what's going on? issue 5

Post on 24-Mar-2016






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GO MARINE GROUP's newsletter.



Behind the Director’s Desk pg 3

Op’s Update pg4

The GO Files pg 6

Payroll Propaganda pg 7

World According to Accountants pg 8

GO INSHORE News pg 9

Master’s Journal pg 10

Cross GO pg 11

Shared Services Update pg 12

GO Home Safe pg 14

Combi Dock Report pg 15

Baby Photos pg 16

Happy New Year. What a year it has been.

GO continues to grow and build its reputation as a supplier of choice to our clients. The reports on the performance of the crews and the vessels we operate makes me very proud of what we have developed in a very short period of time.

This year GO has delivered 6 new vessels to the market and faced all the challenges to get these vessels up to speed and the standards we expect.

Under a challenging environment, both industrially and commercially, we strive to be a company that listens and delivers to our employees and clients

GO has had a successful year and sees the award of the manning of the two Combidock vessels on behalf of Harren and Partners. These two vessels offer long term employment and training opportunities for crews.

In addition, the GO Canopus has been heavily involved in the salvage of the stricken container vessel “MV Rena” in New Zealand, and what was a 14 day contract looks like extending past 6 months.

With the delivery of the GO Rigel, Deepsea 1, GO Enif and GO Elnath into the fleet and contracts extending from Australia to Africa and the north of Vietnam, GO is developing as a truly international shipping company.

Capt Charles Milne has relocated to Singapore and will head up our newbuild technical team to ensure our newbuild and the vessels we charter are ready for work and perform to the high standards demanded by our crews and clients.

In October, Otto Marine exercised the option on the company and GO became a subsidiary of the Otto Marine group of companies.

For our staff and employees there will be little change and I will remain at the helm of GO with Mal Wardle as our Chairman.

The plan for GO is progress through to an initial public offering ( IPO ) and list on the Australian Stock Exchange by 2013.

All in all, this means Go will continue to get better at what we do, provide greater opportunities for those we employ and become an international offshore support vessel provider of choice.

Have a good start to the year and I will keep you updated on further developments.



There have been a few changes in the Operations Department since the last newsletter. Charles Milne will be based in Singapore in his new role as Projects Director. Charles will be responsible for managing our new build program and overseas dockings.

I have taken over the position of General Manager Operations after three years as the HSEQ Manager. We have had a busy and interesting few months with a number of mobilisations and dockings during that time.

Thanks to all those crew who completed the recent feedback form. It was good to see a number of positive comments. However, there were a few areas identified where we need to make some improvements. We will be taking onboard those concerns and making improvements.

The AMOS Integrated Quality Management System fleet installation is now almost completed, with 10 ships now on-line. The AMOS procurement module is scheduled for live testing in March. We should see significant improvements in tracking of purchase requests and delivery of goods with the new procurement system.

GO MARINE GROUP was well represented at Australian Oil and Gas show held in February at the Perth Convention Centre. It was good to meet a number of existing and prospective clients, as well as some of our sea going staff who had taken the opportunity to visit the show.

Thanks to all those crew who completed the

recent feedback form ... we will be ... making


Some highlights over the first quarter of 2012

DEEP SEA 1 successful completion of pre-lay anchor handling proof testing for TNK Vietnam in Vietnam. The ship and crew performed well handling the 20 tonne Stevshark Anchors and were praised by the client.

20 T anchor decked on the DEEP SEA 1

The GO ALTAIR continues to perform well after completing the Bass Straight and is now working in the Montara Field ROV operations.

DEEP SEA 1 reel

The GO CAPELLA completed a successful tow of the MODU Stena Clyde from Darwin to Portland Victoria

GO CAPELLA Stena Clyde tow

The SEALINK 161, GO ACAMAR and NAUTIKA PRIDE have all performed Seismic Support duties both in Australian waters and internationally. GO OFFSHORE and our crews are gaining recognition with Seismic operators for our experience with seismic support operations. The GO ACAMAR was docked in Singapore in February, and after painting, maintenance work and surveys, is ready for another couple of years of service.

The GO CANOPUS has been meeting all requirements of the salvage work associated with the Rena in New Zealand.

Our large PSV with 1000m2 of deck space, the TOISA SOLITAIRE continues to provide support to offshore installations and is currently supporting the Ocean Patriot and Ensco 104 in the Timor Sea for PTTEP.

