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World War II Section 1

World War II Section 1Ch 14-1 Learning Goal/Content Statement

• Explain how the consequences of World

War I and the worldwide depression set the

stage for the rise of totalitarianism,

aggressive Axis expansion and the policy of

appeasement which in turn led to World War


World War II Section 1Ch 14-1 Vocabulary

• Appeasement

• Winston Churchill:

• Axis Powers:.

• nonaggression pact:

• blitzkrieg

• Allies

• Battle of Britain: (1940)

• Hideki Tojo

• Isolationism:

World War II Section 1Ch 14-1 vocabulary

• Appeasement : giving in to aggressive demands in order to

avoid war.

• -Italy/Ethiopia

• -Japan/Manchuria, China

• -Germany/Rhineland, Austria, Sudetenland,

Czechoslovakia, Poland p.438

• Winston Churchill: (1874-1965) British prime minister; he

opposed the policy of appeasement and led Great Britain

through WWII.

• Axis Powers: the alliance of Germany, Italy, and Japan in


• nonaggression pact: an agreement between nations to not

attack one another.

World War II Section 1Ch 14-1 vocabulary

• blitzkrieg: a German “lightning war”; a fast, forceful style of

fighting used by Germans in WWII

• Allies: the alliance of Britain, France, and Russia in WWII;

joined by the United States after the Japanese bombing of

Pearl Harbor in 1941.

• Battle of Britain: (1940) three month air battle between

Germany and Great Britain fought over Great Britain during

WWII; Britain’s victory forestalled a German invasion.

• Hideki Tojo: (1884-1948) Japanese nationalist and general;

he took control of Japan during WWII. He was later tried and

executed for war crimes.

• Isolationism: staying out of the affairs and wars of other

nations; the position initially held by the United States at the

Beginning of WWII. Still supported the Allied forces.

World War II Section 1

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World War II Section 1

World War II Section 11) How did the Treaty of Versailles make Germans feel? What

was lebensraum? Who was unwilling to do what?

• -severely damaged the German economy

• -terms of the treaty left Germans feeling humiliated

• -Lebensraum (LAY-buhnz-rowm): Hitler wanted

nation to have lebensraum or, “living space” in

which the German people could grow and prosper.

• -Hitler wanted Germany to have more territory.

• Wanted to unite all German-speaking


• -Germany’s neighbors were aware of the threat of

German expansion.

• -no one was willing to fight over Hitler’s words.

World War II Section 12) What did Hitler begin to do in secret? What did

this violate?

• -Hitler realized nobody wanted to fight over his

words or actions

• -became chancellor in 1933

• -Began to secretly rebuild the German military

which had been greatly weakened post WWI

• -violations of Treaty of Versailles


• -Hitler signed treaty in 1935 allowing to build

submarines and warships in the name of stopping

the spread of communism; actually planning to

build a mighty German empire.

World War II Section 13)What does Hitler do in 1936? What did this violate? How do

Britain and France react? Hitler grows what?

• -he was ready to take more direct action

• -March: sent a small armed force into the Rhineland

this was territory that bordered France.

• -Hitler claimed to be reacting to a recent French-Soviet

military agreement , which he said threatened Germany.

• -violates Treaty of Versailles!!!; which required Germany

to stay out of that zone.

• -Britain and France complained about Germany violating

the treaty

• -Britain and France took no direct action German

troops remained in the Rhineland and Hitler grew bolder.

World War II Section 1

• Hitler demanded Austrian

officials accept annexation

(Anschluss): officially join

another country

• Initial Austrian resistance

• Britain and France did nothing

• March 1938-unopposed

German forces take over


• Austria agreed to annexation

because they knew Germany

could take over forcefully if


Hitler’s demands

• Europeans eager to avoid war

• Hitler plotted his moves

• Target-Austria

• German-speaking country

• Hitler’s birthplace

• Nazi supporters in Austria

Aggressive moves

4.Annexing Austria

World War II Section 1Another German-speaking population

• Sudetenland eager to be a part of Germany. German speaking.

