annual encampment fahi detention camp at fontenbleau ened...

1 + i TilE AVEATIIEIt w Threatening with ftliowcni Ill bra thin afternoon and toyHllily lo 4ul nl Tni tfll y fahI I Ad I ir VOL XVII NO 188 PADUOAII KENTUCKY MONDAY EVENING AUGUST 7 1905 10 CENTS PER WEEK I SECOND REGIMENT REACHES PADUCAH t Annual Encampment of Kentucky Troops Swingi r ADJUTANT GENERAL PERCY flALY ARRIVES AT CAMP YEISER TODAY I Routine Camp Life Began Today The First Dress Parade This Afternoon at 5 Oclock I W + i WG 1 to 1 W 4N< < QQQQQMQQ- y 9 State ot Kentucky Adjutant Go nerals Office Pailucah Ky August faty X IIn honor of Honorable David A Yels < 5r mayor of Paducah fa this cutup Is named Camp Yelser 4 ty 2 < Colonel Guy II Briggs Judgo advocate general Is hereby A X designated summary court officer for Camp Yolser 8 faft IIti W l I19 1 > I > fColonel lloittr Williams of 1 4 Ington commander and tho lexI Kentucky regiment arrived 730 this morning from Loulsvlllo on u special train running as tho sew ond section of No 102 Owing to con ¬ nections nt Ixiilsvlllo tho train wax l about three hours late Tho train was run down to 11th and Ilroadway where tho soldiers worn formed by companioN and boarded street cart for the encamp nicnl grounds which arc located at Wallace park- Immediately d upon arrival at tho grounds tho soldiers began pitching their tents which aro arranged by I y companion A light rain fell all dur ¬ lug tho morning and slightly Impeded a 4 true work By noon all the tctita worn up No stop was made for breakfast The boys had n lunch on the train 1p but were mighty hungry when the mewt hour rolled around nt 12 f oclock Adjutant General Pcrcys first of ¬ ficial order was tho naming of the camp which ho designated Camp Yelsor and tho designation of Cob eel Guy H UrlggH Judge advocate general as summary court officer for I I Camp Yolsor Tho Soldiers Tlivd a Tho soldlont wore tired and worn out when they reached Paducah I They had no sleep last night except what they could got In their seats the train was mado up of nine coach ¬ esa 1 Pullman > and two baggage cars The > Pullman wan occupied by Colo ¬ nel Williams und his staff of flout officers Tho latter had a good nights rent Mounted nailing guns trunks laundry and other baggage filled tho two baggage cars Wagons were kept i thei contents to the camp Throe soldiers were overcome by the heat and had to bo taken to hos ¬ pital headquarters In tho ambulance soroal duty commenced first nt this I department Tho attacks wore light and the victims were not compelled to remain In the Adj tn hospllalI I Adjutant General Percy Haiy of Frankfort and Lieutenant D Y Heckliam of tho U S artily detailed to tho camp for Instruction to tho soldiers arrived In Puducuh yester ¬ k day afternoon Thoy slept at head ¬ quarters last night Lieutenant Heck ham IH n brother of the governor and one of tho best drilled soldiers In tho Vcgular army This afternoon1 tho nine rogst ¬ soldiers arrived eight from Ft Sher Idea at Chicago and one from Ft Thomas Kentucky They will bo no- l ¬ l oj dot tho direction of Lieutenant Heck ham who will placo ono non counnls stoned officer to each company Gen ¬ oral limy and Inspector General c Gaines anticipate fruitful results from their Instruction Iion Italys Career General Holy Is tho highest active e riofilcer In tho tUnto guards Governor p < Hockhdm by virtue of lila office Is the highest officer ot tho guards but ho takes no active part with the ex ¬ ception of reviewing tho regiments and Issuing an occasional order through General Italy General Haly hag been In 1 the state guard service fllnco 1889 Ho entered as a drum met became a private and waspro moled to regimental quartermaster fr sergeant Ho saw active service In Perry county under Major Howard Gaines now depot quartermaster during the FronchEversolo feud At that tlmo ho was quartermaster of the Second regiment whlcb wus In command of Colonel Galthor In 1900 he wits appointed assistant ad ¬ jutant general under General Mur- ray ¬ his predecessor Governor heck hum appointed him adjutant general In 1903 and he hues been In that of ¬ ace over since Ills headquarters are nt Frankfort Ho only served his en ¬ listment nH private which was three yours Being a natural soldier and possessed of unusual executive abili ¬ t ty promotions were rapid Ho was born and raised In Frankfort Like Iti M suburdlnantas General Italy Is n very handsome and attractive soldier Col Itoger Williams Colonel Roger Williams comman ¬ der of tho Second regiment has nine companies as follows Two from Frankfort one equipped as an In ¬ fantry with light mounted field guns ono each from Cynthlann Danville Harbourvlllo Plnovlllo Lexington Winchester