annual meeting of the parish holy cross faith … meeting of the parish holy cross faith memorial...

Annual Meeting of the Parish Holy Cross Faith Memorial Episcopal Church February 1, 2015 Agenda v Collect for the Annual Parish Meeting – The Rev. Wil Keith, Rector v Welcome and Introduction – Rector v Review and Approval of Minutes of 2014 Meeting – Rector v Introduction of Treasurer – The Rev. Sandy Moyle, Asst. Rector v Treasurer’s Report & Budget – Harold Stowe v Introduction of Vestry Nominees – Geales Sands, Sr. Warden - 3 Vestry Positions for 3 year terms & Jr. Warden for 3 year term v Introduction of 2016 Delegate/Alternate Nominees – Sr. Warden - Two positions to be filled & two alternates v Baskervill Food Pantry Leadership Change – Assistant Rector v Closing Remarks – Rector v Written Reports – Rector, Assistant Rector, Sr. Warden, Jr. Warden, Adult Forum, Altar Guild, Celebration Sunday, Education for Ministry (EFM), Episcopal Church Women (ECW), Eucharistic Visitors, Flower Guild, Flower Power, Food Pantry, Foyers & Social Night Out, Funeral Reception, Health & Wellbeing, Habitat for Humanity, Hispanic Outreach, Intercessory Prayers, Lay Readers, Men’s Bible Study, Music Ministry, Not Dead Yet (NDY), One-ders, Planned Giving, Prayer Quilt Ministry, Shepherding Ministry, Stephen Ministry, Taize, Technology Ministry, Ushers, Vacation Bible School, Welcomers, Women’s Bible Study, Youth Foyers

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Annual Meeting of the Parish Holy Cross Faith Memorial Episcopal Church

February 1, 2015 Agenda

v Collect for the Annual Parish Meeting – The Rev. Wil Keith, Rector v Welcome and Introduction – Rector

v Review and Approval of Minutes of 2014 Meeting – Rector

v Introduction of Treasurer – The Rev. Sandy Moyle, Asst. Rector v Treasurer’s Report & Budget – Harold Stowe

v Introduction of Vestry Nominees – Geales Sands, Sr. Warden

- 3 Vestry Positions for 3 year terms & Jr. Warden for 3 year term

v Introduction of 2016 Delegate/Alternate Nominees – Sr. Warden - Two positions to be filled & two alternates

v Baskervill Food Pantry Leadership Change – Assistant Rector v Closing Remarks – Rector

v Written Reports – Rector, Assistant Rector, Sr. Warden, Jr. Warden,

Adult Forum, Altar Guild, Celebration Sunday, Education for Ministry (EFM), Episcopal Church Women (ECW), Eucharistic Visitors, Flower Guild, Flower Power, Food Pantry, Foyers & Social Night Out, Funeral Reception, Health & Wellbeing, Habitat for Humanity, Hispanic Outreach, Intercessory Prayers, Lay Readers, Men’s Bible Study, Music Ministry, Not Dead Yet (NDY), One-ders, Planned Giving, Prayer Quilt Ministry, Shepherding Ministry, Stephen Ministry, Taize, Technology Ministry, Ushers, Vacation Bible School, Welcomers, Women’s Bible Study, Youth Foyers



February 2, 2014 immediately following the 10:30 service

Number present: 182 Father Wil ended the service and opened the meeting with a collect and a welcome, giving thanks to the congregation for the success of HCFM, which depends on each one of us. He shared “Numbers” with the congregation representing the milestones that have happened to or at our church during the past 12 months. • 228 = The number of Eucharists held at HCFM in the past 12 months • 11,827 = The number of times communion has been received • 233,584 = The number of words Fr. Wil has uttered from the pulpit • 3 (actually 2 ¾) = The number of services Wil has missed due to illness • 9 = The number of distinct new ways of ministry identified • 3 = The number of people Baptized • 2 = The number of people Received • 1 = The number of people Confirmed • 30 = The number of new pledging households • 252 = The total number of pledging households • 12.7 = The percentage that pledges increased for 2014 • 1 = The number of Deacons re-assigned • 1 = The number of Assistant Rector’s called • 37 = The number of fish caught from Father Wil’s boat • 21 = The number of times Father Wil was called to Charleston for re-

organization meetings • 5 = The number of times the Bishop visited HCFM • 11 = The number of Vestry meetings held • 50 = The number of Staff meetings held

The meeting continued (after a few witty jokes) with the approval of the Minutes from the 2013 Annual Parish Meeting which were printed and distributed in the Annual Parish Meeting booklet. After giving the congregation a few minutes to review the document Doug Billings motioned that it be accepted as presented. Ben Klopp seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Next, Assistant Rector, The Reverend Sandy Moyle (after a very thought provoking trivia question which Kris Southard got an A+ for answering) introduced HCFM Treasurer of 11 years, Harold Stowe. She pointed out that Harold has been with HCFM during not so financially good times, but now has the honor of reporting wonderful news. Harold confirmed that this year’s report is much easier to give than last year’s was. At this time last year we had a 1.5 million dollar mortgage with payments of over 130,000 per year and a maturity date fast approaching. In response to this, a parishioner “Challenged” all of us to raise money to help take care of the mortgage. The results of this challenge are the best news that could be reported. A handful of people offered $150,000 to pay towards the mortgage IF the rest of the congregation would match that offer 2 to 1 ($300,000). The challenge was not only met but exceeded with pledges totaling $560,000 (a remarkable 25% above the goal of $450,000). The money received was used to refinance the original mortgage into 2 notes totaling $1,170,000 with an interest rate of 3.99% vs. 5.25%. This means that our mortgage payments that were about $131,000 per year at this time last year were reduced to $60,000 per year – a number that we were able to work into the operating budget. This amazing feat was made possible by both members of our parish as well as friends of the parish. At this time our mortgage debt has been reduced to about $900,000 – better than a 1/3 reduction in just 12 months. The 2nd mortgage was paid off last week. There is still $150,000 in “Challenge” pledges outstanding. As they come in they will be utilized to pay down the 1st mortgage.

