ap bio summer assignment 2011

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  • 8/3/2019 AP Bio Summer Assignment 2011


    AP Biology Summer Assignment 2011-Due Tuesday, August 23rd forfull credit

    1. Review chapter 1 and 2: Introduction to Biology Chemistry. If you are taking this class you shouldbe very comfortable with this information, we will not cover it, but you will be responsible for theinformation.

    2. Read Chapters 51- 56 and answer the questions on the following worksheets.

    No typed assignements will be accepted.Only handwritten!You must use these worksheets

    Materialsa. The worksheets follow the text closely and are in order for convienence.b. A few questions may require online research..

    Try to maintain perspectivea. Dont forget that everything you will learn this year is about you and the world you live in. You might

    feel at times that is just another worksheet to complete, but these worksheets will change you if you

    embrace the challenge and accept that deep learning and an understanding of the natural worldshould be the prime objective not a particular grade. When youre done with this class, you will notlook at the world the same way again. Everything around you like it or not you will see as abiologist.

    How to answer the questions- Pace yourself through the summer.a. You should be able to answer all the questions in the space provided. Dont write essays, but dont

    give a one-word answer if youre given two inches of space to write in. If you are asked to brieflyexplain try to do so briefly.

    b. Be aware of two-part questions, such as List and describec. i.e. means that is, or in other words. e.g. means for exampled. Items with a do not require any writing.e. I dont expect that the average AP student to be able to read and understand every single piece of

    information in these chapters. (If you could, you wouldnt need teachers!) Do your best to answereach question.

    f. Put a star by the concepts that you would like the teacher to explain during class when we cover thismaterial.

    Themes of AP BiologyThere are eight major themes that recur throughout the course. Students should use these themes toorganize concepts and topics into a coherent conceptual framework. Well cover these in detail duringAugust, but here they are:

    1. Science as a Process (experiments)2. Evolution3. Energy Transfer4. Continuity & Change

    5. Relationship of Structure to Function6. Regulation7. Interdependence in Nature8. Science, Technology, & Society

    Collaborating vs. Cheating:I dont mind if you help one another to understand any concepts in this or any other assignment. I domind if you copy work from another student. The former involves discussion and explanation; the latterdoes not. You are encouraged to compare completed answers, discuss any differences, and makeappropriate changes when you feel that you have reached a more complete understanding of theconcept together.

    AP Biology Topic Outline (FYI)

    I. Molecules and Cells 25%A. Chemistry of Life 7%

    Water, Organic molecules in organisms, Freeenergy changes, Enzymes

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    B. Cells 10%Prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, Membranes,

    Subcellular organization, Cell cycle and itsregulation

    C. Cellular Energetics8%Coupled reactions, Fermentation and cellular

    respiration, Photosynthesis

    II. Heredity and Evolution 25%A. Heredity 8%

    Meiosis and gametogenesis, Eukaryoticchromosomes, Inheritance patterns

    B. Molecular Genetics 9%RNA and DNA structure and function, Gene

    regulation, Mutation, Viral structure andreplication, Nucleic acid technology andapplications

    C. Evolutionary Biology 8%Early evolution of life, Evidence for evolution,

    Mechanisms of evolution

    III. Organisms and Populations 50%

    A. Diversity of Organisms 8%Evolutionary patterns, Survey of the diversity

    of life, Phylogenetic classification,

    Evolutionary relationshipsB. Structure and Function of Plants and Animals

    32%Reproduction, growth, and development,

    Structural, physiological, and behavioraladaptations, Response to the environment

    C. Ecology 10%Population dynamics, communities and

    ecosystems & global issues

    Ch. 51 Behavioral Ecology

    Concept 51.1: ________________________________________________________________________1. Animal behavior Intro

    a. Define the following:



    sign stimulus

    b. Describe the behavior of the stickleback, including the proximate (immediate) and the ultimate(evolutionary) cause:

    c. What is Imprinting, and how is it related to a Sensitive Period? Again,include both the proximate and the ultimate causes:

    The image shows Dr. Lorenz followed by 7 ducklings which imprinted on themiddle-aged Swiss professor, rather than on their real mother.

