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Australian Performing Arts Academy Western Australia Certificate II Information Booklet. Certificate II Performing Arts Certificate II Dance


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apanschools guide 2015

CertifiCate iiStudy Dance

CertifiCate ii

Study Performing Arts



APAN ACADEMY2015 Course guide

National Provider Number 52601

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our MissionThe Australian Performing Arts Network Academy delivers training to enthuse and inspire every student we train. We strive to provide students with a comprehensive artistic education that includes technical training in a wide variety of performing arts styles and a solid theoretical and practical foundation for performance. Our course fosters excellence in all forms of performing arts, a passion and appreciation for the art form.

The APAN Academy delivers greater flexibility in a student’s future career opportunities. APAN Academy is a structured and disciplined institution that encourages an individual’s performance style in a creative, safe and supportive learning environment. Students receive varied tuition from highly qualified trainers who guide them onwards to excellence in their chosen performing arts discipline. We consider it a privilege to participate in a worldwide community for the performance arts.

National Provider Number 52601 Cert IV Musical Theatre (52621WA)

Cert IV Commercial Dance (52619WA)Cert II in Performing Arts (52620WA)

Cert II in Dance (CUA20113)

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getting Qualified with aPaN academyAPAN is a Registered Training Organisation. Delivering training in four qualifications.

In 2015 APAN will provide Certificate II Performing Arts and Certificate II in Dance that school age children (minimum age 15 years or Year 10,11,12) can audition to complete.

How is training Conducted?

Training is run over four terms. Three terms consist of ten weeks and one term (fourth) term is eight weeks long. Training consists of face to face, practical and on the job assessments. Training sessions cover specific performance criteria and assessments relevant to a particular Unit of Competency outline with a strong focus on industry standard, knowledge and relevance.

What does training include?

È A group audition for entry to the course

È 38 full days of training onsite in a fully equipped studio with mirrors, barres, keyboards, space, student service centre and other facilities

È 38 weeks of training by industry professionals in their fields

È A performance at the end of the year for parents, family and friends

È National accreditation certificate upon successful completion

È All training and assessment materials

È A chance to go to Interstate Tour at a discounted rate to tour with industry professionals and Australian schools

What does the student Need to Provide?

È All appropriate dance shoes needed for study

È Appropriate stationery

È Personal set of weights and Thera-bands

È Black APAN Leotard for girls

È 2x APAN t-shirts

È 1x APAN jacket

È Appropriate dancewear for all classes outlined in acceptance package

È Ipad or tablet or laptop with your own internet connection for note taking and music

Students take note that The Curriculum Council of Western Australia has stated “Any nationally recognised VET qualifications and/or units of competency from training packages attained by senior students in years 10, 11 or 12 can contribute towards the achievement of a West Australian Certificate of Education (WACE).” This course consists of practical training in genres of dance, acting and musical theatre from a diverse and dedicated performing arts team. The course provides several on the job performance opportunities in a show case style and other appearances.

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We are tHe oNly orgaNisatioN iN

Wa tHat Holds tHe CoMMerCial

daNCe Cert iV CertifiCatioN.

state of tHe art faCilities The fully equipped, and state of the art APAN Studio, is situated on Stanford Way in Malaga. The bus stop is directly outside the main building complex making it easy for public transport use by students. Our fully air-conditioned studio space is 490 square metres. Comprising of 3 studios and separate music and vocal performance studios in an additional studio space. The studios are certified with the City of Swan public building codes and permissions. A student services room is available for study and storage of equipment and personal belongings. Full kitchen facilities with fridges, micro waves tables and chairs for the student meal breaks.

our ValuesOur core values are to go beyond ourselves with compassion courage and respect.

Why study at aPaN academy?

APAN exemplifies the values of:



È Integrity



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Course structureCertificate ii in Performing arts (52620Wa)

Certificate II in Performing Arts is a part-time course that runs on a school term basis over a period of thirty-eight weeks. The units are collated to provide the student with overview knowledge of performing arts to prepare them for future training and educational and career pathways.

Study tyPe: this is a part-time course comprising of 7 units over a period of 38 weeks.

CourSe timetable: this course is held on a Friday during school term from 9am to 4pm.

