analytics - what you need to know

What you need to know &

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Post on 14-Apr-2017




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Page 1: Analytics - what you need to know

What you need to know


Page 2: Analytics - what you need to know

Do you make business decisions based on data?

Modern marketers know that a data-driven approach to

sales and marketing is needed for success. But many

people do not know key aspects of how analytics software

actually works.

Page 3: Analytics - what you need to know

The Story of Analytics: Where did it come from?

Google Analytics:Urchin Software Corp created an analytics product in the early 2000s that offered innovative features for collecting data from websites. Google acquired the company in April 2005 and rebranded this soft-ware as Google Analytics (GA). The last major software update was in 2011.

Funnl:Boxter created the first version of Funnl analytics in 2014. Funnl was made to fill in the gaps of GA and offer additional features needed for websites doing online advertising and marketing. The 4th version of Funnl was released in 2016.

Each of these analytics products was built to solve major problems at the time, and each has a totally different approach to storing and analyzing data.



Page 4: Analytics - what you need to know

What's the big picture?

Macro vs. Micro

2 different approaches to analytics:

If you want to see overall trends and numbers then Google Analytics is a great tool to get a macro look at what's going on overall.

If you need detailed and accurate data analysis then Funnl lets you examine all your analytics data at a more granular level.

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Overall trends and numbers

Bounce rate

Social ads ROI

Person level data

Control and export of data

Goal tracking

Customer journey analysis

Ease of use

Limit of 20Unlimited

*Google Analytics Premium allows you to export data and has higher limits.

Pricing for it starts at $150,000/year.

What's the best tool for the job?


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How accurate is your data?

Most people do not realize that the reports in Google Analytics can have a 20-30% margin of error.


Google Analytics has two issues with accuracy due to how the software works.

1. It uses sampled data, so for example if you run a report on a million visitors to your site it will only actually look at ~5% of the actual data. Even when setting reports to the highest accuracy setting the data will on average be +/-10% accurate.

2. 10-20% of your visitors are running ad blocking or privacy software that blocks GA. So these people are completely missing from your analytics data.

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How is different

1. It does not use sampled data.

2. It's not blocked by any ad blockers or privacy software, and has proprietary technology that prevents it being blocked in the future.

3. +99% accurate data

4. Allows you full access, ownership and exporting of all analytics data.

5. Works seamlessly on every device.

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How expensive is your Analytics in time and money?

The average marketer costs $20-50 an hour.

Using Google Analytics can take a lot of time to set up and use on a regular basis. And to become an expert at using it requires a serious amount of time.

Learning how to use Funnl only takes a few minutes because of the easy to use user interface. Powerful data analysis options are available with an easy to use natural language report builder.

How long does it take to install analytics and configure reporting?

GA: ? hoursFunnl: Less than a minute

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Do you know the ROI of _______?

Are you spending money for online ads, social media, SEO or marketing?

Google makes all their money from companies buying their ads. Their number one goal as a public company is to get people to buy more ads.

Funnl has a business model of providing top notch data analytics to businesses. The goal of Funnl is to help you understand your data and make smarter decisions for growing your business.

Funnl helps you quickly and easily understand the ROI of:

FacebookPinterestTwitterLinkedInInstagramPPC adsContent marketingSEO

Page 10: Analytics - what you need to know

Customer Journey Data

Would you like to explore all your customer's journeys to optimize conversions?

no yes

Google Analytics simply does not give you any of this customer journey data for individual people. It only gives you an overview of major data points.

Page 11: Analytics - what you need to know

- Referrer sources

- Time and date of every interaction

- IP addresses

- Geographic location

- Device

- Operating system

- Browser

- Screen resolution

- Language

- User agent

- Total number of interactions

- Length in time of customer journey

- Total number of separate visits

- Whether each interaction is on mobile

- UTM Campaign names

- UTM Sources

- UTM Mediums

- UTM Terms

- UTM Content

- Name and contact info from forms

- Time per page

Funnl stores all this data for every individual person in your sales funnel:

Funnl reports allow you to sort, filter, search and visualize any of these data points very quickly. You can do a deep dive into the customer journey of any person to see everything they did even over months of time.

You can also query any combination of these data points to determine ROI, conversion rates or any other questions you want to ask about the people in your sales funnel.

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- UTM Campaign names

- UTM Sources

- UTM Mediums

- UTM Terms

- UTM Content

- Name and contact info from forms

- Time per page

Have any questions or want to see more?

Contact us for a free consultation or demo.

[email protected]

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