viruses-mechanisms of immune evasion and involvement in periodontal diseases

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  • 7/30/2019 Viruses-mechanisms of Immune Evasion and Involvement in Periodontal Diseases


    R. Periodontia - Junho 2009 - Volume 19 - Nmero 02


    Periodontitis is a disease attributable to multiple

    infectious agents and interconnects cellular and

    humoral host immune responses. However, it has

    been difficult to unravel the precise role of various

    putative pathogens and host responses in the

    pathogenesis of periodontitis. Some uncertainties

    about the differences in loss of periodontal

    attachment and alveolar bone or limited gingival

    inflammation with comparable levels of risk factors

    have galvanized efforts to find additional etiologic

    factors for periodontitis (SLOTS, 2005). Recently, it was

    suggested that certain viruses might also influence

    the development and severity of periodontal diseases,

    though the cause of gingivitis and periodontitis is

    credited to bacteria colonizing tooth surfaces and

    initiating the major mechanisms of periodontal

    destruction (CAPPUYNS et al, 2005). Its obvious that

    others factors beyond biofilm are important in the

    pathogenesis of periodontitis, like tobacco smoking

    and genetically determined variations in inflammatoryresponse patterns. But viruses can also interfere on

    immune responses though immune modulators

    encoded within viral genomes, which include proteins

    that regulate antigen presentation, function as

    cytokines or cytokine antagonists, inhibit apoptosis,




    Vrus: mecanismos de evaso imunolgica e envolvimento nas doenas periodontais - Um artigode reviso

    Giselle Segnini Senra1, Adriana Aigotti Haberbeck Brando2, Warley David Kerbauy3


    Periodontite uma doena multifatorial com diversos

    padres clnicos no precisamente explicados pelo papel

    etiolgico de bactrias. Herpesvrus tm sido encontrados

    em locais afetados por periodontite, pela PCR. Sabe-se que

    os herpesvrus afetam a regulao imune; assim, variaes

    nas respostas inflamatria e imune atribudas a eles po-

    dem reduzir a resistncia do hospedeiro contra coloniza-

    o subgengival e multiplicao de patgenos periodontais.

    Mais investigaes experimentais para avaliar a real relao

    dos efeitos observados em estudos descritivos podem tra-

    zer provas causativas e conclusivas dos efeitos especficos

    dos herpesvrus nas doenas periodontais.


    1Doutoranda em Biopatologia Bucal (FOSJC Unesp)

    2Professora Doutora da Disci plina de Patologia Geral (FOSJC Unesp)

    3Professor Doutor da Disciplina de Periodontia (FOSJC Unesp)

    Recebimento: 11/02/08 - Correo: 28/07/08 - Aceite: 29/01/09

    H e r p e s v i r i d a e / i m u n o l o g i a ;

    Citomegalovirus; Herpesvirus 4 Humano; Simplexvirus;

    Periodontite/etiologia. R Periodontia 2009; 19:38-44.

  • 7/30/2019 Viruses-mechanisms of Immune Evasion and Involvement in Periodontal Diseases


    R. Periodontia - 19(2):38-44


    and interrupt the complement cascade (SPRIGGS, 1996).

    Thus, a situation of viral-bacterial interaction could occur in

    the oral cavity without a denial of the argument for a major

    etiological role of bacteria in human periodontal disease.

    The purpose of this review is giving an overview of theviruses and its mechanisms of immune evasion and

    pathogenesis, highlighting specifically those viruses that may

    be potentially involved in periodontal diseases, in the absence

    of HIV viruses and AIDS.


    A sear ch was pe r fo rmed on Medl ine (ht tp :// using the search

    terms viruses periodontal and Limits: Publication Date from2006/07, Humans. This search resulted in 35 articles and all

    related to AIDS were excluded. Another search was

    performed on these articles references, including all that bring

    relevant information about the theme.

