an evaluation of the forest service hazardous fuels & fuels management an evaluation...

fire & fuels management An Evaluation of the Forest Service Hazardous Fuels Treatment Program—Are We Treating Enough to Promote Resiliency or Reduce Hazard? Nicole M. Vaillant and Elizabeth D. Reinhardt The National Cohesive Wildland Fire Management Strategy recognizes that wildfire is a necessary natural process in many ecosystems and strives to reduce conflicts between fire-prone landscapes and people. In an effort to mitigate potential negative wildfire impacts proactively, the Forest Service fuels program reduces wildland fuels. As part of an internal program assessment, we evaluated the extent of fuel treatments and wildfire occurrence within lands managed by the National Forest System (NFS) between 2008 and 2012. We intersected fuel treatments with historic disturbance rates to assess the extent to which the program compensates for the disturbance deficit caused by fire suppression and with current wildfire hazard to evaluate whether fuel treatments strategically target high hazard locations. Annually, 45% of NFS lands that would have historically burned were disturbed by fuel treatments and characteristic wildfire, indicating that NFS lands remain in a “disturbance deficit.” The highest wildfire hazard class had the lowest percentage of area treated and the highest proportion of both wildfire of any severity and uncharacteristically high-severity wildfire, suggesting that an alternative distribution of fuel treatment locations will probably improve program effectiveness. Keywords: LANDFIRE, mechanical treatment, prescribed fire, resiliency, wildfire hazard F ire exclusion, past land management, increased frequency of drought, higher temperatures, and longer periods of “fire weather” have contributed to the in- creased number, extent, and cost of wildfires over the last several decades (Westerling et al. 2006, Dennison et al. 2014, Stephens et al. 2014, Thompson et al. 2015). The 10- year average number of acres burned has more than doubled from the 1985–1994 to 2005–2014 periods (National Interagency Fire Center [NIFC] 2015). The 2015 fire season experienced a record number of mega- fires (100,000 ac) and burned a record 10.1 million ac nationally. This trend is not likely to change as the frequency of condi- tions and the duration of the season associ- ated with large fire growth are predicted to increase through the mid-21st century as a result of anthropogenic climate change (Bar- bero et al. 2015). As the area burned has doubled, the cost associated with suppress- ing wildfires has quadrupled (NIFC 2015). Between 1995 and 2015, the amount of an- nual funding allocated to fire suppression has risen from 16 to 52% of the US Depart- ment of Agriculture (USDA) Forest Service budget (USDA Forest Service 2015a). Even with an increased budget allocation, the For- est Service has relied on emergency funding transfers to continue to suppress fires during the past four fire seasons at the cost of other programs within the agency (Thompson et al. 2015, USDA Forest Service 2015a) in- cluding hazardous fuel treatments. Given the predictions for longer fire seasons and a higher frequency of large fires in the future (Barbero et al. 2015), the cost of fire will probably continue to increase unless effec- tive mitigation actions are taken. Fuel treatments are designed to reduce or redistribute ground, surface, and canopy fuels by removing trees, masticating/mow- ing small diameter trees and shrubs, piling fuels and burning them, or applying pre- scribed fire. An effective fuel treatment will slow the spread of fire and reduce the likeli- hood of crown fire, aid suppression efforts, and reduce the intensity and severity of a Received September 15, 2016; accepted December 16, 2016; published online January 26, 2017. Affiliations: Nicole M. Vaillant ([email protected]), USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station, Western Wildland Environmental Threat Assessment Center, Prineville, OR. Elizabeth D. Reinhardt ([email protected]), USDA Forest Service, Washington Office, Fire Aviation and Management, retired. Acknowledgments: This article would not have been possible without the guidance and help of Karen Short, Greg Dillon, Robin Lilly, and Don Long with data acquisition and coaching. We thank Frank Fay, Don Long, Nancy Grulke, Borys Tkacz, Cynthia Miner, Brandon Collins, and two anonymous reviewers for improving the quality of this article. RESEARCH ARTICLE 300 Journal of Forestry • July 2017 J. For. 115(4):300 –308

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Page 1: An Evaluation of the Forest Service Hazardous Fuels & fuels management An Evaluation of the Forest Service Hazardous Fuels Treatment Program—Are We Treating Enough to

fire & fuels management

An Evaluation of the Forest ServiceHazardous Fuels Treatment Program—AreWe Treating Enough to Promote Resiliency orReduce Hazard?Nicole M. Vaillant and Elizabeth D. Reinhardt

The National Cohesive Wildland Fire Management Strategy recognizes that wildfire is a necessary natural processin many ecosystems and strives to reduce conflicts between fire-prone landscapes and people. In an effort tomitigate potential negative wildfire impacts proactively, the Forest Service fuels program reduces wildland fuels.As part of an internal program assessment, we evaluated the extent of fuel treatments and wildfire occurrencewithin lands managed by the National Forest System (NFS) between 2008 and 2012. We intersected fueltreatments with historic disturbance rates to assess the extent to which the program compensates for thedisturbance deficit caused by fire suppression and with current wildfire hazard to evaluate whether fueltreatments strategically target high hazard locations. Annually, 45% of NFS lands that would have historicallyburned were disturbed by fuel treatments and characteristic wildfire, indicating that NFS lands remain in a“disturbance deficit.” The highest wildfire hazard class had the lowest percentage of area treated and the highestproportion of both wildfire of any severity and uncharacteristically high-severity wildfire, suggesting that analternative distribution of fuel treatment locations will probably improve program effectiveness.