and Lawrcncoburg Tho regiment Is also accompanied by tho Second regiment band of Frankfort and hospital corps of Lexington The troops mobilized at Louisville bay ¬ lug there last night nt 11 oclock There aro about COO In tho regiment Crack Hospital Corps Colonel Williams has a model has ¬ pital corps of which ho l Is very proud It was blip crack corps of the country at tho worlds fair at St Louts also tho best equipped at West Point where there wore 30 000 regulars and militia Colonel Williams regiment has seen more real service than both the other reg¬ iments bite regiment has boon on duty In tho mountain section being called out during tho Hnrgls foud Morohcad feud GarrottWhlto foud and others Ho has been at the head of tho regiment rot 1 i years and In tho state guards twenty years Major J Kmhry Allen Major J Embry Allen Second bat- talion participated In tho Spanish American war and according to Col ¬ cool Williams Is the most capable soldier of tho regiment Ho was with tho state guards when thoy camped here In 1894 Thoro are but two or threo mon In tho rcrjlmont who woro hero thon Major Allen l Is n son of Stato Senator Allen nnd himself Is quite n politician Colonel C H Galthor was III command of tho Soc ¬ end regiment when It was horo In M and Cnpt Longmlro of tho Lax III ton company nnd Captain Wood yard of Lexington woro lucre Then Captain Longmlro was a lieutenant and Captain Wbodynrd a corporal Tho former at that tlmo was captain of tho Frankfort company To He Provosl Guard A provost marshal and gnarls will bo appointed today by Colonel Wll llnniH to patrol various parts of tho city principally tho business din ¬ tract to tnko charge of a soldier If ho bocomou disorderly They will be ¬ glut their duties tonight Other Olllm Dr C M Payntor of Lawrence burg nun of tho most distinguished physicians In tho state has been de ¬ tailed by the governor nil aid to Sur ¬ goon General McCormack Dr Payn ¬ tor In I a distant relative of Judgo Continued on page eight i THE BAD GRAVEL CAUSES BIG ROW Faker anti Ponn Stopped From Putting It bn the Roads Fiscal Court Held a Special Hcfttiloii id Adjust It and Wilt Have a Gratellutspector H0 < QUESTION TO HE VOTED OX t Tills morning fiscal court mot In special session to settle a county road muss and to take some action In plac ing the hog question before the peo ¬ pIe of the county for a vote rat the November election The principal object of the meet Ing was to take action In regard to a road contract being filled by Dick Penn and Ell C Esker These men secured n coiitract several 1 weeks ago to gravel Husbands road from Tyler about three miles out They began the work a few days ago and had spread 1300 feet of gravel when the road committee of fiscal court com posed of Justice A N Sears Jack Sheehan K P Ghotson Thompson and Tapp examined the quality of gravel and pronounced It not tip to the standard specified In the con ¬ tractWork was stopped and the contrac- tors begun to complain The gravel was not good the committee report ¬ ed and refused to permit the rOn tractors to proceed County Judge II T Llghtfoot was appealed to nnd called the board meeting thlll morning to Investigate The board decided to appoint a com mittee to select an Inspector who shall look after the gravel and see that good gravel Is used The com ¬ mittee Is to bo composed of County Judge H T Llghtfoot and any two magistrates he may appoint When the Judge appoints the COW lattice will iio called together and the Inspector appointed Thin seemed to bo the only way the matter could bo amicably adjusted and fiscal court was unanimous In It fhls afternoon the board will meet again for tho purpose of taking action In regard to a stock law re ¬ garding hogs There has been a great deal of complaint I lately ot hogs running ut largo In the county and the matter of whether the hogs shall be kept up or not will proba- bly ¬ bo put to a vote of the people at the November election It Is said a majority of the magistrates want the vote taken Tho board will have hunt few other HiUers to look Into none of very groat Importance i Thrown From n Buggy Mrs W flacon of Jones street wblle driving near the depot yester ¬ day morning at 11 oclock was Jos ¬ tled out of her buggy and badly sprained her left arm and bruised her right eye An elevated car track was tho cause of the accident Tho Injury wan dressed by Drs Carl Sears and J S Troutman Mr 11 Uorryman went to St Lou Is this morning on business From present Indications tho 1 Kitty league may do as tho Cotton States league disband because ot tho yel ¬ low fevor scare This morning President Charles Drown of Paducah and acting Soc rotary 111 J Fnrnbnkor of Cairo held a meeting at tho