unit78 production log_191113

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production log


Salford City CollegeEccles Sixth Form CentreBTec Level 3Extended Diploma in Creative Media ProductionGames Design

Unit 78 – Digital Graphics for Computer GamesHA3 – TransformationProduction Log

Name Elliot Black

Work is in next slides

Date: 21st November 2013

I completed task 1. I thought of all the survival horror games I have played to draw inspiration form and then I built my game concept around certain aspects of those games. For example, I wanted to play on the fear of the dark much like the game, Alone in the dark.

Date: 28th November 2013

I completed Task 2 and 3. For Task 2, I Wrote a synopsis of my game and named it “Alvarnum” purely because it sounds creepy. I also created a mood board for my game, highlighting all the main points that would be included in the game and noting the game's genre and setting. Also, because my game is set in Victorian

England, I researched the Crimean war to give a little back story to my game and main character. For task 3, I wrote my characters biography and I listed the various items and characteristics my character would have in the game, such as clothing, weapons and skills etc...

Date: 5th December 2013

I started to create my character in Adobe Illustrator. I found an image of a man dressed in Victorian attire that was perfect for the idea that I wanted for my character. Using the image, I started recreating his outfit using vector artwork.

I decided to start from the bottom and work my way up so I began work on his shoes.

The shoes didn’t take long so I swiftly moved onto his trousers.

I was happy with the finished after a while and began work on his waistcoat.

I managed to create the waistcoat to a similar quality to the original but I removed the the pocket watch chain as It looked out of place with the dark colour of the waistcoat. I also finished the cravat and under shirt while I was at it.

Then, I moved onto his jacket, all the while focusing on the shadows and various shades of colour around the lapels and sleeves.

With the hands finished and the remaining part of the hat he was holding removed, my characters body was complete and now I would be able to create my face to put on the body.

Date:12th December 2013

Creating the face took much longer, as I felt that the level of detail needed to be much higher than the body as I wanted to convey the complexity of my characters face. I started by taking a photo of my face.

I then imported that photo into Illustrator.

I started by making a mask that marked the outline of my face and made it skin coloured.

I finished the left eye fairly quickly but the right eye was obscured so I altered it slightly, giving myself an eye patch. Coincidentally, this fits my character well, as my character just came back from the Crimean war, it's a possibility he lost an eye in combat with the enemy.

I then Focused on making the lips look natural and making my nose, shading it and setting it at the right level in comparison to my eyes.

Finally, I coloured the neck area and added darker tones to various places to add more depth. I also added my hair and ear which finished my head off nicely. Since I already had a body for my head I took what I had made here and placed it in with my character body.

Then, to finish off the face, I added shading to the face and neck, added hair and finished my added an ear. All that I had to do now was to add the head onto my character's body.

Here is the Finished character without his weapon.

Creating the fire poker for my character to hold would be the last step in my character design and I started by creating the handle.

I then finished making the basic outline for the entire poker.

All that was left to do was add small details like shading and filling in empty spots and then the fire poker was complete.

Here is my completely finished character.

Date: 10th December 2013

For my setting I chose a very Victorian-esque picture as that is the era my game is set in. I particularly like this picture because of the old cobbles and foggy

church which really gave a sense of creepiness.

I started from the bottom (much like my character design) drawing the cobbles out and putting down a bottom layer for the cement in between the cobbles.

I then worked on the church leaving out the antennas.

I then finished the final building in the picture; the house. I also finished the wall by the side of the house.

I then focused on finishing the right side, going over the background bushes, the trees and the wall with the sign.

Next, I added the sky with a dusky colour and made the trees that take up the left side and branch over the house. I also filled in the remaining road.

I wanted a single source of light in the scene, so I found a Victorian style street lamp on google images and started to go over it spending time on each individual detail.

The bottom of the lamp and the long middle part were the easiest but the top part proved to be more time consuming.

The top part slowly started coming together.

With the main lamp part finished, I then started work on the actual light inside.

I wanted to capture the bright glow of the light and I feel I really captured that with the layers of colour making a slow gradient from the lighter colours in the centre to the darker colours further out.

Here is the finished lamp.

I then put the lamp in the scene by the house.

I noticed that it looked like there was no light inside with the lamp being so small in the overall picture so I added a shine on the floor around the lamp and the wall next to it, to show that the light was in fact lit.

All that was left to do then was to add my character to the scene and my work was done. Here is the finished product

Date: 16th December 2013

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