yoga shred™ teacher training guide · yoga shred™ teacher training guide with founder sadie...

Post on 15-Apr-2018






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with founder Sadie Nardini, E-RYT 500


A model just after a short but intense HIIT workout! Only 4 minutes to sweat like this? Yes! It’s possible.

A Message From Sadie:

Hi, Yoga Shredder! I am so excited that you’re here.

You are about to learn a new skill that you can’t find anywhere else, one that’s been rocking the worlds —and reshaping the bodies—of hundreds of thousands of clients around the world.

I’m 46 years old as of this writing—and I look and feel better than I did when I was 20. I wish I could credit it entirely to clean living, haha—but no.

I love my French fries, my wine, and also butter. On anything.

Okay, I DO eat my greens, but my diet hasn’t changed. What has made this big leap in my fitness is adding High Intensity

Interval Training, or ‘HIIT’ to my longtime yoga practice.

As you read this orientation and training e-book, you’ll discover why the Yoga Shred™ is special, why it’s safer and works better than many of the other HIIT-based exercises out there, and why it’s a perfect

compliment to your existing yoga or wellness-based classes.


Look ma—I have ABS!

“The Yoga Shred™ does more for me—body and empowerment—than anything else I’ve tried—and honey, I’ve tried it all!” ~Kristy

Students love it, too. I can’t wait for you to grow your classes even more!

Why The Yoga Shred™ is Superior to Yoga Only & Regular HIIT

About Yoga

Yoga is great for activating slow-twitch muscle fibers, which builds endurance.

It’s awesome for helping your body to cleanse itself, and also builds flexibility, balance, and peacefulness.


But, even if the flow is faster, yoga simply doesn’t target your fast-twitch muscles, which you need for muscle definition, gains in all-around strength.

Yoga does not provide enough impact, which improves bone and joint health.

A yoga practice alone also does not get your heart rate up enough to trigger true cardiovascular optimization, fat and calorie burn, and a raise in your metabolic rate.

Yoga is a wonderful spiritual and movement discipline, but it is only a partial exercise form, and anyone who tells you differently is ignoring science.

When I first realized that yoga alone was not enough for a holistic fitness and strength practice, I was disheartened.

I love yoga, and didn’t want to give it up. I prefer to add, not subtract, from my practice. Yet I wasn’t about to work out at the gym for hours a day, either.

What could I bring into my yoga that was similar but also could cross-train me, quickly?

Enter HIIT

Once I studied the science, I found that the absolute best workout you can do in the least amount of time, is HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training). This is where you do short, super-intense bursts of movement with a very high heart rate.

If you are doing HIIT correctly, you go all-out, for your body’s ability, for the duration of the activity. Then you rest, but not for enough time to recover. 20 seconds activity, 10 seconds rest.

8 rounds of this, totaling 4 minutes, you’re done.


And you’ve also caused your body to do incredible things: strengthen, burn calories and fat, and optimize cardio health as if you worked out for an hour or two!

Science proves that a few minutes of HIIT switches on your body as if it’s exercised for hours a week. It’s incredible.

I can tell you that after adding in just 3 rounds of 4 minute HIIT, (12 minutes each workout) 3-4 times a week, I see a massive difference in my own body.

My body fat decreased to a sleek and healthy level, my muscles look defined, and I feel supercharged in classes that used to be hard for me.

I can even run now without getting winded.

But as an anatomy expert, I saw the existing HIIT forms — many of which are confrontational classes that last 45 minutes of HIIT rounds — as too long, too aggressive, too brutal on the body and overly impactful on the joints.

As I kept researching, I discovered that you absolutely don’t need to move for that long. I’ve found the shortest duration that gives you more results, and more safety, than those long sessions.

As scientists now know, it’s not the length of time you exercise, but the intensity that matters most.


And science shows us over and over again that just a few minutes of intense movement, 3-4 times a week, can give you more strength, calorie burn, cardio health and metabolic increase than if you worked out for hours a week!

This might seem too good to be true, but I promise you, if you try these Shreds, in the right timing, and you press your body into healthy intensity at the level you are now, you are going to feel and see the transformation, quickly.

So, back to the yoga.

“Okay,” I thought, “This HIIT thing is fabulous, but how do I bring it into the asana practice without totally jarring myself out of it or hurting myself?”

I realized that all the anatomy, physics and biomechanics (how the body moves, and how it shouldn’t) I learned over the last decade was about to serve me —and you— very well.