    Concept 51.2: ________________________________________________________________________

    2. Innate Behaviors

    a. Innate behaviors are mostly controlled by your _____________________________.

    b. Define Kinesis.

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    c. Define Taxis.

    d. Positive taxis involves moving ________________ a stimulus; negative taxis involves moving_____________ a stimulus.

    e. Define Signal:

    f. Define Pheromones:

    -Pheromones often function in what sort of behavior?

    Concept 51.3: ________________________________________________________________________

    3. Experimental design practice - In Etges experiment with the flies, identify the following:

    a. Independent variable: c. Dependent variable:

    b. How many levels of the IV did he use?

    4. Learning

    a. Define Learning:

    b. Define Habituation:

    c. Define Associative Learning:

    5. Pavlov:

    Classical conditioning occurs when a normally Neutral Stimulus is paired with an UnconditionedStimulus that automatically produces an innate behavioral response called the UnconditionedResponse. After the pairing, the irrelevant stimulus produces the same automatic response that theneutral stimulus always did, so it is then called a Conditioned Stimulus. Use the description of IvanPavlovs famous experiment to identify the following items: (Thanks to Wikipedia!)

    a. neutral stimulus

    b. unconditioned stimulus

    c. conditioned stimulus

    d. unconditioned response

    6. Operant Conditioning

    The original and most famous example of classical conditioning involved the

    salivary conditioning of Pavlov's dogs. During his research on the physiology of

    digestion in dogs, Pavlov noticed that, rather than simply salivating in thepresence of meat powder, the dogs began to salivate in the presence of the lab

    technician who normally fed them. Pavlov called thesepsychic secretions.From this observation he predicted that, if a particular stimulus in the dogs

    surroundings were present when the dog was presented with meat powder, thenthis stimulus would become associatedwith food, and it would cause

    salivation on its own. In his initial experiment, Pavlov used bells to call the dogs

    to their food and, after a few repetitions, the dogs started to salivate in response

    to the bell. Thus, a neutral stimulus became a conditioned stimulus as a result of

    consistent airin with the unconditioned stimulus.

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    a. Operant conditioning is a type of _________________________________ learning in which an animal learns

    to associate one of its own behaviors with a _____________________ or _____________________ and then

    tends to repeat or avoid that behavior; it is also called ________________________________ learning.

    b. Give an example of this type of learning:

    c. Briefly describe a way you could use this type of learning to Pleasanton freshmen learn to behave


    Concept 51.4: ________________________________________________________________________

    7. Define foraging

    8. Mating Behavior and Mate Choice

    a. Mating behavior is a type of _____________________ selection called _____________________ selection. As

    such, it always enhances __________________________________ success in some way.

    b. Why do you suppose the females of polyandrous species are thenon-decorated ones, while the males of polygynous species arethe decorated?

    c. Remember all mating choices must have a reason. There mustbe some evolutionary advantage to all choices, no matter howarbitrary these choices may seem to us humans who observe theanimals and try to figure out why the heck they do what they do.Skip down to the description of stalk-eyed flies, and brieflyexplain the evolutionary basis for why female flies think longeyestalks are sexier than short ones:

    Game theory: This will not be on the test, and you areunder no obligation to read any more of section 51.5, but it is afascinating concept if you have some spare time to explore it.

    Have you seen the movieA Beautiful Mind? Thats the same John Nash mentioned in the text. Ifyou find this concept interesting, try Googling something called the Prisoner's Dilemma. It mighthurt your head a bit, but you could find yourself applying it to everyday situations

    Concept 51.5: ________________________________________________________________________

    9. Altruisma. Define altruism.

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    b. Altruism at first seems to disobey the survival of the fittest rule. How do the concepts ofKinSelection and Inclusive Fitness explain this apparent contradiction? (Dont worry about thecoefficient thing just explain the main idea.)

    10. Misc.

    a. Sociobiology is the study of _____________________ behavior based on _______________________________theory. Again, this is a fascinating area that we dont have time to study in AP Biology.

