anatolia alumnus

1 ANATOLIA Alumnus Τριμηνιαία έκδοση του Συλλόγου Αποφοίτων Αμερικανικού Κολλεγίου Ανατόλια Τζων Κέννεντυ 60, 55535 Πυλαία, Θεσσαλονίκη Τηλ. 2310 238835, Φαξ: 2310 287845 email: [email protected], Κυκλοφορεί σε 7.500 τεύχη και αποστέλλεται σε αποφοίτους σε όλη την Ελλάδα και την Αμερική Ιδιοκτήτης: Σύλλογος Αποφοίτων Αμερικανικού Κολλεγίου Ανατόλια Εκδότης: Αστέριος Τσουκαλάς ’87 - Πρόεδρος Δ.Σ. Διευθυντής: Αστέριος Τσουκαλάς ’87 - Πρόεδρος Δ.Σ. Υπεύθυνη έκδοσης: Νεκτάρ Αλίς Μπλετζιάν ’90 Σύνταξη: Τάσος Βαρέλλας ’03 Σ’ αυτό το τεύχος συνεργάστηκαν: Πέπη Αργυροπούλου-Καραμβέρη ’71 Μαρία Βογιατζόγλου ’74 Μαντώ Γαβριηλίδου Θρασύβουλος Μακιός ‘00 Έλενα Μαλτίδου ’75 Μάχη Μαργαρίτη ’83 Στράτος Σιμιτζής ’55 Χρήστος Σίσκος ’58 Δώρα Σταθοπούλου ’93 Θεανώ Τρουπτσόγλου-Μουρούκα ’55 Αριάδνη Φραγκοδημητράκη ’73 Χρυσούλα Χατζητάκη-Καψωμένου ’63 Μαρία Ψωμά-Πετρίδου ’80 Για την ύλη του Ανατόλια (σελ. 56-76) Υπεύθυνη ύλης: Ράνια Σεμερτζιάν ’87 Επιμέλεια ύλης: Όλγα Τσαντήλα ’91 Συνεργάτες: Αντώνης Αποστόλου, Κυριάκος Αρβανίτης, Νίκος Αρναούτης, Φάνης Βάρβογλης, Λία Ζουργού, Ηλίας Καλαμπόκης, Έλενα Κότα, Λαμπρινή Κουφάκη, Αριάν Κότση, Αθηνά Λιόντα, Μαρία Μπίμπου, Άννα Πετμεζά, Αντιγόνη Πυροβέτση, Χάιδω Σαμαρά, John Gateley, Eva Kanellis, Ellen Proestopoulos, Adriane Thrash, David Wisner Φωτογραφίες: Studio Παππού-Ευαγγελίδη, Ιωσηφίνα Σβανιά Φωτογραφία εξωφύλλου: Γιώργος Ζαρζώνης Τμήμα διαφήμισης: Όλγα Παπαμόσχου-Λαυρεντιάδου ’77 Δημιουργικό: καπάνιgraphix Ευτυχία Γούσιου ‘86 CTP - Εκτύπωση - Βιβλιοδεσία: Thess Print Α.Ε. 02 EDITORIAL 05 PRESIDENT’S COLUMN 08 Πάνος Βλάχος 16 ALUMNUS OF THE YEAR Δημοσθένης Αρχοντίδης ’87 22 SUCCESS STORY Χρήστος Κασκαβέλης ’86 26 ΔΡΑΣΕΙΣ ΣΥΜΒΟΥΛΙΟΥ Ιωσήφ Σηφάκης, Καθηγητής EPFL Summer Party Back to Base Concert - My Excuse 34 ANATOLIAN YOUTH Πρωτεύσαντες αριστούχοι 38 ΔΡΑΣΕΙΣ ΣΥΛΛΟΓΟΥ Χορωδία Λέσχη Ανάγνωσης Εθελοντισμός Εν Αθήναις Αθλητικές Ακαδημίες 50 ANATOLIAN FORWARDING Στέφανος Τριανταφύλλης ’95 52 ANATOLIA INSIDER Elen Proestopoulos 56 SCHOOL NEWS 78 FAREWELL ANATOLIA 80 ΔΡΑΣΕΙΣ ΑΠΟΦΟΙΤΩΝ 94 ΑΥΤΟΙ ΠΟΥ ΕΦΥΓΑΝ 103 SNAP NEWS 104 ΑΝΑΚΟΙΝΩΣΕΙΣ ΠΕΡΙΕΧΟΜΕΝΑ

Upload: anatolia-alumni

Post on 22-Mar-2016




8 download


Sept - Oct - Nov


  • 1ANATOLIA Alumnus 60, 55535, . 2310 238835, : 2310 287845email: [email protected],


    : : 87 - ..: 87 - .. : 90: 03

    : - 71 74 00 75 83 55 58 93 - 55 73 - 63 - 80

    (. 56-76) : 87 : 91: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , John Gateley, Eva Kanellis, Ellen Proestopoulos, Adriane Thrash, David Wisner

    :Studio -,


    : - 77

    :graphix 86

    CTP - - :Thess Print ..









    , EPFL

    Summer Party

    Back to Base Concert - My Excuse






    Elen Proestopoulos





    103 SNAP NEWS


  • 2 3


    Anatolia Alumnus - 2013. , , , .

    , , . , :

    . , - , . . . .

    , . . social media, (Facebook, Linked in, ) , .

    . , , . . , . , , .

    , . , .

    rock, Macedonia Hall, My Excuse, 95. . - 2 19.00 - ( Facebook .

    basket volley , 2 , . basket, volley tennis , zoumba, pilates tennis . .

    , , Alumnus Member Benefits Card. . , , , , Alumnus Member Benefits Card. , .

    T, Anatolia Alumnus Morley House, . . , . , . , (, , ). , . Morley House , , .

    , .



  • 4 5

    , . , . , campus Morley House. H , . : 20 10 , 17 , 9 , 52 , 170 10 . , , : 75 , , 4.247.000 . -.

    Middle Years Program (MYP) , - (CTY - Greece at Anatolia College) Johns Hopkins. , , . , . , 2014. . , .

    Presidents column

    CTY Greece pi

    pipi Johns Hopkins , pi 2014 CTY (Center for alented Youth ). CTY pi pi pi pi pi pi .

    : . 2310 398.253 [email protected]

  • 6 7








  • 8 9

    1886, Charles Tracy. 1913, George White. 1933, Ernest Riggs. 1950, Carl Compton. 1958, Howard John-ston. 1964, Robert Hayden. 1972, Joseph Kennedy. 1974, William McGrew. 1999, Richard Jackson. 2009, Hans Giesecke. 2013, Panos Vlachos. , , ! , - Fritcher Hall , / , Macedonia Hall - : , . 2013 . , : . , Rhode Island. . , . Anatolia Alumnus , , , , 2000, , , high school - - . , .

    ; ; 127 . , - . 21 , . .

    , (Kindergarten) (ACT MBA). ; . . . , (NEASC, IBO .), .

    , , , study abroad .

    : 03

    campus ; ; . . 300 ACT, , . , , campus fellows . . , .