A review of operations for 2013 is much as was expected. Pledges, plate offering and expenses were very close to budget. One unexpected budget increase was seen in the Unrestricted Gifts account where $20,000 was budgeted but $128,000 was received! In addition to a very generous gift from a parishioner, $25,000 of this overage was due to the closing of our Conservation Easement. We actually received $85,000 from the easement deal but $60,000 was immediately sent to the bank to pay down the 2nd mortgage note. The other $25,000 was retained to build a little cash “safety cushion”. Also noted was a negative variance in compensation expenses. This is due to the addition of the Assistant Rector position. However, also noted was the additional income in the form of a Diocesan grant that we will receive for 3 more years that allowed us to hire an Assistant Rector well before we expected to. The 2014 budget reflects growth, Father Wil highlighted. The parish responded so greatly to Stewardship that we have been able to fund the Assistant Rector position, tithe fully to the Diocese, beef up the music ministry and offer the staff a small pay raise for the first time in several years. Harold concluded by thanking the congregation for their wonderful support. Next on the agenda was the introduction of outgoing Sr. Warden, Judy Ingle. Judy has overseen the departure of a Rector, the tenure of an Interim Rector, the search process and calling of a new Rector, the calling of an Assistant Rector and the success of the “Challenge” campaign. On top of all that she works with the Boards of Miss Ruby’s Kids and Georgetown Hospital. Wil said that she has been there for him through everything with patience, kindness, honesty while sometimes being demanding and he offered his thanks to God for Judy! In return Judy offered her thanks, stating that it has been her absolute joy to serve. For this meeting Judy was tasked with the specific task of introducing the congregation to Mutual Ministry Review (MMR). Your Vestry spent several months studying and researching this process. The Annual Parish Meeting booklet contains an explanation of MMR and today a brief overview of the

process is being given to prepare the congregation along with its new Vestry members to move forward with this process in 2014. The Vestry initially found the concept of MMR has been somewhat of a challenge because change is always somewhat uncomfortable. But eventually they came to an understanding of what MMR is. Mutual has a simple meaning….more than one of us. Ministry has a more complex meaning …. Ministry is not just confined to the clergy. All of us are ministers. Ministry is a beautiful collaboration of love and sharing. We are all ministers and ministry takes all of us every day. So, as we go forward with MMR, all of us will eventually be asked to participate. Why the MMR process? It is important to know where we’ve been, where we are and where we are going. We need to be able to plan for tomorrow. The MMR process will help us determine what we are doing well, what needs tweeking and maybe even identify things that we are doing that we need not do. Please say “Yes” when you are called on to step up. Take the time to read the information in the APM booklet and don’t hesitate to call any Vestry member if you have questions. Before Judy left the floor Father Wil again expressed his appreciation for Judy and presented her with an original painting by artist/parishioner Nancy Bracken of the HCFM altar window. Father Wil then introduced the incoming Senior Warden stating that “her courage to speak the truth is only exceeded by her courage to speak her mind”. Described as quintessentially Episcopalian, trusted, supportive and dedicated in both her Christian life and her vocational life, our new Senior Warden was announced as Geales Sands. Geales gave thanks to Judy for the amazing job that she has done over the last 3 years. She has seen the worst of times and the best of times – the hurting and the healing. A window of opportunity to see God’s world and God’s light.

Vocationally Geales introduced herself as director of The Bunnelle Foundation, a non-profit organization that strives to make Georgetown County a better place. Day to day she is struck by the number of HCFM families that are involved in charities throughout the county, and not just those of HCFM. As Senior Warden Geales challenged the congregation to step up and participate in the vibrant non-profit world. She said “Picture how you can help” and then referenced (in song) the Broadway tune “Open a New Window” as her challenge to the congregation. She was immediately invited to join the choir. Reverend Sandy had the pleasure of introducing the 2014 nominees for Vestry. Outgoing members will be officially bid farewell next week. 5 people have felt a calling to a 3 year commitment to ministry. 3 of those will serve on the Vestry. The other 2 have already been called to commit to 3 years of service and they will be urged to discern what their alternative ministry will be. The nominees are: Bobby Buffington, Sheila Freeze, Deb Harris, Doug Osborne and Peggy Wilson. Voting took place between today’s services and the results of the election will be tallied and announced early next week. The slate for 2015-16 Delegates is Dreema Clarke and John Shaw. The slate for 2015-16 Alternates is Mike Pulliam and Linda Ducharme. Lang Donkle motioned that the nominees for delegates and alternates be accepted by acclamation. The motion was seconded and passed with no opposition. In closing, Father Wil quoted Yogi Berra, “The future ain’t what it used to be.” This is also true here at HCFM. Our best days are ahead of us. We are getting a good grip on the “how” of ministry. But how many times in the coming year will we have the courage to ask “Why?” How many new people will come here in the coming year because they didn’t know what a healthy community looks like?

How many times will we illustrate that we are bound by commitment to each other? How many new connections will we make? How many will seek and be found by God? Now more than ever the future looks good. The best days are ahead of us. The meeting was adjourned with a prayer and a covered dish luncheon. Respectfully Submitted, Suzanne Jayroe, Vestry Clerk


From studying the accompanying schedules that show our 2014 budget, our actual 2014 operating numbers, and our budget for 2015, one can see a fairly clear picture of Holy Cross’s financial fortunes for the 2014 year. On the revenue side, we ran into some softness both in pledge payments and in the plate offering totals. We have collected almost $403,000 on pledges made during the Stewardship Campaign completed in November of 2013, and while this is nearly $25,000 more than we received in the prior year, it fell roughly $20,000 below what was pledged and budgeted. Regarding plate offerings, it is a bit puzzling that, at $43,400, we ran short of a $50,000 budget target and almost $9,000 below 2013 totals. The combination of these two negative variances caused most of our $31,000 miss on total revenue for the year. From another perspective, we collected about 95% of what we planned. Most churches would be very pleased with this result, but after collecting almost 125% of budget in 2013, we have to work to see the positive. On the expense side, operations unfolded about as planned. Overall, we incurred a negative variance of $8,000, or less than 1.5% on a $567,000 budget. So, expenses were well controlled. The only expense item that was badly out of line was utilities, where a combination of cold weather last winter, a broken down HVAC system and increases in power rates combined to cause a $6,500

cost over run. We have just put in new HVAC equipment, so the expectation is that we will manage our utility cost more effectively in 2015. While our church balance sheet is not included in this booklet, several important numbers should indicate Holy Cross’s solid financial health to you. First, our cash balances at year end totaled $151,000. While there is nothing extra there, and while much of that cash has committed uses, it is still a solid cash position. Next, our total mortgage balance is $890,000, a reduction of $57,000 during the year. Remember, this number stood at $1,466,000 two years ago. Furthermore, we have about $20,000 being held to make mortgage payments in 2015, plus $46,000 of Challenge Campaign pledges scheduled to be received in 2015. So we are in good shape to handle our mortgage. Regarding our ability to keep our facilities in good shape, the Vestry was wise enough to set aside $20,000 during the year as a Capital Repair Reserve. We will use that reserve to handle the financing of our new HVAC equipment. Also, helping in this area is the fact that we have accumulated almost $15,000 in our old Building Fund that is available for our facilities. Looking ahead to 2015, the budget that is enclosed with the accompanying schedules reflects a little weakness in our Stewardship Campaign. We missed our pledge target by about $30,000, and this budget reflects the adjustment to the “Needs Budget” that was presented at the kickoff to stewardship season. Those adjustments were necessary to stay in balance with less revenue available. We had to cut out staff raises, as well as some of our planned support for growth in our music ministry, and for our outreach efforts at the Food Pantry and St. Elizabeth’s place. Fortunately, these were not big cuts, and we look ahead to a year of being careful with scarce dollars and other resources, but expecting to come through the year with good financial health, and the promise of growing our resources for the future.