    Mammalian viruses

    Viruses occupy a unique position in biology. They are

    restricted intracellular agents, which are metabolically and

    pathogenically inert outside the host cell (SLOTS, 2005),

    depending on living cells for replication.

    Individual virus families have targeted many common

    immunological principles. Viruses that belong to different

    families are subject to different constraints. The genome size

    of RNA viruses is limited and they have the advantage of

    being able to use mutation to escape immune control while

    the genome size of DNA viruses allows a larger number of

    genes to be devoted to host control (ALCAMI &

    KOSZINOWSKI, 2000).

    Viruses can exist in two forms: extracellular virion particles

    and intracellular genomes. Virions are more resistant to

    physical stress than genomes but are susceptible to humoral

    immune control. Virus genomes can be maintained in host

    cells by limited gene expression and can evade the host

    immune response. Nevertheless, viruses replication and

    transfer to a new host are essential for them, so they have

    evolved strategies to evade immune control mechanisms like

    wi th the immunoregu lator y prote in s wi th homo lo g

    sequencing cellular genes. These stolen genes from the host

    modify the viruses for their benefit and the viral homology ofhost genes involved in the immune system are mainly found

    in large viruses, like the herpesviridae (ALCAMI &

    KOSZINOWSKI, 2000), a virus family of DNA, doubled-

    stranded, enveloped viruses. DNA viruses replicate in the

    nucleus and are more likely to persist in the host. Enveloped

    viruses typically initiate cell-mediate inflammatory responses

    and delayed type hypersensitivity, which affect viral replication

    by killing mammalian cells that express viral proteins. Disease

    is often due to inappropriate immune responses and this

    explains why herpesvirus reactivation is triggered by a numberof immunosuppressing factors. Naked viruses are controlled

    mainly by antibody, and vaccines are generally effective

    (SLOTS, 2005). Because of the lack of effective therapeutics

    and vaccines, herpesvirus diseases continue to constitute a

    significant problem for public health (SLOTS, 2005). Recent

    studies have revealed an association between some of the

    members of herpesvirus family and destructive human

    periodontal disease.

    Herpesviruses and mechanisms of immune evasionOf the approximately 120 identified different

    herpesviruses, eight major types are known to infect humans

    (table 1), namely, herpes simplex virus (HSV) type 1 and 2,

    varicella-zoster virus (VZV), Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), human

    cytomegalovirus (HCMV), human herpesvirus HHV-6, HHV-

    7, and HHV-8 (Kaposis sarcoma virus). Humans are the only

    source of infection for these eight herpesviruses. Human

    herpesviruses are classified into three groups (,,) based

    upon details of tissue tropism, pathogenicity, and behavior

    under conditions of culture in the laboratory (SLOTS, 2005).

    Herperviruses can occur in a latent or in a productive

    (lytic) state of replication. During the latent phase the viral

    genome integrates within the host cells genome. They may

    undergo reactivation and re-enter the productive phase as

    consequence of declining herpesvirus-specific cellular

    immunity. The genomic transcription may induce changes in

    host cell expression of genes that encode proteins involved

    in immunity and host defense (SLOTS, 2005).

    The innate host response consists of a complex system

    of mechanical and secreted defenses, immediate chemokine

    and interferon responses, and rapidly recruited cellular

    defenses. Cellular lymphocyte response attempts to eliminate

    virus-infected cells. It is essential to limit initial viral replication

    and to facilitate appropriate adaptive immune response.

    Cytotoxic T- lymphocyte (CTL) and NK cells are the most

    important effectors in the maintenance of latency. T-cell

    response to herpesvirus changes from a predominantly CD4+

    response early in infection to a CD8+ response during latent

    infection (SLOTS, 2005).The mechanisms that viruses use to perpetuate

    themselves within the host is reflected in the varied immune

    modulators encoded in viral genomes which include selective

    regulation of host antigen presentation, production of growth

    factors that function on host cells, and antagonism of

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    R. Periodontia - 19(2):38-44


    immune function through the use of soluble versions of

    cytokine receptors. In many cases, these viral proteins

    function to assist the virus in avoiding host immune

    surveillance, while in other instances they clearly function to

    protect the host from the sometimes deleterious effects ofthe virus-induced inflammatory response. Not surprisingly,

    herpesviruses are considered masters of host immune

    evasion, employing a variety of strategies that ultimately allow

    the establishment of latent infections and occasional

    reactivations that ensure efficient perpetuation of the virus

    within a population (SPRIGGS, 1996).

