•open·hollse: features; isley!,. and football · 2015. 6. 24. · · the ,famous isley:...

"': ·.. . . .: ·A huge red barn; just east of the I where students· can both ·eat. and university· library,· may :be dance in pleasant, distinctive into a social center atmosphere .. Rev. C. I. McCar- ragher, vice. president for student affairs, said that 'a f. the earliest, the barn could be ready for use at the beginning of }964 school. year. Since remodeling the barn will . ·cost approximately $150,000, the administration' wishes to . aetcr- mine the. student :attitude .toward the idea before making definite plaris. Student ·approval ·should assure that work will start cin the building .. "I'm very: serious about going ahead \vith .the idea· if the students .really \vant it,'' said Fr. . . . . . .block east of new:Jibrary-which _may receive $1so,ooo renovating job arter student approval. <t.·:.. - .Student Government -Red .. student closed.. its senators;· .. and . secre.:. ·. books ·last year· saoooin: .. red to take· place oc.: . , :according ..to· Dave Ellis,. StuMnt tober 14th :_,vith · :.to :wa·s <due :close- the 5th -.or. 6th. : · ·, iargely to -\osses of $3500 :from. for' .hall .counCil :seats ··will: take • Seriior'i."roin, $2000 from the iohn.:. place. the '15th ::of' witl:i ny:Matbis con'cert, and S2000 from eiections to be h'eld. the 17th .. Each S pi:ing :Open . House. : This .. could council, to be presided by the necessitate' a. definite':: curtailment. hall president;, ,;,m __ contain: two 'c){.: government .• activities: for- the. members from,eacn t:Joor. in:: . coming year,- since no sizable in-- tended that .-these chairmen will crease in income .over:last 'year is carry out fmi.ctlons or their. own '.likely. . . .. . particular fl'oors . as wen· as . the ..... - ...... -. ··. ·- t'o· · .. ·_-s.tu-den,_t .. residerlCe ·h.a11. . . : Dates .for elections. this system is· a .throwback to the s'eiiate-and hail offices .have been ". tenta_tively established. The pres- hall. government . of';two .:• . . years· ago; '\vith niinor modifica..; ·. erif:plan calls: for·.election· of }:ian . ' . ·. tiomi, c. .. .. . :. . . . s·· -: -. Points of interest on .the Senate ; __ H. _. ·o· _n· -_ 0 ·_-_ ·r_- -_ .. · .. _y· e_ m·; __ include a further: discu_s- SiOn of the I hall : teie'phone Situa..: Hesburgh. --· 1.c To test. student .opinion, a bill calling for- campus-wide;refer- endum must first pass .the Senate. If the bill passe's •. as SBP Dave Ellis feels it will,· there \vill be a campus-wide. vote sometimes in October. ·"A majority vote. will signal approval to. the adrriinistra.:. tion.'' said Ellis. on. the· eastern perime- -- <•,' -_..Walsh·, Named. , -_. '. ·. )J. The University liegins the year . with. a : .viCe president ·and· ten· new: de:,; partment heads.; :During the -sum- mer: months Rev.•.John · · ' · · ·· · · · .... · .. · · f d. tion. No: definite pian of. action: . _- 10 --g· ____ lf\_ .. ·r_ ·"· ·. t_e·· _ _ however •. has yet been_deCided on. · - II U ·students can expect'.the J)tiblica- · · . . . - - . . .. . . for public' relations and. deyelop- ' ·· .. . . ' ' ., tion later this year Of a handbook ment. The new heads of academic · ::-The.workable, intelligent honor of general information; to contain departments are· Prof. ·charles J . .. code. sought for:.so long·is rapidly .notes .ori campus facilities, bars·, Mullin, physics; Rev .. . '. reality .. A committee restaurants; possible. date sugges- nas, C.S.C;,• classics;. Dr. Edward comprised of representatives from .tions; etc. . . . . w. ·Jerger, mechanical engineer:.. several .major student· organiza-' ing; Prof. Basil R. electi-ical :' iions· and .financed-through the . A temv0rary··.monetary allot.:. engineering; CoL Roland J;·Sprit- . ' ·· · · · ·· . - · · . · m{mt '.to. allow continued: publica- zen, . USMC, naval science; Dr: Student Senate- has. almost ·com-. · · · Thomas E. Stewart, mathematics; . pleted its: examinati'on: of_thevari.:- tion of The' Voice>was .made .iast Dr:: Robert. Nuner; modern Ian-, . OUS· as'pects :and· problems which: a wee!( by the .Stud.' .Govt. 'EXec; guages:· Dr .. Julian Sainora, sociol;._ . . eo de like. this .. naturally entails: Coimri. More :permanent inTange:- ogy; Dr .. Bernard Kilbride, finance Co ·. d. 'e·' .. f-orm and' exie'nt :of_ c_ ov_ erage', n1eri_ts. will :. be :made c the and_: business -economics: and Dr. · · John-J. Kennedy; marketing man;. . ·fa" c-u· lt'y'. }I'a·I·s· o' n" 'pu'blicity·,· etc: Once miwly elected Senate meetS in late · · · · · · · agement .. ··Piof. Ernest Eliel be- these examinations, are--finished .. a October:· Operating. cost of . the comes head· ·of the chemistry de- roi.tgh draft of· the ,;,.ill weelcly campus p'aper is' expected partrrient Jarniary 1st: . . . ./. __ <ir __ aw_._?,_:U_·P_ :·.·.·_:_·.:,·: __ :: ... : .. ' : ' · ·· .. · in theneighborhood of $4000 to. $5 og_o ann ', - >Father· Hesburgh' and ·-the .ad;.. Church :on the campus September -- ministration have giveri.their_firm inay now:be placed. 22nd at 11 a.m. ·marked the formal .. .to: both: the· idea.· of ari fore. the Senate 'by-three miw com.:. opening.·of 'the' new school. year. · , ... h·· 0 ·n· 0 · r·.s· y·stem· ·-at· Notre.· Dame_· •. a. nd_ mit tees;- the cabi- Rev. Edmm1d P. Joyce, C.S.C., ex;; ·. ' · · · · · ecutive vice president; celebrated '·'to,. the committee's efforts to riet of officers ·and conunissioners the Mass, the serinon·. was ..... achieve one. _By far, the -I:a.rdest could. -The-committees arc delivered by Rev; Chester A. Sole- >-- · ,-_.,;task- stilL .to. face :'is .. selling designated- policy; welfare, and •fi- ta, C.S;C,, vice, president for· a ca- . . _ , .... ... ·.code.:_ .. _ to . th_e.; fa_c __ l1ltY,, .fo_ r 'nance. Chairmen wili be appoint- demic affairs. . · · · ·th .. ,sBn ·d. ··b .. th ..... · t. ·· · :_:J_oining in the ·academ_ i_c proc'es- ;_:-.· ... .. ·: .. ___ ,'v'h·o"m' .. .<=. Y:·. e .. _r., an __ :scnao_rs . . d . sion were' newly .ap- :,•_· _: u'n· "ce'rt"a'inties 'and' misg· ivings at_ th.e an . student . body. representatives . · · ·11 · b · · ·. · ·· · · p. oirited.. · faculty·· · niemhers. . Those ,' .. : ·.:o'utset:-.The. committee_ .: feels that WI e committee· m. e m b e r S. 'VI . 'tt . . . . .. with the rank of'fullprofessor in- by proper,coinin'!Jnicaticin:and_ex- . 1erever. :commi ee, motion -is. :. · . chimge· .with -the· faculty this _ob- contrd¥ersial, 20 per- cent.'of the' ciud_ed George T; Bryant; Civil en- ( 0 sfacle can :ea·slly.'be hurdled.- . ' ·.. committee may draft' a . minority gh}eeririg; Klaus Eggers, ·a:visiting · ·· · · · , · · · · · · for tiH! Senate; ·. - ' · · ·· ·· · professor: in ,,engifteering the .code: been Masaharu: Kondo, a.· visiting re- > :-:: :_, this: semester, it ·. . searcli. scientist in Radiation ' ·,;is. hilped. thatit _,vm' be:. explained Laboratory; Basil· R .. Myers,. ·.- . · anci'its·value re-emphasized to the trlcal . ei-Jgineedng;· Kad · Nickel, .. student body .whci will then 'decide, Rev:· Ivo _Thomas, ·::'by 'to .accept or reject . . · iL: if accepted, Notre Dame's first O.P,,. General Program; and Col. :. -: hono'l:. system: \vill be!dn with' the Roland Srritzeri; :USMC, . naval . ; . .or':l964: .. .. science.· . i ·-·· .... · ·-· ., ter of the campus, · the barn is about a five-minute walk. from the library. With a slight alteration of routes,. buses will stop directly in front of. the barn. · Blueprints · for the remodeling are already in 'Fr. :McCarragher's office. The plims call. for two and floors. The first will have ) diate plans for the sale of alcoholic · beverag'es. because of the. difficulty of obtaining a liquor-license.· Subdued lightininvill be used in the interior of the barn, adding to the informal atmosphere of · the dance floor and loft: .A juke box and, on special.occa'sions; a .band, ·· will provide music. several . rooms . for : meetings, a kitchen and other 'service facilities; Fr; McCarragher feels that "the The entire second floor will be one· barn" \Vill be a useful·addition•-to room;consisting of· a .dance floor; the campus: social_life .. "Although a: stage. arid tables .. Running .only the .barn \Vill be owned and · haif'the i{mgtli of the building, th'e ·ated by_the :University, :weplan·'to top' floor will'be loft providing hire a manager who will Iiave·cori.:. more' table 'space. The .loft will troCover ;the establishment,'' said not cover the dance· floor'and will Fr.; McCarragher: "This. arange- add· to· the seating capaCity:,vhich ment and its distance from the rest is estimated at 740.:. of· the. campus may help the barn to avoid ·-the. paternalism. ol the· Students· will be able to·' order :uriiv'ersity." -T. 0. snacks ·an'd soft drinks, ana .'stu- ; · :- . . . .. dent waiters :will serve. both dance floor: and loft. to Ft. there are riot imme:-: . . .. - ... - '. -- -----,.-- •open·Hollse: Features; Isley!,. and Football The annual Fall Open .House, ·sponsored by the Social Commission,. was. held past Saturday .on the ·Notre Dame campus. mately 1400 girls from St. Mary's and the· main Chicago girls' schools· -Barat, Rosary,· Xavier, and Nazareth· attended .. ·. · . .• :··The· festivities began V,.ith the arrival of 15 bus-loads of girls from.- Chicago· at the Stepan Center .at 11 a.m. · two twist ·parties . ,.,;ere held ·in· the early afternoon· o'u. the asphalt behind the• ·and .,between the arid'· .ield . · · . After .the: ·a bit_ of dlnm_:l:" forall was . in . the ·Dining Hall. · . · The ,famous Isley: Brothers, :featured entertainers for the .eveniJ:ig,. · appeared in shocking-pink Bermuda _ . Although to 'one \vith .a. more cultivated- ear for music, the Isley concert·'may have sounded 'a bit present: liacf' an time twisting 'and to. keep up . with the.imtics of the wildly enthusiastic.band .. \yho m!J-de coat waving and screams as as their music. - ...... ,, " . ' . . . .- : . .... 'i 1 ·i j 1 .J A LITTLE· LESS PROFESSIONA..L-;· Barat quarterback stopped ·, ) end by a 1\lary's Tougi of Wal'·' c · -"' · · · Tryou.ts - ·WelL-Received · - ...... ·... - . :...·-. ·. :) ·; Mr. chairman. o(the, drama- department .at ·st. .. 1 has· great the results of the .. tryouts usually .. indication of new talent both during·the ... . ' . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . trical year and future years;· said S\veet. Though he hasn't begun .. the,,- .-:: . . .. . ..... ·... ·.1 difficult-job of actual casitng yet, Sweet assured, "\ve will have:a;fine:;. ...;::1 He also ·feels: that "if the talent tci .. · .• j •• ' ... .< ,.., plentiful, the people of Notre Dame, i:it. Mary's, and South Bend, willL : .. · soon see new faces on the ·Approximately· fifty '_ . ., ····.· ' . . . . ' - . ·-. . ' " . ······.:·· . and 'St.· Mary's students \vith all degrees of :ability_ and tried out .. Only four. men and three women will be cast. . .. , ,._ .. , . . ::'