    , from within Anatolias ranks. ; . , . , , . , , . Trustees .

    , , Macedonia Hall , , , . , , , campus, . campus; . . , , , , , campus , , .

    . campus , . 30 ! ; Anatolians; . 3 Anatolia Green Initiative . 18,5 (, , ,

  • 10 11

    ). . . US-AID. 2013 (Building Energy Management System) , Ingle Hall , . . CO2.

    Johns Hopkins. CTY ; , , - (Center for Tal-ented Youth). Johns Hopkins . . . Johns Hopkins , . . 2014 150 .

    , 1 2 , 2 1 . ;

    . .

    2014 high school. ; 1 , , , , 6 . , . , . , .

    , , . ; . . , . , .

    . !


    The Anatolia College Alumni AssociationThe purpose of our Association is, ... the plan of an education of one or two orphans..

    Badrig Benlian 29, (1930)

    :... . .

    . .



  • 12 13

    19 2013 - Raphael Hall. , .. , :

    87 79 00. 87 84. 77: 77 88 75 89 80

    71: 90 98

  • 14 15

    Back to Morley House

    15 Morley House William McGrew. To Morley House , campus . Morley , . 1997 Morley , reunions.

    , Morley House, - - . Mor-ley House , , , .

    : , Moritz, 89, 89, ,


    75 (Koniordos Wines), 79, 74, 80, 77 (), 89 ( , , Tuvunu), 82 ( ) Basketball . Morley .

  • 16 17

    . 1981. . . 1987. . Hamilton College. BA in Economics. 1991. Harvard Business School & Harvard University. PhD in Business Economics. 1997. . Bankers Trust. Deutsche Bank. 2000. . . 2001. Eurobank. Dealing room. 2008. Private Banking. . 2013. Alumnus of the Year. ., , . . , :

    : Anatolia Alumnus ; , , . , , . , projects .

    ! , , , . , , . , . life changing. ,

    - ; - () (ACT); ! ; . . , , , . , . , , , , , , . , . . , , . .

    , , . , , .

    . Anatolia Alumnus . . . , . , , , chair . []

    . .

    - - 2013 Commencement. , . , . , , ! , , , , .. Hamilton College, , . , discount . , , , ! , , , , down to earth . , . , , , .

    . events , - , - . , , emails , email. , ; . second level , - . , , , - , , .: , , , - . , , .

    , (ECB), - (EFSF); - . : ; , . , (EKT) ELA, Emergency Liquidity Assistance. ELA, . ELA (collateral) assets, . , Emergency Liquidity Assistance .

    . 87

    : 03


    OF THE

    YEAR 2013

  • 18 19

    EKT ELA : , () - - . , , . , , , . , , , ELA .

    ; . (, Alpha, Eurobank, ) (EFSF) 29 . 2012, . 29 , 27,1 . . , 27,1 . 29 , 27,1 1,9 , . , , provisions () , . provi-sions , - - . , , .

    . ; , , . , . , , : , , ! , ! ; ! 10% , () , 80% 93% . veto! veto pow-er, Alpha , . bottom line : , , , .

    , , ; . . non performing loans, . , , . , 2014, , turn around! . 30 , , . ,

    , discount . , , , !


    AHNA 24IANOS ARTSHOP Golden Hall, . 37,


    k.2.10.13_ANATOLIA33:Layout 1 10/4/13 2:49 PM Page 1

  • 20 21

    , . : , , . , , . - , , repricing () . , .

    : - - ;, , , . , 3 . 3 Euribor +3%, ! , , 5 Euribor .

    , , . , . 3% Euribor , 160 , 120 , 3,6 ! 3,6 . , , ! , , ! ! . , , back bone . 3,6 , . Deutsche Bank 1,5% . 9-11%. ,

    ., , . , .

    , . , . . , , , . . . ! , , , , . , . how much is enough?

    , .How much is enough? , , . . !

    Anatolia Alumnus , : , , :

  • 22 23

    ; Rumor has it and the odds are startup 13 . business plans . . ! , .

    - 2013 shut-down - ; . Silicon Valley . , , , . 21 . , . , .., , . - . . , Silicon Valley . . , .

    ; ( - - ) . . , . . . . . . . . , . .

    86 Commencement 2013

    : 03

    . 1986 . Brown University, : . Bos-ton University, . TCA Soft-ware . 2000 Velti, Chief Oper-ating Officer . , , , . 2013 Commencement . Anatolians 2013

    -! - 1986 ; 1986 . 3 , , IB. , . , , 2000 Velti. Velti marketing . Google, pple, Facebook . Velti , - 15 - , 2006.

    ; ,

    Velti ; Velti CEO 2000. . , Velti . 13 1200, , , , , , , , .

    . .

    Velti Nasdaq; Velti Nasdaq. 2006 . , , .

    Velti 2013. - ; , . , . , , . . , , , . , .


    ; - , . , . , just in time man-ufacturing , .

    - - . . Commencement.

    ; - 1997. , , , .. !. . Economist . . , , . . , , .



  • 24 25

    , . ,

    2013 . , ; . , , . , , . , . .

    campus 1986 ; . Commencement. .

    ; . . , . . ,

    , . . .



    Pink Woman - Mediterranean Cosmos - . - - pink live Starbeat !



    , , - Regency Casino Thessaloniki, . - - , - , Emma Shapplin, Barbra Streisand o Freddie Mercury.

    1. , & Riaan Van Rooyen2.

    - - - Argenesi - . , -, .

    , ,



    : 2310 38.38.5314 -




    Pink Woman - Mediterranean Cosmos - . - - pink live Starbeat !



    , , - Regency Casino Thessaloniki, . - - , - , Emma Shapplin, Barbra Streisand o Freddie Mercury.

    1. , & Riaan Van Rooyen2.

    - - - Argenesi - . , -, .

    , ,



    : 2310 38.38.5314 -




    Pink Woman - Mediterranean Cosmos - . - - pink live Starbeat !



    , , - Regency Casino Thessaloniki, . - - , - , Emma Shapplin, Barbra Streisand o Freddie Mercury.

    1. , & Riaan Van Rooyen2.

    - - - Argenesi - . , -, .

    , ,



    : 2310 38.38.5314 -


    , , 45 . , , 7 . 7 7 :

    1: .2: .3 : . .4: : .5: .6: E .7: .

    Commencement 2013

    ; , , ! . , . , . , 2000 . .

    ; , . . 80s .

    , , . 15 - 300 . 1986, 1,90 . .

    ; , - .

    , . . , . , , .

    , . . - . , 700 . 700 , 700 . , , . . .. , , -, . : .

  • 26 27

    4 cole Polytechnique Fdrale de Lausanne . Raphael Hall. , (model checking), , . , Grenoble. , Centre de Recherche In-tgrative ( ) Verimag Laboratory.

    2007 Turing, . , . . .

    - ,

    , cole Polytechnique Fdrale de Lausanne


  • 28 29

    - , Raphael Hall, , Anatolia Alumnus Verimag, , , . , , - !

    Verimag Laboratory 1993 . Verimag Airbus. 80, . , . , Airbus . , . Verimag . , .