    Cytokines are potent, soluble proteins that play key ro-

    les in the induction and maintenance of inflammation,

    immune response, differentiation, and embryonal

    development (SPRIGGS, 1996). Th1 proinflammatory immuneresponses aim to clear the host of intracellular pathogens.

    Th1 cytokines favor the development of a strong cellular

    immune response whereas Th2 cytokines favor a strong

    humoral immune response. IL-10, a Th2 cytokine,

    antagonizes Th1 proinflammatory responses (SLOTS, 2005).

    Herpesviruses modulate the activity of chemoattractant

    cytokines that regulate leukocyte trafficking to sites of

    infection, preventing Th1 anti-viral responses. HCMV and

    EBV express IL-10 homologs downregulating the production

    of IL-12 and also inhibiting the production of TNF, IL-1 and

    other cytokines in macrophages. IL-12 is required for the

    production of IFN which induces an anti-viral state in the cell

    limiting virus replication (SLOTS, 2005; SPRIGGS, 1996;

    ALCAMI & KOSZINOWSKI, 2000). Viruses also display great

    inventiveness when it comes to diverting potent antiviral

    cytokine and chemokine responses to their benefit.

    Prostaglandin E2

    (PGE2), which is a major mediator of

    periodontal inflammatory response, increases rapidly in

    response to exposure of cells to herpesviruses and to bacterial

    lipopolysaccharide; however, PGE2

    may under certain

    circumstances serve to support HCMV replication (SLOTS,

    2005). Some cytokine homologs might also increase

    proliferation of cells that are targets for viral replication

    (ALCAMI & KOSZINOWSKI, 2000). One interesting

    mechanism is the mimicry of cytokines (virokines) and

    cytokine receptors (viroceptors) by large DNA viruses like


    The complement system is a major non-specific host

    defense mechanism. Viruses protect the membranes ofinfected cells and the lipid envelopes of virus particles from

    complement lysis by encoding homologs inhibitors of the

    membrane-attack complex. HCMV borrows host cellular

    factors (CD59), which normally protects cells from

    complement lysis, and incorporating them into the viral en-

    velope (ALCAMI & KOSZINOWSKI, 2000).

    Apoptosis can be triggered by a variety of inducers,

    including infectious agents such as viruses. Apoptosis can

    be considered an innate cellular response to limit viral

    propagation, and viruses express proteins that block death

    response; however, apoptosis might also facilitate virus

    dissemination, and viral pro-apoptotic mechanisms have also

    been described (ALCAMI & KOSZINOWSKI, 2000). Expression

    of the EBV latent proteins protects latently infected B cells

    from apoptosis but cannot inhibit apoptosis of naive B

    lymphocytes as a result of primary EBV infection (SPRIGGS,


    The major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I

    molecules are expressed on the surface of virtually all somatic

    cells. CTL recognition of the viral antigen in the context of

    the self MHC molecules leads to cellular activation, resulting

    in both lysis of the infected cell and production of cytokines

    and other factors that allow the expansion of the virus-specific

    CTL population. HSV provides an example of interference

    with virus-specific CTL recognition through regulation of

    MHC class I/ peptide complex expression. HSV-1 and HSV-2,

    like all herpesviruses, shut off MHC class I expression late

    in infection as a result of overall diminished host

    protein synthesis. HCMV can exhibit a structure with

    significant homology to MHC class I playing a role in

    interfering with normal MHC class I transport and function

    (SPRIGGS, 1996).

