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Agile Project Execution The future of Industrial Process Automation projects eBook " !"#"$%&% ()*+,-.+ /"-0"-%1"2# $%&' 3456 ()*+,-./0120(30%& 45(6 73889 

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Agile Project ExecutionThe future of Industrial Process Automation projects


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Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Agile Project Execution

Conventional Project Execution

Agile Project Execution as a Solution

How can we do things better? Page 21.

Table of Contents

Page 2.

Page 4.

Page 10.

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Process automation is undergoing major changes,driven by customers desire for technological advancesfrom the main automation system integrators in the

industry. Representatives from different industries aredriving vendors like Yokogawa to re-evaluate how

large-scale automation projects are implemented.

The customer message is clear: projects take too long;

they are too engineering-intensive; and the automationsystems frequently become the critical path in the final

stages, often causing the project to fall behindschedule.

With several hundred major automation projectsexecuted globally each year, the industry systemintegrators can draw on several decades of

experience working in various industries and with arange of technologies.

Individually and collectively, they are applying theirknowledge of best practices and lessons learned to

answer the question, “How can we do things better?”

As a result, Yokogawa is being guided by the industries

it serves to develop and improve solutions that providethe reliability, operability and safety expected from

control system platforms. Yokogawa is also beingasked to improve methodologies for assembling,executing and deploying a complex process solution

with improved efficiency, lower installation cost andgreater adherence to schedule.

Evolving Automation Technology & Changing Project Execution 

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Most innovations tend to advance two maincategories: 1) project management and 2) technicalimprovements. These two categories are deeply

intertwined on multiple levels and, as such, can worktogether to improve projects.

This eBook will address Yokogawa’s vision on ProjectExecution. We know that the challenge for automation

providers is, to develop technologies combined withproject execution processes designed to create the

greatest possible value.

The key to achieve this is, is to reduce or remove the

dependency of application engineering on thehardware implementation, eliminate the constraints of

marshalling and termination, and allow systemindependent commissioning of IO loops (no DCSdatabase required). The software side of automation

can be engineered and tested in a similar modularfashion, independent of the actual target hardwarewhich can be assigned flexibly at any stage in the

project. Yokogawa calls this:

Agile Project Execution (APEX).85

This approach to automation utilizes key Yokogawatechnologies to achieve smart, decoupled software

and hardware engineering, using a modular designapproach with flexible project implementation.

In order to better understand the evolving automation

landscape and the way automation projects are beingexecuted is changing, we will define what we call the‘conventional project execution methodology’ inchapter 1. We will also address the main challenges that

arise with this conventional approach.

In chapter 2 we dive deeper into the technical aspects

of these challenges and we will describe howYokogawa deals with them according to our Agile

Project Execution vision for automation projects.

In chapter 3 we will answer the main question: how can

we do things better?

For now, we hope that you will enjoy reading this eBook.

Agile Project Execution

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 For the last few decades, most projects have followed the same basic path. Each phase of this conventional

path takes place in a serial fashion and builds on the previous effort, shown in figure 1:




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From Serial to Parallel

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For the past few decades, most projects have followedthe same basic path shown in figure 1. Each phase

takes place in a serial fashion, as each builds on theprevious efforts:

1. The design phase typically includes development of

the functional, detailed specifications, and agreementon project engineering standards, schema and,sometimes, resources.

Control logic, graphics, alarm configuration, tuningparameters and so forth can be application-engineered in this 2nd phase by a software team in a

single or in multiple locations.

At the same time, controllers, I/O cabinets,

marshalling boxes and enclosures can bemanufactured, wired and tested by anotherspecialized team.

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2. This leads to the 2nd phase, the main engineeringwork, which can be grouped into hardware-related and software-related activities. During this phase it is

desirable to have as much parallel engineering aspossible with these activities, and the conventional

model achieves this up to a certain point.



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5 Basic Project Phases

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3. The significant dependence of applicationengineering on the design hardware is a challenge. Anautomation application must be configured to fit the

very specific controller, I/O module, marshalling,termination and wiring plan for which it is designed.

4. Upon site delivery, the application piece is bound tothe hardware loop by loop. The conventional model

refers to this as binding. Late binding allows enoughtime in the schedule for project design changes to beimplemented in both hardware and software before

final binding. Flexible binding, as we will show later onin this eBook, allows for these changes, as well asreconfiguration, at any point in the project.

5. Either after or during loop commissioning, the ownersigns off on the automation project, and the plantstarts up. Depending on the business environment,

schedule flexibility in start-up may be acceptable, butlate is never desired. 

