and time parallel algorithms*guyb/paralg/papers/rajasekaranreif89.pdf · 2021. 2. 11. · siamj....

SIAM J. COMPUT. Vol. 18, No. 3, pp. 594-607, June 1989 (C) 1989 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics 012 OPTIMAL AND SUBLOGARITHMIC TIME RANDOMIZED PARALLEL SORTING ALGORITHMS* SANGUTHEVAR RAJASEKARAN- AND JOHN H. REIF? Abstract. This paper assumes a parallel RAM (random access machine) model which allows both concurrent reads and concurrent writes of a global memory. The main result is an optimal randomized parallel algorithm for INTEGER_SORT (i.e., for sorting n integers in the range [1, n]). This algorithm costs only logarithmic time and is the first known that is optimal: the product of its time and processor bounds is upper bounded by a linear function of the input size. Also given is a deterministic sublogarithmic time algorithm for prefix sum. In addition this paper presents a sublogarithmic time algorithm for obtaining a random permutation of n elements in parallel. And finally, sublogarithmic time algorithms for GENERAL_SORT and INTEGER_SORT are presented. Our sub- logarithmic GENERAL_SORT algorithm is also optimal. Key words randomized algorithms, parallel sorting, parallel random access machines, random permuta- tions, radix sort, prefix sum, optimal algorithms AMS(MOS) subject classification. 68Q25 1. Introduction. 1.1. Sequential sorting algorithms. Sorting is one of the most important problems not only of computer science but also of every other field of science. The importance of efficient sorting algorithms has been long realized by computer scientists. Many application programs like compilers, operating systems, etc., use sorting extensively to handle tables and lists. Due to both its practical value and theoretical interest, sorting has been an attractive area of research in computer science. The problem of sorting a sequence of elements (also called keys) is to rearrange this sequence in either ascending order or descending order. When the keys to be sorted are general, i.e., when the keys have no known structure, a lower-bound result [1] states that any sequential algorithm (on the random access machine (RAM) and many other sequential models of interest) will require at least l)(n log n) time to sort a sequence of n keys. Many optimal algorithms like QUICK_SORT and HEAP_SORT, whose run times match this lower bound, can be found in the literature [1]. In computer science applications, more often, the keys to be sorted are from a finite set. In particular, the keys are integers of at most a polynomial (in the input size) magnitude. For keys with this special property, sorting becomes much simpler. If each one of the n elements in a sequence is an integer in the range [1, n] we call these keys integer keys. The BUCKET_SORT algorithm [1] sorts n integer keys in O(n) sequential steps. Notice that the run time of BUCKET_SORT matches the trivial (n) lower bound for this problem. In this paper we are concerned with randomized parallel algorithms for sorting both general keys and integer keys. 1.2. Known parallel sorting algorithms. The performance of a parallel algorithm can be specified by bounds on its principal resources viz., processors and time. If we * Received by the editors January 17, 1987; accepted for publication (in revised form) August 19, 1987. A pre.liminary version of this paper appeared as "An optimal parallel algorithm for integer sorting" in the 18th IEEE Symposium of Foundations of Computer Science, Portland, Oregon, October 1985. This work was supported by National Science Foundation grant DCR-85-03251 and Office of Naval Research contract N00014-80-C-0647. ? Aiken Computation Laboratory, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138. 594

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Page 1: AND TIME PARALLEL ALGORITHMS*guyb/paralg/papers/RajasekaranReif89.pdf · 2021. 2. 11. · SIAMJ. COMPUT. Vol. 18, No.3, pp. 594-607, June 1989 (C) 1989 Society for Industrial and

SIAM J. COMPUT.Vol. 18, No. 3, pp. 594-607, June 1989

(C) 1989 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics




Abstract. This paper assumes a parallel RAM (random access machine) model which allows bothconcurrent reads and concurrent writes of a global memory.

The main result is an optimal randomized parallel algorithm for INTEGER_SORT (i.e., for sorting n

integers in the range [1, n]). This algorithm costs only logarithmic time and is the first known that is optimal:the product of its time and processor bounds is upper bounded by a linear function of the input size. Alsogiven is a deterministic sublogarithmic time algorithm for prefix sum. In addition this paper presents a

sublogarithmic time algorithm for obtaining a random permutation of n elements in parallel. And finally,sublogarithmic time algorithms for GENERAL_SORT and INTEGER_SORT are presented. Our sub-logarithmic GENERAL_SORT algorithm is also optimal.

Key words randomized algorithms, parallel sorting, parallel random access machines, random permuta-tions, radix sort, prefix sum, optimal algorithms

AMS(MOS) subject classification. 68Q25

1. Introduction.1.1. Sequential sorting algorithms. Sorting is one of the most important problems

not only of computer science but also of every other field of science. The importanceof efficient sorting algorithms has been long realized by computer scientists. Manyapplication programs like compilers, operating systems, etc., use sorting extensivelyto handle tables and lists. Due to both its practical value and theoretical interest,sorting has been an attractive area of research in computer science.