    Increased attention has focused on the possible clinicalsignificance of HCMV-induced immunosuppression in

    immunocompetent individuals. HCMV seroposivity is

    associated with higher degrees of CD8+ clonality in the

    immunocompetent elderly, which may be associated with

    aging (BOECKH & NICHOLS, 2003).

    Herpesviruses Abbreviation Herpes

    groupHerpes simplex virus type 1 HSV-1

    Herpes simplex virus type 2 HSV-2

    Varicella-zoster virus VZV

    Epstein-Barr virus EBV

    Human cytomegalovirus HCMV

    Human herpesvirus 6 HHV-6

    Human herpesvirus 7 HHV-7

    Human herpesvirus 8 HHV-8

    Table 1



  • 7/30/2019 Viruses-mechanisms of Immune Evasion and Involvement in Periodontal Diseases


    R. Periodontia - 19(2):38-44


    Pathogenesis of herpesvirus in periodontal disease

    The pathogenic process of periodontitis includes dynamic

    interactions among various infectious agents and

    interconnects cellular and humoral host responses. However,

    despite a long history of research into the pathobiology of

    periodontitis, a definitive statement about its probable cau-

    ses on a molecular level remains elusive. Bacterial pathogens

    are necessary antecedents for the development of

    periodontitis but the mere amount of biofilm does not seem

    to provide sufficient basis for explaining important

    clinicopathologic features of the disease. Bacterial infection

    alone may not explain the conversion of gingivitis to

    periodontitis (SLOTS et al,2002), rapid tissue destruction

    around teeth exhibiting little plaque, the propensity of

    periodontitis to proceed with periods of exacerbation and

    remission, and the tendency of periodontal tissue breakdown

    to advance in a localized and bilaterally symmetrical pattern

    (KUBAR et al, 2005). Recent studies (some examples in table

    2) suggest that periodontal hespesviruses comprise an

    important source for triggering periodontal tissue destruction(SAYGUN et al, 2004) and the identification of a herpesvirus

    factor in the development of periodontitis may help clarify

    hitherto unexplained clinical and pathophysiologic

    characteristics of the disease (KUBAR et al, 2005).

    The involvement of herpesviruses in the etiology of

    periodontal diseases is suggested by: 1) higher frequency of

    virus detection in gingival tissue and subgingival plaque of

    periodontitis sites than in healthy sites; 2) higher frequency

    of virus detection in gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) from

    periodontal disease sites than from gingivitis/healthy sites;

    3) detection of activated herpesvirus in the GCF of periodontal

    lesions; 4) interaction of herpesviruses with periodontal

    pathogens (CAPPUYNS et al, 2005).

    A herpesvirus-bacterial pathogen model has been

    proposed in which viral infection may exert periodontopathic

    potential. Herpesviruses can infect or alter structural cells and

    host defense cells of the periodontium and thereby reduce

    host resistance against subgingival colonization and

    multiplication of periodontal pathogens (CONTRERAS et al,

    2000; CASSAI et al, 2003) or exert direct cytopathic effects

    on fibroblasts, keratinocytes, endothelial cells, inflammatory

    cells, such as PMN leukocytes, lymphocytes and

    macrophages, and possibly on bone cells (SLOTS &

    CONTRERAS, 2000). Several studies examined a possible

    association between potential periodontopathic bacteria andherpesviruses in subgingival plaque (KAMMA et al, 2001;

    SLOTS etal, 2002; KAMMA & SLOTS, 2003; SLOTS et al, 2003;

    SAYGUN et al, 2004).