Keywords: LANDFIRE, mechanical treatment, prescribed fire, resiliency, wildfire hazard

F ire exclusion, past land management,increased frequency of drought, highertemperatures, and longer periods of

“fire weather” have contributed to the in-creased number, extent, and cost of wildfiresover the last several decades (Westerlinget al. 2006, Dennison et al. 2014, Stephenset al. 2014, Thompson et al. 2015). The 10-year average number of acres burned hasmore than doubled from the 1985–1994 to2005–2014 periods (National Interagency

Fire Center [NIFC] 2015). The 2015 fireseason experienced a record number of mega-fires (�100,000 ac) and burned a record10.1 million ac nationally. This trend is notlikely to change as the frequency of condi-tions and the duration of the season associ-ated with large fire growth are predicted toincrease through the mid-21st century as aresult of anthropogenic climate change (Bar-bero et al. 2015). As the area burned hasdoubled, the cost associated with suppress-

ing wildfires has quadrupled (NIFC 2015).Between 1995 and 2015, the amount of an-nual funding allocated to fire suppressionhas risen from 16 to 52% of the US Depart-ment of Agriculture (USDA) Forest Servicebudget (USDA Forest Service 2015a). Evenwith an increased budget allocation, the For-est Service has relied on emergency fundingtransfers to continue to suppress fires duringthe past four fire seasons at the cost of otherprograms within the agency (Thompsonet al. 2015, USDA Forest Service 2015a) in-cluding hazardous fuel treatments. Giventhe predictions for longer fire seasons and ahigher frequency of large fires in the future(Barbero et al. 2015), the cost of fire willprobably continue to increase unless effec-tive mitigation actions are taken.

Fuel treatments are designed to reduceor redistribute ground, surface, and canopyfuels by removing trees, masticating/mow-ing small diameter trees and shrubs, pilingfuels and burning them, or applying pre-scribed fire. An effective fuel treatment willslow the spread of fire and reduce the likeli-hood of crown fire, aid suppression efforts,and reduce the intensity and severity of a

Received September 15, 2016; accepted December 16, 2016; published online January 26, 2017.

Affiliations: Nicole M. Vaillant ([email protected]), USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station, Western Wildland Environmental Threat AssessmentCenter, Prineville, OR. Elizabeth D. Reinhardt ([email protected]), USDA Forest Service, Washington Office, Fire Aviation and Management, retired.

Acknowledgments: This article would not have been possible without the guidance and help of Karen Short, Greg Dillon, Robin Lilly, and Don Long with dataacquisition and coaching. We thank Frank Fay, Don Long, Nancy Grulke, Borys Tkacz, Cynthia Miner, Brandon Collins, and two anonymous reviewers forimproving the quality of this article.


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Page 2: An Evaluation of the Forest Service Hazardous Fuels & fuels management An Evaluation of the Forest Service Hazardous Fuels Treatment Program—Are We Treating Enough to

wildfire under all but the most extremeweather conditions (e.g., Agee and Skinner2005, Reinhardt et al. 2008). Effective treat-ments could theoretically reduce the cost offuture fire suppression efforts by reducingtotal acres burned (Thompson et al. 2013),although suppression expenditures dependon a host of variables. Although reducing therate of fire spread is often the primary targetof treatments, the number of burned acrescan be less important than reducing fire in-tensity and, therefore, fire effects (Reinhardtet al. 2008). Ideally, strategic use of fueltreatments can facilitate our ability to man-age wildfire for resource benefits and mighteventually lead to beneficial increases in wild-fire acreage (Reinhardt et al. 2008, Northet al. 2015).

Fuel treatment strategies typically fallwithin two overarching land managementobjectives: ecosystem maintenance/restora-tion or fire control (Omi 2015). Theprimary goal of ecosystem maintenance/restoration is to promote or maintain fire-resilient landscapes. For fire control, the goalof fuel treatments is to facilitate wildfire sup-pression activities through the reduction offuel hazards with strategic placement acrossa landscape. Spatial strategies for fuel man-agement will vary, depending on the objec-tive. Treatments aimed to promote resil-iency can be either concentrated in a set areaor dispersed across a landscape to break upthe continuity of fuels with the goal of pro-moting variable fire effects when a wildfireinevitably arrives (Ager et al. 2013). Thosedesigned to aid in suppression actions can befor “point protection,” where the treatmentsare concentrated around a specific value orasset needing protection or to create a net-work of treatments to contain fires at defen-sible locations, such as along roads and ridgetops (Agee et al. 2000, Ager et al. 2013).Although a treatment may be designed forfire control or to promote resiliency, theseobjectives are not always mutually exclusive,and benefits may be seen beyond the treat-ment boundaries. In a simulation study,Ager et al. (2010) demonstrated that treat-ments designed to protect homes (fire con-trol) also reduced off-site large tree mortality(resiliency) and vice versa.

