anti-rabies vaccinations phoenicia pine hill...

N. Y, Fddty. June ia^^l9S2 J12Z SSr Legal Notices NOnCE OF FORECLOSURE SALE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY COURT COUNTY OF DELAWARE ALFONSO MATTINO, Plaintiff, vs. EDSON J. BABCOCK and MAR- JORIE H. BABCOCK, his wife, CARRIE E. FENTON, CAN- FIELD SUPPLY COMPANY, DBCCA DISTRIBUTING CORP., NORTHRUP SUPPLY CORP., REINES . FREEMAN DIST., INC., WOLBERG ELEC- . TRIC SUPPLY CO., INC., FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO., WEHLE ELECTRIC COM- PANY, FRANK SMITH, MARINE MIDLAND TRUST COMPANY, E. M. OTHDNNELL CO., HUDSON VALLEY AS- BESTOS CORP., GRAYARC CO., mC.i UNITED BAKING CO., ROSKIN BROS., INC., MONTGOMERY WARD & CO., INC., J. F. MARR CO., INC., UNITED STATES OF AMERI- CA as ASSIGNEE OF INDUS- TRIAL BANK OF UTICA, WOLBERG ELECraiCAL SUPPLY CO.. INC., THE Mc- CASKEY register COM- PANY, Defendants. In pursuance of Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale, duly grant- ed herein on April 21st, 1952, and enters in the Delaware County Clerk s Office on April 23rd, 1952, the undersigned, Referee, will sell at Public Auction at the Front Door 9f the Office of Fenton & Fenton, Esqs., in the Village of Margaretville, New York, on July 29th, 1952, at 11 o’clock A. M„ the following premises: "ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- CEL OF LAND with the build- ings and improvements ther^n erected, situate in the Town of Middletown, County of Delaware and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: COM- MENCING in the center of the Highway leading from Margaret- ville to Roxbury at the junction of the road leading to ArkvUe; thence in an easterly direction along the center of the highway leading to Arkville seven rods; thence northerly parallel to the road leading to Roxbury to a point where a line drawn at right angles to said road to Arkville would be seven rods; thence westerly paral- lel to said road to Arkville to the center of the highway leading to Roxbury; thence southerly along the center of said Highway to the place of beginning containing forty-nine square rods of land.” Being the same lands and prem- ises described in a certain Deed •made by Edson J. Babcock to Edson J. Babcock and Marjorie H. Babcock, his wife, eis teneints by the entirety, dated September 8th, 1945, and recorded in the Delaware Coilnty Clerk’s Office, on September 24th, 1945, in Liber 260 of Dee^ at page 406, and the same premises as set forth in the Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in this action, as above menticHied. Dated: June 6th, 1952. GLEASON B. SPEENBURGH y ' Referee Fenton & Fenton,' Esqs. Attorneys for Pl«dntiff Office and P. O. Address, Margaretville, N. Y. jel3-jy25c NOTICE OP POSTPONEMENT OP , Sale of LivingjstMi Manor Es- tates & Max Schechner, under Exec. Title:- William Kaegel vs. Livingston Manor Estates and Max Schechner is postponed untU August 15, 1952, at request of Attomey for Plaintiff, William Kaegel. (Signed) A. E. PAGE aul5c Sheriff DelawiCre County NOTICE OF SALE State of New York: County Court: County of Delaware Margaretville Hospital, plaintiff, against Homer Shaver, Edmund A. Van Keuren, Mabel Van Keuren, Bertha Finch, Lena Brown and the People of the State of New York. In pursuance of a judgment of foreclosure and sale duly made and entered in the above entitled acticm and bearing date the 5th day of May, 1952, I, the under- signed Referee in said judgment named, will sell at public auction at the front door of the law office of Layman G. Snyder in the Vil- lage of Margaretville, Delaware County, New York, on the 21st day of June, 1952, at eleven o’clock in the forenomi of that day (East- ern Daylight Saving Time) the premises described in said judg ment to be sold and therein de- scribed as follows: All that certain tract or parcel of land on the northerly side of Orchard Street in the Village of Margeu'etville, Town of Middle- town, Delaware County and State of New York, bounded as ftdlows: Commencing in the center of Orchard Street on the division line between this said lot and the lot formerly owned by Mrs. Emma F. Dickson (now owned and occu- pied by Ellen Dimmick) running up said division line in a north- westerly course to the lands and line of S. S. Osborn; thence in an easterly course along said Osbom line to the corner of this said lot (being a chicken coop on comer and a board fence on the line); thence down said board fence in a southeasterly course to the center of said Orchard Street; thence in a southwesterly course along the center of said street to the place of beginning. , Boing all and the same lands and premises mentioned and de- scribed in a deed from Orson A. Swart, Gussie A. Swart, his wife, James H. Hitt and Mary B. Hitt to Maritta Hitt and Carrie Hitt, bearing date the 1st day of Janu- ary, 1890, and recorded in the Delaware County Clerk’s office January 17, 1890, in Liber 111 of deeds at page 264, and in a deed from Maritta Hitt to Carrie Hitt bearing date the 22nd day of July, 1908, and recorded in the Dela- ware dIRmty Clerk’s office August 29, 1908, in U ber 150 of deeds at page 43. Dated at Fleischmanns, N. Y., this 6fK day ot May, 1952. Geo. A. Speenbur^, Referee Layman G. Snyder, Attomey for Plaintiff, Office and P. O. Address, Margaretville, New York. m9-Je20c • The exterior of this home, the newest additi<xi to oar Weyerhaeuser 4-Squaie Home Building Service, is an ideal exjarssion in design simplicity. It is completely free <rf frills and £ostly adornments. Here is modem, budget-wise planning, w ith spaciousness the keynote. The "open” plan- ning is obtained through the use of economical wood roof trusses. Come in and study this design . . . see at the same time scores of other modem homes in a wide variety of styles and sizes. Every home in this Scrvicc represents the best in profes- sional planning. Bluep-ints arc available for all designs. G. W. MERRITT LUMBER CO. Phone 1611 Margaretville DCaiQN N a 4Mi PHOENICIA By Mrs, MathHJ* Smith Phoenicia, June 10.