    HCMV genomic sequences, detected by PCR, occur with

    elevated frequency in severe adult periodontitis, localized and

    Table 2


    Author Sites Herpesvirus (rates %)

    CONTRERAS et al, 2000 Periodontal pocket (paper points) HSV (21*e 0**); HCMV (64*e 9**);

    EBV-1 (43*e 18**); EBV-2 (21*e 0**);HHV-6 (not found); HHV-7 (7*e 0**);HHV-8 (not found)

    Gingival tissue HSV (57*e 9**); HCMV (86*e 18**);EBV-1 (79*e 27**); EBV-2 (50*e 0**);HHV-6 (21*e 0**); HHV-7 (43* e 0**);HHV-8 (29* e 0**)

    CONTRERAS & SLOTS, 2001 Periodontal pocket**,B , , HSV-1(100); HSV-2 (not found)(paper points)

    CASSAI et al, 2003 Gingival tissue HHV-6 (8B ;0**e 10***);HHV-7 (77B ;54**e 70***);

    HHV-8 (7.7B

    ;7.7**e 0***)KUBAR et al, 2004 Periodontal pocket (curette) HCMV (68.8 e 0***)

    KUBAR et al, 2005 Periodontal pocket+,gingival tissue++ HCMV (78+ e 33++);HCMVB (46+ e 9++);EBV (89+ e 78++);EBVB (46+ e 46++)

    SAYGUN et al, 2005 Periodontal pocket (curette), EBV B , ; HCMVB ,

    gingival tissue and saliva

    KONSTANTINIDIS et al, 2005 Periodontal pocket (paper points) EBV (50B e 23***)

    (Periodontal status at sample sites: periodontitis*, healthy sites**, periodontally healthy subjects***, chronic periodontitisB , aggressive periodontitis, HIV-associated periodontitis.)

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    generalized aggressive periodontitis, PapillonLefvre

    syndrome periodontitis, acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis,

    periodontal abscesses, and it is also closely associated with

    symptomatic periapical diseases (SLOTS et al, 2004).

    Herpesviruses establish lifelong persistent infections. HCMVinfection involves an asymptomatic latent phase interrupted

    by periods of recrudescence where viral replication and

    possibly clinical disease become manifest. HCMV reactivation

    is triggered by a number of immunosuppressive factors, some

    of which have been shown also to be risk factors/indicators

    of periodontitis. Stressful events induce the release of

    corticosteroids, which have the potential to activate HCMV.

    Tobacco products may interact with and

    reactivate periodontal herpesviruses and may decrease

    herpesvirus infectivity titers, which may partly explain theincreased risk for periodontitis from tobacco usage. The ability

    of HCMV and other herpesviruses to cause latent infections

    that periodically reactivate has some similarity with the

    relapsing-remitting course of periodontitis (SLOTS, 2004).

    Active herpesvirus infections are potentially more deleterious

    than latent herpesviruses, thus both differences in periodontal

    distribution and rate of activation among herpesvirus-positive

    sites may contribute to the site-specific nature of periodontal

    disease progression (SLOTS & CONTRERAS, 2000).

    In nonoral diseases, it is known that HCMV infection

    can increase the incidence of bacterial and fungal infections,

    aggravate the severity of concurrent microbial infections, and

    accelerate the tempo of infectious disease progression.

    Although less studied, EBV and bacterial pathogens may also

    act synergistically in nonoral infectious diseases. A similar

    theory for periodontitis focuses on the potential of

    periodontal HCMV/EBV to subvert local host defenses,

    thereby enhancing the aggressiveness of subgingival bacteria

    (KUBAR et al, 2005).

    The effectiveness of host immune response in dealing

    with periodontal pathogens is a major determinant of clinical

    periodontal disease. Impaired immune responses in

    periodontal sites may take place due to local hypoxia

    decreasing host cell activity, diabetes mellitus, genetic

    immune deficiencies, and various viral and bacterial infections.

    Actually, increased attention has focused on the possible

    significance of HCMV-induced immunosuppression in

    immunocompetent individuals (BOECKH & NICHOLS, 2003).