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If events unfold as planned, theproject can stay on schedule,

although the schedule might belonger than the company considers

desirable. However, most projectsdo not run exactly as plannedbecause process engineers may

realize a vessel is not in an ideallocation, the distillation tower is notlarge enough, or another pump

needs to be added at some pointto maintain sufficient flow. Any ofthese process equipment changes

will create process automationsystem changes by moving or

adding hardware and relatedinstrumentation.




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As figure 2 shows, such changes can extend the time necessary forone or more project phases due to re-work, ultimately stretching outthe schedule and eventually pushing the project past the start-up

deadline. The automation system now becomes the critical pathitem holding up the schedule.

Impact of Design Changes



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As we have seen, any of the process equipmentchanges will create process automation systemchanges as well by moving or adding hardware and

related instrumentation.

The impact of such changes becomes all the greater

as the project moves farther along. Once it hasmoved into the loop commissioning phase, latearriving changes are expensive.

Such changes can extend the time necessary for oneor more project phases, ultimately stretching out the

schedule and eventually pushing the project past thestart-up deadline.

The automation system often becomes the criticalpath item, delaying start-up and the realization of

revenue from the new installation.



The conventional project model therefore, with itshigh interdependency of the hardware andsoftware, cannot not respond well to late-arriving

changes. In the next chapter we will show how

Yokogawa’s Agile Project Execution approachoffers a solution to this challenge.

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 As described earlier, the challenge for many automation

providers is to develop and implement new technologiescombined with project execution processes designed to

create the greatest possible value.

In order to achieve this, the key is to reduce or remove

the dependency of application engineering on thehardware implementation. Yokogawa calls this Agile

Project Execution (APEX).

This approach to automation utilizes key Yokogawa

technologies to achieve smart, decoupled software andhardware engineering, using a modular design

approach with flexible project implementation.

By effectively separating the project into hardware-

independent and system-independent layers, it ispossible to advance the hardware project furthertoward completion, with less consideration of the

application project status.

Utilizing System-Independent Loop Commissioning,project activities normally requiring a completed

system, such as I/O-to-device loop commissioning,may be accomplished with a mobile device before

the main controller is operating.

With the Agile Project Execution, application and

hardware can be equalized at any time, and finalbinding can occur at any flexible time in the

schedule to ensure an airtight schedule as theproject advances toward final delivery.

In this chapter we will first outline the technical

aspects of the problem and then dive deeper intoour solution called Agile Project Execution.

The Agile Approach

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 Compressing a project schedule by including more

parallel, instead of serial, activities depends on the

ability to decouple many elements of the processand mechanical design from the automation systemdetails. To be effective, this requires a method ofmaintaining overall project management and

information for automation software and hardwarelayers, equalizing engineering documentation, and

facilitating final binding.

One reason why traditional automation projects

make such decoupling difficult is the highlycustomized nature of the hardware, particularly I/Oand field wiring. These designs cannot be finalized

and built until the process and mechanical portionsof the plant are completed.

Technical Aspects of the Problemand Solution

A typical example is as follows: A vessel in theprocess needs a level sensor to ensure that theamount of liquid is beyond a given point. For the

sake of simplicity and economy, a level switch isspecified with a digital on/off output and an

appropriate I/O channel created in the control

system to receive the signal. However, the processdesigner later decides that it is critical to know the

actual level, and requests a modification.

A level transmitter must now be deployed in placeof a level switch alone, so it is necessary to changefrom a digital signal to a 4-20 mA (HART) signal. Such

a change might not seems substantial, but in thereal world it can involve a whole series of steps, fromhardware implementation to documentation

updates. Multiply this process by a few (or evendozens of) such changes, and construction begins

to fall behind schedule.

Fortunately, there is a solution to this problem, and it

lies with more flexible I/O systems.

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N-IO (Network I/O) is a key technology for AgileProject Execution. It simplifies the whole process ofwiring field devices and supports flexible binding.

Several industrial automaton vendors have

developed smart, configurable I/O technologycapable of supporting multiple signal types on a per-channel basis, and this development is arguably the

most critical for the parallel execution of process/mechanical and automation system design.

It can support multiple signal types on a per-channelbasis, and this development is arguably the most

critical for parallel execution of process/mechanicaland automation system design (Fig. 3).

Increase in I/O count over the project duration canbe accommodated with a standard cabinet

mounted with N-IO, which can then be assignedafter termination earlier or later in the project.


N-IO: Smart, Configurable

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So when changes comes late in the project, such asthe shift from a point level sensor to a level transmitter,as mentioned previously, it is a simple matter to

reconfigure the connection point in the cabinet.