In order to be able to vote, according to Canons of the Diocese, you must be 17 years old and a member of the church. Being a member means that you have:

1. Been baptized or confirmed in this church, or 2. Transferred in from another parish by letter and have been recorded in

the Parish Register, or 3. Had your baptism dates recorded into the Parish Register and you

work, pray and give for the spread of the Kingdom of God.


There are 3 positions open for Vestry as well as the position of Jr. Warden. Acceptance of Vestry nominations closed on January 19th. Therefore, there is

no write-in option.

The Nominees for Vestry are:

Chad Jones Chad and his wife Angela are the parents of Sarah (11) and Trey (9). Chad and his business partner own PI woodworks in Pawleys Island. They have been in business doing new construction, remodeling and other woodworking for 12 years. Chad grew up in Myrtle Beach and graduated from Myrtle Beach High School. He was confirmed at Trinity Episcopal Church in Myrtle Beach as a teenager. At HCFM he looks forward to participating in the Verger ministry.

Ron Radcliff Ron, his wife Audrey and their three daughters (Molly 15, Emma Rose 11 and Piper 9) have been attending Holy Cross Faith Memorial regularly since the summer of 2013 when they moved to the area. However, they have attended during summers and holidays over the 6 prior years. Before moving here they lived in Atlanta for 10 years, where they were active parishioners at All Saints Episcopal Church.

Since coming to HCFM, Ron has become a lay reader, Chalice bearer, taught in community Sunday school, joined a foyers group and participated in Adult Forum on Sunday mornings. Since 2012, he has served as a member of the Executive Council Investment Committee, which oversees the endowment funds of the National Episcopal Church. His family is active in the church. Audrey organized Celebration of Ministries on Holy Cross Sunday last fall, helped at vacation bible school, participated in youth formation meetings and organizes youth foyer events. Their daughters are acolytes, lay readers and sing in the Choir for Young Voices. In their prior parish, Audrey and Ron served as co-chairs of the parish’s Kanuga retreat weekend, co-chaired the church picnic and led various other events. Ron served as an usher, as a member of the adult formation committee and taught 6th grade Sunday school. He holds undergraduate degrees in economics and history from the University of Virginia and an MBA in finance and investments from The George Washington University in D.C. He has spent 20+ years in the financial service industry with the first 15 as a consultant to large pension funds on the investing of their assets and the last two advising asset managers. In the Pawleys Island area, the Radcliff’s own a retail store, the purchase of which was a catalyst for our moving to the area along with a desire to be close to family and find a better quality of life out of the big city. Ron has also started an independent consulting firm, R.E. Radcliff Consulting that provides strategic advice to asset management firms. He and his family feel blessed to be members of the HCFM community and are always glad to contribute in whatever way they are able. If called he would be honored to serve on the vestry.

Vic Adams Vic was born and raised in Franklinton, NC. He received a degree in Accounting from Barton College and practiced accounting for 33 year in both the Raleigh and Myrtle Beach areas.

Vic and his wife, Cindy, have been members of HCFM for 10+ years. He has participated in many events in the parish and he serves as a back-up usher. Vic has a real love for the church and would like to be involved with future planning and growth. The Nominee for Jr. Warden is:

James Propps James grew up in Alexandria, Virginia and moved to Myrtle Beach his sophomore year in high school. He and his wife Martha have lived in Pawleys Island for 15 years and have been attending Holy Cross Faith Memorial for over 14 years. They have 2 children, Harrison (10) and Maggie (8). They are all active members of our parish. James graduated from the University of South Carolina with a BA in history in 1994. After graduation he began working with his father and brother in the family cabinetry business. Soon his father retired and he and his brother took over the business. They have grown Challenge Cabinets into one of the premier custom cabinet companies in our area. With over 21 years in the construction business, James will bring a great deal of knowledge and experience to the position of Junior Warden.

Nominees for Delegates to the 2016 Diocesan Convention are: James Propps

Chad Jones

Nominees for Alternates to attend the 2016 Diocesan Convention are: Ron Radcliff Vic Adams


“So deeply do we care for you that we are determined to share with you not only the gospel of God but also our own selves, because you have

become very dear to us.” 1 Thessalonians 2:8

When I used the bible verse above as the introduction to both my first, and last year’s Annual Meeting report, I had no idea that it would be such a lasting inspiration and accurate description of each passing year. This sharing of self and gospel is evident to all who come here for worship, fellowship, or help. I am happy to report on the many aspects of our church and my ministry. I must begin this report with many words of thanks. For our church staff, we should be especially grateful. Suzy has always been, and continues to be, an excellent office manager. With a small army of post-it notes, she keeps not only the office and finances running smoothly, but also does her part in keeping the clergy in contact with the congregation throughout the week. Our music program continues to flourish (more on that later in this report) and Brian is excellent in planning for liturgy and events. Lee continues to keep the grounds in order, but is able to repair, maintain, set-up, and take down for just about every request that comes his way. For Sandy, you and I should be very grateful. In many small and large ways, Sandy has added much to the fabric of our church and is a wonderful colleague to share this ministry with. My family—Amanda, Lilly, and Willow—is thriving and we are settling into the routine that public school brings. Through Lilly’s year in kindergarten, we have found new friends, a new schedule, and the gift of reading. As Willow grows, so does the friendship between her and Lilly. It is a joy to see them playing together and sharing friends. Our vestry has remained a very capable and stable force this past year, all the while willing to be challenged and take on new facets of church leadership and release others. For the first time in many years we will see a significant number of parents with school age children and I am very hopeful and excited to see where God leads us.

