analysis of saving private ryan

Analysis of saving private ryan In this presentation I will be analysing the shellshock scene from saving private ryan.

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Page 1: Analysis Of Saving Private Ryan

Analysis of saving private ryan

In this presentation I will be analysing the shellshock

scene from saving private ryan.

Page 2: Analysis Of Saving Private Ryan

The camera is a mid shot as we can see his face and his facial expression which are curious but scared. The lighting is quite bright as we can see his face and his surroundings. His outfit is authentic which adds to the realism. The sound is faint as if he is shell-shocked but you can here is surroundings. The setting is a beach that is being stormed it is obvious by his surroundings.

Page 3: Analysis Of Saving Private Ryan

The camera shot is a mid shot as it is to close to be a long shot, it is also a subjective point of view shot as it is through Tom hanks eyes. The light is bright as you can see the people in the shot. The costumes are authentic as they are world war 2 ally outfits. You cannot see the soldier’s facial expression but there body movements show us they are scared and want to be somewhere else. The sound is still shell-shocked but you can faintly hear the sound of the screams of the dying Americans.

Page 4: Analysis Of Saving Private Ryan

The camera shot is a long shot as you can see the characters whole body again it is a subjective point of view shot. The lighting is very bright and it is brighter because of the fire. The sound is still the sound of shell-shocked but you can faintly hear an explosion and the screams of Americans. The explosion looks realistic as the flamethrowers gas pack has been shot, the body motions and the faint screams of the characters show they are in pain, The outfits again look incredibly authentic.

Page 5: Analysis Of Saving Private Ryan

The camera shot is a mid shot as you can see half his body and his emotions show he is shocked and looks physically sick the blood on his face shows the violence and scale of carnage that is going on around him. The sound id still shell-shocked but you can hear explosions going of around him. The outfit tom hanks is wearing show you where he is and the setting around him shows you how serious his situation is.

Page 6: Analysis Of Saving Private Ryan

The camera shot is a long shot with a subjective point of view shot showing a soldier that has lost his arm and other soldier’s are hiding behind dead soldier’s. We can see by the soldier’s movement he was desperate to find his arm. The sound is still shell-shocked, the light is still bright and showing all the surroundings. The setting is obviously a war zone. The soldier with the missing arm seems to not care about his surroundings or his predicament and shows no sign of pain however it is as if nothing matters.

Page 7: Analysis Of Saving Private Ryan

The light in this is slightly darker and looks more sinister and the water adds to the sinister look as the water is red the water usually seen as pure but now its not it looks violent. The sound is still a shell-shocked sound with the mix of the ocean. The camera shot is a close up of his helmet.

Page 8: Analysis Of Saving Private Ryan

The shot is a close up of his face you can see his facial expression which is really serious it has a sort of look that say’s “let’s do this”. The sound is still shell-shocked, the light is very bright on him making him look sick but it also show’s he is the main character, the outfit he is wearing looks authentic.

Page 9: Analysis Of Saving Private Ryan

The camera shot is a close up subjective point of view shot, and the light is quite bright as we can see the character and everything behind him also by his facial expressions we can see that he is very serious and is trying to alert Tom Hanks to move. The sound is shell-shocked but his hearing is coming back and we can hear the soldier screaming at him.

Page 10: Analysis Of Saving Private Ryan

The camera is a close up of his face he has the same expression which is to take charge his eye’s say the same thing, the light has gone back to normal and he does not look as sick which also show’s he mean’s business the blood down his face shows the violence and brutality of the war.