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Dr. Carolyn Porter Dr. Carolyn Porter Dr. Carolyn Porter Dr. Carolyn Porter Angels All Around Angels All Around Angels All Around Angels All Around How How How How the the the the Angels Ca Angels Ca Angels Ca Angels Can Help You in Your Daily Life n Help You in Your Daily Life n Help You in Your Daily Life n Help You in Your Daily Life

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  • Dr. Carolyn PorterDr. Carolyn PorterDr. Carolyn PorterDr. Carolyn Porter

    Angels All AroundAngels All AroundAngels All AroundAngels All Around How How How How the the the the Angels CaAngels CaAngels CaAngels Can Help You in Your Daily Lifen Help You in Your Daily Lifen Help You in Your Daily Lifen Help You in Your Daily Life

  • 2

    Angels All AroundAngels All AroundAngels All AroundAngels All Around How How How How the Angels the Angels the Angels the Angels CCCCan Helpan Helpan Helpan Help You You You You in in in in YouYouYouYour Daily Lifer Daily Lifer Daily Lifer Daily Life

    bybybyby Dr. Carolyn PorterDr. Carolyn PorterDr. Carolyn PorterDr. Carolyn Porter

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    Why This Topic?

    About Angels

    How to Connect

    Signs of Angelic Presence

    Receiving the Angels Help

    Violet Flame Angels

    Thank You Angels

  • 4

    Why This Topic?

    PPPPeople tell me all the time that they wish they could hear the angels and feel their presence. I always tell them as Im telling you now the angels are there for everyone who lives on

    this planet. Every single person has the capability of experiencing the angels by hearing,

    feeling and/or seeing them if they want to. The problem is the doubt that fills many peoples

    minds, or the disbelief that this is possible. Yet I have shown people over and over just how

    easy it is to tune into the angelic realm themselves, and those who really wanted the angels

    in their life have been able to hear, see and/or feel the angels as they open fully to them. It

    could happen overnight, but it is more likely to occur in steps as you become more aware.

    Since so many individuals continually ask me how to connect with the angels, I decided Id

    share some information in an eBook so many more can connect and reap the benefits of

    having the angels in their life. You do not need any training to do this nor do you need

    certification or credentials and its free! All you must do is open your heart and mind to the angelic realm and be willing for their presence in your life. However, to facilitate this

    with more ease, there are some tools that can enable you and others to tune in more readily

    and effectively. And that is what I am sharing in this eBook.

  • 5


    EEEEvery day you are faced with multiple decisions and choices that can propel you forward in your life or block your forward movement. You use your mind and the belief system youve

    established for yourself to make those choices and decisions. But what if you had a team of

    assistants standing by ready to help you make the wisest choices possible, and then help

    you to achieve what you want? What a wonderful, stress-reducer that would be!

    The beautiful thing is this: You DO have a whole team of supportive, all-loving beings just

    waiting for you to tune in and ask for their assistance in every situation you experience, and

    the messages they share with you are always whats best for you at that moment!

    The angels are all around you every minute of every day waiting for your requests. In fact,

    your guardians are assigned to remain by your side as long as you live on this earth. They

    cannot interfere with your life unless you invite them in to help because you were born with

    the gift of free will, which allows you to make your own choices. One exception however, is

    if your life is in danger and your time to leave the planet is not yet; the angels can interfere

    then without your willingness.

    Your own doubt is your biggest enemy for connecting with the angelic realm, and it will be

    your choice to either believe you can or believe you cant. You have to choose to believe that

    you can connect in order for it to ever happen, and be willing to open to the knowing that it

    is indeed a truth.

    Since so many individuals wish to connect with the angels, and since it is absolutely

    possible for everyone to connect with angels if they want to, Im inviting you to follow along with me and receive some tools outlaid in this material so you can connect with the

    magnificent angels and experience their love, support, protection and guidance.

  • 6

    1111---- About Angels

    PPPPeople may tell you that angels reside in heaven with God and those beings who have passed over and made it through the pearly gates. Others might tell you they fly around

    watching over children, or that they sing and dance in heaven. Some people say that they

    hover around us to protect and warn us when needed, and maybe to guide us at times, but

    we arent aware of them. Others may state the angels only help certain people. However,

    Ive experienced angels in my life for some years now, and I can assure you that angels are

    so much more than anything mentioned above, and they are available for everyone,

    including you!

    Simply stated, angels are celestial beings of light, composed solely of love and light energy.

    They have no form or physical characteristics, no ego, but they appear to us in a way that is

    recognizable for us, often seeming to be in a particular form. That is why they may appear

    in one form to you and another to me.

    To refresh your mind about energy, everything in the entire universe is composed of energy.

    In fact, you and I are 99.99999% energy, which makes us a mimiscule portion of physical

    form, less than one percent. This means that the main composition of each of us is mostly

    energy and therefore we have no real separation from the realm of the angels or any living

    creature unless we place the wall there. But as we know, once we enter earthly existence, we

    accept the programming taught us, for that is all we know. So if you are taught that angels

    exist only in heaven or only help certain people, then you accept that as truth and thus the

    separation occurs.

    Angels vibrate at a higher level than we do here on earth. Why? They exist in pure love and

    truth, which is always a higher energetic vibration than earthly vibrations. Once we are

    born and accept physical form, we begin the process of forgetting where we came from all

    that pure love and truth - and step into the fear-based lower vibrations here on earth. So the

    separation we feel from the angelic realm, and the reason so many individuals dont believe

    they can connect to the angels, is simply because of the different energy vibration. Remove

    the obstacle of doubt, which always interferes with angelic connection because it is fear-

    based and you can connect to the angels with ease.