The problem of sorting a sequence of elements (also called keys) is to rearrangethis sequence in either ascending order or descending order. When the keys to besorted are general, i.e., when the keys have no known structure, a lower-bound result[1] states that any sequential algorithm (on the random access machine (RAM) andmany other sequential models of interest) will require at least l)(n log n) time to sorta sequence of n keys. Many optimal algorithms like QUICK_SORT and HEAP_SORT,whose run times match this lower bound, can be found in the literature [1].

In computer science applications, more often, the keys to be sorted are from afinite set. In particular, the keys are integers of at most a polynomial (in the inputsize) magnitude. For keys with this special property, sorting becomes much simpler.If each one of the n elements in a sequence is an integer in the range [1, n] we callthese keys integer keys. The BUCKET_SORT algorithm [1] sorts n integer keys inO(n) sequential steps. Notice that the run time of BUCKET_SORT matches the trivial(n) lower bound for this problem.

In this paper we are concerned with randomized parallel algorithms for sortingboth general keys and integer keys.

1.2. Known parallel sorting algorithms. The performance of a parallel algorithmcan be specified by bounds on its principal resources viz., processors and time. If we

* Received by the editors January 17, 1987; accepted for publication (in revised form) August 19, 1987.A pre.liminary version of this paper appeared as "An optimal parallel algorithm for integer sorting" in the18th IEEE Symposium of Foundations of Computer Science, Portland, Oregon, October 1985. This workwas supported by National Science Foundation grant DCR-85-03251 and Office of Naval Research contract

N00014-80-C-0647.? Aiken Computation Laboratory, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138.


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let P denote the processor bound, and T denote the time bound of a parallel algorithmfor a given problem, the product PT is, clearly, lower bounded by the minimumsequential time, Ts, required to solve this problem. We say a parallel algorithm isoptimal if PT O(Ts). Discovering optimal parallel algorithms for sorting both generaland integer keys remained an open problem for a long time.

Reischuk [25] proposed a randomized parallel algorithm that used n synchronousPRAM processors to sort n general keys in O(log n) time. This algorithm, however, isimpractical owing to its large word-length requirements. Reif and Valiant [24] presenteda randomized sorting algorithm that ran on a fixed-connection network called cube-connected cycles (CCC). This algorithm employed n processors to sort n general keysin time O(log n). Since f(n log n) is a sequential lower bound for this problem, theiralgorithm is indeed optimal. Simultaneously, Atai, Koml6s, and Szemer6di [4] dis-covered a deterministic parallel algorithm for sorting n general keys in time O(log n)using a sorting network of O(n log n) processors. Later, Leighton [17] showed thatthis algorithm could be modified to run in O(log n) time on an n-node fixed-connectionnetwork.

As in the sequential case, many parallel applications of interest need only to sortinteger keys. Until now, no optimal parallel algorithm existed for sorting n integer keyswith a run time of O(log n) or less.

1.3. Some definitions and notations. Given a sequence of keys kl, k2, , kn drawnfrom a set S having a linear order <, the problem of sorting this sequence is to finda permutation cr such that k(l < k(2) <. <

By general keys we mean a sequence of n elements drawn from a linearly orderedset S whose elements have no known structure. The only operation that can be usedto gain information about the sequence is the comparison of two elements.

GENERAL_SORT is the problem of sorting a sequence of general keys, andINTEGER_SORT is the problem of sorting a sequence of integer keys.

Throughout this paper we let [m] stand for {1, 2,..., m}.A sorting algorithm is said to be stable if equal elements remain in the same

relative order in the sorted sequence as they were in originally. In more precise terms,a sorting algorithm is stable if on input kl, k,. , kn, the algorithm outputs a sortingpermutation cr of (1, 2,’", n) such that for all i,j In], if ki kj and i<j theno-(i) < or(j). A sorting algorithm that is not guaranteed to output a stable sorted sequenceis called nonstable.

Just as the big-O function serves to represent the complexity bounds of determinis-tic algorithms, we employ to represent complexity bounds of randomized algorithms.We say a randomized algorithm has resource (like time, space, etc.) bound O(g(n))if there is a constant c such that the amount of resource used by the algorithm (onany input of size n) is no more than cag(n) with probability >= 1-1/n for any > 1.

1.4. Our model of computation. We assume the CRCW PRAM (concurrent-readconcurrent-write parallel RAM) model proposed by Shiloach and Vishkin [26]. In aPRAM model, a number (say P) of processors work synchronously communicatingwith each other with the help of a common block of memory. Each processor is aRAM. A single step of a processor is an arithmetic operation, a comparison, or amemory access. CRCW PRAM is a version of PRAM that allows both concurrentwrites and concurrent reads of shared memory. Write conflicts are resolved by priority.

All the algorithms given in this paper, except the prefix sum algorithm, arerandomized. Every processor, in addition to the operations allowed by the deterministicversion of the model, is also capable of making independent (n-sided) coin flips. Our

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stated resource bounds will hold for the worst-case input with overwhelming proba-bility.

1.5. Contents of this paper. Our main contributions in this paper are1) An optimal parallel algorithm for INTEGER_SORT. This algorithm uses

n/log n processors and sorts n integer keys in time (log n), and2) Sublogarithmic time algorithms for GENERAL_SORT and INTEGER_SORT.