Palmer house and discussed tho outlook Thoro hast aIItondallce thought best to begin Investigating tho host means to adopt In case a shut down Is necessary A letter lion boon written to Sec rotary Farral of tho National Asso ¬ elation asking him If tho Kitty loagun managers can reserve their players In event the league Is forced to disband because of the yellow fo ¬ vor scare In the south The answer of tho national secretary may decldo tho fato of the 1 Kitty for tho remain ¬ der of tho Kcnnon It l Is probable that a league meeting will be called this week at Cairo or Paducah for the purpose of discuss f TRAIN INSPECTORS WERE NAMED TODAY Will Come in Tomorrow on Ex curslons From the South Two Additional Saiiltary Inspectors Fop Paducah Ate to Ho Asked MANY WANT QUAKANTIM3 HI3IIE The city Is to have two moro sanl tary Inspectors to assist in tho work of keeping the city clean The au thorities have been Informed that Sanitary Officer Brush has not been doing his duty It Is understood and Mayor Yelser will tonight bring It before the council The mayor will ask the council to authorize two more sanitary officers the request being mado at tho In ¬ stance of the board of health which Is doing all In Its power to get and keep the city In a good condition The board now seems assured of the cooperation of the board of works and tho legislative boards The three Inspectors to go to Mem phis and keep a close watch on the excursions Into Paducah tomorrow wore appointed today President Pcndley ot the board of health nam ¬ ed Dr Carl N Sears Frank Reeder and Harry Rudolph as Paducahs In ¬ specters Mr Rudolph will be sworn In as a deputy sheriff They have been appointed at the request of the Illinois Central and leave at G p m today for Memphis to catch the 8th of August excursions tomorrow President Pcndley said today that tho board of health Is for the Interest of the city at all times and stands ready to quarantine as soon as It l Is deemed necessary but that It docs not now deem it necessary as yellow fever could not spread here If a case should bo nccldently brought here TheuoaLd of henbthu believed by many however made a mistake Saturday when It refused to Issue quarantine orders for Paducah The suggestion Is mode by many prominent business men that the council should bo petitioned at to nights meeting to havo the board of health reconsider Its action Lund or ¬ der a quarantine Memphis Is bottled up tight or ¬ ders to that effect being Issued yes- terday and other towns between hero and Memphis are also quarantined Fulton refuses to allow refugees to stop there and a good number were shipped on through to Paducah yesterday and today- I am In favor said Mr George C Thompson this morning of a rigid quarantine and think the board of health has made a mistake I dont think anyone should be allowed to onter Paducah without a certifi ¬ Cato of health and I also think that every avenue of entrance into the oCI an Injury it would take years toyet over therefore I dont think we should lose a moment In establishing a quarantineInterviews with other representa Continued on eighth page The Effects of the Yellow Fever I Scare Being Felt by the Kitty Ing tho matter but no action will bo taken before an answer Is received from National Secretary Farrell Cairo has already begun to sell players and yesterday according to acting Secretary Farnbaker closed H contract with Decatur III Throe I league to soil thom Blackburn Lem ¬ on and Hlttrolff The men will report in n tow days to Decatur It has been practically decided not Jo have n Banta tomorrow on ac ¬ count of 8th of August A doubla header will bo played Wednesday or Thursday Hoy Hurts an Arm Master Don Loftln aged 12 years the son of Mr James Loftln of Me chanlcsburg fell from his whcoi yes ¬ terday afternoon and badly Injured an arm Tho Injury was dressed by Drs Soars and Troutman Mr John Donovan local agent for the I C Is having plans drawn for a 6000 resldenco near Jefferson street on Fountain avenue 1 c GOV VARDAMAN CALLS r OUT THE MILITIA I g Detention Camp at Fontenbleau Threat ¬ Ip ened by Angry Citizens SEVERAL NEW CASES OF FEVER ARE t REPORTED FROM NEW ORLEANSI 1 I The Government Ialion I I Ar- t 11 < < ItKIOUT TO fl I I M SUNDAY ft 1li j New WIKCH i8 + 311UC fociD ft Total Mibfocl oa rda r 3 E r +rI + t 3 r ° di r3 3 3 f I TWO MV CASKS TODAY New Orleans La AUK 7There were two deaths from yellow fever today and two new cases It Is report ¬ ed nt noun that Lawrence Carey a prominent politician Is one of the stricken The expenses of the fever situation here will be three thousand dollars a- day Shaw Sent Instructions Washington Aug 7Secretary Shaw today telegraphed Capt E C Chayton of tho