    Angels are always happy because there is nothing but love in their dimension, and

    happiness is an expression of love. Their desire is to make us feel happiness and to wear a

    smile across our face, so they delight in doing things to make us feel good. Angels only give

    you loving guidance that enhances your life in some way; it is never negative or unloving

    because they only know love. Remember, they exist in the presence of God. (or Higher


    Angels do not attach to any particular religion, belief or culture; you can call them

    nondenominational and multi-cultural. There is no time or space in the angelic realm and

    they are not bound by the limitations of our world. Because there is no space or time

    involved with energy and its movement, they are around us and everywhere at the same

    time, for energy has no boundaries nor restrictions. Hard to grasp isnt it? Although some

  • 7angels are assigned to us personally for our lifetime, others work with all of us


    Banishing Old Beliefs

    Angels are divine messengers. In fact, the word angel means messenger of God. So why

    would angels only exist in heaven if they were given the name angel? Dont you think a

    messenger would take messages to those who need it or request it? That makes sense to me

    and is why I first questioned my teachings that angels only exist in heaven and we wont see

    or know them until we die. So often we accept everything were taught without thinking for

    ourselves, but once we take time to quietly contemplate what we think we know, well, thats

    when truth can come forth and surprise you! As I thought about how it didnt make sense to

    be called a messenger if you basically stayed far away and werent delivering messages,

    thats when I began opening to the realization that not everything I had been taught was


    Some people might tell you that it is blasphemous to speak to angels or that it is impossible

    to talk with them. Yet werent they given the name messenger and the task of carrying

    messages from God to us on earth? And arent all living beings part of the Creators energy,

    being that we are the created ones? So to me that means we are all connected by the same

    loving energy and therefore speaking to the angels is the same as speaking to God, and vice


    Energy is everywhere and is always in motion. Beings not bound by physical form are

    therefore not limited by our earthly boundaries. Everything happens instantaneously in

    their realm, which is why the minute we ask for help its already happening, before you can

    even blink your eye!

    Some people believe that angels have to be summoned from heaven and that it could take

    time. My belief, along with many others, is that the angels are literally around us, in our

    houses, rooms, cars, and by our sides at all times. Remember, there is no space or time in

    the angelic realm, and the energy is traveling continuously and instantly, so there is no

    space between when we ask and when they show up because their presence is literally

    surrounding us. It might be hard for you to wrap your mind around that, but scientists

    know these facts about energy. Since angels are energetic light beings, then the same facts

    about energy are relevant for them.

    And the angels said:

    You are notYou are notYou are notYou are not far from us nor we from you. Why dofar from us nor we from you. Why dofar from us nor we from you. Why dofar from us nor we from you. Why do you think this? There is no space or distance exceptyou think this? There is no space or distance exceptyou think this? There is no space or distance exceptyou think this? There is no space or distance except in minds of man. We are all one and when your in minds of man. We are all one and when your in minds of man. We are all one and when your in minds of man. We are all one and when your thoughts rise higher through the realness of knowing,thoughts rise higher through the realness of knowing,thoughts rise higher through the realness of knowing,thoughts rise higher through the realness of knowing, you can know us. We know you and seek the companyyou can know us. We know you and seek the companyyou can know us. We know you and seek the companyyou can know us. We know you and seek the company of you.of you.of you.of you.

  • 8

    2222---- How to Connect

    TTTThe angels eagerly await the invitation to enter your life and help you with whatever request you have. The key is this: You have to invite them in. Weve already mentioned how they do

    not interfere in your life unless you ask them because you were given the gift of free will

    when you came here to earth. So invite them in right now!

    There are four main ways in which the angels communicate with you: seeing, hearing,

    feeling and knowing. Lets talk about each one of these so you better understand.

    Clairvoyance Clear Seeing

    There are multiple ways in which you can see an angel. You may actually see the outline or a

    complete form of an angel. This angel could be ahead of you as youre driving somewhere or

    you may look up in a room and see the form. Some people see forms of angels sitting on

    their bed at night or seeming to float across a room. I remember one time at my first

    healing center, when I was in the room talking with my massage therapist, we both noticed

    a very large outline of an angel on the wall. We both looked up at the outline at the same

    instant, and I remember saying Wow, do you see that? She saw it too and we watched in

    awe for a moment. It was brilliantly white with a soft hue of yellow for just a moment, then

    began to fade quickly and was gone. We talked about what we had just seen, feeling as if it

    was a sign we both needed at that time that our angels are ever near us. It left us feeling

    uplifted with a sense of serenity the rest of the day. The angels always bring peacefulness

    with their love.

    Have you ever noticed little flashes of light in a room, like little sparkles that appear after a

    flash has gone off? You may see white lights or any color, and oftentimes the colors are

    vibrant. These are simply angel lights. Many people see these all the time but have no idea

    they are witnessing the presence of the angels. They could be small spots, large spots,

    flashes, or you could see streaks of light moving back and forth appearing to light your way,

    or perhaps they appeared as a sign to help your belief get stronger. A twelve year old boy

    told me that often, when he closed or opened his eyes, he would see a streak of white light

    out of the corner of his eyes, which scared him until he learned it was simply angels all

    around him. (His eyes had been checked by a doctor and were fine)

    Some people report shadowy movement near them. Others have seen actual physical forms

    that suddenly appear and then disappear as fast as they came. One woman shared her story

    of being involved in a car wreck and unable to tend to her young son. She said there was

    suddenly someone else in the car who carried the son to safety as firemen and policemen

    worked to free her. They found the boy a short distance from the accident sitting by himself

    and no one knew how he got there. He said a man lifted him out of the car and put him

    there with the instruction to stay there until someone came to get him; then the man

    disappeared. The mother of this boy believes it was an angel who came to help for that

    moment and left once the task was completed, which is why no one could find this man

    afterward. You may have experienced something similar in your own life.