I have spent much thought these past few months discerning how we are led as a parish, specifically how we set our goals and objectives. On the one hand, we seem to be led by ongoing ministries, such as the One-ders singles group, Not-Dead-Yet Couple’s group, Stephen Ministry, Shepherding, Beautification, Altar Guild, and Flower Guild, just to name a few. These ministries come out of discerning the ongoing and long-term needs of the congregation. On the other hand, it would seem that we are led by events and challenges. Our hosting of the Enthusiastically Episcopalian in South Carolina event this past year and hosting of the 225th Annual Diocesan Convention fall into this category. I feel it is important to balance these two ways of following where God leads us. I have seen this balance exemplified by our music program this year. The adult choir and the Choir for Young Voices certainly have their goals and objectives defined by Sunday mornings and other special events, but all the while meet for rehearsal once a week and act as good community to each other. I am also very inspired by the health of the congregation. In the last twelve months we have welcomed 23 new pledging households with many others joining us for worship, 8 baptisms, 6 confirmations, 2 reaffirmations, 2 receptions, and 2 marriages. We have celebrated Holy Eucharist approximately 258 times on Sunday morning, at the Thursday Healing Service, at Saint Elizabeth Place, Christmas and Easter, or at weddings or funerals. Our budget has decreased by 9% this year. When compared with the prior two years increases, both over 10 percent, this may be alarming. However, I believe that this amount of giving, pared with a very successful capital campaign, really stretched the resources of the congregation and this is evident in this years budget. Therefore, the numbers of the past two years have gone from a bountiful offering, in my mind, to more of a sacrifice. This deserves even more thanks, for as Christians, we understand sacrifice, and its spiritual meaning. “Inspired by our heritage, blessed by our diversity, committed to sharing God’s love unconditionally with all,”

Our mission statement has taken on new meaning for my ministry as I have been given many opportunities to spread the gospel outside the walls of our church. One is being called as Chaplain of Midway Fire Rescue. I have spent some time, here and there, ministering to the needs of those who serve our community. In December, we held a funeral for a member of the department and our church is unofficially known as “Station 84.” I also continue to develop working friendships with my fellow pastors in the area and I must mention two in particular: Pastor Mitchel Adger of Mt. Zion Missionary Baptist Church and Pastor Johnny Ford of The House of God Church. I am also happy to report that “Matt 25,” an ecumenical initiative aimed at helping the poorest among us on the Waccamaw Neck has begun and it is a true joy to work alongside the other churches. My sisters and brothers, each one of you has continued to be very dear to my family and me and you have shown us with incredible clarity, and your abundant generosity, how dear we have become to you. May God enliven our prayers, our words, and our work, which were begun in his name, which we continue in his name, and on that blessed day will end in his name, and all the while may we shout “Alleluia,” from the river down to the surf and back again. PAX ET GRATIUM TECUM, Father Wil +


Have I been here a year already? It hardly seems possible and yet it also seems that I’ve been here for many years. That’s what happens when one is having fun. Not fun in the sense of play but fun in the sense of enjoyment and fulfillment. It is a joy to serve the good people of Holy Cross Faith Memorial. It is a joy to work for the Rev. Wil Keith whose millennial leadership is crucial to the church. It is a joy to work with Suzy Jayroe and Lee Rutherford and Brian Monroe. It is a joy to be associated with Anne Faul and the good people of Smith Medical Clinic, John and Virginia Hart and the Baskervill Food Pantry,

and Beth Monroe and the residents of St Elizabeth Place. It is a joy to be part of the Pawleys Island and Georgetown County communities. I have found that churches generally have a unique profile of members. Many leaders and volunteers in the non-profit world of Georgetown County attend HCFM. I conclude that service to community is a mark of this church so that Outreach is simply part of our DNA. I am thankfully serving as a member of the Board of several of these groups: Family Justice Center, Baskervill Outreach, Smith Medical Clinic. HCFM is called to help and advocate for the least, the last and the lost. We will not rest on our laurels but must continue to look for new and updated ways of helping our neighbors. Along with other churches of the Waccamaw Neck Ministerial Associate we have reorganized how we respond to requests for assistance, and a reorganization of the Food Pantry is underway. Prayer and holy conversation will show us what more the Lord requires of us. The HCFM Pastoral Care ministry ranges from celebrating new life to celebrating entrance into eternal life and everything in between. New HCFM pastoral ministries developed last year to bring us ever more alongside one another on life’s journey. In order to improve communication and mutual support among the ministries, parish members and clergy we now have Pastoral Care and Outreach Advisory Committees that meet quarterly. Another joy of being here is participating in the work of the continuing Diocese of SC and its Bishop. Bishop vonRosenberg is a great leader and the diocesan conventions and clergy conferences have been interesting and inspiring. I am also pleased to be on the board of the Episcopal Forum especially at a time when its mission is turning toward education of the faithful and outreach to the community. I cannot wait to see what 2015 will bring. As our Rector is fond of saying, ‘ the best is still ahead of us’. Sandy+


Holy Cross Faith Memorial Episcopal Church, inspired by our heritage and blessed by our diversity, is committed to sharing God’s love

unconditionally with all.

And that is exactly what we have been doing this past year. 2014 has been a year to remember in a number of ways. Probably the apex of our accomplishments was our hosting of the Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church on our campus in May. This once in a lifetime opportunity proved to be a glorious day and a wonderful celebration. All of Holy Cross pulled together (along with a lot of help from our Episcopal Forum and Deanery friends) to present a well-coordinated day of uplifting workshops. The entire Diocese was with us to celebrate and revel in all that is good with the Episcopal Church. Our Bishop wrote in July granting permission for clergy in the Diocese to use the liturgy of the Lifelong Covenant Blessing. He specified that for these services to be performed in our church buildings the vestry must give its approval. Your clergy and vestry did so without hesitation or dissent. Our church family was enriched by the addition of Reverend Sandy, whose dry humor and compassionate heart have prompted us to look beyond ourselves to reach out to others in the community. We hosted another successful Vacation Bible School with more kids and volunteers involved than ever before. Seeing Father Wil zip down the waterslide again and again wearing swim trunks, cool shades and his collar was one of the highlights for me. The Choir for Young Voices was born, is growing, and under the direction of the artistically gifted Brian Monroe, has performed to the delight of all on many occasions. Not only do they sing without the aid of sheet music, but they also provide accompaniment on the piano! Bravo, all! The Christmas pageant was a special treat this year with the addition of a real script, a plot, scenery, and actors from the adult choir as well our youth. We have more Stephen Ministers than ever and our Education Ministry (EFM) classes continue to grow. There will be a confirmation class for adults and youth during Lent this year that Father Wil plans to make interesting as well as enlightening for all in attendance.

With our annual meeting and vestry elections I challenge each and every one of us to step up and get involved. Holy Cross is only as vibrant as we all strive to make it. If you have an idea of how we can be better, voice that idea and step up to make it happen. If you have a friend who might enjoy being enfolded into our church family, offer to bring them to church one Sunday. If you have an idea for a new ministry or a fun new event, I urge you to work to make it happen. Holy Cross is only as strong and inviting as we all strive to make it. What do you want Holy Cross to be going forward? Think about that and make a conscious effort to bring your idea to reality. 2015 holds great promise for us. How can you step up to work with your church family to make that promise a reality? God bless us, every one! Geales Sands, Senior Warden


As I finish my final year I would like to say thank you to all of you who have helped to beautify and maintain Holy Cross Faith Memorial Church. It is only with the help of many church members that everything could be done. Our volunteer work and our pledges make these things possible. As we go through this year we should keep that in mind and feel good about what we have done and who we are. Some 2014 highlights were:

1. Dottie D'Ambrosio and Sara Posey organized the Beautification Ministry volunteers to maintain our campus plantings.

2. New choir track lighting that replaced several 250W halogen lights with 16W LED lights, ) .

3. Replaced all 60 250W halogen bulbs in the sanctuary with 16watt LED, taking the power usage from 15,000 watts to 960 watts.