• Hitler threatened the Czech government. Encouraged Czech citizens to revolt.

• Czechs prepared for war

Policy of appeasement

• Appeasement—giving in to aggressive demands in order to avoid war

• Winston Churchill opposed the policy

• “We have achieved peace for our time” according to Chamberlain. Resigns PM 5/1940

• Churchill blasts Chamberlain. “Why not make a stand (against Hitler) while there is

still a good company of united, very powerful countries?”

Avoiding conflict: Munich Conference

• September 1938—meeting in Munich: Munich Agreement: Hitler says no more

territorial demands. March 1939 Hitler takes over rest of Czechoslovakia.

• Chamberlain (British) and Daladier (French) agreed not to block Hitler.

• Czechs had no representatives at the Munich Conference.

• British and French were more interested in avoiding conflict. Don’t block Hitler.

• Czechs had no support: would fight Germany alone. Accept Germany’s terms.

5.Threats to Czechoslovakia

World War II Section 1Appeasement Map

World War II Section 1

World War II Section 1

World War II Section 16)Where else did totalitarian regimes emerge? They

showed a disregard for what?

• -Italy and Japan

• -Showed disregard for the opinions of other


World War II Section 1

7) What did Germany, Italy, and Japan form?

• -formed a series of military alliances

• -Anti-Comintern Pact (1936): vs communists

• -AXIS POWERS (1939)

World War II Section 1October 25, 1936

World War II Section 18) Why were Germany and Italy seen as natural enemies to the Soviet

Union? What happens that is surprising?

-1930’s Fascist Germany and Italy strongly opposed the Communist

Soviet Union. Anti-Comintern Pact 1936.

• -fascism and communism were very different although both totalitarian.

• -fascism was based in extreme nationalism and loyalty to the state.

• -communism sought international change and a classless society. State

would wither away.

• -Stalin worried about Germany military expansion

• -1939 British and French officials discussed a possible alliance with the

Soviets, but Stalin had lost faith in their ability to protect his country from

the Germans. He was secretly negotiating with the Germans.

• -NONAGGRESSION PACT: signed between U.S.S.R. and Germany

• -allowed further German aggression in Europe. Signed 8/1939.

(Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact)

• -secret section of the pact recognized each side’s right to take territory in

Eastern Europe, including dividing Poland into Soviet and German areas

• -News of the pact shocked Britain and France, hoped the Soviets would

support themWWI Russia on the side of The Allies.

World War II Section 19)What happens on September 1, 1939? How was Poland

defenseless? What happens on Sept. 3, 1939?

• -Germany launches an attack on Poland; wants


• -*blitzkrieg : “lightning war”, it emphasized speed

and close coordination between planes in the air

and fast-moving forces on the ground

• -Polish air force destroyed quickly.

• -Poland countryside offered few natural barriers to

slow the blitzkrieg. Taken over within a month.

• -Sept. 3, 1939: Great Britain and France declare

war on Germany in response to attack on Poland.

• Two weeks later U.S.S.R invades eastern Poland.

World War II Section 1

World War II Section 1Blitzkrieg

World War II Section 1

World War II Section 1WWI Tanks

World War II Section 1WWI Tanks

World War II Section 110)Causes of World War I and World War II

Causes of WWI Similarities Causes of WWII

World War II Section 110)Causes of World War I and World War II

Causes of WWI Similarities Causes of WWII

-Rivalries due to imperialism

-military alliancesTriple Alliance and Triple Entente

-assassination of Franz Ferdinand

MilitarismAlliances:Axis Powers and Central Powers vsAllied PowersImperialism: Imperialism vs. AppeasementNationalismSerbia vs“Greater Germany”

-Treaty of Versailles-Rise of Dictators-Era of Appeasement*Japan and Manchuria*Italy and Ethiopia, and Albania*Germany and Rhineland, Sudetenland, AustriaCzechoslovakia, and finally Poland

World War II Section 1Ch 14-1 Learning Goal/Content Statement

• Explain how the consequences of World

War I and the worldwide depression set the

stage for the rise of totalitarianism,

aggressive Axis expansion and the policy of

appeasement which in turn led to World War


World War II Section 1German Expansion

World War II Section 1German Expansion

World War II Section 1German Expansion

World War II Section 111) What happens during combat in France and Britain? List 2 facts for each.