  • 9In order to see the angels, you may need to clear any blockages in your third eye, for that is

    your seeing eye for intuition and wisdom. Your third eye is located between your eyebrows.

    Simply envision a brilliant white light running through the front of your face at the location

    of the third eye, moving through your head and exiting from the back of your head behind

    the third eye. This divine white light can clear any blockages for better clairvoyance. Old

    beliefs, doubts and skepticism can easily get in your way of seeing clearly, so use this

    clearing technique whenever you feel blocked.

    Clairaudience Clear Hearing

    Angels are heard in many ways, but one thing to always remember is that they only share

    loving messages. They may admonish you at times, but every word will always be lovingly

    shared. After all, love is all they know as it is what encompasses their existence in the light.

    So basically, it is all they can give to you or want to give you. They delight in helping you

    create love in your life because they know love is your essence as it is theirs. The difference

    is that you came to earth and stepped into the fear-based thinking here whereas they

    remain in the essence of love, but they know the only place in which you can find what you

    want when living on earth is through love.

    You may actually hear a voice speaking to you. This voice may seem to be inside your head

    or outside of you. It could sound distant or as if you are talking to yourself, one of the

    reasons many people often doubt that they are hearing angels speaking. The voices may

    sound different or basically be the same when different messages come through. Most of

    the time what you hear will be soft and lovingly spoken, but if they want to get your

    attention fast, they may speak quite loud. Many individuals share times when they have

    heard a loud Stop, or Dont go there, or something similar. There was an eminent

    danger ahead and the angels were warning the individual by loud words as an attention-

    getter. Ive had this experience on several occasions.

    Some individuals have indicated hearing a type of singing with a lilting sound and hear

    their angels sort of sing their messages to them. You might even hear their message through

    the words of a song or someone elses words that have become the instrument for getting

    you the message. Anything is possible! There are no rules in the realm of spirit.

    Our ears can easily become clogged with the fears of this earth old beliefs that prevent

    hearing the voice of the angels - so if you are having trouble hearing the angels, you may

    need to clear out your ears. Imagine bringing a beautiful, healing white light through one

    ear and out the other side of your head through the other ear. Feel the warmth and

    cleansing effect of this light as it filters through your ears, pulling with it all the negative

    debris you wish to clear out.

    Clairsentience Clear Feeling

    You know what the gut feeling refers to for I imagine all of you reading this have

    experienced it - that feeling about something or someone and you just know it. You cannot

    explain the feeling or justify why it is there, but you know. Maybe its that you sense

    someone is lying to you or you feel you shouldnt go to a particular event. Perhaps you

    simply feel uneasy or that change is in the air, so are expecting it even though nothing has

    presented itself thus far.

  • 10

    In working with clients and sharing angel messages, I often sense something about the

    client perhaps something dark and cloudy or maybe a new path that is opening up for

    them. I might have to wait a minute for the words to come, but the feeling is already there.

    Heres an example.

    I was working with a woman in her thirties and felt she had 3 siblings, but that there was a

    distance between her and them. She did indeed have 3 siblings, so I asked if they lived away

    from her in other cities or states, but she said no. It was as if they were in a distant cluster

    and she was prominent in the foreground, so I asked if she was the oldest. She answered

    that she was the youngest, but went on to state she is the tallest, substantially taller than her

    siblings. So what I felt originally was correct: there was distance between her and her

    siblings, making her more prominent as I felt due to her height. However, in order to be

    totally accurate about what I was feeling, I had to confirm it with her for accuracy. And as

    you have read, I didnt completely understand the meaning of what I felt at first until I

    shared it with her.

    At times you might actually suddenly feel warmth around you, as if being embraced, or feel

    as if someone is behind you, perhaps even brushing against you. Yet you turn around, and

    no one is there, even though the feeling was so real. It could be the presence of a loved one

    who has passed over, or an angel. Ive also felt as if I was being prodded from behind, like a

    loving kick on the rump, as a reminder to get moving with something. You may experience a

    whiff of a fragrance that a loved one always wore, or receive the scent of a particular flower

    your loved one grew in their garden or loved to receive. Once, the aroma of cigarette smoke

    filled the room so that my client and I both smelled it. The client knew immediately it was a

    message that her grandpa was near since he was a smoker and she had been close to him.

    Perhaps youre feeling down on a particular day, then suddenly a feeling of great warmth

    and love fills you and your heart feels as if it is expanding big time. Or maybe youre really

    stressed and upset and you ask the angels for help. Within moments, you begin calming

    down and feeling quite serene, probably mystified that such a shift occurred so quickly. If

    you need a lift, simply ask the angels to come in and help you release the negativity you are

    feeling and replace it with loving feelings. Like magic, it will happen.

    Claircognizance Clear Knowing

    There are times when you suddenly just know something. Perhaps a name pops into your

    head or an answer that surprises you. You might suddenly receive an idea that resonates

    and you wonder how it got there. You might feel a person is about to call you and they do,

    so how did you know they were going to? Have you ever gone somewhere and just know

    youve been there before, yet you also know you havent been there?

    My fianc and I were in Charleston a few years ago and eating in a quaint restaurant when

    he said, Ive been here before. I cant explain it, but this is so familiar and I know Ive been

    here before. The puzzled look on his face showed his bewilderment as to what was going

    on, but he was adamant that he had been in that place before.

    You could be driving to a particular destination but are lost, so you sit a minute and feel for

    an answer as to which way to go. Suddenly you seem to know the correct direction and you

  • 11take off, arriving at your destination with ease. Perhaps you are on your way to a party or

    event when something inside says turn around and go home. You may fight it for a moment,

    but somehow you just know you have to return home, even though there is no visible reason

    you should. When you get there you find your babysitter has her boyfriend there

    something you told her she could never do and is not paying attention to your children.

