unit eleven healthy employees and sustainable business

Post on 18-Jan-2016






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Unit Eleven Healthy Employees and Sustainable Business


3 Ways to Encourage Work/Life Balance in Employees

1. Flextime is one of the most useful tools in helping workers achieve a good work/life balance.

2. Telecommuting is a way for employees to work from home while taking care of a sick or dependent family member. It also cuts down on stress and unproductive time due to a commute.

3. Job sharing can keep two valuable employees busy while reducing work-related stress. In a job-sharing arrangement, two workers work part-time and share the workload of one job.

Text A

Pitting Employees Against Each Other...For Health

Warm-up question

Health problems of employee are becoming more popular, painful and should be paid extra attention to. Do you know some useful ways to keep employees healthy? How to make employees keep the balance between work and play?




ramp up

log in










She dangled her car keys nervously as she spoke.


There was a cigarette dangling from his mouth.



The proposal would spark a storm of protest around the country.


It will create jobs, spark economic activity, and provide entertainment and culture for our young people.



Their latest computer outstrips all its rivals.


Demand is outstripping supply.


USEFUL EXPRESSIONS ramp up 产能提升 ; 斜升

To the extent that you can ramp up your business knowledge and continue to excel in other areas, you should. 这也就是说,你可以也应该在获取商业知识的同时在其他领域做得出色。

In the past week, 95% of the swine flu cases have been locally transmitted, and Chinese experts say infections are expected to ramp up. 在过去的一周, 95% 的猪流感病例都是本地传播的,一些中国专家称预计感染人数将会继续上升


The application requires users to log in before they can access content.


He typed in his password to log in.


badge 徽章;标记

Roosevelt turned corporate opposition into a badge of honor: “I welcome their hatred, ” he declared.

罗斯福就曾将企业的反对变成了荣誉的徽章。 他称:“我欢迎他们的仇恨。”

His gun was a badge of power for him.



USEFUL EXPRESSIONS preferential 优先的;选择的

We should choose social security incorporation based on developed economy, and there isn't any insurance is preferential.


Non-threatening colors like light blues and greens are preferential.


USEFUL EXPRESSIONS pedometer 步程计,步数计

Wearing a pedometer allows you to easily monitor your progress.


At the same time they had to reduce their activity levels to no more than 5,000 steps a day, as measured by a pedometer.

同时他们还要减少活动量,每天不能超过 5000步,这个数据是由步数计测量所得。

USEFUL EXPRESSIONS executive 行政的;经营的;执行的

Employees at the grassroots level need to be given true executive empowerment, rather than dictatorial directives.


She has an executive position in a finance company.


USEFUL EXPRESSIONS burdensome 繁重的;累赘的

The president's many duties are burdensome.


What he needs is a none concise and relaxed, burdensome job and living environment.



backlash 后座;反斜线;后冲

The fall of the fascist dictatorship was followed by a left-wing backlash.法西斯专政的垮台引起左翼运动的高涨 .

Actually measured data show that the technique can reduce backlash damage, achieving vibration reduction near blast area.



Stay away from boxed food, head for the fruit and veggie aisle, and you're on your way to making sure there are no ambulances in your future. 远离已包装的食物,朝水果和素食者努力,你就在通往没有救护车的未来的路上。

There was no difference in IQ between strict vegetarians and those who classed themselves as veggie but still ate fish or chicken. 严格素食者和吃鱼和鸡肉的素食者的智商水平没什么差别。

USEFUL EXPRESSIONS slogan 标语;口号;呐喊声

There you can see the slogan written up on the wall.


“Service with a smile”is the store's slogan.


Answer the following questions briefly.

1. Why do some workplace programs borrow techniques from digital games?To encourage regular exercise and foster

healthy eating habits. The idea is that competitive drive—sparked by online leader boards, peer pressure, digital rewards and real-world prizes —can get people to improve their overall health.

Answer the following questions briefly.

2. What prizes can the winners get?Employers often award prizes and financial

incentives to winners of the games, which typically also have digital rewards like badges. Game companies say they've seen prizes as big as cars, as well as extra days off, preferential parking spaces and cash, but often employers offer health-savings-account contributions.

Answer the following questions briefly.

3. What are the effects after Sunrise Senior Living Inc. launched an online weight-loss contest using RedBrick?The director, Amy Silva, says that once when

she was poised to buy a soda, an employee suggested water instead. The regular staff gathering switched to a veggie spread instead of junk food, sparking some grumbling from non-dieters. Some team members started walking at lunch and wearing special pins with motivational slogans.

Complete the following passage by filling each of the numbered blanks with one suitable word.

Researchers say using videogame-style techniques to motivate people has grounding in

1 and 2 . But, they say, the current data backing the 3 of workplace ‘gamification’ wellness programs is thin, though companies including WellPoint Inc. and ShapeUp Inc. have early evidence of weight loss and other improvements in some tests.


psychological studies behavioral economics

So far, ‘there’s not a lot of peer-reviewed evidence that it achieves s 4 improvements in health behavior and health outcomes,’ says Kevin Volpp, director of the University of Pennsylvania’s Center for Health Incentives and Behavioral Economics.