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Page 1: •open·Hollse: Features; Isley!,. and Football · 2015. 6. 24. · · The ,famous Isley: Brothers, :featured entertainers for the eveniJ:ig,. appeared in shocking-pink Bermuda shorts~

"': ·.. . .

.: ·A huge red barn; just east of the I where students· can both ·eat. and ~new university· library,· may :be dance in a· pleasant, distinctive ~converted into a social center atmosphere .. Rev. C. I. McCar-

ragher, vice. president for student affairs, said that 'a f. the earliest, the barn could be ready for use at the beginning of .t~~ }964 school. year.

Since remodeling the barn will . ·cost approximately $150,000, the

administration' wishes to . aetcr­mine the. student :attitude .toward the idea before making definite plaris. Student ·approval ·should assure that work will start cin the building .. "I'm very: serious about going ahead \vith .the idea· if the students .really \vant it,'' said Fr.

. . . . .· . .block east of new:Jibrary-which

_may receive $1so,ooo renovating job arter student approval.


- .Student Government ~-Ends.'JJ2.-'63•in -Red

~ .. student g~v'er~e~t closed.. its senators;· presid~nts, .. and . secre.:. ·. books ·last year· saoooin: th~ .. red tary:..treas~rers to take· place oc.:

. , :according . .to· Dave Ellis,. StuMnt tober 14th :_,vith · ~ominatio~ :.to ~P.i-esidenf;·:':' This~; :wa·s <due :close- the 5th -.or. 6th. ~N.'!.IB~ti.<>~. : · ·, iargely to -\osses of $3500 :from. ~he' for' .hall . counCil :seats ··will: take

• Seriior'i."roin, $2000 from the iohn.:. place. the '15th ::of' October~· witl:i ny:Matbis con'cert, and S2000 from eiections to be h'eld. the 17th .. Each S pi:ing :Open . House. : This .. could council, to be presided ~ver by the necessitate' a. definite':: curtailment. hall president;, ,;,m __ contain: two 'c){.: government .• activities: for- the. members from,eacn t:Joor. ~!(is in:: . coming year,- since no sizable in-- tended that .-these chairmen will crease in income .over:last 'year is carry out fmi.ctlons or their. own

'.likely. . . .. . particular fl'oors . as • wen· as . the ..... - ...... - . ··. ·- t'o· · .. ·_-s.tu-den,_t .. ~ residerlCe ·h.a11. at--I3.rge~·····BasicallY . . : Dates .for elections. this system is· a .throwback to the

s'eiiate-and hail offices .have been ". tenta_tively established. The pres- hall. government . syst~- of';two

.:• . . years· ago; '\vith niinor modifica..; ·. erif:plan calls: for·.election· of }:ian . ' . ~ ·. -·~ tiomi, '·

c. • .. .. . :. . . . s·· -: - . Points of interest on .the Senate

; __ H. _. ·o· _n· -_ 0·_-_ ·r_- -_ .. · .. _y· ··-_~_st._· e_ m·; __ ~geuda include a further: discu_s­~ SiOn of the I hall : teie'phone Situa..:

Hesburgh. -~ --· 1.c

To test. student . opinion, a bill calling for- a· campus-wide;refer­endum must first pass .the Senate. If the bill passe's •. as SBP Dave Ellis feels it will,· there \vill be a campus-wide. vote sometimes in October. ·"A majority vote. will signal approval to. the adrriinistra.:. tion.'' said Ellis.

on. the· eastern perime-

-- <•,'

-_..Walsh·, Named. , Vice<Pre~ident -_.

'. ·. )J.