revenue cutter Wlno na sustaining the latters action In tho enforcement of the fever quaran ¬ tine between Mississippi and Louis- Iana ¬ and giving some general Instruc ¬ lions The dispatch was In reply to one frdm Capt Chayton saying that the frTctlrfn between thtwdstdtea f j had become serious and asking offi clal definition ot the revenue cutters authority Government In Full Charge New Orleans Aug 7Dr White head of the marine hospital service assumed absolute control of the health situation today with the mill tary power Three new cases are re ¬ ported from Shreveport and one front Bonaml near Lake Charles Coy Vardaman of Mississippi hat called out the militia to protect the detention camp at Fontenbleau which citizens threatens to burn Yesterdays Ikport Favorable Now Orleans Aug 7Tho loves report yesterday was a great Im- provement ¬ over those during the mid ¬ dle qf the week and the tact that there were only two new sub toel one up town and one down town Is a source of special encouragement An effort Is being made to deter ¬ mine the number of cases of fever un der treatment and allowing ton days which Is a liberal estimate for a pa ¬ tient either to recover or die It Is figured that there are now 233 cases under treatment Yellow Fever at New York New York Aug 7Ono man died of yellow fever In Now Yorks deten ¬ tion hospital at Quarantine yester ¬ day making tho third case of yet ¬ low fever discovered on ships enter ¬ IllS Now York this summer and the second deatbwfhls Is the first time In five years said Health Officer no t ty that New York has been throat encd by moro than one yellow fever case In a summer William n Smith a pantry man who was taken off the steamer Ad vance Trout Colon lust Thursday with nine other suspects died today with an acute case of yellow fever Seven other members cf this par ty are still under Inspection but I apt positive they aro not suffering from yellow fever The other two yellow fever patients came early In summer Not one of those fever cases Dr Doty said mate from the fever dls trletd of tht United Slates Panama supplied thorn nl There Is no apprehension felt lu New York over the discovery of yel ¬ low fever The Ulntod States author Itles here are amply prepared to take cute of the patients and suspects all of whom are under tho strlctasl nuwantlne Archbishop hats Fever 1 I l I Now Orleans La Aug 7Tale val city was shocked when the news t 1 thatmlArchbishop rthstricken i lavlbeen VIllallans fIts f I Ifl affection and confidence to every ono and assisted the medical corps atli i ensIs t Esof I planada street Archbishop Chappol ¬ SIe esages apostolic delegate to Cuba and Porty Lwo 1 Rico and was formerly delegated tot t I ride fellCrolll fi elArchbishop I aled trllthore hnslnc 0- t r ose Unacounciihas artsMemphis + j I up In response to a petition of busl < Iacip ness men which recited that In view I ltrp of Jihe disease In New Orleans thA4 t o excellent sanitary condition of Meat ddl phis and the thousands of people who tim had refused to take alarm and decid ¬ by ed to remain more stringent quaran her 1woThe Memphis board of health were recog ¬ 1R nized None others will entitle bearer to enter tho city and tho J of Inspection will bo wor1nd rd Guards with shotguns will be tioned on the djrt roads and on thet and railroads at the city limits and theInch quarantine made as rigid as possible p Ja- dad Lines Tightened at Cairo Ugh Koktine Ing their coil here The Joe U Witay Hams from New Orleans was follow to Ing the Sprague up the river One n Ii man was found aboard with acase of jtc malarial fever and ho was removed ito to the marine hospital Id It Ulon One Near Fort 11os1heIa Ft Worth Texas Aug 7A sus ¬ I picious case ot fever Is located near a reg hero The victim tunic from MonroeI IE La and Is screened and carefully 1 lpa guarded A most rigid sholgunI I I Iptt quarantine Is being enforced on the apse 1 boundary hue of Texas and Louis ¬ naval lana Strangers must give a satis ¬ rantl urssiabefore eat C+ 33Ei +c Ett + E CI mmn s s i KHADY FOR IiJACK KNVOYSft FIVe Portsmouth N II Aug 7 II i J All preparations for the revep ty tji thin of the peace envoys lilt com ft r plctcd AccordhiK to the orders J irDm I A phn u I WILL AimiVKTOMOHHOW hter i b XOWltIIt 11 I L Auk 7TIse A Ct g yacht Mayflower dispatch both tti Ilf I e j lkertad j I 2 j iambiand lIaw- Ei jt conveyed by the cruiser OalvesA r tout left Newport liurlntr this no + nioniliig for Portsmouth expect V is j + IIIR to arrive there Tuesday J rro M 8 morning 41 onlng Ir glv ah Why rnlse thine eyes to the weath ¬ ganlz orcock when thou hast a nose for u I the I tho passing autoLye a adue Pity not thine horse which can ware j jI I4A q a

