ushers - 2017 - link-1.docx  · web viewwritten by joyce meyer. ... a kind...

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Daniel Bales, Phillip Caudill Kenny Jackson, Clyde Paulk


Jenny Jackson, Jane Roberts,

Date 8:30 AM 11:00 AM09/03 36 7409/10 21 85 09/17 44 9209/24 37 94

The UMM will meet Sunday, October 1st at 7:00 AM. Men cooking are Danny Farmer, Larry Richardson, Phillip Worthy, & Drew Worthy.

Bring your nonperishable items for MICA on Sunday, October 1st. You can also give cash to Robert Walker and he will take your donation to the appropriate person. Please give generously out of your blessings.

In the month of September, food was prepared and delivered to 35 people in and around our community. Thank you to all who helped prepare and deliver the meals. Providing food for F.E.A.S.T. on Tuesday, October 10th will be Donna Bales, Yvonne Church, Yvonne Howell, Nancy Richardson, & Ginger Ritter . If you are able and available to deliver meals, please be at the church by 10:30 AM.


The Monday Morning Bible Study Group meets every Monday morning at 10:00 AM in the Fellowship Hall of the church. The only exception is usually holidays. We continue to study the Book of Psalms.

I will sing to the Lord all my life, I will sing praise to my God as long as I live. (Psalms 104:33)

Come enjoy the fellowship and the studying of God’s word with us. We look forward to each individual’s perspective and input. See ya’ there.

Ruth Humphrey


The Women's Wednesday night Bible study group will begin a new study on October 4th entitled Battlefield of the Mind written by Joyce Meyer. Please join us each week at 6:30 in the PEACE Sunday School classroom as we begin "thinking about what we're thinking about." We would love for you to invite a friend. See Angie Weems or Deedra Bales if you have any questions.

Deedra Bales

The UMW will meet Monday, October 9th at 6:00 PM in the fellowship hall. Hosting and presenting the program are Yvonne Howell and Yvette Lott.


Plans are being made for LINK recipients to be able to view the LINK on the church’s website ( If you prefer to continue receiving a paper copy, please contact the office at 601-276-7971. If there is no answer, leave a message.

The LINK will no longer be published by means of a paper copy after December, 2017.

OCTOBER 2017 THE LINK---LINKING THE HEART OF THE CHURCH TO THE HOME Page - Only those who have notified the office will continue getting a paper copy.

FROM THE PASTOR Dear Church Family,

Over the last few weeks we’ve been looking at the “Radical” nature of God that we find in Scripture. In week one we looked at “Radical Forgiveness”; in week two (this past Sunday) we looked at “Radical Generosity”. In both of these we examined how we receive these radical gifts and turn outward to give them away. In the coming weeks we will continue on this journey where we explore the “Radical” nature of God as we look at “Radical Re-Arrangement” (Matthew 21:23-32 – October 1st) and “Radical Invitation” (Matthew 22:1-14 – October 15th)(*Helen and Megan and I will be away visiting family on Sunday, October 8th – please pray for Rick Taylor and Nick Farmer as they will be leading both services on this day). As we continue on this journey it’s my desire that we think critically about the nature of God and how He is radical in His love and grace towards us and how it is that we, those who claim to follow His Son Jesus, can live out that which has been given to us in such radical proportion.

Friends…we face difficult and challenging times ahead as the local church. Our culture is changing faster than we can even imagine; and I don’t view this as a bad thing…cultural change is just part of life and it’s going to happen whether we want it to or not. And so the real question/choice for the local church then becomes – are we going to

hunker down or are we going to meet it head on? I want to meet it head on…and I hope that you do as well…because I can’t do it alone…and there is nothing more important to me than the souls of those who are far from Jesus.

(continued)Meeting culture head on (or I would say meeting culture where it lives) is a wild adventure to be sure…because in many ways we are navigating things that we don’t fully understand and we are trying to make the Gospel relevant and meaningful to those who, in many ways, do not value the Gospel and the ethic that it provides as a meaningful way to live; and so our climb is uphill to be sure. But our hope in all of this is that we bring with us an unchanging and eternal gift called the Gospel of Jesus Christ and it has the power to upend and undo any system that the world can manufacture.

I have an expression that might explain this better as we think through what it means to live out the radical nature of Christ that lives in us. Imagine that we, as the church, are preparing a gift for someone we don’t know. On the inside of our box is the Gospel (it never changes – it’s the same yesterday, today, and forever). But the outside of our box is where the work of ministry happens. We are free, and in my estimate obligated, to change the way we decorate our box so that it becomes something that a stranger would want to open. And when they do open it they find Jesus. And we, well…we find a friend for the journey – a fellow decorator of boxes.