    . ; ; . . -

    , . .

    . , 10-9 . model checking non safety critical mission critical , ; , . . , . , .. .

    , , , , ; , , . . . , , , . , - - .

    . . , . , . . . . , . . .

    cole Polytechnique Fd-rale de Lausanne . ; cole Polytechnique Fdrale de Lausanne .

    , ..; , , . . , , . , . - .

    (, 1981) , , : , , (: ) . . / ; . . . . . . . , , . , .


    cole Polytechnique Fdrale de Lausanne

    : 03

    . , , . , . - .

  • 30 31

    sky bar The Met. dance . . - - .

  • 32 33

    My Excuse - ! 4 , campus , My Excuse Back-to-Base Con-cert Macedonia Hall - .

    My Excuse frontman, . 2010 official single Is it Over Now Grammy , Ron Saint Germain (Jimi Hendrix, RHCP, TOOL, Soundgarden, Creed, Muse). single , . 2012, , My Excuse U.S. tour. , live , Arlenes Grocery, Pianos, Wicked Willys, Six Flags Stars & Stripes, . , album Ron St Germain. single Silent Revolution, album, iTunes.

    2013 My Excuse tour . 30 live . , CMW, . , 2013, album All Ive Become. album 2012 Ron St Germain. album .


  • 34 35

    , , 2013. . , 17 Anatolians , 4 , 52 , 9 , 4 , 8 11 / . , 75 , Imperial, Kings, University College London Brown, Columbia, Johns Hopkins, Yale . , , , .

    ;: 7 , . , , . , , .: , . (, ) (, , ) . , . , , . , , , . , . .: UCL. . , , .: , Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI), , ( ) .. .. ( ) . , WPI . (~1000) , .

    Anatolia Alumnus , . , , , Anatolians! - - , . -, , , : , Ten Principles of the Anatolia College Ethos: Trust in education as the primary vehicle for ennobling the individual and improving society.

    : , , . , , ( ) . , . , . , . . , !

    ;: WPI , , . , WPI () . , WPI , ( , Dr. David Adams, ) . , WPI -, Massachusetts General Hos-pital, University of Massachusetts Medical School .. , WPI Career Development Centre , - .: . , , . , , ; . , , ( ), . , . , . , , ,


    13 ( ) 13 ( ) 13 13 13 ( )

    : 03

    - - University College London - History Worcester Polytechnic Institute - Biomedical Engineering / Pre-Medicine Queen Mary / University of London - Medicine

    * , , (!) :




  • 36 37

    , .: . , 200 10 . , , - . , , .

    (high school ) ;: - . , .: 2 . , , , . , . , . , , , , , .: - . , . 20 7 . , . . , . , , .

    (high school ), ;: , ( ) . , . . , , , .: . - , , - . , , , . . . , , , ; , . , . . , .: . , , . , , , , .: . , , , .

    clubs ;: clubs . . . ,

    . . advisor MUN ( ). clubs . , . , clubs , .: clubs . , . . , .: clubs , , . , . ( Societies) !

    : , . , ;: . , . , . , , .. . , , . .: , . . , .: .

    . , , . . , , . , . . . . .

    .: , , .: ( , ): ! , . , . , . , , - , Facebook!: : , ! , , , . , , .: . . , . , , , , . , , , .

    , , . , , . Keep in mind, principle : Individualism, the belief that independent, self-reliant, confident individuals equipped with moral training will con-struct a good society.

    Anatolia Alumnus , : - , :




  • 38 39

    - 71

    , . , , , , , , . . , , . 25 , , .

    ever. , ( , , , , , , ) , . , . , , .. , , .


    > 2 19.00 . ,

    ! .

    - , , , , , , , . - - , , , , , , spirituals, , . ! : : - :


  • 40 41

    2013 5 . 35 10 . 3 & , 2 . 1 . 2008 Morley House 14 . . . . , , . . , , . , .

    22 30 , . . . . , . , , . , . , . . .

    . , , , : , . , . , () , . .. , , , , - , . (21 ). (2013-2014) , 1 , . , ,

    * , facebook :

    5 80




    pi BONUS!

    2310 380 000 pi

    BONUS !

    pi BONUS!

    pi BONUS!

    pi BONUS!

    pi BONUS!

    pi BONUS!

    pi BONUS!

    pi BONUS!


  • 42 43

    . . 12010, . . 541 10 12 , - : 6937 28 42 27

    S.A.A.K. AnatoliaM. Callas 35

    10 2013

    S. A. A. K. Anatolia, .

    EDESMA FOOD (204,60) ( ) (94,5) .





    , - . .... . , , .... .

    , , :> 25 3 , .> 8 3 , .> ( / ) Arsis Salvation Army . Eurimac (. 65) Edesma Foods (M 74).> .> Mamas Baking ( , , ) & () , , .> itchen Bar ( & 87) B ( , . ) 50 ARSIS.> , , - Salvation Army, , .

    , / / Morley, .> 5 . !

    : , , . 228 .

    , !

  • 44 45

    27 , , 10 . , , , . .

    , 2011, & () , . 10 5-6 , , (, , , ) . .

    , : - 74, 6977 359143 - 73, 6944 422787 - 76, 6972 339299


    . , . , . , . . , - .


    - , 19 2013 Electra Palace, , , 27 2013. 2013-2015 :

    75 - 73 88. 74 00 - 74 86 80 76 80

    , , . , , .

  • 46 47

    : > > Basketball & Volleyball > : > > - >

    BASKETBALL > > - > - > > >

    VOLLEYBALL > > > >

    & ... BASKETBALL CHAMPION VOLLEYBALL ERREA Academy Kit : , , , t-shirt , , : Basketball: (80) Volleyball: (84): : 2310 398290, .... 2310 323911




    99 10 (AC) 98

    VOLLEY 2

    (AC) ANA (AC) EYA Z - 10 Z


    84 volley -

    23 - 07 - 21 - 18 - 25 - 01 - 15 - 01 - 15 - . 05 - 26 -

    01 - .... 15 - 05 - 19 - 26 - .. 16 - 01 - . 16 - 30 - 13 -

    80 , 00, ,

  • 48 49

    :> > > >

    :> > Tennis> ( , )> , ,

    - 8 9 2013, , .... . , 70 6 13 . pool mini tennis ,

    > Mini tennis 5-6 > 7-12 > >


    , M

    Morley House, Anatolia College, . 2310 238835, 2310 323911, email [email protected],

    TENNIS 12


    match . , ( 3 ), , . !

    pi &

    .: 2310 398.305 (8:30-15:30) & 2310 398.292 (15:30-18:30 -pi) : .


    O 2 pi 3 pi pi... !


    2013 e-mail: [email protected]

  • 50 51






    : 03

    Back to Base Concert My Excuse Macedonia Hall, Anatolia Alumnus , 95, My Excuse, , , performing arts , high school. , .

    My Excuse ; U.S. tour , , you guys are the next big thing! .

    My Excuse; , ; , . , . ,

    ; 15 . , , , , that makes business sense. . , , .

    My Excuse; resident band . album record label .

    , ; performing, , , break-dance . .