    Ch. 52 An Introduction to Ecology and the Biosphere

    Concept 52.1: ________________________________________________________________________

    1. Organisms and the Environment, and a basic scientific concept

    a. Complete the table on ecosystem components:

    Definition ExamplesAbioticfactorsBiotic


    b. The description of red kangaroo habitats illustrates an important distinction: the difference betweenCorrelation (when 2 variables occur together) and Causation (when two variables occur togetherbecause one causes the other). With what variable does a dense red kangaroo population most closely


    And yet, what other factors might be the realunderlying cause of this correlation?

    Sometimes, spotting a correlation is the first stepto determining the causation, as shown in thecartoon.

    c. Read the following description of a real study,taken from a textbook on scientific reasoning:

    Several years ago, a large-scale study of the factors related to the use of contraceptives wasconducted in Taiwan. A large research team of social scientists and physicians collected data on awide range of behavioral and environmental factors. The researchers were interested in seeing whatfactors were often associated with a couples adoption of birth control methods. After testing all thevariables, they found that the one that was most strongly related to contraceptive use was the numberof electric appliances (toasters, fans, etc.) in the home (Li, 1975).

    Hmm Did this mean that in order for the Taiwanese government to reduce its countrys birth rate,all it needed to do was to give each newlywed couple a toaster, fan and coffeemaker to greatly increasetheir chances of using some form of birth control? Unlikely. With that factor is birth control correlated?

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    What do you think is the real reason (the cause) for the correlation between appliances and birthcontrol?

    d. Define the following important terms:




    Concept 52.2: ________________________________________________________________________

    4. Climate

    a. Which factors determine an areas climate?

    b. Its not really correct to say that the equator gets more sunlight. Rather, the equator gets________________________________________ sunlight than the poles.

    c. What causes the seasons?

    d. Use the diagram to explain global air circulationpatterns.

    e. Bodies of water: Our summers in Millbrae dontget very hot, and our winters dont get very cold. Explain why:

    f. Mountains: We get more rain in Millbrae than they do in theEast Bay. Use the diagram to explain why:

    g. Seasonality: What happens to lakes over the course of ayear? (Dont worry about the details just the main ideas here.)

    h. Long-term climate change: Briefly explain why this might create problems for trees like the beech

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    Concept 52.3: ________________________________________________________________________

    5. Aquatic Biomes

    a. What is the approximate salt concentration of marine biomes? _____

    of freshwater biomes? ___________

    b. Reasons we should care about marine ecosystems:

    -Evaporation from the oceans

    -Marine algae and photosynthetic bacteria

    c. Label the photic and benthic aquatic zones.

    d. What makes the photic zone special?

    e. Where is the benthic zone, what is its main food source,

    and what are the deepest portions of the ocean benthiczones called?

    f. How does temperature vary with depth?

    g. Complete the table comparing types of lakes:

    Level ofNutrients

    Oxygen levels How muchorganic guck on


    Rates ofphotosynthesis



    h. Reasons we should care about wetlands (including swamps, marshes and bogs): wetlands have ahigh capacity to:

    i. What is an estuary? (FYI: The description exactly describes the way the water works coming in fromthe SF Bay estuary up the Sacramento River)

    j. Pelagic biomes: What sort of organisms makes up



    k. Coral reefs: Reefs can only exist within a temperature range of ___-___C. They are formed largely

    from the ___________ _________________________________ of corals. Various types of algae live within the

    coral, providing the coral with __________________________________________.

    l. Benthic zones: Most of the oceans benthic zone receives __________ sunlight, and the very deep

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    e. Sketch and label the 3 types of population dispersion:

    2. Demography

    a. Label types I and III.

    b. Complete the table on the 2 types. If you need help finding the answers, try the activityInvestigating Survivorship Curves.

    Number ofoffspring

    OffspringSurvival Rate

    Amount ofparental Care



    Concept 53.3:


    (No questions on 53.2; 53.3 and 53.4 questions are combined)Concept 53.4: ________________________________________________________________________

    3. Per Capita Rate of Increase

    a. Explain the terms of the equation r = b m

    b. ZPG stands for ________________________________________________and occurs when:

    4. Types of Growth

    a. On the axes, sketch and label two curves, one for exponential growth and one for logistic growth.

    b. Makes sure to label each axis; the units are not important, but the type of measurement is.

    c. Define carrying capacity:

    d. Label carrying capacity on the graph.

    e. Complete the table comparing the 2 types of growth:

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    Type ofgrowth

    Letter thecurve


    Under what circumstancesdoes each type of growth


    What type of increase (r)is shown?

