year 10 carbon footprint

Post on 20-Jan-2015






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How to reduce the carbon footprint


The paper will consist of questions that focus on sustainable design.

• 20% of your GCSE• 1hr written exam paper• 60 marks• Section A: consists of 15 short answer

questions• Section B: consists of 3 questions

requiring answers that may involve sketches, annotations, short sentences or extended writing.

The 6 R’s

• What are they?– Rethink– Reuse– Recycle– Repair– Reduce– Refuse

• Can anyone give examples of how we could achieve these 6R’s in relation to food?


• Why should we reduce food waste?

• How can we reduce food waste?

• Which is the most environmentally friendly way of reducing food waste?

• What can be composted?

What does ‘sustainable source’ mean?

• Sustainable agriculture is a way of raising food that is healthy for consumers and animals, does not harm the environment, is humane for workers, respects animals, provides a fair wage to the farmer, and supports and enhances rural communities. Sustainability includes buying food as locally as possible. Buying local food does not guarantee that it is sustainably produced. Pesticides, chemical fertilizers, factory farming, hormone use, and non-therapeutic use of antibiotics can all be involved in local food production, so it's important to make sure that the local food you buy is from farmers or gardeners using sustainable methods.

Carbon Footprint

• What is meant by carbon footprint?

It is the total set of greenhouse gas emissions caused by an organization, event or product.

How to reduce your carbon footprint




Eat foods produced near where you live

Grow your own foods

Choose foods that don’t have packaging

Eat foods that are in season

Eat locally produced foodsLocal foods don’t travel far. There is less carbon dioxide from lorries and trucks

Look at the labels on the food you buy

Where has the food come from?

Try to choose foods from the UK or as close as possible

Eat seasonal foods

Fruit and vegetables are nice in the winter but it is too cold for some of them to grow in the UK

They may have travelled thousands of miles from countries that are hot when we are cold

It is your choice

Choose UK fruit that has been stored, or fruit that has travelled the shortest distance

Look for vegetables that are grown in the UK in the winter

Transporting foods thousands of miles produces lots of carbon dioxide

Grow your own foods

If you have a garden, you can grow your own foods

They are fresh, tasty and free

Try it!

Grow your own vegetables

Growing Brussel sprouts in the Autumn


Packaging is used to protect and preserve food during its transport

Packaging such as boxes and crates are useful as they prevent fruit and vegetables from damage

Making packaging needs energy. This makes carbon dioxide

Look for foods with less packaging

Local foods need less packaging

Leftover food

• Using the following list of ingredients, produce a sweet and a savoury recipe. You can use store cupboard ingredients (sugar, salt, herbs, pasta, rice, etc)

• 3 bananas• 100g peanuts• 1 hot cross bun• 6 slices of bread – gone slightly dry• 3 eggs• ½ courgette• 3 tomatoes• ½ red pepper• 1 pint of milk

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