Since the inception of the National FirePlan (2000) in 2001, the use of fuel treat-ments to reduce the likelihood of uncharac-teristic fires by the Forest Service has nearlydoubled (USDA Forest Service 2014). TheFLAME Act of 2009 and resulting NationalCohesive Wildland Fire Management Strat-

egy (“Cohesive Strategy”) (Wildland FireLeadership Council [WFLC] 2014) reiter-ate the need to evaluate wildland fire man-agement in the United States. The CohesiveStrategy recognizes that fire is a necessarynatural process in many ecosystems andstrives to reduce conflicts between fire-pronelandscapes and people (WFLC 2014). Toachieve this, one of the core goals of theCohesive Strategy is to manage fuels at thelandscape scale to restore and maintain fire-resilient landscapes in accordance with man-agement objectives. Another is to imple-ment safe, effective, and efficient wildfireresponses that can be facilitated by hazardreduction through fuel treatments. Priorstudies have analyzed federal fuel treatmentsin the western United States with respect tofire regime (Schoennagel and Nelson 2010)and proximity to the wildland-urban inter-face, used as a proxy for hazard (Schoennagelet al. 2009). However, because of the lack ofspatially explicit data, they created circularbuffers based on the treatment centroid.With the development of nationally avail-able, spatially explicit data, it is now possibleto evaluate the Forest Service fuel treatmentprogram using the actual treatment foot-prints. Seeking improved strategies for re-ducing fuels, the USDA Forest Service firemanagement leadership initiated this effortto evaluate whether fuel management is im-pacting enough area in the correct locations.To complete this, we evaluated the extent ofmechanical treatments, prescribed fire, andwildfire occurrence within Forest Service-administered lands from 2008 to 2012 withrespect to historic fire return intervals andcurrent wildfire hazard.


Fuel Treatments Completed and Wild-fire Acres Burned

LANDFIRE provides more than 20geospatial layers characterizing vegetation,fuels, fire regime, and disturbance for theUnited States and insular areas, which arewidely used in fire and land management,resource assessment, and wildlife habitat mod-eling (e.g., Rollins 2009, Nelson et al. 2013,Ryan and Opperman 2013). LANDFIREDisturbance (LANDFIRE 2014a) data lay-ers were used to quantify the type and loca-tion of fuel treatments and wildfires on landsadministered by the National Forest System(NFS). The disturbance layers were devel-oped using a mix of the LANDFIRE Eventsdatabase (LANDFIRE 2014b), wildfire oc-currence data, and remote sensing-based dis-turbance detection techniques (Vogelmannet al. 2011, Jin et al. 2013, Nelson et al.2013). The LANDFIRE Events database in-cludes point and polygon data from bothnatural (e.g., wildfire and insects) and an-thropogenic (e.g., harvesting and fuel treat-ments) sources and includes at a minimumthe year, type, and location of the distur-bance (Nelson et al. 2013). LANDFIREEvents data were acquired from federal,state, tribal, local, and private entities, vettedby LANDFIRE personnel, and cleaned byoverlapping all the data sources and types tocreate a single unique event per year and lo-cation (Nelson et al. 2013). Wildfire occur-rence data come from the MonitoringTrends in Burn Severity (MTBS) (Eiden-shink et al. 2007), Burned Area ReflectanceClassification (BARC), or Rapid Assessmentof Vegetation Condition after Wildfire

Management and Policy Implications

The Forest Service Strategic Plan (USDA Forest Service 2015b) acknowledges the natural role of fire inmany ecosystems as well as the potential threat of wildfire to public safety, property, and naturalresources. One of the tools used to proactively mitigate potential negative wildfire impacts is fueltreatments. Understanding where past fuel treatments and wildfires have occurred is important forprioritizing future fuel treatments. We found that current treatment implementation is not focused on theareas that would most reduce fire hazard nor is it at a scale that approximates historic disturbance ratesacross NFS lands. Strategies to reduce fire hazard and achieve the ecological benefits of fire include thefollowing: increasing the extent of fuel treatments if resources permit; designing treatments to createconditions conducive to naturally ignited fires burning under desired conditions while fulfilling anecological role; and placing treatments to reduce hazard while providing options for firefighting whenhighly valued resources and assets are present. The data sets employed in this analysis can be used tobetter inform future fuel treatment placement when appropriate.

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(RAVG) programs. The Multi-Index Inte-grated Change Analysis (MIICA) method,which uses Landsat pairs to detect distur-bance and land cover change patterns, wasused to detect vegetation change (Jin et al.2013). LANDFIRE Events were bufferedand then overlaid on the MIICA-detectedchanges to assign a disturbance type. If thedisturbance did not fall within any buff-ered events, it was labeled unknown (Nel-son et al. 2013).

LANDFIRE Disturbance types includeresidential and commercial development,silvicultural treatments (clearcut, thinning,or harvest), mastication, other mechanicaltreatments, fire (wildfire, wildland fire use,wildland fire, or prescribed fire), weather,chemical (insecticide or herbicide), insects,disease, biological, and unknown. For ouranalysis we created three disturbance groups:mechanical treatments, prescribed fire, andwildfire (Table 1). The mechanical treat-ment is a broad category including manydisturbance types, all of which have beenconsidered fuel treatments within the ForestService Activity Tracking System (FACTS).With the exception of the assignment of theprescribed fire disturbance type, we used un-altered LANDFIRE data.