Moreover, some employees may feel unwanted pressure from 5 or bosses when workplace competitions become heated, though participation is typically 6 .




Translate the following sentences into English.

1. 越来越多的工作程序是从数字游戏中借取技术来激励员工定期锻炼和培养健康的饮食习惯。这个想法是一种竞争驱动——由在线排行榜 ,同行压力 ,数字奖励和真实奖品引发——可以让人们整体改善健康。

A growing number of workplace programs are borrowing techniques from digital games in an effort to encourage regular exercise and foster healthy eating habits. The idea is that competitive drive -- sparked by online leader boards, peer pressure, digital rewards and real-world prizes -- can get people to improve their overall health.

Translate the following sentences into English.

2. 雇主常常用奖品和金钱鼓励游戏的赢家,特别典型的数字奖品如徽章。游戏公司说他们已经看到汽车那样大的奖品 ,以及额外的休息日 ,优先停车位和现金 ,但通常雇主提供健康储蓄账户的贡献。

Employers often award prizes and financial incentives to winners of the games, which typically also have digital rewards like badges. Game companies say they've seen prizes as big as cars, as well as extra days off, preferential parking spaces and cash, but often employers offer health-savings-account contributions.

Translate the following sentences into English.

3.大型保险公司也参与到游戏中。维朋公司已提出一个刺激健康的计划 ,正在策划一个活动,让员工使用计步器统计步数,从而为获得数字徽章和奖励而参与竞争。

Big insurers are also getting in the game. WellPoint, which already offers a wellness incentive program, is planning a new feature that lets workers track their steps using a pedometer device and compete for digital badges and rewards.

Translate the following sentences into English.

4.一些研究人员说工作场所项目能对员工产生强烈推动力迫使他们参与其中 ,要么是因为有力的财政激励要么迫于老板和同事的压力。

Some researchers say workplace programs could create a backlash among workers who feel coerced to participate, either because of strong financial incentives or pressure from bosses and peers.

Text BWashington State Tailors ‘Social Purpose

Corporation’ to Sustainable Business

Warm-up question

Do you think corporation is very important to a company? What’s the effect of corporation?











USEFUL EXPRESSIONS shareholder 股东;股票持有人

The battle for shareholder votes is far from straightforward.


A stock is a certificate issued by the company to certify the share held by a shareholder.


USEFUL EXPRESSIONS portfolio 公文包;文件夹

When he bends to pick it up, he knocks over his portfolio and papers fall out. 当他弯身去拣时,又撞翻了公文包,文件散落一地。

Whatever software we create becomes part of the professional portfolio we present to peers when we attend conferences, workshops, and job interviews. 我们会将开发过的软件放在文件夹中,当参加会议、工场和工作面试时,拿给同行看。


This pesticide is diluted with water and applied directly to the fields.


Large-scale pesticide use also raised real concerns for human health and the environment.


USEFUL EXPRESSIONS forethought 深谋远虑;先见

Prudence is a good thing; forethought is wisdom.


An empty refrigerator illustrates a lack of forethought.


USEFUL EXPRESSIONS transparency 透明 ;透明度

This is an age of transparency, and you have to join it.


We have now worked with 41 countries around the world on improving the transparency, competitiveness, and efficiency of government procurement.

我们已经与世界上的 41 个国家开展了合作,来改善政府采购的透明度、竞争性和效率。

USEFUL EXPRESSIONS flexibility灵活性;弹性;适应性

However, if you can defer them, it means you have lots of flexibility.


So building a strong emotional flexibility is a key to successful, healthy and long life.


USEFUL EXPRESSIONS entrepreneur 企业家;承包人;主办者

He’s an innovator and entrepreneur to the core, and this role suits him perfectly.


You have to be an optimist to be an inventor or entrepreneur.


USEFUL EXPRESSIONS campaign 运动;活动;战役

She also asked her supporters to join her campaign for change. 她同时也呼吁支持者参与到她的改革运动中来。

The company was going to break the sales campaign with a parade in May. 该公司将在 5月份搞游行以开展销售活动。

The army is beating up recruits for the campaign. 军队正在为这个战役召募新兵。


Some heeded such warnings, and others chose to ignore it ending their lives in great travesty. 有一些人注意到了这些告诫,其他的人选择不理睬它,而在巨大的歪曲中结束他们的生命。

Did he feel any guilt for the way he washed his hands of responsibility for this travesty of justice? 他歪曲公义,借洗手来推卸责任,有没有感到内疚呢?

Answer the following questions briefly.

1. What did Bruce Herbert do for the corporations?Bruce spent the last 18 years pushing the

corporations in his portfolio to do the right thing for the environment and local communities. Among his victories: persuading DuPont (DD) to drop a plan to strip-mine land next to the Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge in the 1990s and, more recently, getting McDonald’s (MCD) to cut pesticide use by farmers growing its potatoes.

Answer the following questions briefly.

2. What’s the social purpose of the corporation?

To promote positive short-term or long-term effects of the corporation’s activities.

Answer the following questions briefly.