On the West Coast, the GO EMERALD and GO POLARIS have been kept busy on projects towing barges for PB Towage and Murray Robert.

The GO RIGEL has settled into support operations for Origin supporting the Yolla Platform and the Jascon 25 in Bass Straight

The UOS DISCOVERY completed a very successful contract with CHEVRON and is currently supporting the Nan Hai 6 with WOODSIDE.

Bill Kelly - General Manager Operations

GO OFFSHORE and our crews are gaining

recognition with Seismic operators.

Sneak Peak = New GO Vessels





Full name

Mark Badkin


Badders/ Bad A** -

Position in GO MARINE

Tech’ Super’

If you could choose any position in GO Marine, what would it be and why?

Shared Services – You get lots of holidays out of Australia ( Training...)

Describe a day at GO MARINE

Planning ; implementing, reviewing, panicking, reacting, panicking more, phoning people in a panic etc. Unless it’s a Friday. NFi

What is the first thing you do when you wake up?

Fart and put the coffee machine on.

Describe your most embarrassing moment?

Too many to mention....!

What is someone else’s embarrassing moment?

A friend met a girl, took her to her place, as her parents were away, made love for hours in every room. He acquired her underwear and went home. He awoke In the morning around 11:00, his Mum called up stairs to him;”John would you like a cup of tea...?” Remembering the girl’s underwear in his jeans pocket, he retrieved them and put them on his head, and proceeded to fantasize over the night before. When he pulled back the covers; the cup of tea was at the side of his bed...!?

What is the highlight in your life thus far?

Wedding day – Huge fat boy breakfast with mi’ mates down the Barbican, ( historic part of Plymouth – where the Pilgrim fathers set sail for America), then a few beers( dutch courage...) On to Get mi’ clobber ready, Mess undress uniform, similar to James Bond outfit. Onwards to Boringdon Hall found in the 1086 Domesday Book where Sir Walter Raleigh is said to roam the corridors at the witching hour ( 3 O’Clock) http://www.boringdonhall.co.uk/

If you could have any super power what would it be and why?

Flying – to be able to drop things on people that had P**** me off./ Get to vessels faster – surprise visits offshore...!

Who are you most envious of?

Dale Carnegie. Edwards Demming. Look them up...!

What would people say is your weirdest habit?

Food I eat. Pasta, tuna and beans most days for fuel as I cycle in 3 days to work.

If you could be the opposite sex for the day what would you do?

Female Rugby team, and enjoy the hot soapy bath after the game....!

Yo mama so fat people jog around her for exercise

Yo mama so short she poses for trophies!


The one issue which confuses our crew more than any other is why we don’t usually pay a travel day when they swing on or off vessel.

Yo mama so lazy she thinks a two-income family is where yo daddy has two jobs.

Yo mama so lazy she’s got a remote control just to operate her remote!

Yo mama house so dirty she has to wipe her feet before she goes outside.

Did you know?

Contrary to popular misconception, Payroll Officers are actually very interesting, generous and good looking people.

End of Financial Year - Housekeeping

Yes, we know the EOFY is still six months away, but it’s worth reminding everyone that you need to ensure you keep your personal details up to date with Payroll. If you’ve changed your street or postal address we need to know this as it occurs, so we can update your records and ensure your Payment Summary is sent to the correct address when it comes time to send them out. After all, we all want to get our tax refund as soon as we’re able!

Travel Day or Leave Day?

The one issue which confuses our crew more than any other is why we don’t usually pay a travel day when they swing on or off vessel. All EBAs contain provision for the first day of travel to or from a swing change to be treated as part of your ‘off duty’ time ie. leave time. If you spend two or more days travelling, there is provision for all extra travel days to be paid as travel/dead days, but for crew who live in Australia it is rare to take more than one day to get home so this doesn’t usually come into play. Therefore, as a rule of thumb, if you commence travelling the day before your swing on day, or complete your travel the day following your swing off day, you’ll most likely not be paid any travel days as these will form part of your ‘off duty’ or leave time in accordance with your union agreement.

If you’ve found this explanation as clear as mud and are still unsure of how this works please feel free to contact the Payroll office at payroll@gomarinegroup.com.au and we’ll try to explain further to make it clearer.