    Herpesvirus infections can cause both cytopathogenicand immunopathogenetic eects, and although the relative

    contribution of the two pathogenic mechanisms to

    destructive periodontal disease is not known, it is likely that

    the early stages of periodontitis in immunologically naive

    hosts mainly comprise cytopathogenic events, whereas most

    clinical manifestations in immunocompetent individuals are

    secondary to cellular or humoral immune responses (KUBAR

    et al, 2005).

    Bacterial components such as lipopolysaccharide can

    potently activate production of interleukin-1 and other boneresorptive mediators at inflamed sites, causing connective

    tissue destruction and alveolar bone loss. Periodontal infection

    may also induce host cells to elaborate increased levels of IL-

    1, TNF, PGE2

    and other tissue-destructive products.

    However, it has proved difficult to elucidate host responses

    that are associated with periodontal disease stability or

    progression (SLOTS et al, 2002). Even if proinflammatory

    activities basically serve a positive biological goal by aiming to

    overcome infection or tissue invasion by infectious agents,

    they can also give rise to detrimental effects when a challengebecomes overwhelming or with a chronic pathophysiological

    stimulus (SLOTS et al, 2004).

    Bacterial infection and other conditions that promote

    diapedesis of inflammatory cells into tissue would increase

    the possibility of initiating a local HCMV infection (CONTRERAS

    et al, 1999). Reactivation of HCMV commonly occurs in

    patients with bacterial sepsis (BOECKH & NICHOLS, 2003).

    Recent studies have shown that reactivation of HCMV in

    periodontitis lesions may be related to progressing periodontal

    disease due to the upregulation gene IL-1 and TNF

    expression in monocytes and macrophages by active HCMV

    infection at the periodontitis site (CONTRERAS et al, 2000;

    WARA-ASWAPATI & AURON, 2003. These cytokines are

    positively associated with the severity of destructive

    periodontal disease and may subsequently upregulate matrix

    metalloproteinases activity, which may mediate destruction

    of the extracellular matrix of gingiva, periodontal ligament and

    alveolar bone and also down-regulate tissue inhibitors of

    metalloproteinases (CONTRERAS et al, 1999).

    In tissues with periodontitis a high proportion of

    inflammatory cells are infected by herpesvirus. Neutrophils,

    monocytes/macrophages, T and B-lymphocytes were isolated

    from gingival biopsies of periodontitis lesions. HCMV

    and HSV mainly infect periodontal monocytes/macrophages

    and T-lymphocytes while EBV-1 infects periodontal B

    lymphocytes (CONTRERAS et al, 1999). PMN leukocytes have

    consistently been found to carry greatest viral burden

    compared with monocytes but they do not carry latent

    HCMV, whereas monocytes are a true site of virus latency(GERNA et al, 2004).

    HCMV infection may induce abnormalities in adherence,

    chemotactic, phagocytic, oxidative, secretory, and bactericidal

    activities of neutrophils. Phagocytic and bactericidal capacities

    of periodontal neutrophils seem to be significantly impaired

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    R. Periodontia - 19(2):38-44


    in subjects carrying herpesviruses in oral lymphocytes and

    epithelial cells, as compared to virus-free persons. The

    functional defects of neutrophils identied in localized

    aggressive periodontitis patients may in part be due to a

    concurrent HCMV active infection in these patients (SLOTS,2004). Thus, oxidative respiratory burst of macrophages and

    its ability to perform effective phagocytosis is also impaired

    by HCMV (GERNA et al, 2004). The ability to inhibit the

    expression of macrophage surface receptors for LPS also

    impairs responsiveness to Gram negative infections (SLOTS

    et al, 2004).

    Endothelial cell injury caused by HCMV could allow

    invasion across mucosal barriers in both the lung and

    gastrointestinal tract (BOECKH & NICHOLS, 2003) and this

    mechanism may explain the association between HCMV andacute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis. The initial trigger of

    HCMV-induced pathology is represented by the bidirectional

    interaction between circulating leukocytes and endothelial

    cells (GERNA et al, 2004).