4. Recoated the badly worn kitchen floor with two coats of epoxy paint. 5. Replaced the old air conditioning unit and its accessories with a new unit

that will help save on our power bill and make the church more

comfortable and quieter. 6. Met with Fr. Wil and NBS Media to plan the future sound system


Once again, thanks to all those who assisted with the many projects over the past three years. Keep up the good work! Wally Fortuna


ADULT FORUM: Adult Forum meets in the chapel each Sunday from 9:15 to 10:15 A.M. Attendance averages twelve persons per Sunday. We discuss books in terms of our beliefs as Christians and as Episcopalians. Everyone is welcome. Jack Roper leads discussions with a gentle hand, and all are encouraged to speak. During 2014 we read and discussed 1) Flannery O'Connor, Everything that Rises Must Converge; 2) James Cone, The Blues and Spirituals; 3) Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird along with Matt Litton, The Mockingbird Parables. The Bible is always used in conjunction with these discussions. We conclude each discussion with prayer. Jack Roper ALTAR GUILD: During 2014 the Altar Guild at Holy Cross Faith Memorial church was made up of 15 dedicated women who prepared the altar for every service held in the chapel and the church sanctuary. This included all baptisms, weddings, healing services, funerals, and any other special event. We are especially busy preparing services during Holy Week and Christmas. We are responsible for keeping the brass and silver dusted and polished and the linens spotlessly clean as we set up for Holy Communion. We also prepare the clergy home communion kits as well as the Eucharistic Visitor baskets. Many of the women are long-time members and find great joy in this duty. Serving this past year were Margie Barron, Jennifer Campbell, Cindy Gehrman, Debbie Harris, Cindy Lapworth, Cindy LoCasale, Sue Osborne, Allison Peteet, Kay Pulliam, Madeleine Ritchie, Susan Ruark, Claudia Stowe, Kathy Thompson, Jill Waring

and Peggy Wilson. We worked in teams of four or five for a month at a time. We are also blessed to have Carol Avinger as our special “linen fairy” who keeps our linens immaculate during the months she resides in Pawleys Island. We are always seeking and welcome new members to be a part of this group. If you are interested in joining please contact Sue Osborne at 237-5905 so you can be trained and included in our schedule. Sue Osborne CELEBRATION SUNDAY: Celebration Sunday is more of an event than a ministry that showcased the many ministries that HCFM has to offer. Held for the first time this year, the event was a success. I was overwhelmed, awed, & humbled by the enthusiastic response & participation of so many of our wonderful ministries. I hope & pray that even more will participate in the future. Audrey Radcliff EDUCATION FOR MINISTRY (EFM): Education for Ministry (EfM) is a unique four-year distance-learning program in theological education based on small-group (6-12 participants) study and practice. This international program is administered by The University of the South, Sewanee and since its founding in 1975, has assisted more than 80,000 participants in discovering and nurturing their call to Christian service. Much more than Bible study, EfM explores the breadth and depth of the Christian tradition. EfM is prospering at Holy Cross Faith Memorial. We will graduate another three participants this year. There are many in our congregation who have participated in EfM here and elsewhere. There will be openings in the group starting in September. If interested, or if you desire more information, please speak with our clergy or contact Michael Cureton (236-2525). Michael Cureton, EfM Mentor EPISCOPAL CHURCH WOMEN (ECW): This past year was another good year for the ECW. The previous fall we had a very successful Fall Festival in conjunction with the Smith Medical Clinic's Yard Sale, so we were able to gift a total of $6900 to the following: Food for the Poor; Miss Ruby's

Kids; Habitat for Humanity; the Smith Family; St. Elizabeth's Place; the Family Justice Center; Episcopal Relief and Development; and HCFM Outdoor Gardens. In January and February, we sold casseroles. During Lent, we made and sold soups and bread after services each Sunday and we plan to continue the "new" tradition. This past fall we partnered with the Smith Medical Clinic for the second year for the Fall Festival. The Smith Medical Clinic had a yard sale and provided lunch, which the Sheriff donated, for sale. The ECW focused on jewelry, plants and baked goods. The was a very successful joint venture and is another "new" tradition we plan to continue. For The Episcopal Church in South Carolina's November Convention, in coordination with the Bishop, we prepared ECW information packets for each parish and worshipping community in the Diocese and had a table at the convention as well. In the fall we held elections, the new officers are Deb Harris (President), Jackie Robe (Vice President) and Wendy Harrigan (Secretary). Many thanks to Annette Billings (President) and Marsha Smith (Secretary) who served for several years with awesome dedication. In the new year, we will gift funds from the Fall Festival, plan an event celebrating ECWs throughout the diocese, and continue with various projects. We are looking forward to another wonderful year! If you are a woman at HCFM you are a member of the ECW by definition, we hope you will choose to be an active member! Many hands make light and fun work! Blessings, Deb Harris, ECW President EUCHARISTIC VISITORS: In 2014, the Lay Eucharistic Visitor Ministry was served by parishioners: Amy Webb, Denise Patrick, Lang Donkle, Susan Geiger, Nancy Hopkinson, Jill Waring, Peggy Wilson and John Womack. After a training program in November, which took place at HCFM, Esther Myers, Dessie Fiorillo, and Kay and Mike Pulliam were added to the list. On a rotating basis, generally in teams of two, we visit assigned parishioners who are sick or shut-in. We offer prayers, and/or a shortened Sunday service, including Eucharist. Generally 2-4 parishioners can be served each Sunday through this

ministry. This is a role requiring training, and licensure in the diocese. Quarterly training sessions with clergy are offered. If you or a loved one is in need, please call (or have someone call) the church office to let us know you wish to be served by this ministry. (Being on the prayer list does not necessarily imply that being served communion is desired.) If you are interested in learning more about or becoming a Lay EucharisticVisitor, please contact Father Wil or Reverend Sandy. Denise Patrick will serve as ministry leader beginning in 2015. Denise Patrick FLOWER GUILD: It has been another busy year for the Flower Guild with Sunday services and special events such as baptisms, funerals and the Enthusiastically Episcopalian Conference in May and not least of all the Sands wedding in November. We welcomed Nancy Dodd to our group and we were pleased when Vic Adams returned to HCFM. If you love flowers, we would be glad to have you in our ranks. We offer on the job training. Faithfully, Margaret H. Barron FLOWER POWER GROUND CREW: Flower Power Ground Crew is made up of a group of individuals dedicated to beautifying and maintaining our lovely campus at HCFM. Dottie D'Ambrosio (organizer) and Sarah Posey (landscape designer) are working with committee members on upkeep and improvement for selected areas of our grounds. More plans are in the works for new plantings and some hardscape with an overall unified effect the goal. Major clean-up in the fall with many volunteers led by committee members added greatly to the improved appearance of many areas. The whole parish will be invited to participate again this spring. Help for ongoing weeding etc. throughout the year is always appreciated. If you can volunteer, we'll be happy to put you in contact with group members caring for specific spots. Dottie D'Ambrosio