Payroll Queries

The Payroll office endeavours to respond to queries as quickly as possible, but there are peak processing times when a delayed response is inevitable. If you have a query regarding your pay, please send it to payroll@gomarinegroup.com.au with as much detail as possible and we’ll respond as soon as we’re able.

Dave Fallon - Payroll


WORLD ACCORDING TO: ACCOUNTANTS Upon returning from Bali, as well as a selection of intestinal challenges, I found I had been lumbered, I mean given the honour, of producing the first “What’s Going On?” article from the Finance team.I suppose a positive is that this will be the best to date, although that’s tempered by the realisation that it will be second best in roughly three months time. I don’t know who nominated me for this honour but I’ll find out where you live. You can be sure of that. The World According to Accounts is one of order and calm. One where gaps are closed and challenges met. Well, we can dream can’t we? While the rest of Go is busy creating something, we are charged with finding out just what it is you’ve created. Or at least to put a number on it. I started at Go in February 2011 and we are still looking for order and calm, and at gaps and challenges. At least life on the light side isn’t boring, and that’s a good thing – right? As you would all be aware, Otto Marine has taken a significant ownership stake in Go Marine and therefore takes a keen interest in everything we do. They also have to incorporate our numbers into their numbers when they report their results. This explains the extra Accounting bodies you would have seen occupying just about every spare space for the last few weeks and ensuring that successfully logging into Pronto is akin to the perverbial teeth pulling. Amongst other things they have been helping us tame a beast we like to call 2010/11. Apart from the odd twitch, SJ’s team has helped us tazer it into submission. We now aim to tame 2011/12 so it will be somewhat better behaved. Given Otto’s tight reporting deadlines there really is no other option. The gap will have closed come January, never to return.

Of course we don’t have the manic staff turnover of Crewing (who are not so slowly working their way through the Perth telephone directory), but in my short time here I’ve seen several fellow Accounting warriors come and go. Amongst the recent escapees has been Joe Rokov (who must have aged a year for every month here, and was often mauled by the 2010/11 beast, but whose ability to smile through it all and acerbic wit was particularly enjoyed), Roslyn Kovacs (a bubbly personality whose enthusiasm for everything Go was only exceeded by...everything else (sorry Ros)) and of course Chief Reg Armstrong (always supportive and encouraging). The latest bid for freedom comes from Jenny, our Irish immigrant. We will miss her ready smile and cheerful nature, and the palpable excitement when she realises that another supplier statement needs her careful attention. Strange thing is that it never mattered that we couldn’t understand anything she said.

She is reluctantly giving all this up. She says the hills are calling, but in this case they are in the Eastern States. She has decided to risk a family feud and join her sisters for a sojourn amongst the cane toads and trap door spiders. One concern is whether the potato industry is ready for three Conroys (init).

Just as some leave, others join the coalface. We now have a new chief, Woody Wunsch, and several new staff - Welcome to Stephanie Odey, Andrea Ang, Bhavesh Shah and Anthony Amalraj. I’ll not be passing any comments – I have to work with these guys! Well these beans won’t count themselves and no doubt by now you are pretty keen to turn the page, so it seems appropriate to pass the baton to someone more deserving (yay!).

Keith Baxter (counting Inshore beans)

... helping us tame a beast we like to call 2010/11.

GO INSHORE NEWSLatest News: GO INSHORE has been appointed to supply and operate LINE BOATS within the port of Port Hedland, servicing most major berths. We anticipate running lines for around 40 to 60 ships per month, which is great news, as we offer a “second to none” service to our clients. This appointment further increases our vessel presence in the port to a fleet of six and has created another eight jobs for our marine crew.

MEDIA: Recently, we were involved with AUSMARINE, the commercial marine magazine issued monthly “for those who earn their living from the sea”. After a series of photos and an article produced by Mike Brown, we appeared on the January 2012 front cover and an inside editorial on the new build vessel GO LATITUDE, along with our company profile. This has increased our profile in a positive manner across the marine industry.