    Then you realize why you knew you had to return home immediately to take care of this


    Sometimes you absolutely know you are meant to do something yet you resist doing it so

    ignore it, perhaps because you fear it. But this knowing keeps nudging you internally so that

    you experience a great amount of restlessness and feel very uncomfortable. You have free

    will of course, so you can decide to continually ignore this knowing or you can quit resisting

    and move forward. Once you cross the fear barrier, you might be pleasantly surprised how

    wonderful it is beyond that barrier.

    I knew for quite some time I was to begin speaking, but the thought scared me so much that

    I immediately began to tremble at the mere thought of it. So I pushed it away, sweeping it

    under the rug so to speak, yet people continued to tell me I should be a speaker. Again, I hid

    the knowing away, pretending it wasnt a valid knowing until I couldnt take the restlessness

    and uncomfortable feeling anymore. To my amazement, once I crossed the fear barrier and

    did a speaker training, a whole new world has opened to me that I would never have

    experienced if I hadnt listened to my knowing. I certainly never put that knowing deep into

    me, so it had to be divinely implanted.

    Tools to Help You Connect

    Being in nature is a top choice for connecting with the angels, for they are ever-present in all of nature just as God is. When trying to quiet your mind so you can to hear the angels,

    try playing soft, angelic or healing music in the background. Light a candle, burn incense, gather some crystals around you that enhance angelic connection, then simply sit quietly and wait. You may not hear anything, but you have prepared yourself to do so. This is the

    willingness Ive referenced already, which is necessary for preparing yourself to connect; it

    will happen in divine timing.

    You cannot force it to happen, and if you become frustrated or angry that you cannot

    connect the minute you desire it, you block the entire process. Be patient and allowing, and

    the angels will connect with you. Angels do not operate on our timetable; they operate

    according to when the timing is right. So even if you think the timing is now, it might not be

    so. Patience is one of the hardest things for a human to learn it seems. We want everything

    yesterday, so the idea of waiting and being patient until the right time is not a favorable

    option in our minds, yet it is often part of the spiritual process of growth.

    Do not be discouraged if you dont seem to hear any messages or see any signs at first. How

    long can this take? That is anyones guess, for it is different with every individual. One

    person could be more ready to receive their messages. Maybe more steps must happen

    before they will open enough to hear messages or see the signs. People tell me frequently

    that theyve asked to hear the angel messages but nothing is happening. That is one of the

    mysteries of the universe and the angelic realm it is never on our time-table, but on

    theirs. But since they want you to connect with them, they will do everything to help you

  • 12hear and feel them immediately. Perhaps you have a block that must be released before they

    can fully enter your life.

    However, even if you are having trouble hearing their messages or seeing the signs of their

    presence, they will instantly be present to help you if you ask. They may come to you

    through a friend, an email, or a sudden resolution of a situation that was confronting you.

    One of the biggest challenges for you will be your belief. You will never hear, see or feel the

    angels unless you believe you can!

    So your very first step that absolutely must be in place is the release of your doubt to be

    replaced by belief. Once you believe they are in your life, you will eventually hear, see, feel

    and know the angels are there in your life!

  • 13

    3333---- Signs of Angelic Presence

    TTTThe way in which angels make their presence known is beyond vast; anything imaginable is possible. They give multitudes of signs on a daily basis but we have to pay attention in order

    to experience them. Many times we miss them because we arent tuned into their presence

    that is continually all around us. Although there are a multitude of possibilities as to how

    the angels become known to us, Im going to discuss a few signs of their presence that many

    people have witnessed repeatedly.


    Im not talking about the chills you might experience when a fever is present, but about

    confirmation chills. Someone tells you something and without warning you feel a rush of

    chills throughout your body, like goose bumps. This is confirmation from the angels that

    this statement is accurate and a truth. Many times as I share an experience I have had in

    which spiritual growth was evident for myself or someone else, I will feel the chills traveling

    all over my body, confirming to me that the experience Im sharing has great significance.

    Whats really great is when the person you are sharing this with tells you they are feeling

    chills too double confirmation!

    It could also be that as someone shares their thoughts with you and the chills spread from

    your internal core to the rest of your body, you realize that this information is an answer for

    you in some way, or at least a piece of information you need to pay attention to. Regardless

    of how the chills appear, they are validating that whatever you are hearing or feeling at that

    moment is a truth.


    Angels love to drop coins on our path to let us know they are nearby. When you see pennies

    or any money coins on the ground in front of you, pick them up and know they are from the

    angels. I remember asking once for a sign that the angels hadnt forgotten me. I went for a

    walk at dusk that evening and suddenly, on the street in front of me, was a mix of money

    coins scattered on the ground. I stopped and picked them up and immediately thanked the

    angels for this generous confirmation that they were still with me.

  • 14This poem came in an email:

    The coins can be found anywhere and be a sign of the angels presence outside, in your

    house or car, your workplace, in a restaurant or the movies anywhere. So when you see

    those coins lying on the ground or floor, simply pick them up and thank the angels for

    letting you know they are watching over you.


    Often the angels float feathers into your awareness, or you may simply find one on the floor

    or ground as you might the coins. Doreen Virtue, an angel expert and therapist, tells of one

    instance that the angels showed her a feather as a reminder of their presence around her.

    She was at the airport and discovered her flight was delayed for several hours. She had

    somewhere to be at a certain time and this was messing up her schedule, so she was

    irritated. She was sitting in her seat restless and upset, when suddenly she noticed a feather

    lying on the seat next to her, although there had been no feather there a few moments

    earlier. Being an angel communicator and very connected to the angelic realm, she knew

    immediately it was a sign from the angels that everything was okay and they were telling

    her to simply relax with the delay, knowing all was well.