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Page 1: Annual Encampment fahI Detention Camp at Fontenbleau ened · 1 + i TilE AVEATIIEIt w Threatening with ftliowcni Ill bra 4ul thin afternoon

1 +



Threatening with ftliowcni Ill brathin afternoon and toyHllily lo4ul nl Tni tfll yfahII Ad






Annual Encampment of Kentucky TroopsSwingir ADJUTANT GENERAL PERCY flALY


Routine Camp Life Began Today The First Dress

Parade This Afternoon at 5 OclockI

W+i WG 1 to 1 W 4N<< QQQQQMQQ-y 9State ot Kentucky Adjutant Go nerals Office Pailucah Ky AugustfatyX IIn honor of Honorable David A Yels<5r mayor of Paducah

fa this cutup Is named Camp Yelser4 ty 2 < Colonel Guy II Briggs Judgo advocate general Is hereby A

X designated summary court officer for Camp Yolser 8faftIItiW l I19 1 > I >fColonel lloittr Williams of1 4 Ington commander and tho lexI

Kentucky regiment arrived730 this morning from Loulsvllloon u special train running as tho sewond section of No 102 Owing to con ¬

nections nt Ixiilsvlllo tho train waxl about three hours late

Tho train was run down to 11thand Ilroadway where tho soldiersworn formed by companioN andboarded street cart for the encampnicnl grounds which arc located atWallace park-

Immediatelyd upon arrival at thogrounds tho soldiers began pitchingtheir tents which aro arranged by

Iy companion A light rain fell all dur ¬

lug tho morning and slightly Impededa 4 true work By noon all the tctita worn

up No stop was made for breakfastThe boys had n lunch on the train

1p but were mighty hungry when themewt hour rolled around nt 12

f oclockAdjutant General Pcrcys first of ¬

ficial order was tho naming of thecamp which ho designated CampYelsor and tho designation of Cobeel Guy H UrlggH Judge advocategeneral as summary court officer for

I ICamp Yolsor

Tho Soldiers Tlivda Tho soldlont wore tired and worn

out when they reached PaducahI

They had no sleep last night exceptwhat they could got In their seatsthe train was mado up of nine coach ¬

esa 1Pullman> and two baggage carsThe > Pullman wan occupied by Colo ¬

nel Williams und his staff of flout

officers Tho latter had a good nightsrent

Mounted nailing guns trunkslaundry and other baggage filled thotwo baggage cars Wagons were kept

itheicontents to the campThroe soldiers were overcome by

the heat and had to bo taken to hos ¬

pital headquarters In tho ambulancesoroal duty commenced first nt this

I department Tho attacks wore lightand the victims were not compelledto remain In the

Adj tn hospllalI I

Adjutant General Percy Haiy ofFrankfort and Lieutenant D Y

Heckliam of tho U S artily detailedto tho camp for Instruction to thosoldiers arrived In Puducuh yester¬

k day afternoon Thoy slept at head ¬

quarters last night Lieutenant Heck

ham IH n brother of the governor andone of tho best drilled soldiers In thoVcgular army This afternoon1 tho ninerogst ¬

soldiers arrived eight from Ft SherIdea at Chicago and one from FtThomas Kentucky They will bo no-



loj dot tho direction of Lieutenant Heck

ham who will placo ono non counnlsstoned officer to each company Gen ¬

oral limy and Inspector Generalc Gaines anticipate fruitful results

from their InstructionIion Italys CareerGeneral Holy Is tho highest active

e riofilcer In tho tUnto guards Governorp

<Hockhdm by virtue of lila office Is

the highest officer ot tho guards butho takes no active part with the ex ¬

ception of reviewing tho regimentsand Issuing an occasional orderthrough General Italy General Halyhag been In1 the state guard servicefllnco 1889 Ho entered as a drummet became a private and waspromoled to regimental quartermaster


sergeant Ho saw active service In

Perry county under Major HowardGaines now depot quartermasterduring the FronchEversolo feud Atthat tlmo ho was quartermaster ofthe Second regiment whlcb wus In

command of Colonel Galthor In1900 he wits appointed assistant ad ¬

jutant general under General Mur-ray


his predecessor Governor heckhum appointed him adjutant generalIn 1903 and he hues been In that of ¬

ace over since Ills headquarters arent Frankfort Ho only served his en ¬

listment nH private which was threeyours Being a natural soldier andpossessed of unusual executive abili ¬

tty promotions were rapid Ho wasborn and raised In Frankfort LikeItiM suburdlnantas General Italy Is n