    HCMV and EBV-1 may interfere with healing in

    regenerative periodontal therapy, perhaps because of

    cytokines release or infection of periodontal fibroblasts (SLOTS

    & CONTRERAS, 2000). KUBAR et al related elevated

    occurrence of HCMV and EBV DNA copies in aggressive

    periodontitis lesions relative to chronic periodontitis lesions,

    and the increase in herpesvirus counts with increasing severity

    of periodontitis, providing substantial support to a

    periodontopathic role of the two viruses which are also found

    in periodontal abscesses (SAYGUN et al, 2004)

    EBV-1, the second most prevalent virus detected in biopsy

    specimens, is a potent B-lymphocyte activator, a cell

    associated with periodontal disease progression. These

    viruses encode a protein with structural and functional

    similarity with IL-10 and polarize the immune system toward

    a Th2 response that seems to be related to progressive

    periodontal disease, whereas a Th1 response has been

    associated with protection against periodontitis (CONTRERAS

    et al, 1999).

    EBV-2, HHV-6 and HSV seem to exhibit little or no

    association with most types of destructive periodontal disease.

    No information is available on the periodontal occurrence of

    HHV-7 and HHV-8 (CONTRERAS et al, 2000). HHV-6 has been

    postulated as a modifier of HCMV replication, given evidence

    that it stimulates secretion of TNF (BOECKH & NICHOLS,2003). The significance of HHV-7 DNA in periodontal lesions

    needs to be determined. The mere presence of viral DNA does

    not necessarily implicate an etiologic role, either as a direct or

    as a coinfective agent. PCR analysis does not discriminate

    among latent, persistent and productive infections. It is

    important to determine precisely the state of viral replication,

    since it has been suggested that herpesvirus pathogenesis

    might be associated with not only massive lytic infection but

    also with low levels of replication (CASSAI et al, 2003).

    Therefore, it is assumed that the ability of herpesvirusesto express cytopathogenic effects, immune evasion,

    immunopathogenicity, latency, reactivation from latency, and

    tissue tropism is of relevance for the development of

    periodontitis (SLOTS, 2005), and they may not act as simple

    by-standers in periodontal disease (CONTRERAS et al, 2000).

    SLOTS & CONTRERAS (2000). The hypotheses is that the

    pathogenesis of some types of periodontitis is a multistep

    process, involving a complex interaction between

    herpesviruses, a range of bacterial and host factors, and a

    variety of disease-modulating environmental factors. Thishypothesis is challenged by several arguments regarding

    sampling, methods and interpretation (CAPPUYNS et al,

    2005). Regardless the strong association between some

    herpesviruses and periodontitis, the exact role of these viruses

    in the pathogenesis of periodontitis remains to be established.

    Most studies were observational, when only a statistical

    association was seen. These data are intriguing, but

    conclusive proof for a specific effect requires more trials to

    evaluate whether the effects seen in observational studies

    are truly related and if such associations are causative.

    The identification of virus-encoded proteins that interact

    with the host immune system is a rapidly expanding area of

    viral immunology. The elucidation of the function of these

    virus molecules will assist the understanding of viral

    pathogenesis and provide tools to study and manipulate the

    normal host immune response (SPRIGGS, 1996).


    Periodontitis is a multilayered factors disease with diverse

    clinical features not precisely explained by the etiologic role

    of bacteria. Herpesviruses have been found in periodontally

    affected sites by PCR. Herpesviruses are known to exert

    immune regulation and thus, variations on inflammatory and

    immune responses attributed to them may reduce host

    resistance against subgingival colonization and multiplication

    of periodontal pathogens. More trials to evaluate whether

    the effects seen in observational studies are truly related to

    herpesviruses could bring a causative and conclusive prooffor their specific effect in periodontal disease.

    UNITERMS: H e r p e s v i r i d a e / i m m u n o l o g y ;

    Cytomegalovirus; Herpesvirus 4, Human; Simplexvirus;


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    R. Periodontia - 19(2):38-44



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