webinar - unexpected website performance formulas of the conversion scientist

Post on 10-May-2015






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The Conversion Scientist, Brian Massey, presented as part of the LogMyCalls marketing webinar series. This webinar teaches marketers how to increase their conversion rates.


Website Formulasof the Conversion Scientist™

Brian MasseyConversion Sciences, LLC

Tweet Something@bmassey


Expect the Unexpected

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

What You Will Learn

18 concepts that will shake the very foundations of your idea of a website

18 ways to make your website more successful

18 ways to piss off your competitors


Conversion ScientistFounder of Conversion SciencesConsultantNational SpeakerAuthor Your Customer Creation EquationLabwear Fashion Model


Don’t Think. Know.Training

Conversion Catalyst ConsultingPPC Landing Page Optimization

Video that ConvertsAnalytics

Visitor PersonasFeared by Competitors Across the Internet


Please Put On Your Safety Goggles

Your opinion doesn’t matter.



Boosted Sales by 30%

Your visitors don’t care about your company or your products.2


Don’t “We” “We” all over yourself.


Now through a single, unified user interface, design, order, provision and control cloud services with the ability to modify decisions as

needed to ensure the satisfaction of your IT goals. This is the new IT.

Your visitors will tell you exactly what to do.3

Start Your Conversion Lab


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LogMyCalls Free Trial• LogMyCalls.com/30-day-trial• Coupon Code: DAMGOOD• Call (866) 811-8880

Conversion is about more than landing pages, buttons, forms, and shopping carts.4

Every click is a promise that you must keep.5


Every change is an experiment.6

Every change is an experiment.6

Specifics are the hallmark of conversion.7

24%More leads

Avoid Business Porn.8

Who are we really talking to?

Who are we really talking to?

Get Creative with Images

Market research is a collection of hypotheses, not answers.9


10Don’t send your store-bought traffic to social networks.

11The most important part of a design is the dollars it generates.


12Store the attention you’ve paid for and use it again and again.



Customer BatteriesSubscriber BatteriesSocial BatteriesMobile Batteries

13The most valuable use of a blog is as a content source.

Create a Blogcano

14Start at the end when designing your landing pages.

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15Sometimes it’s okay—even preferable—if visitors abandon you.


Good Abandon vs. Bad Abandon

Shipping and handling costs were too high.


Forrester Research, May 2010, Understanding Shopping Cart Abandonment

The shopper wasn’t ready to purchase the product


Forrester Research, May 2010, Understanding Shopping Cart Abandonment

The shopper wanted to compare prices on other sites.


Forrester Research, May 2010, Understanding Shopping Cart Abandonment

Product price was higher than the shopper was willing to pay.


Forrester Research, May 2010, Understanding Shopping Cart Abandonment

The shopper just wanted to save products in his cart for later consideration.


Forrester Research, May 2010, Understanding Shopping Cart Abandonment

Retargeting and Remarketing

16Email is the biggest social network on the planet—bigger and more effective even than Facebook.

Reply to All


The job of your home page is to get people off of your home page.

18You will find your own surprises as you continue on this journey.



Learn how to apply• Your Conversion Lab• Marketing Batteries• Visitor Tripwires• Blogs that Erupt• Backwards Landing Pages• Checkout Cholesterol• Social Homing Beacons

Learn how to apply• Your Conversion Lab• Marketing Batteries• Visitor Tripwires• Blogs that Erupt• Backwards Landing Pages• Checkout Cholesterol• Social Homing Beacons

LogMyCalls Free Trial• LogMyCalls.com/30-day-trial• Coupon Code: DAMGOOD• Call (866) 811-8880

Webinar Offer

Learn how to apply• Your Conversion Lab• Marketing Batteries• Visitor Tripwires• Blogs that Erupt• Backwards Landing Pages• Checkout Cholesterol• Social Homing Beacons

Thursday, Nov. 1, 2 PM EDT Content Marketing: Keys to Becoming a Brand Journalist

• Google says that content marketing is now the key to SEO – Why?• Great examples of content marketing, from Spafax to John Deere, Michelin, Lexus, etc. • How to get more from the traffic from your content• How to turn your expertise into content • How do you get started down the trail to effective content• Sign up LogMyCalls.com/webinar

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Dan Levy, Editor, Sparksheet

Dan Levy is the editor of Sparksheet, the award winning multiplatform magazine published by content marketing agency Spafax. Sparksheet is also an AdAge 150 blog. A native Montrealer, Dan has worked as a political reporter in Washington, as a writing coach in Boston and as a research assistant at Harvard.

Dan holds a master’s degree in journalism from Boston University and a BA in Humanistic Studies from McGill University.

You can follow Dan on Twitter at #danjl, on his personal blog at danjlevy.com and, of course, on Sparksheet.com.

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