is ? (Onde est ?)Go straight (V em frente)Turn back /Go back. (Vire de volta / Volte).Turn left/right (vire para direitaesquerda)Take the first/second road on the left/right (Pegue a primeira / segunda estrada esquerda / direita)Its on the left/right. ( esquerda / direita). como falar sobre direes em inglsat the end -of (no final -de)on/at the corner (na esquina)

Exerccios Complete com os meios de transporte corretos:

1. Theres a sick man inside the ___________________ . They are going to the hospital. 2. The boy is riding his ___________________ to school. 3. I saw an___________________ flying over our house today. 4. The ___________________ brings the food to our restaurant every day. 6. The postman in our town dont like vehicles. He delivers letters ___________________ . 7. I would like to go cruising on a ____________________one day.

Ache seis meios de transporte:

Crie 5 frases sobre a posio dos lugares da cidade:

1. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________2. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________3. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________4. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________5. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________famlia

Grandparents avsGrandfather avGrandmother avGreat-grandfather bisavGreat-grandmother bisavGreat-great-grandfather- tataravGreat-great-grandmother - tataravParents pais (pai e me)Father paiMother meChildren filhos (crianas)Son filhoDaughter filhaGrandchildren netosGrandson netoGranddaughter netaWife esposaHusband esposoBrother - irmoSister - irmUncle tioAunt tiaCousin primo ou primaNephew sobrinhoNiece sobrinhaIn-law - na leiFather-in-law sogro (pai na lei)Mother-in-law sogra (me na lei)brother-in-law cunhadosister-in-law - cunhadagodfather padrinho (pai em Deus)godmother madrinha (me em Deus)stepfather padrastostepmother madrastahalfbrother meio irmo (somente por parte de pai ou me)halfsister meia irm.


Kate is my __________________ . Jane is Carol's _________________.Bill is my _________________. John is Grace's_________________ .Peter is my _________________. Mark is Alice's _________________.Carol is my _________________. Kate is Carol's_________________ .Jane is my_________________ . Bill is Kate's_________________ .Mike is my _________________. Carol is John's_________________ .John is my _________________. Mike is Grace's _________________.Alice is my_________________ . Carol is Mark's _________________.Mark is my _________________. Grace is Kate's _________________.Grace is my_________________ . Jane is Bill's _________________.

ZERO and First ConditionalAs oraes condicionais (if clauses) expressam a dependncia entre uma circunstncia ou condio e um fato ou resultado.Uma frase condicional formada por duas oraes:a) a orao condicional (que exprime a condio), introduzida por if ou when*;b) a orao principal (main clause), que menciona a consequncia.*If e when podem ser usados um no lugar do outro quando significam "sempre que"/"toda vez que"Zero Conditional:- Expressar aes decorrentes de leis naturais ou universais:Fish die)( if they stay out of water.- Expressar situaes gerais que so sempre verdade, quer dizer, dada aquela condio expressa pela orao condicional, obtm-se um resultado determinado:If you touch the car, the alarm goes off.- Dar uma ordem ou instruo:If you need help, talk to the teacher.

Estruturao:As duas frases so no presente:sujeito + verbo simple present + if + sujeito + verbo no simple present + complemento Fish die if they stay out of water.

First ConditionalExpressa situaes ou aes possveis ou provveis de acontecerem no futuro.If it doesn't rain, I will go to the beach.

Estruturao:Uma frase est no simple present e a outra no futuro. Sujeito + verbo future + (complemento) + if + sujeito + verbo presente + (complemento) I will buy a car if I have money.

ExercciosPreencha as lacunas com os verbos no tempo correto:

a) If you _______________________ (help) me with my homework, I _______________________ (finish) it in time to go to the cinema. b) If it _______________________ (not/rain), the students _______________________ (practice) sport in the playground. c) Jane _______________________ (come) home early if she _______________________ (not/be) very busy at work. d) Our teacher _______________________ (be) pleased if we _______________________ (do) our homework. e) If Robert _______________________ (play) football with us, we _______________________ (win) the match.

1. If it__________________,(snow) people________________(wear)warm clothes.2. If a friend ________________ (tell) me a secret, I always ___________ (keep) it.3. If people ______________ (save) money, they often ______________ (buy) a house.4. If it_______________(rain), she always ________________(take) an umbrella.5. If you _________________ (heat) water, it __________________ (boil).6. If you _________________ (run) fast, you __________________ (get) tired.7. If I ___ ____________ ____ (have) to study, I never __________________ (go) out.imperativo

Usado para fazer um pedido, um convite ou uma ordem.Formado pelo infinitivo sem to.

Forma afirmativa:Ex.: Wait for me. (Espere por mim.)Ex.: Open your book. (Abra seu livro.)Ex.: Have a good day! (Tenha um bom dia!)

Forma negativa:Ex.: Dont move, please!. (No se mova, por favor)Ex.: Dont smoke. (No fume.)Ex.: Dont turn left. (No vire esquerda.)

ExercciosConstrua as frases com imperativo no negativo:_________________________________(work) so hard._______________________________ (go) there._______________________________ (be) so rude._______________________________ (forget) to tidy up your room._______________________________ (smoke) inside the building.

future simpleUsado para expressar uma ao futura que no h certeza que ocorrer.Identificado pelo uso do verbo auxiliar Will.Estrutura da frase afirmativa:Sujeito + will + verbo present + complemento I will see her.