I took the general principles of HIIT—intensity, the most efficient timing, which muscles to target—and then I designed safer, better moves based on yoga alignment and western anatomy knowledge!

The Yoga Shred™ was born. Now you can get the best of HIIT with far less strain or potential for injury for you and your clients.

You can smoothly fit this new cross-training style into your yoga classes, too, since students will recognize many of the moves as based on their beloved asanas.

The Yoga Shred™ is the first program to blend yoga mindfulness with HIIT, and it continues to be the most popular with teachers and students alike. Because not only is it effective—it’s fierce, fun and empowering!


Main Points About The Yoga Shred™ Protocol:

When you share about your Yoga Shred™—Inspired classes through marketing or tell students what improved results they can get because of these cool new moves, here are a few of the main benefits:

HIIT targets both fast-twitch muscle fibers that yoga does not. Yoga works on mostly slow-twitch fibers, which build stamina and endurance for longer holding.


Fast-twitch muscle fibers are what tighten and tone your body, help you get stronger for movement without injury, and gives muscles more definition and tone.

HIIT optimizes your cardio capacity, or your ability to process oxygen, better than anything else. You’ll be able to do all your other exercising, like yoga, running, cycling, etc — with more ease!

Yoga Shred™ moves are Sadie Nardini’s signature creations. Each separate type of move (Side Plank Curls, Fists of Fire Lunges, etc…) are called a Yoga Shred or Yoga Shreds, and each is made to be safer and better-aligned versions of regular HIIT forms. Even our Burpees are less impact on the shoulders, knees and back!

Yoga Shreds are made to also super-strengthen yoga students for their most common—and even more advanced poses, and many Shreds are inspired directly by yoga asanas. You’ll feel like a rockstar when you get on the mat!

Yoga Shreds create stronger bones through mindful impact.

With the addition of yoga-inspired movement, and yoga warm ups and cool downs, students can gain additional joint and muscle flexibility with the Yoga Shred™ instead of the usual HIIT-based workouts which can overwork and lock up the body, and cause inflammation and strain in muscles and joints.

Yoga Shreds are done in Tabata (Tah-bah-tah) timing, or 4-minute blocks of 20 seconds activity, 10 seconds rest, 8 rounds total.

Tabata timing is shown to be the most efficient for getting all the benefits of HIIT in the least amount of time. NOTE: If you have an iPhone, make sure to get my App, which has a Yoga Shred Timer for you right on it, and many more yoga and Shred sequences to inspire you!



Otherwise you can go download a general Tabata Timer app for your phone, but it won’t be built for these Shreds. It will work OK, though!

1 to 4 blocks of 4-Minute Yoga Shreds are all you need to ever do in one session.

Use your phone timer on your mat to time each Tabata round of 4 mins. Show the move first, get them ready to begin, start the times. Call out activity and rest timing as you walk around and help people stay in good alignment, or you could do the Shreds yourself along with the class.

When teaching Shreds, do not go to your full capacity. Move more slowly to show good form, and also show variations. Still, you may not be able to talk properly, so just show the moves and remind them to breathe as you do.

When I teach, I offer 1-3 4-Minute Shreds during class, spaced out a couple of mins of light movement to rest in-between each Shred. In my personal practice, I do 3 or 4 in a row, depending on my energy. More on sequencing soon…

Yoga Shreds can cause the Afterburn Effect: a rise in calories and fat burn that lasts from 12-48 hours after your workout! This is major, since most other workouts stop burning calories when you end your session. This is why only 4 minutes of intense-enough movement can burn more calories and create more muscle strength and transformation than working out for hours. It’s still working even when you stop!

Yoga Shreds are shown to raise the metabolism by up to 15% for 48 hours as well—so you are literally burning calories while you sleep. Hello, more French fries! You’ll be able to eat heartily, and still be more fit than ever before! Just, you know…choose fries sometimes, veggies all the time.


When you add the Yoga Shred™ to your classes, you spark so much empowerment. These are fierce, de-stressing, fun, challenging, and self-expressing movements. They invite students to become more wild, more free, and feel how capable they are of harnessing intensity and building new strength. I’ve never heard “Woohoo!!!” in yoga class before introducing Shreds to my students.

Yoga Shred™-type moves are shown to actually repair your DNA, and cells on such a deep level that Science says we are actually slowing down the aging process and protecting ourselves from disease in foundational ways. So cool!


How to Sequence and Add Yoga Shreds to Your Classes:

There are many ways you could bring your students the results and cross-training that Yoga Shreds can give them. Here are a few.

