video disruption

Post on 25-Jun-2015






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The changing climate for online video advertising


Video on the Net CONFERENCE

March 21, 2007

Video Disruption 3: The Next GenerationBy: John Pillsbury, Destiny Media Technologies, Inc.

Destiny Media Technologies, Inc.• Leader in development of new digital media software

for the Net

• PlayMPE, the industry standard for digital distribution of pre-release music to radio stations in North America.

• Developer of CLIPSTREAM, the secure, instant play streaming video software. A Sun Microsystems technology partner. 

• the creator and publisher of the Pirate Radio internet radio network with thousands of Netcasters.

Video on the Net CONFERENCE

March 21, 2007

Video Disruption 3: The Next GenerationBy: John Pillsbury, Destiny Media Technologies, Inc.



disruption (plural disruptions)

1. break into separate parts •The network created a disruption in the show when they broke in with a newscast.


Video Disruption : First Generation 2000-2003

A New dimension is born, audio/video as websites come alive

(not the Wright brothers, but yes lift off!)

Real and Windows battle for who has the most players?

Sell You Special Streaming Servers. BIG, and Power

Technical dominance, and early adopter experiments.A Streaming Industry in born, and hundreds join the early Techies.

Professional certification and standards

Is it IT, Web Developers, Advertisers, or Intreractive Specialists.

But, who has content? ,and how much is it worth?

Buzzword: Convergence

Video Disruption : Second Generation 2003-2006

Big and better streaming server. Mass production. Quality and delivery measurable. Versions, 7, 8, 9, 10….

Marketers chase after new verticals, and revenue models. Some making money and building value for new customers, and advertisers coming online with ‘rich media’.

Now getting simpler…User generated content, podcasts, and the community is building.

No longer does it fly?, but how fast, at what cost, and who values the experience the most.

Buzzword: Re-purpose

Video Disruption : The Next Generation 2007 -

It is always about who can cross the chasm, form the beachhead and then lead the new media tribes. How do all the varied video cultures interact on open platforms…freedom, and creativity to flourish.

Interaction take on new dimensions, from “click create, and share.

Buzzword: monetize

Video Disruption: The paradigm for us all?

It is not audio and video only …It’s new media communications

Video is means to an end.. Better communicating, entertainment, advertising, training, building community.

And the winners are:

Creativity in content – make and delivery to everyone everywhere.

Equalizers – make accessible and valuable to “common man” .

Long tail…old is new again on the VideoontheNet.

Buzzword: disintermediation (or, simply “get with it”)

Experience the Future of Rich Media Now with Clipstream™

What is Clipstream™?

Clipstream™ is a software solution for embedding audio and video directly into web pages and emails and online advertising.

Made by Destiny Media Technologies. We are one of the leading developers of easy-to-use tools for distributing digital media through the Internet.

How has Clipstream™ contributed to rich media market?

Hundreds of online video and audio ads in the marketplace”)Brands advertised using Clipstream™

Clipstream™ Video 3 Enhancements

• Full Screen capability• Playlist• Dynamic Watermarking

Disruption Video : Why Clipstream™ ?

1. Playerless – no downloads, no plug-ins2. Maximize Reach – 93% global audience reach3. Secure – your video content is safe4. Customizable – make your video look and play the way you want5. Reduce costs – no special servers required, save bandwidth

Video Disruption: One paradigm unlocking key

Clipstream™ Video - Just ‘click and play’.

It’s your turn

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