—^Mr. and Mrs. TheodcKv Northrup and son of'Bogota, N. J., spoit the week- end with Mrs. H. KeUy. Mrs. EUene Reeve, Mary Vin Steenbergh, Frances IDU and Helen Gulnidc were guests' of Dr. and Mrs. Sam Porter in Hig^- moimt lasf Sunday. Eugene Gormley Sr. has r^ turned home from the Benedictine hospital. Graduated Saturday Congratulations to Alice Fibbell, who was graduated from Delhi Agriculture and Technical insti- tute las^ Satarday. She com- pleted a secretarial course. ’TwelVe members of the "Tiskil- wa Rebekah lodge visited' Olive lodge in Olive Bridge to help the members celebrate their birthday anniversMy. Celebrate 50th Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Hlgjiton of Spofford, N. H., were married 50 years on June 6. They are the parents of the late Sylvia Voss of Phoenicia. Rev. Edward Barry, MS, is con- ducting a mission this week in St. Francis de Sales church. Father Barry was assistant at the rectory here some years ago and has a host of friends in this com- munity. Dr. and Mrs. Charles Quinn at- tended the graduation of their son, Jack, on Tuesday, June 10, at Fairfield college, Conn. Miss Harriet Loomis is convales- cing at home after undergoing surgery in Margaretville hospital. After a number of blood trans- fusions, Mrs. Gertrude Stiller is much improved. Her sister, Mrs. Jeunes Bower, of Brooklyn is keep- ing house for her. A number of new benches have been placed throughout the vil- lage by the Charftber of (Tommerca. PINE HILL Nursing Group Picnics Big Indian, June 9.—^The town of Shandaken nursing committee held its annual picnic at the home of its president, Mrs. Louise Bedell, in Oliverea. There were 22 iwesent to enjoy an outdoor lunch and a business meeting on the lawn before a summer thun- derstorm drove them indoors. We are offering Odd Lots of Inside and Outside Paints in original factory sealed cans. Some as 0 '| Low as O gal. DID YOU KNOW THAT WE HAVE Canvas and Awning Paint Scotch Lite Sign Kits Outride White Paint frttm $3.75 gaL McClosky Gym Seal Siqter Kemtone A Large Stock of KEMGLO In AU Colors Ceiling P f^ r in Yeliow, Gre«i, Grey and White Oramex Kiingcote Scmbabie Flat Wall Paint Special, White Ceiling Paper for 20c a Single Boll Bundle Lots of Wallpaper a t Savings Up to 50% Tuttle’s Paint & Wallpaper Store Phone 1371 MargaretviUe, N. Y. ENJOY THE BENEFITS OF UFE UNDER THE SUN A view towwd Boxbnry from our front door. The river in the foregivand adds color to flie golf course. The new golf Itoose Is shown at the right. Gracefoi elms add to the beauty of the natural setting of the course. KASS INN Boate SO Between MargaretviUe and Roxbury SPECIALIZING IN ALL SEA FOOD DANCING EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT Mnsic By CHARLES B. YORK and HIS ORCHESTRA No Cover - All Legal Beverages - No Minimum. PHONE MABGABETVnXE ISll By Mrs. Helen Merwin Pine Hill, Jime 10.—^Mr. and Mrs. Harry Peck of Schenectady spent last Sunday with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Irving Peek. Betnm of Visit Mr. and Mrs. Frank P<q^l and sons, Harvey and Seth, of Mer- rick, L. I., were weekend guests of Mr. and'&Irs. Ivan Blish. ’The Poppel family are former resi- dents. They spent five summers in our midst. Lewis Carter spent Thursday evening and Saturday with his brother and sistet-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Carter, at Mount Tremper. Attended Nephew’s Wedding Mrs. Betty Shapiro spent Sun- day in New York and attended the wedding of her nephew. Miss Irene Bertoni of Forest Hills, L. I., was a weekend guest of Mr. and Mrs. John Pfenning and family. Honorably Discharged Douglas Clifford has received an honorable discharge from the U. S. Army and is employed in Albany. " Jack Wallace and Donald Ring spent the weekend at the Wallace home. Mrs. Ring and John re- turned home wdth them, having spent the week here. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Bonatz and sons of Cliffside Park, N. J., spent the weekend at their home here. Miss Adelaide Srtiith of New York city spent the past week at her home on Birch creek road. Frances Davis of Goodyear Lake spent several days recently with Mrs. K. Myers arid daugh- ter. Paul Pouttoen of Manhasset, L. I., spent Saturday and Sunday at his summer home on Rose mountain. Join for Sea Food Dinner Miss Roxie Spellman celebrated her birthday Sunday with the family joining her for a seafood dinner at her home here. After- ward she retumed to the Bronx for several days. > Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reiff and son, Gary, of Mundelin, HI., are spending several days with his cousins, Mr. and Mrs. William Cure and family, and also other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. George Reiff of Kingston, with their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. John Reiff, and John Jr., of Wichita, Kans., were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Obed Cure Simday. The Schutzberg family of West Palm Beach, Fla., have arrived at thesir “Rjp” cottages for the sea- son. ■ij m untb Grille Michael Rothman is ill wjth the grippe. ~ Dr. Rottkov is attending him. Osterhondts Hold Reunion ’The annual Osterhoudt reunion was held Sunday, June 8, at Ta- conic state park. The entire Osterhoudt family from this place, 16 in number, attended. There were about 40 present. John Dugan Jr. of Kingston has arrived to spend the summer with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Smith, and family. ’ ' Mr. and Mrs. William McCabe and son, Billy, of McKeesport, Pa., spent Friday with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Osterhoudt, and family. Attend Annual Picnic Mrs. Fred Cure and Mrs. Walter •Murray of this village attended the annual picnic of the nursing committee of the town of Shan- daken at the home of Mrs. George Bedell at Oliverea Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Longhi Jr. of Albany and Eliot Hersh of New York city spent the weekend with the LOnghi Srs. Miss Irma Heiman is spending a few days in New York city. Mire. J. Pahl has returned after spending several days in the city. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Gaddis and Pamela of Mt. Marion and Mr. and Mrs. Leon Reiff and Linda Lee of Ruby were Sunday evening dinner « lguests of Mr. and Mrs. Frasier Cure. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Moshes nad son, Arthur Jr., also two other friends, of Kingston were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Peet." Birthday Congratulations Birthday congratulations to Mrs. T. G. Remick and Carol Mer- win, who celebrated on June 9, to Warren G. Smith June 14, and to Mrs. Jesse Hill, who was 86 on June 13. Rev. and Mrs. Louis Losch and their son-in-law, daughter and grandson of Freeport, L. I., are spending the week at the Losch home on Maple ave. Mr. and Mrs. Will Whispell of Hempstead, L. I., arrived at the Whispell home on Thursday for a week. Mrs. Hector Colosimo entered Benedictine hospital in Kingston on Sunday for observation. Mrs. Hazel Cure of Kingston was a guest at the homes of Mrs. Vinil Mayes and Mrs. Mary Mayes on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Froman of East Hartford, Conn., spent Sun- day with her father, Joe Hom- beck. Mrs. Bertha Dreifus left Mon- day for Virginia, ^^ere she will spend a couple of weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Rosenthal of East Elmhurst, L. I., spent the weekend at the Pessenar home. Mrs. Otto Reisser of Manhattan arrived^,to spend the summer at her home in the Birdi creek val- ley. Dr. Reisser plans to spend the weekends here. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Eddy’of South Ozone Park, L. L, ^ n t the M ^orial day weekend at their home here. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Chidiester and family of HEumicrax ^ n t Sunday with her sister, Mrs. David Merwin, and family. Miss Beatrice Graham of New York arrived M<mday to spend a couple of wwks with Mrs. O. H. Reisser. A monthly meeting of the On- tTOra PTA wHl be held at Phoe- nicia Parish hall Wednesday eve- ning, June 18. ' Mr. jmd Mrs. Leo Whispell and Mrs. Peggy Carroll and son and daughter of Kuigston spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. R. Longhi and family. ^' Mr. and Mrs. Harry Allen and son and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Smith and daughters of this vil- lage and Mr. and Mrs. John Dugan and John Jr. of -Kingston enjoyed a picnic at the Catskill game farm Simday. (f^Was 83 Monday Willard Townsend celebrated his 83d birthday Monday, June 9. His son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Townsend of Shan- daken, helped him celebrate. Col. and Mrs. Vincent J. Amato of Camp Pickett, Va., spent from Satitfday imtU Tuesday with their cousin, Miss Mae J. Pessenar. Col. Amato recently retumed from Korea. SHAVERTOWN BOVINA CENTER Bovina Center, June 10.—Mr. and Mrs. Henry Monroe were guests from Friday until Sunday of their daughter, Mrs. Horace Brink, Colvesville, N. J. Undergoes Serious Operation Eddie Bums, a patient at-the Albany City hospital, underwent a three-hour operation on his eye last Thursday. He came through the operation well. The result wdll not be known until the ban- dages are removed. We are all hoping for the best. Accepts S<J mm >1 Position Mrs. Ray Jardine has accepted a position as teacher in our vil- lage school for the coming year. Mrs. niomson, who is finishing her term here this week, was hired to teach first grade in the Bloomville school. Home from Hospital Mrs. Cecil Hadley and infant son, David Arthur, retumed home from Delhi hospital on Monday. Goes to Hospital James Bramley was taken to Delhi hospital on Friday of last week suffering from grippe and compilations. Herman Scutt is caring for his fann work. Mrs. James'EUiott. Mrs. Wil- liam Elliott and daughters,'^Bfory and Jackie, of New Kingston were Thursday guests at William J. Elliott’s. Home from CoU^e Lauren Monroe ancT' Charles Rabeler are home from college for the summer vacation. Glenn Kaulfman, who graduated recent- ly from the Morrisville college, has secured employment at the Thomas garage. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Hilson spent several days last week in New York, where Mr. Hilson attended a feed dealers convention. His mother, Mrs. John Hilson, accom- panied them as far as Scarsdale. 'Ihere she is visiting her son-in- law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Molle. Cpl. Robert Forrest of Berkley Field, Mobile, Ala., arrived home Saturday for a month’s vacation. Mrs. Benson LaFever retumed home Sunday. She spent two weeks at a clinic in Illinois. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Rabeler and two daughters spent last Sat- urday and Sunday with her sister. Miss Mary Buck, at Coming. They came back by way of Ithaca, where they visited other relatives. WiU Hold Annual Picnic The Bovina Recreation club will hold its annual picnic at the Delhi reservoir park on June 19 at 11:30 a. m. A business meeting will also be held. Please bring own table service and a dish to pass. Henry Leidner of Virginia is a guest for a week at the Leidner farm. The Bovina Cemetery associa- tion will hold its annual meeting and election of <>fficers on Tues- day evening, June 17, at 8 at the fire hall. Mr. and Mrs. Sully Platania and two sons, Dicky and Danny, of West Point were guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Caims, from Friday until Monday. The Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper will be held this coming Sunday at the usuiil hour of church service. The preparatory service will be held this Friday evening at 8. It will be ,con- ducted by Rev. Mark Ray of One- onta. Held ChUdren’s Day Pn^^am Hie Children’s day exercises, held last Sunday in our church, were well attended and mudi credit is due botlj the diildren, for their part, and the instructors, who did so much to make it. There were eight' children presented for baptism. They, tdo, made their parents very proud, they were so good. The people of the community are invited to a Bon Voyage party at the diurch parlors for Rev. and Mrs. Stanley C. McMaster and family Friday evening at 9. After preparatory services, refresiunents will bef furnished by members of session and board trustees. By M n. Ellen Van Steenborg' Shavertown, June 10. — Mrs. Edith Finkle is visiting relative at Coming. ^ Mr. and Mrs. Edward Van Dusen and Mr. and Mils. T^iia Conklin spent ’Tuesday in Binghamton. Leland ’Titch went to Albany Wednesday. Enjoys a Furlough 6/Sgt. Robert Finkle vf Stewart Field has been enjoying a 10-day furlough ^ th his family on Beedi hill. - Dr. C. L. A^akeman of Han- cock called on friends