very handsome and attractive soldierCol Itoger Williams

Colonel Roger Williams comman ¬

der of tho Second regiment has ninecompanies as follows Two fromFrankfort one equipped as an In ¬

fantry with light mounted field gunsono each from Cynthlann DanvilleHarbourvlllo Plnovlllo LexingtonWinchester and Lawrcncoburg Thoregiment Is also accompanied by thoSecond regiment band of Frankfortand hospital corps of Lexington Thetroops mobilized at Louisville bay ¬

lug there last night nt 11 oclockThere aro about COO In tho regiment

Crack Hospital CorpsColonel Williams has a model has ¬

pital corps of which ho lIs veryproud It was blip crack corps of thecountry at tho worlds fair at StLouts also tho best equipped atWest Point where there wore 30000 regulars and militia ColonelWilliams regiment has seen morereal service than both the other reg¬

iments bite regiment has boon onduty In tho mountain section beingcalled out during tho Hnrgls foudMorohcad feud GarrottWhlto foudand others Ho has been at the headof tho regiment rot 1 i years and In

tho state guards twenty yearsMajor J Kmhry Allen

Major J Embry Allen Second bat-talion participated In tho SpanishAmerican war and according to Col ¬

cool Williams Is the most capablesoldier of tho regiment Ho was withtho state guards when thoy campedhere In 1894 Thoro are but two orthreo mon In tho rcrjlmont who worohero thon Major Allen lIs n son of

Stato Senator Allen nnd himself Is

quite n politician Colonel C H

Galthor was III command of tho Soc ¬

end regiment when It was horo In

M and Cnpt Longmlro of tho LaxIII ton company nnd Captain Woodyard of Lexington woro lucre ThenCaptain Longmlro was a lieutenantand Captain Wbodynrd a corporalTho former at that tlmo was captainof tho Frankfort company

To He Provosl GuardA provost marshal and gnarls will

bo appointed today by Colonel WllllnniH to patrol various parts of thocity principally tho business din ¬

tract to tnko charge of a soldier If hobocomou disorderly They will be ¬

glut their duties tonightOther Olllm

Dr C M Payntor of Lawrenceburg nun of tho most distinguishedphysicians In tho state has been de ¬

tailed by the governor nil aid to Sur ¬

goon General McCormack Dr Payn ¬

tor InI a distant relative of Judgo

Continued on page eight




Faker anti Ponn Stopped FromPutting It bn the Roads

Fiscal Court Held a Special Hcfttiloii

id Adjust It and Wilt Have aGratellutspector



Tills morning fiscal court mot Inspecial session to settle a county roadmuss and to take some action In placing the hog question before the peo ¬

pIe of the county for a vote rat theNovember election

The principal object of the meetIng was to take action In regard to aroad contract being filled by DickPenn and Ell C Esker These mensecured n coiitract several1 weeks agoto gravel Husbands road from Tylerabout three miles out They beganthe work a few days ago and hadspread 1300 feet of gravel when theroad committee of fiscal court composed of Justice A N Sears JackSheehan K P Ghotson Thompsonand Tapp examined the quality ofgravel and pronounced It not tip tothe standard specified In the con ¬

tractWorkwas stopped and the contrac-

tors begun to complain The gravelwas not good the committee report ¬

ed and refused to permit the rOntractors to proceed

County Judge II T Llghtfoot wasappealed to nnd called the boardmeeting thlll morning to InvestigateThe board decided to appoint a committee to select an Inspector whoshall look after the gravel and seethat good gravel Is used The com ¬

mittee Is to bo composed of CountyJudge H T Llghtfoot and any twomagistrates he may appoint

When the Judge appoints the COW

lattice will iio called together andthe Inspector appointed

Thin seemed to bo the only way thematter could bo amicably adjustedand fiscal court was unanimous In It

fhls afternoon the board willmeet again for tho purpose of takingaction In regard to a stock law re ¬

garding hogs There has been agreat deal of complaintI lately othogs running ut largo In the countyand the matter of whether the hogsshall be kept up or not will proba-bly


bo put to a vote of the peopleat the November election It Is saida majority of the magistrates wantthe vote taken

Tho board will have hunt few otherHiUers to look Into none of verygroat Importance


Thrown From n BuggyMrs W flacon of Jones street

wblle driving near the depot yester ¬

day morning at 11 oclock was Jos ¬

tled out of her buggy and badlysprained her left arm and bruisedher right eye An elevated car trackwas tho cause of the accident ThoInjury wan dressed by Drs CarlSears and J S Troutman