Estrutura da frase interrogativa:Will + sujeito + verbo presente + complementoWill you ring her?

Estrutura da frase negativa:Sujeito + will not (wont) + verbo presente + complemento We wont miss schoolAfirmativaNegativaInterrogativa

I will / IllI will not / I wontWill I ?

You will / youllYou will not / you wontWill you?

He will / hellHe will not / he wontWill he?

She will / shellShe will not / she wontWill she?

It will / itllIt will not / it wontWill it?

We will / wellWe will not / we wontWill we..?

They will / theyllThey will not / they wontWill they?

ExercciosColoque as frases seguintes no futuro:You ____________________ (earn) a lot of money.You ____________________ (travel) around the world.You ____________________ (meet) lots of interesting people.Everybody ____________________ (adore) you.You ____________________ (not / have) any problems.Many people ____________________ (serve) you.They ____________________ (anticipate) your wishes.There ____________________ (not / be) anything left.Everything____________________ (be) perfect.

Use as seguintes palavras para fazer perguntas:(you / ask / him) ___________________________________________________________________________________(Jenny / lock / the door) ___________________________________________________________________________(it / rain) ____________________________________________________________________________________________(the teacher / test / our English) __________________________________________________________________(what / they / eat) __________________________________________________________________________________(when / she / be / back) ___________________________________________________________________________(who / drive / us / into town) _____________________________________________________________________(where / we / meet) ________________________________________________________________________________(when / I / be / famous) ___________________________________________________________________________(what / you / do) ___________________________________________________________________________________Immediate future usado para descrevermos uma ao futura que est planejada e est prestes a acontecer.Estruturao na forma afirmativa:Sujeito + verbo to go no present continuous + verbo principal infinitivo + complemento I am going to try my best

Estruturao na forma negativa:Sujeito + verbo to go no present continuous (negative) + verbo principal infinitive He isnt going to sleepEstruturao na forma interrogative:Usa-se a forma interrogativa do presente continuousAuxiliar to be + Sujeito + to go (ing) + verbo infinitivo + complemento Are they going to see the patients? ExercciosComplete as frases com o Immediate Future:I ________________________________________ (travel) all over the world. I ________________________________________ (not/work) in an office. I ________________________________________ (marry) a very rich woman. We ______________________________________(have) eleven boys. They _____________________________________ (become) a football team. They _____________________________________ (win) the World Cup. I _________________________________________ (play) the piano every night in a cafe. My wife ___________________________________ (not /cook) or clean. We _______________________________________ (eat) in restaurants every day.

Quais so seus planos para a semana Escreva 5 frases.1. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________2. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________3. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________4. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________5. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________

past simpleUsado para indicar uma ao que ocorreu no passado.Estruturao da frase:Sujeito + Verbo no Past Simple + Complemento Weworked yesterday.

Conjugao dos verbos no past simple: Verbos Regulares: adiciona-se ED ao final do verbo. Verbos j terminados em E apenas ganham o D: dance = dancedVerbos terminados em consoante+y, perdem o Y e ganham IED: study = studied.Verbos terminados em vogal+y, apenas ganham ED: play = played.Verbos terminados em consoante+vogal+consoante dobram a ltima consoante e ganham ED: stop = stopped

Estruturao da frase interrogativa:Auxiliar Do no passado (Did) + sujeito + verbo no presente Did she sleep?

Estruturao da frase negativa:Sujeito + did not + verbo no presente. You did not drink

Infinitive(infinitivo)Simple Past(Passado)

to bewas, were

to becomebecame

to beginbegan

to breakbroke

to buildbuilt

to buybought

to catchcaught

to choosechose

to comecame

to dodid

to drawdrew

to drinkdrank

to drivedrove

to eatate

to fallfell

to feelfelt

to findfound

to forgetforgot

to forgiveforgave

to getgot

to givegave

to gowent

to growgrew

to havehad

to hearheard

to keepkept

to knowknew

to lendlent

to loselost

to makemade

to meetmet

to paypaid

to readread

to runran

to saysaid

to seesaw

to sellsold

to sendsent

to sleepslept

to speakspoke

to teachtaught

to telltold

to thinkthought

to winwon

to writewrote

exercciosComplete as frases no passado:1. Yesterday I _________________ (REMAIN) in the house. I _________________ (COOK) dinner and _________________ (DO) some housework.2. I _________________ (REST), _________________ (READ) books, _________________ (WATCH) television and _________________ (GO) to sleep.3. I _________________ (BE) at school most of the day. I _________________ (STUDY). I _________________ (GO) to the gym and _________________ (WORK) out, _________________ (WORK) in my computer, _________________ (WATCH) a little TV.4. I _________________ (GO) to work in the morning and I _________________ (GO) to school in the afternoon.5. I _________________ (teach) yesterday. I teach at school two days a week.6. This morning I _________________ (GET) up at eight and _________________ (WATCH) news.7. We _________________ (walk) around the city.8. Yesterday I _________________ (ATTEND) a speech at Columbia University.9. I _________________ (GO) to my shrink.10. I _________________ (BE) pretty good at school.