    Type ofselection(K or r)

    (see 4f)Exponential constant


    f. K-selection tends to maximize _______. By contrast, r-selection tends to maximize the ______. K-

    selection populations tend to have few kids, but to give lots of parental care to ensure a high survival

    rate, while r-selected populations tend to have as many kids as possible, with virtually no parental

    care, in hops that at least some of them will survive. Give an example of each (preferably one that

    begins with the letters K and R, to make them easy to remember)

    Concept 53.5: ________________________________________________________________________

    5. Negative feedback

    You can read more about this concept in chapter 1 if you wish, but here is the Sparknotes version:

    The levels of many naturally varying items are controlled by something called negative feedback.Examples include human blood sugar level, the stock market, the number of rabbits in Yosemite, andthe temperature in your apartment.

    Technically, it is defined as the process by which the product of a process shuts odd its ownproduction.

    An example is a thermostat: when enough heat is produced, the furnace is shut down (i.e. no moreheat is produced.) When the level of heat drops enough, the production of heat resumes. The graphlooks like this, with time on the X axis, and the level of whatever on the Y axis. You an see that thelevel of the item in question doesnt stay exactly constant, but it is kept within a narrow range.

    6. Density-Dependent Population Regulation

    a. A density-dependent death rate goes up as __________________________________________ happens, while

    a density-________________________________ death rate is not affected by it. Therefore density-

    dependent factors exert their effects via _______________________ feedback.

    b. List 6 examples of density-dependent factors on population size:

    c. Explain how one of those density-dependent factors exerts negative feedback.

    d. Give some examples of density-INdependent factors that limitpopulation size.

    e. Population cycles: Label and briefly explain the hare/lynx cycle.



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    7. Human Population

    a. What letter shape is it? ______ What type of growth is it? ____________________________; Can this be

    sustained? ______

    b. In the demographic transition, a nations _____________ rate drops first due to better

    ____________________________________ . This leads to a drop in the _____________ rate. Together, these

    lead to a stabilization of that nations ____________________________________.

    c. Label the 3 pyramids: rapidly expanding, slowly expanding,


    d. What do the bulges in the middle pyramid represent?

    e. What problems will we face as the bulges move up the pyramid?

    f. Label the pyramids that best represent 2 types of nations:developing and industrialized.

    g. Which of the pyramids represents nations that probably have the highest infant mortality rates?

    8. Human Population Growth (online Activity)

    a. Label each of the 5 important events in human population history.

    9. Global Carrying Capacity

    a. What is the best estimate of human carrying capacity?

    b. What sort of items are included in the ecological footprint?

    c. All of these are converted into units of ___________.

    d. All of the nations above the blue line are already above their _____________________________________ .

    Chapter 54: Community InteractionsConcept 54.1Community interactions are classified by whether they help, harm, or have no effect on the speciesinvolved.

    1. What is a community? List six organisms that would be found in your schoolyard community.

    2. This section will look at interspecific interactions. Be clear on the meaning of the prefix! To begin,distinguish between intraspecific competition and interspecific competition. Give an example of each.

    Type of Competition Explanation ExampleIntraspecificcompetition

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    3. What is G. F. Gauses competitive exclusion principle? Give one example.

    4. Define ecological niche.

    5. Several species of Anolis lizards live in the same types of trees and have a similar diet. Discuss resourcepartitioning to explain how interspecific competition is reduced. (Study Figure 54.2.)

    6. What is the difference between the fundamental niche and the realized niche?

    7. Study Figure 54.5, and then explain what is meant by character displacement. (To do this, you will haveto learn or review the difference between sympatric populations and allopatric populations. You will findthis information in Chapter 24.)

    8. Predation is a term that you probably already know. Can you give examples of some predator-preycombinations as listed below?

    Predator Prey ExampleAnimal AnimalAnimal Plant

    Fungus AnimalBacteria AnimalFungus Plant

    9. List three special adaptations that predator species possess for obtaining food.

    10. List three ways prey species elude predators.

    11. Compare the two types of mimicry.

    Type of Mimicry Description ExampleBatesian


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    12. What is herbivory?

