what your should know about the chinese in america that your history book left out

Post on 21-Jan-2018






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What You Should Know About The Chinese in America That Your History Book Left Out

Presentation by John Jung to 5th Grade Class, Campus SchoolConfucius Institute, University of Memphis 9/13/11

+Talking to 5th graders at University of Memphis campus school

+ What is this statue a symbol of?

"Give me your tired, your poor,Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"Emma Lazarus, 1883

+Where Is This Place and What Was Its Purpose?

+Opened 100 Years Ago(just like U. of Memphis)

+What is a diaspora? Di as po ra n. "the movement, migration, or scattering of · · ·

people away from an established or ancestral homeland"

+Paper Sons (and daughters)

+A Mock Immigration Interview

+ Brief Excerpt from An Actual Immigration Interrogation

+Poems Carved on Angel Island Walls

+What is Xenophobia?

xeno phobi a· · n.

"an unreasonable fear or hatred of foreigners or strangers or of that which is foreign or strange”.

+ Anti-Chinese Feelings in Images of Aggression On Laundrymen

+Anti-Chinese Sentiment led to Anti-Chinese Sentiment led to Chinese Exclusion Act in 1882Chinese Exclusion Act in 1882

+Mocking the Laundryman

+ Sarcasm Toward Chinese Laundrymen

+A Laundryman’s Day Off?

+Can You Explain This Ad for a Washing Machine?

+What Is The Appeal of ‘Chinatowns’?’

+Tourist Attraction


Tong Wars, Opium Dens, Slave girls, etc.

+Can You Spot WhereMany Chinese Lived?

+Recycled Storefronts

+Kitschy Interiors

+ A Chinese Restaurant in Memphis

+Whole Families Worked in Cafes

+ Low Price ‘Advantage’

‘Unpaid’ Family Labor

Low rent neighborhoods

Sleep near, behind, or above the restaurant

‘Paid’ immigrant help with “room and board”

+American Chinese Menu

+Although Today There Are Some Elegant Chinese Restaurants

+Yet Chinese Restaurants WereNot Popular At First For Non Chinese

+What is ‘wrong’ in this drawing?

+What Does This Drawing Suggest?

+Can you guess what this dish is?

+A First Class Menu in New York 1900


+Urban Legends: Chop Suey To The Rescue!

+Chop Suey Craze

+Chop Suey for Non Chinese


+Mississippi Delta Chinese

+Cheap Labor for Cotton Fields




Plantation Commissaries

+A Sample of Grocery Stores


+Families Worked Long Hours AndLived in Backs of Grocery Stores

+Chinese Church Schools


+How Some Felt About Delta Chinese in 1920sHow Some Felt About Delta Chinese in 1920s



+Then and Now ... the End of An Then and Now ... the End of An EraEra




+ Many Wives Worked Side by Side with Husbands To Earn A Living

+Other Women Worked in Sewing Sweatshops To Help Support Families

+World Events Affect How Chinese in America Are Treated

√ Ally of U. S. in W. W. II (early 1940s)

√ Defeat of Nationalists by Red China (late 1940s)

√ Korean War (early 1950s)

√ Economic Power of China (1990s-)

√ China and Human Rights, Corruption, Environment Pollution, Unsafe Food, etc

“Chinese Americans” Are They “Americans” or “Forever Foreigners’?

+Children of Chinese ImmigrantsBenefited from Parental Sacrifice

+From ‘Yellow Peril’ To ‘Model Minority’ … A Blessing Or A Curse?

+Chinese in America Today(or The Importance of Being Educated)

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