General Business:GO INSHORE experienced a steady flow of business during the final quarter of last year. However, as predicted, we had a downturn during the month of January 2012, which is normal around this time. With all the major projects on the horizon we expect to increase our fleet involvement within these national projects. Looking forward, we are all getting excited as WHEATSTONE is gaining momentum. GO INSHORE has recently been awarded a short contract for the supply and operation of a multi-purpose workboat to carry out services such as hydrographic survey and crew transfer. Only a handful of vessels have been selected on this project in its early stages, and we hope to continue on site for a long time to come.

Making Way:GO INSHORE has been on the move with exploring entry into other ports, focusing mainly on the East Coast. We hope to further expand our reach into other ports and secure a place within already existing markets. We are now becoming recognised in the commercial vessel arena as a service provider that delivers. Although we are a young company, we have grown at a tremendous rate and are more than capable of successfully handling the demands of our ever increasing client base.

Heath Stewart - General Manager GO INSHORE Yo mama’s glasses are so thick that when she looks on a map she can see people waving.


Article by Brent M

I’d just joined the Go Rigel in Geelong for a month’s detox after two months leave when I was asked to write something for What’s Going On? I have enough problems writing up the deck log at the end of my watch, but the cadets are looking after that at the moment, so I’ve got no excuse.

I got away with ASP in 1999 after realising I wanted a bigger cabin, better food, more money and more leave than fishing and charter boats. It was great to get around the world a bit, but after getting my 2nd Mate’s ticket I was stuck in a uniform on the Spirit of Tasmania for 18 months, which was about 17 months too long for me; although the 0000-0400 watch had plenty of amusing moments watching passengers who’d overindulged a little wrestle in the nude, get frisky in the lifeboats and relieve their bladders over the windward side of the roaring 40’s.

After leaving ASP, a year working/fishing/relaxing on Brampton Island in watersports helped me forget Bass Strait and the Port Philip Bay pilotage and I was ready to get back to sea. A swing on the Alcem Calaca was one of life’s lessons, as anyone who sailed on her would know; Maritime College never taught you that cable ties, duct tape and timber bungs could be such an integral part of ship construction.

I enjoyed a great few years with P&O Maritime on CSIRO’s RV Southern Surveyor and it was great to be at sea with so many enthusiastic scientists and a crew who clearly loved being part of some important research projects. A few relief swings on the Southern Supporter working with Fugro gave me an introduction to some ROV and survey work. TMS then gave me my longest run job to date; Freo to Bali (via Bluff in NZ) and a few other little bits and pieces before picking up a 1 swing relief with GO. That was in 2008 and I’m still here. After trying to start studying for my Master’s ticket with a newborn 18 months ago, I finally hit the books and realised that it’s true what they say about beer and brain cells! Word of advice: study at sea where it’s dry and you’re getting paid for it! So, just short of 10 years since I’d passed the written exams I finally passed my orals late last year, but seeing the number of emails that just came in to the bridge today I’m reconsidering sending HR a copy of it.

I’ve sailed on a number of vessels with GO, including the Neptune Trident, Toisa Solitaire and Serenade, Havila Harmony, Go Altair, Greatship Manisha, B104, Miclyn Endurance and now the Go Rigel. I’ve sailed with some great crews, gained some valuable experience and managed to have a bit of a laugh along the way. I’m looking forward to continuing with the company in the future, especially as I lost my resume when my laptop crashed last week and can’t be bothered writing up another one to send elsewhere.

...passengers who’d

overindulged a little wrestle in the nude, get frisky in the lifeboats ...

Yo mama so stupid she tried to alphabetise m&m’s

Yo Mama so fat when she went to the movies she sat next to everyone

Article by Brent Middleton.

1 2

3 4


6 7

8 9

10 11











Email your answers to n.ellery@gomarinegroup.com.au. We will give the first person with correct answers

$100 Myer voucher!


In recent months GO OFFSHORE has been restructuring internally, resulting in a change within our Operations and Shared Services departments. The restructure has seen Charlie Milne relocate to Singapore as our newly appointed Project Director, overseeing our New Build program and being at the operational forefront of new acquisitions to our fleet. The position of General Manager Operations was appointed to Bill Kelly in October last year. HSEQ will now directly fall under Operations, whilst the Crewing team of Pip, Cynthia, Azimah and Ashley, led at the helm by Anne Keenan as Crewing Manager, will now report directly to the Shared Services Department.