    Did you list any special herbivore adaptations for predation in your response to question 9? Or plantadaptations to avoid herbivory? List two adaptations for each category here.

    14. Describe and give an example of each of the following interactions:

    Type of Interaction Description Examplesymbiosis




    15. Which category above includes the other three? Note that other texts may define this term morenarrowly.

    16. Your text uses +/ symbols to indicate how interspecific interactions affect survival and reproduction ofthe two species. Use this notation for each of these interactions.

    Type of Interaction +/+, +/, /, +/0predationcommensalismmutualism

    parasitisminterspecific competitionherbivory

    17. What is species diversity? What are its two components? Why is it important?

    18. What does an ecologist summarize in a food web?

    19. Know the levels of trophic structure in food chains. Give a food chain here, including four links thatmight be found in a prairie community, and tell the level for each organism.

    20. Name every organism in the pictured food chain, and give the trophic level in the box.

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    21. According to the energetic hypothesis, why are food chains limited in length? How much energy istypically transferred to each higher level?

    22. What is a dominant species? For the area where you live, what would be considered a dominant treespecies?

    23. How is a keystone species different from a dominant species?

    24. Name one keystone species, and explain the effect its removal has on the ecosystem.

    25. Explain facilitator or foundation species and give an example.

    You may omit bottom-up and top-down controls.

    Concept 54.2 Disturbance influences species diversity and composition

    26. What is the intermediate disturbance hypothesis? Give an example of a disturbance event, andexplain the effect it has on the community.

    27. Ecological succession is the changes in species that occupy an area after a disturbance. What is the

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    difference between primary succession and secondary succession?

    Concept 54.3 Biogeographic factors affect community biodiversity

    28. Explain latitudinal gradients in terms of species richness. Where is species richness greatest?

    29. There are probably two key factors in latitudinal gradients. List and explain both here, and put a starnext to the one that is probably the primary cause of the latitudinal difference in biodiversity.

    30. Explain what is demonstrated by a species-area curve.

    31. Renowned American ecologists Robert MacArthur and E. O. Wilson developed a model of islandbiogeography. While the model can be demonstrated with islands, any isolated habitat represents anisland. What are the two factors that determine the number of species on the island?

    32. What two physical features of the island affect immigration and extinction rates?

    33. Why do small islands have lower immigration rates? Higher extinction rates?

    34. Closer islands have _____________ extinction rates and ______________ immigration rates.

    35. What is the island equilibrium model?

    36. Use this model to describe how an islands size and distance from the mainland affect the islandsspecies richness.

    37. Label this figure to show immigration, extinction, island size, and equilibrium. Then explain what eachfigure shows.

    Community ecology is useful for understanding pathogen life cycles and controlling human disease

    38. Lets pull a couple of ideas from this section: What is a pathogen?

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    39. What is a zoonotic pathogen? List three examples.

    40. What is a vector? List three examples.

    Ch. 55 Ecosystems


    1.Definition of ecosystem:

    2.Describe 2 important processes that affect the dynamics of an ecosystem.

    Concept 55.1: ________________________________________________________________________

    1.Ecosystems and Physical Laws

    a. Label the energy and nutrientdynamics diagram.

    b. Explain how the principle ofconservation of energy relates to thisdiagram.

    c. How does the 2nd Law of

    Thermodynamics apply to this diagram?

    2. Trophic Relationships

    a. How do scientists determine which trophic level an organism belongs to?

    b. Which trophic level supports all others?

    c. Draw an energy flow chart using arrows to show the direction of energy flow. Be sure to atinclude at least 4 trophic levels.

    3. Decomposition

    a. Why are decomposers considered the major link between producers and consumers in anecosystem?

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    Concept 55.2: ________________________________________________________________________

    1. Ecosystem Energy Budget

    a. What is primary production?

    b. Why do ecologists use the rate of photosynthesis as the basis for the energy budget in anecosystem?

    c. Why is only a small portion of the solar energy that strikes the Earths surface stored byprimary producers?

    d. Why is an ecosystems net primary production lower than its gross primary production?

    e. How can measuring biomass be used to determine net primary productivity?

    f. Using the graph: Which 2 types of ecosystems have

    the highest NPP PER UNIT AREA?