    Another woman told her story of needing a sign from the angels and asking for one; she had

    been confronted with a difficult issue to resolve. She had been outside working in her yard

    and had walked up the driveway, but there was no feather anywhere on the driveway. She

    went inside to get a drink of water, and when she came out the first thing she noticed was a

    feather lying in the middle of her driveway. She knew it hadnt been there moments before,

    so realized she had indeed received the sign she asked the angels to give her. She

    immediately felt calmer as she realized the angels were by her side and would help her

    resolve her problem.

    So when you see a feather floating into your awareness, or in front of you on the ground, see

    it coming with lots of angel blessings and love.

    I found a penny today, laying on the ground,

    But its not just a penny, this little coin Ive found.

    Found pennies come from heaven, thats what my Grandpa told me;

    He said Angels toss them down. Oh, how I loved that story.

    He said when an Angel misses you, they toss a penny down;

    Sometimes just to cheer you up, to make a smile from your frown.

    So dont pass by that penny when youre feeling blue,

    It may be a penny from heaven that an Angels tossed to you.

  • 15

    Repeated Numbers

    Another way of feeling the angels presence is through repeated numbers. A message can

    easily come through these numbers, but you will probably need to have a book that

    describes what the number(s) means. Doreen Virtue has written a book called Angel

    Numbers a great addition to your library.

    If you become aware of a certain number or set of numbers appearing for you repeatedly,

    pay attention to the meaning, for most likely this is a message for you. There are countless

    examples of individuals seeing repeated numbers and getting an answer for a question they

    had. Maybe you look at the clock and it says 2:34, then the license tag of the car in front of

    you at the stoplight says 234, then your total for a item you purchased is $2.34 pay

    attention to what 234 means. It is especially important if you see these numbers three or

    more times for they are significant for you. Anything repeated three or more times warrants

    your attention!

    Repeated same numbers also have significance. Take for example three ones - they are

    more powerful than one alone and they emphasize that your creative energy is strong

    right then and is creating things into reality very quickly. Caution is given to project only

    positive thoughts lest you manifest something negative that you dont want. Thats why last

    year the dates 1/1/11, 11/1/11 and 11/11/11 were such powerful days for everyone, whether

    they realized it or not.

    Fragrances Smells

    Without warning, a particular smell or fragrance many waft into your awareness, but there

    is nothing around you to indicate this smell as possible. Perhaps its in the dead of winter

    and you suddenly smell roses, yet you dont have any in your house, youre not wearing

    anything thats rose scented, and there certainly arent any roses blooming with the frigid

    temperature outside. Maybe your grandmother favored roses and had them around her all

    the time, so shes letting you know of her presence near you by sending the fragrance of

    roses, making it easier for you to recognize her presence.

    I remember working with a woman in an angel session and smelling a strong smell of cigar

    smoke, but neither of us smoked and no one was permitted to smoke in the center. The

    windows were closed as well, so where was it coming from. I finally mentioned I was

    smelling cigar smoke and the woman chuckled as she acknowledged she too smelled it.

    After a moment she mentioned her uncle had been a cigar smoker and she had felt close to

    him ever since she was little; he had passed away a couple years earlier. Then we knew that

    he was communicating with the client. Moments later some messages came through from

    him to my client and it made her feel really good to know he was looking after her from

    beyond this life.

    If a particular smell gets your attention without anything physical there to create it, it may

    not have anything to do with a particular person, but instead a reminder or something to

    do. For example, if you begin smelling the ocean it could be a sign for you to relax, take

    some time off, or even make a trip to the ocean for a vacation. Or it could even mean for you

    to simply relax, kick your shoes off and do something fun as it was when you were on a

    beach vacation some months earlier.

  • 16

    Feeling of Warmth

    Sometimes, without warning, a flush of warmth may flood your body, or it may simply feel

    as if someone is wrapping you in a delightfully warm, cozy blanket. It allows you to feel

    peaceful and cared about. Maybe its been a difficult day or something upsetting happened,

    so this feels comforting. Other times you could actually feel as if someone is embracing you,

    yet no one is in sight anywhere. Its just the angels, sharing their love with you and letting

    you know how much they love and protect you.

    Many people have shared how they feel someones presence in a room or their car, but

    when they look around they cannot see anyone. At times it might feel as if someone has

    brushed up against you or is even leaning against you, but again, no one is visible. When I

    was resisting taking a speaking training something I had great fear about doing I

    actually felt more than once as if I was being gently kicked from the rear, as in a kick to get

    me moving where I knew I had to go. Funny thing was, I felt embraced at the same time and

    felt a warmth internally that said this was a good thing. When it reached the point of not

    being able to stand it anymore, I signed up to take the speaking training. At that moment,

    the feeling of being prodded and kicked stopped, and a major warmth of calmness

    overcame me. Any why notthe battle was over!

    You could feel as if something has enveloped you with a warm light and it is melting away

    your pain, anxiety, shame, anger, burdensanything that you no longer wish to carry

    around. It could feel as if it is wrapped around you and seeping into you , or you might feel

    as if a warmth is spreading within you and moving outward through your body so that it

    radiates this light and warmth externally. Either way works.

    Unusual Happenings

    The angels use all kinds of ways to help you know the truth. As weve already discussed,

    doubt is the main block in the acceptance of the reality of angelic assistance. Doubt is a

    self-expression from what we believe within us, so we must release the doubt and allow

    truth to take hold in our consciousness. To help us believe, the angels utilize whatever form

    can help you as an individual since we are all different. A butterfly might be special to you,

    so you begin seeing butterflies all over the place, and some may seem to follow you around

    your yard. Butterflies are often used by the angels to let us know they are nearby and

    helping us keep our belief strong.