The University liegins the ~chool year . with. a : recently~appointed .viCe president ·and· ten· new: de:,; partment heads.; :During the -sum­mer: months Rev.•.John · ~:s._G,; ~.w.a.s: ~a·~.e!=l': ·

' · · · · · · · .... · .. · · f d. tion. No: definite pian of. action:

._- _-_~Be·. •10--g· ____ lf\_ .. ·r_ ·"· ·. t_e·· __ ·~· however •. has yet been_deCided on. · - II U ·students can expect'.the J)tiblica- · · . . . - - . . ~ .. . . for public' relations and. deyelop-' ·· .. . . ' ' ., tion later this year Of a handbook ment. The new heads of academic

· ::-The.workable, intelligent honor of general information; to contain departments are· Prof. ·charles J . .. code. sought for:.so long·is rapidly .notes .ori campus facilities, bars·, Mullin, physics; Rev .. Leonard~Ba-' . '. ~pproaching reality .. A committee restaurants; possible. date sugges- nas, C.S.C;,• classics;. Dr. Edward

comprised of representatives from .tions; etc. . . . . w. ·Jerger, mechanical engineer:.. several .major student· organiza-' ing; Prof. Basil R. Mye~s. electi-ical

:' iions· and .financed-through the . A temv0rary··.monetary allot.:. engineering; CoL Roland J;·Sprit-. ' ·· · · · ·· . - · · . · m{mt '.to. allow continued: publica- zen, . USMC, naval science; Dr:

Student Senate- has. almost ·com-. · · · Thomas E. Stewart, mathematics; . pleted its: examinati'on: of_thevari.:- tion of The' Voice>was .made .iast Dr:: Robert. Nuner; modern Ian-, . OUS· as'pects :and· problems which: a wee!( by the . Stud.' .Govt. 'EXec; guages:· Dr .. Julian Sainora, sociol;._

. . eo de like. this .. naturally entails: Coimri. More :permanent inTange:- ogy; Dr .. Bernard Kilbride, finance Co·. d. 'e·' .. f-orm and' exie'nt :of_ c_ ov_ erage', n1eri_ts. will :. be :made c \Vhe~~:_. the and_: business -economics: and Dr.

· · John-J. Kennedy; marketing man;. . ·fa" c-u· lt'y'. }I'a·I·s· o' n" • 'pu'blicity·,· etc: Once miwly elected Senate meetS in late · · · · · · · agement .. ··Piof. Ernest Eliel be­these examinations, are--finished .. a October:· Operating. cost of . the comes head· ·of the chemistry de-

-~- roi.tgh draft of· the hon~rcod~· ,;,.ill weelcly campus p'aper is' expected partrrient Jarniary 1st: . . . ./. ~e __ <ir __ aw_._?,_:U_·P_ :·.·.·_:_·.:,·: __ :: ... : .. ' : ' · ·· .. · ~o'be in theneighborhood of $4000 sote~nac::~iciripr~~~;~tnH::r~

to. $5 og_o ann ual~y. • ', ->Father· Hesburgh' and ·-the .ad;.. Church :on the campus September

-- ministration have giveri.their_firm M:~tions inay now:be placed. be~ 22nd at 11 a.m. ·marked the formal .. ~support .to: both: the· idea.· of ari fore. the Senate 'by-three miw com.:. opening.·of 'the' new school. year.

· , ... h··0·n·

0· r·.s· y·stem· ·-at· Notre.· Dame_· •. a. nd_ mit tees;- -Previously~oniy the cabi- Rev. Edmm1d P. Joyce, C.S.C., ex;;

·. ' · · · · · ecutive vice president; celebrated '·'to,. the committee's efforts to riet of officers ·and conunissioners the Mass, and.~ the serinon·. was

..... achieve one. _By far, the -I:a.rdest could. do~this. -The-committees arc delivered by Rev; Chester A. Sole­>-- · ,-_.,;task- stilL .to. face :'is .. selling ~he designated- policy; welfare, and •fi- ta, C.S;C,, vice, president for· a ca-

.. _ , .... ~'honor ... ·.code.:_ .. _ to . th_e.; fa_c __ l1ltY,, .fo_ r 'nance. Chairmen wili be appoint- demic affairs. . · · ~~_.·.b · ·th .. ,sBn ·d. ··b .. th ..... · t. ·· · :_:J_oining in the ·academ_ i_c proc'es-;_:-.· ... ~ .. ·: .. ___ ,'v'h·o"m' .. ·a··n·y··honoi·:.:syst_em~:c_a_r_n_·_es .<=. Y:·. e .. _r., an __ ~o. :scnao_rs . .

d . sion were' eighty~eight newly .ap-:,•_· ~ _: u'n· "ce'rt"a'inties 'and' misg· ivings at_ th.e an . student . body. representatives . · · ·11 · b · · ·. · · · · · p. oirited.. · faculty·· · niemhers. . Those .· ,' .. : ·.:o'utset:-.The. committee_ .: feels that WI e committee· m. e m b e r S.

'VI . 'tt . . . . .. with the rank of'fullprofessor in-~-· by proper,coinin'!Jnicaticin:and_ex- . 1erever. :commi ee, motion -is. :. · . chimge· .with -the· faculty this _ob- contrd¥ersial, 20 per- cent.'of the' ciud_ed George T; Bryant; Civil en­

• ( 0 sfacle can :ea·slly.'be hurdled.- . ' ·.. committee may draft' a . minority gh}eeririg; Klaus Eggers, ·a:visiting · ·· · · · , · · · · · · for tiH! Senate; ·. - ' · · ·· ·· · professor: in ,,engifteering sdEmc~;

*-·.::,~ ,~··Aft~;, the b6~6r .code: h~s. been Masaharu: Kondo, a.· visiting re-> :-:: :_, i~rmallY. ~drafted this: semester, it ·. . searcli. scientist in th~ Radiation

'-.~ ' ·,;is. hilped. thatit _,vm' be:. explained Laboratory; Basil· R .. Myers,. elec~ ·.- . · anci'its·value re-emphasized to the trlcal . ei-Jgineedng;· Kad · Nickel,

,· .. student body .whci will then 'decide, mathematic~·. Rev:· Ivo _Thomas, ·::'by 'refe~cndu'ro, 'to .accept or reject .

. · iL: if accepted, Notre Dame's first O.P,,. General Program; and Col. :. -: ~ hono'l:. system: \vill be!dn with' the Roland .· Srritzeri; :USMC, . naval . ; . ;_inco~nin_l.(cla:s5 .or':l964: .-~..._ .. .. science.· .

i .·

·-·· .... · ·-·


ter of the campus, · the barn is about a five-minute walk. from the library. With a slight alteration of routes,. buses will stop directly in front of. the barn. ·

Blueprints · for the remodeling are already in 'Fr. :McCarragher's office. The plims call. for two and one-~half floors. The first will have


diate plans for the sale of alcoholic · beverag'es. because of the. difficulty of obtaining a liquor-license.·

Subdued lightininvill be used in the interior of the barn, adding to the informal atmosphere of · the dance floor and loft: .A juke box and, on special.occa'sions; a .band, ·· will provide music.

several . rooms . for : meetings, a kitchen and other 'service facilities; Fr; McCarragher feels that "the The entire second floor will be one· barn" \Vill be a useful·addition•-to room;consisting of· a .dance floor; the campus: social_life .. "Although a: stage. arid tables .. Running .only the .barn \Vill be owned and oper~ · haif'the i{mgtli of the building, th'e ·ated by_the :University, :weplan·'to top' floor will'be a· loft providing hire a manager who will Iiave·cori.:. more' table 'space. The .loft will troCover ;the establishment,'' said not cover the dance· floor'and will Fr.; McCarragher: "This. arange­add· to· the seating capaCity:,vhich ment and its distance from the rest is estimated at 740.:. of· the. campus may help the barn

to avoid ·-the. paternalism. ol the· Students· will be able to·' order :uriiv'ersity." -T. 0.

snacks · an'd soft drinks, ana .'stu- ; · :- . . . .. -· -:---~"""" dent waiters :will serve. both dance floor: and loft. Ac~ording to Ft. M~Carragher, there are riot imme:-:

. .