    Why does the ocean the openocean account for almost 25%Earths primary production despitesits relatively low rate of primaryproduction?

    2. Primary Production in Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems

    a. Describe the 2 main limiting factors in aquatic environments and their effects on primaryproduction.

    b. How does upwellings relate to high primary productivity?

    c. What is eutrophication?

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    d. What impacts might eutrophication have on aquatic environments?

    3. Primary Production Terrestrial and Wetland Ecosystems

    a. Describe the 2 key factors that control primary productivity in terrestrial and wetlandenvironments.

    b. Using the graph, list the biomes with the: Highest productivity:

    Lowest productivity:

    c. Explain how evapotranspiration relates to primaryproductivity.

    d. What kind of soil nutrients are limiting factors to primary productivity?

    Concept 55.3: ________________________________________________________________________

    1. Production Efficiency

    a. What is secondary production?

    b. Label the diagram.

    c. Circle the amount of secondary production for thisdiagram.

    d. Write the equation for production efficiency.

    e. If an insect that eats plant seeds containing 100J of energy uses 30J of that energy forrespiration and excretes 50J in its feces, what is the insects net secondary production? What is itsproduction efficiency?

    2. Trophic Efficiency and Ecological Pyramids

    a. What is trophic efficiency?

    b. Approximately how much energy is lost whenmoving up each trophic level?

    c. Label the energy pyramid diagram.

    d. How do biomass pyramids differ from productionpyramids?

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    3. Carbon Cycle

    a. Label the diagram.

    b. What is the biological importance ofcarbon?

    c. What are the forms available to life?

    d. What are the main carbon reservoirs?

    e. What is combustion?

    f. How does carbon get from the environment into living systems?

    4. Nitrogen Cycle

    a. Label the diagram.

    b. What is the biological importance ofnitrogen?

    c. What are the forms available tolife?

    d. What are the main nitrogenreservoirs?

    e. How does nitrogen go enter into

    living systems?

    f. What is denitrification?

    5. Decomposition and Nutrient

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    Cycling Rates

    a. Label the diagram.

    b. Describe the biological process that controls the rate of nutrient cycling in an ecosystem.


    What 2 factors control the rate of decomposition?

    d. Explain how it is possible for the tropical rainforest to thrive and have such high productivitywhile its soils are so nutrient poor.

    6. Vegetation and Nutrient Cycling: The Hubbard Brook Experimental foresta.

    What did this study demonstrate?

    b. Why does deforestation of a watershed increase the concentration of nitrates in streamsdraining the watershed?

    c. What 2 factors control the rate of decomposition?

    d. Explain how it is possible for the tropical rainforest to thrive and have such high productivitywhile its soils are so nutrient poor.

    Concept 55.5: ________________________________________________________________________

    Describe some ecological consequences to the growing human population size.

    7. Nutrient Enrichment

    a. How humans have disrupted the nutrient cycles?

    b. Describe the impact that agriculture has had on the nitrogen cycle.

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    c.How can the addition of excess nutrients to a lake threaten its fish population?

    8. Acid Precipitation

    a. How does acid precipitation form?

    b. Describe the effects of acid precipitation on aquatic andterrestrial ecosystems.

    9. Toxins in the Environment

    a. Label the diagram.

    b. Describe the process of biological magnification.

    c. In the face of biological magnification of toxins, whichtrophic level is the healthiest to feed on?

    10. Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide

    a. What trend does the graph show?

    b. How might increased productivity lead to anincrease in atmospheric CO2?

    c. How does an increase in atmospheric CO2 affectforest ecology?

    d. Explain the greenhouse effect.

    e. How do humans affect the CO2concentration in the atmosphere?

    f. Describe 2 consequences that would ariseas a result of global warming.

    11. Depletion of Atmospheric Ozone

    a. Label the diagram.

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    b. Describe the consequences to the depletion of ozone in the atmosphere.

    Chp 56: Conservation Biology and Restoration Ecology

    Overview: The Biodiversity Crisis

    3.What is conservation biology?

