unit 21 assignement 3 post production (with paragraphs on photo)

Post on 14-May-2015






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Unit 21Assignment 4 Step by step and EvaluationBy: Jonathan Newton

Overview I took over 4,500 photographs over 5 days. I then narrowed

these photos down to 16 photos which I would include in this power point.

Rockefeller centre

This is a picture of the Rockefeller building in mid town New York, it is a popular tourist attraction in New York because of the viewing platform at the top called top of the rock. Where you can see the empire state, the freedom tower (WTC1) and Statue of liberty.

I took this photo in landscape mode so the right depth of field was chosen.

I like this photo but my finger is in the way at the top left corner and I thought the sky in the background is too dark, so I wanted to put something different in the background which would create a statement.

Rockefeller centre

I knew the photo I wanted to put in the background straight away, as I saw a photo which I liked in berlin. I know it is not very conventional but I like this piece of artwork. So this is more of a personal taste edit, but I like it very much.

To do this edit I used the magic wand to delete the sky and then I imported the photo of the eyes and placed and resized it so it works well. I used Ctl+left click to do this.

I think this edit worked well. It maybe dose now not look like a scene out of New York, but I think it is different and people like different photo's.

Uptown taxi This is a picture of a taxi

I saw whilst crossing the road coming back from a shop in the uptown New York. To be honest this was just a spur of the moment photo and was not planned. But I just saw the shot and took the photo in hope it would be good. I did not look at this photo till I got back.

I took this photo in full auto mode because I was just walking down the avenue and taking photos

Uptown taxi Even though this is a very good photo I thought I would be better editing it so it looks better.

I slightly cropped the right edge of the photo because there was a man there which took the effect the $10,000 sign effect away. I also copped the left edge so it was better shaped. I also made the photo black and white and used the history bush to bring back the colour of the taxi.

I know it is very popular to make a photo black and white and put the taxi back in yellow. But I think this is a really cool effect and I wanted to have a go at it my self.

Grand central long exposure

I took this photo in the early evening on a Sunday so there were more tourist than commuters.

To take this photo I used Tv mode so I could control the shutter, so I could get this blur effect this work very well.

I have not edited this photo because the long shutter has done this for me. I think the lighting is perfect and it is not too over exposed.

Long exposure grand central

This is taken in grand central station from the ticket booths.

I took this photo is Tv mode so I could control the shutter speed.

I have not edited this photo because it has many points of focus in the image such as the woman taking the photo and the clock in the centre of grand central station and the man in the fore ground to the right.

Long exposure grand central

I like this photo a lot because of the many focus points it has in the photo. I also like how there is a busy effect but it seems not to be busy because of how people are blurred away, showing the busy life style there is within New York and the hub of excitement in the train station.

9/11 South Tower

This photo was taken at the 9/11 memorial ground it is of the south tower footprint .

I took this photo in Av mode so I could control the depth of field because I did not want the names at the bottom of the photo of the people who died on 9/11 to be blurred because this would loose they effect of the photo.

9/11 South Tower

i have edited this photo a little bit, but only by cropping the top and the right edges of the photo because the photo did not look right with so much sky in the photo and also you could see people down the right edge which did not really help the photo.

I like the photo but it no means my favourite photo because I think there is not focus point which makes people look at the photo twice, like some of my other photos. But it is a good photo because it has made it in to my top photography's.

Central parkThis photo was taken in the south end of central park on a day after a night of snow.

Took this photo in P mode because I was using the bust function to take pictures of squirrels.

I wanted to edit this photo because I thought it would better in black and white rather than colour. There is too much colour in the photo for it to make the focus points stand out.

Central park

I used Photoshop to edit this photo. I made it black and white my going to image adjustments then black and white. Then using the history brush I made all the signs revert back to colour and I revert the man and the lady with the dogs to colour. Then I cropped the left edge of the photo so the sign to pedestrians was more to the left so it became more of a focus point, so it follows the ruled of thirds to the left and right.

I like this photo because of how the black and white effect works so well. It gives a feeling of the dull side of New York and how we imagine it and how we see it in photos.

Broadway The photo was taken on Broadway 45th street in the afternoon/ evening.

I took this photo in burst mode as I was crossing the street.

I wanted to edit this photo because I really like it but it is too dark and under exposed because the camera tried to flash but because it is such a big space it failed to fire and fill the whole space.