FOOD PANTRY: The Baskervill Ministries Food Pantry completed another successful year. We served an average of 130 families per month for a total of over 1550 families during the year. We have served 8500 families during the past six years. Our Feed-A- Family for Christmas fund raiser, our own food drives, food drives by neighborhoods and organizations and donations from our supporting churches including the HCFM Tuna-Mac Sundays were all very much appreciated. After six years, we are stepping down from our coordinating role. Thank you for all of your past help. The new coordinating team needs and looks forward to your continued support. Virginia and John Hart FOYERS & SOCIAL NIGHT OUT: Two functions that bring people together so parish members may get to know each other better are Foyers and Social Night Out. Foyers usually consists of eight persons, couples or singles, that meet once a month for four months in each other’s homes for dinner. The host provides the entree and participants bring the other items to complete the menu. There is no set agenda and the idea is to interact and have fun together. Foyers has been completed for the winter and will begin again during the spring with sign-up to start soon. Social Night Out is held every other month during the year. The hosts, an individual couple, several couples or singles can share hosting duties. The hosts provide their home, a community room if in a condominium, or the church may also be used as the meeting place. The beverages are provided by the hosts (soda, beer, wine) and each attendee brings a favorite hors d' oeuvre to share with the group. Usually held on a Friday or Saturday night beginning at 6:00 p.m. the event is intended to conclude by 8:30 p.m. Scheduling for both events is facilitated by Annette and Doug Billings (843.215.3808). If you desire more information about these social opportunities please call or see them. These are great ways to get to know your fellow parish members. Doug Billings

FUNERAL RECEPTIONS: The Hospitality Ministry and Pastoral Care Ministry of Holy Cross Faith Memorial have joined forces to minister to families at the time of the death of a family member. This joint effort is known as the Funeral Reception Ministry and is co-chaired by Kris Southard and Marsha Smith. Guidelines are available to any of our parish members or their families for providing a reception at Holy Cross Faith Memorial either before or after the funeral service. This Ministry includes a dedicated team of volunteers who provide food and drink items for these receptions. Please contact Kris Southard at 833-3616 or Marsha Smith at 215-8134 for more information. Kris Southard & Marsha Smith HABITAT FOR HUMANITY GEORGETOWN COUNTY:

December 2013- December 2104 Accomplishments • December, 2013 – Brandy Bonds and her three sons were home for the

holidays, 628 S. Kaminski St., thanks to the incredible generosity of Suzanne Evans Coaching and Sage.

• January, 2014 – Souper Bowl was held at Precious Blood Catholic Church with the proceeds used to help fund three Habitat homes.

• April, 2014 – 2013 Pawleys Pavilion Reunion home completed for Lori Brown, her two daughters and her granddaughter, 628 South Kaminski Street, Georgetown.

• May, 2014 -- Pawleys Pavilion Reunion – The Tams rocked the house with the sponsors and attendees raising funds for Teresa West’s home.

• June, 2014 – Another very successful Collegiate Challenge season was completed with over 180 students coming to help build homes during their winter/spring breaks.

• July, 2014 – 2014 Apostles’ Build home was completed at 2009 Winyah Street for Caran Ashford.

• Collaborated with Georgetown Community Care Network and the Hospital System to provide a health fair for the uninsured and the underinsured.

• August, 2014 – Kaela Imm, AmeriCorps VISTA member, joined our affiliate for a year of service.

• The City conveyed property donated by an anonymous donor. • September, 2014 – 1946 Hampton Court home for Danuel White and his

daughter, sponsored by Georgetown Presbyterian Church, Wells Fargo and Georgetown Area Women’s Missionary Society was completed.

• Phyllis Nisoff joined the staff as Volunteer and Family Connections Coordinator.

• October, 2014 – Habitat partnered with Georgetown County for the Hazardous Household Waste collection day at Palmetto Ace Home Center.

• November, 2014 – Pawleys Pavilion Reunion/Women Build home construction for Theresa West, began at 1806 Emanuel Street.

• ReStore exceeded budget projections for fiscal year 2014-15, accepting 104,000 lbs. of donated items, keeping that amount out of landfills. Recycle, Reuse, ReStore

Annette Perreault HEALTH & WELLBEING: The Health and Wellbeing Ministry at HCFM is dedicated to offering tools, education, and experiences that enhance the wellbeing of our parishioners. The activities focus on strengthening body, mind, and spirit. A steering group meets periodically to provide focus and discuss program offerings. The programs in 2014-- its first year as ministry, included: Mindfulness Meditation series; Alzheimer’s Presentation; Wellness Tree; Discernment Workshop; Morning and Evening Meditation sessions; Walking in Wonder. The ministry invites ideas and feedback from parishioners to determine future offerings, and we encourage parishioners to design and lead activities that will further support the ministry’s focus. Amy Webb HISPANIC OUTREACH: The Hispanic Outreach Ministry continues its work with our companion diocese in the Dominican Republic. Through the generosity of congregation contributions and individual pledges from ministry members this year we have made donations to the church San Pedro Y San Pablo in La Barquita. These donations specifically supported safety improvements to the church and school building and paid the tuition fees for one student. We continue to seek partnerships with other South Carolina