Mr 11 Uorryman went to St LouIs this morning on business

From present Indications tho 1Kittyleague may do as tho Cotton Statesleague disband because ot tho yel ¬

low fevor scareThis morning President Charles

Drown of Paducah and acting Soc

rotary 111 J Fnrnbnkor of Cairoheld a meeting at tho Palmer houseand discussed tho outlook Thoro hast

aIItondallcethought best to begin Investigatingtho host means to adopt In case ashut down Is necessary

A letter lion boon written to Secrotary Farral of tho National Asso ¬

elation asking him If tho Kittyloagun managers can reserve theirplayers In event the league Is forcedto disband because of the yellow fo ¬

vor scare In the south The answer oftho national secretary may decldotho fato of the 1Kitty for tho remain ¬

der of tho KcnnonIt lIs probable that a league meeting

will be called this week at Cairo orPaducah for the purpose of discuss




Will Come in Tomorrow on Excurslons From the South

Two Additional Saiiltary InspectorsFop Paducah Ate to Ho



The city Is to have two moro sanltary Inspectors to assist in tho workof keeping the city clean The authorities have been Informed thatSanitary Officer Brush has not beendoing his duty It Is understood andMayor Yelser will tonight bring Itbefore the council

The mayor will ask the council toauthorize two more sanitary officersthe request being mado at tho In ¬

stance of the board of health whichIs doing all In Its power to get andkeep the city In a good conditionThe board now seems assured of thecooperation of the board of worksand tho legislative boards

The three Inspectors to go to Memphis and keep a close watch on theexcursions Into Paducah tomorrowwore appointed today PresidentPcndley ot the board of health nam ¬

ed Dr Carl N Sears Frank Reederand Harry Rudolph as Paducahs In ¬

specters Mr Rudolph will be swornIn as a deputy sheriff They havebeen appointed at the request of theIllinois Central and leave at G p mtoday for Memphis to catch the 8thof August excursions tomorrow

President Pcndley said today thattho board of health Is for the Interestof the city at all times and standsready to quarantine as soon as It lIs

deemed necessary but that It docsnot now deem it necessary as yellowfever could not spread here If a caseshould bo nccldently brought here

TheuoaLd of henbthu believedby many however made a mistakeSaturday when It refused to Issuequarantine orders for Paducah

The suggestion Is mode by manyprominent business men that thecouncil should bo petitioned at tonights meeting to havo the board ofhealth reconsider Its action Lund or ¬

der a quarantineMemphis Is bottled up tight or¬

ders to that effect being Issued yes-terday and other towns between heroand Memphis are also quarantined

Fulton refuses to allow refugeesto stop there and a good numberwere shipped on through to Paducahyesterday and today-

I am In favor said Mr GeorgeC Thompson this morning of arigid quarantine and think the boardof health has made a mistake Idont think anyone should be allowedto onter Paducah without a certifi ¬

Cato of health and I also think thatevery avenue of entrance into theoCIan Injury it would take years toyetover therefore I dont think weshould lose a moment In establishinga


with other representa

Continued on eighth page

The Effects of the Yellow Fever I

Scare Being Felt by the Kitty

Ing tho matter but no action will bo

taken before an answer Is receivedfrom National Secretary Farrell

Cairo has already begun to sellplayers and yesterday according toacting Secretary Farnbaker closed H

contract with Decatur III Throe I

league to soil thom Blackburn Lem ¬

on and Hlttrolff The men will reportin n tow days to Decatur

It has been practically decided notJo have n Banta tomorrow on ac¬

count of 8th of August A doublaheader will bo played Wednesday orThursday

Hoy Hurts an ArmMaster Don Loftln aged 12 years

the son of Mr James Loftln of Mechanlcsburg fell from his whcoi yes ¬

terday afternoon and badly Injuredan arm Tho Injury was dressed byDrs Soars and Troutman

Mr John Donovan local agentfor the I C Is having plans drawnfor a 6000 resldenco near Jeffersonstreet on Fountain avenue





Detention Camp at Fontenbleau Threat ¬ Ip

ened by Angry Citizens



The GovernmentIalionI IAr-


11 < <ItKIOUT TO flI I M SUNDAY ft

1lij New WIKCH i8


311UCfociDft Total Mibfocl oa

rdar 3E r +rI + t3 r°di r3 3 3f I


were two deaths from yellow fevertoday and two new cases It Is report ¬

ed nt noun that Lawrence Carey aprominent politician Is one of thestricken

The expenses of the fever situationhere will be three thousand dollars a-


Shaw Sent InstructionsWashington Aug 7Secretary

Shaw today telegraphed Capt E C

Chayton of tho revenue cutter Wlnona sustaining the latters action Intho enforcement of the fever quaran ¬

tine between Mississippi and Louis-Iana


and giving some general Instruc ¬

lions The dispatch was In reply toone frdm Capt Chayton saying thatthe frTctlrfn between thtwdstdteaf j

had become serious and asking officlal definition ot the revenue cuttersauthority