Broadway In Photoshop I used the brightening function to make the photo brighter. I also cropped the right edge of the photo so the taxi has more of a presences in the photo.

I liked the idea of the photo and I think it would be a amazing shot only if I took the photo in the right mode to start with at the right time of day. But I failed to do this so it is not a very good photo, I also think I could of used a better tool to edit the photo so it was brighter in the right bottom third.

East mid town New YorkI took the photo on the way to the Rockerfella building, top of the rock.

I took this photo in sports mode, which I know is not the right or ideal mode. But I took this from my chest. So I needed a mode where the shutter is quick and it focuses properly.

I wanted to make this photo black and white because I think there is too much colour in the photo for it too have any effect.

East mid town New YorkI edited it in Photoshop by going in the top menu bar to image, then adjustments and then left click black and white. Using the history brush tool I then proceed to make the man yellow coat in to colour, I also made the USA flags back to colour and I made the taxis yellow again.

I really like this photo I think it is one of my favourites because of the USA flags and the shades of yellow in the photo which make the photo seem so much better. I really liked the photo after I took it but I like even more now in black and white

47th and 7th avenue This photo was taken on 47th and 7th on the way back to my hotel.

I took the photo in P mode so I could busted shoot and get the best shot of this bus moving pass.

I felt that there was no need to edit this photo because it is so well taken with the background of times square and the seat.

I like this photo a lot because it sums up New York in a photo with the bus the bright light of times square all the advertising and the dirty streets and the hustle and bussel and tourists in New York.

Taxi 50th I took this photo I think somewhere near NBC building.

I took this in busted mode because I was crossing the street and I wanted as many photos as possible

I wanted to edit this photos because I think it would better with the taxi being in colour, the flag and the traffic lights.

Taxi 50th I made it black and white then used the history brush to bring back the colour of the taxi, traffic light and flag.

I think that editing this photo in this way has really helped the photo a lot and has made it possible to be in my top photos. The angle also helps the photo because it is slightly off level.

9/11 North tower This was taken at the 9/11 memorial and this is the North Tower.

I took this photo in landscape mode so the depth of field was nice and high so it is all in focus

I have not edited this photo because I do not think it needs it. The modern arc texture in the back ground shows this for me it shows how New York will move on and will defeat the terrorist and they are not scared of carrying on and building new towers.

That gives the picture a lot more meaning to me.

Broadway at night I took this photo in times square on Broadway.

I took the picture in sports mode because I was walking around times square and I need it to focus quickly as I was taking them from my chest without looking. So I'm surprised how good this photo is.

I wanted to edit the photo because I realised that the depth of field is not ideal the background is not in focus at all,

Broadway at night

So to overcome this problem I have made it black and white so it looks better and intentional blurred in the back ground. Also I made the taxi back to yellow by using the history brush tool. This make the photo look like it has 2 layers which I really like the effect of.

New York PeopleTook this photo in shopping deistic along 5th avenue.

I took this photo in full automatic mode whilst walking along the avenue, of the shopping district.

This photo dose not need editing and I think it has a perfect depth of field to it. With boxes being in focus and the USA flag being slightly out of focus. I just feel that this is a typical scene in New York the public, the business men and the dirty street which can be seen by the bus.

I like this photo a lot because of how well it has been taken and the angle it was taken at.

Duffy Square This photo was taken on top of discount Broadway ticket booths were there is a red viewing platform.

I took this photo in P mode as I wanted just to snap some shots with out worrying as this photo was one of the last I took.

I have not edited this photo at all because I think it would do it no favours if I did.

I like the red and yellows really showing that this is New York. I also like the classic New York buildings running down the avenue.

Broadway taxis This shot was also taken off the viewing platform.

I took this photo in Tv mode so I could control the shutter speed, to achieve this blur effect.

I like this photo because it shows that I can use a camera confidently, to achieve the best shots.

I think that I chose the right shutter speed because you can still tell which car is which with there outline, which has worked really well.

Times square I took this after coming out of one of the shops on Broadway. This was the last photo I took on the whole trip and I think it has worked really well, because the angle that I some how achieved with the officer almost being level and the memorable iconic buildings of times square being at a slant, works well.

I took this photo in P mode because I was walking down the street just capturing that last couple of photos I could.

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