We updated the prescribed fire type as-signment because these fires can be incor-rectly categorized during the LANDFIREprocessing steps. During the LANDFIREprocessing steps, if a disturbance was de-tected and it coincided with a MTBS pro-gram fire perimeter, it was categorized as awildfire, regardless of the fire type. To cor-rect this, prescribed fire perimeters from theLANDFIRE Events data and fire type as-signed to the MTBS perimeters were used tocheck and update the fire type to prescribedfire when warranted. In addition, we reas-signed the remaining LANDFIRE un-

known/other fire types to the prescribed firecategory for our analysis. Totals werechecked against the Incident ManagementSituation Report (IMSR) archives to verifythat prescribed fire and wildfire acres weresimilar after correction.

Within the LANDFIRE Disturbanceproduct, severity is assigned to each pixelburned in a wildfire. MTBS, BARC, andRAVG wildfire severity classes include un-burned/low, low, moderate, and high andwere determined by each project’s criteriaand applied to the LANDFIRE data. Theseprograms accounted for 94% of areaburned. For wildfires not mapped by theseprograms (typically fires of �1,000 ac in theWest and �400 ac in the East), LANDFIREdetermined severity by using mosaicked dif-ference normalized burn ratio data classifiedinto high-, medium-, and low-severity levelsbased on a statistical comparison with theMTBS, BARC, and RAVG fire severity(LANDFIRE 2014a). To assess whether se-verity was characteristic, uncharacteristicallylow, or uncharacteristically high, we usedthe LANDFIRE Fire Regime Group (FRG)(LANDFIRE 2014c) definitions of presumedhistorical severity and compared these to theseverity assigned in the LANDFIRE Distur-bance products on a pixel-by-pixel basis. Forfire regime groups characterized by low- andmixed-severity (FRG I and FRG III), pixelsburned at unburned/low, low, and moderateseverity were considered characteristic, andpixels burned at high severity were deter-mined to be uncharacteristically high. Forfire regime groups characterized by replace-ment severity (FRG II and FRG IV), pixelsburned at high severity were consideredcharacteristic, and all others were uncharac-teristically low. For FRG V which is charac-teristic of any severity, all burned pixels wereconsidered characteristic.

Ideally the fully available temporal pe-riod (1999–2012) of LANDFIRE Distur-bance data would have been used. Compar-isons with tabular data on completed fueltreatment acres (IMSR, National Fire PlanOperations and Reporting System [NFPORS],and FACTS) were poorly correlated withLANDFIRE Disturbance data before 2008.The requirement for National Forest unitsto spatially define treatment boundariesrather than just the location of the center ofeach treatment starting in ca. 2007 greatlyimproved the LANDFIRE Disturbance datastarting in 2008. For this reason, the analysiswas limited to 5 years, 2008–2012.

Fire Return IntervalMean fire return interval (MFRI) data

from LANDFIRE (LANDFIRE 2014d)were used to estimate the annual area thatwould have historically burned as a proxy forannual disturbance required to create ormaintain fire-adapted resilient landscapes.MFRI quantifies the time between fires un-der the presumed historical fire regime andwas derived using state and transition mod-eling. The MFRI data comprised 22 classes,plus nonburnable (water, snow/ice, and bar-ren) and indeterminate (indeterminate fireregime characteristics or sparsely vegetated)classes (Figure 1; Table 2 ). Similar to Northet al. (2012), area within each MFRI cate-gory was divided by the maximum value ofeach category to conservatively estimateacres per year requiring disturbance. For the�1,000-year category, a value of 2,000 yearswas used.

Wildfire Hazard Potential (WHP)The WHP product was used to charac-

terize hazard across NFS lands (Fire Model-ing Institute [FMI] 2013, Dillon et al. 2015)(Figure 2). The WHP is a geospatial prod-uct, the primary intended use of which wasfor identifying priority areas for hazardousfuels treatments from a broad, national- toregional-scale perspective (Dillon et al. 2015).The primary objective of the WHP map wasto depict the relative potential for the occur-rence of fires that had a high likelihood toescape initial attack and/or be difficult to sup-press. The WHP map used existing vegetationand fuel characteristics from LANDFIRE toapply a set of resistance to control weightsbased on fireline construction rates based onfuel types, historic fire occurrence data (Short2014) to determine small fire (�300 ac) po-tential, and national estimates of burn proba-bility and fire intensity modeled using the large

Table 1. Disturbance type groups, LANDFIRE Disturbance classes associated, total areadisturbed, and annual average area disturbed for NFS lands from 2008 to 2012.

Disturbance type LANDFIRE Disturbance classes Total (ac) Annual (ac/yr)

Mechanical treatment Clear cut, Harvest, Thinning, Mastication,Other mechanical

2,708,102 541,620

Prescribed fire Prescribed fire, Wildland fire 5,407,592 1,081,518Wildfire Wildfire, Wildland fire use 7,862,655 1,994,010

Characteristic severity 5,755,547 1,151,109Uncharacteristically

low severity1,232,694 246,539

Uncharacteristicallyhigh severity

874,413 174,883

Wildfire severity was defined as characteristic, uncharacteristically low, or uncharacteristically high based on assigned severity classand presumed historical fire regimes. LANDFIRE Disturbance classes are from LANDFIRE (2014a).

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fire simulator to determine large fire (�300 ac)likelihood and intensity (Finney et al. 2011).Two versions of the WHP map are available(2012 and 2014). The 2012 version was usedbecause the base data for creation wereLANDFIRE 2008, which allows for overlay offuel treatments and wildfire over the time pe-riod of this study.