Government In Full ChargeNew Orleans Aug 7Dr White

head of the marine hospital serviceassumed absolute control of thehealth situation today with the milltary power Three new cases are re ¬

ported from Shreveport and one frontBonaml near Lake Charles

Coy Vardaman of Mississippi hatcalled out the militia to protect thedetention camp at Fontenbleauwhich citizens threatens to burn

Yesterdays Ikport FavorableNow Orleans Aug 7Tho loves

report yesterday was a great Im-


over those during the mid ¬

dle qf the week and the tact thatthere were only two new sub toel oneup town and one down town Is asource of special encouragement

An effort Is being made to deter ¬

mine the number of cases of fever under treatment and allowing ton dayswhich Is a liberal estimate for a pa ¬

tient either to recover or die It Is

figured that there are now 233 casesunder treatment

Yellow Fever at New YorkNew York Aug 7Ono man died

of yellow fever In Now Yorks deten ¬

tion hospital at Quarantine yester¬

day making tho third case of yet ¬

low fever discovered on ships enter ¬

IllS Now York this summer and thesecond deatbwfhls Is the first timeIn five years said Health Officer notty that New York has been throatencd by moro than one yellow fevercase In a summer

William n Smith a pantry manwho was taken off the steamer Advance Trout Colon lust Thursdaywith nine other suspects died todaywith an acute case of yellow fever

Seven other members cf this party are still under Inspection but I

apt positive they aro not sufferingfrom yellow fever The other twoyellow fever patients came early Insummer

Not one of those fever cases DrDoty said mate from the fever dlstrletd of tht United Slates Panamasupplied thorn nl

There Is no apprehension felt luNew York over the discovery of yel ¬

low fever The Ulntod States authorItles here are amply prepared to takecute of the patients and suspects allof whom are under tho strlctaslnuwantlne

Archbishop hats Fever 1



INow Orleans La Aug 7Tale val

city was shocked when the news t 1thatmlArchbishoprthstrickenilavlbeenVIllallansfItsfI IIflaffection and confidence to every ono

and assisted the medical corps atliiensIs tEsof Iplanada street Archbishop Chappol ¬SIeesagesapostolic delegate to Cuba and PortyLwo1

Rico and was formerly delegatedtottI

ridefellCrolllfielArchbishop Ialedtrllthorehnslnc0- tr ose




up In response to a petition of busl < Iacipness men which recited that In view I ltrpof Jihe disease In New Orleans thA4 t oexcellent sanitary condition of Meat ddlphis and the thousands of people who timhad refused to take alarm and decid ¬ byed to remain more stringent quaran her

1woTheMemphis board of health were recog ¬ 1Rnized None others will entitlebearer to enter tho city and tho J

of Inspection will bo wor1ndrdGuards with shotguns will betioned on the djrt roads and on thet andrailroads at the city limits and theInchquarantine made as rigid as possible p Ja-

dadLines Tightened at Cairo UghKoktineIng their coil here The Joe U WitayHams from New Orleans was follow to

Ing the Sprague up the river One n Ii

man was found aboard with acase of jtcmalarial fever and ho was removed itoto the marine hospital Id It

UlonOne Near Fort 11os1heIaFt Worth Texas Aug 7A sus ¬ Ipicious case ot fever Is located near a reg

hero The victim tunic from MonroeI IELa and Is screened and carefully 1 lpaguarded A most rigid sholgunIIIIpttquarantine Is being enforced on the apse


boundary hue of Texas and Louis ¬ navallana Strangers must give a satis ¬ rantlurssiabeforeeat

C+33Ei +c Ett +E CI mmns si KHADY FOR IiJACK KNVOYSft FIVe

Portsmouth N II Aug 7 IIi

J All preparations for the revep ty

tji thin of the peace envoys lilt com ft rplctcd AccordhiK to the orders JirDmI A phnu


WILL AimiVKTOMOHHOW hterib XOWltIIt 11 IL Auk 7TIse A Ct

g yacht Mayflower dispatch both tti Ilf I e

j lkertadj I

2j iambiandlIaw-

Eijt conveyed by the cruiser OalvesA

rtout left Newport liurlntr this no

+ nioniliig for Portsmouth expect Visj+

IIIR to arrive there Tuesday J rro M

8 morning 41onlng

Ir glvah

Why rnlse thine eyes to the weath ¬ ganlz

orcock when thou hast a nose for uI the I

tho passing autoLye aadue

Pity not thine horse which can ware

jjII4Aq a