in town Thursday. He was on his way to Stamford to a board meeting. Mr. and Mrs. George Dibbell were at Oneonta Friday. Mrs. Fredericks of New York city was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Ferber a few days the past week. Sam Rusnie spent the weekend at his home in Poughkeepsie. Breaks Anlde in FaU Mrs. James Baker fell in her home breaking her ankle. Clyde Smith of Bar Harbor, Me., is spending son^e time with Phijip Parker. Mr. and Mrs. Macon Smith moved Saturday from rooms over the Elwood garage to the Wood- row Lakin house on River street. Eddie Russell Jr. and friends of Bufffdo spent a few days in town. Mrs. Bruce Van Steenburg spent a few days with her sister at New Britain, Conn. Mrs. Charles Stanbridge wsis a shopper at Kingston Wednesday. Ford Fitch of Brookl^ visited Ellen Van Steenburg Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Preston Van Dusen: and Mrs. Georgia Stan- bridge were at Oneonta Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. John Smith spent Saturday at their home at Otego. Won in Tournament Philip Valeria spent the week- end at his home in Stamford, Conn. While there he took part in a Pitch tourmunent, winning a silver cup. i Mrs. William ' Schumeyer and infant daughter of Bainbridge, Md., arrived in town Saturday to spend a little while with her mother. Gloria Van Steenburg spent a few days with her grandmother at Arkville. Mrs. Amanda Fletcher and Mrs. Marvin Burke and son visited Mrs. Maud Cox at Walton Sat- urday. Harold Shaver of Franklin visited Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Shaver Saturday. Anti-Rabies Vaccinations Scheduled for Middletowii Anti-rabies vaociiuition dMcs for all dogs in the Ibwn of Mid- dletown will be conducted next week by Dr. Reuben Smith. The vacdnation is intended to protect dogs from rabies for two years. The schedule is - as follows: Fleischmanns—Monday, June 16, 1-4 p. m., fire hall; Margaretville —Tuesday, June 17, 9-12 a.' m. and 1-4 p. m., central school; Arena—Wednesday, June 18, 1-3 p. m., fire hall; New Kingston—^ ■niursday, June 19, 1-3 p. m.; Hal- cottville—Friday, June 20, 1-3 p. m., Sheffield ereamery; Mar- garetville—Saturday, June 21, 7-10 p. m., Dr. Smith’s office. The final clinic is to take care of dogs whose owners, were not able to get to one of the etirlier clinics. Dr. Smith ,recommends that the vaccination be given to all dogs five months old or more. It is less effective when given to younger dogs. Clinics will be held next year to care for these. UNION GROVE By BIrs. Ivaa MlUer Union Grove, June 10.—^Mr.’and Mrs. Warren Weaver and family were recent guests of relatives in Delmar. Miss Shirley Rider and Miss Marilyn Wilson of Andes were Wednesday night guests of Mrs. Milo Weaver. Mrs. Anna Ruchar of New York city spent from Wednesday to Monday with her son and daugh- ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Freder- ick Ruchar. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Barnes of Shavertown were Friday eve- ning" guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan MiUer. Miss Yvonne MUler spent Fri- day night in Andes with her grandmother, Mrs. Frank Miller. Mrs. Fannie Woodin entertained on Sunday Mrs. Nellie Young of Oneonta and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Shaver of Livingston Manw. Mildred McNielly of Oneonta was a Sunday guest of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Van Keuren. Miss Antionette Ruchar, stu- dent nurse at Kingston, ^ n t Fri- day and Saturday with her bro- ther and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Ruchar. Attended Golden Wedding Mr. and Mrs. Milo Weaver and daughter, Mrs. Earl Rider, attend- ed the 50th wedding anniversary celebration in Downsville on Sun- day for Mrs. Weaver’s brother-in- law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Bur- ton Edwards. Ivan Miller was in Albany on Saturday where he attended the executive committee meeting of the eastem zone of the New York State Teachers association. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hotchkiss and daughter of Sidney were Sun- day guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Van Keuren. Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Eden of Treadwell were Sunday guests of Mr. arid Mrs. Ivan Miller. Mrs. Bertha Paul and children were Sunday dinner gu^ts of Mr. and Mrs. John Roucek in Marga- retville. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rosetti were in Roscoe Saturday. Their daugh- ter retumed hmne with them after spending the week with her grandMrents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Charleton. Attended ffliayertown Picnic Mrs. Bessie Carman and her patients attended the annual pic- nic held in Shavertown Tuesday. Ivan Miller was guest speaker at the meeting of the Andes Grange Tuesday evening. Mrs. Susie Dillon entertained on Sunday at a picnic dinner, Mr. and Mrs. Qiflord Beams of One^ onta and Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Mattice and daughter of Stam- ford. Don’t be helidess. .Find' help w^th a News want ad.' [ 5 ® sW WatemiMi Foontein Peas Cuff Unka Tie Holders Pen Knives Signet Rings Bonaon Ug^tera Cigarette Caaes Watoh Bands Electric Basora Honey dtps , Masonic Emtdems Elgin Watches SHAFER’S JEWELRY STORE Margaretville JEWETT VALLEY PUMPING SERVICE Hunter, N. Y. Septic Tanks and Cesspools Cleaned All Modem Equipment TEL. 3422 HUNTER, N. Y* FOX COMFV , OUTDOOt IIVIN 6I GAY UMBRELLAS and TABLE SETS A bright note for your lawn, gay uAibrellas and table and chair ibrellas from $32. sets in enameled steel. Smaller sizes from_ Umt $13 OUTDOOR CHAISE LOUNGE For restful relaxation, try this sun lounge with innerspring pad. Beu;k adjust 3 Ways. C9Q Choice of colors. Frcan______________________________ Large Selection of LAWN CHAIRS Lawn and porch chairs in tiribular steel, folding wood with plastic and canvas cov- ering, large range of styles and colors. f ' Prices stfM^ $ 4 . t e GIVE FATHER AN EASY CHAIR These platform rockers are tops when it comes to comfort. Built to last for years, they are available in coverings to harmon- ize with your present living room furniture. ' Mai^aretviDeFuniitureStore Boy D. Seott, Prop. Phone 1551 Bbtfgaretvme^ N. Y. /