GENERAL_SORT algorithm employs n(log n) (for any e > 0) processors,and INTEGER_SORT algorithm employs n(log log n)Z/log n processors. Boththese algorithms run in time O(log n/log log n).

The problem of optimal parallel sorting of n integers in the range [nl] stillremains an open problem. Our sublogarithmic time algorithm for GENERAL_SORTis optimal as implied by a recent result of Alon and Azar [2].

In our sublogarithmic time sorting algorithms we reduce the problem of sortingto the problem of prefix-sum computation. We show in this paper that prefix sum canbe computed in time O(log n/log log (P log n/n)) using P_-> n/log n processors. Wealso present a sublogarithmic time algorithm for computing a random permutation ofn given elements with a run time of (log n/log log n) using n(loglog n)2/log nprocessors.

Some of the results of this paper appeared in preliminary form in [22], but aresubstantially simplified in this manuscript. In 2 we present some relevant preliminaryresults. Section 3 contains our optimal INTEGER_SORT algorithm. In 4 we describeour sublogarithmic time algorithms.

2. Preliminary results.2.1. Prefix circuits. Let E be a domain and let be an associative operation that

takes O(1) sequential time over this domain. The prefix-computation problem is definedas follows

input (X(1),S(2),..., X(n))output (S(1), X(1)o X(2),..., X(1)o X(2) X(n)).

The special case of prefix computation when E is the set of all natural numbersand is integer addition is called prefix-sum computation. Ladner and Fischer [18]show that prefix computation can be done by a circuit of depth O(log n) and size n.The processor bound of this algorithm can be improved as follows.

LEMMA 2.1. Prefix computation can be done in time O(log n) using n/log n PRAMprocessors.

Proof. Given X(1), X(2), , X(n), each one of the n/log n processors gets log nsuccessive keys. Every processor sequentially computes the prefix sum of the log nkeys given to it in log n time. Let S(i) be the sum of all the log n keys given to processor

(for i= 1,..., n/log n). Then, n/log n processors collectively compute the prefixsum of S(1), S(2), ., S(n/log n), using Ladner and Fischer’s [18] algorithm. Usingthis prefix sum, each processor sequentially computes log n prefixes of the originalinput sequence. [3

The above idea of processor improvement was originally used by Brent in hisalgorithm for expression evaluation, and hence we attribute Lemma 2.1 to him. RecentlyCole and Vishkin [9] have proved the following lemma.

LEMMA 2.2. Prefix-sum computation of n integers (O(log n) bits each) can beperformed in O(log n/log log n) time using n log log n/log n CRCW PRAM processors.

2.2. An assignment problem. We are given a set Q {1, 2,..., n} of n indices.Each index belongs to exactly one of m groups G1, G2, Gin. Let g stand for the

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number of indices belonging to group Gi, i= 1,..., m. We are given a sequenceN(1), N(2),’’’, N(m) where Yi=l N(i)= O(n) and N(i) is an upper bound fori= 1, 2,..., m. The problem is to find in parallel a permutation of (1, 2,..., n) inwhich all the indices belonging to G1 appear first, all the indices belonging toappear next, and so on. (Assume that given an index i, the group Gi, to which belongscan be found in O(1) time.)

As an example, if n 5, m 2, G1 {2, 5}, G2 {1, 3, 4}, then (5, 2, 1, 3, 4) and(2, 5, 3, 1, 4) are (two of the) valid answers.

LEMMA 2.3. The above assignment problem can be solved in ((log n) parallel timeusing n/log n PRAM processors.

Proof We present an algorithm. We use a shared memory of size 2 i=1 N(i)(= L, say). This memory is divided into m blocks, BI, B2," B the size of Bi being2N(i). A unique assignment for the indices belonging to G will be found in the blockB, for i= 1,2,..., m.

Each one of the P(- n/log n) processors is given log n successive indices. Pre-cisely, processor r is given the indices (r 1) log n + 1, (r 1) log n + 2, , r log n,for r 1, 2,’.., P. There are three phases of the algorithm. In the first phase, boun-daries of the m blocks are computed. In the second phase every processor sequentiallyfinds unique assignments for the log n indices given to it in their respective blocks. Inthe third phase, a prefix-sum computation is done to eliminate the unused cells, andthe position of each index in the output is read. Details follow.

Step 1.

P processors collectively do a prefix sum of (N(1), N(2), , N(m)) andhence compute the boundaries of blocks in the common memory.

Step 2.

Each processor r is given a total time of d log n (d being a constant to befixed) to find assignments for all its indices sequentially.

r starts with its first index (call it) l. If Gr is the group to which belongs,r chooses a random cell in Br and tries to write its identification in it. If thechosen cell did not contain the identification of any other processor and rsucceeds in writing, then that cell is assigned to I. The probability of successin one trial is _->. If r has failed in this trial, then it tries as many times asit takes to find an assignment for and then it takes up the next index.

After d log n steps, even if there is a single processor that has not foundassignments for all its keys, the algorithm is aborted and started anew.

Step 3.

Each processor r writes a 1 in the cells that have been assigned to its indices.Unassigned cells in the common memory will have 0’s. P processors performa prefix sum computation on the contents of the memory cells (1, 2, , L).Finally, every processor reads out from the prefix sum the position of eachone of its indices in the output.