CertiFiCate ii iN PerFormiNG artS iS ComPriSed oF 7 Core uNitS

1. CUAPRF302 Develop basic acting skills

2. CUAPRF306 Develop musical theatre techniques

3. CUAVOS301 Use music and singing in performance

4. CUADAN201 Develop basic dance techniques

5. CUADAN202 Incorporate artistic expression into basic dance performances

6. CUAWHS101 Follow safe dance practices

7. CUAWHS201 Develop a basic level of physical condition for dance performance

CertiFiCate ii traNSitioN year - iNFormatioN From the SChool CurriCulum aNd StaNdardS authority

Students are able to gain credit towards their WACE for all nationally endorsed training package qualifications and nationally recognised accredited courses (except the suite of CGEA courses at this stage which duplicate Authority developed Foundation courses). Students can currently receive credit towards their WACE for Certificate II in Dance and Certificate II in Musical Theatre accredited courses.

Students in Year 12 in 2015 will be for 1 unit equivalent is awarded for every 55 nominal hours of successfully completed VET units of competency (up to a maximum of 10).

Students in Year 10/11 in 2015 must meet new WACE requirements. Successfully complete nationally recognised certificate II with a minimum of 220 nominal hours contributes towards the WACE as 2 year 11 and 2 year 12 unit equivalents (max of 8) as well as meeting the Certificate II minimum requirement (for non ATAR students).

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Course structure Certificate ii in dance (Cua20113)

Certificate II in Dance is a part-time course that runs on a school term basis over a period of thirty-eight weeks. The units are collated to provide the student with overview knowledge of dance specifically classical, street dance, jazz and contemporary. This course prepares them for future training and educational and career pathways.

Study tyPe: a part-time course comprising of 10 units over a period of 38 weeks.

CourSe timetable: this course is held on a Friday during school term from 9am to 4pm.

CertiFiCate ii iN daNCe ComPriSed oF the FollowiNG uNitS.

1. BSBWOR203B Work effectively with others

2. CUADAN201 Develop basic dance techniques

3. CUADAN202 Incorporate artistic expression into basic dance performances

4. CUAPRF201 Prepare for performances

5. CUAWHS101 Follow safe dance practices

6. CUAWHS201 Develop a basic level of physical condition for dance performance

7. CUFIND201A Develop and apply creative arts industry knowledge

3 out oF 4 eleCtiVeS 1. CUADAN208 Perform basic street dance technique

2. CUADAN203 Perform basic jazz dance technique

3. CUADAN206 Perform basic ballet technique

4. CUADAN205 Perform basic contemporary dance technique

CertiFiCate ii traNSitioN year - iNFormatioN From the SChool CurriCulum aNd StaNdardS authority

Students are able to gain credit towards their WACE for all nationally endorsed training package qualifications and nationally recognised accredited courses (except the suite of CGEA courses at this stage which duplicate Authority developed Foundation courses). Students can currently receive credit towards their WACE for Certificate II in Dance and Certificate II in Musical Theatre accredited courses.

Students in Year 12 in 2015 will be for 1 unit equivalent is awarded for every 55 nominal hours of successfully completed VET units of competency (up to a maximum of 10).

Students in Year 10/11 in 2015 must meet new WACE requirements. Successfully complete nationally recognised certificate II with a minimum of 220 nominal hours contributes towards the WACE as 2 year 11 and 2 year 12 unit equivalents (max of 8) as well as meeting the

Certificate II minimum requirement (for non ATAR students).

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about auditionsCertificate ii in Performing arts (52620Wa)

Candidate needs to be vocally and physically warm for the audition where applicable. APAN recommends arriving early so that a personal warm up can occur. APAN does not take any responsibility for injury incurred during an audition.

The candidate is asked to attend a group performing arts audition.

The audition’s purpose is to observe the candidate’s standard in in all areas of performing arts. The candidate must be prepared for all disciplines of performing arts to be included and assessed.

aN examPle oF CoNteNt iN aN auditioN:

È A group vocal audition with range and scales

È A group acting session

È A simple movement musical theatre combination

This is a time to assess the candidate’s potential, commitment and technical and performance capabilities. Questions regarding training and experience may also be asked in the audition.

APAN is here to support all performing arts students in their personal journey to be the best performer that they can be. The audition will be a positive experience to assess how we, the faculty, could support the applicant in future training. The applicant is expected to possess one area of strength in performing arts.

Certificate ii in dance (Cua20113)

Candidate needs to be physically warm for the audition where applicable. APAN recommends arriving early so that a personal warm up can occur.

APAN does not take any responsibility for injury incurred during an audition.