    , , . Warren Benson, , , , , , . ; performing arts. , Pappas Hall,

    , ... (, , ...)

    ; . , : , ( ). , , . , , . . overall attitude :- / pull yourself together and work- Vasso Pappas / whatever your job, make a difference every-day in the lives of those around you- arkham, / , - Paula Pappas / dont betray those that help you and believe in you- / !- / , - / , - / , , .

    ; . Ellen Proestopoulos assis-tant Student Services Office 3 . , .

    ; , school spirit . , clubs ( ), .

    , . , , ...

    , . , . , . hobby. , , . , , . .. , ... . . , . , . Always have a plan B, . , , . John Lennon:When I was 5 years old, my mother always told me that hap-piness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down happy. They told me I didnt understand the assignment, and I told them they didnt understand life.

    school spirit . , clubs , .

    performing arts.

  • 52 53

    C Insider - : extra-curricular pro-gram. clubs, campus, , , . 1999, Pat Kastritsis Helen Ko-liais, Elen Proestopoulos extra-curricular program. - extra-cur-ricular program, . H ! , Elen Proestopoulos :

    ; 90 ;Students have changed over the twenty years that I have been here, but students have changed all over the world - not just Anatolia or Greece. I think that the constant changes in the educational system in Greece really have their toll on students. Back in the nineties, students were much more relaxed, they were able to learn because they wanted to learn and not because somebody told them they had to pass a test! Plus, their English skills - WOW! For example during my first year here I remem-

    extra-curricular program ;I feel that most of my colleagues go above and beyond the call of duty. The school is well aware of this and rec-ognizes their efforts. My colleagues get involved because they want to, not because someone forces them to. Over 85% of the faculty is involved in one way or another with the club program. Students appreciate their club advi-sors. Many of my colleagues still get letters from kids who have graduated telling them what they are doing. How Debate, Greek Theatre, the Drama Club, all clubs have helped them Thats rewarding for my colleagues and I know they feel that! extra-curricular program . , ; should not have the power and the right to change the educational system. Moreover, theres got to be something different than Pan-Hellenic exams. Kids need to have a more rounded education. I think that the Middle Years Program will help us with this. We will be able to help students think more creatively and critically. Changing the system every three or four years is confusing for kids, for parents, for teachers; it doesnt give us enough room to grow. - , , - ;No, because part of the schools mission is to teach about American culture. The school does all it can to continue to bring Americans to campus. The Fellows pro-gram has certainly helped with that. Even though some of us Americans have been here for a few years, we all go back home for a visit. When I go home, I visit the high school I taught in. When I tell those students in New York that we read The Catcher in the Rye here, they are truly amazed. The school continues to make sure that there is American influence on the campus; I am sure that this is something that they will never let go. club ; extra-curricular program ;

    ber that we read four major pieces of literature in the fifth form. We read The Scarlet Letter, The Great Gatsby, Night, and The Glass Menagerie and they loved it. They were able to - they had the time, they had the ener-gy. We had many-many big breaks then, we had many hours of English. Today kids enjoy reading literature and they like English class because the lesson takes place in a much more relaxed atmosphere. Because there is not a Pan-Hellenic test they feel comfortable in class, they feel comfortable with the language, and they feel comfort-able talking about literature. They realize that they will need English for their futures.

    , ; Obviously, this year the relocation has made a big difference and we will see the rewards of it in the fu-ture. I think its a positive move - but like all older people, I, too, am afraid of change. The gymnasium students seem to have adapted exceptionally well. The Lykeion kids will be fine with the move within a months time. Apart from the foreign families and dorm students who live on cam-pus, Anatolia now has the Fellows program that makes a huge difference. There are 7 fellows (all from the US) who work in different departments in school and live on campus. This is a great program because these people are young, they bring new ideas for both foreign and Greek faculty members, and they inspire our students. They also make great ambassadors for Greece because when they go back home they spread the word about Greece and about Anatolia. relocation, campus , it has become much more student friendly. The kids like it here; they feel comfort-able on this campus, they enjoy the trees, they enjoy it a lot when it snows. They feel like its their home!

    In sixth form, kids parents are afraid for their children to be involved in extra-curriculars, although, statistically, kids who do get involved in extra-curriculars and stay in-volved do well on their Pan-Hellenic exams. Why is this? Because the student has to organize his time efficiently. He also has a built in outlet - somewhere to spend time with friends and teachers. Clubs are a way for him to let loose. In forms 1-5, clubs are still a strong part of Ana-tolia. I imagine it will continue to be that way because the school tries hard for it to be that way. We have a whole office devoted to the club program; we have a fellow devoted to the club program, a secretary, an as-sistant. So, the schools dedication is there and I think thats passed on to the students. I would like to mention the role of the Student Services Office assistant. Two of the requirements for the position are that the assistant be an alum (relatively young) and one who was active in the club program. The people who were and still are in this position - Vassilis, Stefanos, Evripidis, Alkis, Peggy, and Zenia - have made a great impact on our students and I know that these six assistants had a great time working in the office. (1:10-2:30) .The bell schedule that we have right doesnt help the club program. Many advisors meet with their club mem-bers after school and weekends. We are trying to devise a new bell schedule that will allow for more club time and not take away from academic time. extra-curricular program clubs , ;Mr. Kalambokis organizes S.T.E.M. (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) activities and in general there have always been environmental clubs. Being on a cam-pus like this enables students to see how beautiful things can be; hopefully, they will remember this later on in life and apply it. , extra-curricular program ;Of course, they always do! Our alumni are the strong-est asset of this school, and I say it over, and over, and over again! We have many alumni who help us with the Drama Club, with Forensics, the Greek Theatre, Greek Oral Interp, the M.U.N. clubs; some of them even run their own clubs. They come, religiously, every Tuesday, every Wednesday, whenever it is, and they carry out their club duties! Its nice for our kids, too, because they can see what they can do when they graduate.

    In sixth form, kids parents are afraid for their children to be involved in extra-curriculars, although, statistically, kids who do get involved in extra-curriculars and stay involved do well on their Pan-Hellenic exams. Why is this? Because the student has to organize his time efficiently. He also has a built in outlet - somewhere to spend time with friends and teach-ers. Clubs are a way for him to let loose.


    : 03




  • 54 55

    extra-curricular program , campus, , clubs campus, . , ;The Clubs and the Campus, along with the English De-partment. No one has the number of clubs that we have. Im sure that other schools have devoted teachers, too, who take on club duties. I think our club program still separates us, because of the energy, the love, and the warmth for clubs that our teachers have. As an educator, I think that it is great that clubs have gone into public schools. Students get a taste of what they can be, new opportunities open up for them. . There is no other school in Thessaloniki, private or public, that puts on Drama productions like ours, Greek Theat-er productions like ours, has a Forensics team like ours. Every year we compete with schools from Athens and Thessaloniki - fifteen schools most of which are English-speaking only. Anatolia has consistently come in either first or second over the last twenty five years. That takes a lot of hard work, on the part of the students and on the part of the advisors, but we do it! So, I think there is something there that differentiates us from the rest of the schools as far as clubs are concerned.