ResultsAssessments of disturbance location

with respect to resilient ecosystem mainte-nance/creation and wildfire hazard reduc-tion were conducted for all NFS lands andfor each region (Northern [R1], RockyMountain [R2], Southwestern [R3], Inter-mountain [R4], Pacific Southwest [R5], Pa-

cific Northwest [R6], Southern [R8], andEastern [R9]; Figure 1).

Between 2008 and 2012, 8.1 million acwere treated with prescribed fire or mechan-ical methods, and 7.9 million ac burned in awildfire (Table 1). Of the wildfire acresburned, 73% were characteristic (Table 1).This equates to, on average, 1.9% of NFSlands being disturbed by fuel treatments andwildfire of any severity each year or 1.6% ifonly characteristic wildfire is considered.Seventy-two percent of all of prescribed fireacres were completed in R8, whereas R5 andR6 led the nation in mechanically treatedarea (17 and 23%, respectively). R3 and R5account for 51% of wildfire acres (29 and22%, respectively) nationally. One-quarterof the uncharacteristically low-severity wild-fire was in R1, and one-third of the unchar-acteristically high-severity wildfire was inR5. The remainder of the results are pre-sented on a per annum basis averaged acrossthe 5 years of data.

Ecosystem Maintenance/CreationOver the duration of the analysis, 51%

of the NFS lands that would have histori-cally burned annually were either treated(26%), burned in characteristic wildfire(18%), or burned in uncharacteristic wild-fire (7%) (Figure 3). Approximately half ofthe acres burned with prescribed fire were inthe most frequent MFRI (�5 years), and

Figure 1. Map of MFRI for Forest Service-administered lands in the continuous United States.Data were obtained from LANDFIRE (LANDFIRE 2014d).

Table 2. Annual treatment requirements based on MFRI data.

MFRI R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R8 R9

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(ac/yr). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

0–5 yr 12,436 284 3,018 0 1,043 807 1,094,216 340,7566–10 yr 665 94,885 486,437 91,818 439,914 245,186 196,703 68,01711–15 yr 130,812 79,632 100,167 104,096 288,580 96,134 176,137 33,98016–20 yr 20,037 83,862 19,066 11,378 104,751 218,865 13,516 4,40121–25 yr 99,630 29,325 97,056 44,131 19,427 21,481 0 15426–30 yr 7,487 97,383 19,216 71,656 15,955 20,100 648 9,39331–35 yr 40,727 3,544 6,949 91,192 32,409 2,775 5,883 49836–40 yr 20,900 11,151 3,478 9,109 7,212 34,241 8,127 041–45 yr 11,828 6,514 1,283 27,037 0 0 4,619 046–50 yr 17,737 16,276 37,365 57,683 43,476 20,605 3 8,09851–60 yr 2,489 10,528 14,163 15,073 14,926 970 2,604 1,18761–70 yr 24,668 13,043 10,239 20,343 1,486 8,002 9,315 2,71171–80 yr 34,135 1,993 34,118 3,735 8,598 41,607 155 18,54881–90 yr 481 1,366 1,149 17,753 5,348 80 565 10991–100 yr 171 428 0 1,044 445 5,627 3,972 1,134101–125 yr 443 12,300 9,369 12,812 5,170 3,246 0 6,725126–150 yr 12,279 39,969 5,200 13,817 559 726 0 3151–200 yr 39,082 2,412 1,875 22,239 1,316 7,822 2,602 2,618201–300 yr 3,014 3,425 166 9,885 1,249 56 1,075 2,000301–500 yr 1,324 263 2,181 2,398 490 4,835 25 131501–1,000 yr 20 345 467 62 67 459 69 1,882�1,000 yr 0 0 0 73 16 1,245 0 1,250Total 480,363 508,931 852,961 627,332 992,438 734,868 1,520,233 503,594

Annual treatment requirement was calculated by dividing the area within each MFRI class by the maximum value of the class. MFRI data are from LANDFIRE (2014d).

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two-thirds were within areas that wouldhave historically burned at least every 15years. Areas with the shortest fire return in-tervals (�30 years) experienced less distur-bance than required to maintain historicalarea burned, whereas areas with the longestfire rotations (�150 years) experiencedmore disturbance than would have been his-torically expected (Figure 3).

The eight Forest Service regions dif-fered greatly for historical area burned versuscurrent disturbance (mechanical treatments,prescribed fire, and wildfire) (Figure 4). Re-gions with more area in frequent fire returnintervals have the most area historicallyburned and therefore the greatest distur-bance required for maintenance. For exam-ple, R8 had the highest annual disturbanceneed (1.5 million ac) because 40% of theNFS lands were within the 0–5 year MFRIgroup (Figure 4; Table 2). Conversely, R1had the least annual area historically burned(0.5 million ac) because 44% of the land hada MFRI of 100 years or greater (Figure 4;Table 2).

The ratio of area currently disturbed(treated or burned in wildfire) to area histor-

Figure 2. Map of wildland fire hazard for Forest Service-administered lands in the continuous United States. Data were obtained from theWHP map (FMI 2013, Dillon et al. 2015).