churches who have commitments in the Dominican Republic in order to strengthen our relationships and the effectiveness of our ministry. Sue Tanner INTERCESSORY PRAYERS: The HCFM Intercessory Prayer Ministry meets every Tuesday from 5:30 until 6:15 to pray for individuals, the church, the nation and the world. Members of the prayer ministry are only from HCFM but we will pray for anyone. If you have a request please contact Kay Pulliam(262-689-7107) or ([email protected]) or fill out a prayer request card in the back of the church and place in the wooden box. You may also contact one of the clergy or the church office to submit a request. This is a confidential ministry and prayer requests are not shared outside of the prayer group. People will be prayed for weekly for a month unless additional time is requested. Please let Kay know if there is a change in the circumstances of the person for whom we are praying. Kay Pulliam LAY READERS: In 2014, we welcomed five new members to our lay reader ministry—adults Cynthia Montjoy, Lynn van Ek, Ron Radcliff; youths Molly Radcliffe and Emma Radcliff. We held a half-day refresher session in March and updated the ministry guidelines for adult and youth lay readers. Impromptu training was provided ‘on an as needed basis’ for new members. In the fall, we regretfully bade farewell to Dreema Clarke who relocated to Columbia, SC. For those who might be interested in joining our ministry, lay readers are members of the congregation who provide the service of proclaiming the Word of the Lord to the congregation. Their basic responsibilities during the service are to read the two lessons preceding the Gospel, typically one from the Old Testament and the second from the New Testament. They also lead the congregation in the Prayers of the People and assist at baptisms. Lay readers may be called upon for weddings, funerals, memorial services, and other special occasions as they occur throughout the year. At the 8 AM service, one lay reader reads both lessons as well as the Prayers of the People. At the 10:30 service, there are three lay readers, one for each lesson and the third for the Prayers. Adult lay readers are also asked, if

they are able, to serve as chalice bearers. A chalice bearer assists the Celebrant by distributing the wine during Holy Communion/Eucharist. Any member may become a lay reader or chalice bearer following training. If you are interested in contributing your time and talent to this ministry, please speak with Lu Jones or e-mail her at [email protected]. We look forward to having you join us." Lu Jones MEN’S BIBLE STUDY: Men's Bible Study meets each Tuesday at 7:00 A.M. in the old robing room west of the narthex. During 2014, attendance averaged nine men per Tuesday. We discuss the gospel assigned for the coming Sunday and we discuss books concerning the Bible. During 2014, we discussed 1) Liberation Theology, i.e., the works of Gustavo Gutierrez; 2) The Gospel According to Thomas 3) Shedinger and Spink, eds., Who Killed Goliath? and 4) Ehrmann, How Jesus Became God. We conclude with directed prayer. Members of the group take turns preparing breakfast, and the first Tuesday of each month, the group gathers at Litchfield Restaurant for breakfast. The group also attempts to help with charitable works in the community. We share many concerns and pray for each other, and all things discussed are kept confidential (what happens in the robing room stays in the robing room). in 2015, the Rev. Phil Emmanuel will direct the Men's Bible Study. Jack Roper and Phil Emmanuel MUSIC MINISTRY: The Parish Choir performed and led our worship through music at over sixty Eucharists in 2014, including the Enthusiastically Episcopalian conference held here last May. Our “summer choir” program brought us two new year-round members, perhaps you would like to join us this summer and see if this is a ministry for you? We kicked off our 2014-15 year with a covered dish dinner with the families of the Choir for Young Voices. We enjoyed our first ever choir retreat where we enjoyed two days of rehearsal and fellowship (good food). On All Saints Sunday we invited choristers from churches in our deanery to join us for our second annual evensong of remembrance. Please make plans now attend our Lenten evensong on March 8. We thank the parish for their support of our efforts and prayer that our ministry will continue to bless us and others.

After being formed to sing at the 2013 Christmas pageant, The Choir for Young Voices continued programming into 2014, performing once a month at our 10:30 Eucharist and for special occasions. Last February the choir traveled to Charleston for dinner out and a performance of the African Children’s Choir. We celebrated our accomplishments by recognizing each member with a certificate of achievement and a pool party last May. The CFYV began rehearsals again in August and they were featured at the annual Blessing of the Animals. In December the choir did an incredible job performing our first ever “musical” Christmas pageant and we also sang at the Christmas program for the Grand Strand Cultural Arts Foundation in Myrtle Beach. On the way home from the concert we enjoyed a pizza party and sang carols for the folks in the restaurant. The young persons and their families are a great blessing to me, as I’m certain they are to us all. Brian Monroe, Organist and Choirmaster NOT DEAD YET (NDY): “Is there really life after Monday Night Football? Are there places where friends might enjoy meeting other than the aisles of Walmart? We think so. We are blessed to live in an area with remarkable natural resources and recreational opportunities, but it is all too easy to let life carry us along on its stream without enjoying them. Not Dead Yet is a very informal group of HCFM couples of a certain age who want to see more and do more to appreciate this place where we live. We’ve done a harbor cruise, some kayaking, some college football (well, you have to change slowly, after all) and look forward to hiking, coastal expeditions and whatever else occurs to people. Because this is a very bottom up approach, future activities will depend on church members to generate and execute their ideas. Those interested in participating should contact either Jo Fortuna ([email protected]) or John Sands ([email protected]) to be added to the mailing list.” John Sands ONE-DERS: Our mission is to provide an activities based opportunity for singles to meet and socialize in a comfortable environment. This is a ministry which I co-chair with Dottie D’Ambrosio. Currently we have a steering committee of five, Nancy Bracken, Phil Emanuel, Annette Perreault, Carolyn Jones and Sandy Moyle. Some of the activities that we offered in 2014 were:-

Baseball games, Kayaking, Theatre or Movies, Monthly Brunch, dining out, painting experiences and we had a Boxing Day gathering, were we shared good food and supported the outreach programs of Miss Ruby’s Kids and Habitat for Humanity. Plans are underway for a cooking demo and possibly a duel held event with the NDY’s…... “shag lessons” as a prelude to the Pawleys Pavilion Reunion. A retreat is tentatively scheduled for the Fall. We feel good about the direction that we are moving in, i.e. supporting each other and community outreach. Jill Waring PLANNED GIVING: During the past year Planned Giving distributed information as to how to place HCFM in estate plans. This was circulated several times through notices in the Sunday Bulletin. In addition we introduced Charitable Gift Annuities as a tax favored way to deal with capital gains and other estate related expenses. In concert with the Episcopal Church Foundation, we were able, at the last minute due to Congressional inaction, to get word out dealing with IRS charitable tax-free gifts. We hope in 2015 to get this notice out in a more timely fashion. New planned giving devices will be introduced this year. For more information please contact the church office or Mike Thomas at 804-334-1422. Thank you to all those who have already have taken the necessary steps to ensure the future of HCFM. Mike Thomas PAWLEYS PRAYER QUILTS: Pawleys Prayer Quilts (PPQ) is an ecumenical outreach ministry sponsored by Holy Cross Faith Memorial. We are dedicated to creating hand-tied quilts for people in crisis in our community and elsewhere. Though our primary effort is lap quilts for those in life-changing crisis at any age we also make prayer squares and pocket squares for those whose crisis is transient, and military squares for active duty military personnel. Each quilt and square is made with love and prayers and blessed by Clergy with us. Each one is signed with messages for healing. Most of the 18 active PPQ members are members of other local churches or are snowbirds. By December 2014 a lifetime total of almost 400 quilts and scores of prayer squares had been distributed. An open house and an internal antique