    , Lets go back to the Alumni. . , , the thing that I miss the most about the school is the clubs! ; of course, for some kids, for a good number of kids, its the activities that they have been involved in! Even something like the Mount Olympus Climb; kids would never climb up on their own. Our teachers make that a possibility for them. There are many opportunities for Anatolians. When students take advantage of those opportunities, it can change their lives in a small or in a big way and thats why we are here.

    clubs!Anatolia Alumnus , : Elen Proestopoulos, , :

    relocation, campus , it has become much more student friendly. The kids like it here; they feel comfortable on this campus. They feel like its their home!

    A D I V I S I O N O F A N A T O L I A C O L L E G [email protected] 398398

    ACT ...




    300 , ACT, . , .


    JONATHAN NESHENAHarare, Zimbabwe



    MARINA GUERRASanto Andr , Brazil

    MARIA MERGALRianxo, Spain


    .... .

  • 56 57


    , President s Club. Presidents Club . , , . , .


    16 , - Johns Hopkins, Center for Talented Youth . (CTY Greece) Johns Hopkins . Ronald J. Daniels, Johns Hopkins University, , , Elaine Hansen, CTY, Gongresman John Sarbanes , . CTY Johns Hopkins 1979, , . 9.000 120 CTY, 24 camps , , 13.000 on line .

    CTY Greece 2014 , 7 17 , . , , , . , , , , CTY . CTY Greece , , . CTY Greece , . , , . John Sarbanes . , .


    CTY , , Center for Talented Youth (CTY) Johns Hopkins. CTY, - (CTY Greece) 2014. . 13 2 , Franklin & Marshall (Lancaster, PA) summer camp CTY . , , , , , , CTY, , . cam-pus CTY. . . , . summer camp, . . .



  • 58 59

    , ACT, 2 teAch. A Rose for Emily Faulkner , Skype (, ..) .

    , , . , , , IPAD . , , 2 teAch, , 19 20 2013. 21 ., MacBook, DLE 2, PREZI Teaching with TED-Ed. , . * 2 TeAch .

    . , - Middle Years Program , ... . Johns Hopkins . 15 , CTY Johns Hokpins, , CT. , , (associate instruc-tors) Johns Hopkins,

    ... 2 teAch

    , 26 2013. , 240 ( Diploma Pro-gramme). , . 86, .

    . , , . , , 87, Alumnus of the Year . . , .

    . , CTY , CTY Greece 2014. MYP Middle Years Program (MYP) 2013 1 , International Baccalaure-ate Organization (IBO) . , MYP, , . 17 , 4 on line.

  • 60

    , - 2014 .

    ; 1 , . , , , . 6 . ; , . . ; ; , . , . . ; . 100 , . 300. ; 2014, . 2013-14 6 . 3 2014, 9 .. ; , , campus. :1) 13/11, 17.00 19.002) 30/11, 11.00 13.00

    3) 4/12, 17.00 19.004) 7/12, 11.00 13.00 , , 2310 398357.

    ; ; 15 % :) : 10 %, ( ).) 75% - 100% *: ( )) 25% 75% *.* . . , ; . ; 1 , . (2310 398357), . ,

    , , . , 2013 . 10 , , 180 - 170 10 . 104 17 , 4 , 52 , 9 , 4 , 8 , 11 , . : 1 , 1 , *1 , *3 , *3 , *3 , *4 , *4 & , - 4 & , 4 & , 5 , 5 , 5 , 6 , - -8 & , 8 & , *9 , 9 , 9 , 10 ,


    : 6.7% 19.000 1%. 20.6% 18, 5.75%. 41.26% 17, 13.06%.

    75 Yale, Columbia, Imperial, UCL, Johns Hopkins, Brown, Kings College - , , . , . 2013 4.247.000 .


  • 62 63

    . campus, ( ) ( ). Ingle Hall 1 2 , YP (Middle Years Program), , 1o 2 . Riggs Hall 1o , , White Hall 2 . White House Student De-velopment Center US College Counseling Office, Student Services Office,


    , . Art Room . Yerousis House STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) .

    campus , , ( ). Macedonia Hall , 1 2 , CTY (Center for Talented Youth) at Anatolia College, , English Department. Kyrides Hall 1o 2 . Morley -

    , , 2013 2014. , 60. 1.000 , 2012 2013 200

    27 2013-2014

    & ACSTAC 2013

    54 , , CERN. Anatolia College Science & Technology Annual Conference ACSTAC, CERN, , . . AC-STAC 2013 , Cambridge, , , ALICE Outreach CERN John Zakos, Chief Innovation Officer yCyberTwin. Skype Andreas Mershin, MIT Center for Bits and Atoms. , , /, . , , natolia School of Business ACT business plan .

    ACALC (The Anatolia College Annual Logic Competition). 115 49 , , . ACSTAC Blue Science Caf, . , () , Nick Dounoussis and the Backbone. ACSTAC 2013 , , CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research) EPS (European Physical Society).

    Business Plan project

    Besjana Sholla Anatolia School of Business, (Business Plan) project Hydro-bot ( ), 1 ACSTAC 2013. Business Plan . , , , . Business Plan .

    , . 2013 2014 27 , 23 4 ( ) . .

  • 64 65

    1 : - , , , 1 : : Augment-ed Reality ( ) ( , )2 : H , , 3 : The Ban Project , 2 : Bacteria Battery , , , 3 : An investigation of Pol-lution in the Thermaikos Gulf and its effects on marine organisms , , , , 3 : M , , , & 3 : ... , , POT- , , , , , Irene Mavridis, , , , , ihao Huang, , , , , , , , , , , , ( )ACALC ACALC (The Anatolia College Annual Logic Compe-tition) , , ( )

    ACSTAC 2013

    ACSTAC 2014...

    120 , , 19 , ACSTAC. , . ACSTAC 2014 2014 Humanities meet Science, CERN. , , / / / / . , (exhibition) (construction), Debate Skype, animation. Otium caf ACSTAC Morley House , 23 2013. . ACSTAC ACALC (The Anatolia College Annual Logic Competition), , .

    : , AC-STAC (. 2310-398251, e-mail: [email protected].) .

    Forensics 2013

    , , , 400 Forensics 2013 . , , , 3 . 4 7 15 400 . : De-bate, Group Discussion, Impromptu Speaking, Original Oratory, Duet acting Oral Interpretation of Litera-ture. , , Forensics First Among Equals ( ). . , Comic Duet Acting . : Group Discussion , Im-promptu , Oral Interpre-tation . Yihao Huang (Group Discussion), , , - (Original Ora-tory). Debate , . 6, 9 10. 1 St. Lawrence, 2 - 3 .

    , 2 IB Diploma Program, 72 . , . (2011 2012) 23 . 1 . 2 : , , , . 3 : , , , , , , , . : , , , , , , , , . , , . , 2 . , , . 2 . , , , 1 2 , 2 . 3.000. .

    * . 1 100 . 200. 2 50 . 31 2013. .

  • 66 67

    American College of Thessaloniki ACT . 2013 2 2013, ACT. , Chief Operating & Co-Chief Investment Officer . . :

    . , .

