animals in art timeline by sahil

Animals in Art Sahil Kirpalani

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This is a research a student of mine put together to summarize the history of animals in art.


Page 1: Animals in art timeline by Sahil

Animals in Art Sahil Kirpalani

Page 2: Animals in art timeline by Sahil

17,000 years ago

Cave paintings found in Altamira, Northern Spain are estimated to have been done 17,000 years ago

They depicting pictures of bulls, which were are an important source of food for civilizations at that time

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12,000 years ago

The Magdalenian art period came to an end. One of the three major periods which separate art history.

Magdalenian people are the ones that we refer too as the people who flourished in Europe between 18,000 to 10,000 B.C.

They are famous for their cave paintings which are estimated to have been created between 40,000- 10,000 B.C.

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After the ice age…

After the ice age came to an end, colors began to flourish

This provided a ripe opportunity for new forms of art to emerge, and new styles

The Egyptians took this opportunity and utilized animals in their art on tombs and other religions statues, decorating the animals with color and brightness.

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200 B.C.

This was the period of the prominent Roman empire

Roman’s, apart from being skilled workers and fighters, were talented at art.

They starting using animals in their art to depict what they do with them, and how animals react in their every day lives.

They paintings display how cruel they were to animals, but also how creative their art can be

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5th- 15 century

This decade was full of artistic and societal development

Animals in art were a huge part of art in the middle ages. They were used to represent mythical beasts, to decorate medieval manuscripts, and to represent religious symbols.

Animals were used as symbols for what people lived their whole lives based upon

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During the time of the renaissance, animals in art grew greatly in popularity

Artists such as Leonardo Da Vinci began creating pieces of true brilliance, making animals look very realistic

This was the opening to a whole new realm of possibilities when using animals in art, and the start to a whole new era

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Late 1500’s

Piero Di Cosimo produced ‘the forest fire’.

This opened many more peoples eyes to the possibilities of using animals in art

The painting depicted animals in the forest, in their natural habitat.

It displayed true beauty

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1606Rembrandt was born in Leiden in 1606. He

also boosted the popularity of this amazing art form.

The pieces he created were extremely ahead of his time, and could be considered modern even if painted today.

He used new techniques and styles to create unique images of animals

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17th Century

Hunting scenes depicting life and death became very popular

This was very relevant to the time period as hunting was a very common way in which people got food

Most paintings during this time told a story, and therefore allows us to know about people back then

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George Stubbs

Famous for his painting of horses, showed how studying a creature could help with the product

This was extremely important as it opened new opportunities to how studying an animal and using it as a subject for art could help to learn about it

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18th Century

Artists began to show the beauty of animals in their natural habitats.

During this century, animals in art took a whole new form

This brought out the beauty of the creatures further

It allowed for more artistic improvisation and creativity

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19th Century

Sentimental pictures of pets and livestock

During the 19th century, artists started to depict animals in their art which they tend to see and spend time around

Pets and livestock became popular subjects, and proved that any animal can prove to be interesting subjects, and can be used to create amazing art

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The cave paintings from the North of Spain (Altamira) were found

A girl called Maria was with her father, who was exploring the ruins

These images being found were extremely beneficial as they provided a little more insight into the society back then, and how they lived

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Animals in art- Now

 Animal art is still done with perfection and reality, but a lot of pieces are done with an abstract touch

Surreal colors are included to make the picture even more visually interesting. Animals in art has developed significantly throughout the course of artistic history.

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Animals in art have been a part of human history forever

It has been a source of information, a form of symbolism and religious belief, and a way to really appreciate the beauty of a creature

It is an amazing form of art that helps us appreciate how majestic every individual creature can be.

As time progresses, im sure It will only get better.

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Citations 2