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Page 1: Anti-Rabies Vaccinations PHOENICIA PINE HILL … · CO., ROSKIN BROS., INC., MONTGOMERY WARD & CO., ... ij m untb

N. Y , F d d ty . June ia^^l9S2

J12ZS S r




ALFONSO MATTINO, Plaintiff, vs.



In pursuance of Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale, duly grant­ed herein on April 21st, 1952, and e n te r s in the Delaware County Clerk s Office on April 23rd, 1952, the undersigned, Referee, will sell a t Public Auction a t the Front Door 9f the Office of Fenton & Fenton, Esqs., in the Village of M argaretville, New York, on July 29th, 1952, a t 11 o’clock A. M„ the following premises:

"ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR­CEL OF LAND with the build­ings and improvements th e r^ n erected, situate in the Town of Middletown, County of Delaware and S tate of New York, bounded and described as follows: COM­MENCING in the center of the Highway leading from M argaret­ville to Roxbury a t the junction of the road leading to ArkvUe; thence in an easterly direction along the center of the highway leading to Arkville seven rods; thence northerly parallel to the road leading to Roxbury to a point where a line drawn a t right angles to said road to Arkville would be seven rods; thence westerly paral­lel to said road to Arkville to the center of the highway leading to Roxbury; thence southerly along the center of said Highway to the place of beginning containing forty-nine square rods of land.” Being the same lands and prem­ises described in a certain Deed

•made by Edson J. Babcock to Edson J. Babcock and Marjorie H. Babcock, his wife, eis teneints by the entirety, dated September 8th, 1945, and recorded in the Delaware Coilnty Clerk’s Office, on September 24th, 1945, in Liber 260 of D ee^ a t page 406, and the same premises as set forth in the Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in this action, as above menticHied.Dated: June 6th, 1952.


Fenton & Fenton,' Esqs.Attorneys for Pl«dntiff Office and P. O. Address, M argaretville, N. Y. jel3-jy25c


Sale of LivingjstMi Manor Es­tates & Max Schechner, under Exec. T itle:- William Kaegel vs. Livingston Manor Estates and Max Schechner is postponed untU August 15, 1952, a t request of A ttom ey for Plaintiff, William Kaegel.

(Signed) A. E. PAGE aul5c Sheriff DelawiCre County

NOTICE OF SALE State of New York: County Court:

County of Delaware Margaretville Hospital, plaintiff,

against Homer Shaver, Edmund A. Van Keuren, Mabel Van Keuren, Bertha Finch, Lena Brown and the People of the State of New York.In pursuance of a judgment of

foreclosure and sale duly made and entered in the above entitled acticm and bearing date the 5th day of May, 1952, I, the under­signed Referee in said judgment named, will sell a t public auction a t the front door of the law office of Layman G. Snyder in the Vil­lage of M argaretville, Delaware County, New York, on the 21st day of June, 1952, a t eleven o’clock in the forenomi of th a t day (East­ern Daylight Saving Time) the premises described in said judg ment to be sold and therein de­scribed as follows:

All tha t certain tract or parcel of land on the northerly side of Orchard S treet in the Village of Margeu'etville, Town of Middle­town, Delaware County and S tate of New York, bounded as ftdlows: Commencing in the center of Orchard Street on the division line between this said lot and the lot formerly owned by Mrs. Emma F. Dickson (now owned and occu­pied by Ellen Dimmick) running up said division line in a north­westerly course to the lands and line of S. S. Osborn; thence in an easterly course along said Osbom line to the corner of this said lot (being a chicken coop on comer and a board fence on the line); thence down said board fence in a southeasterly course to the center of said Orchard S treet; thence in a southwesterly course along the center of said street to the place of beginning. ■ ,

Boing all and the same lands and premises mentioned and de­scribed in a deed from Orson A. Swart, Gussie A. Swart, his wife, James H. H itt and Mary B. H itt to M aritta H itt and Carrie H itt, bearing date the 1st day of Janu­ary, 1890, and recorded in the Delaware County Clerk’s office January 17, 1890, in Liber 111 of deeds a t page 264, and in a deed from M aritta H itt to Carrie H itt bearing date the 22nd day of July, 1908, and recorded in the Dela­ware dIRmty Clerk’s office August 29, 1908, in U ber 150 of deeds a t page 43.Dated a t Fleischmanns, N. Y.,

this 6fK day ot May, 1952.Geo. A. Speenbur^, Referee

Layman G. Snyder,Attomey for Plaintiff,Office and P. O. Address, Margaretville, New York.