    IB. 15 : .


    , 24 European Company of the Year 2013, Junior Achievement-Young Enterprise Europe, Wembley , 17-19 2013. 2013 , RevoRootion Inc. - 34 250 . , EXAPOT, , . H - Financial Management in usiness Award. , , , 1 17 Leadership Awards 250 .

    (IBDP) Upper Canada College (UCC) 18 , . project 12 UCC , Christos Paschalidis Matt Griem. 12 IBDB , 18 15 . 25 4 . , , . , , . . , . project .

    ACT American College of Thessaloniki

    . . , ACT. Philip and Marjorie Ireland Humanitarian Award . ACT , , , , .

    For the second summer in a row, the Birthright Program that is run by the Panhellenic Scholarship Foundation, based in Chicago, allocated 20 full scholarships, to Greek Heritage students of high academic standing, giving them the oppor-tunity to study for 5weeks in Thessaloniki at ACT. These students took part in the Pella Projcet, a study abroad program which offers a combination of studies and inten-sive travel. For the majority of the students this was their first time traveling to Greece and for a few it was the first time that any member of their immediate family was to re-turn to the home country from which their grand parents

    Birthright Program

    had left more than two generations ago.A number of them declared that they felt at home the minute they set foot on Greek soil; for others coming home was a gradual realization. The impact of this experience was immense on each one of the students as anyone can grasp by reading the weekly blogs that students kept while in Greece. Enrolled in a course on the World of Alexander the Great students literally followed in Alexanders footsteps as the young prince went from being a lad to becoming the king of Macedonia. Within their short stay, the group visited Vergina, Dion, Delphi, Athens, Pella, Olynthos, Philippi and Troy. During their trip to Constantinople they also had a chance to see Agia Sophia, the Bosporus as well as meet the Archbishop Bartholomeus in person at the Greek Patri-archy. The warm reception at ACT and their integration in the life of the campus and the life of Thessaloniki was more than they had dreamed of when setting out for this grand summer voyage. Tears and a promises to return with other Greek members of their family were shared with friends as they boarded the airplane back to the U.S., this time with a much stronger sense of who they were and with pride for their Greek heritage.

  • 68 69

    The semesters Dukakis Lecture was delivered by historian and classicist Angelos Chaniotis on the theme Graffiti in ancient cities Images and voices of daily life. Chaniotis, Professor of Ancient History and Classics at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, spoke to a standing room only audience of more than 80 peo-ple in one of the Bissell Library lounges, thanks in large part to the efforts of Anatolia colleague Haido Samara.The Dukakis Center co-sponsored Maria Kyriakidous annual gender and citizenship conference, this year on the theme Arts, Aesthetics and Power. The conference gathered several leading local and regional scholars, including keynote speaker Nayia Kamenou of the University of Cyprus. In June Anatolia alumnus Harris Mylonas presented his new book on The Politics of Nation-Building: Making Co-Nationals, Refugees, and Minorities (Cambridge University Press, 2013). Mylonas, Assistant Professor at The Elliot School, George Washington University, was accompanied by Professors George Th. Mavrogordatos, Elpida Vogli, and Othon Anastasakis at Ianos Bookstore on Aristotle Square.Professor Anastasakis, in Thessaloniki again for the Dukakis Centers annual summer Seesox Salonica Seminar, also took part in a briefing on the Greek sovereign debt crisis and its implications for southeast Europe, with local businessman Nikos Efthimiadis, for the benefit of ten German Marshal Fund Memorial Fellows, hosted by Elizabeth Phocas of Eliamep. The Fellows are mid-career Americans in both the private and public sectors who are chosen and funded by the GMF, a German institution, to travel throughout Europe. This is the fourth time ACT has collaborated with Eliamep to brief fellows travelling through Thessaloniki.Meanwhile, thanks to the efforts of Ruth Sutton and Laura Strieth, the Inspiration Exchange organized a celebration of International Womens Day entitled Big changes start with small solutions, and the third on activist journalism. The latter event featured Athens-based journalists and bloggers Kostas Kallergis and Da-mian Mac Con Uladh.

    Dukakis Center Activity

    ACT students shine at Startup Weekend!

    Serving as host and Platinum Sponsor for Startup Week-end Thessaloniki, ACT welcomed more than 150 people from throughout Northern Greece to the campus on first weekend in April. Keynote speaker, Mr. Paul Efmorfidis (CEO of Cocomat) inspired the crowd to think creative-ly, live differently, and honor your ideas. ACT students worked diligently throughout the weekend, participat-ing on more than 6 of the different teams, and ultimate-ly winning on a number of levels. First Prize was awarded to an ACT-led team, who developed DressMeFast, a smart-phone app for fashion-conscious consumers. The teams were mentored by seasoned professionals and the final efforts judged by a panel of distinguished experts, including Dr. Fanis Varvoglis Chair of ACTs Anatolia School of Business. Startup Weekends are recognized throughout the world as a great source of entrepreneur-ial training, and given the positive performance of our students, ACT looks forward to their continued success.

    Anatolia Elementary School

    , Anatolia Elementary School . , 400 , . , 300 , 280 , , . , 100 66

    Anatolia Elementary School . , . . , . , . Anato-lia Elementary School .

    46 . , , : , , , , , . , . Anatolia Elementary School .

    Peter Pan , , Pappas Hall Peter Pan. James Matthew Barrie, Anatolia Ele-mentary School Drama Club . , 13 14 , Club Club .


  • 70 71

    STEM STEM (Science, Technol-ogy, Engineering and Mathematics) Anatolia Elementary School . - 1 . , , , . Kindergarten STEM Family Day, . , , , .

    2014-15 Anatolia Elementary School ( 2009) ( 2008) 15 2013. 2310 301-330.

    Earth Day: , Earth Day .

    , . . capoeira , . , , , dodge ball , . Earth Day , , STEM , , , , . , , .

    With the help of the US College Counseling Office, 81 Anatolia College students participated in 25 different summer programs in the United States. Students went to institutions such as Stevens Institute of Technology, Da-vidson College, and the University of Michigan to name a few. And this Fall 40 Anatolia 2013 Alums are attending their first year in 32 universities, having received a total of over $4,450,000 in scholarships and financial aid! Our US Col-lege Counseling Center has already held two Senior Work-shops so our 39 U.S. bound Seniors are well into their ap-plication process. With one Senior Friday already under our belts, we have many more coming up in order to en-sure that our Seniors are fully prepared for the application process and have a deep understanding of the importance of each step. Along with our Seniors already well into the application process, we have also begun to work with our IB1 and 2nd Lyceum students with more than 30 students already committed to the process. Along with the steady flow of students in and out of the office, we will continue our tradition of cookies & conver-sation with 1st formers an enjoyable opportunity for 1st formers to communicate in English and share their own ideas. And we are continuing the International Relations Mentorship with applications out and Consulate sessions booked including the French, German, Turkish and US Consulates.