Figure 3. Average annual area being disturbed by mechanical treatments, prescribed fire,and wildfire by severity class (characteristic, uncharacteristically low, and uncharacteristi-cally high) compared with what would have historically burned by MFRI group from 2008to 2012. Areas that have historically burned frequently would lend themselves to activemanagement with repeated treatment to promote resiliency in the absence of wildfire.Areas that burned less frequently could be treated if needed and then be managedpassively allowing for fire to play a more natural role. Areas that burned infrequently canbe managed selectively because they only account for a small fraction of the treatmentrequirement.

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ically burned was calculated to compare therelative ranking across regions. When fueltreatments and wildfires of any severity wereconsidered, R9 and R2 were the most de-parted (0.21 and 0.37, respectively) and R8and R3 were the least (0.62 and 0.68, respec-tively). The same was found when only char-acteristic wildfire acres were considered. R3had the highest ratio for wildfire acres (char-acteristic and all severities) burned, and R8had the highest ratio for treated acres relativeto historic need.

Fire ControlIn 2008, based on the WHP map, the

moderate hazard class represented the great-est land area (41.6 million ac), followed bythe high hazard class (35.3 million ac), withthe very high hazard class the least (23.0 mil-lion ac) (Figure 5). Across all hazard classes,3.2 million ac (1.9%) of NFS lands weredisturbed annually by treatments and wild-fire of any severity, with variation across thecategories ranging from 544,335 to 922,908ac for the low and moderate hazard classes,respectively. In the very low and low hazardcategories, almost twice the area was treatedthan burned by wildfire of any severity (Fig-ure 5). The opposite was true for the highand very high hazard classes where wildfireof any severity accounted for two-thirds ofthe disturbance each year. Across the wild-fire hazard classes, the percentage of wildfireacres that had uncharacteristically high se-verity ranged from 9 to 15% with the largestproportion in the very high hazard class(Figure 5).

The majority of the high and very highhazard was in the western half of the UnitedStates, with areas also in the southeast andnorthern Lake States (Figure 2). Variabilityexists among the average annual area dis-turbed for each Forest Service Region in thehigh and very high hazard classes relative tothe total landmass (Figure 6). R4 and R5had the largest total area in the high and veryhigh hazard classes, and R9 had the least(Figure 6). Because of the frequent use of

prescribed fire, and the relative low area withhigh or very high hazard, R8 had the highestproportion of high and very high hazard areadisturbed annually, which was almost fivetimes that of the next closest region, R3,which had the highest proportion of wildfireof any severity (Figure 6). A higher ratio ofarea disturbed was by wildfire (any and char-acteristic severities) than by treatment in halfof the regions (R1, R3, R4, and R5) with allwildfire being almost 6 times and character-istic wildfire 4 times that of treatment in R4.Of the regions, R5 had the highest percent-age of disturbance by uncharacteristicallyhigh-severity wildfire in the high and veryhigh hazard classes (Figure 6).

DiscussionIt is neither realistic nor necessary to do

fuel treatments on every acre of the 193 mil-lion ac encompassing the NFS lands. Withlimited budgets and capacity as well as otherconstraints such as wildlife habitat preserva-tion and inaccessible terrain, it is importantto prioritize when, where, and how to treatwildland fuels (Collins et al. 2010). Thisevaluation explores the location of mechan-ical treatments, prescribed fires, and wild-fires with respect to historic fire return inter-vals or potential wildfire hazard for NFSlands over the period of 2008 to 2012. Thisassessment considered the footprint acresdisturbed by fuel treatments and wildfire topromote resiliency or reduce hazard; how-ever, in many instances, treatments can bedesigned to accomplish both simultaneously(Ager et al. 2010, Schoennagel and Nelson2010). Finding a balance between the twoobjectives may be necessary when managingfor multiple objectives, which is common infederally administered lands.

The creation and maintenance of fire-resilient landscapes can include contempo-rary disturbance that approximates histori-cal disturbance rates. For this to occur, 6.2million ac of NFS lands would need to betreated or experience beneficial wildfire an-nually (Table 2). Over the period assessed,45% of NFS lands that historically wouldhave burned were disturbed by either fueltreatment (26%) or wildfire with character-istic severity (19%) annually. The currentscale and pace of treatment implementationis not keeping up with the current needs oraddressing the backlog (North et al. 2012) ofthe many years of wildfire suppression andlimited fuel treatment implementation.

A similar assessment for National For-estlands in California’s Sierra Nevada re-

Figure 4. Average annual area being dis-turbed by mechanical treatments, pre-scribed fire, and wildfire by severity class(characteristic, uncharacteristically low, anduncharacteristically high) compared withwhat would have historically burned byForest Service Region from 2008–2012.

Figure 5. Average annual area disturbed bymechanical treatment, prescribed fire, andwildfire by severity class (characteristic, un-characteristically low, and uncharacteristi-cally high) relative to NFS lands by WHPclass from 2008 to 2012. Note the com-pressed scale above 1 million ac.

Figure 6. Annual average area disturbed bymechanical treatments, prescribed fire, andwildfire by severity class (characteristic, un-characteristically low, and uncharacteristi-cally high) in the high and very high hazardclasses from 2008 to 2012 by Forest ServiceRegion. Note the compressed scale above0.5 million ac.