• The exterior of this home, the newest additi<xi to oar Weyerhaeuser 4-Squaie Home Building Service, is an ideal exjarssion in design simplicity. I t is completely free <rf frills and £ostly adornments.

Here is modem, budget-wise planning, w ith spaciousness the keynote. The "open” plan­ning is obtained through the use of economical wood roof trusses.

Come in and study th is design . . . see at the same time scores of other modem homes in a wide variety of styles and sizes. Every home in th is Scrvicc represents the best in profes­sional planning. Bluep-ints arc available for all designs.


Phone 1611 M argaretville

DCaiQN N a 4Mi


By Mrs, MathHJ* Smith

Phoenicia, June 10.—^Mr. and Mrs. TheodcKv Northrup and son of'Bogota, N. J., spo it the week­end with Mrs. H. KeUy.

Mrs. EUene Reeve, Mary V in Steenbergh, Frances IDU and Helen Gulnidc were guests' of Dr. and Mrs. Sam Porter in Hig^- moimt la s f Sunday.

Eugene Gormley Sr. has r ^ turned home from the Benedictine hospital.

Graduated SaturdayCongratulations to Alice Fibbell,

who was graduated from Delhi Agriculture and Technical insti­tu te las^ Satarday. She com­pleted a secretarial course.

’TwelVe members of the "Tiskil- wa Rebekah lodge visited' Olive lodge in Olive Bridge to help the members celebrate their birthday anniversMy.

Celebrate 50th AnniversaryMr. and Mrs. Frank H. Hlgjiton

of Spofford, N. H., were married 50 years on June 6. They are the parents of the late Sylvia Voss of Phoenicia.

Rev. Edward Barry, MS, is con­ducting a mission this week in St. Francis de Sales church. Father Barry was assistant a t the rectory here some years ago and has a host of friends in this com­munity.

Dr. and Mrs. Charles Quinn a t­tended the graduation of their son, Jack, on Tuesday, June 10, a t Fairfield college, Conn.

Miss H arriet Loomis is convales­cing at home after undergoing surgery in M argaretville hospital.

After a number of blood trans­fusions, Mrs. Gertrude Stiller is much improved. Her sister, Mrs. Jeunes Bower, of Brooklyn is keep­ing house for her.

A number of new benches have been placed throughout the vil­lage by the Charftber of (Tommerca.


Nursing Group PicnicsBig Indian, June 9.—^The town

of Shandaken nursing committee held its annual picnic a t the home of its president, Mrs. Louise Bedell, in Oliverea. There were 22 iwesent to enjoy an outdoor lunch and a business meeting on the lawn before a summer thun­derstorm drove them indoors.

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A view towwd Boxbnry from our front door. The river in the foregivand adds color to flie golf course. The new golf Itoose Is shown a t the right. Gracefoi elms add to the beauty of the natural setting of the course. ‘

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By Mrs. Helen Merwin

Pine Hill, Jime 10.—^Mr. and Mrs. H arry Peck of Schenectady spent last Sunday with his par­ents, Mr. and Mrs. Irving Peek.

B etnm of VisitMr. and Mrs. Frank P < q ^l and

sons, Harvey and Seth, of Mer­rick, L. I., were weekend guests of Mr. and'&Irs. Ivan Blish. ’The Poppel family are former resi­dents. They spent five summers in our midst.

Lewis Carter spent Thursday evening and Saturday with his brother and sistet-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Carter, a t Mount Tremper.

Attended Nephew’s WeddingMrs. Betty Shapiro spent Sun­

day in New York and attended the wedding of her nephew.

Miss Irene Bertoni of Forest Hills, L. I., was a weekend guest of Mr. and Mrs. John Pfenning and family.

Honorably DischargedDouglas Clifford has received

an honorable discharge from the U. S. Army and is employed in Albany. "

Jack Wallace and Donald Ring spent the weekend a t the Wallace home. Mrs. Ring and John re­turned home wdth them, having spent the week here.

Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Bonatz and sons of Cliffside Park, N. J., spent the weekend a t their home here.

Miss Adelaide Srtiith of New York city spent the past week at her home on Birch creek road.

Frances Davis of Goodyear Lake spent several days recently with Mrs. K. Myers arid daugh­ter.

Paul Pouttoen of Manhasset, L. I., spent Saturday and Sunday a t his summer home on Rose mountain.

Join for Sea Food DinnerMiss Roxie Spellman celebrated

her birthday Sunday with the family joining her for a seafood dinner a t her home here. After­ward she retum ed to the Bronx for several days. >

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reiff and son, Gary, of Mundelin, HI., are spending several days with his cousins, Mr. and Mrs. William Cure and family, and also other relatives.

Mr. and Mrs. George Reiff of Kingston, with their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. John Reiff, and John Jr., of Wichita, Kans., were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Obed Cure Simday.

The Schutzberg family of West Palm Beach, Fla., have arrived a t thesir “Rjp” cottages for the sea­son.

■ij m un tb G rilleMichael Rothman is ill wjth the

grippe. ~ Dr. Rottkov is attending him.

Osterhondts Hold Reunion’The annual Osterhoudt reunion

was held Sunday, June 8, a t Ta- conic sta te park. The entire Osterhoudt family from this place, 16 in number, attended. There were about 40 present.

John Dugan Jr. of Kingston has arrived to spend the summer with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Smith, and family. ’' Mr. and Mrs. William McCabe and son, Billy, of McKeesport, Pa., spent Friday with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Osterhoudt, and family.

A ttend Annual PicnicMrs. Fred Cure and Mrs. W alter

•Murray of this village attended the annual picnic of the nursing committee of the town of Shan­daken a t the home of Mrs. George Bedell a t Oliverea Wednesday.

Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Longhi Jr. of Albany and Eliot Hersh of New York city spent the weekend with the LOnghi Srs.

Miss Irm a Heiman is spending a few days in New York city.

Mire. J. Pahl has returned after spending several days in the city.

Mr. and Mrs. Alan Gaddis and Pamela of Mt. Marion and Mr. and Mrs. Leon Reiff and Linda Lee of Ruby were Sunday evening dinner «l guests of Mr. and Mrs. F rasier Cure.

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Moshes nad son, Arthur Jr., also two other friends, of Kingston were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles P eet."

Birthday CongratulationsBirthday congratulations to

Mrs. T. G. Remick and Carol Mer­win, who celebrated on June 9, to W arren G. Smith June 14, and to Mrs. Jesse Hill, who was 86 on June 13.

Rev. and Mrs. Louis Losch and their son-in-law, daughter and grandson of Freeport, L. I., are spending the week a t the Losch home on Maple ave.

Mr. and Mrs. Will Whispell of Hempstead, L. I., arrived a t the Whispell home on Thursday for a week.

Mrs. Hector Colosimo entered Benedictine hospital in Kingston on Sunday for observation.

Mrs. Hazel Cure of Kingston was a guest a t the homes of Mrs. Vinil Mayes and Mrs. Mary Mayes on Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Froman of East Hartford, Conn., spent Sun­day with her father, Joe Hom- beck.

Mrs. Bertha Dreifus left Mon­day for Virginia, ^^ere she will spend a couple of weeks.

Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Rosenthal of East Elmhurst, L. I., spent the weekend a t the Pessenar home.

Mrs. Otto Reisser of M anhattan arrived^,to spend the summer a t her home in the B irdi creek val­

ley. Dr. Reisser plans to spend the weekends here.

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E ddy’of South Ozone Park, L. L, ^ n t the M ^ o ria l day weekend a t their home here. —

Mr. and Mrs. Everett Chidiester and family of HEumicrax ^ n t Sunday with her sister, Mrs. David Merwin, and family.

Miss Beatrice Graham of New York arrived M<mday to spend a couple of wwks with Mrs. O. H. Reisser.

A monthly meeting of the On- tTOra PTA wHl be held a t Phoe­nicia Parish hall Wednesday eve­ning, June 18. '

Mr. jmd Mrs. Leo Whispell and Mrs. Peggy Carroll and son and daughter of Kuigston spent Sun­day with Mr. and Mrs. R. Longhi and family. ^ '

Mr. and Mrs. H arry Allen and son and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Smith and daughters of this vil­lage and Mr. and Mrs. John Dugan and John Jr. of -Kingston enjoyed a picnic a t the Catskill game farm Simday.

(f^Was 83 Monday Willard Townsend celebrated

his 83d birthday Monday, June 9. His son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Townsend of Shan­daken, helped him celebrate.

Col. and Mrs. Vincent J. Amato of Camp Pickett, Va., spent from Satitfday imtU Tuesday with their cousin, Miss Mae J. Pessenar. Col. Amato recently retum ed from Korea.



Bovina Center, June 10.—Mr. and Mrs. Henry Monroe were guests from Friday until Sunday of their daughter, Mrs. Horace Brink, Colvesville, N. J.

Undergoes Serious OperationEddie Bums, a patient a t - t he

Albany City hospital, underwent a three-hour operation on his eye last Thursday. He came through the operation well. The result wdll not be known until the ban­dages are removed. We are all hoping for the best.

Accepts S<Jmm>1 PositionMrs. Ray Jardine has accepted

a position as teacher in our vil­lage school for the coming year. Mrs. niomson, who is finishing her term here this week, was hired to teach first grade in the Bloomville school.

Home from HospitalMrs. Cecil Hadley and infant

son, David Arthur, retum ed home from Delhi hospital on Monday.

Goes to HospitalJames Bramley was taken to

Delhi hospital on Friday of last week suffering from grippe and com pilations. Herman Scutt is caring for his fann work.

Mrs. Jam es'EU iott. Mrs. Wil­liam E lliott and daughters,'^Bfory and Jackie, of New Kingston were Thursday guests a t William J. E lliott’s.

Home from CoU^eLauren Monroe ancT' Charles

Rabeler are home from college for the summer vacation. Glenn Kaulfman, who graduated recent­ly from the Morrisville college, has secured employment at the Thomas garage.

Mr. and Mrs. Alex Hilson spent several days last week in New York, where Mr. Hilson attended a feed dealers convention. His mother, Mrs. John Hilson, accom­panied them as far as Scarsdale. 'Ihere she is visiting her son-in- law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Molle.

Cpl. Robert Forrest of Berkley Field, Mobile, Ala., arrived home Saturday for a month’s vacation.

Mrs. Benson LaFever retumed home Sunday. She spent two weeks at a clinic in Illinois.

Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Rabeler and two daughters spent last Sat­urday and Sunday with her sister. Miss Mary Buck, a t Coming. They came back by way of Ithaca, where they visited other relatives.

WiU Hold Annual PicnicThe Bovina Recreation club will

hold its annual picnic a t the Delhi reservoir park on June 19 a t 11:30 a. m. A business meeting will also be held. Please bring own table service and a dish to pass.

Henry Leidner of Virginia is a guest for a week a t the Leidner farm.

The Bovina Cemetery associa­tion will hold its annual meeting and election of <>fficers on Tues­day evening, June 17, a t 8 a t the fire hall.

Mr. and Mrs. Sully Platania and two sons, Dicky and Danny, of West Point were guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Caims, from Friday until Monday.

The Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper will be held this coming Sunday a t the usuiil hour of church service. The preparatory service will be held this Friday evening a t 8. I t will be ,con- ducted by Rev. Mark Ray of One­onta.