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The capability for changing configurations, asdescribed on the previous page, along with theflexible binding of the automation hardware layer to

the software layer, support a seamless transition tothe final phase of project completion, without gaps

in the schedule. This is because much of thehardware loop validation is accomplished duringsystem-independent loop commissioning. When the

I/O cabinet is in place and the field devices areinstalled, the performance of the field device and its

interaction with the relevant final control elementcan usually be verified, even before the controlsystem is installed.

When changes come late in the project, such aswith the point level sensor to a level transmitter

example, it is a simple matter to reconfigure theconnection point in the cabinet. This capability for

changing configurations, and flexible binding of theautomation hardware layer to the software layer,supports a seamless transition to the final phases of

project completion without gaps in the schedule.

N-IO: Smart, Configurable


This is because much of the hardware loop validation isaccomplished during system-independent loopcommissioning using a Field Asset Validation and

Diagnostics tool, as we will show later on.

N-IO increases the independence of the automationsystem from the process/mechanical design since itsupports system-independent loop commissioning.

Utilizing N-IO as part of Agile Project Execution can resultin very significant reduction in complexity, hardware and

total installation cost for the engineering firm, or endusers.


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1)  It supports multiple signal types on a per-channel basis


Once a transmitter is replaced and all hardware tasks arefinished, the necessary application change can be done

centrally. All data and documents are consistent at anytime.

3)  Spare hardware channels are 100% available at any timewithout delay or physical adjustment


Application functions can be assigned to any available

hardware channel at any time during flexible binding,enabling more independence in application engineering

and reducing project risk. No rewiring or exchange of signalsis required.


I/O cabinets can be ordered, shipped and wired as a

standard item, since they require no project specificengineering (except size and layout), marshalling cabinets orfield terminations.

6)  Changes in any section (Hardware, Software) do not affectthe other due to Flexible binding. Flexible binding of the

hardware layer to the software layer is achieved toseamlessly transition to project completion without gaps inthe schedule, as much of the hardware loop validation is

accomplished during System-Independent LoopCommissioning.


Marshalling cabinets are eliminated along with mosttermination points. The number of wiring terminations fromeach device to the control system is reduced from 20 or

even more, to perhaps 5.

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Another common element of the configurableN-IO system is their ability to use latest digitalcommunication protocols for communication

with smart field devices, typically instruments andanalyzers. With natively supported

communication in place, the diagnosticinformation form these smart field devices canbe gathered and used in a sophisticated asset-

management program.

When the I/O cabinet is in place and the fielddevices are installed, a field asset validation anddiagnostics tool can be used to verify

performance of the field device and itsinteraction with the relevant final controlelement, even before the control system is


System-Independent Loop Commissioning

The field asset validation and diagnostics tooltakes advantage of PCs and the software

configurability of N-IO to allow not just theactivation and configuration of the I/O modules,but also the device-to-field loop check and

validation. This can happen if the devices areavailable in the field, or as part of modular skid


Field Asset Validation and Diagnostics

A screenshot of Yokogawa’s field asset validation anddiagnostics tool FieldMateTM Validator  

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The Workflow for System-Independent Loop Commissioning & Flexible Binding 

The workflow for system-independent loopcommissioning & flexible binding is verysimple:


While the application development work

is being done, I/O tags and informationcan be exported and imported into thefield asset validation and diagnostics tool.


With that information, I/O tags can beassigned to the real physical I/O, allowing

field loop check and validation muchearlier than conventionally possible.


With the field site instruments connected

to the I/O, accuracy and function checkscan also be carried out.4.  Reports can be generated after all the

fieldwork is completed.5.


Updated I/O information can be

transferred to the master database forcentral application access.


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One of the most important parts of system-independent loop commissioning is flexible

binding. The concept is simple, but results in hugeimprovements.

Flexible binding allows assigning or re-assigningany field I/O item to application control functionsat any convenient phase in the project.

Traditional conventional models make this

practical only during final site delivery of the

complete system, and then as costly rework.

Late binding is useful, allowing the hardware and software

pieces of a project to be developed in parallel and thenbrought together, validated and tested late in a project;

however if there is any re-work beyond this phase, the cost ishigh. Additionally, it means loop testing must wait until final


Flexible binding using a field asset validation and diagnostics

tool supports an even higher degree of separation, allowingfield loop checking to be carried out even earlier.