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ported that approximately half of requireddisturbance based on need set by the maxi-mum MFRI was accomplished with fueltreatments or wildfire of any severity (Northet al. 2012). This assessment found a similaramount of disturbance for R5, which con-tains the Sierra Nevada, the Sierras whenwildfire of any severity was included, and10% less when only wildfire of characteristicseverity counted. Considerable variability indisturbance was experienced across the Na-tional Forest Regions (Figure 4). In half ofthe regions (R1, R3, R4, and R5), wildfireexceeded the amount of area treated. Al-though in many cases, these wildfires haveaccomplished what the landscape needs(characteristic severity), from an ecologicalpoint of view, this is not always true. Somewildfires burn with uncharacteristically highseverity under extreme weather conditionsin heavy fuels and may result in ecologicaldamage. We found over the period assessedthat 11% of wildfire acres burn with unchar-acteristically high severity. Current treat-ment rates are insufficient to fully create andmaintain resilient landscapes, especially infrequent fire rotation areas. One approach toovercoming the low treatment rate is to cre-ate conditions conducive to letting naturallyignited wildfires burn when the opportunityarises, so that unplanned wildfires can beused to meet objectives (Reinhardt et al.2008, North et al. 2012, 2015, Stevens et al.2014).

MFRI can be used to define differentmanagement regimes with the objective tocreate and maintain fire-resilient landscapes(Figure 3). Areas that have historicallyburned frequently (�35 years) would lendthemselves to active management with re-peated treatment to promote resiliency inthe absence of wildfire. These frequent firesystems are typically “fuel-limited,” mean-ing that with sufficient fuel accumulationthey are almost always conducive to burningduring the fire season and a lack of frequentdisturbance can lead to uncharacteristichigh-severity burning (e.g., Schoennagelet al. 2004, Steel et al. 2015). These areasrepresent the largest disturbance need na-tionally: 5.3 million ac/year or 85% of theannual disturbance need. Currently, 39% ofthis area is being disturbed annually (22%treatment, 14% wildfire with characteristicseverity, and 3% uncharacteristically sever-ity wildfire). In a different, although related,approach using fire regime group to definetreatment need, Schoennagel and Nelson(2010) reported that 43% of treatments in

forested federal lands in the western UnitedStates from 2004 to 2008 occurred in areasof high restoration need. High restorationneed was defined by areas of a frequent his-torical wildfire (�35 years) with low tomixed severity or FRG I. In our assessment,58% of treatments in the western regionsoccurred in FRG I, showing an improve-ment in targeting these areas since 2008.

Areas that burned less frequently(MFRI 35–100 years) could be manageddifferently. These areas could be activelytreated if needed and then be managed pas-sively, allowing for wildfire to play a morenatural role. Because of the longer MFRI,11% of the annual disturbance need waswithin this group, and, of that, 38% wasdisturbed by treatment with an additional52 or 34% by wildfire if all severities or onlycharacteristic severity was considered, re-spectively. Finally, infrequently burned(MFRI �100 yr) “climate-limited” systems,which have sufficient fuels but often lack ex-treme climatic conditions conducive towildfire (e.g., Schoennagel et al. 2004, Steelet al. 2015), could be managed selectivelybecause they account for only 4% of the dis-turbance requirement. The combined dis-turbance of treatments and characteristic se-verity wildfire have exceeded the disturbanceneed based on historic levels where theMFRI is greater than 150 years. In these cli-mate limited systems, one-third of annualwildfire acres burned had uncharacteristi-cally low severity.

When the primary objective of fueltreatments is to aid in fire control, they areoften located strategically to reduce wildfirehazard and facilitate wildfire suppression ac-tivities. Within some hazard classes, wefound that a nonproportional amount ofland was treated or burned in wildfire (Fig-ure 5). For example, the very low hazardclass accounts for 20% of the NFS lands,and of the treatments completed annually,26% are in this class, with 8% of the wildfireacres. The very high hazard class had thelowest treatment percentage and the highestincidence of uncharacteristically high-sever-ity wildfire out of all the hazard classes. Withthe exception of R8, which treated on aver-age 13% of the elevated hazard land (highand very high hazard) annually, all of theother regions treated less than 1% (Figure6). Areas of very low hazard often are favoredfor treatment because they are less complexto plan and implement, are more economi-cal to treat, or are in need of retreatment tomaintain effectiveness. Very high hazard ar-

eas often require multiple entries to com-plete treatments, typically with mechanicalmethods being applied before prescribedfire, if prescribed fire is used, increasing thecost and complexity. In addition, treatmentsare often placed to protect highly valued re-sources and assets (HVRAs), where treat-ment location is predetermined regardless ofhazard. Finally, treatments may be placedwhere they can accomplish multiple objec-tives, including production of wood prod-ucts. This may result in selection of locationsthat are less important for hazard mitigation.

The proportion of wildfire (any and un-characteristically high severity) in each haz-ard class increased along with hazards, with anear quadrupling of uncharacteristicallyhigh-severity wildfire acres between the verylow and very high hazard classes. The higherproportion of wildfire acres in the very highclass relative to the very low class is not sur-prising. In the very low hazard areas, sup-pression activities are typically more effec-tive, limiting the total area burned. The veryhigh class represents areas with a higherprobability of experiencing high-intensitywildfire, which is hard to suppress, and aremost likely to escape from initial attack andgrow large (Dillon et al. 2015). If reducingpotential wildfire hazard is a primary goal,placing treatments in areas of the highesthazard is warranted especially when they in-tersect HVRAs that are detrimentally af-fected by wildfire. Whereas a number of con-siderations including locations of HVRAs andopportunities to meet other restorationobjectives may lead to placement of a fueltreatment in a lower hazard area, locatingtreatments in the areas with the highesthazard is most effective when fire controlis the objective.

