analysing a pop music video conventions (5sos)

Analysing a pop music videos conventions (5 seconds of summer, she looks so perfect) Camera work In the first shot a shallow focus wide shot is used, focusing on the microphone and not focusing on the band in the background. The reasoning for this is as it makes it more ascetically pleasing for the audience, the use of this shot emphasises that they about to start singing their song therefore this shot allows the audience to build up some excitement before the song starts. A shot is also taken using the technique of a hand held camera . The reasoning for this is signify that he band is young meaning they are carefree and having fun, therefore using this camera technique this can be connoted. A two shot in medium close up is used. This is done so the audience can see who the main singer is, he composition expresses this as the main singer is in front and therefore shown to be bigger than the other male who is also singing at this point. This is conventional as it shows who the main vocal within the band is.

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Post on 23-Jun-2015




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Page 1: Analysing a pop music video conventions (5sos)

Analysing a pop music videos conventions(5 seconds of summer, she looks so perfect)

Camera work In the first shot a shallow focus wide shot is used, focusing on the microphone and not focusing on the band in the background. The reasoning for this is as it makes it more ascetically pleasing for the audience, the use of this shot emphasises that they about to start singing their song therefore this shot allows the audience to build up some excitement before the song starts.

A shot is also taken using the technique of a hand held camera. The reasoning for this is signify that he band is young meaning they are carefree and having fun, therefore using this camera technique this can be connoted.

A two shot in medium close up is used. This is done so the audience can see who the main singer is, he composition expresses this as the main singer is in front and therefore shown to be bigger than the other male who is also singing at this point. This is conventional as it shows who the main vocal within the band is.

This shot is also conventional, it is a low angle medium close up, and this has been used so they can focus on the lead singer of the band. The reasoning for this is to connote his role with in the song as he is the vocal of the group. The way the male in this shot is leaning forward gives the shot more energy and therefore becomes more interesting. As a low angle is used it shows that the audience look up to him and may idolise him.

Page 2: Analysing a pop music video conventions (5sos)

This shot is a wide shot. It shows that the band are together which connotes they are good friends. This is stereotypical as the target audience is teenagers and teenagers are normally very focused about have a group of friends which this shot is signifying.


Action match is used, from a long shot to a close up of a male dressed as a police officer, this is used to represent that the teenagers in the video of mischievous and rebellious which is typical of the teenagers who the video is aimed at so therefore will appeal to them. The editing technique used helps to emphasise that they are in trouble and are rebellious and therefore is beneficial to the video.

Cross cutting is used from a male in a setting which seems to be a prison like setting, the man is signified to be sad a miserable however there is then a cut to the band singing, this then shows how the male seems to be saved from his sadness by hearing the music. This emphasises that the band’s music can help make people happy. This would appeal to the target audience as they stereotypically enjoy being happy and like things that make people happy.

Page 3: Analysing a pop music video conventions (5sos)

Fast paste editing is also used; this connotes the happiness of the people due to listening to the band’s music. The first shot of the band used fast paste editing; this connoted their happiness and friendship which represents them to be nice people. The second shot is fast paste editing the male in the prison setting again, he is lifting a weight which connotes the power he now feels due to listening to the music.

Sound Lip syncing is used throughout the whole video, this shows who the lead singer is of the band. By showing this it helps the audience understand more about the band they are listening to, the sound of the instruments throughout the video and the use of props such as drums help the audience understand who the other member of the band are. The lip syncing is a convention of music videos. The use of editing also helps emphasis the paste of the music, for example as the music paste speeds up the editing becomes more fast past.

Mise-en-scene The costume that one of the band members is wearing is conventional as you can tell he is fashionable and the way he is styled connotes his youthfulness. As he has he shirt tied around his waist, this is typical for individuals of his age and the target audience. Therefore the use of costume is appealing to the target audience as they may idolise the males fashion sense and style.

The setting connotes many things about the band which is appealing to the target audience. For example the graffiti on the bin shows that they are rebellious just like many other teenagers their age, this is appealing to the audience as it shows that the band members they idolise share the same interests as them. Many teenagers hang around in places such as the setting where the band are, this connotes that are just regular

Page 4: Analysing a pop music video conventions (5sos)

teenagers and therefore appealing to the target audience as it shows that the band members are similar to them.

High key lighting is used in this shot, the reasoning for this is because the band’s music has just managed to make many different people happy throughout the video and the high key lighting therefore connotes the happiness of these individuals and is conventional for a pop music video.

There is also a good use of props throughout the video, for example the male in the prison setting is seen lifting a weight. This connotes that he is so happy he feels powerful enough to lift a weight. This is conventional as it is showing how the music is making people happy which most pop bands aim to do.