.. -... -

'. -------,.--

•open·Hollse: Features; Isley!,. and Football

The annual Fall Open . House, ·sponsored by the Social Commission,. was. held this~ past Saturday .on the ·Notre Dame campus. Approxi-~ mately 1400 girls from St. Mary's and the· main Chicago girls' schools· -Barat, Rosary,· Xavier, and Nazareth· attended .. ·. ·

I· . • .• • ~

:··The· festivities began V,.ith the arrival of 15 bus-loads of girls from.-Chicago· at the Stepan Center .at 11 a.m. ·

~The two ·~'frantic"· twist ·parties . ,.,;ere held ·in· the early afternoon· o'u. the asphalt behind the• B~okstore. ·and .,between the .H~ddle arid'· ~ .ield Hou's~~ . · ·

. After .the: g~~e_al1d ·a bit_ of f~U~.:.'singing, dlnm_:l:" forall was s~rved, . in . the ·Dining Hall. ·

. · The ,famous Isley: Brothers, :featured entertainers for the . eveniJ:ig,. · appeared in shocking-pink Bermuda shorts~ _ .

Although to 'one \vith .a. more cultivated- ear for music, the Isley Broth~rs' concert·'may have sounded 'a bit ·raucot.is,~th~ la~ge: cr~\vd present: liacf' an enjoy~ble time twisting 'and ~ttempting to. keep up . with the.imtics of the wildly enthusiastic.band .. \yho m!J-de coat waving and screams as 'eriterta~nirig. as their music. - ...... ,, " . ' . . . .-

: . ~ .... ~ 'i

1 ·i j

-~ 1

.J A LITTLE· LESS PROFESSIONA..L-;· Barat quarterback stopped aro~~d·~-' ·, _-~ ) end by a ~t. 1\lary's Tougi of Wal'·' c · -"' · • · · '·

-~'Hedda.:Gablei'' Tryou.ts -·WelL-Received · -

...... ·... '· -. :...·-.

·. :) ·;

Mr. S\~eet, ~ew chairman. o(the, drama- department .at ·st. Mnry~s;:.' .. 1 has· e~pre~sed great ~e-~thusiasm ~over the results of the .. tryouts la~t-.:. week.for"Hedd'!dable~.;: The~yeatl~s.firs{try~~ts a~e usually a;g~~d·:· .. -~ indication of th~-prospects:for new talent both during·the next~thca....:..:-:--:·-, ... . ' . . . . . . . . . . ~ . .. . . . .. . ~ ~ trical year and future years;· said S\veet. Though he hasn't begun .. the,,- .-:: ~

. . .. ~. . ..... ·... ·.1 difficult-job of actual casitng yet, Sweet assured, "\ve will have:a;fine:;. ...;::1 mature~ cast~·;· He also ·feels: that "if the talent continu~s tci b~ .. thls~' · .• j

• • • •• • ' ... ·~ .< • ,..,

plentiful, the people of Notre Dame, i:it. Mary's, and South Bend, willL : .. ~ · soon see new faces on the stage.~' ·Approximately· fifty Ncitre'Da~e:;: '_ . .,

····.· ' . . . . ' - . ·-. . ' " . ······.:·· .

and 'St.· Mary's students \vith all degrees of :ability_ and _exp~X:i~nce·~:-

tried out .. Only four. men and three women will be cast . . .. ,

,._ .. , . . ::' ~~

Page 2: •open·Hollse: Features; Isley!,. and Football · 2015. 6. 24. · · The ,famous Isley: Brothers, :featured entertainers for the eveniJ:ig,. appeared in shocking-pink Bermuda shorts~

•·· ~-. ~-'_ . ' .. ~-. ,, ... -· i..

----:---·-·-----. .... --~------~~·---~-... --.. ________ .,._,_o~· -~·1_--~-·-··-----·~ ---"-~---_..._,_--~--.-.. -.--· ;·

.THE. VOICE SEPT. 26, 1963·

A~ CHANCE .FOR A J·J.~;~ T s· T· ' . :c.· Q.··. NV' E· ·RSIO. N·. ~SDeApTt.E2~5 T~llllE ~. ~EVEN:..:...__T --:---. -:--. I -I'LA_CE u . 5:15pm to......: TICKET SALES for the Wlscqns n . . . .

· · . 6' .. 45 pm · · V1'c.tory· Dance and Concert ------ Dmmg Hall Lobb.les ',.:..,.. · · · · · 1·:·'"'-. ·· t .l111ll!''.lllllll11''~'' ,~ll'JII ·•" 11111 · · 45 · · d h t 6 :45·9 :30 Student Gov't Orientation for Freshman B.D.- 6: •

_ A.t'i~registration two weeks ago.the student body \vas ·inforrne t. a Keenan 7:30, Stanford 8:15, Cayana.ugh .9:00, Farley 9,30. the'grading has-been changed by the Academic Council from a 6-pomt see Bulletin Boards for exact location. to~ 4.-point system. The change was certainly a surprise, but in rriost .. 6 ::io pm to .:... TICKET SALES for the . . ..

· 8.00 pm concert Only -------------------------- student Center mih&i it seemed to be a desirable one ... Being on a 6..:point sjstern 7;30 pin _PEP RALLY ..: •••••• ~---~--·-: ••••••••••••••• Fieldhouse held many disadvantages. Many teachers consirered .six practically 8:oopm to_ CONCERT: The Lettermen ------------ Stepan Center

.·.an unobtainable grade, so. top students often· had 'little chance to 10:00 pm . : · ' ' .· . · 10:00 am · -SOCCER: Indiana vs. Notre Dame -------- Behmd the . attain a. pedect or even near perfect average. Admission directors · ·. Tennis Courts

at\graduate and law schools w'ere unfamiliar \vith the 6.-point system, 1:30 pm -FOOTBALL: Wisconsin vs. Notre Dame-- ND Stadium and· so many students suffered because. their grades weren'.t properly 6:30 pm. & -MOVIE; "Gigot" -----------------~--- Washington Hall

Events , Calendar Gal.lery Opens


27 .27


28 28


int_e~·preted; · ' ~~;~ ~: . _DANCE: Wisconsin Vi~tory Dance ----- Ste.~an ~enter 28

The Notre Dame Art· Gallery will open its first exhibition for the-1963-64 season on Oct. 6 \vith. an exhibit of the· works of John Flannagai1 in.~the West. Gallery. This will be a retrospective exhi­bit, a posthumous collection of his scattered works from galleries arid private . collections. Mr; Flann4-gan has been dead since 1942, when-he committed ·suiCide. One of America's first modern ·sculp­tors, he· is considered ·an import­ant American artist, imd his worl~s are exhibited 'in' most major mu­seums. · The exhibition· will be opened \vith introductory lecture~ •.


._ I

._ ,'

~· ~ . .

. -·

· · · ' ·. " "· · .. · . · ·ts· If · d 8:00am to- GOLF: Burke-Notre Dame Open .. · · · 29 _; ' Viewed as' a permanent change the conversiOn 1 e seems a v~n-· 1:00 pm' '' . Golf Tournament --~------------~--------- Golf Course "tage~us, but many students have. been wronged. by the conversion 2:oo pm _DANCE; Sophomore Mixer----~------- Student Center '29 factor· decided upon by • the Academic Council. This group selected 4:30 pm -LECTURE: "Organic Detritus In the · . . . 30

· · · 4 F Nutrition of Aquatic Animals" ~----- Biology Bmldlng 'the<:r~rrnuia of multiplying the old average ·by ~6 and addmg · · or 7:oo pm _TICKET SALES for ~1ilit~ry Ball •• :.. •• student Center

Shirting .Oct. · 7, the adjacent East Gallery will exhibit a . co~­ledion of .paintings by Freni:J:l children, a loan' from the French Embassy: ...

Oct. 1 :cxbm,pl-e,· a person with a· 5.00 aven~ge on the 6-poin~ system w?uld have·· a 3.4 average on the 4-point system~. The conversiOn was arnved south Bend Movies (thr~ugh Oct. 1): at b·yr.solving these two equations simultaneously.. State Theater: "The· Caretakers".·

• .. , · · Granada Theatre: "Beach Party" '- '>'C·' 6x + y = 4.0 . ~ Colfax Theatre: "For Love ·or Money"


··.-:-,:·· 1x + y = 1.0

Here x beco~es .6. and y becomes .4'. The rationale behind the. two .eq~~tions ij; that d. 6 .= a 4 and a 1 ·= a 1 in the two systems, and everything' eiSe is converted proportionally. .