The yoga style you see in the videos here in your training are my signature style, CSV Yoga (Core Strength Vinyasa Yoga™).

This is an anatomy-optimized flow style that encourages more organic movement through the transitions and within poses, so the body works more holistically and you see more results, more safely.

We move along the Deep Core Line, the most central line of muscles and fascia in your body—the only “meridian” that is built to decompress, or make more space in your joints and spine. You have other, more superficial, or outer lines, like the front and back body, but these actually shorten and compress your spine and joints when used incorrectly

The Deep Core Line is a powerful whole-body core strength optimizer, and the way we move in CSV Yoga is designed to activate it properly, before the outer body gets overly involved.

Most yoga styles move in a more inorganic, linear way into poses, which uses fewer muscles across fewer joints which can unnecessarily strain the joints.

CSV Yoga uses more muscles, across more joints, which gives twice the strength, healthy stretch, calorie usage, and all with more joint safety.

You can apply the Yoga Shred™ blocks of 4 minutes to whatever style you teach now, or contact me at for an online training in CSV Yoga if you’d like to know more about how to add this knowledge to your style as well!


Tips On Including The Yoga Shred™ In Your Classes:

Think of each Yoga Shred™ as a block of 4-minutes, 8 rounds of 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off.

If a move is done on one side, you would do 4 rounds of 20-10 on one side (2 minutes total), then switch to the other side for the same timing (2 minutes), for a total of 4 minutes.

If a move is whole-body, like our Yoga Burpees, or Running Plank, you can choose to do them for half a round (4 rounds of 20-10, 2 minutes) or try for all 8 rounds of 20-10 (this is very challenging). In my own practice, when I feel energetic, I do all 8 rounds of Burpees, but some days I do 4 rounds Burpees, 4 rounds Running Plank (for example) and switch it up halfway through the 4-Minutes.

Class Options:

Do your regular yoga class, and just insert one Yoga Shred™ block of 4 minutes into the class once students are very warm, and don’t have many more hard poses to do. Because after even one Shred, done properly, students should be ready for stretch and rest.

Do your regular class, and insert two Yoga Shreds into it —after your warmup and main poses are done. Save some muscle strength for the Shreds. And don’t do more advanced poses after—students will be fatigued


after two strong Shreds. I would space these two Shreds out with a few minutes of movement or stretch in-between. The Shreds can target similar muscle groups to make a theme (Booty Blast!—or Tone Your Asana, hehe) —or target different muscles (Abs & Arms + Glutes) for a more whole-body experience.

Do a whole Yoga Shred™-Inspired class —these are 5-20 mins of warm ups, 3-4 rounds of Shreds, and then straight into a 5-20 minute cool-down sequence. True Yoga Shred™ or Yoga Shred™-Inspired classes are 20-60 minutes long, but never contain more than 4 Shred sequences within one class.

NOTE: (Remember—since Yoga Shred™ is a Trademarked style, and this is an online training, you cannot call your classes Yoga Shred™ or say you are Yoga Shred™ Certified unless you have been to an in-person (or live stream into the sessions from where you are) 4-Day Yoga Shred TT Immersion with me or a master trainer. But you can say your classes are “Yoga Shred™-Inspired” and you are Yoga Shred™ -Trained in your title or bio!

When you attend the live Immersion, and pass the training approval process (master teachers watch you teach a short class in person or on video, and approve you), you will become Yoga Shred™ Certified, and can say your classes are Yoga Shred™ classes. To see the Yoga Shred In-Person/Livestream Immersion Schedule, head to —it’s on the Schedule Page!


Anatomy and Modifications for Yoga Shreds:

People of all ages and ability can do the Yoga Shred™.

You should know how to help various students modify to meet them where they are, to help them challenge their bodies while also respecting their limitations.

Make sure and watch (and personally practice) the complete video versions of whatever Shreds you want to add to your classes. You need to know in your own body what they feel like, and I provide all instructions, including breath cues, timing, modifications, variations and rest positions for you there.


REMINDER: To get the Yoga Shred™ Timer, if you have an iPhone or iPad, please go and join my Ultimate Yoga App—you’ll have the timer to use forever. See the App here:


The main goal of a Yoga Shred™ sequence is to get your students moving faster, but in mindful alignment. Faster movement activates fast-twitch muscles, and also gets the heart rate up. However, the way they do this will be up to each student.