What and who is “Shared Services” you may ask. The Shared Services Department is responsible for all HR and administration functions for the group, including Inshore, Offshore and Corporate employees. Some of the more common areas that may be familiar to you are Payroll, Corporate HR, Industrial Relations, Employee Relations, Office Administration, Special Projects, Service Delivery and now Crewing.

Recently, Shared Services completed our first field survey. We would like thank the 329 employees who responded. Those employees who completed the survey directly with me earlier in 2011 have also had their comments included. As a management team we have been reviewing your feedback , good and bad. As a result, we have selected several key areas that we will be targeting to improve on in 2012. The survey itself had more than 1500 individual comments made and I urge those of you who asked specific questions and/or made a request to sit with management to email me directly. Although the majority of you registered your names as completing the survey, no one comment can be tied back to an individual so it is very difficult for me to respond too many of your questions as I have no idea who actually asked them. For those of you who provided your FF Number for me to add to your file this also relates to you.

The survey itself was broken into two areas. One area graphed all your scores and the other recorded all your comments. The first area of the survey provides a good snap shot of how we are progressing and I will be forwarding a copy to all of you via email. All areas of our business are important and we will continue to strive to improve in each area but will pay particular attention to improving on item 8, 10, 18 and 24. Due to the content of the second part of the report and comments that may be offensive to some readers, this part of the report will not be promulgated, but as a direct result of the constructive criticism received, we will also be targeting:

1. Communication across the board, especially notification on crew changes, updating of the internet, company newsletter content, response time to your questions, accessibility to management, internet services offshore and general feedback on where GO is heading and how you are performing;

The Shared Services department is

responsible for all HR and administration

functions for the Group

2. PPE, in particular quality and accessibility to Company overalls;3. Improving the response time for purchase requests;4. Employee engagement, training opportunities, reward and recognition;5. More frequent vessel visits from office personnel to better understand issues onboard;6. The standard in which vessels arrive in Australia.

There were quite a few comments in relation to permanent employment and, for those of you that may not be aware, at present GO is running in excess of 80% permanency. I acknowledge that several of you completing the survey indicated that you would like the opportunity to be made permanent when a position arises and for your commitment I thank you. For this reason, Shared Services will be maintaining a database of those of you who would like to be considered. I appreciate that you may have asked your crewing officer previously, and I may have some details, but to ensure that I have up to date information and I am aware of every employee who would like to be considered, I respectfully request that you notify me again directly at k.clark@gomarinegroup.com.au. A response acknowledging your request will be provided.

One final area on which I would like to touch in this issue of “What’s Going On’ is training. Presently, excluding any training paid by Clients or short 2 to 5 day courses, GO has 35 employees undergoing some form of fulltime training. GO has committed 1.6M this year to employee training and we will continue to provide training opportunities to our permanent crew and long term casual employees as we see this as paramount to our long term success and continued growth of the business.

Several employees responded in the survey that

they would be interested in applying for training opportunities and advancement and should you wish to do so, please register your interest directly with Cynthia Ingram-Ramm at c.ingram-ramm@gomarinegroup.com.au. Cynthia will provide you with a registration form for completion and return. Applications for training in 2013 will close 30th June 2012. The training committee, which is comprised of personnel from Operations, Crewing and HSEQ will meet during July and August to evaluate all of the applications. All candidates will be notified of the outcome during September.

Once again, thanks to each and every one of you who completed the survey. Our goal is to repeat the process in a modified format later in the year to see how we are progressing. In the meantime, if you have any concerns or your queries are not being responded to promptly, please let either Anne Keenan or myself know. Anne recently joined GO, has 19 years experience in the Offshore industry and has embraced the challenge of improving the quality of service and response times within the team. Anne can be contacted via email at a.keenan@gomarinegroup.com.au.

If we are doing a good job, great to hear that, too, so we know we are on the right track! If you have suggested improvements by all means drop as an email. If you would like to drop in for a coffee and chat, you are always welcome (my shout).

Karen Clark - General Manger Shared Services

Yo mama so short you can see her feet on her drivers license!


The GO Marine Group is rolling out a pocket guide for the first time. The GO Safe Guide is a tool to further develop our safety culture and is to be issued to all GO Marine Group employees. The intention is to provide a personal guide for our crews to have instant access to vital safety information which will assist with job planning, risk assessments and it is expected that all employees will carry this pocket guide when engaged in work operations.