Sept.1939-March 1940 *Sitzkrieg: phony war. Nothing happens Winter 1939-40.

April 1940 Hitler invaded Denmark and Norway. Lightly defended.

» This improved Germany’s access to the Atlantic.

» Both countries fell with little resistance.

May 1940 Germans invaded France.

» Germans conquered the Netherlands and stormed into Belgium.

» Belgian, British, and French troops tried to stop the Germans in Belgium.

» By early June the Germans had trapped hundreds of thousands of Allied soldiers at the French port of Dunkirk.

» Meanwhile, German forces attacked France through the Ardennes. The Maginot Line had been bypassed.

June 1940 France surrendered to Germany and Italy.

» The unoccupied part of France was known as Vichy France.

» Many French leaders, including Charles de Gaulle, fled to Great Britain to organize resistance to German and Vichy control of France.

**Battle of Britain**: Hitler attempts to invade Britain with Luftwaffe from June-Sept. 1940. Invasion unsuccessful.

World War II Section 1

World War II Section 1Maginot Line

World War II Section 1

World War II Section 1

World War II Section 112)What happens in June of 1941? Who does this

bring into the war?

-Hitler broke the non-aggression pact with Stalin and sent

3 million troops into the Soviet Union.

• -Brings Russia into the war.

• -at first blitzkrieg was very effective

• -Soviet Army was large in numbers but ill prepared for war

• -Germans had pushed deep into Soviet territory, but had not

managed to reach Russia’s capital of Leningrad by autumn of


• -Germans had not prepared for the extremely harsh

temperatures of the Soviet winter.

• -Germans lacked warm clothing and their vehicles and

equipment worked poorly in the cold.

• -Soviets begin to fight back in winter of 1941-1942

Germany’s great blunder.

World War II Section 1German Expansion

World War II Section 1German Expansion

World War II Section 1German Expansion

World War II Section 1German Expansion

World War II Section 1German Expansion

World War II Section 1German Expansion


World War II Section 1

World War II Section 1

World War II Section 113)What had Americans banned to Japan?

• -Japan continued territorial expansion moved

into French Indochina (Vietnam).

• -area was rich in oil, rubber, and other natural



PACIFIC?Hawaii and the Philippines. Worried

about U.S. and British territories in the Pacific.

• -Nervous American officials banned the sale of

oil to Japan; move was designed to slow the

Japanese war machine.

• -Peace talks continued between Japan and

U.S. but Japan planned for war

World War II Section 1

World War II Section 1

World War II Section 113)What happens on December 7, 1941? List at least

3 facts.• -U.S. saw treaty between Germany and Japan as cause for concern

• Japan initiates surprise attack on U.S. Navy Pacific Fleet

• Attack lasted two hours

• December 7, 1941

• Fighters and bombers launched from carriers

• Raid a success

• Major destruction

• Heavy casualties

– 2,400 dead

– 200 planes gone

– Eight battleships sunk

– Pacific fleet decimated could have pushed further inland

• Three carriers survived

• -APPEASEMENT Japan thought all would be forgiven and they

would get their oil back.

World War II Section 114) What was America’s Response to Pearl Harbor?

• -had a profound impact

• -prior to that point most Americans believed U.S.

should stay out of the war *Isolationism

• Prior to this point, provided financial support to


• -Isolationism common because many questioned

what Allied victory in WWI had actually


• -Did WWI accomplish anything???

• -On December 8, 1941 U.S. declares war on

Japan. Three days later Germany and Italy declare

war on U.S.

World War II Section 1

World War II Section 1

World War II Section 1German Expansion

World War II Section 1German Expansion

World War II Section 1German Expansion

World War II Section 1German Expansion

World War II Section 1German Expansion

World War II Section 1German Expansion

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