3. Why do companies post annual reports online?

The reason is that transparency will keep the companies honest and prevent greenwashing, or claiming to be environmentally responsible solely for marketing purposes.

Complete the following passage by filling each of the numbered blanks with one suitable word.

Businesses behaving badly often have the cover of their 1 to shareholders to justify their actions. Companies that choose to become social purpose corporations (the decision requires two-thirds of shareholders to approve) 2 commit to broader goals. In Washington state, they would add a piece to their articles of incorporation explaining that their mission “may be 3 maximizing profits.” Companies must also post annual reports online describing their mission and efforts to advance it. The idea is that 4 will keep the companies honest and prevent 5 , or claiming to be environmentally responsible solely for 6 .



contrary to


greenwashingmarketing purposes

The social purpose corporation should give business owners like Herbert the 7 to pursue missions beyond profit without inviting lawsuits from 8 , says Drew Markham, a supporter of the law and an 9 at Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati in Seattle. “More and more entrepreneurs want to run their business differently,” she said in an interview late last year. “They understand they want to do more for their community, they need to do more for the environment, they need to do more for their employees.”




Translate the following sentences into English.

1. 就像加州和其他州 ,华盛顿已经结合社会使命及盈利量身定做适合公司的规划。它引导所谓的社会公司目的对员工、供应商、客户、公众、或环境来积极推动短期或长期影响公司的活动。

Like California and other states, Washington has tailored the proposal to fit companies that combine social missions with making money. It instructs so-called social purpose corporations “to promote positive short-term or long-term effects of the corporation’s activities” on employees, suppliers, customers, the public, or the environment.

Translate the following sentences into English.

2. 公司还必须在网上公布年度报告来描述他们的任务和努力改进它。这种保持透明度的方法将维护公司诚信和防止粉饰 ,或声称为市场营销提供负责的环境。

Companies must also post annual reports online describing their mission and efforts to advance it. The idea is that transparency will keep the companies honest and prevent greenwashing, or claiming to be environmentally responsible solely for marketing purposes.

Translate the following sentences into English.

3. 赫伯特——唯一的新土地社会投资的所有人,对他来说这是一个象征性的变化。他希望更大的公司将采用相同的模式 ,他用几十年不必要的实践最终形成一种股东行为主义。

The change will be largely symbolic for Herbert, who is the sole owner of Newground Social Investment. He hopes larger companies will adopt the same model and eventually make the kind of shareholder activism he’s practiced for decades unnecessary.



Key Vocabulary

1. l 2.h 3.k 4.f

5.c 6.b 7. g 8.d

9. j 10. i 11. a 12. e

I. Listen to a brief introduction of eco-friendly business practices and then fill in the missing words.

1. green ethics

2. carbon footprint

3. ride-sharing programs

4. cycle

5. working from home

6. mail forwarding

7. serviced office

8. public transport

9. other professionals

10. resources

II. Listen to the introduction of the Mindbloom Life Game that can improve the quality of people’s life. Choose correct answers for the following questions.

1. C

2. B

3. A

III. Listen to a CCTV report about “CPC advocates building of a ‘beautiful’ China” and brief introduction of eco-friendly business practices and then fill in the missing words.

1. ecological progress

2. prominent

3. beautiful China

4. keynote report

5. ecological civilization

6. unsustainable

7. resource conservation

8. system


I. Mini-Presentation Give a five-minute presentation about

sustainable businesses? What is the definition of sustainable businesses? What are the criteria of sustainable businesses? What are the sustainable business practices? Use examples and evidence to support your position.

II. Group Work In a small group, referring to the listening

scripts about “CPC advocates building of a ‘beautiful’ China” , discuss the main concepts mentioned in Hu’s report to the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), such as “beautiful China”, "conservation culture" and “ecological civilization”. You can focus on the significance of ecological progress in China. In other words, what can ecological civilization bring to the future of China?

III. Discussion Why Prevention

The pressure is on today to find a solution for rising healthcare costs and to increase productivity.

You know the answer is to keep employees healthy and out of the system in the first place. You know that healthy habits prevent a range of chronic conditions and diseases. But what you may not know is just how much those healthy behaviors help. Take a look at two very serious and costly diseases - Type 2 diabetes and heart disease – and how much each healthy behavior can reduce an individual’s chances of developing the disease:

Physical Activity - 55% less likely to develop Type 2 diabetes; 35% less likely to develop heart disease

Healthy Diet – 30% less likely to develop Type 2 diabetes; 28% less likely to develop heart disease

Smoking Cessation – 30% less likely to develop Type 2 diabetes; 35% less likely to develop heart disease

Now, considering that 7 out of 10 US adults don’t meet the minimum exercise or nutrition requirements, imagine the impact you can have. With 1,000 employees, activity alone can help prevent 390 new cases of Type 2 diabetes.

You have the power to transform the health of your workforce, so why not get moving? Forget the passive programs of the past; they don’t work. Bring in a solution that engages employees in their health that gets them moving, doing… preventing disease. It’s time to take real action so your employees can, too.

Questions for discussion:

1. Why do you think prevention is important?

2. After reading the report loaded with some figures about the factors leading to health, what you would do?


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