The Guide explained:

• High Five for Safety - This is about job planning, it will assist crews to consider key elements in job planning, ensuring we all have a perfect day.

• Stop Work Authority - The Stop Work Authority (SWA) has been introduced across our ships and vessels. It gives all crews the right to stop the job. On the back of the SWA there is a clear explanation of how it should be applied.

• GO Home Safe Rules (summary) - This summary has been taken from the more detailed rules in our Safety Management System. These should be considered in all daily work activities. Again, this is about ensuring we all have a perfect day.

• Hierarchy of Controls - The HOC’s should be considered when managing any hazard and in particular, the development or validation of JSEA’s. Remember the top four elements (Eliminate, substitution, isolation and engineering) will make the difference.

• Permit to Work - Our Safety Management System requires certain permits when undertaking high risk activities; these are listed for you in your GO Safe Guide.

• Environmental Considerations - The protection of the environment is important to GO MARINE. This section is provided to ensure any environmental impacts are considered in any work activity we undertake. The environment must be considered in JSEA development or JSEA validation.

• Hazard Observations - The change from the small yellow card to the HAZOB’s in the guide does not alter the intent of this important safety process. In fact it will enhance the process. One change is the bottom section, which relates to the close out of the HAZOB. Most ship / vessel HAZOBs should be closed out by the ship or vessel crew. If shore

• GO Marine Risk Matrix - The risk matrix is there to assist you with undertaking any risk assessments related to work activities. This must be used when developing or validating JSEA’s.

Any queries please contact HSEQ.

GO Offshore became involved with two Germany beauties, Combi Dock I and Combi Dock III, in late 2011. Since then it has been a whirlwind affair of training, quarantine, training, loading, training, unloading and, of course, more training.At an impressive 41m high, 162 m long and with a combined crane lift of up to 700t, they are the largest vessels manned by GO Offshore. These two roll on/roll off vessels have begun making regular trips from the AMC facility at Henderson to and from Barrow Island, delivering cargo and supplies for the Gorgon Project.

Combi Dock III was the first to mobilise. The lucky starting crew spent over a week in Singapore completing training and becoming familiar with the vessel. The ‘Combi Admin Team’ ran a series of sessions covering everything from management to manual handling. But it wasn’t all work! There were also a few outings to see the local sights, and a lot of laughs. At the conclusion of the training expedition, crew A joined the vessel and sailed her down to Fremantle, arriving alongside on 24th October 2011.

The Combi Dock I vessel was next to mobilise, and after careful recruitment and selection the appointed crew flew into Bali for a similar intense routine of training and project familiarisation. The Combi Admin Team and respective trainers ran a series of sessions covering thirteen different courses for the 60 crew members who were in attendance. As well as certified training, the crew was lucky to be part of the first GO OFFFSHORE team building activity. This Amazing Race style scavenger hunt was a real success and the Bali training trip ended with high fives. The admin team were delighted to see not just the work relationships, but the friendships forming. GO will be looking at similar team building activities as the year unfolds.

The Combi Project is being looked after internally by our General Manager of Shared Services, Karen Clark, Casey Duncan and myself, although sadly I will be leaving for personal reasons towards the end of February and Tash Muir will be taking over. Due to the high volume of training and organisation required in a relatively short time frame, Ian Morgan, one of our own IR’s, has also been assisting the start of the Combi Project. Ian will be returning to sea in April and no doubt has some tales to tell about his experiences working onshore, and just how fast paced the office environment can be.

The vessels are now enjoying smooth sailing and fine weather on their journey to and from WA’s Class A nature reserve, Barrow Island, and all going well they will be here for some time to come. There are still vacancies for appropriately skilled Deck Officers with relevant ro/ro and heavy lift experience, so if you are interested please drop us a line at combi@gomarinegroup.com.au. If anyone else has an interest in the project then by all means let us know, as no doubt over time we shall require the odd replacement or two...

Clare Dickson15


Congratulations to Pierre-Louis Constant on your beautiful baby, Chloe Emilie Constant-Delame, who was born on the 31st of October 2011.


baby photos



These old pictures were taken of people who are very much involved at GO MARINE GROUP. Can you guess who they are? Email your

answers to n.ellery@gomarinegroup.com.au.

We will give the first person with correct answers

$100 Myer voucher!

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