This. conversion results in obvious injustices .. F~~ instance, a per­son \vith a 4.0, average; which is a B on. the 6-point system, con~erts to a. 2.8, which is a C-plus on the 4-point system. A 5.4 average con­verts into a 3.64 average. ·In this case a person who has been on a 4-point system for his whole college career' can attain {I 3.64 average by making slightly _more A's than: B's. However,. for a student on a 6-point system to have the equivalent of a 3.64 average under the preseht conversion.' system-lie must· get 40% '6's and· 60%' 5's. A Notre Dame, student is seriously· handicapped ·by such discrepancies \vhen he:criters· in co~petitioh with someone of equivalent achievement at another school.

Politi.cai·Science · ·oept. Re_-_named

-~~~,· r· .e··_:D .. m.me to· "ln.' n.sb. ru. ck_ Th~ political science'departrnent B\fv . U . . . . . . . . at the University of Notre Dame

LIBRARY HOURS: Mo~day through Saturday, 8:00 am to 11:45 pm · Sunday, 1:00.pm ~o 11:45 pm · ·

· · · lias been reorganized and· · re- · The Unl·versity of Notre .Dame in September, who contemplate .

· · · · named the Department of Govern-announ. ce·d 1·t ·\vill inaugurate a spending 'their· sophomore . year .

rnent and· International Studies. : So.phorn. ore.ye· ar of studies at Inns..; abroad, will be required to take . .

· · The change in name and adrninis-brucl{,: Austria; in 1964. · a' special Geiman course.· He ex-. · · · plained that 'three of the sopho- tration was prompted largely by

Rev. Chester. A. Soleta, C.S.C., . · .11 b ta ght· _1·n the growth of international stu- ,_ · . · · . . · . more courses Wl e u vice ·president· for a_c~dem.tc af~- -Gerrn~n, and the selection of stu- dies programs. at Notre 'Dame, . , fairs, said ~otre Dame .s first ~or- de.nts ·for the in.nsbruck progr'ain particularly withi~·· the ·last ten· eign study program. wtll .. be.Jtrn., - .11 ·a· ........ d ............ fi--- - : ·- ·· th - years.· .. Prof .. · Stephen .. Kertesz-- is· _. h . Wl epen on pro ctency 111 e ited. to about fifty sop ornores 111 language as well as general aca- serving as acting head of the de- : the University's liberal arts and d . · · · partrnent. The ·new department's . · d . . . t t' . h 1 ern1c progress. . .

11 ff

f . t d t busmess a rnm1s_ ra 1_on sc oo s. The Notre Da· nle .vt'ce. prest'den·t _government division . Wl .. o _ er .. Re.alizing .·the importance of .this conversion, a group o s u en · H 1 . . Courses, w_ 'ill be taughtby 'a . o Y sat'd .fees for· the sophomore ye·ar course sequences 'in pol! tical theo-

' • ·l

. . le. ader·s have drawn up a plan .they consider a .much more. just. one. t d 1 f . . . .. Cross pnes ... an .. a . ayrnan rom in . Germany, .· from late August, ry and govermrient. Its interna:-

The group consists of Dave Ellis, .Student Body. Pre~i4en~; Torn ~he. _Notr.e D.arnl_l :._fl:lc.~lt:y ~nd }>Y 1964, :. ·until the following June, tional studies· division \vill :offe(a •· ·1 0 .. 'Br't·e·n·, : s'tudent 'Body. 'Vice 'President; Bruce_ Tuthill, :s_ enior qas.s three faculty members from the · · · · · · · ·· · · t • 'natt'on.al \ r''ela ··· · 'I

· · · . · · ·. ·... · . · .. - · 1

. • . ·. \vill be approximately the ~arne as sequence m · 111 er · . . - · l ~ President; ·and 'Paur T!erney, ·chairman of the· Blue Circle., In, thetr pmverstty of Innsbruc (, , . , fo rthe academic year at Notre tions and also adrn:inister the pro:.:'. j • . system, there is a 'different'- conversion factor for averages bet\~een . In ~n~ounCin·g.:the ne\V program; Dame. They .\Vill ~over round'..:trip gr~ms in. tii~ several area 'sitidies:·" • j • 6.0 ·and 5:5, 5.0 and 5.5; 5.0 and ,2.0; and 2.0 and' 0. ·The'waythe~systern Fr. SolE!t~ said, ·"to .spend o~e of tfavel, 'an' intensive program in Rev. Ch~ster' Soleta;c:s:c.,'\ric~-,,; . ! : ·. . . was \vorked out wa·s •to. solve simultaneous equations at all of these the. four college Y,eai:s.Jn. another. speaking. German _p_r_!!ceding, ~e presici~nt.-for ac~demic<affairs; 'il:i< .. J '.:< •. ·· • pohrts inste~d of just at'6.'0, and to, t The: systeJ:l! depends OI_l•tl1~ ~ol-. ~otintl'y;:::. speaking "ariother ; Ian':' academic year, tuition, room . and dlcatecf''the ... University~ontem.:.-~-~ ~.£0v?ing assuinptions: ·. . -. .· . ; .. . · · ••· .. ' . . ·.· . · · ' ' guage. and associating :with. the board.' The Notre Dame students piating establishrnent'ohin ·4-fi:i-; t · · · · · · people, will bring to the qualified vJill . live . together , in one house can studies prograirC and another: "'. (a) T·hat ·t· h.e class···r.an_·k must be maintainCci· th .. roughout. · · · · 1· · · · · 'th · · I · · . student enduring bimefits. . _; \Vitb a .resident chaphiin from the cotirse . sequ(:mce , · dea mg : Wl,, _l

~· \b) .. Thatthe 'ne\v'_J~v~U~r i:naxi;na cum laude is 3.8. ' ... Fr'eshrn'e··n· .e'nte"ring Notre_ Dame. _u:~n-;i~v;e;;rs;i,;:fY~-~==='======· ==W=e=s=t=er=n:::'=E=u=r=o:::p=e:::a=n=·=s=tu==' d=i=e=s=. =·=· =· ==:::··' r .. (c) i'haf 'Ute new level for magna cum laude is 3.5. : .. . . ~-. · "'· · ·

r- . ' ):i ~~=: :::~ :::~:: :=::: ::~::: ::~ =~::::: ~: :::· ::: :::::: 'the Voice, VOL II .Definition and, Bey(Ync], ;,, . ~- (f) That a 5.0 average shall equal a 3.5 average on th~ new system. . The student ne\Yspaper is in be-: . There -ha·; ~lways bee~ a tendency at l'fotr~ Dame Jo try despe}-'-· ': .

;:0£)! That a4.0 averrlge shall equal· a 3.0 average on the·new· system. ing and ih potency-. It st~ll:dreams. ritely to :preserve est<iblished traditions and institutions. At the same. , ' (h) .That a 3.0 average shall.equal a 2.5.average·on the new sys.tern. Otir raison d'etre· remains, an~'its time there. is a. "new" strain of trYing to.,promote and ·assimilate ihe. · ( i) That a 2:0 averageshall equal ~ 2.0 a'\erag~ on the new ~ystern. fulfillment is slowly taking form._ influences and .programs vihich ha~e· been made. necessary by No'ti·e' .. (j) That a l.O·a~crage shall _equal a 1.0 average on the new system. Practicaiiy, 'we cim boast of ac- Dame's. "cornrnittrnent to excelience." This ''polilritY: often ieads to 'a '

' .;· : ·Given: these assumptions,: the':nc\V: fo~ritulas f~r ·the· conversion of trad~s ·should be:: :.: . :. . · ·; " · :.