It’s my hope that we, together, can begin the work of redecorating our box…

Peace friends,

Pastor Greg


The Confirmation Class will continue in October on every other Wednesday evening.

Confirmands MentorsAnna Cate Underwood Phyllis WallerLana Burkett Joyce FarmerFelicity Cash Helen SmithJK Bales Lawrence WeemsJasper Griffin Phil CaudillBryce Meyers Pat FreemanDylan Meyers Danny FarmerMyles Foil Tony ScroggsMatt Newman Rick TaylorLexi Johnston Cornelia Mize

Please be in prayer for Bro. Greg, Kim, the Confirmands and their Mentors. WEDNESDAY EVENING MEALS

We invite you to come join us at 6:00 PM each Wednesday evening for a time to fellowship and have a meal together.

October 4th Hot Sandwiches, Chips, Lemon Ice Box PieOctober 11th Hamburger Steak, Mashed Potatoes, Corn,

OCTOBER 2017 THE LINK---LINKING THE HEART OF THE CHURCH TO THE HOME Page - CupcakesOctober 18th Chicken & Sausage Gumbo, French Bread, Pumpkin PieOctober 25 Lemon Pepper Chicken, Green Beans, Scalloped Potatoes, Red Velvet Cake



The UMW of JCUMC met on Monday, September 11, 2017, at Johnston Chapel with Ruth Humphrey and Barbara Rogers serving as hostesses. There were 17 ladies present. Meeting was called to order, pledge recited, minutes read, treasurer’s report given, and prayer requests made. During the business discussion the Brookhaven District UMW project for this year was announced. The UMW will be supporting the Moore Community House, a non-profit organization that helps low income women further their education and obtain employment. It also helps with parenting and life skills. A list of items needed will be published in the bulletin for not only UMW ladies but for any church member who would like to contribute to this very worthy project.

After the business discussion, Joyce presented the program reminding us that all God wants from us is to know Him.

After the program, delicious refreshments were enjoyed by all.

May God Bless,Yvette Lott


For the month of September we have been learning about Samuel. In our first lesson we met Hannah, a faithful woman who could not understand what she might have done to God that he would leave her childless. She chose to plead her case directly to God. She knew she could go to God with anything, and God would hear her. From this lesson we learned we can go to God with the desires of our heart.

In our second lesson we found Samuel, Hannah’s son, serving God at the temple with Eli, the priest, just as Hannah had promised. It was during this time that Samuel received his “call” from God. The focus of this lesson was to help us recognize God’s call in our own lives.

In our third lesson we found Saul with hurt feelings because the elders decided they wanted a king like all the neighboring countries instead of a “judge”. From this lesson we learned that it is not always best to “be like everyone else”. God knows what is best for us!

In our last lesson in September, we found God abandoning Saul as king because he began to listen to his own judgment rather than listening to the guidance of God. We then met David, probably the most famous king in the Bible. From this lesson we learned that God does not see as humans do. We must ask ourselves, “How often do we judge people on how they look rather than the quality of their heart?” What is it that we as Christians can do to develop a “heart for God”?

Growing Disciples, Yvette Lott

NEW HOPE The study this past month has reiterated the significance of our class’s name. It told us that we need a spirit-filled heart to continue to do God’s work. With this spirit-filled heart we have hope of being more Christ-like each day. This, of course, being our ultimate goal.

It further stressed the importance of keeping the Sabbath holy. This is not only to be a day of rest for us; it is a day that should be set aside for reflection of our relationship with God. We live hectic lives and our bodies need down time. Not only do we need this time to rest from our toils, we need to recharge ourselves spiritually. The time spent with our classmates is important for our emotional health as well.

We, as a church are a family, where we as a class are like siblings within this family. We should constantly be assuring each other’s needs are met. If we do this, then, we are going about God’s work. Further, the agape we show each other is like that of Jesus and his disciples.


We continue to pray for Aubrey, Judy, Donis, and Rex. May the Lord be with each in this time of trial.

On behalf of Aubrey, Judy, Floyd, Helen, Donis, Becky, Barbara Roberts, Deana, Harley, andRon, we will continue to try to reach out to others and thank God for bringing us together.

Ron Humphrey


A BIG Congratulations to Lana Burkett for being our attendance winner for the second straight quarter.