    Rainbows have significance in the angelic message center. Rainbows are a sign of hope,

    goodness and beauty, so if things havent being going as you like and you look up one day

    and see two rainbows side by side, you are being given a distinct message that all is well and

    not to worry. Often weird things will happen, like a candle flickers in your room even

    though no heat or air is blowing, no windows are open and no one is moving about. A door

    might suddenly creak as youre wondering if you made the correct choice. During an Angel

    Circle at our healing center, there were many messages coming in, and multiple times

    during that evening a door would creak or a light bulb flicker, and it would always happen

    after someone received a message to move forward in their life. It was actually quite a

    phenomenal evening and those who were present left knowing the angels were definitely


  • 17Countless testimonials tell incidences of computer troubles that suddenly clear up or a non-

    working appliance suddenly works fine after a person called in the angels to fix it. We know

    of multiple miraculous healings that have no rhyme or reason as to how it could be, just

    belief that the angels can help. Have you ever misplaced your keys or a similar item? Next

    time ask the angels to help you find them, and I mean literally ask them to guide you to

    where you left them. One time I attempted opening a door for an event. I knew it was the

    right key but the lock remained locked. After trying repeatedly and becoming a little

    panicked since I knew I needed to get in and set up for a presentation, I simply asked the

    angels to fix the lock so it would open. Amazingly, with the next try, the door unlocked and I

    entered the building with no delay.

    There are no rules in the angelic realm In the realm of the angels, anything and everything is possible!

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    4444---- Receiving the Angels Help

    WWWWeve been discussing how the angels must have your permission to enter your life; you have to be willing to receive their help or it will not happen. So this is your very first step Invite Them In!

    No matter whether your concern is big or small, the angels can help you with it. Nothing is

    too big or too small, for every burden can be made so much lighter with your angels

    assisting you. They delight in helping us, but so often we forget to ask for their help. So

    your second step is to simply Ask! And the angels said:

    The angels know your requests before you ask for their help, but they must wait for your

    invitation in order to help you. It could be the silliest request of a parking space close to the

    door since its raining, to a major request like a soulmate or healing your health challenge.

    It doesnt matter what your request is, they stand ready to help you instantly.

    Remember, there is no time or space in the realm of spirit, so thats why the minute you

    think the word help, they are already there. After all, they are light energy and have no

    form, and energy travels everywhere continuously and instantly. You dont have to find a

    quiet place or go through any ritual to invoke the angels. All you need do is think I need

    your help.

    We nWe nWe nWe never leave your side. If your eyes would open ever leave your side. If your eyes would open ever leave your side. If your eyes would open ever leave your side. If your eyes would open wwwwider you would see us. It is our wish for you to call ider you would see us. It is our wish for you to call ider you would see us. It is our wish for you to call ider you would see us. It is our wish for you to call upon us for the smallest to the largest task. It is easy upon us for the smallest to the largest task. It is easy upon us for the smallest to the largest task. It is easy upon us for the smallest to the largest task. It is easy for us so we make it easier for you. Thats what we for us so we make it easier for you. Thats what we for us so we make it easier for you. Thats what we for us so we make it easier for you. Thats what we mean when we tell you to let go of things. mean when we tell you to let go of things. mean when we tell you to let go of things. mean when we tell you to let go of things. Its only Its only Its only Its only then we can lift your burdens and help you enjoy your then we can lift your burdens and help you enjoy your then we can lift your burdens and help you enjoy your then we can lift your burdens and help you enjoy your life more. We long to help you, so do more. We long to help you, so do more. We long to help you, so do more. We long to help you, so do ask.

  • 19And the angels said:

    It is so simple to have the angels help you that I feel this contributes to the doubt of their

    presence in peoples lives. Its hard for the average person to wrap their mind around this

    since they have been taught that hard work and compensation has to be part of acquiring

    assistance such as this. Along with the simplicity of having the angels help you, is the fact

    that it is always free, with no strings attached. You dont have to earn points or live a certain

    way to receive their help; it is freely given with lots of love to everyone.

    You cannot have a better team on your side than the angels. Think about it a minute. The

    angels are there the very minute you want them; they never leave your side; they always

    encourage and support you; they only guide with love; they delight in helping you; they

    never get cross or angry; they never let you down; they want you to be a winner; they allow

    you to make your own choices; they want to bring you your dreams, and we could go on and

    on with all the benefits of having a team of angels with you every day. And another bonus is

    that they only know truth so can only give you truth, and truth is what gives you power and

    freedom. You cannot lose with the angels on your team, regardless of what shows up in your

    life, for everything has a reason for showing up and there is something you need to learn

    from any experience.

    Now that you know the first and second steps in receiving help from the angels, it is

    imperative that you utilize the third step. What is the third all-important step? Listen! Youve invited them into your life and have asked for help, so now you must listen to what

    they tell you. It could be something you really dont want to do but they know is vital for

    your spiritual journey.

    Thats how I felt when I continued to feel them pushing me to take a speaking training. It

    was not on my list of possibilities and certainly wasnt on my wish list. I fought it for almost

    two years, but when I got tired of the battle inside of me, I took the step, literally shaking

    from head to toe when I stood up to speak the first time, but I did it. I knocked that fear to

    the ground eventually, and this powerful skill has enabled me to do things I did not believe

    There are no moments in time more important There are no moments in time more important There are no moments in time more important There are no moments in time more important than than than than the the the the other,other,other,other, for time doesnt exist. It is manmade and createsfor time doesnt exist. It is manmade and createsfor time doesnt exist. It is manmade and createsfor time doesnt exist. It is manmade and creates limitations. In our world every molimitations. In our world every molimitations. In our world every molimitations. In our world every moment is eternity and ment is eternity and ment is eternity and ment is eternity and eternity is in every moment, for they are one and the same.eternity is in every moment, for they are one and the same.eternity is in every moment, for they are one and the same.eternity is in every moment, for they are one and the same. When one takes a deep breath and dwells on that breath,When one takes a deep breath and dwells on that breath,When one takes a deep breath and dwells on that breath,When one takes a deep breath and dwells on that breath, in then out, time is no more. So with each breath, that isin then out, time is no more. So with each breath, that isin then out, time is no more. So with each breath, that isin then out, time is no more. So with each breath, that is the moment of realness that has no end.the moment of realness that has no end.the moment of realness that has no end.the moment of realness that has no end.