Analysis. Steps and 3 can be completed in O(log n) time in accordance withLemma 2.1.

In Step 2, the probability that a particular processor r successfully finds anassignment for one of its keys in a single trial is --2. Let Y be the random variableequal to the number of successes of r in d log n trials. We require Y to be >_-log n

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for every processor. Clearly Y is lower bounded by a binomial variable (see AppendixA for definitions) with parameters (d log n, 1/2). It follows from the Chernoff bounds(see Appendix A, equation (3)) that the probability that there will be at least a singleprocessor that has not found assignments for all of its indices after d log n trials canbe made <-n for any a-> 1, if we choose a proper constant d. Therefore the wholealgorithm runs in time ((log n). This completes the proof of Lemma 2.3. 7q

It should be mentioned here that when the number of groups, m, is 1, the abovealgorithm outputs a random permutation of (1, 2, , n). An algorithm for this specialcase was given by Miller and Reif [19].

2.3. Some known results. We state here the existence of optimal sequentialalgorithms for INTEGER_SORT and optimal parallel algorithms forGENERAL_SORT.

LEMMA 2.4. Stable INTEGER_SORT of n keys can be done in time O(n) by adeterministic sequential RAM 1].

LEMMA 2.5. GENERAL_SORT of n keys can be performed in time O(log n) usingn PRAM processors ([4] and [8]).

3. An optimal INTEGER_SORT algorithm. In this section we present an optimalalgorithm, for INTEGER_SORT. This algorithm employs n/log n processors and runsin time O(log n).

3.1. Summary of the algorithm. The main idea behind our algorithm is radixsorting 15]. As an example of radix sorting, consider the problem of sorting a sequenceof two-bit decimal integers. One way of doing this is to sort the sequence with respectto the least significant bits (LSB) of the keys and then to sort the resultant sequencewith respect to the most significant bits (MSB) of the keys. This will work provided,in the second sort keys with equal MSBs will remain in the same relative order as theywere in originally. In other words, the second sort should be stable.

We have a sequence of keys kl, k2,"" ", kn [n], where each key is a log n-bitinteger. We first (nonstable) sort this sequence with respect to the (log n-3 log log n)LSBs of the keys. (Call this sort Coarse_Sort.) In the resultant sequence we apply astable sort with respect to the 3 log log n MSBs of the keys. (Call this sort Fine_Sort.)

Even though the sequential time complexity of stable sort is no different fromthat of nonstable sort, it seems that parallel stable sort is inherently more complexthan parallel nonstable sort. This is the reason we have divided the bits of the keysunevenly.

In Coarse_Sort we need to (nonstable) sort a sequence of n keys, each key beingin the range 1, n/log n] and, in Fine_Sort we have to (stable) sort n keys in the range[1, log n]. In terms of notation, our algorithm can be summarized as follows.

Let D= n/log n and k= [ki/D] and k7 ki-k * D for all i[n].Coarse_Sort. Sort k’, k,..., k"n [D]. Let o. be the resultant permutation.Fine_Sort. Stable-sort k(1), k(2, ., k(n) [log n]. Let p be the resultant per-

mutation.Output. The permutation p.o-, the composition of p and o-.

In 3.2 and 3.3 we describe Fine_Sort and Coarse_Sort, respectively.

3.2. Fine_Sort. We give a deterministic algorithm for Fine_Sort. First we willshow how to stable-sort n keys in the range [log n] using n/log n processors in timeO(log n) and then apply the idea of radix sorting to prove that we can stable-sort nkeys in the range [(log n)] within the same resource bounds.

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LEMMA 3.1. n keys kl, k2,’’ ", kn 6[log n] can be stable-sorted in O(log n) time

using P n/log n processors.Proof In Fine_Sort algorithm, each processor r is given log n successive keys.

Each one of the P processors starts by sequentially stable-sorting the keys given to it.

Then, collectively, the P processors group all the keys with equal values. (There arelog n groups in all.) Finally, they output a rearrangement of the given sequence inwhich all the l’s (i.e., keys with a value 1) appear first, all the 2’s appear next, and soon. Throughout the algorithm the relative order of equal keys is preserved. More detailsfollow.

To each processor 7r [P] we assign the key indices J(r)= {jl(Tr- 1) log n <j-<min (n, r log n)}. There are three steps in the algorithm.

Step 1.

Each processor 7r sequentially stable-sorts the keys {kljJ(Tr)} in timeO(logn) (see Lemma 2.4), and hence constructs log n lists J,,k{jJ(Tr)lk=k} for k[logn]. Elements in J,k are ordered in the samerelative order as in the input

Step 2.

The P processors collectively perform the prefix sum of

where q log n. Call this sum

(Sl,1, S2,1, Sp,1,

Sl,2 S2,2

S,q, S2,q,

Step 3.

Each processor r sequentially computes the position of each one of its keysin the output using the prefix sum. The position of keys in the list J,t willbe S=_l,t + 1, S_,+ 2, , S=,.

Analysis. It is easy to see that Steps 1 and 3 can be performed within the statedresource bounds. Step 2 also can be completed within the stated resource bounds asgiven in Lemma 2.1.