' ·- :.:·


~: :-~;.:l, · ::.THE ~:votct----sllFF· . ,. _ii .. ~ • /• ·~:_:j~-·. "0 ,r

1 • •• ·:, ", 1"_..<,: .' "• • f • _ ~

~: .· 'Edltortai. noard: John Gearen, Dave Ellis,' Rev." Joseph Hoffman· f. . - ·Associate· Edlotrs: Kelly. Morris,,Bill 'McDonald, Hoger Sobkowiak, .John Roos, (. · · · i.arf.y Kelly · · · . , ·

•· <-:N~,y.~;Editois: B~lr'ry.joharisori. iohn>Blu!klcY;oiCk M-~hei, drc·g Callahari·, TerrY ~'~<;c:~~ >.: .. · !!'i5J?hy, 'Ken Krivickas, ·John Byrii~,·Toin: 'Pletz, Jiin: !'fuller, Jim ~Berberet, r.'., ... , ·{?,!ill .Gri~fin, .Jack Q,ulnc, ·Greg _Theiss~n, ~owie. Sm1th, Gr~~er ·Nllc ·

c:> ·, .. · Spo!~jf,dito_rs: Jo_e. Ryan; Steve V~gel~ Fran!< Smith .· .

~·;. ', ··nus!l!!\is and.Advcrtl~ing.l\Ianagcrs: John O'Hanion~ Boyd Ifa~st,·P_etc Crowle~ ~·: · ilr~ul;itlon l\Ianager: Jim Magagna . · · · . ·;:>.. .

t ·. . 'Cop;oE!Jitors:: BJill\tet~. 'To;n .O~hletre~ :: ·:'. c. ' .· ,. ,- ' • : .. •. t ~- . · X:aybutnEdltor:. ~en Seraphin-- , · · t ·. . . ,, ~ -~.. ,.,. ': :·- .. ~ · .. f>· ..

. -·· ~

: ...

quiring techi1icaJ · facilety through: schizophr~nic a.ttachrnent to putmdded institutions .. · .... . -~ .. :': a good printihg ~qntract; and long- .. in ·no·area~isJhfs tendency more clearly dernoristrated.'than in' tlie. •. suffering co.py editors. We have a cbntinuance of'the·ciass as the ma]or.'political ~nd sociai unit ofthe . staff with ·perhaps ·the needed campus .. Since the ·adoption· of. the stay-ball system; it has become. courage and "vision~ We can b_egin increasingly ·obvious that'the 'class is no\v. totally. inadequ:ite as .·tlie . nearer. than.·\ve enci~d. . . . focal .'point. of campus iife.' Intra-"class ·communiCation has_ become

• - . ' . ' .. ahii'ost' unpossible, yetno ch.ange in the definition ofits role has oeen . INITiAL MINUTAE: · · provided. by ·either the adniinistratiori:or'.by student government. :As

'Anticip'ate i2 'issues, delivere·d: a'.result, the: classes. have I come 'to' d'epend on a smalL group. <if iiutono":' '\ ' on the· 'Vedriesday's . of Sept. :25 motis imd rernote:office.rs and commissioners who, though. competent:· thr~ugh Jan .. :u5, l~s~; va~cations~ . . and ·aeclicated, cannot· overcome 'the handicaps inherent in the new ' Anyone··wanting ;to \vrite ·and ordir; .. , . . . . .. · • , . • .. · . . . .· . . .. ·: ~ stiii · u~i·esprin;ive,· plea~e ·report.to While everyone .agreed that· hall. unity was the prime goal. of the: Room 2A of the Student Center or stay.:.hall system, .nothing has been:d<ine to change the definition and·

.function of the.hall. "Itcontinues.to be,'for·most students, little ~ofe' :than Jiving qu'arters. As a result, a :void; h'as .:beerl'left in ;the-:sociiil' .·

> Send· any, letters t~ · TJij;·. yoice; :arid political· life. of the· campus, iri ·,vhi~h the Class triEis haif-he·artedly ;·

contact one of the editors.' ~ •.

R~oin 2A, LaFortune Student. Cen- :to ·continue· hi its h~aditfonal'role, and·-in which :the· hall·'has failed' ter. Any organizations ·wishing to :to .assume any new responsibilities.' . . .. a'vail :thernseives .oLthe FREE!!! , Since many students.'are now living in J:ialls.for the sec~nd 'or third: exposur·e·· 'offered ·)ri . th~·: • Ev.erlt~ year,·' the· oppor.tunity 'exists to t~rn the hail· fnto ·a.' small· and effective .• · ... Caicndar. or wishing to e,;pa~d 'soci'a{ iihit'.· As such/it :would' serve ~s Notre Dame's ahswei; ~io 'the: .. their 'coverage \vith ·an atiracti~e: !fraternity, with its/healthy esprit de 'corps ~and 'comp;ctltive spirit .. ad~ertisernent please> make ~'con: :what •is.'neces'siiry"ii; 'a realization that 'the 'class' cannot 'be expected-' ' .. ' tachlirougb •the a'bove aiidre~s cii to 'provide 'for' the' social· welfare .of '1300 scattered_'-students; and''a; ~

· · · - · · · · · · realization •that 'the hall ·has _the· potentiality· -f~i<r~vitaiizirig: Notre· · .with:t'he editors. "·· Dinrie's'social.life. ·-;: .. : · . . ''-:.:.··.:-:·.:. . · · ··<' ::.. ::,. ;-.As {vas·. the policy las(year, 'The After ·a ·new deflnitfon·~i·furictio.n,·'the hall'leadersiriust begin·:to: . :Voice invites.:Letter~ to the Editor: as~uirie the :responsibility of transformin'g·the hai!'·into an· effective,·:.·· .. · ... ·· · · · ·. . · · · ·. . socia. 1 tini( .Only =by pr;o~idi'rig: for, ·a. ·v. ast' nu~ber ··'of mixers,· trip.s,:, ; : . The· best' of these :will be printed. . .

. . . . . , .. ·. .. . '. . .. smokers,= piCnics, seminars; week-ends,,·etc.,·. \vlll'the'.'halls be .able ·to .. : ... ; : Although.'world~g :agains(inany. flU the void· ·which has made th~ campus :a_: social·wasteland; :Once . .. h1mdicaps,·. the heople .,,vho .·g'ive' the hall ha~ s~fficiently expanded its serv~ces·in:. !he sociaFrealrn;-'the. -life t~· this 'jou~n~l .·stili .b~lie've: in·, res~lting liall unity and pride should ·yield such fringe ·benefits; 'Some ' ; its worth.· It has been proven time of' these, such as better homecoming displays'aiid'cornpetition bet\veen' ...

· · · · ·.. the lialls; wm:give the-campus· a: social·dynarnisrn \vhi~h. i.J<luld have iuid: timin!gaih t~~t on a 'ciunpu~ been-impossible under the old system. ..· ', .. ' . ·:' . - ' ·. : : ,· :. ' ' bf Notre·Darrie's size, a::ncwspaper· ' :A basic :attack students make against N~tre· Dame ':is~ that ·it'· has .· ~~ · .. CUri plaY :l vital rOt~ fn.;crimpus li¥e: viri~·ally __ n·o· soClci1 ;iffe; ·.·As a result, :the· NOt~e:_·narri_e·. sttid_¢~t>in Order.: ~ ·. · Our success ~v!lldepin~d:up·on h~\v lo relea.se-iiis tensions, goes.:to the Avon, gets drunk,'or·perhaps·thro\v~·,:. ,·: weil .\ve inform the students in i>1an~s oufqLChic·ag'o ho~el;,viiidc.iws.''·By'chahneliri!t'thes~;-riceds·tihd;·",' :;':, both' the :realm of fact ·and coritro:.: frustrations.:irito a·:weu.;ordered· a~d' diversified. sociriViife~: :vJmdh;;::: ; :· . ye~S!: 'w ~i~ yi_t~ Y.o~r cdtl~Js~ ·and, I -~allt~s the so~i~l 'UI1i t; _r-t otr~, ·D?~e ~an o?ly.· ~~~e. college Ji fe' a·>~ ore' ~ ' ·:' ~gur.:9elp.,~ ;~ ...• ' , . .. · ; . :· . .-·. · : ~~a.n.t.l}gf~--~n~: h~a.l_t~Y. expe~te~c:: .. ~. · · ..... ::·: ~:~.. ::.,: .. }:::•;,;;: :.<. .: . .:>.: ~

.· ...

Page 3: •open·Hollse: Features; Isley!,. and Football · 2015. 6. 24. · · The ,famous Isley: Brothers, :featured entertainers for the eveniJ:ig,. appeared in shocking-pink Bermuda shorts~

·'~ r-:-----,-----------· -----,---;-------------~----~~----...--.... - .. _.._,. -.,

~·Sept. 26~ 1963

·N.D. 'Prominent In NJ.C.C.S.