    Manousos Giamoukis (2013) is presently attending Davidson College in North Carolina. Manousos, a passionate athlete and excellent basketball player, was accepted both at Hamilton College (Division 2 - NCAA athletic category) and at Davidson (Division 1 - the best) - both with full scholarships. Manousos chose, finally, Davidson, and the exciting news is that he went to the Davidson coach upon his arrival there, tried out late (it is called a walk on - which is very rare for Division 1 teams) and he got on the team!

    News from the US College Counseling Office

    , 17 GPS . , , , .

    We are particularly excited to welcome our new group of American Fellows to the Anatolia Community! With two new positions we now have seven fellows, including: Col-lege Counseling, Student Activities, Resident Advisor, El-ementary Education, and the all new Special Education, Resident Advisor/Art, and Service Learning/STEM Fellows. Watch us grow our new positions have broadened the services to students. The trained Special Education Fellow is assisting the school psychologists, working alongside students and faculty to help students develop essential skills in time management, stress relief, and study habits. She also assists in testing accommodations, in the resi-dence hall, and with other administrative tasks with the school psychologist. The RA/Art Fellow works as a Resident Assistant in the Boarding Department and as a Teaching Assistant in the schools Art Department, co-teaching classes and assisting our teachers with planning, set-up, and cutting edge advances in art education. The Service Learning/STEM Fellow will implement, track, and evalu-ate service learning opportunities for students along with co-teaching a monthly service learning course. Within the STEM department the Fellow will assist the STEM Director with administrative tasks, advising extra-curricular clubs, and exploring/creating new service opportunities for STEM students.This year our service learning component matures through on-campus initiatives like anti-bullying campaigns and beautifying parts of campus, encouraging students to better understand their role in building a healthy school community. We will then branch off campus to the larger community, guiding student understanding of the impor-tance of helping their neighborhoods become cleaner and safer. Service learning connects what the students learn in the classroom to the outside world with outside projects, reflection, and research. Here are our new Fellows on a tour of the Old City! Help us welcome them to our community and if you would like to invite an Anatolia Fellow (or more) to your home, please contact us at the US College Counseling Office (2310-398340).

    Anatolia Elementary School

  • 72



    2013 .


  • 74





  • 7776

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    14-15-16 3 2014

    4o pi &

    ACSTAC 2014 pi

    pi & , &

    pi Dan & Helen Lindsay,

    Hrisi-Pappidou-Electris 34 & Pavlos Electris 60

    2013 ... ANATOLIANS

  • 78 79

    Rachel OConnorWe bid a very fond farewell to Rachel OConnor who after 10 years of exceptional service to the College is, with her husband and family, going back home to New Zealand.It may come as a surprise to many to learn that Rachel did not set out to be an English teacher. With roots in New Zealand, Ireland and United States, after gaining her Bachelor of Arts Degree in Christchurch, New Zealand she spent a number of years in England, working in the photographic industry, and then moved to Greece to teach English some twenty years ago. For the second decade of that period, Rachel taught English Language and Literature at Anatolia.There are so many laudatory adjectives one could use to de-scribe this most talented teacher. First of all, she was versatile and multi-talented, being able to effectively instruct five-year olds in the schools Bilingual Department as well as Sixth Formers in Art History for the intellectually demanding High School English Elective Programme. Secondly, being highly creative, she brought new ideas to her classroom and made every lesson a special experience for her students. Moreover, Rachel was one of the most co-operative staff members, always ready to share her innovative work and discuss problems, offering her words of wisdom to new and old colleagues alike. This sharing process was brilliantly extended outside the classroom with inspirational presenta-tions being made at TESOL and other conferences. In the field of extra-curricular activities she expertly coached students in Comic Oral Interpretations for Forensics. How-ever, teaching was not her only creative outlet, seeing that many of her Anatolia colleagues are in proud possession of samples of her delightful glass art work. She and her hus-band, Dionysis were regular contributors to the Anatolia Ba-zaar where faculty and the general public were able to pur-chase unique items to either decorate their homes or present as superb gifts to others.Whatever the challenge, she was ready to be in the van-guard. Thus, despite knowing well in advance that the 2012-2013 school year would be the last in her Anatolia career, she readily took on the extremely demanding Manhattan Theater Club obligation with her Second Form Lyceum class with a magnificent result, as well as actively participating in the preparations for the Middle Years Programme (MYP).To put it in a nutshell, it was a privilege for all of us at Ana-tolia to have Rachel as a colleague and mentor; and, like-wise, our students were extremely fortunate to have her as a teacher. J ohn Gateley English Department Chair

    Raylene ScottRaylene Scott is a prime example of why it is so important for the school to maintain a strong native American represen-tation in its English Department. She was here for just two years but that relatively short time was more than adequate for her to leave an indelible positive impression on her col-leagues and students.At a stage in life when most people would be looking forward to retirement, Raylene, instead, was full of youthful vitality, always exuding positive energy. Both in her International Bac-calaureate and High School classes she won over her students with her deep learning, particularly of poetry, intense interest in the well-being of her pupils, and her obvious enjoyment in undertaking every aspect of the teaching process. Never one to flinch from a challenge, last autumn she de-cided to offer a poetry course as a Sixth Form Elective. It was with some trepidation on my (the writers) part that she was given the go-ahead to teach it. Initially, my doubts appeared to be justified as several students who had not selected her as their first choice approached me requesting a change of section. I told them to persevere. Several days later, the re-verse occurred with students wishing to join her class! Much to my gratification, at the end of Raylenes poetry course, participating students admitted to me that, in many cases for the first time, they had come to love this most demanding and too often ignored field of literature.A further example will serve to typify how valuable her con-tribution was, namely, she took on a difficult low-achieving class in first year Lyceum, many of whom I had struggled with the previous year. With her as their teacher they gained in confidence and improved their standard of English as well as their grades. These former pupils of mine would approach me in the hallway to state with pride that they were making considerable progress in English. They were, indeed, gaining higher grades. In discussing whether Raylene had perhaps been a trifle generous with those grades, I incidentally but significantly discovered to my amazement how good the English of Anatolias students is. To explain, she showed me representative pieces of writing from her former American students. It was only then that I realized that even our less gifted Regular / Intermediate English students are of a higher linguistic caliber than their peers in the States. The revelation was stunning and explained her enthusiasm concerning the English ability and intellectual capacity of her beloved Greek students. In the field of extra curricular activities her work in Oratory for Forensics had similar exceptional results with her dedicated student team members loving every moment of their coaching sessions with her and giving great perfor-mances in the Panhellenic Forensics Tournament. It was with deep regret on her and our part that Raylene re-turned to the U.S.A and to her family. We all wish she could have stayed. In any case, she has left us all with the fondest of memories and the conviction that more inspired and inspi-rational instructors like her must cross the Atlantic and join our ranks.

    John GateleyEnglish Department Chair

    1978. , () 35 . , , , , . ,



    , , . , , . , . , . , . , . , . , . , , . , , . . , . . , . . , . .

    Flirt Snack House

  • 80 81


    Reunion 55 . . pro-Reunion. , . 55 , . . , . - . .

    - 55

    . . . . . , . . , . 22 . . cavalieri , , , , . , , , , , , , , , ., . . , , , , rock n roll . . ! ! : , : Anatolia .