ThisassessmentusedLANDFIRE-assignedwildfire severity to characterize acres burnedas characteristic or uncharacteristic with re-spect to severity based on presumed histori-cal fire regimes. This allows for a more ro-bust assessment of wildfire as a treatmentthan previous work by North et al. 2012,which assumed that all wildfire acres countedas treatments. Similar to North et al. (2012),Schoennagel and Nelson (2010), and Schoe-nnagel et al. (2009), this assessment exam-ined the interactions of fuel treatments andwildfire on the promotion of resiliency orhazard reduction. With the currently avail-able data and fuel treatment reporting sys-tems in the Forest Service, it was not possibleto assess the extent to which fuel treatmentscreate and maintain resiliency or reduce haz-

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ard at the national scale. The newly imple-mented requirement in the FACTS systemto note the progress (initial/interim or com-pleted) and whether it is a maintenance ornew treatment will facilitate future assess-ments of fuel treatment effectiveness. Addi-tional requirements to quantify changes tofuels and to note whether the treatmentswere successful in meeting stated objectiveswould be beneficial. To quantify the impactof treatments (mapped by LANDFIRE) toreduce wildfire hazard, consistently derivedmaps of wildfire hazard are required. Cur-rently two versions of the WHP map exist(2012 and 2014) and could be compared tomake broad assessments; however, with eachiteration differences exist in the input dataand the final map so that a direct detailedcomparison is not advised (Dillon et al.2015).

One of the objectives of the Forest Ser-vice Strategic Plan (USDA Forest Service2015b) is to mitigate wildfire risk. The planacknowledges the natural role of fire in manyecosystems and the potential to use wildfireas a restoration tool, as well as the potentialthreat of wildfire to public safety, property,and natural resources. To assess the progresstoward the strategic plan objective, the For-est Service is initiating two nationally basedperformance measures. The first assesses therisk of future wildfires to HVRAs. This na-tional risk assessment will identify the likeli-hood of wildfire, expected wildfire intensity,and expected impacts, positive or negative,on HVRAs (Dillon and Scott 2016). Thisproduct will provide up-to-date informationon landscapes at risk of detrimental wildfireand will be used to help determine where toinvest in fuel treatments and where wildfiremay be allowed to play its natural role andachieve ecological benefits based on assess-ments of risk (Dillon and Scott 2016). Oncethe baseline measure is completed, it will beperiodically remeasured to determine whetheroverall risk has been reduced as a result offuel treatments or other disturbances. Thesecond measure assesses the extent to whichnaturally ignited wildfires achieve beneficialresults. This measure recognizes the needand commitment to using wildfire as a res-toration tool when appropriate. Previousperformance measures (e.g., acres treatedand acres treated in the wildland-urban in-terface) essentially treated all areas as equiv-alent and did not recognize that some areasare more important to treat than others froma risk mitigation or ecological need stand-

point. These measures will still be reportedfor continuity.

The use of LANDFIRE data has limi-tations. Not all treatments were representedin the LANDFIRE Disturbance data for sev-eral reasons: only a single event per year perlocation is used, sometimes LANDFIREEvents data are lacking, and, finally, smallpatch sizes confound assessment efforts atthe national scale. The disturbance with thegreatest change to vegetation and/or fuelscomposition and structure is ranked highestand maintained in the data set (Nelson et al.2013). When remotely sensed detectedchanges were not within LANDFIRE Events,they were labeled as unknown (Nelson et al.2013). Within the current analysis, on aver-age annually 7% of all disturbance acreswere classified as unknown and were not in-cluded. Remotely sensed disturbed areas offewer than 50 pixels (about 12 ac) were toosmall for the purposes of large area updatingand were not included (Vogelmann et al.2011). On the other hand, vegetation man-agement can be completed over a number ofyears, resulting in partial treatment countingas repeat treatment within the same foot-print. However, LANDFIRE Disturbancedata permitted direct overlays of all requireddata layers to conduct the detailed analysisaccomplished.

This is the first assessment that inter-sects the actual footprint of fuel treatmentsand wildfire with MFRI and wildfire hazardat a national scale. Over the period from2008 to 2012, �2% of NFS lands were be-ing disturbed annually by fuel treatmentsand wildfire. This equates to half of the his-toric area burned, with the highest wildfirehazard class experiencing the lowest percent-age of area treated and the highest incidenceof wildfire (any and uncharacteristically highseverity). The “disturbance deficit” createdby wildfire exclusion is ultimately self-cor-recting: large wildfires and increased acreageburned are the correction; however, there isno control on the severity of these fires.Treating fuels mechanically or with pre-scribed fire is an attempt to impose a distur-bance that is less severe than wildfire and isused to mitigate the manner in which wild-fire will eventually occur. These results sug-gest that the rate of fuel treatment imple-mentation needs to be increased for thismitigation to be successful and that proac-tive wildfire management will need to be animportant part of the solution.

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