New IVROTC· Commander

·THE ·vorc~ "Page-~

l )

) ) )

) .l



' ) ) ) ) . )

.~_; .· The University of Notre Dame

Under a rotating. tour of active · played a major role in the 20th service, Marine Colonel R. J . . annual National Congress of ·the :National· Fe_deration of Ca_tholic. Spritzen has replaced Captain

James E. Hackett,-Jr. as Professor .Students, held.Aug. '27th through of· Naval Science. commander •th.e 31si: ~Represented by. a full Reef,' s·oon to depart, will. be re­:contingent. of six 'yotes, Notre placed by Cmdr. L. G. Weimer, Dame succeeded. in p'ushing J1· .. A speculative date of Novem­:through s~veral i~portant Il)e~s- ·ber was given for this replace­. ures, as well as electing' some . of .ment. ' ... . the chief officers·. Among others to assume ·new ·

· ..


· .Notre Dame -men were elected responsibilities are Lt. Cmdr. D. E. ;to two: or' the. five .national· offices Swank, senior instructor; Maj.' L. J~ head. th~. J~o:member :Federa~ W. Fish.er, Marine officer instruc-tion for the upcoming. year.: Pat to'r; and Lt. (j.g.) D. N. Ayre, Kenny, a senior from st. Louis, sophomore ,instructor. Missouri,. \Vas: elected national: Ex- ' Colonel Spritzen comes to Notre ~cutive Vice Pi:eside'nt, ·while Paul Dame from Headquarters Euro­Creelari . of Akron, . Ohio,: also 'a pean Command at Paris, France. senior, \vas ·chosen Nationai· Pro-'_ Asked what he thought of his ar­grams Vice President Creelan imd rival at Notre Dame the Marin~ :Kenny were senior ~md junior Colonel replied, "It is a !Jleasure delegates. at :Notre Dam~ last year. and an honor to come to Notre

Daine. I· am looking forward to - Chief muong the 'measures ·pass- working with. such a fine group ed was a bill reducing yearly dues · of young men." for large colleges from -$750 to $550, and-"'tlie returning ·of· the Student Affairs .Secretariat, under the chairmanship of Roger Sobka­\vick, to Notre bame until the next session. : In addition, the Student Government •President's. Confer..: cnce, which· met simultaneously \vith ·the Congress, elected Dave Ellis; Notre Dame· SBP Ch~irman of. the Student Government Presi­~ent's. National Advisory Cou.ncil.

--~'';Rings ·Ready · . JU'riiors .and seniors who' ordered

· the,ir . Notre . Dame .. class ·rings 'last year' can pitk'them·up-in the book..: sto-re,:~startirig. today: . other up.: perciassmen can. nb~: order their CO~ONEL R. J. SPRITZEN

' ririg~,' at-p'i:'ices.'froni'$30 'to $141, =============== ~:-::':"'"-::)Jlus·;e-xti;as·, ·and ·expect-delivery,·in ·: . fiv.e __ -· to' sfx weeks. . . ' ... ·;~ /'- .' ... University of Notre Da~~"'

~i963 Football Schedule · . . . . - -'--'-.,..-:...,:.--:-: . ' ~ .

:t963l\1ILITARY BALL. ·- ·-· ·.~ :..rh~ ·Mmta'ry. :Bail \~1i1:.be. held

· thi~ .y~ar oet: il; the ,\reekerid of. the:; southern · Californhi. game:

'j, ••••

· Jimn1y Dorsey's ·Orchestra :wm · provide the .:music. ·>Tickets are

. $6~oo'·a.1ld. ~iii be. sold· Tuesday,. ·. Oct:' ("from 7 .;._ 9;-i~ the' Coke Bar . of the 'Ratbsk~llar. . .. . .

• Sept.' 2s-:.Wisconshi ·at N.D.

._ oct. 5-Purdue at Lafayette, Ind. , oct. 1~Soutliern Cal. 'at N.D.

·Oct. ·19-U.C.L.A. at N:D. . . Oct. 2~Stanford ·at Palo Alto, Cal. ·

~Nov. !!-'-Navy afN.D: . . Nov.: 9-Pittsburgh at N.D. . ·Nov. 16-,-Mich. State ·at E. Lansing .. 'Nov.-23-Iowa at .Iowa ·City, Iowa· Nov. 28-;-'Syracuse at N. Y .. City

FIRST FLOOR FILING AREA of new 1\lemorial Library; opened Sept. 18 after a two-year, S9 million construction project.

Enforcement ~ : =: f , •.

~ . . . Library Opens Speeds _ Registration The Notre Dame Memorial Library opened Sept. 18 after a year ..

"Rigid enforcement-of the rules and. a half of. construction at a cost, including furnishings, of over attributed . much . to rthe smooth- $9 million. The forl!lal dedication wiil be in th.e spring; The .new. ness.of fall registration-," said Cor- structure, .14 stories high, can hold slightly more than two million baci, Assistant to the Vice Presi- volumes. Presently there are 475,000 volumes in the ·building, moved· dent of Student Affairs. from 'the old library building in late summer. The move took three

He noted that the three lines at weeks, the books carried in empty beer cases. _ .. the Stepan. Center on September The tower of the building houses the ·research library; the base por-16 and .17 illustrated the new de.:. tion, the first two floors, is the College Library, containing 2oo;ooo· gi:ee of efficiency in the registra-' . volumes, books the library ad:.;: tive process at Notre Dame .. Noth·- J Cl s ministration thinks will be in most ing radically different in the pro- .' . r. as_ s. pansors.. demand and which should be suf-: dure. occurred; said- C~rbaci, ;,The ficient ·for· normal use. It is. an old ·rules were ·enforced for the T ri_ p to· Purd_u_ e open access collection, arranged . first time." Meh that. r~ported to _ by subJect groups, interspersed'

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the Center before their appointed· . The bi-annual Purdue trip, .for with seating. Also on the first floor times could not receive materials, the Oct. 3 Purdue game, will this are an auditorium seating 300 arid , : because the p'acl·ets were not at the· ·nearly completed Treasure. i · " ' year be. sponsored by. the Junior .. . . . ~ ·· the registration·Iines'until the pro-. Class in cooperation with student Room which will house the 93,000 ---.....; per-time...,•: ... , . .,., _r_,' '-!,. ··' • -- • -··, ~ g~vernmeJt. ·.Acc~rding. to · Terzy~ vOlume· Notre· Dame Collection ·of ;

He ind.icated t~at ·already 'there Daily, chairman .of the. trip, 400 rare books. appears ·to be a · ~eclin.«dii ·drops game . tickets will . be avaiiable to ·The library has a seating ca­aiid aads ·oe-ca:u:se · ~f adli'erei:ice· to·

students .if. they -are bought to- 'pacify of ·2,997, ov'er·2400 of these _gether with . a round trip bus tic- in the College Library. Iri this

Pre-registration last-spring-also ket. Game ticket plus bus ticket area are 619 carrells with another speeded this semester's process. -11 A · · · 1 • '

the·order. · ·.'-

WI cost $9. s presently planned, 141· individual. tables. . - : ·students· had to adhere to their buses will leave Notre ·Dame· at · . · · · . pre-registered courses.\inless per- 8:30, 9:30, and l0:3o. Although all A ,batt~ry ·of readers for the !~­mission to switch · was obtained student-trip buses ~villleave. Pur- ~ary s miCrofilm_ files and an audio from the department heads. Since d. t 6 00 · D. .1 center on the ·second floor have . ue a : p.m~, many, · ai y _ the ·. number -. of course sections said, students may wish to stay for not yet . been completed. ·Also available is based on· an 'estimate the Peter, Paul and Mary concert ?lanned I~ an ~ssortment of vend­from pre-registration inform~tion, and the numerous other social ac- mg machme~ I~ .t~e basemnet ·f~r ~ . · · ~-- . h .. 0. o . • · - c I · · cl the number of students for each tivities planned. the stud~nts utihzmg the new h- ., :-. D'fA.$ ... :: ·~e· n·f,IVJ4JiiBil .. ·.Bm· ft ete·. class could be.regula.ted with a·. .. ... . .. . . braryhours:s:ooa.m.-11:45p.m ...