LEMMA 3.2. If n keys in the range [R] (for any R n)) can be stable-sorted in

O(log n) time using P n/log n processors, then n keys kl, k2, ", kn [R2] can bestable-sorted in time O(log n) using the same number ofprocessors.

Proof Let kl [ki/R] and kl:= ki-kl* R for every i[n]. First, stable-sortk,k,... ,k obtaining a permutation tr. Then stable-sort k’ k_ ,ko-(n)

obtaining a permutation p. Output p. or. Clearly both these sorts can be completed intime O(log n) using P processors.

Lemmas 3.1 and 3.2 immediately imply the following lemma.LEMMA 3.3. n integer keys in the range [(log n)] can be stable-sorted in time

O(log n) using n/log n processors.

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3.3. Coarse_Sort. In this section we fix a key domain [D], where D= n/log n.We assume, without loss of generality, that log n divides n.. Let the input keys bekl, k2,"" ", kn [D]. Define the index sequence for each key k [D] to be I(k)-{il ki--k}. The randomized algorithm for Coarse_Sort to be presented in this sectionemploys P= n/log n processors and runs in time O(log n). The sorted sequence isnonstable.

The main idea is to calculate the cardinalities of the index sequences I(k), k [D]approximately, and then to use the assignment algorithm of 2.2 to rearrange the givensequence in sorted order.

LEMMA 3.4. Given as input kl,k2," .,kn[D] we can compute N(1),N(2), ., N(D) in ((log n) timeusing P n/log nprocessors such that kOl N(i)O(n) and furthermore, with very high likelihood N(k)>=lI(k)l for each k [D].

Proof. The following sampling algorithm serves as a proof.

Step 1.

Each processor 7r [D log n] in parallel chooses a random index sT e In].Let S be the sequence {sl, s2,..., Soog}.

Step 2.

The P processors collectively sort the keys with the chosen indices. That is,they sort ks,,ks2,...,kso,ogn and compute index sequences Is(k)={i S]ki k} (for each k [D]).

Step 3.

D of the P processors in parallel set N(k)= d(log n)max (lls( k)], log n)for k 6 [D], d being a constant to be fixed in the analysis.

Output S(1), S(2),..., N(D).

Analysis. Trivially, Steps 1 and 3 can be performed in O(1) time. Step 2 can beperformed using any of the optimal GENERAL_SORT algorithms in O(log n)-time(see Lemma 2.5). (Notice that we have to sort only n/log2 n keys in step 2.) It remainsto be shown that N(i)’s computed by the sampling algorithm satisfy the conditionsin Lemma 3.4.

If II(k)l<-_dlogan, then always N(k)>-dlog3n>-lI(k)]. So supposed log n. Then it is easy to see that ]Is(k)l is a binomial variable with parameters(n/log n, lI(k)l/n). The Chernott bounds (see Appendix A, (2)) imply that for alla >-1, there exists a c such that

Probability (lls(k)l <- clI(k)l/log n)

Therefore, if we choose d (ca)- then N(k) <= II(k)l (for every k [D]) withprobability ->_ 1 n -". The Chernoff bounds (3) also imply that for all a => there existsan h such that N(k) >- (ha)[I(k)[ (for every k [D]) with probability =>1-n-.

The bound on ktOl N(k) clearly holds since

N(k) <- dlogn[lIs(k)l+logn]=dlog3nD+dlog2n [Is(k)ke[D] ke[D] ke[D]

dn + d log nD log n 2dn.

This concludes the proof of Lemma 3.4.

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Having obtained the approximate cardinalities of the index sets, we apply theassignment algorithm of 2.2. The set Q is the set of key indices viz., {1, 2,..., n}.An index belongs to group Gi, if the value of the key with index is i’. Under thisdefinition, group G is the same as index sequence l(j), j 1, 2,..., D. Since we canfind approximate cardinalities of these groups (Lemma 3.4), we can use the assignmentalgorithm of 2.2 to rearrange the given sequence in sorted order. Thus we have thefollowing lemma.

LEMMA 3.5. n keys k k2, kn [D] can be sorted in time ((log n) using n/log nprocessors.

Lemmas 3.3 and 3.5 together with the algorithm summary in 3.1 prove thefollowing theorem.

THEOREM 3.1. INTEGER_SORT of n keys can be performed in randomized0(log n) time using n/log n CRCW PRAM processors.

4. Sublogarithmic time algorithms. In the previous section we presented an optimalalgorithm for INTEGER_SORT. In this section we will be presenting nonoptimalsublogarithmic time algorithms for (1) prefix sum computation, (2) finding a randompermutation of n elements, (3) GENERAL_SORT, and (4) INTEGER_SORT.

Algorithms 3 and 4 are direct consequences of algorithms and 2. Our prefix algorithmemploys P=> n/log n processors and runs in time O(log n/loglog (P log n/n)).Algorithms 2, 3, and 4 run in time ((log n/log log n). GENERAL_SORT uses n(log n)processors and algorithms 2 and 4 use n(log log n)2/log n processors.

4.1. A sublogarithmic prefix algorithm. We have a sequence of integersX(1), X(2), , X(n). We need to find the prefix sum of this sequence. This problemcan be solved in sublogarithmic time if we use more than n/log n processors as isstated by the following lemma.

