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18 Mart 2015, İstanbul

Rise of

Native Advertising and Content Marketing

Webrazzi Dijital 2015

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Adblock Companies: AdBlockPlus, Disconnect, Abine

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Who are Adblockers?

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Adblockers by Country

Facts about Adblock Users

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There are about 144 million active adblock users around the world.

Adblock usage grew by nearly 70% between June 2013 – June 2014.

Growth is driven by Google Chrome, on which adblockpenetration nearly doubled between June 2013 – June 2014.

Adblock usage varies by country. In some countries nearly one quarter of the online population has it installed.

Adblock usage is driven by young internet users. 41% of 18-29 year olds polled said they use adblock.

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67% of adblockers expressed some willingness to view text andstill image ads.

The majority of adblock users reject only distracting (animations, sounds) or intrusive (popover, interstitial, non-skippable video) ads.

Adblocking user attitudes to different ad formats

Blocking Adblockers!

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About Display Advertising

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The typical Internet user is served 1,707 banner ads per month. (Comscore)

An estimated 31% of ad impressions can’t be viewed by users. (Comscore)

8 percent of Internet users account for 85 percent of clicks. (Comscore)

You’re more likely to survive a plane crash than click a banner ad. (Solve


Banner Blindness - Eye Heat Map

Sayfa 11

What is Native Advertising?

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Native advertising is a form of paid media where the ad experience follows the natural form and function of the user experience in which it is placed.

Types of Native Ads

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Native Ad Samples

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Facts about Native Ads

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$4.3 billion on native advertising in 2015, a 34% increase from 2014. Expected to reach $8.8 billion by 2018. ( eMarketer)

Native advertising, also called sponsored content, advertorials, or infomercials, isn’t a new concept. Newspaper advertorials are a much older form of this practice, where advertising is dressed up to look like editorial content and placed in publications.

Still around 5% of the overall ad budgets

Why go for Native Ads?

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IPG Media Lab to complete the industry’s first native ad effectiveness study using both eye-tracking and survey-based techniques.

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The Association of Online Publishers (AOP)

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Major Barriers for Native Advertising

OpenRTB Dynamic Native Ads API Specification Version 1, released February 2015

What is Content Marketing?

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According to The Content Marketing Institute, “basically, content marketing is the art of communicating with your customers and prospects without selling.”

Push Social sums content marketing up with this rather pithy definition: “Storytelling for sales.”

Types of Contents

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Case studies


Guest posts

Articles posted on your website

In-person events

White papers

Online presentations


Research reports



Branded content tools

Mobile apps

Mobile content


Print magazines



Digital magazines

Print newsletters

Annual reports


Differences between Content Marketing and Native


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Sayfa 21


Native advertising: The content may appear to provide value, but that goal is secondary to selling a product or service. Often the advertorial may try to solve a problem that conveniently involves buying the brand’s product or service. However, the content of native advertising generally does not have inherent value without the reader buying a product or service.

Content marketing: Here, the goal is to build trust over the long term by providing relevant, useful information. Ultimately, the hope is that content marketing will help generate sales or sales leads but that’s part of a longer sales funnel. Sales are not expected solely as a result of one content marketing piece. Content marketing provides value to readers that’s independent of them buying a product or service. The content is valuable in itself.

Differences between Content Marketing and Native


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Native advertising: Sometimes, native ads take a pushy and salesytone or they may have a friendly tone

Content marketing: Effective content marketing takes a knowledgeable, yet authentic tone that doesn’t try to pressure the reader to buy. Instead, it acknowledges the reader’s challenges or pain points and offers actionable tips or solutions. Even if those solutions don’t involve the brand’s product or service (in fact, it’s better if they don’t because then it feels more genuine and less self-interested), the goal is to engage with the reader and build rapport.

Ligatus – Native Advertising Solutions

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Sayfa 23

Direct Reponse Content Recommendation

The Media Brands websites

Ligatus Network


Content Recommendation Samples

Optimization by fully automatic algorithm on eCPM

eCPM = Clickrate x Price x 10

Delivery respectively eCPM is dependant on:

Price (CPC, CPL)

Performance of the campaign (Clickrate, leadrate)

Competition in the network

Assessment of every placement

In case of 2 campaigns with the same price, the one with the higher price will be delivered

Increasement of delivery of a campaign with bad clickrate via pricing

State-of-the-art technology

coupled with many years of expertise

Our formula for success

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Direct Response Placements

Direct Response Placements


Murat Kalafat

Ligatus Ülke Müdürü

: murat.kalalafat@ligatus.com

: tr.linkedin.com/in/muratkalafat/

Sayfa 30

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