quilt auction helped raise funds for batting, backing, and other supplies. Fabrics were donated by Accent Sewing, Quilter's Cottage, and the stash of members. PPQ collaborated with Friendship Place, donating five quilts to children in a family in need of comfort, and with a Haiti mission to provide dozens of little dresses. Requests for quilts and squares may be made to Prayer Quilt members or through the Clergy at any time. It is good to ask the intended receiver if they would welcome this expression of faith in the healing power of God’s love for us. All are welcome to visit and share in our work and fellowship. Meetings are on Tuesdays in the Holy Cross Faith Memorial Parish Hall from 9:00 - 12:00. Member contacts: Virginia Hart - 843-235-1287, Cathy Michael - 704-497-5467, and Jo Fortuna - 843-237-9116. SHEPHERDING MINISTRY: The Shepherding Ministry grows out of a desire by lay members to be present for congregation members when they are in need of temporary assistance with meals, transportation or errands. Shepherds also make check-in phone calls for members who are unable to attend services. Shepherds generously stepped up for numerous meals, rides and phone calls in 2014 providing a vital, caring ministry for their fellow members. Information about members’ needs is transmitted to Shepherd coordinators by the Clergy and the church office. If you or someone you know needs Shepherding care you are encouraged to contact Father Wil Keith, Assistant Rector Sandy Moyle, or Suzy Jayroe in the church office. The Shepherds Ministry is growing with the needs of the parish and it is specializing. Though some Shepherds may be available for any need that arises, most prefer only one or two and their wishes are respected. The ministry welcomes all who wish to participate. Please contact Jo Fortuna if you would like to know more: [email protected], 843-359-9441 or 843-237-9116. Jo Fortuna

STEPHEN MINISTRY: Jesus says, “…love one another as I have loved you.” Stephen Ministry may be the answer to how you can do this…we will train you, we will support you, we will love you and we will teach you how to provide One on One Christian care. We are a group of thirteen that have been trained to bring Christ caring to people in times of need. Stephen Ministers listen. Stephen Ministers care. Stephen Minister relationships are completely confidential. Stephen Ministers support the clergy with the Pastoral Care needs of our growing Parish, and are also trained for Healing Prayer sessions. Everyone benefits from this ministry. If someone is dealing with grief, illness, aging, becoming separated or divorced, suffering a job crisis, being lonely, adjusting to a new baby or life changes… anything stressful or challenging; Stephen Ministers are available to provide care. Stephen Ministers don’t take the place of the clergy; we add another layer of support. The feedback from Care Givers and Care Receivers is overwhelmingly positive. If you have a need, if you know someone who has a need or if you would like to know more about this amazing ministry, please contact Father Wil or one of our Stephen Ministry Leadership Team - Virginia Hart 843-235-1287 or Nancy Hopkinson 843-237-5112. TAIZE: Taize is a form of contemplative service including chanting, prayer and periods of silence. Services of Taize were held at HCFM on every Wednesday evening during the seasons of Lent and Advent in the chapel beginning at 5:30 pm. These services offered to those who attended a period of quiet meditation to help prepare for the upcoming Holidays of Easter and Christmas. Denise Patrick TECHNOLOGY MINISTRY: The Technology Ministry was formed to help meet parish members' needs with their technology devices, services, and choices. Initially there were a number of requests for assistance. It has slowed,

possibly because there is not a great deal of familiarity with the presence of this ministry. Given time, it will no doubt prove of value to many people. Susan Geiger USHERS: During 2014 the Usher Group had as many at 35 ushers covering both Sunday Services as well as other special services where help was needed. The Ushers at Holy Cross are here to provide assistance during services by greeting/welcoming visitors or members as they enter the church, distribute bulletins, collect the offering, assist handicap individuals and assisting with the flow during communion. Unfortunately as we begin 2015, we are down 4 ushers making our total 31 as of January 11th. Anyone can be an Usher at Holy Cross. We do a rotating schedule for both services. Our group would welcome any new volunteers for either services. Please contact Randy Eckard for more information. Phone: 843-979-0098 or 843-333-6069 email: [email protected] Randy Eckard VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL: It was indeed a Workshop of Wonders! Vacation Bible School included stories about Esther, the Mustard Seed, Feeding the 5,000 and walking to Emmaus. In addition, the children went on a scavenger hunt for loaves and fishes, designed and colored a fabric square that's been pieced together as a wall hanging, wondered at what reaction took place while they made lava lamps, sang familiar songs and learned new tunes and sign language, and wolfed down snacks in between all these activities. Then came Friday and Water Day on every inch of HCFM campus. And that's just a glimpse. With over 70 children, 12 teen and 64 adult volunteers during the week itself, it really was possible to see how the ordinary becomes extraordinary with God. Those numbers do not even reflect all those who prayed, made monetary donations and bought all the supplies for those amazing activities! Habitat for Humanity benefitted from donations throughout the week of garden and kitchen tools for residents of new homes. HCFM and House of God worked together to offer an end of summer experience for the children of this community. Ask folks who participated. They'll tell you, "It was wonderful!" Kathy Thompson

WELCOME MINISTRY: The Welcome Ministry is going strong. We have a great group of volunteers for greeting guests at both the 10:30 an 8 am Sunday morning services. Part of the Ministry is also assembling and distributing a welcome package for all new members. If anyone is interested in becoming a greeter at either the 10:30 or 8 a.m. service please e-mail me, Jill Waring at [email protected]. We would love more folks to sign up. Thank you. Jill Waring WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY: The Women’s Bible Study meets seasonally on Mondays at 12 o’clock noon. We use the African Bible Study Method with our own variation of building some background before we read the Gospel for the next Sunday. We read the New Revised Standard Version which is what we hear in Church. It is a good thing to have heard the message and think about it during the week. Then when you hear it on Sunday you may hear something new that you hadn’t thought of before. We also read from a couple of other versions depending on what individuals bring. We have brief discussions and open and close with prayer. We have had as many as 8 and as few as 4 – but we know “that when two or three are gathered together in His Name He will be in the midst of them.” We are hoping to grow and all women of the parish are invited to attend. Come when you can. We always finish by 1 o’clock and sometimes we even go out for lunch afterwards! For more information or for the Women’s Bible Study schedule, contact Kay Pulliam at 843-979-1285 or [email protected] Kay Pulliam YOUTH FOYERS: In 2014, each month a "Youth Only Event" was held and all youth were invited. Some of the highlights were the scavenger hunt, bowling, the camp-out on the HCFM property, beach day, and watching Elf. Thanks so much to the adult volunteers and thanks to all the kids for making each event special and fun. As we remember how important our young people are, this next year will bring many more fun youth only events and opportunities for the youth to be involved with our church. Amanda Keith