    4.What is restoration ecology?

    5.What is biodiversity?

    6. If extinction is a natural phenomenon that has been occurring since life has evolved, why should webe concerned with it today?

    Concept 56.1: ________________________________________________________________________

    4. The Three Levels of Biodiversity

    Label the 3 levels of biodiversity in the diagram.

    a. Genetic Diversity

    Genetic diversity comprises the individual genetic variation___________________a population but also the genetic variation___________________populations that is often associated withadaptations to local conditions.

    b. Species Diversity

    Species diversity, or__________________________, is thevariety of species in an ecosystem or throughout the entirebiosphere.

    What is the difference between an endangered andthreatened species?

    c. Ecosystem Diversity

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    The variety of the ______________________ ecosystems is the third level of biological diversity.

    The local extinction of one species, especially a _______________ ________________, can affect anentire community.

    5. Biodiversity and Human Welfare

    a. Habitat destruction

    Human alteration of habitat is the single greatest _______________ to biodiversitythroughout the biosphere.

    The IUCN states that destruction of physical habitat is responsible for the ____________ ofspecies designated extinct, endangered, vulnerable, or rare.

    Approximately ________ of the tropical dry forests of Central America and Mexico have beencut down.

    About _________ of the worlds coral reefs have been damaged by humans. The prairies of southern Wisconsin now occupy less than 0.1% of the ________________ hectares

    they covered when the Europeans arrived in North America.

    Aquatic habitat destruction and species loss also result from dams, reservoirs, channelmodification, and flow regulation affecting most of the worlds _____________________.

    b. Introduced Species

    Introduced species, also called __________________species, are those that humans move from nativelocations to new geographic regions.

    Describe how non-native species arrive to newhabitats.

    Why are some invasive species so successful in theirnew environment?

    Choose an example of an invasive species anddescribe its affected on its new environment.

    c. Overexploitation

    Overexploitation refers to the human harvesting of wild plants and animals at rates thatexceed the ability of those populations to ______________________.

    Large organisms with low intrinsic _______________________ rates are especially susceptible tooverexploitation.

    Species with restricted _________________________, such as small islands, are also especiallyvulnerable to overexploitation.

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    d. Disruption of Interaction Networks

    Ecosystem dynamics depend on networks of ___________________ interactions within biologicalcommunities.

    The extinction of one species can doom others, especially if the extinction involves a_______________________ species, an ecosystem engineer, or a species with a highlyspecialized ________________________ with other species.

    Concept 56.2: ________________________________________________________________________

    4.Small Population Approach

    g. Explain why small populations tend to experience anextinction vortex.

    h. Label the diagram.

    i. Explain why low genetic variability does notnecessarily lead to permanently small populations.

    j. How small does a population need to be before itstarts down an extinction vortex?

    k. What does MVP stand for and how does it relate to population changes?

    l. What is PVA?


    5. Declining Population Approach

    e. Contrast the small-population and declining-population approaches in terms of the remediesthey recommend for preventing extinction of a species.

    6. Weighing Conflicting Demands

    a. Describe some focuses for conservation biologists.

    Concept 56.3: ________________________________________________________________________

    3. Landscape Ecology

  • 8/3/2019 AP Bio Summer Assignment 2011


    f. Why is landscape ecology important in conservation efforts?

    g. Why are boundaries or edges defining features of landscapes?

    h. How can corridors connecting habitat fragments help protect endangered population? Howmight such corridors harm populations?

    4.Establishing Protected Areas

    a. What are some challenges that conservationbiologists face when setting up protected areas?

    b. What is a biodiversity hotspot?

    c. How do zoned reserves provide economicincentives for long-term protection of protected areas?

    Concept 56.4: ________________________________________________________________________

    a. What are the goals of restoration ecology?

    b. How do bioremediation and biological augmentation differ?


    Issue Recovery Efforts

    Truckee River, NV


    Kissimmee River,FL

    Tropical Dry Forest,


    Rhine River,Europe

    Coastal Japan

  • 8/3/2019 AP Bio Summer Assignment 2011


    Concept 56.5: ________________________________________________________________________

    d. What is meant by the term sustainable development?

    e. How might biophilia influence environmental ethics?