Flexible Binding:

Convenience to Avoid Rework

Late Binding vs Flexible Binding

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Class based modular control engineering withmodular control engineering software is theunifying element in the agile project execution

approach. Modular control engineering softwareis, or should be, the central engineering

application and database for all aspects of anautomation project, making it a major element ofthe larger Agile Project Execution program.

Modular control engineering software condenses

operating and procedural information into classmodules able containing:


Standardized engineering graphics•  Control logic•  Process-related intellectual property

•  Alarms•


Loop tuning tools and parameters•


Configurations for single pieces of equipment

These design patterns can be accessed from a

central repository managed by end users,integrators and engineering firms.

The Software Story: Modular Control Engineering Software


The design patterns can utilize global and industry-basedclass module libraries available for project engineering togreatly reduce overall engineering effort for unique

applications by using defined project rules.

Modular control engineering software functions handle bulkengineering, change management and autodocumentation—reducing overall application engineering

time while adhering closely to company or projectstandards.

Class modules provide a very useful way to capture andinstitutionalize industry automation knowledge and best

practices, which is a critical activity as a wave ofexperienced people move into retirement in the automationfield.

Most process automation vendors also maintain an extensivelibrary of class modules for various industry applications.

End users, integrators, engineering firms and technology

licensors can also maintain their intellectual property in localclass module repositories, taking advantage of modular

control engineering software and bulk engineering todeploy standardized, tested applications.

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Automation Design Suite: Yokogawa’s smart engineering environment


Modular Control Engineering Software 

The Automation Design Suite, Yokogawa's new engineering environment, retains the entire engineering history of yourplant from design phase, through commissioning and live operation; which ensures up-to-date plant knowledge withevery expansion, or hardware and software change throughout your lifecycle.

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When N-IO, system-independent loop checking with a field asset validation and diagnostics tooland flexible binding are used together with modular control engineering software, different functions can nowoverlap to shorten project execution time and reduce required engineering resources.


Putting Technical Advances to Work

With this project methodology,there is significant risk reduction

as a result of parallelengineering, reducedautomation hardware-to-

software dependence, flexiblebinding, and reusingengineering modules and best


There is also additional 

reduction in total projectinstalled cost due to much less

wiring, marshalling and fieldterminations.

Additionally, project softwarechanges are accommodated

independent of field hardwareinstallation.


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Using these products and techniques, it is possible to envisionboth parts of the automation effort, hardware and software,as independent pieces assembled from reusable modules. This

allows each to follow its own schedule in parallel rather than inserial, greatly reducing project execution time. More

equipment is purchased off-the-shelf, already engineered andtested to relevant standards, then shipped and assembled inmodular fashion, with flexible binding applied at the

appropriate time.

This approach allows design changes and problems related to

late data to be contained within a particular execution piece,reducing overall project impact. In fact, it becomes possible to

construct an entire process unit or skid, offsite, with itsassociated devices, wiring, piping, equipment and so forth,and mount N-IO cabinets as part of completed unit.


Reducing Project Execution Time 

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 Process skid and unit device and I/O loops can bechecked and commissioned offsite, independent of

the plant’s automation system design specifics. Theconstruction and hardware piece can be factory

accepted, and then the entire unit can be shipped tosite for assembly and connection with the rest of theplant, or adjacent units, all independent of the actual

application engineering or system platform at the site.

Process control system OEMs and user companies are

increasingly using engineering resources scatteredaround the world. These resources can work with

growing class module libraries to avoid the need forwriting code from scratch specifically for a singleproject.

Customers, integrators and suppliers alike are lookingfor ways to use intellectual property repeatedly,

reducing time and cost—and class modules addressthese needs.

New technologies from Yokogawa are making theseengineering approaches possible and more


They provide a great benefit to EPCs and technologylicensors, who can now protect their own technology

as well as execute projects utilizing thesemethodologies to provide greater value.


A Flexible Approach 

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Agile Project ExecutionThe future of automation projects 

Thanks for reading this eBook!

For more detailed information aboutYokogawa & Agile Project Execution

Yokogawa offers a Free Consultation


For a Free Consultation About Yokogawa

Yokogawa's global network of 88 companies spans 56countries. Founded in 1915, the US$3,5 billion conducts

cutting-edge research and innovation. Yokogawa isengaged in the industrial automation and control (IA), testand measurement, other business segments.

The IA segment plays a vital role in a wide range ofindustries including oil, chemicals, natural gas, power, ironand steel, pulp and paper, pharmaceuticals, and food.

More information: www.yokogawa.com

Author: Eugene SpiropoulosBusiness Consultant for

Process Management &

Manufacturing Solutions

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