. ·. - '- -I .., . " . 1.1 I u IJ VIII :__ 'v . ,., . mii1imum oC switches and closed First ticket sales will take place Monday through Saturday, and. • ,

1 · sections necessary: · ' · on T~ursday, Sept. 26, between 1:00 _ 11:45 p.m. ·sundays. ·

: The Activities Welcome. Wednesday,. Sept: 18 closed the Freshman' Check ( v') courses appeared in 5:15 and 6:45 p.m. in the lobbies of Orientation Program for· this year. Paul Charrm1, .Chairman of Fresh- the booklet for the first time last both the Ncirth and South dining rhan Orierit~tion; emceed; .other-speakers were Joan Marks, St; Mary•~: spring. 'The purpose of these _c.ar~s halls. Second ticket sale will take SBPi' Jerry Yourig; chairman. of the .Senior Advisor Progr!l'm; a~d· for checked courses was a closed place on _Tuesday, Oct. 1, at the Paul Tierney,· Chairman of the ·Blue. Circle: .Bob Brugger, ·co-ordinator seCtion a. nd were ·pulled early and same times and places. Ticket re-o:f.-th·e· F.r .. e.shm" 'an· a· r' I;enta'tio'ris'p• orts Program, presented· Keenan Hall ' .

placed in ·the students•· packets. turns will also be on Oct. 1 from .. ,,,ith the<Freshman 'o~ieritatiori Interhall Athletic Trophy, a rotating · · · · • · · · "This year \vas the third attempt 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. at 41 Pangborn.

: award begun: this' .yea-r. Dave Ellis, 'Notre Dame SBP, 'delivered the to end the. confusion of registra- Daily noted that the \game is re-k.eynote address.: Then 'tlie 62 campus··organizations explained their tion," he added, "and appears to ported to be a sellout. functions to· the freshmen and tried to sigp ·them up as members. . . have been successful. Next serries- ..;.____;.-'--- .· ..

. . . . . . .

. Victor Schaeffer, the Library's director, said that one of the main· considerations in the- constructio~ . of the library 'was '1•to make it easy : for undergraduates 'fo use." Asked ho\v 'soon the library could be ex­pected to be filled;'he commented, . "We don't expect ·to build. another . library for some time ·to come."-. . '

, ·,The orient;tion c~~duc~~d by the Office of the Freshm~n Year of ter: those students that were re-.· Studies' and .:by 45- Blue Circle members, began Friday, Sept. •!3, quired to register last and take

... ,~ith Circle· men po~ted ;at: the South ,Shore and New York Central th~ few sections remaining op!m, ·senit)r Advisor A. E. C.· Chairman·

Dedicates Radiation . .Building

'train. stations to 'assist the~·incoiiJ.ing freshmen. - ' ' :. ·. . will be first· on the list." ~' "

:: s~~day·morrii~g's activity was a new ~eature of.orientation: a.four- . Tlie 'Advsor Program run. by a

.- · 'Program·. ·

Iibur .• five~sport' interhall ::tournament in which over 550. freshmen 2 Nl·g· ·' hlclub's Alte· red group of about '60 . juniors and .· parti~fpated; .Keenan :Hair was 'the victor~ .That night the _Blue Circle . . .. · seniors ·will ineet with the :fresh.:: '

·: · membe·rs met'· with· the lreshmen iri informal hall smokers. ChairmaJ? . Two popular South Bend night~ men at smokers to be held Sun-··. ~ Charron des~ribed this. as the most' rewarding feature of the orient_at~on.. clubs- have undergone alterations day, Sept. 29 on each floor of the .The recently completed.$2.2 mil-

.. ,: .- · : :. · .. · · ... ·· ~ · · • · · · · · • · · ·· . '· · · · . . during the.'past summer. five freshm!m halls, ·toadvise them lion- Radiation Research Building ·~.. ·. The Roman 'Imi, located 'at the in any area of ~ampus life they was 'dedicated Sept .. 1. The prin- . : .;• .. :: . . •.: . ·.· .. · __ ·_:_·:.:.· .. ···F·I· t''[_·_:_··.ALL ...... :,_vou· R,. -:._:so·o·K :NEED' s ·-·. corner of 'south Bend· and Notre desire. cipal address was by·Dr. Glerin T: :

••• >

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;';: :fi~om:ou~·:ccim'p~ete<selection of paper-bac~ oobks. /:.:ii}.:;~bi~~i'sO:~~~- d~anged in.lib1~ary style.: ... _.

. .J.:. >!: • .. · ~. ; • . • • • . ,. ~' . •

... , · _;~-- Ou~ .stoclt includes. ~xtensive. coverage in:

. > .~;puri..osbPIIY · · : • CLASSICS·

·:·,, .~iPOLlTIC.AL .. ·,

' .~ . '

. ·. . . . . FOREIGN . ·· REVIEW (minEs


Opcn::1uo~.~sat. 9:30 - 9; SUI1. 4:30 - 7

~ReadmOre Book Store

Dave Avenues, ·has been renamed Seaborg, chairman of the U. ·s. '.· · · · · t - · · · d ·.·Jerry Yoimg, chairman of the . ,the ·Patio.r The s aff of the ol Atomic Energy Commission. =nr. · ..• •

· · Senior Advisor F'rogram for fresh.:: Flamingo has assumed .manage- Frederi_"ck Seitz_, ·president ··of the 1 ... ·, ... t · d. . .1 t. 1· . . del d men; exp· lained his organization men an comp e e Y remo e Nation.al · Academ·y of . Science, ! t·h .. · .. · t .. t t. f 1 t. at :the Activi_ties w· elc· o·m· e· :P·r· o. ·- •

e m erwr a · a cos 0 cose 0 spoke· at. the dedication luncheon. . . · ~ $10,000. The upstairs IS now gram of freshman orientation' . . . . ,,, , .. ., r.c~ l panelled ·arid decorated ·\vith · a sept. _18.- .. The Radiation Research Build-· ~·~:) fountain. The basement is· now ing was erected on the campus-by --~ I ·. Three of the committee attended , cozily decorated and reserved .for fue 'AEC, which has . supported,.,;.-: i

· · each meeting to make the ·fresh- · dates. Hot meals, sandwiches and · · basic·research here ·on tne effects { b" · · ff d · t · men feel welcome-at Notre Dame. . · . cverages are o ere ·a reason- of radiation on matter since, i949~ . . ·) able Pri·ces · They were from . di_fferent colleges .

· The University's Radiation Ldbo.!"'1" .. ; The Volcano has also under- of . the university, to provide a ratory; an organization' of •'oh'C"I:I ~

gone a remodeling of ·sorts .. The wider. range of answers .io~ the • hundred scientists arid supporting· ·i- - ·.· -: .• dining room is smaller and · pos- freshmen's questions. .

sib(y . less atrractive .. The Lava personnel headed by Prof. Milton .. , . room :whicli previously, featurect . Furth.er. info~mal meeti~gs are· Bi.trton,. is engaged in. the most~,,,: exotic ciances · now features an· being planned, and ~vill be set. up_, extensive radiation chemistry~~. organist. at the smok~rs. . . . ' .· - , search underway on any campus..: . .

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Page 4: •open·Hollse: Features; Isley!,. and Football · 2015. 6. 24. · · The ,famous Isley: Brothers, :featured entertainers for the eveniJ:ig,. appeared in shocking-pink Bermuda shorts~

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' '· ,·,I -THE- VOI-CE

·oR. N. FIZ-DALE .. .··OPTOl\IETRIST .· .·. • •.. I . . I

·Sept. 26; 1963

.. · . · ·':Velcom·e·s All . · ·Notre: Dame Men··•-' .

-_ _"south. B~nd;s .:La~g~st ·... ~­: ·: seiecu~~. ~-r-. . .-: ~ :. .

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• ARTCARV.ED .: :·. _:_: - -··

• ·- KEEPSAKE 'and ;. - .. • :ORANGE .B:Lossol\1>-.

-· -- DIAMo:Nbs:: : .--, -·· .·.,. ... • I ' -;~ > '

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