LEMMA 4.1. Prefix-sum computation can be performed in time O(logn/loglog (P log n/n)) using P>= n/log n CRCW PRAM processors.

Proof The algorithm can be summarized as follows: (1) divide the given sequenceinto blocks of d (to be determined later) successive keys; (2) sequentially computeprefix sums in each block; (3) apply prefix to the final prefixes in each block; and (4)compute prefixes in each block by using the result from 3 for the previous block.

More details follow. Let n n/d.

Step 1.

In O(d) time using n<-P processors compute X’(i,m), i[n], me[d],-, (/-- 1)d+rnwhere X’(i, ml ==<i-1)d+ X’(j).

Step 2.

Compute the prefix sum of the total sum of each part, i.e., computeY’(1), Y’(2), , Y’(n), where Y’(i) =Yj= X(j, d), for i= 1,...,

Step 3.

In time O(d), using n processors compute

(X’(1, 1), X’(1, 2),..., X’(1, d),

Y’(1) X’(2, 1), r’(1) X’(2, 2), , Y’(1) X’(2, d),

Y’(n-l)oX’(n,l), Y’(n-l)oX’(nl,2),..., Y’(nl-1)oX’(n,d))

which is the required output.

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Analysis. Clearly, Steps 1 and 3 can be performed with n processors in timeO(d). It remains to show that Step 2 can be performed within the same time using Pprocessors.

Let Cn,2 be a circuit of size n and in-degree 2 that computes the prefix sum of nelements in depth O(log n). Obtain an equivalent circuit Cn2,b of size n2 n/b (n2>= n)and in-degree b in the obvious way (by collapsing subcircuits of height log b intosingle nodes starting from the bottom of the circuit [11]). We will simulate Cn2,b.

Each input key is a log n bit integer. Each one of the keys is divided into d parts,each comprising log n/d successive bits. The simulation proceeds in d stages. In thefirst stage, we input the log n/d least significant bits of the keys to the circuit C,,.In the second stage, we input the next most log n/d significant bits of the input keysto the circuit. Similarly we pipeline all the parts of the keys one part per stage. Thecomputation in the circuit proceeds in a pipeline fashion.

At any stage, every node v of C, has to compute the sum.of b integers thatarrive at this node from its children and the carry it stored from the previous stage, valso has to store the carry from this stage to be used in the next. Each one of these bintegers and the carry can be of at the most 2 log n/d s bits. Therefore, the computa-tion at v can be made to run in time O(1) if we replace v by a constant depth circuitof size b2+). The depth of C,2, is 1Ogb n. Thus, the run time of the circuit (andhence the simulation time) will be logb n:+ O(d). The size of the circuit is nzb2+.

We require b2+-< P/n2, s 2 log n/d, n n/d, n <= n and log n2 O(d). Itis easy to see that choosing s log log (P log n/n) will satisfy all the above constraints.This concludes the proof of Lemma 4.1.

4.2. A sublogarithmic permutation algorithm. The problem is to compute a randompermutation of (1, 2, , n) in sublogarithmic parallel time. The algorithm presentedin this section is very similar to the assignment algorithm of 2.2. It employs Pn(log log n)2/log n processors and runs in time ((log n/log log n).

A shared memory of size 2n is used. The main idea is to find unique assignments(in the common memory) for each one of the indices i [n] and then to eliminateunused cells of common memory using a prefix sum computation. Processors arepartitioned into groups of size (log log n)2. Each group of (log log n)2 processors getslog n successive indices. Detailed algorithm follows.

Step 1.

The log n indices given to each group of processors are partitioned into groupsof size (log log n)2. Step consists of log n/(loglog n) phases. In the ithphase (i 1, 2,. , log n/(log log n)2) each processor is given a distinct indexfrom the group of indices. Each processor spends d log log n time (for someconstant d) to find an assignment for its index (as explained in Step 2 of

2.2). After d log log n time the ith phase ends.

Step 2.

P processors perform a prefix-sum computation to determine the number(call it N) of indices that"do not yet have an assignment. Let z [P/NJ.

Step 3.

A distinct group of z processors in parallel work to find an assignment forevery index j that remains without an assignment. A group succeeds even ifa single processor in the group succeeds. Each group is given C log n/loglog n time (for some constant C).

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After C log n/loglog n time, even if a single index remains without anassignment the whole algorithm is aborted and started anew. (Grouping ofprocessors in this step can easily be done using the prefix sum of Step 2.)

Step 4.

Finally, P processors perform a prefix-sum computation to eliminate unusedcells and read the positions of their indices in the output.

Analysis. Consider the ith phase of Step 1. The probability that a given processorr succeeds in finding an assignment for its index in a single trial is --2. Let Y be arandom variable equal to the number of processors failing in the jth trial of phase i.

Then Y is upperbounded by a binomial random variable with parameters (NJ, 1/2)(where N is the number of processors that have not succeeded until the beginningof the jth trial of phase i). (Note that NJ P.) The Chernoff bounds (3) imply that Yis at the most a constant (<1) fraction of N with probability _->1-2-NI (for somefixed e < 1). Therefore the number of unsuccessful processors at the end of phase isO(P/log n)..The number of keys without assignments at the end of Step 1 isli=gln/(iglgn)z N/dlglgn, Using additive property of binomial distributions and theChernoff bounds we conclude that the number of keys without assignments at the endof Step is O(n/log n) (and hence z =f((log log n)2))with probability ->l-n- forany/3->1.