Held ChUdren’s Day Pn^^amH ie Children’s day exercises,

held last Sunday in our church, were well attended and mudi credit is due botlj the diildren, for their part, and the instructors, who did so much to make it. There were eight' children presented for baptism. They, tdo, made their parents very proud, they were so good.

The people of the community are invited to a Bon Voyage party a t the diurch parlors for Rev. and Mrs. Stanley C. McMaster and family Friday evening a t 9. After preparatory services, refresiunents will bef furnished by members of session and board trustees.

By M n. Ellen Van Steenborg'

Shavertown, June 10. — Mrs. Edith Finkle is visiting re la tiv e a t Coming. ^

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Van Dusen and Mr. and Mils. T^iia Conklin spent ’Tuesday in Binghamton.

Leland ’Titch went to Albany Wednesday.

Enjoys a Furlough6 /S g t. Robert Finkle vf Stew art

Field has been enjoying a 10-day furlough ^ t h his family on Beedi hill. -

Dr. C. L. A^akeman of Han­cock called on friends in town Thursday. He was on his way to Stamford to a board meeting.

Mr. and Mrs. George Dibbell were a t Oneonta Friday.

Mrs. Fredericks of New York city was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Ferber a few days the past week.

Sam Rusnie spent the weekend a t his home in Poughkeepsie.

Breaks Anlde in FaUMrs. James Baker fell in her

home breaking her ankle.Clyde Smith of Bar Harbor,

Me., is spending son^e time with Phijip Parker.

Mr. and Mrs. Macon Smith moved Saturday from rooms over the Elwood garage to the Wood­row Lakin house on River street.

Eddie Russell Jr. and friends of Bufffdo spent a few days in town.

Mrs. Bruce Van Steenburg spent a few days with her sister a t New Britain, Conn.

Mrs. Charles Stanbridge wsis a shopper a t Kingston Wednesday.

Ford Fitch of B rookl^ visited Ellen Van Steenburg Thursday.

Mr. and Mrs. Preston Van Dusen: and Mrs. Georgia Stan­bridge were a t Oneonta Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. John Smith spent Saturday a t their home a t Otego.

Won in TournamentPhilip Valeria spent the week­

end a t his home in Stamford, Conn. While there he took part in a Pitch tourmunent, winning a silver cup. i

Mrs. William ' Schumeyer and infant daughter of Bainbridge, Md., arrived in town Saturday to spend a little while with her mother.

Gloria Van Steenburg spent a few days with her grandmother at Arkville.

Mrs. Amanda Fletcher and Mrs. Marvin Burke and son visited Mrs. Maud Cox a t Walton Sat­urday.

Harold Shaver of Franklin visited Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Shaver Saturday.

Anti-Rabies Vaccinations Scheduled for Middletowii

Anti-rabies vaociiuition dM cs for all dogs in the Ibw n of Mid- dletown will be conducted next week by Dr. Reuben Smith. The vacdnation is intended to protect dogs from rabies for two years.

The schedule is - as follows: Fleischmanns—Monday, June 16, 1-4 p. m., fire hall; Margaretville —Tuesday, June 17, 9-12 a .' m. and 1-4 p. m., central school; Arena—Wednesday, June 18, 1-3 p. m., fire hall; New Kingston—̂ ■niursday, June 19, 1-3 p. m.; Hal­cottville—Friday, June 20, 1-3 p. m., Sheffield ereamery; Mar­garetville—Saturday, June 21, 7-10 p. m., Dr. Smith’s office. The final clinic is to take care of dogs whose owners, were not able to get to one of the etirlier clinics.

Dr. Smith , recommends that the vaccination be given to all dogs five months old or more. I t is less effective when given to younger dogs. Clinics will be held next year to care for these.


By BIrs. Ivaa MlUer

Union Grove, June 10.—^Mr.’and Mrs. W arren Weaver and family were recent guests of relatives in Delmar.

Miss Shirley Rider and Miss Marilyn Wilson of Andes were Wednesday night guests of Mrs. Milo Weaver.

Mrs. Anna Ruchar of New York city spent from Wednesday to Monday with her son and daugh- ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Freder­ick Ruchar.

Mr. and Mrs. Howard Barnes of Shavertown were Friday eve­ning" guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan MiUer.

Miss Yvonne MUler spent F ri­day night in Andes with her grandmother, Mrs. Frank Miller.

Mrs. Fannie Woodin entertained on Sunday Mrs. Nellie Young of Oneonta and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Shaver of Livingston Manw.

Mildred McNielly of Oneonta was a Sunday guest of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Van Keuren.

Miss Antionette Ruchar, stu­dent nurse at Kingston, ^ n t F ri­day and Saturday with her bro­ther and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Ruchar.

Attended Golden WeddingMr. and Mrs. Milo Weaver and

daughter, Mrs. Earl Rider, attend­ed the 50th wedding anniversary celebration in Downsville on Sun­day for Mrs. Weaver’s brother-in- law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Bur­ton Edwards.

Ivan Miller was in Albany on Saturday where he attended the executive committee meeting of the eastem zone of the New York State Teachers association.

Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hotchkiss and daughter of Sidney were Sun­day guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Van Keuren.

Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Eden of Treadwell were Sunday guests of Mr. arid Mrs. Ivan Miller.

Mrs. Bertha Paul and children were Sunday dinner g u ^ ts of Mr. and Mrs. John Roucek in Marga­retville.

Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rosetti were in Roscoe Saturday. Their daugh­ter retum ed hmne with them after spending the week with her grandM rents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil­liam Charleton.

Attended ffliayertown PicnicMrs. Bessie Carman and her

patients attended the annual pic­nic held in Shavertown Tuesday.

Ivan Miller was guest speaker a t the meeting of the Andes Grange Tuesday evening.

Mrs. Susie Dillon entertained on Sunday a t a picnic dinner, Mr. and Mrs. Q iflord Beams of One^ onta and Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Mattice and daughter of Stam­ford.

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