    Reunion 55

  • 82 83

    58: . 58

    / 26 , Morley House, / . 1951 (Prep. Class) 7 . , , . , . / . , , , . , . ( ). , . 60 , , . : , . , , , , ,

    , , . , . , , A.C.T., , . . .

    , , . 5 reunion. , , , , . , , . , . 36 , , , , , , . , -Taylor, ..., . 58. - 37

    Reunion 58 - 27-29 2013

    (. ). 37 (. , . , . . )- 79 , 13 4 . - , /, , . , ; ! , . , , , , . . , . room-list, . . , , , . , . , , ; , , .

    . . , . . .

    , . , - , , , , . . , . . . -

  • 84 85

    , , , , , , , , , , . . 1821 . . . . , . duetto , , . 2 . . . . , , , . . , . . .

    . - , 1912. 100 . , , . . . . . , . 35.000 . . , , , , , . !! . , - . , , , . . 7 . - . , !

    Reunion 62

    , 29 , 9.30 15 62, , -. ( ) , , (), . . , , . ! , , , . . .

    . , . . cherry pink and apple blossom white . , , , . , , , . , , , , , ( ), , , Arnold, -, ..




  • 86 87

    Reunion 62

    , 9, 28 62 , , , . , . , . , reunion 50 . . , , ambience , , ...

    Reunion 63

    - 63

    , , , , 1963, 50 , (!) , ( , , , ). (, , , ..) . , , , . , , , , , , . , , , , . [

    ; ... ;] , . , - . . , , ...:

    , , , . . , , , , - . . 1963 2013 , . . , , , , , , , , ., , ... 1963, . 2013, , . , .


  • 88 89

    Reunion 73 o 16-19



    16 - - 40 . ( ) . . : 16-19 . . Reunion MORLEY HOUSE . , , , , . . , , . , , . . , , , ;, , ; . - - ., , , .. , , , , . ,

    . , , , ., , , , , , - . , , , , , , . . . , (, , ) ; ; , , , - - . , - 40 . , , . , , Reunion - ... , : .... , , , , 73!

  • 90 91

    Reunion 83


    Reunion 93

    30 ; ! , ! , , 6-8 , 83 , . , , , , - .. , , 53 ( ,


    14 2013, 93 . 20 Macedonia Hall.91 , , , . , 20 .

    . , , . 10 ! reunion !

    ) ! , , , , , , , reunion ! , , , . , ! , , , - 50(!) ! , , !!!

  • 92 93

    Reunion 03 ArtRoom Macedonia Hall 29 2013 - , 10 , 2003. . , .

  • 94 95

    , 20 . 1955 , . . , - . , , , .2010, 14 , .


    2013, 22 , , . 4 2012 , reunion 2012 , . . - - , . , . , . ,

    , , . . , , , , , ,

    , 60 . , , , , , - , - reunion , . , , . , , . - - , - - , - - ;;;. , . , . ---- , , - - . , , . , :

    , , , . , . , , . ; , 3.000 ... ;;; , , . , ( ;) , , , , ,



    , 55



    , , , , . , . . , , . , , ! ., ,

    - 53

  • 96 97

    , , , . .., , 78 .., , . , , , . 1972 . 41 , . (1975) , , , . 2009, . . , . 2011 50 . , , . . ,

    , - , .. , . , . , . , . , , . , , . : . . , , , , , , , , . ! , , : , . , , , , , , . , .

    - 57

    57 ,


    21 , , . , . , , 13 . . 1946 . . , , 100 200 . . , , , . . , 1949 , Rip-pon College ., , .

    . , . . , , , , , . , , , , - .. . . . , . , . . , , , , / . , , This is not in our priorities. , Thanksgiving . Anatolia ., ....


  • 98 99

    . . . , , . , . . . , . , . , , . .

    , - ; : , , , , . : ; , . - - acedonia Hall, , Anatolia, , . , , , , . . , , , , , . , , ...

    - 49


    , . . . , 70. , , , . , . , . . ( !), , , , . , . , , . , . . , --, , Field Day, . , 70, .. 10 , 5 , 4 , 4 (---) Field Day. ( 1973-74 ). , . , , . , . . 1972 1973. , 35

    , . 1975, Aegean Tournament, ACS . . , 2 . 5 , . , - 5 , . . -. . . . . . , , . , , , , . . Aegean Tournament 1978, ACS. , - , . , , , . , -, 5 . , ACS. . ; , ; . - . -, . , . 100%. , , , Ae-gean Tournament 1978.

    , , . , . , . , . . . , . .


    . . - ! -, -

    21 , 7 , Raphael Hall ,

    , & .


    Carleton University , Corallia.


  • 100 101

    , , . , , . , , , , , 1946 . , , - : , . (. ) . 1915-1943, , , . . . , , . 1979 , , , - ( , ), , , ( ), . - . . , . . . . , , :

    . . , , , . 1/9/2013, , , , , . . . . . 80, , [] , , Kalfay-an Galleries , , , , (, .). . , , . . 1974, . . . prep-class Mr. Kent. Roy Moyer. Pieta , . . , , . . 1947, , . . Carl Campton ( ). - 1952 . - . . , , , . . , , , , , - , . . : . .. .. .

    - 63

    , , .Josephine Wall

    - , ., 30 2013, , , , . , , . ... , , , , . , , . , . . , , , ...

    - 64


    5 . . - 61. , , ., , . , , , , !

    - 61



    Alas, Sotiris was my oldest and closest friend from my four years at Anatolia. We were in regular contact, so I knew this was coming while also hoping that it would not happen so

    soon. We have lost a model of integrity, of deep humanity, of personal loyalty, of dedication to sci-ence. I shall mourn this loss as long as I live.

    In deepest sadness,Yani

  • 102 103


    SIM 90

    SIM . , , , ringtone , , .. SIM Application Toolkit . , SIM . . LG , apps smartphones. SIM , . . AfricaCOM (12-14 2013), Bluefish Technologies.:

    57 32 M

    1966 , , 32 , - - - - , . , , . , , 33 .O T N 30 , 17 ( , , 2004) 13 (4 , 6 3 ). . , 2008, 2009.

    Anatolia Elementary Anatolia High School American College of Thessaloniki

    .. 21021, T.K. 555 10, , T.: 2310 398.200

    ... pipi 127 , pi

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    pi pi. pi pipi, pi!

    - Oscar Wilde

    17 !

    4 !4 !

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    52 !8 pi!

    11 pi!

    75 pipi (Yale, Columbia, Imperial, UCL, Johns Hopkins, Brown, King's College ..)

    2013 = $ 4.247.016

    180 pi!170 - 10


  • 104

    > Zumba club! zumba club .... . 20:15- 21:15 & 16:30-17:30 : 2310 238835

    > & 19:15 - 20:15 - :2310 238835


    2 19.00 .



    21 , 7 , Raphael Hall ,

    , & .

    > .


    . :

    Morley House, Anatolia College 2310 238835


    : 8:30 - 13:30, 16:30 - 19:30: 9:00 - 12:00 | : 9:00 - 12:00

    > waiting for xmas & new years eve party!