Step 2 runs in time O(log n/log log n) (Lemma 2.2). In Step 3, probability that aparticular group fails in one trial is (1/2) K((lglgn)2). This implies that the probabilitythat there is at least one unsuccessful group at the end of Step 3 can be made <-n -a,for any c -> 1, if we choose a proper C.

Thus we conclude that he whole algorithm will run successfully in time((log n/log log n). Clearly, this algorithm can also be used to solve the assignmentproblem of 2.2. Thus we have the following lemma.

LEMMA 4.2. The problem of computing a random permutation of n elements (andhence the assignment problem of 2.2) can be solved in time ((log n/log log n) usingP n(log log n)2/log n processors.

4.3. An optimal sub-logarithmic GENERAL_SORT algorithm. Given as inputk, k2,"" ", k,, Reischuk’s algorithm [25] for GENERAL_SORT samples v keys atrandom. If l, 12," ", l,/-- are the sampled keys in sorted order, these keys divide theinput keys into p-<v+l collections S1,S2,’",Sp, where S={qlq<-l}, Si{qlli_ <q<--l} for i=2,3,..., (p,-1), and S,={qlq> kp_,}. With very high likeli-hood [25], each one of these collections will be of size O(v log n). (Reifand Valiant[24] give an algorithm for sampling v keys that will ensure that each one of thesecollections will be of size O(v).) Having identified these collections, his algorithmsorts each one of them recursively and merges the results trivially.

As such, the algorithm in [25] requires a computer of word length f(v log n).This problem can be circumvented using the assignment algorithm of 2.2. Moreover,such a modified algorithm can be made sublogarithmic if n(log n), processors areused. A detailed algorithm follows.

Procedure sublogGS({kl, k2, kn});Step 1. If n is a constant sort trivially.Step 2. x/ processors in parallel each sample a random key.Step 3. Sort the x/ keys sampled in Step 2 by comparingevery pair of keys

and computing the rank of each key. This can be donein O(log n/log

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log n) time using n processors. Let the sorted sequence be11, 12,""", 1,/-

Step 4. Processors are partitioned into groups of size (log n). Each groupgets an index n ]. In parallel each group does a (log n)-ary searchon 11, 12,..., l,/--to find out the collection Si, to which ki belongs.

Step 5. n processors collectively compute N(1), N(2),..., N(p) such that

=1 N(j) O(n) and N(j) > ISjl for every j [p]. (Recall thatp _-< x/-ff+ 1).

Step 6. n processors use the sublogarithmic assignment algorithm of 4.2 torearrange kl, k2," ", kn such that all the elements of $1 will appearfirst, all the elements of $2 will appear next, and so on.

Step 7. Recursively sort S1, S,. ., Sp. Here O(x/-ff(log n)) processors workon each subproblem. Finally output sublogGS(S), ,sublogGS(Sp).

Analysis. If T’(n) is the time sublogGS takes to sort n general keys, Step 1 andStep 2 take O(1) time each. Step 3, Step 4, and Step 6 take O(log n/log log n) timeeach. Step 7 takes time T’(cv/-ff) (for some constant c) with probability >-1- n (forany a _>-1). This is because no collection will be of size more than O(v/-ff) with thesame probability (if we employ Reif and Valiant’s [24] sampling algorithm). ComputingN(1),N(2),...,N(p) (Step 5) can be done in time O(logn/loglogn) using nprocessors that employ a sampling algorithm very similar to the one given in 3.2.(For details see Appendix B.) Therefore, the recurrence relation for T’(n), the expectedvalue of T’(n) can be written as

’(n) -< ]’(cx/rff) + ((log n/log log n)+(n-)’(n-v/-ff+ 1).

By induction we can show that T’(n) <- O(log n/log log n). Thus we have the followingtheorem.

TrEOREM 4.1. GENERAL_SORT can be done in time ((log n/log log n) withn(log n) CRCW PRAM processors.

4.4. A sublogarithmic algorithm for INTEGER_SORT. In 3, we presented anINTEGER_SORT algorithm that used n/log n processors to sort n integer keys intime t(log n). The same algorithm can be used to sort in time ((log n/log log n) ifthe number of processors used is P- n(log log n)2/log n. Here we will indicate onlythe modifications that need to be made.

The P processors are partitioned into groups of size (log log n)2 and each groupis given log n successive indices. In Fine_Sort Step 1, each group of (loglog n)2

processors stable sorts the log n keys given to it using any of the parallel optimal stableGENERAL_SORT algorithms, in time O(logn/loglogn). Step 2 runs in timeO(log n/log log n). In Step 3, each group of processors computes the position of eachone of its log n keys in the output using the prefix sum of Step 2. The time neededfor Step 3 is log n/(log log n).