Like the other elementary classes, our lessons have been centered on Samuel and his life of obedience to God. God has work for each of us to do, regardless of our age. Like Samuel, we must be attentive to hear God’s call and willing to follow His instructions. Children often think they are too young to play a role in the church, so we have been exploring ways that they can be involved and make a difference. We have begun a “Greeting Card Ministry”. Each week, the children pick two people to pray for and to mail a card. They write little notes and decorate the cards with pictures and smiley faces in hopes of brightening the recipient’s day. This is just a small thing, and the children didn’t realize the impact it might have on someone until recently. Last Sunday, a lady who had received one of our cards came by our room and brought us a thank-

you note. She said the card had come just when she needed it. WOW- God is ALWAYS RIGHT ON TIME! After I read her words to the class, they started talking about how it was “just a card” – a piece of cardboard and that it had really made a difference for her that day. Hearing her words of thanks re-affirmed that THEY can play a big part in God’s ministry. I reminded them that card, a kind word, or a hug from one of them can be the bright spot for someone – at just the time they need it most. God has work for all of us. I have challenged the children to be attentive to God, (to listen with their hearts), and to be ready to share His love when He nudges.

(continued)Please continue to pray for our children, our youth and our church.

Cornelia Mize


September has been a great month. We continued our lessons on fruit of the spirit and we have averaged about 25 each Sunday and even more on Wednesdays!!! Confirmation is going great. We cleaned up a Methodist Parsonage on Pearl River Ave. They did great and made it look like a totally different house. They all worked super hard and then enjoyed a well deserved lunch at Wendy's. We also really enjoyed seeing Big Al at the Gathering Tour. In October we will be doing lessons from a pumpkin patch curriculum. The first week we will learn that we need to let our light shine, 2nd week let God take the gunk out of us so we can let our light shine, 3rd week we will

learn that no 2 pumpkins are alike and neither are we, but God loves us all, and last but not least we will talk about how pumpkins don't last and our bodies don't either and what that means for us. We will also go out and invite others to our trunk or treat. A few dates to remember for October. Oct 22nd Trunk or Treat from 5:30-7:00. We will have pulled pork sandwiches, chips and desserts. We need everyone to bring a cake or dessert for the cake walk and a canned food item for the Stocktober service project that a few of the confirmands are doing for MICA. The youth will be providing games for the children to play, please bring some money for a donation to the youth for upcoming trips. *New this year* There will be a prize for the best trunk!!! TBA Trip to Mitchell's Farm. We will leave the church at 8:00 for a fun filled day at the farm. Cost is $12.00.

(continued)Bring money for snacks and/or gift shop and a sack lunch.

Kim Burkett

Widows and Single Ladies Luncheon

There will be a luncheon for widows and single ladies on Saturday, October 28th from 11:00 -1:00 in the fellowship hall. We are looking forward to having another great time of fellowship and fun. Please invite a friend. See Angie Weems or Deedra Bales if you have any questions.

Deedra Bales

Baby Shower

OCTOBER 2017 THE LINK---LINKING THE HEART OF THE CHURCH TO THE HOME Page - Mark your calendars for Sunday, November 12th for a Diapers and Wipes Baby Shower to honor Lawrence and Angie Weems as they welcome a new baby into the family.


Plans for a new and improved Live Nativity have begun.  The dates for this year are December 7, 8, and 9.  Please mark your calendars and begin praying that God will use our church and this ministry to spread his love.

Sign-up sheets and more information will be out in the coming weeks.  As always, this is a church-wide project.  Please prayerfully consider how you can join in this ministry.  If you have questions please talk to Pat Freeman. 


When the Lord lead me to sing this song, a testimony was filling my heart and mind. I realized I couldn’t say it verbally, but I wanted it said. So, the following words are what the Lord laid on my heart to say before I sang “It Is Well.”

When I first began practicing this song, God laid a story on my heart to share with you.

I can remember the first time the words of the song “It is Well” began to resonate within me--the day we buried my mother. I can remember the moment vividly. We all left the church together, and as we drove in our driveway the song just came to my mind. I began singing the familiar words “When peace like a river attendeth my

way, when sorrows like sea billows roll. Whatever my lot thou hast taught me to say-It is well, it is well with my soul.” At that time, I may not have fully recognized God’s presence within that car, but today I know He was there.

When I look back on that day, I ask myself, “Was it really well with my soul?” No, no it definitely was not well. I was only 16, and I no longer had a mother. We were all grief stricken and really did not know what would come next. I look back on that moment and praise God that he gave me the words “It is well.” I believe with all my heart that my loving Savior gave me those words to let me know that things would be well, through Him. By keeping my eyes on Jesus, all would be well.