What you are responsible for in your class whenever introducing a 4-Minute Shred:

Offer them a specific Yoga Shred move.

Show them how to do it.

Provide a couple of anatomy points for the regular pose (ex: whenever you bend your knees, slide your hips and knees back to take pressure off the joints). I give these points in every Shred video for you.

Provide one or two modifications for cranky joints in the Shred. Usually these start with “Don’t go as deeply into the move if your joints won’t allow it” and then show them an alternate arm or leg placement if their joints are unable to do the move (ex: in a Side Plank setup, they can also do it on their forearms, and/or with the bottom knee and shin on the floor). I give modifications in every Shred video for you to use.

Remind them to go at their own pace, and rest out anytime they need to (suggested rest poses are also in my videos), but when they do move,


encourage them to press towards quick movement and a higher heart rate that feels doable for them.

Here is what the student can and should control:

How fast they go.

How far into every movement they go.

Whether they go harder or choose a modification or a less intense version of the pose (knees down, do less).

How high their heart rate is. They can slow down or move around less intensely if they feel too challenged.

How many rounds they do (up to 4 on one side or 8 if they are doing one move for all 4 mins) or whether they choose to rest out earlier when they feel fatigued.

Common Modifications for cranky joints in Yoga Shreds:

Ankles: Don’t bend the knees so much. If one is lunging, step the back leg back less instead of farther away. Make sure in Lunges and Chair-like positions, the front knee or knees don’t jut forward of the ankle joint. This can compress ankles.

Knees: Don’t bend knees so much in poses. Make sure that in Lunges, the front knee doesn’t jut forward of the ankle joint. Whenever bending knees, (ex: Chair poses, Burpees and jumping poses, slide hips and knees back when you both bend knees and land from hops so there is less pressure on the joints. Also, in poses like Temples, make sure the toes and front kneecaps always point in the same direction to avoid twisting the knees.


Wrists & Elbows: When hands are on the ground, spread fingers wide, press all fingertips and whole palms into the ground evenly and strongly to activate arch of the hand and protect the wrists. When elbows bend, watch that the front wrists are creasing evenly—not crunching more on the inside or outside of the front wrist joint. Adjust elbows accordingly so wrists stay clear on all sides. If wrists do not bend well, in positions like Hands and Knees, Dog, Plank and Side Plank-based Shreds, slide shoulders back from the wrist joints (not stacking right on top of them) to make the wrist bend less. Otherwise, have the student do the pose on their forearms or put a knee or knees down to relieve bodyweight on the wrists.

Shoulders: Always maintain a stable, neutral shoulder joint, as if the student is standing in Mountain Pose. When there is pressure on the shoulder, such as in Side Plank or Plank, forearms or hand on the floor, the shoulder and shoulder blades should be in this same neutral location: NOT up toward the ears, or too far on the back. Maintain neutral shoulder blade position as well—not too close to the spine or rounded forward, winging off the body.

Lower Back/SI (Sacroiliac) Joint: Whenever the lower back is taking on weight, maintain a lift inward and upward of the low belly and FRONT low back spine to correct for any over-curvature and dumping into the low back that can happen when doing some of these poses, like the jump back to Plank in Burpees, etc. We also bend the knees whenever landing, and firm up the navel into the body and upward to protect the low back and sacrum from moving out of natural, neutral position at any time.

Neck Spine: Always keep your head and neck in the same position they would be in while standing in Mountain Pose: natural neck curve, head in line with your spine. It’s common to either lift the chin and crunch the back of the neck, and/or jut your face too far forward, which brings the neck out of alignment with the rest of the spine and can cause neck strain. Watch the jump back and Plank-based poses especially on this.


photo by James St. Vincent

Questions and Support for Your Yoga Shred Training:

I’m here for you! When you purchased this training, you gained access to my VIP Facebook Forum, so you can ask me and fellow instructors questions any time. I stop by often to answer and provide support.

Access the Rockin’ Facebook Group here:

For any technical issues with downloading, accessing your program, etc, please write the Support email on your course website—we will get right back to you.

And make sure to download your Certificate of Completion when you’re done watching and learning all the videos.


I hope to see you for an in-person training one day soon, where you’ll become fully certified to teach Yoga Shred™ classes, and be on the list of qualified Shred teachers in your area!

We also more deeply examine anatomy, cueing, and sequencing as well as help you find your own unique themes and help attract more students to your particular classes.

Now go out there, and change the world for the fiercer and more fit, in your own powerful way. You got this!





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