In Coarse_Sort, while computing the N(i)’s, Steps 1 and 3 run in time O(1). InStep 2, we need to sort n/logEn keys. The sublo.garithmic algorithm of 4.2 forGENERAL_SORT can be used to run Step 2 in time O(log n/log log n) using <n/log nprocessors. After computing N(i)’s, rearranging of the keys can be done using Pprocessors in time O(lo.g n/log log n) (Lemma 4.2). Therefore, both Coarse_Sort andFine_Sort run in time O(log n/log log n). Thus we have the following theorem.

THEOREM 4.2. INTEGER_SORT can be performed in O(log n/log log n) time

using P-- n(log log n)2/log n CRCW PRAM processors.

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5. Conclusions. All the sorting algorithms appearing in this paper are nonstable.It remains an open problem to obtain stable versions of these algorithms. If we havea stable algorithm for INTEGER_SORT then the definition of integer keys can beextended to include integers in the range [n)]. Any deterministic algorithm forINTEGER_SORT using a polynomial number of CRCW PRAM processors will takeat least f(log n/log log n) time, as has been shown by Beam and Hastad [6]. Howeverit is an open question whether there exists a randomized CRCW PRAM algorithrn thatuses a polynomial number of processors and runs in time (R)(log n/log log n).

A recent result of Alon and Azar [2] implies that our sublogarithmic timeGENERAL_SORT algorithm is optimal. Their lower bound result is for a morepowerful comparison tree model of Valiant and hence readily holds for PRAMs aswell. Alon and Azar’s theorem is that if P is the number of processors used, then theaverage time, T, required for sorting n elements by any randomized algorithm is(R)(log n/log (l+P/n)) for P>-n, and the average time is (R)(log n/(P/n)) for P<=n.In particular, if P n(log n) , then T (R)(log n/log log n). It remains an open problemto prove or disprove the optimality of our sublogarithmic INTEGER_SORT algorithm.

Appendix A. Probabilistic bounds. We say a random variable X upper boundsanother random variable Y (equivalently, Y lower bounds X) if for all x such that0 =< x -< 1, Probability (X =< x) -<_ Probability Y-<_ x).

A Bernoulli trial is an experiment with two possible outcomes viz., success and

failure. The probability of success is p.A binomial variable X with parameters (n,p) is the number of successes in n

independent Bernoulli trials, the probability of success in each trial being p.The distribution function of X can easily be seen to be

Chernoff [7] and Angluin and Valiant [3] have found ways of approximating thetail ends of a binomial distribution. In particular, they have shown the following.

LEMMA A.1. IfX is binomial with parameters (n, p), and m > np is an integer, then





for all 0 < e < 1.

Probability (X >= m) <_- e "-np.

Probability (X _-< [(1 e)pnJ)=<exp (-e2np/2)

Probability (X => [(1 + e)np])<=exp (--82np/3)

Appendix B. A sampling algorithm. We have an index set 0 {1, 2, , n}. Eachindex belongs to exactly one of v/-ff groups G, G2,’", G. For any index i, inconstant time we can find out the group Gi, that belongs to.

Problem. Compute N(1),N(2),...,N(v) such that /-1N(i)=O(n) andN(i)>=lGil for each [v/-], given that each IG, l-<x/-glog n.

LEMMA B.1. The above problem can be solved in time (log n/log log n) using nprocessors.

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Proof We provide a sampling algorithm. A shared memory of size n is used. Thisshared memory is divided into blocks B1, B2," ", B,/-h- each of size x/-.

Step 1.

n/log n processors in parallel each choose a random index (in [n]).

Step 2.

Every processor r [n/log n] has to find an assignment for its index in theblock Bi,. It chooses a random cell in Bi, and tries to write in it. If it succeeds,it increments the contents of that cell by 1. If it does not succeed in the firsttrial, it tries a second time to increment the same cell. It tries as many timesas it takes.

A total of h log n/log log n (for some h to be determined) time is given.

Step 3.

n processors perform a prefix-sum computation on the contents of the sharedmemory and hence compute L(1), L(2),..., L(x/) where L(i) is the sum ofthe contents of block Bi, i [x/-].

Step 4.

x/ processors set in parallel N(i)= d(log n) max (1, L(i)) and output N(i),i [x/-]. d is a constant to be determined.

Analysis. Let M(i), 6 [v] stand for the number of indices chosen in Step 1 thatbelong to Gi and let R(i)= d(log n)max (1 M(i)). Following the proof of Lemma3.4, the R(i)’s satisfy the conditions ,__ R(i)-O(n) and R(i)>-IGil, i6 [v/-]. Theproof will be complete if we can show that L(i)= M(i) with very high probability.

Showing that L(i)= M(i), i6 [x/] is the same as showing that no cell in thecommon memory will be chosen by more than h log n/log log n processors in Step 1.Let Y be a random variable equal to the number of processors that have chosen aparticular cell q. Following the proof of Lemma 3.4, no M(i) will be greater thanc/3x/ with probability ->_1-n- for any /3->_ and some fixed c. Therefore, Y isupperbounded by a binomial variable with parameters (cflx/, 1/v/). The Chernoffbounds (1) imply that Y_-< h log n/log log n with probability _>- n -a, for any a _->and a proper h.

Aeknowletlgments. The authors thank Yijie Han, Sandeep Sen, and the refereesfor their insightful comments.


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