  • 20was possible. So the angels knew best and Im so very glad I listened; Im extremely happy

    that they never gave up on me as they kept after me to do this.

    Step four is the Action. You can listen over and over again, but until you move with action, youre still in the same place. I could have continued to listen for years that I should take

    that speaking training, and even agreed with what I was being guided to do, but until I

    actually took the first step of registering for the training, I was in the same place. So it is the

    doing it that makes everything come together.

    You always have a choice in whether to follow the angels guidance or not, for you came into

    this life with the gift of free will. Perhaps the angels give you option #1, but you have option

    #2 in your mind. The beautiful thing is that if you choose your option #2, the angels will

    support you with that decision. And if it falls apart for you and you need to be rescued, the

    angels will be there to help you. They always say that whether you listen to them or ignore

    their guidance, either way you grow and learn, so it ends up being good for you. Personally,

    I have always found that following the guidance of my angels is always better than anything I could conjure up!

  • 21

    5555---- Violet Flame Angels

    WWWWorking with the Violet Flame Angels is a fascinating and powerful experience. Violet flame angels may not be in your awareness as they are not often discussed. Yet they are

    such powerful angels who bring us the ability to transmute negativity, mistakes, fears and

    karmic debt into love, light and positiveness. We are in a very critical era in the evolution of

    our planet. The world as we know it is fast changing, and by the end of 2012, it will no

    longer exist as it once was.

    The violet flame is composed of the Sapphire Blue Ray of Father Gods Divine Will, Power &

    Authority plus the Pink Ray of Mother Gods Transfiguring Divine Love, Adoration &

    Reverence for Life. The violet flame reflects the perfect balance of our Father-Mother God.

    So the violet flame raises the frequency of all discordant energy into vibrations that reflect

    harmony and healing, bathing the earth with divine qualities of transmutation, spiritual

    freedom, mercy, compassion, forgiveness, liberty, justice, victory, opportunity and divine

    technology. Our finite minds cannot comprehend the power of this violet flame.

    The violet flame opens us to the power of limitless transmutation, and when used

    consistently, it will transmute into Light all negative energies in any existence we have

    experienced, whether they are known or unknown. We cannot fathom such a power, but we

    can use this powerful instrument by simply asking for the I AM presence to take command

    and invoke this glorious gift of the violet flame into our hearts. The I AM presence is simply

    God in me and God in you.

    With all that is unfolding in our world this year, it is crucial that Lightworkers everywhere

    invoke the violet flame in limitless transmutation. Present in our lives are multiple

    negativities, fears, darkness and karmic debt, so it is of utmost benefit for all of us to make

    use to this phenomenal gift of the violet flame. Although we cannot destroy energy, we can

    call upon the violet flame to help transmute the negativity that filters through our lives and

    place it back into the perfection of love, thus freeing each of us from our own discord and


    So Where Did the Violet Flame Come From?

    When we meditate upon the sacred fire in the heart the Holy Spirit we soon discover a

    pulsating light that as it accelerates into our consciousness, takes on the color of violet

    hence the term violet flame. This flame has been seen by saints, mystics and seers, the

    flame revealed in the Aquarian age. It was seen during the existence of Lemuria and

    Atlantis, but those continents sank due to the misuse of energy, and the violet flame

    vanished for some time. The Ascended Master Saint Germain is the one who released the

    violet flame into our awareness by allowing Guy and Edna Ballard to channel it after he

    passed over; the time is now for its power to reappear, given the present state of our world.

    The qualities of mercy and forgiveness are the power that is in the violet flame. Mercy is like

    a cosmic eraser, for when we invoke the violet flame, it actually erases the cause, effect and

    memory of our mistakes, unwise choices and/or sins. In effect, we are balancing karma.

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    The violet flame is also the flame of freedom. If the flame is not invoked, mankind will find

    an increase of mental disease, emotional disease and physical disease. If Christians, Jews

    and Muslims use this flame, there can be a balancing of energies as we pass into the New

    Age without the loss of life.

    What Can the Violet Flame Do For You?

    Transmute the cause, effect and memory of past mistakes Transmute negative karma before it comes back to you Remove scars of old hurts and painful memories Can increase your stamina, longevity and extrasensory perception Increase mental clarity Help you deal with long-term effects from drugs Erase the cause behind a disease Change inharmonious feelings anger, stress, depression into positive ones

    How Does the Violet Flame Work?

    Basically, the violet flame changes the vibrations. All vibrations in our life are either

    positive or negative. So the violet flame is actually changing the negative vibrations into

    positive ones. Vibration is the speed of oscillation, moving back and forth. Negativity clogs

    the speed so it slows, making it dense. After invoking the I AM presence to produce the

    violet flame for you, you visualize the flame passing through your body as well as around it,

    purifying everything within you that is not love. All the negativity is transmuted onto light,

    and light has less density so it speeds up and thus raises your vibration.

    What is the Process?

    Set aside just 10 minutes per day to use the Violet Flame and you will be amazed at the

    positive changes in your life. You begin with a simple mantra: I AM a being of violet fire. I

    AM the purity God desires. This mantra helps you visualize into being the violet flame and

    becomes a meditation. Go to your throat chakra for that is where you bring into physical

    form that which is in the mind and heart the communication center.

    Here is a possible meditation process to help you invoke the violet flame. Ask the Violet

    Flame Angels to help bring it to you.