When I think about our congregation, I know many who have faced difficult times. We all have our share of heartache, grief, sorrow, despair, and disappointment. Each of us has experienced our moments when we want to tell God that it is not well. This song speaks volumes as to how we

(continued)make it through those difficult times. The key is to focus on Jesus. We must keep our eyes on Him through it all. We must know that He can calm the storm and recognize that even the waves and wind still know His name. We must commit our lives to Him and rely on Him in every moment, in every situation. We must sing our praises to Him and proclaim through His power and strength that “It is well.” Finally, we must share our story. I have no doubt that someone reading this today needed to hear these words, needed to know that we all face hard times, needed to know that even though sometimes when we feel it is not well, we have a Savior who can and will make all things well. I pray that the words of this song will fill

you with hope and with praise to our Savior just as they have for me.

Deedra Bales

It Is WellBy Kristene DiMarco

Grander earth has quaked beforeMoved by the sound of His voiceSeas that are shaken and stirred

Can be calmed and broken for my regard

Through it all, through it allMy eyes are on You

Through it all, through it allIt is well

Through it all, through it allMy eyes are on You

It is well with me

(continued)Far be it from me to not believe

Even when my eyes can't see

And this mountain that's in front of meWill be thrown into the midst of the sea

Through it all, through it allMy eyes are on You

Through it all, through it allIt is well

OCTOBER 2017 THE LINK---LINKING THE HEART OF THE CHURCH TO THE HOME Page - So let go my soul and trust in Him

The waves and wind still know His name

It is well with my soulIt is well with my soulIt is well with my soulIt is well with my soul

It is well it is well with my soul ahhhhhhh

Through it all, through it allMy eyes are on You Lord

Through it all

“IT’S STOCK-TOBER”As a Fall/Winter Service Project, the girls in the Confirmation Class are working together to help re-stock the shelves at MICA. During the month of October, we will have boxes in the church foyer and fellowship to collect donations. Please help us as we work to help

others who are in need. Thank you in advance for your generous donations. Lexi, Lana, and Felicity


5:30-7:00 PM


Won’t you make a special effort and join us for this observance!


Dearest Johnston Chapel Ladies (Kitchen Crew),

Words can’t tell you how much we appreciate all the delicious cakes, coffee and tea you furnished for Jake’s Memorial Service. You went over and beyond making it so nice. We love you and praise God for our Johnston Chapel Family.

God Bless,Wanda Bullock


All who are grieving, Elaine Allred, Emily Allred, Baby Wyatt, Gary Beard, Hazel Benson, Merlon & Evelyn Bigner, A.D. Boone, Aubrey & Judy Boyd, Peggy Brown, Elouise Campbell, Charleen Chandler, Bert Cockerham, Susie Cockerham, Margaret Cockerham, Rickey Conerly, Mary Ellen Cox, Maria DeLong, Lillie Dickerson, Shelton Dickerson, Bridget Dillon, Parker & Pam Dixon, Peter Francis, Phyllis Freeman, Emmett Greene, Billy & Mary Green, Eva Nell Green, Jimmy Green, Dale & Brenda Green, Kalie Green, Pat Hartshorn, Mary Holley, Delores Hollis, Gerald Howell, Syble Johnson, Darlene Johnston, Eleanor Johnston, Thomas Johnston, Lonnie Keist, Family of Robert Edgar Leon, Max McDonald, Mitchi McKenzie, Cole Matthews, Brenda & Atley McKenzie, Greg Morgan, Byron Nevels, Bucky Owens, Lisa Paulk, Grady & Gerri Reed, Mike Richard, Steve Richard, Glenda Richard, Tony Ritter, David Roberts, Jane Roberts, Robin Roberts, Zelma Roberts, Jeremy Rogers & Alicia Meyers & Family, Tony & Rhonda Scroggs & Family, Patsy Skipper, Bro. Greg, Helen & Megan Smith, Steven Smith, Sue Smith, Brett & Amanda Stockton & Family, Dwight Stockton, Connie & Maxine Stoddard, Felicia Taylor, Becky Wallace, Chad Wallace, Rex Wallace, Curtis & Linda West, Shane & Alicia Williams & Family, Tom & Faye Williams, Keith Williamson, Todd Williamson, Race Willoughby, Marilyn “Tot” Woodall, Mozelle Woodall, Chris Yawn, Jacquelyn Yawn, Joy Yawn, Jonathan & Melissa Young, Service Men and Women, World Leaders, the U.S.A. & Unspoken.



Until Next Month“The Lord bless you, and keep you;

The Lord make His face shine upon you,And be gracious to you;

The Lord lift up His countenance upon you,And give you peace.” Numbers 6:24

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