The candidate is asked to attend a group dance audition.

aN examPle oF CoNteNt iN aN auditioN:

È A group warm up and corner work

È Classical barre work

È Contemporary combination

È Commercial jazz combination

The audition’s purpose is to observe the candidate’s standard in in all areas of dance. The candidate must be prepared for all disciplines of performing arts to be included and assessed.

This is a time to assess the candidate’s potential, commitment and technical and performance capabilities. Questions regarding training and experience may also be asked in the audition.

APAN is here to support all performing arts students in their personal journey to be the best performer that they can be. The audition will be a positive experience to assess how we, the faculty, could support the applicant in future training. The applicant is expected to possess one area of strength in performing arts.

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Course fees and fee structure

Certificate ii Performing arts or dance:

$2,706 (gst inclusive)

Above fee is inclusive of:

È One day orientation and introductory classes in January 2015

È Class tuition from industry renowned trainers throughout the year

È Accounting and administration fees

È Some costume provision

È Venue rehearsal fees

È Extra rehearsal tuition

È Performance in term four of training

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for more information, visit our website apanacademy.com.au or call to speak to us about your future placement for aPaN academy. to ensure a place in our class of 2015, complete your audition

application pack available online now.

additional Curriculum outlays

Should any excursions become available to the students (e.g. a play, musical, gallery etc.) any costs incurred will be the responsibility of the student. Group concessions usually apply.

It must be noted that all personal equipment required for the course, including shoes, apparel should be purchased within the first three weeks of the course commencing or students will not be permitted to train. Attire standards are distributed in your acceptance package.

All personal performance attire required for showcase—including shoes, stockings, undergarments etc. must be purchased within the first three weeks of the showcase period. Showcase costumes may include some personal items that are sourced independently.

All extra personal tuition is optional however, if booked for course support it is a pre-arranged fee through the APAN office.

If any units are not met successfully the client/student will be charged for reenrolment in the following year.

When a student fails to reach a standard required within the unit, the flexible delivery offers a chance to re-sit or re-attempt this skill or knowledge. The circumstance that a resit is allowed and made is at the discretion of the assessor, the trainer and where needed also the CEO .Practical Resubmission $100 (plus GST), Theory $50 (plus GST). If the alternative assessment is through no fault of the candidate injury/illness no charge is applied.


semester fees

To ensure course accessibility and affordability, the course can be paid through a set payment plan.

oN aCCePtaNCe: $706.00

moNthly PaymeNtS due oN the 1St oF eaCh moNth Feb to NoVember: $200.00

**If payments are made by credit card there will be a surcharge at market rate.

Note: ALL Students under 21 years of age must have a guarantor for the payment of all course fees and all students and guarantors must sign the contract to the conditions of payment.

Students who miss a scheduled payment will not be permitted to attend class until a payment is made. If missing a payment becomes a regular occurrence, the student’s enrolment may be revoked or the Faculty may demand full fees before any tuition is taken.

Withdrawing from the Course

APAN has limited spots in all courses to ensure individual attention and progression of all students. When a student withdraws, they forfeit their place. APAN’s faculty will view reasons for withdrawal on a case by case basis and financial penalties will apply.

deferring a Qualification

If a student wishes to defer a qualification, a holding fee of $756.00 will be payable. This holding fee will be credited towards semester fees when students returns to training. Holding fees will not be refunded if a student does not wish to return to training.


Penalty fees apply and are the same to that as withdrawing students.

refund of fees

APAN assesses refunds on a case by case basis. Fees paid in advance are always protected but will only be refunded if student meets Faculty conditions.

recognition of Prior learning (rPl)

APAN has a Recognition of Prior Learning Policy. The faculty assesses candidates informally for RPL during the audition process. If you have completed a qualification or unit of competency with a Registered Training Organisation you may be eligible for credit transfer.

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Australian Performing Arts Network AcademySuper Studio: Unit 8 / 9 Stanford Way Malaga WA 6090

Phone: (08) 9209 3067

Fax: (08) 9209 3068

Email: [email protected]


We look forward to receiving your personal application

- Marina del Basso, CEO

AustrAliAn Performing Arts network Provider number 52601

Certificate II Performing Arts Course Number 52620WA Certificate II Dance Course Number Cua20113Certificate IV Performing Arts – Musical Theatre Course Number 52621WACertificate IV Performing Arts –Commercial Dance Course Number 52619WA

connect with us f fb.com/apanfb l @apanarts x WAAPAN o apanacademy.com.au