    Sit in a chair or lie down with your legs uncrossed. Breathe deeply several times and relax. Quiet your mind and body. Ask the Violet Flame Angels to help you now. Visualize your body as translucent with a white or golden light blazing inside. Expand the light through you as you watch it change into violet light. Say something like: I AM a being of violet fire; I AM the purity God desires. (say it

    aloud or silently) Repeating it three times may be more powerful.

  • 23 Visualize the violet flame moving through and around your body consuming all

    imperfections, pain, anger, fear, karmic debt, totally transmuting and purifying these

    imperfections into brilliant white light and love, and balancing all karmic debt. See

    both the emotional and soul memory transmuting, and then the karmic energy that

    binds you. (I always visualize the final phase filtering out the top of my head in

    perfection and purity)

    Thank the Violet Flame Angels for helping you and feel great gratitude for this most amazing cleansing and purification.

    You can continue using the violet flame and expand it for cleaning up karmic debris in your

    house, your neighborhood and anywhere on the planet. Call upon the violet flame angels

    every day to transmute karmic debris that may appear. Realize that it can take weeks and

    even months to completely balance the karma of one past life, so it is important to

    continually remove the karmic debris.

    If you ever find that the violet flame creates too much energy for you, or that it is moving

    too fast, you simply cool it down with some green since that removes some of the sizzle. The

    violet flame has a lot of red in it which can make it hot, but green will cool it down.

  • 24

    6666---- Thank You Angels

    OOOOf vital importance is expressing appreciation for everything the angels do for you, from the very smallest gift to the biggest miracle. They delight in helping us in every way

    possible, but they also delight in hearing our song of gratefulness.

    In your human life here on earth, you know that when you say thank you or show

    appreciation for an act or deed, the other person usually beams from ear to ear. And the

    beautiful part of expressing appreciation is the blessing it brings to both parties. Here is

    how this works. The person who received the good deed or act of kindness was blessed to

    receive it. But the person giving the act of kindness is also blessed in the giving part of it.

    Take the other side and the person who appreciates the act of kindness gives a blessing to

    the one who did the act of kindness. But by being grateful, that person is blessed. Sound

    confusing? Basically, when you give and receive, and then appreciate all of it, each person is

    doubly blessed.

    So knowing this, dont you think the angels want to experience the blessing, and in return,

    give you more blessings? Absolutely! Its not that they need to receive your appreciation for

    they dwell in the energy of love and never have a need, but they also know that the biggest

    blessing comes to you because appreciation is an expression of love. Just like here on earth,

    when someone knows you appreciate what they did for you, they are far more likely to

    repeat the act of kindness. After all, the same energy that is put forth is what returns, so

    love given becomes love gathered.

    The angels are here to help us in every way that we are open to receive their help. They

    know that love is the answer for everything, so their task is to continually provide lessons,

    solutions, guidance, or even nudging to help us understand more fully what a life lived

    through love is. We know that loving energy receives the rewards of that energy, and that is

    their desire for each one of us.

  • 25The angels gave me the words in the poem that follows in August, 2006. They are such

    powerful words that reinforce everything Ive shared with you in this eBook, so I close this

    material with their words. The title is actually the title of one of my books: Angel Love.

    Angel Love, so sweet and gentle a gift God gives to man,

    perfect and healing, infinitely free, but so often you cannot understand.

    The burdens you carry seem heavy indeed,

    because you do not ask, for us to help you carry the load, making easy your everyday tasks.

    A simple petition; in a moment tis done,

    lovingly we await your call, to guide and protect, comfort and support,

    as peace spreads softly over all.

    So share your desires and heartfelt requests, then kindly step from the way,

    with love we present the miracles and gifts so deserving you are, we do say.

    Feel our embrace, enfolding you now,

    with celestial light from above, and the power available to guide your life,

    it is given with Angel Love.

  • 26

    About the Author

    Rev. Dr. Carolyn Porter is an internationally recognized Author, Speaker, Health and Life Coach, Trainer and Owner of Where Miracles

    Happen Quantum Healing & Empowerment Center. Dr. Carolyns

    humanitarian heart has been touching lives for over 30 years. Her

    teaching abilities began as a piano instructor for 30+ years and co-owner

    of health stores. She was then guided to share her message and insights

    to those who were seeking answers in health, empowerment, new

    direction, and healing in all dimensions through her writings, coaching,

    speaking, angel channeling, and energy healing. Her illness was the

    wake-up call that got her attention, and her difficult journey of healing

    gave her the insights and experiences to help many who cross her path.

    She earned a Bachelor of Science in Music Education from the

    University at Memphis, and received her Masters and Doctorate of

    Divinity from Universal Brotherhood University. She is an ordained

    Minister through the Universal Brotherhood Movement.

    Dr. Carolyns services and insights have been shared through radio, TV

    and print media throughout the United States as well as

    internationally. She offers workshops, certified trainings, private

    sessions, wholeness coaching for health, life direction, spiritual

    empowerment and growth, QRA Testing, Bemer sessions as well as angel

    sessions. She invites you to visit for

    more information, to view her products, and to register for her free

    newsletter and two free e-Books.

    A mother of five two sons and three daughters Carolyn resides in

    Cumming, Georgia.

  • 27

    Also by Dr. Carolyn Porter


    A Womans Path to Wholeness The Realness of a Woman

    Healing with Color Angel Love Seven Roads to Glory

    101 Ways to Improve Your Life (co-author)


    The Realness of a Woman Adrenal Fatigue: the Missing Pieces of Your Puzzle Simple, Healthy & Gluten Free Cooking

    Stress Free Living Everyday Miracles are Magical

    Friends Forever? Toxic America

    Communication that Works Angels All Around

    Study Course

    The Path of Empowerment

    Audio Books

    Healing with Color Meditation

    All of the above are available through your local bookstore, Amazon, or can be ordered

    by visiting

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